Extracting Ancient Placenames using Named Entity Recognition and spaCy#

In this notebook, we are going to explore an important subfield of natural language processing, named entity recognition or NER. This notebook was inspired by William Mattingly’s textbook on the subject, which you can find here: https://ner.pythonhumanities.com/intro.html. I encourage you to browse this book and play around with the code that he provides.


  • Understand what NER is and why it matters

  • Collect a training data for a machine learning NER approach

  • Train a NER model using spaCy’s utilities

  • Do some basic inference to see where our model suceeds and where it fails

What is NER and why does it matter?#

Named entity recognition describes any method which uses computational methods to extract from unstructured text names of people, places or things. It is a hard classification task, meaning that every word in a document is either a type of named entity or it is not. For example in the following sentences:

My name is Peter Nadel. I work at Tufts University.

the token ‘Peter Nadel’ could be tagged as a PERSON tag, where as Tufts Univerisity could be tagged with a PLACE tag. Importantly, in NER, no token can receive more than one tag.

As a result, NER can be using in a wide variety of fields and applications.

# The example we'll be looking at today comes from these maps that I made
from IPython.display import IFrame
IFrame('https://tuftsgis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=576ff8f0e3954ad781916e94dfb34f7e', width=1400, height=800)

To make a map like the one we see above, I needed to extract place names from an ancient text. Thankfully, ToposText (https://topostext.org/) has marked all of the place names already. So why do we need NER?

ToposText has a lot of texts, but it doesn’t have every ancient text. I work quite frequently with faculty members from Classic Studies, examining texts much more obscure than those in ToposText, which may not be digitized at all, let alone have place names marked. So, what we need is an ancient place name NER model, which we can pass any amount of texts and get back all of the places in that text.

A quick note on spaCy’s native English NER: spaCy has NER built into their English and other models. This NER is of good quality for modern texts, but is quite poor when applied to texts that aren’t that similar to the training data (in the English model’s case: modern news articles scraped from the web). For specialty tasks like the one we will do today, training your own model will always return better results.


Here, I will show how we got our training data and what form it has to be in for training NER models with spaCy.

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from tqdm import tqdm
import re
import requests
res_html = requests.get("https://topostext.org/work/148").text # The Natural Histories, Plinius Senior
topos_test = BeautifulSoup(res_html, features='html')
p_tags = topos_test.find_all('p')[2:]
p_tags[3].a # first a tag in the third p tag

spaCy expects the training data to be in jsonl format, meaning that there must be a list where each element is a list that contains the text and a dictionary of the entities that are in the text, with their label (in this case, their HTML class).

import collections
import string

for i, p in enumerate(p_tags):
  document = []
  p_text = re.sub('(§\s\d\.\d+)|(§\s\d+)', '', p.text)
  document.append(p_text.replace('\xa0\xa0', ''))

  ent_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
  for a in p.find_all('a'):
    span_list = []
    if a.text.istitle():
      if 'href' in a.attrs:
        span_list.append(a.text.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)))
        span_list.append(a.text.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)))
    if len(span_list) > 0:
['§ praef.1[1] PREFACE IN THE FORM OF A LETTER: PLINIUS SECUNDUS TO HIS DEAR VESPASIAN, GREETING MOST Gracious Highness (let this title, a supremely true one, be yours, while that of \'Most Eminent\' grows to old age with your sire) — I have resolved to recount to you, in a somewhat presumptuous letter, The offspring of my latest travail, my volumes of Natural History (a novel task for the native Muses of your Roman citizens) — For \'twas e\'er your way, To deem my trifles something worth — to give a passing touch of polish to my "opposite number" — you recognize even this service slang — Catullus (for he, as you know, by interchanging the first syllables made himself a trifle harsher than he wished to be considered by his \'darling Veraniuses and Fabulluses\') ',
 {'entities': [['Muses', 'people'], ['Catullus', 'people']]}]

Importantly though, you can’t just use the text of the entities. It must be the indices of the names within the text. So we can do that below.


We can’t feed our model the raw text of a name. Instead, we need to give it the indices of the name in the original text.

Let’s write some code to do that.

test = TRAIN_DATA[0]
['§ praef.1[1] PREFACE IN THE FORM OF A LETTER: PLINIUS SECUNDUS TO HIS DEAR VESPASIAN, GREETING MOST Gracious Highness (let this title, a supremely true one, be yours, while that of \'Most Eminent\' grows to old age with your sire) — I have resolved to recount to you, in a somewhat presumptuous letter, The offspring of my latest travail, my volumes of Natural History (a novel task for the native Muses of your Roman citizens) — For \'twas e\'er your way, To deem my trifles something worth — to give a passing touch of polish to my "opposite number" — you recognize even this service slang — Catullus (for he, as you know, by interchanging the first syllables made himself a trifle harsher than he wished to be considered by his \'darling Veraniuses and Fabulluses\') ',
 {'entities': [['Muses', 'people'], ['Catullus', 'people']]}]
test[0], type(test[0])
('§ praef.1[1] PREFACE IN THE FORM OF A LETTER: PLINIUS SECUNDUS TO HIS DEAR VESPASIAN, GREETING MOST Gracious Highness (let this title, a supremely true one, be yours, while that of \'Most Eminent\' grows to old age with your sire) — I have resolved to recount to you, in a somewhat presumptuous letter, The offspring of my latest travail, my volumes of Natural History (a novel task for the native Muses of your Roman citizens) — For \'twas e\'er your way, To deem my trifles something worth — to give a passing touch of polish to my "opposite number" — you recognize even this service slang — Catullus (for he, as you know, by interchanging the first syllables made himself a trifle harsher than he wished to be considered by his \'darling Veraniuses and Fabulluses\') ',
test[1], type(test[1])
({'entities': [['Muses', 'people'], ['Catullus', 'people']]}, dict)
test[1]['entities'], type(test[1]['entities'])
([['Muses', 'people'], ['Catullus', 'people']], list)
test[1]['entities'][0], type(test[1]['entities'][0])
(['Muses', 'people'], list)
test[1]['entities'][0][0], type(test[1]['entities'][0][0])
('Muses', str)


TRAIN_DATA -> List[String, Dict[List[String, String]]]

[['Muses', 'people'], ['Catullus', 'people']]
# using find method
# add length of the original string
start = test[0].find(test[1]['entities'][0][0])
end = start + len(test[1]['entities'][0][0])
start, end
(396, 401)
# check
test[0][794:800] # looks good!
# turn this into a function we can use for each string
def names2indices(train_data_instance):
  for i, name in enumerate(train_data_instance[1]['entities']):
    # get indices
    start = train_data_instance[0].find(name[0])
    if start != -1:
      end = start + len(name[0])

    # update dict
    train_data_instance[1]['entities'][i].pop(0) # remove string name
    train_data_instance[1]['entities'][i].insert(0, end) # add end
    train_data_instance[1]['entities'][i].insert(0, start) # add start
# do it to all of them in our training data
for instance in TRAIN_DATA:
  if 'entities' in instance[1].keys():
UnboundLocalError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[21], line 4
      2 for instance in TRAIN_DATA:
      3   if 'entities' in instance[1].keys():
----> 4     names2indices(instance)

Cell In[20], line 13, in names2indices(train_data_instance)
     11 # update dict
     12 train_data_instance[1]['entities'][i].pop(0) # remove string name
---> 13 train_data_instance[1]['entities'][i].insert(0, end) # add end
     14 train_data_instance[1]['entities'][i].insert(0, start)

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'end' referenced before assignment
[".1But who could judge the value of these compositions with confidence when about to submit to the verdict of your talent, especially when that verdict has been invited? for formal dedication of the work to you puts one in a different position from mere publication. In the latter case I could have said: 'Why does your Highness read that? It was written for the common herd, the mob of farmers and of artisans, and after them for students who have nothing else to occupy their time: why do you put yourself on the jury? You were not on this panel when I took the contract for this undertaking: I knew you to be too great for me to think you likely to descend to this! Moreover even in the court of learning there is an official procedure for challenging the jury: it is employed even by Marcus Cicero, who where genius is in question stands outside all hazard... It may surprise us, but Cicero calls in the aid of council — nor yet for the very learned; Manius Persius I don't want to read this, I want Junius Congus. ",
 {'entities': [[794, 800, 'people'],
   [794, 800, 'people'],
   [954, 960, 'people'],
   [961, 968, 'people'],
   [1003, 1016, 'people']]}]

Completing our training data#

Now that we can do this to one ToposText URL we can do it to all the others.

# can make this into a single function
def create_TRAIN_DATA(url):
  Takes in a ToposText URL and creates spaCy training data.

  # scraping
  res = requests.get(url)
  if res:
    res_html = res.text

    soup = BeautifulSoup(res_html, features='html')
    TRAIN_DATA = []

    p_tags = soup.find_all('p')[1:]
    for i, p in enumerate(p_tags):
      document = []
      p_text = re.sub('(§\s\d\.\d+)|(§\s\d+)', '', p.text)
      document.append(p_text.replace('\xa0\xa0', ''))

      ent_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
      for a in p.find_all('a'):
        span_list = []
        if a.text.istitle():
          if 'href' in a.attrs:
        if len(span_list) > 0:

    # reformating
    for instance in TRAIN_DATA:
      if 'entities' in instance[1].keys():

    return TRAIN_DATA
[['.1PREFACE IN THE FORM OF A LETTER: PLINIUS SECUNDUS TO HIS DEAR VESPASIAN, GREETING MOST Gracious Highness (let this title, a supremely true one, be yours, while that of \'Most Eminent\' grows to old age with your sire) — I have resolved to recount to you, in a somewhat presumptuous letter, The offspring of my latest travail, my volumes of Natural History (a novel task for the native Muses of your Roman citizens) — For \'twas e\'er your way, To deem my trifles something worth — to give a passing touch of polish to my "opposite number" — you recognize even this service slang — Catullus (for he, as you know, by interchanging the first syllables made himself a trifle harsher than he wished to be considered by his \'darling Veraniuses and Fabulluses\') and at the same time that my present sauciness may effect what in the case of another impudent letter of mine lately you complained of as not coming off — that it may result in something getting done, and everyone may know on what equal terms the empire lives with you — you with a triumph to your name and censorial rank, six times consul, colleague in tribune\'s authority, and (a service that you have made more illustrious than these in rendering it equally to your father and to the equestrian order) commander of his bodyguard; and all this in your public life — and then what a good comrade to us in the companionship of the camp! Nor has fortune\'s grandeur made any change in you save in enabling you to bestow all the benefit you desire. Consequently as all those methods of paying you reverence are open to everybody else, to me is left only the presumption of treating you with more intimate respect. For that presumption therefore you will debit the responsibility to yourself, and will grant yourself pardon on the score of my offence. I have tried to put on a bold face, and yet have not succeeded, as your grandeur meets me by another route and the rods of office that your genius bears make me move on yet further: in no other person ever radiate more genuinely the dictatorial power of oratory and the tribunician authority of wit! How eloquently you thunder forth your father\'s praises and your brother\'s fame! How great you are in the poet\'s art! O mighty fertility of genius — you have contrived a way to imitate your brother also. ',
  {'entities': [[385, 390, 'people'], [579, 587, 'people']]}],
 [".1But who could judge the value of these compositions with confidence when about to submit to the verdict of your talent, especially when that verdict has been invited? for formal dedication of the work to you puts one in a different position from mere publication. In the latter case I could have said: 'Why does your Highness read that? It was written for the common herd, the mob of farmers and of artisans, and after them for students who have nothing else to occupy their time: why do you put yourself on the jury? You were not on this panel when I took the contract for this undertaking: I knew you to be too great for me to think you likely to descend to this! Moreover even in the court of learning there is an official procedure for challenging the jury: it is employed even by Marcus Cicero, who where genius is in question stands outside all hazard... It may surprise us, but Cicero calls in the aid of council — nor yet for the very learned; Manius Persius I don't want to read this, I want Junius Congus. ",
  {'entities': [[794, 800, 'people'],
    [794, 800, 'people'],
    [954, 960, 'people'],
    [961, 968, 'people'],
    [1003, 1016, 'people']]}],
 [".1But if Lucilius, the originator of critical sniffing, thought fit to say this, and Cicero to quote it, especially when writing his Theory of the Constitution, how much more reason have we to stand on the defensive against a particular juryman? But for my part at the present I have deprived myself of these defences by my nomination, as it matters a great deal whether one obtains a judge by lot or by one's own selection, and one's style of entertainment ranks quite differently with a guest one has invited and one who has offered himself. The candidates in a hotly contested election deposited sums of money with Cato, that resolute foe of corruption, who enjoyed a defeat at the polls as an honour obtained free of charge; and they gave out that they did this in the defence of the highest among human possessions, their innocence. This was the occasion of that famous sigh of Cicero — 'O happy Marcus Porcius whom no one dares to ask for something underhand!' Lucius Scipio Asiaticus by appealing to the tribunes, one of them being Gracchus, testified that his case could be made good even to an unfriendly judge: in fact a judge whom one chooses oneself one makes the supreme arbiter of one's case — this is the source of the term 'appeal.' You yourself indeed, I know, being placed on the loftiest pinnacle of all mankind, and being endowed with supreme eloquence and learning, are approached with reverential awe even by persons paying a visit of ceremony, and consequently care is taken that what is dedicated to you may be worthy of you. However, country folk, and many natives, not having incense, make offerings of milk and salted meal, and no man was ever charged with irregularity for worshipping the gods in whatever manner was within his power. ",
  {'entities': [[9, 17, 'people'],
    [85, 91, 'people'],
    [618, 622, 'people'],
    [85, 91, 'people'],
    [908, 915, 'people'],
    [967, 990, 'people'],
    [1039, 1047, 'people']]}],
 [".1My own presumption has indeed gone further, in dedicating to you the present volumes — a work of a lighter nature, as it does not admit of talent, of which in any case I possessed only quite a moderate amount, nor does it allow of digressions, nor of speeches or dialogues, nor marvellous accidents or unusual occurrences — matters interesting to relate or entertaining to read. My subject is a barren one — the world of nature, or in other words life; and that subject in its least elevated department, and employing either rustic terms or foreign, nay barbarian, words that actually have to be introduced with an apology. Moreover, the path is not a beaten highway of authorship, nor one in which the mind is eager to range: there is not one person to be found among us who has made the same venture, nor yet one among the Greeks who has tackled single-handed all departments of the subject. A large part of us seek agreeable fields of study, while topics of immeasurable abstruseness treated by others are drowned in the shadowy darkness of the theme. Deserving of treatment before all things are the subjects included by the Greeks under the name of 'Encyclic Culture'; and nevertheless they are unknown, or have been obscured by subtleties, whereas other subjects have been published so widely that they have become stale. It is a difficult task to give novelty to what is old, authority to what is new, brilliance to the commonplace, light to the obscure, attraction to the stale, credibility to the doubtful, but nature to all things and all her properties to nature. Accordingly, even if we have not succeeded, it is honourable and glorious in the fullest measure to have resolved on the attempt. ",
 [".1For my own part I am of opinion that a special in learning belongs to those who have preferred service of overcoming difficulties to the of giving pleasure; and I have myself done this in other works also, and I declare that I admire the famous writer Livy when he begins a volume of his History of Rome from the Foundation of the City with the words 'I have already achieved enough of fame, and I might have retired to leisure, did not my restless mind find its sustenance in work.' For assuredly he ought to have composed his history for the glory of the world-conquering nation and of the Roman name, not for his own; it would have been a greater merit to have persevered from love of the work, not for the sake of his own peace of mind, and to have rendered this service to the Roman nation and not to himself. As Domitus Piso says, it is not books but storehouses that are needed; consequently by perusing about 2000 volumes, very few of which, owing to the abstruseness of their contents, are ever handled by students, we have collected in 36 volumes 20,000 noteworthy facts obtained from one hundred authors that we have explored, with a great number of other facts in addition that were either ignored by our predecessors or have been discovered by subsequent experience. Nor do we doubt that there are many things that have escaped us also; for we are but human, and beset with duties, and we pursue this sort of interest in our spare moments, that is at night — lest any of your house should think that the night hours have been given to idleness. The days we devote to you, and we keep our account with sleep in terms of health, content even with this reward alone, that, while we are dallying (in Varro's phrase) with these trifles, we are adding hours to our life — since of a certainty to be alive means to be awake. Because of these reasons and these difficulties I dare make no promise; the very words I am writing to you are supplied by yourself. This guarantees my work, and this rates its value; many objects are deemed extremely precious just because of the fact that they are votive offerings. ",
  {'entities': [[254, 258, 'people'],
    [301, 305, 'person'],
    [828, 832, 'people'],
    [1711, 1716, 'people']]}],
 [".1As for your sire, your brother and yourself, we have dealt with you all in a regular book, the History of our own Times, that begins where Aufidius's history leaves off. Where is this work? you will enquire. The draft has long been finished and in safe keeping; and in any case it was my resolve to entrust it to my heir, to prevent its being thought that my lifetime bestowed anything on ambition: accordingly I do a good turn to those who seize the vacant position, and indeed also to future generations, who I know will challenge us to battle as we ourselves have challenged our predecessors. You will deem it a proof of this pride of mine that I have prefaced these volumes with the names of my authorities. I have done so because it is, in my opinion, a pleasant thing and one that shows an honourable modesty, to own up to those who were the means of one's achievements, not to do as most of the authors to whom I have referred did. For you must know that when collating authorities I have found that the most professedly reliable and modern writers have copied the old authors word for word, without acknowledgement, not in that valorous spirit of Virgil, for the purpose of rivalry, nor with the candour of Cicero who in his Republic declares himself a companion of Plato, and in his Consolation to his daughter says 'I follow Crantor,' and similarly as to Panaetius in his De Officiis — volumes that you know to be worth having in one's hands every day, nay even learning by heart. Surely it marks a mean spirit and an unfortunate disposition to prefer being detected in a theft to repaying a loan — especially as interest creates capital. ",
  {'entities': [[141, 149, 'people'],
    [1157, 1163, 'people'],
    [1217, 1223, 'people'],
    [1276, 1281, 'people'],
    [1294, 1305, 'people'],
    [1337, 1344, 'people'],
    [1367, 1376, 'people'],
    [1387, 1395, 'people']]}],
 [".1There is a marvellous neatness in the titles given to books among the Greeks. One they entitled Κηρίον, meaning Honeycomb; others called their Kέρας Αμαλθείας, i.e. Horn of Plenty (so that you can hope to find a draught of hen's milk in the volume), and again Violets, Muses, Hold-alls, Handbooks, Meadow, Tablet, Impromptu titles that might tempt a man to forfeit his bail. But when you get inside them, good heavens, what a void you will find between the covers! Our authors being more serious use the titles Antiquities, Instances and Systems, the wittiest, Talks by Lamplight, I suppose because the author was a toper — indeed Tippler was his name. Varro makes a rather smaller claim in his Satires A Ulysses-and-a-half and Folding-tablet. Diodorus among the Greeks stopped playing with words and gave his history the title of Library. Indeed the philologist Apion (the person whom Tiberius Caesar used to call 'the world's cymbal,' though he might rather have been thought to be a drum, advertising his own renown) wrote that persons to whom he dedicated his compositions received from him the gift of immortality. For myself, I am not ashamed of not having invented any livelier title. And so as not to seem a downright adversary of the Greeks, I should like to be accepted on the lines of those founders of painting and sculpture who, as you will find in these volumes, used to inscribe their finished works, even the masterpieces which we can never be tired of admiring, with a provisional title such as Worked on by Apelles or Polyclitus, as though art was always a thing in process and not completed, so that when faced by the vagaries of criticism the artist might have left him a line of retreat to indulgence, by implying that he intended, if not interrupted, to correct any defect noted. Hence it is exceedingly modest of them to have inscribed all their works in a manner suggesting that they were their latest, and as though they had been snatched away from each of them by fate. Not more than three, I fancy, are recorded as having an inscription denoting completion — Made by so-and-so (these I will bring in at their proper places); this made the artist appear to have assumed a supreme confidence in his art, and consequently all these works were very unpopular. ",
  {'entities': [[271, 276, 'people'],
    [655, 660, 'people'],
    [707, 714, 'people'],
    [746, 754, 'people'],
    [865, 870, 'people'],
    [888, 903, 'people'],
    [1527, 1534, 'people'],
    [1538, 1548, 'people']]}],
 [".1For my own part I frankly confess that my works would admit of a great deal of amplification, and not only those now in question but also all my publications, so that in passing I may insure myself against your 'Scourges of Homer' (that would be the more correct term), as I am informed that both the Stoics and the Academy, and also the Epicureans, — as for the philologists, I always expected it from them — are in travail with a reply to my publications on Philology, and for the last ten years have been having a series of miscarriages — for not even elephants take so long to bring their offspring to birth! But as if I didn't know that Theophrastus, a mortal whose eminence as an orator won him the title of 'the divine,' actually had a book written against him by a woman — which was the origin of the proverb about 'choosing your tree to hang from'! I am unable to refrain from quoting the actual words of Cato the Censor applying to this, to show that even the treatise on military discipline of Cato, who had learnt his soldiering under Africanus, or rather under him and Hannibal as well, and had been unable to endure even Africanus, who when commander-in-chief had won a triumph, found critics ready for it of the sort that try to get glory for themselves by running down another man's knowledge. 'What then?' he says in the book in question, 'I myself know that if certain writings are published there will be plenty of people to quibble and quarrel, but mostly people quite devoid of true distinction. For my part I have let these persons' eloquence run its course.' Plancus also put it neatly, when told that Asinius Pollio was composing declamations against him, to be published by himself or his children after Plancus's death, so that he might be unable to reply: 'Only phantoms fight with the dead!' This remark dealt those declamations such a nasty blow that in cultivated circles they are thought the most shameless things extant. Accordingly, being safeguarded even against quibble-quarrellers (Cato's nickname for them — a neat compound word, for what else do these people do but quarrel or seek a quarrel?) we will follow out the remainder of our intended plan. As it was my duty in the public interest to have consideration for the claims upon your time, I have appended to this letter a table of contents of the several books, and have taken very careful precautions to prevent your having to read them. You by these means will secure for others that they will not need to read right through them either, but only look for the particular point that each of them wants, and will know where to find it. This plan has been adopted previously in Roman literature, by Valerius Soranus in his books entitled Lady Initiates. ",
  {'entities': [[226, 231, 'people'],
    [303, 309, 'people'],
    [318, 325, 'place'],
    [340, 350, 'people'],
    [644, 656, 'people'],
    [916, 920, 'people'],
    [916, 920, 'people'],
    [1049, 1058, 'people'],
    [1084, 1092, 'people'],
    [1049, 1058, 'people'],
    [1584, 1591, 'people'],
    [1627, 1641, 'people'],
    [1584, 1591, 'people'],
    [916, 920, 'people'],
    [2692, 2708, 'people']]}],
 ['.1THE world and this — whatever other name men have chosen to designate the sky whose vaulted roof encircles the universe, is fitly believed to be a deity, eternal, immeasurable, a being that never began to exist and never will perish. What is outside it does not concern men to explore and is not within the grasp of the human mind to guess. It is sacred, eternal, immeasurable, wholly within the whole, nay rather itself the whole, finite and resembling the infinite certain of all things and resembling the uncertain, holding in its embrace all things that are without and within, at once the work of nature and nature herself. ',
 ['.2That certain persons have studied, and have dared to publish, its dimensions, is mere madness; and again that others, taking or receiving occasion from the former, have taught the existence of a countless number of worlds, involving the belief in as many systems of nature, or, if a single nature embraces all the worlds, nevertheless the same number of suns, moons and other immeasurable and innumerable heavenly bodies, as already in a single world; just as if owing to our craving for some End the same problem would not always encounter us at the termination of this process of thought, or as if, assuming it possible to attribute this infinity of nature to the artificer of the universe, that same property would not he easier to understand in a single world, especially one that is so vast a structure. It is madness, downright madness, to go out of that world, and to investigate what lies outside it just as if the whole of what is within it were already clearly known; as though, forsooth, the measure of anything could be taken by him that knows not the measure of himself, or as if the mind of man could see things that the world itself does not contain. ',
 [".1Its shape has the rounded appearance of a perfect sphere. This is shown first of all by the name of 'orb' which is bestowed upon it by the general consent of mankind. It is also shown by the evidence of the facts: not only does such a figure in all its parts converge upon itself; not only must it sustain itself, enclosing and holding itself together without the need of any fastenings, and without experiencing an end or a beginning at any part of itself; not only is that shape the one best fitted for the motion with which, as will shortly appear, it must repeatedly revolve, but our eyesight also confirms this belief, because the firmament presents the aspect of a concave hemisphere equidistant in every direction, which would be impossible in the case of any other figure. ",
 [".1The world thus shaped then is not at rest but eternally revolves with indescribable velocity, each revolution occupying the space of 24 hours: the rising and setting of the sun have left this not doubtful. Whether the sound of this vast mass whirling in unceasing rotation is of enormous volume and consequently beyond the capacity of our ears to perceive, for my own part I cannot easily say — any more in fact than whether this is true of the tinkling of the stars that travel round with it, revolving in their own orbits; or whether it emits a sweet harmonious music that is beyond belief charming. To us who live within it the world glides silently alike by day and night. Stamped upon it are countless figures of animals and objects of all kinds — it is not the case, as has been stated by very famous authors, that its structure has an even surface of unbroken smoothness, like that which we observe in birds' eggs: this is proved by the evidence of the facts, since from seeds of all these objects, falling from the sky in countless numbers, particularly in the sea, and usually mixed together, monstrous shapes are generated; and also by the testimony of sight — in one place the figure of a bear, in another of a bull, in another a wain, in another a letter of the alphabet, the middle of the circle across the pole being more radiant. ",
 [".2For my own part I am also influenced by the agreement of the nations. The Greeks have designated the world by a word that means 'ornament,' and we have given it the name of mundus because of its perfect finish and grace! As for our word caelum, it undoubtedly has the signification 'engraved,' as is explained by Marcus Varro. Further assistance is contributed by its orderly structure, the circle called the Zodiac being marked out into the likenesses of twelve animals; and also by the uniform regularity in so many centuries of the sun's progress through these signs. ",
  {'entities': [[322, 327, 'people'], [411, 417, 'people']]}],
 [".1As regards the elements also I observe that they are accepted as being four in number: topmost the element of fire, source of yonder eyes of all those blazing stars; next the vapour which the Greeks and our own nation call by the same name, air — this is the principle of life, and penetrates all the universe and is intertwined with the whole; suspended by its force in the centre of space is poised the earth, and with it the fourth element, that of the waters. Thus the mutual embrace of the unlike results in an interlacing, the light substances being prevented by the heavy ones from flying up, while on the contrary the heavy substances are held from crashing down by the upward tendency of the light ones. In this way owing to an equal urge in opposite directions the elements remain stationary, each in its own place, bound together by the unresting revolution of the world itself; and with this always running back to its starting-point, the earth is the lowest and central object in the whole, and stays suspended at the pivot of the universe and also balancing the bodies to which its suspension is due; thus being alone motionless with the universe revolving round her she both hangs attached to them all and at the same time is that on which they all rest. Upheld by the same vapour between earth and heaven, at definite spaces apart, hang the seven stars which owing to their motion we call 'planets,' although no stars wander less than they do. In the midst of these moves the sun, whose magnitude and power are the greatest, and who is the ruler not only of the seasons and of the lands; but even of the stars themselves and of the heaven. Taking into account all that he effects, we must believe him to be the soul, or more precisely the mind, of the whole world, the supreme ruling principle and divinity of nature. He furnishes the world with light and removes darkness, he obscures and he illumines the rest of the stars, he regulates in accord with nature's precedent the changes of the seasons and the continuous rebirth of the year, he dissipates the gloom of heaven and even calms the storm-clouds of the mind of man, he lends his light to the rest of the stars also; he is glorious and pre-eminent, all-seeing and even all-hearing — this I observe that Homer the prince of literature held to be true in the case of the sun alone. ",
  {'entities': [[2280, 2285, 'people']]}],
 [".1For this reason I deem it a mark of human weakness to seek to discover the shape and form of God. Whoever God is — provided there is a God — and in whatever region he is, he consists wholly of sense, sight and hearing, wholly of soul, wholly of mind, wholly of himself. To believe in gods without number, and gods corresponding to men's vices as well as to their virtues, like the Goddesses of Modesty, Concord, Intelligence, Hope, Honour, Mercy and Faith — or else, as Democritus held, only two, Punishment and Reward, reaches an even greater height of folly. Frail, toiling mortality, remembering its own weakness, has divided such deities into groups, so as to worship in sections, each the deity he is most in need of. Consequently different races have different names for the deities, and we find countless deities in the same races, even those of the lower world being classified into groups, and diseases and also many forms of plague, in our nervous anxiety to get them placated. Because of this there is actually a Temple of Fever consecrated by the nation on the Palatine Hill, and one of Bereavement at the Temple of the Household Deities, and an Altar of Misfortune on the Esquiline. For this reason we can infer a larger population of celestials than of human beings, as individuals also make an equal number of gods on their own, by adopting their own private Junos and Genii; while certain nations have animals, even some loathsome ones, for gods, and many things still more disgraceful to tell of — swearing by rotten articles of food and other things of that sort. To believe even in marriages taking place between gods, without anybody all through the long ages of time being born as a result of them, and that some are always old and grey, others youths and boys, and gods with dusky complexions, winged, lame, born from eggs, living and dying on alternate days — this almost ranks with the mad fancies of children; but it passes all bounds of shamelessness to invent acts of adultery taking place between the gods themselves, followed by altercation and enmity, and the existence of deities of theft and of crime. For mortal to aid mortal — this is god; and this is the road to eternal glory: by this road went our Roman chieftains, by this road now proceeds with heavenward step, escorted by his children, the greatest ruler of all time, His Majesty Vespasian, coming to the succour of an exhausted world. To enrol such men among the deities is the most ancient method of paying them gratitude for their benefactions. In fact the names of the other gods, and also of the stars that I have mentioned above, originated from the services of men: at all events who would not admit that it is the interpretation of men's characters that prompts them to call each other Jupiter or Mercury or other names, and that originates the nomenclature of heaven? That that supreme being, whatever it be, pays heed to man's affairs is a ridiculous notion. Can we believe that it would not be defiled by so gloomy and so multifarious a duty? Can we doubt it? It is scarcely pertinent to determine which is more profitable for the human race, when some men pay no regard to the gods at all and the regard paid by others is of a shameful nature: they serve as the lackeys of foreign ritual, and they carry gods on their fingers; also they pass sentence of punishment upon the monsters they worship, and devise elaborate viands for them; they subject themselves to awful tyrannies, so as to find no repose even in sleep; they do not decide on marriage or having a family or indeed anything else except by the command of sacrifices; others cheat in the very Capitol and swear false oaths by Jupiter who wields the thunderbolts — and these indeed make a profit out of their crimes, whereas the others are penalized by their religious observances. ",
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 [".2Nevertheless mortality has rendered our guesses about God even more obscure by inventing for itself a deity intermediate between these two conceptions. Everywhere in the whole world at every hour by all men's voices Fortune alone is invoked and named, alone accused, alone impeached, alone pondered, alone applauded, alone rebuked and visited with reproaches; deemed volatile and indeed by most men blind as well, wayward, inconstant, uncertain, fickle in her favours and favouring the unworthy. To her is debited all that is spent and credited all that is received, she alone fills both pages in the whole of mortals' account; and we are so much at the mercy of chance that Chance herself, by whom God is proved uncertain, takes the place of God. Another set of people banishes fortune also, and attributes events to its star and to the laws of birth, holding that for all men that ever are to be God's decree has been enacted once for all, while for the rest of time leisure has been vouchsafed to Him. This belief begins to take root, and the learned and unlearned mob alike go marching on towards it at the double: witness the warnings drawn from lightning, the forecasts made by oracles, the prophecies of augurs, and even inconsiderable trifles — a sneeze, a stumble — counted as omens. His late Majesty put abroad a story that on the day on which he was almost overthrown by a mutiny in the army he had put his left boot on the wrong foot. This series of instances entangles unforeseeing mortality, so that among these things but one thing is in the least certain — that nothing certain exists, and that nothing is more pitiable, or more presumptuous, than man! inasmuch as with the rest of living creatures their sole anxiety is for the means of life, in which nature's bounty of itself suffices, the one blessing indeed that is actually preferable to every other being the fact that they do not think about glory, money, ambition, and above all death. ",
  {'entities': [[218, 225, 'people']]}],
 [".3But it agrees with life's experience to believe that in these matters the gods exercise an interest in human affairs; and that punishment for wickedness, though sometimes tardy, as God is occupied in so vast a mass of things, yet is never frustrated; and that man was not born God's next of kin for the purpose of approximating to the beasts in vileness. But the chief consolations for nature's imperfection in the case of man are that not even for God are all things possible — for he cannot, even if he wishes, commit suicide, the supreme boon that he has bestowed on man among all the penalties of life, nor bestow eternity on mortals or recall the deceased, nor cause a man that has lived not to have lived or one that has held high office not to have held it — and that he has no power over what is past save to forget it, and (to link our fellowship with God by means of frivolous arguments as well) that he cannot cause twice ten not to be twenty, or do many things on similar lines: which facts unquestionably demonstrate the power of nature, and prove that it is this that we mean by the word 'God.' It will not have been irrelevant to have diverged to these topics, which have already been widely disseminated because of the unceasing enquiry into the nature of God. ",
 [".1Let us return from these questions to the remaining facts of nature. We have stated that the stars are attached to the firmament, not assigned to each of us in the way in which the vulgar believe, and dealt out to mortals with a degree of radiance proportionate to the lot of each, the brightest stars to the rich, the smaller ones to the poor, the dim to those who are worn out; they do not each rise with their own human being, nor indicate by their fall that someone's life is being extinguished. There is no such close alliance between us and the sky that the radiance of the stars there also shares our fate of mortality. When the stars are believed to fall, what happens is that owing to their being overfed with a draught of liquid they give back the surplus with a fiery flash, just as with us also we see this occur with a stream of oil when lamps are lit. But the heavenly bodies have a nature that is eternal — they interweave the world and are blended with its weft; yet their potency has a powerful influence on the earth, indeed it is owing to the effects that they produce and to their brilliance and magnitude that it has been possible for them to become known with such a degree of precision, as we shall show in the proper place. Also the system of the revolutions of the sky will be more appropriately stated when we deal with geography, since it is entirely related to the earth; only we must not postpone the discoveries that have been made as to the zodiac. Tradition says that Anaximander of Miletus in the fifty-eighth Olympiad was the first person to discover the obliquity of the zodiac, that is, to open the portals of science; and that next Cleostratus explained the signs in it, beginning with the Ram and the Archer; the firmament itself having been explained long before by Atlas. ",
  {'entities': [[1502, 1513, 'people'],
    [1517, 1524, 'person'],
    [1671, 1682, 'people'],
    [1807, 1812, 'people']]}],
 [".2Let us now leave the frame of the world itself and treat the remaining bodies situated between the sky and the earth. The following points are certain: (1) The star called Saturn's is the highest and consequently looks the smallest and revolves in the largest orbit, returning in thirty years at the shortest to its initial station. (2) The motions of all the planets, and among them the sun and moon, follow a course contrary to that of the world, namely to the left, the world always running to the right. (3) Although they are borne on by it and carried westward with an unceasing revolution of immeasurable velocity, nevertheless they travel with an opposite motion along their respective tracks. (4) Thus it comes about that the air is not massed in a dull lethargic ball by revolving in the same direction because of the eternal rotation of the world, but is scattered into separate portions by the opposite impact of the stars. (5) Saturn is of a cold and frozen nature. The orbit of Jupiter is much below it and therefore revolves much faster, completing one rotation every twelve years. The third star is Mars, called by some Hercules; owing to the proximity of the sun it has a fiery glow; it revolves once in about two years, and consequently, owing to its excessive heat and Saturn's frost, Jupiter being situated between them combines the influence of each and is rendered healthy. (6) Next, the sun's course is divided into 360 parts, but in order that an observation taken of the shadows that it casts may come round to the starting-point, five and a quarter days per annum are added; consequently to every fourth a year an intercalary day is added to make our chronology tally with the course of the sun. ",
  {'entities': [[174, 180, 'people'],
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    [993, 1000, 'people']]}],
 ['.3Below the sun revolves a very large star named Venus, which varies its course alternately, and whose alternative names in themselves indicate its rivalry with the sun and moon — when in advance and rising before dawn it receives the name of Lucifer, as being another sun and bringing the dawn, whereas when it shines after sunset it is named Vesper, as prolonging the daylight, or as being a deputy for the moon. This property of Venus was first discovered by Pythagoras of Samos about the 42nd Olympiad, [612-609 BC] 142 years after the foundation of Rome. Further it surpasses all the other stars in magnitude, and is so brilliant that alone among stars it casts a shadow by its rays. Consequently there is a great competition to give it a name, some having called it Juno, others Isis, others the Mother of the Gods. Its influence is the cause of the birth of all things upon earth; at both of its risings it scatters a genital dew with which it not only fills the conceptive organs of the earth but also stimulates those of all animals. It completes the circuit of the zodiac every 348 days, and according to Timaeus is never more than 46 degrees distant from the sun. The star next to Venus is Mercury, by some called Apollo; it has a similar orbit, but is by no means similar in magnitude or power. It travels in a lower circle, with a revolution nine days quicker, shining sometimes before sunrise and sometimes after sunset, but according to Cidenas and Sosigenes never more than 22 degrees away from the sun. Consequently the course of these stars also is peculiar, and not shared by those above-mentioned: those are often observed to be a quarter or a third of the heaven away from the sun and travelling against the sun, and they all have other larger circuits of full revolution, the specification of which belongs to the theory of the Great Years. ',
  {'entities': [[49, 54, 'people'],
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    [49, 54, 'people'],
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    [1464, 1473, 'people']]}],
 ['.4But the wonder of everyone is vanquished by the last star, the one most familiar to the earth, and devised by nature to serve as a remedy for the shadows of darkness — the moon. By the riddle of her transformations she has racked the wits of observers, who are ashamed that the star which is nearest should be the one about which we know least — always waxing or waning, and now curved into the horns of a sickle, now just halved in size, now rounded into a circle; spotted and then suddenly shining clear; vast and full-orbed, and then all of a sudden not there at all; at one time shining all night and at another rising late and for a part of the day augmenting the light of the sun, eclipsed and nevertheless visible during the eclipse, invisible at the end of the month when she is not believed to be in trouble; again at one time low down and at another up aloft, and not even this in a uniform way, but sometimes raised to the sky and sometimes touching the mountain-tops, now borne up to the North and now carried down to the South. The first human being to observe all these facts about her was Endymion — which accounts for the traditional story of his love for her. We forsooth feel no gratitude towards those whose assiduous toil has given us illumination on the subject of this luminary, while owing to a curious disease of the human mind we are pleased to enshrine in history records of bloodshed and slaughter, so that persons ignorant of the facts of the world may be acquainted with the crimes of mankind. ',
  {'entities': [[1106, 1114, 'people']]}],
 [".5The moon then is nearest to the pole, and therefore has the smallest orbit, completing the same distance every 27⅓ days that Saturn the highest star covers, as we have said, in 30 years. Then she lingers two days in conjunction with the sun, and after the 30th day at latest sets out again on the same course — being perhaps our teacher as to all the facts that it has been possible to observe in the heavens; (1) that the year is to be divided into twelve monthly spaces, because she herself that number of times follows the sun in his return to his starting point; (2) that she is governed by the sun's radiance as are the rest of the stars, as in fact she shines with a light entirely borrowed from him, like the light which we see flickering reflected in water; (3) that consequently she only causes water to evaporate with a rather gentle and imperfect force, and indeed increases its quantity, whereas the sun's rays dry it up; (4) also that the reason why she is seen to vary in her light is that she is full only when opposite to the sun, and on the remaining days shows as much light from herself to the earth as she herself conceives from the sun; though (5) she is indeed invisible when in conjunction with the sun, because being turned towards him she gives back the entire draught of light to the source from which she receives it; (6) but that the stars are undoubtedly nourished by the moisture of the earth, since she is sometimes seen spotted in half her orb, clearly because she has not yet got sufficient strength to go on drinking — her spots being merely dirt from the earth taken up with the moisture; (7) but that her eclipses and those of the sun, the most marvellous and indeed portentous occurrence in the whole of our observation of nature, serve as indications of their dimensions and shadow. ",
  {'entities': [[127, 133, 'people']]}],
 [".1It is in fact obvious that the sun is hidden by the passage across it of the moon, and the moon by the interposition of the earth, and that they retaliate on one another, the same rays of the sun being taken away from the earth by the moon intervening and from the moon by the earth: at the transit of the former a sudden shadow passes over the earth, and in return the shadow of the latter dims the heavenly body (the moon), and the darkness is merely the earth's shadow, but the shape of the shadow is conical, resembling a spinning-top upside down, as it impinges only with its point and does not go beyond the altitude of the moon, because no other star is obscured in the same way, and a conical figure always tapers off into a point: that shadows are made to disappear by distance is proved when birds fly to extreme heights. Consequently the frontier between the moon and the other heavenly bodies is at the point where the air ends and the aether begins. All the space above the moon is clear and filled with continual light, but to us the stars are visible through the night in the same way as other lights in shadows. And these are the reasons why the moon wanes in the night-time; but both of her wanings are irregular and not monthly, because of the slant of the zodiac and the widely varying curves of the moon's course, as has been stated, the motion of the heavenly bodies not always tallying in minute fractional quantities. ",
 ['.1This theory leads mortal minds upward to heaven, and discloses to their observation from that height, as it were, the greatness of the three greatest parts of the universe; clearly it would not be possible for the whole of the sun to be eclipsed from the earth by the passage of the moon between them if the earth were larger than the moon. The vast size of the sun will be shown with the more certainty from the two bodies, so that there is no need to investigate its size by the evidence of the eyes and by logical inference, arguing that it is immeasurably large for the following reasons: (1) the shadow that it throws of rows of trees along the balks of fields are at equal distances apart for ever so many miles, just as if over the whole space the sun were in the centre; (2) during the equinoxes it reaches the vertical simultaneously for all the inhabitants of the southern region; (3) the shadows of the people living round the Tropic of Cancer fall northward at midday but westward at sunrise, which could not happen unless the sun were much larger than the earth; (4) when it is rising its breadth exceeds Mount Ida, overlapping it widely right and left — and that though it is separated from it by so great a distance. ',
  {'entities': [[950, 956, 'people'], [1126, 1129, 'place']]}],
 [".2The eclipse of the moon supplies indubitable proof of the size of the sun, just as the sun itself when it suffers eclipse proves the smallness of the earth. For shadows are of three shapes, and it is clear that, if the solid object that throws a shadow is equal in area to the shaft of light, the shadow projected is shaped like a pillar and is of infinite length, but if the solid body is larger than the light, the shadow has the shape of an upright spinning-top, so that it is narrowest at the bottom, and infinite in length as in the former case, while if the solid is smaller than the light the result is the figure of a cone narrowing down to end in a point, and this is the nature of the shadow observed during an eclipse of the moon; hence it is proved without any further possibility of doubt remaining that the sun exceeds the earth's size. Indeed, this is also proved by the silent testimony of nature herself; for why in the division of the turns of the year does the winter sun retire, so as to refresh the earth with the darkness of the nights? when otherwise it would unquestionably scorch up the earth, and even as it is does so in a certain part, so great is its magnitude. ",
 [".1The first person indeed of Roman nationality who published an explanation of both kinds of eclipse was Sulpicius Gallus — the colleague in the consulship of Marcus Marcellus [166 BCE], but at the time military tribune — who delivered the army from fear when on the day before the defeat of King Perseus by Paulus he was brought before an assembly by the commander-in chief to foretell an eclipse; and later also by writing a treatise. The original discovery was made in Greece by Thales of Miletus, who in the fourth year of the 48th Olympiad [585 BCE} foretold the eclipse of the sun that occurred in the reign of Alyattes, in the 170th year after the foundation of Rome. After their time the courses of both stars for 600 years were prophesied by Hipparchus, whose work embraced the calendar of the nations and the situations of places and aspects of the peoples — his method being, on the evidence of his contemporaries none other than full partnership in the designs of nature. O mighty heroes, of loftier than mortal estate, who have discovered the law of those great divinities and released the miserable mind of man from fear, mortality dreading as it did in eclipses of the stars crimes or death of some sort (those sublime singers, the bards Stesichorus and Pindar, clearly felt this fear owing to an eclipse of the sun), or in the dying of the moon inferring that she was poisoned and consequently coming to her aid with a noisy clattering of cymbals (this alarm caused the Athenian general Nicias, in his ignorance of the cause, to be afraid to lead his fleet out of harbour, so destroying the Athenians' resources: all hail to your genius, ye that interpret the heavens and grasp the facts of nature, discoverers of a theory whereby you have vanquished gods and men! for who beholding these truths and the regularity of the stars' periods of trouble (for so it has pleased you to call them), would not forgive his own destiny for the generation of mortals? ",
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 ['.2Now I will briefly and summarily touch on facts that are admitted about the same matters, giving an account of them only at necessary points and in a cursory manner, because such theorizing does not form part of the task that I have set in hand, and also it is less surprising that explanations cannot be produced for all the facts than that agreement has been reached on some of them. ',
 [".1It is certain that eclipses recur in cycles of 223 months — eclipses of the sun only when the moon is in her last or first phase (this is called their 'conjunction'), eclipses of the moon only at full moon — and always within the period of their last occurrence; but that yearly at fixed days and hours eclipses of either star occur below the earth, and that even when they occur above the earth they are not visible everywhere, sometimes owing to clouds, more often because the earth's globe stands in the way of the world's curvature. Less than 200 years ago the penetration of Hipparchus discovered that an eclipse of the moon also sometimes occurs four months after the one before and an eclipse of the sun six months, and that the latter when above earth is hidden twice in thirty days, but that this eclipse is visible to different nations, and — the most remarkable features of this remarkable occurrence — that when it comes about that the moon is obscured by the shadow of the earth, this sometimes happens to it from the west side and sometimes from the east; and he also discovered for what exact reason, although the shadow causing the eclipse must from sunrise onward be below the earth, it happened once in the past that the moon was eclipsed in the west while both luminaries were visible above the earth. For the eclipse of both sun and moon within 15 days of each other has occurred even in our time, in the year of the third consulship of the elder Emperor Vespasian and the second consulship of the younger. ",
  {'entities': [[582, 592, 'people'], [1477, 1486, 'people']]}],
 [".1It is unquestionable that the moon's horns are always turned away from the sun, and that when waxing she faces east and when waning west; and that the moon shines 47 1/2 minutes longer daily from the day after new moon to full and 47 1/2 minutes less daily to her wane, while within 14 degrees of the sun she is always invisible. This fact proves that the planets are of greater magnitude than the moon, since these occasionally become visible even on reaching 7 degrees' distance; but their altitude makes them appear smaller, just as the sun's radiance makes the fixed stars invisible in daytime, although they are shining as much as in the night, which becomes manifest at a solar eclipse and also when the star is reflected in a very deep well. ",
 [".1The three planets whose positions we have stated to be above the sun travel with the sun when they set and are never more than 11 degrees separate from the sun at dawn when they rise. Afterwards they retire from contact with his rays, and make their morning or 'first' stations in a triangle 120 degrees away, and subsequently their evening risings opposite 180 degrees away, and again approaching from the other side, make their evening or 'second' stations 120 degrees away, till the sun overtaking them at 12 degrees obscures them — this is called their evening setting. The planet Mars being nearer feels the sun's rays even from its quadrature, at an angle of 90 degrees, which has given to his motion after each rising the name of 'first' or 'second ninety-degree.' At the same time Mars remains stationary in the signs of the zodiac for periods of six months (otherwise having a two-month period), whereas Jupiter and Saturn spend less than four months in each station. The two lower planets (Mercury and Venus) are similarly obscured at their evening conjunction, and when left by the sun make their morning rising the same number of degrees away, and from the further limits of their distance follow the sun and when they have overtaken him are hidden in their morning setting and pass away. Then they rise in the evening at the same distance apart, as far as the limits we have stated. From these they pass backward to the sun, and disappear in their evening setting. The planet Venus actually makes two stations, morning and evening, after each rise, from the furthest limits of her distance. Mercury's stations have too short a period to be perceptible. ",
  {'entities': [[587, 591, 'people'],
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 ['.1This is the system of the shining and occultation of the planets: it is more complicated from their motion and involves many remarkable facts, inasmuch as they change their magnitude and their colours, and both approach the North and retire towards the South, and suddenly are seen closer to the earth or to the sky. And although our account of these matters will differ in many points from that of our predecessors, we confess that credit for these points also must be given to those who first demonstrated the methods of investigating them: only nobody must abandon the hope that the generations are constantly making progress. ',
 ['.2All these occurrences are due to a plurality of causes. The first is the factor of the circles which in the case of the stars the Greeks designate apsides or arcs (it will be necessary to employ Greek terms). Each planet has its own circle, and these are not the same as those of the firmament, since the earth between the two vertices, named in Greek poles, is the centre of the sky, and also of the zodiac, which is situated on a slant between the poles. [All these facts are always established beyond doubt by the method of compasses.] Therefore the special arc of each is drawn from a different centre, and consequently they have different orbits and dissimilar motions, because the inner arcs must necessarily be shorter. ',
 ['.3It follows that the points of the arcs highest above the centre of the earth are: in the case of Saturn in Scorpio, in that of Jupiter in Virgo, of Mars in Leo, of the Sun in the Twins, of Venus in the Archer, of Mercury in Capricorn, of the moon in the Bull, at the middle of each, and the points lowest and nearest to the centre of the earth are opposite. The result of this is that they appear to move slower and to be smaller when they are travelling at the highest point of their circuit, but to be larger and travel faster when they have come nearer to the earth, not because they actually accelerate or reduce their natural motions, which are fixed and individual to them, but because lines drawn from the top of the arc to the centre necessarily converge like the spokes of a wheel, and the same motion at one time is perceived as faster and at another slower according to its distance from the centre. ',
  {'entities': [[99, 105, 'people'],
    [109, 116, 'people'],
    [129, 136, 'people'],
    [150, 154, 'people'],
    [158, 161, 'people'],
    [191, 196, 'people'],
    [215, 222, 'people'],
    [226, 235, 'people'],
    [256, 260, 'people']]}],
 ['.4Another reason of their elevations is because they have the points of their arcs highest from their centre in different signs — Saturn in the 20th degree of the Scales, Jupiter in the 15th of the Crab, Mars in the 28th of Capricorn, the sun in the 29th of the Ram, Venus in the 27th of the Fishes, Mercury in the 15th of Virgo, the moon in the 4th of the Bull. ',
  {'entities': [[130, 136, 'people'],
    [171, 178, 'people'],
    [204, 208, 'people'],
    [224, 233, 'people'],
    [267, 272, 'people'],
    [300, 307, 'people'],
    [357, 361, 'people']]}],
 ['.5A third explanation of their altitudes is explained by the dimensions of the firmament, not that of a circle, the eye judging them to rise or to sink through the depth of the air. ',
 ['.6Linked with this is the cause of the latitudes of the zodiac and of its obliquity. The stars we have mentioned travel through the zodiac, and the only habitable part of the earth is what lies beneath it — all the other parts towards the poles are frost-bound. Only the planet Venus goes two degrees outside the zodiac; this is understood to be the reason that causes some animals to be born even in the desert places of the world. The moon also wanders through the whole of its breadth, but without going at all outside it. The planet Mercury diverges very widely from these, but without wandering over more than 6 of the 12 degrees of latitude of the zodiac, and these 6 not uniformly but two in the middle of the zodiac, four above it and two below it. Then the sun travels unevenly in the middle of the zodiac between the two halves with a wavy serpentine course, the planet Mars over 4 degrees in the middle, Jupiter one in the middle and two above it, Saturn two like the sun. This will be the principle of the latitudes of the planets when setting towards the South or rising towards the North. Most people have supposed that with this system agrees also the third mentioned above, that of their rising from the earth to the sky, and that this ascent also is made simultaneously; but this is a mistake. To refute them it is necessary to develop an extremely abstruse argument that embraces all the causes mentioned. ',
  {'entities': [[278, 283, 'people'],
    [537, 544, 'people'],
    [880, 884, 'people'],
    [915, 922, 'people'],
    [959, 965, 'people']]}],
 [".7It is agreed that the planets are nearest to the earth in both altitude and latitude at their evening setting, and that their morning risings occur at the beginning of both altitude and latitude, while their stations occur in the middle sections of the altitudes, called 'ecliptics.' It is similarly admitted that their velocity increases as long as they are in the neighbourhood of the earth and decreases when they withdraw from it to a height: this theory is specially supported by the apogees of the moon. It is equally undoubted that the three higher ones moreover increase their motion in their morning risings and diminish it from their first (morning) stations to their second (evening) stations. In view of these facts it will be evident that the latitudes are ascended from their morning rising, because in that state their acceleration first begins to diminish, but in their first stations their altitude also is ascended, since then the numbers first begin to be reduced and the stars begin to recede. The reason for this must especially be given. When struck in the degree that we stated and by a triangular ray of the sun they are prevented from pursuing a straight course, and are lifted upward by the fiery force. This cannot be directly perceived by our sight, and therefore they are thought to be stationary, which has given rise to the term 'station.' Then the violent force of the same ray advances and compels them by the impact of the heat to retire. This occurs much more at their evening rising, when they are driven out to the top of their apsides by the full opposing force of the sun, and appear very small because they are at the distance of their greatest altitude and are moving with their smallest velocity — which is proportionately smaller when this occurs in the highest signs of their apsides. From their evening rise their altitude is descended with a velocity now decelerating less and less, but not accelerating before their second stations, when their altitude also is descended, the ray passing above them from the other side and pressing them down again to the earth with the same force as that with which it had raised them to the sky from the former triangle. So much difference does it make whether the rays come from below or from above, and the same things occur far more in the evening setting. ",
 ['.8This is the theory of the higher stars; that of the rest is more difficult and has been explained by nobody before ourselves. ',
 ['.1First therefore let us state the reason why Venus never departs more than 46 degrees and Mercury never more than 23 degrees from the sun, and why they often retire and return towards the sun within those limits. As situated below the sun both have arcs that are the opposite of those of the other planets, and as much of their circle is below the earth as that of the planets mentioned before is above it; and they cannot be further from it than they are because the curve of their arcs does not allow greater elongation there; consequently the edges of their arcs put a limit on a similar principle for each, and compensate for the dimensions of their longitude by the enlargement of their latitude. But, it will be objected, why do they not reach 46 and 23 degrees always? As a matter of fact they do, but the explanation escapes the theorists. For it is manifest that even their arcs alter, because they never cross the sun; accordingly when the edges have fallen on one side or the other into the actual degree of the sun, then the stars also are understood to have reached their longest distances, but when the edges are short of that, they themselves too are compelled to return with proportionately greater velocity, since with each of them that is always the extreme limit. ',
  {'entities': [[46, 51, 'people'], [91, 98, 'people']]}],
 ['.2This also explains the contrary principle of their motions. For the higher planets travel most quickly in their evening setting, whereas these travel most slowly, and the former are farthest from the earth when their pace is slowest but the latter are highest when their pace is quickest — the reason being that with the latter the circumference of the circle accelerates their pace in the same manner as proximity to the centre does in the case of the former; the former begin to decelerate from their morning setting, but the latter to accelerate. The former travel backward from their morning to their evening station, the planet Venus from her evening to her morning station. But she begins to climb her latitude after her morning rise, but after her morning station to ascend her altitude and follow the sun, being swiftest and highest at her morning setting; whereas she begins to descend in latitude and decelerate after her evening rising, and to turn back and simultaneously to descend in altitude after her evening station; on the other hand the planet Mercury begins to climb in both ways after his morning rising, but after his evening rising to descend in latitude, and following the sun at an interval of 15 degrees he stands motionless for almost four days. Afterwards he descends from his altitude and proceeds back from his evening setting to his morning rise. And only this planet and the moon set in as many days as they have risen in; Venus ascends in 15 times as many days as she sets in, while Saturn and Jupiter descend in twice as many, and Mars in actually four times as many. So great is the variety of nature; but the reason is evident — bodies that strain up into the heat of the sun also have difficulty in descending. ',
  {'entities': [[635, 640, 'people'],
    [1065, 1072, 'people'],
    [635, 640, 'people'],
    [1518, 1524, 'people'],
    [1529, 1536, 'people'],
    [1567, 1571, 'people']]}],
 [".1Many more facts can be produced about these mysteries of nature and the laws that she obeys — for example, in the case of the planet Mars (whose course it is very difficult to observe) that it never makes its station with Jupiter at an angle of 120, and very seldom with Jupiter separated 60 (which amounts to 1/6th of the celestial sphere), and never makes its rises simultaneously with Jupiter except in two signs only, Cancer and Leo, whereas the planet Mercury rarely makes its evening rises in Pisces, and most frequently in Virgo, its morning rises in Libra, and also its morning rises in Aquarius, very rarely in Leo; it does not make its return in Taurus and in Gemini, and not below the 25th degree in Cancer; Gemini is the only sign in which the moon makes conjunction with the sun twice, Sagittarius the only one in which she does not meet him at all, Aries the only one in which the old moon and the new moon are visible on the same day or night (and this too it has happened to few mortals to see, hence Lynceus's reputation for keen sight); the longest period of invisibility for the planets Saturn and Mars is 170 days, for Jupiter 36 days; the shortest periods for all these are 10 days less; Venus's period is 69 days or at shortest 52, Mercury's 13 or at longest 17. ",
  {'entities': [[135, 139, 'people'],
    [224, 231, 'people'],
    [224, 231, 'people'],
    [224, 231, 'people'],
    [424, 430, 'people'],
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    [459, 466, 'people'],
    [501, 507, 'people'],
    [597, 605, 'people'],
    [435, 438, 'people'],
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    [672, 678, 'people'],
    [424, 430, 'people'],
    [672, 678, 'people'],
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    [865, 870, 'people'],
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    [1108, 1114, 'people'],
    [135, 139, 'people'],
    [224, 231, 'people'],
    [1211, 1216, 'people'],
    [459, 466, 'people']]}],
 [".1The colours of the planets vary with their altitudes, inasmuch as they are assimilated to the stars into whose atmosphere they come in rising, and the circuit of another's path modifies their colour in either direction as they approach, a colder circuit to pallor, a hotter one to redness, a windy one to a leaden colour, the sun and the intersection of its orbit with theirs, and also the extremities of their paths, changing them to black darkness. It is true that each has its own special hue — Saturn white, Jupiter transparent, Mars fiery, Lucifer bright white, Vesper glaring, Mercury radiant, the moon soft, the sun when rising glowing and afterwards radiant; with these being causally connected also the appearance of the fixed stars. For at one time there is a dense crowd of stars in the sky round the circle of the half-moon, a fine night giving them a gentle radiance, but at another time they are scarce, so that we wonder at their flight, when the full moon hides them or when the rays of the sun or the planets above-mentioned dim our sight. But the moon herself also is undoubtedly sensitive to the variations of the strength of impact of the rays of the sun, as moreover the curve of the earth dulls their impact, except when the impact of the rays meets at a right angle. And so the moon is at half in the sun's quadrature, and curved in a hollow circle in its trinal aspect, but waxes to full at the sun's opposition, and then waning exhibits the same configurations at corresponding intervals, on the same principle as the three planets above the sun. ",
  {'entities': [[500, 506, 'people'],
    [514, 521, 'people'],
    [535, 539, 'people'],
    [547, 554, 'people'],
    [585, 592, 'people']]}],
 ['.1The sun itself has four differences, as there are two equinoxes, in spring and autumn, when it coincides with the centre of the earth at the eighth degree of Aries and Libra, and two changes of its course, in the eighth degree of Capricorn at midwinter when the days begin to lengthen and in the same degree of Cancer at the summer solstice. The variation is due to the slant of the zodiac, as at every moment an equal part of the firmament is above and below the earth; but the planets that follow a straight path at their rising keep their light for a longer tract and those that follow a slanting path pass in a swifter period. ',
  {'entities': [[160, 165, 'people'],
    [232, 241, 'people'],
    [313, 319, 'people']]}],
 ['.1Most men are not acquainted with a truth known to the founders of the science from their arduous study of the heavens, that what when they fall to earth are termed thunderbolts are the fires of the three upper planets, particularly those of Jupiter, which is in the middle position — possibly because it voids in this way the charge of excessive moisture from the upper circle (of Saturn) and of excessive heat from the circle below (of Mars); and that this is the origin of the myth that thunderbolts are the javelins hurled by Jupiter. Consequently heavenly fire is spit forth by the planet as crackling charcoal flies from a burning log, bringing prophecies with it, as even the part of himself that he discards does not cease to function in its divine tasks. And this is accompanied by a very great disturbance of the air, because moisture collected causes an overflow, or because it is disturbed by the birth-pangs so to speak of the planet in travail. ',
  {'entities': [[243, 250, 'people'],
    [383, 389, 'people'],
    [439, 443, 'people'],
    [243, 250, 'people']]}],
 ['.1Many people have also tried to discover the distances of the planets from the earth, and have given out that the distance of the sun from the moon is 19 times that of the moon itself from the earth. The penetrating genius of Pythagoras, however, inferred that the distance of the moon from the earth was 15,750 miles, and that of the sun from the moon twice that figure, and of the sun from the twelve signs of the Zodiac three times. Our fellow-countryman Sulpicius Gallus also held this view. ',
  {'entities': [[227, 237, 'people'],
    [417, 423, 'people'],
    [459, 475, 'people']]}],
 ['.1But occasionally Pythagoras draws on the theory of music, and designates the distance between the earth and the moon as a whole tone, that between the moon and Mercury a semitone, between Mercury and Venus the same, between her and the sun a tone and a half, between the sun and Mars a tone (the same as the distance between the earth and the moon), between Mars and Jupiter half a tone, between Jupiter and Saturn half a tone, between Saturn and the zodiac a tone and a half: the seven tones thus producing the so-called diapason, a universal harmony; in this Saturn moves in the Dorian mode, Jupiter in the Phrygian, and similarly with the other planets — a refinement more entertaining than convincing. ',
  {'entities': [[19, 29, 'people'],
    [162, 169, 'people'],
    [162, 169, 'people'],
    [202, 207, 'people'],
    [281, 285, 'people'],
    [281, 285, 'people'],
    [369, 376, 'people'],
    [369, 376, 'people'],
    [410, 416, 'people'],
    [410, 416, 'people'],
    [410, 416, 'people'],
    [583, 589, 'demonym'],
    [369, 376, 'people'],
    [611, 619, 'demonym']]}],
 [".1A stade is equivalent to 125 Roman paces, that is 625 feet. Posidonius holds that mists and winds and clouds reach to a height of not less than 5 miles from the earth, but that from that point the air is clear and liquid and perfectly luminous, but that the distance between the cloudy air and the moon is 250,000 miles and between the moon and the sun 625,000 miles, it being due to this distance that the sun's vast magnitude does not burn up the earth. The majority of writers, however, have stated that the clouds rise to a height of 111 miles. These figures are really unascertained and impossible to disentangle, but it is proper to put them forward became they have been put forward already, although they are matters in which the method of geometrical inference, which never misleads, is the only method that it is possible not to reject, were anybody desirous of pursuing such questions more deeply, and with the intention of establishing not precise measurement (for to aspire to that would mark an almost insane absorption in study) but merely a conjectural calculation. For since it appears from the sun's revolution that the circle through which its orb travels extends nearly 366 degrees, and since the diameter of a circle always measures a little less than ⅓ + 1/21 of the circumference, it appears that, as half the circle is subtracted by the interposition of the earth at the centre, the measure of the sun's altitude comprises about tth of this conjecturally estimated immense space of the solar circle round the earth, and the moon's altitude tth, since the moon runs in a circuit that is much shorter than the sun's; so that it comes between the sun and the earth. It is marvellous to what length the depravity of man's intellect will go when lured on by some trifling success, in the way in which reason furnishes impudence with its opportunity in the case of the calculations above stated. And when they have dared to guess the distances of the sun from the earth they apply the same figures to the sky, on the ground that the sun is at its centre, with the consequence that they have at their finger's ends the dimensions of the world also. For they argue that the circumference of a circle is us times its diameter, as though the measure of the heavens were merely regulated from a plumb-line! The Egyptian calculation published by Petosiris and Nechepsos infers that one degree of the lunar circle measures (as has been said) just over 4⅛ miles at the least, one degree of the widest circle, Saturn's, twice that size, and one of the sun's circle, which we stated to be in the middle, the mean between the other two. This computation is a most shameful business, since the addition of the distance of the zodiac itself to the circle of Saturn produces a multiple that is even beyond reckoning. ",
  {'entities': [[62, 72, 'people'],
    [2326, 2334, 'demonym'],
    [2360, 2369, 'people'],
    [2521, 2527, 'people'],
    [2521, 2527, 'people']]}],
 [".1A few facts about the world remain. There are also stars that suddenly come to birth in the heaven itself; of these there are several kinds. The Greeks call them 'comets,' in our language 'long-haired stars,' because they have a blood-red shock of what looks like shaggy hair at their top. The Greeks also give the name of 'bearded stars' to those from whose lower part spreads a mane resembling a long beard. 'Javelin-stars' quiver like a dart; these are a very terrible portent. To this class belongs the comet about which Titus Imperator Caesar in his 5th consulship wrote an account in his famous poem, that being its latest appearance down to the present day. The same stars when shorter and sloping to a point have been called 'Daggers'; these are the palest of all in colour, and have a gleam like the flash of a sword, and no rays, which even the Quoit-star, which resembles its name in appearance but is in colour like amber, emits in scattered form from its edge. The 'Tub-star' presents the shape of a cask, with a smoky light all round it. The 'Horned star' has the shape of a horn, like the one that appeared when Greece fought the decisive battle of Salamis. The 'Torch-star' resembles glowing torches, the 'Horse-star horses' manes in very rapid motion and revolving in a circle. There also occurs a shining comet whose silvery tresses glow so brightly that it is scarcely possible to look at it, and which displays within it a shape in the likeness of a man's countenance. There also occur 'Goat comets,' enringed with a sort of cloud resembling tufts of hair. Once hitherto it has happened that a 'Mane-shaped' comet changed into a spear; this was in the 108th Olympiad [348-345 BCE] , AUC 408 [346 BC]. The shortest period of visibility on record for a comet is 7 days, the longest 80. ",
  {'entities': [[527, 532, 'people'],
    [1166, 1173, 'place'],
    [1224, 1229, 'people'],
    [1509, 1513, 'people']]}],
 [".1Some comets move, like the planets, but others are fixed and stationary, almost all of them towards the due North, not in any particular part of it, though chiefly in the luminous region called the Milky Way. Aristotle also records that several may be seen at the same time — a fact not observed by anyone else, as far as I am aware — and that this signifies severe winds or heat. Comets also occur in the winter months and at the south pole, but comets in the south have no rays. A terrible comet was seen by the people of Ethiopia and Egypt, to which Typhon the king of that period gave his name; it had a fiery appearance and was twisted like a coil, and it was very grim to behold: it was not really a star so much as what might be called a ball of fire. Planets and all other stars also occasionally have spreading hair. But sometimes there is a comet in the western sky, usually a terrifying star and not easily expiated: for instance, during the civil disorder in the consulship of Octavius, and again during the war between Pompey and Caesar, or in our day about the time of the poisoning which secured the bequest of the empire by Claudius Caesar to Domitius Nero, and thereafter during Nero's principate shining almost continuously and with a terrible glare. People think that it matters in what direction a comet darts, what star's strength it borrows, what shapes it resembles, and in what places it shines; that if it resembles a pair of flutes. It is a portent for the art of music, in the private parts of the constellations it portends immorality, if it forms an equilateral triangle or a rectangular quadrilateral in relation to certain positions of the fixed stars, it portends men of genius and a revival of learning, in the head of the Northern or the Southern Serpent it brings poisonings. ",
  {'entities': [[211, 220, 'people'],
    [526, 534, 'place'],
    [539, 544, 'place'],
    [555, 561, 'people'],
    [991, 999, 'people'],
    [1034, 1040, 'people'],
    [1045, 1051, 'people'],
    [1142, 1157, 'people'],
    [1161, 1169, 'people'],
    [1170, 1174, 'people'],
    [1170, 1174, 'people']]}],
 [".2The only place in the whole world where a comet is the object of worship is a temple at Rome. His late Majesty Augustus had deemed this comet very propitious to himself; as it had appeared at the beginning of his rule, at some games which, not long after the decease of his father Caesar, as a member of the college founded by him he was celebrating in honour of Mother Venus. In fact he made public the joy that it gave him in these words: 'On the very days of my Games a comet was visible for seven days in the northern part of the sky. It was rising about an hour before sunset, and was a bright star, visible from all lands. The common people believed that this star signified the soul of Caesar received among the spirits of the immortal gods, and on this account the emblem of a star was added to the bust of Caesar that we shortly afterwards dedicated in the forum.' This was his public utterance, but privately he rejoiced because he interpreted the comet as having been born for his own sake and as containing his own birth within it; and, to confess the truth, it did have a health-giving influence over the world. ",
  {'entities': [[90, 94, 'place'],
    [113, 121, 'people'],
    [283, 289, 'people'],
    [372, 377, 'people'],
    [283, 289, 'people'],
    [283, 289, 'people']]}],
 ['.3Some persons think that even comets are everlasting, and travel in a special circuit of their own, but are not visible except when the sun leaves them; there are others, however, who hold that they spring into existence out of chance moisture and fiery force, and consequently are dissolved. ',
 ['.1Hipparchus before-mentioned, who can never be sufficiently praised, no one having done more to prove that man is related to the stars and that our souls are a part of heaven, detected a new star that came into existence during his lifetime; the movement of this star in its line of radiance led him to wonder whether this was a frequent occurrence, whether the stars that we think to be fixed are also in motion; and consequently he did a bold thing, That would be reprehensible even for God — he dared to schedule the stars for posterity, and tick off the heavenly bodies by name in a list, devising machinery by means of which to indicate their several positions and magnitudes, in order that from that time onward it might be possible easily to discern not only whether stars perish and are born, but whether some are in transit and in motion, and also whether they increase and decrease in magnitude — thus bequeathing the heavens as a legacy to all mankind, supposing anybody had been found to claim that inheritance! ',
  {'entities': [[2, 12, 'people']]}],
 [".1There are also meteoric lights that are only seen when falling, for instance one that ran across the sky at midday in full view of the public when Germanicus Caesarwas giving a gladiatorial show. Of these there are two kinds: one sort are called lampades, which means torches, the other bolides (missiles), — that is the sort that appeared at the time of the disasters of Modena. The difference between them is that 'torches' make long tracks, with their front part glowing, whereas a 'boils' glows throughout its length, and traces a longer path. ",
  {'entities': [[149, 159, 'people'], [374, 380, 'place']]}],
 [".1Other similar meteoric lights are 'beams.' in Greek dokoi, for example one that appeared when the Spartans were defeated at sea and lost the empire of Greece. There also occurs a yawning of the actual sky, called chasma, ",
  {'entities': [[100, 108, 'ethnic']]}],
 ['.1and also something that looks like blood, and a fire that falls from it to the earth — the most alarming possible cause of terror to mankind; as happened in the third year [349BC] of the 107th Olympiad, when King Philip was throwing Greece into disturbance. My own view is that these occurrences take place at fixed dates owing to natural forces, like all other events, and not, as most people think, from the variety of causes invented by the cleverness of human intellects; it is true that they were the harbingers of enormous misfortunes, but I hold that those did not happen because the marvellous occurrences took place but that these took place because the misfortunes were going to occur, only the reason for their occurrence is concealed by their rarity, and consequently is not understood as are the risings and setting of the planets described above and many other phenomena. ',
  {'entities': [[215, 221, 'people']]}],
 [".1Stars are also seen throughout the daytime in company with the sun, usually actually surrounding the sun's orb like wreaths made of ears of corn and rings of changing colour — for instance, when Augustus Caesar in early manhood entered the city after the death of his father to assume his mighty surname. Similar haloes occur round the moon and round The principal fixed stars. ",
  {'entities': [[197, 212, 'people']]}],
 ['.1A bow appeared round the sun in the consulship of Lucius Opimius and Quintus Fabius, a hoop in that of Gaius Porcius and Manius Acilius, and a red ring in that of Lucius Julius and Publius Rutilius. ',
  {'entities': [[59, 66, 'people'],
    [79, 85, 'people'],
    [111, 118, 'people'],
    [123, 129, 'people'],
    [130, 137, 'people'],
    [172, 178, 'people'],
    [191, 199, 'people']]}],
 [".1Portentous and protracted eclipses of the sun occur, such as the one after the murder of Caesar the dictator and during the Antonine war which caused almost a whole year's continuous gloom. ",
  {'entities': [[91, 97, 'people']]}],
 ['.1Again, several suns are seen at once, neither above nor below the real sun but at an angle with it, never alongside of nor opposite to the earth, and not at night but either at sunrise or at sunset. It is also reported that once several suns were seen at midday at the Bosphorus, and that these lasted from dawn till sunset. In former times three suns have often been seen at once, for example in the consulships of Spurius Postumius and Quintus Mucius, of Quintus Marcius and Marcus Porcius, of Marcus Antonius and Publius Dolabella, and of Marcus Lepidus and Lucius Plancus; and our generation saw this during the principate of his late Majesty Claudius, in his consulship, when Cornelius Orfitus was his colleague. It is not stated that more than three suns at a time have ever been seen hitherto. ',
  {'entities': [[271, 280, 'place'],
    [418, 425, 'people'],
    [426, 435, 'people'],
    [448, 454, 'people'],
    [467, 474, 'people'],
    [486, 493, 'people'],
    [505, 513, 'people'],
    [526, 535, 'people'],
    [551, 558, 'people'],
    [570, 577, 'people'],
    [649, 657, 'people'],
    [683, 692, 'people'],
    [693, 700, 'people']]}],
 ['.1Also three moons have appeared at once, for instance in the consulship of Gnaeus Domitius and Gaius Fannius. ',
  {'entities': [[83, 91, 'people'], [102, 109, 'people']]}],
 [".1A light from the sky by night, the phenomenon usually called 'night-suns,' was seen in the consulship of Gaius Caecilius and Gnaeus Papirius and often on other occasions causing apparent daylight in the night. ",
  {'entities': [[113, 122, 'people'], [134, 142, 'people']]}],
 ['.1In the consulship of Lucius Valerius and Gaius Marius a burning shield scattering sparks ran across the sky at sunset from west to east. ',
  {'entities': [[30, 38, 'people'], [43, 55, 'people']]}],
 ['.1In the consulship of Gnaeus Octavius and Gaius Scribonius a spark was seen to fall from a star and increase in size as it approached the earth, and after becoming as large as the moon it diffused a sort of cloudy daylight, and then returning to the sky changed into a torch; this is the only record of this occurring. It was seen by the proconsul Silanus and his suite. ',
  {'entities': [[30, 38, 'people'],
    [49, 59, 'people'],
    [349, 356, 'people']]}],
 ['.1Also stars appear to shoot to and fro; and this invariably portends the rise of a fierce hurricane from the same quarter. ',
 [".1Stars also come into existence at sea on land. I have seen a radiance of star-like appearance clinging to the javelins of soldiers on sentry duty at night in front of the rampart; and on a voyage stars alight on the yards and other parts of the ship, with a sound resembling a voice, hopping from perch to perch in the manner of birds. These when they come singly are disastrously heavy and wreck ships, and if they fall into the hold burn them up. If there are two of them, they denote safety and portend a successful voyage; and their approach is said to put to flight the terrible star called Helena: for this reason they are called Castor and Pollux, and people pray to them as gods for aid at sea. They also shine round men's heads at evening time; this is a great portent. All these things admit of no certain explanation; they are hidden away in the grandeur of nature. ",
  {'entities': [[598, 604, 'people'],
    [638, 644, 'people'],
    [649, 655, 'people']]}],
 [".1So much as to the world itself and the stars. Now the remaining noteworthy facts as to the heavens: for the name 'heaven' was also given by our ancestors to this which is otherwise designated 'air' — the whole of that apparently empty space which pours forth this breath of life. This region below the moon, and a long way below it (as I notice is almost universally agreed), blends together an unlimited quantity from the upper element of air and an unlimited quantity of terrestrial vapour, being a combination of both orders. From it come clouds, thunder-claps and also thunderbolts, hail, frost, rain, storms and whirlwinds; from it come most of mortals' misfortunes, and the warfare between the elements of nature. The force of the stars presses down terrestrial objects that strive to move towards the sky, and also draws to itself things that lack spontaneous levitation. Rain falls, clouds rise, rivers dry up, hailstorms sweep down; rays scorch, and impinging from every side on the earth in the middle of the world, then are broken and recoil and carry with them the moisture they have drunk up. Steam falls from on high and again returns on high. Empty winds sweep down, and then go back again with their plunder. So many living creatures draw their breath from the upper air; but the air strives in the opposite direction, and the earth pours back breath to the sky as if to a vacuum. Thus as nature swings to and fro like a kind of sling, discord is kindled by the velocity of the world's motion. Nor is the battle allowed to stand still, but is continually carried up and whirled round, displaying in an immense globe that encircles the world the causes of things, continually overspreading another and another heaven interwoven with the clouds. This is the realm of the winds. consequently their nature is here pre-eminent, and almost includes all the rest of the phenomena caused by the air, as most men attribute the hurling of thunderbolts and lightning to the winds' violence, and indeed hold that the cause of the rain of stones that sometimes occurs is that the stones are caught up by the wind; and likewise many other things. On this account more facts have to be set out at the same time. ",
 [".1Storms and rain obviously have some regular causes, but some that are accidental, or at all events not hitherto explained. For who can doubt that summer and winter and the yearly vicissitudes observed in the seasons are caused by the motion of the heavenly bodies? Therefore as the nature of the sun is understood to control the year's seasons, so each of the other stars also has a force of its own that creates effects corresponding to its particular nature. Some are productive of moisture dissolved into liquid, others of moisture hardened into frost or coagulated into snow or frozen into hail, others of a blast of air, others of warmth or heat, others of dew, others of cold. But it must not be thought that the stars are of the size that they appear to the sight, since the consideration of their immense altitude proves that none of them is smaller than the moon. Consequently each of them exercises its own nature in its own motion, a fact which the transits of Saturn in particular make clear by their storms of rain. Nor does this power belong to the moving stars only, but also to many those that are fixed to the sky, whenever they are impelled forward by the approach of the planets or goaded on by the impact of their rays, as we observe occurring in the case of the Little Pigs, the Greek name for which is consequently the Hyades, a word denoting rain. Indeed some stars move of themselves and at fixed times — compare the rising of the Kids. But the rising of the constellation Arcturus is almost always accompanied by a hail-storm. ",
  {'entities': [[974, 980, 'people'],
    [1292, 1296, 'people'],
    [1343, 1349, 'people'],
    [1499, 1507, 'people']]}],
 ['.1For who is not aware that the heat of the sun increases at the rising of the Lesser Dog-star, whose effects are felt on earth very widely? At its rise the seas are rough, wine in the cellars ripples in waves, pools of water are stirred. There is a wild animal in Egypt called the gazelle that according to the natives stands facing this dog-star at its rise, and gazing at it as if in worship, after first giving a sneeze. It is indeed beyond doubt that dogs throughout the whole of that period are specially liable to rabies. ',
  {'entities': [[265, 270, 'place']]}],
 [".1Moreover also the parts of some constellations have an influence of their own — for instance at the autumnal equinox and at midwinter, when we learn by the storms that the sun is completing its orbit; and not only by falls of rain and storms, but by many things that happen to our bodies and to the fields. Some men are paralysed by a star, others suffer periodic disturbances of the stomach or sinews or bead or mind. The olive and white poplar and willow turn round their leaves at the solstice. Fleabane hung up in the house to dry flowers exactly on midwinter day, and inflated skins burst. This may surprise one who does not notice in daily experience that one plant, called heliotrope, always looks towards the sun as it passes and at every hour of the day turns with it, even when it is obscured by a cloud. Indeed persistent research has discovered that the influence of the moon causes the shells of oysters, cockles and all shell-fish to grow larger and again smaller in bulk, and moreover that the phases of the moon affect the tissues of the shrewmouse, and that the smallest animal, the ant, is sensitive to the influence of the planet and at the time of the new moon is always slack. This makes ignorance all the more disgraceful to man, especially as he admits that with some cattle diseases of the eyes increase and diminish with the moon. His excuse is the heaven's vastness, being divided at an enormous height into 72 signs, that is, shapes of things or of animals into which the learned have mapped out the sky. In them they have indeed noted 1600 stars as being specially remarkable for their influence or their appearance, for instance the seven which they have named the Pleiades in the tail of the Bull and the Little Pigs in his forehead, and Bootes the star that follows the Seven Plough-oxen. ",
  {'entities': [[1696, 1704, 'people'],
    [1724, 1728, 'people'],
    [1744, 1748, 'people'],
    [1770, 1776, 'people']]}],
 ['.1I would not deny that rain and wind can arise from other causes than these; it is certain that the earth exhales a damp mist and at other times a smoky one due to vapour, and that clouds are formed out of moisture rising to a height or air condensed into moisture. Their density and bulk are conjectured with certain inference from the fact that they obscure the sun, which is otherwise visible even to those diving into water to whatever depth. ',
 ['.1Consequently I would not go against the view that it is also possible for the fires of stars to fall from above into the clouds (as we often see happen. in fine weather, and the impact of these fires unquestionably shakes the air since even weapons when flung make a hissing noise); and that when they reach the cloud, a hissing steam is produced, just as when red-hot iron is plunged into water, and a coil of smoke whirls up. And I agree that these produce storms, and if there is wind or steam struggling in the cloud, it gives out claps of thunder, if it bursts out on fire, flashes of lightning, if it forces its way on a longer track, heat-lightning. The latter cleaves the cloud, the flashes burst through it, and thunder-claps are the blows of the fires colliding, causing fiery cracks at once to flash out in the clouds. It is also possible for breath emerging from the earth, when pressed down by the counter-impact of the stars, to be checked by a cloud and so cause thunder, nature choking down the sound while the struggle goes on but the crash sounding when the breath bursts out, as when a skin is stretched by being blown into. It is also possible for this breath, whatever it is, to be set on fire by the friction during its headlong progress. It is also possible for it to be struck out by the impact of the clouds, as by that of two stones, with heat-lightning flashing out like sparks. But all these occurrences are accidental — they cause mere senseless and ineffectual thunder-claps, as their coming obeys no principle of nature — they merely cleave mountains and seas, and all their other blows are ineffectual; but the former are prophetical and sent from on high, they come by fixed causes and from their own stars. ',
 ['.1Similarly I am not prepared to deny that it is possible for winds or rather gusts of air to be produced also by a dry and parched breath from the earth, and also possible when bodies of water breathe out a vapour that is neither condensed into mist or solidified into clouds; and also they may be caused by the driving force of the sun, because wind is understood to be nothing else than a wave of air; and in more ways as well. For we see winds arising both from rivers and bays and from the sea even when calm, and others, called altani, arising from the land; the latter when they come back again from the sea are called turning winds, but if they go on, offshore winds. ',
 ['.2The windings of mountains and their clustered peaks and ridges curved in an elbow or broken off into shoulders, and the hollow recesses of valleys, cleaving with their irregular contours the air that is consequently reflected from them (a phenomenon that in many place causes words spoken to be endlessly echoed) are productive of winds. So again are caverns, like the one with an enormous gaping mouth on the coast of Dalmatia, from which, if you throw some light object into it, even in calm weather a gust like a whirlwind bursts out; the name of the place is Senta. Also it is said that in the province of Cyrenaica there is a certain cliff, sacred to the South wind, which it is sacrilege for the hand of man to touch, the South wind immediately causing a sandstorm. Even manufactured vessels in many houses if shut up in the dark have peculiar exhalations. Thus there must be some cause for this. ',
  {'entities': [[421, 429, 'place'], [612, 621, 'place']]}],
 [".1But there is a great difference between a gust of air and a wind. The latter, regular and blowing steadily, and felt not by some particular tract only but by whole countries, and not being breezes nor tempests but winds — even their name being a masculine word — whether they are caused by the continuous motion of the world and the impact of the stars travelling in the opposite direction or whether wind is the famous 'breath' that generates the universe by fluctuating to and fro as in a sort of womb, or air whipped by the irregular impact of the planets and the non-uniform emission of their rays, or whether they issue forth from these nearer stars which are their own or fall from those stars which are fixed in the heaven — it is manifest that the winds too obey a law of nature that is not unknown, even if not yet fully known. ",
 ['.2More than twenty Greek authors of the past have published observations about these subjects. This makes me all the more surprised that, although when the world was at variance, and split up into kingdoms, that is, sundered limb from limb, so many people devoted themselves to these abstruse researches; especially when wars surrounded them and hosts were untrustworthy, and also when rumours of pirates, the foes of all mankind, terrified intending travellers — so that now-a-days a person may learn some facts about his own region from the notebooks of people who have never been there more truly than from the knowledge of the natives — yet now in these glad times of peace under an emperor who so delights in productions of literature and science, no addition whatever is being made to knowledge by means of original research, and in fact even the discoveries of our predecessors are not being thoroughly studied. The rewards were not greater when the ample successes were spread out over made the discoveries in question with no other many students, and in fact the majority of these reward at all save the consciousness of benefiting posterity. Age has overtaken the characters of mankind, not their revenues, and now that every sea has been opened up and every coast offers hospitable landing, an immense multitude goes on voyages — but their object is profit not knowledge; and in their blind engrossment with avarice they do not reflect that knowledge is a more reliable means even of making profit. Consequently in view of these thousands of persons who go on voyages I will give a more detailed account of the winds than is perhaps suited to the task I have set in hand. ',
 ['.1The ancients noticed four winds in all, corresponding to the four quarters of the world (this is the reason why even Homer mentions no more) — a dull-witted system, as it was soon afterwards considered; the following age added eight — this system on the other hand was too subtle and meticulous. Their successors adopted a compromise, adding to the short list four winds from the long one. There are consequently two winds in each of the four quarters of the heaven: Subsolanus blowing from the equinoctial sunrise (E.) and Vulturnus from the winter sunrise (S.E.) — the former designated by the Greeks Apeliotes, the latter Eurus; Auster from the sun at midday (S.) and Afriens from the winter sunset (S.W.) — named in Greek Notus and Libs; Favonius from the equinoctial sunset (W.), Corus from the sunset at the solstice (N.W.) — these the Greeks call Zephyr and Argestes; Septentrio from the North and Aquilo between him and sunrise at the solstice (N.E.) — called in Greek Aparctias and Boreas. The more numerous scheme had inserted four between these: Thrascias (N.N.W.) in the space between Septentrio (N.) and the sunset at the solstice (N.W.) and also Caecias (E.N.E.) in the space between Aquilo (N.E.) and the equinoctial sunrise (B.) on the side of the sunrise at the solstice, and Phoenix (S.S.E.) in the space between winter sunrise (S.E.) and midday (S.), and also between Libs (S.W.) and Notus (S.) the combination of the two, Libonotus (S.S.W.), midway between midday (S.) and winter sunset (S.W.). Nor is this the end, inasmuch as others have also added one named Meses between Boreas (N.E.) and Caecias (E.N.E.), and Euronotus between Eurus (S.E.) and Notus (S.). There are also certain winds peculiar to particular races, which do not go outside a special region, e.g. the Athenians have Sciron, slightly diverging from Argestes (N.W.), a name unknown to the rest of Greece — elsewhere the same breeze is called Olympias: customarily all these names are taken to denote Argestes. Some people call Caecias (E.N.E.) Hellespontias, and others have other variants for these names. Similarly in the province of Narbonne the most famous of the winds is Circius (W.N.W.), which is inferior to none other at all in force and which usually carries a vessel right across the Ligurian Sea to Ostia; the same wind is not only unknown in the remaining quarters of the sky, but it does not even touch Vienne, a city of the same province, a few miles before reaching which this mighty wind is checked by the obstacle of a moderate ridge of hills. Fabianus asserts that South winds also do not penetrate Egypt — which reveals the law of nature that even winds have their prescribed limits as well as seasons. ',
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 [".1Accordingly the spring opens the seas to voyagers; at its beginning the West winds soften the wintry heaven, when the sun occupies the 25th degree of Aquarius; the date of this is Feb. 8. This also practically applies to all the winds whose positions I shall give afterwards, although every leap-year they come a day earlier, but they keep the regular rule in the period that follows. Certain persons give the name Chelidonias to the West wind on the 19th February, owing to the appearance of the swallow, but some call it Ornithias, from the arrival of the birds on the 71st day after the shortest day, when it blows for nine days. Opposite to the West wind is the wind that we have called Subsolanus (E.). The rise of the Pleiades in the same degrees of Taurus on May 10 brings summer; it is a period of South wind, Auster, the opposite of Septentrio. But in the hottest period of summer the Dog-star rises, when the sun is entering the first degree of Leo — this day is July 17. The Dog-star's rise is preceded for about eight days by North-east winds: these are called the Forerunners. But two days after his rising the North-east winds begin again, and continue blowing steadily for 30 days; these are called Etesian or Annual winds. They are believed to be softened by the sun's warmth being reinforced by the heat of the star; and they are the most regular of any of the winds. They are followed in turn by South winds, continuing to the rise of Areturus, which occurs 40 days before the autumnal equinox. With the equinox begins the North-west wind; this, the opposite of Volturnus, marks the beginning of autumn. About 44 days after the autumnal equinox the setting of the Pleiades marks the beginning of winter, which it is customary to date on November 11; this is the period of the winter Aquilo, which is very unlike the summer one mentioned above; it is opposite to the South-west wind. But for six days before the shortest day and six days after it the sea calms down for the breeding of the halcyons from which these days derive their name. The rest of the time there is wintry weather. However, not even the fury of the storms closes the sea; pirates first compelled men by the threat of death to rush into death and venture on the winter seas, but now avarice exercises the same compulsion. ",
  {'entities': [[152, 160, 'people'],
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    [1216, 1223, 'people'],
    [1455, 1463, 'people'],
    [1582, 1591, 'people'],
    [726, 734, 'people']]}],
 [".1The actually coldest winds are those that we have stated to blow from the North, and their neighbour Corus (N.W.); these check the other winds and also drive away the clouds. The Southwest and especially the South are for Italy the damp winds; it is said that on the Black Sea the East-north-east also attracts clouds. The North-west and South-east are dry, except when they are falling. The North-east and North are snow winds; the North brings hailstorms, and so does the North-west. The South wind is hot, the South-east and West warm; the latter are also drier than the East wind, and in general all the northerly and westerly winds are drier than the southerly and easterly. The healthiest of all is the North wind; the South is harmful, and more so when dry, perhaps because when damp it is colder; living creatures are believed to be less hungry when it is blowing. Etesian winds usually cease at night and rise at eight o'clock in the morning; in Spain and Asia they are East winds, on the Black Sea North, and in other regions South. But they also begin to blow at midwinter then they are called the Bird-winds), but more gently and only for a few days. Two winds also change their nature with their geographical position: the South wind in Africa is fine and the North-east cloudy. All the winds blow in their own turns, usually the one opposite to the one that ceases beginning. When those next to the ones falling rise, they go round from left to right a like the sun. The fourth moon usually decides about the course of the winds for the month. Vessels by means of slacking sheets can sail in contrary directions with the same winds, so that collisions occur, usually at night, between ships on opposite tacks. The South wind causes larger waves than the Northeast because the former being below blows from the bottom of the sea but the latter from the top; consequently earthquakes following South winds are specially destructive. The South wind is more violent at night and the North-east wind in the day-time; and easterly winds continue longer than westerly. North winds usually stop after blowing an odd number of days, an observation that holds good in many other departments of nature also: this is why the odd numbers are thought to be masculine. The sun both increases and reduces the force of the wind — the former when rising and setting, the latter at midday in summer seasons; consequently the winds are usually lulled at midday or midnight, because either excessive cold or excessive heat makes them slack. Also winds are lulled by rain; but they are most to be expected from quarters where the clouds have broken, revealing a clear sky. ",
  {'entities': [[103, 108, 'people'],
    [224, 229, 'place'],
    [269, 278, 'place'],
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    [967, 971, 'people'],
    [269, 278, 'place']]}],
 ['.2Eudoxus however thinks that (if we choose to study the minimal circuits) there is a regular recurrence of all phenomena — not only of winds but largely of other sorts of bad weather as well — in four-yearly periods, and that the period always begins in a leap-year at the rising of Sirius. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 9, 'people'], [284, 290, 'people']]}],
 ['.3These are our observations with regard to the winds that are regular. ',
 ['.1Now as to sudden blasts, which arise as has been said from exhalations of the earth, and fall back again to the earth drawing over it an envelope of cloud; these occur in a variety of forms. The fact is that their onrush is quite irregular, like that of mountain torrents (as we have pointed out is the view of certain persons), and they give forth thunder and lightning. If travelling with a heavier momentum they burst a great gap in a dry cloud, they produce a storm called by the Greeks a cloudburst; but if they break out from a downward curve of cloud with a more limited rotation, they cause a whirl unaccompanied by fire — I mean by lightning — that is called a typhoon, which denotes a whirling cloudburst. This brings down with it a portion of heat torn from a cloud, which it turns and whirls round, increasing its own downward velocity by its weight, and shifting from place to place with a rapid whirl; it is specially disastrous to navigators, as it twists round and shatters not only the yards, but the vessels themselves, leaving only the slender remedy of pouring out vinegar in advance of its approach, vinegar being a very cold substance. The same whirlwind when beaten back by its very impact snatches things up and carries them back with it to the sky, sucking them high aloft. ',
 ['.1But if it bursts out of a larger cavern of downward pressing cloud but not so wide a one as in the case of a storm, and is accompanied by a crashing noise, this is what they call a whirlwind, which overthrows everything in its neighbourhood. When the same rages hotter and with a fiery flow, it is called a rester, as while sweeping away the things it comes in contact with it also scorches them up. But a typhoon does not occur with a northerly wind, nor a cloudburst with snow or when snow is lying. If it flared up as soon as it burst the cloud, and had fire in it, did not catch fire afterwards, it is a thunderbolt. It differs from a fiery pillar in the way in which a flame differs from a fire: a fiery pillar spreads out its blast widely, whereas a thunderbolt masses together its onrush. On the other hand a tornado differs from a whirlwind by returning, and as a whiz differs from a crash; a storm is different from either in its extent — it is caused by the scattering rather than the bursting of a cloud. There also occurs a darkness caused by a cloud shaped like a wild monster — this is direful to sailors. There is also what is called a column, when densified and stiffened moisture raises itself aloft; in the same class also is a waterspout, when a cloud draws up water like a pipe. ',
 [".1Thunderbolts are rare in winter and in summer, from opposite causes. In winter, owing to the thicker envelope of cloud, the air is rendered extremely dense, and all the earth's exhalation being stiff and cold extinguishes whatever fiery vapour it receives. This reason renders Scyrthia and the frozen regions round it immune from the fall of thunderbolts, while conversely the excessive heat does the same for Egypt, inasmuch as the hot and dry exhalations from the earth condense very rarely, and only form thin and feeble clouds. But in spring and autumn thunderbolts are more frequent, their summer and winter causes being combined in each of those seasons; this explains why they are frequent in Italy, where the milder winter and stormy summer make the air more mobile, and it is always somewhat vernal or autumnal. Also in the parts of Italy that slope down from the north towards the warmth, such as the district of Rome and the Campagna, lightning occurs in winter just as in summer, which does not happen in any other locality. ",
  {'entities': [[412, 417, 'place'],
    [702, 707, 'place'],
    [702, 707, 'place'],
    [925, 929, 'place']]}],
 [".1Of thunderbolts themselves several varieties are reported. Those that come with a dry flash do not cause a fire but an explosion. The smoky ones do not burn but blacken. There is a third sort, called 'bright thunderbolts,' of an extremely remarkable nature; this kind drains casks dry without damaging their lids and without leaving any other trace, and melts gold and copper and silver in their bags without singeing the bags themselves at all, and even without melting the wax seal. Marcia, a lady of high station at Rome, was struck by lightning when enceinte, and though the child was killed, she herself survived without being otherwise injured. Among the portents in connexion with Catiline, a town-councillor of Pompei named Marcus Herennius was struck by lightning on a fine day. ",
  {'entities': [[487, 493, 'people'],
    [521, 525, 'place'],
    [690, 698, 'people'],
    [721, 727, 'place'],
    [741, 750, 'people']]}],
 [".1The Tuscan writers hold the view that there are nine gods who send thunderbolts, and that these are of eleven kinds, because Jupiter hurls three varieties. Only two of these deities have been retained by the Romans, who attribute thunderbolts in the daytime to Jupiter and those in the night to Summanus, the latter being naturally rare because the sky at night is colder. Etruria believes that some also burst out of the ground, which it calls 'low bolts,' and that these are rendered exceptionally direful and accursed by the season of winter, though all the bolts that they believe of earthly origin are not the ordinary ones and do not come from the stars but from the nearer and more disordered element: a clear proof of this being that all those coming from the upper heaven deliver slanting blows, whereas these which they call earthly strike straight. And those that fall from the nearer elements are supposed to come out of the earth because they leave no traces as a result of their rebound, although that is the principle not of a downward blow but of a slanting one. Those who pursue these enquiries with more subtlety think that these bolts come from the planet Saturn, just as the inflammatory ones come from Mars, as, for instance, when Bolsena, the richest town in Etruria, was entirely burnt up by a thunderbolt. Also the first ones that occur after a man sets up house for himself are called 'family meteors,' as foretelling his fortune for the whole of his life. However, people think that private meteors, except those that occur either at a man's first marriage or on his birthday, do not prophecy beyond ten years, nor public ones beyond the 30th year, except those occurring at the colonization of a town. ",
  {'entities': [[6, 12, 'demonym'],
    [127, 134, 'people'],
    [127, 134, 'people'],
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    [1177, 1183, 'people'],
    [1225, 1229, 'people'],
    [1254, 1261, 'place'],
    [375, 382, 'place']]}],
 [".1Historical record also exists of thunderbolts being either caused by or vouchsafed in answer to certain rites and prayers. There is an old story of the latter in Etruria, when the portent which they called Olta came to the city of Bolsena, when its territory had been devastated; it was sent in answer to the prayer of its king Porsina. Also before his time, as is recorded on the reliable authority of Lucius Piso in his Annals I, this was frequently practised by Numa, though when Tullus Hostilius copied him with incorrect ritual he was struck by lightning. We also have groves and altars and rites, and among the other Jupiters, the Stayers and Thunderers and Receivers of Offerings, tradition gives us Jupiter the Invoked. On this matter the opinion of mankind varies, in correspondence with our individual dispositions. It takes a bold man to believe that Nature obeys the behests of ritual, and equally it takes a dull man to deny that ritual has beneficent powers, when knowledge has made such progress even in the interpretation of thunderbolts that it can prophecy that others will come on a fixed day, and whether they will destroy a previous one or other previous ones that are concealed: this progress has been made by public and private experiments in both fields. In consequence although such indications are certain in some cases but doubtful in others, and approved to some persons but in the view of others to be condemned, in accordance with Nature's will and pleasure, we for our part are not going to leave out the rest of the things worth recording in this department. ",
  {'entities': [[164, 171, 'place'],
    [233, 240, 'place'],
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    [625, 633, 'people'],
    [625, 632, 'people']]}],
 ['.1It is certain that when thunder and lightning occur simultaneously, the flash is seen before the thunderclap is heard (this not being surprising, as light travels more swiftly than sound); but that Nature so regulates the stroke of a thunderbolt and the sound of the thunder that they occur together, although the sound is caused by the bolt starting, not striking; moreover that the current of air travels faster than the bolt, and that consequently the object always is shaken and feels the blast before it is struck; and that nobody hit has ever seen the lightning or heard the thunder in advance. Flashes on the left are considered lucky, because the sun rises on the left-hand side of the firmament; and their approach is not so visible as their return, whether after the blow a fire springs from it or the breath returns when its work is done or its fire used up. ',
 ['.2In making these observations the Tuscans divided the heaven into sixteen parts: the first quarter is from the North to the equinoctial sunrise (East), the second to the South, the third to the equinoctial sunset (West), and the fourth occupies the remaining space extending from West to North; these quarters they subdivided into four parts each, of which they called the eight starting from the East the left-hand regions and the eight opposite ones the right-hand. Of these the most formidable are those lying between West and North. Hence the line of approach and the line of retirement of thunderbolts is of very great importance. It is best for them to return to parts in the region of sunrise. Accordingly it will be a portent of supreme happiness when they come from the first part of the sky and retire to the same part — a sign that history records to have been vouchsafed to the dictator Sulla; but all the others are less fortunate or actually direful, in accordance with the division of the actual firmament where they occur. Some people think it wrong to give or to listen to reports of thunderbolts, except if they are told to a guest or a parent. ',
  {'entities': [[35, 42, 'ethnic'], [900, 905, 'people']]}],
 ['.3The great folly of paying attention to these occurrences was discovered when the Temple of Juno at Rome was struck by lightning in the time of Scaurus, who was afterwards head of the state. ',
  {'entities': [[83, 89, 'place'],
    [93, 97, 'people'],
    [101, 105, 'place'],
    [145, 152, 'people']]}],
 ['.4Lightning unaccompanied by thunder occurs more often by night than in the daytime. Man is the one creature that is not always killed when struck — all others are killed on the spot; nature doubtless bestows this honour on man because so many animals surpass him in strength. All things (when struck) fall in the opposite direction to the flash. A man does not die unless the force of the blow turns him right round. Men struck from above collapse. A man struck while awake is found with his eyes shut; while asleep, with them open. It is not lawful to cremate a man who loses his life in this manner; religious tradition prescribes burial. No living creature can be burnt by lightning without being killed. The temperature of the wound of those struck is lower than that of the rest of the body. ',
 ['.1Among things that grow in the ground, it does not strike a laurel bush. It never penetrates more than five feet into the earth; consequently when in fear of lightning men think caves of greater depth are the safest, or else a tent made of the skin of the creatures called sea-calves, because that alone among marine animals lightning does not strike, just as it does not strike the eagle among birds; this is why the eagle is represented as armed with a thunderbolt as a weapon. In Italy in the time of the Caesarian war people ceased to build towers between Terracina and the Temple of Feronia, as every tower there was destroyed by lightning. ',
  {'entities': [[484, 489, 'place'],
    [561, 570, 'place'],
    [579, 585, 'place'],
    [589, 596, 'people']]}],
 ['.1Besides these events in the lower sky, it is entered in the records that in the consulship of Manius Acilius and Gaius Porcius [114 BCE] it rained milk and blood, and that frequently on other occasions there it has rained flesh, for instance in the consulship of Publius Volumnius and Servius Sulpicius [461 BCE], and that none of the flesh left unplundered by birds of prey went bad; and similarly that it rained iron in the district of Lucania the year before Marcus Crassus was killed a by the Parthians and with him all the Lucanian soldiers, of whom there was a large contingent in his army; the shape of the iron that fell resembled sponges; the augurs prophesied wounds from above. But in the consulship of Lucius Paullus and Gaius Marcellus {50 BCE] it rained wool in the vicinity of Compsa Castle, near which Titus Annius Milo was killed a year later. It is recorded in the annals of that year that while Milo was pleading a case in court it rained baked bricks. ',
  {'entities': [[96, 102, 'people'],
    [103, 110, 'people'],
    [121, 128, 'people'],
    [273, 282, 'people'],
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    [530, 538, 'demonym'],
    [723, 730, 'people'],
    [741, 750, 'people'],
    [794, 800, 'place'],
    [826, 832, 'people'],
    [833, 837, 'people'],
    [833, 837, 'people']]}],
 ['.1We are told that during the wars with the Cimbri a noise of clanging armour and the sounding of a trumpet were heard from the sky, and that the same thing has happened frequently both before then and later. In the third consulship of Marius the inhabitants of Ameria and Tuder saw the spectacle of heavenly armies advancing from the East and the West to meet in battle, those from the West being routed. It has often been seen, and is not at all surprising, that the sky itself catches fire when the clouds have been set on fire by an exceptionally large flame. ',
  {'entities': [[44, 50, 'people'],
    [236, 242, 'people'],
    [262, 268, 'place'],
    [273, 278, 'place']]}],
 [".1The Greeks tell the story that Anaxagoras of Clazomenae in the 2nd year [467 BC] of the 78th Olympiad was enabled by his knowledge of astronomical literature to prophecy that in a certain number of days a rock would fall from the sun; and that this occurred in the daytime in the Goat's River (Aegospotami) district of Thrace (the stone is still shown — it is of the size of a wagon-load and brown in colour), a comet also blazing in the nights at the time. If anyone believes in the fact of this prophecy, that involves his allowing that the divining powers of Anaxagoras covered a greater marvel, and that our understanding of the physical universe is annihilated and everything thrown into confusion if it is believed either that the sun is itself a stone or ever had a stone inside it. But it will not be doubted that stones do frequently fall. A stone is worshipped for this reason even at the present day in the exercising ground at Abydos — one of moderate size, it is true, but which the same Anaxagoras is said to have prophesied as going to fall in the middle of the country. There is also one that is worshipped at Cassandria, the place that has been given the name of Potidaea, and where a colony was settled on account of this occurrence. I myself saw one that had recently come down in the territory of the Vocontii. ",
  {'entities': [[33, 43, 'people'],
    [47, 57, 'person'],
    [282, 286, 'people'],
    [296, 307, 'place'],
    [321, 327, 'place'],
    [33, 43, 'people'],
    [941, 947, 'place'],
    [33, 43, 'people'],
    [1182, 1190, 'place'],
    [1323, 1331, 'people']]}],
 ['.1The common occurrences that we call rainbows have nothing miraculous or portentous about them, for they do not reliably portend even rain or fine weather. The obvious explanation of them is that a ray of the sun striking a hollow cloud has its point repelled and is reflected back to the sun, and that the diversified colouring is due to the mixture of clouds, fires and air. Rainbows certainly do not occur except opposite to the sun, and never except in semi-circular shape, and not at night time, although Aristotle does state that a rainbow has been sometimes seen at night, though he also admits that it cannot happen except on the 14th day of the lunar month. Rainbows in winter occur chiefly when the day is drawing in after the autumnal equinox; when the day draws out again after the vernal equinox they do not occur, nor in the longest days about the solstice, but they occur frequently in midwinter; also they are high in the sky when the sun is low and low when it is high; and smaller but of wider breadth at sunrise or sunset, and narrow but of large circumference at midday. In summer they are not seen during midday, but after the autumn equinox they are seen at any hour; and never more than two are seen at once. ',
  {'entities': [[511, 520, 'people']]}],
 ['.1I observe that the facts as to the other phenomena of the same kind are generally familiar: viz., that hail is produced from frozen rain and snow from the same fluid less solidly condensed, but hoar frost from cold dew; that snow fall during winter but not hail; and hail itself falls more often in the daytime than at night, and melts much faster than snow; that mists do not occur in summer nor in extremely cold weather, nor dew in frosty or very hot or windy weather, and only on fine nights; that liquid is reduced in bulk by freezing, and when ice is thawed the bulk produced is not the same; that variations of colour and shape are seen in the clouds in proportion as the fire mingled with them gains the upper hand or is defeated; ',
 ['.1and moreover that particular places have particular special qualities: the nights of Africa are dewy in summer, in Italy rainbows are seen every day at Locri and at the Veine Lake, at Rhodes and Syracuse there is never such a thick curtain of cloud that the sun is not visible at some hour of the day. Such special features will be more suitably related in their places. So much on the subject of the air. ',
  {'entities': [[117, 122, 'place'],
    [154, 159, 'place'],
    [186, 192, 'place'],
    [197, 205, 'place']]}],
 [".1Next comes the earth, the one division of the natural world on which for its merits we have bestowed the venerable title of mother. She belongs to men as the sky belongs to God: she receives us at birth, and gives us nurture after birth, and when once brought forth she upholds us always, and at the last when we have now been disinherited by the rest of nature she embraces us in her bosom and at that very time gives us her maternal shelter; sanctified by no service more than that whereby she makes us also sacred, even bearing our monuments and epitaphs and prolonging our name and extending our memory against the shortness of time; whose divinity is the last which in anger we invoke to lie heavy on those who are now no more, as though we did not know that she is the only element that is never wroth with man. Water rises in mist, freezes into hail, swells in waves, falls headlong in torrents; air becomes thick with clouds and rages with storms; but earth is kind and gentle and indulgent, ever a handmaid in the service of mortals, producing under our compulsion, or lavishing of her own accord, what scents and savours, what juices, what surfaces for the touch, what colours! how honestly she repays the interest lent her! what produce she fosters for our benefit! since for living creatures that are noxious the breath of life is to blame — she is compelled to receive them when their seed is sown and to maintain them when they have been born; but their harm lies in the evils of those that generate them. When a serpent has stung a man she harbours it no more, and she exacts retribution even on the account of the helpless; she produces medicinal herbs, and is ever fertile for man's benefit; nay, even poisons she may be thought to have invented out of compassion for us, lest, when we were weary of life, hunger, the death most alien to earth's beneficence, should consume us with slow decay, lest precipices should scatter in fragments our lacerated body, lest departure it is seeking; lest if we sought death in the deep our burial should serve for fodder; lest the torture of the steel should cleave our body. So is it! in mercy did she generate the potion whereof the easiest draught — as men drink when thirsty — gifts might painlessly just blot us out, without injury to the body or loss of blood, in such wise that when dead no birds nor beasts should touch us, and one that had perished for himself should be preserved for the earth. Let us own the truth: what earth has produced as a cure for our ills, we have made into a deadly poison; why, do we not also put her indispensable gift of iron to a similar use? Nor yet should we have any right to complain even if she had engendered poison to serve the purpose of crime. In fact in regard to one of nature's elements we have no gratitude. For what luxuries and for what outrageous uses does she not subserve mankind? She is flung into the sea, or dug away to allow us to let in the channels. Water, iron, wood, fire, stone, growing crops, are employed to torture her at all hours, and much more to make her minister to our luxuries than our sustenance. Yet in order to make the sufferings inflicted on her surface and mere outer skin seem endurable, we probe her entrails, digging into her veins of gold and silver and mines of copper and lead; we actually drive shafts down into the depth to search for gems and certain tiny stones; we drag out her entrails, we seek a jewel merely to be worn upon a finger! How many hands are worn away with toil that a single knuckle may shine resplendent! If any beings of the nether world existed, assuredly even they would have been dug up ere now by the burrowings of avarice and luxury. And can we wonder if earth has also generated some creatures for our harm? since the wild animals, I well believe, are her guardians, and protect her from sacrilegious hands; do not serpents infest our mines, do we not handle veins of gold mingled with the roots of poison? Yet that shows the goddess all the kinder towards us, because all these avenues from which wealth issues lead but to crime and slaughter and warfare, and her whom we besprinkle with our blood we cover with unburied bones, over which nevertheless, when at length our madness has been finally discharged, she draws herself as a veil, and hides even the crimes of mortals. I would reckon this too among the crimes of our ingratitude, that we are ignorant of her nature. ",
 [".1But her shape is the first fact about which men's judgement agrees. We do undoubtedly speak of the earth's sphere, and admit that the globe is shut in between poles. Nor yet in fact do all these lofty mountains and widely spreading plains comprise the outline of a perfect sphere, but a figure whose circuit would produce a perfect sphere if the ends of all the lines were enclosed in a circumference. This is the consequence of the very nature of things, it is not due to the same causes as those we have adduced in the case of the heaven; for in the heaven the convex hollow converges on itself and from all sides rests upon its pivot, the earth, whereas the earth being a solid dense mass rises like an object swelling, and expands outward. The world converges to its centre, whereas the earth radiates outward from its centre, the ceaseless revolution of the world around her forcing her immense globe into the shape of a sphere. ",
 [".1Here there is a mighty battle between learning on one side and the common herd on the other: the theory being that human beings are distributed all round the earth and stand with their feet pointing towards each other, and that the top of the sky is alike for them all and the earth trodden under foot at the centre in the same way from any direction, while ordinary people enquire why the persons on the opposite side don't fall off — just as if it were not reasonable that the people on the other side wonder that we do not fall off. There is an intermediate theory that is acceptable even to the unlearned crowd — that the earth is of the shape of an irregular globe, resembling a pine cone, yet nevertheless is inhabited all round. But what is the good of this theory when there arises another marvel, that the earth herself hangs suspended and does not fall and carry us with it? As if forsooth there were any doubt about the force of breath, especially when shut up inside the world, or as if it were possible for the earth to fall when nature opposes, and denies it any place to fall to For just as the sole abode of fires is in the element of fire, and of waters in water, and of breath in breath, so earth, barred out by all the other elements, has no place except in itself. Yet it is surprising that with this vast level expanse of sea and plains the resulting formation is a globe. This view has the support of Dicaearchus, a savant of the first rank, who with the support of royal patrons took the measurement of mountains, and published that the highest of them was Pelion, with an altitude of 1250 paces [above 6000 feet] inferring that this was no portion of the earth's general sphericity. To me this seems a questionable guess, as I know that some peaks of the Alps rise to a great height, not less than 50,000 paces. ",
  {'entities': [[1425, 1436, 'people'],
    [1582, 1588, 'place'],
    [1781, 1785, 'place']]}],
 ['.2But what the crowd most debates is if it must believe that the conformation of the waters also rises in a curve. Nevertheless nothing else in the natural world is more visibly manifest. For (1) hanging drops of liquid always take the shape of small round globes; (2) when dropped on dust or placed on the downy surface of leaves they are seen to be absolutely spherical; (3) in goblets when filled the surface curves upward most at the centre, though owing to the transparency of the liquid and its fluidity tending to find its own level this is more easily discovered by theory than by observation; and (4) a still more remarkable fact is that when a very little additional liquid is poured into a cup that has already been filled the surplus overflows, but the opposite happens when weighty solids, often as many as 20 coins, are put into it, presumably because these pass inside the liquid and raise its surface to a peak, whereas liquids poured on to the upward curving surface slip off. (5) The same cause explains why the land is not visible from the deck of a ship when in sight from the masthead; and why as a vessel passes far into the distance, if some shining object is tied to the top of the mast it appears slowly to sink and finally it is hidden from sight. Lastly (6) what other conformation could have caused the ocean, which we acknowledge to be at the extreme outside, to cohere and not fall away, if there is no boundary beyond to enclose it? The very question as to how, although the sea is globular in shape, its edge does not fall away, itself ranks with the marvellous. On the other side the Greek investigators, greatly to their delight and to their glory, prove by subtle mathematical reasoning that it cannot possibly be the case that the seas are really flat and have the shape that they appear to have. For, they argue, while it is the ease that water travels downward from an elevation, and this is its admitted nature, and nobody doubts that the water on any coast has reached the farthest point allowed by the slope of the earth, it is manifest beyond doubt that the lower an object is the nearer it is to the centre of the earth, and that all the lines drawn from the centre to the nearest bodies of water are shorter than those drawn from the edge of these waters to the farthest point in the sea: it therefore follows that all the water from every direction converges towards the centre, this pressure inward being the cause of its not falling off. ',
 ['.1The reason for this formation must be thought to be the inability of earth when absolutely dry to cohere of itself and without moisture, and of water in its turn to remain still without being held up by earth; the intention of the Artificer of nature must have been to unite earth and water in a mutual embrace, earth opening her bosom and water penetrating her entire frame by means of a network of veins radiating within and without, above and below, the water bursting out even at the tops of mountain ridges, to which it is driven and squeezed out by the weight of the earth, and spurts out like a jet of water from a pipe, and is so far from being in danger of falling down that it leaps upward to all the loftiest elevations. This theory shows clearly why the seas do not increase in bulk with the daily accession of so many rivers. The consequence is that the earth at every point of its globe is encircled and engirdled by sea flowing round it, and this does not need theoretical investigation, but has already been ascertained by experience. ',
 [".1Today the whole of the West is navigated from Cadiz and the Straits of Gibraltar all round Spain and France. But the larger part of the Northern Ocean was explored under the patronage of his late Majesty Augustus, when a fleet sailed round Germany to the promontory of the Cimbri, and thence seeing a vast sea in front of them or learning of it by report, reached the region of Scythia and localities numb with excessive moisture. On this account it is extremely improbable that there is no sea in those parts, as there is a superabundance of the moist element there. But next, on the Eastward side, the whole quarter under the same star stretching from the Indian Ocean to the Caspian Sea was navigated throughout by the Macedonian forces in the reigns of Seleucus and Antiochus, who desired that it should be called both Seleucis and Antiochis after themselves. And many coasts of Ocean round the Caspian have been explored, and very nearly the whole of the North has been completely traversed from one side to the other by galleys, so that similarly also there is now overwhelming proof, leaving no room for conjecture, of the existence of the Maeotic Marsh, whether it be a gulf of that Ocean, as I notice many have believed, or an overflow from it from which it is separated off by a narrow space. On the other side of Cadiz, from the same Western point, a great part of the Southern gulf is navigated today in the circuit of Mauretania. Indeed the greater part of it Alexander the Great's eastern conquests also explored as far as the Arabian gulf; in which, when Augustus's son Gaius Caesar was operating there, it is said that figureheads of ships from Spanish wrecks were identified. Also when the power of Carthage flourished, Hanno sailed round from Cadiz to the extremity of Arabia and published a memoir of his voyage, as did Himileo when despatched at the same date to explore the outer coasts of Europe. Moreover we have it on the authority of Cornelius Nepos that a certain contemporary of his named Eudoxus when flying from King Lathyrus emerged from the Arabian Gulf and sailed right round to Cadiz; and much before him Caelius Antipater states that he had seen someone who had gone on a trading voyage from Spain to Ethiopia. Nepos also records as to the northern circuit that Quintus Metellus Celer, colleague of Afranius in the consulship but at the time pro-consul of Gaul, received from the King of the Swabians a present of some Indians, who on a trade voyage had been carried off their course by storms to Germany. Thus there are seas encircling the globe on every side and dividing it in two, so robbing us of half the world since there is no region affording a passage from there to here or from here to there. This reflexion serves to expose the vanity of mortals, and appears to demand that I should display to the eye and exhibit the extent of this whole indefinite region in which men severally find no satisfaction. ",
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 [".1In the first place it is apparently reckoned as forming one half of the globe — just as if no part were cut off for the ocean itself, which surrounding and encircling the whole of it, and pouring forth and reabsorbing the waters and pasturing and all the moisture that goes to form the clouds, the stars themselves with all their numbers and their mighty size, can be supposed to occupy a space — of what extent, pray? The freehold owned by that mighty climatic mass is bound to be enormous — without limit! Add that of what is left more than half is taken by the sky. For this has five divisions called zones, and all that lies beneath the two outermost zones that surround the poles at either end — both the pole named from the Seven Oxen and the one opposite to it called after Auster — is all crushed under cruel frost and everlasting cold. In both regions perpetual mist prevails, and a light that the invisibility of the milder stars renders niggardly and that is only white with hoarfrost. But the middle portion of the lands, where the sun's orbit is, is scorched by its flames and burnt up by the proximity of its heat: this is the torrid zone. There are only two temperate zones between the torrid one and the frozen ones, and these have no communication with each other because of the fiery heat of the heavenly body. ",
  {'entities': [[738, 742, 'people'], [783, 789, 'people']]}],
 [".2Thus the sky has stolen three quarters of the earth. The extent of the trespass of ocean is unascertained; but even the one portion left to us suffers perhaps an even greater loss, inasmuch as the same ocean, spreading out, as we shall describe, into a number of bays, advances with its threatening roar so close to the inner seas that there is only a distance of 115 miles between the Arabian Gulf and the Egyptian Sea and of 375 between the Caspian and the Black Sear; and also with its inner channels through so many seas whereby it sunders Africa, Europe and Asia, it occupies — what area of the land? Calculate moreover the dimensions of all those rivers and vast swamps, add also the lakes and pools, and next the ridges too that rise into the heaven and are precipitous even to the eye, next the forests and steep glens, and the deserts and areas for a thousand reasons left deserted; subtract all these portions from the earth or rather from this pinprick, as the majority of thinkers have taught, in the world — for in the whole universe the earth is nothing else: and this is the substance of our glory, this is its habitation, here it is that we fill positions of power and covet wealth, and throw mankind into an uproar, and launch even civil wars and slaughter one another to make the land more spacious! And to pass over the collective insanities of the nations, this is the land in which we expel the tenants next to us and add a spade-full of turf to our own estate by stealing from our neighbour's — to the end that he who has marked out his acres most widen and banished his neighbours beyond all record may rejoice in owning — how small a fraction of the earth's surface? or, when he has stretched his boundaries to the full measure of his avarice, may still retain — what portion, pray, of his estate when he is dead? ",
  {'entities': [[388, 395, 'people'],
    [409, 417, 'demonym'],
    [445, 452, 'demonym'],
    [565, 569, 'people']]}],
 [".1That the earth is at the centre of the universe is proved by irrefragable arguments, but the clearest is the equal hours of day and night at the equinox. For if the earth were not at the centre, it can be realized that it could not have the days and nights equal; and binoculars confirm this very powerfully, since at the season of the equinox sunrise and sunset are seen on the same line, whereas sunrise at midsummer and sunset at midwinter fall on a line of their own. These things could not occur without the earth's being situated at the centre. ",
 ['.1But the three circles intertwined between the zones aforesaid are the cause of the differences of the seasons: the Tropic of Cancer on the side of the highest part of the zodiac to the northward of us, and opposite to it the Tropic of Capricorn towards the other pole, and also the equator that runs in the middle circuit of the zodiac. ',
  {'entities': [[127, 133, 'people'], [237, 246, 'people']]}],
 [".1The cause of the remaining facts that surprise us is found in the shape of the earth itself, which together with the waters also the same arguments prove to resemble a globe. For this is undoubtedly the cause why for us the stars of the northern region never set and their opposites of the southern region never rise, while on the contrary these northern stars are not visible to the antipodes, as the curve of the earth's globe bars our view of the tracts between. Cave-dweller Country [Trogodytike, Abyssinia/Somaliland] and Egypt which is adjacent to it do not see the Great and Little Bear, and Italy does not see Canopus and the constellation called Berenice's Hair, also the one that in the reign of his late Majesty Augustus received the name of Caesar's Throne, constellations that are conspicuous there. And so clearly does the rising vault curve over that to observers at Alexandria Canopus appears to be elevated nearly a quarter of one sign above the earth, whereas from Rhodes it seems practically to graze the earth itself, and on the Black Sea, where the North Stars are at their highest, it is not visible at all. Also Canopus is hidden from Rhodes, and still more from Alexandria; in Arabia in November it is hidden during the first quarter of the night and shows itself in the second; at Meroe it appears a little in the evening at midsummer and a few days before the rising of Areturus is seen at daybreak. These phenomena are most clearly disclosed by the voyages of those at sea, the sea sloping upward in the direction of some and downward in the direction of others, and the stars that were hidden behind the curve of the ball suddenly becoming visible as it were rising out of the sea. For it is not the fact, as some have said, that the world rises up at this higher pole — or else these stars would be visible everywhere; but these stars are believed to be higher the nearer people are to them, while they seem low to those far away, and just as at present this pole seems lofty to those situated on the declivity, so when people pass across to yonder downward slope of the earth those stars rise while the ones that here were high sink, which could not happen except with the conformation of a ball. ",
  {'entities': [[529, 534, 'place'],
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    [1203, 1209, 'place'],
    [1308, 1313, 'place'],
    [1398, 1406, 'people']]}],
 ['.1Consequently inhabitants of the East do not perceive evening eclipses of the sun and moon, nor do those dwelling in the West see morning eclipses, while the latter see eclipses at midday later than we do. The victory of Alexander the Great is said to have caused an eclipse of the moon at Arbela at 8 p.m. while the same eclipse in Sicily was when the moon was just rising. An eclipse of the sun that occurred on April 30 in the consulship [59 AD] of Vipstanus and Fonteius a few years ago was visible in Campania between 1 and 2 p.m. but was reported by Corbulo commanding in Armenia as observed between 4 and 5: this was because the curve of the globe discloses and hides different phenomena for different localities. If the earth were flat, all would be visible to all alike at the same time; also the nights would not vary in length, because corresponding periods of 12 hours would be visible equally to others than those at the equator, periods that as it is do not exactly correspond in every region alike. ',
  {'entities': [[222, 231, 'people'],
    [291, 297, 'place'],
    [334, 340, 'place'],
    [467, 475, 'people'],
    [507, 515, 'place'],
    [557, 564, 'people'],
    [579, 586, 'place']]}],
 [".1Consequently also although night and day are the same thing all over the world, it is not night and day at the same time all over the world, the intervention of the globe bringing night or its revolution day. This has been discovered by many experiments — that of Hannibal's towers in Africa and Spain, and in Asia when piratical alarms prompted the precaution of watchtowers of the same sort, warning fires lit on which at noon were often ascertained to have been seen by the people farthest to the rear at 9 p.m. Alexander above mentioned had a runner named Philonides who did the 1200 stades from Sicyon to Elis in 9 hours from sunrise and took till 9 p.m. for the return journey, although the way is downhill; this occurred repeatedly. The reason was that going his way lay with the sun but returning he was passing the sun as it met him travelling in the opposite direction. For this reason ships sailing westward beat even in the shortest day the distances they sail in the nights, because they are going with the actual sun. ",
  {'entities': [[266, 274, 'people'],
    [312, 316, 'people'],
    [517, 526, 'people'],
    [562, 572, 'people'],
    [602, 608, 'place'],
    [612, 616, 'place']]}],
 [".1Travellers' sundials are not the same for reference everywhere, because the shadows thrown by the sun as they alter alter the readings at every 300 or at farthest 500 stades. Consequently in Egypt at midday on the day of the equinox the shadow of the pin or 'gnomon' measures a little more than half the length of the gnomon itself, whereas in the city of Rome the shadow is 1/9th shorter than the gnomon, at the town of Ancona 1/35th longer, and in the district of Italy called Venezia the shadow is equal to the gnomon, at the same hours. ",
  {'entities': [[193, 198, 'place'],
    [358, 362, 'place'],
    [423, 429, 'place'],
    [468, 473, 'place']]}],
 [".1Similarly it is reported that at the town of Syene, 5000 stades South of Alexandria, at noon in midsummer no shadow is cast, and that in a well made for the sake of testing this the light reaches to the bottom, clearly showing that the sun is vertically above that place at the time; and this is stated in the writings of Onesicritus also to occur at the same time in India South of the river Hypasis. It is also stated that in the Cave-dwellers' city of Berenice, and 4820 stades away at the town of Ptolemais in the same tribe, which was founded on the shore of the Red Sea for the earliest elephant hunts, the same thing occurs 45 days before and 45 days after midsummer, and during that period of 90 days the shadows are thrown southward. Again in Meroe — this is an inhabited island in the river Nile 5000 stades from Syene, and is the capital of the Aethiopian race — the shadows disappear twice a year, when the sun is in the 18th degree of Taurus and in the 14th of Leo. There is a mountain named Maleus in the Indian tribe of the Oretes, near which shadows are thrown southward in summer and northward in winter; the northern constellation is visible there on only 15 nights. Also in India at the well-known port of Patala the sun rises on the right and shadows fall southward. It was noticed when Alexander was staying at this place that the Great and Little Bears were visible only in the early part of the night. Alexander's guide Onesicritus wrote that this constellation is not visible at the places in India where there are no shadows, and that these places are called Shadeless, and no reckoning is kept of the hours there. ",
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 ['.1But according to Eratosthenes in the whole of Cave-dweller Country on 90 days once a year shadows fall the wrong way. ',
  {'entities': [[19, 31, 'people']]}],
 [".1Thus it comes about that owing to the varied lengthening of daylight the longest day covers 12 8/9 equinoctial hours at Meroe, but 14 hours at Alexandria, 15 in Italy, and 17 in Britain, where the light nights in summer substantiate what theory compels us to believe, that, as on summer days the sun approaches nearer to the top of the world, owing to a narrow circuit of light the underlying parts of the earth have continuous days for 6 months at a time, and continuous nights when the sun has withdrawn in the opposite direction towards winter. Pytheas of Marseilles writes that this occurs in the island of Thule, 6 days' voyage N. from Britain, and some declare it also to occur in the Isle of Anglesea, which is about 200 miles from the British town of Colchester. ",
  {'entities': [[122, 127, 'place'],
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 [".1This theory of shadows and the science called gnomonics was discovered by Anaximenes of Miletus, the pupil of Anaximander of whom we have spoken; he first exhibited at Sparta the time-piece they call 'Hunt-the-Shadow.' ",
  {'entities': [[76, 86, 'people'],
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 ['.1The actual period of a day has been differently kept by different people: the Babylonians count the period between two sunrises, the Athenians that between two sunsets, the Umbrians from midday to midday, the common people everywhere from dawn to dark, the Roman priests and the authorities who fixed the official day, and also the Egyptians and Hipparchus, the period from midnight to midnight. But it is obvious that the breaks in daylight between sunset and sunrise are smaller near the solstice than at the equinoxes, because the position of the zodiac is more slanting around its middle points but straighter near the solstice. ',
  {'entities': [[80, 91, 'ethnic'],
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 [".1We must deal next with the results connected with these heavenly causes. For it is beyond question that the Ethiopians are burnt by the heat of the heavenly body near them, and are born with a scorched appearance, with curly beard and hair, and that in the opposite region of the world the races have white frosty skins, with yellow hair that hangs straight; while the latter are fierce owing to the rigidity of their climate but the former wise because of the mobility of theirs; and their legs themselves prove that with the former the juice is called away into the upper portions of the body by the nature of heat, while with the latter it is driven down to the lower parts by falling moisture; in the latter country dangerous wild beasts are found, in the former a great variety of animals and especially of birds; but in both regions men's stature is high, owing in the former to the pressure of the fires and in the latter to the nourishing effect of the damp; whereas in the middle of the earth, owing to a healthy blending of both elements, there are tracts that are fertile for all sorts of produce, and men are of medium bodily stature, with a marked blending even in the matter of complexion; customs are gentle, senses clear, intellects fertile and able to grasp the whole of nature; and they also have governments, which the outer races never have possessed, any more than they have ever been subject to the central races, being quite detached and solitary on account of the savagery of the nature that broods over those regions. ",
  {'entities': [[110, 120, 'ethnic']]}],
 [".1The theory of the Babylonians deems that even earthquakes and fissures in the ground are caused by the force of the stars that is the cause of all other phenomena, but only by that of those three stars to which they assign thunderbolts; and that they occur when these are travelling with the sun or are in agreement with him, and particularly about the quadratures of the world. On this subject a remarkable and immortal inspiration is attributed (if we can believe it) to the natural philosopher Anaximander of Miletus, who is said to have warned the Spartans to be careful of their city and buildings, because an earthquake was impending; and subsequently the whole of their city collapsed, and also a large part of Mount Taygetus projecting in the shape of a ship's stern broke off and crashing down on it added to the catastrophe. Also another conjecture is attributed to Pherecydes the teacher of Pythagoras, this also inspired: he is said to have foretold to his fellow-citizens an earthquake, of which he had obtained a premonition in drawing water from a well. Assuming the truth of these stories, how far pray can such men even in their lifetime be thought to differ from a god? And though these matters may be left to the estimation of individual judgment; I think it indubitable that their cause is to be attributed to the winds; for tremors of the earth never occur except when the sea is calm and the sky so till that birds are unable to soar because all the Breath that carries them has been withdrawn; and never except after wind, doubtless because then the blast has been shut up in the veins and hidden bob lows of the sky. And a trembling in the earth is not different from a thunderclap in a cloud, and a fissure is no different from when an imprisoned current of air by struggling and striving to go forth to freedom causes a flash of lightning to burst out. ",
  {'entities': [[20, 31, 'ethnic'],
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 ['.1Consequently earthquakes occur in a variety of ways, and cause remarkable consequences, in some places overthrowing walls, in others drawing them down into a gaping cleft, in others thrusting up masses of rock, in others sending out rivers and sometimes even fires or hot springs, in others diverting the course of rivers. They are however preceded or accompanied by a terrible sound, that sometimes resembles a rumble, sometimes the lowing of cattle or the shouts of human beings or the clash of weapons struck together, according to the nature of the material that receives the shock and the shape of the caverns or burrows through which it passes, proceeding with smaller volume in a narrow channel but with a harsh noise in channels that bend, echoing in hard channels, bubbling in damp ones, forming waves in stagnant ones, raging against solid ones. Accordingly even without any movement occurring a sound is sometimes emitted. And sometimes the earth is not shaken in a simple manner but trembles and vibrates. Also the gap sometimes remains open, showing the objects that it has sucked in, while sometimes it hides them by closing its mouth and drawing soil over it again in such a way as to leave no traces; it being usually cities that are engulfed, and a tract of farmland swallowed, although seaboard districts are most subject to earthquakes, and also mountainous regions are not free from disaster of the kind: I have ascertained that tremors have somewhat frequently occurred in the Alps and Apennines. ',
  {'entities': [[1500, 1504, 'place'], [1509, 1518, 'place']]}],
 ['.2Earthquakes are more frequent in autumn and spring, as is lightning. Consequently the Gallic provinces and Egypt suffer very little from them, as in the latter the summer is the cause that prevents them and in the former the winter. Similarly they are more frequent by night than in the daytime. The severest earthquakes occur in the morning and the evening, but they are frequent near dawn and in the daytime about noon. They also occur at an eclipse of the sun or moon, since then storms are lulled, but particularly when heat follows rain or rain heat. ',
  {'entities': [[109, 114, 'place']]}],
 ['.1Sailors at sea can also anticipate an earthquake and forecast it with certainty when a sudden wave swells up without there being a wind, or a shock shakes the vessel. Even in ships posts begin to tremble just as they do in buildings, and foretell an earthquake by rattling; nay more, birds of timid kinds perch on the rigging. There is also a sign in the sky: when an earthquake is impending, either in the daytime or a little after sunset, in fine weather, it is preceded by a thin streak of cloud stretching over a wide space. ',
 [".1Another sign is when the water in wells is muddier and has a somewhat foul smell, just as in wells there is also a remedy for earthquake such as frequently caves too afford, as they supply an outlet for the confined breath. This is noticed in whole towns: buildings pierced by frequent conduits for drainage are less shaken, and also among these the ones erected over vaults are much safer — as is noticed in Italy at Naples, the solidly built portion of the city being specially liable to collapses of this nature. The safest parts of buildings are arches, also angles of walls, and posts, which swing back into position with each alternate thrust; and walls built of clay bricks suffer less damage from being shaken. There is also a great difference in the actual kind of movement, as the earth shakes in several ways; there is least danger when it quivers with a trembling rattle of the buildings, and when it rises in a swell and settles back again, with an alternating motion; also no harm is done when buildings collide and ram against each other, as the one motion counteracts the other. A waving bend and a sort of billowy fluctuation is dangerous, or when the whole movement drives in one direction. Earthquakes stop when the wind has found an outlet, or else, if they go on, they do not stop before forty days, and usually even longer, some in fact having gone on for one or two years' time. ",
  {'entities': [[411, 416, 'place'], [420, 426, 'place']]}],
 [".1I find in the books of the lore of Etruria that once a vast and portentous earthquake occurred in the district of Modena; this was during the consulship of Lucius Marcius and Sextus Julius. Two mountains ran together with a mighty crash, leaping forward and then retiring with flames and smoke rising between them to the sky; this took place in the daytime, and was watched from the Aemilian road by a large crowd of Knights of Rome with their retinues and passers by. The shock brought down all the country houses, and a great many animals in the buildings were killed. It was in the year before the Allies' War, which was perhaps more disastrous to the land of Italy than the civil wars. Our generation also experienced a not less marvellous manifestation in the last year of the Emperor Nero, as we have set forth in our history of his principate: meadows and olive trees with a public road running between then got over to the opposite sides of the road; this took place in the Marrucinian territory, on the lands of Vettius Marcellus, Knight of Rome, Nero's estate-manager. ",
  {'entities': [[37, 44, 'place'],
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 ['.1Earthquakes are accompanied by inundations of the sea, which is presumably caused to flood the land by the same current of air, or drawn into the bosom of the earth as it subsides. The greatest earthquake in human memory occurred when Tiberius Caesar was emperor, twelve Asiatic cities being overthrown in one night; the most numerous series of shocks was during the Punic War, when reports reached Rome of fifty-seven in a single year; it was the year when a violent earthquake occurring during an action between the Carthaginian and Roman armies at Lake Trasimene was not noticed by the combatants on either side. Nor yet is the disaster a simple one, nor does the danger consist only in the earthquake itself, but equally or more in the fact that it is a portent; the city of Rome was never shaken without this being a premonition of something about to happen. ',
  {'entities': [[237, 252, 'people'],
    [401, 405, 'place'],
    [558, 567, 'place'],
    [401, 405, 'place']]}],
 ['.1The cause of the birth of new lands is the same, when that same breath although powerful enough to cause an upheaval of the soil has not been able to force an exit. For lands are born not only through the conveyance of soil by streams (as the Echinades Islands when heaped up from the river Achelous and the greater part of Egypt from the Nile — the crossing from the island of Pharos to the coast, if we believe Homer, having formerly taken twenty-four hours) or by the retirement of the sea as once took place at Circei; such a retirement is also recorded to have occurred to a distance of 10,000 paces in the harbour of Ambracia, and to a distance of 5,000 at the Athenian port of Piraeus; and at Ephesus, where once the sea used to wash up to the temple of Diana. At all events if we believe Herodotus, there was sea above Memphis as far as the mountains of Ethiopia and also towards the plains of Arabia, and sea round Ilium, and over the whole territory of Teuthras and where the Maeander has spread prairie-land. ',
  {'entities': [[245, 254, 'place'],
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    [904, 910, 'place'],
    [926, 931, 'place'],
    [965, 973, 'people'],
    [988, 996, 'place']]}],
 ['.1New lands are also formed in another way, and suddenly emerge in a different sea, nature as it were balancing accounts with herself and restoring in another place what an earthquake has engulfed. ',
 ['.1The famous islands of Delos and Rhodes are recorded in history as having been born from the sea long ago, and subsequently smaller ones, Anaphe beyond Melos, the Neae between Lemnos and the Dardanelles, Halone between Lebedos and Teos, in the Cyclades Thera and Therasia, and between them, in the 4th year of the 145th Olympiad Hiera, likewise Automate, 130 years later; and 2 stades from Hiera, 110 years later, in our age, Thia island, on July 8 in the year of the consulship of Marcus Junius Silanus and Lucius Balbus (19 AD). ',
  {'entities': [[24, 29, 'place'],
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    [330, 335, 'place'],
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    [497, 504, 'people'],
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 ['.2Before our time also among the Aeolian Islands near Italy, as well as near Crete, there emerged from the sea one island 2500 paces long, with hot springs, and another in the 3rd year [126 BC] of Olympiad 163 in the bay of Etruria, this one burning with a violent blast of air; and it is recorded that a great quantity of fish were floating round it, and that people who ate of them immediately expired. So also the Monkey Islands (Pithecusae are said to have risen in the bay of Campania, and later one among them, Mount Epopos, is said to have suddenly shot up a great flame and then to have been levelled with the surface of the plain. In the same plain also a town was sucked down into the depths, and another earthquake caused a swamp to emerge, and another overturned mountains and threw up the island of Procida. ',
  {'entities': [[33, 48, 'place'],
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    [481, 489, 'place']]}],
 [".1For another way also in which nature has made islands is when she tore Sicily away from Italy, Cyprus from Syria, Euboea from Boeotia, land. Atalante and Macria from Euboea, Besbicus from Bithynia, Leucosia from the Sirens' Cape. ",
  {'entities': [[73, 79, 'place'],
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    [116, 122, 'place'],
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 ['.1Again she has taken islands away from the sea and joined them to the land — Antissa to Lesbos, Zephyrium to Halicarnassus, Aethusa to Myndus, Dromiscum and Pernes to Miletus, Narthecusa to Cape Parthenius. Hybanda, once an Ionian island, is now 25 miles distant from the sea, Ephesus has Syria as part of the mainland, and its neighbour Magnesia the Derasides and Sapphonia. Epidaurus and Oricum have ceased to be islands. ',
  {'entities': [[78, 85, 'place'],
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    [125, 132, 'people'],
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    [168, 175, 'place'],
    [208, 215, 'place'],
    [225, 231, 'demonym'],
    [278, 285, 'place'],
    [339, 347, 'place'],
    [377, 386, 'place'],
    [391, 397, 'place']]}],
 [".1Cases of land entirely stolen away by the first of all (if we accept Plato's story [Tim. 24 E]), the vast area covered by the Atlantic, and next, in the inland seas also, the areas that we see submerged at the present day, Acarnania covered by the Ambracian Gulf, Achaea by the Gulf of Corinth, Europe and Asia by the Propontis and the Black Sea. Also the sea has made the channels of Leucas, Antirrhium, the Dardanelles and the two Bospori. ",
  {'entities': [[71, 76, 'people'],
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    [320, 329, 'place'],
    [338, 347, 'place'],
    [387, 393, 'place'],
    [395, 405, 'place'],
    [411, 422, 'place'],
    [435, 442, 'people']]}],
 ['.1And to pass over bays and marshes, the earth is eaten up by herself. She has devoured the highest mountain in Caria, Cibotus, together with the town of that name, Sipylus in Magnesia, and previously the very celebrated city in the same place that used to be called Tantalis, the territories of Galene and Gamale in Phoenicia with the cities themselves, and the loftiest mountain range in Ethiopia, Phegium — just as if the coasts also did not treacherously encroach! ',
  {'entities': [[112, 117, 'place'],
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    [165, 172, 'place'],
    [176, 184, 'place'],
    [267, 275, 'people'],
    [296, 302, 'people'],
    [307, 313, 'place'],
    [317, 326, 'place'],
    [390, 398, 'place']]}],
 ['.1The Black Sea has stolen Pyrra and Antissa in the neighbourhood of Lake Maeotis, the Gulf of Corinth Helice and Bura, traces of which are visible at the bottom of the water. The sea suddenly snatched away more than 30,000 paces together with most of the human beings from the island of Ceos, and half the city of Tyndaris in Sicily, and all the gap in the coast of Italy, and similarly Eleusis in Boeotia. ',
  {'entities': [[6, 15, 'place'],
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    [288, 292, 'place'],
    [315, 323, 'place'],
    [327, 333, 'place'],
    [367, 372, 'place'],
    [388, 395, 'place'],
    [399, 406, 'place']]}],
 ['.1For let earthquakes not be mentioned, and every case where at least the tombs of cities survive, and at the same time let us tell of the marvels of the earth rather than the crimes of nature. And, I will swear, not even the heavenly phenomena could have been more difficult to recount: the wealth of mines so varied, so opulent, so prolific, brought to the surface in so many ages, although every day all over the world so much devastation is wrought by fires, collapse of buildings, shipwrecks, wars, frauds, and so great is the consumption of luxury and of the multitudes of mankind; such a variety of patterned gems, such many-coloured markings in stones, and among them the brilliance of a certain stone a that only allows actual daylight to penetrate through it; the profusion of medicinal springs; the flames of fire flickering up in so many places, unceasing for so many centuries; the lethal breaths either emitted from chasms or due to the mere formation of the ground, in some places fatal only to birds, as in the region of Soracte near Rome, in others to all living creatures except man, and sometimes to man also, as in the territory of Sinuessa and of Pozzuoli — the places called breathing holes, or by other people jaws of hell — ditches that exhale a deadly breath; also the place near the Temple of Mephitis at Ampsanctus in the Hirpinian district, on entering which people die; likewise the hole at Hierapolis in Asia, harmless only to the priest of the Great Mother; elsewhere prophetic caves, those intoxicated by whose exhalations foretell the future, as at the very famous oracle at Delphi. In these matters what other explanation could any mortal man adduce save that they are caused by the divine power of that nature which is diffused throughout the universe, repeatedly bursting out in different ways? ',
  {'entities': [[1050, 1054, 'place'],
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    [1434, 1438, 'people'],
    [1475, 1487, 'people'],
    [1608, 1614, 'place']]}],
 ['.1In some places, the earth trembles when trodden on — for instance in the Gabii district not from the city of Rome about 200 acres shake when horsemen gallop over them, and similarly in the Reate district. Certain islands are always afloat, as in the districts of Caecubum and of Reate mentioned above and Modena and Statonium, and in Lake Vadimon, the dense wood near the springs of Cutilia which is never to be seen in the same place by day and by night, the islands in Lydia named the Reed Islands which are not only driven by the winds, but can be punted in any direction at pleasure with poles, and so served to rescue a number of the citizens in the Mithridatic war. There are also small islands at Nymphaion called the Dancing Islands, because they move to the foot-beats of persons keeping time with the chanting of a choral song. On the great lake of Tarquinium in Italy two islands float about carrying woods, their outline as the winds drive them forward now forming the shape of a triangle and now of a circle, but never a square. ',
  {'entities': [[75, 80, 'place'],
    [111, 115, 'place'],
    [191, 196, 'place'],
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    [191, 196, 'place'],
    [307, 313, 'place'],
    [341, 348, 'place'],
    [385, 392, 'people'],
    [473, 478, 'place'],
    [657, 668, 'people'],
    [706, 715, 'place'],
    [875, 880, 'place']]}],
 ['.1Paphos possesses a famous shrine of Venus on a certain court in which rain does not fall, and the same in the case round an image of Minerva at the town of Nea in the Troad; in the same town also sacrifices left over do not go bad. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 8, 'place'],
    [135, 142, 'people'],
    [158, 161, 'place'],
    [169, 174, 'place']]}],
 [".1Near the town of Harpasa in Asia stands a jagged rock that can be moved with one finger, but that also resists a push made with the whole body. On the peninsula of the Taurians in the state of Parasinum there is some earth which heals all wounds. But in the neighbourhood of Assos in the Troad a stone is produced that causes all bodies to waste away; it is called the Flesh-eater. There are two mountains near the river Indus, the nature of one of which is to hold all iron and that of the other to reject it; consequently if a man has nails in his shoes, on one of the mountains at each step he is unable to tear his foot away from the ground and on the other he cannot set it down on the ground. It is recorded that at Locri and Croton there has never been a plague or earthquake, and that in Lycia an earthquake is always followed by forty days' fine weather. Corn sown in the Arpi district does not come up, and at Mycian Altars in the district of Veii and at Tusculum and in the Ciminian Forest there are places where stakes driven into the ground cannot be pulled out. Hay grown in the Crustuminum district is noxious on the spot but healthy when conveyed elsewhere. ",
  {'entities': [[19, 26, 'place'],
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    [170, 178, 'people'],
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    [290, 295, 'place'],
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    [734, 740, 'place'],
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    [883, 887, 'place'],
    [955, 959, 'place'],
    [967, 975, 'place'],
    [1095, 1106, 'place']]}],
 ['.1About the nature of bodies of water a great deal has been said. But the rise and fall of the tides of the sea is extremely mysterious, at all events in its irregularity; however the cause lies in the sun and moon. Between two risings of the moon there are two high and two low tides every 24 hours, the tide first swelling as the world moves upward with the moon, then falling as it slopes from the midday summit of the sky towards sunset, and again coming in as after sunset the world goes below the earth to the lowest parts of the heaven and approaches the regions opposite to the meridian, and from that point sucking back until it rises again; and never flowing back at the same time as the day before, just as if gasping for breath as the greedy star draws the seas with it at a draught and constantly rises from another point than the day before; yet returning at equal intervals and in every six hours, not of each day or night or place but equinoctial hours, so that the tidal periods are not equal by the space of ordinary hours whenever the tides occupy larger measures of either diurnal or nocturnal hours, and only equal everywhere at the equinox. It is a vast and illuminating proof, and one of even divine utterance, that those are dull of wit who deny that the same stars pass below the earth and rise up again, and that they present a similar appearance to the lands and indeed to the whole of nature in the same processes of rising and setting, the course or other operation of a star being manifest beneath the earth in just the same way as when it is travelling past our eyes. ',
 ['.2Moreover, the lunar difference is manifold, and to begin with, its period is seven days: inasmuch as the tides, which are moderate from new moon to half-moon, therefrom rise higher and at full moon are at their maximum; after that they relax, at the seventh day being equal to what they were at first; and they increase again when the moon divides on the other side, at the union of the moon with the sun being equal to what they were at full moon. When the moon is northward and retiring further from the earth the tides are gentler than when she has swerved towards the south and exerts her force at a nearer angle. At every eighth year the tides are brought back at the hundredth circuit of the moon to the beginnings of their motion and to corresponding stages of increase. They make all these increases owing to the yearly influences of the sun, swelling most at the two equinoxes and more at the autumn than the spring one, but empty at mid-winter and more so at midsummer. Nevertheless this does not occur at the exact points of time I have specified, but a few days after, just as it is not at full or new moon but afterwards, and not immediately when the world shows or hides the moon or slopes it in the middle quarter, but about two equinoctial hours later, the effect of all the occurrences in the sky reaching the earth more slowly than the sight of them, as is the case with lightning, thunder and thunderbolts. ',
 ['.3But all the tides cover and lay bare greater spaces in the ocean than in the rest of the sea, whether because it is more furious when moved in its entirety than when in part, or because the open extent feels the force of the star when it marches untrammelled with more effect, whereas narrow spaces hinder the force, which is the reason why neither lakes nor rivers have tides like the ocean (Pytheas of Marseilles states that north of Britain the tides rise 120 ft.) But also the more inland seas are shut in by land like the water in a harbour; yet a more untrammelled expanse is subject to the tidal sway, inasmuch as there are several instances of people making the crossing from Italy to Utica in two days in a calm sea and with no wind in the sails when a strong tide was running. But these motions are observed more round the coasts than in the deep sea, since in the body too the extremities are more sensitive to the pulse of the veins, that is of the breath. But in most estuaries owing to the different risings of the stars in each region the tides occur irregularly, varying in time though not in method, as for instance in the Syrtes. ',
  {'entities': [[395, 402, 'people'],
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 ['.1And nevertheless some tides have a special nature, for instance the channel at Taormina that ebbs and flows more frequently, and the one at Euboea that has seven tides in twenty-four hours. The tide at Euboea stops three times a month, on the seventh, eighth and ninth day after the new moon. At Cadiz the spring nearest the shrine of Hercules, which is enclosed like a well, sometimes rises and sinks with the ocean and sometimes does both at the contrary periods; a second spring in the same place agrees with the motions of the ocean. ',
  {'entities': [[81, 89, 'place'],
    [142, 148, 'place'],
    [298, 303, 'place'],
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 ['.2There is a town on the banks of the Baetis whose wells sink when the tide rises and rise when it falls, remaining stationary in the intervening periods. At Hispalis there is one well in the actual town that has the same nature, though all the others are as usual. The Black Sea always flows out into the Propontis — the tide never sets inward into the Black Sea. ',
  {'entities': [[38, 44, 'place'],
    [158, 166, 'place'],
    [270, 279, 'place'],
    [306, 315, 'place'],
    [270, 279, 'place']]}],
 ['.1All seas excrete refuse at high tide, some also periodically. In the neighbourhood of Messina and Mylae scum resembling dung is spat out on to the shore, which is the origin of the story that this is the place where the Oxen of the Sun are stalled. To this (so that I may leave out nothing that is within my knowledge) Aristotle adds that no animal dies except when the tide is ebbing. This has been widely noticed in the Gallic Ocean, and has been found to hold good at all events in the case of man. ',
  {'entities': [[88, 95, 'place'],
    [100, 105, 'place'],
    [222, 226, 'people'],
    [234, 237, 'people'],
    [321, 330, 'people']]}],
 ['.1This is the source of the true conjecture that the moon is rightly believed to be the star of the breath, and that it is this star that saturates the earth and fills bodies by its approach and empties them by its departure; and that consequently shells increase in size as the moon waxes, and that its breath is specially felt by bloodless creatures, but also the blood even of human beings increases and diminishes with its light; and that also leaves and herbage (as will be stated in the proper place) are sensitive to it, the same force penetrating into all things. ',
 ['.1Consequently liquid is dried by the heat of the sun, and we are taught that this is the male star, which scorches and sucks up everything; and that in this way the flavour of salt is boiled into the wide expanse of the sea, either because the sweet and liquid, which is easily attracted by fiery force, is drawn out of it, but all the harsher and denser portion is left (this being why in a calm sea the water at a depth is sweeter than that at the top, this being the truer explanation of its harsh flavour, rather than because the sea is the ceaseless perspiration of the land), or because a great deal of warmth from the dry is mixed with it, or because the nature of the earth stains the waters as if they were drugged. One instance is that when Dionysius the tyrant of Sicily was expelled from that position, he encountered the portent that on one day the sea-water in the harbour became fresh water. ',
  {'entities': [[752, 761, 'people'], [776, 782, 'place']]}],
 [".1The moon on the contrary is said to be a feminine and soft star, and to disengage moisture at night and attract, not remove it. The proof given for this is that the moon by her aspect melts the bodies of wild animals that have been killed and causes them to putrefy, and that when people are fast asleep she recalls the torpor and collects it into the head, and thaws ice, and unstiffens everything with moistening breath: thus (it is said) nature's alternations are held in balance, and there is always a supply, some of the stars drawing the elements together while others scatter them. But the nutriment of the moon is stated to be contained in bodies of fresh water as that of the sun is in seawater. ",
 ['.1According to the account of Fabianus, the deepest sea has a depth of nearly two miles. Others report an immense depth of water (called the Black Sea Deeps) off the coast of the Coraxi tribe on the Black Sea, about 37 miles from land, where soundings have never reached bottom. ',
  {'entities': [[30, 38, 'people'],
    [141, 150, 'place'],
    [179, 185, 'people'],
    [141, 150, 'place']]}],
 [".1This is rendered more remarkable by springs of fresh water bubbling out as if from pipes on the seashore. In fact the nature of water also is not deficient in marvels. Patches of fresh water float on the surface of the sea, being doubtless lighter. Consequently also seawater being of a heavier nature gives more support to objects floating upon it. But some fresh waters too float on the surface of others; cases are the river carried on the surface of Lake Fucinus, the Adde on Larius (the Lake of Como), the Ticinus on Verbanus, the Mincio on Benacus (Garda), the Ollius on Sebinnus (Lago d'Iseo), the Rhone on Lemannus (the last north of the Alps, but all the rest in Italy), after a passing visit that covers many miles carrying out their own waters only and no larger quantity than they introduced. This has also been stated in the case of the river Orontes in Syria and many others. But some rivers so hate the sea that they actually flow underneath the bottom of it, for instance the spring Arethusa at Syracuse, in which things emerge that have been thrown into the Alpheus which flows through Olympia and reaches the coast in the Peloponnese. Instances of rivers that flow under ground and come to the surface again are the Lycus in Asia, the Erasinus in the Argolid and the Tigris in Mesopotamia; and objects thrown into the Spring of Aesculapius at Athens are given back again in Phaleron Harbour. Also a river that goes underground in the Plain of Atinas comes out 20 miles further on, as also does the Timavus in the district of Aquileia. In Lake Asphaltis in Judea, which produces bitumen, nothing can sink, and also in the Aretissa in Greater Armenia; the latter indeed is a nitrous lake that supports fish. A lake near the town of Manduria in the Salentine district is full to the brim, and is not reduced when water is drawn out of it nor increased when water is poured into it. In the river of the Cicones and in the Veline Lake of Picenum, wood thrown into the water gets covered with a film of stone, and in the river Surius in Colchis this goes so far that the stone in most cases is covered with bark still lasting. Similarly in the Silerus beyond Sorrentum not only twigs but also leaves immersed in the river become petrified, though apart from this its water is healthy to drink. Rock forms in the outlet of the marsh at Reate, and olive trees and green bushes grow in the Red Sea. ",
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 ['.2But the nature of a great many springs is of remarkably high temperature, and this is found even on the ridges of the Alps, and actually in the sea, for instance in the Gulf of Baiae between Italy and the Island of Ischia, and in the river Liris and many others. In fact fresh water may be drawn from the sea in a great many places, as at the Chelidoniae islands and at Aradus and in the Gulf of Cadiz. Green grass grows in the hot springs of the Patavini, frogs in those of Pisa, fishes at Vetulonia in Etruria near the sea. A river in the district of Casinum called Scatebra is cold, and is fuller in summer; water voles are born in it, as they are in the Stymphalis of Arcadia. The Fountain of Jupiter at Dodona, though it is cold and puts out torches dipped in it, sets them alight if they are brought near to it when they are out. The same spring always stops flowing at noon, on account of which it is called the ἀναπαυόμενον; later it rises again and towards midnight flows abundantly, thereafter gradually ceasing again. A cold spring in Illyria sets fire to clothes spread out above it. The swamp of Jupiter Ammon is cold by day and hot at night. A spring in Trogodytis called the Fountain of the Sun is sweet and very cold at midday, but then gradually warming, towards the middle of the night it becomes spoilt owing to its heat and bitter taste. The source of the Po always dries up at midday in summer as if taking a siesta. A spring on the island of Tenedos after midsummer always overflows from 9 to 12 p.m.; and the spring Inopus on the island of Delos sinks or rises in the same way as the Nile and at the same times. On a small island in the sea at the mouth of the river Timavus there are hot springs that grow larger and smaller with the rise and fall of the tide. In the Pitinate district across the Apennines the river Novanus is always hot at midsummer and dried up at midwinter. In the district of Falerii all the water makes oxen that drink it white. The Melas in Boeotia makes sheep black, the Cephisus flowing from the same lake makes them white, the Peneus again makes them black, and the river Xanthus at Ilium red, which gives the river its name. Mares pastured on the plains watered by the river Astaces on the Black Sea suckle their foals with black milk. The spring called Neminie in the district of Reate rises now in one place and now in another, indicating a change in the price of corn. A spring in the harbour at Brindisi always supplies pure water for mariners. The slightly acid spring called Lyncestis makes men tipsy, like wine; the same occurs in Paphlagonia and in the territory of Cales. ',
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    [2535, 2544, 'place'],
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    [2628, 2633, 'place']]}],
 [".3It is accredited by the Mucianus who was three times consul that the water flowing from a spring in the temple of Father Liber on the island of Andros always has the flavour of wine on January 5th: the day is called God's Gift Day. To drink of the Styx near Nonacris in Arcadia causes death on the spot, although the river is not peculiar in smell or colour; similarly three springs on Mount Liberosus in Taurica irremediably but painlessly cause death. In the Carrinensis territory in Spain there are two adjacent springs of which one rejects all objects and the other sucks them down; another in the same nation makes all the fish in it look of a golden colour, although except when in that water there is nothing peculiar about them. In the district by the Larium Lake of Como a copious spring always swells up and sinks back again every hour. A hot spring on the island of Cydonea off Lesbos flows only in the springtime. Lake Sannaus in Asia is dyed by the wormwood springing up round it. In the cave of Clarian Apollo at Colophon there is a pool a draught from which causes marvellous oracular utterances to be produced, though the life of the drinkers is shortened. Even our generation has seen rivers flow backward at Nero's last moments, as we have recorded in our history of that Emperor. ",
  {'entities': [[26, 34, 'people'],
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    [1011, 1018, 'person'],
    [1019, 1025, 'people'],
    [1029, 1037, 'place'],
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 ['.4Again everybody is aware that all springs are colder in summer than in winter, as well as of the following miracles of nature that bronze and lead sink when in mass form, but float when flattened out into sheets; that among objects of the same weight some float, and others sink; that heavy bodies are more easily moved in water; that Scyrian [or Syrium] stone in however large a mass floats, and the same stone broken into small pieces sinks; that bodies recently dead sink to the bottom but rise when they begin to swell; that empty vessels cannot be drawn out of the water more easily than full ones; that rain water is more useful than other water for salt-works, and that fresh water has to be mixed with sea water for the salt to he deposited; that sea water freezes more slowly, and boils more quickly; that the sea is warmer in winter and salted in autumn; that all sea water is made smooth by oil, and so divers sprinkle oil from their mouth because it calms the rough element and carries light down with them; that on the high sea no snow falls; that though all water travels downward, springs leap upwards, and springs rise even at the roots of Etna, which is so hot that it belches out sands in a ball of flame over a space of 50 to 100 miles at a time. ',
  {'entities': [[337, 344, 'demonym'], [1158, 1162, 'place']]}],
 ['.1(For we must also report some marvels connected with fire, the fourth element of nature, but first those arising from water.) ',
 ['.1In Samosata the city of Commagene there is a marsh that produces an inflammable mud called mineral pitch. When this touches anything solid it sticks to it; also when people touch it, it actually follows them as they try to get away from it. By these means they defended the city walls when attacked by Lucullus: the troops kept getting burnt by their own weapons. Water merely makes it burn more fiercely; experiments have shown that it can only be put out by earth. ',
  {'entities': [[5, 13, 'place'], [26, 35, 'place'], [304, 312, 'people']]}],
 ['.1Naphtha is of a similar nature — this is the name of a substance that flows out like liquid bitumen in the neighbourhood of Babylon and the Austacenis area of Parthia. Naphtha has a close affinity with fire, which leaps to it at once when it sees it in any direction. This is how Medea in the legend burnt her rival, whose wreath caught fire after she had gone up to the altar to offer sacrifice. ',
  {'entities': [[126, 133, 'place'],
    [161, 168, 'place'],
    [282, 287, 'people']]}],
 [".1But among mountain marvels — Etna always glows at night, and supplies its fires with fuel sufficient for a vast period, though in winter cloaked with snow and covering its output of ashes with hoar frost. Nor does nature's wrath employ Mount Etna only to threaten the lands with conflagration. Mount Chimaera in the country of Phaselis is on fire, and indeed burns with a flame that does not die by day or night; Ctesias of Cnidos states that water increases its fire but earth or dung puts it out. Also the Mountains of Hephaestus in Lycia flare up when touched with a flaming torch, and so violently that even the stones of the rivers and the sands actually under water glow; and rain only serves to feed this fire. They say that if somebody lights a stick at it and draws a furrow with the stick, streams of fire follow it. At Cophantium in Bactria a coil of flame blazes in the night, and the same in Media and in Sittacene the frontier of Persia: indeed at the White Tower at Susa it does so from fifteen smoke-holes, from the largest in the daytime also. The Babylonian Plain sends a blaze out of a sort of pool an acre in extent; also near Mount Hesperus in Ethiopia the plains shine at night like stars. Likewise in the territory of Megalopolis. For if that agreeable Bowl of Nymphaeus, which does not scorch the foliage of the thick wood above it and though near a cold stream is always glowing hot, ceases to flow, it portends horrors to its neighbours in the town of Apollonia, as Theopompus has recorded. It is augmented by rain, and sends forth asphalt to mingle with that unappetizing stream, which even without this is more liquid than ordinary asphalt. But who would be surprised by these things? During the Allies' War Holy Island and Lipari among the Aeolian Islands near Italy burnt in mid sea for several days, as did the sea itself, till a deputation from the senate performed a propitiatory ceremony. Nevertheless the largest volcanic blaze is that of the ridge in Ethiopia called the Gods' Carriage, which discharges flames that glow with truly solar heat. ",
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 ['.2In so many places and by so many fires does nature burn the countries of the earth. ',
 [".1Moreover, as this one element has a fertile principle that engenders itself and grows out of the smallest sparks, what must be expected to happen in future among all these funeral pyres of the earth? What is the natural principle that pastures a most voracious appetite on the whole world while itself unimpaired? Add thereto the innumerable stars and the mighty sun, add the fires of man's making and also those implanted in the nature of stone and of timber rubbing against itself, and again the fire of clouds, and the sources of thunderbolts — and doubtless all marvels will be surpassed by the fact that there has ever been a single day on which there has not been a universal conflagration, when also hollow mirrors facing the sun's rays set things alight more easily than any other fire. What of the countless small but natural eruptions of fire? In the river Nymphaeus a flame comes out of a rock that is kindled by rain; also one comes out at the Scantian Springs, not a strong one, it is true, as it passes away, and not lasting long on any substance which it touches — an ash tree shading this fiery spring is everlastingly green; one comes out in the district of Mutina on the days appointed as sacred to Vulcan. It is found in the authorities that in the fields lying under Aricia if charcoal is dropped on the ground, the earth is set on fire; that in the Sabine and Sidicine district a stone flames up when oiled; that in the Sallentine town of Egnatia, if wood is put on a certain sacred rock, a flame at once shoots up; that ashes on the altar of Juno at Lacinium, which stands in the open air, remains motionless when stormy winds sweep over it in every direction. Moreover, it is recorded that sudden fires arise both in pools of water and in bodies, even human bodies: Valerius Antias tells that the whole of Lake Trasimene once was on fire; that when Servius Tullius was a boy a flame flashed out from his head while he was asleep; and that a similar flame burnt on Lucius Marcius in Spain when he was making a speech after the death of the Scipios and exhorting the soldiers to revenge. Later we shall give more instances, and more in detail; for at the present we are displaying a sort of medley of marvels of all the elements. But leaving the interpretation of nature our mind hastens to lead the reader's attention by the hand on a tour of the whole world. ",
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 [".1Our own portion of the earth, which is my subject, swims as it were in the ocean by which, as we have said, it is surrounded; its longest extent is from East to West, i.e. from India to the Pillars consecrated to Hercules at Cadiz, a distance of 8,568 miles according to Artemidorus, but 9,818 according to Isidore. Artemidorus adds in addition from Cadiz round the Sacred Promontory to Artabrum promontory, the longest projection of the coast of Spain, 890 1/2 miles. The measurement runs by a double route; from the river Ganges and its mouth where it flows into the Eastern Ocean, through India and Parthyene to the Syrian city of Myriandrus situated on the Issic gulf 5,215, from there by the shortest sea-route to the island of Cyprus, from Patara in Lycia to Rhodes, to the island of Astypalaea in the Carpathian Sea, to Taenarus in Laconia, Lilybaion in Sicily, Caralis in Sardinia, 213, thence to Cadiz 1,250, the total distance from the Eastern Sea making 8,568. Another route, which is more certain, extends mainly overland from the Ganges to the river Euphrates 5,169, thence to Mazaca in Cappadocia 244, thence through Phrygia and Caria to Ephesus 499, from Ephesus across the Aegean Sea to Delos 200, to the Isthmus 202 1/2, thence by land and the Alcyonian Sea and the Gulf of Corinth to Patras in the Peloponnese 102 1/2, to Leucas 87 1/2, to Corcyra ditto, to Acroceraunia 82 1/2, to Brindisi 87 1/2, to Rome 360, across the Alps to the village of Scingomagum 518, through Gallia to the Pyrenees at Illiberis 456, to the Ocean and the coast of Spain 832, across to Cadiz 7 1/2 — which figures by Artemidorus's calculation make 8,995 miles. ",
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    [227, 232, 'place'],
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 ['.2But the breadth of the earth from the south point to the north is calculated by Isidorus as less by about one half, 5,462 miles, showing how much the heat has abstracted on one side and the cold on the other. As a matter of fact I do not think that there is this reduction in the earth, or that it is not the shape of a globe, but that the uninhabitable parts on either side have not been explored. This measurement runs from the coast of the Ethiopic Ocean, where habitation just begins, to Meroe 705 miles, thence to Alexandria, 1,250, Rhodes 584, Cnidus 86 1/2, Cos 25, Samos 100, Chios 94, Mitylene 65, Tenedos 49, Cape Sigeum 12 1/2, Bosphorus 312 1/2, Cape Carambis 350, mouth of Lake Maeotis 312 1/2, mouth of the Tanais 266, — a route that by cutting down the crossings can be shortened. From the mouth of the Tanais to the Canopic mouth of the Nile the most careful authorities have made the distance 2,110 miles. Artemidorus thought that the regions beyond had not been explored, though admitting that the tribes of the Sarmatae dwell round the Tanais to the northward. Isidorus added 1,250 miles right on to Thule, which is a purely conjectural estimate. I understand that the territory of the Sarmatae is known to an extent not less than the limit just stated. And from another aspect, how large is the space bound to be that is large enough to hold innumerable races that are continually migrating? This makes me think that there is an uninhabitable region beyond of much wider extent; for I am informed that beyond Germany also there are vast islands that were discovered not long ago. ',
  {'entities': [[82, 90, 'people'],
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    [575, 580, 'place'],
    [586, 591, 'place'],
    [596, 604, 'place'],
    [609, 616, 'place'],
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    [723, 729, 'place'],
    [82, 90, 'people'],
    [1121, 1126, 'place'],
    [1032, 1040, 'ethnic'],
    [1531, 1538, 'people']]}],
 [".3These are the facts that I consider worth recording in regard to the earth's length and breadth. Its total circumference was given by Bratosthenes (an expert in every refinement of learning, but on this point assuredly an outstanding authority — I notice that he is universally accepted) as 252,000 stades, a measurement that by Roman reckoning makes 31,500 miles — an audacious venture, but achieved by such subtle reasoning that one is ashamed to be sceptical. Hipparchus, who in his refutation of Eratosthenes and also in all the rest of his researches is remarkable, adds a little less than 26,000 stades. ",
  {'entities': [[465, 475, 'people'], [502, 514, 'people']]}],
 [".4Dionysodorus (for I will not withhold this outstanding instance of Greek folly) has a different creed. He belonged to Melos, and was a celebrated geometrician; his old age came to its term in his native place; his female relations who were his heirs escorted his obsequies. It is said that while these women on the following days were carrying out the due rites they found in the tomb a letter signed with his name and addressed to those on earth, which stated that he had passed from his tomb to the bottom of the earth and that it was a distance of 42,000 stades. Geometricians were forthcoming who construed this to mean that the letter had been sent from the centre of the earth's globe, which was the longest space downward from the surface and was also the centre of the sphere. From this the calculation followed that led them to pronounce the circumference of the globe to be 252,000 stades. ",
  {'entities': [[2, 14, 'people'], [120, 125, 'place']]}],
 ['.1To this measurement the principle of uniformity, which leads to the conclusion that the nature of things is self-consistent, adds 12,000 stades, making the earth the 1/96th part of the whole world. ',
 ['.1Thus far have I treated of the position and the wonders of the earth, of the waters, the stars, and the proportion of the universe and its dimensions. I shall now proceed to describe its individual parts; although indeed we may with reason look upon the task as of an infinite nature, and one not to be rashly commenced upon without incurring censure. And yet, on the other hand, there is nothing which ought less to require an apology, if it is only considered how far from surprising it is that a mere mortal cannot be acquainted with everything. I shall therefore not follow any single author, but shall employ, in relation to each subject, such writers as I shall look upon as most worthy of credit. For, indeed, it is the characteristic of nearly all of them, that they display the greatest care and accuracy in the description of the countries in which they respectively flourished; so that by doing this, I shall neither have to blame nor contradict any one. ',
 ['.2The names of the different places will here be simply given, and as briefly as possible; the account of their celebrity, and the events which have given rise thereto, being deferred to a more appropriate occasion; for it must be remembered that I am here speaking of the earth as a whole, and I wish to be understood as using the names without any reference whatever to their celebrity, and as though the places themselves were in their infancy, and had not as yet acquired any fame through great events. The name is mentioned, it is true, but only as forming a part of the world and the system of the universe. ',
 ['.3The whole globe is divided into three parts, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Our description commences where the sun sets and at the Straits of Gades, where the Atlantic ocean, bursting in, is poured forth into the inland seas. As it makes its entrance from that side, Africa is on the right hand and Europe on the left; Asia lies between them; the boundaries being the rivers Tanais and Nile. The Straits of the ocean, of which I have just spoken, extend fifteen miles in length and five in breadth, measured from the village of Mellaria in Spain to the Album Promontorium or White Promontory in Africa, as we learn from Turranius Gracilis, who was born in that vicinity. Titus Livius and Cornelius Nepos however have stated the breadth, where it is least, to be seven miles, and where greatest, ten; from so small a mouth as this does so immense an expanse of water open upon us! Nor is our astonishment diminished by the fact of its being of great depth; for, instead of that, there are numerous breakers and shoals, white with foam, to strike the mariner with alarm. From this circumstance it is, that many have called this spot the threshold of The Inland Sea. ',
  {'entities': [[55, 59, 'people'],
    [140, 145, 'place'],
    [157, 165, 'people'],
    [55, 59, 'people'],
    [373, 379, 'place'],
    [384, 388, 'place'],
    [526, 534, 'place'],
    [618, 627, 'people'],
    [669, 681, 'people'],
    [686, 701, 'people']]}],
 ['.4At the narrowest part of the Straits, there are mountains placed to form barriers to the entrance on either side, Abyla in Africa, and Calpe in Europe, the boundaries formerly of the labours of Hercules. Hence it is that the inhabitants have called them the Columns of that god; they also believe that they were dug through by him; upon which the sea, which was before excluded, gained admission, and so changed the face of nature. ',
  {'entities': [[116, 121, 'people'],
    [137, 142, 'place'],
    [196, 204, 'people']]}],
 ['.1THE BOUNDARIES AND GULFS OF EUROPE FIRST SET FORTH IN A GENERAL WAY. I shall first then speak of Europe, the foster-mother of that people which has conquered all other nations, and itself by far the most beauteous portion of the earth. Indeed, many persons have, not without reason, considered it, not as a third part only of the earth, but as equal to all the rest, looking upon the whole of our globe as divided into two parts only, by a line drawn from the river Tanais to the Straits of Gades. The ocean, after pouring the waters of the Atlantic through the inlet which I have here described, and, in its eager progress, overwhelming all the lands which have had to dread its approach, skirts with its winding course the shores of those parts which offer a more effectual resistance, hollowing out the coast of Europe especially into numerous bays, among which there are four Gulfs that are more particularly remarkable. The first of these begins at Calpe, which I have previously mentioned, the most distant mountain of Spain; and bends, describing an immense curve, as far as Locri and the Promontory of Bruttium. ',
  {'entities': [[468, 474, 'place'],
    [493, 498, 'place'],
    [543, 551, 'people'],
    [956, 961, 'place'],
    [1084, 1089, 'place'],
    [1112, 1120, 'place']]}],
 ['.1OF SPAIN GENERALLY. The first land situate upon this Gulf is that which is called the Farther Spain or Baetica; next to which, beginning at the frontier town of Urgi, is the Nearer, or Tarraconensian Spain, extending as far as the chain of the Pyrenees. The Farther Spain is divided lengthwise into two provinces, Lusitania and Baetica, the former stretching along the northern side of the latter, and being divided from it by the river Ana. The source of this river is in the district of Laminium, in the Nearer Spain. It first spreads out into a number of small lakes, and then again contracts itself into a narrow channel, or entirely disappears under ground, and after frequently disappearing and again coming to light, finally discharges itself into the Atlantic Ocean. Tarraconensian Spain lies on one side, contiguous to the Pyrenees, running downwards along the sides of that chain, and, stretching across from the Iberian Sea to the Gallic ocean, is separated from Baetica and Lusitania by Mount Solorius, the chains of the Oretani and the Carpetani, and that of the Astures. ',
  {'entities': [[105, 112, 'place'],
    [163, 167, 'people'],
    [246, 254, 'place'],
    [316, 325, 'place'],
    [105, 112, 'place'],
    [439, 442, 'place'],
    [761, 769, 'people'],
    [246, 254, 'place'],
    [925, 932, 'demonym'],
    [105, 112, 'place'],
    [316, 325, 'place'],
    [1051, 1060, 'people'],
    [1078, 1085, 'people']]}],
 ['.1OF BAETICA. Baetica, so called from the river which divides it in the middle, excels all the other provinces in the richness of its cultivation and the peculiar fertility and beauty of its vegetation. ',
  {'entities': [[14, 21, 'place']]}],
 ['.2It consists of four jurisdictions, those of Gades, of Corduba, of Astigi, and of Hispalis. The total number of its towns is 175; of these nine are colonies, and eight municipal towns; twenty-nine have been long since presented with the old Latin rights; six are free towns, three federate, and 120 tributary. ',
  {'entities': [[46, 51, 'place'],
    [56, 63, 'place'],
    [68, 74, 'place'],
    [83, 91, 'place']]}],
 ['.3In this district, the things that more especially deserve notice, or are more easily explained in the Latin tongue, are the following, beginning at the river Ana, along the line of the seashore; the town of Onoba, surnamed Aestuaria; the rivers Luxia and Urium, flowing through this territory between the Ana and the Baetis; the Marian [Hareni] Mountains; the river Baetis; the coast of Corum, with its winding bay; opposite to which is Gades, of which we shall have occasion to speak among the islands. Next comes the Promontory of Juno, and the port of Baesippo; the towns of Baelo and Mellaria, at which latter begin the Straits of the Atlantic; Carteia, called by the Greeks Tartessos; and the mountain of Calpe. ',
  {'entities': [[104, 109, 'people'],
    [160, 163, 'place'],
    [209, 214, 'place'],
    [160, 163, 'place'],
    [319, 325, 'place'],
    [319, 325, 'place'],
    [439, 444, 'place'],
    [535, 539, 'people'],
    [557, 565, 'place'],
    [580, 585, 'place'],
    [590, 598, 'place'],
    [641, 649, 'people'],
    [651, 658, 'place'],
    [681, 690, 'place'],
    [712, 717, 'place']]}],
 ['.4Along the coast of the inland sea is the town of Barbesula with its river; also Salduba; the town of Suel; and then Malaca, with its river, one of the federate towns. Next to this comes Maenoba, with its river; then Sexifirmum, surnamed Julium; Selambina; Abdera; and Murgi, which is at the boundary of Baetica. M. Agrippa supposed that all this coast was peopled by colonists of Punic origin. Beyond the Anas, and facing the Atlantic, is the country of the Bastuli and the Turditani. M. Varro informs us, that the Iberians, the Persians, the Phoenicians, the Celts, and the Carthaginians spread themselves over the whole of Spain; that the name "Lusitania" is derived from the games (lusus) of Father Bacchus, or the fury (lyssa) of his frantic attendants, and that Pan was the governor of the whole of it. But the traditions respecting Hercules and Pyrene, as well as Saturn, I conceive to be fabulous in the highest degree. ',
  {'entities': [[82, 89, 'place'],
    [118, 124, 'place'],
    [188, 195, 'place'],
    [218, 228, 'place'],
    [258, 264, 'place'],
    [305, 312, 'place'],
    [317, 324, 'people'],
    [407, 411, 'place'],
    [428, 436, 'people'],
    [460, 467, 'people'],
    [490, 495, 'people'],
    [517, 525, 'ethnic'],
    [531, 539, 'ethnic'],
    [545, 556, 'ethnic'],
    [562, 567, 'ethnic'],
    [577, 590, 'ethnic'],
    [649, 658, 'place'],
    [704, 711, 'people'],
    [769, 772, 'people'],
    [840, 848, 'people'],
    [853, 859, 'people'],
    [872, 878, 'people']]}],
 ['.5The Baetis does not rise, as some writers have asserted, near the town of Mentesa, in the province of Tarraco, but in the Tugiensian Forest; and near it rises the river Tader, which waters the territory of Carthage. At Ilorcum it turns away from the Funeral Pile of Scipio; then taking a sweep to the left, it falls into the Atlantic Ocean, giving its name to this province: at its source it is but small, though during its course it receives many other streams, which it deprives as well of their waters as their renown. It first enters Baetica in Ossigitania, and glides gently, with a smooth current, past many towns situate on either side of its banks. ',
  {'entities': [[6, 12, 'place'],
    [104, 111, 'place'],
    [171, 176, 'people'],
    [208, 216, 'place'],
    [221, 228, 'place'],
    [268, 274, 'people'],
    [327, 335, 'people'],
    [540, 547, 'place']]}],
 ['.6Between this river and the sea-shore the most celebrated places inland are Segida, also surnamed Augurina; Ulia, called Fidentia; Urgao or Alba, Ebora or Cerealis, Iliberri or Florentini, Ilipula or Laus, Artigi or Julienses, Vesci or Faventia, Singili, Ategua, Arialdunum, Agla Minor, Baebro, Castra Vinaria, Cisimbrium, Hippo Nova, Ilurco, Osca, Oscua, Sucaelo, Unditanum, Old Tucci; all which towns are in that part of Bastetania which extends towards the sea, but in the jurisdiction of Corduba. In the neighbourhood of the river itself is Ossigi, also surnamed Latonium, Iliturgi or Forum Julium, Ipra, Isturgi or Triumphales, Ucia, and, fourteen miles inland, Obulco, which is also called Pontificense. ',
  {'entities': [[77, 83, 'place'],
    [109, 113, 'place'],
    [141, 145, 'place'],
    [147, 152, 'place'],
    [166, 174, 'place'],
    [190, 197, 'place'],
    [207, 213, 'place'],
    [217, 226, 'people'],
    [247, 254, 'place'],
    [256, 262, 'place'],
    [336, 342, 'place'],
    [344, 348, 'people'],
    [493, 500, 'place'],
    [578, 586, 'place'],
    [610, 617, 'place'],
    [668, 674, 'place']]}],
 ['.7Next to these comes Ripa, Epora, of the federate towns, Sacili Martialium, and Onoba. On the right bank is Corduba, a Roman colony surnamed Patricia; here the Baetis first becomes navigable. There are also the towns of Carbula and Detumo, and the river Singilis, which falls into the Baetis on the same side. ',
  {'entities': [[58, 64, 'place'],
    [81, 86, 'place'],
    [109, 116, 'place'],
    [161, 167, 'place'],
    [221, 228, 'place'],
    [161, 167, 'place']]}],
 ['.8The towns in the jurisdiction of Hispalis are the following: Celti, Axati, Arua, Canama, Naeva, Ilipa, surnamed Ilpa, and Italica. On the left of the river is the colony of Hispalis named Romuliensis, and, on the opposite side, the town of Osset, surnamed Julia Constantia, Lucurgentum, or Juli Genius, Orippo Caura, Siarum, and the river Maenuba, which enters the Baetis on its right bank. Between the aestuaries of the Baetis lie the towns of Nebrissa, surnamed Veneria, and of Colobana. The colonies are, Hasta, which is also called Regia, and, more inland, that of Asido, surnamed Caesarina. ',
  {'entities': [[35, 43, 'place'],
    [98, 103, 'place'],
    [124, 131, 'place'],
    [35, 43, 'place'],
    [276, 287, 'place'],
    [367, 373, 'place'],
    [367, 373, 'place'],
    [447, 455, 'place'],
    [510, 515, 'place']]}],
 ['.9The river Singilis, discharging itself into the Baetis at the place already mentioned, washes the colony of Astigi, surnamed Augusta Firma, at which place it becomes navigable. The other colonies in this jurisdiction which are exempt from tribute are Tucci, surnamed Augusta Gemella, Itucci called Virtus Julia, Ucubi or Claritas Julia, Urso or Genetiva Urbanorum; and among them in former times Munda, which was taken with the son of Pompey. The free towns are Old Astigi and Ostippo; the tributary towns are Callet, Callicula, Castra Gemina, the Lesser Ilipula, Marruca, Sacrana, Obulcula, Oningi, Sabora, Ventippo. As you move away from the sea-coast, near where the river Maenoba is navigable, you find, at no great distance, the Olontigi, Laelia, Lastigi. ',
  {'entities': [[50, 56, 'place'],
    [110, 116, 'place'],
    [253, 258, 'place'],
    [286, 292, 'place'],
    [314, 319, 'place'],
    [339, 343, 'place'],
    [398, 403, 'place'],
    [437, 443, 'people'],
    [110, 116, 'place'],
    [479, 486, 'place'],
    [512, 518, 'place'],
    [520, 529, 'place'],
    [557, 564, 'place']]}],
 ['.10The country which extends from the Baetis to the river Anas, beyond the districts already described, is called Baeturia, and is divided into two parts and the same number of nations; the Celtici, who border upon Lusitania, in the jurisdiction of Hispalis, and the Turduli, who dwell on the verge of Lusitania and Tarraconensis, and are under the protection of the laws of Corduba. It is evident that the Celtici have sprung from the Celtiberi, and have come from Lusitania, from their religious rites, their language, and the names of their towns, which in Baetica are distinguished by the following epithets, which have been given to them. Seria has received the surname of Fama Julia, Nertobriga that of Concordia Julia, Segida that of Restituta Julia, and Ugultunia Contributa Julia, which Curiga also has now. Constantia Julia was Lacimurga, the present Fortunales were the Stereses, and the Aeneanici were the Callenses. Besides these, there are in Celtica the towns of Acinippo, Arunda, Arunci, Turobriga, Lastigi, Salpesa, Saepone, and Serippo. ',
  {'entities': [[38, 44, 'place'],
    [58, 62, 'place'],
    [215, 224, 'place'],
    [249, 257, 'place'],
    [267, 274, 'people'],
    [215, 224, 'place'],
    [375, 382, 'place'],
    [436, 445, 'ethnic'],
    [215, 224, 'place'],
    [560, 567, 'place'],
    [644, 649, 'place'],
    [690, 700, 'place'],
    [726, 732, 'place'],
    [762, 771, 'place'],
    [957, 964, 'place'],
    [978, 986, 'place'],
    [988, 994, 'place']]}],
 ['.11The other Baeturia, which we have mentioned, is inhabited by the Turduli, and, in the jurisdiction of Corduba, has some towns which are by no means inconsiderable; Arsa, Mellaria, Mirobriga, and Sisapo, in the district of Osintias. ',
  {'entities': [[68, 75, 'people'],
    [105, 112, 'place'],
    [173, 181, 'place'],
    [183, 192, 'place'],
    [198, 204, 'place']]}],
 ['.12To the jurisdiction of Gades belongs Regina, with Roman citizens; and Laepia, Ulia, Carisa surnamed Aurelia, Urgia or Castrum Julium, likewise called Caesaris Salutariensis, all of which enjoy Latin rights. The tributary towns are Besaro, Belippo, Barbesula, Lacippo, Baesippo, Callet, Cappa with Oleastro, Iptuci, Brana, Lacibi, Saguntia, Saudo, Usaepo. ',
  {'entities': [[26, 31, 'place'],
    [40, 46, 'place'],
    [81, 85, 'place'],
    [112, 117, 'place'],
    [262, 269, 'place'],
    [271, 279, 'place'],
    [281, 287, 'place'],
    [310, 316, 'place'],
    [343, 348, 'place']]}],
 ['.13M. Agrippa has also stated the whole length of this province to be 475 miles, and its breadth 257; but this was at a time when its boundaries extended to Carthage, a circumstance which has often caused great errors in calculations; which are generally the result either of changes effected in the limits of provinces, or of the fact that in the reckoning of distances the length of the miles has been arbitrarily increased or diminished. In some parts too the sea has been long making encroachments upon the land, and in others again the shores have advanced; while the course of rivers in this place has become more serpentine, in that more direct. And then, besides, some writers begin their measurements at one place, and some at another, and so proceed in different directions; and hence the result is, that no two accounts agree. ',
  {'entities': [[6, 13, 'people'], [157, 165, 'place']]}],
 ['.14(2.) At the present day the length of Baetica, from the town of Castulo, on its frontier, to Gades is 250 miles, and from Murgi, which lies on the sea-coast, twenty-five miles more. The breadth, measured from the coast of Carteia, is 234 miles. Who is there that can entertain the belief that Agrippa, a man of such extraordinary diligence, and one who bestowed so much care on his subject, when he proposed to place before the eyes of the world a survey of that world, could be guilty of such a mistake as this, and that too when seconded by the late emperor the divine Augustus? For it was that emperor who completed the [Vipsania] Portico which had been begun by his sister, and in which the survey was to be kept, in conformity with the plan and descriptions of M. Agrippa. ',
  {'entities': [[41, 48, 'place'],
    [67, 74, 'place'],
    [96, 101, 'place'],
    [225, 232, 'place'],
    [296, 303, 'people'],
    [574, 582, 'people'],
    [626, 644, 'people'],
    [296, 303, 'people']]}],
 ['.1OF NEARER SPAIN: The ancient form of the Nearer Spain, like that of many other provinces, is somewhat changed, since the time when Pompey the Great, upon the trophies he erected in the Pyrenees, testified that 877 towns, from the Alps to the borders of the Farther Spain, had been reduced to subjection by him. The whole province is now divided into seven jurisdictions, those of Carthage, of Tarraco, of Caesar Augusta, of Clunia, of Asturica, of Lucus, and of the Bracari. To these are to be added the islands, which will be described on another occasion, as also 293 states which are dependent on others; besides which the province contains 179 towns. Of these, twelve are colonies, thirteen, towns with the rights of Roman citizens, eighteen with the old Latian rights, one confederate, and 135 tributary. ',
  {'entities': [[133, 139, 'people'],
    [187, 195, 'place'],
    [232, 236, 'place'],
    [382, 390, 'place'],
    [395, 402, 'place'],
    [407, 421, 'place'],
    [426, 432, 'place'],
    [437, 445, 'place'],
    [450, 455, 'place'],
    [468, 475, 'ethnic']]}],
 ['.2The first people that we come to on the coast are the Bastuli; after whom, proceeding according to the order which I shall follow, as we go inland, there are the Mentesani, the Oretani, and the Carpetani on the Tagus, and next to them the Vaccaei, the Vectones, and the Celtiberian Arevaci. The towns nearest to the coast are Urci, and Barea included in Baetica, the district of Mavitania, next to it Deitania, and then Contestania, and the colony of New Carthage; from the Promontory of which, known as the Promontorium Saturni, to the city of Caesarea in Mauritania, the passage is a distance of 187 miles. The remaining objects worthy of mention on the coast are the river Tader, and the free colony of Ilici, whence the Ilicitanian Gulf derives its name; to this colony the Icositani are subordinate. ',
  {'entities': [[56, 63, 'people'],
    [196, 205, 'people'],
    [213, 218, 'place'],
    [241, 248, 'people'],
    [272, 283, 'demonym'],
    [284, 291, 'people'],
    [338, 343, 'people'],
    [356, 363, 'place'],
    [422, 433, 'people'],
    [453, 465, 'place'],
    [547, 555, 'place'],
    [559, 569, 'place'],
    [678, 683, 'people'],
    [708, 713, 'place']]}],
 ['.3We next have Lucentum, holding Latin rights; Dianium, a tributary town; the river Sucro, and in former times a town of the same name, forming the frontier of Contestania. Next is the district of Edetania, with the delightful expanse of a lake before it, and extending backward to Celtiberia. Valentia, a colony, is situate three miles from the sea, after which comes the river Turium, and Saguntum at the same distance, a town of Roman citizens famous for its fidelity, the river Uduba, and the district of the Ilergaones. The Iberus, a river enriched by its commerce, takes its rise in the country of the Cantabri, not far from the town of Juliobriga, and flows a distance of 450 miles; 260 of which, from the town of Varia namely, it is available for the purposes of navigation. From this river the name of Iberia has been given by the Greeks to the whole of Spain. ',
  {'entities': [[15, 23, 'place'],
    [47, 54, 'place'],
    [84, 89, 'place'],
    [160, 171, 'people'],
    [197, 205, 'people'],
    [282, 292, 'place'],
    [294, 302, 'place'],
    [391, 399, 'place'],
    [529, 535, 'place'],
    [608, 616, 'people'],
    [643, 653, 'place'],
    [721, 726, 'place'],
    [811, 817, 'place']]}],
 ['.4Next comes the district of Cossetania, the river Subi, and the colony of Tarraco, which was built by the Scipios as Carthage was by the Carthaginians. Then the district of the Ilergetes, the town of Subur, and the river Rubricatum, beyond which begin the Laletani and the Indigetes. Behind these, in the order in which they will be mentioned, going back from the foot of the Pyrenees, are the Ausetani, the Lacetani, and along the Pyrenees, the Cerretani, next to whom are the Vascones. On the coast is the colony of Barcino, surnamed Faventia; Baetulo and Iluro, towns with Roman citizens; the river Larnum, Blandae, the river Alba; Emporiae, a city consisting of two parts, one peopled by the original inhabitants, the other by the Greek descendants of the Phocaeans; and the river Ticher. From this to the Venus Pyrenaea, on the other side of the Promontory, is a distance of forty miles. ',
  {'entities': [[75, 82, 'place'],
    [107, 114, 'people'],
    [118, 126, 'place'],
    [138, 151, 'ethnic'],
    [178, 187, 'people'],
    [201, 206, 'place'],
    [222, 232, 'place'],
    [377, 385, 'place'],
    [395, 403, 'people'],
    [409, 417, 'people'],
    [377, 385, 'place'],
    [447, 456, 'people'],
    [479, 487, 'people'],
    [519, 526, 'place'],
    [547, 554, 'place'],
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 ['.5I shall now proceed to give an account of the more remarkable things in these several jurisdictions, in addition to those which have been already mentioned. Forty-three different peoples are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Tarraco: of these the most famous are — holding the rights of Roman citizens, the Dertusani and the Bisgargitani; enjoying Latin rights, the Ausetani, and the Cerretani, both Julian and Augustan, the Edetani, the Gerundenses, the Gessorienses, and the Teari, also called Julienses. Among the tributaries are the Aquicaldenses, the Onenses, and the Baeculonenses. ',
  {'entities': [[238, 245, 'place'],
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    [379, 387, 'people'],
    [397, 406, 'people'],
    [413, 419, 'people'],
    [424, 432, 'people'],
    [438, 445, 'ethnic'],
    [509, 518, 'people'],
    [550, 563, 'ethnic'],
    [586, 599, 'ethnic']]}],
 ['.6Caesar Augusta, a free colony, watered by the river Iberus, on the site of the town formerly called Salduba, is situate in the district of Edetania, and is the resort of fifty-five nations. Of these there are, with the rights of Roman citizens, the Bellitani, the Celsenses, a former colony, the Calagurritani, surnamed the Nassici, the Ilerdenses, of the nation of the Surdaones, near whom is the river Sicoris, the Oscenses in the district of Vescitania, and the Turiasonenses. Of those enjoying the rights of the ancient Latins, there are the Cascantenses the Ergavicenses, the Graccuritani, the Leonicenses, and the Osicerdenses; of federate states, there are the Tarragenses; and of tributaries, the Arcobrigenses, the Andologenses, the Aracelitani, the Bursaonenses, the Calagurritani, who are also surnamed the Fibularenses, the Complutenses, the Carenses, the Cincenses, the Cortonenses, the Damanitani, the Larnenses, the Lursenses, the Lumberitani, the Lacetani, the Lubienses, the Pompelonenses, and the Segienses. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 16, 'place'],
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    [266, 275, 'ethnic'],
    [298, 311, 'ethnic'],
    [406, 413, 'people'],
    [526, 532, 'ethnic'],
    [298, 311, 'ethnic'],
    [965, 973, 'people']]}],
 ['.7Sixty-five different nations resort to Carthage, besides the inhabitants of the islands. Of the Accitana colony, there are the Gemellenses, and the town of Libisosona, surnamed Foroaugustana, to both of which have been granted Italian rights. Of the colony of Salaria, there are the people of the following towns, enjoying the rights of ancient Latium: the Castulonenses, also called the Caesari Venales, the Saetabitani or Augustani, and the Valerienses. The best known among the tributaries are the Alabanenses, the Bastitani, the Consaburrenses, the Dianenses, the Egelestani, the Ilorcitani, the Laminitani, the Mentesani, both those called Oritani and those called Bastuli, and the Oretani who are surnamed Germani, the people of Segobriga the capital of Celtiberia, those of Toletum the capital of Carpetania, situate on the river Tagus, and after them the Viatienses and the Virgilienses. ',
  {'entities': [[41, 49, 'place'],
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    [158, 168, 'place'],
    [229, 236, 'demonym'],
    [262, 269, 'place'],
    [347, 353, 'place'],
    [359, 372, 'ethnic'],
    [426, 435, 'people'],
    [586, 596, 'ethnic'],
    [672, 679, 'people'],
    [714, 721, 'people'],
    [737, 746, 'place'],
    [762, 772, 'place'],
    [783, 790, 'place'],
    [806, 816, 'people'],
    [839, 844, 'place']]}],
 ['.8To the jurisdiction of Clunia the Varduli contribute fourteen nations, of whom we need only particularize the Albanenses, the Turmodigi, consisting of four tribes, among which are the Segisamonenses and the Segisamaiulienses. To the same jurisdiction belong the Carietes and the Vennenses with five states, among which are the Velienses. Thither too resort the Pelendones of the Celtiberians, in four different nations, among whom the Numantini were especially famous. Also, among the eighteen states of the Vaccaei, there are the Intercatienses, the Pallantini, the Lacobrigenses, and the Caucenses. But among the seven peoples belonging to the Cantabri, Juliobriga is the only place worthy of mention; and of the ten states of the Autrigones, Tritium and Virovesca. The river Areva gives its name to the Arevaci; of whom there are six towns, Segontia and Uxama, names which are frequently given to other places, as also Segovia and Nova Augusta, Termes, and Clunia itself, the frontier of Celtiberia. The remaining portion turns off towards the ocean, being occupied by the Varduli, already mentioned, and the Cantabri. ',
  {'entities': [[25, 31, 'place'],
    [36, 43, 'people'],
    [363, 373, 'people'],
    [381, 393, 'ethnic'],
    [437, 446, 'ethnic'],
    [510, 517, 'people'],
    [648, 656, 'people'],
    [658, 668, 'place'],
    [747, 754, 'place'],
    [759, 768, 'place'],
    [808, 815, 'people'],
    [846, 854, 'place'],
    [859, 864, 'place'],
    [924, 931, 'place'],
    [950, 956, 'place'],
    [25, 31, 'place'],
    [381, 391, 'place'],
    [36, 43, 'people'],
    [648, 656, 'people']]}],
 ['.9Next upon these touch the twenty-two nations of the Astures, who are divided into the Augustani and the Transmontani, with the magnificent city of Asturica. Among these we have the Cigurri, the Paesici, the Lancienses, and the Zoelae. The total number of the free population amounts to 240,000 persons. ',
  {'entities': [[54, 61, 'people'],
    [88, 97, 'people'],
    [149, 157, 'place'],
    [196, 203, 'people'],
    [209, 219, 'people']]}],
 ['.10The jurisdiction of Lucus embraces, besides the Celtici and the Lebuni, sixteen different nations, but little known and with barbarous names. The number however of the free population amounts to nearly 166,000. ',
  {'entities': [[23, 28, 'place']]}],
 ['.11In a similar manner the twenty-four states of the jurisdiction of the Bracari contain a population of 175,000, among whom, besides the Bracari themselves, we may mention, without wearying the reader, the Bibali, the Coelerni, the Gallaeci, the Hequaesi, the Limici, and the Querquerni. ',
  {'entities': [[73, 80, 'ethnic'],
    [73, 80, 'ethnic'],
    [233, 241, 'ethnic']]}],
 ['.12The length of the Nearer Spain, from the Pyrenees to the frontier of Castulo, is 607 miles, and a little more if we follow the line of the coast; while its breadth, from Tarraco to the shore of Olarson, is 307 miles. From the foot of the Pyrenees, where it is wedged in by the near approach of the two seas, it gradually expands until it touches the Farther Spain, and thereby acquires a width more than double. ',
  {'entities': [[44, 52, 'place'],
    [72, 79, 'place'],
    [173, 180, 'place'],
    [44, 52, 'place']]}],
 ['.13Nearly the whole of Spain abounds in mines of lead, iron, copper, silver, and gold; in the Nearer Spain there is also found lapis specularis; in Baetica there is cinnabar. There are also quarries of marble. The Emperor Vespasianus Augustus, while still harassed by the storms that agitated the Roman state, conferred the Latin rights on the whole of Spain. The Pyrenean mountains divide Spain from Gaul, their extremities projecting into the two seas on either side. ',
  {'entities': [[148, 155, 'place'],
    [222, 233, 'people'],
    [364, 372, 'demonym']]}],
 ['.1OF THE PROVINCE OF GALLIA NARBONENSIS: That part of the Gallias which is washed by the inland sea is called the province of [Gallia] Narbonensis, having formerly borne the name of Braccata. It is divided from Italy by the river Varus, and by the range of the Alps, the great safeguards of the Roman Empire. From the remainder of Gaul, on the north, it is separated by the mountains Cebenna and Jura. In the cultivation of the soil, the manners and civilization of the inhabitants, and the extent of its wealth, it is surpassed by none of the provinces, and, in short, might be more truthfully described as a part of Italy than as a province. On the coast we have the district of the Sordones, and more inland that of the Consuarani. The rivers are the Tecum and the Vernodubrum. The towns are Illiberis, the scanty remains of what was formerly a great city, and Ruscino, a town with Latin rights. We then come to the river Atax, which flows from the Pyrenees, and passes through the Rubrensian Lake, the town of Narbo Martius, a colony of the tenth legion, twelve miles distant from the sea, and the rivers Arauris and Liria. The towns are otherwise but few in number, in consequence of the numerous lakes which skirt the sea-shore. We have Agatha, formerly belonging to the Massilians, and the district of the Volcae Tectosages; and there is the spot where Rhoda, a Rhodian colony, formerly stood, from which the river takes its name of Rhodanus; a stream by far the most fertilizing of any in either of the Gallias. Descending from the Alps and rushing through lake Lemanus, it carries along with it the sluggish Arar, as well as the torrents of the Isara and the Druentia, no less rapid than itself. Its two smaller mouths are called Libica, one being the Spanish, and the other the Metapinian mouth; the third and largest is called the Massiliotic. There are some authors who state that there was formerly a town called Heraclea at the mouth of the Rhodanus or Rhone. ',
  {'entities': [[211, 216, 'place'],
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    [261, 265, 'place'],
    [396, 400, 'place'],
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    [1360, 1365, 'place'],
    [1369, 1376, 'demonym'],
    [1440, 1448, 'place'],
    [261, 265, 'place'],
    [1570, 1577, 'place'],
    [1617, 1621, 'place'],
    [1654, 1659, 'place'],
    [1668, 1676, 'place'],
    [1440, 1448, 'place'],
    [1967, 1972, 'place']]}],
 ['.2Beyond this are the Canals leading out of the Rhone, a famous work of Caius Marius, and still distinguished by his name; the Lake of Mastramela, the town of Maritima of the Avatici, and, above this, the Stony Plains, memorable for the battles of Hercules; the district of the Anatilii, and more inland, that of the Desuviates and the Cavari. Again, close upon the sea, there is that of the Tricorii, and inland, there are the Tricolli, the Vocontii, and the Segovellauni, and, after them, the Allobroges. ',
  {'entities': [[48, 53, 'place'],
    [78, 84, 'people'],
    [159, 167, 'people'],
    [248, 256, 'people'],
    [336, 342, 'ethnic'],
    [392, 400, 'people'],
    [442, 450, 'people'],
    [495, 505, 'people']]}],
 ['.3On the coast is Massilia, a colony of Phocaean Greeks, and a federate city; we then have the Promontory of Zao, the port of Citharista, and the district of the Camatullici; then the Suelteri, and above them the Verrucini. Again, on the coast, we find Athenopolis, belonging to the Massilians, Forum Julii Octavanorum, a colony, which is also called Pacensis and Classica, the river Argenteus, which flows through it, the district of the Oxubii and that of the Ligauni; above whom are the Suetri, the Quariates and the Adunicates. On the coast we have Antipolis, a town with Latin rights, the district of the Deciates, and the river Varus, which proceeds from Mount Cema, one of the Alps. ',
  {'entities': [[18, 26, 'place'],
    [40, 48, 'demonym'],
    [126, 136, 'place'],
    [283, 293, 'ethnic'],
    [295, 306, 'place'],
    [351, 359, 'people'],
    [553, 562, 'place'],
    [610, 618, 'people'],
    [634, 639, 'place'],
    [684, 688, 'place']]}],
 ['.4The colonies in the interior are Arelate Sextanorum, Beterrae Septimanorum, and Arausio Secundanorum; Valentia in the territory of the Cavari, and Vienne in that of the Allobroges. The towns that enjoy Latin rights are Aquae Sextiae in the territory of the Saluvii, Avenio in that of the Cavari, Apta Julia in that of the Volgientes, Alebece in that of the Reii Apollinares, Alba in that of the Helvi, and Augusta in that of the Tricastini, Anatilia, Aeria, the Bormanni, the Comaci, Cabellio, Carcasum in the territory of the Volcae Tectosages, Cessero, Carpentoracte in the territory of the Memini, the Cenicenses, the Cambolectri, surnamed the Atlantici, Forum Voconi, Glanum Livi, the Lutevani, also called the Foroneronienses, Nemausum in the territory of the Arecomici, Piscenae, the Ruteni, the Sanagenses, the Tolosani in the territory of the Tectosages on the confines of Aquitania, the Tasconi, the Tarusconienses, the Umbranici, Vasio andLucus Augusti, the two capitals of the federate state of the Vocontii. There are also nineteen towns of less note, as well as twenty-four belonging to the people of Nemausum. To this list the Emperor Galba added two tribes dwelling among the Alps, the Avantici and the Bodiontici, to whom belongs the town of Dinia. According to Agrippa the length of the province of Gallia Narbonensis is 370 miles, and its breadth 248. ',
  {'entities': [[35, 42, 'place'],
    [43, 53, 'place'],
    [55, 63, 'place'],
    [82, 89, 'place'],
    [104, 112, 'place'],
    [137, 143, 'ethnic'],
    [149, 155, 'place'],
    [171, 181, 'people'],
    [221, 234, 'place'],
    [268, 274, 'place'],
    [137, 143, 'ethnic'],
    [298, 308, 'place'],
    [336, 343, 'place'],
    [359, 375, 'ethnic'],
    [377, 381, 'place'],
    [397, 402, 'ethnic'],
    [408, 415, 'people'],
    [431, 441, 'people'],
    [453, 458, 'people'],
    [486, 494, 'place'],
    [496, 504, 'place'],
    [529, 546, 'people'],
    [548, 555, 'place'],
    [557, 570, 'place'],
    [595, 601, 'ethnic'],
    [660, 672, 'place'],
    [674, 680, 'place'],
    [734, 742, 'place'],
    [767, 776, 'ethnic'],
    [792, 798, 'ethnic'],
    [820, 828, 'ethnic'],
    [536, 546, 'people'],
    [883, 892, 'place'],
    [911, 925, 'ethnic'],
    [942, 947, 'place'],
    [951, 964, 'place'],
    [1012, 1020, 'people'],
    [734, 742, 'place'],
    [1151, 1156, 'people'],
    [1193, 1197, 'place'],
    [1280, 1287, 'people']]}],
 ['.1OF ITALY: Next comes Italy, and we begin with the Ligures, after whom we have Etruria, Umbria, Latium, where the mouths of the Tiber are situate, and Rome, the Capital of the world, sixteen miles distant from the sea. We then come to the coasts of the Volsci and of Campania, and the districts of Picenum, of Lucania, and of Bruttium, where Italy extends the farthest in a southerly direction, and projects into the [two] seas with the chain of the Alps, which there forms pretty nearly the shape of a crescent. Leaving Bruttium we come to the coast of Graecia, then the Salentini, the Pediculi, the Apuli, the Peligni, the Frentani, the Marrucini, the Vestini, the Sabini, the Picentes, the Galli, the Umbri, the Tusci, the Veneti, the Carni, the Iapydes, the Histri, and the Liburni. ',
  {'entities': [[23, 28, 'place'],
    [80, 87, 'place'],
    [89, 95, 'people'],
    [97, 103, 'place'],
    [129, 134, 'place'],
    [152, 156, 'place'],
    [254, 260, 'ethnic'],
    [268, 276, 'place'],
    [299, 306, 'place'],
    [311, 318, 'place'],
    [327, 335, 'place'],
    [23, 28, 'place'],
    [451, 455, 'place'],
    [327, 335, 'place'],
    [555, 562, 'people'],
    [573, 582, 'ethnic'],
    [602, 607, 'ethnic'],
    [613, 620, 'ethnic'],
    [626, 634, 'ethnic'],
    [640, 649, 'ethnic'],
    [668, 674, 'people'],
    [680, 688, 'ethnic'],
    [89, 94, 'people'],
    [716, 721, 'ethnic'],
    [727, 733, 'ethnic'],
    [739, 744, 'people'],
    [750, 757, 'people'],
    [763, 769, 'ethnic'],
    [779, 786, 'ethnic']]}],
 [".2I am by no means unaware that I might be justly accused of ingratitude and indolence, were I to describe thus briefly and in so cursory a manner the land which is at once the foster-child and the parent of all lands; chosen by the providence of the Gods to render even heaven itself more glorious, to unite the scattered empires of the earth, to bestow a polish upon men's manners, to unite the discordant and uncouth dialects of so many different nations by the powerful ties of one common language, to confer the enjoyments of discourse and of civilization upon mankind, to become, in short, the mother-country of all nations of the Earth. ",
 ['.3But how shall I commence this undertaking? So vast is the number of celebrated places (what man living could enumerate them all?), and so great the renown attached to each individual nation and subject, that I feel myself quite at a loss. The city of Rome alone, which forms a portion of it, a face well worthy of shoulders so beauteous, how large a work would it require for an appropriate description! And then too the coast of Campania, taken singly by itself! so blest with natural beauties and opulence, that it is evident that when nature formed it she took a delight in accumulating all her blessings in a single spot — how am I to do justice to it? And then the climate, with its eternal freshness and so replete with health and vitality, the sereneness of the weather so enchanting, the fields so fertile, the hill sides so sunny, the thickets so free from every danger, the groves so cool and shady, the forests with a vegetation so varying and so luxuriant, the breezes descending from so many a mountain, the fruitfulness of its grain, its vines, and its olives so transcendent; its flocks with fleeces so noble, its bulls with necks so sinewy, its lakes recurring in never-ending succession, its numerous rivers and springs which refresh it with their waters on every side, its seas so many in number, its havens and the bosom of its lands opening everywhere to the commerce of all the world, and as it were eagerly stretching forth into the very midst of the waves, for the purpose of aiding as it were the endeavours of mortals! ',
  {'entities': [[253, 257, 'place'], [432, 440, 'place']]}],
 [".4For the present I forbear to speak of its genius, its manners, its men, and the nations whom it has conquered by eloquence and force of arms. The very Greeks themselves, a race fond in the extreme of expatiating on their own praises, have amply given judgment in its favour, when they named but a small part of it 'Magna Graecia.' But we must be content to do on this occasion as we have done in our description of the heavens; we must only touch upon some of these points, and take notice of but a few of its stars. I only beg my readers to bear in mind that I am thus hastening on for the purpose of giving a general description of everything that is known to exist throughout the whole earth. ",
  {'entities': [[317, 330, 'people']]}],
 ['.5I may premise by observing that this land very much resembles in shape an oak leaf, being much longer than it is broad; towards the top it inclines to the left, while it terminates in the form of an Amazonian buckler, in which the spot at the central projection is the place called Cocinthos, while it sends forth two horns at the end of its crescent-shaped bays, Leucopetra on the right and Lacinium on the left. It extends in length 1020 miles, if we measure from the foot of the Alps at Praetoria Augusta, through the city of Rome and Capua to the town of Rhegium, which is situate on the shoulder of the Peninsula, just at the bend of the neck as it were. The distance would be much greater if measured to Lacinium, but in that case the line, being drawn obliquely, would incline too much to one side. Its breadth is variable; being 410 miles between the two seas, the Lower and the Upper, and the rivers Varus and Arsia: at about the middle, and in the vicinity of the city of Rome, from the spot where the river Aternus flows into the Adriatic sea, to the mouth of the Tiber, the distance is 136 miles, and a little less from Castrum-novum on the Adriatic sea to Alsium on the Tuscan; but in no place does it exceed 200 miles in breadth. The circuit of the whole, from the Varus to the Arsia, is 3059 miles. ',
  {'entities': [[366, 376, 'place'],
    [394, 402, 'place'],
    [484, 488, 'place'],
    [492, 509, 'place'],
    [531, 535, 'place'],
    [540, 545, 'place'],
    [561, 568, 'place'],
    [394, 402, 'place'],
    [911, 916, 'place'],
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    [531, 535, 'place'],
    [1020, 1027, 'people'],
    [1043, 1051, 'place'],
    [1077, 1082, 'place'],
    [1043, 1051, 'place'],
    [1171, 1177, 'place'],
    [1185, 1191, 'demonym'],
    [911, 916, 'place'],
    [921, 926, 'people']]}],
 ['.6As to its distance from the countries that surround it Istria and Liburnia are, in some places, 100 miles from it, and Epirus and Illyricum 50; Africa is less than 200, as we are informed by M. Varro; Sardinia is 120, Sicily 1 1/2, Corsica less than 80, and Issa 50. It extends into the two seas towards the southern parts of the heavens, or, to speak with more minute exactness, between the sixth hour and the first hour of the winter solstice. ',
  {'entities': [[57, 63, 'place'],
    [68, 76, 'place'],
    [121, 127, 'place'],
    [132, 141, 'place'],
    [196, 201, 'people'],
    [203, 211, 'place'],
    [220, 226, 'place'],
    [234, 241, 'place'],
    [260, 264, 'place']]}],
 ['.7We will now describe its extent and its different cities; in doing which, it is necessary to premise, that we shall follow the arrangement of the late Emperor Augustus, and adopt the division which he made of the whole of Italy into eleven districts; taking them, however, according to their order on the sea-line, as in so hurried a detail it would not be possible otherwise to describe each city in juxtaposition with the others in its vicinity. And for the same reason, in describing the interior, I shall follow the alphabetical order which has been adopted by that Emperor, pointing out the colonies of which he has made mention in his enumeration. Nor is it a very easy task to trace their situation and origin; for, not to speak of others, the Ingaunian Ligurians have had lands granted to them as many as thirty different times. ',
  {'entities': [[161, 169, 'people'],
    [224, 229, 'place'],
    [763, 772, 'ethnic']]}],
 ['.1OF THE NINTH REGION OF ITALY: To begin then with the river Varus; we have the town of Nicaea, founded by the Massilians, the river Paulo, the Alps and the Alpine tribes, distinguished by various names, but more especially the Capillati, Cemenelio, a town of the state of the Vediantii, the port of Hercules Monaecus, and the Ligurian coast. The more celebrated of the Ligurian tribes beyond the Alps are the Salluvii, the Deciates, and the Oxubii; on this side of the Alps, the Veneni, and the Vagienni, who are derived from the Caturiges, the Statielli, the Bimbelli, the Magelli, the Euburiates, the Casmonates, the Veleiates, and the peoples whose towns we shall describe as lying near the adjoining coast. The river Rutuba, the town of Albium Intemelium, the river Merula, the town of Albium Ingaunum, the port of Vadum Sabatiorum, the river Porcifera, the town of Genua, the river Feritor, the Portus Delphini, Tigullia, Tegesta of the Tigullii, and the river Macra, which is the boundary of Liguria. ',
  {'entities': [[61, 66, 'place'],
    [88, 94, 'place'],
    [111, 121, 'ethnic'],
    [144, 148, 'place'],
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    [239, 248, 'place'],
    [300, 308, 'people'],
    [309, 317, 'people'],
    [327, 335, 'demonym'],
    [327, 335, 'demonym'],
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    [144, 148, 'place'],
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    [531, 540, 'people'],
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    [742, 759, 'place'],
    [771, 777, 'people'],
    [791, 806, 'place'],
    [871, 876, 'place'],
    [901, 907, 'people'],
    [967, 972, 'place'],
    [327, 334, 'place']]}],
 ['.2Extending behind all the before-mentioned places are the Apennines, the most considerable of all the mountains of Italy, the chain of which extends unbroken from the Alps to the Sicilian sea. On the other side of the Apennines, towards the Padus, the richest river of Italy, the whole country is adorned with noble towns; Libarna, the colony of Dertona, Iria, Barderate, Industria, Pollentia, Carrea Potentia, Foro Fulvi or Valentinum, Augusta of the Vagienni, Alba Pompeia, Asta, and Aquae Statiellorum. This is the ninth region, according to the arrangement of Augustus. The coast of Liguria extends 211 miles, between the rivers Varus and Macra. ',
  {'entities': [[59, 68, 'place'],
    [116, 121, 'place'],
    [168, 172, 'place'],
    [180, 188, 'demonym'],
    [59, 68, 'place'],
    [242, 247, 'place'],
    [116, 121, 'place'],
    [324, 331, 'place'],
    [347, 354, 'place'],
    [362, 371, 'place'],
    [373, 382, 'place'],
    [384, 393, 'place'],
    [395, 410, 'place'],
    [463, 475, 'place'],
    [477, 481, 'place'],
    [487, 505, 'place'],
    [565, 573, 'people'],
    [588, 595, 'place'],
    [634, 639, 'place'],
    [644, 649, 'place']]}],
 ['.1THE SEVENTH REGION OF ITALY: Next to this comes the seventh region, in which is Etruria, a district which begins at the river Macra, and has often changed its name. At an early period the Umbri were expelled from it by the Pelasgi; and these again by the Lydians, who from a king of theirs were named Tyrrheni, but afterwards, from the rites observed in their sacrifices, were called, in the Greek language, Tusci. The first town in Etruria is Luna, with a noble harbour, then the colony of Luca, at some distance from the sea, and nearer to it again the colony of Pisae, between the rivers Auser and Arnus, which owes its origin to Pelops and the Pisans, or else to the Teutani, a people of Greece. Next is Vada Volaterrana, then the river Cecinna, and Populonium formerly belonging to the Etrurians, the only town they had on this coast. Next to these is the river Prile, then the Umbro, which is navigable, and where the district of Umbria begins, the port of Telamon, Cosa of the Volcientes, founded by the Roman people, Graviscae, Castrum novum, Pyrgi, the river Caeretanus, and Caere itself, four miles inland, called Agylla by the Pelasgi who founded it, Alsium, Fregenae, and the river Tiber, 284 miles from the Macra. ',
  {'entities': [[82, 89, 'place'],
    [128, 133, 'place'],
    [190, 195, 'people'],
    [225, 232, 'ethnic'],
    [257, 264, 'ethnic'],
    [303, 311, 'ethnic'],
    [410, 415, 'ethnic'],
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    [446, 450, 'place'],
    [493, 497, 'place'],
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    [1070, 1075, 'place'],
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    [1164, 1170, 'place'],
    [1172, 1180, 'place'],
    [1196, 1201, 'place'],
    [128, 133, 'place']]}],
 ['.2In the interior we have the colonies of Falisci, founded by the Argives, according to the account of Cato, and surnamed Falisci Etruscorum, Lucus Feroniae, Rusellana, the Senienses, and Sutrina. The remaining peoples are the Arretini Veteres, the Arretini Fidentes, the Arretini Julienses, the Amitinenses, the Aquenses, surnamed Taurini, the Blerani, the Cortonenses, the Capenates, the Clusini Novi, the Clusini Veteres, the Florentini, situated on the stream of the Arnus, Faesulae, Ferentinum, Fescennia, Hortanum, Herbanum, Nepeta, Novem Pagi, the Claudian praefecture of Foroclodium, Pistorium, Perusia, the Suanenses, the Saturnini, formerly called the Aurinini, the Subertani, the Statones, the Tarquinienses, the Tuscanienses, the Vetulonienses, the Veietani, the Vesentini, the Volaterrani, the Volcentini, surnamed Etrusci, and the Volsinienses. In the same district the territories of Crustumerium and Caletra retain the names of the ancient towns. ',
  {'entities': [[42, 49, 'ethnic'],
    [66, 73, 'ethnic'],
    [103, 107, 'people'],
    [42, 49, 'ethnic'],
    [142, 156, 'place'],
    [158, 167, 'place'],
    [188, 195, 'place'],
    [227, 235, 'ethnic'],
    [236, 243, 'people'],
    [227, 235, 'ethnic'],
    [227, 235, 'ethnic'],
    [281, 290, 'people'],
    [332, 339, 'ethnic'],
    [375, 384, 'ethnic'],
    [390, 397, 'ethnic'],
    [236, 243, 'people'],
    [429, 439, 'ethnic'],
    [471, 476, 'place'],
    [478, 486, 'place'],
    [488, 498, 'place'],
    [603, 610, 'place'],
    [705, 718, 'ethnic'],
    [790, 801, 'ethnic'],
    [828, 835, 'ethnic'],
    [845, 857, 'ethnic'],
    [899, 911, 'place']]}],
 ['.1THE FIRST REGION OF ITALY; THE TIBER; ROME. The Tiber or Tiberis, formerly called Thybris, and previously Albula, flows down from nearly the central part of the chain of the Apennines, in the territory of the Arretini. It is at first small, and only navigable by means of sluices, in which the water is dammed up and then discharged, in the same manner as the Timia and the Glanis, which flow into it; for which purpose it is found necessary to collect the water for nine days, unless there should happen to be a fall of rain. And even then, the Tiber, by reason of its rugged and uneven channel, is really more suitable for navigation by rafts than by vessels, for any great distance. It winds along for a course of 150 miles, passing not far from Tifernum, Perusia, and Ocriculum, and dividing Etruria from the Umbri and the Sabini, and then, at a distance of less than sixteen miles from the city, separating the territory of Veii from that of Crustuminum, and afterwards that of the Fidenates and of Latium from Vaticanum. ',
  {'entities': [[50, 55, 'place'],
    [84, 91, 'people'],
    [108, 114, 'people'],
    [176, 185, 'place'],
    [211, 219, 'ethnic'],
    [50, 55, 'place'],
    [751, 759, 'place'],
    [761, 768, 'place'],
    [774, 783, 'place'],
    [798, 805, 'place'],
    [815, 820, 'people'],
    [829, 835, 'people'],
    [931, 935, 'place'],
    [949, 960, 'place'],
    [989, 998, 'ethnic'],
    [1006, 1012, 'place']]}],
 ['.2Below its union with the Glanis from Arretinum the Tiber is swollen by two and forty streams, particularly the Nar and the Anio, which last is also navigable and shuts in Latium at the back; it is also increased by the numerous aqueducts and springs which are conveyed to the City. Here it becomes navigable by vessels of any burden which may come up from the Italian sea; a most tranquil dispenser of the produce of all parts of the earth, and peopled and embellished along its banks with more villas than nearly all the other rivers of the world taken together. And yet there is no river more circumscribed than it, so close are its banks shut in on either side; but still, no resistance does it offer, although its waters frequently rise with great suddenness, and no part is more liable to be swollen than that which runs through the City itself. In such case, however, the Tiber is rather to be looked upon as pregnant with prophetic warnings to us, and in its increase to be considered more as a promoter of religion than a source of devastation. ',
  {'entities': [[53, 58, 'place'],
    [125, 129, 'place'],
    [173, 179, 'place'],
    [278, 282, 'place'],
    [362, 369, 'demonym'],
    [278, 282, 'place'],
    [53, 58, 'place']]}],
 ['.3Latium has preserved its original limits, from the Tiber to Circeii, a distance of fifty miles: so slender at the beginning were the roots from which this our Empire sprang. Its inhabitants have been often changed, and different nations have peopled it at different times, the Aborigines, the Pelasgi, the Arcades, the Seculi, the Aurunci, the Rutuli, and, beyond Circeii, the Volsci, the Osci, and the Ausones whence the name of Latium came to be extended as far as the river Liris. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 8, 'place'],
    [53, 58, 'place'],
    [62, 69, 'place'],
    [295, 302, 'ethnic'],
    [308, 315, 'ethnic'],
    [333, 340, 'people'],
    [346, 352, 'people'],
    [62, 69, 'place'],
    [379, 385, 'ethnic'],
    [405, 412, 'ethnic'],
    [2, 8, 'place'],
    [479, 484, 'place']]}],
 ['.4We will begin with Ostia, a colony founded by a king of Rome, the town of Laurentum, the grove of Jupiter Indiges, the river Numicius, and Ardea, founded by Danae, the mother of Perseus. Next come the former site of Aphrodisium, the colony of Antium, the river and island called Astura, the river Nymphaeus, the Clostra Romana, and Circeii, formerly an island, and, if we are to believe Homer, surrounded by the open sea, though now by an extensive plain. The circumstances which we are enabled to publish on this subject for the information of the world are very remarkable. Theophrastus, the first foreigner who treated of the affairs of Rome with any degree of accuracy (for Theopompus, before whose time no Greek writer had made mention of us, only stated the fact that the city had been taken by the Gauls, and Clitarchus, the next after him, only spoke of the embassy that was sent by the Romans to Alexander) — Theophrastus, I say, following something more than mere rumour, has given the circuit of the island of Circeii as being eighty stadia, in the volume which he wrote during the archonship of Nicodorus at Athens, being the 440th year of our city. Whatever land therefore has been annexed to that island beyond the circumference of about ten miles, has been added to Italy since the year previously mentioned. ',
  {'entities': [[21, 26, 'place'],
    [58, 62, 'place'],
    [76, 85, 'place'],
    [100, 107, 'people'],
    [108, 115, 'people'],
    [127, 135, 'people'],
    [141, 146, 'place'],
    [159, 164, 'people'],
    [180, 187, 'people'],
    [245, 251, 'place'],
    [281, 287, 'place'],
    [299, 308, 'people'],
    [334, 341, 'place'],
    [389, 394, 'people'],
    [578, 590, 'people'],
    [58, 62, 'place'],
    [680, 690, 'people'],
    [818, 828, 'people'],
    [907, 916, 'people'],
    [578, 590, 'people'],
    [334, 341, 'place'],
    [1122, 1128, 'place'],
    [1283, 1288, 'place']]}],
 ['.5Another wonderful circumstance too. — Near Circeii are the Pomptine Marshes, formerly the site, according to Mucianus, who was thrice consul, of four-and-twenty cities. Next to this comes the river Ufens, upon which is the town of Terracina, called, in the language of the Volsci, Anxur; the spot too where Amyclae stood, a town destroyed by serpents. Next is the site of the Grotto, Lake Fundanus, the port of Caieta, and then the town of Formiae, formerly called Hormiae, the ancient seat of the Laestrygones, it is supposed. Beyond this, formerly stood the town of Pyrae; and we then come to the colony of Minturnae, which still exists, and is divided by the river Liris, also called the Glanis. The town of Sinuessa is the last in the portion which has been added to Latium; it is said by some that it used to be called Sinope. ',
  {'entities': [[45, 52, 'place'],
    [61, 69, 'demonym'],
    [111, 119, 'people'],
    [200, 205, 'people'],
    [233, 242, 'place'],
    [275, 281, 'ethnic'],
    [283, 288, 'place'],
    [391, 399, 'people'],
    [413, 419, 'place'],
    [442, 449, 'place'],
    [467, 474, 'place'],
    [500, 512, 'people'],
    [611, 620, 'place'],
    [670, 675, 'place'],
    [713, 721, 'place'],
    [773, 779, 'place'],
    [826, 832, 'people']]}],
 ['.6At this spot begins that blessed country Campania, and in this vale first take their rise those hills clad with vines, the juice of whose grape is extolled by Fame all over the world; the happy spot where, as the ancients used to say, father Liber and Ceres are ever striving for the mastery. Hence the fields of Setia and of Caecubum extend afar, and, next to them those of Falernum and of Calinum. As soon as we have passed these, the hills of Massica, of Gaurus, and of Surrentum rise to our view. Next, the level plains of Laborium are spread out far and wide, where every care is bestowed on cultivating crops of spelt, from which the most delicate fermenty is made. These shores are watered by warm springs, while the seas are distinguished beyond all others for the superlative excellence of their shell and other fish. In no country too has the oil of the olive a more exquisite flavour. This territory, a battle-ground as it were for the gratification of every luxurious pleasure of man, has been held successively by the Osci, the Greeks, the Umbri, the Tusci, and the Campani. ',
  {'entities': [[43, 51, 'place'],
    [244, 249, 'people'],
    [254, 259, 'people'],
    [315, 320, 'place'],
    [328, 336, 'people'],
    [377, 385, 'people'],
    [460, 466, 'people'],
    [475, 484, 'place'],
    [1055, 1060, 'people'],
    [1066, 1071, 'ethnic'],
    [43, 50, 'ethnic']]}],
 ['.7On the coast we first meet with the river Savo, the town of Volturnum with a river of the same name, the town of Liternum, Cumae, a Chalcidian colony, Misenum, the port of Baiae, Bauli, the Lucrine Lake, and Lake Avernus, near which there stood formerly a town of the Cimmerians. We then come to Puteoli, formerly called the colony of Dicaearchia, then the Phlegraean Plains, and the Marsh of Acherusia in the vicinity of Cumae. ',
  {'entities': [[44, 48, 'people'],
    [62, 71, 'place'],
    [115, 123, 'place'],
    [125, 130, 'place'],
    [134, 144, 'demonym'],
    [153, 160, 'place'],
    [174, 179, 'place'],
    [181, 186, 'place'],
    [192, 204, 'place'],
    [215, 222, 'place'],
    [270, 280, 'ethnic'],
    [298, 305, 'place'],
    [337, 348, 'place'],
    [395, 404, 'people'],
    [125, 130, 'place']]}],
 ['.8Again, on the coast we have Neapolis, also a colony of the Chalcidians, and called Parthenope from the tomb there of one of the Sirens, Herculaneum, Pompeii, from which Mount Vesuvius may be seen at no great distance, and which is watered by the river Sarnus; the territory of Nuceria, and, at the distance of nine miles from the sea, the town of that name, and then Surrentum, with the Promontory of Minerva, formerly the abode of the Sirens. The distance thence by sea to Circeii is seventy-eight miles. This region, beginning at the Tiber, is looked upon as the first of Italy according to the division of Augustus. ',
  {'entities': [[30, 38, 'place'],
    [61, 72, 'ethnic'],
    [85, 95, 'place'],
    [130, 136, 'people'],
    [138, 149, 'place'],
    [151, 158, 'place'],
    [177, 185, 'place'],
    [254, 260, 'place'],
    [279, 286, 'place'],
    [369, 378, 'place'],
    [389, 399, 'place'],
    [403, 410, 'people'],
    [130, 136, 'people'],
    [476, 483, 'place'],
    [538, 543, 'place'],
    [576, 581, 'place'],
    [611, 619, 'people']]}],
 ['.9Inland there are the following colonies: — Capua, so called from its champaign country, Aquinum, Suessa, Venafrum, Sora, Teanum surnamed Sidicinum, Nola; and the towns of Abella, Aricia, Alba Longa, the Acerrani, the Allifani, the Atinates, the Aletrinates, the Anagnini, the Atellani, the Affilani, the Arpinates, the Auximates, the Abellani, the Alfaterni (both those who take their names from the Latin, the Hernican and the Labicanian territory), Bovillae, Calatia, Casinum, Calenum, Capitulum of the Hernici, the Cereatini, surnamed Mariani, the Corani, descended from the Trojan Dardanus, the Cubulterini, the Castrimoenienses, the Cingulani, the Fabienses on the Alban Mount, the Foropopulienses of the Falernian district, the Frusinates, the Ferentinates, the Freginates, the old Frabaterni, the new Frabaterni, the Ficolenses, the Fregellani, Forum Appi, the Forentani, the Gabini, the Interamnates Succasini, also surnamed Lirinates, the Ilionenses Lavinii, the Norbani, the Nomentani, the Praenestini (whose city was formerly called Stephane), the Privernates, the Setini, the Signini, the Suessulani, the Telesini, the Trebulani, surnamed Balinienses, the Trebani, the Tusculani, the Verulani, the Veliterni, the Ulubrenses, the Urbinates, and, last and greater than all, Rome herself, whose other name the hallowed mysteries of the sacred rites forbid us to mention without being guilty of the greatest impiety. After it had been long kept buried in secrecy with the strictest fidelity and in respectful and salutary silence, Valerius Soranus dared to divulge it, but soon did he pay the penalty of his rashness. ',
  {'entities': [[45, 50, 'place'],
    [90, 97, 'place'],
    [99, 105, 'place'],
    [107, 115, 'place'],
    [117, 121, 'place'],
    [123, 129, 'place'],
    [139, 148, 'place'],
    [150, 154, 'place'],
    [173, 179, 'place'],
    [181, 187, 'place'],
    [189, 199, 'place'],
    [205, 213, 'ethnic'],
    [219, 227, 'ethnic'],
    [233, 241, 'people'],
    [247, 258, 'ethnic'],
    [264, 272, 'ethnic'],
    [306, 315, 'ethnic'],
    [321, 330, 'people'],
    [336, 344, 'ethnic'],
    [402, 407, 'demonym'],
    [413, 421, 'demonym'],
    [453, 461, 'place'],
    [463, 470, 'place'],
    [472, 479, 'place'],
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    [580, 586, 'person'],
    [587, 595, 'people'],
    [618, 634, 'ethnic'],
    [672, 683, 'place'],
    [712, 721, 'people'],
    [736, 746, 'ethnic'],
    [842, 852, 'ethnic'],
    [854, 864, 'place'],
    [870, 879, 'people'],
    [885, 891, 'ethnic'],
    [897, 909, 'ethnic'],
    [987, 996, 'ethnic'],
    [1002, 1013, 'ethnic'],
    [1061, 1072, 'ethnic'],
    [1103, 1113, 'ethnic'],
    [1133, 1142, 'ethnic'],
    [1170, 1177, 'people'],
    [1183, 1192, 'ethnic'],
    [1212, 1221, 'ethnic'],
    [1227, 1237, 'ethnic'],
    [1286, 1290, 'place'],
    [1541, 1557, 'people']]}],
 ['.10It will not perhaps be altogether foreign to the purpose, if I here make mention of one peculiar institution of our forefathers which bears especial reference to the inculcation of silence on religious matters. The goddess Angerona, to whom sacrifice is offered on the twelfth day before the calends of January [21st December], is represented in her statue as having her mouth bound with a sealed fillet. ',
  {'entities': [[226, 234, 'people']]}],
 ['.11Romulus left the city of Rome, if we are to believe those who state the very greatest number, having three gates and no more. When the Vespasians were emperors and censors, in the year from its building 826 [73 CE], the circumference of the walls which surrounded it was thirteen miles and two-fifths. Surrounding as it does the Seven Hills, the city is divided into fourteen districts, with 265 cross-roads under the guardianship of the Lares. If a straight line is drawn from the mile-column placed at the entrance of the Forum, to each of the gates, which are at present thirty-seven in number (taking care to count only once the twelve double gates, and to omit the seven old ones, which no longer exist), the result will be [taking them altogether], a straight line of twenty miles and 765 paces. But if we draw a straight line from the same mile-column to the very last of the houses, including therein the Praetorian encampment , and follow throughout the line of all the streets, the result will then be something more than seventy miles. Add to these calculations the height of the houses, and then a person may form a fair idea of this city, and will certainly be obliged to admit that there is not a place throughout the whole world that for size can be compared to it. On the eastern side it is bounded by the agger of Tarquinius Superbus, a work of surpassing grandeur; for he raised it so high as to be on a level with the walls on the side on which the city lay most exposed to attack from the neighbouring plains. On all the other sides it has been fortified either with lofty walls or steep and precipitous hills, but so it is, that its buildings, increasing and extending beyond all bounds, have now united many other cities to it. ',
  {'entities': [[3, 10, 'people'],
    [28, 32, 'place'],
    [441, 446, 'people'],
    [527, 532, 'place'],
    [1334, 1353, 'people']]}],
 ['.12Besides those previously mentioned, there were formerly in the first region the following famous towns of Latium: Satricum, Pometia, Scaptia, Politorium, Tellene, Tifata, Caenina, Ficana, Crustumerium, Ameriola, Medullum, Corniculum, Saturnia, on the site of the present city of Rome, Antipolis, now Janiculum, forming part of Rome, Antemnae, Carnerium, Collatia, Amitinum, Norbe, Sulmo, and, with these, those Alban nations who used to take part in the sacrifices upon the Alban Mount, the Albani, the Aesulani, the Accienses, the Abolani, the Bubetani, the Bolani, the Cusuetani, the Coriolani, the Fidenates, the Foretii, the Hortenses, the Latinienses, the Longulani, the Manates, the Macrales, the Mutucumenses, the Munienses, the Numinienses, the Olliculani, the Octulani, the Pedani, the Polluscini, the Querquetulani, the Sicani, the Sisolenses, the Tolerienses, the Tutienses, the Vimitellarii, the Velienses, the Venetulani, and the Vitellenses. Thus we see, fifty-three peoples of ancient Latium have passed away without leaving any traces of their existence. ',
  {'entities': [[109, 115, 'place'],
    [117, 125, 'place'],
    [127, 134, 'place'],
    [136, 143, 'place'],
    [145, 155, 'place'],
    [157, 164, 'place'],
    [166, 172, 'people'],
    [174, 181, 'place'],
    [183, 189, 'place'],
    [191, 203, 'place'],
    [215, 223, 'place'],
    [225, 235, 'place'],
    [237, 245, 'place'],
    [282, 286, 'place'],
    [303, 312, 'place'],
    [282, 286, 'place'],
    [336, 344, 'place'],
    [357, 365, 'place'],
    [377, 382, 'place'],
    [384, 389, 'place'],
    [414, 419, 'demonym'],
    [477, 488, 'place'],
    [494, 500, 'ethnic'],
    [562, 568, 'ethnic'],
    [589, 598, 'ethnic'],
    [604, 613, 'ethnic'],
    [786, 792, 'ethnic'],
    [833, 839, 'people'],
    [109, 115, 'place']]}],
 ['.13In the Campanian territory there was also the town of Stabiae, until the consulship of Cneius Pompeius and L. Cato, when, on the day before the calends of May [30th of April], it was destroyed in the Social War by L. Sulla the legatus, and all that now stands on its site is a single farmhouse. Here also Taurania has ceased to exist, and the remains of Casilinum are fast going to ruin. Besides these, we learn from Valerius Antias that king L. Tarquinius took Apiolae, a town of the Latins, and with its spoils laid the first foundations of the Capitol. From Surrentum to the river Silarus, the former territory of Picentia extends for a distance of thirty miles. This belonged to the Etruscans, and was remarkable for the temple of the Argive Juno, founded by Jason. In it was Picentia, a town of the territory of Salernum. ',
  {'entities': [[10, 19, 'demonym'],
    [57, 64, 'place'],
    [97, 105, 'people'],
    [113, 117, 'people'],
    [220, 225, 'people'],
    [357, 366, 'place'],
    [420, 435, 'people'],
    [449, 459, 'people'],
    [488, 494, 'ethnic'],
    [550, 557, 'place'],
    [564, 573, 'place'],
    [587, 594, 'place'],
    [620, 628, 'people'],
    [690, 699, 'ethnic'],
    [742, 753, 'place'],
    [766, 771, 'people'],
    [620, 628, 'people'],
    [820, 828, 'place']]}],
 ['.1THE THIRD REGION OF ITALY: At the Silarus begins the third region of Italy, consisting of the territory of Lucania and Bruttium; here too there have been no few changes of the population. These districts have been possessed by the Pelasgi, the Oenotrii, the Itali, the Morgetes, the Siculi, and more especially by people who emigrated from Greece, and, last of all, by the Leucani, a people sprung from the Samnites, who took possession under the command of Lucius. We find here the town of Paestum, which received from the Greeks the name of Posidonia, the Gulf of Paestum, the town of Elea, now known as Velia, and the Promontory of Palinurum, a point at which the land falls inwards and forms a bay, the distance across which to the pillar of Rhegium is 100 miles. Next after Palinurum comes the river Melpes, then the town of Buxentum, called in Graecia Pyxus, and the river Laus; there was formerly a town also of the same name. ',
  {'entities': [[36, 43, 'place'],
    [71, 76, 'place'],
    [109, 116, 'place'],
    [121, 129, 'place'],
    [233, 240, 'ethnic'],
    [271, 279, 'people'],
    [375, 382, 'ethnic'],
    [409, 417, 'ethnic'],
    [493, 500, 'place'],
    [545, 554, 'place'],
    [493, 500, 'place'],
    [589, 593, 'place'],
    [608, 613, 'place'],
    [748, 755, 'place'],
    [832, 840, 'place'],
    [860, 865, 'place'],
    [881, 885, 'place']]}],
 ['.2At this spot begins the coast of Bruttium, and we come to the town of Blanda, the river Batum, Parthenius, a port of the Phocians, the bay of Vibo, the place where Clampetia formerly stood, the town of Temsa, called Temese by the Greeks, and Terina founded by the people of Crotona, with the extensive Gulf of Terina; more inland, the town of Consentia. Situated upon a peninsula is the river Acheron, from which the people of Acherontia derive the name of their town; then Hippo, now called Vibo Valentia, the Port of Hercules, the river Metaurus, the town of Tauroentum, the Port of Orestes, and Medma. Next, the town of Scyllaion, the river Crataeis, the mother of Scylla it is said; then the Pillar of Rhegium, the Straits of Sicily, and the two promontories which face each other, Caenys on the Italian, and Pelorus on the Sicilian side, the distance between them being twelve stadia. At a distance thence of twelve miles and a half, we come to Rhegium, after which begins Sila, a forest of the Apennines, and then the promontory of Leucopetra, at a distance of fifteen miles; after which come the Locri, who take their surname from the promontory of Zephyrium, being distant from the river Silarus 303 miles. ',
  {'entities': [[35, 43, 'place'],
    [72, 78, 'place'],
    [123, 131, 'ethnic'],
    [144, 148, 'place'],
    [166, 175, 'people'],
    [204, 209, 'place'],
    [244, 250, 'place'],
    [276, 283, 'place'],
    [244, 250, 'place'],
    [345, 354, 'place'],
    [476, 481, 'place'],
    [494, 507, 'place'],
    [521, 529, 'people'],
    [541, 549, 'place'],
    [587, 594, 'people'],
    [600, 605, 'place'],
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 ['.3At this spot ends the first great Gulf of Europe; the seas in which bear the following names: — That from which it takes its rise is called the Atlantic, by some the Great Atlantic, the entrance of which is, by the Greeks, called Porthmos, by us the Straits of Gades. After its entrance, as far as it washes the coasts of Spain, it is called the Hispanian Sea, though some give it the name of the Iberian or Balearic Sea. Where it faces the province of Gallia Narbonensis it has the name of the Gallic, and after that, of the Ligurian, Sea. From Liguria to the island of Sicily, it is called the Tuscan sea, the same which is called by some of the Greeks the Notian, by others the Tyrrhenian sea, while many of our people call it the Lower Sea. Beyond Sicily, as far as the country of the Salentini, it is styled by Polybius the Ausonian Sea. Eratosthenes however gives to the whole expanse that lies between the inlet of the ocean and the island of Sardinia, the name of the Sardoan Sea; thence to Sicily, the Tyrrhenian sea; thence to Crete, the Sicilian; and beyond that island, the Cretan Sea. ',
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 ['.1SIXTY-FOUR ISLANDS, among which are the Baleares. The first islands that we meet with in all these seas are the two to which the Greeks have given the name of Pityussae, from the pine-tree, which they produce. These islands now bear the name of Ebusus, and form a federate state. They are separated by a narrow strait of the sea, and are forty-six miles in extent. They are distant from Dianium 700 stadia, Dianium being by land the same distance from New Carthage. At the same distance from the Pityussae, lie, in the open sea, the two Baleares, and, over against the river Sucro, Colubraria. The Baleares, so formidable in war with their slingers, have received from the Greeks the name of Gymnasiae. ',
  {'entities': [[42, 50, 'place'],
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    [584, 594, 'place'],
    [42, 50, 'place'],
    [694, 703, 'place']]}],
 [".2The larger island is 100 miles in length, and 475 in circumference. It has the following towns; Palma and Pollentia, enjoying the rights of Roman citizens, Cinium and Tucis, with Latin rights: Bocchorum, a federate town, is no longer in existence. At thirty miles' distance is the smaller island, 40 miles in length, and 150 in circumference; it contains the states of Jamnon, Sanisera, and Magon. ",
  {'entities': [[98, 103, 'place'],
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 [".3In the open sea, at twelve miles' distance from the larger island, is Capraria with its treacherous coast, so notorious for its numerous shipwrecks; and, opposite to the city of Palma, are the islands known as the Maenariae, Tiquadra, and Little Hannibalis. ",
  {'entities': [[72, 80, 'place'],
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    [248, 258, 'people']]}],
 ['.4The earth of Ebusus has the effect of driving away serpents, while that of Colubraria produces them; hence the latter spot is dangerous to all persons who have not brought with them some of the earth of Ebusus. The Greeks have given it the name of Ophiusa. Ebusus too produces no rabbits to destroy the harvests of the Baleares. There are also about twenty other small islands in this sea, which is full of shoals. Off the coast of Gaul, at the mouth of the Rhodanus, there is Metina, and near it the island which is known as Blascon, with the three Stoechades, so called by their neighbours the Massilians, on account of the regular order in which they are placed; their respective names are Prote, Mese, also called Pomponiana, and Hypaea. After these come Sturium, Phoenice, Phila, Lero, and, opposite to Antipolis, Lerina, where there is a remembrance of a town called Vergoanum having once existed. ',
  {'entities': [[15, 21, 'place'],
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    [810, 819, 'place'],
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 ['.1CORSICA: In the Ligurian Sea, but close to the Tuscan, is Corsica, by the Greeks called Cyrnos, extending, from north to south 150 miles, and for the most part 50 miles in breadth, its circumference being 325. It is 62 miles distant from the Vada Volaterrana. It contains thirty-two states, and two colonies, that of Mariana, founded by C. Marius, and that of Aleria, founded by the Dictator Sulla. On this side of it is Oglasa, and, at a distance of less than sixty miles from Corsica, Planaria, so called from its appearance, being nearly level with the sea, and consequently treacherous to mariners. ',
  {'entities': [[18, 26, 'demonym'],
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    [342, 348, 'people'],
    [362, 368, 'place'],
    [394, 399, 'people'],
    [60, 67, 'place']]}],
 ['.2We next have Urgo, a larger island, and Capraria, which the Greeks have called Aegilion; then Igilium and Dianium, which they have also called Artemisia, both of them opposite the coast of Cosa; also Barpana, Maenaria, Columbaria, and Venaria. We then come to Ilva with its iron mines, an island 100 miles in circumference, 10 miles distant from Populonium, and called Aethalia by the Greeks: from it the island of Planasia is distant 28 miles. After these, beyond the mouths of the Tiber, and off the coast of Antium, we come to Astura, then Palmaria and Sinonia, and, opposite to Formiae, Pontiae. In the Gulf of Puteoli are Pandateria, and Prochyta, so called, not from the nurse of Aeneas, but because it has been poured forth or detached from Aenaria, an island which received its name from having been the anchorage of the fleet of Aeneas, though called by Homer Inarime; it is also called Pithecusa, not, as many have fancied, on account of the multitudes of apes found there, but from its extensive manufactories of pottery. Between Pausilipum and Neapolis lies the island of Megaris, and then, at a distance of eight miles from Surrentum, Capreae, famous for the castle of the emperor Tiberius: it is eleven miles in circumference. ',
  {'entities': [[42, 50, 'place'],
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    [1058, 1066, 'place'],
    [1139, 1148, 'place'],
    [1150, 1157, 'place'],
    [1196, 1204, 'people']]}],
 ['.1SARDINIA: Leucothea comes next, and after it, but out of sight, as it lies upon the verge of the African Sea, Sardinia. It is situate somewhat less than eight miles from the nearest point of Corsica, and the Straits between them are even still more reduced by the small islands there situate, called the Cuniculariae, as also those of Phintonis and Fossae, from which last the Straits themselves have obtained the name of Taphros. ',
  {'entities': [[12, 21, 'people'],
    [112, 120, 'place'],
    [193, 200, 'place']]}],
 ['.2Sardinia extends, upon the east side, a distance of 188 miles, on the west 175, on the south 77, and on the north 125, being 565 miles in circumference. Its promontory of Caralis is distant from Africa 200, and from Gades 1400 miles. Off the promontory of Gordis it has two islands called the Isles of Hercules, off that of Sulcis, the island of Enosis, and off that of Caralis, Ficaria. Some writers place Beleris not far from it, as also Callodis, and the island known as Heras Loutra. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 10, 'place'],
    [173, 180, 'place'],
    [218, 223, 'place'],
    [258, 264, 'place'],
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    [326, 332, 'place'],
    [173, 180, 'place']]}],
 ['.3The most celebrated peoples of this island are the Ilienses, the Balari, and the Corsi; and among its eighteen towns, there are those of the Sulcitani, the Valentini, the Neapolitani, the Bosenses, the Caralitani, who enjoy the rights of Roman citizens, and the Norenses. There is also one colony which is called Ad Turrim Libysonis. Timaeus has called this island Sandaliotis, on account of the similarity of its shape to the sole of a shoe, while Myrtilus has given it the name of Ichnusa, from its resemblance to the print of a footstep. Opposite to the Gulf of Paestum is Leucasia, so called from a Siren who is buried there; opposite to Velia are Poiitia and Isacia, both known by one name, that of Oenotrides, a proof that Italy was formerly possessed by the Oenotrians. Opposite to Vibo are the little islands called Ithacesiae from the watch-tower of Ulysses situate there. ',
  {'entities': [[53, 61, 'people'],
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    [791, 795, 'place'],
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 ['.1SICILY: But more celebrated than all is Sicily, called Sicania by Thucydides, and by many writers Trinacria or Trinacia, from its triangular appearance. According to Agrippa it is 618 miles in circumference. In former times it was a continuation of the territory of Bruttium, but, in consequence of the overflowing of the sea, became severed from it; thus forming a strait of 15 miles in length, and a mile and a half in width in the vicinity of the Pillar of Rhegium. It was from this circumstance of the land being severed asunder that the Greeks gave the name of Rhegium to the town situate on the Italian shore. ',
  {'entities': [[42, 48, 'place'],
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    [268, 276, 'place'],
    [462, 469, 'place'],
    [462, 469, 'place'],
    [603, 610, 'demonym']]}],
 ['.2In these Straits is the rock of Scylla, as also Charybdis, a whirlpool of the sea, both of them noted for their perils. Of this triangle, the promontory, which, as we have already mentioned, is called Pelorus, faces Scylla and juts out towards Italy, while Pachynum extends in the direction of Greece, Peloponnesus being at a distance from it of 440 miles, and Lilybaion, towards Africa, being distant 180 miles from the promontory of Mercury, and from that of Caralis in Sardinia 190. These promontories and sides are situate at the following distances from each other: by land it is 186 miles from Pelorus to Pachynum, from Pachynum to Lilybaion 200, and from Lilybaion to Pelorus 170. ',
  {'entities': [[50, 59, 'place'],
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    [203, 210, 'place'],
    [259, 267, 'place'],
    [259, 267, 'place'],
    [363, 372, 'place'],
    [363, 372, 'place'],
    [203, 210, 'place']]}],
 ['.3In this island there are five colonies and sixty-three cities or states. Leaving Pelorus and facing the Ionian Sea, we have the town of Messana, whose inhabitants are also called Mamertini and enjoy the rights of Roman citizens; the promontory of Drepanum, the colony of Tauromenium, formerly called Naxos, the river Asines, and Mount Aetna, wondrous for the flames which it emits by night. Its crater is twenty stadia in circumference, and from it red-hot cinders are thrown as far as Tauromenium and Catina, the noise being heard even at Maroneum and the Gemellian Hills. We then come to the three rocks of the Cyclopes, the Port of Ulysses, the colony of Catina, and the rivers Symaethus and Terias; while more inland lie the Laestrygonian Plains. ',
  {'entities': [[83, 90, 'place'],
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    [273, 284, 'place'],
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    [637, 644, 'people'],
    [504, 510, 'place'],
    [683, 692, 'place'],
    [697, 703, 'people'],
    [731, 744, 'people']]}],
 ['.4To these rivers succeed the towns of Leontinum and Megaris, the river Pantagies, the colony of Syracuse, with the fountain of Arethusa, (the people in the Syracusan territory drink too of the fountains of Temenitis, Archidemia, Magaea, Cyane, and Milichie,) the port of Naustathmus, the river Elorus, and the promontory of Pachynum. This side of Sicily begins with the river Hirminius, then follow the town of Camarina, the river Gelas, and the town of Agragas, which our people have named Agrigentum. We next come to the colony of Thermae, the rivers Achates, Mazara, and Hypsa; the town of Selinus, and then the Promontory of Lilybaion, which is succeeded by Drepana, Mount Eryx, the towns of Panhormus, Solus and Himera, with a river of the same name, Cephaloedis, Aluntium, Agathyrnum, the colony of Tyndaris, the town of Mylae, and then Pelorus, the spot at which we began. ',
  {'entities': [[39, 48, 'place'],
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    [780, 790, 'place'],
    [806, 814, 'place'],
    [828, 833, 'place'],
    [844, 851, 'place']]}],
 ['.5In the interior there are the following towns enjoying Latin privileges, those of the Centuripini, the Netini, and the Segestani; tributary towns are those of the Assorini, the Aetnenses, the Agyrini, the Acestaei, the Acrenses, the Bidini, the Cetarini, the Cacyrini, the Drepanitani, the Ergetini, the Echetlienses, the Erycini, the Entellini, the Enini, the Enguini, the Gelani, the Galatini, the Halesini, the Hennenses, the Hyblenses, the Herbitenses, the Herbessenses, the Herbulenses, the Halicyenses, the Hadranitani, the Imacarenses, the Ipanenses, the Ietenses, the Mytistratini, the Magellini, the Murgentini, the Mutycenses, the Menanini, the Naxii, the Noaei, the Petrini, the Paropini, the Phthinthienses, the Semellitani, the Scherini, the Selinuntii, the Symaethii, the Talarienses, the Tissinenses, the Triocalini, the Tyracinenses, and the Zanclaei, a Messenian colony on the Straits of Sicily. Towards Africa, its islands are Gaulos, Melita, 87 miles from Camerina, and 113 from Lilybaion, Cosyra, Hieronnesos, Caene, Galata, Lopadusa, Aethusa, written by some Aegusa, Bucinna, Osteodes, distant from Soluntum 75 miles, and, opposite to Paropus, Ustica. ',
  {'entities': [[57, 62, 'demonym'],
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    [1122, 1130, 'place'],
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 ['.6On this side of Sicily, facing the river Metaurus, at a distance of nearly 25 miles from Italy, are the seven islands called the Aeolian, as also the Liparaean islands; by the Greeks they are called the Hephaestiades, and by our writers the Vulcanian Isles; they are called "Aeolian" because in the Trojan times Aeolus was king there. ',
  {'entities': [[18, 24, 'place'],
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    [301, 307, 'demonym'],
    [314, 320, 'people']]}],
 ['.7(9.) Lipara, with a town whose inhabitants enjoy the rights of Roman citizens, is so called from Liparus, a former king who succeeded Aeolus, it having been previously called Melogonis or Meligunis. It is 25 miles distant from Italy, and in circumference a little less. Between this island and Sicily we find another, the name of which was formerly Therasia, but now called Hiera, because it is sacred to Vulcan: it contains a hill which at night vomits forth flames. The third island is Strongyle, lying one mile to the east of Lipara, over which Aeolus reigned as well; it differs only from Lipara in the superior brilliancy of its flames. From the smoke of this volcano it is said that some of the inhabitants are able to predict three days beforehand what winds are about to blow; hence arose the notion that the winds are governed by Aeolus. The fourth of these islands is Didyme, smaller than Lipara, the fifth Ericusa, the sixth Phoenicusa, left to be a pasture-ground for the cattle of the neighbouring islands, and the last and smallest Euonymos. Thus much as to the first great Gulf of Europe. ',
  {'entities': [[7, 13, 'place'],
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    [490, 499, 'place'],
    [7, 13, 'place'],
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    [7, 13, 'place'],
    [136, 142, 'people'],
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    [7, 13, 'place'],
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 ['.1MAGNA GRAECIA, BEGINNING AT LOCRI: At Locri begins the fore-part of Italy, called Magna Graecia, whose coast falls back in three bays formed by the Ausonian sea, so called from the Ausones, who were the first inhabitants of the country. According to Varro it is 86 miles in extent; but most writers have made it only 75. Along this coast there are rivers innumerable, but we shall mention those only that are worthy of remark. After leaving Locri we come to the Sagra, and the ruins of the town of Caulon, Mystiae, Consilinum Castrum, Cocinthum, in the opinion of some, the longest headland of Italy, and then the Gulf of Scylacium, and Scylacium itself, which was called by the Athenians, when they founded it, Scylletium. This part of Italy is nearly a peninsula, in consequence of the Gulf of Terinaion running up into it on the other side; in it there is a harbour called Castra< Hannibalis: in no part is Italy narrower than here, it being but twenty miles across. For this reason the Elder Dionysius entertained the idea of severing this portion from the main-land of Italy at this spot, and adding it to Sicily. The navigable rivers in this district are the Carcines, the Crotalus, the Semirus, the Arocas, and the Targines. In the interior is the town of Petilia, and there are besides, Mount Clibanus, the promontory of Lacinium, in front of which lies the island of Dioscoron, ten miles from the mainland, and another called the Isle of Calypso, which Homer is supposed to refer to under the name of Ogygia; as also the islands of Tiris, Eranusa, and Meloessa. According to Agrippa, the promontory of Lacinium is seventy miles from Caulon. ',
  {'entities': [[40, 45, 'place'],
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 ['.2At the promontory of Lacinium begins the second Gulf of Europe, the bend of which forms an are of great depth, and terminates at Acroceraunium, a promontory of Epirus, from which it is distant seventy-five miles. We first come to the town of Croton, and then the river Neaethus, and the town of Thurii, situate between the two rivers Crathis and Sybaris, upon the latter of which there was once a city of the same name. In a similar manner Heraclia, sometimes called Siris, lies between the river of that name and the Aciris. We next come to the rivers Acalandrus and Casuentum, and the town of Metapontum, with which the third region of Italy terminates. In the interior of Bruttium, the Aprustani are the only people; but in Lucania we find the Atinates, the Bantini, the Eburini, the Grumentini, the Potentini, the Sontini, the Sirini, the Tergilani, the Ursentini, and the Volcentani, whom the Numestrani join. Besides these, we learn from Cato that Thebes in Lucania has disappeared, and Theopompus informs us that there was formerly a city of the Lucani called Pandosia, at which Alexander, the king of Epirus, died. ',
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    [1069, 1077, 'place'],
    [1088, 1097, 'people'],
    [162, 168, 'place']]}],
 ['.1THE SECOND REGION OF ITALY: Adjoining to this district is the second region of Italy, which embraces the Hirpini, Calabria, Apulia, and the Salentini, extending a distance of 250 miles along the Gulf of Tarentum, which receives its name from a town of the Laconians so called, situate at the bottom of the Gulf; to which was annexed the maritime colony which had previously settled there. Tarentum is distant from the promontory of Lacinium 136 miles, and throws out the territory of Calabria opposite to it in the form of a peninsula. The Greeks called this territory Messapia, from their leader; before which it was called Peucetia, from Peucetius, the brother of Oenotrius, and was comprised in the Sallentine territory . Between the two promontories there is a distance of 100 miles. The breadth across the peninsula from Tarentum to Brundusium by land is 35 miles, considerably less if measured from the port of Sasina. The towns inland from Tarentum are Uria surnamed Apulia, Messapia, and Aletium; on the coast, Senum, and Callipolis, now known as Anxa, 75 miles from Tarentum. Thence, at a distance of 32 miles, is the Promontory called Acra Iapygia, at which point Italy projects the greatest distance into the sea. At a distance of 19 miles from this point is the town of Basta, and then Hydruntum, the spot at which the Ionian is separated from the Adriatic sea, and from which the distance across to Greece is the shortest. The town of the Apolloniates lies opposite to it, and the breadth of the arm of the sea which runs between is not more than fifty miles. Pyrrhus, king of Epirus, was the first who entertained the notion of uniting these two points and making a passage on foot, by throwing a bridge across, and after him M. Varro, when commanding the fleet of Pompey in the war against the Pirates. Other cares however prevented either of them from accomplishing this design. Passing Hydruntum, we come to the deserted site of Soletum, then Fratuertium, the Portus Tarentinus, the haven of Miltopa, Lupia, Balesium, Caelia, and then Brundisium, fifty miles from Hydruntum. This last place is one of the most famous ports of Italy, and, although more distant, affords by far the safest passage across to Greece, the place of disembarkation being Dyrrachium, a city of Illyria; the distance across is 225 miles. ',
  {'entities': [[81, 86, 'place'],
    [107, 114, 'ethnic'],
    [116, 124, 'place'],
    [126, 132, 'place'],
    [142, 151, 'ethnic'],
    [205, 213, 'place'],
    [258, 267, 'ethnic'],
    [205, 213, 'place'],
    [434, 442, 'place'],
    [116, 124, 'place'],
    [571, 579, 'place'],
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    [642, 651, 'people'],
    [704, 714, 'demonym'],
    [205, 213, 'place'],
    [840, 850, 'place'],
    [205, 213, 'place'],
    [962, 966, 'place'],
    [126, 132, 'place'],
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    [1032, 1042, 'place'],
    [205, 213, 'place'],
    [1147, 1159, 'place'],
    [81, 86, 'place'],
    [1300, 1309, 'place'],
    [1333, 1339, 'place'],
    [1362, 1370, 'place'],
    [1454, 1466, 'ethnic'],
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    [1592, 1598, 'place'],
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    [1781, 1787, 'people'],
    [1811, 1818, 'people'],
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    [1979, 1985, 'people'],
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    [2037, 2043, 'place'],
    [2054, 2064, 'place'],
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    [81, 86, 'place'],
    [2266, 2276, 'place'],
    [2288, 2295, 'place']]}],
 ['.2Adjoining Brundusium is the territory of the Pediculi; nine youths and as many maidens, natives of Illyria, became the parents of sixteen nations. The towns of the Pediculi are Rudiae, Egnatia, and Barium; their rivers are the Iapyx (so called from the son of Daedalus, who was king there, and who gave it the name of Iapygia), the Pactius, and the Aufidus, which rises in the Hirpinian mountains and flows past Canusium. ',
  {'entities': [[12, 22, 'place'],
    [101, 108, 'place'],
    [179, 185, 'place'],
    [187, 194, 'place'],
    [200, 206, 'place'],
    [229, 234, 'people'],
    [262, 270, 'people'],
    [320, 327, 'place'],
    [351, 358, 'place'],
    [379, 388, 'demonym'],
    [414, 422, 'place']]}],
 [".3At this point begins Apulia, surnamed the Daunian, from the Daunii, who take their name from a former chief, the father-in-law of Diomedes. In this territory are the towns of Salapia, famous for Hannibal's amour with a courtezan, Sipontum, Uria, the river Cerbalus, forming the boundary of the Daunii, the port of Agasus, and the Promontory of Mount Garganus, distant from the SallentinePromontory or Iapygia 234 miles. Making the circuit of Garganus, we come to the port of Garna, the Lake Pantanus, the river Frento, the mouth of which forms a harbour, Teanum of the Apuli, and Larinum, Cliternia, and the river Tifernus, at which the district of the Frentani begins. Thus there were three different nations of the Apulians, [the Daunii, ] the Teani, so called from their leader, and who sprang from the Greeks, and the Lucani, who were subdued by Calchas, and whose country is now possessed by the Atinates. Besides those already mentioned, there are, of the Daunii, the colonies of Luceria and Venusia, the towns of Canusium and Arpi, formerly called Argos Hippium and founded by Diomedes, afterwards called Argyrippa. Here too Diomedes destroyed the nations of the Monadi and the Dardi, and the two cities of Apina and Trica, whose names have passed into a by-word and a proverb. ",
  {'entities': [[23, 29, 'place'],
    [44, 51, 'demonym'],
    [62, 68, 'ethnic'],
    [132, 140, 'people'],
    [177, 184, 'place'],
    [197, 205, 'people'],
    [232, 240, 'place'],
    [242, 246, 'place'],
    [62, 68, 'ethnic'],
    [352, 360, 'place'],
    [379, 389, 'demonym'],
    [403, 410, 'place'],
    [352, 360, 'place'],
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    [23, 28, 'ethnic'],
    [582, 589, 'place'],
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    [655, 663, 'ethnic'],
    [719, 727, 'ethnic'],
    [62, 68, 'ethnic'],
    [824, 830, 'ethnic'],
    [852, 859, 'people'],
    [903, 911, 'people'],
    [62, 68, 'ethnic'],
    [988, 995, 'place'],
    [1000, 1007, 'place'],
    [1022, 1030, 'place'],
    [1035, 1039, 'place'],
    [1057, 1070, 'place'],
    [132, 140, 'people'],
    [132, 140, 'people']]}],
 ['.4Besides the above, there is in the interior of the second region one colony of the Hirpini, Beneventum, so called by an exchange of a more auspicious name for its old one of Maleventum; also the Aeculani the Aquilonii, the Abellinates surnamed Protropi, the Compsani, the Caudini, the Ligures, both those called the Corneliani and Bebiani, the Vescellani, the Aeclani, the Aletrini, the Abellinates surnamed Marsi, the Atrani, the Aecani, the Alfellani, the Atinates, the Arpani, the Borcani, the Collatni, the Corinenses, the Cannenses, rendered famous by the defeat of the Romans, the Dirini, the Forentani, the Genusini, the Herdonienses, the Hyrini, the Larinates surnamed Frentani, the Merinates of Garganus, the Mateolani, the Netini, the Rubustini, the Silvini, the Strapellini, the Turmentini, the Vibinates, the Venusini, and the Ulurtini. In the interior of Calabria there are the Aegetini, the Apamestini, the Argentini, the Butuntinenses, the Deciani, the Grumbestini, the Norbanenses, the Palionenses, the Sturnini, and the Tutini: there are also the following Salentine nations; the Aletini, the Basterbini, the Neretini, the Uxentini, and the Veretini. ',
  {'entities': [[85, 92, 'ethnic'],
    [94, 104, 'place'],
    [197, 205, 'ethnic'],
    [210, 219, 'ethnic'],
    [225, 236, 'ethnic'],
    [260, 268, 'ethnic'],
    [274, 281, 'ethnic'],
    [375, 383, 'ethnic'],
    [225, 236, 'ethnic'],
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    [460, 468, 'people'],
    [529, 538, 'ethnic'],
    [601, 610, 'people'],
    [630, 642, 'ethnic'],
    [679, 687, 'ethnic'],
    [706, 714, 'place'],
    [823, 831, 'ethnic'],
    [870, 878, 'place'],
    [1076, 1085, 'demonym']]}],
 ['.1THE FOURTH REGION OF ITALY: We now come to the fourth region, which includes the most valiant probably of all the nations of Italy. Upon the coast, in the territory of the Frentani, after the river Tifernus, we find the river Trinium, with a good harbour at its mouth, the towns of Histonium, Buca, and Ortona, and the river Aternus. In the interior are the Anxani surnamed Frentani, the Higher and Lower Carentini, and the Lanuenses; in the territory of the Marrucini, the Teatini; in that of the Peligni, the Corfinienses, the Superaequani, and the Sulmonenses; in that of the Marsi, the Anxantini, the Atinates, the Fucentes, the Lucenses, and the Marruvini; in that of the Albenses, the town of Alba on Lake Fucinus; in that of the Aequiculani, the Cliternini, and the Carseolani; in that of the Vestini, the Angulani, the Pinnenses, and the Peltuinates, adjoining to whom are the Aufinates Cismontani; in that of the Samnites, who have been called Sabelli, and whom the Greeks have called Saunitae, the colony of old Bovianum, and that of the Undecumani, the Aufidenates, the Esernini, the Fagifulani, the Ficolenses, the Saepinates, and the Tereventinates; in that of the Sabini, the Amiternini, the Curenses, Forum Deci, Forum Novum, the Fidenates, the Interamnates, the Nursini, the Nomentani, the Reatini, the Trebulani, both those called Mutusci and those called Suffenates, the Tiburtes, and the Tarinates. ',
  {'entities': [[127, 132, 'place'],
    [174, 182, 'ethnic'],
    [200, 208, 'people'],
    [295, 299, 'people'],
    [305, 311, 'place'],
    [327, 334, 'people'],
    [174, 182, 'ethnic'],
    [461, 470, 'ethnic'],
    [476, 483, 'ethnic'],
    [500, 507, 'ethnic'],
    [513, 525, 'ethnic'],
    [581, 586, 'people'],
    [607, 615, 'people'],
    [653, 662, 'ethnic'],
    [701, 705, 'place'],
    [709, 721, 'place'],
    [755, 765, 'people'],
    [775, 785, 'ethnic'],
    [848, 859, 'ethnic'],
    [924, 932, 'ethnic'],
    [955, 962, 'people'],
    [1024, 1032, 'place'],
    [1066, 1077, 'ethnic'],
    [1083, 1091, 'ethnic'],
    [1097, 1107, 'ethnic'],
    [1149, 1163, 'ethnic'],
    [1180, 1186, 'people'],
    [1192, 1202, 'ethnic'],
    [1247, 1256, 'ethnic'],
    [1262, 1274, 'ethnic'],
    [1280, 1287, 'ethnic'],
    [1293, 1302, 'ethnic'],
    [1308, 1315, 'ethnic'],
    [1321, 1330, 'ethnic']]}],
 ['.2In these districts, the Comini, the Tadiates, the Caedici, and the Alfaterni, tribes of the Aequiculi, have disappeared. From Gellianus we learn that Archippe, a town of the Marsi, built by Marsyas, a chieftain of the Lydians, has been swallowed up by Lake Fucinus, and Valerianus informs us that the town of the Viticini in Picenum was destroyed by the Romans. The Sabini (called, according to some writers, from their attention to religious observances and the worship of the gods, Sevini) dwell on the dew-clad hills in the vicinity of the Lakes of the Velinus. The Nar, with its sulphureous waters, exhausts these lakes, and, descending from Mount Fiscellus, unites with them near the groves of Vacuna and Reate, and then directs its course towards the Tiber, into which it discharges itself. Again, in another direction, the Anio, taking its rise in the mountain of the Trebani, carries into the Tiber the waters of three lakes remarkable for their picturesque beauty, and to which Sublaqueum is indebted for its name. In the territory of Reate is the Lake of Cutiliae, in which there is a floating island, and which, according to M. Varro, is the navel or central point of Italy. Below the Sabine territory lies that of Latium, on one side Picenum, and behind it Umbria, while the range of the Apennines flanks it on either side. ',
  {'entities': [[26, 32, 'ethnic'],
    [176, 181, 'people'],
    [192, 199, 'people'],
    [220, 227, 'ethnic'],
    [254, 266, 'place'],
    [272, 282, 'people'],
    [327, 334, 'place'],
    [368, 374, 'people'],
    [558, 565, 'people'],
    [654, 663, 'people'],
    [701, 707, 'people'],
    [712, 717, 'place'],
    [759, 764, 'place'],
    [832, 836, 'place'],
    [877, 884, 'people'],
    [759, 764, 'place'],
    [989, 999, 'place'],
    [712, 717, 'place'],
    [1141, 1146, 'people'],
    [1181, 1186, 'place'],
    [1198, 1204, 'people'],
    [1228, 1234, 'place'],
    [327, 334, 'place'],
    [1271, 1277, 'people'],
    [1302, 1311, 'place']]}],
 ['.1THE FIFTH REGION OF ITALY: The fifth region is that of Picenum, once remarkable for the denseness of its population; 360,000 Picentines took the oaths of fidelity to the Roman people. They are descended from the Sabines, who had made a vow to celebrate a holy spring. Their territory commenced at the river Aternus, where the present district and colony of Adria is, at a distance of six miles from the sea. Here we find the river Vomanus, the territories of Praetutia and Palma, Castrum Novum, the river Batinus; Truentum, with its river of the same name, which place is the only remnant of the Liburni in Italy; the river Albula; Tervium, at which the Praetutian district ends, and that of Picenum begins; the town of Cupra, Castellum Firmanorum, and above it the colony of Asculum, the most illustrious in Picenum; in the interior there is the town of Novana. Upon the coast we have Cluana, Potentia, Numana, founded by the Siculi, and Ancona, a colony founded by the same people on the Promontory of Cumerus, forming an elbow of the coast, where it begins to bend inwards, and distant from Garganus 183 miles. In the interior are the Auximates, the Beregrani, the Cingulani, the Cuprenses surnamed Montani, the Falarienses, the Pausulani, the Planinenses, the Ricinenses, the Septempedani, the Tollentinates, the Treienses, and the Pollentini of Urbs Salvia. ',
  {'entities': [[57, 64, 'place'],
    [127, 137, 'ethnic'],
    [214, 221, 'people'],
    [309, 316, 'people'],
    [359, 364, 'place'],
    [461, 470, 'place'],
    [516, 524, 'place'],
    [598, 605, 'ethnic'],
    [609, 614, 'place'],
    [626, 632, 'people'],
    [57, 64, 'place'],
    [722, 727, 'place'],
    [778, 785, 'place'],
    [57, 64, 'place'],
    [896, 904, 'place'],
    [906, 912, 'place'],
    [941, 947, 'place'],
    [1096, 1104, 'place'],
    [1140, 1149, 'people'],
    [1204, 1211, 'people'],
    [1352, 1363, 'place']]}],
 ['.1THE SIXTH REGION OF ITALY: Adjoining to this is the sixth region, which includes Umbria and the Gallic territory in the vicinity of Ariminum. At Ancona begins the coast of that part of Gaul known as Gallia Togata. The Siculi and the Liburni possessed the greater part of this district, and more particularly the territories of Palma, of Praetutia, and of Adria. These were expelled by the Umbri, these again by the Etrurians, and these in their turn by the Gauls. The Umbri are thought to have been the most ancient race in Italy, it being supposed that they were called "Ombrii" by the Greeks, from the fact of their having survived the rains which had inundated the earth. We read that 300 of their towns were conquered by the Tusci; at the present day we find on their coast the river Aesis, Senogallia, the river Metaurus, the colonies of Fanum Fortunae and Pisaurum, with a river of the same name; and, in the interior, those of Hispellum and Tuder. ',
  {'entities': [[83, 89, 'people'],
    [134, 142, 'place'],
    [147, 153, 'place'],
    [208, 214, 'people'],
    [235, 242, 'ethnic'],
    [339, 348, 'people'],
    [357, 362, 'place'],
    [83, 88, 'people'],
    [417, 426, 'ethnic'],
    [83, 88, 'people'],
    [526, 531, 'place'],
    [731, 736, 'ethnic'],
    [790, 795, 'place'],
    [797, 807, 'place'],
    [819, 827, 'people'],
    [845, 859, 'place'],
    [864, 872, 'place'],
    [936, 945, 'place'],
    [950, 955, 'place']]}],
 ['.2Besides the above, there are the Amerini, the Attidiates, the Asisinates, the Arnates, the Aesinates, the Camertes, the Casuentillani, the Carsulani, the Dolates surnamed Salentini, the Fulginiates, the Foroflaminienses, the Forojulienses surnamed Concupienses, the Forobrentani, the Forosempronienses, the Iguvini, the Interamnates surnamed Nartes, the Mevanates, the Mevanionenses, the Matilicates, the Narnienses, whose town used formerly to be called Nequinum; the Nucerini, both those surnamed Favonienses and those called Camellani; the Ocriculani, the Ostrani, the Pitulani, both those surnamed Pisuertes and the others called Mergentini; the Plestini, the Sentinates, the Sarsinates, the Spoletini, the Suasini, the Sestinates, the Suillates, the Tadinates, the Trebiates, the Tuficani, the Tifernates surnamed Tiberini, and the others called Metaurenses, the Vesinicates, the Urbinates, both those surnamed Metaurenses and the others called Hortenses, the Vettonenses, the Vindinates, and the Viventani. In this district there exist no longer the Feliginates who possessed Clusiolum above Interamna, and the Sarranates, with their towns of Acerrae, surnamed Vafriae, and Turocelum, also called Vettiolum; as also the Solinates, the Curiates, the Fallienates, and the Apiennates. The Arienates also have disappeared with the town of Crinovolum, as well as the Usidicani, the Plangenses, the Paesinates, and the Caelestini. Cato writes that Ameria above-mentioned was founded 964 years before the war with Perseus. ',
  {'entities': [[108, 116, 'ethnic'],
    [309, 316, 'ethnic'],
    [322, 334, 'ethnic'],
    [457, 465, 'place'],
    [545, 555, 'ethnic'],
    [682, 692, 'ethnic'],
    [698, 707, 'ethnic'],
    [713, 720, 'ethnic'],
    [726, 736, 'ethnic'],
    [853, 864, 'ethnic'],
    [887, 896, 'ethnic'],
    [853, 864, 'people'],
    [967, 978, 'people'],
    [322, 331, 'place'],
    [1433, 1437, 'people'],
    [1450, 1456, 'place'],
    [1515, 1522, 'people']]}],
 ['.1THE EIGHTH REGION OF ITALY; THE PADUS. The eighth region is bounded by Ariminum, the Padus, and the Apennines. Upon the coast we have the river Crustumium, and the colony of Ariminum, with the rivers Ariminus and Aprusa. Next comes the river Rubicon, once the boundary of Italy, and after it the Sapis, the Vitis, and the Anemo, and then, Ravenna, a town of the Sabines, with the river Bedesis, 105 miles from Ancona; and, not far from the sea, Butrium, a town of the Umbri. In the interior there are the colonies of Bononia, formerly called Felsina, when it was the chief place of Etruria, Brixillum, Mutina, Parma, and Placentia. There are also the towns of Caesena, Claterna, Forum Clodi, Forum Livi, Forum Popili, Forum Truentinorum, Forum Corneli, Forum Licini, the Faventini, the Fidentini, the Otesini, the Padinates, the Regienses, who take their name from Lepidus, the Solonates, the Saltus Galliani, surnamed Aquinates, the Tannetani, the Veliates, who were anciently surnamed Regiates, and the Urbanates. In this district the Boii have disappeared, of whom there were 112 tribes according to Cato; as also the Senones, who captured Rome. ',
  {'entities': [[73, 81, 'place'],
    [87, 92, 'place'],
    [102, 111, 'place'],
    [73, 81, 'place'],
    [244, 251, 'place'],
    [274, 279, 'place'],
    [298, 303, 'people'],
    [341, 348, 'place'],
    [364, 371, 'people'],
    [412, 418, 'place'],
    [470, 475, 'people'],
    [519, 526, 'place'],
    [544, 551, 'place'],
    [584, 591, 'place'],
    [593, 602, 'place'],
    [604, 610, 'place'],
    [612, 617, 'place'],
    [623, 632, 'place'],
    [662, 669, 'place'],
    [671, 679, 'place'],
    [694, 704, 'place'],
    [740, 753, 'place'],
    [773, 782, 'ethnic'],
    [831, 840, 'ethnic'],
    [867, 874, 'people'],
    [989, 997, 'ethnic'],
    [1039, 1043, 'people'],
    [1105, 1109, 'people'],
    [1123, 1130, 'ethnic'],
    [1145, 1149, 'place']]}],
 ['.2The Padus descends from the bosom of Mount Vesulus, one of the most elevated points of the chain of the Alps, in the territories of the Ligurian Vagienni, and rises at its source in a manner that well merits an inspection by the curious; after which it hides itself in a subterranean channel until it rises again in the country of the Forovibienses. It is inferior in fame to none whatever among the rivers, being known to the Greeks as the Eridanus and famous as the scene of the punishment of Phaethon. At the rising of the Dog-star it is swollen by the melted snows; but, though it proves more furious in its course to the adjoining fields than to the vessels that are upon it, still it takes care to carry away no portion of its banks, and when it recedes, renders them additionally fertile. Its length from its source is 300 miles, to which we must add eighty-eight for its sinuosities; and it receives from the Apennines and Alps not only several navigable rivers, but immense lakes as well, which discharge themselves into its waters, thus conveying altogether as many as thirty streams into the Adriatic Sea. ',
  {'entities': [[6, 11, 'place'],
    [45, 52, 'people'],
    [106, 110, 'place'],
    [138, 146, 'person'],
    [147, 155, 'people'],
    [443, 451, 'place'],
    [497, 505, 'people'],
    [919, 928, 'place'],
    [106, 110, 'place'],
    [1105, 1113, 'place']]}],
 ['.3Of these the best known are the following — flowing from the range of the Apennines, the Jactus, the Tanarus, the Trebia which passes Placentia, the Tarus, the Incia, the Gabellus, the Scultenna, and the Rhenus: from the chain of the Alps, the Stura, the Orgus, the two Duriae, the Sessites, the Ticinus, the Lambrus, the Addua, the Ollius, and the Mincius. There is no river known to receive a larger increase than this in so short a space; so much so indeed that it is impelled onwards by this vast body of water, and, invading the land, forms deep channels in its course: hence it is that, although a portion of its stream is drawn off by rivers and canals between Ravenna and Altinum, for a space of 120 miles, still, at the spot where it discharges the vast body of its waters, it is said to form seven seas. ',
  {'entities': [[76, 85, 'place'],
    [116, 122, 'place'],
    [136, 145, 'place'],
    [187, 196, 'people'],
    [206, 212, 'place'],
    [236, 240, 'place'],
    [298, 305, 'place'],
    [335, 341, 'people'],
    [351, 358, 'people'],
    [670, 677, 'place'],
    [682, 689, 'place']]}],
 ['.4By the Augustan Canal the Padus is carried to Ravenna, at which place it is called the Padusa, having formerly borne the name of Messanicus. The nearest mouth to this spot forms the extensive port known as that of Vatrenus, where Claudius Caesar, on his triumph over the Britons, entered the Adriatic in a vessel that deserved rather the name of a vast palace than a ship. This mouth, which was formerly called by some the Eridanian, has been by others styled the Spinetic mouth, from the city of Spina, a very powerful place which formerly stood in the vicinity, if we may form a conclusion from the amount of its treasure deposited at Delphi; it was founded by Diomedes. At this spot the river Vatrenus, which flows from the territory of Forum Corneli, swells the waters of the Padus. ',
  {'entities': [[9, 17, 'people'],
    [28, 33, 'place'],
    [48, 55, 'place'],
    [89, 95, 'people'],
    [216, 224, 'people'],
    [232, 247, 'people'],
    [273, 280, 'ethnic'],
    [294, 302, 'place'],
    [466, 474, 'demonym'],
    [499, 504, 'place'],
    [639, 645, 'place'],
    [665, 673, 'people'],
    [216, 224, 'people'],
    [742, 755, 'place'],
    [28, 33, 'place']]}],
 ['.5The next mouth to this is that of Caprasia, then that of Sagis, and then Volane, formerly called Olane; all of which are situate upon the Flavian Canal, which the Tuscans formerly made from Sagis, thus drawing the impetuous stream of the river across into the marshes of the Atriani, which they call the Seven Seas; and upon which is the noble port of Atria, a city of the Tuscans, from which place the sea was formerly called the Atriatic, though now the Adriatic. ',
  {'entities': [[165, 172, 'ethnic'],
    [277, 282, 'place'],
    [165, 172, 'ethnic'],
    [458, 466, 'place']]}],
 ['.6We next come to the overflowing mouths of Carbonaria, and the Fosses of Philistina, by some called Tartarus, all of which originate in the overflow of the waters in the Philistinian Canal, swollen by the streams of the Atesis, descending from the Tridentine Alps, and of the Togisonus, flowing from the territory of the Patavini. A portion of them also forms the adjoining port of Brundulum, in the same manner as Edron is formed by the two rivers Meduacus and the Clodian Canal. With the waters of these streams the Padus unites, and with them discharges itself into the sea, forming, according to most writers, between the Alps and the sea-shore a triangular figure, 2000 stadia in circumference, not unlike the Delta formed by the Nile in Egypt. I feel somewhat ashamed to have to borrow from the Greeks any statement in reference to Italy; Metrodorus of Scepsis, however, informs us that this river has obtained its name of Padus from the fact, that about its source there are great numbers of pine-trees, which in the Gallic language are called "padi." In the tongue of the Ligurians this river is called "Bodincus," which signifies "the bottomless." This derivation is in some measure supported by the fact that near this river there is the town of Industria, of which the ancient name was Bodincomagum, and where the river begins to be of greater depth than in other parts. ',
  {'entities': [[101, 109, 'people'],
    [249, 259, 'demonym'],
    [260, 264, 'place'],
    [322, 330, 'ethnic'],
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    [260, 264, 'place'],
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    [1257, 1266, 'place']]}],
 ['.1THE ELEVENTH REGION OF ITALY; ITALIA TRANSPAIDANA. From the river Padus the eleventh region receives its name of Transpadana; to which, situate as it is wholly in the interior, the river, by its bounteous channel, conveys the gifts of all the seas. The towns are Vibi Forum and Segusio; and, at the foot of the Alps, the colony of Augusta Taurinorum, at which place the Padus becomes navigable, and which was founded by the ancient race of the Ligurians, and of Augusta Praetoria of the Salassi, near the two passes of the Alps, the Grecian and the Penine (by the latter it is said that the Carthaginians passed into Italy, by the Grecian, Hercules) — the town of Eporedia, the foundation of which by the Roman people was enjoined by the Sibylline books; the Gauls call tamers of horses by the name of "Eporediae" — Vercellae, the town of the Libici, derived its origin from the Salluvii, and Novaria, founded by the Vertacomacori, is at the present day a district of the Vocontii, and not, as Cato supposes, of the Ligurians; of whom two nations, called the Laevi and the Marici, founded Ticinum, not far from the Padus, as the Boii, descended from the Transalpine nations, have founded Laus Pompeia and the Insubres Mediolanum. ',
  {'entities': [[68, 73, 'place'],
    [280, 287, 'place'],
    [313, 317, 'place'],
    [333, 351, 'place'],
    [68, 73, 'place'],
    [446, 455, 'ethnic'],
    [464, 481, 'place'],
    [489, 496, 'ethnic'],
    [313, 317, 'place'],
    [593, 606, 'ethnic'],
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    [666, 674, 'place'],
    [818, 827, 'place'],
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    [996, 1000, 'people'],
    [446, 455, 'ethnic'],
    [1061, 1066, 'people'],
    [1091, 1098, 'place'],
    [68, 73, 'place'],
    [1131, 1135, 'people'],
    [1190, 1202, 'place'],
    [1211, 1219, 'people'],
    [1220, 1230, 'place']]}],
 ['.2From Cato we also learn that Comum, Bergomum, and Licini forum, and some other peoples in the vicinity, originated with the Orobii, but he admits that he is ignorant as to the origin of that nation. Cornelius Alexander however informs us that they came from Greece, interpreting their name as meaning "those who live upon the mountains." In this district, Parra has disappeared, a town of the Orobii, from whom, according to Cato, the people of Bergomum are descended; its site even yet shows that it was situate in a position more elevated than fruitful. The Caturiges have also perished, an exiled race of the Insubres, as also Spina previously mentioned; Melpum too, a place distinguished for its opulence, which, as we are informed by Cornelius Nepos, was destroyed by the Insubres, the Boii, and the Senones, on the very day on which Camillus took Veii. ',
  {'entities': [[7, 11, 'people'],
    [31, 36, 'place'],
    [38, 46, 'place'],
    [126, 132, 'people'],
    [201, 220, 'people'],
    [126, 132, 'people'],
    [7, 11, 'people'],
    [38, 46, 'place'],
    [562, 571, 'people'],
    [614, 622, 'people'],
    [632, 637, 'place'],
    [741, 756, 'people'],
    [614, 622, 'people'],
    [793, 797, 'people'],
    [807, 814, 'ethnic'],
    [841, 849, 'people'],
    [855, 859, 'place']]}],
 [".1THE TENTH REGION OF ITALY: We now come to the tenth region of Italy, situate on the Adriatic Sea. In this district are Venetia, the river Silis, rising in the Tarvisanian mountains, the town of Altinum, the river Liquentia rising in the mountains of Opitergium, and a port with the same name, the colony of Concordia; the rivers and harbours of Romatinum, the greater and less Tiliaventum, the Anaxum, into which the Varamus flows, the Alsa, and the Natiso with the Turrus, which flow past the colony of Aquileia at a distance of fifteen miles from the sea. This is the country of the Carni, and adjoining to it is that of the Iapydes, the river Timavus, the fortress of Pucinum, famous for its wines, the Gulf of Tergeste, and the colony of that name, thirty-three miles from Aquileia. Six miles beyond this place lies the river Formio, 189 miles distant from Ravenna, the ancient boundary of enlarged Italy, and now the frontier of Istria. That this region takes its name from the river Ister which flows from the Danube, also called the Ister, into the Adriatic opposite the mouth of the Padus, and that the sea which lies between them is rendered fresh by their waters running from opposite directions, has been erroneously asserted by many, and among them by Nepos even, who dwelt upon the banks of the Padus. For it is the fact that no river which runs from the Danube discharges itself into the Adriatic. They have been misled, I think, by the circumstance that the ship Argo came down some river into the Adriatic sea, not far from Tergeste; but what river that was is now unknown. The most careful writers say that the ship was carried across the Alps on men's shoulders, having passed along the Ister, then along the Savus, and so from Nauportus, which place, lying between Aemona and the Alps, from that circumstance derives its name. ",
  {'entities': [[64, 69, 'place'],
    [86, 94, 'place'],
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    [252, 262, 'place'],
    [309, 318, 'place'],
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    [629, 636, 'people'],
    [648, 655, 'people'],
    [716, 724, 'place'],
    [506, 514, 'place'],
    [863, 870, 'place'],
    [64, 69, 'place'],
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    [991, 996, 'place'],
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    [1093, 1098, 'place'],
    [1018, 1024, 'place'],
    [86, 94, 'place'],
    [1480, 1484, 'people'],
    [86, 94, 'place'],
    [716, 724, 'place'],
    [1658, 1662, 'place'],
    [991, 996, 'place'],
    [1729, 1734, 'people'],
    [1748, 1757, 'place'],
    [1786, 1792, 'place'],
    [1658, 1662, 'place']]}],
 ['.1ISTRIA, ITS PEOPLE AND LOCALITY: Istria projects in the form of a peninsula. Some writers have stated its length to be forty miles, and its circumference 125; and the same as to Liburnia which adjoins it, and the Flanatic Gulf, while others make it 225; others again make the circumference of Liburnia 180 miles. Some persons too extend Iapydia, at the back of Istria, as far as the Flanatic Gulf, a distance of 130 miles, thus making Liburnia but 150 miles. Tuditanus, who subdued the Istri, had this inscription on his statue which was erected there: "From Aquileia to the river Titus is a distance of 1000 stadia." ',
  {'entities': [[35, 41, 'place'],
    [180, 188, 'place'],
    [180, 188, 'place'],
    [339, 346, 'people'],
    [35, 41, 'place'],
    [180, 188, 'place'],
    [461, 470, 'people'],
    [35, 40, 'people'],
    [561, 569, 'place']]}],
 ['.2The towns of Istria with the rights of Roman citizens are Aegida, Parentium, and the colony of Pola, now Pietas Julia, formerly founded by the Colchians, and distant from Tergeste 100 miles: after which we come to the town of Nesactium, and the river Arsia, now the boundary of Italy. The distance across from Ancona to Pola is 120 miles. In the interior of the tenth region are the colonies of Cremona, Brixia in the territory of the Cenomanni, Ateste belonging to the Veneti, and the towns of Acelum, Patavium, Opitergium, Belunum, and Vicetia; with Mantua, the only city of the Tuscans now left beyond the Padus. Cato informs us that the Veneti are descendants of the Trojans, and that the Cenomanni dwelt among the Volcae in the vicinity of Massilia. There are also the towns of the Fertini, the Tridentini, and the Beruenses, belonging to the Rhaeti, Verona, belonging to the Rhaeti and the Euganei, and Julienses to the Carni. We then have the following peoples, whom there is no necessity to particularize with any degree of exactness, the Alutrenses, the Asseriates, the Flamonienses with those surnamed Vanienses, and the others called Culici, the Forojulienses surnamed Transpadani, the Foretani, the Nedinates, the Quarqueni, the Taurisani, the Togienses, and the Varvari. In this district there have disappeared — upon the coast — Iramene, Pellaon, and Palsatium, Atina and Caelina belonging to the Veneti, Segeste and Ocra to the Carni, and Noreia to the Taurisci. L. Piso also informs us that although the senate disapproved of his so doing, M. Claudius Marcellus razed to the ground a tower situated at the twelfth mile-stone from Aquileia. ',
  {'entities': [[15, 21, 'place'],
    [97, 101, 'place'],
    [145, 154, 'ethnic'],
    [173, 181, 'place'],
    [228, 237, 'people'],
    [253, 258, 'people'],
    [280, 285, 'place'],
    [312, 318, 'place'],
    [97, 101, 'place'],
    [397, 404, 'place'],
    [406, 412, 'place'],
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    [505, 513, 'place'],
    [515, 525, 'place'],
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    [611, 616, 'place'],
    [618, 622, 'people'],
    [472, 478, 'ethnic'],
    [673, 680, 'ethnic'],
    [437, 446, 'ethnic'],
    [721, 727, 'people'],
    [747, 755, 'place'],
    [802, 812, 'ethnic'],
    [850, 856, 'ethnic'],
    [858, 864, 'place'],
    [850, 856, 'ethnic'],
    [911, 920, 'people'],
    [928, 933, 'people'],
    [1159, 1172, 'ethnic'],
    [1378, 1383, 'people'],
    [472, 478, 'ethnic'],
    [1433, 1437, 'people'],
    [928, 933, 'people'],
    [1470, 1478, 'people'],
    [1483, 1487, 'people'],
    [1561, 1569, 'people'],
    [1570, 1579, 'people'],
    [1648, 1656, 'place']]}],
 ['.3In this region also and the eleventh there are some celebrated lakes, and several rivers that either take their rise in them or else are fed by their waters, in those cases in which they again emerge from them. These are the Addua, fed by the Lake Larius, the Ticinus by Lake Verbannus, the Mincius by Lake Benacus, the Ollius by Lake Sebinnus, and the Lambrus by Lake Eupilis — all of them flowing into the Padus. ',
  {'entities': [[227, 232, 'people'],
    [250, 256, 'people'],
    [262, 269, 'place'],
    [278, 287, 'people'],
    [293, 300, 'people'],
    [309, 316, 'people'],
    [322, 328, 'people'],
    [410, 415, 'place']]}],
 ['.4Caelius states that the length of the Alps from the Upper Sea to the Lower is 1000 miles, a distance which Timagenes shortens by twenty-two. Cornelius Nepos assigns to them a breadth of 100 miles, and T. Livius of 3000 stadia; but then in different places. For in some localities they exceed 100 miles; where they divide Germany, for instance, from Italy; while in other parts they do not reach seventy, being thus narrowed by the providential dispensation of nature as it were. The breadth of Italy, taken from the river Var at the foot of these mountains, and passing along by the Vada Sabatia, the Taurini, Comum, Brixia, Verona, Vicetia, Opitergium, Aquileia, Tergeste, Pola, and Arsia, is 745 miles. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 9, 'people'],
    [40, 44, 'place'],
    [109, 118, 'people'],
    [143, 158, 'people'],
    [203, 212, 'people'],
    [323, 330, 'people'],
    [351, 356, 'place'],
    [351, 356, 'place'],
    [524, 527, 'place'],
    [585, 589, 'people'],
    [603, 610, 'ethnic'],
    [612, 617, 'place'],
    [619, 625, 'place'],
    [627, 633, 'place'],
    [635, 642, 'place'],
    [644, 654, 'place'],
    [656, 664, 'place'],
    [666, 674, 'place'],
    [676, 680, 'place'],
    [686, 691, 'people']]}],
 ['.1THE ALPS, AND THE ALPINE NATIONS: Many nations dwell among the Alps; but the more remarkable, between Pola and the district of Tergeste, are the Secusses, the Subocrini, the Catali, the Menocaleni, and near the Carni the people formerly called the Taurisci, but now the Norici. Adjoining to these are the Rhaeti and the Vindelici, who are all divided into a multitude of states. It is supposed that the Rhaeti are the descendants of the Tuscans, who were expelled by the Gauls and migrated hither under the command of their chief, whose name was Rhaetus. Turning then to the side of the Alps which fronts Italy, we have the Euganean nations enjoying Latin rights, and of whom Cato enumerates thirty-four towns. Among these are the Triumpilini, a people who were sold with their territory; and then the Camuni, and several similar tribes, each of them in the jurisdiction of its neighbouring municipal town. The same author also considers the Lepontii and the Salassi to be of Tauriscan origin, but most other writers, giving a Greek interpretation to their name, consider the Lepontii to have been those of the followers of Hercules who were left behind in consequence of their limbs being frozen by the snow of the Alps. They are also of opinion that the inhabitants of the Grecian Alps are descended from a portion of the Greeks of his army, and that the Euganeans, being sprung from an origin so illustrious, thence took their name. The head of these are the Stoeni. The Vennonenses and the Sarunetes, peoples of the Rhaeti, dwell about the sources of the river Rhenus, while the tribe of the Lepontii, known as the Uberi, dwell in the vicinity of the sources of the Rhodanus, in the same district of the Alps. There are also other native tribes here, who have received Latin rights, such as the Octodurenses, and their neighbours the Centrones, the Cottian states, the Ligurian Vagienni, descended from the Caturiges, as also those called Montani; besides numerous nations of the Capillati, on the confines of the Ligurian Sea. ',
  {'entities': [[65, 69, 'place'],
    [104, 108, 'place'],
    [129, 137, 'place'],
    [213, 218, 'people'],
    [250, 258, 'people'],
    [272, 278, 'ethnic'],
    [307, 313, 'ethnic'],
    [322, 331, 'ethnic'],
    [307, 313, 'ethnic'],
    [439, 446, 'ethnic'],
    [548, 555, 'people'],
    [65, 69, 'place'],
    [607, 612, 'place'],
    [626, 634, 'people'],
    [652, 657, 'demonym'],
    [678, 682, 'people'],
    [804, 810, 'people'],
    [961, 968, 'ethnic'],
    [978, 987, 'people'],
    [1126, 1134, 'people'],
    [65, 69, 'place'],
    [65, 69, 'place'],
    [307, 313, 'ethnic'],
    [1567, 1573, 'place'],
    [1672, 1680, 'place'],
    [65, 69, 'place'],
    [652, 657, 'demonym'],
    [1801, 1813, 'ethnic'],
    [1840, 1849, 'ethnic'],
    [1875, 1883, 'person'],
    [1884, 1892, 'people'],
    [1913, 1922, 'people'],
    [1945, 1952, 'people'],
    [1986, 1995, 'people'],
    [1875, 1883, 'demonym']]}],
 ['.2It may not be inappropriate in this place to subjoin the inscription now to be seen upon the trophy erected on the Alps, which is to the following effect: — "To the Emperor Caesar — The son of Caesar now deified, Augustus, Pontifex Maximus, and emperor fourteen years, in the seventeenth year of his holding the tribunitial authority, the Senate and the Roman people, in remembrance that under his command and auspices all the Alpine nations which extended from the upper sea to the lower were reduced to subjection by the Roman people — The Alpine nations so subdued were: the Triumpilini, the Camuni, the Venostes, the Vennonenses, the Isarci, the Breuni, the Genaunes, the Focunates, four nations of the Vindelici, the Consuanetes, the Rucinates, the Licates, the Catenates, the Ambisontes, the Rugusci, the Suanetes, the Calucones, the Brixentes, the Lepontii, the Uberi, the Nantuates, the Seduni, the Varagri, the Salassi, the Acitavones, the Medulli, the Uceni, the Caturiges, the Brigiani, the Sogiontii, the Brodiontii, the Nemaloni, the Edenates, the Esubiani, the Veamini, the Gallitae, the Triulatti, the Ecdini, the Vergunni, the Eguituri, the Nementuri, the Oratelli, the Nerusi, the Velauni, and the Suetri." ',
  {'entities': [[117, 121, 'place'],
    [175, 181, 'people'],
    [215, 223, 'people'],
    [225, 241, 'people'],
    [429, 435, 'demonym'],
    [429, 435, 'demonym'],
    [597, 603, 'people'],
    [709, 718, 'ethnic'],
    [882, 891, 'people'],
    [922, 929, 'ethnic'],
    [951, 958, 'people'],
    [975, 984, 'people']]}],
 ['.3The twelve states of the Cottiani were not included in the list, as they had shown no hostility, nor yet those which had been placed by the Pompeian law under the jurisdiction of the municipal towns. ',
 ['.4Such then is Italy, sacred to the gods, such are the nations, such the cities of her peoples; to which we may add, that this is that same Italy, which, when L. Aemilius Paulus and C. Attilius Regulus were Consuls, on hearing of the rising in Gaul, unaided, and without any foreign assistance whatever, without the help even of that portion which lies beyond the Padus, armed 80,000 horse and 700,000 foot. In abundance of metals of every kind. Italy yields to no land whatever; but all search for them has been prohibited by an ancient decree of the Senate, who gave orders thereby that Italy shall be exempted from such treatment. ',
  {'entities': [[15, 20, 'place'],
    [15, 20, 'place'],
    [162, 170, 'people'],
    [171, 177, 'people'],
    [185, 193, 'people'],
    [194, 201, 'people'],
    [364, 369, 'place'],
    [15, 20, 'place'],
    [15, 20, 'place']]}],
 ['.1LIBURNIA AND ILLYRICUM: The nation of the Liburni adjoins the river Arsia, and extends as far as the river Titus. The Mentores, the Hymani, the Encheleae, the Buni, and the people whom Callimachus calls the Peucetiae, formerly formed part of it; but now the whole in general are comprised under the one name of Illyricum. But few of the names of these nations are worthy of mention, or indeed very easy of pronunciation. To the jurisdiction of Scardona resort the Iapydes and fourteen cities of the Liburni, of which it may not prove tedious if I mention the Lacinienses, the Stlupini, the Burnistae, and the Olbonenses. Belonging to the same jurisdiction there are, in the enjoyment of Italian rights, the Alutae, the Flanates, from whom the Gulf takes its name, the Lopsi, and the Varvarini; the Assesiates, who are exempt from tribute; and upon the islands, the Fertinates and the Curiattae. ',
  {'entities': [[44, 51, 'ethnic'],
    [70, 75, 'people'],
    [120, 128, 'people'],
    [146, 155, 'place'],
    [187, 198, 'people'],
    [209, 218, 'ethnic'],
    [313, 322, 'place'],
    [446, 454, 'place'],
    [466, 473, 'people'],
    [44, 51, 'ethnic'],
    [689, 696, 'demonym']]}],
 ['.2Besides these, there are on the coast, after leaving Nesactium, Alvona, Flanona, Tarsatica, Senia, Lopsica, Ortopula, Vegium, Argyruntum, Corinium, Aenona, the city of Pasinum, and the river Tedanius, at which Iapydia terminates. The islands of this Gulf, with their towns, besides those above mentioned, are Absyrtium, Arba, Crexa, Gissa, and Portunata. Again, on the mainland there is the colony of Iadera, distant from Pola 160 miles; then, at a distance of thirty miles, the island of Colentum, and of eighteen, the mouth of the river Titus. ',
  {'entities': [[55, 64, 'people'],
    [212, 219, 'people'],
    [311, 320, 'place'],
    [403, 409, 'place'],
    [424, 428, 'place']]}],
 ['.1DALMATIA: Scardona, situate upon the river, at a distance of twelve miles from the sea, forms the boundary of Liburnia and the beginning of Dalmatia. Next to this place comes the ancient country of the Autariatares and the fortress of Tariona, the Promontory of Diomedes, or, as others call it, the peninsula of Hyllis, 100 miles in circuit. Then comes Tragurium, a place with the rights of Roman citizens, and celebrated for its marble, Sicum, a place to which Claudius, the emperor lately deified, sent a colony of his veterans, and Salona, a colony, situate 112 miles from Iadera. To this place resort for legal purposes, having the laws dispensed according to their divisions into decuries or tithings, the Dalmatae, forming 342 decuries, the Deurici 22, the Ditiones 239, the Mazaei 269, and the Sardiates 52. In this region are Burnum, Andetrium, and Tribulium, fortresses ennobled by the battles of the Roman people. To the same jurisdiction also belong the Issaei, the Colentini, the Separi, and the Epetini, nations inhabiting the islands. After these come the fortresses of Peguntium and of Rataneum, with the colony of Narona, the seat of the third jurisdiction, distant from Salona eighty-two miles, and situate upon a river of the same name, at a distance of twenty miles from the sea. M. Varro states that eighty-nine states used to resort thither, but now nearly the only ones that are known are the Cerauni with 24 decuries, the Daorizi with 17, the Daesitiates with 103, the Docleatae with 33, the Deretini with 14, the Deremistae with 30, the Dindari with 33, the Glinditiones with 44, the Melcomani with 24, the Naresii with 102, the Scirtarii with 72, the Siculotae with 24, and the Vardaei, once the scourges of Italy, with no more than 20 decuries. In addition to these, this district was possessed by the Ozuaei, the Partheni, the Hemasini, the Arthitae, and the Armistae. The colony of Epidaurum is distant from the river Naron 100 miles. After Epidaurum come the following towns, with the rights of Roman citizens: — Rhizinium, Acruvium, Butua, Olcinium, formerly called Colchinium, having been founded by the Colchians; the river Drilo, and, upon it, Scodra, a town with the rights of Roman citizens, situate at a distance of eighteen miles from the sea; besides in former times many Greek towns and once powerful states, of which all remembrance is fast fading away. For in this region there were formerly the Labeatae, the Enderini, the Sasaei, the Grabaei, properly called Illyrii, the Taulantii, and the Pyrei. The Promontory of Nymphaion on the sea-coast still retains its name; and there is Lissum, a town enjoying the rights of Roman citizens, at a distance from Epidamnum of 100 miles. ',
  {'entities': [[12, 20, 'place'],
    [112, 120, 'place'],
    [142, 150, 'place'],
    [204, 216, 'people'],
    [264, 272, 'people'],
    [355, 364, 'place'],
    [464, 472, 'people'],
    [537, 543, 'place'],
    [578, 584, 'place'],
    [783, 789, 'people'],
    [967, 973, 'ethnic'],
    [1132, 1138, 'place'],
    [537, 543, 'place'],
    [1304, 1309, 'people'],
    [1494, 1503, 'ethnic'],
    [1705, 1712, 'people'],
    [1735, 1740, 'place'],
    [1842, 1850, 'people'],
    [1912, 1921, 'place'],
    [1132, 1137, 'people'],
    [1912, 1921, 'place'],
    [2044, 2053, 'place'],
    [2072, 2080, 'place'],
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    [2158, 2163, 'people'],
    [2179, 2185, 'place'],
    [2504, 2511, 'ethnic'],
    [2517, 2526, 'ethnic'],
    [2561, 2570, 'place'],
    [2625, 2631, 'place'],
    [2698, 2707, 'place']]}],
 ['.2At Lissum begins the province of Macedonia, the nations of the Parthini, and behind them the Dassaretae. The mountains of Candavia are seventy-eight miles from Dyrrhachium. On the coast lies Denda, a town with the rights of Roman citizens, the colony of Epidamnum, which, on account of its inauspicious name, was by the Romans called Dyrrhachium, the river Aous, by some called Aeas, and Apollonia, formerly a colony of the Corinthians, at a distance of four miles from the sea, in the vicinity of which the celebrated Nymphaion is inhabited by the barbarous Amantes and Buliones. Upon the coast too is the town of Oricum, founded by the Colchians. At this spot begins Epirus, with the Acroceraunian mountains, by which we have previously mentioned this Gulf of Europe as bounded. Oricum is distant from the Sallentine Promontory in Italy eighty miles. ',
  {'entities': [[5, 11, 'place'],
    [35, 44, 'place'],
    [65, 73, 'people'],
    [95, 105, 'place'],
    [124, 132, 'place'],
    [162, 173, 'place'],
    [256, 265, 'place'],
    [162, 173, 'place'],
    [359, 363, 'place'],
    [380, 384, 'place'],
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 ['.1THE NORICI: In the rear of the Carni and the Iapydes, along the course of the great river Ister, the Rhaeti touch upon the Norici: their towns are Virunum, Celeia, Teurnia, Aguntum, Vianiomina, Claudia, and Flavium Solvense. Adjoining to the Norici is Lake Peiso, and the deserts of the Boii; they are however now inhabited by the people of Sabaria, a colony of the now deified emperor Claudius, and the town of Scarabantia Julia. ',
  {'entities': [[33, 38, 'people'],
    [47, 54, 'people'],
    [92, 97, 'place'],
    [103, 109, 'ethnic'],
    [125, 131, 'ethnic'],
    [149, 156, 'place'],
    [166, 173, 'place'],
    [196, 203, 'people'],
    [125, 131, 'ethnic'],
    [289, 293, 'people'],
    [343, 350, 'place'],
    [388, 396, 'people'],
    [414, 425, 'place']]}],
 ['.1PANNONIA: Next to them comes acorn-bearing Pannonia, along which the chain of the Alps, gradually lessening as it runs through the middle of Illyricum from north to south, forms a gentle slope on the right hand and the left. The portion which looks towards the Adriatic Sea is called Dalmatia and Illyricum, above mentioned, while Pannonia stretches away towards the north, and has the Danube for its extreme boundary. In it are the colonies of Aemona and Siscia. The following rivers, both known to fame and adapted for commerce, flow into the Danube; the Draus, which rushes from Noricum with great impetuosity, and the Savus, which flows with a more gentle current from the Carnic Alps, there being a space between them of 120 miles. The Draus runs through the Serretes, the Serrapilli, the Iasi, and the Andizetes; the Savus through the Colapiani and the Breuci; these are the principal peoples. Besides them there are the Arivates, the Azali, the Amantini, the Belgites, the Catari, the Cornacates, the Eravisci, the Hercuniates, the Latovici, the Oseriates, the Varciani, and, in front of Mount Claudius, the Scordisci, behind it the Taurisci. In the Savus there is the island of Metubarris, the greatest of all the islands formed by rivers. Besides the above, there are these other rivers worthy of mention: — the Colapis, which flows into the Savus near Siscia, where, dividing its channel, it forms the island which is called Segestica a; and the river Bacuntius, which flows into the Savus at the town of Sirmium, where we find the state of the Sirmienses and the Amantini. Forty-five miles thence is Taurunum, where the Savus flows into the Danube; above which spot the Valdanus and the Urpanus, themselves far from ignoble rivers, join that stream. ',
  {'entities': [[45, 53, 'place'],
    [84, 88, 'place'],
    [143, 152, 'place'],
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    [143, 152, 'place'],
    [45, 53, 'place'],
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    [447, 453, 'place'],
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    [388, 394, 'place'],
    [559, 564, 'people'],
    [584, 591, 'place'],
    [624, 629, 'people'],
    [84, 88, 'place'],
    [559, 564, 'people'],
    [624, 629, 'people'],
    [861, 867, 'people'],
    [994, 1004, 'ethnic'],
    [1103, 1111, 'people'],
    [1117, 1126, 'people'],
    [1142, 1150, 'people'],
    [624, 629, 'people'],
    [1323, 1330, 'people'],
    [624, 629, 'people'],
    [458, 464, 'people'],
    [1437, 1446, 'people'],
    [624, 629, 'people'],
    [1517, 1524, 'place'],
    [1557, 1567, 'ethnic'],
    [1613, 1621, 'place'],
    [624, 629, 'people'],
    [388, 394, 'place']]}],
 ['.1MOESIA: Joining up to Pannonia is the province called Moesia, which runs, with the course of the Danube, as far as the Euxine. It commences at the confluence previously mentioned. In it are the Dardani, the Celegeri, the Triballi, the Timachi, the Moesi, the Thracians, and the Scythians who border on the Euxine. The more famous among its rivers are the Margis, which rises in the territory of the Dardani, the Pingus, the Timachus, the Oescus which rises in Mount Rhodope, and, rising in Mount Haemus, the Utus, the Asamus, and the Ieterus. ',
  {'entities': [[24, 32, 'place'],
    [56, 62, 'place'],
    [99, 105, 'place'],
    [121, 127, 'place'],
    [196, 203, 'ethnic'],
    [223, 231, 'ethnic'],
    [261, 270, 'ethnic'],
    [280, 289, 'ethnic'],
    [121, 127, 'place'],
    [468, 475, 'place'],
    [498, 504, 'place']]}],
 ['.2The breadth of Illyricum at its widest part is 325 miles, and its length from the river Arsia to the river Drinius 530; from the Drinius to the Promontory of Acroceraunia Agrippa states to be 175 miles, and he says that the entire circuit of the Italian and Illyrian Gulf is 1700 miles. In this Gulf, according to the limits which we have drawn, are two seas, the Ionian in the first part, and the Adriatic, which runs more inland and is called the Upper Sea. ',
  {'entities': [[17, 26, 'place'],
    [90, 95, 'people'],
    [160, 172, 'place'],
    [173, 180, 'people'],
    [248, 255, 'demonym'],
    [260, 268, 'demonym'],
    [400, 408, 'place']]}],
 ['.1ISLANDS OF THE IONIAN SEA AND THE ADRIATIC: In the Ausonian Sea there are no islands worthy of notice beyond those which we have already mentioned, and only a few in the Ionian; those, for instance, upon the Calabrian coast, opposite Brundusium, by the projection of which a harbour is formed; and, over against the Apulian coast, Diomedia, remarkable for the monument of Diomedes, and another island called by the same name, but by some Teutria. ',
  {'entities': [[53, 61, 'demonym'],
    [210, 219, 'demonym'],
    [236, 246, 'place'],
    [318, 325, 'demonym'],
    [333, 341, 'place'],
    [374, 382, 'people']]}],
 ['.2The coast of Illyricum is clustered with more than 1000 islands, the sea being of a shoaly nature, and numerous creeks and aestuaries running with their narrow channels between portions of the land. The more famous are those before the mouths of the Timavus, with warm springs that rise with the tides of the sea, the island of Cissa near the territory of the Istri, and the Pullaria and Absyrtides, so called by the Greeks from the circumstance of Absyrtus, the brother of Medea, having been slain there. Some islands near them have been called the Electrides, upon which amber, which they call "electrum," was said to be found; a most assured instance however of that untruthfulness which is generally ascribed to the Greeks, seeing that it has never yet been ascertained which of the islands were meant by them under that name. Opposite to the Iader is Lissa, and other islands whose names have been already mentioned. Opposite to the Liburni are some islands called the Crateae, and no smaller number styled Liburniecae and Celadussae. Opposite to Surium is Bavo, and Brattia, famous for its goats, Issa with the rights of Roman citizens, and Pharia with a town. At a distance of twenty-five miles from Issa is Corcyra Melaena, with a town founded by the Cnidians; between which and Illyricum is Melite, from which, as we learn from Callimachus, a certain kind of little dogs were called Melitaei; fifteen miles from it we find the seven Elaphites. In the Ionian Sea, at a distance of twelve miles from Oricum, is Sasonis, notorious from having been a harbour of pirates. ',
  {'entities': [[15, 24, 'place'],
    [252, 259, 'people'],
    [330, 335, 'people'],
    [362, 367, 'people'],
    [390, 400, 'place'],
    [451, 459, 'people'],
    [476, 481, 'people'],
    [552, 562, 'place'],
    [849, 854, 'place'],
    [940, 947, 'ethnic'],
    [1074, 1081, 'people'],
    [1105, 1109, 'place'],
    [1149, 1155, 'place'],
    [1105, 1109, 'place'],
    [1217, 1232, 'place'],
    [1261, 1269, 'ethnic'],
    [15, 24, 'place'],
    [1302, 1308, 'place'],
    [1339, 1350, 'people'],
    [1462, 1472, 'place'],
    [1509, 1515, 'place'],
    [1520, 1527, 'place']]}],
 ['.1EPIRUS: The third great Gulf of Europe begins at the mountains of Acroceraunia, and ends at the Hellespont, embracing an extent of 2500 miles, exclusive of the sea-line of nineteen smaller gulfs. Upon it are Epirus, Acarnania, Aitolia, Phocis, Locris, Achaia, Messenia, Laconia, Argolis, Megaris, Attica, Boeotia; and again, upon the other sea, the same Phocis and Locris, Doris, Phthiotis, Thessalia, Magnesia, Macedonia and Thracia. All the fabulous lore of Greece, as well as the effulgence of her literature, first shone forth upon the banks of this Gulf. We shall therefore dwell a little the longer upon it. ',
  {'entities': [[68, 80, 'place'],
    [98, 108, 'place'],
    [210, 216, 'place'],
    [218, 227, 'place'],
    [229, 236, 'place'],
    [238, 244, 'place'],
    [246, 252, 'place'],
    [254, 260, 'place'],
    [262, 270, 'place'],
    [272, 279, 'place'],
    [281, 288, 'place'],
    [290, 297, 'place'],
    [299, 305, 'place'],
    [307, 314, 'place'],
    [238, 244, 'place'],
    [246, 252, 'place'],
    [375, 380, 'place'],
    [382, 391, 'place'],
    [393, 402, 'place'],
    [404, 412, 'place'],
    [414, 423, 'place']]}],
 ['.2Epirus, generally so called, begins at the mountains of Acroceraunia. The first people that we meet are the Chaones, from whom Chaonia receives its name, then the Thesproti, and then the Antigonenses. We then come to the place where Aornos stood, with its exhalations so deadly to the feathered race, the Cestrinis, the Perrhaebi, in whose country Mount Pindus is situate, the Cassiopaei, the Dryopes, the Sellae, the Hellopes, the Molossi, in whose territory is the temple of the Dodonaean Jupiter, so famous for its oracle; and Mount Tomarus, so highly praised by Theopompus, with its hundred springs gushing from its foot. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 8, 'place'],
    [58, 70, 'place'],
    [110, 117, 'ethnic'],
    [129, 136, 'place'],
    [165, 174, 'ethnic'],
    [322, 331, 'ethnic'],
    [356, 362, 'place'],
    [395, 402, 'ethnic'],
    [434, 441, 'ethnic'],
    [483, 492, 'person'],
    [493, 500, 'people'],
    [538, 545, 'place'],
    [568, 578, 'people']]}],
 ['.3Epirus, properly so called, advances towards Magnesia and Macedonia, having at its back the Dassaretae, previously mentioned, a free nation, and after them the Dardani, a savage race. On the left hand, before the Dardani are extended the Triballi and the nations of Moesia, while in front of them the Medi and the Denselatae join, and next to them the Thracians, who stretch away as far as the Euxine: in such a manner is a rampart raised around the lofty heights of Rhodope, and then of Haemus. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 8, 'place'],
    [47, 55, 'place'],
    [60, 69, 'place'],
    [94, 104, 'place'],
    [162, 169, 'ethnic'],
    [162, 169, 'ethnic'],
    [240, 248, 'ethnic'],
    [268, 274, 'place'],
    [354, 363, 'ethnic'],
    [396, 402, 'place'],
    [469, 476, 'place'],
    [490, 496, 'place']]}],
 ['.4On the coast of Epirus is the fortress of Chimaer, situate upon the Acroceraunian range, and below it the spring known as the Royal Waters; then the towns of Maeandria, and Cestria, the Thyamis, a river of Thesprotia, the colony of Buthrotum, and the Ambracian Gulf, so famed in history; which, with an inlet only half a mile in width, receives a vast body of water from the sea, being thirty-seven miles in length, and fifteen in width. The river Acheron, which runs through Acherusia, a lake of Thesprotia, flows into it after a course of thirty-six miles; it is considered wonderful for its bridge, 1000 feet in length, by a people who look upon everything as wonderful that belongs to themselves. Upon this Gulf is also situate the town of Ambracia. There are also the Aphas and the Arachthus, rivers of the Molossi; the city of Anactoria, and the place where Pandosia stood. ',
  {'entities': [[18, 24, 'place'],
    [44, 51, 'place'],
    [70, 83, 'demonym'],
    [160, 169, 'place'],
    [175, 182, 'place'],
    [188, 195, 'place'],
    [208, 218, 'place'],
    [234, 243, 'place'],
    [253, 267, 'place'],
    [450, 457, 'place'],
    [478, 487, 'place'],
    [208, 218, 'place'],
    [253, 261, 'place'],
    [775, 780, 'place'],
    [789, 798, 'place'],
    [814, 821, 'ethnic'],
    [835, 844, 'place'],
    [866, 874, 'place']]}],
 ['.1ACARNANIA: The towns of Acarnania, the ancient name of which was Curetis, are Heraclia, Echinus, and, on the coast, Actium, a colony founded by Augustus, with its famous temple of Apollo and the free city of Nicopolis. Passing out of the Ambracian Gulf into the Ionian Sea, we come to the coast of Leucadia, with the Promontory of Leucate, and then the Gulf and the peninsula of Leucadia, which last was formerly called Neritis. By the exertions of the inhabitants it was once cut off from the mainland, but was again joined to it by the vast bodies of sand accumulated through the action of the winds. This spot is called Dioryctos, and is three stadia in length: on the peninsula is the town of Leucas, formerly called Neritus. We next come to Alyzia, Stratos, and Argos, surnamed Amphilochian, cities of the Acarnanians: the river Achelous flows from the heights of Pindus, and, after separating Acarnania from Aitolia, is fast adding the island of Artemita to the mainland by the continual deposits of earth which it brings down its stream. ',
  {'entities': [[26, 35, 'place'],
    [67, 74, 'people'],
    [80, 88, 'place'],
    [90, 97, 'place'],
    [118, 124, 'place'],
    [146, 154, 'people'],
    [182, 188, 'people'],
    [210, 219, 'place'],
    [240, 254, 'place'],
    [264, 274, 'place'],
    [300, 308, 'place'],
    [333, 340, 'place'],
    [300, 308, 'place'],
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    [723, 730, 'people'],
    [748, 754, 'place'],
    [756, 763, 'place'],
    [769, 774, 'place'],
    [813, 824, 'ethnic'],
    [836, 844, 'place'],
    [871, 877, 'place'],
    [26, 35, 'place'],
    [916, 923, 'place'],
    [954, 962, 'place']]}],
 ['.1AETOLIA: The peoples of Aitolia are the Athamanes, the Tymphaei, the Ephyri, the Aenienses, the Perrhaebi, the Dolopes, the Maraces, and the Atraces, in whose territory rises the river Atrax, which flows into the Ionian Sea. Calydon is a city of Aitolia, situate at a distance of seven miles from the sea, and near the banks of the river Evenus. We then come to Macynia, and Molycria, behind which lie Mounts Chalcis and Taphiassus. On the coast again, there is the promontory of Antirrhium, off which is the mouth of the Corinthian Gulf, which flows in and separates Aitolia from the Peloponnesus, being less than one mile in width. The promontory which faces it on the opposite side is called Rhion. The towns of Aitolia, however, on the Corinthian Gulf are Naupactus and Pylene; and, more inland, Pleuron and Halicyrna. The most famous mountains are Tomarus, in the district of Dodona, Crania in Ambracia, Aracynthus in Acarnania, and Acanthon, Panaetolium, and Macynium, in Aitolia. ',
  {'entities': [[26, 33, 'place'],
    [42, 51, 'ethnic'],
    [57, 65, 'place'],
    [83, 92, 'ethnic'],
    [98, 107, 'ethnic'],
    [113, 120, 'ethnic'],
    [187, 192, 'place'],
    [215, 225, 'place'],
    [227, 234, 'place'],
    [26, 33, 'place'],
    [340, 346, 'place'],
    [364, 371, 'place'],
    [377, 385, 'place'],
    [411, 418, 'place'],
    [423, 433, 'place'],
    [482, 492, 'place'],
    [524, 539, 'place'],
    [26, 33, 'place'],
    [587, 599, 'place'],
    [697, 702, 'place'],
    [26, 33, 'place'],
    [524, 539, 'place'],
    [762, 771, 'place'],
    [776, 782, 'place'],
    [802, 809, 'place'],
    [814, 823, 'place'],
    [855, 862, 'place'],
    [883, 889, 'place'],
    [891, 897, 'place'],
    [901, 909, 'place'],
    [911, 921, 'place'],
    [925, 934, 'place'],
    [26, 33, 'place']]}],
 ['.1LOCRIS AND PHOCIS: Next to Aitolia are the Locri surnamed Ozolae; a people exempt from tribute. Here is the town of Oianthe, the port of Apollo Phaestius, and the Gulf of Crissa. In the interior are the towns of Argyna, Eupalia, Phaestum, and Calamisus. Beyond are the Cirrhaean plains of Phocis, the town of Cirrha, and the port of Chalaeon, seven miles from which, in the interior, is situate the free town of Delphi, at the foot of Mount Parnassus, and having the most celebrated oracle of Apollo throughout the whole world. There is the Fountain too of Castalia, and the river Cephisus which flows past Delphi, rising in the former city of Lilaea. Besides these, there is the town of Crissa and that of Anticyra, with the Bulenses; as also Naulochum, Pyrrha, Amphissa, exempt from all tribute, Tithrone, Tritea, Ambrysus, and Drymaea, which district has also the name of Daulis. The extremity of the gulf washes one corner of Boeotia, with its towns of Siphae and Thebes, surnamed the Corsian, in the vicinity of Helicon. The third town of Boeotia on this sea is that of Pagae, from which point the Isthmus of the Peloponnesus projects in the form of a neck. ',
  {'entities': [[29, 36, 'place'],
    [118, 125, 'place'],
    [139, 145, 'people'],
    [231, 239, 'place'],
    [271, 280, 'demonym'],
    [291, 297, 'place'],
    [271, 277, 'place'],
    [335, 343, 'place'],
    [414, 420, 'place'],
    [443, 452, 'place'],
    [139, 145, 'people'],
    [559, 567, 'place'],
    [583, 591, 'place'],
    [414, 420, 'place'],
    [646, 652, 'place'],
    [173, 179, 'place'],
    [709, 717, 'place'],
    [728, 736, 'ethnic'],
    [746, 755, 'people'],
    [757, 763, 'people'],
    [765, 773, 'place'],
    [800, 808, 'place'],
    [810, 816, 'place'],
    [818, 826, 'place'],
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    [877, 883, 'place'],
    [932, 939, 'place'],
    [959, 965, 'place'],
    [970, 976, 'place'],
    [991, 998, 'place'],
    [1019, 1026, 'place'],
    [932, 939, 'place'],
    [1077, 1082, 'place'],
    [1105, 1112, 'place'],
    [1120, 1132, 'place']]}],
 ['.1THE PELOPONNESUS: The Peloponnesus, which was formerly called Apia and Pelasgia, is a peninsula, inferior in fame to no land upon the face of the earth. Situate between the two seas, the Aegean and the Ionian, it is in shape like the leaf of a plane-tree, in consequence of the angular indentations made in its shores. According to Isidorus, it is 563 miles in circumference; and nearly as much again, allowing for the sea-line on the margin of its gulfs. The narrow pass at which it commences is known by the name of the Isthmus. At this spot the two seas, which we have previously mentioned, running from the north and the east, invade the land from opposite sides, and swallow up its entire breadth, the result being that through these inroads in opposite directions of such vast bodies of water, the sides of the land are eaten away to such an extent, that Hellas only holds on to the Peloponnesus by the narrow neck, five miles in width, which intervenes. The Gulfs thus formed, the one on this side, the other on that, are known as the Corinthian and the Saronic Gulfs. The ports of Lecheae, on the one side, and of Cenchreae on the other, form the frontiers of this narrow passage, which thus compels to a tedious and perilous circumnavigation such vessels as from their magnitude cannot be carried across by land on vehicles. For this reason it is that both King Demetrius, Caesar the Dictator, the prince Caius, and Domitius Nero, have at different times made the attempt to cut through this neck by forming a navigable canal; a profane design, as may be clearly seen by the result in every one of these instances. ',
  {'entities': [[24, 36, 'place'],
    [64, 68, 'people'],
    [73, 81, 'people'],
    [189, 195, 'place'],
    [204, 210, 'place'],
    [334, 342, 'people'],
    [524, 531, 'place'],
    [863, 869, 'people'],
    [24, 36, 'place'],
    [1044, 1054, 'demonym'],
    [1063, 1070, 'place'],
    [1091, 1098, 'place'],
    [1124, 1133, 'place'],
    [1373, 1382, 'people'],
    [1384, 1390, 'people'],
    [1427, 1435, 'people'],
    [1436, 1440, 'people']]}],
 ['.2Upon the middle of this intervening neck which we have called the Isthmus, stands the colony of Corinth, formerly known by the name of Ephyre, situate upon the brow of a hill, at a distance of sixty stadia from the shore of either sea. From the heights of its citadel, which is called Acrocorinthus, or the "Heights of Corinth," and in which is the Fountain of Pirene, it looks down upon the two seas which lie in the opposite directions. From Leucas to Patrae upon the Corinthian gulf is a distance of eighty-eight miles. The colony of Patrae is founded upon the most extensive promontory of the Peloponnesus, facing Aitolia and the river Evenus, the Corinthian Gulf being, as we have previously stated, less than a mile in width at the entrance there, though extending in length as far as the isthmus, a distance of eighty-five miles. ',
  {'entities': [[68, 75, 'place'],
    [98, 105, 'place'],
    [287, 300, 'place'],
    [98, 105, 'place'],
    [363, 369, 'people'],
    [446, 452, 'place'],
    [456, 462, 'place'],
    [472, 482, 'demonym'],
    [456, 462, 'place'],
    [599, 611, 'place'],
    [620, 627, 'place'],
    [642, 648, 'place'],
    [654, 669, 'place']]}],
 [".1ACHAIA: The province called Achaia begins at the Isthmus; from the circumstance of its cities being ranged in regular succession on its coast, it formerly had the name of Aegialos. The first place there is Lecheae, already mentioned, a port of the Corinthians; next to which is Olyros, a fortress of the people of Pellene; then the former towns of Helice and Bura, and the places in which their inhabitants took refuge after their towns had been swallowed up by the sea, Sikyon namely, Aegira, Aegium, and Erineos. In the interior are Kleonai and Hysiae; then come the port of Panormus, and Rhium already mentioned; from which promontory, Patrae, of which we have previously spoken, is distant five miles; and then the place where Pherae stood. Of the nine mountains of Achaia, Scioessa is the most famous; there is also the Fountain of Cymothoe. Beyond Patrae we find the town of Olenum, the colony of Dyme, the places where Buprasium and Hyrmine once stood, the Promontory of Araxus, the Bay of Cyllene, and the Promontory of Chelonates, at five miles' distance from Cyllene. There is also the fortress of Phlious [Pheia?]; the district around which was called by Homer Araethyrea, and, after his time, Asopis. ",
  {'entities': [[30, 36, 'place'],
    [51, 58, 'place'],
    [208, 215, 'place'],
    [250, 261, 'ethnic'],
    [280, 286, 'place'],
    [316, 323, 'place'],
    [350, 356, 'place'],
    [361, 365, 'place'],
    [473, 479, 'place'],
    [488, 494, 'place'],
    [496, 502, 'place'],
    [508, 515, 'place'],
    [537, 544, 'place'],
    [549, 555, 'place'],
    [579, 587, 'place'],
    [593, 598, 'place'],
    [641, 647, 'place'],
    [733, 739, 'place'],
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    [641, 647, 'place'],
    [883, 889, 'place'],
    [905, 909, 'place'],
    [928, 937, 'place'],
    [942, 949, 'place'],
    [980, 986, 'place'],
    [999, 1006, 'place'],
    [1030, 1040, 'place'],
    [999, 1006, 'place'],
    [1110, 1117, 'people'],
    [1119, 1124, 'place'],
    [1168, 1173, 'people'],
    [1174, 1184, 'place'],
    [1207, 1213, 'people']]}],
 ['.2The territory of the Eleans then begins, who were formerly called Epei, with the city of Elis in the interior, and, at a distance of twelve miles from Phlious [Pylos, Pheia?], being also in the interior, the temple of Olympian Jupiter, which by the universal celebrity of its games, gives to Greece its mode of reckoning. Here too once stood the town of Pisa, the river Alpheus flowing past it. On the coast there is the Promontory of Ichthys. The river Alpheus is navigable six miles, nearly as far as the towns of Aulon and Leprion. We next come to the Promontory of Platanodes. All these localities lie to the west. ',
  {'entities': [[23, 29, 'ethnic'],
    [68, 72, 'people'],
    [91, 95, 'place'],
    [153, 160, 'people'],
    [162, 167, 'people'],
    [220, 228, 'person'],
    [229, 236, 'people'],
    [356, 360, 'place'],
    [372, 379, 'place'],
    [437, 444, 'place'],
    [372, 379, 'place'],
    [518, 523, 'place'],
    [528, 535, 'place'],
    [571, 581, 'place']]}],
 ['.1MESSENIA: Further south is the Gulf of Cyparissus, with the city of Cyparissa on its shores, the line of which is seventy-two miles in length. Then, the towns of Pylos and Methone, the place where Helos stood, the Promontory of Acritas, the Asinaean Gulf, which takes its name from the town of Asine, and the Coronean, so called from Corone; which gulfs terminate at the Promontory of Taenarum. These are all in the country of Messenia, which has eighteen mountains, and the river Pamisus also. In the interior are Messene, Ithome, Oichalia, Arene, Pteleon, Thryon, Dorion, and Zancle, all of them known to fame at different periods. The margin of this gulf measures eighty miles, the distance across being thirty. ',
  {'entities': [[41, 51, 'people'],
    [70, 79, 'place'],
    [164, 169, 'place'],
    [174, 181, 'place'],
    [199, 204, 'place'],
    [230, 237, 'place'],
    [296, 301, 'place'],
    [311, 317, 'place'],
    [387, 395, 'place'],
    [429, 437, 'place'],
    [483, 490, 'place'],
    [517, 524, 'place'],
    [526, 532, 'place'],
    [534, 542, 'place'],
    [544, 549, 'place'],
    [551, 558, 'place'],
    [560, 566, 'place'],
    [568, 574, 'place']]}],
 ['.1LACONIA: At Taenarum begins the territory of Laconia, inhabited by a free nation, and situate on a gulf 106 miles in circuit, and 38 across. The towns are, Taenarum, Amyclae, Pherae, and Leuctra; and, in the interior, Sparta, Theramne, and the spots where Cardamyle, Pitane, and Anthea formerly stood; the former site of Thyrea, and Gerenia. Here is also Mount Taygetus, the river Eurotas, the Gulf of Egilodes, the town of Psamathus, the Gulf of Gytheum, so called from the town of that name, from which place the passage is the safest across to the island of Crete. All these places are bounded by the Promontory of Malea. ',
  {'entities': [[14, 22, 'place'],
    [47, 54, 'place'],
    [14, 22, 'place'],
    [168, 175, 'place'],
    [177, 183, 'place'],
    [189, 196, 'place'],
    [220, 226, 'place'],
    [228, 236, 'place'],
    [258, 267, 'place'],
    [269, 275, 'place'],
    [281, 287, 'place'],
    [323, 329, 'place'],
    [335, 342, 'place'],
    [363, 371, 'place'],
    [383, 390, 'place'],
    [426, 435, 'place'],
    [449, 456, 'place'],
    [563, 568, 'place'],
    [620, 625, 'place']]}],
 ['.1ARGOLIS: The next gulf, which extends as far as Scyllaion, is called the Argolic Gulf, being fifty miles across, and 162 in circuit. The towns upon it are, Boea, Epidaurus surnamed Limera, Zarax, and the port of Cyphanta. The rivers are the Inachus and the Erasinus, between which lies Argos, surnamed Hippium, situate beyond the place called Lerna, and at a distance of two miles from the sea. Nine miles farther is Mycenae, and the place where, it is said, Tiryns stood; the site, too, of Mantinea. The mountains are, Artemius, Apesantus, Asterion, Parparus, and some others, eleven in number. The fountains are those of Niobe, Amymone, and Psamathe. ',
  {'entities': [[50, 59, 'place'],
    [75, 87, 'place'],
    [158, 162, 'place'],
    [191, 196, 'place'],
    [214, 222, 'place'],
    [243, 250, 'place'],
    [259, 267, 'place'],
    [288, 293, 'place'],
    [345, 350, 'place'],
    [419, 426, 'place'],
    [461, 467, 'place'],
    [493, 501, 'place'],
    [522, 530, 'place'],
    [532, 541, 'place'],
    [543, 551, 'people'],
    [625, 630, 'people'],
    [632, 639, 'people'],
    [645, 653, 'people']]}],
 ['.2From Scyllaion to the Isthmus of Corinth is a distance of 177 miles. We find here the towns of Hermione, Troezen, Coryphasium, and Argos, sometimes called "Inachian," sometimes "Dipsian" Argos. Then comes the port of Schoenites, and the Saronic Gulf, which was formerly encircled with a grove of oaks, from which it derives its present name, oaks in ancient Greece having been so called. Upon this gulf is the town of Epidaurus, famous for its temple of Aesculapius, the Promontory of Spiraion, the port of Anthedus, Bucephalus, and then Cenchreae, previously mentioned, on this side of the Isthmus, with its temple of Neptune, famous for the games celebrated there every five years. So many are the gulfs which penetrate the shores of the Peloponnesus, so many the seas which howl around it. Invaded by the Ionian on the north, it is beaten by the Sicilian on the west, buffeted by the Cretan on the south, by the Aegean on the S.E., and by the Myrtoan on the N.E.; which last sea begins at the Gulf of Megara, and washes all the coast of Attica. ',
  {'entities': [[7, 16, 'place'],
    [97, 105, 'place'],
    [107, 114, 'place'],
    [116, 127, 'place'],
    [133, 138, 'place'],
    [158, 166, 'demonym'],
    [133, 138, 'place'],
    [219, 229, 'ethnic'],
    [239, 246, 'place'],
    [420, 429, 'place'],
    [456, 467, 'people'],
    [487, 495, 'place'],
    [509, 517, 'place'],
    [519, 529, 'place'],
    [540, 549, 'place'],
    [24, 31, 'place'],
    [621, 628, 'people'],
    [742, 754, 'place'],
    [851, 859, 'demonym'],
    [889, 895, 'demonym'],
    [917, 923, 'place'],
    [948, 955, 'demonym'],
    [1006, 1012, 'place'],
    [1042, 1048, 'place']]}],
 ['.1ARCADIA: Its interior is occupied for the greater part by Arcadia, which, remote from the sea on every side, was originally called Drymodes, and at a later period Pelasgis. The cities of Arcadia are, Psophis, Mantinea, Stymphalus, Tegea, Antigonea, Orchomenus, Pheneum, Palantium (from which the Palatium at Rome derives its name), Megalopolis, Gortyna, Bucolium, Carnion, Parrhasia, Thelpusa, Melaenae, Heraea, Pylae, Pallene, Agrae, Epium, Cynaethae, Lepreon of Arcadia, Parthenium, Alea, Methydrium, Enispe, Macistum, Lampia, Clitorium, and Kleonai; between which two last towns is the district of Nemea, commonly known as Bembinadia. ',
  {'entities': [[60, 67, 'place'],
    [60, 67, 'place'],
    [202, 209, 'place'],
    [211, 219, 'place'],
    [221, 231, 'place'],
    [233, 238, 'place'],
    [251, 261, 'place'],
    [263, 270, 'place'],
    [272, 281, 'place'],
    [298, 306, 'people'],
    [310, 314, 'place'],
    [334, 345, 'place'],
    [347, 354, 'place'],
    [366, 373, 'place'],
    [375, 384, 'place'],
    [386, 394, 'place'],
    [396, 404, 'place'],
    [406, 412, 'place'],
    [414, 419, 'people'],
    [421, 428, 'place'],
    [437, 442, 'place'],
    [444, 453, 'place'],
    [455, 462, 'place'],
    [60, 67, 'place'],
    [475, 485, 'place'],
    [487, 491, 'place'],
    [493, 503, 'place'],
    [505, 511, 'place'],
    [513, 521, 'place'],
    [523, 529, 'place'],
    [531, 540, 'place'],
    [546, 553, 'place'],
    [603, 608, 'place']]}],
 ['.2The mountains of Arcadia are, Pholoe, with a town of the same name, Cyllene, Lycaeus, upon which is the temple of Lycaean Jupiter; Maenalus, Artemisius, Parthenius, Lampeus, and Nonacris, besides eight others of no note. The rivers are the Ladon, which rises in the marshes of Pheneus, and the Erymanthus, which springs from a mountain of the same name, and flows into the Alpheus. ',
  {'entities': [[19, 26, 'place'],
    [32, 38, 'place'],
    [70, 77, 'place'],
    [79, 86, 'place'],
    [116, 123, 'place'],
    [133, 141, 'place'],
    [143, 153, 'place'],
    [155, 165, 'place'],
    [167, 174, 'place'],
    [180, 188, 'place'],
    [242, 247, 'place'],
    [279, 286, 'place'],
    [296, 306, 'place'],
    [375, 382, 'place']]}],
 ['.3The other cities of Achaia worthy of mention are those of the Aliphiraei, the Abeatae, the Pyrgenses, the Paroreatae, the Paragenitae [or Pharygenitae], the Tortuni, the Typanei, the Thriasii [Thriusi] and the Tritienses. Domitius Nero [the emperor] granted liberty to the whole of Achaia. The Peloponnesus, from the Promontory of Malea to the town of Aegium on the Corinthian Gulf, is 190 miles in length, and 125 miles across from Elis to Epidaurus; the distance being, from Olympia to Argos, through Arcadia, sixty-eight miles. The distance from Olympia to Phlious has been already mentioned. Throughout the whole of this region, as though nature had been desirous to compensate for the inroads of the sea, seventy-six mountains raise their lofty heads. ',
  {'entities': [[22, 28, 'place'],
    [64, 74, 'ethnic'],
    [80, 87, 'ethnic'],
    [93, 102, 'ethnic'],
    [108, 118, 'ethnic'],
    [172, 179, 'ethnic'],
    [212, 222, 'ethnic'],
    [224, 232, 'people'],
    [233, 237, 'people'],
    [22, 28, 'place'],
    [296, 308, 'place'],
    [333, 338, 'place'],
    [354, 360, 'place'],
    [368, 383, 'place'],
    [435, 439, 'place'],
    [443, 452, 'place'],
    [479, 486, 'place'],
    [490, 495, 'place'],
    [505, 512, 'place'],
    [479, 486, 'place'],
    [562, 569, 'place']]}],
 ['.1ATTICA: At the narrow neck of the Isthmus, Hellas begins, by our people known as Graecia. The first state that presents itself is Attica, anciently called Acte. It touches the Isthmus in that part of it which is called Megaris, from the colony of Megara, lying on the opposite side to Pagae. ',
  {'entities': [[36, 43, 'place'],
    [45, 51, 'people'],
    [132, 138, 'place'],
    [36, 43, 'place'],
    [221, 228, 'place'],
    [249, 255, 'place'],
    [287, 292, 'place']]}],
 ['.2These two towns are situate at the spot where the Peloponnesus projects to the greatest distance; being placed, one on each side, upon the very shoulders of Hellas as it were. The Pagaeans, as well as the people of Aegosthena, belong to the jurisdiction of Megara. On the coast there is the port of Schoenos, the towns of Sidus and Cremmyon, the Scironian Rocks, six miles in length, Geranea, Megara, and Eleusis. Oinoe and Probalinthos also formerly existed here; the ports of Piraeus and Phalerum are distant from the Isthmus fifty-five miles, being united to Athens, which lies in the interior, by a wall five miles in length. Athens is a free city, and needs not a word more from us in its commendation; of fame it enjoys even more than enough. In Attica there are the Fountains of Cephisia, Larine, Callirrhoe Enneacrunos, and the mountains of Brilessus, Aegialeus, Icarius, Hymettus, Lycabettus, and the place where Ilissus stood. At the distance of forty-five miles from the Piraeus is the Promontory of Sounion. There is also the Promontory of Thoricos; Potamos, Steria, and Brauron, once towns, the borough of Rhamnus, the place where Marathon stood, the Thriasian plain, the town of Melite, and Oropus upon the confines of Boeotia. ',
  {'entities': [[52, 64, 'place'],
    [159, 165, 'people'],
    [182, 190, 'ethnic'],
    [217, 227, 'place'],
    [259, 265, 'place'],
    [301, 309, 'place'],
    [324, 329, 'place'],
    [334, 342, 'place'],
    [348, 363, 'place'],
    [386, 393, 'place'],
    [259, 265, 'place'],
    [407, 414, 'place'],
    [416, 421, 'place'],
    [426, 438, 'place'],
    [480, 487, 'place'],
    [492, 500, 'place'],
    [522, 529, 'place'],
    [564, 570, 'place'],
    [564, 570, 'place'],
    [754, 760, 'place'],
    [788, 796, 'place'],
    [806, 816, 'place'],
    [851, 860, 'place'],
    [862, 871, 'people'],
    [873, 880, 'people'],
    [882, 890, 'place'],
    [892, 902, 'place'],
    [924, 931, 'place'],
    [480, 487, 'place'],
    [1013, 1020, 'place'],
    [1054, 1062, 'place'],
    [1064, 1071, 'place'],
    [1073, 1079, 'place'],
    [1085, 1092, 'place'],
    [1121, 1128, 'place'],
    [1146, 1154, 'place'],
    [1166, 1175, 'demonym'],
    [1195, 1201, 'place'],
    [1207, 1213, 'place'],
    [1235, 1242, 'place']]}],
 ['.1BOIOTIA: In this country are Anthedon, Onchestus, the free town of Thespiae, Lebadea, and then Thebes, surnamed Boeotian, which does not yield the palm to Athens even in celebrity; the native land, according to the common notion, of the two Divinities Liber and Hercules. The birth-place of the Muses too is pointed out in the grove of Helicon. To this same Thebes also belong the forest of Cithaeron, and the river Ismenus. Besides these, there are in Boeotia the Fountains of Oidipodia, Psamathe, Dirce, Epicrane, Arethusa, Hippocrene, Aganippe, and Gargaphie; and, besides the mountains already mentioned, Mycalesos, Hadylius, and Acontius. The remaining towns between Megara and Thebes are Eleutherae, Haliartus, Plataeae, Pherae, Aspledon, Hyle, Thisbe, Erythrae, Glissas, and Copae; near the river Cephisus, Larymna and Anchoa; as also Medeon, Phlygone, Acraephia, Coronea, and Chaeronea. Again, on the coast and below Thebes, are Ocalea, Heleon, Scolos, Schoenos, Peteon, Hyriae, Mycalesos, Iresion, Pteleon, Olyros, and Tanagra, the people of which are free; and, situate upon the very mouth of the Euripus, a strait formed by the opposite island of Euboea, Aulis, so famous for its capacious harbour. The Boeotians formerly had the name of Hyantes. ',
  {'entities': [[31, 39, 'place'],
    [41, 50, 'place'],
    [69, 77, 'place'],
    [79, 86, 'place'],
    [97, 103, 'place'],
    [114, 122, 'demonym'],
    [157, 163, 'place'],
    [254, 259, 'people'],
    [264, 272, 'people'],
    [338, 345, 'place'],
    [97, 103, 'place'],
    [393, 402, 'place'],
    [418, 425, 'place'],
    [114, 121, 'place'],
    [491, 499, 'people'],
    [501, 506, 'place'],
    [518, 526, 'people'],
    [528, 538, 'place'],
    [540, 548, 'people'],
    [554, 563, 'place'],
    [611, 620, 'place'],
    [622, 630, 'people'],
    [636, 644, 'place'],
    [674, 680, 'place'],
    [97, 103, 'place'],
    [696, 706, 'place'],
    [708, 717, 'place'],
    [719, 727, 'place'],
    [729, 735, 'place'],
    [737, 745, 'place'],
    [747, 751, 'place'],
    [753, 759, 'place'],
    [761, 769, 'place'],
    [771, 778, 'place'],
    [784, 789, 'place'],
    [806, 814, 'place'],
    [816, 823, 'place'],
    [828, 834, 'place'],
    [844, 850, 'place'],
    [852, 860, 'place'],
    [862, 871, 'place'],
    [873, 880, 'place'],
    [886, 895, 'place'],
    [97, 103, 'place'],
    [939, 945, 'place'],
    [947, 953, 'place'],
    [955, 961, 'place'],
    [963, 971, 'place'],
    [973, 979, 'place'],
    [981, 987, 'place'],
    [611, 620, 'place'],
    [1000, 1007, 'place'],
    [1009, 1016, 'place'],
    [1030, 1037, 'place'],
    [1109, 1116, 'place'],
    [1160, 1166, 'place'],
    [1168, 1173, 'place'],
    [1216, 1225, 'ethnic']]}],
 ['.2After them come the Locrians, surnamed Epicnemidii, formerly called Leleges, through whose country the river Cephisus passes, in its course to the sea. Their towns are Opus; from which the Opuntian Gulf takes its name, and Cynos. Daphnus is the only town of Phocis situate on the coast. In the interior of Locris is Elatea, and on the banks of the Cephisus, as we have previously stated, Lilaea, and, facing Delphi, Cnemis and Hyampolis. Again, upon the coast of the Locrians, are Larymna, and Thronium, near which last the river Boagrius enters the sea. Also, the towns of Narycion, Alope, and Scarphia; and then the gulf which receives the name of the Maliac from the people who dwell there, and upon which are the towns of Halcyone, Econia, and Phalara. ',
  {'entities': [[22, 30, 'ethnic'],
    [70, 77, 'ethnic'],
    [111, 119, 'place'],
    [170, 174, 'place'],
    [191, 199, 'demonym'],
    [225, 230, 'place'],
    [232, 239, 'place'],
    [260, 266, 'place'],
    [308, 314, 'place'],
    [318, 324, 'place'],
    [111, 119, 'place'],
    [390, 396, 'place'],
    [410, 416, 'place'],
    [418, 424, 'place'],
    [429, 438, 'place'],
    [22, 30, 'ethnic'],
    [483, 490, 'place'],
    [496, 504, 'place'],
    [532, 540, 'place'],
    [576, 584, 'place'],
    [586, 591, 'place'],
    [597, 605, 'place'],
    [656, 662, 'place'],
    [728, 736, 'people'],
    [750, 757, 'place']]}],
 ['.1DORIS: Doris comes next, in which are Sperchios, Erineon, Boion, Pindus, and Cytinum . Behind Doris lies Mount Oita. ',
  {'entities': [[9, 14, 'place'],
    [40, 49, 'place'],
    [51, 58, 'place'],
    [60, 65, 'place'],
    [67, 73, 'place'],
    [79, 86, 'place'],
    [9, 14, 'place'],
    [113, 117, 'place']]}],
 ['.1PHTHIOTIS: Haemonia follows, a country which has often changed its name, having been successively called Pelasgic Argos, Hellas, Thessaly, and Dryopis, always taking its surname from its kings. In this country was born the king whose name was Graecus; and from whom Graecia was so called; and here too was born Hellen, from whom the Hellenes derive their name. The same people Homer has called by three different names, Myrmidones, Hellenes, and Achaei. ',
  {'entities': [[13, 21, 'place'],
    [123, 129, 'people'],
    [131, 139, 'place'],
    [145, 152, 'place'],
    [245, 252, 'people'],
    [313, 319, 'people'],
    [379, 384, 'people'],
    [422, 432, 'people']]}],
 ['.2That portion of these people which inhabit the country adjacent to Doris are called Phthiotae. Their towns are Echinus, at the mouth of the river Sperchius, and, at four miles from the narrow pass of Thermopylae, Heraclea, which from it takes its surname of Trachin. Here too is Mount Callidromus, and the celebrated towns of Hellas, Halos, Lamia, Phthia, and Arne. ',
  {'entities': [[69, 74, 'place'],
    [86, 95, 'ethnic'],
    [113, 120, 'place'],
    [148, 157, 'place'],
    [202, 213, 'place'],
    [215, 223, 'place'],
    [260, 267, 'people'],
    [287, 298, 'place'],
    [328, 334, 'people'],
    [336, 341, 'place'],
    [343, 348, 'place'],
    [350, 356, 'place'],
    [362, 366, 'place']]}],
 ['.1THESSALY PROPER: In Thessaly is Orchomenus, formerly called the Minyan, and the towns of Almon, by some called Salmon, Atrax, and Pelinna; the Fountain of Hyperia; the towns also of Pherae, at the back of which is Pieria, extending to Macedonia, Larisa, Gomphi, Thebes of Thessaly, the grove of Pteleon, the Gulf of Pagasa, the town of Pagasa, which was afterwards called Demetrias, the Plains of Pharsalia, with a free city of similar name, Crannon, and Iletia. The mountains of Phthiotis are Nymphaeus, once so beautiful for its garden scenery, the work of nature; Busygaeus, Donacesa, Bermius, Daphusa, Chimerion, Athamas, and Stephane. In Thessaly there are thirty-four, of which the most famous are Cercetii, Olympus, Pierus, and Ossa, opposite to which last are Pindus and Othrys, the abodes of the Lapithae. These mountains look towards the west, Pelion towards the east, all of them forming a curve like an amphitheatre, in the interior of which, lying before them, are no less than seventy-five cities. The rivers of Thessaly are the Apidanus, the Phoenix, the Enipeus, the Onochonus, and the Pamisos. There is also the Fountain of Messeis, and the lake Boebeis. The river Peneus too, superior to all others in celebrity, takes its rise near Gomphi, and flows down a well-wooded valley between Ossa and Olympus, a distance of five hundred stadia, being navigable half that distance. The vale, for a distance of five miles through which this river runs, is called by the name of Tempe; being a jugerum and a half nearly in breadth, while on the right and left, the mountain chain slopes away with a gentle elevation, beyond the range of human vision, the foliage imparting its colour to the light within. Along this vale glides the Peneus, reflecting the green tints as it rolls along its pebbly bed, its banks covered with tufts of verdant herbage, and enlivened by the melodious warblings of the birds. The Peneus receives the river Orcus, or rather, I should say, does not receive it, but merely carries its waters, which swim on its surface like oil, as Homer says; and then, after a short time, rejects them, refusing to allow the waters of a river devoted to penal sufferings and engendered for the Furies to mingle with his silvery streams. ',
  {'entities': [[22, 30, 'place'],
    [34, 44, 'place'],
    [66, 72, 'people'],
    [121, 126, 'place'],
    [132, 139, 'place'],
    [157, 164, 'place'],
    [184, 190, 'place'],
    [216, 222, 'place'],
    [237, 246, 'place'],
    [248, 254, 'place'],
    [256, 262, 'place'],
    [264, 270, 'place'],
    [22, 30, 'place'],
    [297, 304, 'place'],
    [318, 324, 'place'],
    [318, 324, 'place'],
    [374, 383, 'place'],
    [399, 408, 'place'],
    [444, 451, 'place'],
    [482, 491, 'place'],
    [496, 505, 'people'],
    [590, 597, 'place'],
    [22, 30, 'place'],
    [706, 714, 'people'],
    [716, 723, 'place'],
    [725, 731, 'people'],
    [737, 741, 'place'],
    [770, 776, 'place'],
    [781, 787, 'place'],
    [807, 815, 'people'],
    [856, 862, 'place'],
    [22, 30, 'place'],
    [1045, 1053, 'place'],
    [1059, 1066, 'people'],
    [1072, 1079, 'place'],
    [1085, 1094, 'place'],
    [1104, 1111, 'place'],
    [1143, 1150, 'people'],
    [1165, 1172, 'place'],
    [1184, 1190, 'place'],
    [256, 262, 'place'],
    [737, 741, 'place'],
    [716, 723, 'place'],
    [1489, 1494, 'place'],
    [1184, 1190, 'place'],
    [1184, 1190, 'place'],
    [1945, 1950, 'people'],
    [2068, 2073, 'people'],
    [2215, 2221, 'people']]}],
 ['.1MAGNESIA: To Thessaly Magnesia joins, in which is the fountain of Libethra, the towns Iolcos, Ormenium, Pyrrha, Methone, Olizon, the Promontory of Sepias, the towns Castana and Spalathra, the promontory Aeantium, the towns Meliboea, Rhizus, and Erymnae (Eurymenai); the mouth of the Peneus, the towns Homolium, Orthe, Iresiae, Pelinna (Phalanna), Thaumacie, Gyrton, Crannon, Acharne, Dotion, Melite, Phylace, and Potniae. The length of Epirus, Achaia, Attica, and Thessaly is said altogether to amount to 490 miles, the breadth to 297. ',
  {'entities': [[15, 23, 'place'],
    [24, 32, 'place'],
    [68, 76, 'place'],
    [88, 94, 'place'],
    [96, 104, 'place'],
    [106, 112, 'people'],
    [114, 121, 'place'],
    [123, 129, 'place'],
    [149, 155, 'place'],
    [167, 174, 'place'],
    [179, 188, 'place'],
    [205, 213, 'place'],
    [225, 233, 'place'],
    [235, 241, 'place'],
    [247, 254, 'people'],
    [256, 265, 'place'],
    [285, 291, 'place'],
    [303, 311, 'place'],
    [313, 318, 'place'],
    [320, 327, 'place'],
    [338, 346, 'place'],
    [349, 358, 'place'],
    [360, 366, 'place'],
    [368, 375, 'place'],
    [386, 392, 'place'],
    [394, 400, 'place'],
    [402, 409, 'place'],
    [415, 422, 'place'],
    [438, 444, 'place'],
    [446, 452, 'place'],
    [454, 460, 'place'],
    [15, 23, 'place']]}],
 ['.1MACEDONIA: Macedonia comes next, including 150 nations, and renowned for its two kings and its former empire over the world; it was formerly known by the name of Emathia. Stretching away towards the nations of Epirus on the west it lies at the back of Magnesia and Thessaly, being itself exposed to the attacks of the Dardani. Paeonia and Pelagonia protect its northern parts from the Triballi. Its towns are Aegiae, at which place its kings were usually buried, Beroea, and, in the country called Pieria from the grove of that name, Aiginium. Upon the coast are Heraclea, the river Apilas, the towns of Pydna and Aloros, and the river Haliacmon. In the interior are the Aloritae, the Vallaei, the Phylacaei, the Cyrrhestae, the Tyrissaei, the colony of Pella, and Stobi, a town with the rights of Roman citizens. Next comes Antigonea, Europus upon the river Axius, and another place of the same name by which the Rhoemdias flows, Scydra, Eordaea, Mieza, and Gordyniae. Then, upon the coast, Ichne, and the river Axius: along this frontier the Dardani, the Treres, and the Pieres, border on Macedonia. Leaving this river, there are the nations of Paeonia, the Paroraei, the Eordenses, the Almopii, the Pelagones, and the Mygdones. ',
  {'entities': [[13, 22, 'place'],
    [164, 171, 'place'],
    [212, 218, 'place'],
    [254, 262, 'place'],
    [267, 275, 'place'],
    [320, 327, 'ethnic'],
    [329, 336, 'place'],
    [341, 350, 'place'],
    [387, 395, 'ethnic'],
    [411, 417, 'place'],
    [465, 471, 'place'],
    [500, 506, 'place'],
    [536, 544, 'place'],
    [565, 573, 'place'],
    [606, 611, 'place'],
    [616, 622, 'place'],
    [638, 647, 'place'],
    [687, 694, 'ethnic'],
    [715, 725, 'ethnic'],
    [731, 740, 'ethnic'],
    [756, 761, 'place'],
    [767, 772, 'place'],
    [827, 836, 'place'],
    [838, 845, 'place'],
    [861, 866, 'place'],
    [933, 939, 'place'],
    [941, 948, 'place'],
    [950, 955, 'place'],
    [961, 970, 'place'],
    [994, 999, 'place'],
    [861, 866, 'place'],
    [320, 327, 'ethnic'],
    [1059, 1065, 'people'],
    [13, 22, 'place'],
    [329, 336, 'place'],
    [1162, 1170, 'ethnic'],
    [1176, 1185, 'ethnic'],
    [1191, 1198, 'place'],
    [1204, 1213, 'ethnic'],
    [1223, 1231, 'ethnic']]}],
 ['.2Next come the mountains of Rhodope, Scopius, and Orbelus; and, lying along the extent of country in front of these mountains, the Arethusii, the Antiochienses, the Idomenenses, the Doberi, the Aestraeenses, the Allantenses, the Audaristenses, the Morylli, the Garesci, the Lyncestae, the Othryonei, and the Amantini and Orestae, both of them free peoples; the colonies of Bullis and Dium, the Xylopolitae, the Scotussaei, a free people, Heraclea Sintica, the Tymphaei, and the Toronaei. ',
  {'entities': [[29, 36, 'place'],
    [51, 58, 'place'],
    [132, 141, 'ethnic'],
    [166, 177, 'ethnic'],
    [183, 189, 'ethnic'],
    [195, 207, 'ethnic'],
    [213, 224, 'ethnic'],
    [230, 243, 'ethnic'],
    [275, 284, 'ethnic'],
    [322, 329, 'ethnic'],
    [374, 380, 'place'],
    [385, 389, 'place'],
    [412, 422, 'ethnic'],
    [439, 455, 'place'],
    [461, 469, 'place'],
    [479, 487, 'ethnic']]}],
 ['.3Upon the coast of the Macedonian Gulf there are the town of Chalastra, and, more inland, Piloros; also Lete, and at the extreme bend of the Gulf, Thessalonica, a free city; (from this place to Dyrrhachium it is 245 miles,) and then Thermae. Upon the Gulf of Thermae are the towns of Dicaea, Pydna, Derra, Scione, the Promontory of Canastraion, and the towns of Pallene and Phlegra. In this region also are the mountains Hypsizorus, Epitus, Halcyone, and Elaeuomne; the towns of Nyssos, Phryxelon, Mendae, and what was formerly Potidaea on the isthmus of Pallene, but now the colony of Cassandria; Anthemus, Olophyxus, and the Gulf of Mecyberna; the towns of Miscella, Ampelos, Torone, Singos, and the canal, a mile and a half in length, by means of which Xerxes, king of the Persians, cut off Mount Athos from the main land. This mountain projects from the level plain of the adjacent country into the sea, a distance of seventy-five miles; its circumference at its base being 150 miles in extent. There was formerly upon its summit the town of Acroathon: the present towns are Uranopolis, Palaeorium, Thyssus, Kleonai, and Apollonia, the inhabitants of which have the surname of Macrobii. The town also of Cassera, and then the other side of the Isthmus, after which come Acanthus, Stagira, Sithone, Heraclea, and the country of Mygdonia that lies below, in which are situate, at some distance from the sea, Apollonia and Arethusa. Again, upon the coast we have Posidium, and the bay with the town of Cermorus, Amphipolis, a free town, and the nation of the Bisaltae. We then come to the river Strymon which takes its rise in Mount Haemus and forms the boundary of Macedonia: it is worthy of remark that it first discharges itself into seven lakes before it proceeds onward in its course. ',
  {'entities': [[24, 34, 'demonym'],
    [62, 71, 'place'],
    [91, 98, 'place'],
    [105, 109, 'place'],
    [148, 160, 'place'],
    [195, 206, 'place'],
    [234, 241, 'place'],
    [234, 241, 'place'],
    [285, 291, 'place'],
    [293, 298, 'place'],
    [307, 313, 'place'],
    [333, 344, 'place'],
    [363, 370, 'place'],
    [375, 382, 'place'],
    [442, 450, 'people'],
    [499, 505, 'place'],
    [529, 537, 'place'],
    [363, 370, 'place'],
    [599, 607, 'place'],
    [609, 618, 'place'],
    [636, 645, 'place'],
    [670, 677, 'people'],
    [679, 685, 'place'],
    [687, 693, 'place'],
    [757, 763, 'people'],
    [777, 785, 'ethnic'],
    [801, 806, 'place'],
    [1047, 1056, 'place'],
    [1080, 1090, 'place'],
    [1104, 1111, 'place'],
    [1113, 1120, 'place'],
    [1126, 1135, 'place'],
    [1182, 1190, 'people'],
    [1209, 1216, 'place'],
    [1275, 1283, 'place'],
    [1285, 1292, 'place'],
    [1294, 1301, 'place'],
    [1303, 1311, 'place'],
    [1332, 1340, 'place'],
    [1126, 1135, 'place'],
    [1425, 1433, 'place'],
    [1514, 1524, 'place'],
    [1561, 1569, 'ethnic'],
    [1597, 1604, 'place'],
    [1635, 1641, 'place'],
    [24, 33, 'place']]}],
 ['.4Such is Macedonia, which was once the mistress of the world, which once extended her career over Asia, Armenia, Iberia, Albania, Cappadocia, Syria, Egypt, Taurus, and Caucasus, which reduced the whole of the East under her power, and triumphed over the Bactri, the Medes, and the Persians. She too it was who proved the conqueror of India, thus treading in the footsteps of Father Liber and of Hercules; and this is that same Macedonia, of which our own general Paulus Aemilius sold to pillage seventy-two cities in one day. So great the difference in her lot resulting from the actions of two individuals! ',
  {'entities': [[10, 19, 'place'],
    [99, 103, 'people'],
    [105, 112, 'place'],
    [114, 120, 'place'],
    [122, 129, 'place'],
    [131, 141, 'place'],
    [143, 148, 'place'],
    [150, 155, 'place'],
    [157, 163, 'place'],
    [169, 177, 'place'],
    [255, 261, 'people'],
    [267, 272, 'ethnic'],
    [282, 290, 'ethnic'],
    [335, 340, 'place'],
    [376, 388, 'people'],
    [396, 404, 'people'],
    [10, 19, 'place'],
    [464, 470, 'people'],
    [471, 479, 'people']]}],
 ['.1THRACE; THE AEGEAN SEA. Thrace now follows, divided into fifty strategies, and to be reckoned among the most powerful nations of Europe. Among its peoples whom we ought not to omit to name are the Denseletae and the Medi, dwelling upon the right bank of the Strymon, and joining up to the Bisaltae above mentioned; on the left there are the Digerri and a number of tribes of the Bessi, with various names, as far as the river Mestus, which winds around the foot of Mount Pangaion, passing among the Elethi, the Diobessi, the Carbilesi; and then the Brysae, the Sapaei, and the Odomanti. The territory of the Odrysae gives birth to the Hebrus, its banks being inhabited by the Cabyleti, the Pyrogeri, the Drugeri, the Caenici, the Hypsalti, the Beni, the Corpili, the Bottiaei, and the Edoni. In the same district are also the Selletae, the Priantae, the Doloncae, the Thyni, and the Greater Coeletae, below Mount Haemus, the Lesser at the foot of Rhodope. Between these tribes runs the river Hebrus. We then come to a town at the foot of Rhodope, first called Poneropolis, afterwards Philippopolis from the name of its founder, and now, from the peculiarity of its situation, Trimontium. To reach the summit of Haemus you have to travel six miles. The sides of it that look in the opposite direction and slope towards the Ister are inhabited by the Moesi, the Getae, the Aorsi, the Gaudae, and the Clariae; below them, are the Arraei Sarmatae, also called Arreatae, the Scythians, and, about the shores of the Euxine, the Moriseni and the Sithonii, the forefathers of the poet Orpheus, dwell. ',
  {'entities': [[26, 32, 'place'],
    [260, 267, 'place'],
    [291, 299, 'ethnic'],
    [428, 434, 'place'],
    [473, 481, 'place'],
    [610, 617, 'ethnic'],
    [637, 643, 'place'],
    [678, 686, 'ethnic'],
    [756, 763, 'ethnic'],
    [769, 777, 'ethnic'],
    [787, 792, 'ethnic'],
    [856, 864, 'people'],
    [870, 875, 'ethnic'],
    [915, 921, 'place'],
    [949, 956, 'place'],
    [637, 643, 'place'],
    [949, 956, 'place'],
    [1062, 1073, 'people'],
    [1086, 1099, 'place'],
    [915, 921, 'place'],
    [1324, 1329, 'place'],
    [1362, 1367, 'ethnic'],
    [1436, 1444, 'ethnic'],
    [1472, 1481, 'ethnic'],
    [1512, 1518, 'place'],
    [1579, 1586, 'people']]}],
 ['.2Thus is Thrace bounded by the Ister on the north, by the Euxine, and the Propontis on the east, and by the Aegean Sea on the south; on the coast of which, after leaving the Strymon, we come in turn to Apollonia, Oisyma, Neapolis and Datos. In the interior is the colony of Philippi, distant from Dyrrhachium 325 miles; also Scotussa, the city of Topiris, the mouth of the river Mestus, Mount Pangaeus, Heraclea, Olynthos, Abdera, a free city, the people of the Bistones and their Lake. Here was formerly the city of Tirida, which struck such terror with its stables of the horses of Diomedes. At the present day we find here Dicaea, Ismaron, the place where Parthenion stood, Phalesina, and Maronea, formerly called Orthagorea. We then come to Mount Serrium and Zone, and then the place called Doriscus, capable of containing ten thousand men, for it was in bodies of ten thousand that Xerxes here numbered his army. We then come to the mouth of the Hebrus, the Port of Stentor, and the free town of Aenos, with the tomb there of Polydorus, the region formerly of the Cicones. ',
  {'entities': [[10, 16, 'place'],
    [32, 37, 'place'],
    [59, 65, 'place'],
    [75, 84, 'place'],
    [109, 119, 'place'],
    [175, 182, 'place'],
    [203, 212, 'place'],
    [214, 220, 'place'],
    [222, 230, 'place'],
    [235, 240, 'place'],
    [275, 283, 'place'],
    [298, 309, 'place'],
    [326, 334, 'place'],
    [348, 355, 'place'],
    [380, 386, 'place'],
    [394, 402, 'place'],
    [414, 422, 'place'],
    [424, 430, 'place'],
    [463, 471, 'ethnic'],
    [585, 593, 'people'],
    [627, 633, 'place'],
    [660, 670, 'people'],
    [693, 700, 'place'],
    [718, 728, 'place'],
    [752, 759, 'place'],
    [764, 768, 'place'],
    [796, 804, 'place'],
    [888, 894, 'people'],
    [952, 958, 'place'],
    [1002, 1007, 'place'],
    [1032, 1041, 'people'],
    [1070, 1077, 'ethnic']]}],
 ['.3From Doriscus there is a winding coast as far as Macron Tichos, or the "Long Wall," a distance of 122 miles; round Doriscus flows the river Melas, from which the Gulf of Melas receives its name. The towns are, Cypsela, Bisanthe, and Macron Tichos, already mentioned, so called because a wall extends from that spot between the two seas, — that is to say, from the Propontis to the Gulf of Melas, thus excluding the Chersonesus, which projects beyond it. ',
  {'entities': [[7, 15, 'place'],
    [51, 64, 'place'],
    [7, 15, 'place'],
    [142, 147, 'place'],
    [142, 147, 'place'],
    [212, 219, 'place'],
    [221, 229, 'place'],
    [51, 64, 'place'],
    [366, 375, 'place'],
    [142, 147, 'place'],
    [417, 428, 'place']]}],
 ['.4The other side of Thrace now begins, on the coast of the Euxine, where the river Ister discharges itself; and it is in this quarter perhaps that Thrace possesses the finest cities, Histropolis, namely, founded by the Milesians, Tomi, and Callatis, formerly called Acervetis. It also had the cities of Heraclea and Bizone, which latter was swallowed up by an earthquake; it now has Dionysopolis, formerly called Cruni, which is washed by the river Zyras. All this country was formerly possessed by the Scythians, surnamed Aroteres; their towns were, Aphrodisias, Libistos, Zygere, Rocobe, Eumenia, Parthenopolis, and Gerania, where a nation of Pigmies is said to have dwelt; the barbarians used to call them Cattuzi, and entertain a belief that they were put to flight by cranes. Upon the coast, proceeding from Dionysopolis, is Odessus, a city of the Milesians, the river Panysus, and the town of Tetranaulochus. Mount Haemus, which, with its vast chain, overhangs the Euxine, had in former times upon its summit the town of Aristaion. At the present day there are upon the coast Mesembria, and Anchialum, where Messa formerly stood. The region of Astice formerly had a town called Anthium; at the present day Apollonia occupies its site. The rivers here are the Panisos, the Riras, the Tearus, and the Orosines; there are also the towns of Thynias, Halmydessos, Develton, with its lake, now known as Deultum, a colony of veterans, and Phinopolis, near which last is the Bosporus. From the mouth of the Ister to the entrance of the Euxine, some writers have made to be a distance of 555 miles; Agrippa, however, increases the length by sixty miles. The distance thence to Macron Tichos, or the Long Wall, previously mentioned, is 150 miles; and, from it to the extremity of the Chersonesus, 125. ',
  {'entities': [[20, 26, 'place'],
    [59, 65, 'place'],
    [83, 88, 'place'],
    [20, 26, 'place'],
    [183, 194, 'place'],
    [219, 228, 'ethnic'],
    [230, 234, 'place'],
    [240, 248, 'place'],
    [316, 322, 'place'],
    [383, 395, 'place'],
    [503, 512, 'ethnic'],
    [590, 597, 'people'],
    [599, 612, 'place'],
    [383, 395, 'place'],
    [830, 837, 'place'],
    [219, 228, 'ethnic'],
    [921, 927, 'place'],
    [59, 65, 'place'],
    [1082, 1091, 'place'],
    [1097, 1106, 'place'],
    [1150, 1156, 'people'],
    [1184, 1191, 'people'],
    [1212, 1221, 'place'],
    [1343, 1350, 'place'],
    [1352, 1363, 'place'],
    [1365, 1373, 'place'],
    [1438, 1448, 'place'],
    [1473, 1481, 'place'],
    [83, 88, 'place'],
    [59, 65, 'place'],
    [1596, 1603, 'people'],
    [1674, 1687, 'place'],
    [1780, 1791, 'place']]}],
 [".5On leaving the Bosporus we come to the Gulf of Casthenes, and two harbours, the one called the Old Men's Haven, and the other the Women's Haven. Next comes the promontory of Chrysoceras, upon which is the town of Byzantium, a free state, formerly called Lygos, distant from Dyrrhachium 711 miles, — so great being the space of land that intervenes between the Adriatic Sea and the Propontis. We next come to the rivers Bathynias and Pydaras, or Athyras, and the towns of Selymbria and Perinthus, which join the mainland by a neck only 200 feet in width. In the interior are Bizya, a citadel of the kings of Thrace, and hated by the swallows, in consequence of the sacrilegious crime of Tereus; the district called Caenica, and the colony of Flaviopolis, where formerly stood a town called Caela. Then, at a distance of fifty miles from Bizya, we come to the colony of Apros, distant from Philippi 180 miles. Upon the coast is the river Erginus; here formerly stood the town of Ganos; and Lysimachia in the Chersonesus is being now gradually deserted. ",
  {'entities': [[17, 25, 'place'],
    [215, 224, 'place'],
    [276, 287, 'place'],
    [362, 370, 'place'],
    [383, 392, 'place'],
    [421, 430, 'people'],
    [447, 454, 'place'],
    [473, 482, 'place'],
    [487, 496, 'place'],
    [576, 581, 'place'],
    [609, 615, 'place'],
    [688, 694, 'people'],
    [743, 754, 'people'],
    [576, 581, 'place'],
    [870, 875, 'place'],
    [890, 898, 'place'],
    [938, 945, 'people'],
    [979, 984, 'place'],
    [990, 1000, 'place'],
    [1008, 1019, 'place']]}],
 ['.6At this spot there is another isthmus, similar in name to the other, and of about equal width; and, in a manner by no means dissimilar, two cities formerly stood on the shore, one on either side, Pactye on the side of the Propontis, and Cardia on that of the Gulf of Melas, the latter deriving its name from the shape which the land assumes. These, however, were afterwards united with Lysimachia, which stands at a distance of five miles from Macron Tichos. The Chersonesus formerly had, on the side of the Propontis, the towns of Tiristasis, Crithotes, and Cissa, on the banks of the river Aegos; it now has, at a distance of twenty-two miles from the colony of Apros, Resistos, which stands opposite to the colony of Parium. The Hellespont also, which separates, as we have already stated, Europe from Asia, by a channel seven stadia in width, has four cities facing each other, Callipolis and Sestos in Europe, and Lampsacus and Abydos in Asia. On the Chersonesus, there is the promontory of Mastusia, lying opposite to Sigeum; upon one side of it stands the Cynossema (for so the tomb of Hecuba is called), the naval station of the Achaeans, and a tower; and near it the shrine of Protesilaus. On the extreme front of the Chersonesus, which is called Aeolium, there is the city of Elaeus. Advancing thence towards the Gulf of Melas, we have the port of Coelos, Panormus, and then Cardia, previously mentioned. ',
  {'entities': [[198, 204, 'place'],
    [224, 233, 'place'],
    [239, 245, 'place'],
    [269, 274, 'place'],
    [388, 398, 'place'],
    [446, 459, 'place'],
    [465, 476, 'place'],
    [224, 233, 'place'],
    [534, 544, 'place'],
    [546, 555, 'place'],
    [561, 566, 'place'],
    [594, 599, 'place'],
    [666, 671, 'place'],
    [673, 681, 'place'],
    [722, 728, 'place'],
    [734, 744, 'place'],
    [807, 811, 'people'],
    [884, 894, 'place'],
    [899, 905, 'place'],
    [921, 930, 'place'],
    [935, 941, 'place'],
    [807, 811, 'people'],
    [465, 476, 'place'],
    [998, 1006, 'place'],
    [1026, 1032, 'place'],
    [1065, 1074, 'place'],
    [1095, 1101, 'people'],
    [1139, 1147, 'ethnic'],
    [1188, 1199, 'people'],
    [465, 476, 'place'],
    [1288, 1294, 'place'],
    [269, 274, 'place'],
    [1360, 1366, 'people'],
    [239, 245, 'place']]}],
 ['.7In this manner is the third great Gulf of Europe bounded. The mountains of Thrace, besides those already mentioned, are Edonus, Gigemoros, Meritus, and Melamphyllos; the rivers are the Bargus and the Syrmus, which fall into the Hebrus. The length of Macedonia, Thrace, and the Hellespont has been already mentioned; some writers, however, make it 720 miles, the breadth being 384. ',
  {'entities': [[77, 83, 'place'],
    [122, 128, 'people'],
    [187, 193, 'people'],
    [202, 208, 'people'],
    [230, 236, 'place'],
    [252, 261, 'place'],
    [77, 83, 'place'],
    [279, 289, 'place']]}],
 ['.8What may be called a rock rather than an island, lying between Tenos and Chios, has given its name to the Aegean Sea; it has the name of Aex from its strong resemblance to a goat, which is so called in Greek, and shoots precipitately from out of the middle of the sea. Those who are sailing towards the isle of Andros from Achaia, see this rock on the left, boding no good, and warning them of its dangers. Part of the Aegean Sea bears the name of Myrtoan, being so called from the small island [of Myrtos ] which is seen as you sail towards Macedonia from Geraistos, not far from Carystus in Euboea. The Romans include all these seas under two names, — the Macedonian, in those parts where it touches the coasts of Macedonia or Thrace, and the Grecian where it washes the shores of Greece The Greeks, however, divide the Ionian Sea into the Sicilian and the Cretan Seas, after the name of those islands; and they give the name of Icarian to that part which lies between Samos and Myconos. The gulfs which we have already mentioned, have given to these seas the rest of their names. Such, then, are the seas and the various nations which are comprehended in the third great Gulf of Europe. ',
  {'entities': [[65, 70, 'place'],
    [75, 80, 'place'],
    [108, 118, 'place'],
    [139, 142, 'people'],
    [313, 319, 'place'],
    [325, 331, 'place'],
    [108, 118, 'place'],
    [450, 457, 'demonym'],
    [501, 507, 'place'],
    [544, 553, 'place'],
    [559, 568, 'place'],
    [583, 591, 'place'],
    [595, 601, 'place'],
    [660, 670, 'demonym'],
    [544, 553, 'place'],
    [731, 737, 'place'],
    [824, 834, 'place'],
    [844, 852, 'demonym'],
    [861, 867, 'demonym'],
    [933, 940, 'demonym'],
    [973, 978, 'place'],
    [983, 990, 'place']]}],
 ['.1THE ISLANDS WHICH LIE BEFORE THE LANDS ALREADY MENTIONED. Lying opposite to Thesprotia, at a distance of twelve miles from Buthrotus, and of fifty from Acroceraunia, is the island of Corcyra, with a city of the same name, the citizens of which are free; also a town called Cassiope, and a temple dedicated to Jupiter Cassius. This island is ninety-seven miles in length, and in Homer has the names of Scheria and Phaeacia; while Callimachus calls it Drepane. There are some other islands around it, such as Thoronos, lying in the direction of Italy, and the two islands of Paxos in that of Leucadia, both of them five miles distant from Corcyra. Not far from these, and in front of Corcyra, are Ericusa, Marathe, Elaphusa, Malthace, Trachie, Pythionia, Ptychia, Tarachie, and, off Phalacrum, a promontory of Corcyra, the rock into which (according to the story, which arises no doubt from the similarity of appearance) the ship of Ulysses was changed. ',
  {'entities': [[78, 88, 'place'],
    [154, 166, 'place'],
    [185, 192, 'place'],
    [275, 283, 'place'],
    [311, 318, 'people'],
    [319, 326, 'people'],
    [380, 385, 'people'],
    [403, 410, 'place'],
    [431, 442, 'people'],
    [452, 459, 'people'],
    [545, 550, 'place'],
    [575, 580, 'place'],
    [592, 600, 'place'],
    [185, 192, 'place'],
    [185, 192, 'place'],
    [697, 704, 'people'],
    [725, 733, 'people'],
    [755, 762, 'place'],
    [783, 792, 'place'],
    [185, 192, 'place'],
    [933, 940, 'people']]}],
 ['.2Before Leucimna we find the islands of Sybota, and between Leucadia and Achaia a great number of islands, among which are those called Teleboides, as also Taphiae; by the natives, those which lie before Leucadia are called by the names of Taphias, Oxiae, and Prinoessa; while those that are in front of Aitolia are the Echinades, consisting of Aegialia, Cotonis, Thyatira, Geoaris, Dionysia, Cyrnus, Chalcis, Pinara, and Mystus. ',
  {'entities': [[41, 47, 'place'],
    [61, 69, 'place'],
    [74, 80, 'place'],
    [137, 147, 'people'],
    [157, 164, 'place'],
    [61, 69, 'place'],
    [241, 248, 'place'],
    [305, 312, 'place'],
    [321, 330, 'place'],
    [346, 354, 'people'],
    [384, 392, 'people'],
    [394, 400, 'people'],
    [402, 409, 'place']]}],
 ['.3In front of these, and lying out at sea, are Cephallenia and Zacynthus, both of them free, Ithaca, Dulichium, Same, and Crocyle. Cephallenia, formerly known as Melaena, lies at a distance of eleven miles from Paxos, and is ninety-three miles in circumference: its city of Same has been levelled to the ground by the Romans; but it still possesses three others. Between this island and Achaia lies the island of Zacynthus, remarkable for its city of the same name, and for its singular fertility. It formerly had the name of Hyrie, and lies to the south of Cephallenia, at a distance of twenty-five miles; in it there is the famous mountain of Elatus. This island is thirty-six miles in circumference. At a distance of fifteen miles from Zacynthus is Ithaca, in which is Mount Neritus; its circumference in all is twenty-five miles. Twelve miles distant from this island is Araxus, a promontory of the Peloponnesus. Before Ithaca, lying out in the main sea, are Asteris and Prote; and before Zacynthus, at a distance of thirty-five miles in the direction of the south-east wind, are the two Strophades, by some known as the Plotae. Before Cephallenia lies Letoia, before Pylos the three Sphagiae, and before Messene the Oinussae, as many in number. ',
  {'entities': [[47, 58, 'place'],
    [63, 72, 'place'],
    [93, 99, 'place'],
    [101, 110, 'place'],
    [112, 116, 'place'],
    [47, 58, 'place'],
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    [211, 216, 'place'],
    [112, 116, 'place'],
    [387, 393, 'place'],
    [63, 72, 'place'],
    [526, 531, 'people'],
    [47, 58, 'place'],
    [645, 651, 'place'],
    [63, 72, 'place'],
    [93, 99, 'place'],
    [778, 785, 'people'],
    [875, 881, 'place'],
    [903, 915, 'place'],
    [93, 99, 'place'],
    [963, 970, 'place'],
    [975, 980, 'place'],
    [63, 72, 'place'],
    [1092, 1102, 'place'],
    [1125, 1131, 'people'],
    [47, 58, 'place'],
    [1172, 1177, 'place'],
    [1188, 1196, 'place'],
    [1209, 1216, 'place'],
    [1221, 1229, 'place']]}],
 ['.4In the Asinaean Gulf there are the three Thyrides, and in that of Laconia Theganusa, Cothon, and Cythera, with the town of that name, the former name of which island was Porphyris. It is situate five miles from the promontory of Malea, thus forming a strait very dangerous to navigation. In the Gulf of Argolis are Pityusa, Irine, and Ephyre; opposite the territory of Hermione, Tiparenus, Aperopia, Colonis, and Aristera; and, opposite that of Troezen, Calauria, at a distance of half a mile, Plateis, Belbina, Lasia, and Baucidias. Opposite Epidaurus is Cecryphalos, and Pityonesos, six miles distant from the mainland; and, at a distance of fifteen miles from this last, Aigina, a free island, the length of which, as you sail past it, is eighteen miles. This island is twenty miles distant from Piraeus, the port of Athens: it used formerly to be called Oinone. Opposite the promontory of Spiraion, lie Eleusa, Adendros, the two islands called Craugiae, the two Caeciae, Selachusa Cenchreis, and Aspis; as also, in the Gulf of Megara, the four Methurides. Aegila lies at a distance of fifteen miles from Cythera, and of twenty-five from Phalasarna, a city of Crete. ',
  {'entities': [[9, 17, 'demonym'],
    [43, 51, 'place'],
    [68, 75, 'place'],
    [76, 85, 'place'],
    [87, 93, 'people'],
    [99, 106, 'place'],
    [172, 181, 'people'],
    [231, 236, 'place'],
    [305, 312, 'place'],
    [317, 324, 'place'],
    [371, 379, 'place'],
    [392, 400, 'place'],
    [402, 409, 'people'],
    [415, 423, 'place'],
    [447, 454, 'place'],
    [456, 464, 'place'],
    [496, 503, 'place'],
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    [545, 554, 'place'],
    [558, 569, 'place'],
    [575, 585, 'place'],
    [676, 682, 'place'],
    [801, 808, 'place'],
    [822, 828, 'place'],
    [860, 866, 'place'],
    [895, 903, 'place'],
    [987, 996, 'people'],
    [1002, 1007, 'place'],
    [1033, 1039, 'place'],
    [1062, 1068, 'place'],
    [99, 106, 'place'],
    [1143, 1153, 'place'],
    [1165, 1170, 'place']]}],
 ['.1CRETE: Crete itself lies from east to west, the one side facing the south, the other the north, and is known to fame by the renown of its hundred cities. Dosiades says, that it took its name from the nymph Crete, the daughter of Hesperides; Anaximander, from a king of the Curetes, Philistides of Mallus; while Crates says that it was at first called Aeria, and after that Curetis; and some have been of opinion that it had the name of Macaron from the serenity of its climate. In breadth it nowhere exceeds fifty miles, being widest about the middle. In length, however, it is full 270 miles, and 589 in circumference, forming a bend towards the Cretan Sea, which takes its name from it. At its eastern extremity is the Promontory of Sammonium, facing Rhodes, while towards the west it throws out that of Criumetopon, in the direction of Cyrene. ',
  {'entities': [[9, 14, 'place'],
    [156, 164, 'people'],
    [9, 14, 'people'],
    [231, 241, 'people'],
    [243, 254, 'people'],
    [275, 282, 'people'],
    [284, 295, 'people'],
    [299, 305, 'people'],
    [313, 319, 'people'],
    [353, 358, 'people'],
    [375, 382, 'people'],
    [438, 445, 'people'],
    [649, 655, 'demonym'],
    [737, 746, 'place'],
    [755, 761, 'place'],
    [808, 819, 'place'],
    [841, 847, 'place']]}],
 ['.2The more remarkable cities of Crete are, Phalasarna, Etaea, Cisamon, Pergamum, Cydonia, Minoium, Apteron, Pantomatrium, Amphimalla, Rhithymna, Panormus, Cytaion, Apollonia, Matium, Heraclea, Miletos, Ampelos, Hierapytna, Lebena, and Hierapolis; and, in the interior, Gortyna, Phaestum, Cnossus, Polyrrenium, Myrina, Lycastus, Rhamnus, Lyctus, Dium, Asus, Pyloros, Rhytion, Elatos, Pharae, Holopyxos, Lasos, Eleuthernae, Therapnae, Marathusa, and Tylisos; besides some sixty others, of which the memory only exists. The mountains are those of Cadistus, Ida, Dictynnaeus, and Corycus. This island is distant, at its promontory of Criumetopon, according to Agrippa, from Phycus, the promontory of Cyrene, 125 miles; and at Cadistus, from Malea in the Peloponnesus, eighty. From the island of Carpathus, at its promontory of Sammonium it lies in a westerly direction, at a distance of sixty miles; this last-named island is situate between it and Rhodes. ',
  {'entities': [[32, 37, 'place'],
    [43, 53, 'place'],
    [55, 60, 'place'],
    [62, 69, 'place'],
    [71, 79, 'place'],
    [81, 88, 'place'],
    [90, 97, 'place'],
    [99, 106, 'place'],
    [108, 120, 'place'],
    [122, 132, 'place'],
    [134, 143, 'place'],
    [145, 153, 'place'],
    [164, 173, 'place'],
    [183, 191, 'place'],
    [193, 200, 'place'],
    [202, 209, 'place'],
    [211, 221, 'place'],
    [223, 229, 'place'],
    [269, 276, 'place'],
    [278, 286, 'place'],
    [288, 295, 'place'],
    [297, 308, 'place'],
    [310, 316, 'people'],
    [318, 326, 'place'],
    [328, 335, 'place'],
    [337, 343, 'place'],
    [357, 364, 'place'],
    [366, 373, 'place'],
    [375, 381, 'people'],
    [383, 389, 'people'],
    [402, 407, 'place'],
    [409, 420, 'place'],
    [448, 455, 'place'],
    [544, 552, 'place'],
    [554, 557, 'place'],
    [576, 583, 'place'],
    [630, 641, 'place'],
    [656, 663, 'people'],
    [670, 676, 'place'],
    [696, 702, 'place'],
    [544, 552, 'place'],
    [737, 742, 'place'],
    [750, 762, 'place'],
    [791, 800, 'place'],
    [823, 832, 'place'],
    [945, 951, 'place']]}],
 ['.3The other islands in its vicinity, and lying in front of the Peloponnesus, are the two isles known as Corycae, and the two called Mylae. On the north side, having Crete on the right, and opposite to Cydonia, is Leuce, and the two islands known as Budroae. Opposite to Matium lies Dia; opposite to the promontory of Itanum, Onisia and Leuce; and over against Hierapytna, Chrysa and Gaudos. In the same neighbourhood, also, are Ophiussa, Butoa, and Aradus; and, after doubling Criumetopon, we come to the three islands known as Musagorus. Before the promontory of Sammonium lie the islands of Phocoe, the Platiae, the Sirnides, Naulochos, Armedon, and Zephyre. ',
  {'entities': [[63, 75, 'place'],
    [104, 111, 'place'],
    [132, 137, 'place'],
    [165, 170, 'place'],
    [201, 208, 'place'],
    [213, 218, 'people'],
    [249, 256, 'place'],
    [282, 285, 'place'],
    [317, 323, 'place'],
    [213, 218, 'place'],
    [360, 370, 'place'],
    [372, 378, 'place'],
    [383, 389, 'place'],
    [428, 436, 'people'],
    [477, 488, 'place'],
    [528, 537, 'people'],
    [564, 573, 'place']]}],
 [".4Belonging to Hellas, but still in the Aegean Sea, we have the Lichades, consisting of Scarphia, Coresa, Phocaria, and many others which face Attica, but have no towns upon them, and are consequently of little note. Opposite Eleusis, however, is the far-famed Salamis; before it, Psyttalia; and, at a distance of five miles from Sounion, the island of Helene. At the same distance from this last is Ceos, which some of our countrymen have called Cea, and the Greeks Hydrussa, an island which has been torn away from Euboea. It was formerly 500 stadia in length; but more recently four-fifths of it, in the direction of Boeotia, have been swallowed up by the sea. The only towns it now has left are Iulis and Carthaea; Coresus and Poeeessa have perished. Varro informs us, that from this place there used to come a cloth of very fine texture, used for women's dresses. ",
  {'entities': [[15, 21, 'people'],
    [40, 50, 'place'],
    [143, 149, 'place'],
    [226, 233, 'place'],
    [261, 268, 'place'],
    [281, 290, 'place'],
    [330, 337, 'place'],
    [353, 359, 'place'],
    [400, 404, 'place'],
    [447, 450, 'place'],
    [467, 475, 'people'],
    [517, 523, 'place'],
    [620, 627, 'place'],
    [699, 704, 'place'],
    [709, 717, 'place'],
    [719, 726, 'place'],
    [731, 739, 'place'],
    [755, 760, 'people']]}],
 ['.1EUBOIA: Euboea itself has also been rent away from Boeotia; the channel of the Euripus, which flows between them, being so narrow as to admit of the opposite shores being united by a bridge. At the south, this island is remarkable for its two promontories, that of Geraistos, which looks towards Attica, and that of Caphareus, which faces the Hellespont; on the north it has that of Kenaion. In no part does this island extend to a greater breadth than forty miles, while it never contracts to less than two. In length it runs along the whole coast of Boeotia, extending from Attica as far as Thessaly, a distance of 150 miles. In circumference it measures 365, and is distant from the Hellespont, on the side of Caphareus, 225 miles. The cities for which it was formerly famous were, Pyrrha, Porthmos, Nesos, Cerinthos, Oreus, Dium, Aedepsus, Ocha, and Oichalia; at present it is ennobled by those of Chalcis(opposite which, on the mainland, is Aulis), Geraistos, Eretria, Carystus, Oritanum, and Artemisium. Here are also the Fountain of Arethusa, the river Lelantos, and the warm springs known as Ellopiae; it is still better known, however, for the marble of Carystus. This island used formerly to be called Chalcodontis and Macris, as we learn from Dionysius and Ephorus; according to Aristides, Macra; also, as Callidemus says, Chalcis, because copper was first discovered here. Menaechmus says that it was called Abantias, and the poets generally give it the name of Asopis. ',
  {'entities': [[10, 16, 'place'],
    [53, 60, 'place'],
    [81, 88, 'place'],
    [267, 276, 'place'],
    [298, 304, 'place'],
    [318, 327, 'place'],
    [345, 355, 'place'],
    [385, 392, 'place'],
    [53, 60, 'place'],
    [298, 304, 'place'],
    [595, 603, 'place'],
    [345, 355, 'place'],
    [318, 327, 'place'],
    [787, 793, 'people'],
    [795, 803, 'place'],
    [805, 810, 'place'],
    [812, 821, 'place'],
    [823, 828, 'place'],
    [830, 834, 'place'],
    [836, 844, 'place'],
    [846, 850, 'place'],
    [856, 864, 'place'],
    [904, 911, 'place'],
    [948, 953, 'place'],
    [267, 276, 'place'],
    [967, 974, 'place'],
    [976, 984, 'place'],
    [1000, 1010, 'place'],
    [1042, 1050, 'place'],
    [1062, 1070, 'place'],
    [976, 984, 'place'],
    [1231, 1237, 'people'],
    [1256, 1265, 'people'],
    [1270, 1277, 'people'],
    [1292, 1301, 'people'],
    [1303, 1308, 'people'],
    [1319, 1329, 'people'],
    [1387, 1397, 'people'],
    [1476, 1482, 'people']]}],
 ['.1THE CYCLADES: Beyond Euboea, and out in the Myrtoan Sea, are numerous other islands; but those more especially famous are, Glauconnesos and the Aegila. Off the promontory, too, of Geraistos are the Cyclades, lying in a circle around Delos, from which circumstance they derive their name. The first of them is the one called Andros with a city of the same name, distant from Geraistos ten miles, and from Ceos thirty-nine. Myrsilus tells us that this island was at first called Cauros, and after that Antandros; Callimachus calls it Lasia, and others again Nonagria, Hydrussa, and Epagris. It is ninety-three miles in circumference. At a distance of one mile from Andros and of fifteen from Delos, is Tenos, with a city of the same name; this island is fifteen miles in length. Aristotle says that it was formerly called Hydrussa, from the abundance of water found here, while some writers call it Ophiussa. The other islands are, Myconos, with the mountain of Dimastus, distant from Delos fifteen miles; Siphnos, formerly called Meropia and Acis, twenty-eight miles in circumference; Seriphos, twelve miles in circuit; Prepesinthus; Cythnos; and then, by far the most famous among the Cyclades, and lying in the very middle of them, Delos itself; so famous for its temple of Apollo, and its extensive commerce. This island long floated on the waves, and, as tradition says, was the only one that had never experienced an earthquake, down to the time of M. Varro; Mucianus however has informed us, that it has been twice so visited. Aristotle states that this island received its name from the fact of its having so suddenly made its appearance on emerging from the sea; Aglaosthenes, however, gives it the name of Cynthia, and others of Ortygia, Asteria, Lagia, Chlamydia, Cynthus, and, from the circumstance of fire having been first discovered here, Pyrpile. Its circumference is five miles only; Mount Cynthus here raises his head. ',
  {'entities': [[23, 29, 'place'],
    [46, 53, 'demonym'],
    [146, 152, 'place'],
    [182, 191, 'place'],
    [200, 208, 'place'],
    [235, 240, 'place'],
    [326, 332, 'place'],
    [182, 191, 'place'],
    [406, 410, 'place'],
    [424, 432, 'people'],
    [513, 524, 'people'],
    [534, 539, 'people'],
    [568, 576, 'people'],
    [326, 332, 'place'],
    [235, 240, 'place'],
    [702, 707, 'place'],
    [779, 788, 'people'],
    [568, 576, 'people'],
    [899, 907, 'people'],
    [932, 939, 'place'],
    [235, 240, 'place'],
    [1006, 1013, 'place'],
    [1043, 1047, 'people'],
    [1086, 1094, 'place'],
    [1121, 1133, 'place'],
    [1135, 1142, 'place'],
    [200, 208, 'place'],
    [235, 240, 'place'],
    [1277, 1283, 'people'],
    [1458, 1463, 'people'],
    [1465, 1473, 'people'],
    [779, 788, 'people'],
    [1672, 1684, 'people'],
    [1716, 1723, 'people'],
    [1739, 1746, 'people'],
    [1748, 1755, 'people'],
    [1775, 1782, 'place']]}],
 ['.2Next to this island is Rhene, which Anticlides calls by the name of Celadussa, and Callidemus, Artemite; Scyros, which the old writers have stated to be twenty miles in circumference, but Mucianus 160; Oliaros; and Paros, with a city of the same name, distant from Delos thirty-eight miles, and famous for its marble; it was first called Platea, and after that, Minois. At a distance of seven miles from this last island is Naxos, with a town of the same name; it is eighteen miles distant from Delos. Naxos was formerly called Strongyle, then Dia, and then Dionysias, in consequence of the fruitfulness of its vineyards; others again have called it the Lesser Sicily, or Callipolis. It is seventy-five miles in circumference — half as large again as Paros. ',
  {'entities': [[25, 30, 'place'],
    [38, 48, 'people'],
    [107, 113, 'place'],
    [190, 198, 'people'],
    [204, 211, 'place'],
    [217, 222, 'place'],
    [267, 272, 'place'],
    [426, 431, 'place'],
    [267, 272, 'place'],
    [426, 431, 'place'],
    [560, 569, 'people'],
    [217, 222, 'place']]}],
 ['.1THE SPORADES: The islands thus far are considered as belonging to the Cyclades; the rest that follow are the Sporades. These are, Helene, Phacussa, Nicasia, Schinussa, Pholegandros, and, at a distance of thirty-eight miles from Naxos, Icaros, which has given its name to the surrounding sea, and is the same number of miles in length, with two cities, and a third now no longer in existence: this island used formerly to be called Doliche, Macris, and Ichthyoessa. It is situate fifty miles to the north-east of Delos, and thirty-five from the island of Samos. Between Euboea and Andros, there is an arm of the sea ten miles in width, and from Icaros to Geraistos is a distance of 112 1/2 miles. ',
  {'entities': [[72, 80, 'place'],
    [111, 119, 'people'],
    [132, 138, 'place'],
    [140, 148, 'place'],
    [150, 157, 'place'],
    [159, 168, 'place'],
    [170, 182, 'place'],
    [230, 235, 'place'],
    [237, 243, 'place'],
    [514, 519, 'place'],
    [556, 561, 'place'],
    [571, 577, 'place'],
    [582, 588, 'place'],
    [237, 243, 'place'],
    [656, 665, 'place']]}],
 ['.2After we pass these, no regular order can be well observed; the rest must therefore be mentioned indiscriminately. There is the island of Scyros, and that of Ios, eighteen miles distant from Naxos, and deserving of all veneration for the tomb there of Homer; it is twenty-five miles in length, and was formerly known by the name of Phoenice; also Odia, Oletandros, and Gyara, with a city of the same name, the island being twelve miles in circumference, and distant from Andros sixty-two. At a distance of eighty miles from Gyara is Syrnos, then Cynaethus, Telos, noted for its unguents, and by Callimachus called Agathussa, Donusa, Patmos, thirty miles in circumference, the Corassiae, Lebinthus, Leros, Cinara; Sicinus, formerly called Oinoe; Hieracia, also called Onus; Casos, likewise called Astrabe; Cimolus, or Echinussa; and Melos, with a city of that name, which island Aristides calls Memblis, Aristotle Zephyria, Callimachus Mimallis, and Heraclides called Siphis and Acyta. This last is the most circular in form of all these islands. [Buporthmus], Machia, then Hypere, formerly Patage, or, as others have it, Platage, but now called Amorgos, Polyaegos, Sapyle, and Thera, known as Calliste when it first sprang from the waves. From this, at a later period, the island of Therasia was torn away, and between the two afterwards arose Automate, also called Hiera, and Thia, which in our own times came into existence in the vicinity of these islands. Ios is distant from Thera twenty-five miles. ',
  {'entities': [[140, 146, 'place'],
    [160, 163, 'place'],
    [193, 198, 'place'],
    [254, 259, 'people'],
    [371, 376, 'place'],
    [473, 479, 'place'],
    [371, 376, 'place'],
    [535, 541, 'place'],
    [548, 557, 'people'],
    [559, 564, 'place'],
    [597, 608, 'people'],
    [627, 633, 'place'],
    [635, 641, 'place'],
    [678, 687, 'place'],
    [689, 698, 'place'],
    [700, 705, 'place'],
    [707, 713, 'place'],
    [715, 722, 'place'],
    [747, 755, 'place'],
    [775, 780, 'place'],
    [807, 814, 'place'],
    [834, 839, 'place'],
    [880, 889, 'people'],
    [905, 914, 'people'],
    [597, 608, 'people'],
    [951, 961, 'people'],
    [1049, 1059, 'people'],
    [1147, 1154, 'place'],
    [1156, 1165, 'place'],
    [1179, 1184, 'place'],
    [1195, 1203, 'people'],
    [1285, 1293, 'place'],
    [1346, 1354, 'place'],
    [747, 752, 'place'],
    [1379, 1383, 'place'],
    [160, 163, 'place'],
    [1179, 1184, 'place']]}],
 ['.3Next to these follow Lea, Ascania, Anaphe, Hippuris, and Astypalaea, a free state. This island is eighty-eight miles in circumference, and 125 miles distant from Cadistus, in Crete. From Astypalaea, Platea is distant sixty miles, and Caminia thirty-eight from this last. We then come to the islands of Azibintha, Lamse, Tragaea, Pharmacussa, Thetaedia, Chalcia, Calymna, in which is a town, Coos, Eulimna, at a distance of twenty-five miles from which is Carpathus, which has given its name to the Carpathian Sea. The distance thence to Rhodes, in the direction of the south-west wind, is fifty miles. From Carpathus to Casus is seven miles, and from Casus to Sammonium, the promontory of Crete, thirty. In the Euripus of Euboea, almost at the very mouth of it, are the four islands called Petaliae; and, at its outlet, Atalante. The Cyclades and the Sporades are bounded on the east by the Asiatic shores of the Icarian Sea, on the west by the Attic shores of the Myrtoan Sea, on the north by the Aegean, and on the south by the Cretan and Carpathian seas, extending 700 miles in length, and 200 in breadth. ',
  {'entities': [[23, 26, 'place'],
    [28, 35, 'place'],
    [37, 43, 'place'],
    [45, 53, 'place'],
    [59, 69, 'place'],
    [164, 172, 'place'],
    [177, 182, 'place'],
    [59, 69, 'place'],
    [201, 207, 'place'],
    [236, 243, 'place'],
    [322, 329, 'place'],
    [331, 342, 'place'],
    [355, 362, 'place'],
    [364, 371, 'place'],
    [393, 397, 'place'],
    [399, 406, 'place'],
    [457, 466, 'place'],
    [500, 510, 'demonym'],
    [539, 545, 'place'],
    [457, 466, 'place'],
    [622, 627, 'place'],
    [622, 627, 'place'],
    [662, 671, 'place'],
    [177, 182, 'place'],
    [713, 720, 'place'],
    [724, 730, 'place'],
    [792, 800, 'place'],
    [822, 830, 'place'],
    [836, 844, 'place'],
    [853, 861, 'people'],
    [915, 922, 'demonym'],
    [947, 952, 'demonym'],
    [967, 978, 'place'],
    [1000, 1006, 'place'],
    [1032, 1038, 'demonym'],
    [500, 510, 'demonym']]}],
 ['.4The Gulf of Pagasa has in front of it Euthia, Cicynethus, Scyros, previously mentioned, and the very furthermost of the Cyclades and Sporades, Gerontia and Scandila; the Gulf of Thermae, Iraesia, Solimnia, Eudemia, and Nea, which last is sacred to Minerva. Athos has before it four islands; Peparethus, formerly called Evoenus, with a city of that name, at a distance from Athos of nine miles; Sciathus, at a distance of fifteen, and Imbros, with a city of the same name, at a distance of eighty-eight, miles. This last island is distant from Mastusia, in the Chersonesus, twenty-five miles; it is sixty-two miles in circumference, and is washed by the river Ilisus. At a distance of twenty-two miles from it is Lemnos, being distant from Mount Athos eighty-seven; it is 112 miles in circumference, and has the cities of Hephaestia and Myrina; into the market-place of which last city Athos throws its shadow at the summer solstice. The island of Thasos, constituting a free state, is six miles distant from Lemnos; it formerly had the name of Aeria, or Aethria. Abdera, on the mainland, is distant from Thasos twenty-two miles, Athos sixty-two. The island of Samothrace, a free state, facing the river Hebrus, is the same distance from Thasos, being also thirty-two miles from Imbros, twenty-two from Lemnos, and thirty-eight from the coast of Thrace; it is thirty-two miles in circumference, and in it rises Mount Saoce, ten miles in height. This island is the most inaccessible of them all. Callimachus mentions it by its ancient name of Dardania. ',
  {'entities': [[40, 46, 'place'],
    [48, 58, 'place'],
    [60, 66, 'place'],
    [122, 130, 'place'],
    [135, 143, 'people'],
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    [1543, 1551, 'place']]}],
 ['.5Between the Chersonesus and Samothrace, at a distance of about fifteen miles from them both, is the island of Halonnesos, and beyond it Gethone, Lamponia, and Alopeconnesus, not far from Coelos, a port of the Chersonesus, besides some others of no importance. The following names may be also mentioned, as those of uninhabited islands in this gulf, of which we have been enabled to discover the names: — Desticos, Sarnos, Cyssiros, Charbrusa, Calathusa, Scylla, Draconon, Arconnesus, Diethusa, Scapos, Capheris, Mesate, Aeantion, Pateronnesos, Pateria, Calate, Neriphus, and Polendos. ',
  {'entities': [[14, 25, 'place'],
    [30, 40, 'place'],
    [112, 122, 'place'],
    [147, 155, 'place'],
    [161, 174, 'place'],
    [189, 195, 'people'],
    [14, 25, 'place'],
    [456, 462, 'people'],
    [474, 484, 'place'],
    [514, 520, 'place'],
    [522, 530, 'people']]}],
 ['.1THE HELLESPONT. — THE LAKE MAEOTIS. The fourth great Gulf of Europe begins at the Hellespont and ends at the entrance of the Maeotis. But in order that the several portions of the Euxine and its coasts may be the better known, we must briefly embrace the form of it in one general view. This vast sea, lying in front of Asia, is shut out from Europe by the projection of the shores of the Chersonesus, and effects an entrance into those countries by a narrow channel only, of the width, as already mentioned, of seven stadia, thus separating Europe from Asia. The entrance of these Straits is called the Hellespont; over it Xerxes, the king of the Persians, constructed a bridge of boats, across which he led his army. A narrow channel extends thence a distance of eighty-six miles, as far as Priapus, a city of Asia, at which Alexander the Great passed over. At this point the sea becomes wider, and after some distance again takes the form of a narrow strait. The wider part is known as the Propontis, the Straits as the Thracian Bosporus, being only half-amile in width, at the place where Darius, the father of Xerxes, led his troops across by a bridge. The extremity of this is distant from the Hellespont 239 miles. ',
  {'entities': [[84, 94, 'place'],
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    [391, 402, 'place'],
    [322, 326, 'people'],
    [84, 94, 'place'],
    [626, 632, 'people'],
    [650, 658, 'ethnic'],
    [795, 802, 'place'],
    [322, 326, 'people'],
    [829, 838, 'people'],
    [995, 1004, 'place'],
    [1034, 1042, 'place'],
    [1095, 1101, 'people'],
    [626, 632, 'people'],
    [84, 94, 'place']]}],
 ['.2We then come to the vast sea called the Euxine, which invades the land as it retreats afar, and the name of which was formerly Axenus. As the shores bend inwards, this sea with a vast sweep stretches far away, curving on both sides after the manner of a pair of horns, so much so that in shape it bears a distinct resemblance to a Scythian bow. In the middle of the curve it is joined by the mouth of Lake Maeotis, which is called the Cimmerian Bosporus, and is two miles and a half in width. Between the two Bospori, the Thracian and the Cimmerian, there is a distance in a straight line, of 500 miles, as Polybius informs us. We learn from Varro and most of the ancient writers, that the circumference of the Euxine is altogether 2150 miles; but to this number Cornelius Nepos adds 350 more; while Artemidorus makes it 2919 miles, Agrippa 2360, and Mucianus 2425. In a similar manner some writers have fixed the length of the European shores of this sea at 1478 miles, others again at 1172. M. Varro gives the measurement as follows: — from the mouth of the Euxine to Apollonia 187 miles, and to Callatis the same distance; thence to the mouth of the Ister 125 miles; to the Borysthenes 250; to Chersonesus, a town of the Heracleotae, 325; to Panticapaion, by some called Bosporus, at the very extremity of the shores of Europe, 212 miles: the whole of which added together, makes 1337 miles. Agrippa makes the distance from Byzantium to the river Ister 560 miles, and from thence to Panticapaion, 635. ',
  {'entities': [[42, 48, 'place'],
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    [408, 415, 'place'],
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    [437, 446, 'demonym'],
    [609, 617, 'people'],
    [644, 649, 'people'],
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    [765, 780, 'people'],
    [802, 813, 'people'],
    [835, 842, 'people'],
    [853, 861, 'people'],
    [644, 649, 'people'],
    [42, 48, 'place'],
    [1072, 1081, 'place'],
    [1100, 1108, 'place'],
    [1155, 1160, 'place'],
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    [1247, 1259, 'place'],
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    [1429, 1438, 'place'],
    [1155, 1160, 'place'],
    [1247, 1259, 'place']]}],
 ['.3Lake Maeotis, which receives the river Tanais as it flows from the Riphaean Mountains, and forms the extreme boundary between Europe and Asia, is said to be 1406 miles in circumference; which however some writers state at only 1125. From the entrance of this lake to the mouth of the Tanais in a straight line is, it is generally agreed, a distance of 375 miles. ',
  {'entities': [[7, 14, 'place'],
    [41, 47, 'place'],
    [69, 77, 'place'],
    [139, 143, 'people'],
    [41, 47, 'place']]}],
 ['.4The inhabitants of the coasts of this fourth great Gulf of Europe, as far as Istropolis, have been already mentioned in our account of Thrace. Passing beyond that spot we come to the mouths of the Ister. This river rises in Germany in the heights of Mount Abnoba, opposite to Rauricum, a town of Gaul, and flows for a course of many miles beyond the Alps and through nations innumerable, under the name of the Danube. Adding immensely to the volume of its waters, at the spot where it first enters Illyricum, it assumes the name of Ister, and, after receiving sixty rivers, nearly one half of which are navigable, rolls into the Euxine by six vast channels. The first of these is the mouth of Peuce, close to which is the island of Peuce itself, from which the neighbouring channel takes its name; this mouth is swallowed up in a great swamp nineteen miles in length. From the same channel too, above Istropolis, a lake takes its rise, sixty-three miles in circuit; its name is Halmyris. The second mouth is called Naracu-Stoma; the third, which is near the island of Sarmatica, is called Calon-Stoma; the fourth is known as Pseudo-Stomon, with its island called Conopon-Diabasis; after which come the Boreon Stoma and the Psilon-Stoma. These mouths are each of them so considerable, that for a distance of forty miles, it is said, the saltness of the sea is quite overpowered, and the water found to be fresh. ',
  {'entities': [[79, 89, 'place'],
    [137, 143, 'place'],
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    [226, 233, 'people'],
    [278, 286, 'place'],
    [352, 356, 'place'],
    [412, 418, 'place'],
    [500, 509, 'place'],
    [199, 204, 'place'],
    [631, 637, 'place'],
    [695, 700, 'place'],
    [79, 89, 'place'],
    [980, 988, 'place']]}],
 ['.1DACIA, SARMATIA: On setting out from this spot, all the nations met with are Scythian in general, though various races have occupied the adjacent shores; at one spot the Getae, by the Romans called Daci; at another the Sarmatae, by the Greeks called Sauromatae, and the Hamaxobii or Aorsi, a branch of them; then again the base-born Scythians and descendants of slaves, or else the Troglodytae; and then, after them, the Alani and the Rhoxalani. The higher parts again, between the Danube and the Hercynian Forest, as far as the winter quarters of Pannonia at Carnuntum, and the borders of the Germans, are occupied by the Sarmatian lazyges, who inhabit the level country and the plains, while the Daci, whom they have driven as far as the river Pathissus, inhabit the mountain and forest ranges. On leaving the river Marus, whether it is that or the Duria, that separates them from the Suevi and the kingdom of Vannius, the Basternae, and, after them, other tribes of the Germans occupy the opposite sides. Agrippa considers the whole of this region, from the Ister to the ocean, to be 2100 miles in length, and 4400 miles in breadth to the river Vistula in the deserts of Sarmatia. The name "Scythian" has extended, in every direction, even to the Sarmatae and the Germans; but this ancient appellation is now only given to those who dwell beyond those nations, and live unknown to nearly all the rest of the world. ',
  {'entities': [[79, 87, 'demonym'],
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    [384, 395, 'ethnic'],
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    [889, 894, 'people'],
    [914, 921, 'people'],
    [927, 936, 'people'],
    [1010, 1017, 'people'],
    [1063, 1068, 'place'],
    [1150, 1157, 'people'],
    [625, 633, 'place'],
    [79, 87, 'demonym'],
    [221, 229, 'ethnic']]}],
 ['.1SCYTHIA: Leaving the Ister, we come to the towns of Cremniscos, Aepolium, the mountains of Macrocremnus, and the famous river Tyra, which gives name to a town on the spot where Ophiusa is said formerly to have stood. The Tyragetae inhabit a large island situate in this river, which is distant from Pseudostomos, a mouth of the Ister, so called, 130 miles. We then come to the Axiacae, who take their name from the river Axiaces, and beyond them, the Crobyzi, the river Rhodes, the Sagarian Gulf, and the port of Ordesos. At a distance of 120 miles from the Tyra is the river Borysthenes, with a lake and a people of similar name, as also a town in the interior, at a distance of fifteen miles from the sea, the ancient names of which were Olbiopolis and Miletopolis. Again, on the shore is the port of the Achaei, and the island of Achilles, famous for the tomb there of that hero, and, at a distance of 125 miles from it, a peninsula which stretches forth in the shape of a sword, in an oblique direction, and is called, from having been his place of exercise, Achilleos Dromos: the length of this, according to Agrippa, is eighty miles. The Taurian Scythians and the Siraci occupy all this tract of country. ',
  {'entities': [[23, 28, 'place'],
    [128, 132, 'place'],
    [179, 186, 'people'],
    [23, 28, 'place'],
    [453, 460, 'people'],
    [472, 478, 'people'],
    [128, 132, 'place'],
    [578, 589, 'place'],
    [742, 752, 'place'],
    [1065, 1081, 'place'],
    [1116, 1123, 'people'],
    [1154, 1163, 'ethnic']]}],
 ['.2At this spot begins a well-wooded district, which has given to the sea that washes its banks the name of the Hylaean Sea; its inhabitants are called Enoechadlae. Beyond them is the river Panticapes, which separates the Nomades and the Georgi, and after it the Acesinus. Some authors say that the Panticapes flows into the Borysthenes below Olbia. Others, who are more correct, say that it is the Hypanis: so great is the mistake made by those who have placed it in Asia. ',
  {'entities': [[189, 199, 'place'],
    [237, 243, 'people'],
    [262, 270, 'place'],
    [189, 199, 'place'],
    [324, 335, 'place'],
    [342, 347, 'place'],
    [398, 405, 'place'],
    [467, 471, 'people']]}],
 ['.3The sea runs in here and forms a large gulf, until there is only an intervening space of five miles between it and the Lake Maeotis, its margin forming the sea-line of extensive tracts of land, and numerous nations; it is known as the Gulf of Carcinites. Here we find the river Pacyris, the towns of Navarum and Carcine, and behind it Lake Buges, which discharges itself by a channel into the sea. This Buges is separated by a ridge of rocks from Coretus, a gulf in the Lake Maeotis; it receives the rivers Buges, Gerrus, and Hypacaris, which approach it from regions that lie in various directions. For the Gerrus separates the Basilidae from the Nomades, the Hypacaris flows through the Nomades and the Hylaei, by an artificial channel into Lake Buges, and by its natural one into the Gulf of Coretus: this region bears the name of Scythia Sindice. ',
  {'entities': [[126, 133, 'place'],
    [245, 255, 'people'],
    [342, 347, 'people'],
    [342, 347, 'people'],
    [126, 133, 'place'],
    [342, 347, 'people'],
    [631, 640, 'people'],
    [707, 713, 'people'],
    [342, 347, 'people'],
    [836, 843, 'place'],
    [844, 851, 'people']]}],
 ['.4At the river Carcinites, Scythia Taurica begins, which was once covered by the sea, where we now see level plains extended on every side: beyond this the land rises into mountains of great elevation. The peoples here are thirty in number, of which twenty-three dwell in the interior, six of the cities being inhabited by the Orgocyni, the Characeni, the Lagyrani, the Tractari, the Arsilachitae, and the Caliordi. The Scythotauri possess the range of mountains: on the west they are bounded by the Chersonesus, and on the east by the Scythian Satarchae. On the shore, after we leave Carcinites, we find the following towns; Taphrae, situated on the very isthmus of the peninsula, and then Heraclea Chersonesus, to which its freedom has been granted by the Romans. This place was formerly called Megarice, being the most polished city throughout all these regions, in consequence of its strict preservation of Grecian manners and customs. A wall, five miles in length, surrounds it. Next to this comes the Promontory of Parthenium, the city of the Tauri, Placia, the port of the Symboli, and the Promontory of Criumetopon, opposite to Carambis, a promontory of Asia, which runs out in the middle of the Euxine, leaving an intervening space between them of 170 miles, which circumstance it is in especial that gives to this sea the form of a Scythian bow. After leaving this headland we come to a great number of harbours and lakes of the Tauri. The town of Theodosia is distant from Criumetopon 125 miles, and from Chersonesus 165. Beyond it there were, in former times, the towns of Cytae, Zephyrium, Acrae, Nymphaion, and Dia. Panticapaion, a city of the Milesians, by far the strongest of them all, is still in existence; it lies at the entrance of the Bosporus, and is distant from Theodosia eighty-seven miles and a half, and from the town of Cimmerium, which lies on the other side of the Strait, as we have previously stated, two miles and a half. Such is the width here of the channel which separates Asia from Europe, and which too, from being generally quite frozen over, allows of a passage on foot. The width of the Cimmerian Bosporus is twelve miles and a half: it contains the towns of Hermisium, Myrmecium, and, in the interior of it, the island of Alopece. From the spot called Taphrae, at the extremity of the isthmus, to the mouth of the Bosporus, along the line of the Lake Maeotis, is a distance of 260 miles. ',
  {'entities': [[15, 25, 'people'],
    [27, 34, 'place'],
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    [500, 511, 'place'],
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    [2212, 2221, 'place'],
    [626, 633, 'place'],
    [1757, 1765, 'place'],
    [2394, 2401, 'place']]}],
 ['.5Leaving Taphrae, and going along the mainland, we find in the interior the Auchetae, in whose country the Hypanis has its rise, as also the Neuroe, in whose district the Borysthenes has its source, the Geloni, the Thyssagetae, the Budini, the Basilidae, and the Agathyrsi with their azure-coloured hair. Above them are the Nomades, and then a nation of Anthropophagi or cannibals. On leaving Lake Buges, above the Lake Maeotis we come to the Sauromatae and the Essedones. Along the coast, as far as the river Tanais, are the Maeotae, from whom the lake derives its name, and the last of all, in the rear of them, the Arimaspi. We then come to the Riphaean mountains, and the region known by the name of Pterophoros, because of the perpetual fall of snow there, the flakes of which resemble feathers; a part of the world which has been condemned by the decree of nature to lie immersed in thick darkness; suited for nothing but the generation of cold, and to be the asylum of the chilling blasts of the northern winds. ',
  {'entities': [[10, 17, 'place'],
    [77, 85, 'people'],
    [108, 115, 'place'],
    [172, 183, 'place'],
    [204, 210, 'people'],
    [245, 254, 'people'],
    [264, 273, 'people'],
    [399, 404, 'people'],
    [421, 428, 'place'],
    [444, 454, 'ethnic'],
    [463, 472, 'people'],
    [511, 517, 'place'],
    [527, 534, 'ethnic'],
    [619, 627, 'people'],
    [649, 657, 'place']]}],
 ['.6Behind these mountains, and beyond the region of the northern winds, there dwells, if we choose to believe it, a happy race, known as the Hyperborei, a race that lives to an extreme old age, and which has been the subject of many marvellous stories. At this spot are supposed to be the hinges upon which the world revolves, and the extreme limits of the revolutions of the stars. Here we find light for six months together, given by the sun in one continuous day, who does not, however, as some ignorant persons have asserted, conceal himself from the vernal equinox to autumn. On the contrary, to these people there is but one rising of the sun for the year, and that at the summer solstice, and but one setting, at the winter solstice. This region, warmed by the rays of the sun, is of a most delightful temperature, and exempt from every noxious blast. The abodes of the natives are the woods and groves; the gods receive their worship singly and in groups, while all discord and every kind of sickness are things utterly unknown. Death comes upon them only when satiated with life; after a career of feasting, in an old age sated with every luxury, they leap from a certain rock there into the sea; and this they deem the most desirable mode of ending existence. Some writers have placed these people, not in Europe, but at the very verge of the shores of Asia, because we find there a people called the Attacori, who greatly resemble them and occupy a very similar locality. Other writers again have placed them midway between the two suns, at the spot where it sets to the Antipodes and rises to us; a thing however that cannot possibly be, in consequence of the vast tract of sea which there intervenes. Those writers who place them nowhere but under a day which lasts for six months, state that in the morning they sow, at mid-day they reap, at sunset they gather in the fruits of the trees, and during the night conceal themselves in caves. Nor are we at liberty to entertain any doubts as to the existence of this race; so many authors are there who assert that they were in the habit of sending their first-fruits to Delos to present them to Apollo, whom in especial they worship. Virgins used to carry them, who for many years were held in high veneration, and received the rites of hospitality from the nations that lay on the route; until at last, in consequence of repeated violations of good faith, the Hyperboreans came to the determination to deposit these offerings upon the frontiers of the people who adjoined them, and they in their turn were to convey them on to their neighbours, and so from one to the other, till they should have arrived at Delos. However, this custom, even, in time fell into disuse. ',
  {'entities': [[140, 150, 'people'],
    [1362, 1366, 'people'],
    [1410, 1418, 'people'],
    [2130, 2135, 'place'],
    [2155, 2161, 'people'],
    [2421, 2433, 'people'],
    [2130, 2135, 'place']]}],
 ['.7The length of Sarmatia, Scythia, and Taurica, and of the whole of the region which extends from the river Borysthenes, is, according to Agrippa, 980 miles, and its breadth 717. I am of opinion, however, that in this part of the earth all estimates of measurement are exceedingly doubtful. ',
  {'entities': [[16, 24, 'place'],
    [26, 33, 'place'],
    [108, 119, 'place'],
    [138, 145, 'people']]}],
 ['.1THE ISLANDS OF THE EUXINE. THE ISLANDS OF THE NORTHERN OCEAN. But now, in conformity with the plan which I originally proposed, the remaining portions of this gulf must be described. As for its seas, we have already made mention of them. ',
 ['.2The Hellespont has no islands belonging to Europe that are worthy of mention. In the Euxine there are, at a distance of a mile and a half from the European shore, and of fourteen from the mouth of the Strait, the two Cyanaean islands, by some called the Symplegades, and stated in fabulous story to have run the one against the other; the reason being the circumstance that they are separated by so short an interval, that while to those who enter the Euxine opposite to them they appear to be two distinct islands, but if viewed in a somewhat oblique direction they have the appearance of becoming gradually united into one. On this side of the Ister there is the single island of the Apolloniates, eighty miles from the Thracian Bosporus; it was from this place that M. Lucullus brought the Capitoline Apollo. Those islands which are to be found between the mouths of the Ister we have already mentioned. Before the Borysthenes is Achillea previously referred to, known also by the names of Leuce and Macaron. Researches which have been made at the present day place this island at a distance of 140 miles from the Borysthenes, of 120 from Tyra, and of fifty from the island of Peuce. It is about ten miles in circumference. The remaining islands in the Gulf of Carcinites are Cephalonnesos, Rhosphodusa, and Macra. Before we leave the Euxine, we must not omit to notice the opinion expressed by many writers that all the interior seas take their rise in this one as the principal source, and not at the Straits of Gades. The reason they give for this supposition is not an improbable one — the fact that the tide is always running out of the Euxine and that there is never any ebb. ',
  {'entities': [[6, 16, 'place'],
    [87, 93, 'place'],
    [219, 227, 'place'],
    [256, 267, 'people'],
    [87, 93, 'place'],
    [648, 653, 'place'],
    [688, 700, 'ethnic'],
    [733, 741, 'place'],
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    [795, 805, 'place'],
    [688, 694, 'people'],
    [648, 653, 'place'],
    [920, 931, 'place'],
    [995, 1000, 'place'],
    [1005, 1012, 'people'],
    [920, 931, 'place'],
    [1144, 1148, 'place'],
    [1182, 1187, 'place'],
    [1266, 1276, 'people'],
    [1313, 1318, 'people'],
    [87, 93, 'place'],
    [1519, 1524, 'place'],
    [87, 93, 'place']]}],
 ['.3We must now leave the Euxine to describe the outer portions of Europe. After passing the Riphaean mountains we have now to follow the shores of the Northern Ocean on the left, until we arrive at Gades. In this direction a great number of islands are said to exist that have no name; among which there is one which lies opposite to Scythia, mentioned under the name of Raunonia, and said to be at a distance of the day\'s sail from the mainland; and upon which, according to Timaeus, amber is thrown up by the waves in the spring season. As to the remaining parts of these shores, they are only known from reports of doubtful authority. With reference to the Septentrional or Northern Ocean; Hecataeus calls it, after we have passed the mouth of the river Parapanisus, where it washes the Scythian shores, the Amalchian sea, the word \'Amalchian\' signifying in the language of these races, frozen. Philemon again says that it is called Morimarusa or the "Dead Sea" by the Cimbri, as far as the Promontory of Rubeas, beyond which it has the name of the Cronian Sea. Xenophon of Lampsacus tells us that at a distance of three days\' sail from the shores of Scythia, there is an island of immense size called Baltia, which by Pytheas is called Basilia. Some islands called Oonae are said to be here, the inhabitants of which live on the eggs of birds and oats; and others again upon which human beings are produced with the feet of horses, thence called Hippopodes. Some other islands are also mentioned as those of the Panotii, the people of which have ears of such extraordinary size as to cover the rest of the body, which is otherwise left naked. ',
  {'entities': [[24, 30, 'place'],
    [91, 99, 'place'],
    [197, 202, 'place'],
    [333, 340, 'place'],
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    [692, 701, 'people'],
    [789, 797, 'demonym'],
    [897, 905, 'people'],
    [954, 962, 'place'],
    [971, 977, 'people'],
    [1064, 1072, 'people'],
    [1076, 1085, 'person'],
    [333, 340, 'place'],
    [1221, 1228, 'people'],
    [1239, 1246, 'people']]}],
 [".4Leaving these however, we come to the nation of the Ingaevones, the first in Germany; at which we begin to have some information upon which more implicit reliance can be placed. In their country is an immense mountain called Sevo, not less than those of the Riphaean range, and which forms an immense gulf along the shore as far as the Promontory of the Cimbri. This gulf, which has the name of the 'Codanian,' is filled with islands; the most famous among which is Scandinavia, of a magnitude as yet unascertained: the only portion of it at all known is inhabited by the nation of the Hilleviones, who dwell in 500 villages, and call it a second world: it is generally supposed that the island of Eningia is of not less magnitude. Some writers state that these regions, as far as the river Vistula, are inhabited by the Sarmati, the Venedi, the Sciri, and the Hirri, and that there is a gulf there known by the name of Cylipenus, at the mouth of which is the island of Latris, after which comes another gulf, that of Lagnus, which borders on the Cimbri. The Cimbrian Promontory, running out into the sea for a great distance, forms a peninsula which bears the name of Cartris. Passing this coast, there are three and twenty islands which have been made known by the Roman arms: the most famous of which is Burcana, called by our people Fabaria, from the resemblance borne by a fruit which grows there spontaneously. There are those also called Glaesaria by our soldiers, from their amber; but by the barbarians they are known as Austeravia and Actania. ",
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 ['.1GERMANY: The whole of the shores of this sea as far as the Scaldis, a river of Germany, is inhabited by nations, the dimensions of whose respective territories it is quite impossible to state, so immensely do the authors differ who have touched upon this subject. The Greek writers and some of our own countrymen have stated the coast of Germany to be 2500 miles in extent, while Agrippa, comprising Rhaetia and Noricum in his estimate, makes the length to be 686 miles, and the breadth 148. The breadth of Rhaetia alone however very nearly exceeds that number of miles, and indeed we ought to state that it was only subjugated at about the period of the death of that general; while as for Germany, the whole of it was not thoroughly known to us for many years after his time. If I may be allowed to form a conjecture, the margin of the coast will be found to be not far short of the estimate of the Greek writers, while the distance in a straight line will nearly correspond with that mentioned by Agrippa. ',
  {'entities': [[81, 88, 'people'],
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    [402, 409, 'place'],
    [81, 88, 'people'],
    [382, 389, 'people']]}],
 ['.2There are five German races; the Vandili, parts of whom are the Burgundiones, the Varini, the Carini, and the Gutones: the Ingaevones, forming a second race, a portion of whom are the Cimbri, the Teutoni, and the tribes of the Chauci. The Istaevones, who join up to the Rhine, and to whom the Cimbri belong, are the third race; while the Hermiones, forming a fourth, dwell in the interior, and include the Suevi, the Hermunduri, the Chatti, and the Cherusci: the fifth race is that of the Peucini, who are also the Basternae, adjoining the Daci previously mentioned. The more famous rivers that flow into the ocean are the Guttalus, the Vistillus or Vistula, the Albis, the Visurgis, the Amisius, the Rhine, and the Mosa. In the interior is the long extent of the Hercynian range, which in grandeur is inferior to none. ',
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 ['.1NINETY-SIX ISLANDS OF THE GALLIC OCEAN. In the Rhine itself, nearly 100 miles in length, is the most famous island of the Batavi and the Canninefates, as also other islands of the Frisii, the Chauci, the Frisiabones, the Sturii, and the Marsacii, which lie between Helium and Flevum. These are the names of the mouths into which the Rhine divides itself, discharging its waters on the north into the lakes there, and on the west into the river Mosa. At the middle mouth which lies between these two, the river, having but a very small channel, preserves its own name. ',
  {'entities': [[49, 54, 'place'],
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    [182, 188, 'people'],
    [194, 200, 'people'],
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    [49, 54, 'place'],
    [446, 450, 'place']]}],
 ['.1BRITANNIA: Opposite to this coast is the island called Britannia, so celebrated in the records of Greece and of our own country. It is situate to the north-west, and, with a large tract of intervening sea, lies opposite to Germany, Gaul, and Spain, by far the greater part of Europe. Its former name was Albion; but at a later period, all the islands, of which we shall just now briefly make mention, were included under the name of "Britanniae." This island is distant from Gesoriacum, on the coast of the nation of the Morini, at the spot where the passage across is the shortest, fifty miles. Pytheas and Isidorus say that its circumference is 4875 miles. It is barely thirty years since any extensive knowledge of it was gained by the successes of the Roman arms, and even as yet they have not penetrated beyond the vicinity of the Caledonian forest. Agrippa believes its length to be 800 miles, and its breadth 300; he also thinks that the breadth of Hibernia is the same, but that its length is less by 200 miles. This last island is situate beyond Britannia, the passage across being the shortest from the territory of the Silures, a distance of thirty miles. Of the remaining islands none is said to have a greater circumference than 125 miles. Among these there are the Orcades, forty in number, and situate within a short distance of each other, the seven islands called Acmodae, the Haebudes, thirty in number, and, between Hibernia and Britannia, the islands of Mona, Monapia, Ricina, Vectis, Limnus, and Andros. Below it are the islands called Samnis and Axantos, and opposite, scattered in the German Sea, are those known as the Glaesariae, but which the Greeks have more recently called the Electrides, from the circumstance of their producing electrum or amber. The most remote of all that we find mentioned is Thule, in which, as we have previously stated, there is no night at the summer solstice, when the sun is passing through the sign of Cancer, while on the other hand at the winter solstice there is no day. Some writers are of opinion that this state of things lasts for six whole months together. Timaeus the historian says that an island called Mictisis within six days\' sail of Britannia, in which white load is found; and that the Britons sail over to it in boats of osier, covered with sewed hides. There are writers also who make mention of some other islands: Scandia, Dumna, Bergos, and, greater than all, Nerigos, from which persons embark for Thule. At one day\'s sail from Thule is the frozen ocean, which by some is called the Cronian Sea. ',
  {'entities': [[57, 66, 'place'],
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    [1829, 1834, 'place']]}],
 ['.1GALLIA BELGICA: The whole of Gaul that is comprehended under the one general name of Comata, is divided into three races of people, which are more especially kept distinct from each other by the following rivers. From the Scaldis to the Sequana it is Belgic Gaul; from the Sequana to the Garumna it is Celtic Gaul or Lugdunensis; and from the Garumna to the promontory of the Pyrenaean range it is Aquitanian Gaul, formerly called Aremorica. Agrippa makes the entire length of the coast of Gaul to be 1800 miles, measured from the Rhine to the Pyrenees: and its length, from the ocean to the mountains of Cebenna and Jura, excluding there from Gallia Narbonensis, he computes at 420 miles, the breadth being 318. ',
  {'entities': [[87, 93, 'people'],
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    [239, 246, 'place'],
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    [290, 297, 'place'],
    [378, 387, 'place'],
    [400, 410, 'demonym'],
    [444, 451, 'people'],
    [533, 538, 'place'],
    [546, 554, 'place'],
    [619, 623, 'place']]}],
 ['.2Beginning at the Scaldis, the parts beyond are inhabited by the Toxandri, who are divided into various peoples with many names; after whom come the Menapii, the Morini, the Oromarsaci, who are adjacent to the burgh which is known as Gesoriacum, the Britanni, the Ambiani, the Bellovaci, the Hassi, and, more in the interior, the Catoslugi, the Atrebates, the Nervii, a free people, the Veromandui, the Suaeuconi, the Suessiones, a free people, the Ulmanetes, a free people, the Tungri, the Sunuci, the Frisiabones, the Betasi, the Leuci, a free people, the Treveri, who were formerly free, and the Lingones, a federal state, the federal Remi, the Mediomatrici, the Sequani, the Raurici, and the Helvetii. The Roman colonies are Equestris and Rauriaca. The nations of Germany which dwell in this province, near the sources of the Rhine, are the Nemetes, the Triboci, and the Vangiones; nearer again, the Ubii, Colonia Agrippinensis, the Cugerni, the Batavi, and the peoples whom we have already mentioned as dwelling on the islands of the Rhine. ',
  {'entities': [[150, 157, 'ethnic'],
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    [911, 932, 'place'],
    [951, 957, 'ethnic'],
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 ['.1GALLIA LUGDUNENSIS: That part of Gaul which is known as Lugdunensis contains the Lexovii, the Vellocasses, the Galeti, the Veneti, the Abrincatui, the Ossismi, and the celebrated river Ligeris, as also a most remarkable peninsula, which extends into the ocean at the extremity of the territory of the Ossismi, the circumference of which is 625 miles, and its breadth at the neck 125. Beyond this are the Nannetes, and in the interior are the Aedui, a federal people, the Carnuti, a federal people, the Boii, the Senones, the Aulerci, both those surnamed Eburovices and those called Cenomanni, the Meldi, a free people, the Parisii, the Tricasses, the Andecavi, the Viducasses, the Bodiocasses, the Venelli, the Cariosvelites, the Diablinti, the Rhedones, the Turones, the Atesui, and the Secusiani, a free people, in whose territory is the colony of Lugdunum. ',
  {'entities': [[58, 69, 'people'],
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    [137, 147, 'ethnic'],
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    [153, 160, 'ethnic'],
    [444, 449, 'ethnic'],
    [473, 480, 'ethnic'],
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    [514, 521, 'ethnic'],
    [527, 534, 'ethnic'],
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    [732, 741, 'ethnic'],
    [747, 755, 'ethnic'],
    [761, 768, 'ethnic'],
    [852, 860, 'place']]}],
 ['.1GALLIA AQUITANICA: In Aquitanica are the Ambilatri, the Anagnutes, the Pictones, the Santoni, a free people, the Bituriges, surnamed Vivisci, the Aquitani, from whom the province derives its name, the Sediboviates, the Convenae, who together form one town, the Begerri, the Tarbelli Quatuorsignani, the Cocosates Sexsignani, the Venami, the Onobrisates, the Belendi, and then the Pyrenaean range. Below these are the Monesi, the Oscidates a mountain race, the Sibyllates, the Camponi, the Bercorcates, the Pindedunni, the Lassunni, the Vellates, the Tornates, the Consoranni, the Ausci, the Elusates, the Sottiates, the Oscidates Campestres, the Succasses, the Tarusates, the Basabocates, the Vassei, the Sennates, and the Cambolectri Agessinates. Joining up to the Pictones are the Bituriges, a free people, who are also known as the Cubi, and then the Lemovices, the Arverni, a free people, and the Gabales. ',
  {'entities': [[24, 34, 'place'],
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    [73, 81, 'ethnic'],
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    [856, 865, 'ethnic'],
    [871, 878, 'ethnic'],
    [903, 910, 'ethnic']]}],
 ['.2Again, adjoining the province of Narbonensis are the Ruteni, the Cadurci, the Nitiobriges, and the Petrocori, separated by the river Tarnis from the Tolosani. The seas around the coast are the Northern Ocean, flowing up to the mouth of the Rhine, the Britannic Ocean between the Rhine and the Sequana, and, between it and the Pyrenees, the Gallic Ocean. There are many islands belonging to the Veneti, which bear the name of "Veneticae," as also in the Aquitanic Gulf, that of Uliarus. ',
  {'entities': [[55, 61, 'ethnic'],
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    [242, 247, 'place'],
    [295, 302, 'place'],
    [328, 336, 'place'],
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    [479, 486, 'place']]}],
 ['.1NEARER SPAIN, ITS COAST ALONG THE GALLIC OCEAN: At the Promontory of the Pyrenees Spain begins, more narrow, not only than Gaul, but even than itself in its other parts, as we have previously mentioned, seeing to what an immense extent it is here hemmed in by the ocean on the one side, and by the Iberian Sea on the other. A chain of the Pyrenees, extending from due east to south-west, divides Spain into two parts, the smaller one to the north, the larger to the south. The first coast that presents itself is that of the Nearer Spain, otherwise called Tarraconensis. On leaving the Pyrenees and proceeding along the coast, we meet with the forest ranges of the Vascones, Olarso, the towns of the Varduli, the Morosgi, Menosca, Vesperies, and the Port of Amanus, where now stands the colony of Flaviobriga. We then come to the district of the nine states of the Cantabri, the river Sauga, and the Port of Victoria of the Juliobrigenses, from which place the sources of the Iberus are distant forty miles. We next come to the Port of Blendium, the Orgenomesci, a people of the Cantabri, Vereasueca their port, the country of the Astures, the town of Noega, and on a peninsula, the Paesici. Next to these we have, belonging to the jurisdiction of Lucus, after passing the river Navilubio, the Cibarci, the Egovarri, surnamed Namarini, the Iadoni, the Arrotrebae, the Celtic Promontory, the rivers Florius and Nelo, the Celtici, surnamed Neri, and above them the Tamarici, in whose peninsula are the three altars called Sestianae, and dedicated to Augustus; the Capori, the town of Noela, the Celtici surnamed Praesamarci, and the Cilen: of the islands, those worthy of mention are Corticata and Aunios. After passing the Cileni, belonging to the jurisdiction of the Bracari, we have the Heleni, the Gravii, and the fortress of Tyde, all of them deriving their origin from the Greeks. Also, the islands called Cicae, the famous city of Abobrica, the river Minius, four miles wide at its mouth, the Leuni, the Seurbi, and Augusta, a town of the Bracari, above whom lies Gallaecia. We then come to the river Limia, and the river Durius, one of the largest in Spain, and which rises in the district of the Pelendones, passes near Numantia, and through the Arevaci and the Vaccaei, dividing the Vettones from Asturia, the Gallaeci from Lusitania, and separating the Turduli from the Bracari. The whole of the region here mentioned from the Pyrenees is full of mines of gold, silver, iron, and lead, both black and white. ',
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    [2334, 2343, 'place'],
    [2364, 2371, 'people'],
    [1769, 1776, 'ethnic'],
    [75, 83, 'place']]}],
 ['.1LUSITANIA: After passing the Durius, Lusitania begins. We here have the ancient Turduli, the Paesuri, the river Vaga, the town of Talabrica, the town and river of Aeminium, the towns of Conimbrica, Collippo, and Eburobritium. A promontory then advances into the sea in shape of a large horn; by some it has been called Artabrum, by others the Great Promontory, while many call it the Promontory of Olisipo, from the city near it. This spot forms a dividing line in the land, the sea, and the heavens. Here ends one side of Spain; and, when we have doubled the promontory, the front of Spain begins. On one side of it lie the North and the Gallic Ocean, on the other the West and the Atlantic. The length of this promontory has been estimated by some persons at sixty miles, by others at ninety. A considerable number of writers estimate the distance from this spot to the Pyrenees at 1250 miles; and, committing a manifest error, place here the nation of the Artabri, a nation that never was here. For, making a slight change in the name, they have placed at this spot the Arrotrebae, whom we have previously spoken of as dwelling in front of the Celtic Promontory. ',
  {'entities': [[31, 37, 'place'],
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    [200, 208, 'place'],
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    [400, 407, 'place'],
    [685, 693, 'people'],
    [874, 882, 'place'],
    [961, 968, 'people'],
    [1149, 1155, 'demonym']]}],
 ['.2Mistakes have also been made as to the more celebrated rivers. From the Minius, which we have previously mentioned, according to Varro, the river Aeminius is distant 200 miles, which others suppose to be situate elsewhere, and called Limaea. By the ancients it was called the "River of Lethe," and it has been made the subject of many fabulous stories. At a distance of 200 miles from the Durius is the Tagus, the Munda lying between them. The Tagus is famous for its golden sands. At a distance of 160 miles from it is the Sacred Promontory, projecting from nearly the very middle of the front of Spain. From this spot to the middle of the Pyrenees, Varro says, is a distance of 1400 miles; while to the Anas, by which we have mentioned Lusitania as being separated from Baetica, is 126 miles, it being 102 more to Gades. ',
  {'entities': [[131, 136, 'people'],
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    [416, 421, 'place'],
    [405, 410, 'place'],
    [526, 543, 'place'],
    [643, 651, 'place'],
    [131, 136, 'people'],
    [707, 711, 'place'],
    [740, 749, 'place'],
    [774, 781, 'place'],
    [818, 823, 'place']]}],
 ['.3The peoples are the Celtici, the Turduli, and, about the Tagus, the Vettones. From the river Anas to the Sacred Promontory are the Lusitani. The cities worthy of mention on the coast, beginning from the Tagus, are that of Olisipo, famous for its mares, which conceive from the west wind; Salacia, which is surnamed the Imperial City; Merobrica; and then the Sacred Promontory, with the other known by the name of Cuneus, and the towns of Ossonoba, Balsa, and Myrtili. ',
  {'entities': [[35, 42, 'people'],
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    [95, 99, 'place'],
    [107, 124, 'place'],
    [133, 141, 'ethnic'],
    [59, 64, 'place'],
    [224, 231, 'place'],
    [290, 297, 'place'],
    [336, 345, 'place'],
    [107, 124, 'place'],
    [440, 448, 'place'],
    [450, 455, 'place'],
    [461, 468, 'place']]}],
 ['.4The whole of this province is divided into three jurisdictions, those of Emerita, Pax, and Scalabis. It contains in all forty-six peoples, among whom there are five colonies, one municipal town of Roman citizens, three with the ancient Latin rights, and thirty-six that are tributaries. The colonies are those of Augusta Emerita, situate on the river Anas, Metallinum, Pax, and Norba, surnamed Caesariana. To this last place of jurisdiction the people of Castra Servilia and Castra Caecilia resort. The fifth jurisdiction is that of Scalabis, which also has the name of Praesidium Julium. Olisipo, surnamed Felicitas Julia, is a municipal city, whose inhabitants enjoy the rights of Roman citizens. The towns in the enjoyment of the ancient Latin rights are Ebora, which also has the name of Liberalitas Julia, and Myrtili and Salacia, which we have previously mentioned. Those among the tributaries whom it may not be amiss to mention, in addition to those already alluded to among the names of those in Baetica, are the Augustobrigenses, the Ammienses, the Aranditani, the Arabricenses, the Balsenses, the Cesarobricenses, the Caperenses, the Caurenses, the Colarni, the Cibilitani, the Concordienses, the Elbocorii, the Interannienses, the Lancienses, the Mirobrigenses, surnamed Celtici, the Medubrigenses, surnamed Plumbarii, the Ocelenses or Lancienses, the Turduli, also called Barduli, and the Tapori. Agrippa states, that Lusitania, with Asturia and Gallaecia, is 540 miles in length, and 536 in breadth. The provinces of Spain, measured from the two extreme promontories of the Pyrenees, along the sea-line of the entire coast, are thought to be 3922 miles in circumference; while some writers make them to be but 2600. ',
  {'entities': [[93, 101, 'place'],
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    [1245, 1255, 'people'],
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    [1461, 1470, 'place'],
    [1590, 1598, 'place']]}],
 ['.1THE ISLANDS IN THE ATLANTIC OCEAN: Opposite to Celtiberia are a number of islands, by the Greeks called Cassiterides, in consequence of their abounding in tin: and, facing the Promontory of the Arrotrebae, are the six Islands of the Gods, which some persons have called the Fortunate Islands. At the very commencement of Baetica, and twenty-five miles from the mouth of the Straits of Gades, is the island of Gadis, twelve miles long and three broad, as Polybius states in his writings. At its nearest part, it is less than 700 feet distant from the mainland, while in the remaining portion it is distant more than seven miles. Its circuit is fifteen miles, and it has on it a city which enjoys the rights of Roman citizens, and whose people are called the Augustani of the city of Julia Gaditana. On the side which looks towards Spain, at about 100 paces distance, is another long island, three miles wide, on which the original city of Gades stood. By Ephorus and Philistides it is called Erythia, by Timaeus and Silenus Aphrodisias, and by the natives the Isle of Juno. Timaeus says, that the larger island used to be called Cotinusa, from its olives; the Romans call it Tartessos; the Carthaginians Gadir, that word in the Punic language signifying a hedge. It was called Erythia because the Tyrians, the original ancestors of the Carthaginians, were said to have come from the Erythraean, or Red Sea. In this island Geryon is by some thought to have dwelt, whose herds were carried off by Hercules. Other persons again think, that his island is another one, opposite to Lusitania, and that it was there formerly called by that name. ',
  {'entities': [[49, 59, 'place'],
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 ['.1THE GENERAL MEASUREMENT OF EUROPE: Having thus made the circuit of Europe, we must now give the complete measurement of it, in order that those who wish to be acquainted with this subject may not feel themselves at a loss. Artemidorus and Isidorus have given its length, from the Tanais to Gades, as 8214 miles. Polybius in his writings has stated the breadth of Europe, in a line from Italy to the ocean, to be 1150 miles. But, even in his day, its magnitude was but little known. The distance of Italy, as we have previously stated, as far as the Alps, is 1120 miles, from which, through Lugdunum to the British port of the Morini, the direction which Polybius seems to follow, is 1168 miles. But the better ascertained, though greater length, is that taken from the Alps through the Camp of the Legions in Germany, in a north-westerly direction, to the mouth of the Rhine, being 1543 miles. We shall now have to speak of Africa and Asia. ',
  {'entities': [[225, 236, 'people'],
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    [388, 393, 'place'],
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    [551, 555, 'place'],
    [811, 818, 'people'],
    [871, 876, 'place'],
    [937, 941, 'people']]}],
 ['.1THE TWO MAURITANIAS: The Greeks have given the name of Libya to Africa, and have called the sea that lies in front of it the Libyan Sea. It has Egypt for its boundary, and no part of the earth is there that has fewer gulfs or inlets, its shores extending in a lengthened line from the west in an oblique direction. The names of its peoples, and its cities in especial, cannot possibly be pronounced with correctness, except by the aid of their own native tongues. Its population, too, for the most part dwells only in fortresses. ',
  {'entities': [[57, 62, 'place'], [146, 151, 'place']]}],
 ['.2On our entrance into Africa, we find the two Mauritanias, which, until the time of Caius Caesar, the son of Germanicus, were kingdoms; but, suffering under his cruelty, they were divided into two provinces. The extreme promontory of Africa, which projects into the ocean, is called Ampelusia by the Greeks. There were formerly two towns, Lissa and Cotte, beyond the Pillars of Hercules; but, at the present day, we only find that of Tingi, which was formerly founded by Antaeus, and afterwards received the name of Traducta Julia, from Claudius Caesar, when he established a colony there. It is thirty miles distant from Belon, a town of Baetica, where the passage across is the shortest. At a distance of twenty-five miles from Tingi, upon the shores of the ocean, we come to Julia Constantia Zilis, a colony of Augustus. This place is exempt from all subjection to the kings of Mauritania, and is included in the legal jurisdiction of Baetica. Thirty-two miles distant from Julia Constantia is Lixos, which was made a Roman colony by Claudius Caesar, and which has been the subject of such wondrous fables, related by the writers of antiquity. At this place, according to the story, was the palace of Antaeus; this was the scene of his combat with Hercules, and here were the gardens of the Hesperides. An arm of the sea flows into the land here, with a serpentine channel, and, from the nature of the locality, this is interpreted at the present day as having been what was really represented by the story of the dragon keeping guard there. This tract of water surrounds an island, the only spot which is never overflowed by the tides of the sea, although not quite so elevated as the rest of the land in its vicinity. Upon this island, also, there is still in existence the altar of Hercules; but of the grove that bore the golden fruit, there are no traces left, beyond some wild olive-trees. People will certainly be the less surprised at the marvellous falsehoods of the Greeks, which have been related about this place and the river Lixos, when they reflect that some of our own countrymen as well, and that too very recently, have related stories in reference to them hardly less monstrous; how that this city is remarkable for its power and extensive influence, and how that it is even greater than Great Carthage ever was; how, too, that it is situate just opposite to Carthage, and at an almost immeasurable distance from Tingi, together with other details of a similar nature, all of which Cornelius Nepos has believed with the most insatiate credulity. ',
  {'entities': [[85, 90, 'people'],
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    [435, 440, 'place'],
    [815, 823, 'people'],
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    [640, 647, 'place'],
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    [379, 387, 'people'],
    [1295, 1305, 'people'],
    [379, 387, 'people'],
    [2317, 2325, 'place'],
    [2317, 2325, 'place'],
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 ['.3In the interior, at a distance of forty miles from Lixos, is Babba, surnamed Julia Campestris, another colony of Augustus; and, at a distance of seventy-five, a third, called Banasa, with the surname of Valentia. At a distance of thirty-five miles from this last is the town of Volubilis, which is just that distance also from both seas. On the coast, at a distance of fifty miles from Lixos, is the river Subur, which flows past the colony of Banasa, a fine river, and available for the purposes of navigation. At the same distance from it is the city of Sala, situate on a river which bears the same name, a place which stands upon the very verge of the desert, and though infested by troops of elephants, is much more exposed to the attacks of the nation of the Autololes, through whose country lies the road to Mount Atlas, the most fabulous locality even in Africa. ',
  {'entities': [[53, 58, 'place'],
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    [177, 183, 'place'],
    [280, 289, 'place'],
    [53, 58, 'place'],
    [177, 183, 'place'],
    [767, 776, 'people'],
    [823, 828, 'people']]}],
 ['.4It is from the midst of the sands, according to the story, that this mountain raises its head to the heavens; rugged and craggy on the side which looks toward the shores of the ocean to which it has given its name, while on that which faces the interior of Africa it is shaded by dense groves of trees, and refreshed by flowing streams; fruits of all kinds springing up there spontaneously to such an extent, as to more than satiate every possible desire. Throughout the daytime, no inhabitant is to be seen; all is silent, like that dreadful stillness which reigns in the desert. A religious horror steals imperceptibly over the feelings of those who approach, and they feel themselves smitten with awe at the stupendous aspect of its summit, which reaches beyond the clouds, and well nigh approaches the very orb of the moon. At night, they say, it gleams with fires innumerable lighted up; it is then the scene of the gambols of the Aegipans and the Satyr crew, while it re-echoes with the notes of the flute and the pipe, and the clash of drums and cymbals. All this is what authors of high character have stated, in addition to the labours which Hercules and Perseus there experienced. The space which intervenes before you arrive at this mountain is immense, and the country quite unknown. ',
  {'entities': [[955, 960, 'people'],
    [1153, 1161, 'people'],
    [1166, 1173, 'people']]}],
 ['.5There formerly existed some Commentaries written by Hanno, a Carthaginian general, who was commanded, in the most flourishing times of the Punic state, to explore the sea-coast of Africa. The greater part of the Greek and Roman writers have followed him, and have related, among other fabulous stories, that many cities there were founded by him, of which no remembrance, nor yet the slightest vestige, now exists. ',
  {'entities': [[54, 59, 'people']]}],
 ['.6While Scipio Aemilianus held the command in Sicily, Polybius the historian received a fleet from him for the purpose of proceeding on a voyage of discovery in this part of the world. He relates, that beyond Mount Atlas, proceeding in a westerly direction, there are forests filled with wild beasts, peculiar to the soil of Africa, as far as the river Anatis, a distance of 485 miles, Lixos being distant from it 205 miles. Agrippa says, that Lixos is distant from the Straits of Gades 112 miles. After it we come to a gulf which is called the Gulf of Saguti, a town situate on the Promontory of Mulelacha, the rivers Subur and Salat, and the port of Rutubis, distant from Lixos 213 miles. We then come to the Promontory of the Sun, the port of Risardir, the Gaetulian Autololes, the river Cosenus, the nations of the Selatiti and the Masati, the river Masathat, and the river Darat, in which crocodiles are found. After this we come to a large gulf, 616 miles in extent, which is enclosed by a promontory of Mount Barce, which runs out in a westerly direction, and is called Surrentium. Next comes the river Salsus, beyond which lie the Aethiopian Perorsi, at the back of whom are the Pharusii, who are bordered upon by the Gaetulian Darae, lying in the interior. Upon the coast again, we find the Aethiopian Daratitae, and the river Bambotus, teeming with crocodiles and hippopotami. From this river there is a continuous range of mountains till we come to the one which is known by the name of Theon Ochema, from which to the Hesperian Promontory is a voyage of ten days and nights; and in the middle of this space he has placed Mount Atlas, which by all other writers has been stated to be in the extreme parts of Mauritania. ',
  {'entities': [[8, 14, 'people'],
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    [386, 391, 'place'],
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    [1139, 1149, 'demonym'],
    [1498, 1510, 'people'],
    [215, 220, 'people'],
    [1719, 1729, 'place']]}],
 ['.7The Roman arms, for the first time, pursued their conquests into Mauritania, under the Emperor Claudius, when the freedman Aedemon took up arms to avenge the death of King Ptolemy, who had been put to death by Caius Caesar; and it is a well-known fact, that on the flight of the barbarians our troops reached Mount Atlas. It became a boast, not only among men of consular rank, and generals selected from the senate, who at that time held the command, but among persons of equestrian rank as well, who after that period held the government there, that they had penetrated as far as Mount Atlas. There are, as we have already stated, five Roman colonies in this province; and it may very possibly appear, if we listen only to what report says, that this mountain is easily accessible. Upon trial, however, it has been pretty generally shown, that all such statements are utterly fallacious; and it is too true, that men in high station, when they are disinclined to take the trouble of inquiring into the truth, through a feeling of shame at their ignorance arc not averse to be guilty of falsehood; and never is implicit credence more readily given, than when a falsehood is supported by the authority of some personage of high consideration. For my own part, I am far less surprised that there are still some facts remaining undiscovered by men of the equestrian order, and even those among them who have attained senatorial rank, than that the love of luxury has left anything unascertained; the impulse of which must be great indeed, and most powerfully felt, when the very forests are ransacked for their ivory and citron-wood, and all the rocks of Gaetulia are searched for the murex and the purple. ',
  {'entities': [[67, 77, 'place'],
    [97, 105, 'people'],
    [174, 181, 'people'],
    [212, 217, 'people'],
    [317, 322, 'people'],
    [317, 322, 'people'],
    [1655, 1663, 'people']]}],
 ['.8From the natives, however, we learn, that on the coast, at a distance of 150 miles from the Salat, the river Asanapresents itself; its waters are salt, but it is remarkable for its fine harbour. They also say that after this we come to a river known by the name of Fut, and then, after crossing another called Vior which lies on the road, at a distance of 200 miles we arrive at Dyris, such being the name which in their language they give to Mount Atlas. According to their story there are still existing in its vicinity many vestiges which tend to prove that the locality was once inhabited; such as the remains of vineyards and plantations of palm-trees. ',
  {'entities': [[381, 386, 'people'], [451, 456, 'people']]}],
 ['.9Suetonius Paulinus, whom we have seen Consul in our own time, was the first Roman general who advanced a distance of some miles beyond Mount Atlas. He has given us the same information as we have received from other sources with reference to the extraordinary height of this mountain, and at the same time he has stated that all the lower parts about the foot of it are covered with dense and lofty forests composed of trees of species hitherto unknown. The height of these trees, he says, is remarkable; the trunks are without knots, and of a smooth and glossy surface; the foliage is like that of the cypress, and besides sending forth a powerful odour, they are covered with a flossy down, from which, by the aid of art, a fine cloth might easily be manufactured, similar to the textures made from the produce of the silk-worm. He informs us that the summit of this mountain is covered with snow even in summer, and says that having arrived there after a march of ten days, he proceeded some distance beyond it as far as a river which bears the name of Ger; the road being through deserts covered with a black sand, from which rocks that bore the appearance of having been exposed to the action of fire, projected every here and there; localities rendered quite uninhabitable by the intensity of the heat, as he himself experienced, although it was in the winter season that he visited them. We also learn from the same source that the people who inhabit the adjoining forests, which are full of all kinds of elephants, wild beasts, and serpents, have the name of Canarii; from the circumstance that they partake of their food in common with the canine race, and share with it the entrails of wild beasts. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 11, 'people'], [12, 20, 'people'], [143, 148, 'people']]}],
 [".10It is a well-known fact, that adjoining to these localities is a nation of Aethiopians, which bears the name of Perorsi. Juba, the father of Ptolemy, who was the first king who reigned over both the Mauritanias, and who has been rendered even more famous by the brilliancy of his learning than by his kingly rank, has given us similar information relative to Mount Atlas, and states that a certain herb grows there, which has received the name of 'euphorbia'from that of his physician, who was the first to discover it. Juba extols with wondrous praises the milky juice of this plant as tending to improve the sight, and acting as a specific against the bites of serpents and all kinds of poison; and to this subject alone he has devoted an entire book. Thus much, if indeed not more than enough, about Mount Atlas. ",
  {'entities': [[78, 89, 'ethnic'],
    [115, 122, 'people'],
    [124, 128, 'people'],
    [144, 151, 'people'],
    [368, 373, 'people'],
    [124, 128, 'people'],
    [368, 373, 'people']]}],
 ['.11The province of Tingitana is 170 miles in length. Of the nations in this province the principal one was formerly that of the Mauri, who have given to it the name of Mauritania, and have been by many writers called the Maurusii. This nation has been greatly weakened by the disasters of war, and is now dwindled down to a few families only. Next to the Mauri was formerly the nation of the Massaesyli; they in a similar manner have become extinct. Their country is now occupied by the Gaetulian nations, the Baniurae, the Autololes, by far the most powerful people among them all, and the Vesuni, who formerly were a part of the Autololes, but have now separated from them, and, turning their steps towards the Aethiopians, have formed a distinct nation of their own. This province, in the mountainous district which lies on its eastern side produces elephants, as also on the heights of Mount Abyla and among those elevations which, from the similarity of their height, are called the Seven Brothers. Joining the range of Abyla these mountains overlook the Straits of Gades. At the extremity of this chain begin the shores of the inland sea and we come to the Tamuda, a navigable stream, with the site of a former town of the same name, and then the river Laud, which is also navigable for vessels, the town and port of Rhysaddir, and Malvane, a navigable stream. ',
  {'entities': [[128, 133, 'people'],
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    [392, 402, 'people'],
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    [524, 533, 'people'],
    [524, 533, 'people'],
    [713, 724, 'ethnic'],
    [896, 901, 'people'],
    [896, 901, 'people'],
    [1071, 1076, 'place']]}],
 ['.12The city of Siga, formerly the residence of King Syphax, lies opposite to that of Malaca in Spain: it now belongs to the second Mauritania. But these countries, I should remark, for a long time retained the names of their respective kings, the further Mauritania being called the "land of Bogud," while that which is now called Caesariensis was called the "country of Bocchus." After passing Siga we come to the haven called "Portus Magnus" from its great extent, with a town whose people enjoy the rights of Roman citizens, and then the river Mulucha, which served as the limit between the territory of Bocchus and that of the Massaesyli. Next to this is Quiza Xenitana, a town founded by strangers, and Arsenaria, a place with the ancient Latin rights, three miles distant from the sea. We then come to Cartenna, a colony founded under Augustus by the second legion, and Gunugum, another colony founded by the same emperor, a praetorian cohort being established there; the Promontory of Apollo, and a most celebrated city, now called Caesarea, but formerly known by the name of Iol; this place was the residence of King Juba, and received the rights of a colony from the now deified Emperor Claudius. Oppidum Novum is the next place; a colony of veterans was established here by command of the same emperor. Next to it is Tipasa, which has received Latin rights, as also Icasium, which has been presented by the Emperor Vespasianus with similar rights; Rusconiae, a colony founded by Augustus; Rusucurium, honoured by Claudius with the rights of Roman citizens; Ruzacus, a colony founded by Augustus; Salde, another colony founded by the same emperor; Igilgili, another; and the town of Tucca, situate on the sea-shore and upon the river Ampsaga. In the interior are the colony of Augusta, also called Succabar, Tubusuptus, the cities of Timici and Tigavae, the rivers Sardabal, Aves, and Nabar, the nation of the Macurebi, the river Usar, and the nation of the Nababes. The river Ampsaga is distant from Caesarea 322 miles. The length of the two Mauritanias is 1038, and their breadth 467 miles. ',
  {'entities': [[15, 19, 'people'],
    [52, 58, 'people'],
    [85, 91, 'place'],
    [131, 141, 'place'],
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    [841, 849, 'people'],
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    [1743, 1750, 'people'],
    [1786, 1793, 'people'],
    [1743, 1750, 'people'],
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 ['.1NUMIDIA: At the river Ampsaga Numidia begins, a country rendered illustrious by the fame of Masinissa. By the Greeks this region was called Metagonitis; and the Numidians received the name of "Nomades" from their frequent changes of pasturage; upon which occasions they were accustomed to carry their mapalia, or in other words, their houses, upon waggons. The towns of this country are Cullu and Rusicade; and at a distance of forty-eight miles from the latter, in the interior, is the colony of Cirta, surnamed "of the Sitiani;" still more inland is another colony called Sicca, with the free town of Bulla Regia. On the coast are Tacatua, Hippo Regius, the river Armua, and the town of Tabraca, with the rights of Roman citizens. The river Tusca forms the boundary of Numidia. This country produces nothing remarkable except its marble and wild beasts. ',
  {'entities': [[24, 31, 'people'],
    [32, 39, 'place'],
    [94, 103, 'people'],
    [163, 172, 'ethnic'],
    [399, 407, 'place'],
    [499, 504, 'place'],
    [576, 581, 'place'],
    [605, 616, 'place'],
    [644, 656, 'place'],
    [32, 39, 'place']]}],
 ['.1AFRICA: Beyond the river Tusca begins the region of Zeugitana, and that part which properly bears the name of Africa. We here find three promontories; the White Promontory, the Promontory of Apollo, facing Sardinia, and Promontory of Mercury, opposite to Sicily. Projecting into the sea these headlands form two gulfs, the first of which bears the name of "Hipponensis" from its proximity to the city called Hippo Dirutus, a corruption of the Greek name Diarrhytus, which it has received from the channels made for irrigation. Adjacent to this place, but at a greater distance from the sea-shore, is Theudalis, a town exempt from tribute. We then come to the Promontory of Apollo, and upon the second gulf, we find Utica, a place enjoying the rights of Roman citizens, and famous for the death of Cato; the river Bagrada, the place called Castra Cornelia, the colony of Carthage, founded upon the remains of Great Carthage, the colony of Maxula, the towns of Carpi, Misua, and Clypea, the last a free town, on the Promontory of Mercury; also Curubis, a free town, and Neapolis. ',
  {'entities': [[193, 199, 'people'],
    [208, 216, 'place'],
    [257, 263, 'place'],
    [410, 423, 'place'],
    [193, 199, 'people'],
    [717, 722, 'place'],
    [799, 803, 'people'],
    [815, 822, 'people'],
    [841, 856, 'people'],
    [872, 880, 'place'],
    [872, 880, 'place'],
    [968, 973, 'people'],
    [979, 985, 'place'],
    [1070, 1078, 'place']]}],
 ['.2Here commences the second division of Africa properly so called. Those who inhabit Byzacium have the name of Libyphoenices. Byzacium is the name of a district which is 250 miles in circumference, and is remarkable for its extreme fertility, as the ground returns the seed sown by the husbandman with interest a hundred-fold. Here are the free towns of Leptis, Adrumetum, Ruspina, and Thapsus; and then Thenae, Macomades, Tacape, and Sabrata which touches on the Lesser Syrtis; to which spot, from the Ampsaga, the length of Numidia and Africa is 580 miles, and the breadth, so far as it has been ascertained, 200. That portion which we have called Africa is divided into two provinces, the Old and the New; these are separated by a dyke which was made by order of the second Scipio Africanus and the kings, and extended to Thenae, which town is distant from Carthage 216 miles. ',
  {'entities': [[85, 93, 'place'],
    [85, 93, 'place'],
    [354, 360, 'place'],
    [362, 371, 'place'],
    [373, 380, 'place'],
    [386, 393, 'place'],
    [404, 410, 'people'],
    [435, 442, 'place'],
    [471, 477, 'place'],
    [503, 510, 'people'],
    [526, 533, 'place'],
    [777, 793, 'people'],
    [404, 410, 'people'],
    [860, 868, 'place']]}],
 [".1THE SYRTES: A third Gulf is divided into two smaller ones, those of the two Syrtes, which are rendered perilous by the shallows of their quicksands and the ebb and flow of the sea. Polybius states the distance from Carthage to the Lesser Syrtis, the one which is nearest to it, to be 300 miles. The inlet to it he also states to be 100 miles across, and its circumference 300. There is also a way to it by land, to find which we must employ the guidance of the stars and cross deserts which present nothing but sand and serpents. After passing these we come to forests filled with vast multitudes of wild beasts and elephants, then desert wastes, and beyond them the Garamantes, distant twelve days' journey from the Augylae. Above the Garamantes was formerly the nation of the Psylli, and above them again the Lake of Lycomedes, surrounded with deserts. The Augylae themselves are situate almost midway between Aethiopia which faces the west, and the region which lies between the two Syrtes, at an equal distance from both. The distance along the coast that lies between the two Syrtes is 250 miles. On it are found the city of Oea, the river Cinyps, and the country of that name, the towns of Neapolis, Graphara, and Abrotonum, and the second, surnamed the Greater, Leptis. ",
  {'entities': [[78, 84, 'place'],
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    [1147, 1153, 'place'],
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    [1222, 1231, 'place'],
    [1271, 1277, 'place']]}],
 ['.2We next come to the Greater Syrtis, 625 miles in circumference, and at the entrance 312 miles in width; next after which dwells the nation of the Cisippades. At the bottom of this gulf was the coast of the Lotophagi, whom some writers have called the Alachroae, extending as far as the Altars of the Philaeni; these Altars are formed of heaps of sand. On passing these, not far from the shore there is a vast swamp which receives the river Triton and from it takes its name: by Callimachus it is called Pallantias, and is said by him to be on the nearer side of the Lesser Syrtis; many other writers however place it between the two Syrtes. The promontory which bounds the Greater Syrtis has the name of Borion; beyond it is the province of Cyrene. ',
  {'entities': [[30, 36, 'place'],
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    [30, 36, 'place'],
    [706, 712, 'people'],
    [743, 749, 'place']]}],
 ['.3Africa, from the river Ampsaga to this limit, includes 516 peoples, who are subject to the Roman sway, of which six are colonies; among them Uthina and Tuburbi, besides those already mentioned. The towns enjoying the rights of Roman citizens are fifteen in number, of which I shall mention, as lying in the interior, those of Assurae, Abutucum, Aborium, Canopicum, Cilma, Simithium, Thunusidium, Tuburnicum, Tynidrumum, Tibiga, the two towns called Ucita, the Greater and the Lesser, and vaga. There is also one town with Latin rights, Uzalita by name, and one town of tributaries, Castra Cornelia. The free towns are thirty in number, among which we may mention, in the interior, those of Acholla, Aggarita, Avina, Abzirita, Canopita, Melizita, Matera, Salaphita, Tusdrita, Tiphica, Tunica, Theuda, Tagasta, Tiga, Ulusubrita, a second Vaga, Visa, and Zama. Of the remaining number, most of them should be called, in strictness, not only cities, but nations even; such for instance as the Natabudes, the Capsitani, the Musulami, the Sabarbares, the Massyli, the Nisives, the Vamacures, the Cinithi, the Musuni, the Marchubii, and the whole of Gaetulia, as far as the river Nigris, which separates Africa proper from Aethiopia. ',
  {'entities': [[25, 32, 'people'],
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    [1145, 1153, 'people'],
    [1175, 1181, 'people'],
    [1218, 1227, 'place']]}],
 ['.1CYRENAICA: The region of Cyrenaica, also called Pentapolis, is rendered famous by the oracle of Hammon, which is distant 400 miles from the city of Cyrene; also by the Fountain of the Sun there, and five cities in especial, those of Berenice, Arsinoe, Ptolemais, Apollonia, and Cyrene itself. Berenice is situate upon the outer promontory that bounds the Syrtis; it was formerly called the city of the Hesperides (previously mentioned), according to the fables of the Greeks, which very often change their localities. Not far from the city, and running before it, is the river Lethon, and with it a sacred grove, where the gardens of the Hesperides are said to have formerly stood; this city is distant from Leptis 375 miles. From Berenice to Arsinoe, commonly called Teuchira, is forty-three miles; after which, at a distance of twenty-two, we come to Ptolemais, the ancient name of which was Barce; and at a distance of forty miles from this last the Promontory of Phycus, which extends far away into the Cretan Sea, being 350 miles distant from Taenarum, the promontory of Laconia, and from Crete 225. After passing this promontory we come to Cyrene, which stands at a distance of eleven miles from the sea. From Phycus to Apollonia is twenty-four miles, and from thence to the Chersonesus eighty-eight; from which to Catabathmos is a distance of 216 miles. The Marmaridae inhabit this coast, extending from almost the region of Paraetonium to the Greater Syrtis; after them the Ararauceles, and then, upon the coasts of the Syrtis, the Nasamones, whom the Greeks formerly called Mesammones, from the circumstance of their being located in the very midst of sands. The territory of Cyrene, to a distance of fifteen miles from the shore, is said to abound in trees, while for the same distance beyond that district it is only suitable for the cultivation of corn: after which, a tract of land, thirty miles in breadth and 250 in length, is productive of nothing but laser [or silphium]. ',
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    [357, 363, 'place'],
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 [".2After the Nasamones we come to the dwellings of the Asbystae and the Macae, and beyond them, at eleven days' journey to the west of the Greater Syrtis, the Amantes, a people also surrounded by sands in every direction. They find water however without any difficulty at a depth mostly of about two cubits, as their district receives the overflow of the waters of Mauritania. They build houses with blocks of salt, which they cut out of their mountains just as we do stone. From this nation to the Troglodytae the distance is seven days' journey in a south-westerly direction, a people with whom our only intercourse is for the purpose of procuring from them the precious stone which we call the carbuncle, and which is brought from the interior of Aethiopia. Upon the road to this last people, but turning off towards the deserts of Africa, of which we have previously made mention as lying beyond the Lesser Syrtis, is the region of Phazania; the nation of Phazanii, belonging to which, as well as the cities of Alele and Cilliba, we have subdued by force of arms, as also Cydamus, which lies over against Sabrata. After passing these places a range of mountains extends in a prolonged chain from east to west: these have received from our people the name of the Black Mountains, either from the appearance which they naturally bear of having been exposed to the action of fire, or else from the fact that they have been scorched by the reflection of the sun's rays. Beyond it is the desert, and then Talgae, a city of the Garamantes, and Debris, at which place there is a spring, the waters of which, from noon to midnight, are at boiling heat, and then freeze for as many hours until the following noon; Garama too, that most famous capital of the Garamantes; all which places have been subdued by the Roman arms. It was on this occasion that Cornelius Balbus was honoured with a triumph, the only foreigner indeed that was ever honoured with the triumphal chariot, and presented with the rights of a Roman citizen; for, although by birth a native of Gades, the Roman citizenship was granted to him as well as to the elder Balbus, his uncle by the father's side. There is also this remarkable circumstance, that our writers have handed down to us the names of the cities above-mentioned as having been taken by Balbus, and have informed us that on the occasion of his triumph, besides Cydamus and Garama, there were carried in the procession the names and models of all the other nations and cities, in the following order: the town of Tabudium, the nation of Niteris, the town of Nigligemella, the nation or town of Bubeium, the nation of Enipi, the town of Thuben, the mountain known as the Black Mountain, Nitibrum, the towns called Rapsa, the nation of Discera, the town of Debris, the river Nathabur, the town of Thapsagum, the nation of Nannagi, the town of Boin, the town of Pege, the river Dasibari; and then the towns, in the following order, of Baracum, Buluba, Alasit, Galia, Balla, Maxalla, Zizama, and Mount Gyri, which was preceded by an inscription stating that this was the place where precious stones were produced. ",
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    [1525, 1535, 'people'],
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    [1857, 1863, 'people'],
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    [1857, 1863, 'people'],
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 ['.3Up to the present time it has been found impracticable to keep open the road that leads to the country of the Garamantes, as the predatory bands of that nation have filled up the wells with sand, which do not require to be dug for to any great depth, if you only have a knowledge of the locality. In the late war however, which, at the beginning of the reign of the Emperor Vespasian, the Romans carried on with the people of Oea, a short cut of only four days\' journey was discovered; this road is known as the "Paeter Caput Saxi." The last place in the territory of Cyrenaica is Catabathmos, consisting of a town, and a valley with a sudden and steep descent. The length of Cyrenean Africa, up to this boundary from the Lesser Syrtis, is 1060 miles; and, so far as has been ascertained, it is 800 in breadth. ',
  {'entities': [[112, 122, 'people'],
    [376, 385, 'people'],
    [428, 431, 'place'],
    [570, 579, 'place'],
    [583, 594, 'place'],
    [678, 686, 'demonym'],
    [731, 737, 'place']]}],
 ['.1LIBYA MAREOTIS: The region that follows is called Libya Mareotis, and borders upon Egypt. It is held by the Marmaridae, the Adyrmachidae, and, after them, the Mareotoe. The distance from Catabathmos to Paraetonium is eighty-six miles. In this district is Apis, a place rendered famous by the religious belief of Egypt. From this town Paraetonium is distant sixty-two miles, and from thence to Alexandria the distance is 200 miles, the breadth of the district being 169. Eratosthenes says that it is 525 miles by land from Cyrene to Alexandria; while Agrippa gives the length of the whole of Africa from the Atlantic Sea, and including Lower Egypt, as 3040 miles. Polybius and Eratosthenes, who are generally considered as remarkable for their extreme correctness, state the length to be, from the ocean to Great Carthage 1100 miles, and from Carthage to Canopus, the nearest mouth of the Nile, 1628 miles; while Isidorus speaks of the distance from Tingi to Canopus as being 3599 miles. Artemidorus makes this last distance forty miles less than Isidorus. ',
  {'entities': [[52, 57, 'place'],
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    [189, 200, 'place'],
    [204, 215, 'place'],
    [257, 261, 'place'],
    [85, 90, 'place'],
    [204, 215, 'place'],
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    [524, 530, 'place'],
    [395, 405, 'place'],
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    [609, 617, 'people'],
    [85, 90, 'place'],
    [665, 673, 'people'],
    [472, 484, 'people'],
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    [814, 822, 'place'],
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    [890, 894, 'place'],
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    [951, 956, 'place'],
    [856, 863, 'place'],
    [989, 1000, 'people'],
    [914, 922, 'people']]}],
 ['.1THE ISLANDS IN THE VICINITY OF AFRICA: These seas contain not so very many islands. The most famous among them is Meninx, twenty-five miles in length and twenty-two in breadth: by Eratosthenes it is called Lotophagitis. This island has two towns, Meninx on the side which faces Africa, and Troas on the other; it is situate off the promontory which lies on the right-hand side of the Lesser Syrtis, at a distance of a mile and a half. One hundred miles from this island, and opposite the promontory that lies on the left, is the free island of Cercina, with a city of the same name. It is twenty-five miles long, and half that breadth at the place where it is the widest, but not more than five miles across at the extremity: the diminutive island of Cercinitis, which looks towards Carthage, is united to it by a bridge. At a distance of nearly fifty miles from these is the island of Lopadusa, six miles in length; and beyond it Gaulos and Galata, the soil of which kills the scorpion, that noxious reptile of Africa. It is also said that the scorpion will not live at Clypea; opposite to which place lies the island of Cosyra, with a town of the same name. Opposite to the Gulf of Carthage are the two islands known as the Aegimuri; the Altars, which are rather rocks than islands, lie more between Sicily and Sardinia. There are some authors who state that these rocks were once inhabited, but that they have gradually subsided in the sea. ',
  {'entities': [[116, 122, 'place'],
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    [116, 122, 'place'],
    [393, 399, 'place'],
    [546, 553, 'place'],
    [785, 793, 'place'],
    [888, 896, 'place'],
    [933, 939, 'place'],
    [944, 950, 'people'],
    [1073, 1079, 'place'],
    [1124, 1130, 'place'],
    [785, 793, 'place'],
    [1228, 1236, 'place'],
    [1304, 1310, 'place'],
    [1315, 1323, 'place']]}],
 ['.1COUNTRIES ON THE OTHER SIDE OF AFRICA: If we pass through the interior of Africa in a southerly direction, beyond the Gaetuli, after having traversed the intervening deserts, we shall find, first of all the Liby-Egyptians, and then the country where the Leucaethiopians dwell. Beyond these are the Nigritae, nations of Aethiopia, so called from the river Nigris, which has been previously mentioned, the Gymnetes, surnamed Pharusii, and, on the very margin of the ocean, the Perorsi, whom we have already spoken of as lying on the boundaries of Mauritania. After passing all these peoples, there are vast deserts towards the east until we come to the Garamantes, the Augylae, and the Troglodytae; the opinion of those being exceedingly well founded who place two Aethiopias beyond the deserts of Africa, and more particularly that expressed by Homer, who tells us that the Aethiopians are divided into two nations, those of the east and those of the west. The river Nigris has the same characteristics as the Nile; it produces the calamus, the papyrus, and just the same animals, and it rises at the same seasons of the year. Its source is between the Tarraelian Aethiopians and the Oecalicae. Magium, the city of the latter people, has been placed by some writers amid the deserts, and, next to them the Atlantes; then the Aegipani, half men, half beasts, the Blemmyae, the Gamphasantes, the Satyri, and the Himantopodes. ',
  {'entities': [[120, 127, 'people'],
    [300, 308, 'people'],
    [321, 330, 'place'],
    [357, 363, 'people'],
    [477, 484, 'people'],
    [547, 557, 'place'],
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    [669, 676, 'people'],
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    [875, 886, 'ethnic'],
    [357, 363, 'people'],
    [1011, 1015, 'place'],
    [875, 886, 'ethnic'],
    [1363, 1371, 'people'],
    [1395, 1401, 'people']]}],
 ['.2The Atlantes, if we believe what is said, have lost all characteristics of humanity; for there is no mode of distinguishing each other among them by names, and as they look upon the rising and the setting sun, they give utterance to direful imprecations against it, as being deadly to themselves and their lands; nor are they visited with dreams, like the rest of mortals. The Troglodytae make excavations in the earth, which serve them for dwellings; the flesh of serpents is their food; they have no articulate voice, but only utter a kind of squeaking noise; and thus are they utterly destitute of all means of communication by language. The Garamantes have no institution of marriage among them, and live in promiscuous concubinage with their women. The Augylae worship no deities but the gods of the infernal regions. The Gamphasantes, who go naked, and are unacquainted with war, hold no intercourse whatever with strangers. The Blemmyae are said to have no heads, their mouths and eyes being seated in their breasts. The Satyri, beyond their figure, have nothing in common with the manners of the human race, and the form of the Aegipani is such as is commonly represented in paintings. The Himantopodes are a race of people with feet resembling thongs, upon which they move along by nature with a serpentine, crawling kind of gait. The Pharusii, descended from the ancient Persians, are said to have been the companions of Hercules when on his expedition to the Hesperides. Beyond the above, I have met with nothing relative to Africa worthy of mention. ',
  {'entities': [[379, 390, 'ethnic'],
    [647, 657, 'people'],
    [760, 767, 'people'],
    [937, 945, 'people'],
    [1030, 1036, 'people'],
    [1383, 1391, 'ethnic'],
    [1433, 1441, 'people'],
    [1472, 1482, 'people']]}],
 ['.1EGYPT AND THEBAIS: Joining on to Africa is Asia, the extent of which, according to Timosthenes, from the Canopic mouth of the Nile to the mouth of the Euxine, is 2639 miles. From the mouth of the Euxine to that of Lake Maeotis is, according to Eratosthenes, 1545 miles. The whole distance to the Tanais, including Egypt, is, according to Artemidorus and Isidorus, 6375 miles. The seas of Egypt, which are several in number, have received their names from those who dwell upon their shores, for which reason they will be mentioned together. ',
  {'entities': [[45, 49, 'people'],
    [85, 96, 'people'],
    [128, 132, 'place'],
    [153, 159, 'place'],
    [153, 159, 'place'],
    [221, 228, 'place'],
    [246, 258, 'people'],
    [298, 304, 'place'],
    [316, 321, 'place'],
    [340, 351, 'people'],
    [356, 364, 'people'],
    [316, 321, 'place']]}],
 ['.2Egypt is the country which lies next to Africa; in the interior it runs in a southerly direction, as far as the territory of the Aethiopians, who lie extended at the back of it. The river Nile, dividing itself, forms on the right and left the boundary of its lower part, which it embraces on every side. By the Canopic mouth of that river it is separated from Africa, and by the Pelusiac from Asia, there being a distance between the two of 170 miles. For this reason it is that some persons have reckoned Egypt among the islands, the Nile so dividing itself as to give a triangular form to the land which it encloses: from which circumstance also many persons have named Egypt the Delta, after that of the Greek letter so called. The distance from the spot where the channel of the river first divides into branches, to the Canopic mouth, is 146 miles, and to the Pelusiac, 166. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 7, 'place'],
    [131, 142, 'ethnic'],
    [190, 194, 'place'],
    [381, 389, 'demonym'],
    [395, 399, 'people'],
    [2, 7, 'place'],
    [190, 194, 'place'],
    [2, 7, 'place'],
    [381, 389, 'demonym']]}],
 ['.3The upper part of Egypt, which borders on Aethiopia, is known as Thebais. This district is divided into prefectures of towns, which are generally designated as "Nomes." These are Ombites, Apollopolites, Hermonthites, Thinites, Phaturites, Coptites, Tentyrites, Diopolites, Antaeopolites, Aphroditopolites, and Lycopolites. The district which lies in the vicinity of Pelusium contains the following Nomes, Pharbaethites, Bubastites, Sethroites, and Tanites. The remaining Nomes are those called the Arabian; the Hammonian, which lies on the road to the oracle of Jupiter Hammon; and those known by the names of Oxyrynchites, Leontopolites, Athribites, Cynopolites, Hermopolites, Xoites, Mendesian, Sebennytes, Cabasites, Latopolites, Heliopolites, Prosopites, Panopolites, Busirites, Onuphites, Saites, Ptenethu, Phthemphu, Naucratites, Metelites, Gynaecopolites, Menelaites, — all in the region of Alexandria, besides Mareotis in Libya. ',
  {'entities': [[20, 25, 'place'],
    [44, 53, 'place'],
    [67, 74, 'place'],
    [251, 261, 'place'],
    [275, 288, 'place'],
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    [500, 507, 'people'],
    [564, 571, 'people'],
    [513, 519, 'people'],
    [612, 624, 'people'],
    [641, 651, 'ethnic'],
    [699, 709, 'demonym'],
    [900, 910, 'place'],
    [920, 928, 'place'],
    [932, 937, 'place']]}],
 [".4Heracleopolites is a Nome on an island of the Nile, fifty miles in length, upon which there is a city, called the 'City of Hercules.' There are two places called Arsinoites: these and Memphites extend to the apex of the Delta; adjoining to which, on the side of Africa, are the two Nomes of Oasite. Some writers vary in some of these names and substitute for them other Nomes, such as Heroopolites and Crocodilopolites. Between Arsinoites and Memphites, a lake, 250 miles, or, according to what Mucianus says, 450 miles in circumference and fifty paces deep, has been formed by artificial means: after the king by whose orders it was made, it is called by the name of Moeris. The distance from thence to Memphis is nearly sixty-two miles, a place which was formerly the citadel of the kings of Egypt; from thence to the oracle of Hammon it is twelve days' journey. Memphis is fifteen miles from the spot where the river Nile divides into the different channels which we have mentioned as forming the Delta. ",
  {'entities': [[48, 52, 'place'],
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    [164, 174, 'people'],
    [186, 195, 'people'],
    [497, 505, 'people'],
    [670, 676, 'place'],
    [706, 713, 'place'],
    [796, 801, 'place'],
    [832, 838, 'people'],
    [706, 713, 'place'],
    [48, 52, 'place']]}],
 ['.1THE RIVER NILE: The sources of the Nile are unascertained, and, travelling as it does for an immense distance through deserts and burning sands, it is only known to us by common report, having neither experienced the vicissitudes of warfare, nor been visited by those arms which have so effectually explored all other regions. It rises, so far indeed as King Juba was enabled to ascertain, in a mountain of Lower Mauritania, not far from the ocean; immediately after which it forms a lake of standing water, which bears the name of Nilides. In this lake are found the several kinds of fish known by the names of alabeta, coracinus, and silurus; a crocodile also was brought thence as a proof that this really is the Nile, and was consecrated by Juba himself in the temple of Isis at Caesarea, where it may be seen at the present day. In addition to these facts, it has been observed that the waters of the Nile rise in the same proportion in which the snows and rains of Mauritania increase. Pouring forth from this lake, the river disdains to flow through arid and sandy deserts, and for a distance of several days\' journey conceals itself; after which it bursts forth at another lake of greater magnitude in the country of the Massaesyli, a people of Mauritania Caesariensis, and thence casts a glance around, as it were, upon the communities of men in its vicinity, giving proofs of its identity in the same peculiarities of the animals which it produces. It then buries itself once again in the sands of the desert, and remains concealed for a distance of twenty days\' journey, till it has reached the confines of Aethiopia. Here, when it has once more become sensible of the presence of man, it again emerges, at the same source, in all probability, to which writers have given the name of Niger, or Black. After this, forming the boundary-line between Africa and Aethiopia, its banks, though not immediately peopled by man, are the resort of numbers of wild beasts and animals of various kinds. Giving birth in its course to dense forests of trees, it travels through the middle of Aethiopia, under the name of Astapus, a word which signifies, in the language of the nations who dwell in those regions, "water issuing from the shades below." Proceeding onwards, it divides innumerable islands in its course, and some of them of such vast magnitude, that although its tide runs with the greatest rapidity, it is not less than five days in passing them. When making the circuit of Meroe, the most famous of these islands, the left branch of the river is called Astobores, or, in other words, "an arm of the water that issues from the shades," while the right arm has the name of Astosapes, which adds to its original signification the meaning of "side." It does not obtain the name of "Nile" until its waters have again met and are united in a single stream; and even then, for some miles both above and below the point of confluence, it has the name of Siris. Homer has given to the whole of this river the name of Egyptus, while other writers again have called it Triton. Every now and then its course is interrupted by islands which intervene, and which only serve as so many incentives to add to the impetuosity of its torrent; and though at last it is hemmed in by mountains on either side, in no part is the tide more rapid and precipitate. Its waters then hastening onwards, it is borne along to the spot in the country of the Aethiopians which is known by the name of "Catadupi;" where, at the last Cataract, the complaint is, not that it flows, but that it rushes, with an immense noise between the rocks that lie in its way: after which it becomes more smooth, the violence of its waters is broken and subdued, and, wearied out as it were by the length of the distance it has travelled, it discharges itself, though by many mouths, into the Egyptian sea. During certain days of the year, however, the volume of its waters is greatly increased, and as it traverses the whole of Egypt, it inundates the earth, and, by so doing, greatly promotes its fertility. ',
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 ['.2There have been various reasons suggested for this increase of the river. Of these, however, the most probable are, either that its waters are driven back by the Etesian winds, which are blowing at this season of the year from an opposite direction, and that the sea which lies beyond is driven into the mouths of the river; or else that its waters are swollen by the summer rains of Aethiopia, which fall from the clouds conveyed thither by the Etesian winds from other parts of the earth. Timaeus the mathematician has alleged a reason of an occult nature: he says that the source of the river is known by the name of Phiala, and that the stream buries itself in channels underground, where it sends forth vapours generated by the heat among the steaming rocks amid which it conceals itself; but that, during the days of the inundation, in consequence of the sun approaching nearer to the earth, the waters are drawn forth by the influence of his heat, and on being thus exposed to the air, overflow; after which, in order that it may not be utterly dried up, the stream hides itself once more. He says that this takes place at the rising of the Dog-Star, when the sun enters the sign of Leo, and stands in a vertical position over the source of the river, at which time at that spot there is no shadow thrown. Most authors, however, are of opinion, on the contrary, that the river flows in greater volume when the sun takes his departure for the north, which he does when he enters the signs of Cancer and Leo, because its waters then are not dried up to so great an extent; while on the other hand, when he returns towards the south pole and re-enters Capricorn, its waters are absorbed by the heat, and consequently flow in less abundance. If there is any one inclined to be of opinion, with Timaeus, that the waters of the river may be drawn out of the earth by the heat, it will be as well for him to bear in mind the fact, that the absence of shadow is a phaenomenon which lasts continuously in these regions. ',
  {'entities': [[164, 171, 'people'],
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    [1192, 1195, 'people'],
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 ['.3The Nile begins to increase at the next new moon after the summer solstice, and rises slowly and gradually as the sun passes through the sign of Cancer; it is at its greatest height while the sun is passing through Leo, and it falls as slowly and gradually as it arose while he is passing through the sign of Virgo. It has totally subsided between its banks, as we learn from Herodotus, on the hundredth day, when the sun has entered Libra. While it is rising it has been pronounced criminal for kings or prefects even to sail upon its waters. The measure of its increase is ascertained by means of wells. Its most desirable height is sixteen cubits; if the waters do not attain that height, the overflow is not universal; but if they exceed that measure, by their slowness in receding they tend to retard the process of cultivation. In the latter case the time for sowing is lost, in consequence of the moisture of the soil; in the former, the ground is so parched that the seed-time comes to no purpose. The country has reason to make careful note of either extreme. When the water rises to only twelve cubits, it experiences the horrors of famine; when it attains thirteen, hunger is still the result; a rise of fourteen cubits is productive of gladness; a rise of fifteen sets all anxieties at rest; while an increase of sixteen is productive of unbounded transports of joy. The greatest increase known, up to the present time, is that of eighteen cubits, which took place in the time of the Emperor Claudius; the smallest rise was that of five, in the year of the battle of Pharsalia, the river by this prodigy testifying its horror, as it were, at the murder of Pompeius Magnus. When the waters have reached their greatest height, the people open the embankments and admit them to the lands. As each district is left by the waters, the business of sowing commences. This is the only river in existence that emits no vapours. ',
  {'entities': [[6, 10, 'place'],
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    [1670, 1685, 'people']]}],
 ['.4The Nile first enters the Egyptian territory at Syene, on the frontiers of Aethiopia; that is the name of a peninsula a mile in circumference, upon which Castra is situate, on the side of Arabia. Opposite to it are the four islands of Philae, at a distance of 600 miles from the place where the Nile divides into two channels; at which spot, as we have already stated, the Delta, as it is called, begins. This, at least, is the distance, according to Artemidorus, who also informs us that there were in it 250 towns; Juba says, however, that the distance between these places is 400 miles. Aristocreon says that the distance from Elephantis to the sea is 750 miles; Elephantis being an inhabited island four miles below the last Cataract, sixteen beyond Syene, 585 from Alexandria, and the extreme limit of the navigation of Egypt. To such an extent as this have the above-named authors been mistaken! This island is the place of rendezvous for the vessels of the Aethiopians: they are made to fold up, and the people carry them on their shoulders whenever they come to the Cataracts. ',
  {'entities': [[6, 10, 'place'],
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    [632, 642, 'place'],
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    [50, 55, 'place'],
    [772, 782, 'place'],
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    [966, 977, 'ethnic']]}],
 ['.1THE CITIES OF EGYPT: Egypt, besides its boast of extreme antiquity, asserts that it contained, in the reign of King Amasis, 20,000 inhabited cities: in our day they are still very numerous, though no longer of any particular note. Still however we find the following ones mentioned as of great renown — the City of Apollo; next, that of Leucothea; then Great Diospolis, otherwise Thebes, known to fame for its hundred gates; Coptos, which from its proximity to the Nile, forms its nearest emporium for the merchandise of India and Arabia; then the city of Venus, and then another of city of Jupiter. After this comes Tentyris, below which is Abydus, the royal abode of Memnon, and famous for a temple of Osiris, which is situate in Libya, at a distance from the river of seven miles and a half. Next to it comes Ptolemais, then Panopolis, and then another city of Venus, and, on the Libyan side, Lycon, where the mountains form the boundary of the province of Thebais. On passing these, we come to the city of Mercury, Alabastron, city of Dogs, and city of Hercules already mentioned. We next come to Arsinoe, and Memphis, which has been previously mentioned; between which last and the Nome of Arsinoites, upon the Libyan side, are the towers known as the Pyramids, the Labyrinth on Lake Moeris, in the construction of which no wood was employed, and the town of Crialon. Besides these, there is one place in the interior, on the confines of Arabia, of great celebrity, the City of the Sun. ',
  {'entities': [[23, 28, 'place'],
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    [533, 539, 'place'],
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    [830, 839, 'place'],
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    [1116, 1123, 'place'],
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    [1259, 1267, 'place'],
    [1273, 1282, 'place'],
    [1291, 1297, 'place'],
    [533, 539, 'place']]}],
 [".2With the greatest justice, however, we may lavish our praises upon Alexandria, built by Alexander the Great on the shores of the Egyptian Sea, upon the soil of Africa, at twelve miles' distance from the Canopic Mouth and near Lake Mareotis; the spot having previously borne the name of Rhacotes. The plan of this city was designed by the architect Dinochares, who is memorable for the genius which he displayed in many ways. Building the city upon a wide space of ground fifteen miles in circumference, he formed it in the circular shape of a Macedonian chlamys, uneven at the edge, giving it an angular projection on the right and left; while at the same time he devoted one-fifth part of the site to the royal palace. ",
  {'entities': [[69, 79, 'place'],
    [90, 99, 'people'],
    [131, 139, 'demonym'],
    [233, 241, 'place'],
    [350, 360, 'people'],
    [545, 555, 'demonym']]}],
 ['.3Lake Mareotis, which lies on the south side of the city, is connected by a canal which joins it to the Canopic mouth, and serves for the purposes of communication with the interior. It has also a great number of islands, and is thirty miles across, and 150 in circumference, according to Claudius Caesar. Other writers say that it is forty schoeni in length, making the schoenum to be thirty stadia; hence, according to them, it is 150 miles in length and the same in breadth. ',
  {'entities': [[7, 15, 'place'], [290, 305, 'people']]}],
 ['.4There are also, in the latter part of the course of the Nile, many towns of considerable celebrity, and more especially those which have given their names to the mouths of the river — I do not mean, all the mouths, for there are no less than twelve of them, as well as four others, which the people call the False Mouths. I allude to the seven more famous ones, the Canopic Mouth, next to Alexandria, those of Bolbitine, Sebennys, Phatnis, Mendes, Tanis, and, last of all, Pelusium. Besides the above there are the towns of Butos, Pharbaethos, Leontopolis, Athribis, the town of Isis, Busiris, Cynopolis, Aphrodites, Sais, and Naucratis, from which last some writers call that the Naucratitic Mouth, which is by others called the Heracleotic, and mention it instead of the Canopic Mouth, which is the next to it. ',
  {'entities': [[58, 62, 'place'],
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    [442, 448, 'place'],
    [450, 455, 'place'],
    [475, 483, 'place'],
    [526, 531, 'place'],
    [533, 544, 'place'],
    [546, 557, 'place'],
    [559, 567, 'place'],
    [581, 585, 'place'],
    [587, 594, 'place'],
    [596, 605, 'place'],
    [607, 617, 'place'],
    [619, 623, 'place'],
    [629, 638, 'place']]}],
 ['.1THE COASTS OF ARABIA, SITUATE ON THE EGYPTIAN SEA: Beyond the Pelusiac Mouth is Arabia, which extends to the Red Sea, and joins the Arabia known by the surname of Happy, so famous for its perfumes and its wealth. This is called Arabia of the Catabanes, the Esbonitae, and the Scenitae; it is remarkable for its sterility, except in the parts where it joins up to Syria, and it has nothing remarkable in it except Mount Casius. The Arabian nations of the Canchlaei join these on the east, and, on the south the Cedrei, both of which peoples are adjoining to the Nabataei. The two gulfs of the Red Sea, where it borders upon Egypt, are called the Heroopolitic and the Aelanitic. Between the two towns of Aelana and Gaza upon our sea there is a distance of 150 miles. Agrippa says that Arsinoe, a town on the Red Sea, is, by way of the desert, 125 miles from Pelusium. How different the characteristics impressed by nature upon two places separated by so small a distance! ',
  {'entities': [[64, 72, 'demonym'],
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    [365, 370, 'place'],
    [421, 427, 'place'],
    [433, 440, 'people'],
    [563, 571, 'ethnic'],
    [111, 118, 'place'],
    [625, 630, 'place'],
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    [704, 710, 'people'],
    [715, 719, 'place'],
    [767, 774, 'people'],
    [785, 792, 'place'],
    [111, 118, 'place'],
    [858, 866, 'place']]}],
 ['.1SYRIA: Next to these countries Syria occupies the coast, once the greatest of lands, and distinguished by many names; for the part which joins up to Arabia was formerly called Palaestina, Judaea, Coele Syria, and Phoenice. The country in the interior was called Damascena, and that further on and more to the south, Babylonia. The part that lies between the Euphrates and the Tigris was called Mesopotamia, that beyond Taurus Sophene, and that on this side of the same chain Comagene. Beyond Armenia was the country of Adiabene, anciently called Assyria, and at the part where it joins up to Cilicia, it was called Antiochia. Its length, between Cilicia and Arabia, is 470 miles, and its breadth, from Seleucia Pieria to Zeugma, a town on the Euphrates, 175. Those who make a still more minute division of this country will have it that Phoenice is surrounded by Syria, and that first comes the maritime coast of Syria, part of which is Idumaea and Judaea, after that Phoenice, and then Syria. The whole of the tract of sea that lies in front of these shores is called the Phoenician Sea. The Phoenician people enjoy the glory of having been the inventors of letters, and the first discoverers of the sciences of astronomy, navigation, and the art of war. ',
  {'entities': [[33, 38, 'place'],
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    [360, 369, 'place'],
    [378, 384, 'place'],
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    [428, 435, 'place'],
    [477, 485, 'place'],
    [494, 501, 'place'],
    [521, 529, 'place'],
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    [594, 601, 'place'],
    [594, 601, 'place'],
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    [704, 719, 'place'],
    [723, 729, 'place'],
    [360, 369, 'place'],
    [215, 223, 'place'],
    [33, 38, 'place'],
    [33, 38, 'place'],
    [939, 946, 'place'],
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    [215, 223, 'place'],
    [33, 38, 'place'],
    [1075, 1085, 'demonym'],
    [1075, 1085, 'demonym']]}],
 ['.1IDUMAEA, PALAESTINA, AND SAMARIA: On leaving Pelusium we come to the Camp of Chabrias, Mount Casius, the temple of Jupiter Casius, and the tomb of Pompeius Magnus. Ostracine, at a distance of sixty-five miles from Pelusium, is the frontier town of Arabia. After this, at the point where the Sirbonian Lake becomes visible, Idumaea and Palaestina begin. This lake, which some writers have made to be 150 miles in circumference, Herodotus has placed at the foot of Mount Casius; it is now an inconsiderable fen. The towns are Rhinocolura, and, in the interior, Rhaphea, Gaza, and, still more inland, Anthedon: there is also Mount Argaris. Proceeding along the coast we come to the region of Samaria; Ascalon, a free town, Azotus, the two Iamniae, one of them in the interior; and Joppe, a city of the Phoenicians, which existed, it is said, before the deluge of the earth. It is situate on the slope of a hill, and in front of it lies a rock, upon which they point out the vestiges of the chains by which Andromeda was bound. Here the fabulous goddess Ceto is worshipped. Next to this place comes Apollonia, and then the Tower of Strato, otherwise Caesarea, built by King Herod, but now the Colony of Prima Flavia, established by the Emperor Vespasianus: this place is the frontier town of Palaestina, at a distance of 188 miles from the confines of Arabia; after which comes Phoenice. In the interior of Samaria are the towns of Neapolis, formerly called Mamortha, Sebaste, situate on a mountain, and, on a still more lofty one, Gamala. ',
  {'entities': [[47, 55, 'place'],
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    [570, 574, 'place'],
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    [1148, 1156, 'place'],
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    [1242, 1253, 'people'],
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    [1430, 1438, 'place'],
    [1466, 1473, 'place'],
    [1530, 1536, 'place']]}],
 ['.1JUDAEA: Beyond Idumaea and Samaria, Judaea extends far and wide. That part of it which joins up to Syria is called Galilaea, while that which is nearest to Arabia and Egypt bears the name of Peraea. This last is thickly covered with rugged mountains, and is separated from the rest of Judaea by the river Jordanes. The remaining part of Judaea is divided into ten Toparchies, which we will mention in the following order: That of Hiericus, covered with groves of palm-trees, and watered by numerous springs, and those of Emmaus, Lydda, Joppe, Acrabatena, Gophna, Thamna, Bethleptephene, Orina, in which formerly stood Hierosolyma, by far the most famous city, not of Judaea only, but of the East, and Herodium, with a celebrated town of the same name. ',
  {'entities': [[17, 24, 'place'],
    [29, 36, 'place'],
    [38, 44, 'place'],
    [101, 106, 'place'],
    [117, 125, 'place'],
    [158, 164, 'place'],
    [169, 174, 'place'],
    [38, 44, 'place'],
    [307, 315, 'place'],
    [38, 44, 'place'],
    [432, 440, 'place'],
    [523, 529, 'place'],
    [531, 536, 'place'],
    [538, 543, 'place'],
    [620, 631, 'place'],
    [38, 44, 'place'],
    [703, 711, 'place']]}],
 ['.2The river Jordanes rises from the spring of Panias, which has given its surname to Caesarea, of which we shall have occasion to speak. This is a delightful stream, and, so far as the situation of the localities will allow of, winds along in its course and lingers among the dwellers upon its banks. With the greatest reluctance, as it were, it moves onward towards Asphaltites, a lake of a gloomy and unpropitious nature, by which it is at last swallowed up, and its be praised waters are lost sight of on being mingled with the pestilential streams of the lake. For this reason it is that, as soon as ever the valleys through which it runs afford it the opportunity, it discharges itself into a lake, by many writers known as Genesara, sixteen miles in length and six wide; which is skirted by the pleasant towns of Julias and Hippo on the east, of Tarichea on the south (a name which is by many persons given to the lake itself), and of Tiberias on the west, the hot springs of which are so conducive to the restoration of health. ',
  {'entities': [[12, 20, 'place'],
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    [367, 378, 'place'],
    [819, 825, 'place'],
    [830, 835, 'people'],
    [852, 860, 'place'],
    [941, 949, 'place']]}],
 ['.3Asphaltites produces nothing whatever except bitumen, to which indeed it owes its name. The bodies of animals will not sink in its waters, and even those of bulls and camels float there. In length it exceeds 100 miles being at its greatest breadth twenty-five, and at its smallest six. Arabia of the Nomades faces it on the east, and Machaerus on the south, at one time, next to Hierosolyma, the most strongly fortified place in Judaea. On the same side lies Callirrhoe, a warm spring, remarkable for its medicinal qualities, and which, by its name, indicates the celebrity its waters have gained. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 13, 'place'],
    [288, 294, 'place'],
    [336, 345, 'place'],
    [381, 392, 'place'],
    [431, 437, 'place'],
    [461, 471, 'people']]}],
 ['.4Lying on the west of Asphaltites, and sufficiently distant to escape its noxious exhalations, are the Essenes, a people that live apart from the world, and marvellous beyond all others throughout the whole earth, for they have no women among them; to sexual desire they are strangers; money they have none; the palm-trees are their only companions. Day after day, however, their numbers are fully recruited by multitudes of strangers that resort to them, driven thither to adopt their usages by the tempests of fortune, and wearied with the miseries of life. Thus it is, that through thousands of ages, incredible to relate, this people eternally prolongs its existence, without a single birth taking place there; so fruitful a source of population to it is that weariness of life which is felt by others. Below this people was formerly the town of Engadda, second only to Hierosolyma in the fertility of its soil and its groves of palm-trees; now, like it, it is another heap of ashes. Next to it we come to Masada, a fortress on a rock, not far from Lake Asphaltites. Thus much concerning Judaea. ',
  {'entities': [[23, 34, 'place'],
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    [875, 886, 'place'],
    [1011, 1017, 'place'],
    [23, 34, 'place'],
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 ['.1DECAPOLIS. On the side of Syria, joining up to Judaea, is the region of Decapolis, so called from the number of its cities; as to which all writers are not agreed. Most of them, however, agree in speaking of Damascus as one, a place fertilized by the river Chrysorroos, which is drawn off into its meadows and eagerly imbibed; Philadelphia, and Rhaphana, all which cities fall back towards Arabia; Scythopolis (formerly called Nysa by Father Liber, from his nurse having been buried there), its present name being derived from a Scythian colony which was established there; Gadara, before which the river Hieromix flows; Hippo, which has been previously mentioned; Dion, Pella, rich with its waters; Galasa, and Canatha. The Tetrarchies lie between and around these cities, equal, each of them, to a kingdom, and occupying the same rank as so many kingdoms. Their names are, Trachonitis, Panias, in which is Caesarea, with the spring previously mentioned, Abila, Arca, Ampeloessa, and Gabe. ',
  {'entities': [[28, 33, 'place'],
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    [392, 398, 'place'],
    [400, 411, 'place'],
    [429, 433, 'place'],
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    [576, 582, 'place'],
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    [667, 671, 'place'],
    [673, 678, 'place'],
    [877, 888, 'place'],
    [890, 896, 'people'],
    [910, 918, 'place'],
    [958, 963, 'place']]}],
 ['.1PHOENICE: We must now return to the coast and to Phoenice. There was formerly a town here known as Crocodilon; there is still a river of that name: Dorum and Sycaminon are the names of cities of which the remembrance only exists. We then come to the Promontory of Carmelus, and, upon the mountain, a town of that name, formerly called Acbatana. Next to this are Getta, Jeba, and the river Pacida, or Belus, which throws up on its narrow banks a kind of sand from which glass is made: this river flows from the marshes of Cendebia, at the foot of Mount Carmelus. Close to this river is Ptolemais, formerly called Ace, a colony of Claudius Caesar; and then the town of Ecdippa, and the promontory known as the White Promontory. We next come to the city of Tyre, formerly an island, separated from the mainland by a channel of the sea, of great depth, 700 paces in width, but now joined to it by the works which were thrown up by Alexander when besieging it, the Tyre so famous in ancient times for its offspring, the cities to which it gave birth, Leptis, Utica, and Carthage, — that rival of the Roman sway, that thirsted so eagerly for the conquest of the whole earth; Gades, too, which she founded beyond the limits of the world. At the present day, all her fame is confined to the production of the murex and the purple. Its circumference, including therein Palaetyrus, is nineteen miles, the place itself extending twenty-two stadia. The next towns are Sarepta and Ornithon, and then Sidon, famous for its manufacture of glass, and the parent of Thebes in Boeotia. ',
  {'entities': [[51, 59, 'place'],
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    [1056, 1061, 'place'],
    [1067, 1075, 'place'],
    [1171, 1176, 'place'],
    [1458, 1465, 'place'],
    [1470, 1478, 'people'],
    [1489, 1494, 'place'],
    [1551, 1557, 'place'],
    [1561, 1568, 'place']]}],
 ['.2In the rear of this spot begins the chain of Libanus, which extends 1500 stadia, as far as Simyra; this district has the name of Coele Syria. Opposite to this chain, and separated from it by an intervening valley, stretches away the range of Antilibanus, which was formerly connected with Libanus by a wall. Beyond it, and lying in the interior, is the region of Decapolis, and, with it, the Tetrarchies already mentioned, and the whole expanse of Palaestina. On the coast, again, and lying beneath Libanus, is the river Magoras, the colony of Berytus, which bears the name of Felix Julia, the town of Leontos, the river Lycos, Palaebyblos, the river Adonis, and the towns of Byblos, Botrys, Gigarta, Trieris, Calamos, Tripolis, inhabited by the Tyrians, Sidonians, and Aradians; Orthosia, the river Eleutheros the towns of Simyra and Marathos; and opposite, Arados, a town seven stadia long, on an island, distant 200 paces from the mainland. After passing through the country in which the before-named mountains end and the plains that lie between, Mount Bargylus is seen to rise. ',
  {'entities': [[47, 54, 'place'],
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    [131, 142, 'place'],
    [244, 255, 'place'],
    [47, 54, 'place'],
    [450, 460, 'place'],
    [47, 54, 'place'],
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    [653, 659, 'people'],
    [678, 684, 'place'],
    [686, 692, 'place'],
    [703, 710, 'place'],
    [721, 729, 'place'],
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    [757, 766, 'ethnic'],
    [772, 780, 'ethnic'],
    [782, 790, 'place'],
    [802, 812, 'place'],
    [93, 99, 'people'],
    [837, 845, 'place'],
    [861, 867, 'place']]}],
 ['.1SYRIA ANTIOCHIA: Here Phoenicia ends, and Syria recommences. The towns are, Carne, Balanea, Paltos, and Gabale; then the promontory upon which is situate the free town of Laodicea; and then Diospolis, Heraclea, Charadrus, and Posidium. ',
  {'entities': [[24, 33, 'place'],
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 ['.2We then come to the Promontory of Syria Antiochia. In the interior is the free city of Antiochia itself, surnamed Epidaphnes, and divided by the river Orontes. On the promontory is Seleucia Pieria, a free city. Beyond it lies Mount Casius, a different one from the mountain of the same name which we have already mentioned. The height of this mountain is so vast, that, at the fourth watch of the night, you can see from it, in the midst of the darkness, the sun rising on the east; and thus, by merely turning round, we may at one and the same time behold both day and night. The winding road which leads to its summit is nineteen miles in length, its perpendicular height four. Upon this coast there is the river Orontes, which takes its rise near Heliopolis, between the range of Libanus and Antilibanus. The towns are, Rhosos, and, behind it, the Gates of Syria, lying in the space between the chain of the Rhosian mountains and that of Taurus. On the coast there is the town of Myriandros, and Mount Amanus, upon which is the town of Bomitae. This mountain separates Cilicia from Syria. ',
  {'entities': [[42, 51, 'place'],
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 ['.1THE REMAINING PARTS OF SYRIA: We must now speak of the interior of Syria. Coele Syria has the town of Apamea, divided by the river Marsyas from the Tetrarchy of the Nazerini; Bambyx, the other name of which is Hierapolis, but by the Syrians called Mabog, (here the monster Atargatis, called Derceto by the Greeks, is worshipped); and the place called Chalcis on the Belus, from which the region of Chalcidene, the most fertile part of Syria, takes its name. We here find also Cyrrhestice, with Cyrrhum, the Gazatae, the Gindareni, the Gabeni, the two Tetrarchies called Granucomatae, the Emeseni, the Hylatae, the nation of the Ituraei, and a branch of them, the people called the Baetarreni; the Mariamnitani, the Tetrarchy known as Mammisea, Paradisus, Pagrae, the Pinelitae, two cities called Seleucia, besides the one already mentioned, the one Seleucia on the Euphrates, and the other Seleucia on the Belus, and the Tardytenses. The remaining part of Syria (except those parts which will be spoken of in conjunction with the Euphrates) contains the Arethusii, the Beroeenses, and the Epiphanaeenses; and on the east, the Laodiceni, who are called the Laodiceni on the Libanus, the Leucadii, and the Larissaei, besides seventeen other Tetrarchies, divided into kingdoms and bearing barbarous names. ',
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    [798, 806, 'place'],
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    [798, 806, 'place'],
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 ['.1THE EUPHRATES: This place, too, will be the most appropriate one for making some mention of the Euphrates. This river rises in Caranitis, a praefecture of Greater Armenia, according to the statement of those who have approached the nearest to its source. Domitius Corbulo says, that it rises in Mount Aba; Licinius Mucianus, at the foot of a mountain which he calls Capotes, twelve miles above Zimara, and that at its source it has the name of Pyxurates. It first flows past Derxene, and then Anaitica, shutting out the regions of Armenia from Cappadocia. Dascusa is distant from Zimara seventy-five miles; from this spot it is navigable as far as Sartona, a distance of fifty miles, thence to Melitene, in Cappadocia, distant seventy-four miles, and thence to Elegia, in Armenia, distant ten miles; receiving in its course the rivers Lycus, Arsanias, and Arsanus. At Elegia it meets the range of Mount Taurus, but no effectual resistance is offered to its course, although the chain is here twelve miles in width. At its passage between the mountains, the river bears the name of Omma; but afterwards, when it has passed through, it receives that of Euphrates. Beyond this spot it is full of rocks, and runs with an impetuous tide. It then divides that part of Arabia which is called the country of the Orei, on the left, by a channel three schoeni in width, from the territory of the Commageni on the right, and it admits of a bridge being thrown across it, even where it forces a passage through the range of Taurus. At Claudiopolis, in Cappadocia, it takes an easterly direction; and here, for the first time in this contest, Taurus turns it out of its course; though conquered before, and rent asunder by its channel, the mountain-chain now gains the victory in another way, and, breaking its career, compels it to take a southerly direction. Thus is this warfare of nature equally waged, the river proceeding onward to the destination which it intends to reach, and the mountains forbidding it to proceed by the path which it originally intended. After passing the Cataracts, the river again becomes navigable; and, at a distance of forty miles from thence, is Samosata, the capital of Commagene. ',
  {'entities': [[98, 107, 'place'],
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    [396, 402, 'people'],
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 ['.1SYRIA UPON THE EUPHRATES. Arabia, above mentioned, has the cities of Edessa, formerly called Antiochia, and, from the name of its fountain, Callirhoe, and Carrhae, memorable for the defeat of Crassus there. Adjoining to this is the praefecture of Mesopotamia, which derives its origin from the Assyrians, and in which are the towns of Anthemusia and Nicephorium; after which come the Arabians, known by the name of Praetavi, with Singara for their capital. Below Samosata, on the side of Syria, the river Marsyas flows into the Euphrates. At Cingilla ends the territory of Commagene, and the state of the Immei begins. The cities which are here washed by the river are those of Epiphania and Antiochia, generally known as Epiphania and Antiochia on the Euphrates; also Zeugma, seventy-two miles distant from Samosata, famous for the passage there across the Euphrates. Opposite to it is Apamia, which Seleucus, the founder of both cities, united by a bridge. The people who join up to Mesopotamia are called the Rhoali. Other towns in Syria are those of Europus, and what was formerly Thapsacus, now Amphipolis. We then come to the Arabian Scenitae. The Euphrates then proceeds in its course till it reaches the place called Ura, at which, taking a turn to the east, it leaves the Syrian Deserts of Palmyra, which extend as far as the city of Petra and the regions of Arabia Felix. ',
  {'entities': [[28, 34, 'place'],
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    [530, 539, 'place'],
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    [1301, 1308, 'place'],
    [1345, 1350, 'place'],
    [28, 34, 'place']]}],
 ['.2Palmyra is a city famous for the beauty of its site, the riches of its soil, and the delicious quality and abundance of its water. Its fields are surrounded by sands on every side, and are thus separated, as it were, by nature from the rest of the world. Though placed between the two great empires of Rome and Parthia, it still maintains its independence; never failing, at the very first moment that a rupture between them is threatened, to attract the careful attention of both. It is distant 337 miles from Seleucia of the Parthians, generally known as Seleucia on the Tigris, 203 from the nearest part of the Syrian coast, and twenty-seven less from Damascus. ',
  {'entities': [[304, 308, 'place'],
    [313, 320, 'place'],
    [513, 521, 'place'],
    [529, 538, 'ethnic'],
    [513, 521, 'people'],
    [575, 581, 'place'],
    [657, 665, 'place']]}],
 [".3Below the deserts of Palmyra is the region of Stelendene, and Hierapolis, Beroea, and Chalcis, already mentioned. Beyond Palmyra, Emesa takes to itself a portion of these deserts; also Elatium, nearer to Petra by one-half than Damascus. At no great distance from Sura is Philiscum, a town of the Parthians, on the Euphrates. From this place it is ten days' sail to Seleucia, and nearly as many to Babylon. At a distance of 594 miles beyond Zeugma, near the village of Massice, the Euphrates divides into two channels, the left one of which runs through Mesopotamia, past Seleucia, and falls into the Tigris as it flows around that city. Its channel on the right runs towards Babylon, the former capital of Chaldaea, and flows through the middle of it; and then through another city, the name of which is Otris, after which it becomes lost in the marshes. Like the Nile, this river increases at stated times, and at much about the same period. When the sun has reached the twentieth degree of Cancer, it inundates Mesopotamia; and, after he has passed through Leo and entered Virgo, its waters begin to subside. By the time the sun has entered the twenty-ninth degree of Virgo, the river has fully regained its usual height. ",
  {'entities': [[23, 30, 'place'],
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    [866, 870, 'place'],
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    [1061, 1064, 'people']]}],
 ['.1CILICIA AND THE ADJOINING NATIONS: But let us now return to the coast of Syria, joining up to which is Cilicia. We here find the river Diaphanes, Mount Crocodilus, the Gates of Mount Amanus, the rivers Androcus, Pinarus, and Lycus, the Gulf of Issos, and the town of that name; then Alexandria, the river Chlorus, the free town of Aegae, the river Pyramus, the Gates of Cilicia, the towns of Mallos and Magarsos, and, in the interior, Tarsus. We then come to the Aleian Plains, the town of Cassipolis, Mopsos, a free town on the river Pyramus, Thynos, Zephyrium, and Anchiale. Next to these are the rivers Saros and Cydnus, the latter of which, at some distance from the sea, runs through the free city of Tarsus, the region of Celenderitis with a town of similar name, the place where Nymphaion stood, Soli of Cilicia, now called Pompeiopolis, Adana, Cibyra, Pinare, Pedalie, Ale, Selinus, Arsinoe, Iotape, Doron, and, near the sea, Corycus, there being a town, port, and cave all of the same name. Passing these, we come to the river Calycadnus, the Promontory of Sarpedon, the towns of Holmoe and Myle, and the Promontory and town of Venus, at a short distance from the island of Cyprus. On the mainland there are the towns of Myanda, Anemurium, and Coracesium, and the river Melas, the ancient boundary of Cilicia. In the interior the places more especially worthy of mention are Anazarbus, now called Caesarea, Augusta, Castabala, Epiphania, formerly called Oeniandos, Eleusa, Iconium, Seleucia upon the river Calycadnus, surnamed Tracheotis, a city removed from the sea-shore, where it had the name of Holmia. Besides those already mentioned, there are in the interior the rivers Liparis, Bombos, Paradisus, and Mount Imbarus. ',
  {'entities': [[75, 80, 'place'],
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    [554, 563, 'place'],
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    [854, 860, 'place'],
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    [1091, 1097, 'place'],
    [1139, 1144, 'people'],
    [1185, 1191, 'place'],
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    [1255, 1265, 'place'],
    [1281, 1286, 'place'],
    [105, 112, 'place'],
    [1386, 1395, 'place'],
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    [1438, 1447, 'place'],
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    [1484, 1491, 'place'],
    [1493, 1501, 'place'],
    [1038, 1048, 'place'],
    [1610, 1616, 'place'],
    [1688, 1695, 'people']]}],
 ['.1ISAURIA AND THE HOMONADES: All the geographers have mentioned Pamphylia as joining up to Cilicia, without taking any notice of the people of Isauria. Its cities are, in the interior, Isaura, Clibanus, and Lalasis; it runs down towards the sea by the side of Anemurium already mentioned. In a similar manner also, all who have treated of this subject have been ignorant of the existence of the nation of the Homonades bordering upon Isauria, and their town of Homona in the interior. There are forty-four other fortresses, which lie concealed amid rugged crags and valleys. ',
  {'entities': [[64, 73, 'place'],
    [91, 98, 'place'],
    [143, 150, 'place'],
    [185, 191, 'place'],
    [260, 269, 'place'],
    [143, 150, 'place']]}],
 ['.1PISIDIA. The Pisidae, formerly called the Solymi, occupy the higher parts of the mountains. In their country there is the colony of Caesarea, also called Antiochia, and the towns of Oroanda and Sagalessos. ',
  {'entities': [[44, 50, 'people'],
    [156, 165, 'place'],
    [196, 206, 'place']]}],
 ['.1LYCAONIA. These people are bounded by Lycaonia, which belongs to the jurisdiction of the province of Asia, to which also resort the people of Philomelium, Tymbrium, Leucolithium, Pelta, and Tyrium. To this jurisdiction is also added a Tetrarchy of Lycaonia in that part which joins up to Galatia, containing fourteen states, with the famous city of Iconium. In Lycaonia itself the most noted places are Thebasa on Taurus, and Hyde, on the confines of Galatia and Cappadocia. On the [western] side of Lycaonia, and above Pamphylia, come the Milyae, a people descended from the Thracians; their city is Arycanda. ',
  {'entities': [[40, 48, 'place'],
    [103, 107, 'people'],
    [144, 155, 'place'],
    [40, 48, 'place'],
    [290, 297, 'place'],
    [351, 358, 'place'],
    [40, 48, 'place'],
    [416, 422, 'place'],
    [290, 297, 'place'],
    [465, 475, 'place'],
    [40, 48, 'place'],
    [522, 531, 'place'],
    [542, 548, 'people'],
    [578, 587, 'ethnic'],
    [603, 611, 'place']]}],
 ['.1PAMPHYLIA: The former name of Pamphylia was Mopsopia. The Pamphylian Sea joins up to that of Cilicia. The towns of Pamphylia are Side, Aspendus, situate on the side of a mountain, Pletenissum, and Perga. There is also the Promontory of Leucolla, the mountain of Sardemisus, and the rivers Eurymedon, which flows past Aspendus, and Catarractes, near to which is Lyrnesus: also the towns of Olbia, and Phaselis, the last on this coast. ',
  {'entities': [[32, 41, 'place'],
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    [32, 41, 'place'],
    [131, 135, 'place'],
    [137, 145, 'place'],
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    [238, 246, 'people'],
    [291, 300, 'place'],
    [137, 145, 'place'],
    [333, 344, 'people'],
    [363, 371, 'place'],
    [391, 396, 'place'],
    [402, 410, 'place']]}],
 ['.1MOUNT TAURUS: Adjoining to Pamphylia is the Sea of Lycia and the country of Lycia itself, where the chain of Taurus, coming from the eastern shores, terminates the vast Gulf by the Promontory of Chelidonium. Of immense extent, and separating nations innumerable, after taking its first rise at the Indian Sea, it branches off to the north on the right-hand side, and on the left towards the south. Then taking a direction towards the west, it would cut through the middle of Asia, were it not that the seas check it in its triumphant career along the land. It accordingly strikes off in a northerly direction, and forming an arc, occupies an immense tract of country, nature, designedly as it were, every now and then throwing seas in the way to oppose its career; here the Sea of Phoenicia, there the Sea of Pontus, in this direction the Caspian and Hyrcanian, and then, opposite to them, the Lake Maeotis. Although somewhat curtailed by these obstacles, it still winds along between them, and makes its way even amidst these barriers; and victorious after all, it then escapes with its sinuous course to the kindred chain of the Riphaean mountains. Numerous are the names which it bears, as it is continuously designated by new ones throughout the whole of its course. In the first part of its career it has the name of Imaus, after which it is known successively by the names of Emodos, Paropanisus, Circius, Cambades, Paryadres, Choatras, Oreges, Oroandes, Niphates, Taurus, and, where it even out-tops itself, Caucasus. Where it throws forth its arms as though every now and then it would attempt to invade the sea, it bears the names of Sarpedon, Coracesius, Cragus, and then again Taurus. Where also it opens and makes a passage to admit mankind, it still claims the credit of an unbroken continuity by giving the name of "Gates" to these passes, which in one place are called the "Gates of Armenia," in another the "Gates of the Caspian," and in another the "Gates of Cilicia." In addition to this, when it has been cut short in its onward career, it retires to a distance from the seas, and covers itself on the one side and the other with the names of numerous nations, being called, on the right-hand side the Hyrcanian and the Caspian, and on the left the Parvadrian, the Moschian, the Amazonian, the Coraxican, and the Scythian chain. Among the Greeks it bears the one general name of Ceraunian. ',
  {'entities': [[29, 38, 'place'],
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    [53, 58, 'place'],
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    [1463, 1471, 'people'],
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    [1517, 1525, 'place'],
    [1645, 1653, 'people'],
    [111, 117, 'place'],
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    [853, 862, 'demonym'],
    [841, 848, 'demonym'],
    [2286, 2294, 'people'],
    [2334, 2342, 'demonym']]}],
 ['.1LYCIA: In Lycia, after leaving its promontory, we come to the town of Simena, Mount Chimaera, which sends forth flames by night, and the city of Hephaestium, the heights above which are also frequently on fire. Here too formerly stood the city of Olympus; now we find the mountain places known as Gagae, Corydalla, and Rhodiopolis. Near the sea is Limyra with a river of like name, into which the Arycandus flows, Mount Masycites, the state of Andriaca, Myra, the towns of Aperrae and Antiphellos, formerly called Habessus, and in a corner Phellos, after which comes Pyrrha, and then the city of Xanthus, fifteen miles from the sea, as also a river known by the same name. We then come to Patara, formerly Pataros, and Sidyma, situate on a mountain. Next comes the Promontory of Cragus, and beyond it a gulf, equal to the one that comes before it; upon it are Pinara, and Telmessus, the frontier town of Lycia. ',
  {'entities': [[12, 17, 'place'],
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    [321, 332, 'place'],
    [350, 356, 'place'],
    [446, 454, 'place'],
    [456, 460, 'place'],
    [475, 482, 'place'],
    [487, 498, 'place'],
    [542, 549, 'place'],
    [598, 605, 'place'],
    [691, 697, 'place'],
    [721, 727, 'place'],
    [781, 787, 'place'],
    [862, 868, 'place'],
    [874, 883, 'place'],
    [12, 17, 'place']]}],
 ['.2Lycia formerly contained seventy towns, now it has but thirty-six. Of these, the most celebrated, besides those already mentioned, are Canas, Candyba, so celebrated for the Oenian/Eunian Grove, Podalia, Choma, past which the river Aedesa flows, Cyaneae, Ascandia, [Lisa? ], Amelas, Noscopium, Tlos, and Telandrus. It includes also in the interior the district of Cabalia, the three cities of which are Oenianda, Balbura, and Bubon. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 7, 'place'],
    [144, 151, 'place'],
    [196, 203, 'place'],
    [205, 210, 'place'],
    [247, 254, 'place'],
    [267, 271, 'place'],
    [295, 299, 'place'],
    [305, 314, 'place'],
    [404, 412, 'place'],
    [414, 421, 'place'],
    [427, 432, 'place']]}],
 ['.3On passing Telmessus we come to the Asiatic or Carpathian Sea, and the district which is properly called Asia. Agrippa has divided this region into two parts; one of which he has bounded on the east by Phrygia and Lycaonia, on the west by the Aegean Sea, on the south by the Egyptian Sea, and on the north by Paphlagonia, making its length to be 473 miles and its breadth 320. The other part he has bounded by the Lesser Armenia on the east, Phrygia, Lycaonia, and Pamphylia on the west, the province of Pontus on the north, and the Sea of Pamphylia on the south, making it 575 miles in length and 325 in breadth. ',
  {'entities': [[13, 22, 'place'],
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    [113, 120, 'people'],
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    [245, 255, 'place'],
    [277, 285, 'demonym'],
    [311, 322, 'place'],
    [423, 430, 'place'],
    [204, 211, 'place'],
    [216, 224, 'place'],
    [467, 476, 'place'],
    [506, 512, 'place'],
    [467, 476, 'place']]}],
 ['.1CARIA. Upon the adjoining coast is Caria, then Ionia, and beyond it Aeolis. Caria surrounds Doris, which lies in the middle, and runs down on both sides of it to the sea. In it is the Promontory of Pedalium, the river Glaucus, into which the Telmedium discharges itself, the towns of Daedala, Crya, peopled by fugitives, the river Axon, and the town of Calynda. ',
  {'entities': [[37, 42, 'place'],
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    [70, 76, 'place'],
    [37, 42, 'place'],
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    [220, 227, 'people'],
    [286, 293, 'place'],
    [295, 299, 'place'],
    [355, 362, 'place']]}],
 ['.2The river Indus, which rises in the mountains of the Cibyratae, receives sixty-five rivers which are constantly flowing, besides upwards of 100 mountain torrents. Here is the free town of Caunos, then the town of Pyrnos, the port of Cressa, from which the island of Rhodes is distant twenty miles; the place where Loryma formerly stood, the towns of Tisanusa, Paridion, and Larymna, the Gulf of Thymnias, the Promontory of Aphrodisias, the town of Hyda, the Gulf of Schoenus, and the district of Bubasus. There was formerly the town of Acanthus here, another name of which was Dulopolis. We then come to Cnidos, a free town, situate on a promontory, Triopia, and after that the towns of Pegusa and Stadia. ',
  {'entities': [[55, 64, 'ethnic'],
    [190, 196, 'place'],
    [215, 221, 'place'],
    [235, 241, 'place'],
    [268, 274, 'place'],
    [316, 322, 'place'],
    [352, 360, 'place'],
    [376, 383, 'people'],
    [397, 405, 'place'],
    [450, 454, 'place'],
    [468, 476, 'people'],
    [606, 612, 'place'],
    [652, 659, 'place'],
    [700, 706, 'place']]}],
 ['.3At this last town Doris begins; but, first, it may be as well to describe the districts that lie to the back of Caria and the several jurisdictions in the interior. The first of these is called Cibyratica; Cibyra being a town of Phrygia. Twenty-five states resort to it for legal purposes, together with the most famous city of Laodicea. ',
  {'entities': [[114, 119, 'place'],
    [196, 202, 'place'],
    [231, 238, 'place'],
    [330, 338, 'place']]}],
 ['.4This place at first bore the name of Diospolis, and after that of Rhoas, and is situate on the river Lycus, the Asopus and the Caprus washing its sides. The other people belonging to the same jurisdiction, whom it may be not amiss to mention, are the Hydrelitae, the Themisones, and the Hierapolitae. The second jurisdiction receives its title from Synnas; to it resort the Lycaones, the Appiani, the Eucarpeni, the Dorylaei, the Midaei, the Julienses, and fifteen other peoples of no note. The third jurisdiction has its seat at Apamea, formerly called Celaenae, and after that Cibotos. This place is situate at the foot of Mount Signia, the Marsyas, the Obrima, and the Orga, rivers which fall into the Maeander, flowing past it. Here the Marsyas, rising from the earth, again makes its appearance, but soon after buries itself once more at Aulocreneae, the spot where Marsyas had the musical contest with Apollo as to superiority of skill in playing on the flute. Aulocrenae is the name given to a valley which lies ten miles on the road towards Phrygia from Apamea. As belonging to this jurisdiction, it may be as well to mention the Metropolitae, the Dionysopolitae, the Euphorbeni, the Aemonenses, the Pelteni, and the Silbiani, besides nine other nations of no note. ',
  {'entities': [[103, 108, 'place'],
    [129, 135, 'people'],
    [269, 279, 'ethnic'],
    [289, 301, 'ethnic'],
    [351, 357, 'place'],
    [376, 384, 'ethnic'],
    [403, 412, 'ethnic'],
    [444, 453, 'people'],
    [532, 538, 'place'],
    [556, 564, 'place'],
    [645, 652, 'people'],
    [707, 715, 'place'],
    [645, 652, 'people'],
    [645, 652, 'people'],
    [910, 916, 'people'],
    [1051, 1058, 'place'],
    [532, 538, 'place'],
    [1140, 1152, 'ethnic'],
    [1158, 1172, 'ethnic']]}],
 ['.5Upon the Gulf of Doris we have Leucopolis, Hamaxitos, Eleus, and Euthene. We then come to Pitaium, Eutane, and Halicarnassus, towns of Caria. To the jurisdiction of this last place six towns were appended by Alexander the Great, Theangela, Sibde, Medmassa, Uranium [ms. Euralium], Pedasus, and Telmissus. [Halicarnassus] lies between two gulfs, those of Ceramus and Iasus. We then come to Myndos, and the former site of Palaeomyndos; also Nariandos, Neapolis, Caryanda, the free town of Termera, Bargyla, and the town of Iasus, from which the Iasian Gulf takes its name. ',
  {'entities': [[19, 24, 'people'],
    [45, 54, 'place'],
    [56, 61, 'people'],
    [67, 74, 'place'],
    [113, 126, 'place'],
    [137, 142, 'place'],
    [210, 219, 'people'],
    [231, 240, 'place'],
    [259, 266, 'place'],
    [283, 290, 'place'],
    [296, 305, 'place'],
    [113, 126, 'place'],
    [356, 363, 'place'],
    [368, 373, 'place'],
    [391, 397, 'place'],
    [422, 434, 'place'],
    [452, 460, 'place'],
    [462, 470, 'place'],
    [489, 496, 'place'],
    [498, 505, 'place'],
    [368, 373, 'place'],
    [545, 551, 'demonym']]}],
 ['.6Caria is especially distinguished for the fame of its places in the interior; for here are Mylasa, a free town, and that of Antiochia, on the site of the former towns of Symmaethos and Cranaos: it is now surrounded by the rivers Maeander and Morsynos [Orsinus]. In this district also was formerly Maeandropolis; we find also Eumenia, situate on the river Cludros, the river Glaucus, the town of Lysias and Orthosa, the district of Berecynthus, Nysa, and Tralles, also called Euanthia, Seleucia, and Antiochia: it is washed by the river Eudon, while the Thebais runs through it. Some authors say that a nation of Pygmies formerly dwelt here. Besides the preceding towns, there are Thydonos, Pyrrha, Eurome, Heraclea, Amyzon, the free town of Alabanda, which has given name to that jurisdiction, the free town of Stratonicea, Hynidos, Ceramus, Troezene, and Phorontis. At a greater distance, but resorting to the same place of jurisdiction, are the Orthronienses, the Alindienses or Hippini, the Xystiani, the Hydissenses, the Apolloniatae, the Trapezopolitae, and the Aphrodisienses, a free people. Besides the above, there are the towns of Coscinus, and Harpasa, situate on the river Harpasus, which also passed the town of Trallicon when it was in existence. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 7, 'place'],
    [93, 99, 'place'],
    [126, 135, 'place'],
    [231, 239, 'place'],
    [327, 334, 'place'],
    [376, 383, 'people'],
    [397, 403, 'people'],
    [408, 415, 'place'],
    [446, 450, 'place'],
    [456, 463, 'place'],
    [487, 495, 'people'],
    [126, 135, 'place'],
    [614, 621, 'people'],
    [682, 690, 'people'],
    [692, 698, 'people'],
    [700, 706, 'place'],
    [708, 716, 'place'],
    [718, 724, 'place'],
    [743, 751, 'place'],
    [813, 824, 'place'],
    [835, 842, 'place'],
    [968, 979, 'ethnic'],
    [1010, 1021, 'ethnic'],
    [1069, 1083, 'ethnic'],
    [1156, 1163, 'place']]}],
 ['.1LYDIA: Lydia, bathed by the sinuous and ever-recurring windings of the river Maeander, lies extended above Ionia; it is joined by Phrygia on the east and Mysia on the north, while on the south it runs up to Caria: it formerly had the name of Maeonia. Its place of the greatest celebrity is Sardes, which lies on the side of Mount Tmolus, formerly called Timolus. From this mountain, which is covered with vineyards, flows the river Pactolus, also called the Chrysorroas, and the sources of the Tarnus: this famous city, which is situate upon the Gygaean Lake, used to be called Hyde by the people of Maeonia. This jurisdiction is now called that of Sardes, and besides the people of the places already mentioned, the following now resort to it — the Macedonian Cadueni, the Loreni, the Philadelpheni, the Maeonii, situated on the river Cogamus at the foot of Mount Tmolus, the Tripolitani, who are also called the Antoniopolitae, situate on the banks of the Maeander, the Apollonihieritae, the Mesotimolitae, and some others of no note. ',
  {'entities': [[9, 14, 'place'],
    [79, 87, 'place'],
    [109, 114, 'place'],
    [132, 139, 'place'],
    [156, 161, 'place'],
    [209, 214, 'place'],
    [244, 251, 'place'],
    [292, 298, 'place'],
    [332, 338, 'place'],
    [356, 363, 'people'],
    [434, 442, 'place'],
    [460, 471, 'people'],
    [548, 555, 'people'],
    [244, 251, 'place'],
    [292, 298, 'place'],
    [752, 762, 'demonym'],
    [763, 770, 'ethnic'],
    [776, 782, 'ethnic'],
    [788, 801, 'ethnic'],
    [332, 338, 'place'],
    [879, 890, 'ethnic'],
    [916, 930, 'ethnic'],
    [79, 87, 'place']]}],
 ['.1IONIA: Ionia begins at the Gulf of Iasos, and has a long winding coast with numerous bays. First comes the Gulf of Basilicum, then the Promontory and town of Posideum, and the oracle once called the oracle of the Branchidae, but now of Didymaean Apollo, a distance of twenty stadia from the seashore. One hundred and eighty stadia thence is Miletus, the capital of Ionia, which formerly had the names of Lelegeis, Pityusa, and Anactoria, the mother of more than ninety cities, founded upon all seas; nor must she be deprived of the honour of having Cadmus for her citizen, who was the first to write in prose. The river Maeander, rising from a lake in Mount Aulocrene, waters many cities and receives numerous tributary streams. It is so serpentine in its course, that it is often thought to turn back to the very spot from which it came. It first runs through the district of Apamea, then that of Eumenia, and then the plains of Bargyla; after which, with a placid stream it passes through Caria, watering all that territory with a slime of a most fertilizing quality, and then at a distance of ten stadia from Miletus with a gentle current enters the sea. We then come to Mount Latmus, the towns of Heraclea, also called by the same name as the mountain, Carice, Myus, said to have been first built by Ionians who came from Athens, Naulochum, and Priene. Upon that part of the coast which bears the name of Trogilia is the river Gessus. This district is held sacred by all the Ionians, and thence receives the name of Panionia. Near to it was formerly the town of Phygela, built by fugitives, as its name implies, and that of Marathesium. Above these places is Magnesia, distinguished by the surname of the "Maeandrian," and sprung from Magnesia in Thessaly: it is distant from Ephesus fifteen miles, and three more from Tralles. It formerly had the names of Thessaloche and Androlitia, and, lying on the sea-shore, it has withdrawn from the sea the islands known as the Derasidae and joined them to the mainland. In the interior also is Thyatira, washed by the Lycus; for some time it was also called Pelopia and Euhippia. ',
  {'entities': [[9, 14, 'place'],
    [37, 42, 'place'],
    [160, 168, 'place'],
    [215, 225, 'place'],
    [238, 247, 'place'],
    [248, 254, 'people'],
    [343, 350, 'place'],
    [9, 14, 'place'],
    [551, 557, 'people'],
    [622, 630, 'place'],
    [660, 669, 'people'],
    [879, 885, 'place'],
    [900, 907, 'place'],
    [993, 998, 'place'],
    [343, 350, 'place'],
    [1182, 1188, 'place'],
    [1203, 1211, 'place'],
    [1267, 1271, 'place'],
    [1306, 1313, 'ethnic'],
    [1328, 1334, 'place'],
    [1336, 1345, 'people'],
    [1351, 1357, 'place'],
    [1306, 1313, 'ethnic'],
    [1522, 1530, 'people'],
    [1568, 1575, 'place'],
    [1630, 1641, 'place'],
    [1665, 1673, 'place'],
    [1665, 1673, 'place'],
    [1753, 1761, 'place'],
    [1782, 1789, 'place'],
    [1825, 1832, 'place'],
    [2042, 2050, 'place'],
    [2066, 2071, 'place'],
    [2106, 2113, 'people']]}],
 ['.2Upon the coast again is Mantium, and Ephesus, which was founded by the Amazons, and formerly called by so many names: Alopes at the time of the Trojan War, after that Ortygia and Morges, and then Smyrna, with the surname of Trachia, as also Samornion and Ptelea. This city is built on Mount Pion, and is washed by the Cayster, a river which rises in the Cilbian range and brings down the waters of many streams, as also of Lake Pegasaeus, which receives those discharged by the river Phyrites. From these streams there accumulates a large quantity of slime, which vastly increases the soil, and has added to the mainland the island of Syrie, which now lies in the midst of its plains. In this city is the fountain of Calippia and the temple of Diana, which last is surrounded by two streams, each known by the name of Selenus, and flowing from opposite directions. ',
  {'entities': [[26, 33, 'people'],
    [39, 46, 'place'],
    [73, 80, 'people'],
    [146, 156, 'people'],
    [169, 176, 'place'],
    [181, 187, 'people'],
    [198, 204, 'place'],
    [257, 263, 'place'],
    [320, 327, 'place'],
    [746, 751, 'people']]}],
 ['.3After leaving Ephesus there is another Mantium, belonging to the Colophonians, and in the interior Colophon itself, past which the river Halesus flows. After this we come to the temple of the Clarian Apollo, and Lebedos: the city of Notium once stood here. Next comes the Promontory of Coryceium, and then Mount Mimas, which projects 150 miles into the sea, and as it approaches the mainland sinks down into extensive plains. It was at this place that Alexander the Great gave orders for the plain to be cut through, a distance of seven miles and a half, for the purpose of joining the two gulfs and making an island of Erythrae and Mimas. Near Erythrae formerly stood the towns of Pteleon, Helos, and Dorion; we now find the river Aleon, Corynaion, a Promontory of Mount Mimas, Clazomenae, Parthenie, and Hippi, known by the name of Chytrophoria, when it formed a group of islands; these were united to the continent by the same Alexander, by means of a causeway two stadia in length. In the interior, the cities of Daphnus, Hermesia, and Sipylum, formerly called Tantalis, and the capital of Maeonia, where Lake Sale now stands, are now no longer in existence: Archaeopolis too, which succeeded Sipylum, has perished, and in their turns Colpe and Libade, which succeeded it. ',
  {'entities': [[16, 23, 'place'],
    [41, 48, 'people'],
    [67, 79, 'ethnic'],
    [67, 75, 'place'],
    [139, 146, 'place'],
    [194, 201, 'person'],
    [202, 208, 'people'],
    [214, 221, 'place'],
    [235, 241, 'place'],
    [314, 319, 'place'],
    [454, 463, 'people'],
    [622, 630, 'place'],
    [314, 319, 'place'],
    [622, 630, 'place'],
    [684, 691, 'place'],
    [704, 710, 'people'],
    [314, 319, 'place'],
    [781, 791, 'place'],
    [808, 813, 'place'],
    [454, 463, 'people'],
    [1019, 1026, 'people'],
    [1042, 1049, 'place'],
    [1067, 1075, 'people'],
    [1096, 1103, 'place'],
    [1042, 1049, 'place']]}],
 ['.4On returning thence towards the coast, at a distance of twelve miles we find Smyrna, originally founded by an Amazon [of that name], and rebuilt by Alexander; it is refreshed by the river Meles, which rises not far off. Through this district run what may almost be called the most famous mountains of Asia, Mastusia in the rear of Smyrna, and Termetis, joining the foot of Olympus. Termetis is joined by Draco, Draco running into Tmolus, Tmolus into Cadmus, and Cadmus into Taurus. Leaving Smyrna, the river Hermus forms a tract of plains, and gives them its own name. It rises near Dorylaion, a city of Phrygia, and in its course receives several rivers, among them the one called the Phryx, which divides Caria from the nation to which it gives name; also the Hyllus and the Cryos, themselves swollen by the rivers of Phrygia, Mysia, and Lydia. At the mouth of the Hermus formerly stood the town of Temnos: we now see at the extremity of the gulf the rocks called Myrmeces, the town of Leuce on a promontory which was once an island, and Phocaea, the frontier town of Ionia. ',
  {'entities': [[79, 85, 'place'],
    [112, 118, 'people'],
    [150, 159, 'people'],
    [190, 195, 'place'],
    [303, 307, 'people'],
    [79, 85, 'place'],
    [375, 382, 'people'],
    [406, 411, 'people'],
    [406, 411, 'people'],
    [432, 438, 'place'],
    [432, 438, 'place'],
    [476, 482, 'place'],
    [79, 85, 'place'],
    [510, 516, 'place'],
    [585, 594, 'place'],
    [606, 613, 'place'],
    [709, 714, 'place'],
    [764, 770, 'people'],
    [606, 613, 'place'],
    [831, 836, 'place'],
    [842, 847, 'place'],
    [510, 516, 'place'],
    [903, 909, 'place'],
    [990, 995, 'people'],
    [1042, 1049, 'place'],
    [1072, 1077, 'place']]}],
 ['.5A great part also of Aeolia, of which we shall have presently to speak, has recourse to the jurisdiction of Smyrna; as well as the Macedones, surnamed Hyrcani, and the Magnetes from Sipylus. But to Ephesus, that other great luminary of Asia, resort the more distant peoples known as the Caesarienses, the Metropolitae, the Cilbiani, both the Lower and Upper, the Mysomacedones, the Mastaurenses, the Briulitae, the Hypaepeni, and the Dioshieritae. ',
  {'entities': [[23, 29, 'place'],
    [110, 116, 'place'],
    [153, 160, 'people'],
    [184, 191, 'place'],
    [200, 207, 'place'],
    [238, 242, 'people']]}],
 ['.1AEOLIS: Aeolis comes next, formerly known as Mysia, and Troas which is adjacent to the Hellespont. Here, after passing Phocaea, we come to the Ascanian Port, then the spot where Larissa stood, and then Cyme, Myrina, also called Sebastopolis, and in the interior, Aegae, Attalia, Posidea, Neontichos, and Temnos. Upon the shore we come to the river Titanus, and the city which from it derives its name. Grynia also stood here on an island reclaimed from the sea and joined to the land: now only its harbours are left. We then come to the town of Elaea, the river Caicus, which flows from Mysia, the town of Pitane, and the river Canaius. The following towns no longer exist: Canae, Lysimachia, Atarnea, Carene, Cisthene, Cilla, Cocylium, Theba, Astyre, Chrysa, Palaescepsis, Gergitha, and Neandros. We then come to the city of Perperene, which still survives, the district of Heracleotes, the town of Coryphas, the rivers Grylios and Ollius, the region of Aphrodisias, which formerly had the name of Politice Orgas, the district of Scepsis, and the river Evenus, on whose banks the towns of Lyrnesos and Miletos have fallen to decay. In this district also is Mount Ida, and on the coast Adramytteos, formerly called Pedasus, which gives its name to the gulf and the jurisdiction so called. The other rivers are the Astron, Cormalos, Crianos, Alabastros, and Hieros, flowing from Mount Ida: in the interior is Mount Gargara, with a town of the same name. Again, on the coast we meet with Antandros, formerly called Edonis, and after that Cimmeris and Assos, also called Apollonia. The town of Palamedium also formerly stood here. The Promontory of Lecton separates Aeolis from Troas. In Aeolis there was formerly the city of Polymedia, as also Chrysa, and a second Larissa. The temple of Smintheus is still standing; Colone in the interior has perished. To Adramyttium resort upon matters of legal business the Apolloniatae, whose town is on the river Rhyndacus, the Erizii, the Miletopolitae, the Poemaneni, the Macedonian Asculacae, the Polichnaei, the Pionitae, the Cilician Mandacadeni, and, in Mysia, the Abrettini, the people known as the Hellespontii, and others of less note. ',
  {'entities': [[10, 16, 'place'],
    [47, 52, 'place'],
    [58, 63, 'place'],
    [89, 99, 'place'],
    [121, 128, 'place'],
    [145, 153, 'demonym'],
    [180, 187, 'place'],
    [204, 208, 'place'],
    [210, 216, 'place'],
    [265, 270, 'place'],
    [290, 300, 'place'],
    [306, 312, 'place'],
    [350, 357, 'place'],
    [404, 410, 'place'],
    [547, 552, 'place'],
    [564, 570, 'place'],
    [47, 52, 'place'],
    [608, 614, 'place'],
    [676, 681, 'place'],
    [683, 693, 'place'],
    [695, 702, 'place'],
    [704, 710, 'place'],
    [712, 720, 'place'],
    [722, 727, 'place'],
    [739, 744, 'place'],
    [746, 752, 'place'],
    [754, 760, 'place'],
    [762, 774, 'place'],
    [776, 784, 'place'],
    [790, 798, 'place'],
    [828, 837, 'place'],
    [877, 888, 'ethnic'],
    [902, 910, 'place'],
    [935, 941, 'people'],
    [1010, 1015, 'people'],
    [1033, 1040, 'place'],
    [1056, 1062, 'people'],
    [1092, 1100, 'place'],
    [1105, 1112, 'people'],
    [1166, 1169, 'place'],
    [1188, 1199, 'place'],
    [1217, 1224, 'people'],
    [1166, 1169, 'place'],
    [1416, 1423, 'place'],
    [1488, 1497, 'place'],
    [1551, 1556, 'place'],
    [1593, 1603, 'place'],
    [1648, 1654, 'place'],
    [10, 16, 'place'],
    [58, 63, 'place'],
    [10, 16, 'place'],
    [1725, 1734, 'place'],
    [754, 760, 'place'],
    [180, 187, 'place'],
    [1788, 1797, 'people'],
    [1817, 1823, 'place'],
    [1857, 1868, 'place'],
    [1911, 1923, 'ethnic'],
    [1952, 1961, 'place'],
    [1979, 1992, 'ethnic'],
    [1998, 2007, 'ethnic'],
    [2013, 2023, 'demonym'],
    [2055, 2063, 'ethnic'],
    [2069, 2077, 'demonym'],
    [47, 52, 'place'],
    [2145, 2157, 'people']]}],
 ['.1TROAS AND THE ADJOINING NATIONS: The first place in Troas is Hamaxitus, then Cebrenia, and then Troas itself, formerly called Antigonia, and now Alexandria, a Roman colony. We then come to the town of Nee, the Scamander, a navigable river, and the spot where in former times the town of Sigeum stood, upon a promontory. We next come to the Port of the Achaeans, into which the Xanthus flows after its union with the Simois, and forms the Palaescamander, which was formerly a lake. The other rivers, rendered famous by Homer, namely, the Rhesus, the Heptaporus, the Caresus, and the Rhodius, have left no vestiges of their existence. The Granicus, taking a different route, flows into the Propontis. The small city of Scamandria, however, still exists, and, at a distance of a mile and a half from its harbour, Ilium, a place exempt from tribute, the fountain-head of universal fame. Beyond the gulf are the shores of Rhoeteum, peopled by the towns of Rhoeteum, Dardanium, and Arisbe. There was also in former times a town of Achilleon, founded near the tomb of Achilles by the people of Mitylene, and afterwards rebuilt by the Athenians, close to the spot where his fleet had been stationed near Sigeum. There was also the town of Aeantion, founded by the Rhodians upon the opposite point, near the tomb of Ajax, at a distance of thirty stadia from Sigeum, near the spot where his fleet was stationed. Above Aeolis and part of Troas, in the interior, is the place called Teuthrania, inhabited in ancient times by the Mysians. Here rises the river Caicus already mentioned. Teuthrania was a powerful nation in itself, even when the whole of Aeolis was held by the Mysians. In it are the Pioniae, Andera, Cale, Stabulum, Conisium, Teium, Balcea, Tiare, Teuthranie, Sarnaca, Haliserne, Lycide, Parthenium, Thymbre, Oxyopum, Lygdamum, Apollonia, and Pergamum, by far the most famous city in Asia, and through which the river Selinus runs; the Cetius, which rises in Mount Pindasus, flowing before it. Not far from it is Elaea, which we have mentioned as situated on the sea-shore. The jurisdiction of this district is called that of Pergamus; to it resort the Thyatireni, the Mosyni, the Mygdones, the Bregmeni, the Hierocometae, the Perpereni, the Tiareni, the Hierolophienses, the Hermocapelitae, the Attalenses, the Panteenses, the Apollonidienses, and some other states unknown to fame. The little town of Dardanum is distant from Rhoeteum seventy stadia. Eighteen miles thence is the Promontory of Trapeza, from which spot the Hellespont first commences its course. ',
  {'entities': [[54, 59, 'place'],
    [63, 72, 'place'],
    [79, 87, 'place'],
    [147, 157, 'place'],
    [203, 206, 'place'],
    [212, 221, 'place'],
    [289, 295, 'place'],
    [379, 386, 'place'],
    [418, 424, 'place'],
    [520, 525, 'people'],
    [539, 545, 'people'],
    [551, 561, 'people'],
    [567, 574, 'people'],
    [584, 591, 'people'],
    [639, 647, 'place'],
    [690, 699, 'place'],
    [719, 729, 'place'],
    [812, 817, 'place'],
    [919, 927, 'place'],
    [919, 927, 'place'],
    [963, 972, 'place'],
    [978, 984, 'place'],
    [1027, 1036, 'place'],
    [1063, 1071, 'people'],
    [1089, 1097, 'place'],
    [1129, 1138, 'ethnic'],
    [289, 295, 'place'],
    [1233, 1241, 'people'],
    [1258, 1266, 'ethnic'],
    [1309, 1313, 'people'],
    [289, 295, 'place'],
    [1410, 1416, 'place'],
    [54, 59, 'place'],
    [1473, 1483, 'place'],
    [1519, 1526, 'ethnic'],
    [1549, 1555, 'place'],
    [1473, 1483, 'place'],
    [1410, 1416, 'place'],
    [1519, 1526, 'ethnic'],
    [1688, 1695, 'place'],
    [1705, 1709, 'place'],
    [1746, 1751, 'place'],
    [1753, 1763, 'place'],
    [1774, 1783, 'place'],
    [1805, 1812, 'place'],
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 ['.2Eratosthenes tells us that in Asia there have perished the nations of the Solymi, the Leleges, the Bebryces, the Colycantii, and the Tripsedri. Isidorus adds to these the Arimi, as also the Capretae, settled on the spot where Apamea stands, which was founded by King Seleucus, between Cilicia, Cappadocia, Cataonia, and Armenia, and was at first called Damea, from the fact that it had conquered nations most remarkable for their fierceness. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 14, 'people'],
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    [88, 95, 'ethnic'],
    [101, 109, 'people'],
    [146, 154, 'people'],
    [228, 234, 'place'],
    [269, 277, 'people'],
    [287, 294, 'place'],
    [296, 306, 'place'],
    [308, 316, 'place'],
    [322, 329, 'place']]}],
 [".1THE ISLANDS WHICH LIE IN FRONT OF ASIA: Of the islands which lie before Asia the first is the one situate in the Canopic Mouth of the Nile, and which received its name, it is said, from Canopus, the pilot of Menelaus. A second, called Pharos, is joined by a bridge to Alexandria, and was made a colony by the Dictator Caesar. In former times it was one day's sail from the mainland of Egypt; at the present day it directs ships in their course by means of the fires which are lighted at night on the tower there; for in consequence of the insidious nature of the shoals, there are only three channels by which Alexandria can be approached, those of Steganus, Posideum and Taurus. ",
  {'entities': [[74, 78, 'people'],
    [136, 140, 'place'],
    [188, 195, 'place'],
    [210, 218, 'people'],
    [237, 243, 'place'],
    [270, 280, 'place'],
    [320, 326, 'people'],
    [387, 392, 'place'],
    [270, 280, 'place']]}],
 ['.2In the Phoenician Sea, before Joppe there is the island of Paria, the whole of it forming a town. Here, they say, Andromeda was exposed to the monster: the island also of Arados, already mentioned, between which and the continent, as we learn from Mucianus, at a depth of fifty cubits in the sea, fresh water is brought up from a spring at the very bottom by means of leather pipes. ',
  {'entities': [[9, 19, 'demonym'],
    [32, 37, 'place'],
    [61, 66, 'people'],
    [116, 125, 'people'],
    [173, 179, 'place'],
    [250, 258, 'people']]}],
 ['.1CYPRUS: The Pamphylian Sea contains some islands of little note. The Cilician, besides four others of very considerable size, has Cyprus, which lies opposite to the shores of Cilicia and Syria, running east and west; in former times it was the seat of nine kingdoms. Timosthenes states that the circumference of this island is 427 miles, Isidorus 375; its length, between the two Promontories of Dinae and Acamas lying on the west, is, according to Artemidorus, 160 1/2 miles, according to Timosthenes, 200. Philonides says that it was formerly called Acamantis, Xenagoras that it had the names of Cerastis, Aspelia, Amathusia, and Macaria, while Astynomus gives it the names of Cryptos and Colinia. Its towns are fifteen in number, Nea Paphos, Palaepaphos, Curias, Citium, Corinaeum, Salamis, Amathus, Lapethos, Soloi, Tamasos, Epidarum, Chytri, Arsinoe, Carpasium, and Golgi. The towns of Cinyria, Marium, and Idalium are no longer in existence. It is distant from Anemurium in Cilicia fifty miles; the sea which runs between the two shores being called the Channel of Cilicia. In the same locality is the island of Eleusa, and the four islands known as the Cleides, lying before the promontory which faces Syria; and again at the end of the other cape is Stiria; off Nea Paphos is Hierocepia, and opposite to Salamis are the Salaminiae. ',
  {'entities': [[14, 24, 'demonym'],
    [71, 79, 'demonym'],
    [132, 138, 'place'],
    [71, 78, 'place'],
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    [340, 348, 'people'],
    [408, 414, 'place'],
    [451, 462, 'people'],
    [269, 280, 'people'],
    [510, 520, 'people'],
    [554, 563, 'people'],
    [565, 574, 'people'],
    [634, 641, 'people'],
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    [747, 758, 'place'],
    [760, 766, 'place'],
    [768, 774, 'place'],
    [776, 785, 'place'],
    [787, 794, 'place'],
    [619, 626, 'place'],
    [805, 813, 'place'],
    [815, 820, 'place'],
    [822, 829, 'place'],
    [841, 847, 'place'],
    [849, 856, 'place'],
    [858, 867, 'place'],
    [873, 878, 'place'],
    [893, 900, 'place'],
    [902, 908, 'place'],
    [914, 921, 'place'],
    [969, 978, 'place'],
    [71, 78, 'place'],
    [71, 78, 'place'],
    [1120, 1126, 'place'],
    [1162, 1169, 'place'],
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    [1260, 1266, 'people'],
    [735, 745, 'place'],
    [1286, 1296, 'place'],
    [787, 794, 'place']]}],
 ['.2In the Lycian Sea are the islands of Illyris, Telendos, and Attelebussa, the three barren isles called Cypriae, and Dionysia, formerly called Caretha. Opposite to the Promontory of Taurus are the Chelidoniae, as many in number, and extremely dangerous to mariners. Further on we find Leucolla with its town, the Pactyae, Lasia, Nymphais, Macris, and Megista, the city on which last no longer exists. After these there are many that are not worthy of notice. Opposite, however, to Cape Chimaera is Dolichiste, Choerogylion, Crambussa, Rhoge, Enagora, eight miles in circumference, the two islands of Daedala, the three of Crya, Strongyle, and over against Sidyma the isle of Antiochus. Towards the mouth of the river Glaucus, there are Lagussa, Macris, Didymae Helbo, Scope, Aspis, Telandria, the town of which no longer exists, and, in the vicinity of Caunus, Rhodussa. ',
  {'entities': [[9, 15, 'demonym'],
    [118, 126, 'people'],
    [183, 189, 'place'],
    [198, 209, 'place'],
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    [323, 328, 'people'],
    [340, 346, 'people'],
    [352, 359, 'place'],
    [487, 495, 'people'],
    [536, 541, 'place'],
    [601, 608, 'place'],
    [623, 627, 'place'],
    [657, 663, 'place'],
    [676, 685, 'people'],
    [718, 725, 'people'],
    [340, 346, 'people'],
    [783, 792, 'place'],
    [854, 860, 'place']]}],
 ['.1RHODES. But the fairest of them all is the free island of Rhodes, 125, or, if we would rather believe Isidorus, 103 miles in circumference. It contains the inhabited cities of Lindos, Camirus, and Ialysus, now called Rhodos. It is distant from Alexandria in Egypt, according to Isidorus, 583 miles; but, according to Eratosthenes, 469. Mucianus says, that its distance from Cyprus is 166. This island was formerly called Ophiussa, Asteria, Aethria, Trinacrie, Corymbia, Poeeessa, Atabyria, from the name of one of its kings; and, in later times, Macaria and Oloessa. The islands of the Rhodians are Carpathus, which has given its name to the surrounding sea; Casos, formerly known as Achne [Hagne?]; Eulimna, Nisyros, twelve miles distant from Cnidos, and formerly called Porphyris; and, in the same vicinity, midway between Rhodes and Cnidos, Syme. This island is thirty-seven miles and a half in circumference, and welcomes us with eight fine harbours. Besides these islands, there are, in the vicinity of Rhodes, those of Cyclopis, Teganon, Cordylussa, the four islands called Diabetae, Hymos, Chalce, with its city of that name, Teutlusa, Narthecusa, Dimastos, Progne; and, off Cnidos, Cisserussa, Therionarcia, and Calydna with three towns, Notium, Nisyros, and Mendeterus. In Arconnesus there is the town of Ceramus. Off the coast of Caria, there are the islands known as the Argiae, twenty in number; also Hyetussa, Lepsia, and Leros. ',
  {'entities': [[60, 66, 'place'],
    [104, 112, 'people'],
    [178, 184, 'place'],
    [186, 193, 'place'],
    [199, 206, 'place'],
    [219, 225, 'place'],
    [246, 256, 'place'],
    [260, 265, 'place'],
    [104, 112, 'people'],
    [319, 331, 'people'],
    [338, 346, 'people'],
    [376, 382, 'place'],
    [423, 431, 'people'],
    [433, 440, 'people'],
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    [601, 610, 'place'],
    [661, 666, 'place'],
    [702, 709, 'place'],
    [711, 718, 'place'],
    [746, 752, 'place'],
    [774, 783, 'people'],
    [60, 66, 'place'],
    [746, 752, 'place'],
    [846, 850, 'place'],
    [60, 66, 'place'],
    [1082, 1090, 'place'],
    [1092, 1097, 'place'],
    [1099, 1105, 'place'],
    [1135, 1143, 'place'],
    [1145, 1155, 'place'],
    [1157, 1165, 'place'],
    [1167, 1173, 'people'],
    [746, 752, 'place'],
    [1222, 1229, 'place'],
    [711, 718, 'place'],
    [1284, 1294, 'place'],
    [1316, 1323, 'place'],
    [1342, 1347, 'place'],
    [1384, 1390, 'place'],
    [1425, 1431, 'place'],
    [1437, 1442, 'place']]}],
 ['.2The most noted island, however, in this gulf is that of Cos, fifteen miles distant from Halicarnassus, and 100 in circumference, according to the opinion of many writers. It was formerly called Merope; according to Staphylus, Cea; Meropis, as Dionysius tells us; and, after that, Nymphaea. In this island there is Mount Prion. Nisyros, formerly called Porphyris, is supposed to have been severed from the island of Cos. We next come to the island of Caryanda, with a city of that name, and that of Pidosus, not far from Halicarnassus. In the Ceramicus Gulf we also find Priaponnesos, Hipponnesos, Psyra, Mya, Lampsa, Aemyndus, Passala, Crusa, Pinnicussa, Sepiussa, and Melano. At a short distance from the mainland is an island which bears the name of Cinaedopolis, from the circumstance that King Alexander left behind there certain persons of a most disgraceful character. ',
  {'entities': [[58, 61, 'place'],
    [90, 103, 'place'],
    [217, 226, 'people'],
    [245, 254, 'people'],
    [322, 327, 'place'],
    [329, 336, 'place'],
    [58, 61, 'place'],
    [452, 460, 'place'],
    [90, 103, 'place'],
    [544, 553, 'place'],
    [629, 636, 'place'],
    [800, 809, 'people']]}],
 ['.1SAMOS: The coast of Ionia has the islands of Trageae, Corseae, and Icaros, which has been previously mentioned; Lade, formerly called Late; and, among others of no note, the two Camelidae, in the vicinity of Miletus; and the three Trogiliae, near Mycale, consisting of Philion, Argennon, and Sandalion. There is Samos also, a free island, eighty-seven miles in circumference, or, according to Isidorus, 100. Aristotle tells us, that it was at first called Parthenia, after that Dryussa, and then Anthemussa. To these names Aristocritus has added Melamphyllus and Cyparissia: other writers, again, call it Parthenoarrhussa and Stephane. The rivers of this island are the Imbrasus, the Chesius, and the Hibiethes (Ibettes). There are also the springs of Gigartho and Leucothea; and Mount Cercetius. In the vicinity of Samos are the islands of Rhypara, Nymphaea, and Achillea. ',
  {'entities': [[22, 27, 'place'],
    [47, 54, 'place'],
    [56, 63, 'place'],
    [69, 75, 'place'],
    [114, 118, 'place'],
    [210, 217, 'place'],
    [233, 242, 'place'],
    [249, 255, 'place'],
    [271, 278, 'people'],
    [280, 288, 'place'],
    [294, 303, 'people'],
    [314, 319, 'place'],
    [395, 403, 'people'],
    [410, 419, 'people'],
    [458, 467, 'people'],
    [525, 537, 'people'],
    [672, 680, 'place'],
    [686, 693, 'place'],
    [767, 776, 'people'],
    [314, 319, 'place']]}],
 ['.1CHIOS: At a distance of ninety-four miles from Samos is the free island of Chios, its equal in fame, with a town of the same name. Ephorus says, that the ancient name of this island was Aethalia: Metrodorus and Cleobulus tell us, that it had the name of Chia from the nymph Chione; others again say, that it was so called from the word signifying snow; it was also called Macris and Pityusa. It has a mountain called Pelennaeus; and the Chian marble is well known. It is 125 miles in circumference, according to the ancient writers; Isidorus however makes it nine more. It is situate between Samos and Lesbos, and, for the most part, lies opposite to Erythrae. ',
  {'entities': [[49, 54, 'place'],
    [77, 82, 'place'],
    [133, 140, 'people'],
    [198, 208, 'people'],
    [213, 222, 'people'],
    [276, 282, 'people'],
    [419, 429, 'place'],
    [439, 444, 'demonym'],
    [535, 543, 'people'],
    [49, 54, 'place'],
    [604, 610, 'place'],
    [653, 661, 'place']]}],
 ['.2The adjacent islands are Thallusa, by some writers called Daphnusa, Oenussa, Elaphitis, Euryanassa, and Arginusa, with a town of that name. All these islands are in the vicinity of Ephesus, as also those called the Islands of Pisistratus, Anthinae, Myonnesos, Diarreusa, — in both of these last there were cities, now no longer in existence, — Poroselene, with a city of that name, Cerciae, Halone, Commone, Illetia, Lepria and Rhesperia, Procusae, Bolbulae, Phanae, Priapos, Syce, Melane, Aenare, Sidusa, Pele, Drymusa, Anhydros, Scopelos, Sycussa, Marathussa, Psile, Perirreusa, and many others of no note. In the main sea lies the celebrated island of Teos, with a city of that name, seventy-one miles [sic] and a half distant from Chios, and the same from the Erythrae. ',
  {'entities': [[70, 77, 'place'],
    [90, 100, 'people'],
    [106, 114, 'place'],
    [183, 190, 'place'],
    [251, 260, 'place'],
    [346, 356, 'place'],
    [393, 399, 'place'],
    [461, 467, 'people'],
    [500, 506, 'place'],
    [657, 661, 'place'],
    [737, 742, 'place'],
    [766, 774, 'place']]}],
 ['.3In the vicinity of Smyrna are the Peristerides, Carteria, Alopece, Elaeussa, Bachina, Pystira, Crommyonnesos, and Megale. Facing Troas there are the Ascaniae, and the three islands called Plateae. We find also the Lamiae, the two islands called Plitaniae, Plate, Scopelos, Getone, Arthedon, Coelae, Lagussae, and Didymae. ',
  {'entities': [[21, 27, 'place'],
    [131, 136, 'place'],
    [301, 309, 'people']]}],
 ['.1LESBOS: But Lesbos, distant from Chios sixty-five miles, is the most celebrated of them all. It was formerly called Himerte, Lasia, Pelasgia, Aegira, Aethiope, and Macaria, and is famous for its nine cities. Of these, however, that of Pyrrha has been swallowed up by the sea, Arisbe has perished by an earthquake, and Methymna is now united to Antissa; these lie in the vicinity of nine cities of Asia, along a coast of thirty-seven miles. The towns of Agamede and Hiera have also perished. Eresos, Pyrrha, and the free city of Mitylene, still survive, the last of which was a powerful city for a space of 1500 years. The circumference of the whole island is, according to Isidorus, 168 miles, but the older writers say 195. Its mountains are, Lepethymnus, Ordymnus, Maicistus, Creon, and Olympus. It is distant seven miles and a half from the nearest point of the mainland. The islands in its vicinity are Sandaleon, and the five called Leucae; Cydonea, which is one of them, contains a warm spring. The Arginussae are four miles distant from Aege; after them come Phellusa and Pedna. Beyond the Hellespont, and opposite the shore of Sigeum, lies Tenedos, also known by the names of Leucophrys, Phoenice, and Lyrnesos. It is distant from Lesbos fifty-six miles, and twelve and a half from Sigeum. ',
  {'entities': [[14, 20, 'place'],
    [35, 40, 'place'],
    [127, 132, 'people'],
    [166, 173, 'people'],
    [237, 243, 'place'],
    [278, 284, 'place'],
    [320, 328, 'place'],
    [346, 353, 'place'],
    [399, 403, 'people'],
    [455, 462, 'people'],
    [467, 472, 'place'],
    [493, 499, 'place'],
    [237, 243, 'place'],
    [530, 538, 'place'],
    [675, 683, 'people'],
    [746, 757, 'place'],
    [759, 767, 'place'],
    [909, 918, 'place'],
    [948, 955, 'people'],
    [1007, 1017, 'place'],
    [1046, 1050, 'place'],
    [1099, 1109, 'place'],
    [1137, 1143, 'place'],
    [1150, 1157, 'place'],
    [14, 20, 'place'],
    [1137, 1143, 'place']]}],
 ['.1THE HELLESPONT AND MYSIA: The tide of the Hellespont now begins to run with greater violence, and the sea beats against the shore, undermining with its eddies the barriers that stand in its way, until it has succeeded in separating Asia from Europe. At this spot is the promontory which we have already mentioned as Trapeza; ten miles distant from which is the city of Abydos, where the straits are only seven stadia wide; then the town of Percote; Lampsacus, at first called Pityusa; the colony of Parium, which Homer calls by the name of Adrastia; the town of Priapos; the river Aesepus; Zelia; and then the Propontis, that being the name given to the tract of sea where it enlarges. We then come to the river Granicus, and the harbour of Artace, where a town formerly stood. Beyond this is an island which Alexander joined to the continent, and upon which is Cyzicus, a city of the Milesians, which was formerly called Arctonnesos, Dolionis, and Dindymis; above it are the heights of Mount Dindymus. We then come to the towns of Placia, Ariace, and Scylace; in the rear of which places is Mount Olympus, known as the "Mysian Olympus," and the city of Olympena. There are also the rivers Horisius and Rhyndacus, formerly called the Lycus; this last river rises in Lake Artynias, near Miletopolis, and receives the Macestos, and many other streams, dividing in its course Asia from Bithynia. ',
  {'entities': [[44, 54, 'place'],
    [234, 238, 'people'],
    [371, 377, 'place'],
    [442, 449, 'place'],
    [451, 460, 'place'],
    [501, 507, 'place'],
    [515, 520, 'people'],
    [542, 550, 'place'],
    [564, 571, 'place'],
    [583, 590, 'place'],
    [592, 597, 'place'],
    [612, 621, 'place'],
    [714, 722, 'place'],
    [743, 749, 'place'],
    [811, 820, 'people'],
    [864, 871, 'place'],
    [887, 896, 'ethnic'],
    [924, 935, 'place'],
    [951, 959, 'people'],
    [995, 1003, 'place'],
    [1034, 1040, 'place'],
    [1054, 1061, 'place'],
    [1100, 1107, 'place'],
    [1123, 1129, 'demonym'],
    [1100, 1107, 'place'],
    [1205, 1214, 'place'],
    [1288, 1299, 'place'],
    [234, 238, 'people'],
    [1385, 1393, 'place']]}],
 ['.2This country was at first called by the name of Cronia, after that, Thessalis, and then Malianda and Strymonis. The people of it are by Homer called Halizones, from the fact that it was a nation begirt by the sea. There was formerly a vast city here, Attussa by name; at present there are twelve cities in existence; among which is Gordiucome, otherwise Juliopolis; and, on the coast, Dascylos. We then come to the river Gelbes; and, in the interior, the town of Helgas, or Germanicopolis, which has also the other name of Booseoete Apamea, now more generally known as Myrlea of the Colophonians: the river Etheleus also. the ancient boundary of Troas, and the commencement of Mysia. Next to this comes the gulf into which the river Ascanius flows, the town of Bryllion, and the rivers Hylas and Cius, with a town of the same name as the last-mentioned river; it was founded by the Milesians at a place which was called Ascania of Phrygia, as an entrepot for the trade of the Phrygians who dwelt in the vicinity. We may therefore look upon this as a not ineligible opportunity for making further mention of Phrygia. ',
  {'entities': [[138, 143, 'people'],
    [151, 160, 'people'],
    [387, 395, 'people'],
    [571, 577, 'place'],
    [585, 597, 'ethnic'],
    [609, 617, 'people'],
    [648, 653, 'place'],
    [679, 684, 'place'],
    [735, 743, 'people'],
    [763, 771, 'place'],
    [788, 793, 'people'],
    [798, 802, 'place'],
    [884, 893, 'ethnic'],
    [933, 940, 'place'],
    [978, 987, 'ethnic'],
    [933, 940, 'place']]}],
 ['.1PHRYGIA: Phrygia lies above Troas, and the peoples already mentioned as extending from the Promontory of Lectum to the river Etheleus. On its northern side it borders upon Galatia, on the south it joins Lycaonia, Pisidia, and Mygdonia, and, on the east, it touches upon Cappadocia. The more celebrated towns there, besides those already mentioned, are Ancyra, Andria, Celaenae, Colossae, Carina, Cotyaion, Ceraine, Conium, and Midaium. There are authors who say that the Moesi, the Brygi, and the Thyni crossed over from Europe, and that from them are descended the peoples called the Mysi, Phryges, and Bithyni. ',
  {'entities': [[11, 18, 'place'],
    [30, 35, 'place'],
    [107, 113, 'place'],
    [127, 135, 'people'],
    [174, 181, 'place'],
    [205, 213, 'place'],
    [215, 222, 'place'],
    [228, 236, 'place'],
    [272, 282, 'place'],
    [354, 360, 'place'],
    [362, 368, 'people'],
    [370, 378, 'place'],
    [380, 388, 'place'],
    [398, 406, 'place'],
    [484, 489, 'ethnic'],
    [499, 504, 'ethnic'],
    [587, 591, 'ethnic'],
    [593, 600, 'people']]}],
 ['.GALATIA AND THE ADJOINING NATIONS. On this occasion also it seems that we ought to speak of Galatia, which lies above Phrygia, and includes the greater part of the territory taken from that province, as also its former capital, Gordium. The Gauls who have settled in these parts, are called the Tolistobogii, the Voturi, and the Ambitouti; those who dwell in Maeonia and Paphlagonia are called the Trocmi. Cappadocia stretches along to the north-east of Galatia, its most fertile parts being possessed by the Tectosages and the Teutobodiaci. These are the nations by which those parts are occupied; and they are divided into peoples and tetrarchies, 195 in number. Its towns are, among the Tectosages, Ancyra; among the Trocmi, Tavium; and, among the Tolistobogi, Pessinus. Besides the above, the best known among the peoples of this region are the Actalenses, the Arasenses, the Comenses, the Didienses, the Hierorenses, the Lystreni, the Neapolitani, the Oeandenses, the Seleucenses, the Sebasteni, the Timoniacenses, and the Thebaseni. Galatia also touches upon Carbalia in Pamphylia, and the Milyae, about Baris; also upon Cyllanticum and Oroandicum, a district of Pisidia, and Obizene, a part of Lycaonia. Besides those already mentioned, its rivers are the Sangarius and the Gallus, from which last the priests of the Mother of the Gods have taken their name. ',
  {'entities': [[93, 100, 'place'],
    [119, 126, 'place'],
    [229, 236, 'place'],
    [296, 308, 'people'],
    [360, 367, 'place'],
    [372, 383, 'place'],
    [399, 405, 'people'],
    [407, 417, 'place'],
    [93, 100, 'place'],
    [510, 520, 'people'],
    [510, 520, 'people'],
    [703, 709, 'place'],
    [399, 405, 'people'],
    [729, 735, 'place'],
    [296, 307, 'people'],
    [765, 773, 'place'],
    [941, 952, 'ethnic'],
    [93, 100, 'place'],
    [1078, 1087, 'place'],
    [1097, 1103, 'people'],
    [1111, 1116, 'place'],
    [1170, 1177, 'place'],
    [1202, 1210, 'place'],
    [1264, 1273, 'place'],
    [1282, 1288, 'people']]}],
 ['.1BITHYNIA: And now as to the remaining places on this coast. On the road from Cius into the interior is Prusa, in Bithynia, founded by Hannibal at the foot of Olympus, at a distance of twenty-five miles from Nicaea, Lake Ascanius lying between them. We then come to Nicaea, formerly called Olbia, and situate at the bottom of the Ascanian Gulf; as also a second place called Prusa, at the foot of Mount Hypius. Pythopolis, Parthenopolis, and Coryphanta are no longer in existence. Along the coast we find the rivers Aesius, Bryazon, Plataneus, Areus, Aesyros, Geodos, also called Chrysorroas, and the promontory upon which once stood the town of Megarice. The gulf that here runs inland received the name of Craspedites from the circumstance of that town lying, as it were, upon its skirt. Astacum, also, formerly stood here, from which the same gulf has received the name of the \'Astacenian\': the town of Libyssa formerly stood at the spot where we now see nothing but the tomb of Hannibal. At the bottom of the gulf lies Nicomedia, a famous city of Bithynia; then comes the Promontory of Leucatas, by which the Astacenian Gulf is bounded, and thirty-seven miles distant from Nicomedia; and then, the land again approaching the other side, the straits which extend as far as the Thracian Bosporus. Upon these are situate Chalcedon, a free town, sixty-two miles from Nicomedia, formerly called Procerastis, then Colpusa, and after that the "City of the Blind," from the circumstance that its founders did not know where to build their city, Byzantium being only seven stadia distant, a site which is preferable in every respect. ',
  {'entities': [[79, 83, 'place'],
    [105, 110, 'place'],
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    [160, 167, 'place'],
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    [217, 230, 'place'],
    [209, 215, 'place'],
    [291, 296, 'place'],
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    [412, 422, 'place'],
    [517, 523, 'people'],
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    [581, 592, 'people'],
    [647, 655, 'people'],
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    [1024, 1033, 'place'],
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    [882, 892, 'demonym'],
    [1024, 1033, 'place'],
    [1290, 1298, 'place'],
    [1323, 1332, 'place'],
    [1024, 1033, 'place'],
    [1542, 1551, 'place']]}],
 ['.2In the interior of Bithynia are the colony of Apamea, the Agrippenses, the Juliopolitae, and Bithynion; the rivers Syrium, Laphias, Pharnacias, Alces, Serinis, Lilaeus, Scopius, and Hieras, which separates Bithynia from Galatia. Beyond Chalcedon formerly stood Chrysopolis, and then Nicopolis, of which the gulf, upon which stands the Port of Amycus, still retains the name; then the Promontory of Naulochum, and Estiae, a temple of Neptune. We then come to the Bosporus, which again separates Asia from Europe, the distance across being half a mile; it is distant twelve miles and a half from Chalcedon. The first entrance of this strait is eight miles and three-quarters wide, at the place where the town of Spiropolis formerly stood. The Thyni occupy the whole of the coast, the Bithyni the interior. This is the termination of Asia, and of the 282 peoples, that are to be found between the Gulf of Lycia and this spot. We have already mentioned the length of the Hellespont and Propontis to the Thracian Bosporus as being 239 miles; from Chalcedon to Sigeum, Isidorus makes the distance 322 1/2. ',
  {'entities': [[21, 29, 'place'],
    [48, 54, 'place'],
    [95, 104, 'place'],
    [162, 169, 'people'],
    [184, 190, 'people'],
    [21, 29, 'place'],
    [222, 229, 'place'],
    [238, 247, 'place'],
    [263, 274, 'place'],
    [345, 351, 'place'],
    [400, 409, 'people'],
    [435, 442, 'people'],
    [464, 472, 'place'],
    [496, 500, 'people'],
    [238, 247, 'place'],
    [743, 748, 'ethnic'],
    [496, 500, 'people'],
    [904, 909, 'place'],
    [969, 979, 'place'],
    [984, 993, 'place'],
    [464, 472, 'place'],
    [238, 247, 'place'],
    [1057, 1063, 'place'],
    [1065, 1073, 'people']]}],
 ['.1THE ISLANDS OF THE PROPONTIS: The islands of the Propontis are, before Cyzicus, Elaphonnesus, from whence comes the Cyzican marble; it is also known by the names of Neuris and Proconnesus. Next come Ophiussa, Acanthus, Phoebe, Scopelos, Porphyrione, Halone, with a city of that name, Delphacia, Polydora, and Artaceon, with its city. There is also, opposite to Nicomedia, Demonnesos; and, beyond Heraclea, and opposite to Bithynia, the island of Thynias, by the barbarians called Bithynia; the island of Antiochia: and, at the mouth of the Rhyndacus, Besbicos, eighteen miles in circumference; the islands also of Elaea, the two called Rhodussae, and those of Erebinthus, Megale, Chalcitis, and Pityodes. ',
  {'entities': [[51, 60, 'place'],
    [73, 80, 'place'],
    [82, 94, 'place'],
    [118, 125, 'demonym'],
    [167, 173, 'people'],
    [178, 189, 'place'],
    [201, 209, 'place'],
    [211, 219, 'people'],
    [221, 227, 'people'],
    [252, 258, 'place'],
    [297, 305, 'people'],
    [363, 372, 'place'],
    [374, 384, 'place'],
    [398, 406, 'place'],
    [424, 432, 'place'],
    [448, 455, 'place'],
    [424, 432, 'place'],
    [542, 551, 'place'],
    [553, 561, 'people'],
    [638, 647, 'place'],
    [674, 680, 'place'],
    [682, 691, 'place']]}],
 ['.1THE EUXINE AND THE MARYANDINI: THE Euxine Sea, which in former times had the name of Axenus, from the savage and inhospitable character of the nations living on its borders, by a peculiar whim of nature, which is continually giving way before the greedy inroads of the sea, lies between Europe and Asia. It was not enough for the ocean to have surrounded the earth, and then deprived us of a considerable portion of it, thus rendering still greater its uninhabitable proportion; it was not enough for it to have forced a passage through the mountains, to have torn away Calpe from Africa, and to have swallowed up a much larger space than it left untouched; it was not enough for it to have poured its tide into the Propontis through the Hellespont, after swallowing up still more of the dry land — for beyond the Bosporus, as well, it opens with its insatiate appetite upon another space of immense extent, until the Maeotian lakes unite their ravening waters with it as it ranges far and wide. ',
  {'entities': [[37, 43, 'place'],
    [87, 93, 'people'],
    [300, 304, 'people'],
    [572, 577, 'place'],
    [718, 727, 'place'],
    [740, 750, 'place'],
    [816, 824, 'place'],
    [920, 928, 'demonym']]}],
 ['.2That all this has taken place in spite, as it were, of the earth, is manifested by the existence of so many straits and such numbers of narrow passages formed against the will of Nature — that of the Hellespont, being only eight hundred and seventy-five paces in width, while at the two Bosphori (west and east) the passage across may be effected by oxen swimming, a fact from which they have both derived their name. And then besides, although they are thus severed, there are certain points on which these coasts stand in the relation of brotherhood towards each other — the singing of birds and the barking of dogs on the one side can be heard on the other, and an intercourse can be maintained between these two worlds by the medium even of the human voice, if the winds should not happen to carry away the sound thereof. ',
  {'entities': [[202, 212, 'place']]}],
 ['.3The length of the borders of the Euxine from the Bosporus to the Lake Maeotis has been reckoned by some writers at fourteen hundred and thirty-eight miles; Eratosthenes, however, says that it is one hundred less. According to Agrippa, the distance from Chalcedon to the Phasis is one thousand miles, and from that river to the Cimmerian Bosporus three hundred and sixty. We will here give in a general form the distances as they have been ascertained in our own times; for our arms have even penetrated to the very mouth of the Cimmerian Straits. ',
  {'entities': [[35, 41, 'place'],
    [51, 59, 'place'],
    [72, 79, 'place'],
    [158, 170, 'people'],
    [228, 235, 'people'],
    [255, 264, 'place'],
    [272, 278, 'place'],
    [329, 347, 'place'],
    [530, 547, 'place']]}],
 [".4After passing the mouth of the Bosporus we come to the river Rhebas, by some writers called the Rhesus. We next come to Psillis, the port of Calpas, and the Sagaris, a famous river, which rises in Phrygia and receives the waters of other rivers of vast magnitude, among which are the Tembrogius and the Gallus, the last of which is by many called the Sangarius. After leaving the Sagaris the Gulf of the Mariandyni begins, and we come to the town of Heraclea, on the river Lycus; this place is distant from the mouth of the Euxine two hundred miles. The sea-port of Acone comes next, which has a fearful notoriety for its aconite or wolf's-bane, a deadly poison, and then the cavern of Acherusia, the rivers Paedopides, Callichorus, and Sonautes, the town of Tium, distant from Heraclea thirty-eight miles, and the river Billis. ",
  {'entities': [[33, 41, 'place'],
    [63, 69, 'place'],
    [98, 104, 'people'],
    [122, 129, 'people'],
    [143, 149, 'place'],
    [159, 166, 'place'],
    [199, 206, 'place'],
    [305, 311, 'people'],
    [353, 362, 'place'],
    [159, 166, 'place'],
    [406, 416, 'ethnic'],
    [452, 460, 'place'],
    [475, 480, 'place'],
    [526, 532, 'place'],
    [688, 697, 'people'],
    [722, 733, 'people'],
    [761, 765, 'place'],
    [452, 460, 'place']]}],
 ['.1PAPHLAGONIA: Beyond this river begins the nation of Paphlagonia, by some writers called Pylaemenia; it is closed in behind by the country of Galatia. In it are Mastya, a town founded by the Milesians, and then Cromna, at which spot Cornelius Nepos also places the Heneti, from whom he would have us believe that the Veneti of Italy, who have a similar name, are descended. The city also of Sesamon, now called Amastris, Mount Cytorus, distant sixty-three miles from Tium, the towns of Cimolis and Stephane, and the river Parthenius. The promontory of Carambis, which extends a great distance into the sea, is distant from the mouth of the Euxine three hundred and twenty-five miles, or, according to some writers, three hundred and fifty, being the same distance from the Cimmerian Bosporus, or, as some persons think, only three hundred and twelve miles. There was formerly also a town of the same name, and another near it called Armene; we now find there the colony of Sinope, distant from Mount Cytorus one hundred and sixty-four miles. We then come to the river Evarchus, and after that a people of the Cappadocians, the towns of Gaziura and Gazelum, the river Halys, which runs from the foot of Mount Taurus through Cataonia and Cappadocia, the towns of Gangre and Carusa, the free town of Amisus, distant from Sinope one hundred and thirty miles, and a gulf of the same name, of such vast extent as to make Asia assume the form of a peninsula, the isthmus of which is only some two hundred miles in breadth, or a little more, across to the Gulf of Issos in Cilicia. In all this district there are, it is said, only three races that can rightly be termed Greeks, the Dorians, the Ionians, and the Aeolians, all the rest being of barbarian origin. To Amisus was joined the town of Eupatoria, founded by Mithridates: after his defeat they were both included under the name of Pompeiopolis. ',
  {'entities': [[54, 65, 'place'],
    [143, 150, 'place'],
    [192, 201, 'ethnic'],
    [212, 218, 'place'],
    [234, 249, 'people'],
    [266, 272, 'ethnic'],
    [318, 324, 'ethnic'],
    [328, 333, 'place'],
    [412, 420, 'place'],
    [428, 435, 'place'],
    [468, 472, 'place'],
    [523, 533, 'place'],
    [553, 561, 'place'],
    [641, 647, 'place'],
    [774, 792, 'place'],
    [934, 940, 'place'],
    [974, 980, 'place'],
    [428, 435, 'place'],
    [1069, 1077, 'people'],
    [1110, 1122, 'ethnic'],
    [1137, 1144, 'people'],
    [1168, 1173, 'place'],
    [1209, 1215, 'place'],
    [1224, 1232, 'place'],
    [1110, 1120, 'place'],
    [1273, 1279, 'people'],
    [1298, 1304, 'place'],
    [974, 980, 'place'],
    [1416, 1420, 'people'],
    [1566, 1573, 'place'],
    [1675, 1682, 'ethnic'],
    [1688, 1695, 'ethnic'],
    [1705, 1713, 'ethnic'],
    [1298, 1304, 'place'],
    [1788, 1797, 'place'],
    [1810, 1821, 'people'],
    [1882, 1894, 'place']]}],
 ['.1CAPPADOCIA: Cappadocia has in the interior Archelais, a colony founded by Claudius Caesar, and past which the river Halys flows; also the towns of Comana, watered by the Sarus, Neocaesarea, by the Lycus, and Amasia, in the region of Gazacene, washed by the Iris. In Colopene it has Sebastia and Sebastopolis; these are insignificant places, but still equal in importance to those just mentioned. In its remaining districts there is Melita, founded by Semiramis, and not far from the Euphrates, Diocaesarea, Tyana, Castabala, Magnopolis, Zela, and at the foot of Mount Argaeus Mazaca, now called Caesarea. That part of Cappadocia which lies stretched out before the Greater Armenia is called Melitene, before Commagene Cataonia, before Phrygia Garsauritis, Sargarausene, and Cammanene, before Galatia Morimene, where their territories are divided by the river Cappadox, from which this people have taken their name; they were formerly known as the Leucosyri. From Neocaesarea above mentioned, the lesser Armenia is separated by the river Lycus. In the interior also there is the famous river Ceraunus, and on the coast beyond the town of Amisus, the town and river of Chadisia, and the town of Lycastum, after which the region of Themiscyra begins. ',
  {'entities': [[14, 24, 'place'],
    [45, 54, 'place'],
    [76, 91, 'people'],
    [118, 123, 'place'],
    [149, 155, 'place'],
    [179, 190, 'place'],
    [199, 204, 'place'],
    [210, 216, 'place'],
    [235, 243, 'people'],
    [259, 263, 'place'],
    [297, 309, 'place'],
    [453, 462, 'people'],
    [485, 494, 'place'],
    [509, 514, 'place'],
    [516, 525, 'place'],
    [527, 537, 'place'],
    [539, 543, 'place'],
    [570, 577, 'place'],
    [578, 584, 'place'],
    [14, 24, 'place'],
    [675, 682, 'place'],
    [693, 701, 'place'],
    [710, 719, 'place'],
    [720, 728, 'place'],
    [737, 744, 'place'],
    [745, 756, 'demonym'],
    [794, 801, 'place'],
    [802, 810, 'people'],
    [179, 190, 'place'],
    [675, 682, 'place'],
    [199, 204, 'place'],
    [1093, 1101, 'people'],
    [1139, 1145, 'place'],
    [1231, 1241, 'place']]}],
 ['.1THE REGION OF THEMISCYRA, AND THE NATIONS THEREIN: The river Iris brings down to the sea the waters of the Lycus. In the interior is the city of Ziela, famous for the defeat of Triarius and the victory of C. Caesar. Upon the coast there is the river Thermodon, which rises at the fortified place called Phanaroea, and flows past the foot of Mount Amazonius. There was formerly a town of the same name as the river, and five others in all, Amazonium, Themiscyra, Sotira, Amasia, and Comana, now only a Manteium. (4.) We find here the nations of the Genetae, the Chalybes, the town of Cotyorum, the nations of the Tibareni and the Mossyni, who make marks upon their bodies, the people called Macrocephali, the town of Cerasus, the port of Chordule, the nations called the Bechires and the Buzeri, the river Melas, the people called the Macrones, and Sidene with its river Sidenus, by which the town of Polemonium is washed, at a distance from Amisus of one hundred and twenty miles. We next come to the rivers Iasonius on the site of the older city of Side, at the mouth of the Sidenus and Melanthius, and at a distance of eighty miles from Amisus, the town of Pharnacea, the fortress and river of Tripolis; the fortress and river of Philocalia, the fortress of Liviopolis, but not upon a river, and at a distance of one hundred miles from Pharnacia, the free city of Trapezus, shut in by a mountain of vast size. Beyond this town is the nation of the Armenochalybes and the Greater Armenia, at a distance of thirty miles. On the coast, before Trapezus, flows the river Pyxites, and beyond it is the nation of the Sanni Heniochi. Next comes the river Absarus, with a fortress of the same name at its mouth, distant from Trapezus one hundred and forty miles. ',
  {'entities': [[63, 67, 'place'],
    [109, 114, 'place'],
    [147, 152, 'place'],
    [179, 187, 'people'],
    [210, 216, 'people'],
    [252, 261, 'place'],
    [305, 314, 'place'],
    [349, 358, 'people'],
    [452, 462, 'place'],
    [472, 478, 'place'],
    [484, 490, 'place'],
    [563, 571, 'people'],
    [585, 593, 'place'],
    [614, 622, 'ethnic'],
    [631, 638, 'ethnic'],
    [718, 725, 'place'],
    [872, 879, 'people'],
    [902, 912, 'place'],
    [943, 949, 'place'],
    [1010, 1018, 'people'],
    [872, 879, 'people'],
    [1090, 1100, 'people'],
    [943, 949, 'place'],
    [1161, 1170, 'place'],
    [1340, 1349, 'place'],
    [1368, 1376, 'place'],
    [1483, 1490, 'place'],
    [1368, 1376, 'place'],
    [1614, 1619, 'people'],
    [1620, 1628, 'people'],
    [1368, 1376, 'place']]}],
 ['.2At the back of the mountains of this district is Iberia, while on the coast are the Heniochi, the Ampreutae, the Lazi, the rivers Acampsis, Isis, Mogrus, and Bathys, the nations of the Colchi, the town of Matium, the river Heracleum and the promontory of the same name, and the Phasis, the most celebrated river of Pontus. This river rises among the Moschi, and is navigable for the largest vessels a distance of thirty-eight miles and a half, and for small ones very much higher up; it is crossed by one hundred and twenty bridges. It formerly had many cities of note on its banks, the more famous of which were Tyndaris, Circaion, Cygnus, and Phasis at its mouth. But the most celebrated of them all was Aea, fifteen miles distant from the sea, where the Hippos and the Cyaneos, rivers of vast size, flow into it from opposite directions. At the present day its only place of note is Surium, which derives its name from the river which flows at that spot into the Phasis, and up to which place the Phasis is navigable for large vessels, as we have already mentioned. It receives also some other rivers, wonderful for their number and magnitude, and among them the Glaucus. At the mouth of the Phasis, at a distance of seventy miles from Absarus, are some islands, which, however, have no name. After passing this, we come to another river, the Charieis, and the nation of the Salae, by the ancients called Phthirophagi, as also Suani. The river Chobus flows from the Caucasus through the country of the Suani. The river Rhoas comes next, then the region of Ecrectice, the rivers Singames, Tarsuras, Astelephus, Chrysorrhoas, the nation of the Absilae, the castle of Sebastopolis, one hundred miles distant from Phasis, the nation of the Sannigae, the town of Cygnus, and the river and town of Penius. We then come to the tribes of the Heniochi, who are distinguished by numerous names. ',
  {'entities': [[51, 57, 'place'],
    [86, 94, 'people'],
    [115, 119, 'people'],
    [132, 140, 'place'],
    [142, 146, 'place'],
    [148, 154, 'people'],
    [187, 193, 'ethnic'],
    [280, 286, 'place'],
    [317, 323, 'place'],
    [352, 358, 'people'],
    [280, 286, 'place'],
    [280, 286, 'place'],
    [280, 286, 'place'],
    [1168, 1175, 'people'],
    [280, 286, 'place'],
    [1241, 1248, 'place'],
    [1432, 1437, 'people'],
    [1449, 1455, 'people'],
    [1471, 1479, 'place'],
    [1432, 1437, 'people'],
    [1593, 1601, 'people'],
    [1603, 1613, 'people'],
    [1615, 1627, 'people'],
    [280, 286, 'place'],
    [1797, 1803, 'people'],
    [86, 94, 'people']]}],
 ['.2THE REGION OF COLICA, THE NATIONS OF THE ACHAEI, AND OTHER NATIONS IN THE SAME PARTS. Below this lies the region of Pontus known as Colica, in which the mountain chain of Caucasus bends away towards the Riphaean mountains, as we have previously mentioned; one side running down towards the Euxine and the Lake Maeotis, the other towards the Caspian and the Hyrcanian sea. The remaining portion of these shores is peopled by savage nations, the Melanchlaeni, and the Coraxi, who formerly dwelt in Dioscurias, near the river Anthemus, now deserted, but once a famous city; so much so, indeed, that we learn from Timosthenes, that three hundred nations, all of different languages, were in the habit of resorting to it, and in later times we had there one hundred and thirty interpreters for the purpose of transacting business. There are some authors who are of opinion that this place was built by Amphitus and Telchius, the charioteers of Castor and Pollux, from whom it is generally understood that the nation of the Heniochi sprang. After passing Dioscurias we come to the town of Heracleium, seventy miles distant from Sebastopolis, and then the Achaei, the Mardi, and the Cercetae, and, behind them, the Cerri and the Cephalotomi. In the innermost part of this district there was Pityus, a city of very considerable opulence, but destroyed by the Heniochi: behind it are the Epageritae, a people of Sarmatian origin, dwelling upon the range of the Caucasus, and beyond them, the Sauromatae. It was with these people that Mithridates took refuge in the reign of the Emperor Claudius: and from him we learn that the Thalli join up to them, a people who border on the eastern side upon the mouth of the Caspian sea: he tells us also that at the reflux the channel is dry there. Upon the coast of the Euxine, near the country of the Cercetae, is the river Icarusa, with the town and river of Hierus, distant from Heracleium one hundred and thirty-six miles. Next to this, is the promontory of Cruni, after passing which, we find the Toretae upon a lofty ridge of mountains. The city of Sindos is distant from Hierus sixty-seven miles and a half; after passing which, we come to the river Setheries. (6.) From thence to the entrance of the Cimmerian Bosporus the distance is eighty-eight miles and a half. ',
  {'entities': [[118, 124, 'place'],
    [173, 181, 'place'],
    [205, 213, 'place'],
    [292, 298, 'place'],
    [312, 319, 'place'],
    [343, 350, 'demonym'],
    [446, 458, 'people'],
    [468, 474, 'people'],
    [498, 508, 'place'],
    [525, 533, 'people'],
    [612, 623, 'people'],
    [899, 907, 'people'],
    [941, 947, 'people'],
    [952, 958, 'people'],
    [1020, 1028, 'people'],
    [498, 508, 'place'],
    [1178, 1186, 'people'],
    [1286, 1292, 'place'],
    [1020, 1028, 'people'],
    [1405, 1414, 'demonym'],
    [173, 181, 'place'],
    [1485, 1495, 'ethnic'],
    [1527, 1538, 'people'],
    [1579, 1587, 'people'],
    [292, 298, 'place'],
    [1178, 1186, 'people'],
    [1894, 1900, 'people'],
    [1894, 1900, 'people'],
    [2241, 2259, 'place']]}],
 ['.1THE CIMMERIAN BOSPORUS: The length of the peninsula which projects between the Euxine and Lake Maeotis, is not more than sixty-seven miles and a half, and the width across never less than two jugera: it has the name of Eion. The shores of the Bosporus then take a curve both on the side of Europe and of Asia, thus forming the Maeotis. The towns at the entrance of the Bosporus are, first Hermonassa, next Cepi, founded by the Milesians, and then Stratoclia and Phanagoria, and the almost deserted town of Apaturos, and, at the extremity of the mouth, Cimmerium, which was formerly called Cerberion. (7.) We then come to Lake Maeotis, which has been already mentioned in the description of Europe. ',
  {'entities': [[81, 87, 'place'],
    [97, 104, 'place'],
    [221, 225, 'place'],
    [245, 253, 'place'],
    [306, 310, 'people'],
    [97, 104, 'place'],
    [245, 253, 'place'],
    [391, 401, 'place'],
    [408, 412, 'place'],
    [429, 438, 'ethnic'],
    [464, 474, 'place'],
    [554, 563, 'people'],
    [97, 104, 'place']]}],
 ['.1LAKE MAEOTIS AND THE ADJOINING NATIONS: After passing Cimmerium, the coast is inhabited by the Maeotici, the Vali, the Serbi, the Arrechi, the Zingi, and the Psessi. We then come to the river Tanais, which discharges itself into the sea by two mouths, and the banks of which are inhabited by the Sarmatae, the descendants of the Medi, it is said, a people divided into numerous tribes. The first of these are the Sauromatae Gynaecocratumeni, the husbands of the Amazons. Next to them are the Aevazae, the Coitae, the Cicimeni, the Messeniani, the Costobocci, the Choatrae, the Zigae, the Dandarii, the Thyssagetae, and the Iyrcae, as far as certain rugged deserts and densely wooded vallies, beyond which again are the Arimphaei, who extend as far as the Riphaean Mountains. The Scythians call the river Tanais by the name of Silis, and the Maeotis the Temarunda, meaning the "mother of the sea." There is a city also at the mouth of the Tanais. The neighbouring country was inhabited first by the Carians, then by the Clazomenii and Maeones, and after them by the Panticapenses. ',
  {'entities': [[56, 65, 'people'],
    [194, 200, 'place'],
    [298, 306, 'ethnic'],
    [415, 425, 'ethnic'],
    [464, 471, 'people'],
    [549, 559, 'people'],
    [721, 730, 'people'],
    [757, 765, 'place'],
    [781, 790, 'ethnic'],
    [194, 200, 'place'],
    [828, 833, 'people'],
    [843, 850, 'place'],
    [194, 200, 'place'],
    [1000, 1007, 'ethnic'],
    [1036, 1043, 'people']]}],
 ['.2There are some writers who state that there are the following nations dwelling around the Maeotis, as far as the Ceraunian mountains; at a short distance from the shore, the Napitae, and beyond them, the Essedones, who join up to the Colchians, and dwell upon the summits of the mountains: after these again, the Camacae, the Orani, the Autacae, the Mazacasi, the Cantiocae, the Agamathae, the Pici, the Rimosoli, the Acascomarci, and, upon the ridges of the Caucasus, the Itacalae, the Imadochi, the Rami, the Anclacae, the Tydii, the Carastasei, and the Anthiandae. The river Lagous runs from the Cathaean mountains, and into it flows the Opharus. Upon it are the tribes of the Cauthadae, and the Opharitae. Next to these are the rivers Menotharus and Imityes, which flow from the Cissian mountains, among the peoples called the Acdei, the Carnae, the Oscardei, the Accisi, the Gabri, the Gogari, and, around the source of the Imityes, the Imityi, and the Apatraei. Some writers say that the Auchetae, the Athernei, and the Asampatae, Scythian tribes, have made inroads upon this territory, and have destroyed the Tanaitae and the Inapaei to a man. Others again represent the Ocharius as running through the Cantici and the Sapaei, and the Tanais as passing through the territories of the Sarcharcei, the Herticei, the Spondolici, the Synhietae, the Anasi, the Issi, the Catetae, the Tagorae, the Caroni, the Neripi, the Agandei, the Mandarei, the Satarchei, and the Spalei. ',
  {'entities': [[92, 99, 'place'],
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 ['.1THE SITUATION OF CAPPADOCIA: We have now gone over the coast which borders upon the Inner Sea, and have enumerated the various nations that dwell thereon; let us now turn to those vast tracts of land which lie further in the interior. I do not deny that in my description I shall differ very materially from the ancient writers, but still it is one that has been compiled with the most anxious research, from a full examination into the events which have transpired of late in these countries under the command of Domitius Corbulo, and from information received either from kings who have been sent thence to Rome, as suppliants for our mercy, or else the sons of kings who have visited us in the character of hostages. ',
  {'entities': [[516, 524, 'people'],
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 ['.2We will begin then with the nation of the Cappadocians. Of all the countries of Pontus, this extends the greatest distance into the interior. On the left it leaves behind the Lesser and the Greater Armenia, as well as Commagene, and on the right all the nations of the province of Asia which we have previously described. Spreading over numerous peoples, it rises rapidly in elevation in an easterly direction towards the range of Taurus. Then passing Lycaonia, Pisidia, and Cilicia, it advances above the district of Antiochia, the portion of it known as Cataonia extending as far as Cyrrhestica, which forms part of that district. The length of Asia here is twelve hundred and fifty miles, its breadth six hundred and forty. ',
  {'entities': [[44, 56, 'ethnic'],
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    [477, 484, 'place'],
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 ['.1THE LESSER AND THE GREATER ARMENIA: Greater Armenia, beginning at the mountains known as the Paryadres, is separated, as we have already stated, from Cappadocia by the river Euphrates, and, where that river turns off in its course, from Mesopotamia, by the no less famous river Tigris. Both of these rivers take their rise in Armenia, which also forms the commencement of Mesopotamia, a tract of country which lies between these streams; the intervening space between them being occupied by the Arabian Orei. It thus extends its frontier as far as Adiabene, at which point it is stopped short by a chain of mountains which takes a cross direction; whereupon the province extends in width to the left, crossing the course of the Araxes, as far as the river Cyrus; while in length it reaches as far as the Lesser Armenia, from which it is separated by the river Absarus, which flows into the Euxine, and by the mountains known as the Paryadres, in which the Absarus takes its rise. ',
  {'entities': [[46, 53, 'place'],
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    [46, 53, 'place'],
    [239, 250, 'people'],
    [497, 504, 'people'],
    [505, 509, 'people'],
    [550, 558, 'place'],
    [730, 736, 'place'],
    [758, 763, 'place'],
    [46, 53, 'place'],
    [862, 869, 'place'],
    [892, 898, 'place'],
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 ['.1THE RIVERS CYRUS AND ARAXES: The river Cyrus takes its rise in the mountains of the Heniochi, by some writers called the Coraxici; the Araxes rises in the same mountains as the river Euphrates, at a distance from it of six miles only; and after being increased by the waters of the Usis, falls itself, as many authors have supposed, into the Cyrus, by which it is carried into the Caspian Sea. ',
  {'entities': [[41, 46, 'place'],
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    [137, 143, 'place'],
    [185, 194, 'place'],
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    [383, 394, 'place']]}],
 ['.2The more famous towns in Lesser Armenia are Caesarea, Aza, and Nicopolis; in the Greater Arsamosata, which lies near the Euphrates, Carcathiocerta upon the Tigris, Tigranocerta which stands on an elevated site, and, on a plain adjoining the river Araxes, Artaxata. According to Aufidius, the circumference of the whole of Armenia is five thousand miles, while Claudius Caesar makes the length, from Dascusa to the borders of the Caspian Sea, thirteen hundred miles, and the breadth, from Tigranocerta to Iberia, half that distance. It is a well-known fact, that this country is divided into prefectures, called "Strategies," some of which singly formed a kingdom in former times; they are one hundred and twenty in number, with barbarous and uncouth names. On the east, it is bounded, though not immediately, by the Ceraunian Mountains and the district of Adiabene. The space that intervenes is occupied by the Sopheni, beyond whom is the chain of mountains, and then beyond them the inhabitants of Adiabene. Dwelling in the valleys adjoining to Armenia are the Menobardi and the Moscheni. The Tigris and inaccessible mountains surround Adiabene. To the left of it is the territory of the Medi, and in the distance is seen the Caspian Sea; which, as we shall state in the proper place, receives its waters from the ocean, and is wholly surrounded by the Caucasian Mountains. The inhabitants upon the confines of Armenia shall now be treated of. ',
  {'entities': [[34, 41, 'place'],
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    [858, 866, 'place'],
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    [1356, 1365, 'demonym'],
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 ['.1ALBANIA, IBERIA, AND THE ADJOINING NATIONS: The whole plain which extends away from the river Cyrus is inhabited by the nation of the Albani, and, after them, by that of the Iberi, who are separated from them by the river Alazon, which flows into the Cyrus from the Caucasian chain. The chief cities are Cabalaca, in Albania, Harmastis, near a river of Iberia, and Neoris; there is the region also of Thasie, and that of Triare, extending as far as the mountains known as the Paryadres. Beyond these are the deserts of Colchios, on the side of which that looks towards the Ceraunian Mountains dwell the Armenochalybes; and there is the country of the Moschi, extending to the river Iberus, which flows into the Cyrus; below them are the Sacassani, and after them the Macrones, upon the river Absarus. Such is the manner in which the plains and low country are parcelled out. Again, after passing the confines of Albania, the wild tribes of the Silvi inhabit the face of the mountains, below them those of the Lubieni, and after them the Diduri and the Sodii. ',
  {'entities': [[96, 101, 'place'],
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    [653, 659, 'people'],
    [684, 690, 'place'],
    [96, 101, 'place'],
    [794, 801, 'place'],
    [319, 326, 'place']]}],
 ['.1THE PASSES OF THE CAUCASUS: After passing the last, we come to the Gates of Caucasus, by many persons most erroneously called the Caspian Passes; a vast work of nature, which has suddenly wrenched asunder in this place a chain of mountains. At this spot are gates barred up with beams shod with iron, while beneath the middle there runs a stream which emits a most fetid odour; on this side of it is a rock, defended by a fortress, the name of which is Cumania, erected for the purpose of preventing the passage of the innumerable tribes that lie beyond. Here, then, we may see the habitable world severed into two parts by a pair of gates; they are just opposite to Harmastis, a town of the Iberi. ',
  {'entities': [[78, 86, 'place'],
    [132, 139, 'demonym'],
    [455, 460, 'demonym']]}],
 ['.2Beyond the Gates of Caucasus, in the Gordyaean Mountains, the Valli and the Suani, uncivilized tribes, are found; still, however, they work the mines of gold there. Beyond these nations, and extending as far away as Pontus, are numerous nations of the Heniochi, and, after them, of the Achaei. Such is the present state of one of the most famous tracts upon the face of the earth. ',
  {'entities': [[22, 30, 'place'],
    [78, 83, 'people'],
    [218, 224, 'place'],
    [254, 262, 'people']]}],
 ['.3Some writers have stated that the distance between the Euxine and the Caspian Sea is not more than three hundred and seventy-five miles; Cornelius Nepos makes it only two hundred and fifty. Within such straits is Asia pent up in this second instance by the agency of the sea! Claudius Caesar has informed us that from the Cimmerian Bosporus to the Caspian Sea is a distance of only one hundred and fifty miles, and that Nicator Seleucus contemplated cutting through this isthmus just at the time when he was slain by Ptolemy Ceraunus. It is a well-known fact that the distance from the Gates of Caucasus to the shores of the Euxine is two hundred miles. ',
  {'entities': [[57, 63, 'place'],
    [72, 83, 'place'],
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    [215, 219, 'people'],
    [278, 293, 'people'],
    [324, 342, 'place'],
    [72, 83, 'place'],
    [430, 438, 'people'],
    [519, 535, 'people'],
    [597, 605, 'place'],
    [57, 63, 'place']]}],
 ['.1THE ISLANDS OF THE EUXINE: The islands of the Euxine are the Placate or Cyaneae, otherwise called Symplegades, and Apollonia, surnamed Thynias, to distinguish it from the island of that name in Europe; it is four miles in circumference, and one mile distant from the mainland. Opposite to Pharnacea is Chalceritis, to which the Greeks have given the name of Aria, and consecrated it to Mars; here, they say, there were birds that used to attack strangers with blows of their wings. ',
  {'entities': [[48, 54, 'place'],
    [74, 81, 'place'],
    [100, 111, 'people'],
    [137, 144, 'place'],
    [291, 300, 'place'],
    [388, 392, 'people']]}],
 ['.1NATIONS IN THE VICINITY OF THE SCYTHIAN OCEAN: Having now stated all that bears reference to the interior of Asia, let us cross in imagination the Riphaean Mountains, and traverse the shores of the ocean to the right. On three sides does this ocean wash the coasts of Asia, as the Scythian Ocean on the north, the Eastern Ocean on the east, and the Indian Ocean on the south; and it is again divided into various names, derived from the numerous gulfs which it forms, and the nations which dwell upon its shores. A great part of Asia, however, which lies exposed to the north, through the noxious effects of those freezing climates, consists of nothing but vast deserts. From the extreme north northeast to the point where the sun rises in the summer, it is the country of the Scythians. Still further than them, and beyond the point where north north-east begins, some writers have placed the Hyperborei, who are said, indeed, by the majority to be a people of Europe. After passing this point, the first place that is known is Lytarmis, a promontory of Celtica, and next to it the river Carambucis, where the chain of the Riphaean Mountains terminates, and with it the extreme rigour of the climate; here, too, we have heard of a certain people being situate, called the Arimphaei, a race not much unlike the Hyperborei. Their habitations are the groves, and the berries their diet; long hair is held to be disgraceful by the women as well as the men, and they are mild in their manners. Hence it is that they are reported to be a sacred race, and are never molested even by the savage tribes which border upon them, and not only they, but such other persons as well as may have fled to them for refuge. Beyond these we come straight to the Scythians, the Cimmerii, the Cisianthi, the Georgi, and a nation of Amazons. These last extend to the Caspian and Hyrcanian Sea. ',
  {'entities': [[111, 115, 'people'],
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    [111, 115, 'people'],
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    [896, 906, 'people'],
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    [1789, 1795, 'people'],
    [1813, 1820, 'people'],
    [1847, 1854, 'demonym'],
    [1859, 1872, 'place']]}],
 ['.1THE CASPIAN AND HYRCANIAN SEA: Bursting through, this sea makes a passage from the Scythian Ocean into the back of Asia, receiving various names from the nations which dwell upon its banks, the two most famous of which are the Caspian and the Hyrcanian races. Clitarchus is of opinion that the Caspian Sea is not less in area than the Euxine. Eratosthenes gives the measure of it on the south-east, along the coast of Cadusia and Albania, as five thousand four hundred stadia; thence, through the territories of the Anariaci, the Amardi, and the Hyrcani, to the mouth of the river Zonus he makes four thousand eight hundred stadia, and thence to the mouth of the Jaxartes two thousand four hundred; which makes in all a distance of one thousand five hundred and seventy-five miles. Artemidorus, however, makes this sum smaller by twenty-five miles. Agrippa bounds the Caspian Sea and the nations around it, including Armenia, on the east by the Ocean of the Seres, on the west by the chain of the Caucasus, on the south by that of Taurus, and on the north by the Scythian Ocean; and he states it, so far as its extent is known, to be four hundred and eighty miles in length, and two hundred and ninety in breadth. There are not wanting, however, some authors who state that its whole circumference, from the Straits, is two thousand five hundred miles. ',
  {'entities': [[85, 93, 'demonym'],
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 [".2Its waters make their way into this sea by a very narrow mouth, but of considerable length; and where it begins to enlarge, it curves obliquely with horns in the form of a crescent, just as though it would make a descent from its mouth into Lake Maeotis, resembling a sickle in shape, as M. Varro says. The first of its gulfs is called the Scythian Gulf; it is inhabited on both sides, by the Scythians, who hold communication with each other across the Straits, the Nomades being on one side, together with the Sauromatae, divided into tribes with numerous names, and on the other, the Abzoae, who are also divided into an equal number. At the entrance, on the right hand side, dwell the Udini, a Scythian tribe, at the very angle of the mouth. Then along the coast there are the Albani, the descendants of Jason, it is said; that part of the sea which lies in front of them, bears the name of 'Albanian.' This nation, which lies along the Caucasian chain, comes down, as we have previously stated, as far as the river Cyrus, which forms the boundary of Armenia and Iberia. Above the maritime coast of Albania and the nation of the Udini, the Sarmatae, the Utidorsi, and the Aroteres stretch along its shores, and in their rear the Sauromatian Amazons, already spoken of ",
  {'entities': [[248, 255, 'place'],
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    [1146, 1154, 'ethnic'],
    [1235, 1246, 'person'],
    [1247, 1254, 'people']]}],
 [".3The rivers which run through Albania in their course to the sea are the Casius and the Albanus, and then the Cambyses, which rises in the Caucasian mountains, and next to it the Cyrus, rising in those of the Coraxici, as already mentioned. Agrippa states that the whole of this coast, inaccessible from rocks of an immense height, is four hundred and twenty-five miles in length, beginning from the river Casius. After we pass the mouth of the Cyrus, it begins to be called the 'Caspian Sea;' the Caspii being a people who dwell upon its shores. ",
  {'entities': [[31, 38, 'place'],
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    [242, 249, 'people'],
    [74, 80, 'people'],
    [180, 185, 'place'],
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    [499, 505, 'ethnic']]}],
 [".4In this place it may be as well to correct an error into which many persons have fallen, and even those who lately took part with Corbulo in the Armenian war. The Gates of Iberia, which we have mentioned as the Caucasian, they have spoken of as being called the 'Caspian,' and the coloured plans which have been sent from those parts to Rome have that name written upon them. The menaced expedition, too, that was contemplated by the Emperor Nero, was said to be designed to extend as far as the Caspian Gates, whereas it was really intended for those which lead through Iberia into the territory of the Sarmatae; there being hardly any possibility of approach to the Caspian Sea, by reason of the close juxtaposition of the mountains there. There are, however, other Caspian Gates, which join up to the Caspian tribes; but these can only be distinguished from a perusal of the narrative of those who took part in the expedition of Alexander the Great. ",
  {'entities': [[132, 139, 'people'],
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    [670, 681, 'place'],
    [498, 511, 'place'],
    [265, 272, 'demonym'],
    [934, 943, 'people']]}],
 ['.1ADIABENE: The kingdom of the Persians, by which we now understand that of Parthia, is elevated upon the Caucasian chain between two seas, the Persian and the Hyrcanian. To the Greater Armenia, which in the front slopes towards Commagene, is joined Sophene, which lies upon the descent on both sides thereof, and next to it is Adiabene, the most advanced frontier of Assyria; a part of which is Arbelitis, He alludes to the town of Arbela, where, as it is generally said, the army of Darius was defeated by Alexander the Great; by which engagement the conflict was terminated. It was the fact, however, that Darius left his baggage and treasures at Arbela, while the battle really took place near the village of Gaugamela, about twenty miles to the north-west of Arbela. This place still retains its name of Arbil, where Alexander conquered Darius, and which joins up to Syria. The whole of this country was called Mygdonia by the Macedonians, on account of the resemblance it bore to Mygdonia in Europe. Its cities are Alexandria, and Antiochia, also called Nisibis; this last place is distant from Artaxata seven hundred and fifty miles. There was also in former times Ninus, a most renowned city, on the banks of the Tigris, with an aspect towards the west. Adjoining the other front of Greater Armenia, which runs down towards the Caspian Sea, we find Atropatene, which is separated from Otene, a region of Armenia, by the river Araxes; Gazae is its chief city, distant from Artaxata four hundred and fifty miles, and the same from Ecbatana in Media, to which country Atropatene belongs. ',
  {'entities': [[31, 39, 'ethnic'],
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    [485, 491, 'people'],
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    [433, 439, 'place'],
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    [1549, 1554, 'place'],
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 ['.1MEDIA AND THE CASPIAN GATES: Ecbatana, the capital of Media, was built by king Seleucus, at a distance from Great Seleucia of seven hundred and fifty miles, and twenty miles from the Caspian Gates. The remaining towns of the Medians are Phazaca, Aganzaga, and Apamea, surnamed Rhagiane. The reason of these passes receiving the name of "Gates," is the same that has been stated above. The chain of mountains is suddenly broken by a passage of such extreme narrowness that, for a distance of eight miles, a single chariot can barely find room to move along: the whole of this pass has been formed by artificial means. Both on the right hand and the left are overhanging rocks, which look as though they had been exposed to the action of fire; and there is a tract of country, quite destitute of water, twenty-eight miles in extent. This narrow pass, too, is rendered still more difficult by a liquid salt which oozes from the rocks, and uniting in a single stream, makes its way along the pass. Besides this, it is frequented by such multitudes of serpents, that the passage is quite impracticable except in winter. ',
  {'entities': [[31, 39, 'place'],
    [56, 61, 'place'],
    [81, 89, 'people'],
    [116, 124, 'place'],
    [185, 198, 'place']]}],
 [".2Joining up to Adiabene are the people formerly known as the 'Carduchi,' now the Cordueni, in front of whom the river Tigris flows: and next to them are the Pratitae, entitled the Par Odon, who hold possession of the Caspian Gates. On the other side of these gates we come to the deserts of Parthia and the mountain chain of Cithenus; and after that, the most pleasant locality of all Parthia, Choara by name. Here were two cities of the Parthians, built in former times for their protection against the people of Media, Calliope, and Issatis, the last of which stood formerly on a rock. Hecatompylos, the capital of Parthia, is distant from the Caspian Gates one hundred and thirty-three miles. In such an effectual manner is the kingdom of Parthia shut out by these passes. After leaving these gates we find the nation of the Caspii, extending as far as the shores of the Caspian, a race which has given its name to these gates as well as to the sea: on the left there is a mountainous district. Turning back from this nation to the river Cyrus, the distance is said to be two hundred and twenty miles; but if we go from that river as far down as the Caspian Gates, the distance is seven hundreds miles. In the itineraries of Alexander the Great these gates were made the central or turning point in his expeditions; the distance from the Caspian Gates to the frontier of India being there set down as fifteen thousand six hundred and eighty stadia, to the city of Bactra, commonly called Zariaspa, three thousand seven hundred, and thence to the river Jaxartes five thousand stadia. ",
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    [1492, 1500, 'people'],
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 [".1NATIONS SITUATE AROUND THE HYRCANIAN SEA: Lying to the east of the Caspii is the region known as Apavortene, in which there is a place noted for its singular fertility, called Dareium. We then come to the nations of the Tapyri, the Anariaci, the Staures, and the Hyrcani, past whose shores and beyond the river Sideris the Caspian begins to take the name of the 'Hyrcanian' Sea: on this side of that stream are also the rivers Maxeras and Strato<: Caucasian chain. Next comes the district of Margiane, so remarkable for its sunny climate. It is the only spot in all these regions that produces the vine, being shut in on every side by verdant and refreshing hills. This district is fifteen hundred stadia in circumference, but is rendered remarkably difficult of access by sandy deserts, which extend a distance of one hundred and twenty miles: it lies opposite to the country of Parthia, and in it Alexander founded the city of Alexandria. This place having been destroyed by the barbarians, Antiochus, the son of Seleucus, rebuilt it on the same site as a Syrian city. For, seeing that it was watered by the Margus, which passes through it, and is afterwards divided into a number of streams for the irrigation of the district of Zothale, he restored it, but preferred giving it the name of Antiochia. The circumference of this city is seventy stadia: it was to this place that Orodes conducted such of the Romans as had survived the defeat of Crassus. From the mountain heights of this district, along the range of Caucasus, the savage race of the Mardi, a free people, extends as far as the Bactri. Below the district inhabited by them, we find the nations of the Orciani, the Commori, the Berdrigae, the Harmatotropi, the Citomarae, the Comani, the Marucaei, and the Mandruani. The rivers here are the Mandrus and the Chindrus. Beyond the nations already mentioned, are the Chorasmii, the Candari, the Attasini, the Paricani, the Sarangae, the Marotiani, the Aorsi, the Gaeli, by the Greek writers called Cadusii, the Matiani, the city of Heraclea, which was founded by Alexander, but was afterwards destroyed, and rebuilt by Antiochus, and by him called Achais; the Derbices also, through the middle of whose territory the river Oxus runs, after rising in Lake Oxus, the Syrmatae, the Oxydracae, the Heniochi, the Bateni, the Saraparae, and the Bactri, whose chief city is Zariaspe, which afterwards received the name of Bactra, from the river there. This last nation lies at the back of Mount Paropanisus, over against the sources of the river Indus, and is bounded by the river Ochus. Beyond it are the Sogdiani, the town of Panda, and, at the very extremity of their territory, Alexandria, founded by Alexander the Great. At this spot are the altars which were raised by Hercules and Father Liber, as also by Cyrus, Semiramis, and Alexander; for the expeditions of all these conquerors stopped short at this region, bounded as it is by the river Jaxartes, by the Scythians known as the Silis, and by Alexander and his officers supposed to have been the Tanais. This river was crossed by Demodamas, a general of kings Seleucus and Antiochus, and whose account more particularly we have here followed. He also consecrated certain altars here to Apollo Didymaeus.  ",
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 ['.1THE NATIONS OF SCYTHIA AND THE COUNTRIES ON THE EASTERN OCEAN. Beyond this river are the peoples of Scythia. The Persians have called them by the general name of Sacae, which properly belongs to only the nearest nation of them. The more ancient writers give them the name of Aramii. The Scythians themselves give the name of "Chorsari" to the Persians, and they call Mount Caucasus Graucasis, which means "white with snow." The multitude of these Scythian nations is quite innumerable: in their life and habits they much resemble the people of Parthia. The tribes among them that are better known are the Sacae, the Massagetae, the Dahae, the Essedones, the Ariacae, the Rhymmici, the Paesici, the Amardi, the Histi, the Edones, the Came, the Camacae, the Euchatae, the Cotieri, the Anthusiani, the Psacae, the Arimaspi, the Antacati, the Chroasai, and the Oetei; among them the Napaei are said to have been destroyed by the Palaei. The rivers in their country that are the best known, are the Mandragaeus and the Carpasus. Indeed upon no subject that I know of are there greater discrepancies among writers, from the circumstance, I suppose, of these nations being so extremely numerous, and of such migratory habits. Alexander the Great has left it stated that the water of this sea is fresh, and M. Varro informs us, that some of it, of a similar character, was brought to Pompey, when holding the chief command in the Mithridatic war in its vicinity; the salt, no doubt, being overpowered by the volume of water discharged by the rivers which flow into it. He adds also, that under the direction of Pompey, it was ascertained that it is seven days\' journey from India to the river Icarus, in the country of the Bactri, which discharges itself into the Oxus, and that the merchandize of India being conveyed from it through the Caspian Sea into the Cyrus, may be brought by land to Phasis in Pontus, in five days at most. There are numerous islands throughout the whole of the Caspian sea: the only one that is well known is that of Tazata. ',
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 ['.1THE SERES: After we have passed the Caspian Sea and the Scythian Ocean, our course takes an easterly direction, such being the turn here taken by the line of the coast. The first portion of these shores, after we pass the Scythian Promontory, is totally uninhabitable, owing to the snow, and the regions adjoining are uncultivated, in consequence of the savage state of the nations which dwell there. Here are the abodes of the Scythian Anthropophagi, who feed on human flesh. Hence it is that all around them consists of vast deserts, inhabited by multitudes of wild beasts, which are continually lying in wait, ready to fall upon human beings just as savage as themselves. After leaving these, we again come to a nation of the Scythians, and then again to desert tracts tenanted by wild beasts, until we reach a chain of mountains which runs up to the sea, and bears the name of Tabis. It is not, however, before we have traversed very nearly one half of the coast that looks towards the north-east, that we find it occupied by inhabitants. ',
  {'entities': [[38, 49, 'place'],
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    [58, 66, 'demonym'],
    [58, 66, 'demonym'],
    [731, 740, 'ethnic']]}],
 ['.2The first people that are known of here are the Seres, so famous for the wool that is found in their forests. After steeping it in water, they comb off a white down that adheres to the leaves; and then to the females of our part of the world they give the twofold task of unravelling their textures, and of weaving the threads afresh. So manifold is the labour, and so distant are the regions which are thus ransacked to supply a dress through which our ladies may in public display their charms. The Seres are of inoffensive manners, but, bearing a strong resemblance therein to all savage nations, they shun all intercourse with the rest of mankind, and await the approach of those who wish to traffic with them. The first river that is known in their territory is the Psitharas, next to that the Cambari, and the third the Laros; after which we come to the Promontory of Chryse, the Gulf of Cynaba, the river Atianos, and the nation of the Attacori on the gulf of that name, a people protected by their sunny hills from all noxious blasts, and living in a climate of the same temperature as that of the Hyperborei. Amometus has written a work entirely devoted to the history of these people, just as Hecataeus has done in his treatise on the Hyperborei. After the Attacori, we find the nations of the Phruri and the Tochari, and, in the interior, the Casiri, a people of India, who look toward the Scythians, and feed on human flesh. Here are also numerous wandering Nomad tribes of India. There are some authors who state that in a north-easterly direction these nations touch upon the Cicones and the Brysari. ',
  {'entities': [[50, 55, 'ethnic'],
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    [1108, 1118, 'people'],
    [945, 953, 'people'],
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    [1376, 1381, 'place'],
    [1403, 1412, 'ethnic'],
    [1376, 1381, 'place']]}],
 [".1THE NATIONS OF INDIA: But we come now to nations as to which there is a more general agreement among writers. Where the chain of Emodos rises, the nations of India begin, which borders not only on the Eastern sea, but on the Southern as well, which we have already mentioned as being called the Indian Ocean. That part which faces the east runs in a straight line a distance of eighteen hundred and seventy-five miles until it comes to a bend, at which the Indian Ocean begins. Here it takes a turn to the south, and continues to run in that direction a distance of two thousand four hundred and seventy-five miles, according to Eratosthenes, as far as the river Indus, the boundary of India on the west. Many authors have represented the entire length of the Indian coast as being forty days' and nights' sail, and as being, from north to south, two thousand eight hundred and fifty miles. Agrippa states its length to be three thousand three hundred miles, and its breadth, two thousand three hundred. Posidonius has given its measurement as lying from north-east to south-east, placing it opposite to Gaul, of which country he has given the measurement as lying from north-west to south-west; making the whole of India to lie due west of Gaul. Hence, as he has shewn by undoubted proofs, India lying opposite to Gaul must be refreshed by the blowing of that wind, and derive its salubrity therefrom. ",
  {'entities': [[131, 137, 'place'],
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    [1006, 1016, 'people'],
    [160, 165, 'place'],
    [160, 165, 'place']]}],
 ['.2In this region, the appearance of the heavens is totally changed, and quite different is the rising of the stars; there are two summers in the year, and two harvests, while the winter intervenes between them during the time that the Etesian winds are blowing: during our winter too, they enjoy light breezes, and their seas are navigable. In this country there are nations and cities which would be found to be quite innumerable, if a person should attempt to enumerate them. For it has been explored not only by the arms of Alexander the Great and of the kings who succeeded him, by Seleucus and Antiochus, who sailed round even to the Caspian and Hyrcanian Sea, and by Patrocles, the admiral of their fleet, but has been treated of by several other Greek writers who resided at the courts of Indian kings, such, for instance, as Megasthenes, and by Dionysius, who was sent thither by Philadelphus, expressly for the purpose: all of whom have enlarged upon the power and vast resources of these nations. Still, however, there is no possibility of being rigorously exact, so different are the accounts given, and often of a nature so incredible. The followers of Alexander the Great have stated in their writings, that there were no less than five thousand cities in that portion of India which they vanquished by force of arms, not one of which was smaller than that of Cos; that its nations were eight in number, that India forms one-third of the whole earth, and that its populations are innumerable — a thing which is certainly far from improbable, seeing that the Indians are nearly the only race of people who have never migrated from their own territories. From the time of Father Liber to that of Alexander the Great, one hundred and fifty-three kings of India are reckoned, extending over a period of six thousand four hundred and fifty-one years and three months. The vast extent of their rivers is quite marvellous; it is stated that on no one day did Alexander the Great sail less than six hundred stadia on the Indus, and still was unable to reach its mouth in less than five months and some few days: and yet it is a well-known fact that this river is not so large as the Ganges. Seneca, one of our fellow-countrymen, who has written a treatise upon the subject of India, has given its rivers as sixty-five in number, and its nations as one hundred and eighteen. The difficulty too would be quite as great, if we were to attempt to enumerate its mountains. The chains of Emaus, of Emodos, of Paropanisus, and of Caucasus, are all connected, the one with the other; and from their foot, the country of India runs down in the form of a vast plain, bearing a very considerable resemblance to that of Egypt. ',
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    [2713, 2718, 'place']]}],
 ['.3However, that we may come to a better understanding relative to the description of these regions, we will follow in the track of Alexander the Great. Diognetus and Baeton, whose duty it was to ascertain the distances and length of his expeditions, have written that from the Caspian Gates to Hecatompylon, the city of the Parthians, the distance is the number of miles which we have already stated; and that from thence to Alexandria, of the Arii, which city was founded by the same king, the distance is five hundred and seventy-five miles; from thence to Prophthasia, the city of the Drangae, one hundred and ninety-nine; from thence to the city of the Arachosii, five hundred and sixty-five; from thence to Ortospanum, one hundred and seventy-five; and from thence to the city built by Alexander, fifty, miles. In some copies, however, the numbers are found differently stated; and we find this last city even placed at the very foot of Mount Caucasus! From this place to the river Cophes and Peucolaitis, a city of India, is two hundred and thirty-seven miles; from thence to the river Indus and the city of Taxilla sixty; from thence to the famous river Hydaspes one hundred and twenty; and from thence to the Hypasis, a river no less famous, two hundred and ninety miles, and three hundred and ninety paces. This last was the extreme limit of the expedition of Alexander, though he crossed the river and dedicated certain altars on the opposite side. The dispatches written by order of that king fully agree with the distances above stated. ',
  {'entities': [[131, 140, 'people'],
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    [1021, 1026, 'place'],
    [1092, 1097, 'place'],
    [1161, 1169, 'place'],
    [131, 140, 'people']]}],
 ['.4The remaining distances beyond the above point were ascertained on the expedition of Seleucus Nicator. They are, to the river Sydrus, one hundred and sixty-eight miles; to the river Jomanes, the same; some copies, however, add to this last distance five miles; thence to the Ganges, one hundred and twelve miles; to Rhodapha, five hundred and sixty-nine — though, according to some writers, this last distance is only three hundred and twenty-five miles; to the town of Calinipaxa, one hundred and sixty-seven, according to some, two hundred and sixty-five; thence to the confluence of the river Jomanes and Ganges, six hundred and twenty-five; most writers, however, add thirteen miles to this last distance; thence to the city of Palibothra, four hundred and twenty-five — and thence to the mouth of the Ganges, six hundred and thirty-seven miles and a half. ',
  {'entities': [[87, 103, 'people'],
    [184, 191, 'people'],
    [277, 283, 'place'],
    [184, 191, 'people'],
    [277, 283, 'place'],
    [277, 283, 'place']]}],
 ['.5The nations whom it may be not altogether inopportune to mention, after passing the Emodian Mountains, a cross range of which is called "Imaus," a word which, in the language of the natives, signifies "snowy," are the Isari, the Cosyri, the Izi, and, upon the chain of mountains, the Chisiotosagi, with numerous peoples, which have the surname of Brachmanae, among whom are the Maccocalingae. There are also the rivers Prinas and Cainas, which last flows into the Ganges, both of them navigable streams. The nation of the Calingae comes nearest to the sea, and above them are the Mandei and the Malli. In the territory of the last-named people is a mountain called Mallus: the boundary of this region is the river Ganges. ',
  {'entities': [[139, 144, 'place'],
    [466, 472, 'place'],
    [597, 602, 'people'],
    [667, 673, 'people'],
    [466, 472, 'place']]}],
 ['.1THE GANGES: Some writers have stated that this river, like the Nile, takes its rise from unknown sources, and, in a similar manner, waters the neighbouring territory; others, again, say that it rises in the mountains of Scythia. They state also that nineteen rivers discharge their waters into it; those among them that are navigable, besides the rivers already mentioned, are the Condochates, the Erannoboas, the Cosoagus, and the Sonus. Other writers again say that it bursts forth at its very source with a loud noise, hurling itself over rocks and precipices; and that after it has reached the plains, its waters become more tranquil, and it pauses for a time in a certain lake, after which it flows gently on. They say also that it is eight miles in breadth, where it is the very narrowest, and one hundred stadia where it is but moderately wide, and that it is nowhere less than twenty paces in depth. The last nation situate on the banks of the Ganges is that of the Gangarides Calingae; the city where their king dwells has the name of Protalis. This king has sixty thousand foot-soldiers, one thousand horse, and seven hundred elephants, always caparisoned ready for battle. The people of the more civilized nations of India are divided into several classes. One of these classes tills the earth, another attends to military affairs, others again are occupied in mercantile pursuits, while the wisest and the most wealthy among them have the management of the affairs of state — act as judges, and give counsel to the king. The fifth class, entirely devoting themselves to the pursuit of wisdom, which in these countries is almost held in the same veneration as religion, always end their life by a voluntary death upon the lighted pile. In addition to these, there is a class in a half-savage state, and doomed to endless labour; by means of their exertions, all the classes previously mentioned are supported. It is their duty to hunt the elephant, and to tame him when captured; for it is by the aid of these animals that they plough; by these animals they are conveyed from place to place; these in especial they look upon as constituting their flocks and herds; by their aid they wage their wars, and fight in defence of their territories. Strength, age, and size, are the points usually considered in making choice of these animals. ',
  {'entities': [[65, 69, 'place'],
    [222, 229, 'place'],
    [954, 960, 'place'],
    [976, 986, 'people'],
    [1230, 1235, 'place'],
    [2256, 2264, 'people']]}],
 ['.2In the Ganges there is an island of very considerable size, inhabited by a single nation; it is called Modogalinga. Beyond the Ganges are situate the Modubae, the Molindae, the Uberae, with a magnificent city of the same name, the Modresi, the Preti, the Caloae, the Sasuri, the Passalae, the Colobae, the Orumcolae, the Abali, and the Thalutae. The king of the last-named people has fifty thousand foot-soldiers, four thousand horse, and four hundred armed elephants. We next come to a still more powerful nation, the Andarae, who dwell in numerous villages, as well as thirty cities fortified with walls and towers. They furnish for their king one hundred thousand foot, two thousand horse, and a thousand elephants. The country of the Dardae is the most productive of gold, that of the Setae of silver. ',
  {'entities': [[9, 15, 'place'], [9, 15, 'place']]}],
 [".3But more famous and more powerful than any nation, not only in these regions, but throughout almost the whole of India, are the Prasii, who dwell in a city of vast extent and of remarkable opulence, called Palibothra; from which circumstance some writers have given to the people themselves the name of Palibothri, and, indeed, to the whole tract of country between the Ganges and the Indus. These people keep on daily pay in their king's service an army, consisting of six hundred thousand foot, thirty thousand horse, and nine thousand elephants, from which we may easily form a conjecture as to the vast extent of their resources. Behind these people, and lying still more in the interior, are the Monedes, and the Suari, among whom is a mountain known as Maleus, upon which the shadow falls to the north in winter, and to the south in summer, six months alternately. In this district the Constellation of the Greater Bear is seen at only one period in the year, and then but for fifteen days, according to what Baeton states. Megasthenes, however, informs us that the same is the case also in many other localities of India. The South Pole is by the Indians called Diamasa. ",
  {'entities': [[115, 120, 'place'],
    [130, 136, 'people'],
    [305, 315, 'people'],
    [372, 378, 'place'],
    [387, 392, 'place'],
    [761, 767, 'people'],
    [1017, 1023, 'people'],
    [1032, 1043, 'people'],
    [115, 120, 'place'],
    [1156, 1163, 'ethnic']]}],
 ['.4The river Jomanes runs into the Ganges through the territory of the Palibothri, between the cities of Methora and Chrysobora. In the regions which lie to the south of the Ganges, the people are tinted by the heat of the sun, so much so as to be quite coloured, but yet not burnt black, like the Aethiopians. The nearer they approach the Indus, the deeper their colour, a proof of the heat of the climate. After leaving the nation of the Prasii, we immediately come to the Indus; in the mountains of the Prasii a race of Pygmies is said to exist. Artemidorus says that between these two rivers there is a distance of two thousand one hundred miles. ',
  {'entities': [[12, 19, 'people'],
    [34, 40, 'place'],
    [70, 80, 'people'],
    [34, 40, 'place'],
    [297, 308, 'ethnic'],
    [339, 344, 'place'],
    [439, 445, 'people'],
    [339, 344, 'place'],
    [439, 445, 'people'],
    [522, 529, 'people'],
    [548, 559, 'people']]}],
 [".1THE INDUS: The Indus, called Sindis by the natives, rises in that branch of the Caucasian range which bears the name of Paropanisus, and runs in an easterly direction, receiving in its course the waters of nineteen rivers. The most famous of these are the Hydaspes, into which four other rivers have already discharged themselves, the Cantaba, which receives three other rivers, the Acesinus, and the Hypasis, which last two are navigable themselves. Still however, so moderate, as it were, do the waters of this river show themselves in their course, that it is never more than fifty stadia in width, nor does it ever exceed fifteen paces in depth. Of two islands, which it forms in its course, the one, which is known as Prasiane, is of very considerable size; the other, which is smaller, is called Patale. According to the accounts given by the most moderate writers, this river is navigable for a distance of twelve hundred and fifty miles, and after following the sun's course to the west, in some degree, discharges itself into the ocean. I will here give the distances of various places situate on the coast to the mouth of this river, in a general way, just as I find them stated, although they none of them tally with each other. ",
  {'entities': [[17, 22, 'place'],
    [82, 91, 'demonym'],
    [122, 133, 'people'],
    [258, 266, 'place'],
    [385, 393, 'place'],
    [804, 810, 'people']]}],
 ['.2From the mouth of the Ganges to the Promontory of the Calingi and the town of Dandaguda, is six hundred and twenty-five miles; from thence to Tropina twelve hundred and twenty-five; from thence to the promontory of Perimula, where is held the most celebrated mart in all India, seven hundred and fifty, and from thence to the city of Patala, in the island just mentioned, six hundred and twenty miles. ',
  {'entities': [[24, 30, 'place'],
    [56, 63, 'people'],
    [217, 225, 'people'],
    [273, 278, 'place']]}],
 ['.3The mountain races between the Indus and the Jomanes are the Cesi, the Cetriboni, who dwell in the woods, and after them the Megallae, whose king possesses five hundred elephants, and an army of horse and foot, the numbers of which are unknown; then the Chrysei, the Parasangae, and the Asmagi, whose territory is infested by wild tigers; these people keep in arms thirty thousand foot, three hundred elephants, and eight hundred horse. They are bounded by the river Indus, and encircled by a range of mountains and deserts for a distance of six hundred and twenty-five miles. Below these deserts are the Dari and the Surve, and then deserts again for one hundred and eighty-seven miles, sands in general encircling these spots just as islands are surrounded by the sea. Below these deserts, again, are the Maltecorae, the Singae, the Marohae, the Rarungae, and the Morontes. These last peoples, who possess the mountains throughout the whole range of country as far as the shores of the ocean, are free, and independent of all kings, and hold numerous cities upon the declivities of the mountains. After them come the Nareae, who are bounded by Capitalia, the most lofty of all the Indian peaks: the inhabitants who dwell on the other side of it have extensive mines of gold and silver. After these again are the Oratae, whose king possesses only ten elephants, but a large army of foot; next come the Suarataratae, who live under the rule of a king as well, but breed no elephants, as they depend solely on their horse and foot; then the Odonbeores, the Arabastree, and the Horacae, which last inhabit a fine city fortified by trenches cut in the marshes. It is quite impossible to approach the city, except by the bridge, as the water in the trenches is full of crocodiles, an animal most insatiate for human flesh. There is another city also in their territory, which has been greatly extolled, Automula by name, situate on the sea-shore, a famous mart, lying at the point of confluence of five rivers: their king possesses sixteen hundred elephants, one hundred and fifty thousand foot, and five thousand horse. The king of the Charmae is a less opulent potentate; he has only sixty elephants and some small remains of his former strength. After these we come to the nation of the Pandae, the only one throughout all India which is ruled by women. It is said that Hercules had but one child of the female sex, for which reason she was his especial favourite, and he bestowed upon her the principal one of these kingdoms. The sovereigns who derive their origin from this female, rule over three hundred towns, and have an army of one hundred and fifty thousand foot, and five hundred elephants. After passing through this list of three hundred cities, we come to the Darangae, the Posingae, the Butae, the Gogaraei, the Umbrae, the Nereae, the Brancosi, the Nobundae, the Cocondae, the Nesei, the Palatitae, the Salobriasae, and the Olostrae, who reach up to the island of Patala, from the extremity of whose shores to the Caspian Gates it is a distance of nineteen hundred and twenty-five miles. ',
  {'entities': [[33, 38, 'place'],
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 [".4After passing this island, the other side of the Indus is occupied, as we know by clear and undoubted proofs, by the Athoae, the Bolingae, the Gallitalutae, the Dimuri, the Megari, the Ardabae, the Mesae, and after them, the Uri and the Silae; beyond which last there are desert tracts, extending a distance of two hundred and fifty miles. After passing these nations, we come to the Organagae, the Abortae, the Bassuertae, and, after these last, deserts similar to those previously 'mentioned. We then come to the peoples of the Sorofages, the Arbae, the Marogomatrae, the Umbrittae, of whom there are twelve nations, each with two cities, and the Asini, a people who dwell in three cities, their capital being Bucephala, which was founded around the tomb of the horse belonging to king Alexander, which bore that name. Above these peoples there are some mountain tribes, which lie at the foot of Caucasus, the Soseadae and the Sondrae, and, after passing the Indus and going down its stream, the Samarabriae, the Sambraceni, the Bisambritae, the Orsi, the Anixeni, and the Taxilae, with a famous city, which lies on a low but level plain, the general name of the district being Amenda: there are four nations here, the Peucolaitae, the Arsagalitae, the Geretae, and the Assoi. ",
  {'entities': [[51, 56, 'place'],
    [714, 723, 'people'],
    [790, 799, 'people'],
    [900, 908, 'place'],
    [51, 56, 'place'],
    [1077, 1084, 'ethnic']]}],
 ['.5The greater part of the geographers, in fact, do not look upon India as bounded by the river Indus, but add to it the four Satrapies of the Gedrosi, the Arachotae, the Arii, and the Paropanisidae, the river Cophes thus forming the extreme boundary of India. All these territories, however, according to other writers, are reckoned as belonging to the country of the Arii. Many writers, too, place in India the city of Nysa, and the mountain of Merus, sacred to Father Bacchus; in which circumstance originated the story that he sprang from the thigh of Jupiter. They also place here the nation of the Astacani, whose country abounds in the vine, the laurel, the box-tree, and all the fruits which are produced in Greece. As to those wonderful and almost fabulous stories which are related about the fertility of the soil, and the various kinds of fruits and trees, as well as wild beasts, and birds, and other sorts of animals, they shall be mentioned each in its proper place, in a future portion of this work. I shall also very shortly have to make some further mention of the four Satrapies, it being at present my wish to hasten to a description of the island of Taprobane. ',
  {'entities': [[65, 70, 'place'],
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    [65, 70, 'place'],
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    [446, 451, 'people'],
    [470, 477, 'people'],
    [555, 562, 'people'],
    [1169, 1178, 'place']]}],
 [".6But first there are some other islands of which we must make mention. Patala, as we have already stated, lies at the mouth of the Indus: it is of a triangular figure, and is two hundred and twenty miles in breadth. Beyond the mouth of the Indus are the islands of Chryse and Argyre, abounding in metals, I believe; but as to what some persons have stated, that their soil consists of gold and silver, I am not so willing to give a ready credence to that. After passing these islands we come to Crocala, twenty miles in breadth, and then, at twelve miles' distance from it, Bibraga, abounding in oysters and other bell-fish. At eight miles' distance from Bibraga we find Toralliba, and many others of no note. ",
  {'entities': [[132, 137, 'place'],
    [132, 137, 'place'],
    [266, 272, 'people'],
    [575, 582, 'people'],
    [575, 582, 'people']]}],
 ['.1TAPROBANE: Taprobane, under the name of the "land of the Antichthones," was long looked upon as another world: the age and the arms of Alexander the Great were the first to give satisfactory proof that it is an island. Onesicritus, the commander of his fleet, has informed us that the elephants of this island are larger, and better adapted for warfare than those of India; and from Megasthenes we learn that it is divided by a river, that the inhabitants have the name of Paleogoni, and that their country is more productive of gold and pearls of great size than even India. Eratosthenes has also given the dimensions of this island, as being seven thousand stadia in length, and five thousand in breadth: he states also that there are no cities, but villages to the number of seven hundred. It begins at the Eastern sea, and lies extended opposite to India, east and west. This island was in former times supposed to be twenty days\' sail from the country of the Prasii, but in later times, whereas the navigation was formerly confined to vessels constructed of papyrus with the tackle peculiar to the Nile, the distance has been estimated at no more than seven days\' sail, in reference to the speed which can be attained by vessels of our construction. The sea that lies between the island and the mainland is full of shallows, not more than six paces in depth; but in certain channels it is of such extraordinary depth, that no anchor has ever found a bottom. For this reason it is that the vessels are constructed with prows at either end; so that there may be no necessity for tacking while navigating these channels, which are extremely narrow. The tonnage of these vessels is three thousand amphorae. In traversing their seas, the people of Taprobane take no observations of the stars, and indeed the Greater Bear is not visible to them; but they carry birds out to sea, which they let go from time to time, and so follow their course as they make for the land. They devote only four months in the year to the pursuits of navigation, and are particularly careful not to trust themselves on the sea during the next hundred days after our summer solstice, for in those seas it is at that time the middle of winter. ',
  {'entities': [[13, 22, 'place'],
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    [221, 232, 'people'],
    [369, 374, 'place'],
    [385, 396, 'people'],
    [369, 374, 'place'],
    [578, 590, 'people'],
    [369, 374, 'place'],
    [966, 972, 'people'],
    [1105, 1109, 'place'],
    [13, 22, 'place']]}],
 ['.2Thus much we learn from the ancient writers; it has fallen to our lot, however, to obtain a still more accurate knowledge of these people; for during the reign of the Emperor Claudius, an embassy came from even this distant island to Rome. The circumstances under which this took place were as follow: Annius Plocamus had farmed from the treasury the revenues arising from the Red Sea. A certain freedman of his, while sailing around Arabia, was carried away by a gale from the north beyond the coast of Carmania. In the course of fifteen days he had drifted to Hippuros, a port of Taprobane, where he was most kindly and hospitably received by the king; and having, after a study of six months, become well acquainted with the language, was enabled to answer all his enquiries relative to the Romans and their emperor. But of all that he heard, the king was more particularly struck with surprise at our rigid notions of justice, on ascertaining that among the money found on the captive, the denarii were all of equal weight, although the different figures on them plainly showed that they had been struck in the reigns of several emperors. By this circumstance in especial, the king was prompted to form an alliance with the Romans, and accordingly sent to Rome an embassy, consisting of four persons, the chief of whom was Itachias. ',
  {'entities': [[177, 185, 'people'],
    [236, 240, 'place'],
    [304, 310, 'people'],
    [379, 386, 'place'],
    [436, 442, 'place'],
    [506, 514, 'place'],
    [584, 593, 'place'],
    [236, 240, 'place']]}],
 [".3From these persons we learned that in Taprobane there are five hundred towns, and that there is a harbour that lies facing the south, and adjoining the city of Palaesimundus, the most famous city in the isle, the king's place of residence, and containing a population of two hundred thousand. They also informed us that in the interior there is a lake called Megisba, three hundred and seventy-five miles in circumference, and containing islands which are fertile, though for pasturage only. In this lake they informed us two rivers take their rise, one of which, called Palesimundus, flows into the harbour near the city of that name, by three channels, the narrowest of which is five stadia in width, the largest fifteen; while the other, Cydara by name, takes a direction northward, towards the Indian coast. We learned also that the nearest point of the Indian coast is a promontory known as Coliacum, distant from the island four days' sail, and that midway between them lies the island of the Sun. They stated also that those seas are of a deep green tint; besides which, there are numerous trees growing at the bottom, so much so, that the rudders of the vessels frequently break off portions of their foliage. They were much astonished at the constellations which are visible to us, the Greater Bear and the Pleiades, as though they had now beheld a new expanse of the heavens; and they declared that in their country the moon can only be seen above the horizon from the eighth to its sixteenth day. They also stated that Canopus, a large bright star, gives light to them by night. But what surprised them more than anything, was that the shadow of their bodies was thrown towards our hemisphere and not theirs, and that the sun arose on the left hand and set on the right, and not in the opposite direction. They also informed us that the side of their island which lies opposite to India is ten thousand stadia in length, and runs in a south-easterly direction — that beyond the Emodian Mountains they look towards the Serve, whose acquaintance they had also made in the pursuits of commerce; that the father of Rachias had frequently visited their country, and that the Serae always came to meet them on their arrival. These people, they said, exceeded the ordinary human height, had flaxen hair, and blue eyes, and made an uncouth sort of noise by way of talking, having no language of their own for the purpose of communicating their thoughts. The rest of their information was of a similar nature to that communicated by our merchants. It was to the effect that the merchandize on sale was left by them upon the opposite bank of a river on their coast, and it was then removed by the natives, if they thought proper to deal on terms of exchange. On no grounds ought luxury with greater reason to be detested by us, than if we only transport our thoughts to these scenes, and then reflect, what are its demands, to what distant spots it sends in order to satisfy them, and for how mean and how unworthy an end! ",
  {'entities': [[40, 49, 'place'],
    [800, 806, 'demonym'],
    [800, 806, 'demonym'],
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    [1318, 1326, 'people'],
    [1532, 1539, 'people'],
    [800, 805, 'place']]}],
 ['.4But yet Taprobane even, isolated as it is by nature from the rest of the world, is not exempt from our vices. Gold and silver are held in esteem even there. They have a marble which resembles tortoise-shell in appearance; this, as well as their pearls and precious stones, is highly valued; all our luxuries in fact, those even of the most exquisite nature, are there carried to the very highest pitch. They asserted that their wealth is much greater than ours, but admitted that we know better than they how to obtain real enjoyment from opulence. ',
  {'entities': [[10, 19, 'place']]}],
 ['.5In this island no slavery exists; they do not prolong their sleep today-break, nor indeed during any part of the day; their buildings are only of a moderate height from the ground; the price of corn is always the same; they have no courts of law and no litigation. Hercules is the deity whom they worship; SABTUL and their king is chosen by the people, an aged man always, distinguished for his mild and clement disposition, and without children. If after he has been elected king, he happens to become the father of children, his abdication is the consequence; this is done that there may be no danger of the sovereign power becoming hereditary. Thirty advisers are provided for him by the people, and it is only by the advice of the majority of them that any man is condemned to capital punishment. Even then, the person so condemned has a right of appealing to the people, in which case a jury consisting of seventy persons is appointed. Should these acquit the accused, the thirty counsellors are no longer held in any estimation, but are visited with the greatest disgrace. The king wears the costume of Father Liber, while the rest of the people dress like the natives of Arabia. The king, if he is found guilty of any offence, is condemned to death; but no one slays him; all turn their backs upon him, and refuse to hold any communication or even discourse with him. Their festivals are celebrated with the chase, the most valued sports being the pursuit of the tiger and the elephant. The lands are carefully tilled; the vine is not cultivated there, but of other fruits there is great abundance. They take great delight in fishing, and especially in catching turtles; beneath the shells of which whole families find an abode, of such vast size are they to be found. These people look upon a hundred years as a comparatively short life. Thus much have we learned respecting Taprobane. ',
  {'entities': [[267, 275, 'people'],
    [1111, 1123, 'people'],
    [1180, 1186, 'place'],
    [1885, 1894, 'place']]}],
 ['.1THE ARIANI AND THE ADJOINING NATIONS: We will now proceed to give some further particulars relative to the four Satrapies, of which we have postponed further mention till the present occasion. ',
 ['.2After passing the nations in the vicinity of the Indus, we come to the mountain districts. The territory of Capisene formerly had a city, called Capisa, which was destroyed by Cyrus. Arachosia has a river and a city of the same name; the city was built by Semiramis; by some writers it is called Cophen. The river Erymanthus flows past Parabeste, which belongs to the Arachosii. Writers make the Dexendrusi come next, forming the boundary of the Arachotae on the southern side, and of the Paropanisadae on the north. The city of Cartana lies at the foot of Caucasus; in later times it has been called Tetragonis. This region lies over against that of the Bactri, who come next, and whose chief city is Alexandria, so called from the name of its founder. We then come to the Syndraci, the Dangalae the Parapinae, the Catuces, and the Mazi; and then at the foot of Caucasus, to the Cadrusi, whose town was built by Alexander. ',
  {'entities': [[51, 56, 'place'],
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    [185, 194, 'place'],
    [258, 267, 'people'],
    [298, 304, 'people'],
    [316, 326, 'people'],
    [370, 379, 'people'],
    [448, 457, 'people'],
    [491, 504, 'people'],
    [559, 567, 'place'],
    [657, 663, 'people'],
    [559, 567, 'place'],
    [915, 924, 'people']]}],
 ['.3Below all these countries, is the line of coast which we come to after leaving the Indus. Ariana is a region parched by the sun and surrounded by deserts; still, however, as the face of the country is every here and there diversified with well-shaded spots, it finds communities grouped together to cultivate it, and more especially around the two rivers, known as the Tonberos and the Arosapes. There is also the town of Artacoana, and the river Arius, which flows past Alexandria, a city founded by Alexander; this place is thirty stadia in extent. Much more beautiful than it, as well as of much greater antiquity, is Artacabane, fortified a second time by Antiochus, and fifty stadia in breadth. We then come to the nation of the Dorisdorsigi, and the rivers Pharnaracotis, and Ophradus; and then to Prophthasia, a city of the Zaraspades, the Drangae, the Evergetae, the Zarangae, and the Gedrusi; the towns of Pucolis, Lyphorta, the desert of the Methorgi, the river Manais, the nation of the Acutri, the river Eorum, the nation of the Orbi, the Pomanus, a navigable river in the territories of the Pandares, the Apirus in the country of the Suari, with a good harbour at its mouth, the city of Condigramma, and the river Cophes; into which last flow the navigable streams of the Saddaros, the Parospus, and the Sodanus. Some writers will also have it that Daritis forms part of Ariana, and give the length of them both as nineteen hundred and fifty miles, and the breadth one half of that of India. Others again have spread the Gedrusi and the Pasires over an extent of one hundred and thirty-eight miles, and place next to them the Ichthyophagi Oritae, a people who speak a language peculiar to themselves, and not the Indian dialect, extending over a space of two hundred miles. Alexander forbade the whole of the Ichthyophagi to live any longer on fish. Next after these the writers have placed extensive deserts, and then Carmania, Persia, and Arabia. ',
  {'entities': [[85, 90, 'place'],
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    [424, 433, 'people'],
    [449, 454, 'people'],
    [503, 512, 'people'],
    [662, 671, 'people'],
    [806, 817, 'people'],
    [849, 856, 'people'],
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    [92, 98, 'people'],
    [1500, 1505, 'place'],
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    [1654, 1660, 'people'],
    [1728, 1734, 'demonym'],
    [503, 512, 'people'],
    [1641, 1653, 'people'],
    [1934, 1942, 'place'],
    [1944, 1950, 'place'],
    [1956, 1962, 'place']]}],
 ['.1VOYAGES TO INDIA: But before we enter into any details respecting these countries, it will be as well to mention what Onesicritus has stated, who commanded the fleet of Alexander, and sailed from India into the heart of Persia, and what has been more recently related by Juba; after which I shall speak of the route along these seas which has been discovered in later years, and is followed at the present day. The journal of the voyage of Onesicritus and Nearchus has neither the names of the stations, nor yet the distances set down in it; and first of all, it is not sufficiently explained where Xylenepolis was, and near what river, a place founded by Alexander, and from which, upon setting out, they took their departure. Still, however, the following places are mentioned by them, which are worthy of our notice. The town of Arbis, founded by Nearchus on the occasion of this voyage; the river Nabrus, navigable for vessels, and opposite to it an island, at a distance of seventy stadia; Alexandria, built by Leonnatus by order of Alexander in the territories of this people; Argenus, with a very convenient harbour; the river Tonberos, a navigable stream, around whose banks are the Pasirae; then come the Ichthyophagi, who extend over so large a tract of coast that it took thirty days to sail past their territory; and an island known by the names of the "Island of the Sun" and the "Bed of the Nymphs," the earth of which is red, and in which every animal instantly dies; the cause of which, however, has not been ascertained. Next to these is the nation of the Ori, and then the Hyctanis, a river of Carmania, with an excellent harbour at its mouth, and producing gold; at this spot the writers state that for the first time they caught sight of the Great Bear. The star Arcturus too, they tell us, was not to be seen here every night, and never, when it was seen, during the whole of it. Up to this spot extended the empire of the Achaemenidae, and in these districts are to be found mines of copper, iron, arsenic, and red lead. ',
  {'entities': [[120, 131, 'people'],
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    [120, 131, 'people'],
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    [834, 839, 'people'],
    [458, 466, 'people'],
    [1018, 1027, 'people'],
    [171, 180, 'people'],
    [1136, 1144, 'people'],
    [1216, 1228, 'people'],
    [1407, 1413, 'people'],
    [1575, 1578, 'people'],
    [1614, 1622, 'place'],
    [1785, 1793, 'people'],
    [1946, 1958, 'people']]}],
 [".2They next came to the Promontory of Carmania, from which the distance across to the opposite coast, where the Macae, a nation of Arabia, dwell, is fifty miles; and then to three islands, of which that of Oracla is alone inhabited, being the only one supplied with fresh water; it is distant from the mainland twenty-five miles; quite in the Gulf, and facing Persia, there are four other islands. About these islands sea-serpents were seen swimming towards them, twenty cubits in length, which struck the fleet with great alarm. They then came to the island of Athothradus, and those called the Gauratae, upon which dwells the nation of the Gyani; the river Hyperis, which discharges itself midway into the Persian Gulf, and is navigable for merchant ships; the river Sitiogagus, from which to Pasargadae is seven days' sail; a navigable river known as the Phristimus, and an island without a name; and then the river Granis, navigable for vessels of small burden, and flowing through Susiane; the Deximontani, a people who manufacture bitumen, dwell on its right bank. The river Zarotis comes next, difficult of entrance at its mouth, except by those who are well acquainted with it; and then two small islands; after which the fleet sailed through shallows which looked very much like a marsh, but were rendered navigable by certain channels which had been cut there. They then arrived at the mouth of the Euphrates, and from thence passed into a lake which is formed by the rivers Eulaeus and Tigris, in the vicinity of Charax, after which they arrived at Susa, on the river Tigris. Here, after a voyage of three months, they found Alexander celebrating a festival, seven months after he had left them at Patale. Such was the voyage performed by the fleet of Alexander. ",
  {'entities': [[38, 46, 'place'],
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    [708, 715, 'demonym'],
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    [1560, 1564, 'place'],
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    [1709, 1715, 'people'],
    [1636, 1645, 'people']]}],
 ['.3In later times it has been considered a well-ascertained fact that the voyage from Syagrus, the Promontory of Arabia, to Patale, reckoned at thirteen hundred and thirty-five miles, can be performed most advantageously with the aid of a westerly wind, which is there known by the name of Hippalus. ',
  {'entities': [[85, 92, 'people'],
    [112, 118, 'place'],
    [123, 129, 'people'],
    [289, 297, 'people']]}],
 ['.4The age that followed pointed out a shorter route, and a safer one, to those who might happen to sail from the same promontory for Sigerus, a port of India; and for a long time this route was followed, until at last a still shorter cut was discovered by a merchant, and the thirst for gain brought India even still nearer to us. At the present day voyages are made to India every year: and companies of archers are carried on board the vessels, as those seas are greatly infested with pirates. ',
  {'entities': [[152, 157, 'place'],
    [152, 157, 'place'],
    [152, 157, 'place']]}],
 ['.5It will not be amiss too, on the present occasion, to set forth the whole of the route from Egypt, which has been stated to us of late, upon information on which reliance may be placed, and is here published for the first time. The subject is one well worthy of our notice, seeing that in no year does India drain our empire of less than five hundred and fifty millions of sesterces, giving back her own wares in exchange, which are sold among us at fully one hundred times their prime cost. ',
  {'entities': [[94, 99, 'place'], [304, 309, 'place']]}],
 [".6Two miles distant from Alexandria is the town of Juliopolis. The distance thence to Coptos, up the Nile, is three hundred and eight miles; the voyage is performed, when the Etesian winds are blowing, in twelve days. From Coptos the journey is made with the aid of camels, stations being arranged at intervals for the supply of fresh water. The first of these stations is called Hydreuma, and is distant twenty-two miles; the second is situate on a mountain, at a distance of one day's journey from the last; the third is at a second Hydreuma, distant from Coptos ninety-five miles; the fourth is on a mountain; the next to that is at another Hydreuma, that of Apollo, and is distant from Coptos one hundred and eighty-four miles; after which, there is another on a mountain. There is then another station at a place called the New Hydreuma, distant from Coptos two hundred and thirty miles: and next to it there is another, called the Old Hydreuma, or the Troglodytic, where a detachment is always on guard, with a caravansary that affords lodging for two thousand persons. This last is distant from the New Hydreuma seven miles. After leaving it we come to the city of Berenice, situate upon a harbour of the Red Sea, and distant from Coptos two hundred and fifty-seven miles. The greater part of this distance is generally travelled by night, on account of the extreme heat, the day being spent at the stations; in consequence of which it takes twelve days to perform the whole journey from Coptos to Berenice. ",
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 ['.7Passengers generally set sail at midsummer, before the rising of the Dog-star, or else immediately after, and in about thirty days arrive at Ocelis in Arabia, or else at Cane, in the region which bears frankincense. There is also a third port of Arabia, Muza by name; it is not, however, used by persons on their passage to India, as only those touch at it who deal in incense and the perfumes of Arabia. More in the interior there is a city; the residence of the king there is called Sapphar, and there is another city known by the name of Save. To those who are bound for India, Ocelis is the best place for embarcation. If the wind, called Hippalus, happens to be blowing, it is possible to arrive in forty days at the nearest mart of India, Muziris by name. This, however, is not a very desirable place for disembarcation, on account of the pirates which frequent its vicinity, where they occupy a place called Nitrias; nor, in fact, is it very rich in articles of merchandize. Besides, the road-stead for shipping is a considerable distance from the shore, and the cargoes have to be conveyed in boats, either for loading or discharging. At the moment that I am writing these pages, the name of the king of this place is Caelobothras. Another port, and a much more convenient one, is that which lies in the territory of the people called Neacyndi, Barace by name. Here king Pandion used to reign, dwelling at a considerable distance from the mart in the interior, at a city known as Modiera. The district from which pepper is carried down to Barace in boats hollowed out of a single tree, is known as Cottonara. None of these names of nations, ports, and cities are to be found in any of the former writers, from which circumstance it would appear that the localities have since changed their names. Travellers set sail from India on their return to Europe, at the beginning of the Egyptian month Tybis, which is our December, or at all events before the sixth day of the Egyptian month Mechir, the same as our ides of January: if they do this, they can go and return in the same year. They set sail from India with a south-east wind, and upon entering the Red Sea, catch the south-west or south. We will now return to our main subject. ',
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 ['.1CARMANIA: Nearchus states in his writings that the coast of Carmania extends a distance of twelve hundred and fifty miles. From its frontier to the river Sabis is one hundred miles. At this spot begins the cultivation of the vine; which with the tillage of the fields, extends as far as the river Ananis, a distance of twenty-five miles. This region is known by the name of Armuzia. The cities of Carmania are Zetis and Alexandria. ',
  {'entities': [[12, 20, 'people'],
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 ['.1THE PERSIAN AND THE ARABIAN GULFS: The sea then makes a two-fold indentations in the land upon these coasts, under the name of Rubrum or "Red," given to it by our countrymen; while the Greeks have called it Erythrum, from king Erythras, or, according to some writers, from its red colour, which they think is produced by the reflection of the sun\'s rays; others again are of opinion that it arises from the sand and the complexion of the soil, others from some peculiarity in the nature of the water. Be this as it may, this body of water is divided into two gulfs. The one which lies to the east is called the Persian Gulf, and is two thousand five hundred miles in circumference, according to Eratosthenes. Opposite to it lies Arabia, the length of which is fifteen hundred miles. On the other side again, Arabia is bounded by the Arabian Gulf. The sea as it enters this gulf is called the Azanian Sea. The Persian Gulf, at the entrance, is only five miles wide; some writers make it four. From the entrance to the very bottom of the gulf, in a straight line, has been ascertained to be nearly eleven hundred and twenty-five miles: in outline it strongly resembles the human head. Onesicritus and Nearchus have stated in their works that from the river Indus to the Persian Gulf, and from thence to Babylon, situate in the marshes of the Euphrates, is a distance of seventeen hundred miles. ',
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 ['.2In the angle of Carmania are the Chelonophagi, who cover their cabins with the shells of turtles, and live upon their flesh; these people inhabit the next promontory that is seen after leaving the river Arbis; with the exception of the head, they are covered all over with long hair, and are clothed in the skins of fishes. ',
  {'entities': [[18, 26, 'place'], [35, 47, 'people'], [205, 210, 'people']]}],
 ['.3Beyond their district, in the direction of India, is said to be the desert island of Caicandrus, fifty miles out at sea; near to which, with a strait flowing between them, is Stoidis, celebrated for its valuable pearls. After passing the promontory are the Armozei, joining up to the Carmani; some writers, however, place between them the Arbii, extending along the shore a distance of four hundred and twenty-one miles. Here is a place called Portus Macedonum, and the Altars of Alexander, situate on a promontory, besides the rivers Saganos, Daras, and Salsa. Beyond the last river we come to the promontory of Themisteas, and the island of Aphrodisias, which is peopled. Here Persis begins, at the river Oratis, which separates it from Elymais. Opposite to the coast of Persis, are the islands of Psilos, Cassandra, and Aracia, the last sacred to Neptune, and containing a mountain of great height. Persis itself, looking towards the west, has a line of coast five hundred and fifty miles in length; it is a country opulent even to luxury, but has long since changed its name for that of "Parthia." I shall now devote a few words to the Parthian empire. ',
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 ['.1THE PARTHIAN EMPIRE: The kingdoms of Parthia are eighteen in all: such being the divisions of its provinces, which lie, as we have already stated, along the Red Sea to the south, and the Hyrcanian to the north. Of this number the eleven, called the Higher provinces, begin at the frontiers of Armenia and the shores of the Caspian, and extend to the Scythians, whose mode of life is similar in every respect. The other seven kingdoms of Parthia bear the name of the Lower provinces. As to the Parthi themselves, Parthia always lay at the foot of the mountains so often mentioned, which overhang all these nations. On the east it is bounded by the Arii, on the south by Carmania and the Ariani, on the west by the Pratitae, a people of the Medi, and on the north by the Hyrcani: it is surrounded by deserts on every side. The more distant of the Parthi are called Nomades; on this side of them there are deserts. On the west are the cities of Issatis and Calliope, already mentioned, on the north-east Europus, on the south-east Maria; in the middle there are Hecatompylos, Arsace, and Nisiaea, a fine district of Parthiene, in which is Alexandropolis, so called from its founder. It is requisite in this place to trace the localities of the Medi also, and to describe in succession the features of the country as far as the Persian Sea, in order that the account which follows may be the better understood. Media lies crosswise to the west, and so presenting itself obliquely to Parthia, closes the entrance of both kingdoms into which it is divided. It has, then, on the east, the Caspii and the Parthi; on the south, Sittacene, Susiane, and Persis; on the west, Adsiabene; and on the north, Armenia. The Persae have always inhabited the shores of the Red Sea, for which reason it has received the name of the Persian Gulf. This maritime region of Persis has the name of Ciribo; on the side on which it runs up to that of the Medi, there is a place known by the name of Climax Megale, where the mountains are ascended by a steep flight of stairs, and so afford a narrow passage which leads to Persepolis, the former capital of the kingdom, destroyed by Alexander. It has also, at its extreme frontier, Laodicea, founded by Antiochus. To the east of this place is the fortress of Passagarda, held by the Magi, at which spot is the tomb of Cyrus; also Ecbatana, a city of theirs, the inhabitants of which were removed by Darius to the mountains. Between the Parthi and the Ariani projects the territory of the Paraetaceni. By these nations and the river Euphrates are the Lower kingdoms of Parthia bounded; of the others we shall speak after Mesopotamia, which we shall now describe, with the exception of that angle of it and the peoples of Arabia, which have been already mentioned in a former book. ',
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 ['.1MESOPOTAMIA: The whole of Mesopotamia formerly belonged to the Assyrians, being covered with nothing but villages, with the exception of Babylonia and Ninus. The Macedonians formed these communities into cities, being prompted thereto by the extraordinary fertility of the soil. Besides the cities already mentioned, it contains those of Seleucia, Laodicea, Artemita; and in Arabia, the peoples known as the Orei and the Mardani, besides Antiochia, founded by Nicanor, the governor of Mesopotamia, and called Arabis. Joining up to these in the interior is an Arabian people, called the Eldamani, and above them, upon the river Pallaconta, the town of Bura, and the Arabian peoples known as the Salmani and the Masei. Up to the Gordyaei join the Aloni, through whose territory runs the river Zerbis, which falls into the Tigris; next are the Azones, the Silici, a mountain tribe, and the Orontes, to the west of whom lies the town of Gaugamela, as also Sue, situate upon the rocks. Beyond these are the Silici, surnamed Classitae, through whose district runs the river Lycus on its passage from Armenia, the Absithris running south-east, the town of Accobis, and then in the plains the towns of Diospage, Polytelia, Stratonice, and Anthermis. In the vicinity of the Euphrates is Nicephorium, of which we have already stated that Alexander, struck with the favourable situation of the spot, ordered it to be built. We have also similarly made mention of Apamea on the Zeugma. Leaving that city and going eastward, we come to Caphrena, a fortified town, formerly seventy stadia in extent, and called the "Court of the Satraps." It was to this place that the tribute was conveyed; now it is reduced to a mere fortress. Thaebata is still in the same state as formerly: after which comes Oruros, which under Pompeius Magnus formed the extreme limit of the Roman Empire, distant from Zeugma two hundred and fifty miles. There are writers who say that the Euphrates was drawn off by an artificial channel by the governor Gobares, at the point where we have stated that it branches off, in order that it might not commit damage in the city of Babylonia, in consequence of the extreme rapidity of its course. The Assyrians universally call this river by the name of Narmalcha, which signifies the "royal river." At the point where its waters divide, there was in former times a very large city, called Agranis, which the Persae have destroyed. ',
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 [".2Babylon, the capital of the nations of Chaldaea, long enjoyed the greatest celebrity of all cities throughout the whole world: and it is from this place that the remaining parts of Mesopotamia and Assyria received the name of Babylonia. The circuit of its walls, which were two hundred feet in height, was sixty miles. These walls were also fifty feet in breadth, reckoning to every foot three fingers' breadth beyond the ordinary measure of our foot. The river Euphrates flowed through the city, with quays of marvellous workmanship erected on either side. The temple there of Jupiter Belus is still in existence; he was the first inventor of the science of Astronomy. In all other respects it has been reduced to a desert, having been drained of its population in consequence of its vicinity to Seleucia, founded for that purpose by Nicator, at a distance of ninety miles, on the confluence of the Tigris and the canal that leads from the Euphrates. Seleucia, however, still bears the surname of Babylonia: it is a free and independent city, and retains the features of the Macedonian manners. It is said that the population of this city amounts to six hundred thousand, and that the outline of its walls resembles an eagle with expanded wings: its territory, they say, is the most fertile in all the East. The Parthi again, in its turn, founded Ctesiphon, for the purpose of drawing away the population of Seleucia, at a distance of nearly three miles, and in the district of Chalonitis; Ctesiphon is now the capital of all the Parthian kingdoms. Finding, however, that this city did not answer the intended purpose, king Vologesus has of late years founded another city in its vicinity, Vologesocerta by name. Besides the above, there are still the following towns in Mesopotamia: Hipparenum, rendered famous, like Babylon, by the learning of the Chaldaei, and situate near the river Narraga, which falls into the Narroga, from which a city so called has taken its name. The Persae destroyed the walls of Hipparenum. Orchenus also, a third place of learning of the Chaldaei, is situate in the same district, towards the south; after which come the Notitae, the Orothophanitae, and the Grecichartae. From Nearchus and Onesicritus we learn that the distance by water from the Persian Sea to Babylon, up the Euphrates, is four hundred and twelve miles; other authors, however, who have written since their time, say that the distance to Seleucia is four hundred and forty miles: and Juba says that the distance from Babylon to Charax is one hundred and seventy-five. Some writers state that the Euphrates continues to flow with an undivided channel for a distance of eighty-seven miles beyond Babylon, before its waters are diverted from their channel for the purposes of irrigation; and that the whole length of its course is not less than twelve hundred miles. The circumstance that so many different authors have treated of this subject, accounts for all these variations, seeing that even the Persian writers themselves do not agree as to what is the length of their schoeni and parasangoe, each assigning to them a different length. ",
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 ['.3When the Euphrates ceases, by running in its channel, to afford protections to those who dwell on its banks, which it does when it approaches the confines of Charax, the country is immediately infested by the Attali, a predatory people of Arabia, beyond whom are found the Scenite. The banks along this river are occupied by the Nomades of Arabia, as far as the deserts of Syria, from which, as we have already stated, it takes a turn to the south, and leaves the solitary deserts of Palmyra. Seleucia is distant, by way of the Euphrates, from the beginning of Mesopotamia, eleven hundred and twenty-five; from the Red Sea, by way of the Tigris, two hundred and twenty; and from Zeugma, seven hundred and twenty-three, miles. Zeugma is distant from Seleucia in Syria, on the shores of our sea, one hundred and seventy-five miles. Such is the extent of the land that lies in these parts between the two seas. The length of the kingdom of Parthia is nine hundred and eighteen miles. ',
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    [681, 687, 'place'],
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 ['.1THE TIGRIS: There is, besides the above, another town in Mesopotamia, on the banks of the Tigris and near its confluence with the Euphrates, the name of which is Digba. But it will be as well now to give some particulars respecting the Tigris itself. This river rises in the region of Greater Armenia, from a very remarkable source, situate on a plain. The name of the spot is Elegosine, and the stream, as soon as it begins to flow, though with a slow current, has the name of Diglito. When its course becomes more rapid, it assumes the name of Tigris, given to it on account of its swiftness, that word signifying an arrow in the Median language. It then flows into Lake Arethusa, the waters of which are able to support all weighty substances thrown into them, and exhale nitrous vapours. This lake produces only one kind of fish, which, however, never enter the current of the river in its passage through the lake: and in a similar manner, the fish of the Tigris will never swim out of its stream into the waters of the lake. Distinguishable from the lake, both by the rapidity and the colour of its waters, the tide of the river is hurried along; after it has passed through and arrived at Mount Taurus, it disappears in a cavern of that mountain, and passing beneath it, bursts forth on the other side; the spot bears the name of Zoroande. That the waters on either side of the mountain are the same, is evident from the fact, that bodies thrown in on the one side will reappear on the other. It then passes through another lake, called Thospites, and once more burying itself in the earth, reappears, after running a distance of twenty-two miles, in the vicinity of Nymphaion. Claudius Caesar informs us that, in the district of Arrene it flows so near to the river Arsanias, that when their waters swell they meet and flow together, but without, however, intermingling. For those of the Arsani, as he says, being lighter, float on the surface of the Tigris for a distance of nearly four miles, after which they separate, and the Arsanias flows into the Euphrates. The Tigris, after flowing through Armenia and receiving the well-known rivers Parthenias and Nicephorion, separates the Arabian Orei from the Adiabeni, and then forms by its course, as previously mentioned, the country of Mesopotamia. After traversing the mountains of the Gordyaei, it passes round Apamea, a town of Mesene, one hundred and twenty-five miles on this side of Babylonian Seleucia, and then divides into two channels, one of which runs southward, and flowing through Mesene, runs towards Seleucia, while the other takes a turn to the north and passes through the plains of the Cauchae, at the back of the district of Mesene. When the waters have reunited, the river assumes the name of Pasitigris. After this, it receives the Choaspes, which comes from Media; and then, as we have already stated, flowing between Seleucia and Ctesiphon, discharges itself into the Chaldaean Lakes, which it supplies for a distance of seventy miles. Escaping from them by a vast channel, it passes the city of Charax to the right, and empties itself into the Persian Sea, being ten miles in width at the mouth. Between the mouths of the two rivers Tigris and the Euphrates, the distance was formerly twenty-five, or, according to some writers, seven miles only, both of them being navigable to the sea. But the Orcheni and others who dwell on its banks, have long since dammed up the waters of the Euphrates for the purposes of irrigation, and it can only discharge itself into the sea by the aid of the Tigris. ',
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 ['.2The country on the banks of the Tigris is called Parapotamia; we have already made mention of Mesene, one of its districts. Dabithac is a town there, adjoining to which is the district of Chalonitis, with the city of Ctesiphon, famous, not only for its palm-groves, but for its olives, fruits, and other shrubs. Mount Zagrus reaches as far as this district, and extends from Armenia between the Medi and the Adiabeni, above Paraetacene and Persis. Chalonitis is distant from Persis three hundred and eighty miles; some writers say that by the shortest route it is the same distance from Assyria and the Caspian Sea. ',
  {'entities': [[34, 40, 'place'],
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    [442, 448, 'place'],
    [190, 200, 'people'],
    [442, 448, 'place'],
    [589, 596, 'people'],
    [605, 616, 'place']]}],
 ['.3Between these peoples and Mesene is Sittacene, which is also called Arbelitis and Palaestine. Its city of Sittaceis of Greek origin; this and Sabdata lie to the east, and on the west is Antiochia, between the two rivers Tigris and Tornadotus, as also Apamea, to which Antiochus gave this name, being that of his mother. The Tigris surrounds this city, which is also traversed by the waters of the Archous. ',
  {'entities': [[28, 34, 'people'],
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    [222, 228, 'place'],
    [270, 279, 'people'],
    [222, 228, 'place']]}],
 ['.4Below this district is Susiane, in which is the city of Susa, the ancient residence of the kings of Persia, built by Darius, the son of Hystaspes; it is distant from Seleucia Babylonia four hundred and fifty miles, and the same from Ecbatana of the Medi, by way of Mount Carbantus. Upon the northern channel of the river Tigris is the town of Babytace, distant from Susa one hundred and thirty-five miles. Here, for the only place in all the world, is gold held in abhorrence; the people collect it together and bury it in the earth, that it may be of use to no one. On the east of Susiane are the Oxii, a predatory people, and forty independent savage tribes of the Mizaei. Above these are the Mardi and the Saitae, subject to Parthia: they extend above the district of Elymais, which we have already mentioned as joining up to the coast of Persis. Susa is distant two hundred and fifty miles from the Persian Sea. Near the spot where the fleet of Alexander came up the Pasitigris to Susa, there is a village situate on the Chaldaean Lake, Aple by name, from which to Susa is a distance of sixty miles and a half. Adjoining to the people of Susiane, on the east, are the Cossiei; and above them, to the north, is Mesabatene, lying at the foot of Mount Cambalidus, a branch of the Caucasian chain: from this point the country of the Bactri is most accessible. ',
  {'entities': [[25, 32, 'place'],
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 ['.5Susiane is separated from Elymais by the river Eulaeus, which rises in Media, and, after concealing itself in the earth for a short distance, rises again and flows through Mesabatene. It then flows round the citadel of Susa and the temple of Diana, which is held in the highest veneration by all these nations; the river itself being the object of many pompous ceremonials; the kings, indeed, will drink of no other water, and for that reason carry it with them on their journies to any considerable distance. This river receives the waters of the Hedypnos, which passes Asylus, in Persis, and those of the Aduna, which rises in Susiane. Magoa is a town situate near it, and distant from Charax fifteen miles; some writers place this town at the very extremity of Susiane, and close to the deserts. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 9, 'place'],
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    [244, 249, 'people'],
    [584, 590, 'place'],
    [2, 9, 'place'],
    [690, 696, 'place'],
    [2, 9, 'place']]}],
 ['.6Below the Eulaeus is Elymais, upon the coast adjoining to Persis, and extending from the river Orates to Charax, a distance of two hundred and forty miles. Its towns are Seleucia and Socrate, upon Mount Casyrus. The shore which lies in front of this district is, as we have already stated, rendered inaccessible by mud, the rivers Brixa and Ortacea bringing down vast quantities of slime from the interior, — Elymais itself being so marshy that it is impossible to reach Persis that way, unless by going completely round: it is also greatly infested with serpents, which are brought down by the waters of these rivers. That part of it which is the most inaccessible of all, bears the name of Characene, from Charax, the frontier city of the kingdoms of Arabia. Of this place we will now make mention, after first stating the opinions of M. Agrippa in relation to this subject. That author informs us that Media, Parthia, and Persis, are bounded on the east by the Indus, on the west by the Tigris, on the north by Taurus and Caucasus, and on the south by the Red Sea; that the length of these countries is thirteen hundred and twenty miles, and the breadth eight hundred and forty; and that, in addition to these, there is Mesopotamia, which, taken by itself, is bounded on the east by the Tigris, on the west by the Euphrates, on the north by the chain of Taurus, and on the south by the Persian Sea, being eight hundred miles in length, and three hundred and sixty in breadth. ',
  {'entities': [[12, 19, 'place'],
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 ['.7Charax is a city situate at the furthest extremity of the Arabian Gulf, at which begins the more prominent portion of Arabia Felix: it is built on an artificial elevation, having the Tigris on the right, and the Eulaeus on the left, and lies on a piece of ground three miles in extent, just between the confluence of those streams. It was first founded by Alexander the Great, with colonists from the royal city of Durine, which was then destroyed, and such of his soldiers as were invalided and left behind. By his order it was to be called Alexandria, and a borough called Pella, from his native place, was to be peopled solely by Macedonians; the city, however, was destroyed by inundations of the rivers. Antiochus, the fifth king of Syria, afterwards rebuilt this place and called it by his own name; and on its being again destroyed, Pasines, the son of Saggonadacus, and king of the neighbouring Arabians, whom Juba has incorrectly described as a satrap of king Antiochus, restored it, and raised embankments for its protection, calling it after himself. These embankments extended in length a distance of nearly three miles, in breadth a little less. It stood at first at a distance of ten stadia from the shore, and even had a harbour of its own. But according to Juba, it is fifty miles from the sea; and at the present day, the ambassadors from Arabia, and our own merchants who have visited the place, say that it stands at a distance of one hundred and twenty miles from the sea-shore. Indeed, in no part of the world have alluvial deposits been formed more rapidly by the rivers, and to a greater extent than here; and it is only a matter of surprise that the tides, which run to a considerable distance beyond this city, do not carry them back again. At this place was born Dionysius, the most recent author of a description of the world; he was sent by the late emperor Augustus to gather all necessary information in the East, when his eldest son was about to set out for Armenia to take the command against the Parthians and Arabians. ',
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 ['.8The fact has not escaped me, nor indeed have I forgotten, that at the beginning of this work I have remarked that each author appeared to be most accurate in the description of his own country; still, while I am speaking of these parts of the world, I prefer to follow the discoveries made by the Roman arms, and the description given by king Juba, in his work dedicated to Caius Caesar above-mentioned, on the subject of the same expedition against Arabia. ',
  {'entities': [[345, 349, 'people'],
    [376, 381, 'people'],
    [452, 458, 'place']]}],
 ['.1ARABIA: Arabia, inferior to no country throughout the whole world, is of immense extent, running downwards, as we have previously stated, from Mount Amanus, over against Cilicia and Commagene; many of the Arabian nations having been removed to those countries by Tigranes the Great, while others again have migrated of their own accord to the shores of our sea and the coast of Egypt, as we have already mentioned. The Nubei have even penetrated as far as Mount Libanus in the middle of Syria; in their turn they are bounded by the Ramisi, these by the Taranei, and these again by the Patami. ',
  {'entities': [[10, 16, 'place'],
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    [265, 273, 'people'],
    [380, 385, 'place'],
    [421, 426, 'people'],
    [464, 471, 'place'],
    [489, 494, 'place']]}],
 [".2As for Arabia itself, it is a peninsula, running out between the Red and the Persian Seas; and it is by a kind of design, apparently on the part of nature, that it is surrounded by the sea in such a manner as to resemble very much the form and size of Italy, there being no difference either in the climate of the two countries, as they lie in the same latitudes. This, too, renders it equally fertile with the countries of Italy. We have already mentioned its peoples, which extend from our sea as far as the deserts of Palmyrene, and we shall now proceed to a description of the remainder. The Scenitae, as we have already stated, border upon the Nomades and the tribes that ravage the territories of Chaldaea, being themselves of wandering habits, and receiving their name from the tents which constitute their dwellings; these are made of goats' hair, and they pitch them wherever they please. Next after them are the Nabataei, who have a city called Petra, which lies in a deep valley, somewhat less than two miles in width, and surrounded by inaccessible mountains, between which a river flows: it is distant from the city of Gaza, on our shores, six hundred miles, and from the Persian Gulf one hundred and thirty-five. At this place two roads meet, the one leading from Syria to Palmyra, and the other from Gaza. On leaving Petra we come to the Omani, who dwell as far as Charax, with their once famous cities which were built by Semiramis, Besannisa and Soractia by name; at the present day they are wildernesses. We next come to a city situate on the banks of the Pasitigris, Fora by name, and subject to the king of Charax: to this place people resort on their road from Petra, and sail thence to Charax, twelve miles distant, with the tide. If you are proceeding by water from the Parthian territories, you come to a village known as Teredon; and below the confluence of the Euphrates and Tigris, you have the Chaldaei dwelling on the left side of the river, and the Nomadic tribes of the Scenitae on the right. Some writers also make mention of two other cities situate at long intervals, as you sail along the Tigris, Barbatia, and then Thumata, distant from Petra, they say, ten days' sail; our merchants report that these places are subject to the king of Charax. The same writers also state, that Apamea is situate where the overflow of the Euphrates unites with the Tigris; and that when the Parthians meditate an incursion, the inhabitants dam up the river by embankments, and so inundate their country. ",
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    [1382, 1388, 'place'],
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    [1903, 1909, 'place'],
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 ['.3We will now proceed to describe the coast after leaving Charax, which was first explored by order of king Epiphanes. We first come to the place where the mouth of the Euphrates formerly existed, the river Salsus, and the Promontory of Chaldone, from which spot, the sea along the coast, for an extent of fifty miles, bears more the aspect of a series of whirlpools than of ordinary sea; the river Achenus, and then a desert tract for a space of one hundred miles, until we come to the island of Ichara; the gulf of Capeus, on the shores of which dwell the Gaulopes and the Chateni, and then the gulf of Gerra. Here we find the city of Gerra, five miles in circumference, with towers built of square blocks of salt. Fifty miles from the coast, lying in the interior, is the region of Attene, and opposite to Gerra is the island of Tylos, as many miles distant from the shore; it is famous for the vast number of its pearls, and has a town of the same name; in its vicinity there is a smaller island, distant from a promontory on the larger one twelve miles and a half. They say that beyond this large islands may be seen, upon which no one has ever landed: the circumference of the smaller island is one hundred and twelve miles and a half; and it is more than that distance from the Persian coast, being accessible by only one narrow channel. We then come to the island of Asclie, and the nations of the Nocheti, the Zurazi, the Borgodi, the Catharrei, the Nomades, and then the river Cynos. Beyond this, the navigation is impracticable on that side, according to Juba, on account of the rocks; and he has omitted all mention of Batrasave, a town of the Omani, and of the city of Omana, which former writers have made out to be a famous port of Carmania; as also of Homna and Attana, towns which at the present day, our merchants say, are by far the most famous ones in the Persian Sea. Passing the river Cynos, there is a mountain, Juba says, that bears marks of the action of fire; also, the nation of the Epimaranitae, then a nation of Ichthyophagi, and then a desert island, and the nation of the Bathymi. We then come to the Eblitaean Mountains, the island of Omoenus, the port of Mochorbe, the islands of Etaxalos and Inchobrice, and the nation of the Cadaei. There are many islands also that have no name, but the better known ones are Isura, Rhinnea, and another still nearer the shore, upon which there are some stone pillars with an inscription in unknown characters. There are also the port of Goboea, the desert islands called Bragae, the nation of the Thaludaei, the region of Dabanegoris, Mount Orsa, with a harbour, the gulf of Duatus, with numerous islands, Mount Tricoryphos, the region of Cardaleon, and the islands called Solanades, Cachinna, and that of the Ichthyophagi. We then find the Clari, the shore of Mamaion, on which there are gold mines, the region of Canauna, the nations of the Apitami and the Casani, the island of Devade, the fountain of Coralis, the Carphati, the islands of Calaeu and Amnamethus, and the nation of the Darrae. Also, the island of Chelonitis, numerous islands of Ichthyophagi, the deserts of Odanda, Basa, many islands of the Sabaei, the rivers Thanar and Amnume, the islands of Dorice, and the fountains of Daulotos and Dora. We find also the islands of Pteros, Labatanis, Coboris, and Sambrachate, with a town of the same name on the mainland. Lying to the south are a great number of islands, the largest of which is Camari; also the river Musecros, and the port of Laupas. We then come to the Sabaei, a nation of Scenitae, with numerous islands, and the city of Acila, which is their mart, and from which persons embark for India. We next come to the region of Amithoscutta. Damnia, the Greater and the Lesser Mizi, and the Drimati. The promontory of the Naumachaei, over against Carmania, is distant from it fifty miles. A wonderful circumstance is said to have happened here; Numenius, who was made governor of Mesena by king Antiochus, while fighting against the Persians, defeated them at sea, and at low water, by land, with an army of cavalry, on the same day; in memory of which event he erected a twofold trophy on the same spot, in honour of Jupiter and Neptune. ',
  {'entities': [[58, 64, 'place'],
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 ['.4Opposite to this place, in the main sea, lies the island of Ogyris, famous for being the burial-place of king Erythras; it is distant from the mainland one hundred and twenty miles, being one hundred and twelve in circumference. No less famous is another island, called Dioscoridu, and lying in the Azanian Sea; it is distant two hundred and eighty miles from the extreme point of the Promontory of Syagrus. ',
  {'entities': [[62, 68, 'people'], [401, 408, 'people']]}],
 [".5The remaining places and nations on the mainland, lying still to the south, are the Ausaritae, to whose country it is seven days' journey among the mountains, the nations of the Larendani and the Catabani, and the Gebanitae, who occupy a great number of towns, the largest of which are Nagia, and Thomna with sixty-five temples, a number which fully bespeaks its size. We then come to a promontory, from which to the mainland of the Troglodytae it is fifty miles, and then the Thoani, the Actaei, the Chatramotitae, the Tonabei, the Antidalei, the Lexianae, the Agraei, the Cerbani, and the Sabaei, the best known of all the tribes of Arabia, on account of their frankincense; these nations extend from sea to sea. The towns which belong to them on the Red Sea are Marane, Marma, Corolia, and Sabatha; and in the interior, Nascus, Cardava, Carnus, and Thomala, from which they bring down their spices for exportation. One portion of this nation is the Atramitae, whose capital, Sabota, has sixty temples within its walls. But the royal city of all these nations is Mariaba; it lies upon a bay, ninety-four miles in extent, and filled with islands that produce perfumes. Lying in the interior, and joining up to the Atramitae, are the Mitaei; are the Minae; the Elamitae dwell on the sea-shore, in a city from which they take their name. Next to these are the Chaculatae; then the town of Sibi, by the Greeks called Apate; the Arsi, the Codani, the Vadei, who dwell in a large town, the Barasasaei, the Lechieni, and the island of Sygaros, into the interior of which no dogs are admitted, and so being exposed on the sea shore, they wander about there and are left to die. We then come to a gulf which runs far into the interior, upon which are situate the Laenitae, who have given to it their name; also their royal city of Agra, and upon the gulf that of Laeana, or as some call it Aelana; indeed, by some of our writers this has been called the Aelanitic Gulf, and by others again, the Aelenitic; Artemidorus calls it the Alenitic, and Juba the Laenitic. The circumference of Arabia, measured from Charax to Laeana, is said to be four thousand six hundred and sixty-six miles, but Juba thinks that it is somewhat less than four thousand. Its widest part is at the north, between the cities of Heroopolis and Charax. We will now mention the remaining places and peoples of the interior of Arabia. ",
  {'entities': [[435, 446, 'ethnic'],
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 ['.6Up to the Nabataei the ancients joined the Thimanei; at present they have next to them the Taveni, and then the Suelleni, the Arraeeni, and the Areni, whose town is the centre of all the commerce of these parts. Next come the Hemnatae, the Aualitae, the towns of Domata and Hegra, the Tamudaei, with the town of Badanatha, the Carrei, with the town of Cariati, the Achoali, with the town of Foth, and the Minaei, who derive their origin, it is supposed, from Minos, king of Crete, and of whom the Carmaei are a tribe. Next comes a town, fourteen miles distant, called Marippa, and belonging to the Palamaces, a place by no means to be overlooked, and then Carnon. The Rhadamaei also — these too are supposed to derive their origin from Rhadamanthus, the brother of Minos — the Homeritae, with their city of Masala, the Hamirei, the Gedranitae, the Amphyrae, the Ilisanitae, the Bachilitae, the Samnaei, the Amitei, with the towns of Nessa and Cennesseris, the Zamareni, with the towns of Sagiatta and Canthace, the Bacascami, the town of Riphearma, the name by which they call barley, the Autei, the Ethravi, the Cyrei and the Mathatraei, the Helmodenes, with the town of Ebode, the Agacturi, dwelling in the mountains, with a town twenty miles distant, in which is a fountain called Aenuscabales, which signifies "the town of the camels." Ampelome also, a Milesian colony, the town of Athrida, the Calingii, whose city is called Mariva, and signifies "the lord of all men;" the towns of Palon and Murannimal, near a river by which it is thought that the Euphrates discharges itself, the nations of the Agrei and the Ammonii, the town of Athenae, the Caunaravi, a name which signifies "most rich in herds," the Coranitae, the Oesani, and the Choani. Here were also formerly the Greek towns of Arethusa, Larisa, and Chalcis, which have been destroyed in various wars. ',
  {'entities': [[12, 20, 'ethnic'],
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    [461, 466, 'people'],
    [779, 788, 'ethnic'],
    [1091, 1096, 'people'],
    [1359, 1367, 'demonym'],
    [1432, 1438, 'people'],
    [1557, 1566, 'place'],
    [1605, 1610, 'people'],
    [1795, 1803, 'people'],
    [1805, 1811, 'place'],
    [1817, 1824, 'place']]}],
 ['.7Aelius Gallus, a member of the Equestrian order, is the sole person who has hitherto carried the Roman arms into these lands, for Gaius Caesar, the son of Augustus, only had a distant view of Arabia. In his expedition, Gallus destroyed the following towns, the names of which are not given by the authors who had written before his time, Negrana, Nestum, Nesca, Masugum, Caminacum, Labecia, and Mariva abovementioned, six miles in circumference, as also Caripeta, the furthest point of his expedition. He brought back with him the following discoveries — that the Nomades live upon milk and the flesh of wild beasts, and that the other nations, like the Indians, extract a sort of wine from the palm-tree, and oil from sesame. He says that the most numerous of these tribes are the Homeritae and the Minaei, that their lands are fruitful in palms and shrubs, and that their chief wealth is centred in their flocks. We also learn from the same source that the Cerbani and the Agraei excel in arms, but more particularly the Chatramotitae; that the territories of the Carrei are the most extensive and most fertile; but that the Sabaei are the richest of all in the great abundance of their spice-bearing groves, their mines of gold, their streams for irrigation, and their ample produce of honey and wax. Of their perfumes we shall have to treat more at large in the Book devoted to that subject. The Arabs either wear the mitra, or else go with their hair unshorn, while the beard is shaved, except upon the upper lip: some tribes, however, leave even the beard unshaved. A singular thing too, one half of these almost innumerable tribes live by the pursuits of commerce, the other half by rapine: take them all in all, they are the richest nations in the world, seeing that such vast wealth flows in upon them from both the Roman and the Parthian Empires; for they sell the produce of the sea or of their forests, while they purchase nothing whatever in return. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 15, 'people'],
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    [157, 165, 'people'],
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    [397, 403, 'people'],
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    [1025, 1038, 'ethnic'],
    [1129, 1135, 'ethnic'],
    [1402, 1407, 'ethnic'],
    [1841, 1849, 'demonym']]}],
 [".1THE GULFS OF THE RED SEA: We will now trace the rest of the coast that lies opposite to that of Arabia. Timosthenes has estimated the length of the whole gulf at four days' sail, and the breadth at two, making the Straits to be seven miles and a half in width. Eratosthenes says that the length of the shore from the mouth of the gulf is thirteen hundred miles on each side, while Artemidorus states that the length on the Arabian side is seventeen hundred and fifty miles, and that along the Troglodytic coast, to Ptolemais, the distance is eleven hundred and thirty-seven and a half. Agrippa, however, maintains that there is no difference whatever in the length of the two sides, and makes it seventeen hundred and twenty-two miles. Most writers mention the length as being four hundred and seventy-five miles, and make the Straits to face the southeast, being twelve miles wide according to some, fifteen according to others. ",
  {'entities': [[98, 104, 'place'],
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    [263, 275, 'people'],
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    [517, 526, 'place'],
    [588, 595, 'people']]}],
 [".2The localities of this region are as follow: On passing the Aelanitic Gulf there is another gulf, by the Arabians called Soea, upon which is situate the city of Heroon. The town of Cambysu also stood here formerly, between the Neli and the Marchades, Cambyses having established there the invalids of his army. We then come to the nation of the Tyri, and the port of the Danei, from which place an attempt has been made to form a navigable canal to the river Nile, at the spot where it enters the Delta previously mentioned, the distance between the river and the Red Sea being sixty-two miles. This was contemplated first of all by Sesostris, king of Egypt, afterwards by Darius, king of the Persians, and still later by Ptolemy 2., who also made a canal, one hundred feet in width and forty deep, extending a distance of thirty-seven miles and a half, as far as the Bitter Springs. He was deterred from proceeding any further with this work by apprehensions of an inundation, upon finding that the Red Sea was three cubits higher than the land in the interior of Egypt. Some writers, however, do not allege this as the cause, but say that his reason was, a fear lest, in consequence of introducing the sea, the water of the Nile might be spoilt, that being the only source from which the Egyptians obtain water for drinking. Be this as it may, the whole of the journey from the Egyptian Sea is usually performed by land one of the three following ways: — Either from Pelusium across the sands, in doing which the only method of finding the way is by means of reeds fixed in the earth, the wind immediately effacing all traces of footsteps: by the route which begins two miles beyond Mount Casius, and at a distance of sixty miles enters the road from Pelusium, adjoining to which road the Arabian tribe of the Autei dwell; or else by a third route, which leads from Gerrum, and which they call Adipsos, passing through the same Arabians, and shorter by nearly sixty miles, but running over rugged mountains and through a district destitute of water. All these roads lead to Arsinoe, a city founded in honour of his sister's name, upon the Gulf of Carandra, by Ptolemy Philadelphus, who was the first to explore Troglodytice, and called the river which flows before Arsinoe by the name of Ptolemaeus. After this comes the little town of Enum, by some writers mentioned as Philotera; next to which are the Abasaei, a nation sprung from intermarriages with the Troglodytae, then some wild Arabian tribes, the islands of Sapirine and Scytala, and after these, deserts as far as Myoshormon, where we find the fountain of Tatnos, Mount Aeas, the island of Iambe, and numerous harbours. Berenice also, is here situate, so called after the name of the mother of Philadelphus, and to which there is a road from Coptos, as we have previously stated; then the Arabian Autei, and the Zebadei. ",
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 ['.1TROGLODYTICE: Troglodytice comes next, by the ancients called Midoe, and by some Michoe; here is Mount Pentedactylos, some islands called Stenae Deirae, the Halonnesi, a group of islands not less in number, Cardamine, and Topazos, which last has given its name to the precious stone so called. The gulf is full of islands; those known as Mareu are supplied with fresh water, those called Erenos, are without it; these were ruled by governors appointed by the kings. In the interior are the Candei, also called Ophiophagi, a people in the habit of eating serpents; there is no region in existence more productive of them. ',
  {'entities': [[16, 28, 'place']]}],
 ['.2Juba, who appears to have investigated all these matters with the greatest diligence, has omitted, in his description of these regions — unless, indeed, it be an error in the copying — another place called Berenice and surnamed Panchrysos, as also a third surnamed Epidires, and remarkable for the peculiarity of its site; for it lies on a long projecting neck of land, at the spot where the Straits at the mouth of the Red Sea separate the coast of Africa from Arabia by a distance of seven miles only: here too is the island of Cytis, which also produces the topaz. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 6, 'people'],
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    [464, 470, 'place'],
    [532, 537, 'people']]}],
 ['.3Beyond this are forests, in which is Ptolemais, built by Philadelphus for the chase of the elephant, and thence called Epitheras, situate near Lake Monoleus. This is the same region that has been already mentioned by us in the Second Book, and in which, during forty-five days before the summer solstice and for as many after, there is no shadow at the sixth hour, and during the other hours of the day it falls to the south; while at other times it falls to the north; whereas at the Berenice of which we first made mention, on the day of the summer solstice the shadow totally disappears at the sixth hour, but no other unusual phaenomenon is observed. That place is situate at a distance of six hundred and two miles from Ptolemais, which has thus become the subject of a remarkable theory, and has promoted the exercise of a spirit of the most profound investigation; for it was at this spot that the extent of the earth was first ascertained, it being the fact that Erastosthenes, beginning at this place by the accurate calculation of the length of the shadow, was enabled to determine with exactness the dimensions of the earth. ',
  {'entities': [[39, 48, 'place'],
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    [39, 48, 'place'],
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 [".4After passing this place we come to the Azanian Sea, a promontory by some writers called Hispalus, Lake Mandalum, and the island of Colocasitis, with many others lying out in the main sea, upon which multitudes of turtles are found. We then come to the town of Suche, the island of Daphnidis, and the town of the Adulitae, a place founded by Egyptian runaway slaves. This is the principal mart for the Troglodytes, as also for the people of Aethiopia: it is distant from Ptolemais five days' sail. To this place they bring ivory in large quantities, horns of the rhinoceros, hides of the hippopotamus, tortoise-shell, sphingiae, and slaves. Beyond the Aethiopian Aroterae are the islands known by the name of Aliaeu, as also those of Bacchias, Antibacchias, and Stratioton. After passing these, on the coast of Aethiopia, there is a gulf which remains unexplored still; a circumstance the more to be wondered at, seeing that merchants have pursued their investigations to a greater distance than this. We then come to a promontory, upon which there is a spring called Cucios, much resorted to by mariners. Beyond it is the Port of Isis, distant ten days' rowing from the town of the Adulitae: myrrh is brought to this port by the Troglodytae. The two islands before the harbour are called Pseudepylae, and those in it, the same in number, are known as Pylae; upon one of these there are some stone columns inscribed with unknown characters. Beyond these is the Gulf of Abalites, the island of Diodorus, and other desert islands; also, on the mainland, a succession of deserts, and then the town of Gaza, and the Mossylites promontory and port, to the latter of which cinnamon is brought for exportation: it was thus far that Sesostris led his army. ",
  {'entities': [[42, 49, 'demonym'],
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    [1495, 1503, 'people'],
    [1600, 1604, 'place'],
    [1727, 1736, 'people']]}],
 [".5Some writers place even beyond this, upon the shore, one town of Ethiopia, called Baragaza. Juba will have it that at the Promontory of Mossylum the Atlantic Sea begins, and that with a north-west wind we may sail past his native country, the Mauritanias, and arrive at Gades. We ought not on this occasion to curtail any portion of the opinions so expressed by him. He says that after we pass the promontory of the Indians, known as Lepteacra, and by others called Drepanum, the distance, in a straight line, beyond the island of Exusta and Malichu, is fifteen hundred miles; from thence to a place called Sceneos two hundred and twenty-five; and from thence to the island of Adanu one hundred and fifty miles; so that the distance to the open sea is altogether eighteen hundred and seventy-five miles. All the other writers, however, are of opinion that, in consequence of the intensity of the sun's heat, this sea is not navigable; added to which, commerce is greatly exposed to the depredations of a piratical tribe of Arabians called Ascitae, who dwell upon the islands: placing two inflated skins of oxen beneath a raft of wood, they ply their piratical vocation with the aid of. poisoned arrows. We learn also from the same author that some nations of the Troglodytae have the name of Therothoae, being so called from their skill in hunting. They are remarkable for their swiftness, he says, just as the Ichthyophagi are, who can swim like the animals whose element is the sea. He speaks also of the Bangeni, the Gangorae, the Chalybes, the Xoxinae, the Sirechae, the Daremae, and the Domazames. Juba states, too, that the inhabitants who dwell on the banks of the Nile from Syene as far as Meroe, are not a people of Aethiopia, but Arabians; and that the city of the Sun, which we have mentioned as situate not far from Memphis, in our description of Egypt, was founded by Arabians. There are some writers who take away the further bank of the Nile from Aethiopia, and unite it to Africa; and they people its sides with tribes attracted thither by its water. We shall leave these matters, however, to the option of each, to form his opinion on them, and shall now proceed to mention the towns on each side in the order in which they are given. ",
  {'entities': [[67, 75, 'place'],
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    [1861, 1866, 'place'],
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 ['.1ETHIOPIA: On leaving Syene, and taking first the Arabian side, we find the nation of the Catadupi, then the Syenitae, and the town of Tacompsos, by some called Thatice, as also Aramasos, Sesamos, Sanduma, Masindomacam, Arabeta and Boggia, Leupitorga, Tantarene, Mecindita, Noa, Gloploa, Gystate, Megada, Lea, Renni, Nups, Direa, Patiga, Bacata, Dumana, Rhadata, at which place a golden cat was worshipped as a god, Boron, in the interior, and Mallos, near Meroe; this is the account given by Bion. ',
  {'entities': [[23, 28, 'place'],
    [51, 58, 'people'],
    [136, 145, 'people'],
    [458, 463, 'place'],
    [494, 498, 'people']]}],
 ['.2Juba, however, gives another account; he says that there is a city on Mount Megatichos, which lies between Egypt and Ethiopia, by the Arabians known as Myrson, after which come Tacompsos, Aramus, Sesamos, Pide, Mamuda, Orambis, situate near a stream of bitumen, Amodita, Prosda, Parenta, Mama, Tesatta, Gallas, Zoton, Graucome, Emeus, the Pidibotae, the Hebdomecontacometae, Nomades, who dwell in tents, Cyste, Macadagale, Proaprimis, Nups, Detrelis, Patis, the Ganbreves, the Magasnei, Segasmala, Crandala, Denna, Cadeuma, Thena, Batta, Alana, Mascoa, the Scamini, Hora, situate on an island, and then Abala, Androgalis, Sesecre, the Malli, and Agole. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 6, 'people'],
    [109, 114, 'place'],
    [119, 127, 'place'],
    [136, 144, 'ethnic'],
    [179, 188, 'people'],
    [526, 531, 'people'],
    [605, 610, 'people'],
    [637, 642, 'people']]}],
 ['.3On the African side we find mentioned, either what is another place with the same name of Tacompsos, or else a part of the one before-mentioned, and after it Moggore, Saea, Edos, Plenariae, Pinnis, Magassa, Buma, Linthuma, Spintum, Sydop, the Censi, Pindicitora, Acug, Orsum, Sansa, Maumarum, Urbim, the town of Molum, by the Greeks called Hypaton, Pagoarca, Zmanes, at which point elephants begin to be found, the Mambli, Berressa, and Acetuma; there was formerly a town also called Epis, over against Meroe, which had, however, been destroyed before Bion wrote. ',
  {'entities': [[92, 101, 'people'],
    [505, 510, 'place'],
    [554, 558, 'people']]}],
 ['.4These are the names of places given as far as Meroe: but at the present day hardly any of them on either side of the river are in existence; at all events, the praetorian troops that were sent by the Emperor Nero under the command of a tribune, for the purposes of enquiry, when, among his other wars, he was contemplating an expedition against Aethiopia, brought back word that they had met with nothing but deserts on their route. The Roman arms also penetrated into these regions in the time of the late Emperor Augustus, under the command of P. Petronius, a man of Equestrian rank, and prefect of Egypt. That general took the following cities, the only ones we now find mentioned there, in the following order; Pselcis, Primis, Abuncis, Phthuris, Cambusis, Atteva, and Stadasis, where the river Nile, as it thunders down the precipices, has quite deprived the inhabitants of the power of hearing: he also sacked the town of Napata. The extreme distance to which he penetrated beyond Syene was nine hundred and seventy miles; but still, it was not the Roman arms that rendered these regions a desert. Aethiopia, in its turn gaining the mastery, and then again reduced to servitude, was at last worn out by its continual wars with Egypt, having been a famous and powerful country even at the time of the Trojan War, when Memnon was its king; it is also very evident from the fabulous stories about Andromeda, that it ruled over Syria in the time of king Cepheus, and that its sway extended as far as the shores of our sea. ',
  {'entities': [[48, 53, 'place'],
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    [551, 560, 'people'],
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    [717, 724, 'place'],
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    [1325, 1331, 'people'],
    [1402, 1411, 'people'],
    [1432, 1437, 'place'],
    [1458, 1465, 'people']]}],
 [".5In a similar manner, also, there have been conflicting accounts as to the extent of this country: first by Dalion, who travelled a considerable distance beyond Meroe, and after him by Aristocreon and Basilis, as well as the younger Simonides, who made a stay of five years at Meroe, when he wrote his account of Aethiopia. Timosthenes, however, the commander of the fleets of Philadelphus, without giving any other estimate as to the distance, says that Meroe is sixty days' journey from Syene; while Eratosthenes states that the distance is six hundred and twenty-five miles, and Artemidorus six hundred. Sebosus says that from the extreme point of Egypt, the distance to Meroe is sixteen hundred and seventy-five miles, while the other writers last mentioned make it twelve hundred and fifty. All these differences, however, have since been settled; for the persons sent by Nero for the purposes of discovery have reported that the distance from Syene to Meroe is eight hundred and seventy-one miles, the following being the items. From Syene to Hiera Sycaminos they make to be fifty-four miles, from thence to Tama seventy-two, to the country of the Evonymitae, the first region of Aethiopia, one hundred and twenty, to Acina fifty-four, to Pittara twenty-five, and to Tergedus one hundred and six. They state also that the island of Gagaudes lies at an equal distance from Syene and Meroe, and that it is at this place that the bird called the parrot was first seen; while at another island called Articula, the animal known as the sphingium was first discovered by them, and after passing Tergedus, the cynocephalus. The distance from thence to Napata is eighty miles, that little town being the only one of all of them that now survives. From thence to the island of Meroe the distance is three hundred and sixty miles. They also state that the grass in the vicinity of Meroe becomes of a greener and fresher colour, and that there is some slight appearance of forests, as also traces of the rhinoceros and elephant. They reported also that the city of Meroe stands at a distance of seventy miles from the first entrance of the island of Meroe, and that close to it is another island, Tadu by name, which forms a harbour facing those who enter the right hand channel of the river. The buildings in the city, they said, were but few in number, and they stated that a female, whose name was Candace, ruled over the district, that name having passed from queen to queen for many years. They related also that there was a temple of Jupiter Hammon there, held in great veneration, besides smaller shrines erected in honour of him throughout all the country. In addition to these particulars, they were informed that in the days of the Aethiopian dominion, the island of Meroe enjoyed great renown, and that, according to tradition, it was in the habit of maintaining two hundred thousand armed men, and four thousand artisans. The kings of Aethiopia are said even at the present day to be forty-five in number. ",
  {'entities': [[109, 115, 'people'],
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    [162, 167, 'place'],
    [490, 495, 'place'],
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    [490, 495, 'place'],
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    [162, 167, 'place'],
    [162, 167, 'place'],
    [162, 167, 'place'],
    [162, 167, 'place'],
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 ['.6The whole of this country has successively had the names of Aetheria, Atlantia, and last of all, Aethiopia, from Aethiops, the son of Vulcan. It is not at all surprising that towards the extremity of this region the men and animals assume a monstrous form, when we consider the changeableness and volubility of fire, the heat of which is the great agent in imparting various forms and shapes to bodies. Indeed, it is reported that in the interior, on the eastern side, there is a people that have no noses, the whole face presenting a plane surface; that others again are destitute of the upper lip, and others are without tongues. Others again, have the mouth grown together, and being destitute of nostrils, breathe through one passage only, imbibing their drink through it by means of the hollow stalk of the oat, which there grows spontaneously and supplies them with its grain for food. Some of these nations have to employ gestures by nodding the head and moving the limbs, instead of speech. Others again were unacquainted with the use of fire before the time of Ptolemy Lathyrus, king of Egypt. Some writers have also stated that there is a nation of Pygmies, which dwells among the marshes in which the river Nile takes its rise; while on the coast of, Aethiopia, where we paused, there is a range of mountains, of a red colour, which have the appearance of being always burning. ',
  {'entities': [[62, 70, 'people'],
    [99, 108, 'place'],
    [115, 123, 'people'],
    [136, 142, 'people'],
    [1072, 1079, 'people'],
    [1098, 1103, 'place'],
    [1161, 1168, 'people'],
    [1220, 1224, 'place'],
    [99, 108, 'place']]}],
 [".7All the country, after we pass Meroe, is bounded by the Troglodytae and the Red Sea, it being three days' journey from Napata to the shores of that sea; throughout the whole of this district the rain water is carefully preserved at several places, while the country that lies between is extremely productive of gold. The parts beyond this are inhabited by the Adabuli, a nation of Aethiopia; and here, over against Meroe, are the Megabarri, by some writers called the Adiabari; they occupy the city of Apollo; some of them, however, are Nomades, living on the flesh of elephants. Opposite to them, on the African side, dwell the Macrobii, and then again, beyond the Megabarri, there are the Memnones and the Dabeli, and, at a distance of twenty days' journey, the Critensi. Beyond these are the Dochi, and then the Gymnetes, who always go naked; and after them the Andetae, the Mothitae, the Mesaches, and the Ipsodorae, who are of a black tint, but stain the body all over with a kind of red earth. On the African side again there are the Medimni, and then a nation of Nomades, who live on the milk of the cynocephalus, and then the Aladi and the Syrbotae, which last are said to be eight cubits in height. ",
  {'entities': [[33, 38, 'place'],
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    [121, 127, 'place'],
    [383, 392, 'place'],
    [33, 38, 'place'],
    [432, 441, 'people'],
    [504, 510, 'people'],
    [631, 639, 'people'],
    [432, 441, 'people']]}],
 ['.8Aristocreon informs us that on the Libyan side, at a distance of five days\' journey from Meroe, is the town of Tolles, and then at a further distance of twelve days\' journey, Esar, a town founded by the Egyptians who fled from Psammetichus; he states also that they dwelt there for a period of three hundred years, and that opposite, on the Arabian side, there is a town of theirs called Daron. The town, however, which he calls Esar, is by Bion called Sape, who says that the name means "the strangers:" their capital being Sembobitis, situate on an island, and a third place of theirs, Sinat in Arabia. Between the mountains and the river Nile are the Simbarri, the Palugges, and, on the mountains themselves, the Asachae, who are divided into numerous peoples; they are said to be distant five days\' journey from the sea, and to procure their subsistence by the chase of the elephant. An island in the Nile, which belongs to the Semberritae, is governed by a queen; beyond it are the Aethiopian Nubei, at a distance of eight days\' journey: their town is Tenupsis, situate on the Nile. There are the Sesambri also, a people among whom all the quadrupeds are without ears, the very elephants even. On the African side are the Tonobari, the Ptoenphae, a people who have a dog for their king, and divine from his movements what are his commands; the Auruspi, who have a town at a considerable distance from the Nile, and then the Archisarmi, the Phaliges, the Marigerri, and the Casmari. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 13, 'people'],
    [91, 96, 'place'],
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    [205, 214, 'ethnic'],
    [229, 241, 'people'],
    [343, 350, 'people'],
    [177, 181, 'people'],
    [443, 447, 'people'],
    [527, 537, 'people'],
    [343, 349, 'place'],
    [643, 647, 'place'],
    [643, 647, 'place'],
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    [989, 999, 'person'],
    [1000, 1005, 'people'],
    [643, 647, 'place'],
    [643, 647, 'place']]}],
 [".9Bion makes mention also of some other towns situate on islands, the whole distance being twenty days' journey from Sembobitis to Meroe; a town in an adjoining island, under the queen of the Semberritae, with another called Asara, and another, in a second island, called Darde. The name of a third island is Medoe, upon which is the town of Asel, and a fourth is called Garodes, with a town upon it of the same name. Passing thence along the banks of the Nile, are the towns of Navi, Modunda, Andatis, Secundum, Colligat, Secande, Navectabe, Cumi, Agrospi, Aegipa, Candrogari, Araba, and Summara. ",
  {'entities': [[2, 6, 'people'],
    [117, 127, 'people'],
    [131, 136, 'place'],
    [192, 203, 'people'],
    [456, 460, 'place']]}],
 ['.10Beyond is the region of Sirbitum, at which the mountains terminate, and which by some writers is said to contain the maritime Aethiopians, the Nisacaethae, and the Nisyti, a word which signifies "men with three or four eyes," — not that the people really have that conformation, but because they are remarkable for the unerring aim of their arrows. On that side of the Nile which extends along the borders of the Southern Ocean beyond the Greater Syrtes, Dalion says that the people, who use rain-water only, are called the Cisori, and that the other nations are the Longompori, distant five days\' journey from the Oecalices, the Usibalci, the Isbeli, the Perusii, the Ballii, and the Cispii, the rest being deserts, and inhabited by the tribes of fable only. In a more westerly direction are the Nigroae, whose king has only one eye, and that in the forehead, the Agriophagi, who live principally on the flesh of panthers and lions, the Pamphagi, who will eat anything, the Anthropophagi, who live on human flesh, the Cynamolgi, a people with the heads of dogs, the Artabatitae, who have four feet, and wander about after the manner of will beasts; and, after them, the Hesperiae and the Perorsi, whom we have already spoken of as dwelling on the confines of Mauritania. Some tribes, too, of the Aethiopians subsist on nothing but locusts, which are smoke-dried and salted as their provision for the year; these people do not live beyond their fortieth year. ',
  {'entities': [[27, 35, 'people'],
    [129, 140, 'ethnic'],
    [372, 376, 'place'],
    [450, 456, 'place'],
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    [659, 666, 'ethnic'],
    [1022, 1031, 'people'],
    [1174, 1183, 'people'],
    [1192, 1199, 'people'],
    [1263, 1273, 'place'],
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 [".11M. Agrippa was of opinion that the length of the whole country of the Aethiopians, including the Red Sea, was two thousand one hundred and seventy miles, and its breadth, including Upper Egypt, twelve hundred and ninety-seven. Some authors again have made the following divisions of its length; from Meroe to Sirbitum eleven days' sail, from Sirbitum to the Dabelli fifteen days', and from them to the Aethiopian Ocean six days' journey. It is agreed by most authors, that the distance altogether, from the ocean to Meroe, is six hundred and twenty-five miles, and from Meroe to Syene, that which we have already mentioned. Aethiopia lies from south-east to south-west. Situate as it is, in a southern hemisphere, forests of ebony are to be seen of the brightest verdure; and in the midst of these regions there is a mountain of immense height, which overhangs the sea, and emits a perpetual flame. By the Greeks this mountain is called Theon Ochema, and at a distance of four days' sail from it is a promontory, known as Hesperu Ceras, upon the confines of Africa, and close to the Hesperiae, an Aethiopian nation. There are some writers who affirm that in these regions there are hills of a moderate height, which afford a pleasant shade from the groves with which they are clad, and are the haunts of Aegipans and Satyrs. ",
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 [".1ISLANDS OF THE AETHIOPIAN SEA: We learn from Ephorus, as well as Eudoxus and Timosthenes, that there are great numbers of islands scattered all over this sea; Clitarchus says that king Alexander was informed of an island so rich that the inhabitants gave a talent of gold for a horse, and of another upon which there was found a sacred mountain, shaded with a grove, the trees of which emitted odours of wondrous sweetness; this last was situate over against the Persian Gulf. Cerne is the name of an island situate opposite to Aethiopia, the size of which has not been ascertained, nor yet its distance from the main land: it is said that its inhabitants are exclusively Aethiopians. Ephorus states that those who sail from the Red Sea into the Aethiopian Ocean cannot get beyond the Columnae there, some little islands so called. Polybius says that Cerne is situate at the extremity of Mauritania, over against Mount Atlas, and at a distance of eight stadia from the land; while Cornelius Nepos states that it lies very nearly in the same meridian as Carthage, at a distance from the mainland of ten miles, and that it is not more than two miles in circumference. It is said also that there is another island situate over against Mount Atlas, being itself known by the name of Atlantis. Five days' sail beyond it there are deserts, as far as the Aethiopian Hesperiae and the promontory, which we have mentioned as being called Hesperu Ceras, a point at which the face of the land first takes a turn towards the west and the Atlantic Sea. Facing this promontory are also said to be the islands called the Gorgades, the former abodes of the Gorgons, two days' sail from the mainland, according to Xenophon of Lampsacus. Hanno, a general of the Carthaginians, penetrated as far as these regions, and brought back an account that the bodies of the women were covered with hair, but that the men, through their swiftness of foot, made their escape; in proof of which singularity in their skin, and as evidence of a fact so miraculous, he placed the skins of two of these females in the temple of Juno, which were to be seen there until the capture of Carthage. Beyond these even, are said to be the two islands of the Hesperides; but so uncertain are all the accounts relative to this subject, that Statius Sebosus says that it is forty days' sail, past the coast of the Atlas range, from the islands of the Gorgons to those of the Hesperides, and one day's sail from these to the Hesperu Ceras. Nor have we any more certain information relative to the islands of Mauritania. We only know, as a fact well-ascertained, that some few were discovered by Juba over against the country of the Autololes, upon which he established a manufactory of Gaetulian purple. ",
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 ['.1THE FORTUNATE ISLANDS: There are some authors who think that beyond these are the Fortunate Islands, and some others; the number of which Sebosus gives, as well as the distances, informing us that Junonia is an island seven hundred and fifty miles distant from Gades. He states also that Pluvialia and Capraria are the same distance from Junonia, to the west; and that in Pluvialia the only fresh water to be obtained is rain water. He then states that at a distance of two hundred and fifty miles from these, opposite the left of Mauritania, and situate in the direction of the sun at the eighth hour, are the Fortunate Islands, one of which, from its undulating surface, has the name of Invallis, and another that of Planasia, from the peculiarity of its appearance. He states also that the circumference of Invallis is three hundred miles, and that trees grow to a height of one hundred and fourteen feet. ',
  {'entities': [[140, 147, 'people'],
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    [290, 299, 'people'],
    [199, 206, 'people'],
    [290, 299, 'people'],
    [533, 543, 'place'],
    [691, 699, 'people'],
    [691, 699, 'people']]}],
 ['.2Relative to the Fortunate Islands, Juba has ascertained the following facts: that they are situate to the south in nearly a due westerly direction, and at a distance from the Purple Islands of six hundred and twenty-five miles, the sailing being made for two hundred and fifty miles due west, and then three hundred and seventy-five towards the east. He states that the first is called Ombrios, and that it presents no traces of buildings whatever; that among the mountains there is a lake, and some trees, which bear a strong resemblance to giant fennel, and from which water is extracted; that drawn from those that are black is of a bitter taste, but that produced by the white ones is agreeable and good for drinking. He states also that a second island has the name of Junonia, but that it contains nothing beyond a small temple of stone: also that in its vicinity there is another, but smaller, island of the same name, and then another called Capraria, which is infested by multitudes of huge lizards. According to the same author, in sight of these islands is Ninguaria, which has received that name from its perpetual snows; this island abounds also in fogs. The one next to it is Canaria; it contains vast multitudes of dogs of very large size, two of which were brought home to Juba: there are some traces of buildings to be seen here. While all these islands abound in fruit and birds of every kind, this one produces in great numbers the date palm which bears the caryota, also pine nuts. Honey too abounds here, and in the rivers papyrus, and the fish called silurus, are found. These islands, however, are greatly annoyed by the putrefying bodies of monsters, which are constantly thrown up by the sea. ',
  {'entities': [[37, 41, 'people'],
    [388, 395, 'people'],
    [776, 783, 'people'],
    [37, 41, 'people']]}],
 ['.1THE COMPARATIVE DISTANCES OF PLACES ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH. Having now fully described the earth, both without as well as within, it seems only proper that we should succinctly state the length and breadth of its various seas. ',
 ['.2Polybius has stated, that in a straight line from the Straits of Gades to the mouth of the Maeotis, it is a distance of three thousand four hundred and thirty-seven miles and a half, and that, starting from the same point, the distance in a straight line to Sicily is twelve hundred and fifty miles, from thence to Crete three hundred and seventy-five, to Rhodes one hundred and eighty-seven and a half, to the Chelidonian Islands the same distance, to Cyprus two hundred and twenty-five, and from thence to Seleucia Pieria, in Syria, one hundred and fifteen miles: the sum of all which distances amounts to two thousand three hundred and forty miles. Agrippa estimates this same distance, in a straight line from the Straits of Gades to the Gulf of Issos, at three thousand three hundred and forty miles; in which computation, however, I am not certain that there is not some error in the figures, seeing that the same author has stated that the distance from the Straits of Sicily to Alexandria is thirteen hundred and fifty miles. Taking the whole length of the sea-line throughout the gulfs above-mentioned, and beginning at the same point, he makes it ten thousand and fifty-eight miles; to which number Artemidorus has added seven hundred and fifty-six: the same author, including in his calculation the shores of the Maeotis, makes the whole distance seventeen thousand three hundred and ninety miles. Such is the measurement given by men who have penetrated into distant countries, unaided by force of arms, and have, with a boldness that exhibits itself in the times of peace even, challenged, as it were, Fortune herself. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 10, 'people'],
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    [413, 424, 'place'],
    [455, 461, 'place'],
    [510, 525, 'place'],
    [530, 535, 'place'],
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    [67, 72, 'place'],
    [260, 266, 'place'],
    [988, 998, 'place'],
    [1211, 1222, 'people'],
    [93, 100, 'place'],
    [1617, 1624, 'people']]}],
 ['.3I shall now proceed to compare the dimensions of the various parts of the earth, however great the difficulties which may arise from the discrepancy of the accounts given by various authors: the most convenient method, however, will be that of adding the breadth to the length. Following this mode of reckoning, the dimensions of Europe will be eight thousand two hundred and ninety-four miles; of Africa, to adopt a mean between all the various accounts given by authors, the length is three thousand seven hundred and ninety-four miles, while the breadth, so far as it is inhabited, in no part exceeds two hundred and fifty miles. But, as Agrippa, including its deserts, makes it from Cyrenaica, a part of it, to the country of the Garamantes, so far as was then known, a further distance of nine hundred and ten miles, the entire length, added together, will make a distance of four thousand six hundred and eight miles. The length of Asia is generally admitted to be six thousand three hundred and seventy-five miles, and the breadth, which ought, properly, to be reckoned from the Aethiopian Sea to Alexandria, near the river Nile, so as to run through Meroe and Syene, is eighteen hundred and seventy-five. It appears then that Europe is greater than Asia, by a little less than one half of Asia, and greater than Africa by as much again of Africa and one-sixth. If all these sums are added together, it will be clearly seen that Europe is one-third, and a little more than one-eighth part of one-third, Asia one-fourth and one-fourteenth part of one-fourth, and Africa, one-fifth and one-sixtieth part of one-fifth of the whole earth. ',
  {'entities': [[643, 650, 'people'],
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    [1133, 1137, 'place'],
    [1160, 1165, 'place'],
    [1170, 1175, 'place'],
    [940, 944, 'people'],
    [940, 944, 'people'],
    [940, 944, 'people']]}],
 ['.1DIVISION OF THE EARTH INTO PARALLELS AND SHADOWS OF EQUAL LENGTH. To the above we shall add even another instance of ingenious discovery by the Greeks, and indeed of the most minute skilfulness; that so nothing may be wanting to our investigation of the geographical divisions of the earth, and the various countries thereof which have been pointed out; that it may be the better understood, too, what affinity, or relationship as it were, exists between one region and another, in respect to the length of their days and nights, and in which of them the shadows are of equal length, and the distance from the pole is the same. I shall therefore give these particulars as well, and shall state the divisions of the whole earth in accordance with the various sections of the heavens. The lines or segments which divide the world are many in number; by our people they are known as "circuli" or circles, by the Greeks they are called "paralleli" or parallels. ',
 ['.2The first begins at that part of India which looks towards the south, and extends to Arabia and those who dwell upon the borders of the Red Sea. It embraces the Gedrosi, the Carmanii, the Persae, the Elymaei, Parthyene, Aria, Susiane, Mesopotamia, Seleucia surnamed Babylonia, Arabia as far as Petra, Coele Syria, Pelusium, the lower parts of Egypt called the Chora of Alexandria, the maritime parts of Africa, all the cities of Cyrenaica, Thapsus, Adrumetum, Clupea, Carthage, Utica, the two Hippos, Numidia, the two Mauritanias, the Atlantic Sea, and the Pillars of Hercules. Within the meridian of this parallel, on the middle day of the equinox, the pin of the dial, usually called the gnomon, if seven feet in length, throws a shadow at mid-day no more than four feet long: the longest day and night are fourteen equinoctial hours respectively, the shortest being only ten. ',
  {'entities': [[35, 40, 'place'],
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    [480, 485, 'place'],
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 ['.3The next circle or parallel begins with the western parts of India, and runs through the middle of Parthia, through Persepolis, the nearer parts of Persis, the nearer Arabia, Judaea, and the people who live near Mount Libanus, and it embraces Babylon, Idumaea, Samaria, Hierosolyma, Ascalon, Joppa, Caesarea in Phoenicia, Ptolemais, Sidon, Tyre, Berytus, Botrys, Tripolis, Byblus, Antiochia, Laodicea, Seleucia, the maritime parts of Cilicia, the southern parts of Cyprus, Crete, Lilybaion in Sicily, and the northern parts of Africa and Numidia. In these regions, at the time of the equinox, a gnomon of thirty-five feet in length gives only a shadow twenty-four feet long; and the longest day and night are respectively fourteen equinoctial hours, and one-fifth of an hour, in length. ',
  {'entities': [[63, 68, 'place'],
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    [245, 252, 'place'],
    [254, 261, 'place'],
    [263, 270, 'place'],
    [272, 283, 'place'],
    [285, 292, 'place'],
    [294, 299, 'place'],
    [301, 309, 'place'],
    [313, 322, 'place'],
    [324, 333, 'place'],
    [335, 340, 'place'],
    [342, 346, 'place'],
    [348, 355, 'place'],
    [357, 363, 'place'],
    [365, 373, 'place'],
    [375, 381, 'place'],
    [383, 392, 'place'],
    [394, 402, 'place'],
    [404, 412, 'place'],
    [436, 443, 'place'],
    [467, 473, 'place'],
    [475, 480, 'place'],
    [482, 491, 'place'],
    [495, 501, 'place'],
    [540, 547, 'place']]}],
 ['.4The third circle or parallel begins at the part of India which lies in the vicinity of Mount Imaiis, and runs through the Caspian Gates and the nearer parts of Media, Cataonia, Cappadocia, Taurus, Amanus, Issus, the Passes of Cilicia, Soli, Tarsus, Cyprus, Pisidia, Side in Pamphylia, Lycaonia, Patara in Lycia, Xanthus, Caunus, Rhodes, Cos, Halicarnassus, Cnidos, Doris, Chios, Delos, the middle of the Cyclades, Gythium, Malea, Argos, Laconia, Elis, Olympia, Messenia in Peloponnesus, Syracuse, Catina, the middle of Sicily, the southern parts of Sardinia, Carteia, and Gades. A gnomon, one hundred inches in length, throws a shadow seventy-seven inches long; the length of the longest day is fourteen equinoctial hours and a half, plus one thirtieth of an hour. ',
  {'entities': [[53, 58, 'place'],
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    [199, 205, 'place'],
    [207, 212, 'place'],
    [228, 235, 'place'],
    [237, 241, 'place'],
    [243, 249, 'place'],
    [251, 257, 'place'],
    [259, 266, 'place'],
    [268, 272, 'place'],
    [276, 285, 'place'],
    [287, 295, 'place'],
    [297, 303, 'place'],
    [307, 312, 'place'],
    [314, 321, 'place'],
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    [381, 386, 'place'],
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    [454, 461, 'place'],
    [463, 471, 'place'],
    [475, 487, 'place'],
    [489, 497, 'place'],
    [499, 505, 'place'],
    [521, 527, 'place'],
    [551, 559, 'place'],
    [561, 568, 'place'],
    [574, 579, 'place']]}],
 ['.5Under the fourth circle or parallel lie those parts of India which are on the other side of the Imaiis, the southern parts of Cappadocia, Galatia, Mysia, Sardis, Smyrna, Sipylus, Mount Tmolus, Lydia, Caria, Ionia, Tralles, Colophon, Ephesus, Miletus, Chios, Samos, the Icarian Sea, the northern part of the Cyclades, Athens, Megara, Corinth, Sikyon, Achaia, Patrae, the Isthmus, Epirus, the northern parts of Sicily, the eastern parts of Gallia Narbonensis, and the sea-coast of Spain, from New Carthage westward. In these districts a gnomon of twenty-one feet throws a shadow of sixteen feet in length; the longest day contains fourteen equinoctial hours and two-thirds of an hour. ',
  {'entities': [[57, 62, 'place'],
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    [164, 170, 'place'],
    [172, 179, 'place'],
    [187, 193, 'place'],
    [195, 200, 'place'],
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    [209, 214, 'place'],
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    [225, 233, 'place'],
    [235, 242, 'place'],
    [244, 251, 'place'],
    [253, 258, 'place'],
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    [309, 317, 'place'],
    [319, 325, 'place'],
    [327, 333, 'place'],
    [335, 342, 'place'],
    [344, 350, 'place'],
    [352, 358, 'place'],
    [360, 366, 'place'],
    [372, 379, 'place'],
    [381, 387, 'place'],
    [411, 417, 'place'],
    [493, 505, 'place']]}],
 ['.6Under the fifth zone are included, from the entrance to the Caspian Sea, the Bactri, Iberia, Armenia, Mysia, Phrygia, the Hellespont, Troas, Tenedos, Abydos, Scepsis, Ilium, Mount Ida, Cyzicus, Lampsacus, Sinope, Amisus, Heraclea in Pontus, Paphlagonia, Lemnos, Imbros, Thasos, Cassandria, Thessaly, Macedonia, Larissa, Amphipolis, Thessalonica, Pella, Edessa, Beroea, Pharsalia, Carystus, Euboea in Boeotia, Chalcis, Delphi, Acarnania, Aitolia, Apollonia, Brundisium, Tarentum, Thurii, Locri, Rhegium, the Lucani, Neapolis, Puteoli, the Tuscan sea, Corsica, the Balearic Islands, and the middle of Spain. A gnomon, seven feet in length, in these countries gives a shadow of six feet, and the length of the day is fifteen equinoctial hours. ',
  {'entities': [[62, 73, 'place'],
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    [124, 134, 'place'],
    [136, 141, 'place'],
    [143, 150, 'place'],
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    [160, 167, 'place'],
    [169, 174, 'place'],
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    [187, 194, 'place'],
    [196, 205, 'place'],
    [207, 213, 'place'],
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    [223, 231, 'place'],
    [235, 241, 'place'],
    [243, 254, 'place'],
    [256, 262, 'place'],
    [264, 270, 'place'],
    [272, 278, 'place'],
    [280, 290, 'place'],
    [292, 300, 'place'],
    [302, 311, 'place'],
    [313, 320, 'place'],
    [322, 332, 'place'],
    [334, 346, 'place'],
    [348, 353, 'place'],
    [355, 361, 'place'],
    [363, 369, 'place'],
    [371, 380, 'place'],
    [382, 390, 'place'],
    [392, 398, 'place'],
    [402, 409, 'place'],
    [411, 418, 'place'],
    [420, 426, 'place'],
    [428, 437, 'place'],
    [439, 446, 'place'],
    [448, 457, 'place'],
    [459, 469, 'place'],
    [471, 479, 'place'],
    [481, 487, 'place'],
    [489, 494, 'place'],
    [496, 503, 'place'],
    [509, 515, 'ethnic'],
    [517, 525, 'place'],
    [527, 534, 'place'],
    [552, 559, 'place'],
    [565, 581, 'place']]}],
 ['.7The sixth division, in which Rome is included, embraces the Caspian nations, Caucasus, the northern parts of Armenia, Apollonia on the Rhyndacus, Nicomedia, Nicaea, Chalcedon, Byzantium, Lysimachia, the Chersonesus, the Gulf of Melas, Abdera, Samothracia, Maronea, Aenus, Bessica, Thracia, Maedica, Paeonia, the Illyrii, Dyrrhachium, Canusium, the extreme parts of Apulia, Campania, Etruria, Pisae, Luna, Luca, Genua, Liguria, Antipolis, Massilia, Narbo, Tarraco, the middle parts of Hispania Tarraconensis, and thence through Lusitania. A gnomon of nine feet here throws a shadow eight feet long; the greatest length of the day is fifteen equinoctial hours, plus one-ninth part of an hour, or, according to Nigidius, one-fifth. ',
  {'entities': [[31, 35, 'place'],
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    [120, 129, 'place'],
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    [148, 157, 'place'],
    [159, 165, 'place'],
    [167, 176, 'place'],
    [178, 187, 'place'],
    [189, 199, 'place'],
    [205, 216, 'place'],
    [230, 235, 'place'],
    [237, 243, 'place'],
    [245, 256, 'place'],
    [258, 265, 'place'],
    [267, 272, 'place'],
    [292, 299, 'place'],
    [301, 308, 'place'],
    [314, 321, 'ethnic'],
    [323, 334, 'place'],
    [336, 344, 'place'],
    [367, 373, 'place'],
    [375, 383, 'place'],
    [385, 392, 'place'],
    [394, 399, 'place'],
    [401, 405, 'place'],
    [407, 411, 'place'],
    [413, 418, 'place'],
    [420, 427, 'place'],
    [429, 438, 'place'],
    [440, 448, 'place'],
    [450, 455, 'place'],
    [457, 464, 'place'],
    [486, 494, 'place'],
    [529, 538, 'place'],
    [710, 718, 'people']]}],
 ['.8The seventh division begins on the other side of the Caspian Sea, and the line runs above Callatis, and through the Bosporus, the Borysthenes, Tomi, the back part of Thrace, the Triballi, the remainder of Illyricum, the Adriatic Sea, Aquileia, Altinum, Venetia, Vicetia, Patavium, Verona, Cremona, Ravenna, Ancona, Picenum, the Marsi, the Peligni, the Sabini, Umbria, Ariminum, Bononia, Placentia, Mediolanum, all the districts at the foot of the Apennines, and, beyond the Alps, Gallia Aquitanica, Vienne, the Pyrenaean range, and Celtiberia. A gnomon thirty-five feet in length here throws a shadow of thirty-six feet, except in some parts of Venetia, where the shadow just equals the length of the gnomon; the longest day is fifteen equinoctial hours, plus three-fifths of an hour. ',
  {'entities': [[55, 66, 'place'],
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    [132, 143, 'place'],
    [145, 149, 'place'],
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    [180, 188, 'ethnic'],
    [207, 216, 'place'],
    [222, 230, 'place'],
    [236, 244, 'place'],
    [246, 253, 'place'],
    [255, 262, 'place'],
    [264, 271, 'place'],
    [273, 281, 'place'],
    [283, 289, 'place'],
    [291, 298, 'place'],
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 ['.9Thus far we have set forth the results of observations made by the ancients. The remaining part of the earth has been divided, through the careful researches of those of more recent times, by three additional parallels. The first runs from the Tanais through the Maeotis and the country of the Sarmatae, as far as the Borysthenes, and so through the Daci and part of Germany, and the Gallic provinces, as far as the shores of the ocean, the longest day being sixteen hours. ',
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 ['.10The second parallel runs through the country of the Hyperborei and the island of Britannia, the longest day being seventeen hours in length. ',
  {'entities': [[55, 65, 'people'], [84, 93, 'place']]}],
 [".11The last of all is the Scythian parallel, which runs from the Riphaean range to Thule, in which, as we have already stated, the year is divided into days and nights alternately, of six months' duration. The same authors have also placed before the first parallel, which we have here given, two other parallels or circles; the first running through the island of Meroe and the city of Ptolemais which was built on the Red Sea for the chase of the elephant; where the longest day is twelve hours and a half in length; and the second passing through Syene in Egypt, in which the longest day is thirteen hours in length. The same authors have also added half an hour to each of the parallels, till they come to the last. Thus far on the Geography of the earth. ",
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 ['.1THE above is a description of the world, and of the lands, races, seas, important rivers, islands and cities that it contains. ',
 ['.2The nature of the animals also contained in it is not less important than the study of almost any other department, albeit here too the human mind is not capable of exploring the whole field. ',
 ['.3The first place will rightly be assigned to man, for whose sake [great] Nature appears to have created all other things — though she asks a cruel price for all her generous gifts, making it hardly possible to judge whether she has been more a kind parent to man or more a harsh stepmother. First of all, man alone of all animals she drapes with borrowed resources. On all the rest in various wise she bestows coverings — shells, bark, spines, hides, fur, bristles, hair, down, feathers, scales, fleeces; even the trunks of trees she has protected against cold and heat by bark, sometimes in two layers: but man alone on the day of his birth she casts away naked on the naked ground, to burst at once into wailing and weeping, and none other among all the animals is more prone to tears, and that immediately at the very beginning of life; whereas, I vow, the much-talked-of smile of infancy even at the earliest is bestowed on no child less than six weeks old. This initiation into the light is followed by a period of bondage such as befalls not even the animals bred in our midst, fettering all his limbs; and thus when successfully born he lies with hands and feet in shackles, weeping — the animal that is to lord it over all the rest, and he initiates his life with punishment because of one fault only, the offence of being born. Alas the madness of those who think that from these beginnings they were bred to proud estate! ',
 [".4His earliest promise of strength and first grant of time makes him like a four-footed animal. When does man begin to walk? when to speak? when is his mouth firm enough to take food? how long does his skull throb, a mark of his being the weakest among all animals? Then his diseases, and all the cures contrived against his ills — these cures also subsequently defeated by new disorders! And the fact that all other creatures are aware of their own nature, some using speed, others swift flight, others swimming, whereas man alone knows nothing save by education — neither how to speak nor how to walk nor who to eat; in short the only thing he can do by natural instinct is to weep! Consequently there have been many who believed that it were best not to be born, or to be put away as soon as possible. On man alone of living creatures is bestowed grief, on him alone luxury, and that in countless forms and reaching every separate part of his frame; he alone has ambition, avarice, immeasurable appetite for life, superstition, anxiety about burial and even about what will happen after he is no more. No creature's life is more precarious, none has a greater lust for all enjoyments, a more confused timidity, a fiercer rage. In fine, all other living creatures pass their time worthily among their own species: we see them herd together and stand firm against other kinds of animals — fierce lions do not fight among themselves, the serpent's bite attacks not serpents, even the monsters of the sea and the fishes are only cruel against different species; whereas to man, I vow, most of his evils come from his fellowman. ",
 [".1And about the human race as a whole we have in large part spoken in our account of the various nations. Nor shall we now deal with manners and customs, which are beyond counting and almost as numerous as the groups of mankind; yet there are some that I think ought not to be omitted, and especially those of the people living more remote from the sea; some things among which I doubt not will appear portentous and incredible to many. For who ever believed in the Ethiopians before actually seeing them? or what is not deemed miraculous when first it comes into knowledge? how many things are judged impossible before they actually occur? Indeed the power and majesty of the nature of the universe at every turn lacks credence if one's mind embraces parts of it only and not the whole. Not to mention peacocks, or the spotted skins of tigers and panthers and the colourings of so many animals, a small matter to tell of but one of measureless extent if pondered on is the number of national languages and dialects and varieties of speech, so numerous that a foreigner scarcely counts as a human being for someone of another race! Again though our physiognomy contains ten features or only a few more, to think that among all the thousands of human beings there exist no two countenances that are not distinct — a thing that no art could supply by counterfeit in so small a number of specimens! Nevertheless in most instances of these I shall not myself pledge my own faith, and shall preferably ascribe the facts to the authorities who will be quoted for all doubtful points: only do not let us be too proud to follow the Greeks, because of their far greater industry or older devotion to study. ",
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 [".1We have pointed out that some Scythian tribes, and in fact a good many, feed on human bodies — a statement that perhaps may seem incredible if we do not reflect that races of this portentous character have existed in the central region of the world, named Cyclopes and Laestrygones, and that quite recently the tribes of the parts beyond the Alps habitually practised human sacrifice, which is not far removed from eating human flesh. But also a tribe is reported next to these, towards the North, not far from the actual quarter whence the North Wind rises and the cave that bears its name, the place called the Earth's Doorbolt — the Arimaspi whom we have spoken of already, people remarkable for having one eye in the centre of the forehead. Many authorities, the most distinguished being Herodotus and Aristeas of Proconnesus, write that these people wage continual war around their mines with the griffins, a kind of wild beast with wings, as commonly reported, that digs gold out of mines, which the creatures guard and the Arimaspi try to take from them, both with remarkable covetousness. ",
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 [".2But beyond the other Scythian cannibals, in a certain large valley in the Imavi (Himalayas), there is a region called Abarimon where are some people dwelling in forests who have their feet turned backward behind their legs, who run extremely fast and range abroad over the country with the wild animals. It is stated by Baeton, Alexander the Great's route-surveyor on his journeys, that these men are unable to breathe in another climate, and that consequently none of them could be brought to the neighbouring kings or had ever been brought to Alexander. According to Isogonus of Nicaea the former cannibal tribes whom we stated to exist to the north, ten days' journey beyond the river Borysthenes [Dnieper], drink out of human skulls and use the scalps with the hair on as napkins hung round their necks. The same authority states that certain people in Albania are born with keen grey eyes and are bald from childhood, and that they see better by night than in the daytime. He also says that the Sauromatae, thirteen days' journey beyond the Borysthenes, always take food once every two days. ",
  {'entities': [[23, 31, 'demonym'],
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    [330, 339, 'people'],
    [330, 339, 'people'],
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    [859, 866, 'place'],
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    [690, 701, 'place']]}],
 ['.3Crates of Pergamum states that there was a race of men round Parium on the Dardanelles, whom he calls Ophiogenes, whose custom it was to cure snakebites by touch and draw the poison out of the body by placing their hand on it. Varro says that there are still a few people there whose spittle is a remedy against snakebites. According to the writings of Agatharchides there was also a similar tribe in Africa, the Psylli, named after King Psyllus, whose tomb is in the region of the greater Syrtes. In their bodies there was engendered a poison that was deadly to snakes, and the smell of which they employed for sending snakes to sleep, while they had a custom of exposing their children as soon as they were born to the most savage snakes and of using that species to test the fidelity of their wives, as snakes do not avoid persons born with adulterous blood in them. This tribe itself has been almost exterminated by the Nasamones who now occupy that region, but a tribe of men descended from those who had escaped or had been absent when the fighting took place survives today in a few places. A similar race lingers on in Italy also, the Marsi, said to be descended from the son of Circe and to possess this natural property on that account. However, all men contain a poison available as a protection against snakes: people say that snakes flee from contact with saliva as from the touch of boiling water, and that if it gets inside their throats they actually die; and that this is especially the case with the saliva of a person fasting. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 8, 'people'],
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 [".4Beyond the Nasamones and adjacent to them Calliphanes records the Machlyes, who are Adrogyni and perform the function of either sex alternately. Aristotle adds that their left breast is that of a man and their right breast that of a woman. Isogonus and Nymphodorus report that there are families in the same part of Africa that practise sorcery, whose praises cause meadows to dry up, trees to wither and infants to perish. Isogonus adds that there are people of the same kind among the Triballi and the Illyrians, who also bewitch with a glance and who kill those they stare at for a longer time, especially with a look of anger, and that their evil eye is most felt by adults; and that what is more remarkable is that they have two pupils in each eye. Apollonides also reports women of this kind in Scythia, who are called the Bitiae, and Phylarchus also the Thibii tribe and many others of the same nature in Pontus, whose distinguishing marks he records as being a double pupil in one eye and the likeness of a horse in the other, and he also says that they are incapable of drowning, even when weighed down with clothing. Damon records a tribe not unlike these in Ethiopia, the Pharmaces, whose sweat relieves of diseases bodies touched by it. Also among ourselves Cicero states that the glance of all women who have double pupils is injurious everywhere. In fact when nature implanted in man the wild beasts' habit of devouring human flesh, she also thought fit to implant poisons in the whole of the body, and with some persons in the eyes as well, so that there should be no evil anywhere that was not present in man. ",
  {'entities': [[13, 22, 'ethnic'],
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    [242, 250, 'people'],
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    [506, 515, 'ethnic'],
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    [1129, 1134, 'people'],
    [1171, 1179, 'place'],
    [1272, 1278, 'people']]}],
 ['.5There are a few families in the Faliscan territory, not far from the city of Rome, named the Hirpi, which at the yearly sacrifice to Apollo performed on Mount Soracte walk over a charred pile of logs without being scorched, and who consequently enjoy exemption under a perpetual decree of the senate from military service and all other burdens. Some people are born with parts of the body possessing special remarkable properties, for instance King Pyrrhus in the great toe of his right foot, to touch which was a cure for inflammation of the spleen; it is recorded that at his cremation it proved impossible to burn the toe with the rest of the body, and it was stored in a chest in a temple. ',
  {'entities': [[34, 42, 'demonym'],
    [79, 83, 'place'],
    [135, 141, 'people'],
    [451, 458, 'people']]}],
 [".6India and parts of Ethiopia especially teem with marvels. The biggest animals grow in India: for instance Indian dogs are bigger than any others. Indeed the trees are said to be so lofty that it is not possible to shoot an arrow over them, and [the richness of the soil, temperate climate and abundance of springs bring it about] that, if one is willing to believe it, squadrons of cavalry are able to shelter beneath a single fig-tree; while it is said that reeds are of such height that sometimes a single section between two knots will make a canoe that will carry three people. It is known that many of the inhabitants are more than seven feet six inches high, never spit, do not suffer from headache or toothache or pain in the eyes, and very rarely have a pain in any other part of the body — so hardy are they made by the temperate heat of the sun; and that the sages of their race, whom they call Gymnosophists, stay standing from sunrise to sunset, gazing at the sun with eyes unmoving, and continue all day long standing first on one foot and then on the other in the glowing sand. Megasthenes states that on the mountain named Nulus there are people with their feet turned backwards and with eight toes on each foot, while on many of the mountains there is a tribe of human beings with dogs' heads, who wear a covering of wild beasts' skins, whose speech is a bark and who live on the produce of hunting and fowling, for which they use their nails as weapons; he says that they numbered more than 120,000 when he published his work. Ctesias writes that also among a certain race of India the women bear children only once in their lifetime, and the children begin to turn grey directly after birth; he also describes a tribe of men called the Monocolia who have only one leg, and who move in jumps with surprising speed; the same are called the Umbrella-foot tribe, because in the hotter weather they lie on their backs on the ground and protect themselves with the shadow of their feet; and that they are not far away from the Cave-dwellers; and again westward from these there are some people without necks, having their eyes in their shoulders. There are also satyrs [doubtless a kind of monkey] in the mountains in the east of India (it is called the district of the Catarcludi); this is an extremely swift animal, sometimes going on all fours and sometimes standing upright as they run, like human beings; because of their speed only the old ones or the sick are caught. Tauron gives the name of Choromandae to a forest tribe that has no speech but a horrible scream, hairy bodies, keen grey eyes and the teeth of a dog. Eudoxus says that in the south of India men have feet eighteen inches long and the women such small feet that they are called Sparrow-feet. Megasthenes tells of a race among the Nomads of India that has only holes in the place of nostrils, like snakes, and bandy-legged; they are called the Sciritae. At the extreme boundary of India to the East, near the source of the Ganges, he puts the Astomi tribe, that has no mouth and a body hairy all over; they dress in cotton-wool and live only on the air they breathe and the scent they inhale through their nostrils; they have no food or drink except the different odours of the roots and flowers and wild apples, which they carry with them on their longer journeys so as not to lack a supply of scent; he says they can easily be killed by a rather stronger odour than usual. Beyond these in the most outlying mountain region we are told of the Three-span men and Pygmies, who do not exceed three spans, i.e. twenty-seven inches, in height; the climate is healthy and always spring-like, as it is protected on the north by a range of mountains; this tribe Homer has also recorded as being beset by cranes. It is reported that in springtime their entire band, mounted on the backs of rams and she-goats and armed with arrows, goes in a body down to the sea and eats the cranes eggs and chickens, and that this outing occupies three months; and that otherwise they could not protect themselves against the flocks of cranes that would grow up; and that their houses are made of mud and feathers and eggshells. Aristotle says that the Pygmies live in caves, but in the rest of his statement about them he agrees with the other authorities. The Indian race of Cyrni according to Isigonus live to 140; and he holds that the same is true of the Long-lived Ethiopians, the Chinese and the inhabitants of Mount Athos — in the last case because of their diet of snakes' flesh, which causes their head and clothes to be free from creatures harmful to the body. Onesicritus says that in the parts of India where there are no shadows there are men five cubits and two spans a high, and people live a hundred and thirty years, and do not grow old but die middle-aged. Crates of Pergamum tells of Indians who exceed a hundred years, whom he calls Gymnetae, though many call them Long-livers. Ctesias says that a tribe among them called the Pandae, dwelling in the mountain valleys, live two hundred years, and have white hair in their youth that grows black in old age; whereas others do not exceed forty years, this tribe adjoining the Long-livers, whose women bear children only once. Agatharchides records this as well, and also that they live on locusts, and are very swift-footed. Clitarchus gave them the name of Mandi; and Megasthenes also assigns them three hundred villages, and says that the women bear children at the age of seven and old age comes at forty. Artemidorus says that on the Island of Ceylon the people live very long lives without any loss of bodily activity. Duris says that some Indians have union with wild animals and the offspring is of mixed race and half animal; that among the Calingi, a tribe of the same part of India, women conceive at the age of five and do not live more than eight years, and that in another part men are born with a hairy tail and extremely swift, while others are entirely covered by their ears. ",
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 [".7The river Arabis is the frontier between the Indians and the Oritae. These are acquainted with no other food but fish, which they cut to pieces with their nails and roast in the sun and thus make bread out of them, as is recorded by Clitarchus. Crates of Pergamum says that the Cavemen beyond Ethiopia are swifter than horses; also that there are Ethiopians more than twelve feet in height, and that this race is called the Syrbotae. The tribe of the Ethiopian nomads along the river Astragus towards the north called the Menismini is twenty days' journey from the Ocean; it lives on the milk of the animals that we call dog-headed apes, herds of which it keeps in pastures, killing the males except for the purpose of breeding. In the deserts of Africa ghosts of men suddenly meet the traveller and vanish in a moment. ",
  {'entities': [[47, 54, 'ethnic'],
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    [247, 253, 'people'],
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 ['.8These and similar varieties of the human race have been made by the ingenuity of Nature as toys for herself and marvels for us. And indeed who could possibly recount the various things she does every day and almost every hour? Let it suffice for the disclosure of her power to have included whole races of mankind among her marvels. From these we turn to a few admitted marvels in the case of the individual human being. ',
 ['.1The birth of triplets is attested by the case of the Horatii and Curiatii; above that number is considered portentous, except in Egypt, where drinking the water of the Nile causes fecundity. Recently on the day of the obsequies of his late Majesty Augustus a certain woman of the lower orders named Fausta at Ostia was delivered of two male and two female infants, which unquestionably portended the food shortage that followed. We also find the case of a woman in the Peloponnese who four times produced quintuplets, the greater number of each birth surviving. In Egypt also Trogus alleges cases of seven infants born at a single birth. Persons are also born of both sexes combined — what we call Hermaphrodites, formerly called androgyni and considered as portents, but now as entertainments. Pompey the Great among the decorations of his theatre placed images of celebrated marvels, made with special elaboration for the purpose by the talent of eminent artists; among them we read of Eutychis who at Tralles was carried to her funeral pyre by twenty children and who had given birth 30 times, and Alcippe who gave birth to an elephant — although it is true that the latter case ranks among portents, for one of the first occurrences of the Marsian War was that a maidservant gave birth to a snake, and also monstrous births of various kinds are recorded among the ominous things that happened. Claudius Caesar writes that a hippo-centaur was born in Thessaly and died the same day; and in his reign we actually saw one that was brought here for him from Egypt preserved in honey. One case is that of an infant at Saguntum which at once went back into the womb, in the year [218 BC] in which that city was destroyed by Hannibal. ',
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 ['.1Transformation of females into males is not an idle story. We find in the Annals that in the consulship [171 BC] of Publius Licinius Crassus and Gaius Cassius Longinus a girl at Casinum was changed into a boy, under the observation of the parents, and at the order of the augurs was conveyed away to a desert island. Licinius Mucianus has recorded that he personally saw at Argos a man named Arescon who had been given the name of Arescusa and had actually married a husband, and then had grown a beard and developed masculine attributes and had taken a wife; and that he had also seen a boy with the same record at Smyrna. I myself saw in Africa a person who had turned into a male on the day of marriage to a husband; this was Lucius Constitius, a citizen of Thysdritum....(It is said that) at the birth of twins neither the mother nor more than one of the two children usually lives, but that if twins are born that are of different sex it is even more unusual for either to be saved; that females are born more quickly than males, just as they grow older more quickly; and that movement in the womb is more frequent in the case of males, and males are usually carried on the right side, females on the left. ',
  {'entities': [[126, 142, 'people'],
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    [180, 187, 'place'],
    [126, 134, 'people'],
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    [376, 381, 'place'],
    [433, 441, 'people'],
    [618, 624, 'place']]}],
 [".1All the other animals have a fixed season both for copulation and for bearing offspring, but human reproduction takes place all the year round and the period of gestation varies — in one case it may exceed six months, in another seven, and it may even exceed ten; a child born before the seventh month is usually still born. Only those conceived the day before or the day after full moon, or when there is no moon, are born in the seventh month. It is a common thing in Egypt for children to be born even in the eighth month; and indeed in Italy also for such cases to live, contrary to the belief of old times. These matters vary in more ways also. Vistilia the wife of Glitius and subsequently of Pomponius and of Orfitius, citizens of the highest distinction, bore these husbands four children, in each case after six months' pregnancy, but subsequently gave birth to Suillius Rufus after ten months and Corbulo after six — both of these became consuls — and subsequently bore Caesonia, the consort of the Emperor Gaius, after seven months. Infants born in this number of months are weakest in health during the first six weeks, the mothers in the fourth and eighth months of pregnancy; and abortions in these cases are fatal. Masurius states that Lucius Papirius as praetor in a suit for an estate brought by an heir presumptive gave judgement for the defendant; the plaintiff's case was that the heir apparent's mother said that he had been born after thirteen months' pregnancy, and the ground for the judgement was that there appeared to be no fixed period of pregnancy. ",
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    [982, 990, 'people'],
    [1019, 1024, 'people'],
    [1232, 1240, 'people'],
    [1260, 1268, 'people']]}],
 ['.1On the tenth day from conception pains in the head, giddiness and dim sight, distaste for food, and vomiting are symptoms of the formation of the embryo. If the child is a male, the mother has a better colour and an easier delivery; there is movement in the womb on the fortieth day. In a case of the other sex all the symptoms are the opposite: the burden is hard to carry, there is a slight swelling of the legs and groin, but the first movement is on the ninetieth day. But in the case of both sexes the greatest amount of faintness occurs when the embryo begins to grow hair; and also at the full moon, which period is also specially inimical to infants after birth. The gait in walking and every thing that can be mentioned are so important during pregnancy that mothers eating food that is too salt bear children lacking nails, and that not holding the breath makes the delivery more difficult; indeed, to gape during delivery may cause death, just as a sneeze following copulation causes abortion. ',
 [".1One feels pity and even shame in realizing how trivial is the origin of the proudest of the animals, when the smell of lamps being put out usually causes abortion! These are the beginnings from which are born tyrants and the pride that deals slaughter. You who put confidence in your bodily strength, you who accept fortune's bounty and deem yourself not even her nurseling but her offspring, you whose thoughts are of empire, you who when swelling with some success believe yourself a god, could you have been made away with so cheaply? and even today you can be more cheaply, from being bitten by a snake's tiny tooth, or even choked by a raisin-stone like the poet Anacreon, or by a single hair in a draught of milk, like the praetor Fabius Senator. Assuredly only he who always remembers how frail a thing man is will weigh life in an impartial balance! ",
  {'entities': [[670, 678, 'people'], [739, 745, 'people']]}],
 [".1It is against nature to be born feet foremost; this is the reason why the designation of 'Agrippa' has been applied to persons so born — meaning 'born with difficulty' [aegre partus]; Marcus Agrippa is said to have been born in this manner, almost the solitary instance of a successful career among all those so born — although he too is deemed to have paid the penalty which his irregular birth foretold, by a youth made unhappy by lameness, a lifetime passed amidst warfare and ever exposed to the approach of death, by the misfortune caused to the world by his whole progeny but especially due to his two daughters a who became the mothers of the emperors Gaius Caligula and Domitius Nero, the two firebrands of mankind; and also by the shortness of his life, as he was cut off at the age of fifty during the agony caused him by his wife's adulteries and during his irksome subjection to his father-in-law Augustus. Nero also, who was emperor shortly before and whose entire rule showed him the enemy of mankind, is stated in his mother Agrippina's memoirs to have been born feet first. It is Nature's method for a human being to be born head first, and it is the custom for him to be carried to burial feet first. ",
  {'entities': [[92, 99, 'people'],
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 ['.1It is a better omen when the mother dies in giving birth to the child; instances are the birth of the elder Scipio Africanus and of the first of the Caesars, who got that name from the surgical operation performed on his mother; the origin of the family name Caeso is also the same. Also Manilius who entered Carthage with his army was born in the same manner. ',
  {'entities': [[110, 126, 'people'],
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 ['.1The name Vopiscus used to be given to cases of a twin born after being retained in the womb when the other twin had been killed by premature delivery — for extremely remarkable though infrequent cases of this occur. ',
 [".1Few animals except woman ever have sexual intercourse when pregnant — at all events superfetation only occurs with animals in very few cases. In the records of the medical profession and of writers who have been interested in collecting such occurrences, there is a case of miscarriage in which twelve infants were stillborn at once. When, however, a moderate interval of time separates two conceptions, both may be successful, as was seen in the instance of Hercules and his brother Iphicles and in the case of the woman who bore twins of whom one resembled her husband and the other an adulterer; and also in that of the maidservant of Marmara who, as a result of intercourse on the same day, bore one twin resembling her master and another resembling his steward, and that of another woman who bore one twin at the proper period and the other a five-months' child, and again of another who after bearing a seven months' child was delivered of twins three months later. ",
  {'entities': [[461, 469, 'people'],
    [486, 494, 'people'],
    [640, 647, 'people']]}],
 ['.2It is also well known that sound parents may have deformed children and deformed parents sound children or children with the same deformity, as the case may be; that some marks and moles and even scars reappear in the offspring, in some cases a birth-mark on the arm reappearing in the fourth generation ',
 ['.1(we are told that in the Lepidus family three children were born, though not all in succession, with a membrane over the eyes); and indeed that other children have resembled their grandfather, and that also there has been a case of twins of which one resembled the father and the other the mother, and one of a child who resembled his brother like a twin although born a year later. Also that some women always bear children like themselves, some bear children like their husbands, some children with no family likeness, some a female child like its father and a male child like themselves. One unquestioned instance is that of the famous boxer Nicaeus, born at Istamboul, whose mother was the offspring of adultery with an Ethiopian but had a complexion no different from that of other women, whereas Nicaeus himself reproduced his Ethiopian grandfather. ',
  {'entities': [[27, 34, 'people'],
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    [647, 654, 'people']]}],
 [".2Cases of likeness are indeed an extremely wide subject, and one which includes the belief that a great many accidental circumstances are influential — recollections of sights and sounds and actual sense-impressions received at the time of conception. Also a thought suddenly flitting across the mind of either parent is supposed to produce likeness or to cause a combination of features, and the reason why there are more differences in man than in all the other animals is that his swiftness of thought and quickness of mind and variety of mental character impress a great diversity of patterns, whereas the minds of the other animals are sluggish, and are alike for all and sundry, each in their own kind. A man of low station named Artemo so closely resembled Antiochus [3, 223-187 BC], king of Syria, that the royal consort Laodice after she had murdered Antiochus successfully made use of him to stage a play of her being recommended for succession to the throne. Pompey the Great had two doubles almost indistinguishable from him in appearance, a plebeian named Vibius and one Publieius who was actually a liberated slave, both of whom reproduced that noble countenance and the actual dignity of his magnificent brow. A similar resemblance was the reason that saddled Pompey's father also with the surname Menogenes, that being the name of his cook, when he already had the surname Strabo [cross-eyed] from the appearance of his eyes, which actually copied a defect in his slave; and a Scipio received the surname Serapio in a similar way, Serapio being a low chattel belonging to a dealer in hogs. Another Scipio of a later generation received his name from an actor Salutio, just as Spinther and Pamphilus who played second and third roles respectively gave their names to the colleagues in the consulship Lentulus and Metellus, a situation which also (most inappropriately) resulted incidentally in the counterfeit presentations of two consuls being seen on the stage at once. Vice-versa, Lucius Plancus, an orator, gave a surname to a player Rubrius, whereas Burbuleius gave his name to Curio senior and likewise Menogenes to the former censor Messala, both alike being actors. A fisherman in Sicily not only resembled the proconsul Sara in appearance but actually reproduced his gape while speaking and his tongue-tied stammering utterance. The famous orator Cassius Severus was taunted for his likeness to the gladiator Armentarius. Recently in the household of Annaeus people used to mistake Gallio for the freedman Castellanus and the senator Agrippinus for the actor Sannius, surnamed Paris. The slave-dealer Toranius sold to Antony after he had become one of the triumvirate two exceptionally handsome boys, who were so identically alike that he passed them off as twins, although one was a native of Asia and the other of a district North of the Alps. Later the boys' speech disclosed the fraud, and a protest was made to the dealer by the wrathful Antony, who complained especially about the large amount of the price (he had bought them for 200,000 sesterces); but the crafty dealer replied that the thing protested about was precisely the cause of his having charged so much, because there was nothing remarkable in a likeness between any pair of twin brothers, whereas (he said) to find natives of different races so precisely alike in appearance was something above all appraisal; and this produced in Antony so convenient a feeling of admiration that the great inflictor of outlawry, who had just been in a fury of threats and abuse, considered that no other property that he possessed was more suited to his station! ",
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 [".1Particular individuals may have a certain physical incongruity between them, and persons whose union is infertile may have children when they form other connexions — for instance Augustus and Livia, and similarly others. Also some women have only female or only male children, though usually the sexes come alternately — for instance in the case of the mother of the Gracchi this occurred twelve times, and in that of Germanicus's wife Agrippina nine times; some women are childless in youth; on some parentage is bestowed once in a lifetime; certain women are always delivered prematurely, and those of this class, if ever they succeed in overcoming this tendency by the use of drugs, usually bear a female child. One of the many exceptional circumstances connected with his late Majesty Augustus is that he lived to see his daughter's grandson, Marcus Silanus, who was born in the year of his death; Silanus, after succeeding the emperor Nero as consul, held the province of Asia, and during his office Nero despatched him by poison. Quintus Metellus Macedonicus, leaving six children, left eleven grandchildren, but including daughters-in-law and sons-in-law the total of those who greeted him by the title of father was twenty-seven. In the annals of the period of his late Majesty Augustus is found a statement that in his twelfth consulship, [4 BC] when Lucius Sulla was his colleague, on the 9th April a freeman of humble station at Fiesole named Gaius Crispinius Hilarus went in procession preceded by eight children, including two daughters, twenty-seven grandchildren, eighteen great-grandchildren, and eight granddaughters by marriage, and with all of these in attendance offered sacrifice on the Capitol. ",
  {'entities': [[181, 189, 'people'],
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 ['.1A woman does not bear children after the age of fifty, and with the majority menstruation ceases at 40. As for the case of men, it is well known that King Masinissa begot a son when over 86, whom he called Methimannus, and Cato the ex-censor had a son by the daughter of his client Salonius when he was 81: this is the reason why this branch of his family bears the surname of Salonianus, although that of the other branch is Licinianus; Cato of Utica belonged to the Salonian branch. Recently also Lucius Volusins Saturninus, who died while holding the office of City Praefect, is known to have had a son, by Cornelia of the Scipio family, born after he was 62, Volusius Saturninus, who was consul. Parentage even up to the age of 75 is commonly found in the lower classes. ',
  {'entities': [[157, 166, 'people'],
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    [517, 527, 'people'],
    [612, 620, 'people'],
    [628, 634, 'people'],
    [665, 673, 'people'],
    [517, 527, 'people']]}],
 ['.1Woman is, however, the only animal that has monthly periods; consequently she alone has what are called moles in her womb. This mole is a shapeless and inanimate mass of flesh that resists the point and the edge of a knife; it moves about, and it checks menstruation, as it also checks births: in some cases causing death, in others growing old with the patient, sometimes when the bowels are violently moved being ejected. A similar object is also formed in the stomach of males, called a tumour, as in the case of the praetorian Oppius Capito. But nothing could easily be found that is more remarkable than the monthly flux of women. Contact with it turns new wine sour, crops touched by it become barren, grafts die, seeds in gardens are dried up, the fruit of trees falls off, the bright surface of mirrors in which it is merely reflected is dimmed, the edge of steel and the gleam of ivory are dulled, hives of bees die, even bronze and iron are at once seized by rust, and a horrible smell fills the air; to taste it drives dogs mad and infects their bites with an incurable poison. Moreover bitumen, a substance generally sticky and viscous, that at a certain season of the year floats on the surface of the lake of Judaea called the Asphalt Pool [Dead Sea], adheres to everything touching it, and cannot be drawn asunder except by a thread soaked in the poisonous fluid in question. Even that very tiny creature the ant is said to be sensitive to it, and throws away grains of corn that taste of it and does not touch them again. Not only does this pernicious mischief occur in a woman every month, but it comes in larger quantity every three months; and in some cases it comes more frequently than once a month, just as in certain women it never occurs at all. The latter, however, do not have children, since the substance in question is the material for human generation, as the semen from the males acting like rennet collects this substance within it, which thereupon immediately is inspired with life and endowed with body. Hence when this flux occurs with women heavy with child, the offspring is sickly or still-born or sanious, according to Nigidius. ',
  {'entities': [[533, 539, 'people'],
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    [1257, 1265, 'place'],
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 [".1(The same writer holds that a woman's milk does not go bad while she is suckling a baby if she has become pregnant again from the same male.) It is stated, however, that the easiest conceptions are when this condition is beginning or ceasing. We have it recorded as a sure sign of fertility in women if when the eyes have been anointed with a drug the saliva contains traces of it. ",
 [".2Moreover, it is known that children cut their first teeth when six months old, the upper ones mostly coming first, and that the first teeth fall out and are replaced by others when they are six years old; and that some children are born having teeth — two distinguished instances are Manius Curius, who received the surname Dentatus in consequence, and Gnaeus Papirius Carbo. In the regal period this occurrence was considered a sign of bad luck in females; Valeria was born with teeth, and the soothsayers in reply to inquiry prophesied that she would bring disaster to any community to which she was taken; she was deported to Suessa Pometia, at that period a very flourishing place, the eventual result verifying the oracle. (Some females are born with the genitals closed; this is proved by the ease of Cornelia the mother of the Gracchi to be a sign of bad luck.) Some infants are born with a ridge of bone instead of teeth; this was the case as regards the upper jaw with the son of Prusias, King of Bithynia. The teeth are so far indestructible by fire as not to burn when the rest of the body is cremated, but although they resist fire they are corroded by a morbid state of the saliva. A certain drug gives them whiteness. Use wears them down, and in some people they decay much before this. Nor are they only necessary for food and nourishment, as the front teeth regulate the voice and speech, meeting the impact of the tongue with a kind of harmony, and according to their regularity of arrangement and size clipping or modulating or else dulling the words, and when they are lost preventing all clear articulation. Moreover this part of the body is believed to possess prophetic powers. Males (excepting the Turduli tribe) have 32 teeth; there have been cases of men with more — this is thought to foretell a longer term of life. Women have fewer; with them two dogteeth on the right side of the upper jaw are a promise of fortune's favours, as in the case of Domitius Nero's mother Agrippina; on the left side the opposite. — (It is the universal custom of mankind not to cremate a person who dies before cutting his teeth.) — But more of this later when our researches go through the parts of the body seriatim. ",
  {'entities': [[286, 292, 'people'],
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 ['.3It is recorded of only one person, Zoroaster, that he laughed on the same day on which he was born, and also that his brain throbbed so violently as to dislodge a hand placed on his head — this foretelling his future knowledge. ',
  {'entities': [[37, 46, 'people']]}],
 [".4It is known that at the age of three a person's measurement is half his future stature. But it is almost a matter of observation that with the entire human race the stature on the whole is becoming smaller daily, and that few men are taller than their fathers, as the conflagration that is the crisis towards which the age is now verging is exhausting the fertility of the semen. When a mountain in Crete was cleft by an earthquake a body 69 feet in height was found, which some people thought must be that of Orion and others of Otus. The records attest that the body of Orestes dug up at the command of an oracle measured 10 ft. 6 in. Moreover, the famous bard Homer nearly 1000 years ago never ceased to lament that mortals were smaller of stature than in he old days. In the case of Naevius Pollio the annals do not record his height, but they show that was deemed portentous, because he was almost killed by the people flocking round him. The tallest person our age has seen was a man named Gabbara brought from Arabia in the principate of his late Majesty Claudius who was 9 ft. 9 in. in height. Under his late Majesty Augustus there were two persons 6 in. taller, whose bodies on account of this remarkable height were preserved in the tomb in Sallust's Gardens; their names were Pusio and Secundilla. When the same emperor was head of the state the smallest person was a dwarf 2 ft. 5 in. high named Conopas, the pet of his granddaughter Julia, and the smallest female was Andromeda, a freed-woman of Julia Augusta. Marcus Varro states that the Knights of Rome Manius Maximus and Marcus Tullius were 3 ft. high, and we have ourselves men their bodies preserved in coffins. It is a matter of common knowledge that persons are born 18 in. high and some taller, who complete their life's course at the age of three. ",
  {'entities': [[401, 406, 'place'],
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    [1448, 1453, 'people'],
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    [1571, 1577, 'people'],
    [1578, 1585, 'people'],
    [1597, 1604, 'people']]}],
 [".5We find in the records that at Salamis the son of Euthymenes grew to 4 ft. 6 in. in his third year; he walked slowly, was dull of sense, became sexually quite mature, had a bass voice, and was carried off by a sudden attack of paralysis when he turned three. We ourselves recently saw almost all these features except sexual maturity in a son of the Knight of Rome Cornelius Tacitus, Deputy Finance Minister in Belgic Gaul. The Greeks call these cases 'perverts,' but in the Latin country there is no name for them. ",
  {'entities': [[33, 40, 'place'],
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    [477, 482, 'demonym']]}],
 [".1It has been noticed that a man's height from head to foot is equal to his full span measured from the tips of the middle fingers; likewise that the right-hand side of the frame is the stronger, though in some cases both sides are equally strong and there are people whose left side is the stronger, though this is never the case with women; and that males are the heavier; and that the bodies of all creatures are heavier when dead than when alive, and when asleep than when awake; and that men's corpses float on their backs, but women's on their faces, as if nature spared their modesty after death. ",
 ['.1Cases are recorded of persons living whose bones were solid and without marrow; and we are told that their distinguishing mark is insensibility to thirst and absence of perspiration, although we know that thirst can also be subdued by the will, and that a Knight of Rome of the allied tribe of the Vocontii named Julius Viator, suffering from dropsy when a minor, was forbidden liquid by the doctors and habituated himself to defeat nature, going without drink till old age. Moreover other persons also have exercised many kinds of self-control. ',
  {'entities': [[268, 272, 'person'],
    [300, 308, 'people'],
    [315, 321, 'people']]}],
 [".1It is stated that Crassus the grandfather of Crassus who fell in Parthia never laughed, and was consequently called Agelastus, and that likewise there have been many cases of people who never wept, and that the famous philosopher Socrates always wore the same look on his countenance, never gayer and never more perturbed. This temperament sometimes develops into a kind of rigidity and a hard, unbending severity of nature, and takes away the emotions natural to humanity; persons of this sort are called 'apathetic' by the Greeks, who have known many men of the kind, and among them surprising to say, chiefly founders of schools of philosophy, Diogenes the Cynic, Pyrrho, Heraclitus, Timon — the last indeed going as far as to hate the whole human race. But these small peculiarities of nature are known to occur variously in many persons, for instance in the case of Drusus's daughter Antonia never spitting, in the poet and ex-consul Pomponius never belching. Persons whose bones are by nature solid, a rather rare class, are called 'horny.' ",
  {'entities': [[20, 27, 'people'],
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    [689, 694, 'people'],
    [873, 879, 'people'],
    [891, 898, 'people'],
    [941, 950, 'people']]}],
 [".1Varro in his account of cases of remarkable strength records that one Tritanus, famous in the gladiatorial exercise with the Samnite equipment, was slightly built but of exceptional strength, and that his son, a soldier of Pompey the Great, had a chequered crisscross of sinews all over his body, even in his arms and hands; and moreover that once he challenged one of the enemy to single combat, defeated him without a weapon in his hand, and finally took hold of him with a single finger and carried him off to the camp. Vinnius Valens served as captain in the Imperial Guard of the late lamented Augustus; he was in the habit of holding carts laden with wine-sacks up in the air until they were emptied, and of catching hold of wagons with one hand and stopping them by throwing his weight against the efforts of the teams drawing them, and doing other marvellous exploits which can be seen carved on his monument. Marcus Varro likewise states: 'Rusticelius, who was nicknamed Hercules, used to lift his mule; Fufius Salvius used to walk up a ladder with two hundred pound weights fastened to his feet, the same weights in his hands and two two-hundred-pound weights on his shoulders.' We also saw a man named Athanatus, who was capable of a miraculous display: he walked across the stage wearing a leaden breast-plate weighing 500 pounds and shod in boots of 500 pounds' weight. When the athlete Milo took a firm stand, no one could make him shift his footing, and when he was holding an apple no one could make him straighten out a finger. ",
  {'entities': [[2, 7, 'people'],
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    [982, 990, 'people'],
    [1015, 1021, 'people'],
    [1022, 1029, 'people'],
    [1402, 1406, 'people']]}],
 [".2Phidippides's running the 130 miles from Athens to Sparta in two days was a mighty feat, until the Spartan runner Anystis and Alexander the Great's courier Philonides ran the 148 miles from Sikyon to Elis in a day. At the present day indeed we are aware that some men can last out 128 miles in the circus, and that recently in the consulship of Fonteius and Vipstanus a boy of 8 ran 68 miles between noon and evening. The marvellous nature of this feat will only get across to us in full measure if we reflect that Tiberius Nero completed by carriage the longest twenty-four hours' journey on record when hastening to Germany to his brother Drusus who was ill: this measured 182 miles. ",
  {'entities': [[2, 13, 'people'],
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    [192, 198, 'place'],
    [202, 206, 'place'],
    [347, 355, 'people'],
    [517, 530, 'people'],
    [620, 627, 'people'],
    [643, 649, 'people']]}],
 [".1Keenness of sight has achieved instances transcending belief in the highest degree. Cicero records that a parchment copy of Homer's poem The Iliad was enclosed in a nutshell. He also records a case of a man who could see 123 miles. Marcus Varro also gives this man's name, which was Strabo, and states that in the Punic wars he was in the habit of telling from the promontory of Lilybaion in Sicily the actual number of ships in a fleet that was passing out from the harbour of Carthage. Callicrates used to make such small ivory models of ants and other creatures that to anybody else their parts were invisible. A certain Myrmecides won fame in the same department by making a four-horse chariot of the same material that a fly's wings would cover, and a ship that a tiny bee could conceal with its wings. ",
  {'entities': [[86, 92, 'people'],
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    [394, 400, 'place'],
    [480, 488, 'place'],
    [490, 501, 'people'],
    [626, 636, 'people']]}],
 ['.1There is one marvellous instance of the transmission of a spoken message: the battle that resulted in the destruction of Sybaris was heard of at Olympia on the day on which it was fought. For the messengers who brought news of the victory over the Cimbri and the brothers Castor who reported the victory over Perseus to the Romans on the very day on which it happened were visions and warnings sent by the divine powers. ',
  {'entities': [[123, 130, 'place'],
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    [250, 256, 'people'],
    [274, 280, 'people'],
    [311, 318, 'people']]}],
 [".1Bodily endurance, so fertile of disasters is fate, has produced countless examples, the most famous in the case of women being that of the harlot Leaena who on the rack refused to betray the tyrannicides Harmodius and Aristogiton, and among men that of Anaxarchus, who when being tortured for a similar reason bit off his tongue and spat the only hope of betrayal in the tyrant's face. ",
  {'entities': [[148, 154, 'people'],
    [206, 215, 'people'],
    [220, 231, 'people'],
    [255, 265, 'people']]}],
 [".1As to memory, the boon most necessary for life, it is not easy to say who most excelled in it, so morning. many men having gained renown for it. King Cyrus could give their names to all the soldiers in his army, Lucius Scipio knew the names of the whole Roman people, King Pyrrhus's envoy Cineas knew those of the senate and knighthood at Rome the day after his arrival. Mithridates who was king of twenty-two races gave judgements in as many languages, in an assembly addressing each race in turn without an interpreter. A person in Greece named Charmadas recited the contents of any volumes in libraries that anyone asked him to quote, just as if he were reading them. Finally, a memoria technica was constructed, which was invented by the lyric poet Simonides and perfected by Metrodorus of Scepsis, enabling anything heard to be repeated in the identical words. Also no other human faculty is equally fragile: injuries from, and even apprehensions of, diseases and accident may affect in some cases a single field of memory and in others the whole. A man has been known when struck by a stone to forget how to read and write but nothing else. One who fell from a very high roof forgot his mother and his relatives and friends, another when ill forgot his servants also; the orator Messala Corvinus forgot his own name. Similarly tentative and hesitating lapses of memory often occur when the body even when uninjured is in repose; also the gradual approach of sleep curtails the memory and makes the unoccupied mind wonder where it is. ",
  {'entities': [[152, 157, 'people'],
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 ['.1The most outstanding instance of innate mental vigour I take to be the dictator Caesar; and I am not now thinking of valour and resolution, nor of a loftiness embracing all the contents of the firmament of heaven, but of native vigour and quickness winged as it were with fire. We are told that he used to write or read and dictate or listen simultaneously, and to dictate to his secretaries four letters at once on his important affairs — or, if otherwise unoccupied, seven letters at once. He also fought fifty pitched battles, and alone beat the record of Marcus Marcellus who fought thirty-nine — for I would not myself count it to his glory that in addition to conquering his fellow-citizens he killed in his battles 1,192,000 human beings, a prodigious even if unavoidable wrong indicted on the human race, as he himself confessed it to be by not publishing the casualties of the civil wars. ',
  {'entities': [[82, 88, 'people'], [568, 577, 'people']]}],
 [".2It would be more just to credit Pompey the Great with the 846 ships that he captured from the pirates; while to Caesar let us assign, in addition to the facts mentioned above, the peculiar distinction of the clemency in which (even to the point of subsequent regret) he surpassed all men; also he afforded an example of magnanimity that no other can parallel. For while to count under this head the shows that he gave and the wealth that he squandered, or the magnificence of his public works, would display indulgence to luxury, it showed the genuine and unrivalled sublimity of an unconquered spirit that, when Pompey the Great's despatch cases were captured at Pharsalia and again those of Scipio at Thapsus, he scrupulously burnt them and did not read them. ",
  {'entities': [[34, 40, 'people'],
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 ['.1But it concerns the glory of the Roman Empire, and not that of one man, to mention in this place all the records of the victories of Pompey the Great and all his triumphs, which equal the brilliance of the exploits not only of Alexander the Great but even almost of Hercules and Father Liber. Well then, after the recovery of Sicily, which inaugurated his emergence as a champion of the commonwealth in the party of Sulla, and after the conquest of the whole of Africa and its reduction under our sway, and the acquirement as a trophy therefrom of the title of The Great, he rode back in a triumphal chariot though only of equestrian rank, a thing which had never occurred before; and immediately afterwards he crossed over to the West, and after erecting trophies in the Pyrenees he added to the record of his victorious career the reduction under our sway of 876 towns from the Alps to the frontiers of Further Spain, and with greater magnanimity refrained from mentioning Sertorius, and after crushing the civil war which threatened to stir up all our foreign relations, a second time led into Rome a procession of triumphal chariots as a Knight, having twice been commander-in-chief before having ever served in the ranks. Subsequently he was despatched to the whole of the seas and then to the far east, and he brought back titles without limit for his country, after the manner of those who conquer in the sacred contests before these are not crowned with wreaths themselves but crown their native land; consequently he bestowed these honours on the city in the shrine of Minerva that he was dedicating out of the proceeds of the spoils of war: ',
  {'entities': [[135, 141, 'people'],
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    [882, 886, 'place'],
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 [".2Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, Commander in Chief, having completed a thirty years' war, routed, scattered, slain or received the surrender of 12,183,000 people, sunk or taken 846 ships, received the capitulation of 1538 towns and forts, subdued the lands from the Maeotians to the Red Sea, duly dedicates his offering vowed to Minerva. ",
  {'entities': [[9, 24, 'people'],
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 ['.3This is his summary of his exploits in the east. But the announcement of the triumphal procession that he led on September 28 in the consulship of Marcus Piso and Marcus Messala was as follows: ',
  {'entities': [[156, 160, 'people'], [172, 179, 'people']]}],
 ['.4After having rescued the sea coast from pirates and restored to the Roman People the command of the sea, he celebrated a triumph over Asia, Pontus, Armenia, Paphlagonia, Cappadocia, Cicilia, Syria, the Scythians, Jews and Albanians, Iberia, the Island of Crete, the Basternae, and, in addition to these, over King Mithridates and Tigranes. The crowning pinnacle of this glorious record was (as he himself declared in assembly when discoursing on his achievements) to have found Asia the remotest of the provinces and then to have made her a central dominion of his country. If anybody on the other side desires to review in similar manner the achievements of Caesar, who showed himself greater than Pompey, he must assuredly roll off the entire world, and this it will be agreed is a task without limit. ',
  {'entities': [[136, 140, 'people'],
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 ['.1There have been various and numerous cases of eminence in the other kinds of excellence. Cato the first of that name in the Gens Porcia is deemed to have exemplified the three supreme human achievements, excelling alike as orator, as general and as senator; all of which distinctions seem to me to have been achieved though not previously yet with greater brilliance in the case of Scipio Aemilianus, and that moreover without the very wide unpopularity that handicapped Cato. So it may be counted an exceptional fact about Cato that he took part in forty-four actions at law and was sued more frequently than anybody else and always acquitted. ',
  {'entities': [[91, 95, 'people'],
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 [".1What person has possessed the most outstanding courage is a subject of unending enquiry, at all events if the legendary testimony of poetry be accepted. Quintus Ennius had a particular admiration for Titus Caecilius Teucer and his brother, adding Book X6 to his Annals on their account. Lucius Siccius Dentatus, Tribune of the Plebs in the consulship of Spurius Tarpeius and Aulus Aternius not long after the expulsion of the kings, scores an exceedingly large number of votes, as having fought in 120 battles, been challenged to and having won eight single combats, and having the distinction of 45 scars in front and none at all on his back. He also captured spoils 34 times, had bestowed upon him 18 spear-shafts, 25 breast-badges, 83 necklets, 160 bracelets, 26 crowns (including 14 civic crowns, eight of gold, three mural crowns, one siege-rescue crown), a bag of money, ten prisoners of war and with them 20 cows; also he followed in the triumphs of nine generals whose victories were chiefly due to his aid, and in addition — and this in my opinion is his finest achievement — procured the conviction in the People's Court at the termination of his consulship of one of his leaders Titus Romilius on the charge of maladministration of his office. The military distinctions of Capitolinus would be not inferior, if he had not cancelled them by the conclusion of his career. He had twice captured enemy's spoils before he was seventeen years old; he had been the first of any one to receive a mural crown as a Knight, as well as six civic crowns and 37 gifts; he had received 23 wounds on the front of his body; he had rescued Publius Servilius Master of the Horse, when himself wounded in the shoulder and thigh; above all he had alone saved the Capitol and the fortunes of the state therein from the Gauls — if only he had not saved it to make himself king. ",
  {'entities': [[163, 169, 'people'],
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 [".2But, although these cases exhibit great achievements of valour, yet they involve still greater achievements of fortune; whereas nobody, in my judgement at all events, can rightly rank any human being above Marcus Sergius, albeit his great-grandson Catiline diminishes the credit of his name. Sergius in his second campaign lost his right hand; in two campaigns he was wounded twenty-three times, with the result that he was crippled in both hands and both feet, only his spirit being intact; yet although disabled, he served in numerous subsequent campaigns. He was twice taken prisoner by Hannibal (for it was with no ordinary foe that he was engaged), and twice escaped from Hannibal's fetters, although he was kept in chains or shackles on every single day for twenty months. He fought four times with only his left hand, having two horses he was riding stabbed under him. He had a right hand of iron made for him and going into action with it tied to his arm, raised the siege of Cremona, saved Placentia, captured twelve enemy camps in Gaul: all of which exploits are testified by his speech delivered during his praetorship when his colleagues wanted to debar him from the sacrifices as infirm — a man who with a different foe would have accumulated what piles of wreaths! inasmuch as it makes the greatest difference with what period of history a particular man's valour happens to coincide. What civic wreaths were bestowed by Trebbia or Ticino or Trasimeno? what crown was won at Cannae, where successful flight was valour's highest exploit? All other victors truly have conquered men, but Sergius vanquished fortune also. ",
  {'entities': [[215, 222, 'people'],
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 [".1Who could make an honours class-list of geniuses, ranging through all the kinds of systems and all the varieties of subject and of treatment? unless perhaps it is agreed that no genius has ever existed who was more successful than Homer the bard of Greece, whether he be judged by the form or by the matter of his work. Consequently Alexander the Great — for so lordly an assessment will be effected best and least invidiously by the most supreme tribunals — when among the booty won from the Persian King Darius there was a case of unguents made of gold and enriched with pearls and precious stones, and when his friends pointed out the various uses to which it could be put, since a warrior soiled with warfare had no use for perfume, said, 'No, by Hercules, rather let it be assigned to keeping the works of Homer' — so that the most precious achievement of the mind of man might be preserved in the richest possible product of the craftsman's art. Alexander also gave orders at the sack of Thebes for the household and home of the poet Pindar to be spared; and he felt the native place of the philosopher Aristotle to be his own, and blended that evidence of kindliness with all the glory of his exploits. Apollo at Delphi exposed the murderers of the poet Archilochus. When Sophocles the prince of the tragic buskin died [406 BC] Father Liber gave orders for his burial though the Spartans were besieging the city walls, the Spartan king Lysander receiving frequent admonitions in dreams 'to permit the interment of the darling of the god.' The king enquired what persons had expired at Athens and had no difficulty in understanding which among them the god meant, and he granted an armistice for the funeral. ",
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 [".1The tyrant Dionysius, who was in other matters by nature given to cruelty and pride, sent a ship decked with garlands to meet Plato the high priest of wisdom, and as he disembarked received him at the coast in person, in a chariot with four white horses. Isocrates sold a single speech for 20 talents. The eminent Athenian orator Aeschines, after reading to the citizens of Rhodes the speech that he had made in prosecuting, also read Demosthenes's speech in defence that had driven him into exile at Rhodes, and on their expressing admiration said hat they would have admired it even more on the actual occasion, if they had heard the orator himself: thus his disaster constituted him a powerful witness for his enemy's case. Thucydides as military commander was sentenced to exile by the Athenians but as historian was recalled: they admired the eloquence of a man whose valour they had condemned. High testimony was also born to Menander's eminence in comedy by the kings of Egypt and Macedon when they sent a fleet and an embassy to fetch him, but higher testimony was derived from himself by his preferment of the consciousness of literary merit to royal fortune. ",
  {'entities': [[13, 22, 'people'],
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    [376, 382, 'place'],
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 ['.2Roman leaders also have borne witness even to foreigners. At the conclusion of the war with Mithridates Gnaeus Pompey when going to enter the abode of the famous professor of philosophy Posidonius forbade his retainer to knock on the door in the customary manner, and the subduer of the East and of the West dipped his standard to the portals of learning. Cato the censor, on the occasion when the famous embassy of the three leaders of philosophy was sent from Athens, after hearing Carneades advised that these envoys should be sent away as soon as possible, because when Carneades was discoursing it was difficult to distinguish where the truth lay. What a complete change of fashion! The Cato in question always on other occasions recommended the total banishment of Greeks from Italy, whereas his great-grandson Cato of Utica brought home one from his military tribunate and another from his mission to Cyprus; and of the two Catos the former has the distinction of having banished and the other of having introduced the same language. ',
  {'entities': [[94, 105, 'people'],
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    [486, 495, 'people'],
    [358, 362, 'people'],
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    [358, 362, 'people'],
    [827, 832, 'person'],
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    [933, 938, 'people']]}],
 [".3But let us also pass in review the glory of our own countrymen. The elder Africanus gave orders for a statue of Quintus Ennius to be placed on his own tomb, and for that famous name, or rather trophy of war won from a third part of the world, to be read above his last ashes together with the memorial of a poet. His late Majesty Augustus overrode the modesty of Virgil's will and forbade the burning of his poems, and thus the bard achieved a stronger testimony than if he had commended his own works himself. In the library founded at Rome by Asinius Pollio, the earliest library in the world established out of the spoils of war, the only statue of a living person erected was that of Marcus Varro, the bestowal by a leading orator and citizen of this crowning honour on one only out of the multitude of men of genius then existing constituting no less a distinction, in my own opinion, than when Pompey the Great gave to that same Varro a naval crown for his conduct in the war with the pirates. There is a countless series of Roman examples, if one chose to pursue them, since a single race has produced more men of distinction in every branch whatever than the whole of the other countries. But what excuse could I have for omitting mention of you, Marcus Tullius? or by what distinctive mark can I advertise your superlative excellence? by what in preference to the most honourable testimony of that whole nation's decree, selecting out of your entire life only the achievements of your consulship? Your oratory induced the tribes to discard the agrarian law, that is, their own livelihood; your advice led them to forgive Roscius the proposer of the law as to the theatre, and to tolerate with equanimity the mark put upon them by a distinction of seating; your entreaty made the children of the men sentenced to proscription ashamed to stand for office; your genius drove Catiline to flight; you proscribed Mark Antony. Hail, first recipient of the title of Father of the Country, first winner of a civilian triumph and of a wreath of honour for oratory, and parent of eloquence and of Latium's letters; and (as your former foe, the dictator Caesar, wrote of you) winner of a greater laurel wreath than that of any triumph, inasmuch as it is a greater thing to have advanced so far the frontiers of the Roman genius than the frontiers of Rome's empire. ",
  {'entities': [[76, 85, 'people'],
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    [697, 702, 'people'],
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 [".1Persons who have surpassed the rest of mortal kind in the remaining gifts of the mind are: in wisdom, the people who on this account won at Rome the surnames of Wise and Sage, and in Greece Socrates, whom Pythian Apollo's oracle placed before all other men. ",
  {'entities': [[142, 146, 'place'],
    [192, 200, 'people'],
    [207, 214, 'people'],
    [215, 221, 'people']]}],
 [".1Again, partnership with the oracles was bestowed by mortals on the Spartan Chilo, by canonizing in letters of gold at Delphi his three precepts, which are these: Know thyself; Desire nothing too much; The comrade of debt and litigation is misery. Moreover when he expired from joy on his son's being victorious at Olympia, the whole of Greece followed in his funeral procession. ",
  {'entities': [[69, 76, 'person'],
    [77, 82, 'people'],
    [120, 126, 'place'],
    [316, 323, 'place']]}],
 ['.1The most famous instances of the gift of divination and so to speak communion with the heavenly beings are, among women, the Sibyl, and among men, Melampus in Greece and Marcius at Rome. ',
  {'entities': [[127, 132, 'people'],
    [149, 157, 'people'],
    [172, 179, 'people'],
    [183, 187, 'place']]}],
 ['.1Scipio Nasica was judged by the verdict of the senate on oath to be once for all the noblest man since the foundation of time, although he was twice branded by the nation with defeat when a candidate for office. At the end he was not permitted to die in his native land, any more in truth than the great Socrates, whom Apollo judged to be the wisest of mankind, was allowed to die freed from fetters. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 8, 'people'],
    [9, 15, 'people'],
    [306, 314, 'people'],
    [321, 327, 'people']]}],
 ['.1The first case of a woman judged by the vote of the matrons to be the most modest was Sulpicia, a daughter of Paterculus and wife of Fulvius Flaccus, who was elected from a previously chosen list of 100 to dedicate the image of Venus in accordance with the Sibylline books; and on a second occasion, by the test of religion, Claudia, when the Mother of the Gods was brought to Rome. ',
  {'entities': [[88, 96, 'people'],
    [135, 150, 'people'],
    [230, 235, 'people'],
    [327, 334, 'people'],
    [379, 383, 'place']]}],
 ['.1Of filial affection there have it is true been unlimited instances all over the world, but one at Rome with which the whole of the rest could not compare. A plebeian woman of low position and therefore unknown, who had just given birth to a child, had permission to visit her mother who had been shut up in prison as a punishment, and was always searched in advance by the doorkeeper to prevent her carrying in any food; she was detected giving her mother sustenance from her own breasts. In consequence of this marvel the daughter\'s pious affection was rewarded by the mother\'s release and both were awarded maintenance for life; and the place where it occurred was consecrated to the Goddess concerned, a temple dedicated to Filial Affection being built on the site of the prison, where the Theatre of Marcellus now stands, in the consulship of Gaius Quinctius and Manius Acilius. In the house of the father of the Gracchi two snakes were caught, and in reply to enquiry an oracle declared that he himself would live if the snake of the other sex were killed; "No," said he, "kill my snake: Cornelia is young and still able to bear children." This meant, to spare his wife and think of the public interest; and the result prophesied soon followed. Marcus Lepidus after divorcing his wife Appuleia died for love of her. Publius Rutilius when suffering from a slight illness received news of his brother\'s defeat in his candidature for the consulship, and at once expired. Publius Catienus Philotimus loved his patron so dearly that he threw himself upon his funeral pyre, although left heir to the whole of his property. ',
  {'entities': [[100, 104, 'place'],
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    [1259, 1266, 'people'],
    [1331, 1339, 'people'],
    [1483, 1491, 'people'],
    [1492, 1502, 'people']]}],
 [".1The people who have achieved distinction in the knowledge of the various sciences are innumerable, but nevertheless they must be touched on when we are culling the flower of mankind: in astronomy, Berosus, to whom on account of his marvellous predictions Athens officially erected in the gymnasium a statue with a gilt tongue; philology, Apollodorus, whom the Amphictyons of Greece honoured; in medicine, Hippocrates, who foretold a plague that was coming from Illyria and despatched his pupils round the cities to render assistance, in return for which service Greece voted him the honours that it gave to Hercules. The same knowledge in the case of Cleombrotus of Ceos was rewarded by King Ptolemy at the Megalensian Festival with 100 talents, after he had saved the life of King Antiochus. Critobulus also has a great reputation for having extracted an arrow from King Philip's eye, and having treated his loss of sight without causing disfigurement of his face; but the highest reputation belongs to Asclepiades of Prusa, for having founded a new school, despised the envoys and overtures of King Mithridates, discovered a method of preparing medicated wine for the sick, brought back a man from burial and saved his life, but most of all for having made a wager with fortune that he should not be deemed a physician if he were ever in any way ill himself: and he won his bet, as he lost his life in extreme old age by falling downstairs. ",
  {'entities': [[199, 206, 'people'],
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    [1006, 1017, 'people'],
    [1021, 1026, 'person'],
    [1103, 1114, 'people']]}],
 ['.2Archimedes also received striking testimony to his knowledge of geometry and mechanics from Marcus Marcellus, who at the capture of Syracuse forbade violence to be done to him only — had not the ignorance of a soldier foiled the command. Others who won praise were Chersiphron of Gnossus who constructed the wonderful temple of Diana at Ephesus, Philo who made a dockyard for 400 ships at Athens, Ctesibius who discovered the theory of the pneumatic pump and invented hydraulic engines, Dinochares who acted as surveyor for Alexander when founding Alexandria in Egypt. This ruler also issued a proclamation that only Apelles should paint his picture, only Pyrgoteles sculpt his statue, and only Lysippus cast him in bronze: there are many celebrated examples of these arts. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 12, 'people'],
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    [339, 346, 'place'],
    [348, 353, 'people'],
    [391, 397, 'place'],
    [399, 408, 'people'],
    [489, 499, 'people'],
    [526, 535, 'people'],
    [550, 560, 'place'],
    [564, 569, 'place'],
    [619, 626, 'people'],
    [658, 668, 'people'],
    [697, 705, 'people']]}],
 ['.1King Attalus bid 100 talents for one picture by the Theban painter Aristides; the dictator Caesar purchased two by Timomachus for 80, the Medea and the Ajax, to dedicate them in the temple of Venus Genetrix. King Candaules paid its weight in gold for a picture of considerable size by Bularchus representing the downfall of the Magnesians. King Demetrius surnamed Besieger of Cities refrained from setting fire to Rhodes for fear of burning a picture by Protogenes stored in that part of the fortification. Praxiteles is famous for his marbles, and especially for his Venus at Cnidos, which is celebrated because of the infatuation that it inspired in a certain young man, and because of the value set on it by King Nicomedes, who attempted to obtain it in return for discharging a large debt owed by the Cnidians. Daily testimony is borne to Pheidias by Olympian Jove, and to Mentor by Capitoline Jove and by Diana of Ephesus, works that have immortalized the tools of this craft. ',
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 [".1The highest price hitherto paid, so far as I have ascertained, for a person born in slavery was when Attius of Pisaurum was selling a skilled linguist named Daphnis and Marcus Scaurus, head of the state, bid 700,000 sesterces. This has been exceeded, and considerably, in our own time by actors when buying their own freedom by means of their earnings, inasmuch as already in the time of our ancestors the actor Roscius is said to have earned 500,000 sesterces a year, — unless anybody expects a mention in this place of the commissary in the Armenian war carried on not long ago for Tiridates, whom Nero liberated for 13,000,000 sesterces. But this was the price paid for a war, not for an individual, just as in truth when Clutorius Priscus bought one of Sejanus's eunuchs Paezon for 50,000,000, this was the price of lust and not of beauty. But Clutorius got away with this outrageous affair during a period of national mourning, as nobody had time to show him up. ",
  {'entities': [[103, 109, 'people'],
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 [".1The one race of outstanding eminence in virtue among all the races in the whole world is undoubtedly the Roman. What human being has had the greatest happiness is not a question for human judgement, since prosperity itself different people define in different ways and each according to his own temperament. If we wish to make a true judgement and discard all fortune's pomp in deciding the point, none among mortals is happy. Fortune deals lavishly and makes an indulgent bargain with the man whom it is possible justly to pronounce not unhappy. In fact, apart from other considerations, assuredly there is a fear that fortune may grow weary, and this fear once entertained, happiness has no firm foundation. What of the proverb that none among mortals is wise all the time? And would that as many men as possible may deem this proverb false, and not as the utterance of a prophet! Mortality, being so vain and so ingenious in self-deception, makes its calculation after the manner of the Thracian tribe that puts stone counters of different colours corresponding to each day's experience in an urn, and on the last day sorts them and counts them out and thus pronounces judgement about each individual. What of the fact that the very day commended by that stone of brilliant whiteness contained the source of misfortune? How many men have been overthrown by attaining power! How many have been ruined and plunged into the direst torments by wealth! Wealth forsooth it is called if a man has had an hour of joy while surrounded by it. So doubtless is it! Different days pass verdict on different men and only the last day a final verdict on all men; and consequently no day is to be trusted. What of the fact that goods are not equal to evils even if of equal number, and that no joy can counterbalance the smallest grief? Alas what vain and foolish application! we count the number of the days, when it is their weight that is in question! ",
  {'entities': [[429, 436, 'people'], [1453, 1459, 'people']]}],
 ['.1Only one woman can be found in the whole of history, the Spartan Lampido, who was daughter, wife and mother of a king; only one, Berenice, who was daughter, sister and mother of Olympic winners; only one family, the Curios, that has produced three orators in unbroken series, only one, the Fabii, three successive Chiefs of the Senate, Marcus Fabius Ambustus, his son Fabius Rullianus and his grandson Quintus Fabius Gurges. ',
  {'entities': [[59, 66, 'demonym'],
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    [352, 360, 'people'],
    [345, 351, 'people'],
    [345, 351, 'people']]}],
 ['.1All other cases are instances of changing Fortune, and are beyond counting. For what great joys does she produce except when following on disasters, or what immeasurable disasters except when following on enormous joys? ',
  {'entities': [[44, 51, 'people']]}],
 [".1She preserved the senator Marcus Fidustius for 36 years after his proscription by Sulla, but only to proscribe him a second time: he survived Sulla, but he lived to see Antony, and it is known that Antony proscribed him for no other reason than that he had been proscribed before! It is true she willed that Publius Ventidius should alone win a triumph from the Parthians, but she also in his boyhood led him captive in Gnaeus Pompeius's triumph after Asculum — albeit Masurius states that he was led in triumph twice, and Cicero that he was a mule-driver for an army bakery, and many authorities say that in his youth he supported his poverty by foot-slogging in the ranks! Also the elder Cornelius Balbus was consul, but he was impeached and handed over to a court of justice to decide as to his legal liability to a flogging — he being the first foreigner and actual native of the Atlantic coast to have held an honour refused by our ancestors even to Latium. Lucius Fulvius also is one of the notable examples, having been consul of the Tusculans at the time of their revolt and after coming over having been at once honoured with the same office by the Roman nation: he is the only man who ever in the same year in which he had been Rome's enemy won a triumph from the people whose consul he had been. Lucius Sulla is the sole human being hitherto who has assumed the surname Fortunate, in fact achieving the title by civil bloodshed and by making war upon his country. And what tokens of good fortune were his motive? His success in exiling and slaughtering so many thousands of his fellow-countrymen? ",
  {'entities': [[35, 44, 'people'],
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 ['.2O what a false meaning to attach to the title! How doomed to misfortune in the future! Were not his victims more fortunate at the time when dying, whom we pity today when Sulla is universally hated? Come, was not the close of his life more cruel than the calamity of all the victims of his proscriptions, when his body ate itself away and bred its own torments? And although he dissembled the pangs, and although on the evidence of that last drama of his, which may almost be said to have accompanied his death, we believed that he alone vanquished odium by glory, nevertheless he admitted forsooth that this one thing was wanting to his happiness — he had not dedicated the Capitol. ',
  {'entities': [[173, 178, 'people'], [677, 684, 'place']]}],
 [".3Quintus Metellus, in the panegyric that he delivered at the obsequies of his father Lucius Metellus the pontiff, who had been Consul twice, Dictator, Master of the Horse and Land-commissioner, and who was the first person who led a procession of elephants in a triumph, having captured them in the first Punic War, has left it in writing that his father had achieved the ten greatest and highest objects in the pursuit of which wise men pass their lives: for he had made it his aim to be a first-class warrior, a supreme orator and a very brave commander, to have the direction of operations of the highest importance, to enjoy the greatest honour, to be supremely wise, to be deemed the most eminent member of the senate, to obtain great wealth in an honourable way, to leave many children, and to achieve supreme distinction in the state; and that these things had fallen to his father's lot, and to that of no one else since Rome's foundation. It would be a lengthy matter to refute this, and it is superfluous to do so as it is abundantly rebutted by a single accidental misfortune: inasmuch as this Metellus passed an old age of blindness, having lost his sight in a fire when saving the statue of Pallas from the temple of Vesta, a memorable purpose but disastrous in its result. Consequently though he must not be pronounced unhappy, still he cannot be called happy. The nation bestowed on him a privilege given to no one else since the foundation of time, permission to ride to the senate-house in a chariot whenever he went to a meeting of the senate — a great and highly honourable privilege, but one that was bestowed on him as a substitute for sight. ",
  {'entities': [[10, 18, 'people'],
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    [10, 18, 'people'],
    [1231, 1236, 'people']]}],
 ['.1The son of this Metellus who made those remarks about his father is also counted among the exceptional instances of human happiness. Besides receiving an abundance of high honours and the surname of Macedonicus, he was borne to the tomb by four sons, one a praetor, three ex-consuls (two winners of triumphs), one an ex-censor — things that even separately have fallen to few men\'s lot. Nevertheless at the very height of his distinguished career, when coming back from the Field at midday, the market place and Capitol being empty, he was carried off to the Tarpeian Rock by Gaius Atinius Labeo, surnamed Macerio, tribune of the plebs, whom when censor he had ejected from the senate, with the intention of hurling him down the cliff; the numerous company of persons who called him their father did it is true hasten to his aid, but as was inevitable in this sudden emergency, too late and as if coming for his funeral, and as he had not the right to resist and to repel the hallowed person of a tribune his virtue and his strictness would have resulted in his destruction, but with difficulty another tribune was found to intercede, and he was recalled from the very threshold of death; and subsequently he lived on the charity of another, as his own property had immediately been confiscated on the proposal of the very man whom he had himself caused to be condemned, just as though the penalty exacted from him of having his throat tied in a rope and the blood forced out through his ears were not sufficient! Although for my own part I should also reckon it as a disaster to have been at enmity with the second Africanus, on the evidence of Macedonicus himself, inasmuch as he said, "Go, my sons, celebrate his obsequies; you will never see the funeral of a greater citizen!" And he said this to sons who had already won the titles of Balearicus and Dalmaticus, while he himself was already Macedonicus. But even if only that injury be taken into account, who could rightly pronounce happy this man who ran the risk of perishing at the will of an enemy, and him not even an Africanus? Victory over what enemies was worth so much? or what honours and triumphal cars did not fortune put into the shade by that violent stroke — a censor dragged through the middle of the city (for this had been the sole reason for delaying), dragged to that same Capitol to which he himself had not thus dragged even prisoners when he was triumphing over the spoils taken from them? This was rendered a greater crime by the happiness that followed, as it placed Macedonicus in danger of losing even that great and glorious funeral in which he was carried to the pyre by his children who had themselves won triumphs, so that even his obsequies were a triumphal procession. Assuredly it is no firmly founded happiness that any outrage in a man\'s career has shattered, let alone so great an outrage as that. For the rest I know not whether it counts to the credit of our morals or increases the anguish of our indignation that among all the many Metelli that criminal audacity of Gaius Atinius for ever went unpunished. ',
  {'entities': [[18, 26, 'people'],
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 [".1Also in the case of his late Majesty Augustus, whom the whole of mankind enrols in the list of happy men, if all the facts were carefully weighed, great revolutions of man's lot could be discovered: his failure with his uncle in regard to the office of Master of the Horse, when the candidate opposing him, Lepidus, was preferred; the hatred caused by the proscription; his association in the triumvirate with the wickedest citizens, and that not with an equal share of power but with Antony predominant; his flight in the battle of Philippi when he was suffering from disease, and his three days' hiding in a marsh, in spite of his illness and his swollen dropsical condition (as stated by Agrippa and Maecenas); his shipwreck off Sicily, and there also another period of hiding in a cave; his entreaties to Proculeius to kill him, in the naval rout when a detachment of the enemy was already pressing close at hand; the anxiety of the struggle at Perugia, the alarm of the battle of Actium, his fall from a tower in the Pannonian Wars; and all the mutinies in his troops, all his critical illnesses, his suspicion of Marcellus's ambitions, the disgrace of Agrippa's banishment, the many plots against his life, the charge of causing the death of his children; and his sorrows that were not due solely to bereavement, his daughter's [Julia] adultery and the disclosure of her plots against her father's life, the insolent withdrawal of his stepson Nero, another adultery, that of his grand-daughter; then the long series of misfortunes — lack of army funds, rebellion of Illyria, enlistment of slaves, shortage of man power, plague at Rome, famine in Italy, resolve on suicide and death more than half achieved by four days' starvation; next the disaster of Varus and the foul slur upon his dignity; the disowning of Postumus Agrippa after his adoption as heir, and the sense of loss that followed his banishment; then his suspicion in regard to Fabius and the betrayal of secrets; afterwards the intrigues of his wife and Tiberius that tormented his latest days. In fine, this god — whether deified more by his own action or by his merits I know not — departed from life leaving his enemy's son his heir. ",
  {'entities': [[39, 47, 'people'],
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 [".1In this review there come to mind the Delphic oracles sent forth by the god as if for the purpose of chastising the vanity of mankind. Here are two: 'The happiest of men is Pedius, who lately fell in battle for his country'; and secondly, when the oracle was consulted by Gyges, then the wealthiest king in the world, 'Aglaus of Psophis is happier.' This was an elderly man who cultivated an estate, small but amply sufficient for his yearly provision, in a very shut in corner of Arcadia, and who had never left it, and being (as his kind of life showed) a man of very small desires experienced a very small amount of misfortune in life. ",
  {'entities': [[175, 181, 'people'],
    [274, 279, 'people'],
    [321, 327, 'people'],
    [331, 338, 'person'],
    [483, 490, 'place']]}],
 ['.1By the command of the same oracle and with the assent of Jupiter the supreme deity, Euthymus the boxer, who won all his matches at Olympia and was only once beaten, was made a saint in his lifetime and to his own knowledge. His native place was Locri in Italy; I noticed that Callimachus records as an unparalleled marvel that a statue of him there and another at Olympia were struck by lightning on the same day, and that the oracle commanded that sacrifice should be offered to him; this was repeatedly done both during his lifetime and when he was dead, and nothing about it is surprising except that the gods so decreed. ',
  {'entities': [[59, 66, 'people'],
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    [133, 140, 'place']]}],
 [".1As to the length and duration of men's life, not only geographical position but also dates and the various fortunes allotted at birth to each individual have made it uncertain. Hesiod, who first put forth some observations on this matter, placing many creatures above man in respect of longevity, fictitiously as I think, assigns nine of our lifetimes to the crow, four times a crow s life to stags, three times a stag's to ravens, and for the rest in a more fictitious style in the case of the phoenix and the nymphs. The poet Anacreon attributes 150 years to Arganthonius king of the Tartesii, 10 years more to Cinyras king of Cyprus, and 200 to Aegimius. Theopompus gives 157 to Epimenides of Cnossus. Hellanicus says that some members of the clan of the Epii in Aitolia complete 200 years, and he is supported by Damastes who records that one of them, Pictoreus, a man of outstanding stature and strength, even lived 300 years; Ephorus records Arcadian kings of 300 years; Cornelius Alexander says that a certain Dando in Illyria lived 500 years. Xenophon in his Coasting Voyage says that a king of the island of the Lutmii lived to 600, and — as though that were only a modest fabrication — that his son lived to 800. All of these exaggerations were due to ignorance of chronology, because some people made the year coincide with the summer, the winter being a second year, others marked it by the periods of the four seasons, for example the Arcadians whose years were three months long, and some by the waning of the moon, as do the Egyptians. Consequently with them even individuals are recorded to have lived a thousand years. ",
  {'entities': [[179, 185, 'people'],
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 ['.2But to pass to admitted facts, it is almost certain that Argathonius of Cadiz reigned for 80 years; his reign is thought to have begun in his fortieth year. It is not questioned that Masinissa reigned 60 years and that the Sicilian Gorgias lived 108 years. Quintus Fabius Maximus was augur for 63 years. Marcus Perperna and recently Lucius Volusius Saturninus outlived all the persons whose votes in debate they had taken as consuls; Perperna left only seven of those whom as censor he had elected — he lived to 98. In this matter it occurs to me to note also that there has only been a single five-year period in which no senator has died, from when Flaccus and Albinus as censors performed the purification ceremony to the next censors — beginning 175 B.C. Marcus Valerius Corvinus completed 100 years, and there was an interval of 46 years between his first and sixth consulships. He also took his seat in the curule chair 21 times, which is a record; but his length of life was equalled by the pontifex Metellus. ',
  {'entities': [[74, 79, 'place'],
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    [225, 233, 'person'],
    [234, 241, 'people'],
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    [342, 350, 'people'],
    [351, 361, 'people'],
    [313, 321, 'people'],
    [653, 660, 'people'],
    [665, 672, 'people'],
    [768, 776, 'people'],
    [777, 785, 'people'],
    [1009, 1017, 'people']]}],
 [".3Also among women Livia wife of Rutilius exceeded 97 years, Statilia a lady of noble family under the Emperor Claudius 99, Terentia Cicero's wife 103, Clodia Ofilius's wife 115; the latter also bore 15 children. The actress Lucceia delivered a recitation on the stage at 100. Galeria Copiola the actress of interludes was brought back to the stage in the consulship of Gaius Poppaeus and Quintus Sulpicius, at the votive games celebrated for the recovery of his late Majesty Augustus, when in her 104th year; she had been brought out at her first appearance by Marcus Pomponius, aedile of the plebs, in the consulship of Gaius Marius and Gnaeus Carbo, 91 years before, and she was brought back to the stage when an old woman by Pompey the Great as a marvel at the deification of the big theatre. Also Pedianus Asconius states that Sammula lived 110 years. I am less surprised that Stephanio, who first introduced dancing in national costume, danced at both secular games, both those of his late Majesty Augustus and those celebrated by Claudius Caesar in his fourth consulship, as the interval was only 63 years, although he also lived a long time afterwards. Mucianus is the authority for one Tempsis having lived 150 years at the place called Mount Tmolus Heights; and the census of Claudius Caesar gives the same number of years for Titus Fullonius of Bononia, which has been verified by comparing the census returns he had made previously and by the facts of his career — for the emperor gave his attention to this matter. ",
  {'entities': [[19, 24, 'people'],
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    [882, 891, 'people'],
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    [1037, 1052, 'people'],
    [1161, 1169, 'people'],
    [1252, 1258, 'place'],
    [1037, 1052, 'people'],
    [1356, 1363, 'place']]}],
 [".1The topic seems of itself to call for the view held by astronomical science. Epigenes declared that it is impossible to live 112 years; Berosus said that 116 years can be exceeded. Also the theory handed down by Petosiris and Necepsos is still extant (it is called the Theory of Quarters, from its dividing up the Zodiac into groups of three signs); this theory shows it possible to attain 124 years of life in the region of Italy. These thinkers declared that nobody exceeds the ascendant measure of 90 degrees (what is called 'risings'), and stated that this period itself may be cut short by the encounter of maleficent stars, or even by their rays and by those of the sun. Again it is uncertain what is the greatest longevity allowed by the school of Aesculapius, which says that fixed periods of life are received from the stars; however, they say that longer periods of life are rare, inasmuch as vast crowds of men are born at critical moments in the hours of the lunar days, for example the 7th and the 15th hour counting by night and day, who are liable to die under the law of the ascending scale of years, called 'gradations', persons so born rarely exceeding their fifty-fourth year. ",
  {'entities': [[79, 87, 'people'],
    [138, 145, 'people'],
    [214, 223, 'people'],
    [316, 322, 'people'],
    [427, 432, 'place'],
    [757, 768, 'people']]}],
 ['.2At the outset therefore the variations in the science itself show how uncertain the matter is. In addition there are the experiences of the last census, held within the last four years by the Emperors Caesar Vespasian father and son as Censors. Nor is it necessary to ransack all the records: we will only produce cases from the middle region between the Apennines and the Po. Three persons declared 120 years at Parma and one at Brescello; two at Parma 125; one man at Placentia and one woman at Faventia 130; Lucius Terentius son of Marcus at Bononia 135; Marcus Aponius 140 and Tertulla 137 at Ariminum. In the hills this side of Placentia is the township of Veleia, where six declared 110 years, four 120, one (Marcus Mucius Felix, son of Marcus, of the Galerian tribe) 150. And, not to delay with further instances in a matter of admitted fact, the census registered in the eighth region of Italy 54 persons of 100 years of age, 14 of 110, 2 of 125, 4 of 130, the same number of 135 or 137, 3 of 140. ',
  {'entities': [[210, 219, 'people'],
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    [375, 377, 'place'],
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    [415, 420, 'place'],
    [472, 481, 'place'],
    [499, 507, 'place'],
    [520, 529, 'people'],
    [547, 554, 'place'],
    [567, 574, 'people'],
    [583, 591, 'people'],
    [599, 607, 'place'],
    [472, 481, 'place'],
    [664, 670, 'place'],
    [724, 730, 'people'],
    [731, 736, 'people'],
    [760, 768, 'people'],
    [898, 903, 'place']]}],
 [".3Other instances of the fickleness of mortal fortunes are these: Homer has recorded that men of such diverse fates as Hector and Polydamas were born on the same night; Marcus Caelius Rufus and Gaius Licinius Calvus, both orators but with such different success, were born on the same day, May 28 in the consulship [82 BC] of Gaius Marius and Gnaeus Carbo — the latter's third. Taking the entire world, this happens daily even to persons born at the same hours — masters and slaves, kings and paupers come into existence simultaneously. ",
  {'entities': [[66, 71, 'people'],
    [119, 125, 'people'],
    [130, 139, 'people'],
    [176, 183, 'people'],
    [184, 189, 'people'],
    [200, 208, 'people'],
    [209, 215, 'people'],
    [332, 338, 'people'],
    [350, 355, 'people']]}],
 ['.1Publius Cornelius Rufus, who was consul with Manius Curius, lost his sight while asleep, when dreaming that it was happening to him. In the opposite way, Jason of Pherae being ill with a tumour and given up by the doctors sought death in battle, but was wounded in the chest and so obtained a cure from the enemy. In the battle against the clans of the Allobroges and Arverni on the river Isara, on August 8, when 130,000 of the foe were killed, the consul Quintus Fabius Maximus got rid of a quartan ague in action. In fact whatever be this gift of nature that is bestowed upon us, it is uncertain and insecure, indeed sinister and of brief duration even in the case of those to whose lot it has fallen in most bounteous measure, at all events when we regard the whole extent of time. What of the fact that, if we take into account our nightly period of slumber, everybody is alive for only a half of his life, whereas an equal portion is passed in a manner that resembles death, or, in default of slumber, torture. And we are not counting in the years of infancy that lack sensation, nor those of old age that remains alive to be tormented, nor all the kinds of dangers, all the diseases, all the fears, all the anxieties, with death so often invoked that this is the commonest of prayers. But nature has granted man no better gift than the shortness of life. The senses grow dull, the limbs are numb, sight, hearing, gait, even the teeth and alimentary organs die before we do, and yet this period is reckoned a portion of life. Consequently it is virtually a miracle — and this is the solitary instance of it found — that the musician Xenophilus lived to 105 without any bodily disablement. But assuredly with all the rest of men, as in the case of none of the other animals, morbid heat or else stiffness returns through the several portions of the limbs at fixed hours, and not only at certain hours but also every three or four days or nights, even all the year round. And moreover the death of the intellect in some measure is a disease. For nature has imposed certain laws even upon diseases: a four-day-period fever never begins at midwinter or in the winter months, and some people are not attacked by it when over the age of 60, while with others, particularly women, it is discarded at puberty; and old men are least susceptible to plague. For diseases attack not only entire nations but also particular classes, sometimes the slaves, sometimes the nobility, and so Through other grades. In this respect it has been observed that plague always travels from southern quarters westward and almost never otherwise, and that it does not spread in winter, nor during a period exceeding three months. ',
  {'entities': [[10, 19, 'people'],
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    [355, 365, 'people'],
    [370, 377, 'ethnic'],
    [391, 396, 'place'],
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    [1641, 1651, 'people']]}],
 [".1Again, signs of approaching death are: in a case of insanity laughter, but in delirium toying with fringes and making folds in the bed-clothes, disregard of persons trying to keep the patient awake, making water, while the most unmistakable signs are in the appearance of the eyes and nostrils, and also in lying constantly on the back, in an irregular and excessively slow pulse, and the other symptoms noted by that prince of medicine Hippocrates. And whereas the signs of death are innumerable, there are no signs of health being secure; inasmuch as the ex-censor Cato gave an as it were oracular utterance addressed to his son about healthy persons also, to the effect that senile characteristics in youth are a sign of premature death. But so unlimited is the number of diseases that the Syrian Pherecydes expired with a swarm of maggots bursting out of his body. Some people suffer from perpetual fever, for instance Gaius Maecenas: the same had not an hour's sleep in the last three years of his life. The poet Antipater of Sidon used to have a yearly attack of fever on one day only, his birthday, and this at a fairly advanced age carried him off. ",
  {'entities': [[439, 450, 'people'],
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 ['.1The ex-consul Aviola came to life again on the funeral pyre, and as the flame was too powerful for it to be possible to come to his assistance, was burnt alive. A similar cause of death is recorded in the case of the ex-praetor Lucius Lamia, while Gaius Aelius Tubero, a former praetor, is recorded by Messala Rufus and most authorities to have been recovered from the pyre. This is the law of mortals: we are born for these and similar accidents of fortune, so that in the case of a human being no confidence must he placed even in death. Among other instances we find that the soul of Hermotimus of Clazomenae used to leave his body and roam abroad, and in its wanderings report to him from a distance many things that only one present at them could know of — his body in the meantime being only half-conscious; till finally some enemies of his named the Cantharidae burned his body and so deprived his soul on its return of what may be called its sheath. We also read that the soul of Aristeas at Proconnesus was seen flying out of his mouth in the shape of a raven, with a great deal of fabulous invention that follows this. This inventiveness I for my part also receive in a similar way in the case of Epimenides of Cnossus — that when a boy, being weary with the heat and with travel, he slept in a cave 57 years, and when he woke, just as if it had been on the following day, was surprised at the appearance of things and the change in them; and afterwards old age came on him in the same number of days as he had slept years, though nevertheless he lived to the age of 157. The female sex seems specially liable to this malady, caused by distortion of the womb; if this is set right, the breathing is restored. To this subject belongs the essay of Heraclides, well known in Greece, about the woman recalled to life after being dead for seven days. ',
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 [".2Also Varro records that when he was acting as one of the Twenty Commissioners and apportioning lands at Capua a person being carried out on a bier to burial returned home on foot; and that the same thing occurred at Aquinum; and that also at Rome his maternal aunt's husband Corfidius came to life again after his funeral had been arranged for with an undertaker, and that he himself superintended the funeral of the relative who had made the arrangement. He adds some marvellous occurrences that it would be suitable to have set out in their entirety: that there were two brothers Corfidius, of the rank of knights, to the elder of whom it happened that he appeared to have expired, and when his will was opened the younger brother was read out as his heir, and set about arranging his funeral; in the meantime the brother who appeared to be dead summoned the servants by clapping his hands and told them that he had come from his brother, who had entrusted his daughter to his care, and had also shown him where he had without anybody's knowledge hidden some gold in a hole dug in the ground, and had asked that the preparations that he had made for his brother's funeral might be used for himself. While he was telling this story his brother's servants hurriedly came with the news that their master was dead; and the gold was found in the place where he had said. Moreover life is full of these prophecies, but they are not worth collecting, because more often than not they are false, as we will prove by an outstanding example. In the Sicilian War the bravest man in Caesar's navies Gabienus was taken prisoner by Sextus Pompeius, by whose order his throat was cut and almost severed, and so he lay a whole day on the shore. Then on the arrival of evening, a crowd having been gathered to the spot by his groans and entreaties, he besought that Pompey should come to him, or send one of his personal staff, as he had come back from the lower world and had some news to tell him. Pompey sent several of his friends, who were told by Gabienus that the gods below approved Pompey's cause and the righteous party, so that the issue would be what Pompey desired; that he had had orders to bring this news, and that a proof of its truth would be that as soon as his errand was accomplished he would expire. And this so happened. There are also cases of persons appearing after burial — save that our subject is the works of nature, not prodigies. ",
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 [".1But most miraculous and also frequent, are sudden deaths (this is life's supreme happiness), which we shall show to be natural. Verrius has reported a great many, but we will preserve moderation with a selection. Cases of people who died of joy are (besides Chilo about whom we have spoken) Sophocles and Dionysius the tyrant of Sicily, in both cases after receiving news of a victory with a tragedy: also the mother who saw her son back safe from Cannae in contradiction of a false message; Diodorus the professor of logic died of shame because he could not at once solve a problem put to him in jest by Stilpo. Cases of men dying from no obvious causes are: while putting on their shoes in the morning, the two Caesars, the praetor and the ex-praetor, father of the dictator Caesar, the latter dying at Pisa and the former at Rome; Quintus Fabius Maximus on 31 December in the year of his consulship, in whose place Gaius Rebilus obtained the office for only a few hours; also the senator Gaius Volcatius Gurges — all of these men so healthy and fit that they were thinking of going out for a walk; Quintus Aemilius Lepidus who bruised his great toe in the doorway of his bedroom just as he was going out; Gaius Aufidius who after he had gone out hit his foot against something in the Comitium when he was on his way to the senate. Also an envoy who had pleaded the cause of Rhodes in the senate to the general admiration, just as he wanted to leave the senate-house expired on the threshold; Gnaeus Baebius Tamphilus, who had himself also held the praetorship, died just after asking his footman the time; Aulus Pompeius died on the Capitol after paying reverence to the gods, Mantis Juventius Thalna the consul while offering sacrifice, Gaius Servilius Pansa while standing at a shop in the market-place, leaning on his brother Publius's arm, at seven o'clock in the morning, Baebius the judge while in the act of giving an order for enlargement of bail, Marcus Terentius Corax while writing a note in the market-place; and moreover last year, a knight of Rome died while saying something in the ear of an ex-consul, just in front of the ivory statue of Apollo in the Forum of Augustus; and, most remarkable of all, the doctor Gaius Julius died from passing the probe through his eye while pouring in ointment, the ex-consul Aulus Manlius Torquatus while helping himself to a cake at dinner, Lucius Tuccius, Sulla's doctor, while drinking a draught of mead, Appius Saufeius when he had drunk some mead and was sucking an egg after coming back from the bathhouse, Publius Quintius Scapula when out to dinner with Aquilius Gallus, Decimus Saufeius the clerk when lunching at home. Cornelius Gallus, expraetor, and Titus Hetereius Knight of Rome died while with women; and, cases remarked on by our own generation, two members of the Order of Knighthood died when with the same ballet-dancer Mysticus, the leading beauty of the day. However, the most enviable case of a peaceful end is one recorded by our forefathers, that of Marcus Ofilius Hilarus: he was an actor in comedy, and having had a considerable success with the public on his birthday and while giving a party, when dinner was served called for a hot drink in a tankard, and at the same time picked up the mask that he had worn on that day and while gazing at it transferred the wreath from his own head to it, and in this attitude lay quite stiff without anybody noticing, until the guest on the next couch warned him that his drink was getting cold. ",
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 ['.2These are happy instances, but there are countless numbers of unhappy ones. Lucius Domitius, a man of very distinguished family, who was defeated at Marseilles and was taken prisoner, also by Caesar, at Corfinium, grew tired of life and drank poison, but afterwards made every effort to save his life. It is found in the official records that at the funeral of Felix the charioteer of the Reds one of his backers threw himself upon the pyre — a pitiful story — and the opposing backers tried to prevent this score to the record of a professional by asserting that the man had fainted owing to the quantity of scents! Not long before, the corpse of Marcus Lepidus, the man of distinguished family whose death from anxiety about his divorce we have recorded above, had been dislodged from the pyre by the violence of the flame, and as it was impossible to put it back again because of the heat, it was burnt naked with a fresh supply of faggots at the side of the pyre. ',
  {'entities': [[85, 93, 'people'],
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    [205, 214, 'place'],
    [363, 368, 'people'],
    [657, 664, 'people']]}],
 ['.1Cremation was not actually an old practice at Rome: the dead used to be buried. But cremation was instituted after it became known that the bodies of those fallen in wars abroad were dug up again. All the same many families kept on the old ritual, for instance it is recorded that nobody in the family of the Cornelii was cremated before Sulla the dictator, and that he had desired it because he was afraid of reprisals for having dug up the corpse of Gaius Marius. [But burial is understood to denote any mode of disposal of a corpse, but interment means covering up with earth.] ',
  {'entities': [[48, 52, 'place'],
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 [".1There are various problems concerning the spirits of the departed after burial. All men are in the same state from their last day onward as they were before their first day, and neither body nor mind possesses any sensation after death, any more than it did before birth — for the same vanity prolongs itself also into the future and fabricates for itself a life lasting even into the period of death, sometimes bestowing on the soul immortality, sometimes transfiguration, sometimes giving sensation to those below, and worshipping ghosts and making a god of one who has already ceased to be even a man — just as if man's mode of breathing were in any way different from that of the other animals, or as if there were not many animals found of greater longevity, for which nobody prophesies a similar immortality! But what is the substance of the soul taken by itself? what is its material? where is its thought located? how does it see and hear, and with what does it touch? what use does it get from these senses, or what good can it experience without them? Next, what is the abode. or how great is the multitude, of the souls or shadows in all these ages? These are fictions of childish absurdity, and belong to a mortality greedy for life unceasing. Similar also is the vanity about preserving men's bodies, and about Democritus's promise of our coming to life again — who did not come to life again himself! Plague take it, what is this mad idea that life is renewed by death? what repose are the generations ever to have if the soul retains permanent sensation in the upper world and the ghost in the lower? Assuredly this sweet but credulous fancy ruins nature's chief blessing, death, and doubles the sorrow of one about to die by the thought of sorrow to come hereafter also; for if to live is sweet, who can find it sweet to have done living? But how much easier and safer for each to trust in himself, and for us to derive our idea of future tranquillity from our experience of it before birth! ",
  {'entities': [[1326, 1336, 'people']]}],
 [".1Before we quit the subject of man's nature it seems suitable to point out the various discoveries of different persons. Father Liber instituted buying and selling, and also invented the emblem of royalty, the crown, and the triumphal procession. Ceres discovered corn, men having hitherto lived on acorns; she also invented grinding corn and making flour in Attica (or, as others say, in Sicily), and for this was deemed a goddess. Also she first gave laws, though others have thought this was done by Rhadamanthus. ",
  {'entities': [[122, 134, 'people'],
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    [390, 396, 'place'],
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 ['.2I am of opinion that the Assyrians have always had writing, but others, e.g. Gellius, hold that it was invented in Egypt by Mercury, while others think it was discovered in Syria; both schools of thought believe that Cadmus imported an alphabet of 16 letters into Greece from Phoenicia and that to these Palamedes at the time of the Trojan War added the four characters ΖΨΦΧ, and after him Simonides the lyric poet added another four ΥΞΩΘY, all representing sounds recognized also in the Roman alphabet. Aristotle holds that the primitive alphabet contained 18 letters, and that Ψ and Z were added by Epicharmus more probably than Palamedes. Anticlides records that a person named Menos invented the alphabet in Egypt 15,000 years before Phoroneus, the most ancient king of Greece, and he attempts to prove this by the monuments. On the other side Epigenes, an authority of the first rank, teaches that the Babylonians had astronomical observations for 730,000 years inscribed on baked bricks; and those who give the shortest period, Berosus and Critodemus, make it 490,000 years; from which it appears that the alphabet has been in use from very ancient times. It was brought to Latium by the Pelasgi. ',
  {'entities': [[27, 36, 'people'],
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    [306, 315, 'people'],
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 [".3Brick-kilns and houses were first introduced by the brothers Euryalus and Hyperbius at Athens; previously caves had served for dwellings. Gellius accepts Toxius son of Uranus as the inventor of building with clay, the example having been taken from swallows' nests. Cecrops named after himself the first town, Cecropia, which is now the Acropolis at Athens; though some hold that Argos had been founded before by King Phoroneus, and certain authorities say Sikyon also, but the Egyptians hold that Diospolis was founded in their country long before. Tiles were invented by Cinyra, son of Agriopa, as well as mining for copper, both in the island of Cyprus, and also the tongs, hammer, crowbar and anvil; wells by Danaus who came from Egypt to Greece to the region that used to be called Dry Argos; stone quarrying by Cadmus at Thebes, or according to Theophrastus, in Phoenicia; walls were introduced by Thrason, towers by the Cyclopes according to Aristotle but according to Theophrastus by the Tirynthians; woven fabrics by the Egyptians, dyeing woollen stuffs by the Lydians at Sardis, the use of the spindle in the manufacture of woollen by Closter son of Arachne, linen and nets by Arachne, the fuller's craft by Nicias of Megara, the shoemaker's by Tychius of Boeotia; medicine according to the Egyptians was discovered among themselves, but according to others through the agency of Arabus son of Babylon and Apollo; and the science of herbs and drugs was discovered by Chiron the son of Saturn and Philyra. Aristotle thinks that Lydus the Scythian showed how to melt and work copper, but Theophrastus holds that it was the Phrygian Delas; manufactures of bronze some ascribe to the Chalybes and others to the Cyclopes; the forging of iron Hesiod ascribes to the people called the Dactyli of Ida in Crete. Erichthonius of Athens, or according to others Aeacus, discovered silver; mining and smelting gold was invented by Cadmus the Phoenician at Mount Pangaeus, or according to others by Thoas or Aeacus in Panchaia, or by the Sun, son of Oceanus, to whom Gellius also assigns the discovery of medicine derived from minerals. Tin was first imported by Midacritus from the island of Cassiteris. Working in iron was invented by the Cyclopes, potteries by Coroebus of Athens, the potter's wheel by the Scythian Anacharsis, or according to others by Hyperbius of Corinth. Carpentry was invented by Daedalus, and with it the saw, axe, plumb-line, gimlet, glue, isinglass; but the square, the plummet, the lathe and the lever by Theodorus of Samos, measures and weights by Phidon of Argos, or, as Gellius preferred, Palamedes; fire from flint by Pyrodes son of Cilix, the storing of fire in a fennel-stalk by Prometheus; a vehicle with four wheels by the Phrygians, trade by the Phoenicians, viticulture and arboriculture by Eumolpus of Athens, diluting wine with water by Staphylus son of Silenus, oil and oil-mills by Aristaeus of Athens, honey by the same; the ox and the plough by Buzyges of Athens, or, as others say, by Triptolemus; monarchical government by the Egyptians, republican by the Athenians after Theseus. The first tyrant was Phalaris at Akragas. Slavery was invented by the Spartans. Capital trials were first carried on in the Areopagus. ",
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 ['.4The Africans first fought with clubs (called poles) in a war against the Egyptians. Shields were invented by Proetus and Acrisius in making war against each other, or else by Chalcus son of Athamas; the breastplate by Midias of Messene, the helmet, sword and spear by the Spartans, greaves and helmet-plumes by the Carians. The bow and arrow is said by some to have been invented by Scythes son of Jove; others say that arrows were invented by Perses son of Perseus, lances by the Aitolians, the spear slung with a thong by Aetolus son of Mars, spears for skirmishing by Tyrrhenus, the javelin by the same, the battle-axe by Penthesilea the Amazon, hunting-spears and among missile engines the scorpion by Pisaeus, the catapult by the Cretans, the ballista and the sling by the Syrophoenicians, the bronze trumpet by Pisaeus son of Tyrrhenus, tortoise-screens by Artemo of Clazomenae, among siege-engines the horse (now called the ram) by Epius at Troy; horse-riding by Bellerophon, reins and saddles by Pelethronius, fighting on horseback by the Thessalians called Centaurs, who dwelt along Mount Pelion. The Phrygian race first harnessed pairs, Erichthonius four-in-hands. Military formation, the use of passwords, tokens and sentries were invented by Palamedes in the Trojan War, signalling from watch-towers by Sinon in the same war, truces by Lycaon, treaties by Theseus. ',
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 [".5Auguries from birds were invented by Car, from whom Caria got its name; Orpheus added auspices derived from the other animals, Delphus divination from victims, Amphiaraus divination from fire, Tiresias of Thebes divination by inspecting birds' entrails, Amphictyon the interpretation of portents and dreams; Atlans son of Libya, or as others say the Egyptians and others the Assyrians, astronomy, Anaximander of Miletus the use of a globe in astronomy, Aeolus son of Hellen the theory of winds; Amphion music, Pan son of Mercury the pipe and single flute, Midas in Phrygia the slanting flute, Marsyas in the same nation the double flute, Amphion the Lydian modes, the Thracian Thamyras the Dorian, Marsyas of Phrygia the Phrygian, Amphion, or others say Orpheus and others Linus, the harp. Terpander first sang with seven strings, adding three to the original four, Simonides added an eighth, Timotheus a ninth. Thamyris first played the harp without using the voice, Amphion, or according to others Linus, accompanied the harp with singing; Terpander composed songs for harp and voice. Ardalus of Troezen instituted singing to the flute. The Curetes taught dancing in armour, Pyrrhus the Pyrrhic dance; both of there were in Crete. Hexameter verse we owe to the Pythian oracle, but as to the origin of poetry there is much debate, though it is proved to have existed before the Trojan War. Pherecydes of Syria instituted prose composition in the period of King Cyrus, Cadmus of Miletus history; gymnastic games were started by Lycaon in Arcadia, funeral games by Acastus in Iolcus, and subsequently by Theseus at the Isthmus and by Hercules at Olympia; wrestling by Pytheus, the sport of ball-throwing by Gyges of Lydia; painting by the Egyptians, and in Greece by Euchir the kinsman of Daedalus according to Aristotle, but according to Theophrastus by Polygnotus of Athens. ",
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    [1812, 1821, 'people'],
    [1840, 1852, 'people'],
    [1856, 1866, 'people'],
    [1870, 1876, 'person']]}],
 ['.6Danaus first came from Egypt to Greece by ship; before that time rafts were used for navigation, having been invented by King Erythras for use between the islands in the Red Sea. Persons are found who think that vessels were devised earlier on the Hellespont by the Mysians and Trojans when they crossed to war against the Thracians. Even now in the British ocean coracles are made of wicker with hide sown round it, and on the Nile canoes are made of papyrus, rushes and reeds. The first voyage made in a long ship is attributed by Philostephanus to Jason, by Hegesias to Parhalus, by Ctesias to Semiramis, and by Archemachus to Aegaeon. Further advances were as follows: ',
  {'entities': [[2, 8, 'people'],
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    [325, 334, 'ethnic'],
    [352, 359, 'demonym'],
    [430, 434, 'place'],
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    [553, 558, 'people'],
    [563, 571, 'people'],
    [575, 583, 'people'],
    [588, 595, 'people'],
    [599, 608, 'people'],
    [617, 628, 'people'],
    [632, 639, 'people']]}],
 ['.7The double-banked galley the Erythraeans — (source Damastes); the trireme Aminocles of Corinth — Thucydides; the quadrireme the Carthaginians — Aristotle; quinquereme the Salaminians — Mnesigiton; galleys of six banks the Syracusans Xenagoras; up to ten banks Alexander the Great — Mnesigiton; up to twelve Ptolemy Soter — Philostephanus; up to fifteen Demetrius son of Antigonus ditto; up to thirty Ptolemy Philadelphus ditto; up to forty Ptolemy Philopator surnamed Tryphon — ditto. The freight-ship was invented by Hippus of Tyre, the cutter by the Cyrenians, the skiff by the Phoenicians, the yacht by the Rhodians, the yawl by the Cyprians; the Phoenicians invented observing the stars in sailing, the town of Copae invented the oar, the city of Plataea the oar-blade, Icarus sails, Daedalus mast and yard, the Samians or Pericles of Athens the cavalry transport, the Thasians decked longships — previously the marines had fought from the bows and stem only. Pisaeus son of Tyrrenus added beaks, Eupalamus the anchor, Anacharsis the double-fluked anchor, Pericles of Athens grappling-irons and claws, Tiphys the tiller. Minos was the first who fought a battle with a fleet. Hyperbius son of Mars first killed an animal, Prometheus an ox. ',
  {'entities': [[31, 42, 'ethnic'],
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    [372, 381, 'people'],
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    [582, 593, 'ethnic'],
    [612, 620, 'ethnic'],
    [638, 646, 'ethnic'],
    [582, 593, 'ethnic'],
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    [981, 989, 'people'],
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    [829, 837, 'people'],
    [841, 847, 'person'],
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    [1181, 1190, 'people'],
    [1198, 1202, 'people'],
    [1227, 1237, 'people']]}],
 ['.1The first of all cases of tacit agreement between the nations was the convention to employ the alphabet of the Ionians. ',
  {'entities': [[113, 120, 'ethnic']]}],
 ['.1The practical identity of the old Greek alphabet with the present Latin one will be proved by an ancient Delphic tablet of bronze (at the present day in the Palace, a gift of the emperors) dedicated to Minerva, with the following inscription: Tithe dedicated by Nausicrates to the Daughter of Zeus... ',
  {'entities': [[68, 73, 'people'],
    [107, 114, 'demonym'],
    [204, 211, 'people'],
    [264, 275, 'people'],
    [295, 299, 'people']]}],
 ['.1The next agreement between nations was in the matter of shaving the beard, but with the Romans this was later. Barbers came to Rome from Sicily in 300 B.C., according to Varro being brought there by Publius Titinius Mena; before then the Romans had been unshaved. The second Africanus first introduced a daily shave. His late Majesty Augustus never neglected the razor. ',
  {'entities': [[129, 133, 'place'],
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    [336, 344, 'people']]}],
 [".1The third agreement was in the observation of the hours (this now being an addition made by theory), the date and inventor of which we have stated in Book 2. This also happened later at Rome: in the Twelve Tables only sunrise and sunset are specified; a few years later noon was also added, the consuls' apparitor announcing it when from the Senate-house he saw the sun between the Beaks and the Greek Lodging. When the sun sloped from the Maenian Column to the Prison he announced the last hour, but this only on clear days, down to the First Punic War. We have it on the authority of Fabius Vestalis that the first sundial was erected 11 years before the war with Pyrrhus at the Temple of Quirinus by Lucius Papirius Cursor when dedicating that temple, which had been vowed by his father; but Fabius does not indicate the principle of the sundial's construction or the maker, nor where it was brought from or the name of the writer who is his authority for the statement. Marcus Varro records that the first public sundial was set up on a column along by the Beaks during the First Punic War after Catania in Sicily had been taken by the consul Manius Valerius Messala, and that it was brought from Sicily thirty years later than the traditional date of Papirius's sundial, B.C. 264. The lines of this sundial did not agree with the hours, but all the same they followed it for 99 years, till Quintus Marcius Philippus who was Censor with Lucius Paulus placed a more carefully designed one next to it, and this gift was received as one of the most welcome of the censor's undertakings. Even then however the hours were uncertain in cloudy weather, until the next lustrum, when Scipio Nasica the colleague of Laenas instituted the first water-clock dividing the hours of the nights and the days equally, and dedicated this timepiece in a roofed building [159 BCE]. For so long a period the divisions of daylight had not been marked for the Roman public. We will now turn to the rest of the animals, beginning with land-animals. ",
  {'entities': [[188, 192, 'place'],
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    [1450, 1456, 'people'],
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    [1712, 1718, 'people']]}],
 [".1LET us pass to the rest of the animals, and first those that live on land. The largest land animal is the elephant, and it is the nearest to man in intelligence: it understands the language of its country and obeys orders, remembers duties that it has been taught, is pleased by affection and by marks of honour, nay more it possesses virtues rare even in man, honesty, wisdom, justice, also respect for the stars and reverence for the sun and moon. Authorities state that in the forests of Mauretania, when the new moon is shining, herds of elephants go down to a river named Amilo and there perform a ritual of purification, sprinkling themselves with water, and after thus paying their respects to the moon return to the woods carrying before them those of their calves who are tired. They are also believed to understand the obligations of another's religion in so far as to refuse to embark on board ships when going overseas before they are lured on by the mahout's sworn promise in regard to their return. And they have been seen when exhausted by suffering (as even those vast frames are attacked by diseases) to lie on their backs and throw grass up to the heaven, as though deputing the earth to support their prayers. Indeed so far as concerns docility, they do homage to their king by kneeling before him and proffering garlands. The Indians employ the smaller breed, which they call the bastard elephant, for ploughing. ",
  {'entities': [[493, 503, 'place'], [1348, 1355, 'ethnic']]}],
 [".1At Rome they were first used in harness to draw the chariot of Pompey the Great in his African triumph, as they are recorded to have been used before when Father Liber went in triumph after his conquest of India. Procilius states that at Pompey's triumph the team of elephants were unable to pass out through the gate. At the gladiatorial show given by Germanicus Caesar some even performed clumsy movements in figures, like dancers. It was a common display for them to hurl weapons through the air without the wind making them swerve, and to perform gladiatorial matches with one another or to play together in a sportive war-dance. Subsequently they even walked on tightropes, four at a time actually carrying in a litter one that pretended to be a lady lying-in; and walked among the couches in dining-rooms full of people to take their places among the guests, planting their steps carefully so as not to touch any of the drinking party. ",
  {'entities': [[5, 9, 'place'],
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    [65, 71, 'people'],
    [355, 365, 'people']]}],
 [".1It is known that one elephant which was rather slow-witted in understanding instructions given to it and had been punished with repeated beatings, was found in the night practising the same. It is surprising that they can even climb up ropes, but especially that they can come down them again, at all events when they are stretched at a slope. Mucianus who was three times consul states that one elephant actually learnt the shapes of the Greek letters, and used to write out in words of that language: 'I myself wrote this and dedicated these spoils won from the Celts;' and also that he personally had seen elephants that, when having been brought by sea to Pozzuoli they were made to walk off the ship, were frightened by the length of the gangway stretching a long way out from the land and turned round and went backwards, so as to cheat themselves in their estimation of the distance. ",
  {'entities': [[346, 354, 'people'],
    [566, 571, 'ethnic'],
    [662, 670, 'place']]}],
 [".1They themselves know that the only thing in them that makes desirable plunder is in their weapons which Juba calls 'horns,' but which the author so greatly his senior, Herodotus, and also common usage better term 'tusks;' consequently when these fall off owing to some accident or to age they bury them in the ground. The tusk alone is of ivory: otherwise even in these animals too the skeleton forming the framework of the body is common bone; albeit recently owing to our poverty even the bones have begun to be cut into layers, inasmuch as an ample supply of tasks is now rarely obtained except from India, all the rest in our world having succumbed to luxury. A young elephant is known by the whiteness of its tusks. The beasts take the greatest care of them; they spare the point of one so that it may not be blunt for fighting and use the other as an implement for digging roots and thrusting massive objects forward; and when surrounded by a party of hunters they post those with the smallest tusks in front, so that it may be thought not worth while to fight them, and afterwards when exhausted they break their tusks by dashing them against a tree and ransom themselves at the price of the desired booty. ",
  {'entities': [[106, 110, 'people'],
    [170, 179, 'people'],
    [605, 610, 'place']]}],
 [".1It is remarkable in the case of most animals that they know why they are hunted, but also that almost all know what they must beware of. It is said that when an elephant accidentally meets a human being who is merely wandering across its track in a solitary place it is good-tempered and peaceful and will actually show the way; but that when on the other hand it notices a man's footprint before it sees the man himself it begins to tremble in fear of an ambush, stops to sniff the scent, gazes round, trumpets angrily, and avoids treading on the footprint but digs it up and passes it to the next elephant, and that one to the following, and on to the last of all with a similar message, and then the column wheels round and retires and a battle line is formed: since the smell in question lasts to be scented by them all, though in the majority of cases it is not even the smell of bare feet. Similarly a tigress also, It is said, even though savage to all other animals and herself scorning the footprints even of an elephant, when she sees the track of a human being at once carries her cubs elsewhere. — Though how has she recognized or where has she seen before the person that she fears? For it is certain that such forests are very little frequented. Granted that no doubt they may be surprised by the mere rarity of the print; but how do they know that it is something to be afraid of? Indeed there is a further point, why should they dread even the sight of a man himself when they excel him so greatly in strength, size and speed? Doubtless it is Nature's law and shows her power, that the fiercest and largest wild beasts may have never seen a thing that they ought to fear and yet understand immediately when they have to fear it. ",
 [".2Elephants always travel in a herd; the oldest leads the column and the next oldest brings up the rear. When going to ford a river they put the smallest in front, so that the bottom may not be worn away by the tread of the larger ones, thus increasing the depth of the water. Antipater states that two elephants employed for military purposes by King Antiochus were known to the public even by name; indeed they know their own names. It is a fact that Cato, although he has removed the names of military commanders from his Annals, has recorded that the elephant in the Carthaginian army that was the bravest in battle was called the Syrian, and that it had one broken tusk. When Antiochus was trying to ford a river his elephant Ajax refused, though on other occasions it always led the line; thereupon Antiochus issued an announcement that the elephant that crossed should have the leading place and he rewarded Patroclus, who made the venture, with the gift of silver harness, an elephant's greatest delight, and with every other mark of leadership. The one disgraced preferred death by starvation to humiliation; for the elephant has a remarkable sense of shame, and when defeated shrinks from the voice of its conqueror, and offers him earth and foliage. Owing to their modesty, elephants never mate except in secret, the male at the age of five and the female at ten; and mating takes place for two years, on five days, so it is said, of each year and not more; and on the sixth day they give themselves a shower-bath in a river, not returning to the herd before. Adultery is unknown among them, or any of the fighting for females that is so disastrous to the other animals — though not because they are devoid of strong affection, for it is reported that one elephant in Egypt fell in love with a girl who was selling flowers, and (that nobody may think that it was a vulgar choice) who was a remarkable favourite of the very celebrated scholar Aristophanes; and another elephant is said to have fallen in love with a young soldier in Ptolemy's army, a Syracusan named Menander, and whenever it did not see him to have shown its longing for him by refusing food. Also Juba records a girl selling scent who was loved by an elephant. In all these cases the animals showed their affection by their delight at the sight of the object and their clumsy gestures of endearment, and by keeping the branches given to them by the public and showering them in the loved one's lap. Nor is it surprising that animals possessing memory are also capable of affection. For the same writer records a case of an elephant's recognizing many years later in old age a man who had been its mahout in its youth, and also an instance of a sort of insight in to justice, when King Bocchus tied to stakes thirty elephants which he intended to punish and exposed them to a herd of the same number, men running out among them to provoke them to the attack, and it proved impossible to make them perform the service of ministering to another's cruelty. ",
  {'entities': [[277, 286, 'people'],
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    [2764, 2771, 'people']]}],
 ['.1Italy saw elephants for the first time in the war with King Pyrrhus, and called them Lucan oxen because they were seen in Lucania, 280 BC.; but Rome first saw them at a date five years later, in a triumph, and also a very large number that were captured from the Carthaginians in Sicily by the victory of the pontiff Lucius Metellus, 252 B.C. There were 142 of them, or by some accounts 140, and they had been brought over on rafts that Metellus constructed by laying decks on rows of casks lashed together. Verrius records that they fought in the Circus and were killed with javelins, because it was not known what use to make of them, as it had been decided not to keep them nor to present them to native kings; Lucius Piso says that they were merely led into the Circus, and in order to increase the contempt felt for them were driven all round it by attendants carrying spears with a button on the point. The authorities who do not think that they were killed do not explain what was done with them afterwards. ',
  {'entities': [[62, 69, 'people'],
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    [326, 334, 'people'],
    [510, 517, 'people'],
    [550, 556, 'place'],
    [716, 727, 'people'],
    [550, 556, 'place']]}],
 [".1There is a famous story of one of the Romans fighting single-handed against an elephant, on the occasion when Hannibal had compelled his prisoners from our army to fight duels with one another. For he pitted one survivor against an elephant, and this man, having secured a promise of his freedom if he killed the animal, met it single-handed in the arena and much to the chagrin of the Carthaginians dispatched it. Hannibal realized that reports of this encounter would bring the animals into contempt, so he sent horsemen to kill the man as he was departing. Experiences in our battles with Pyrrhus made it clear that it is very easy to lop off an elephant's trunk. Fenestella states that the first elephant fought in the circus at Rome in the curule aedileship of Claudius Pulcher and the consulship of Marcus Antonius and Aulus Postumius, 99 BC., and also that the first fight of an elephant against bulls was twenty years later in the curule aedileship of the Luculli. Also in Pompey's second consulship, at the dedication of the Temple of Venus Victrix, twenty, or, as some record, seventeen, fought in the Circus, their opponents being Gaetulians armed with javelins, one of the animals putting up a marvellous fight — its feet being disabled by wounds it crawled against the hordes of the enemy on its knees, snatching their shields from them and throwing them into the air, and these as they fell delighted the spectators by the curves they described, as if they were being thrown by a skilled juggler and not by an infuriated wild animal. There was also a marvellous occurrence in the case of another, which was killed by a single blow, as the javelin striking it under the eye had reached the vital parts of the head. The whole band attempted to burst through the iron palisading by which they were enclosed and caused considerable trouble among the public. Owing to this, when subsequently Caesar in his dictatorship was going to exhibit a similar show he surrounded the arena with channels of water; these the emperor Nero removed when adding special places for the Knighthood. But Pompey's elephants when they had lost all hope of escape tried to gain the compassion of the crowd by indescribable gestures of entreaty, deploring their fate with a sort of wailing, so much to the distress of the public that they forgot the general and his munificence carefully devised for their honour, and bursting into tears rose in a body and invoked curses on the head of Pompey for which he soon afterwards paid the penalty. Elephants also fought for the dictator Caesar in his third consulship, twenty being matched against 500 foot soldiers, and on a second occasion an equal number carrying castles each with a garrison of 60 men, who fought a pitched battle against the same number of infantry as on the former occasion and an equal number of cavalry; and subsequently for the emperors Claudius and Nero elephants versus men single-handed, as the crowning exploit of the gladiators' careers. ",
  {'entities': [[112, 120, 'people'],
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    [112, 120, 'people'],
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    [983, 989, 'people'],
    [983, 989, 'people'],
    [1903, 1909, 'people'],
    [768, 776, 'people'],
    [2032, 2036, 'people']]}],
 [".2A story is told that the animal's natural gentleness towards those not so strong as itself is so great that if it gets among a flock of sheep it will remove with its trunk those that come in its way, so as not unwittingly to crush one. Also they never do any harm unless provoked, and that although they go about in herds, being of all animals the least solitary in habit. When surrounded by horsemen they withdraw. The weak ones or those that are exhausted or wounded into the middle of their column, and advance into the fighting line in relays as if by command or strategy. When captured they are very quickly tamed by means of barley juice. ",
 [".1The method of capturing them in India is for a mahout riding one of the domesticated elephants to find a wild elephant alone or detach it from the herd and to flog it, and when it is tired out he climbs across on to it and manages it as he did his previous mount. Africa captures elephants by means of pitfalls; when an elephant straying from the herd falls into one of these all the rest at once collect branches of trees and roll down rocks and construct ramps, exerting every effort in the attempt to get it out. Previously for the purpose of taming them the kings used to round them up with horsemen into a trench made by hand so as to deceive them by its length, and when they were enclosed within its banks and ditches they were starved into submission; the proof of this would be if when a man held out a branch to them they gently took it from him. At the present day hunters for the sake of their tusks shoot them with javelins in the foot, which in fact is extremely soft. The Cavemen on the frontier of Ethiopia, whose only food is elephant meat obtained by hunting, climb up trees near the elephants' track and there keep a look out for the last of the whole column and jump down on to the hind part of its haunches; the tail is grasped in the man's left hand and his feet are planted on the animal's left thigh, and so hanging suspended, with his right hand and with a very sharp axe he hamstrings one leg, and as the elephant runs forward with its leg crippled he strikes the sinews of the other leg, performing the whole of these actions with extreme rapidity. Others employing a safer but less reliable method fix great bows rather deep in the ground, unbent; these are held in position by young men of exceptional strength, while others striving with a united effort bend them, and as the elephants pass by they shoot them with hunting-spears instead of arrows and afterwards follow the tracks of blood. ",
  {'entities': [[34, 39, 'place'], [1016, 1024, 'place']]}],
 ['.1The females of the genus elephant are much more timid than the males. Mad elephants can be tamed by hunger and blows, other elephants being brought up to one that is unmanageable to restrain it with chains. Besides this they get very wild when in heat and overthrow the stables of the Indians with their tusks. Consequently they prevent them from coupling, and keep the herds of females separate, in just the same way as droves of cattle are kept. Male elephants when broken in serve in battle and carry castles manned with armed warriors on their backs; they are the most important factor in eastern warfare, scattering the ranks before them and trampling armed soldiers underfoot. Nevertheless they are scared by the smallest squeal of a pig; and when wounded and frightened they always give ground, doing as much damage to their own side as to the enemy. African elephants are afraid of an Indian elephant, and do not dare to look at it, as Indian elephants are indeed of a larger size. ',
  {'entities': [[287, 294, 'ethnic'],
    [287, 293, 'demonym'],
    [287, 293, 'demonym']]}],
 [".1Their period of gestation is commonly supposed to be ten years, but Aristotle puts it at two years, and says that they never bear more than one at a time, and that they live 200 and in some cases 300 years. Their adult life begins at 60. They take the greatest pleasure in rivers and roam in the neighbourhood of streams, although at the same time they are unable to swim because of the size of their bodies, and also as they are incapable of enduring cold: this is their greatest infirmity; they are also liable to flatulence and diarrhoea, but not to other kinds of disease. I find it stated that missiles sticking in their body fall out when they drink oil, but that perspiration makes it easier for them to keep their hold. It also causes them disease to eat earth unless they chew it repeatedly; but they devour even stones, consider trunks of trees a great delicacy, and bend down the loftier palm trees by butting against them with their foreheads and when thus prostrate consume their fruit. They eat with the mouth, but they breathe and drink and smell with the organ not unsuitably called their hand. They hate the mouse worst of living creatures, and if they see one merely touch the fodder placed in their stall they refuse it with disgust. They are liable to extreme torture if in drinking they swallow a leech (the common name for which I notice has now begun to be 'blood-sucker'); when this attaches itself in the actual breathing passage it causes intolerable pain. ",
  {'entities': [[70, 79, 'people']]}],
 ['.2The hide of the back is extremely hard, but that of the belly is soft; it has no covering of bristles, not even on the tail as a guard for driving away the annoyance of flies — for even that huge bulk is sensitive to this — but the skin is creased, and is inviting to this kind of creature owing to its smell; consequently they stretch the creases open and let the swarms get in, and then crush them to death by suddenly contracting the creases into wrinkles. This serves them instead of tail, mane and fleece. ',
 [".3The tusks fetch a vast price, and supply a very elegant material for images of the gods. Luxury has also discovered another thing that recommends the elephant, the flavour in the hard skin of the trunk, sought after, I believe, for no other reason than because the epicure feels that he is munching actual ivory. Exceptionally large specimens of tusks can indeed be seen in the temples, but nevertheless Polybius has recorded on the authority of the chieftain Gulusa, that in the outlying parts of the province of Africa where it marches with Ethiopia elephants' tusks serve instead of doorposts in the houses, and partitions in these buildings and in stabling for cattle are made by using elephants' tusks for poles. ",
  {'entities': [[406, 414, 'people'], [545, 553, 'place']]}],
 ['.1Elephants are produced by Africa beyond the deserts of Sidra and by the country of the Moors; also by the land of Ethiopia and the Cave-dwellers, as has been said; but the biggest ones by India, as well as serpents that keep up a continual feud and warfare with them, the serpents also being of so large a size that they easily encircle the elephants in their coils and fetter them with a twisted knot. In this duel both combatants die together, and the vanquished elephant in falling crushes with its weight the snake coiled round it. ',
  {'entities': [[116, 124, 'place'], [190, 195, 'place']]}],
 [".1Every species of animal is marvellously cunning for its own interests, as are those which we are considering. One difficulty that the serpent has is in climbing to such a height; consequently it keeps watch on the track worn by the elephant going to pasture and drops on him from a lofty tree. The elephant knows that he is badly handicapped in fighting against the snake's coils, and therefore seeks to rub it against trees or rocks. The snakes are on their guard against this, and consequently begin by shackling the elephants' steps with their tail. The elephants untie the knots with their trunk. But the snakes poke their heads right into the elephants' nostrils, hindering their breathing and at the same time lacerating their tenderest parts; also when caught in the path of the elephants they rear up against them, going specially for their eyes: this is how it comes about that elephants are frequently found blind and exhausted with hunger and wasting misery. ",
 [".2What other cause could anybody adduce for such quarrel save Nature arranging a match between a pair of combatants to provide herself with a show? There is also another account of this contest — that elephants are very cold-blooded, and consequently in very hot weather are specially sought after by the snakes; and that for this reason they submerge themselves in rivers and lie in wait for the elephants when drinking, and rising up coil round the trunk and imprint a bite inside the ear, because that place only cannot be protected by the trunk; and that the snakes are so large that they can hold the whole of an elephant's blood, and so they drink the elephants dry, and these when drained collapse in a heap and the serpents being intoxicated are crushed by them and die with them. ",
 ['.1Ethiopia produces elephants that rival those of India, being 30 ft. high; the only surprising thing is what led Juba to believe them to be crested. The Ethiopian tribe in whose country they are chiefly bred are called the Asachaeans; it is stated that in the coast districts belonging to this tribe the elephants link themselves four or five together into a sort of raft and holding up their heads to serve as sails are carried on the waves to the better pastures of Arabia. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 10, 'place'],
    [50, 55, 'place'],
    [114, 118, 'people'],
    [469, 475, 'place']]}],
 ['.1Megasthenes writes that in India snakes grow so large as to be able to swallow stags and bulls whole; and Metrodorus that in the neighbourhood of the river Rhyndacus in Pontus they catch and gulp down birds passing over them even though they are flying high and fast. There is the well-known case of the snake 120 ft. long that was killed during the Punic Wars on the River Bagradasa by General Regulus, using ordnance and catapults just as if storming a town; its skin and jawbones remained in a temple at Rome down to the Numantine War? Credibility attaches to these stories on account of the serpents in Italy called boas, which reach such dimensions that during the principate of Claudius of blessed memory a whole child was found in the belly of one that was killed on the Vatican Hill. Their primary food is milk sucked from a cow; from this they derive their name. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 13, 'people'],
    [29, 34, 'place'],
    [108, 118, 'people'],
    [158, 167, 'place'],
    [171, 177, 'place'],
    [397, 404, 'people'],
    [509, 513, 'place'],
    [526, 535, 'demonym'],
    [609, 614, 'place'],
    [686, 694, 'people']]}],
 ['.1It is not our concern to give a meticulous account of all the other species of animals that recently have reached Italy more frequently by importation from all quarters. Scythia, owing to its lack of vegetation, produces extremely few; its neighbour Germany few, but some remarkable breeds of wild oxen, the maned bison and the exceptionally powerful and swift aurochs to which the ignorant masses give the name of buffalo, though the buffalo is really a native of Africa and rather bears some resemblance to the calf and the stag. ',
  {'entities': [[116, 121, 'place'],
    [172, 179, 'place'],
    [252, 259, 'people']]}],
 ['.1The North also produces herds of wild horses, as do Asia and Africa of wild asses, and also the elk, which resembles a bullock save that it is distinguished by the length of its ears and neck; also the achlis, born in the island of Scandinavia and never seen in Rome, although many have told stories of it — an animal that is not unlike the elk but has no joint at the hock and consequently is unable to lie down but sleeps leaning against a tree, and is captured by the tree being cut through to serve as a trap, but which nevertheless has a remarkable turn of speed. Its upper lip is exceptionally big; on account of this it walks backward when grazing, so as to avoid getting tripped up by it in moving forward. There are reports of a wild animal in Paeonia called the bonasus, which has the mane of a horse but in all other respects resembles a bull; its horns are curved back in such a manner as to be of no use for fighting, and it is said that because of this it saves itself by running away, meanwhile emitting a trail of dung that sometimes covers a distance of as much as three furlongs, contact with which scorches pursuers like a sort of fire. ',
  {'entities': [[54, 58, 'people'],
    [234, 245, 'people'],
    [264, 268, 'place'],
    [755, 762, 'place']]}],
 ['.1It is remarkable that leopards, panthers, lions and similar animals walk with the point of their claws sheathed inside the body so that they may not get broken or blunted, and run with their talons turned back and do not extend them except when attempting to catch something. ',
 ['.2The lion is specially high-spirited at the time when its neck and shoulders are clothed with a mane — for this occurs at maturity in the case of those sired by a lion, though those begotten by leopards always lack this characteristic; and the females likewise. Sexual passion is strong in this species, with its consequence of quarrelsomeness in the males; this is most observed in Africa, where the shortage of water makes the animals flock to the few rivers. There are consequently many varieties of hybrids in that country, either violence or lust mating the males with the females of each species indiscriminately. This is indeed the origin of the common saying of Greece that Africa is always producing some novelty. A lion detects intercourse with a leopard in the case of an adulterous mate by scent, and concentrates his entire strength on her chastisement; consequently this guilty stain is washed away in a stream, or else she keeps her distance when accompanying him. But I notice that there used to be a popular belief that the lioness only bears a cub once, as her womb is wounded by the points of its claws in delivery. Aristotle, however, whose authority I feel bound to cite first as I am going in great part to follow him on these subjects, gives a different account. King Alexander the Great being fired with a desire to know the natures of animals and having delegated the pursuit of this study to Aristotle as a man of supreme eminence in every branch of science, orders were given to some thousands of persons throughout the whole of Asia and Greece, all those who made their living by hunting, fowling, and fishing and those who were in charge of warrens, herds, apiaries, fishponds and aviaries, to obey his instructions, so that he might not fail to be informed about any creature born anywhere. His enquiries addressed to those persons resulted in the composition of his famous works on zoology, in nearly 50 volumes. To my compendium of these, with the addition of facts unknown to him, I request my readers to give a favourable reception, while making a brief excursion under our direction among the whole of the works of Nature, the central interest of the most glorious of all sovereigns. Aristotle then states that a lioness at the first birth produces five cubs, and each year one fewer, and after bearing a single cub becomes barren; and that the cubs are mere lumps of flesh and very small, at the beginning of the size of weasels, and at six months are scarcely able to walk, not moving at all until they are two months old; also that lions are found in Europe only between the rivers Achelous and Mestus, but that these far exceed in strength those produced by Africa and Syria. ',
  {'entities': [[1136, 1145, 'people'],
    [1292, 1301, 'people'],
    [1136, 1145, 'people'],
    [1557, 1561, 'people'],
    [1136, 1145, 'people'],
    [2621, 2629, 'place'],
    [2634, 2640, 'place'],
    [2709, 2714, 'place']]}],
 [".1He states that there are two kinds of lions, one thickset and short, with comparatively curly manes — these being more timid than the long, straight-haired kind; the latter despise wounds. The males lift one leg in making water, like dogs. Their smell is disagreeable, and not less their breath. They are infrequent drinkers, and they feed every other day, after a full meal occasionally abstaining from food for three days; when chewing they swallow whole what they can, and when their belly will not contain the result of their gluttony, they insert their clenched claws into their throats and drag it out, so that if they have to run away they may not go in a state of repletion. From the fact that many specimens are found lacking teeth he infers that they are long-lived. Aemilianus's companion Polybius states that in old age their favourite prey is a human being, because their strength is not adequate to hunting wild animals; and that at this period of their lives they beset the cities of Africa, and consequently when he was with Scipio he saw lions crucified, because the others might be deterred from the same mischief by fear of the same penalty. ",
  {'entities': [[779, 789, 'people'],
    [802, 810, 'people'],
    [1043, 1049, 'people']]}],
 [".1The lion alone of wild animals shows mercy to suppliants; it spares persons prostrated in front of it, and when raging it turns its fury on men rather than women, and only attacks children when extremely hungry. Juba believes that the meaning of entreaties gets through to them: at all events he was informed that the onset of a herd of lions in the forests upon a woman of Gaetulia who was captured and got away again had been checked by a speech in which she dared to say that she was a female, a fugitive, a weakling a suppliant to the most generous of all the animals, the lord of all the rest, a booty unworthy of his glory. Opinion will vary in accordance with each person's as experience has not decided whether it be true or false that even serpents can be enticed out by song and forced to submit to chastisement. Lions indicate their state of mind by means of their tail, as horses do by their ears: for Nature has assigned even these means of expression to all the noblest animals. Consequently the lion's tail is motionless when he is calm, and moves gently when he wishes to cajole — which is seldom, since anger is more usual; at the onset of which the earth is lashed, and as the anger grows, his back is lashed as if for a mode of incitement. A lion's greatest strength is in the chest. Black blood flows from every wound, whether made by claw or tooth. Yet when lions are glutted they are harmless. The lion's nobility of spirit is detected most in dangers, not merely in the way that despising weapons he protects himself for a long time only by intimidation, and protests as it were that he is acting under compulsion, and rises to the encounter not as if forced by danger but as though enraged by madness; but a nobler indication of this spirit is this, that however large a force of hounds and hunters besets him, in level plains and where he can be seen he retires contemptuously and constantly halting, but when he has made his way into brushwood and forest he proceeds at top speed, as if aware that the lie of the land conceals his disgrace. When pursuing he advances by leaps and bounds, but he does not use this gait when in flight. When he has been wounded he marks down his assailant in a marvellous way, and knows him and picks him out in however large a him but fails to wound him he seizes and whirling him round flings him on the ground, but does not wound him. It is said that when a mother lion is fighting in defence of her cubs she fixes the gaze of her eyes upon the ground so as not to flinch from the hunting spears. Otherwise lions are devoid of craft and suspicion, and they do not look at you with eyes askance and dislike being looked at in a similar way. The belief has been held that a dying lion bites the earth and bestows a tear upon death. Yet though of such a nature and of such ferocity this animal is frightened by wheels turning round and by empty chariots, and even more by the crested combs and the crowing of cocks, but most of all by fires. The only malady to which it is liable is that of distaste for food; in this condition it can be cured by insulting treatment, the pranks of monkeys tied to it driving it to fury; and then tasting their blood acts as a remedy. ",
  {'entities': [[214, 218, 'people'],
    [376, 384, 'people'],
    [825, 830, 'people']]}],
 ['.1A fight with several lions at once was first the bestowed on Rome by Quintus Scaevola, son of Publius, when consular aedile, but the first of all who exhibited a combat of 100 maned lions was Lucius Sulla, later dictator, in his praetorship. After Sulla Pompey the Great showed in the Circus 600, including 315 with manes, and Caesar when dictator 400. ',
  {'entities': [[63, 67, 'place'],
    [79, 87, 'people'],
    [96, 103, 'people'],
    [201, 206, 'people'],
    [201, 206, 'people'],
    [256, 262, 'people'],
    [287, 293, 'place'],
    [329, 335, 'people']]}],
 [".1Capturing lions was once a difficult task, chiefly effected by means of pitfalls. In the principate of Claudius accident taught a Gaetulian shepherd a method that was almost one to be ashamed of in the case of a wild animal of this nature: when it charged he flung a cloak against its onset — a feat that was immediately transferred to the arena as a show — the creature's great ferocity abating in an almost incredible manner when its head is covered with even a light wrap, with the result that it is vanquished without showing fight. The fact is that all its strength is concentrated in its eyes, which makes it less remarkable that when Lysimachus by order of Alexander was shut up in a lion's cage he succeeded in strangling it. Mark Antony broke lions to the yoke and was the first person at Rome to harness them to a chariot, and this in fact during the civil war, after the decisive battle in the plains of Pharsalia, not without some intention of exhibiting the position of affairs, the portentous feat signifying that generous spirits can bow to a yoke. For his riding in this fashion with the actress Cytheris at his side was a thing that outdid even the portentous oecnrrences of that disastrous period. It is recorded that Hanno, one of the most distinguished of the Carthaginians, was the first human being who dared to handle a lion and exhibit it as tamed, and that this supplied a reason for his impeachment, because it was felt that a man of such an artful character might persuade the public to anything, and that their liberty was ill entrusted to one to whom even ferocity had so completely submitted. ",
  {'entities': [[105, 113, 'people'],
    [132, 141, 'people'],
    [643, 653, 'people'],
    [666, 675, 'people'],
    [741, 747, 'people'],
    [800, 804, 'place'],
    [917, 926, 'place'],
    [1114, 1122, 'people'],
    [1238, 1243, 'people'],
    [1282, 1295, 'ethnic']]}],
 [".2But there are also instances of occasional mercifulness even in lions. The Syracusan Mentor in Syria met a lion that rolled on the ground in suppliant wise and struck such terror into him that he was running away, when the lion stood in his way wherever he turned, and licked his footsteps as if fawning on him; he noticed a swelling and a wound in its foot, and by pulling out a thorn set the creature free from torment: a picture at Syracuse is evidence of this occurrence. In a similar manner a native of Samos named Elpis on landing from a ship in Africa, saw near the coast a lion opening its jaws in a threatening way, and took refuge up a tree, calling on Father Liber for help, since the chief occasion for praying is an emergency where there is no room for hope. The beast had not stood in his way when he tried to run away although it might have done, and lying down by the tree began to beg for compassion with the gaping jaws by which it had scared the man. Owing to its biting its food too greedily a bone had stuck in its teeth, and was tormenting it with starvation and not merely with the punishment contained in the actual prickles, as it gazed up and looked as if making a silent prayer for aid — while chance events are not to be relied on in face of a wild animal, and much longer hesitation is caused by surprise than by alarm. But finally he came down and pulled out the bone for the lion, which held out its foot to him and adjusted it at the most necessary angle; and they say that as long as that vessel remained on the coast the lion displayed its gratitude by bringing its catches to its benefactor. This led Elpis to consecrate in Samos a temple to Father Liber, to which from that occurrence the Greeks have given the name of Temple of Dionysus with his Mouth Open. After this do not let us be surprised that men's tracks are recognized by wild beasts when they actually hope for assistance from one of the animal race: for why did they not go to other animals, or how do they know of man's healing touch? Unless perchance violent maladies force even wild animals to every expedient. ",
  {'entities': [[77, 86, 'person'],
    [87, 93, 'people'],
    [97, 102, 'place'],
    [437, 445, 'place'],
    [510, 515, 'place'],
    [522, 527, 'people'],
    [665, 677, 'people'],
    [522, 527, 'people'],
    [510, 515, 'place'],
    [665, 677, 'people'],
    [1767, 1775, 'people']]}],
 ['.3The natural philosopher Demetrius also records an equally remarkable story about a panther, which out of desire for human aid lay in the middle of a road, where the father of a certain student of philosophy named Philinus suddenly came in sight of it. The man, so the story goes, began to retreat, but the animal rolled over on its back, obviously trying to cajole him, and tormented by sorrow that was intelligible even in a panther: she had a litter of cubs that had fallen into a pit some distance away. The first result of his compassion therefore was not to be frightened, and the next to give her his attention; and he followed where she drew him by lightly touching his clothes with her claws, and when he understood the cause of her grief and at the same time the recompense due for his own security, he got the cubs out of the pit; and the panther with her young escorted him right to the edge of the desert, guiding him with gestures of delight that made it quite clear that she was expressing gratitude and not reckoning on any recompense, which is rare even in a human being. ',
  {'entities': [[26, 35, 'people'], [215, 223, 'people']]}],
 [".1These stories give credibility to Democritus also, who tells a tale of Thoas in Arcadia being saved by a snake. When a boy he had fed it and made a great pet of it, and his parent being afraid of the snake's nature and size had taken it away into an uninhabited region, where it recognized Thoas's voice and came to his rescue when he was entrapped by an ambush of brigands. For as to the reports about infants when they had been exposed being fed by the milk of wild animals, as well as those about our founders being nursed by a she-wolf, I deem it more reasonable for them to be credited to the grandeur of their destinies than to the nature of the wild animals. ",
  {'entities': [[36, 46, 'people'],
    [73, 78, 'people'],
    [82, 89, 'place'],
    [73, 78, 'people']]}],
 [".1The panther and the tiger almost alone of beasts are distinguished by a variety of markings, whereas the rest have a single colour, each kind having its own — black in the case of lions in Syria only. Panthers have small spots like eyes on a light ground. It is said that all four-footed animals are wonderfully attracted by their smell, but frightened by the savage appearance of their head; for which they catch them by hiding their head and enticing them to approach by their other attractions. Some authorities report that they have a mark on the shoulder resembling a moon, expanding into a circle and hollowed out in a similar manner. As it is, people use the name 'spotted ladies', and for the males 'pards', in the whole of this genus, which occurs most frequently in Africa and Syria; some persons distinguish panthers from these by their light colour only, nor have I hitherto discovered any other difference. ",
  {'entities': [[191, 196, 'place'], [191, 196, 'place']]}],
 ['.1There was an old Resolution of the Senate prohibiting the importation of African elephants into Italy. Gnaeus Aufidius when Tribune of the Plebs carried in the Assembly of the People a resolution repealing this and allowing them to be imported for shows in the Circus. But Scaurus in his aedileship first sent in procession 150 female leopards in one flock, then Pompey the Great 410, and the late lamented Augustus 420. ',
  {'entities': [[98, 103, 'place'],
    [112, 120, 'people'],
    [263, 269, 'place'],
    [275, 282, 'people'],
    [365, 371, 'people'],
    [409, 417, 'people']]}],
 ['.1Augustus also, in the consulship of Marcus Tubero and Paullus Fabius, at the dedication of the Theatre of Marcellus, on May 7, was the first of all persons at Rome who exhibited a tamed tiger in a cage, although his late Majesty Claudius exhibited four at one time. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 10, 'people'],
    [45, 51, 'people'],
    [56, 63, 'people'],
    [64, 70, 'people'],
    [97, 104, 'place'],
    [108, 117, 'people'],
    [161, 165, 'place'],
    [231, 239, 'people']]}],
 ['.2Hyrcania and India produce the tiger, au animal of terrific speed, which is most noticeable when the whole of its litter, which is always numerous, is being captured. The litter is taken by a man lying in wait with the swiftest horse obtainable, and is transferred successively to fresh horses. But when the mother tiger finds the lair empty (for the males do not look after their young) she rushes off at headlong speed, tracking them by scent. The captor when her roar approaches throws away one of the cubs. She snatches it up in her mouth, and returns and resumes the pursuit at even a faster pace owing to her burden, and so on in succession until the hunter has regained the ship and her ferocity rages vainly on the shore. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 10, 'place'], [15, 20, 'place']]}],
 ['.1The East pastures camels among its flocks of cattle; of these there are two kinds, the Bactrian and the Arabian, which differ in that the former have two humps on the back and the latter one, with a second hump beneath the chest on which they can rest their weight; but both kinds resemble oxen in having no teeth in the upper jaw. All however perform the services of beasts of burden, and also of cavalry in battles; their speed is below that of horses. But the two kinds differ in dimensions, as also in strength; and a camel will not travel beyond its customary march, nor carry more than the regulation load. They possess an innate hatred for horses. They can endure thirst for as much as four days, and when they have an opportunity they replenish themselves both for the past interval and for the future, stirring up the water by trampling with their fore feet before they drink — otherwise they do not enjoy the draught. They live for fifty years, some even for a hundred; although even camels are liable to rabies. A method has been discovered of gelding even the females intended for war; this by denying them intercourse increases their strength. ',
  {'entities': [[89, 97, 'demonym'], [106, 113, 'people']]}],
 ['.1Some resemblance to these is passed on to two animals. The Ethiopians give the name of to one that has a neck like a horse, feet and legs like an ox, and a head like a camel, and is of a ruddy colour picked out with white spots, owing to which it is called a camelopard; it was first seen at Rome at the games in the Circus given by Caesar when dictator. From this it has subsequently been recognized to be more remarkable for appearance than for ferocity, and consequently it has also got the name of wild sheep. ',
  {'entities': [[61, 71, 'ethnic'],
    [294, 298, 'place'],
    [319, 325, 'place'],
    [335, 341, 'people']]}],
 [".1The games of Pompey the Great first displayed the chama, which the Gauls used to call the lynx, with the shape of a wolf and leopard's spots; the same show exhibited what they call cephi from Ethiopia, which have hind feet resembling the feet of a man and legs and fore feet like hands. Rome has not seen this animal subsequently. ",
  {'entities': [[15, 21, 'people'],
    [194, 202, 'place'],
    [289, 293, 'place']]}],
 ['.1At the same games there was also a rhinoceros with one horn on the nose such as has often been seen. Another bred here to fight matches with an elephant gets ready for battle by filing its horns on rocks, and in the encounter goes specially for the belly, which it knows to be softer. It equals an elephant in length, but its legs are much shorter, and it is the colour of box-wood. ',
 [".1Ethiopia produces lynxes in great numbers, and sphinxes with brown hair and a pair of udders on the breast, and many other monstrosities — winged homes armed with horns, called pegasi, hyenas like a cross between a dog and a wolf, that break everything with their teeth, swallow it at a gulp and masticate it in the belly; tailed monkeys with black heads, ass's hair and a voice unlike that of any other species of ape; Indian oxen a with one and with three horns; the leucrocota, [hyena] swiftest of wild beasts, about the size of an ass, with a stag's haunches, a lion's neck, tail and breast, badger's head, cloven hoot mouth opening right back to the ears, and ridges of bone in place of rows of teeth — this animal is reported to imitate the voices of human beings. Among the same people is also found the animal called the yale, the size of a hippopotamus, with an elephant's tail, of a black or tawny colour, with the jaws of a boar and movable horns more than a cubit in length which in a fight are erected alternately, and presented to the attack or sloped backward in turn as policy directs. But its fiercest animals are forest bulls, larger than the bulls of the field, surpassing all in speed, of a tawny colour, with blue eyes, hair turned backward, mouth gaping open to the ears, along with mobile horns; the hide has the hardness of flint, rejecting every wound. They hunt all wild animals, but themselves can only be caught in pits, and when caught always die game. Ctesias writes that in the same country is born the creature that he calls the mantichora [fabulous] which has a triple row of teeth meeting like the teeth of a comb, the face and ears of a human being, grey eyes, a blood-red colour, a lion's body, inflicting stings with its tail in the manner of a scorpion, with a voice like the sound of a panpipe blended with a trumpet, of great speed, with a special appetite for human flesh. ",
  {'entities': [[2, 10, 'place'],
    [422, 428, 'demonym'],
    [1484, 1491, 'people']]}],
 ['.1He says that in India there are also oxen with solid hoofs and one horn and a wild animal named axis, [deer] with the hide of a fawn but with more spots and whiter ones, belonging to the ritual of Father Liber (the Orsaean Indians hunt monkeys that are a bright white all over the body); but that the fiercest animal is the unicorn, which in the rest of the body resembles a horse, but in the head a stag, in the feet an elephant, and in the tail a boar, and has a deep bellow, and a single black horn three feet long projecting from the middle of the forehead. They say that it is impossible to capture this animal alive. ',
  {'entities': [[18, 23, 'place'],
    [199, 211, 'people'],
    [225, 232, 'ethnic']]}],
 ['.1In Western Ethiopia there is a spring, the Nigris, which most people have supposed to be the source of the Nile, as they try to prove by the arguments that we have stated. In its neighbourhood there is an animal called the catoblepas, in other respects of moderate size and inactive with the rest of its limbs, only with a very heavy head which it carries with difficulty — it is always hanging down to the ground; otherwise it is deadly to the human race, as all who see its eyes expire immediately. ',
  {'entities': [[13, 21, 'place'], [45, 51, 'people'], [109, 113, 'place']]}],
 [".1The basilisk serpent also has the same power. It is a native of the province of Cyrenaica, not more than 12 inches long, and adorned with a bright white marking on the head like a sort of diadem. It routs all snakes with its hiss, and does not move its body forward in manifold coils like the other snakes but advancing with its middle raised high. It kills bushes not only by its touch but also by its breath, scorches up grass and bursts rocks. Its effect on other animals is disastrous: it is believed that once one was killed with a spear by a man on horseback and the infection rising through the spear killed not only the rider but also the horse. Yet to a creature so marvellous as this — indeed kings have often wished to see a specimen when safely dead — the venom of weasels is fatal: so fixed is the decree of nature that nothing shall be without its match. They throw the basilisks into weasels' holes, which are easily known by the foulness of the ground, and the weasels kill them by their stench and die themselves at the same time, and nature's battle is accomplished. ",
  {'entities': [[82, 91, 'place']]}],
 [".1But in Italy also it is believed that the sight of wolves is harmful, and that if they look at a man before he sees them, it temporarily deprives him of utterance. The wolves produced in Africa and Egypt are feeble and small, but those of colder regions are cruel and fierce. We are bound to pronounce with confidence that the story of men being turned into wolves and restored to themselves again is false — or else we must believe all the tales that the experience of so many centuries has taught us to be fabulous; nevertheless we will indicate the origin of the popular belief, which is so firmly rooted that it classes werewolves among persons under a curse. Evanthes, who holds no contemptible position among the authors of Greece, writes that the Arcadians have a tradition that someone chosen out of the clan of a certain Anthus by casting lots among the family is taken to a certain marsh in that region, and hanging his clothes on an oak-tree swims across the water and goes away into a desolate place and is transformed into a wolf and herds with the others of the same kind for nine years; and that if in that period he has refrained from touching a human being, he returns to the same marsh, swims across it and recovers his shape, with nine years' age added to his former appearance; Evanthes also adds the more fabulous detail that he gets back the same clothes. It is astounding to what lengths Greek credulity will go; there is no lie so shameless as to lack a supporter. Similarly Apollas the author of Olympic Victors relates that at the sacrifice which even at that date the Arcadians used to perform in honour of Lycaean Zeus with a human victim, Daemenetus of Parrhasia tasted the vitals of a boy who had been offered as a victim and turned himself into a wolf, and furthermore that he was restored ten years later and trained himself in athletics for boxing and returned a winner from Olympia. Moreover it is popularly believed that even the tail of this animal contains a love-poison in a small tuft of hair, and when it is caught it sheds the tuft, which has not the same potency unless plucked from the animal while it is alive; that the days on which it breeds are not more than twelve in a whole year; also that for it to feed on earth when it is hungry counts as an augury: if it does this in large mouthfuls when barring the path of travellers who come upon it on their right hand side, this is the finest of all omens. Some members of the genus are called stag-wolves; a specimen from Gaul was seen in the arena of Pompey the Great, as we have stated. They say that if this animal while devouring its food looks behind it, however hungry it is, forgetfulness of what it is eating creeps over it and it goes off to look for something else. ",
  {'entities': [[9, 14, 'place'],
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    [756, 765, 'ethnic'],
    [1636, 1648, 'place'],
    [1684, 1693, 'person'],
    [1910, 1917, 'person'],
    [2548, 2554, 'people']]}],
 [".1As concerning serpents, it is generally stated that most of them have the colour of the earth that they usually lurk in; that there are innumerable kinds of them; that horned snakes have little horns, often a cluster of four, projecting from the body, by moving which so as to hide the rest of the body they lure birds to them; that the amphisbaena has a twin head, that is one at the tail-end as well, as though it were not enough for poison to be poured out of one mouth; that some have scales, others coloured markings, and all a deadly venom; that the javelin-shake hurls itself from the branches of trees, and at serpents are not only formidable to the feet but fly like a missile from a catapult; that when asps' necks swell, up there is no remedy for their sting except the immediate amputation of the parts stung. Although so pestilential, this animal has one emotion or rather affection: they usually roam in couples, male and female, and only live with their consort. Accordingly when either of the pair has been destroyed the other is incredibly anxious for revenge: it pursues the murderer and by means of some mark of recognition attacks him and him only in however large a throng of people, bursting through all obstacles and traversing all distances, and it is only debarred by rivers or by very rapid flight. It is impossible to declare whether Nature has engendered evils or remedies more bountifully. In the first place she has bestowed on this accursed creature dim eyes, and those not in the forehead for it to look straight in front of it, but in the temples — and consequently it is more quickly excited by hearing than by sight; and in the next place she has given it war to the death with the ichneumon. ",
 [".1That animal, which is also a native of Egypt, is specially known because of this exploit. The asp repeatedly plunges into mud and dries itself in the sun, and then when it has equipped itself with a cuirass of several coatings by the same method, it proceeds to the encounter. In this it raises its tail and renders the blows it receives ineffectual by turning away from them, till after watching for its opportunity, with head held sideways it attacks its adversary's throat. And not content with this victim it vanquishes another animal no less ferocious, the crocodile. ",
  {'entities': [[41, 46, 'place']]}],
 ['.1This belongs to the Nile; it is a curse on four legs, and equally pernicious on land and in the river. It is the only land animal not furnished with a tongue and the only one that bites by pressing down the mobile upper jaw, and it is also formidable because of its row of teeth set close together like a comb. In size it usually exceeds 18 ells. It lays as many eggs as a goose, and by a kind of prophetic instinct incubates them always outside the line to which the Nile in that year is going to rise at full flood. Nor does any other animal grow to greater dimensions from a smaller original size; however, it is armed with talons as well, and its hide is invincible against all blows. It passes its days on land and its nights in the water, in both eases for reasons of warmth. This creature when sated with a meal of fish and sunk in sleep on the shore with its mouth always full of food, is tempted by a small bird (called there the trochilus, but in Italy the king-bird) to open its mouth wide to enable the bird to feed; and first it hops in and cleans out the mouth, and then the teeth and inner throat also, [fictitious] which yawns open as wide as possible for the pleasure of this scratching; and the ichneumon watches for it to be overcome by sleep in the middle of this gratification and darts like a javelin through the throat so opened and gnaws out the belly. ',
  {'entities': [[22, 26, 'place'], [22, 26, 'place'], [959, 964, 'place']]}],
 ['.1A native of the Nile resembling the crocodile but smaller even than the ichneumon is the skink, which is an outstanding antidote against poisons, and also an aphrodisiac for males. ',
  {'entities': [[18, 22, 'place']]}],
 [".2But the crocodile constituted too great a plague for Nature to be content with a single enemy for it. Accordingly dolphins also, which have on their backs a sharp fin shaped like a knife as if for this purpose, enter the mouth of the Nile, and when the crocodiles drive them away from their prey and lord it in the river as merely their own domain, kill them by craft, as they are otherwise in themselves no match for them in strength. For all animals are skilful in this, and know not only the things advantageous for themselves but also those detrimental for their enemies, and are acquainted with their own weapons and recognize their opportunities and the unwarlike parts of their adversaries. The crocodile's hide is soft and thin over the belly; consequently the dolphins pretending to be frightened dive and going under them rip the belly with the spine described. Moreover there is also a tribe of human beings right on the Nile, named after the Island of Tentyrus on which it dwells, that is hostile to this monster. They are of small stature but have a readiness of mind in this employment only that is remarkable. The creature in question is terrible against those who run away but runs away from those who pursue it. But these men alone dare to go against them; they actually dive into the river and mounting on their back as if riding a horse, when they yawn with the head thrown backward to bite, insert a staff into the month, and holding the staff at both ends with their right and left hands, drive their prisoners to the land as if with bridles, and by terrifying them even merely with their shouts compel them to disgorge the recently swallowed bodies for burial. Consequently this island only is not visited by crocodiles, and the scent of this race of men drives them away, as that of the Psylli does snakes. This animal is said to have dim sight in the water, but to be very keen-sighted when out of it; and to pass four months of the winter in a cave continuously without food. Some persons think that this alone of animals goes on growing in size as long as it lives; but it lives a long time. ",
  {'entities': [[236, 240, 'place'],
    [236, 240, 'place'],
    [966, 974, 'place'],
    [1812, 1818, 'people']]}],
 [".1A monster of still greater height is also produced in the Nile, the hippopotamus, which has cloven hoofs like those of oxen, a horse's back, mane and neigh, a snub snout, a boar's tail and curved-tusks, though these are less formidable, and with a hide that supplies an impenetrable material for shields and helmets, except if they are soaked in moisture. It feeds on the crops, marking out a definite portion beforehand for each day, so it is said, and making its footprints lead out of the field, so that no traps may be laid for it when it returns. ",
  {'entities': [[60, 64, 'place']]}],
 ['.1A hippopotamus was exhibited at Rome for the first time, together with five crocodiles, by Marcus Scaurus at the games which he gave when aedile; a temporary channel was made to hold them. The hippopotamus stands out as an actual master in one department of medicine; for when its unceasing voracity has caused it to overeat itself it comes ashore to reconnoitre places where rushes have recently been cut, and where it sees an extremely sharp stalk it squeezes its body down on to it and makes a wound in a certain vein in its leg, and by thus letting blood unburdens its body, which would otherwise be liable to disease, and plasters up the wound again with mud. ',
  {'entities': [[34, 38, 'place'], [100, 107, 'people']]}],
 [".1A somewhat similar display has also been made in the same country of Egypt by the bird called the ibis, which makes use of the curve of its beak to purge itself through the part by which it is most conducive to health for the heavy residue of foodstuffs to be excreted. Nor is the ibis alone, but many animals have made discoveries destined to be useful for man as well. The value of the herb dittany for extracting arrows was shown by stags when wounded by that weapon and ejecting it by grazing on that herb; likewise stags when bitten by the phalangium, a kind of spider, or any similar animal cure themselves by eating crabs. There is also a herb that is particularly good for snakebites, with which lizards heal themselves whenever they fight a battle with snakes and are wounded. Celandine was shown to be very healthy for the sight by swallows using it as a medicine for their chicks' sore eyes. The tortoise eats cunila, called ox-grass, to restore its strength against the effect of snake-bites; the weasel cures itself with rue when it has had a fight with mice in hunting them. The stork drugs itself with marjoram in sickness, and goats use ivy and a diet consisting mostly of crabs thrown up from the sea. When a snake's body gets covered with a skin owing to its winter inactivity it sloughs this hindrance to its movement by means of fennel-sap and comes out all glossy for spring; but it begins the process at its head, and takes at least 24 hours to do it, folding the skin backward so that what was the inner side of it becomes the outside. Moreover as its sight is obscured by its hibernation it anoints and revives its eyes by rubbing itself against a fennel plant, but if its scales have become numbed it scratches itself on the spiny leaves of a juniper. A large snake quenches its spring nausea with the juice of wild lettuce. Barbarian hunters catch leopards by means of meat rubbed over with wolfs bane; their throats are at once attacked by violent pain (in consequence of which some people have given this poison a Greek name meaning choke-leopard), but to cure this the creature doses itself with human excrement, and in general it is so greedy for this that shepherds have a plan of hanging up some of it in a vessel too high for the leopard to be able to reach it by jumping up, and the animal keeps springing up and trying to get it till it is exhausted and finally dies, although otherwise its vitality is so persistent that it will go on fighting for a long time after its entrails have been torn out. When an elephant swallows a chameleon (which is poisonous to it) because it is of the same colour as a leaf, it uses the wild olive as a remedy. When bears have swallowed the fruit of the mandrake they lick up ants. A stag uses wild artichoke as an antidote to poisoned fodder. Pigeons, jays, blackbirds and partridges cure their yearly distaste for food with bay-leaves; doves, turtle-doves and domestic fowls use the plant called helxine, ducks, geese and other water-fowl water-starwort, cranes and the like marsh-rushes. When a raven has killed a chameleon lizard, which is noxious even to its conqueror, it stanches the poisonous infection with bay-leaves. ",
  {'entities': [[71, 76, 'place']]}],
 ['.1There are thousands of points besides, inasmuch as Nature has likewise also bestowed upon very many animals the faculty of observing the sky, and a variety of different modes of prognosticating winds, rain and storms, a subject which it would be an immense task to pursue, just as much so no doubt as the other points of alliance between particular animals and human beings. For in fact animals even give warning of dangers in advance, not only by means of their entrails and internal organs, a thing that much intrigues a great part of mankind, but also by another mode of indication. When the collapse of a building is imminent, the mice migrate in advance, and spiders with their webs are the first things to fall. Indeed auguries have constituted a science at Rome and have given rise to a priestly college of the greatest dignity. In frostbound countries, the fox also is among the creatures believed to give omens, being an animal of formidable sagacity in other respects; people only cross frozen rivers and lakes at points where it goes or returns: it has been observed to put its ear to the frozen surface and to guess the thickness of the ice. ',
  {'entities': [[766, 770, 'place']]}],
 ['.1Nor are there less remarkable instances of destructiveness even in the case of contemptible animals. Marcus Varro states that a town in Spain was undermined by rabbits and one in Thessaly by moles, and that a tribe in Gaul was put to flight by frogs and one in Africa by locusts, and the inhabitants were banished from the island of Gyara in the Cyclades by mice, and Amynclae in Italy was completely destroyed by snakes. North of the Ethiopic tribe of the Bitch-milkers there is a wide belt of desert where a tribe was wiped out by scorpions and poisonous spiders, and Theophrastus states that the Rhoetienses were driven away by a kind of centipede. But let us return to the remaining kinds of wild animals. ',
  {'entities': [[110, 115, 'people'],
    [181, 189, 'place'],
    [335, 340, 'place'],
    [348, 356, 'place'],
    [382, 387, 'place'],
    [437, 445, 'people'],
    [572, 584, 'people']]}],
 [".1The hyena is popularly believed to be bisexual and to become male and female in alternate years, the female bearing offspring without a male; but this is denied by Aristotle. Its neck stretches right along the backbone like a mane, and cannot bend without the whole body turning round. A number of other remarkable facts about it are reported, but the most remarkable are that among the shepherds' homesteads it simulates human speech, and picks up the name of one of them so as to call him to come out of doors and tear him in pieces, and also that it imitates a person being sick, to attract the dogs so that it may attack them; that this animal alone digs up graves in search of corpses; that a female is seldom caught; that its eyes have a thousand variations and alterations of colour; moreover that when its shadow falls on dogs they are struck dumb; and that it has certain magic arts by which it causes every animal at which it gases three times to stand rooted to the spot. ",
  {'entities': [[166, 175, 'people']]}],
 ['.1When crossed with this race of animals the Ethiopian lioness gives birth to the corocotta, that mimics the voices of men and cattle in a similar way. It has an unbroken ridge of bone in each jaw, forming a continuous tooth without any gum, which to prevent its being blunted by contact with the opposite jaw is shut up in a sort of case. Juba states that in Ethiopia the mantichora also mimics human speech. ',
  {'entities': [[340, 344, 'people'], [45, 53, 'place']]}],
 ['.1Hyenas occur most numerously in Africa, which also produces a multitude of wild asses. In that species each male is lord of a separate herd of females. They are afraid of rivals in their affections, and consequently they keep a watch on their females when in foal, and geld their male offspring with a bite; to guard against this the females when in foal seek hiding-places and are anxious to give birth by stealth. Also they are fond of a great deal of sexual indulgence. ',
 [".1The beavers of the Black Sea region practise self-amputation of the same organ when beset by danger, as they know that they are hunted for the sake of its secretion, the medical name for which is beaver-oil. Apart from this the beaver is an animal with a formidable bite, cutting down trees on the river banks as if with steel; if it gets hold of part of a man's body it does not relax its bite before the fractured bones are heard grinding together. The beaver has a fish's tail, while the rest of its conformation resembles an otter's; both species are aquatic, and both have fur that is softer than down. ",
  {'entities': [[21, 30, 'place']]}],
 ['.1Also the bramble-frog, which is amphibious in its habit, is replete with a great number of drugs, which it is said to evacuate daily and to replace by the food that it eats, always keeping back only the poisons for itself. ',
 ['.1The seal also resembles the beaver both in its amphibious habits and in its nature. It gets rid of its gall, which is useful for many drugs, by vomiting it up, and also its rennet, a cure for epileptic attacks; it does this because it knows that it is bunted for the sake of these products. Theophrastus states that geckoes also slough off their old skin as a snake does, and similarly swallow the slough at once, it being a cure for epilepsy if one snatches it from them. It is also said that their bite is harmless in Greece but that they are noxious in Sicily. ',
  {'entities': [[293, 305, 'people'], [558, 564, 'place']]}],
 [".1Deer also a have their own form of stinginess although the stag is the gentlest of animals. When beset by a pack of hounds they fly for refuge of their own accord to a human being, and when giving birth to young are less careful to avoid paths worn by human footprints than secluded places that are advantageous for wild beasts. The mating season is after the rising of Arcturus. Pregnancy lasts eight months, and occasionally they bear twins. After mating the hinds withdraw, but the deserted males rage in a fury of desire, and score the ground with their horns; afterwards their snouts are black till a considerable rainfall washes off the dirt. The females before giving birth use a certain plant called hartwort as a purge, so having an easier delivery. After giving birth they browse on the two plants named dittany and seseli before they return to the young: for some reason or other they desire the sucklings' first draughts of milk to be flavoured with those herbs. When the fawns are born they exercise them in running and teach them to practise escaping, and take them to cliffs and show them how to jump. The males when at last freed from lustful desire greedily seek pasture; when they feel they are too fat, they look for lairs to hide in, showing that they are conscious of inconvenient weight. And on other occasions when running away from pursuit they always stop and stand gazing backward, when the hunters draw near again seeking refuge in flight: this is done owing to pain in the gut, which is so weak that a light blow causes internal rupture. But when they hear the baying of hounds they always run away down wind, so that their scent may go away with them. They can be charmed by a shepherd's pipe and by song. Their hearing is very keen when they raise their ears, but dull when they drop them. In other respects the deer is a simple animal and stupefied by surprise at everything — so much so that when a horse or a heifer is approaching they do not notice a huntsman close to them, or if they see him merely gaze in wonder at his bow and arrows. They cross seas swimming in a herd strung out in line with their heads resting on the haunches of the ones in front of them, and taking turns to drop to the rear: this is most noticed when they are crossing from Cilicia to Cyprus; and they do not keep land in sight but swim towards its scent. The males have horns, and alone of animals shed them every year at a fixed time in spring; consequently when the day in question approaches they resort as much as possible to unfrequented places. When they have lost their home they keep in hiding as if disarmed — although these animals also are grudging of their special good: people say that a stag's right horn, which is endowed with some sort of healing drug, is never found; and this must be confessed to be the more surprising in view of the fact that even stags kept in warrens change their horns every year: it is thought that they bury them. The smell of either horn when burnt arrests attacks of epilepsy. They also bear marks of their age in their horns, each year till they are six years old adding one time; though thenceforward the horns grow again like the old ones and the age cannot be told by them. But old age is indicated by the teeth, for the old have either few or none, nor have they tines at the bottom of the horns, though otherwise these usually jut out in front of the brow when they are younger. When stags have been gelded the horns do not fall off nor grow again, but burst out with excrescences that keep springing again, at first resembling dry skin, and then grow up with tender shoots into reedy tufts feathered with soft down. As long as the stags are without them, they go out to graze in the nights. When they are growing again they harden them with the heat of the sun, subsequently testing them on trees, and only go out into the open when satisfied with theft strength; and before now they have been caught with green ivy on their antlers, that has been grafted on the tender horns as on a log of wood as a result of rubbing them against trees while testing them. Stags are sometimes even of a white colour, as Quintus Sertorius's hind is said to have been, which he had persuaded the tribes of Spain to believe prophetic. Even stags are at war with a snake; they track out their holes and draw them out by means of the breath of their nostrils in spite of their resistance. Consequently the smell made by burning stag's horn is an outstanding thing for driving away serpents, while a sovereign cure against bites is obtained from the rennet of a fawn killed in its mother's womb. Stags admittedly have a long life, some having been caught a hundred years later with the gold necklaces that Alexander the Great had put on them already covered up by the hide in great folds of fat. This animal is not liable to feverish diseases — indeed it even supplies a prophylactic against their attack; we know that recently certain ladies of the imperial house have made a practice of eating venison every day in the morning and have been free from fevers throughout a long lifetime; though it is thought that this only holds good if the stag has been killed by a single wound. ",
  {'entities': [[372, 380, 'people'],
    [2287, 2294, 'place'],
    [2298, 2304, 'place'],
    [4178, 4187, 'people'],
    [4750, 4759, 'people']]}],
 ['.2The animal called the goat-stag, occurring only near the river Phasis, is of the same appearance, differing only in having a beard, and a fleece on the shoulders. ',
  {'entities': [[65, 71, 'place']]}],
 [".1Africa almost alone does not produce stags, but Africa also has the chameleon, although India produces it in greater numbers. Its shape and size were those of a lizard, were not the legs straight and longer. The flanks are joined on to the belly as in fishes, and the spine projects in a similar manner. It has a snout not unlike a pig's, considering its small size, a very long tail that tapers towards the end and curls in coils like a viper, and crooked talons; it moves rather slowly like a tortoise and has a rough body like a crocodile's, and eyes in a hollow recess, close together and very large and of the same colours as its body. It never shuts its eyes, and looks round not by moving the pupil but by turning the whole eye. It holds itself erect with its mouth always wide open, and it is the only animal that does not live on food or drink or anything else but the nutriment that it derives from the air, with a gape that is almost terrifying, but otherwise it is harmless. And it is more remarkable for the nature of its colouring, since it constantly changes the hue of its eyes and tail and whole body and always makes it the colour with which it is in closest contact, except red and white. When dead it is of a pallid colour. ",
  {'entities': [[90, 95, 'place']]}],
 ['.2It has flesh on the head and jaws and at the junction tail in a rather scanty amount, and nowhere else in the whole body; blood in the heart and around the eyes only; its vital parts contain no spleen. It hibernates like a lizard in the winter months. ',
 [".1The reindeer of Scythia also changes its colours, but none other of the fur-clad animals does so except the Indian wolf, which is reported to have a mane on the neck. For the jackal — which is a kind of wolf, longer in the body and differing in the shortness of the legs, quick in its spring, living by hunting, harmless to man — changes its raiment though not its colour, being shaggy through the winter but naked in summer. The reindeer is the size of an ox; its head is larger than that of a stag but not unlike it; it has branching horns, cloven hooves, and a fleece as shaggy as a bear's but, when it happens to be self-coloured, resembling an ass's coat. The hide is so hard that they use it for making cuirasses. When alarmed it imitates the colours of all the trees, bushes and flowers and places where it lurks, and consequently is rarely caught. It would be surprising that its body has such variety of character, but it is more surprising that even its fleece has. ",
  {'entities': [[18, 25, 'place'], [110, 116, 'demonym']]}],
 [".1The porcupine is a native of India and Africa. It is covered with a prickly skin of the hedgehogs' kind, but the spines of the porcupine are longer and they dart out when it draws the skin tight: it pierces the mouths of hounds when they close with it, and shoots out at them when further off. In the winter months it hibernates, as is the nature of many animals and before all of bears. ",
  {'entities': [[31, 36, 'place']]}],
 [".1Bears couple at the beginning of winter, and not in the usual manner of quadrupeds but both lying down and hugging each other; afterwards they retire apart into caves, in which they give birth on the thirtieth day to a litter of five cubs at most. These are a white and shapeless lump of flesh, little larger than mice, without eyes or hair and only the claws projecting. This lump the mother bears slowly lick into shape. Nor is anything more unusual than to see a she-bear giving birth to cubs. Consequently the males lie in hiding for periods of forty days, and the females four months. If they have not got caves, they build rainproof dens by heaping up branches and brushwood, with a carpet of soft foliage on the floor. For the first fortnight they sleep so soundly that they cannot be aroused even by wounds; at this period they get fat with sloth to a remarkable degree (the bear's grease is useful for medicines and a prophylactic against baldness). As a result of these days of sleep they shrink in bulk and they live by sucking their fore paws. They cherish their freezing offspring by pressing them to their breast, lying on them just like birds hatching eggs. Strange to say, Theophrastus believes that even boiled bear's flesh, if kept, goes on growing in size for that period; that no evidence of food and only the smallest amount of water is found in the belly at this stage, and that there are only a few drops of blood in the neighbourhood of the heart and none in the rest of the body. In the spring they come out, but the males are very fat, a fact the cause of which is not evident, as they have not been fattened up even by sleep, except for a fortnight as we have said. On coming out they devour a plant called wake-robin to loosen the bowels, which are otherwise constipated, and they rub their teeth on tree-stumps to get their mouths into training. Their eyes have got dim, which is the chief reason why they seek for hives, so that their face may be stung by the bees to relieve that trouble with blood. A bear's weakest part is the head, which is the lion's strongest; consequently if when hard pressed by an attack they are going to fling themselves down from a rock they make the jump with their head covered with their fore paws, and in the arena are often killed by their head being broken by a buffet. The Spanish provinces believe that a bear's brain contains poison, and when bears are killed in shows their heads are burnt in the presence of a witness, on the ground that to drink the poison drives a man bear-mad. Bears even walk on two feet, and they crawl down trees backward. They tire out bulls with their weight by hanging by all four feet from their mouth and horns; and no other animal's stupidity is more cunning in doing harm. It is noted in the Annals that on 19 September in the consulship of Marcus Piso and Marcus Messala, Domitius Ahenobarbus as curule aedile provided in the circus a hundred Numidian bears and the same number of Ethiopian huntsmen. I am surprised at the description of the bears as Numidian, since it is known that the bear does not occur in Africa. ",
  {'entities': [[1191, 1203, 'people'],
    [2850, 2854, 'people'],
    [2866, 2873, 'people'],
    [2875, 2883, 'people'],
    [2884, 2895, 'people'],
    [2946, 2954, 'demonym'],
    [2946, 2954, 'demonym']]}],
 [".1The mice of the Black Sea region also hibernate at all events the white ones, which are stated to have a very discriminating palate, though I am curious to know how the authorities detected this. Alpine mice, [marmots] which are the size of badgers, also hibernate, but these carry a supply of fodder into their caves beforehand. Some people say that they let themselves down into their cave in a string, male and female alternately holding the next one's tail in their teeth, and lying on their backs, embracing a bundle of grass that they have bitten off at the roots, and that consequently at this season their backs show marks of rubbing. There are also mice resembling these in Egypt, and they sit back on their haunches in a similar way, and walk on two feet and use their fore-paws as hands. ",
  {'entities': [[18, 27, 'place'],
    [198, 204, 'demonym'],
    [685, 690, 'place']]}],
 ['.1Hedgehogs also prepare food for winter, and fixing fallen apples on their spines by rolling on them and holding one more in their mouth carry them to hollow trees. The same animals foretell a change of wind from North to South by retiring to their lair. But when they perceive someone hunting them they draw together their mouth and feet and all their lower part, which has thin and harmless down on it, and roll up into the shape of a ball, so that it may not be possible to take hold of any part of them except the prickles. But when desperate they make water over themselves, which corrodes their hide and damages their spines, for the sake of which they know that people catch them. Hence the scientific way is to hunt them just after they have discharged their water. And then the hide is of particular value, whereas otherwise it is spoiled and fragile, with the spines rotting and falling out, even if the animal escapes by flight and lives. On this account it does not drench itself with this damaging stuff except as a last resort, since even the creatures themselves hate this self-poisoning, sparing themselves and waiting for the final limit so long that usually capture overtakes them beforehand. Afterwards the ball into which they roll up can be made to unroll by a sprinkle of hot water, and to fasten them up by one of the hind feet kills them through starvation when hanging: it is not possible to kill them in any other way and avoid damaging the hide. The animal itself is not, as most of us think, superfluous for the life of mankind, since, if it had not spines, the softness of the hides in cattle would have been bestowed on mortals to no purpose: hedgehog skirt is used in dressing cloth for garments. Even here fraud has discovered a great source of profit by monopoly, nothing having been the subject of more frequent legislation by the senate, and every emperor without exception having been approached by complaints from the provinces. ',
 [".1The urine of two other animals also has remarkable properties. We are told that there is a small animal called 'lion's-bane' that only occurs in regions where the lion is found, to taste of which causes that mighty creature, the lord of all the other four-footed animals, to expire immediately. Consequently men burn this creature's body and sprinkle it like pearl barley on the flesh of other animals as a bait for a lion, and even kill their prey with its ashes: so noisome a bane it is. Therefore the lion naturally hates it, and when he sees it crushes it and does all he can short of biting it to kill it; while it meets the attack by spraying urine, knowing already that this also is deadly to a lion. ",
 ['.2The water of lynxes, voided in this way when they are born, solidifies or dries up into drops like — carbuncles and of a brilliant flame-colour, called lynx-water — which is the origin of the common story that this is the way in which amber is formed. The lynxes have learnt this and know it, and they jealously cover up their urine with earth, thereby causing it to solidify more quickly. ',
 [".3Another case of ingenuity in alarm, is that of the badgers: they ward off men's blows and the bites of dogs by inflating and distending their skin. ",
 ['.1Squirrels also foresee a storm, and stop up their holes to windward in advance, opening doorways on the other side; moreover their own exceptionally bushy tail serves them as a covering. Consequently some have a store of food ready for the winter and others use sleep as a substitute for food. ',
 [".1It is said that the viper is the only snake that hides in the ground, all the others using holes in trees or rocks. And for the rest they can last out a year's starvation if only they are protected against cold. All kinds sleep at the period of retirement and are not poisonous. Snails also hibernate in the same way, these indeed retiring again in the summers also, mostly clinging to rocks, or even when violently bent back and torn away, nevertheless not going out. But those in the Balearic Islands called cave-snails do not crawl out of their holes in the ground and do not live on grass, but cling together in a cluster like a bunch of grapes. There is also another kind, which is not so common, that shuts itself in with a tightly fitting lid formed of the same material as its shell. These are always buried in the earth, and formerly were only dug up in the neighbourhood of the Maritime Alps, but they have now begun to be pulled up in the Velitrae district also; however the most highly commended kind of all is on the island of Astypalaea. ",
  {'entities': [[488, 504, 'place'],
    [899, 903, 'place'],
    [952, 960, 'place'],
    [1042, 1052, 'place']]}],
 ['.1The greatest enemy of the snail is the lizard; this genus is said not to live more than six months. The lizard of Arabia is 18 inches long, but those on Mount Nysus in India reach a length of 24 feet, and are coloured yellow or scarlet or blue. ',
  {'entities': [[116, 122, 'place'],
    [161, 166, 'people'],
    [170, 175, 'place']]}],
 [".1Many also of the domestic animals are worth studying, and before all the one most faithful to man, the dog, and the horse. We are told of a dog that fought against brigands in defence of his master and although covered with wounds would not leave his corpse, driving away birds and beasts of prey; and of another dog in Epirus which recognized his master's murderer in a gathering and by snapping and barking made him confess the crime. The King of the Garamantes' was escorted back from exile by 200 dogs who did battle with those that offered resistance. The people of Colophon and also those of Castabulum had troops of dogs for their wars; these fought fiercely in the front rank, never refusing battle, and were their most loyal supporters, never requiring pay. When some Cimbrians were killed their hounds defended their houses placed on waggons. When Jason of Lycia had been murdered his dog refused to take food and starved to death. But a dog the name of which Duris gives as Hyrcanus when king Lysimachus's pyre was set alight threw itself into the flame, and similarly at the funeral of King Hiero. Philistus also records the tyrant Gelo's dog Pyrrhus; also the dog of Nicomedes king of Bithynia is recorded to have bitten the King's wife Consingis because she played a rather loose joke with her husband. Among ourselves the famous Vulcatius, Cassellius's tutor in civil law, when returning on his cob from his place near Rome after nightfall was defended by his dog from a highwayman; and so was the senator Caelius, an invalid, when set upon by armed men at Placentia, and he did not receive a wound till the dog had been despatched. But above all cases, in our own generation it is attested by the national records that in the consulship of Appius Julius and Publius Silius when as a result of the case of Germanicus's son Nero punishment was visited on Titius Sabinus and his slaves, a dog belonging to one of them could not be driven away from him in prison and when he had been flung out on the Steps of Lamentation would not leave his body, uttering sorrowful howls to the vast concourse of the Roman public around, and when one of them threw it food it carried it to the mouth of its dead master; also when his corpse had been thrown into the Tiber it swam to it and tried to keep it afloat, a great crowd streaming out to view the animal's loyalty. ",
  {'entities': [[322, 328, 'place'],
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    [1840, 1844, 'people'],
    [1871, 1877, 'people'],
    [1878, 1885, 'people'],
    [2265, 2270, 'place']]}],
 [".2Dogs alone know their master, and also recognize a sudden arrival as a stranger; they alone recognize their own names, and the voice of a member of the household; they remember the way to places however distant, and no creature save man has a longer memory. Their onset and rage can be mollified by a person sitting down on the ground. Experience daily discovers very many other qualities in these animals, but it is in hunting that their skill and sagacity is most outstanding. A hound traces and follows footprints, dragging by its leash the tracker that accompanies it towards his quarry; and on sighting it how silent and secret but how significant an indication is given first by the tail and then by the muzzle Consequently even when they are exhausted with old age and blind and weak, men wry them in their arms sniffing at the breezes scents and pointing their muzzles towards Indians want hounds to be sired by tigers, the breeding season they tie up bitches in the for this purpose. They think that the first second litters are too fierce and they only rear the third one. Similarly the Gauls breed hounds wolves; each of their packs has one of the as leader and guide; the pack accompanies this leader in the hunt and pays it obedience; for dogs actually exercise authority among themselves. It is known that the dogs by the Nile lap up water from the river as they run, so as not to give the greed of the crocodiles its chance. When Alexander the Great was on his way to India, the king of Albania had presented him with one dog of unusually large size; Alexander was delighted by its appearance, and gave orders for bears and then boars and finally hinds to be let slip — the hound lying contemptuously motionless. This slackness on the part of so vast an animal annoyed the generous spirit of the Emperor, who ordered it to be destroyed. Report carried news of this to the king; and accordingly sending a second hound he added a message that Alexander should not desire to test it on small game but on a lion or an elephant; he had only possessed two of the breed and if this one was destroyed there would be none left. Alexander did not put off the trial, and forthwith saw a lion crushed. Afterwards he ordered an elephant to be brought in, and no other show ever gave him more delight: for the dog's hair bristled all over his body and it first gave a vast thunderous bark, then kept leaping up and rearing against the creature's limbs on this side and that, in scientific combat, attacking and retiring at the most necessary points, until the elephant turning round and round in an unceasing whirl was brought to the ground with an earth-shaking crash. ",
  {'entities': [[2, 6, 'people'],
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    [1504, 1511, 'place'],
    [1447, 1456, 'people'],
    [1447, 1456, 'people'],
    [1447, 1456, 'people']]}],
 [".1The genus dog breeds twice a year. Maturity for reproduction begins at the age of one. They carry their young for sixty days. Puppies are born blind, and acquire sight the more slowly the more copious the milk with which they are suckled; though the blind period never lasts more than three weeks or less than one. Some people report that a puppy born singly sees on the 9th day, twins on the 10th, and so on, a corresponding number of days' delay in seeing light being added for each extra puppy; and that a bitch of a first litter begins to see sooner. The best in a litter is the one that begins to see last, or else the one that the mother carries into the kennel first after delivery. ",
  {'entities': [[128, 135, 'people']]}],
 [".1Rabies in dogs, as we have said, is dangerous to human beings in periods when the dog-star is shining, as it causes fatal hydrophobia to those bitten in those circumstances. Consequently a precautionary measure during the 30 days in question is to mix dung — mostly chicken's droppings, in the dog's food, or, if the disease has come already, hellebore. But after a bite the only cure is one which was lately discovered from an oracle, the root of the wild-rose called in Greek dog-rose. Columella states that if a dog's tail is docked by being bitten off and the end joint amputated 40 days after birth, the spinal marrow having been removed the tail does not grow again and the dog is not liable to rabies. The only cases that have come down to us among portents, so far as I have noted of a dog talking and a snake barking when Tarqum was driven from his kingdom. ",
  {'entities': [[490, 499, 'people']]}],
 [".1Alexander also had the good fortune to a great rarity in horseflesh. They called the animal Bucephalus, either because of its fierce appearance or from the mark of a bull's head branded on its shoulder. It is said that it was bought for sixteen talents from the herd of Philonicus of Pharsalus while Alexander was still a boy, as he was taken to its beauty. This horse when adorned with the royal saddle would not allow itself to be mounted by anybody except Alexander, though on other occasions it allowed anybody to mount. It is also celebrated for a memorable feat in battle, not having allowed Alexander during the attack on Thebes to change to another mount when it had been wounded; and a number of occurrences of the same kind are also reported, on account of which when it died the king headed its funeral procession, and built a city round its tomb which he named after it! Also the horse that belonged to Caesar the Dictator is said to have refused to let anyone else mount it; and it is also recorded that its fore feet were like those of a man, as it is represented in the statue that stands in front of the Temple of Venus Genetrix. The late lamented Augustus also made a funeral mound for a horse, which is the subject of a poem by Germanicus Caesar. At Akragas a great number of horses' tombs have pyramids over them. Juba attests that Semiramis fell so deeply in love with a horse that she married it. The Scythian cavalry regiments indeed resound with famous stories of horses: a chieftain was challenged to a duel by an enemy and killed, and when his adversary came to strip his body of its armour, his horse kicked him and bit him till he died; another horse, when its blinkers were removed and it found out that a mare it had covered was its dam, made for a precipice and committed suicide. We read that an ostler in the Reate district was savaged by a horse for the same reason. For horses actually understand the ties of relationship, and a filly in a herd is even fonder of going with a sister a year older than with their dam. Their docility is so great that we learn that the entire cavalry of the army of Sybaris used to perform a sort of ballet to the music of a band. The Sybarite horses also know beforehand when there is going to be a battle, and when they lose their masters mourn for them: sometimes they shed tears at the bereavement. When King Nicomedes was killed his horse ended its life by refusing food. Phylarchus records that when Antiochus fell in battle one of the Galatians Centaretus caught his horse and mounted it in triumph, but it was fired with indignation and taking the bit between its teeth so as to become unmanageable, galloped headlong to a precipice where it perished with its rider. Philistus records that Dionysius left his horse stuck in a bog, and when it extricated itself it followed its master's tracks with a swarm of bees clinging to its mane; and that in consequence of this portent Dionysius seized the tyranny. ",
  {'entities': [[2, 11, 'people'],
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    [2765, 2774, 'people'],
    [2765, 2774, 'people']]}],
 ['.1The cleverness of horses is beyond description. Mounted javelin men experience their docility in assisting difficult attempts with the actual swaying of their body; also they gather up the weapons lying on the ground and pass them to their rider. Horses harnessed to chariots in the circus unquestionably show that they understand the shouts of encouragement and applause. At the races in the circus forming part of the Secular Games of Claudius Caesar a charioteer of the Whites named Raven was thrown at the start, and his team took the lead and kept it by getting in the way of their rivals and jostling them aside and doing everything against them that they would have had to do with a most skilful charioteer in control, and as they were ashamed for human science to be beaten by horses, when they had completed the proper course they stopped dead at the chalk line. A greater portent was when in early days a charioteer was thrown at the plebeian circus races and the horses galloped on to the Capitol and raced round the temple three times just the same as if he still stood at the reins; but the greatest was when a chariot-team reached the same place from Veii with the palm-branch and wreath after Ratumenna who had won at Veii had been thrown: an event which subsequently gave its name to the gate. The Sarmatians get their horses into training for a long journey by giving them no fodder the day before and only allowing them a small amount of water, and by these means they ride them on a journey of 150 miles without drawing rein. ',
  {'entities': [[249, 255, 'people'],
    [439, 454, 'people'],
    [1002, 1009, 'place'],
    [1167, 1171, 'place'],
    [1167, 1171, 'place'],
    [1316, 1326, 'ethnic']]}],
 ['.2Some horses live fifty years, but mares live a shorter time; mares stop growing when five years old, the males a year later. The appearance of the horse that ought to be most preferred has been very beautifully described in the poetry of Virgil, but we also have dealt with it in our book on the Use of the Javelin by Cavalry, and I observe that there is almost universal agreement about it. But a different build is required for the Circus; and consequently though horses may be broken as two-year-olds to other service, racing in the Circus does not claim them before five. ',
  {'entities': [[240, 246, 'people'],
    [436, 442, 'place'],
    [436, 442, 'place']]}],
 ['.1Gestation in this genus lasts eleven months and the foal is born in the twelfth month. Breeding takes place as a rule in the spring equinox when both animals are two-year-olds, but the progeny is stronger if breeding begins at three. A stallion goes on serving to the age of 33, as they are sent from the racecourse to the stud at 20. It is recorded that a stallion at Opus even continued to 40, only he needed assistance in lifting his fore-quarters. But few animals are such unfertile sires as the horse; consequently intervals are allowed in breeding, and nevertheless a stallion cannot stand serving fifteen times in the same year. Mares in heat are cooled down by having their manes shorn; they foal yearly up to 40. It is stated that a mare has lived to 75. ',
  {'entities': [[371, 375, 'place']]}],
 ['.2In the equine genus the pregnant female is delivered standing up; and she loves her offspring more than all other female animals. And in fact a love-poison called horse-frenzy is found in the forehead of horses at birth, the size of a dried fig, black in colour, which a brood mare as soon as she has dropped her foal eats up, or else she refuses to suckle the foal. If anybody takes it before she gets it, and keeps it, the scent drives him into madness of the kind specified. If a foal loses its dam the other brood mares in the same herd rear the orphan. It is said that a foal is unable to reach the ground with its mouth within the first three days after birth. The greedier it is in drinking the deeper it dips its nostrils into the water. The Scythians prefer mares as chargers, because they can make water without checking their gallop. ',
  {'entities': [[752, 761, 'ethnic']]}],
 [".1It is known that in Lusitania in the neighbourhood of the town of Olisipo and the river Tagus mares when a west wind is blowing stand facing towards it and conceive the breath of life and that this produces a foal, and this is the way to breed a very swift colt, but it does not live more than three years. Also in Spain the Gallaic and Asturian tribes breed those of the horse kind that we call 'theldones,' though when more of a pony type they are designated 'cobs', which have not the usual paces in running but a smooth trot, straightening the near and offside legs alternately, from which the horses are taught by training to adopt an ambling pace. The horse has nearly the same diseases as mankind, and is also liable to shifting of the bladder, as are all beasts of the draft class. ",
  {'entities': [[22, 31, 'place'],
    [68, 75, 'place'],
    [90, 95, 'place'],
    [339, 347, 'people']]}],
 [".1Marcus Varro states that an ass was bought for the senator Quintus Axius at 400,000 sesterces which perhaps beats the price paid for any other animal. The services of the ass kind are undoubtedly bountiful in ploughing as well, but especially in breeding mules. In mules also regard is paid to locality of origin — in Greece the Arcadian breed is esteemed and in Italy the Iteatine. The ass itself is very bad at enduring cold, and consequently is not bred in the Black Sea district; and it is not allowed to breed at the spring equinox like all other cattle, but at midsummer. The males make worse sires when not in work. The females breed at two and a half years old at earliest, but regularly from three; they can breed as many times as mares, and in the same months and in a similar way. But the womb cannot retain the genital fluid but discharges it, unless the animal is whipped into a gallop after coupling. It seldom bears twins. When about to bear a foal it shuns the sunlight and seeks the shadow, so as not to be seen by a human being. It breeds through all its lifetime, which is thirty years. It has a very great affection for its young, but a greater dislike for water: she-asses will go through fire to their foals, but yet if the smallest stream intervenes they are afraid of merely wetting their hooves. Those kept in pastures will only drink at springs they are used to, and where they can get to drink by a dry track; and they will not go across bridges with interstices in their structure allowing the gleam of the river to be seen through them; and, surprising to say, they may be thirsty and have to be forced or coaxed to drink, if the stream is not the one they are used to. Only a wide allowance of stall-room is safe for them to lie down in, for when asleep they have a variety of dreams and frequently let out with their hooves, which at once causes lameness by hitting timber that is too hard unless they have plenty of room to kick in. The profit made out of she-asses surpasses the richest spoils of war. It is known that in Celtiberia their foals have made 400,000 sesterces per dam, especially when mules are bred. They say that in she-asses the hair of the ears and the eyelids is an important point, for although the rest of the dam's body is all one colour, the foal reproduces all the colours that were in those places. Maecenas set the fashion of eating donkey foals at banquets, and they were much preferred to wild asses at that period; but after his time the ass lost favour as a delicacy. Animals of this genus very quickly flag when their sight begins to go. ",
  {'entities': [[9, 14, 'people'],
    [69, 74, 'people'],
    [331, 339, 'demonym'],
    [365, 370, 'place'],
    [466, 475, 'place'],
    [2057, 2067, 'place'],
    [2358, 2366, 'people']]}],
 [".1A mare coupled with an ass after twelve months bears a mule, an animal of exceptional strength for agricultural operations. To breed mules they choose mares not less than four or more than ten years old. Also breeders say that females of either genus refuse stallions of the other one unless as foals they were suckled by females of the same genus as the stallions; for this reason they stealthily remove the foals in the dark and put them to mares' or she-asses' udders respectively. But a mule is also got by a horse out of an ass, though it is unmanageable, slow and obstinate. Also all the foals from old mares are sluggish. It causes miscarriage for a mare in foal by a horse to be put to an ass, but not vice versa. It has been observed that female asses are best coupled six days after they have borne a foal, and that males couple better when tired. It is noticed that a female that does not conceive before she casts what are called her milk-teeth is barren, as is one that does not begin to produce foals from the first coupling. Male foals of an ass by a horse were in old days called hinnies, while the term mules was used for the foals of a mare by an ass. It has been noticed that the offspring of two different races of animals belong to a third kind and resemble neither parent; and that such hybrids are not themselves fertile: this is the case with all kinds of animals, and is the reason why mules are barren. A number of cases of reproduction by mules are recorded in our Annals, but these were considered portentous. Theophrastus states that mules breed commonly in Cappadocia, but that the Cappadocian mule is a peculiar species. A mule can be checked from kicking by rather frequent drinks of wine. It is stated in the records of a good many Greeks that a foal has been got from a mare coupled with a mule, called a ginnus, which means a small mule. She-mules bred from a mare and tamed wild-asses are swift in pace and have extremely hard hooves, but a lean body and an indomitable spirit. But as a sire the foal of a wild-ass and a domestic she-ass excels all others. The wild-asses in Phrygia and Lycaonia are pre-eminent. Africa boasts of their foals as an outstanding table delicacy; the vernacular word for them is lalisio. Records at Athens attest a mule's having lived 80 years; for the citizens were so delighted because after it had been put aside owing to old age it encouraged the teams by its company and assistance in their uphill work during the construction of a temple on the citadel, that they made a decree that the corn-dealers were not to keep it away from their stands. ",
  {'entities': [[1540, 1552, 'people'],
    [1589, 1599, 'place'],
    [1614, 1625, 'person'],
    [2113, 2120, 'place'],
    [2125, 2133, 'place'],
    [2266, 2272, 'place']]}],
 [".1Indian oxen are reported to be as tall as camels and to have horns with a span of four feet. In our part of the world the most famous are those of Epirus, having been so, it is said, ever since the attention given to them by King Pyrrhus. Pyrrhus achieved this result by not requisitioning them for breeding before the age of four; consequently his oxen were very large, and the remains of his breeds continue even today. But now yearling heifers are called upon for breeding, though they can stand it better at two years, while bulls are made to serve at four. Each bull serves ten cows in the same year. It is said that if the bulls after coupling go away towards the right hand side the offspring will be males, and if towards the left, females. Conception is effected by one coupling, and if this happens to miss, the female goes to a male again twenty days after. They bear the calf in the tenth month; one produced before is of no use. Some authorities say that they bear on the actual last day of the tenth month. They rarely produce twins. Coupling takes place in the thirty days following the rise of the Dolphin on January 4, and occasionally in the autumn also, though nations that live on milk spread it out so that there may be a supply of this nutriment at every season of the year. Bulls do not couple more than twice in one day. Oxen are the only animals that graze even while walking backward; indeed among the Garamantes that is their only way of grazing. The longest life of a cow is 15 years and of a bull 20; they grow to full strength at 5. Washing in hot water is said to fatten them, and also cutting a hole in the hide and blowing air into the flesh with a reed. Even the breeds less praised for their appearance are not to be deemed inferior: the Alpine cows which are the smallest in size give most milk, and do most work, although they are yoked by the head and not the neck. Syrian oxen have no dewlaps, but a hump on the back. Also the Carian breed in a district of Asia is said to be ugly in appearance, with a swelling that projects from the neck over the shoulders and with the horns displaced, but excellent in work — although when black and white in colour they are said to be no good for ploughing; the bulls have smaller and thinner horns than the cows. Oxen should be broken when three years old; after that it is too late and before too early; the best way to train a young bullock is to yoke it with one already broken in. For we possess in this animal a partner in labour and in husbandry, held in such esteem with our predecessors that among our records of punishments there is a case of a man who was indicted for having killed an ox because a wanton young companion said he had never eaten bullock's tripe, and was convicted by the public court and sent into exile just as though he had murdered his farm-labourer. ",
  {'entities': [[149, 155, 'place'],
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    [232, 239, 'people'],
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    [1775, 1781, 'demonym'],
    [1968, 1974, 'demonym'],
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    [1347, 1351, 'people']]}],
 [".2Bulls have a noble appearance, a grim brow, bristly ears, and horns bared for action and asking for a fight; but their chief threat is in their fore feet: a bull stands glowing with wrath, bending back either fore foot in turn and splashing up the sand against his belly — it is the only animal that goads itself into a passion by these means. We have seen bulls, when fighting a duel under orders and on show for the purpose, being whirled round and caught on the horns as they fall and afterwards rise again, and then when lying down be lifted off the ground, and even stand in a car like charioteers with a pair of horses racing at full speed. It is a device of the Thessalian race to kill bulls by galloping a horse beside them and twisting back the neck by the horn; the dictator Caesar first gave this show at Rome. The bull supplies costly victims and the most sumptuous appeasement of the gods. In this animal only of all that have a comparatively long tail, the tail is not of the proper size from birth, as it is in the others; and with it alone the tail grows till it reaches right down to the feet. Consequently the test of victims for sacrifice in the case of a calf is that the tail must reach the joint of the hock; if it is shorter the offering is not acceptable. It has also been noted that calves are not usually acceptable if carried to the altars on a man's shoulders, and also that the gods are not propitiated if the victim is lame or is not of the appropriate sort, or if it drags itself away from the altar. It frequently occurs among the prodigies of old times that an ox spoke, and when this was reported it was customary for a meeting of the senate to be held in the open air. ",
  {'entities': [[2, 7, 'people'],
    [671, 681, 'demonym'],
    [787, 793, 'people'],
    [818, 822, 'place']]}],
 [".1In Egypt an ox is even worshipped in place of a god; its name is Apis. Its distinguishing mark is a bright white spot in the shape of a crescent on the right flank, and it has a knob under the tongue which they call a beetle. It is not lawful for it to exceed a certain number of years of life, and they kill it by drowning it in the fountain of the priests, proceeding with lamentation to look for another to put in its place, and they go on mourning till they have found one, actually shaving the hair off their heads. Nevertheless the search never continues long. When the successor is found it is led by 100 priests to Memphis. It has a pair of shrines, which they call its bedchambers, that supply the nations with auguries: when it enters one this is a joyful sign, but in the other one it portends terrible events. It gives answers to private individuals by taking food out of the hand of those who consult it; it turned away from the hand of Germanicus Caesar, who was made away with not long after. Usually living in retirement, when it sallies forth into assemblies it proceeds with lictors to clear the way, and companies of boys escort it singing a song in its honour; it seems to understand, and to desire to be worshipped. These companies are suddenly seized with frenzy and chant prophecies of future events. Once a year a cow is displayed to it, she too with her decorations, although they are not the same as his; and it is traditional for her always to be found and put to death on the same day. At Memphis there is a place in the Nile which from its shape they call the Goblet; every year they throw into the river there a gold and a silver cup on the days which they keep as the birthdays of Apis. These are seven; and it is a remarkable fact that during these days nobody is attacked by crocodiles, but that after midday on the eighth day the creature's savagery returns. ",
  {'entities': [[5, 10, 'place'],
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 [".1Sheep are also of great service either in respect of propitiatory offerings to the gods or in the use of their fleeces. As oxen improve men's diet, so the protection of their bodies is owed to sheep. They breed when two years old on both sides, till the age of nine, and in some cases even till ten. The lambs at the first birth are smaller. They all couple from the setting of Arcturus, that is May 13th, to the setting of Aquila, July 23rd; they carry their lambs 150 days. Lambs conceived after the date mentioned are weak; in old days those born later were called cordi. Many people prefer winter lambs to spring ones, holding that it is more important for them to be well-established before midsummer than before midwinter, and that this animal alone is advantageously born in winter. It is inbred in the ram to despise lambs as mates and to desire maturity in sheep; and the ram himself is better in old age, and also more serviceable when polled. His wildness is restrained by boring a hole in the horn close to the ear. If a ligature is put on the right testicle he gets females and if on the left males. Claps of thunder cause sheep to miscarry when solitary; the remedy is to herd them in flocks, so as to be cheered by company. They say that male lambs are got when a north wind is blowing and female when a south; and in this breed the greatest attention is given to the mouths of the rams, as the wool in the case of the progeny is of the colour of the veins under the tongue of the parent ram, and if these were of several colours the lamb is van-coloured. Also changing the water they drink varies their colour. ",
  {'entities': [[2, 7, 'people'],
    [380, 388, 'people'],
    [426, 432, 'people']]}],
 [".2There are two principal breeds of sheep, jacketed sheep and farm sheep; the former are softer and the latter more delicate in their pasture, inasmuch as the jacketed sheep feeds on brambles. The best jackets for them are made of Arabian sheep's wool. ",
  {'entities': [[231, 238, 'people']]}],
 [".1The most highly esteemed wool is the Apulian and the kind that is called in Italy wool of the Greek breed and elsewhere Italian wool. The third place is held by the sheep of Miletus. The Apulian fleeces are short in the hair, and not of great repute except for cloaks; they have a very high reputation in the districts of Taranto and Canossa, as have the Laodicean fleeces of the same breed in Asia. No white fleece is valued above that from the district of the Po, and none has hitherto gone beyond the price of a pound. Sheep are not shorn everywhere — in some places the practice survives of plucking off the wool. There are several sorts of colour, in fact even names are lacking for the wools which are variously designated after their places of origin: Spain has the principal black wool fleeces, Pollentia near the Alps white, Asia the red fleeces that they call Erythrean, Baetica the same, Canossa tawny, Taranto also a dark colour of its own.. All fresh fleeces have a medicinal property. Istrian and Liburnian fleece is nearer to hair than wool, and not suitable for garments with a soft nap; and the same applies to the fleece that Salaeia in Lusitania advertises by its check pattern. There is a similar wool in the district of the Fishponds in the province of Narbonne, and also in Egypt, which is used for darning clothes worn by use and making them last again for a long period. Also the coarse hair of a shaggy fleece has a very ancient popularity in carpets: Homer a is evidence that they were undoubtedly in use even in very early times. Different methods of dyeing these fleeces are practised by the Gauls and by the Parthian races. Self-felted fleeces make clothing, and also if vinegar is added withstand even steel, nay more even fire, the latest method of cleaning them. In fact fleeces drawn from the coppers of the polishers serve as stuffing for cushions, I believe by a French invention: at all events at the present day it is classified under Gallic names. And I could not easily say at what period this began; for people in old times had bedding of straw, in the same way as in camp now. Frieze cloaks began within my father's memory and cloaks with hair on both sides within my own, as also shaggy body-belts; moreover weaving a broad-striped tunic after the manner of a frieze cloak is coming in for the first time now. Black fleeces will not take dye of any colour; we will discuss the dyeing of the other sorts in their proper places under the head of marine shellfish or the nature of various plants. ",
  {'entities': [[39, 46, 'demonym'],
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 ['.1Marcus Varro informs us, on his own authority, that the wool on the distaff and spindle of Tanaquil (who was also called Gala Caecilia) was still preserved in the temple of Sancus; and also in the shrine of Fortune a pleated royal robe made by her, which had been worn by Servius Tullius. Hence arose the practice that maidens at their marriage were accompanied by a decorated distaff and a spindle with thread. Tanaquil first wove a straight tunic of the kind that novices wear with the plain white toga, and newly married brides. The pleated robe was the first among those most in favour; consequently the spotted robe went out of fashion. Fenestella writes that togas of smooth cloth and of Phrygian wool began in the latest times of the late lamented Augustus. Togas of closely woven poppy-cloth have a an older source, being noticed as far back as the poet Lucilius in the case of Torquatus. Bordered robes found their origin with the Etruscans. I find it recorded that striped robes were worn by the kings, and they had embroidered robes as far back as Homer, these being the origin of those worn in triumphs. Embroidering with the needle was discovered by the Phrygians, and consequently embroidered robes are called Phrygian. Gold embroidery was also invented in Asia, by King Attalus, from whom Attalic robes got their name. Weaving different colours into a pattern was chiefly brought into vogue by Babylon, which gave its name to this process. But the fabric called damask woven with a number of threads was introduced by Alexandria, and check patterns by Gaul. Metellus Scipio counts it among the charges against Capito that Babylonian coverlets were already then sold for 800,000 sesterces, which lately cost the Emperor Nero 4,000,000. The state robes of Servius Tullius, with which the statue of Fortune dedicated by him was draped, lasted till the death of Sejanus, and it was remarkable that they had not rotted away or suffered damage from moths in 560 years. We have before now seen the fleeces even of living animals dyed with purple, scarlet, crimson ... as though luxury forced them to be born like that. ',
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    [1875, 1882, 'people']]}],
 [".1In the sheep itself breed is sufficiently shown by shortness of the legs and a well-clothed belly. Sheep with the belly bare used to be called 'misfits' and turned down. The sheep of Syria have tails 18 inches long, and a great deal of wool on that part. It is considered too soon for lambs to be gelt unless five months old. ",
  {'entities': [[101, 106, 'people'], [185, 190, 'place']]}],
 [".2In Spain, but particularly in Corsica, there is an animal not unlike the sheep, the moufflon, with hair nearer the goat's than the sheep's; these when crossed with sheep produce what in old days were called Umbrians. Sheep are very weak in the head, and consequently must be made to graze with their backs to the sun. The fleecy sheep is the stupidest of animals; if afraid to go into a place they will follow one of the flock that is taken by the horn. Their longest term of life is 10 years, in Ethiopia 13; goats in Ethiopia live 11 years, but in other parts of the world at most eight. In breeding with either kind to couple three times at most is sufficient. ",
  {'entities': [[32, 39, 'place'],
    [209, 217, 'people'],
    [219, 224, 'people'],
    [499, 507, 'place'],
    [499, 507, 'place']]}],
 [".1Goats bear as many as four kids at once, but rather seldom; they carry their young for 5 months, like sheep. He-goats are made sterile by over-fattening. They are not very useful as sires till three years old, nor in old age, and they do not serve for more than four years. They begin when six months old and before they are weaned. Both sexes breed better with the horns removed. The first coupling in the day has no result, but the following and subsequent ones are more effectual. She-goats conceive in November so as to bear kids in March when the bushes arc budding — yearlings sometimes and two-year-olds always, but they are not of much use for breeding unless three years old. They go on bearing for eight years. They are liable to miscarriage from cold. A she-goat cures its eyes when bloodshot by pricking them on a rush, he-goats on a bramble. Mucianus has described a case of this animal's cleverness seen by himself — two goats coming in opposite directions met on a very narrow bridge, and as the narrow space did not permit them to turn round and the length did not allow of backing blindly on the scanty passageway with a rushing torrent flowing threateningly below, one of them lay down and so the other one passed over, treading on top of it. People admire he-goats that are as snub-nosed as possible, with long drooping ears and extremely shaggy flanks. It is a mark of good breeding in she-goats to have two dewlaps hanging down from the neck; not all have horns, but in those that have there are also indications of their years furnished by the growths of the knobs; they give more milk when without horns; according to Archelaus they breathe though the ears, not the nostrils, and are never free from fever: this is perhaps the reason why they are more high-spirited than sheep and hotter in coupling. It is said that goats can see by night as well as they can in the daytime, and that consequently a diet of goat's liver restores twilight sight to persons suffering from what is called night-blindness. In Cilicia and the Syrtes region people wear clothes made of hair shorn from goats. They say that she-goats in the pastures when the sun is setting do not look at one another but lie down with their backs to each other, though at other times of the day they lie facing each other and take notice of one another. From the chin of all goats hangs a tuft of hair called their heard. If you grasp a she-goat by this and drag her out of the herd the others look on in amazement; this also happens as well when one of them nibbles a particular plant. Their bite kills a tree; they make an olive tree barren even by licking it, and for this reason they are not offered in sacrifice to Minerva. ",
  {'entities': [[2, 7, 'people'],
    [857, 865, 'people'],
    [1643, 1652, 'people'],
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    [2047, 2053, 'place'],
    [2706, 2713, 'people']]}],
 [".1Swine are allowed to breed from the beginning of spring to the vernal equinox, beginning at seven months old and in some places even at three months, and continuing to their eighth year. Sows bear twice a year, carrying their pigs four months: litters number up to 20, but sows cannot rear so many. Nigidius states that for ten days at midwinter pigs are born with the teeth already grown. Sows are impregnated by one coupling, which is also repeated because they are so liable to abortion; the remedy is not to allow coupling at the first heat or before the ears are pendulous. Hogs cannot serve when over three years old. Sows exhausted by age couple lying down; it is nothing out of the way for them to eat their litter. A pig is suitable for sacrifice four days after birth, a lamb in a week and a calf in a month. Coruncanius asserted that ruminant animals are not acceptable as victims before they grow their front teeth. It is thought that a sow that loses an eye soon dies, but that otherwise sows live to fifteen and in some cases even twenty years; but they become savage, and in any ease the breed is liable to diseases, especially quinsy and serofula. Symptoms of bad health in a sow are when blood is found on the root of a bristle pulled out of its back and when it holds its head on one side in walking. If too fat they experience lack of milk; and they have a smaller number of pigs in their first litter. The breed likes wallowing in mud. The tail is curly; also it has been noticed that it is easier to kill them for sacrifice when the tail curls to the right than when to the left. They take 60 days to fatten, but fatten better if feeding up is preceded by three days' fast. The pig is the most brutish of animals, and there used to be a not unattractive idea that its soul was given it to serve as salt. it is a known fact that some pigs carried off by thieves recognized the voice of their swineherd, crowded to one side of the ship till it capsized and sank, and swam back to shore. Moreover the leaders of a herd in the city learn to go to the market place and to find their way home; and wild hogs know how to obliterate their tracks by crossing marshy ground, and to relieve themselves when running away by making water. Sows are spayed in the same way as also camels are, by being hung up by the fore legs after two days without food and having the matrix cut out; this makes them fatten quicker. There is also a method of treating the liver of sows as of geese, a discovery of Marcus Apicius — they are stuffed with dried fig, and when full killed directly after having been given a drink of mead. Nor does any animal supply a larger number of materials for an eating-house: they have almost fifty flavours, whereas all other meats have one each. Hence pages of sumptuary laws, and the prohibition of hog's paunches, sweetbreads, testicles, matrix and cheeks for banquets, although nevertheless no dinner of the pantomime writer Publius after he had obtained his freedom is recorded that did not include paunch — he actually got from this the nickname of Pig's Paunch. ",
  {'entities': [[2, 7, 'people'],
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    [189, 193, 'people'],
    [189, 193, 'people'],
    [821, 832, 'people'],
    [189, 193, 'people'],
    [2514, 2521, 'people'],
    [3085, 3088, 'people']]}],
 [".1But also wild boar has been a popular meat. luxury. As far back as Cato the Censor a we find his speeches denouncing boar's meat bacon. Nevertheless a boar used to be cut up into three parts and the middle part served at table, under the name of boar's loin. Publius Servilius Rullus, father of the Rullus who brought in the land settlement act during Cicero's consulship, first served a boar whole at his banquets — so recent is the origin of what is now an everyday affair; and this occurrence has been noted by historians, presumably for the improvement of the manners of the present day, when it is the fashion for two or three boars to be devoured at one time not even as a whole dinner but as the first course. ",
  {'entities': [[69, 73, 'people'],
    [269, 278, 'people'],
    [279, 285, 'people'],
    [279, 285, 'people'],
    [354, 360, 'people']]}],
 ['.2Fulvius Lippinus was the first person of Roman nationality who invented preserves for wild pigs and the other kinds of game: he introduced keeping wild animals in the district of Tarquinii; and he did not long lack imitators, Lucius Lucullus and Quintus Hortensius. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 9, 'people'],
    [10, 18, 'people'],
    [181, 190, 'people'],
    [235, 243, 'people'],
    [256, 266, 'people']]}],
 [".3Wild pigs breed once a year. The boars are very rough when mating; at this period they fight each other, hardening their flanks by rubbing against trees and plastering their behinds with mud. The females are fiercer when with young, and this is more or less the same in every kind of wild animal. Male boats do not mate till one year old. In India they have curved tusks 18 in. long: two project from the jaw, and two from the forehead like a calf's horns. The wild boar's hair is a sort of copper colour; that of the other species is black. But the hog genus does not occur in Arabia. ",
  {'entities': [[344, 349, 'place'], [580, 586, 'place']]}],
 [".1In the case of no other kind of animal is it so easy to cross with the wild variety; the offspring of such unions in old days were called 'hybrids,' meaning half-wild, a term also applied as a nickname to human beings, for instance, to Cicero's colleague in the consulship Gaius Antonius. But not only in pigs but in all animals as well whenever there is any tame variety of a genus there is also found a wild one of the same genus, inasmuch as even in the case of man an equal number of savage races have been predicted to exist. Nevertheless the formation of the goat is transferred to a very large number of similar species: there are the goat, the chamois and the ibex — an animal of marvellous speed, although its head is burdened with enormous horns resembling the sheaths of swords, towards which it sways itself as though whirled with a sort of catapult, chiefly when on rocks and seeking to leap from one crag to another, and by means of the recoil leaps out more nimbly to the point to which it wants to get. There are also the oryx, the only species according to certain authorities clothed with hair lying the wrong way, towards the head, and the antelope, the white-rumped antelope, the twisted-horn antelope and a great many other not dissimilar species. But the former we receive from the Alps, the latter from places across the sea. ",
  {'entities': [[238, 244, 'people'],
    [281, 289, 'people'],
    [1306, 1310, 'place']]}],
 ['.1The kinds of apes also which are closest to the human shape are distinguished from each other by the tails. They are marvellously cunning: people say that they use bird-lime as ointment, and that they put on the nooses set to snare them as if they were shoes, in imitation of the hunters; according to Mucianus the tailed species have even been known to play at draughts, are able to distinguish at a glance sham nuts made of wax, and are depressed by the moon waning and worship the new moon with delight: and it is a fact that the other four-footed animals also are frightened by eclipses. The genus ape has a remarkable affection for its young. Tame monkeys kept in the house who bear young ones carry them about and show them to everybody, and delight in having them stroked, looking as if they understood that they are being congratulated; and as a consequence in a considerable number of cases they kill their babies by hugging them. The baboon is of a fiercer nature, just as the satyrus is extremely gentle. The pretty-haired ape is almost entirely different in appearance: it has a bearded face and a tail flattened out wide at the base. This animal is said to be unable to live in any other climate but that of its native country, Ethiopia. ',
  {'entities': [[304, 312, 'people'], [1243, 1251, 'place']]}],
 [".1There are also several kinds of hare. In the Alps there are white hares, which are believed to eat snow for their fodder in the winter months — at all events they turn a reddish colour every year when the snow melts — and in other ways the animal is a nurseling of the intolerable cold. The animals in Spain called rabbits also belong to the genus hare; their fertility is beyond counting, and they bring famine to the Balearic Islands by ravaging the crops. Their young cut out from the mother before birth or taken from the teat are considered a very great delicacy, served without being gutted; the name for them is laurer. It is an established fact that the peoples of the Balearics petitioned the late lamented Augustus for military assistance against the spread of these animals. The ferret is extremely popular for rabbit-hunting; they throw ferrets into the burrows with a number of exits that the rabbits tunnel in the ground (this is the derivation of their name cony) and so catch the rabbits when they are driven out to the surface. Archelaus states that a hare is as many years old as it has folds in the bowel: these are certainly found to vary in number. The same authority says that the hare is a hermaphrodite and reproduces equally well without a male. Nature has shown her benevolence in making harmless and edible breeds of animals prolific. The hare which is born to be all creatures' prey is the only animal beside the shaggy-footed rabbit that practises superfetation, rearing one leveret while at the same time carrying in the womb another clothed with hair and another bald and another still an embryo. Also the experiment has been made of using the fur of the hare for making clothes, although it is not so soft to the touch as it is when on the animal's skin, and the garments soon come to pieces because of the shortness of the hair. ",
  {'entities': [[47, 51, 'place'],
    [421, 437, 'place'],
    [679, 688, 'ethnic'],
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    [1047, 1056, 'people']]}],
 ['.1Hares rarely grow tame, although they cannot properly be termed wild animals — for in fact there are a good many creatures that are neither wild nor tame but of a character intermediate between each, for instance among winged things swallows and bees, in the sea dolphins. Many people have also placed in this class these denizens of our homes the mice, a creature not to be ignored among portents even in regard to public affairs; they foretold the war with the Marsians by gnawing the silver shields at Lanuvium, and the death of General Carbo by gnawing at the puttees that he wore inside his sandals. There are more varieties of mice in the district of Cyrene, some with broad and others with pointed heads, and others like hedgehogs with prickly bristles. Theophrastus states that on the island of Chiura when they had banished the inhabitants they even gnawed iron, and that they also do this by a sort of instinct in the iron foundries in the country of the Chalybes: indeed, he says, in gold mines because of this their bellies get cut away and their theft of gold is always detected, so fond are they of thieving. The Public Records relate that during the siege of Casilinum by Hannibal a mouse was sold for 200 francs, and that the man who sold it died of hunger while the buyer lived. The appearance of white mice constitutes a joyful omen. For we have our Records full of instances of the auspices being interrupted by the squeaking of shrews. Nigidius states that shrews themselves also hibernate as do dormice, which sumptuary legislation and Marcus Scaurus the Head of the State during his consulship ruled out from banquets just as they did shell-fish or birds imported from other parts of the world. The shrewmouse itself also is a half-wild animal, and keeping it alive in jars was originated by the same person as started keeping wild pigs. In this connexion it has been noticed that shrew-mice do not associate unless they are natives of the same forest, and if foreigners separated by a river or mountain are introduced they die fighting one another. They feed their parents when exhausted by old age with remarkable affection. Their old age comes to its end during the winter repose — for these creatures also hibernate, and renew their youth at the coming of summer. Dormice hibernate similarly. ',
  {'entities': [[465, 473, 'people'],
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    [1176, 1185, 'place'],
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    [1458, 1466, 'people'],
    [1566, 1573, 'people']]}],
 ['.1In this connexion it is surprising that Nature has not only assigned different animals to different countries, but has also denied certain animals to some places in the same region. In the Mesian forest in Italy dormice of which we are now speaking are only found in one part. In Lycia the gazelles do not cross the mountains near the Sexi, nor the wild asses the boundary dividing Cappadocia from Cilicia. The stags on the Hellespont do not migrate into unfamiliar districts, and those in the neighbourhood of Arginusa do not go beyond Mount Elaphus, even those on the mountain having cleft ears. In the island of Pordoselene weasels do not cross a road. Similarly in Boeotia moles that undermine the whole of the fields in Orchomenus near by, when imported into Lebadeia are shy of the very soil. We have seen counterpanes for beds made out of their skins: so powerless is even superstition to protect the miraculous against luxury. In Ithaca imported hares die on the very edge of the shore, as do rabbits in Iviza, although Spain and the Balearic Islands close by are teeming with them. At Cyrene the frogs were silent, and though croaking frogs have been imported from the mainland the silent breed goes on. Frogs are also silent in the island of Seriphos, but the same frogs croak when removed to some other place, which is also said to happen in the Siccanean Lake in Thessaly. The bite of the shrewmouse in Italy is venomous, but the venomous species is not found in the district beyond the Apennines. Also wherever it occurs it dies if it crosses the track of a wheel. There are no wolves on Mount Olympus in Macedon, nor in the island of Crete. In fact in Crete there are no wolves or bears either, and no noxious animal at all except a poisonous spider: we shall speak of this species in its place, under the head of spiders. It is more remarkable that in the same island there are no stags except in the district of Cydonea, and the same is the case with wild boars and francolins and hedgehogs, while in Africa there are neither wild boars nor stags nor wild goats nor bears. ',
  {'entities': [[208, 213, 'place'],
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    [1620, 1627, 'place'],
    [1650, 1655, 'place'],
    [1650, 1655, 'place'],
    [1930, 1937, 'people']]}],
 ['.1Again, some animals harmless to natives of the country are deadly to foreigners, for instance some small snakes at Tiryns that are said to be born from the earth. Similarly serpents in Syria specially found about the banks of the Euphrates do not touch Syrians when asleep, or even if they bite them when trodden on are not felt to cause any evil effect, but they are maleficent to other people of whatever race, killing them voraciously and with torturing pain, on account of which the Syrians also do not kill them. On the other hand Aristotle [FR. 605 Rose] relates that the scorpions on Mount Latmos in Carla do not wound strangers but kill natives. But we will also speak of the remaining kinds of land animals. ',
  {'entities': [[117, 123, 'place'],
    [187, 192, 'place'],
    [232, 241, 'place'],
    [538, 547, 'people'],
    [599, 605, 'place'],
    [609, 614, 'people']]}],
 ['.1WE have indicated the nature of the species that we have designated land animals, as living in some kind of association with men. Of the remaining kinds it is agreed that birds are the smallest. We will therefore first speak of the creatures of the seas, rivers and ponds. ',
 [".2There are however a considerable number of these that are larger even than land animals. The obvious cause of this is the lavish nature of liquid. Birds, which live hovering in the air, are in a different condition. But in the sea, lying so widely outspread and so yielding and productive of nutriment, because the element receives generative causes from above and is always producing offspring, a great many actual monstrosities are found, the seeds and first principles intertwining and interfolding with each other now in one way and now in another, now by the action of the wind and now by that of the waves, so ratifying the common opinion that everything born in any department of nature exists also in the sea, as well as a number of things never found elsewhere. Indeed we may realize that it contains likenesses of things and not of animals only, when we examine the grape, the sword-fish, the saw-fish, and the cucumber-fish, the last resembling a real cucumber both in colour and scent; which makes it less surprising that in cockle-shells that are so tiny there are horses' heads projecting. ",
 [".1But the largest number of animals and those of the largest size are in the Indian Sea, among them whales covering three acres each, and sharks 100 ells long: in fact in those regions lobsters grow to 6 ft. long, and also eels in the river Ganges to 300 ft. The monsters in the sea are mostly to be seen about the solstices. At those periods in that part of the world there are rushing whirlwinds and rainstorms and tempests hurtling down from the mountain ridges that upturn the seas from their bottom, and roll with their waves monsters forced up from the depths in such a multitude, like the shoals of tunnies in other places, that the fleet of Alexander the Great deployed its column in line of battle to encounter them, in the same way as if an enemy force were meeting it: it was not possible to escape them in any other manner. They are not scared by shouts or noises or uproar, but only by impact, and they are only routed by a violent collision. There is an enormous peninsula in the Red Sea called Cadara, the projection of which forms a vast bay which took King Ptolemy twelve days and nights of rowing to cross, as it does not admit a breath of wind from any quarter. In this tranquil retreat particularly the creatures grow to a huge motionless bulk. The admirals of the fleets of Alexander the Great have stated that the Gedrosi who live by the river Arabis make the doorways in their houses out of the monsters' jaws and use their bones for roof-beams, many of them having been found that were 60 ft. long. Also great creatures resembling sheep come out on to the land in that country and after grazing on the roots of bushes return; and there are some with the heads of horses, asses and bulls that eat up the crops. ",
  {'entities': [[241, 247, 'place'],
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    [994, 1001, 'place'],
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    [649, 658, 'people'],
    [1336, 1343, 'people']]}],
 [".1The largest animals in the Indian Ocean are the shark and the whale; the largest in the Bay of Biscay is the sperm-whale, which rears up like a vast pillar higher than a ship's rigging and belches out a sort of deluge; the largest in the Gulf of Cadiz is the tree-polypus, which spreads out such vast branches that it is believed never to have entered the Straits of Gibraltar because of this. The creatures called Wheels from their resemblance to a wheel also put in an appearance, these radiating in four spokes, with their nave terminating in two eyes, one on each side. ",
  {'entities': [[248, 253, 'place']]}],
 ['.1An embassy from Olisipo sent for the purpose reported to the Emperor Tiberius that a Triton had been seen and heard playing on a shell in a certain cave, and that he had the well-known shape. The description of the Nereids also is not incorrect, except that their body is bristling with hair even in the parts where they have human shape; for a Nereid has been seen on the same coast, whose mournful song moreover when dying has been heard a long way off by the coast-dwellers; also the Governor of Gaul wrote to the late lamented Augustus that a large number of dead Nereids were to be seen on the shore. I have distinguished members of the Order of Knighthood as authorities for the statement that a man of the sea has been seen by them in the Gulf of Cadiz, with complete resemblance to a human being in every part of his body, and that he climbs on board ships during the hours of the night and the side of the vessel that he sits on is at once weighed down, and if he stays there longer actually goes below the water. During the rule of Tiberius, in an island off the coast of the province of Lugdunum the receding ocean tide left more than 300 monsters at the same time, of marvellous variety and size, and an equal number on the coast of Saintes, and among the rest elephants, and rams with only a white streak to resemble horns, and also many Nereids. Turranius has stated that a monster was cast ashore on the coast at Cadiz that had 24 feet of tail-end between its two fins, and also 120 teeth, the biggest 9 inches and the smallest 6 inches long. The skeleton of the monster to which Andromeda in the story was exposed was brought by Marcus Scaurus from the town of Jaffa in Judaea and shown at Rome among the rest of the marvels during his aedileship; it was 40 ft. long, the height of the ribs exceeding the elephants of India, and the spine being 1 ft. 6 inches thick. ',
  {'entities': [[18, 25, 'place'],
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    [217, 223, 'people'],
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    [217, 224, 'people'],
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    [1679, 1684, 'place'],
    [1688, 1694, 'place'],
    [1708, 1712, 'place'],
    [1836, 1841, 'place']]}],
 [".1Whales even penetrate into our seas. It is said that they are not seen in the Gulf of Cadiz before midwinter, but during the summer periods hide in a certain calm and spacious inlet, and take marvellous delight in breeding there; and that this is known to the killer whale, a creature that is the enemy of the other species and the appearance of which can be represented by no other description except that of an enormous mass of flesh with savage teeth. The killer whales therefore burst into their retreats and bite and mangle their calves or the females that have calved or are still in calf, and charge and pierce them like warships ramming. The whales being sluggish in bending and slow in retaliating, and burdened by their weight, and at this season also heavy with young or weakened by travail in giving birth, know only one refuge, to retreat to the deep sea and defend their safety by means of the ocean. Against this the killer whales use every effort to confront them and get in their way, and to slaughter them when cooped up in narrow straits or drive them into shallows and make them dash themselves upon rocks. To spectators these battles look as if the sea were raging against itself, as no winds are blowing in the gulf, but there are waves caused by the whales blowing and thrashing that are larger than those aroused by any whirlwinds. A killer whale was actually seen in the harbour of Ostia in battle with the Emperor Claudius; it had come at the time when he was engaged in completing the structure of the harbour, being tempted by the wreck of a cargo of hides imported from Gaul, and in glutting itself for a number of days had furrowed a hollow in the shallow bottom and had been banked up with sand by the waves so high that it was quite unable to turn round, and while it was pursuing its food which was driven forward to the shore by the waves its back projected far above the water like a capsized boat. Caesar gave orders for a barrier of nets to be stretched between the mouths of the harbour and setting out in person with the praetorian cohorts afforded a show to the Roman public, the soldiery hurling lances from the vessels against the creatures when they leapt up alongside, and we saw one of the boats sunk from being filled with water owing to a beast's snorting. ",
  {'entities': [[88, 93, 'place'],
    [1409, 1414, 'place'],
    [1442, 1450, 'people'],
    [1936, 1942, 'people']]}],
 ['.1Whales have their mouths in their foreheads, and consequently when swimming on the surface of the water they blow clouds of spray into the air. It is universally admitted that a very few other creatures in the sea also breathe, those whose internal organs include a lung, since it is thought that no animal is able to breathe without one. Those who hold this opinion believe that the fishes possessing gills do not alternately expire and inspire air, and that many other classes even lacking gills do not — an opinion which I notice that Aristotle a held and supported by many learned researches. Nor do I pretend that I do not myself immediately accept this view of theirs since it is possible that animals may also possess other respiratory organs in place of lungs, if nature so wills, just as also many possess another fluid instead of blood. At all events who can be surprised that this life-giving breath penetrates into water if he observes that it is also given back again from the water, and that it also penetrates into the earth, that much denser element, as is proved by animals that live always in underground burrows, like moles. Undoubtedly to my mind there are additional facts that make me believe that in fact all creatures in the water breathe, owing to the condition of their own nature — in the first place a sort of panting that has often been noticed in fishes during the summer heat, and another form of gasping, so to speak, in calm weather, and also the admission in regard to fishes sleeping made even by those persons who are of the opposite opinion — for how can sleep occur without breathing? — and moreover the bubbles caused on the surface of the water by air rising from below, and the effect of the moon in causing the bodies even of shellfish to increase in size. Above all there is the fact that it will not be doubted that fish have the sense of hearing and smell, both of which are derived from the substance of air: scent indeed could not possibly be interpreted as anything else than an infection of the air. Consequently it is open to every person to form whatever opinion about these matters he pleases. Whales do not possess gills, nor do dolphins. These two genera breathe with a tube that passes to the lung, in the case of whales from the forehead and in the case of dolphins from the back. Also sea-calves, called seals, breathe and sleep on land, as also do tortoises, about whom more shortly. ',
  {'entities': [[540, 549, 'people']]}],
 [".1The swiftest of all animals, not only those of the sea, is the dolphin; it is swifter than a bird and darts faster than a javelin, and were not its mouth much below its snout, almost in the middle of its belly, not a single fish would escape its speed. But nature's foresight contributes delay, because they cannot seize their prey except by turning over on their backs. This fact especially shows their speed; for when spurred by hunger they have chased a fleeing fish into the lowest depths and have held their breath too long, they shoot up like arrows from a bow in order to breathe again, and leap out of the water with such force that they often fly over a ship's sails. They usually roam about in couples, husband and wife; they bear cubs after nine months, in the summer season, occasionally even twins. They suckle their young, as do whales, and even carry them about while weak from infancy; indeed they accompany them for a long time even when grown up, so great is their affection for their offspring. They grow up quickly, and are believed to reach their full size in 10 years. They live as much as 30 years, as has been ascertained by amputating the tail of a specimen for an experiment. They are in retirement for 30 days about the rising of the dog-star and hide themselves in an unknown manner, which is the more surprising in view of the fact that they cannot breathe under water. They have a habit of sallying out on to the land for an unascertained reason, and they do not die at once after touching earth — in fact they die much more quickly if the gullet is closed up. The dolphin's tongue, unlike the usual structure of aquatic animals, is mobile, and is short and broad, not unlike a pig's tongue. For a voice they have a moan like that of a human being; their back is arched, and their snout turned up, owing to which all of them in a surprising manner answer to the name of 'Snubnose' and like it better than any other. ",
 [".1The dolphin is an animal that is not only friendly to mankind but is also a lover of music, and it can he charmed by singing in harmony, but particularly by the sound of the water-organ. It is not afraid of a human being as something strange to it, but comes to meet vessels at sea and sports and gambols round them, actually trying to race them and passing them even when under full sail. In the reign of the late lamented Augustus a dolphin that had been brought into the Lucrine Lake fell marvellously in love with a certain boy, a poor man's son, who used to go from the Baiae district to school at Pozzuoli, because fairly often the lad when loitering about the place at noon called him to him by the name of Snub-nose and coaxed him with bits of the bread he had with him for the journey, — I should be ashamed to tell the story were it not that it has been written about by Maecenas and Fabianus and Flavius Alfius and many others, — and when the boy called to it at whatever time of day, although it was concealed in hiding used to fly to him out of the depth, eat out of his band, and let him mount on its back, sheathing as it were the prickles of its fin, and used to carry him when mounted right across the bay to Pozzuoli to school, bringing him back in similar manner, for several years, until the boy died of disease, and then it used to keep coming sorrowfully and like a mourner to the customary place, and itself also expired, quite undoubtedly from longing. Another dolphin in recent years at Hippo Diarrhytus on the coast of Africa similarly used to feed out of people's hands and allow itself to be stroked, and play with swimmers and carry them on its back. The Governor of Africa, Flavianus, smeared it all over with perfume, and the novelty of the scent apparently put it to sleep: it floated lifelessly about, holding aloof from human intercourse for some months as if it had been driven away by the insult; but afterwards it returned and was an object of wonder as before. The expense caused to their hosts by persons of official position who came to see it forced the people of Hippo to destroy it. Before these occurrences a similar story is told about a boy in the city of Iasus, with whom a dolphin was observed for a long time to be in love, and while eagerly following him to the shore when he was going away it grounded on the sand and expired; Alexander the Great made the boy head of the priesthood of Poseidon at Babylon, interpreting the dolphin's affection as a sign of the deity's favour. Hegesidemus writes that in the same city of Iasus another boy also, named Hermias, while riding across the sea in the same manner lost his life in the waves of a sudden storm, but was brought back to the shore, and the dolphin confessing itself the cause of his death did not return out to sea and expired on dry land. Theophrastus records that exactly the same thing occurred at Naupactus too. Indeed there are unlimited instances: the people of Amphilochus and Taranto tell the same stories about boys and dolphins; and these make it credible that also the skilled harpist Arion, when at sea the sailors were getting ready to kill him with the intention of stealing the money he had made, succeeded in coaxing them to let him first play a tune on his harp, and the music attracted a school of dolphins, whereupon he dived into the sea and was taken up by one of them and carried ashore at Taenarum ",
  {'entities': [[426, 434, 'people'],
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    [3421, 3429, 'place']]}],
 [".1In the region of Nismes in the Province of Narbonne there is a marsh named Latera where dolphins catch fish in partnership with a human fisherman. At a regular season a countless shoal of mullet rushes out of the narrow mouth of the marsh into the sea, after watching for the turn of the tide, which makes it impossible for nets to be spread across the channel — indeed the nets would be equally incapable of standing the mass of the weight even if the craft of the fish did not watch for the opportunity. For a similar reason they make straight out into the deep water produced by the neighbouring eddies, and hasten to escape from the only place suitable for setting nets. When this is observed by the fishermen — and a crowd collects at the place, as they know the time, and even more because of their keenness for this sport — and when the entire population from the shore shouts as loud as it can, calling for 'Snub-nose' for the denouement of the show, the dolphins quickly hear their wishes if a northerly breeze carries the shout out to sea, though if the wind is in the south, against the sound, it carries it more slowly; but then too they suddenly hasten to the spot, in order to give their aid. Their line of battle comes into view, and at once deploys in the place where they are to join battle; they bar the passage on the side of the sea and drive the scared mullet into the shallows. Then the fishermen put their nets round them and lift them out of the water with forks. None the less the pace of some mullets leaps over the obstacles; but these are caught by the dolphins, which are satisfied for the time being with merely having killed them, postponing a meal till victory is won. The action is hotly contested, and the dolphins pressing on with the greatest bravery are delighted to be caught in the nets, and for fear that this itself may hasten the enemy's flight, they glide out between the boats and the nets or the swimming fishermen so gradually as not to open ways of escape; none of them try to get away by leaping out of the water, which otherwise they are very fond of doing, unless the nets are put below them. One that gets out thereupon carries on the battle in front of the rampart. When in this way the catch has been completed they tear in pieces the fish that they have killed. But as they are aware that they have had too strenuous a task for only a single day's pay they wait there till the following day, and are given a feed of bread mash dipped in wine, in addition to the fish. ",
  {'entities': [[45, 53, 'place']]}],
 [".1Mucianus's account of the same kind of fishing in the Iasian Gulf differs in this — the dolphins stand by of their own accord and without being summoned by a shout, and receive their share from the fishermen's hands, and each boat has one of the dolphins as its ally although it is in the night and by torchlight. The dolphins also have a form of public alliance of their own: when one was caught by the King of Lana and kept tied up in the harbour a great multitude of the remainder assembled, suing for compassion with an unmistakable display of grief, until the king ordered it to be released. Moreover small dolphins are always accompanied by a larger one as escort; and before now dolphins have been seen carrying a dead comrade, to prevent its body being torn in pieces by sea-monsters. ",
  {'entities': [[2, 10, 'people'], [56, 62, 'demonym']]}],
 ['.1The creatures called porpoises have a resemblance to dolphins (at the same time they are distinguished from them by a certain gloomy air, as they lack the sportive nature of the dolphin), but in their snouts they have a close resemblance to the maleficence of dogfish. ',
 ['.1The Indian Ocean produces turtles such size that the natives roof dwelling-houses with the expanse of a single shell, and use them as boats in sailing, especially among the islands of the Red Sea. They are caught in a number of ways, but chiefly as they rise to the surface of the sea when the weather in the morning attracts them, and float across the calm waters with the whole of their backs projecting, and this pleasure of breathing freely cheats them into self-forgetfulness so much that their hide gets dried up by the heat and they are unable to dive, and go on floating against their will, an opportune prey for their hunters. They also say that turtles come ashore at night to graze and after gorging greedily grow languid and when they have gone back in the morning doze off to sleep on the surface of the water; that this is disclosed by the noise of their snoring; and that then the natives swim quietly up to them, three men to one turtle, and two turn it over on its back while the third throws a noose over it as it lies, and so it is dragged ashore by more men hauling from the beach. Turtles are caught without any difficulty in the Phoenician Sea; and at a regular period of the year they come of their own accord into the river Eleutherus in a straggling multitude. ',
  {'entities': [[190, 197, 'place'],
    [1153, 1163, 'demonym'],
    [1250, 1260, 'place']]}],
 [".2The turtle has no teeth, but the edges of the beak are sharp on the upper side, and the mouth closing the lower jaw like a box is so hard that they can crush stones. They live on shell-fish in the sea and on plants when they come ashore. They bear eggs like birds' eggs numbering up to 100 at a time; these they bury in the ground somewhere ashore, cover them with earth rammed down and levelled with their chests, and sleep on them at night. They hatch the young in the space of a year. Some people think that they cherish their eggs by gazing at them with their eyes; and that the females refuse to couple till the male places a wisp of straw on one as she turns away from him. The Cavemen have homed turtles with broad horns twisted inward like those of a lyre but movable, which they use as oars to aid themselves in swimming; the name for this horn is chelium; it is of tortoise shell of exceptional quality, but it is seldom seen, as the very sharp rocks frighten the Turtle-eater tribe, while the Cavemen, on whose coasts the turtles swim, worship them as sacred. There are also turtles living on land, and consequently called in works on the subject the Terrestrial species; these are found in the deserts of Africa in the region of the driest and most arid sands, and it is believed that they live on the moisture of dew. No other animal occurs there. ",
 ['.1The practice of cutting tortoise-shell into plates and using it to decorate bedsteads and cabinets was introduced by Carvilius Pollio, a man of lavish talent and skill in if producing the utensils of luxury. ',
  {'entities': [[119, 128, 'people'], [129, 135, 'people']]}],
 ['.1The aquatic animals have a variety of coverings. Some are covered with hide and hair, for instance seals and hippopotamuses; others with hide only, as dolphins, or with shell, as turtles, or a hard flinty exterior, as oysters and mussels, with rind, as lobsters, with rind and spines, as sea-urchins, with scales, as fishes, with rough skin which can be used for polishing wood and ivory, as skates, with soft skin, as lampreys; others with no skin at all, as polyps. ',
 [".1The aquatic animals clad with hair are viviparous — for instance the saw-fish, the whale and the seal. The last bears its young on land; it produces afterbirth like cattle; in coupling it clings together as dogs do; it sometimes gives birth to more than two in a litter; it rears its young at the breast; it does not lead them down into the sea before the twelfth day, thereafter continually accustoming them to it. Seals are with difficulty killed unless the head is shattered. Of themselves they make a noise like lowing, whence their name 'sea-calves'; yet they are capable of training, and can be taught to salute the public with their voice and at the same time with bowing, and when called by name to reply with a harsh roar. No animal sleeps more heavily. The fins that they use in the sea also serve them on land as feet to crawl with. Their hides even when flayed from the body are said to retain a sense of the tides, and always to bristle when the tide is going out; and it is also said that the right fin possesses a soporific influence, and when placed under the head attracts sleep. Two only of the hairless animals are viviparous, the dolphin and the viper. ",
 ['.1There are 74 species of fishes, not including those that have a hard covering, of which there are thirty. We will speak of them severally in another place, for now we are dealing with the natures of specially remarkable species. ',
 [".1The tunny is of exceptional size; we are told of a specimen weighing a third of a ton and having a tail 3 ft. 4 in. broad. Fish of no less size also occur in certain rivers, the catfish in the Nile, the pike in the Rhine, the sturgeon in the Po, a fish that grows so fat from sloth that it sometimes reaches a thousand pounds; it is caught with a hook on a chain and only drawn out of the water by teams of oxen. And this monster is killed by the bite of a very small fish called the anchovy which goes for a particular vein in its throat with remarkable voracity. The catfish ranges about and goes for every living creature wherever it is, often dragging down horses when swimming. A fish very like a sea-pig is drawn out with teams of oxen, especially in the river Moenus (Main) in Germany, and in the Danube with weeding-hooks; an exceptionally large species with no internal framework of bones or vertebrae and very sweet flesh is recorded in the Dnieper. In the Ganges in India there is a fish called the platanista with a dolphin's beak and tail, but 24 ft. long. Statius Sebosus gives an extremely marvellous account of worms in the same river that have a pair of gills measuring 90 ft; they are deep blue in colour, and named from their appearance; he says that they are so strong that they carry off elephants coming to drink by gripping the trunk in their teeth. ",
  {'entities': [[195, 199, 'place'],
    [217, 222, 'place'],
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    [969, 975, 'place'],
    [979, 984, 'place'],
    [1072, 1079, 'people'],
    [1080, 1087, 'people']]}],
 [".1Male tunnies have no fin under the belly. In spring time they enter the Black Sea from the Mediterranean in shoals, and they do not spawn anywhere else. The name of cordyla is given to the fry, which accompany the fish when they return to the sea in autumn after spawning; in the spring they begin to be called mudfish or pelamydes (from the Greek for 'mud'), and when they have exceeded the period of one year they are called tunny. These fish are cut up into parts, and the neck and belly are counted a delicacy, and also the throat provided it is fresh, and even then it causes severe flatulence; all the rest of the tunny, with the flesh entire, is preserved in salt: these pieces are called melandrya, as resembling splinters of oak-wood. The cheapest of them are the parts next the tail, because they lack fat, and the parts most favoured are those next the throat; whereas in other fish the parts round the tail are most in use. At the pelamys stage they are divided into choice slices and cut up small into a sort of little cube. ",
  {'entities': [[74, 83, 'place']]}],
 ['.1Fishes of all kinds grow up exceptionally fast, especially in the Black Sea; this is due to the fresh water carried into it by a large number of rivers. The name of scomber is given to a fish whose growth in size can be noticed daily. This fish and the pelamys in company with the tunny enter the Black Sea in shoals in search of less brackish feeding-grounds, each kind with its own leaders, and first of all the mackerel, which when in the water is sulphur-coloured, though out of water it is the same colour as the other kinds. These fill the fish-ponds of Spain, the tunny not going with them. ',
  {'entities': [[68, 77, 'place'], [68, 77, 'place']]}],
 [".1But no creature harmful to fish enters the Black Sea besides seals and small dolphins. The tunny enter it by the right bank and go out of it by the left; this is believed to occur because they can see better with the right eye, being by nature dim of sight in both eyes. In the channel of the Thracian Bosphorus joining the Propontis with the Black Sea, in the actual narrows of the channel separating Europe and Asia, there is a rock of marvellous whiteness that shines through the water from the bottom to the surface, near Chalcedon on the Asiatic side. The sudden sight of this always frightens them, and they make for the opposite promontory of Byzantium in a headlong shoal; this is the reason why that promontory has the name of the Horn. Consequently all the catch is at Byzantium, and there is a great shortage at Chalcedon, owing to the 1000 yards of channel flowing in between. But they wait for a north wind to blow so as to go out of the Black Sea with the current, and are only taken a when entering the harbour of Byzantium. In winter they do not wander; wherever winter catches them, there they hibernate till the equinox. They are also frequently seen from the stern of vessels proceeding under sail, accompanying them in a remarkably charming manner for periods of several hours and for a distance of some miles, not being scared even by having a harpoon repeatedly thrown at them. Some people give the name of pilot-fish to the tunny that do this. Many pass the summer in the Propontis without entering the Black Sea; the same is the case with the sole, though the turbot does enter it. Nor does the sepia occur there, though the cattle-fish is found. Of rock-fish the sea-bream and whiting are lacking, as are some shell-fish, though oysters are plentiful; but they all winter in the Aegean. Of those entering the Black Sea the only kind that never returns is the bichia or sardine — it will be convenient to use the Greek names in most cases, as different districts have called the same species by a great variety of names — but these alone enter the Danube and float down from it by its underground channels into the Adriatic, and consequently there also they are regularly seen going down stream and never coming up from the sea. The season for catching tunny is from the rise of the Pleiades to the setting of Arcturus; during the rest of the winter time they lurk at the bottom of the water unless tempted out by a mild spell or at full moon. They get fat even to the point of bursting. The tunny's longest life is two years. ",
  {'entities': [[45, 54, 'place'],
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    [45, 54, 'place'],
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    [652, 661, 'place'],
    [528, 537, 'place'],
    [45, 54, 'place'],
    [652, 661, 'place'],
    [326, 335, 'place'],
    [45, 54, 'place'],
    [1806, 1812, 'place'],
    [45, 54, 'place'],
    [2074, 2080, 'place'],
    [2141, 2149, 'place'],
    [2309, 2317, 'people'],
    [2336, 2344, 'people']]}],
 ['.1There is a small animal shaped like a scorpion, of the size of a spider. This attaches with a spike under the fin of both the tunny and the fish called sword-fish, which often exceeds the size of a dolphin, and torments them so painfully that they frequently jump out of the water into ships. This is also done on other occasions from fear of the violence of other fish, especially by mullet, which are so exceptionally swift that they sometimes leap right over ships that lie across their path. ',
 ['.1In this department of nature also there are cases of augury; even fish have foreknowledge of events. During the Sicilian War when Augustus was walking on the shore a fish leapt out of the sea at his feet, a sign which the priests interpreted as meaning that although Sextus Pompeius was then adopting Neptune as his father — so glorious were his naval exploits — yet those who at that time held the seas would later be beneath the feet of Caesar. ',
  {'entities': [[114, 122, 'demonym'],
    [132, 140, 'people'],
    [276, 284, 'people'],
    [303, 310, 'people'],
    [441, 447, 'people']]}],
 ['.1Female fish are larger than the males. In one kind there are no males at all, as is the case with red mullet and sea-perch, for all those caught are heavy with eggs. Almost every kind with scales is gregarious. Fish are caught before sunrise; at that of hour their sight is most fallible. In the night they repose, but on bright nights they can see as well as by day. People also say that scraping the bottom helps the catch, and that consequently more are caught at the second haul than at the first. Fish are fondest of the taste of oil, but next to that they enjoy and derive nourishment from moderate falls of rain: in fact even reeds although growing in a marsh nevertheless do not grow up without rain; and besides, fishes everywhere die when kept continually in the same water, if there is no inflow. ',
 ['.1All fish feel a very cold winter, but most of all those that are believed to hate a stone in their head, for instance the bass, the chromis, the ombre and the phagrus. When the winter has been severe a great many are caught blind. Consequently in the winter months they lie hidden in eaves (like cases that we have recorded in the class of land-animals), particularly the hippuris and blackfish, which are not caught in winter except on a few regular days that are always the same, and also the lamprey and the orphus, the conger and perch and all rockfish. It is indeed reported that the electric ray, the plaice and the sole hide through the winters in the ground, that is, in a hole scraped out at the bottom of the sea. ',
 ['.1Some fish again being unable to endure heat hide for 8 or 9 weeks during the heats of midsummer, for instance the grayling, the haddock and the gilt-bream. Of river fish the catfish has a stroke at the rise of the dog-star, and at other times is always made drowsy by lightning. This is thought to happen to the carp even in the sea. And beside this the whole sea is conscious of the rise of that star, as is most clearly seen in the Dardanelles, for seaweed and fishes float on the surface, and everything is turned up from the bottom. ',
  {'entities': [[436, 447, 'place']]}],
 ['.1It is an amusing trait in the mullet that when frightened it hides its head and thinks it is entirely concealed. The same fish is so incautious in its wantonness that in Phoenicia and in the Province of Narbonne at the breeding season a male mullet from the fishponds is sent out into the sea with a long line tied to its gills through its mouth and when it is drawn back by the same line the females follow it to the shore, and again the males follow a female at the laying season. ',
  {'entities': [[172, 181, 'place'], [205, 213, 'place']]}],
 ['.1In old days the sturgeon was held to be the noblest of the fishes, being the only one with its scales turned towards the mouth, in the opposite direction to the one in which it swims; but now it is held in no esteem, which for my part I think surprising, as it is a fish seldom to be found. One name for it is the elops. ',
 ['.1Cornelius Nepos and the mime-writer Laberius have recorded that at a later period the chief rank belonged to the bass and the haddock. The kind of bass most praised is the one called the woolly bass, from the whiteness and softness of its flesh. There are two kinds of haddock — the collyrus, which is the smaller, and the bacchus, which is only caught in deep water, and consequently is preferred to the former. But among bass those caught in a river are preferred. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 17, 'people'], [38, 46, 'people']]}],
 ['.1Nowadays the first place is given to the wrasse, which is the only fish that is said to chew the cud and to feed on grasses and not on other fish. It is especially common in the Carpathian Sea; it never of its own accord passes Cape Lectum in the Troad. Some wrasse were imported from there in the principate of Tiberius Claudius by one of his freedmen, Optatus, Commander of the Fleet, and were distributed and scattered about between the mouth of the Tiber and the coast of Campania, care being taken for about five years that when caught they should be put back into the sea. Subsequently they have been frequently found on the coast of Italy, though not caught there before; and thus greed has provided itself with additional dainties by cultivating fish, and has bestowed on the sea a new denizen — so that nobody must be surprised that foreign birds breed at Rome. The next place belongs at all events to the liver of the lamprey that strange to say the Lake of Constance in Raetia in the Central Alps also produces to rival the marine variety. ',
  {'entities': [[180, 190, 'demonym'],
    [235, 241, 'place'],
    [249, 254, 'place'],
    [314, 322, 'people'],
    [323, 331, 'people'],
    [356, 363, 'people'],
    [314, 319, 'place'],
    [478, 486, 'place'],
    [642, 647, 'place'],
    [867, 871, 'place'],
    [983, 989, 'place'],
    [1005, 1009, 'place']]}],
 ['.1Of other fish of a good class the red mullet stands first in popularity and also in plentifulness, though its size is moderate and it but rarely exceeds 2 lbs. in weight, nor does it grow larger when kept in preserves and fishponds. This size is only produced by the northern ocean and in its westernmost part. For the rest, there are several kinds of mullet. For it feeds on seaweed, bivalves, mud and the flesh of other fish; and it is distinguished by a double beard on the lower lip. The mullet of cheapest kind is called the mud-mullet. This variety is always accompanied by another fish named sea-bream, and it swallows down as fodder mire stirred up by the sea-bream digging. The coast mullet also is not in favour. The most approved kind have the flavour of an oyster. This variety has the name of shoe-mullet, which Fenestella thinks was given it from its colour. It spawns three times a year — at all events that is the number of times that its fry is seen. The leaders in gastronomy say that a dying mullet shows a large variety of changing colours, turning pale with a complicated modification of blushing scales, at all events if it is looked at when contained in a glass bowl. Marcus Apicius, who had a natural gift for every ingenuity of luxury, thought it specially desirable for mullets to be killed in a sauce made of their companions, garum — for this thing also has procured a designation — and for fish-paste to be devised out of their liver. ',
  {'entities': [[827, 837, 'people'], [1200, 1207, 'people']]}],
 ['.1With a fish of this kind one of the proconsular body, Asinius Celer, in the principate of Gaius, issued a challenge — it is not so easy to say who won the match — to all the spendthrifts by giving 8000 sesterces for a mullet. The thought of this sidetracks the mind to the consideration of the people who in their complaints about luxury used to protest that cooks were being bought at a higher price per man than a horse; but now the price of three horses is given for a cook, and the price of three cooks for a fish, and almost no human being has come to be more valued than one that is most skilful in making his master bankrupt. Licinius Mucianus has recorded the capture in the Red Sea of a mullet weighing 80 lbs.; what price would our epicures have paid for it if it had been found on the coasts near the city? ',
  {'entities': [[56, 63, 'people'],
    [64, 69, 'people'],
    [635, 643, 'people'],
    [644, 652, 'people'],
    [685, 692, 'place']]}],
 ['.1It is also a fact of nature that different fishes hold the first rank in different places — the blackfish in Egypt, the John Dory (also called the carpenter-fish) at Cadiz, the stockfish in the neighbourhood of Iviza, though elsewhere it is a disgusting fish, and everywhere it is unable to be cooked thoroughly unless it has been beaten with a rod; in Aquitaine the river salmon is preferred to all sea-fish. ',
  {'entities': [[111, 116, 'place'],
    [168, 173, 'place'],
    [213, 218, 'place'],
    [355, 364, 'place']]}],
 ['.1Some fish have numerous gills, others single ones, others double. With the gills they discharge the water taken in by the mouth. Hardening of the scales, which are not alike in all fishes, is a sign of age. There are two lakes in Italy at the foot of the Alps, named Como and Maggiore, in which every year at the rising of the Pleiades fish are found that are remarkable for close-set and very sharp scales, shaped like shoe-nails, but they are not commonly seen for a longer period than about a month from then. ',
  {'entities': [[232, 237, 'place'],
    [257, 261, 'place'],
    [269, 273, 'place'],
    [278, 286, 'people'],
    [329, 337, 'people']]}],
 ['.1Arcadia also has a marvel in its climbing perch, so called because it climbs out on to the land to sleep. In the district of the river Clitorius this fish is said to have a voice and no gills; the same variety is by some people called the Adonis fish. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 9, 'place'], [137, 146, 'people'], [241, 247, 'people']]}],
 ['.1The fish called the sea-mouse also comes out on to the land, as do the polypus and the lamprey; so also does a certain kind of fish in the rivers of India, and then jumps hack again — for in most cases there is an obvious purpose in getting across into marshes and lakes so as to produce their offspring safe, as in those waters there are no creatures to devour their young and the waves are less fierce. Their understanding these reasons and their observing the changes of the seasons would seem more surprising to anybody who considers what fraction of mankind is aware that the biggest catch is made when the sun is passing through the sign of the Fishes. ',
  {'entities': [[151, 156, 'place']]}],
 ['.1Some sea-fish are flat, for instance the turbot, the sole and the flounder, which differs from the turbot only in the posture of its body — the turbot lies with the right side uppermost and the flounder with the left; while other sea-fish are long, as the lamprey and the conger. ',
 ['.1Consequently differences also occur in the fins, which are bestowed on fish instead of feet; none have more than four, some have three, some two, certain kinds none. In the Lago di Celano, but nowhere else, there is a fish that has eight fins to swim with. Long slippery fish like eels and congers generally have two fins, others have none, for instance, the lamprey which also has no gills. All this class use the sea as snakes do the land, propelling themselves by twisting their bodies, and they also crawl on dry land; consequently this class are also longer-lived. Some of the flat-fish too have not got fins, for example, the stingray — for these swim merely by means of their breadth — and the kinds called soft fish, such as polyps, since their feet serve them instead of fins. ',
 ['.1Eels live eight years. They can even last five or six days at a time out of water if a north wind is blowing, but not so long with a south wind. But the same fish cannot endure winter in shallow nor in rough water; consequently they are chiefly caught at the rising of the Pleiades as the rivers are then specially rough. They feed at night. They are the only fish that do not float on the surface when dead. There is a lake called Garda in the territory of Verona through which flows the river Mincio, at the outflow of which on a yearly occasion, about the month of October, when the lake is made rough evidently by the autumn star, they are massed together by the waves and rolled in such a marvellous shoal that masses of fish, a thousand in each, are found in the receptacles constructed in the river for the purpose. ',
  {'entities': [[275, 283, 'people'],
    [460, 466, 'place'],
    [497, 503, 'people']]}],
 ['.1The lamprey spawns in any month, although all other fish have fixed breeding seasons. Its eggs grow very quickly. Lampreys are commonly believed to crawl out on to dry land and to be impregnated by copulating with snakes. Aristotle gives the name of zmyrus to the male fish which generates, and says that the difference is that the lamprey is spotted and feeble whereas the zmyrus is self-coloured and hardy, and has teeth projecting outside the mouth. In Northern Gaul all lampreys have seven spots on the right jaw arranged like the constellation of the Great Bear, which are of a bright golden colour as long as the fish are alive, and are extinguished when they are deprived of life. Vedius Pollio, Knight of Rome, a member of the Privy Council under the late lamented Augustus, found in this animal a means of displaying his cruelty when he threw slaves sentenced to death into ponds of lampreys — not that the wild animals on land were not sufficient for this purpose, but because with any other kind of creature he was not able to have the spectacle of a man being torn entirely to pieces at one moment. It is stated that tasting vinegar particularly drives them mad. Their skin is very thin, whereas that of eels is rather thick, and Verrius records that it used to be used for flogging boys who were sons of citizens, and that consequently it was not the practice for them to be punished with a fine. ',
  {'entities': [[224, 233, 'people'],
    [690, 696, 'people'],
    [697, 703, 'people'],
    [715, 719, 'person'],
    [775, 783, 'people'],
    [1244, 1251, 'people']]}],
 [".1There is a second class of flatfish that has gristle instead of a backbone, for instance rays, stingrays, skates, the electric ray, and those the Greek names for which mean 'ox,' 'sorceress,' 'eagle' and 'frog.' This group includes the squalus also, although that is not a flatfish. These Aristotle designated in Greek by the common name of selachians, giving them that name for the first time; but we cannot distinguish them as a class unless we like to call them the cartilaginea. But all such fish are carnivorous, and they feed lying on their backs, as we said in the case of dolphins; and whereas all other fish are oviparous, this kind alone with the exception of the species called the sea-frog is viviparous, like the creatures termed cetaceans. ",
  {'entities': [[291, 300, 'people']]}],
 ['.1There is a quite small fish that frequents rocks, called the sucking-fish. This is believed to make ships go more slowly by sticking to their hulls, from which it has received its name; and for this reason it also has an evil reputation for supplying a love-charm and for acting as a spell to hinder litigation in the courts, which accusations it counterbalances only by its laudable property of stopping fluxes of the womb in pregnant women and holding back the offspring till the time of birth. It is not included however among articles of diet. It is thought by some to have feet, but Aristotle denies this, adding that its limbs resemble wings. Mucianus states that the murex is broader than the purple, and has a mouth that is not rough nor round and a beak that does not stick out into corners but shuts together on either side like a bivalve shell; and that owing to murexes clinging to the sides a ship was brought to a standstill when in full sail before the wind, carrying despatches from Periander ordering some noble youths to be castrated, and that the shell-fish that rendered this service are worshipped in the shrine of Venus at Cnidus. Trebius Niger says that it is a foot long and four inches wide, and hinders ships, and moreover that when preserved in salt it has the power of drawing out gold that has fallen into the deepest wells when it is brought near them. ',
  {'entities': [[590, 599, 'people'],
    [651, 659, 'people'],
    [1001, 1010, 'people'],
    [1138, 1143, 'people'],
    [1147, 1153, 'place'],
    [1155, 1162, 'people'],
    [1163, 1168, 'people']]}],
 ['.1The maena changes its white colour and. becomes blacker in summer. The lamprey also changes colour, being white all the rest of the time but variegated in spring. Also it is the only fish that lays its eggs in a nest, which it builds of seaweed. ',
 ['.1The swallow-fish flies just exactly like a bird, and so does the kite-fish. The fish on this account called the lamp-fish rises to the surface of the sea, and on calm nights gives a light with its fiery tongue which it puts out from its mouth. The fish that has got its name from its horns raises these up about 18 inches out of the sea. The sea-snake, again, when caught and placed on the sand, with marvellous rapidity digs itself a hole with its beak. ',
 ['.1We will now speak of the bloodless fishes. Of these there are three kinds: first those which are called soft fish, then those covered with thin rinds, and lastly those enclosed in hard shells. The soft are the cattle-fish, the sepia, the polyp and the others of that kind. They have the head between the feet and the belly, and all of them have eight little feet. In the sepia and cuttle-fish two of these feet are extremely long and rough, and by means of these they carry food to their months, and steady themselves as with anchors in a rough sea; but all the rest are feelers which they use for catching their prey. ',
 ['.1The cuttle-fish even flies, raising itself out of the water, as also do the small scallops, like an arrow. The males of the genus sepia are variegated and darker in colour, and they are more resolute: when a female is struck with a trident they come to her assistance, whereas a female flees when a male is struck. But both sexes on perceiving they are being caught hold of pour out a dark fluid which these animals have instead of blood, so darkening the water and concealing themselves. ',
 [".1There are many sorts of polyp. The land kinds are larger than the marine. They use all their arms as feet and hands, but employ the tail, which is forked and pointed, in sexual intercourse. The polyps have a tube in their back through which they pass the seawater, and they shift this now to the right side and now to the left. They swim with their head on one side, this while they are alive being hard as though blown out. Otherwise they remain adhering with a kind of suction, by means of a sort of suckers spread over their arms: throwing themselves backward they hold on so that they cannot be torn away. They do not cling to the bottom of the sea, and have less holding-power when full-grown. They alone of the soft creatures go out of the water on to dry land, provided it has a rough surface: they hate smooth surfaces. They feed on the flesh of shellfish, the shells of which they break by enfolding them with their tentacles; and consequently their lair can be detected by the shells lying in front of it. And though the polyp is in other respects deemed a stupid animal, inasmuch as it swims towards a man's hand, it has a certain kind of sense in its domestic economy: it collects everything into its home, and then after it has eaten the flesh puts out the refuse and catches the little fishes that swim up to it. It changes its colour to match its environment, and particularly when it is frightened. The notion that it gnaws its own arms is a mistake, for this is done to it by the congers; but the belief that its tails grow again, as is the case with the gecko and the lizard, is correct. ",
 ['.1But among outstanding marvels is the creature called the nautilus, and by others the pilot-fish. Lying on its back it comes to the surface of the sea, gradually raising itself up in such a way that by sending out all the water through a tube it so to speak unloads itself of bilge and sails easily. Afterwards it twists back its two foremost arms and spreads out between them a marvellously thin membrane, and with this serving as a sail in the breeze while it uses its other arms underneath it as oars, it steers itself with its tail between them as a rudder. So it proceeds across the deep mimicking the likeness of a fast cutter, if any alarm interrupts its voyage submerging itself by sucking in water. ',
 [".1One variety of the polypus kind is the stink-polyp, named from the disagreeable smell of its head, which causes it to be the special prey of the lamprey. Polyps go into hiding for periods of two months. They do not live more than two years; but they always die of consumption, the females more quickly and usually as a result of bearing offspring. We must also not pass over the facts as to the polyp ascertained when Lucius Lucullus was governor of Baetica, and published by one of his staff, Trebius Niger; he says that they are extremely greedy for shell-fish, and that these close their shells at a touch and cut off the polyp's tentacles, so retaliating by obtaining food from their would-be robber. Shell-fish do not possess sight or any other sense except consciousness of food and danger. Consequently the polyps lie in wait for the shell-fish to open, and placing a stone between the shells, not on the fish's body so that it may not be ejected by its throbbing, thus go to work at their ease, and drag out the flesh, while the shell-fish try to shut up, but in vain, as they are wedged open: so clever are even the most stupid of animals. Moreover Niger asserts that no animal is more savage in causing the death of a man in the water; for it struggles with him by coiling round him and swallows him with its sucker-cups and drags him asunder by its multiple suction, when it attacks men that have been shipwrecked or are diving. But should it be turned over, its strength gets feebler; for when polyps are lying on their backs they stretch themselves out. The rest of the facts reported by the same authority may possibly be thought to approximate to the miraculous. In the fishponds at Carteia a polyp was in the habit of getting into their uncovered tanks from the open sea and there foraging for salted fish — even the smell of which attracts all sea creatures in a surprising way, owing to which even fish-traps are smeared with them — and so it brought on itself the wrath of the keepers, which owing to the persistence of the theft was beyond all bounds. Fences were erected in its way, but it used to scale these by making use of a tree, and it was only possible to catch it by means of the keen scent of hounds. These surrounded it when it was going back at night, and aroused the guards, who were astounded by its strangeness: in the first place its size was unheard of and so was its colour as well, and it was smeared with brine and had a terrible smell; who would have expected to find a polyp there, or who would recognize it in such circumstances? They felt they were pitted against something uncanny, for by its awful breath it also tormented the dogs, which it now scourged with the ends of its tentacles and now struck with its longer arms, which it used as clubs; and with difficulty they succeeded in despatching it with a number of three-pronged harpoons. They showed its head to Lucullus — it was as big as a cask and held 90 gallons, — and (to use the words of Trebius himself) 'its beards which one could hardly clasp round with both one's arms, knotted like clubs, 30 ft. long, with suckers or cups like basins holding three gallons, and teeth corresponding to its size. Its remains, kept as a curiosity, were found to weigh 700 lbs. Trebius also states that cuttlefish of both species of the same size have been driven ashore on that coast. In our own seas one kind is taken that measures 7 1/2 ft. in length and the other kind 3 ft. These fish also do not live more than two years. ",
  {'entities': [[427, 435, 'people'],
    [452, 459, 'place'],
    [496, 503, 'people'],
    [504, 509, 'people'],
    [504, 509, 'people'],
    [1700, 1707, 'place'],
    [427, 435, 'people'],
    [496, 503, 'people'],
    [496, 503, 'people']]}],
 ['.1Mucianus has stated that he has also seen in the Dardanelles another creature resembling a ship under sail: it is a shell with a keel like a boat, and a curved stern and beaked bow. In this (he says) the nauplius, a creature like the cuttlefish, secretes itself, merely by way of sharing the game. The manner in which this takes place is twofold: in calm weather the carrier shell strikes the water by dipping its flappers like oars, but if the breezes invite, the same flappers are stretched out to serve as a rudder and the curves of the shells are spread to the breeze. The former creature delights (he continues) to carry and the latter to steer, and this pleasure penetrates two senseless things at once — unless perhaps human calamity forms part of the motive, for it is an established fact that this is a disastrous omen for mariners. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 10, 'people'], [51, 62, 'place']]}],
 ['.1In the bloodless class, the langouste is protected by a fragile rind. Langoustes stay in retirement for five months in each year; and likewise crabs, which go into hiding at the same season; and both species discard their old age at the beginning of spring in the same way as snakes do, by renewing their skins. All other aquatic species swim, but langoustes float about in the manner of reptiles; if no danger threatens they go forward in a straight course with their horns, which are buttoned by their own rounded ends, stretched out at their sides, but at a moment of alarm they advance slanting sideways with their horns held erect. They use their horns in fighting one another. The langouste is the only animal whose flesh is of a yielding texture with no hardness, unless it is boiled alive its hot water. Langoustes live in rocky places, whereas crabs live on soft mud. In winter they haunt sunny shores, but in summer they retire into the dim depths of the sea. All creatures of this class suffer in winter, but get fat in autumn and spring, and more so at full moon, because the moon mellows them with its warm glow by night. ',
 ['.1The kinds of crab are the carabus, the crayfish, the spider-crab, the hermit-crab, the Heraclean crab, the lion-crab and other inferior species. The carabus differs from the other crabs by its tail; in Phoenicia it is called the horse-crab, being so swift that it is impossible to overtake it. Crabs are long-lived. They have eight feet, all curved crooked; the front foot is double in the female and single in the male. They also have two claws with denticulated nippers; the upper half of the forepart of these moves and the lower half is fixed. The right claw is the larger in every specimen. Sometimes crabs all collect together in a flock. They cannot make the mouth of the Black Sea against the current, and consequently when they are going out of it they travel round in a circle and appear to be following a beaten track. The one called the pea-crab is the smallest of the whole tribe, and consequently very liable to injury. It has the cunning to stow itself in empty bivalve shells and to shift into roomier ones as it grows bigger. When alarmed crabs can retreat backwards with equal speed. They fight duels with one another like rams; charging with horns opposed. They afford a remedy against snake-bite. It is related that when the sun is passing through the sign of Cancer the bodies of crabs also when they expire are transformed into scorpions during the drought. ',
  {'entities': [[204, 213, 'place'],
    [681, 690, 'place'],
    [1282, 1288, 'people']]}],
 ['.2The sea-urchin, which has spines instead of feet, belongs to the same genus. These creatures can only go forward by rolling over and over, and consequently they are often found with their prickles worn off. Those of them with the longest spines are called echinus cidaris, and the smallest are called cups. They have not all the same transparent colour: in the district of Torone some are born white, with a small spine. The eggs of all have a bitter taste; they are laid in clutches of five. Their mouths are in the middle of their body, on the under side. lit is said that they can forecast a rough sea and that they take the precaution of clutching stones and steadying their mobility by the weight: they do not want to wear away their spines by rolling about. When sailors see them doing this they at once secure their vessels with more anchors. ',
  {'entities': [[375, 381, 'place']]}],
 ['.3In the same family are water and land snails, that protrude out of their abode and shoot out and draw in two horns as it were. They have no eyes, and consequently explore the way in front of them with their little horns. ',
 ['.4Sea-scallops are held to belong to the same class, which also retire into hiding at seasons of extreme cold and extreme heat; and piddocks, which shine as if with fire in dark places, even the mouth of persons eating them. ',
 [".1We now come to the purples and the varieties of shell-fish, which have a stronger shell. The latter display in great variety nature's love of sport: they show so many differences of colour, and also of shape — being flat, hollow, long, crescent-shaped, circular, semi-circular, humped, smooth, wrinkled, serrated, furrowed; with the crest bent into the shape of a purple, the edge projecting into a sharp point, or spread outwards, or folded inwards; and again picked out with stripes or with flowing locks or with curls, or parted in little channels or like the teeth of a comb, or corrugated like tiles, or reticulated into lattice-work, or spread out slant-wise or straight, close-packed, diffused, curled; tied up in a short knot, or linked up all down the side, or opened so as to shut with a snap, or curved so as to make a trumpet. Of this species the Venus-shell sails like a ship, and projecting its hollow portion and setting it to catch the wind goes voyaging over the surface of the water. The scallop gives a leap and soars out of the water, and it also uses its own shell as a boat. ",
  {'entities': [[861, 866, 'people']]}],
 ['.1But why do I mention these trifles when their moral corruption and luxury spring from no other source in greater abundance than from the genus shell-fish? It is true that of the whole of nature the sea is most detrimental to the stomach in a multitude of ways, with its multitude of dishes and of appetizing kinds of fish to which the profits made by those who catch them spell danger. But what proportion do these form when we consider purple and scarlet robes and pearls! It had been insufficient, forsooth, for the seas to be stowed into our gullets, were they not carded on the hands and in the ears and on the head and all over the body of women and men alike. What connexion is there between the sea and our clothing, between the waves and waters and woollen fabric? We only enter that element in a proper manner when we are naked! Granted that there is so close an alliance between it and our stomach, but what has it to do with our backs? Are we not content to feed on dangers without also being clothed with them? Is it that the rule that we get most satisfaction from luxuries costing a human life to procure holds good for the whole of our anatomy? ',
 ['.1The first place therefore and the topmost rank among all things of price is held by pearls. These are sent chiefly by the Indian Ocean, among the huge and curious animals that we have described as coming across all those seas over that wide expanse of lands from those burning heats of the sun. And to procure them for the Indians as well, men go to the islands — and those quite few in number: the most productive is Ceylon, and also Stoidis, as we said in our circuit of the world, and also the Indian promontory of Perimula; but those round Arabia on the Persian Gulf of the Red Sea are specially praised. ',
  {'entities': [[325, 332, 'ethnic'],
    [420, 426, 'place'],
    [124, 130, 'demonym'],
    [520, 528, 'people'],
    [546, 552, 'place'],
    [560, 567, 'demonym'],
    [580, 587, 'place']]}],
 [".2The source and breeding-ground of pearls are shells not much differing from oyster-shells. These, we are told, when stimulated by the generative season of the year gape open as it were and are filled with dewy pregnancy, and subsequently when heavy are delivered, and the offspring of the shells are pearls that correspond to the quality of the dew received: if it was a pure inflow, their brilliance is conspicuous but if it was turbid, the product also becomes dirty in colour. Also if the sky is lowering (they say) the pearl is pale in colour: for it is certain that it was conceived from the sky, and that pearls have more connexion with the sky than with the sea, and derive from it a cloudy hue, or a clear one corresponding with a brilliant morning. If they are well fed in due season, the offspring also grows in size. If there is lightning, the shells shut up, and diminish in size in proportion to their abstinence from food; but if it also thunders they are frightened and shut up suddenly, producing what are called 'wind-pearls,' which are only inflated with an empty, unsubstantial show: these are the pearls' miscarriages. Indeed a healthy offspring is formed with a skin of many thicknesses, so that it may not improperly be considered as a hardening of the body; and consequently experts subject them to a cleansing process. I am surprised that though pearls rejoice so much in the actual sky, they redden and lose their whiteness in the sun, like the human body; consequently sea-pearls preserve a special brilliance, being too deeply immersed for the rays to penetrate; nevertheless even they get yellow from age and doze off with wrinkles, and the rigour that is sought after is only found in youth. Also in old age they get thick and stick to the shells, and cannot be torn out of these except by using a file. Pearls with only one surface, and round on that side but flat at the back, are consequently termed tambourine pearls; we have seen them clustering together in shells that owing to this enrichment were used for carrying round perfumes. For the rest, a large pearl is soft when in the water but gets hard as soon as it is taken out. ",
 [".1When a shell sees a hand it shuts itself up and conceals its treasures, as it knows that it is sought for on their account; and if the hand is inserted first it cuts it off with its sharp edge, the most just penalty possible — for it is armed with other penalties also, as for the most part it is found among rocks, while even in deep water it has sea-dogs a in attendance — yet nevertheless these do not protect it against women's ears. Some accounts say that clusters of shells like bees have one of their number, a specially large and old shell, as their leader, one marvellously skilful in taking precautions; and that these leader-shells are diligently sought for by pearl-divers, as when they are caught all the rest stray about and easily get shut up in the nets, subsequently a quantity of salt being poured over them in earthenware jars; this eats away all the flesh, and a sort of kernels in their bodies, which are pearls, fall to the bottom. ",
 [".1There is no doubt that pearls are worn away by use, and that lack of care makes them change their colour. Their whole value lies in their brilliance, size, roundness, smoothness and weight, qualities of such rarity that no two pearls are found that are exactly alike: this is doubtless the reason why Roman luxury has given them the name of 'unique gems,' the word not existing in Greece, and indeed among foreign races, who discovered this fact, the only name for them is margarita. There is also a great variety in their actual brilliance; it is brighter with those found in the Red Sea, whereas those found in the Indian Ocean resemble flakes of mica, though they excel others in size. The highest praise given to their colour is for them to be called alum-coloured. The longer ones also have a charm of their own. Those that end in a wider circle, tapering lengthwise in the shape of perfume-caskets, are termed 'probes.' Women glory in hanging these on their fingers and using two or three for a single-earring, and foreign names for this luxury occur, names invented by abandoned extravagance, inasmuch as when they have done this they call them 'castanets,' as if they enjoyed even the sound and the mere rattling together of the pearls; and now-a-days even poor people covet them — it is a common saying that a pearl is as good as a lackey for a lady when she walks abroad! And they even use them on their feet, and fix them not only to the laces of their sandals but all over their slippers. In fact, by this time they are not content with wearing pearls unless they tread on them, and actually walk on these unique gems! ",
  {'entities': [[583, 590, 'place']]}],
 ['.2There used to be commonly found in our own sea, and more frequently on the coasts of the Thracian Bosphorus, small red gems contained in the shells called mussels. But in Acarnania there grows what is termed the sea-pen; which shows that pearls are not born in only one kind of shell, for Juba also records that the Arabs have a shell resembling a toothed comb, that bristles like a hedgehog, and has an actual pearl, resembling a hailstone, in the fleshy part; this kind of shell is not imported to Rome. And there are not found in Acarnania the formerly celebrated pearls of an exceptional size and almost a marble colour. Better ones are found round Actium, but these too are small, and in sea-board Mauretania. Alexander the Encyclopaedist and Sudines think that they grow old and let their colour evaporate. ',
  {'entities': [[100, 109, 'place'],
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    [173, 182, 'place'],
    [655, 661, 'place'],
    [705, 715, 'place'],
    [717, 726, 'people'],
    [750, 757, 'people']]}],
 ['.1It is clear that they are of a fine substance, because no fall can break them. Also they are not always found in the middle of the flesh, but in a variety of places, and before now we have seen them even at the extreme edges, as though in the act of passing out of the shell; and in some cases we have seen four or five pearls in one shell. In weight few specimens have hitherto exceeded half an ounce by more than one scruple. It is established that small pearls of poor colour grow in Britain, since the late lamented Julius desired it to be known that the breastplate which he dedicated to Venus Genetrix in her temple was made of British pearls. ',
  {'entities': [[489, 496, 'place'],
    [522, 528, 'people'],
    [595, 600, 'people'],
    [636, 643, 'demonym']]}],
 [".1I have seen Lollia Paulina, who became the consort of Gaius, not at some considerable or solemn ceremonial celebration but actually at an ordinary betrothal banquet, covered with emeralds and pearls interlaced alternately and shining all over her head, hair, ears, neck and fingers, the sum total amounting to the value of 40,000,000 sesterces, she herself being ready at a moment's notice to give documentary proof of her title to them; nor had they been presents from an extravagant emperor, but ancestral possessions, acquired in fact with the spoil of the provinces. This is the final outcome of plunder, it was for this that Marcus Lollius disgraced himself by taking gifts from kings in the whole of the East, and was cut out of his list of friends by Gaius Caesar son of Augustus and drank poison — that his granddaughter should be on show in the lamplight covered with 40,000,000 sesterces! Now let some one reckon up on one side of the account how much Curius or Fabricius carried in their triumphs, and picture to himself the spoils they displayed, and on the other side Lollia, a single little lady reclining at the Emperor's side — and would he not think it better that they should have been dragged from their chariots than have won their victories with this result? Nor are these the topmost instances of luxury. There have been two pearls that were the largest in the whole of history; both were owned by Cleopatra, the last of the Queens of Egypt — they had come down to her through the hands of the Kings of the East. When Antony was gorging daily at recherche banquets, she with a pride at once lofty and insolent, queenly wanton as she was, poured contempt on all his pomp and splendour, and when he asked what additional magnificence could be contrived, replied that she would spend 10,000,000 sesterces on a single banquet. Antony was eager to learn how it could be done, although he thought it was impossible. Consequently bets were made, and on the next day, when the matter was to be decided, she set before Antony a banquet that was indeed splendid, so that the day might not be wasted, but of the kind served every day — Antony laughing and expostulating at its niggardliness. But she vowed it was a mere additional douceur, and that the banquet would round off the account and her own dinner alone would cost 10,000,000 sesterces, and she ordered the second course to be served. In accordance with previous instructions the servants placed in front of her only a single vessel containing vinegar, the strong rough quality of which can melt pearls. She was at the moment wearing in her ears that remarkable and truly unique work of nature. Antony was full of curiosity to see what in the world she was going to do. She took one earring off and dropped the pearl in the vinegar, and when it was melted swallowed it. Lucius Plancus, who was umpiring the wager, placed his hand on the other pearl when she was preparing to destroy it also in a similar way, and declared that Antony had lost the battle — an ominous remark that came true. With this goes the story that, when that queen who had won on this important issue was captured, the second of this pair of pearls was cut in two pieces, so that half a helping of the jewel might be in each of the ears of Venus in the Pantheon at Rome. ",
  {'entities': [[14, 20, 'people'],
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    [1542, 1548, 'people'],
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    [1542, 1548, 'people'],
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    [3310, 3314, 'place']]}],
 ['.1They will not carry off this trophy, and will be robbed even of the record for luxury! A predecessor had done this at Rome in the case of pearls of great value, Clodius, the son of the tragic actor Aesopus, who had left him his heir in a vast estate; so that Antony cannot take too much pride in his triumvirate when compared with one who was virtually an actor, and who had indeed been led on to this display not by any wager — which would make it more royal — but to discover by experiment, for the honour of his palate, what is the exact flavour of pearls; and when they proved marvellously acceptable, in order not to keep the knowledge to himself he gave his guests also a choice pearl apiece to swallow. ',
  {'entities': [[120, 124, 'place'],
    [163, 170, 'people'],
    [200, 207, 'people'],
    [261, 267, 'people']]}],
 ['.2Fenestella records that they came into common use at Rome after the reduction of Alexandria under our sway, but that small and cheap pearls first came in about the period of Sulla which is clearly a mistake, as Aelius Stilo states that the distinctive name was given to large pearls just at the time of the wars of Jugurtha. ',
  {'entities': [[2, 12, 'people'],
    [55, 59, 'place'],
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    [317, 325, 'people']]}],
 [".1And nevertheless this article is an almost everlasting piece of property — it passes to its owner's heir, it is offered for public sale like some landed estate; whereas every hour of use wears away robes of scarlet and purple, which the same mother, luxury, has made almost as costly as pearls. ",
 ['.2Purples live seven years at most. They stay in hiding like the murex for 30 days at the time of the rising of the dog-star. They collect into shoals in springtime, and their rubbing together causes them to discharge a sort of waxy viscous slime. The murex also does this in a similar manner, but it has the famous flower of purple, sought after for dyeing robes, in the middle of its throat: here there is a white vein of very scanty fluid from which that precious dye, suffused with a dark rose colour, is drained, but the rest of the body produces nothing. People strive to catch this fish alive, because it discharges this juice with its life; and from the larger purples they get the juice by stripping off the shell, but they crush the smaller ones alive with the shell, as that is the only way to make them disgorge the juice. The best Asiatic purple is at Tyre, the best African is at Meninx and on the Gaetulian coast of the Ocean, the best European in the district of Sparta. The official rods and axes of Rome clear a path, and it also marks the honourable estate of boyhood; it distinguishes the senate from the knighthood, it is called in to secure the favour of the gods; and it adds radiance to every garment, while in a triumphal robe it is blended with gold. Consequently even the mad lust for the purple may be excused; but what is the cause of the prices paid for purple-shells, which have an unhealthy odour when used for dye and a gloomy tinge in their radiance resembling an angry sea? ',
  {'entities': [[865, 869, 'place'],
    [894, 900, 'place'],
    [912, 921, 'people'],
    [979, 985, 'place'],
    [1017, 1021, 'place']]}],
 [".3The purple's tongue is an inch long; when feeding it uses it for piercing a hole in the other kinds of shell-fish, so hard is its point. These fish die in fresh water and wherever a river discharges into the sea, but otherwise when caught they live as much as seven weeks on their own slime. All shellfish grow with extreme rapidity, especially the purple-fish; they reach their size in a year. ",
 ['.1But if having come to this point our exposition were to pass over elsewhere, luxury would undoubtedly believe itself defrauded and would find us guilty of remissness. For this reason we will pursue the subject of manufactures as well, so that just as the principle of foodstuffs is learnt in food, so everybody who takes pleasure in the class of things in question may be well-informed on the subject of that which is the prize of their mode of life. Shellfish supplying purple dyes and scarlets — the material of these is the same but it is differently blended — are of two kinds: the whelk is a smaller shell resembling the one that gives out the sound of a trumpet, whence the reason of its name, by means of the round mouth incised in its edge; the other is called the purple, with a channelled beak jutting out and the side of the channel tube-shaped inwards, through which the tongue can shoot out; moreover it is prickly all round, with about seven spikes forming a ring, which are not found in the whelk, though both shells have as many rings as they are years old. The trumpet-shell clings only to rocks and can be gathered round crags. ',
 [".2Another name used for the purple is 'pelagia.' There are several kinds, distinguished by food and the ground they live on. The mud-purple feeds on rotting slime and the seaweed-purple on seaweed, both being of a very common quality. A better kind is the reef-purple, collected on the reefs of the sea, though this also is lighter and softer as well. The pebble-purple is named after a pebble in the sea, and is remarkably suitable for purple dyes; and far the best for these is the melting-purple, that is, one fed on a varying kind of mud. Purples are taken in a sort of little lobster-pot of fine ply thrown into deep water. These contain bait, cockles that close with a snap, as we observe that mussels do. These when half-killed but put back into the sea gape greedily as they revive and attract the purples, which go for them with outstretched tongues. But the cockles when pricked by their spike shut up and nip the creatures nibbling them. So the purples hang suspended because of their greed and are lifted out of the water. ",
 [".1It is most profitable for them to be taken after the rising of the dog-star or before springtime, since when they have waxed themselves over with slime, they have their juices fluid. But this fact is not known to the dyers' factories, although it is of primary importance. Subsequently the vein of which we spoke is removed, and to this salt has to be added, about a pint for every hundred pounds; three days is the proper time for it to be steeped (as the fresher the salt the stronger it is), and it should be heated in a leaden pot, and with 50 lbs. of dye to every six gallons of water kept at a uniform and moderate temperature by a pipe brought from a furnace some way off. This will cause it gradually to deposit the portions of flesh which are bound to have adhered to the veins, and after about nine days the cauldron is strained and a fleece that has been washed clean is dipped for a trial, and the liquid is heated up until fair confidence is achieved. A ruddy colour is inferior to a blackish one. The fleece is allowed to soak for five hours and after it has been carded is clipped again, until it soaks up all the juice. The whelk by itself is not approved of, as it does not make a fast dye; it is blended in a moderate degree with sea-purple and it gives to its excessively dark hue that hard and brilliant scarlet which is in demand; when their forces are thus mingled, the one is enlivened, or deadened as the case may be, by the other. The total amount of dye-stuffs required for 1,000 lbs. of fleece is 200 lbs. of whelk and 111 lbs. of sea-purple; so is produced that remarkable amethyst colour. For Tyrian purple the wool is first soaked with sea-purple for a preliminary pale dressing, and then completely transformed with whelk dye. Its highest glory consists in the colour of congealed blood, blackish at first glance but gleaming when held up to the light; this is the origin of Homer's phrase, 'blood of purple hue.' ",
  {'entities': [[1624, 1630, 'demonym'], [1908, 1913, 'people']]}],
 [".1I notice that the use of purple at Rome dates from the earliest times, but that Romulus used it only for a cloak; as it is fairly certain that the first of the kings to use the bordered robe and broader purple stripe was Tullus Hostilius, after the conquest of the Etruscans. Cornelius Nepos, who died in the principate of the late lamented Augustus, says: 'In my young days the violet purple dye was the vogue, a pound of which sold at 100 denarii; and not much later the red purple of Taranto. This was followed by the double-dyed Tyrian purple, which it was impossible to buy for 1000 denarii per pound. This was first used in a bordered robe by Publius Lentulus Spinther, curule aedile, but met with disapproval, though who does not use this purple for covering dining-couches now-a-days?' Spinther was aedile in the consulship of Cicero, 63 BC. Stuff dipped twice over used at that time to be termed 'double-dyed,' and was regarded as a lavish extravagance, but now almost all the more agreeable purple stuffs are dyed in this way. ",
  {'entities': [[37, 41, 'place'],
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 ['.1In a purple-dyed dress the rest of the process is the same except that trumpet-shell dye is not used, and in addition the juice is diluted with water and with human urine in equal quantities; and only half the amount of dye is used. This produces that much admired paleness, avoiding deep colouration, and the more diluted the more the fleeces are stinted. ',
 ['.2The prices for dyestuff vary in cheapness with the productivity of the coasts, but those who buy them at an enormous price should know that deep-sea purple nowhere exceeds 50 sesterces and trumpet-shell 100 sesterces per 100 lbs. ',
 [".1But every end leads to fresh starts, and men make a sport of spending, and like doubling their sports by combining them and re-adulterating nature's adulterations, for instance staining tortoiseshells, alloying gold with silver to produce amber-metal ware, and adding copper to these to make Corinthian ware. It is not enough to have stolen for a dye the name of a gem, 'sober-stone,' but when finished it is made drunk again with Tyrian dye, so as to produce from the combination an outlandish name and a twofold luxury at one time; and when they have made shell-dye, they think it an improvement for it to pass into Tyrian. Repentance must have discovered this first, the artificer altering a product that he disapproved of; but reason sprang up next, and a defect was turned into a success by marvellous inventions, and a double path pointed out for luxury, so that one colour might be concealed by another, being pronounced to be made sweeter and softer by this process; and also a method to blend minerals, and dye with Tyrian a fabric already dyed with scarlet, to produce colour. The kermes, a red kernel of Galatia, as we shall say when dealing with the products of the earth, or else in the neighbourhood of Augusta Emerita in Lusitania, is most approved. But, to finish off these famous dyes at once, the kernel when a year old has a viscous juice, and also after it is four years old the juice tends to disappear, so that it lacks strength both when fresh and when getting old. We have amply dealt with the method whereby the beauty of men and women alike believes that it is rendered most abundant. ",
  {'entities': [[294, 304, 'demonym'],
    [433, 439, 'demonym'],
    [433, 439, 'demonym'],
    [433, 439, 'demonym'],
    [1117, 1124, 'place'],
    [1219, 1234, 'place'],
    [1238, 1247, 'place']]}],
 ['.1The genus shell-fish also includes the fan-mussel. It occurs in marshy places, always in an upright position, and never without a companion which is called the pea-crab, or by others the sea-pen-protector: this is a small shrimp, elsewhere called a crab, its attendant at the feast. The sea-pen opens, presenting the dark inside of its body to the tiny fishes; these at once dart forward, and when their courage has grown by license, they fill up the sea-pen. Her marker having watched for this moment gives her a signal with a gentle nip. She by shutting up kills whatever she has enclosed, and bestows a share on her partner. ',
 ['.1This makes me all the more surprised that some people have held the view that aquatic animals possess no senses. The torpedo knows her power, and does not herself possess the torpor she inflicts; she hides by plunging into the mud, and snaps up any fish that have received a shock while swimming carelessly above her. No tender morsel is preferred to the liver of this fish. The sea-frog called the angler-fish is equally cunning: it stirs up the mud and puts out the little horns that project under its eyes, drawing them back when little fishes frisk towards them till they come near enough for it to spring upon them. In a similar manner the skate and the turbot while in hiding put out their fins and wave them about to look like worms, and so also do the fish called rays. For the stingray acts as a freebooter, from its hiding place transfixing fish passing by with its sting, which is its weapon; there are proofs of this cunning, because these fish, though the slowest there are, are found with mullet, the swiftest of all fish, in their belly. ',
 ['.2The scolopendra, which resembles the land animal called the centipede, when it has swallowed a hook vomits up the whole of its inwards until it succeeds in disgorging it, and then sucks them back again. Sea-foxes on the other hand in a similar emergency gulp down more of the line till they reach its weak part where they may easily gnaw it off. The fish called the catfish more cautiously nibbles at hooks from behind and strips them of the bait without swallowing them. ',
 [".3The sea-ram goes around like a brigand, and now hides in the shadow of the larger vessels riding at anchor and waits in case somebody may be tempted by the pleasure of a swim, now raises its head out of the water and watches for fishermen's boats, and secretly swimming up to them sinks them. ",
 ['.1For my own part I hold the view that even those creatures which have not got the nature of either animals or plants, but some third nature derived from both, possess sense-perception — I mean jellyfish and sponges. ',
 [".2Jellyfish roam about and change their place by night. These have the nature of a fleshy leaf, and they feed on flesh. The itch they cause has a biting power, just like that of the land nettle. Consequently this creature draws itself in as stiffly as possible and when a little fish swims in front of it spreads out its leaf and enfolding it devours it. In other cases it looks as if it were withering up, and allows itself to be tossed about by the waves like seaweed, and attacks any fish that touch it as they try to scrape away the itch by rubbing against a rock. The same creature by night hunts for scallops and sea-urchins. When it feels a hand approach it, it changes colour and draws itself together. When touched it sends out a burning sting, and if there is a moment's interval hides. It is reported to have mouths in its root and to evacuate its excretions by a narrow tube through its topmost parts. ",
 ['.1We are informed that there are three kinds of sponge: a thick and very hard and rough one is called goat-thorn sponge, a less thick and softer one loose-sponge, and a thin one of close texture, used for making paintbrushes, Achilles sponge. They all grow on rocks, and feed on shells, fish and mud. These creatures manifestly possess intelligence, because when they are aware of a sponge-gatherer they contract and make it much more difficult to detach them. They do the same when much beaten by the waves. The tiny shells found inside them clearly show that they live by eating food. It is said that in the neighbourhood of Torone they can be fed on these shell-fish even after they have been pulled off the rocks, and that fresh sponges grow again on the rocks from the roots left there; also the colour of blood remains on them, especially on the African ones that grow on the sandbanks. Very large but very soft thin sponges grow round Lycia, though those in deep and calm water are softer; the rough kind grows in the Dardanelles, and the close-textured round Cape Malea. Sponges decay in sunny places, and consequently the best are found in deep pools. Live sponges have the same blackish colour as sponges in use have when wet. They do not cling to the rock with a particular part nor with their entire surface, for they have certain empty tubes, about four or five in number, running through them, through which it is believed that they take their food. They also have other tubes, but these are closed at the upper end; and it is understood that there is a sort of thin skin on the under side of their roots. It is established that they live a long time. The worst of all the species of sponge is one called in Greek the dirty sponge, because it cannot be cleaned; it contains large tubes, and the rest of it is of a very close texture. ',
  {'entities': [[226, 234, 'people'],
    [627, 633, 'place'],
    [942, 947, 'place'],
    [1025, 1036, 'place'],
    [1072, 1077, 'place']]}],
 [".1The number of Dogfish specially swarming round sponges beset the men that dive for them with grave danger. These persons also report that a sort of 'cloud' thickens above their heads — this a live creature resembling flatfish — pressing them down and preventing them from getting back, and that because of this they have very sharp spikes attached to cords, because the 'clouds' will not withdraw unless stabbed through in this way — this story being the result, as I believe, of darkness and fear; for nobody has ever heard of any such creature in the list of animals as the 'cloud' or 'fog,' which is the name the divers give to this plague. Divers have fierce fights with the Dogfish; these attack their loins and heels and all the white parts of the body. The one safety lies in going for them and frightening them by taking the offensive; for a Dogfish is as much afraid of a man as a man is of it, and so they are on equal terms in deep water. When they come to the surface, then the man is in critical danger, as the policy of taking the offensive is not available while he is trying to get out of the water, and his only safety Is in his comrades. These haul on the rope tied to his shoulders; this, as he carries on the duel, he shakes with his left hand to give a signal of danger, while his right hand grasps his dagger and is occupied in fighting. Most of the time they haul gently, but when he gets near the boat, unless with a quick heave they suddenly snatch him out of the water, they have to look on while he is made away with. And often when divers have already begun to be hauled up they are snatched out of their comrades' hands, unless they have themselves supplemented the aid of those hauling by curling up into a ball. Others of the crew of course thrust out harpoons, but the vast beast is crafty enough to go under the vessel and so carry on the battle in safety. Consequently divers devote their whole attention to keeping a watch against this disaster; the most reliable token of safety is to have seen some flatfish, which are never found where these noxious creatures are — on account of which divers call them the holy fish. ",
 ['.1It must be agreed that creatures enclosed in a flinty shell, such as oysters, have no senses. Many have the same nature as a bush, for instance the sea-cucumber, the sea-lung, the starfish. And to no such an extent is it the case that everything grows in the sea, that even the creatures found in inns in summertime — those that plague us with a quick jump or those that hide chiefly in the hair — occur there, and are often drawn out of the water clustering round the bait; and their irritation is thought to disturb the sleep of fish in the sea at night. Indeed on some kinds of fish these vermin actually breed as parasites; the herring is believed to be one of these. ',
 ['.1Nor are there wanting dire poisons, as in the sea-hare which in the Indian Ocean infects even by its touch, immediately causing vomiting and laxity of the stomach, and in our own seas the shapeless lump resembling a hare in colour only, whereas the Indian variety is also like a hare in size and in fur, only its fur is harder; and there it is never taken alive. An equally pestiferous creature is the weaver, which wounds with the sharp point of its dorsal fin. But there is nothing in the world more execrable than the sting projecting above the tail of the stingray which our people call the parsnip-fish; it is five inches long, and kills trees when driven into the root, and penetrates armour like a missile, with the force of steel and with deadly poison. ',
  {'entities': [[70, 76, 'demonym']]}],
 ['.1We are not told that the various kinds of fish suffer from endemic diseases, as do all other even wild animals; but that individuals among them are liable to illness is proved by the emaciated condition of some fish contrasted with the extreme fatness of others. of the same kind when caught. ',
 [".1The curiosity and wonder of mankind does not allow us to postpone the consideration of these animals' method of reproduction. Fish couple by rubbing their bellies together so quickly as to escape the sight; dolphins and the rest of the large marine species couple in a similar manner, but with rather longer contact. At the coupling season the female fish pursues the male, nudging his belly with her nose, but directly after the eggs are born the males similarly pursue the females and eat their eggs. Copulation is not enough in itself to cause the birth of offspring, unless when the eggs are laid the males swim to and fro sprinkling them with life-giving milk. This is not achieved with all the eggs in so great a multitude — otherwise the seas and marshes would be completely filled, since the uterus of a single fish holds a countless number of eggs. ",
 [".2Fishes' eggs in the sea grow in size, some with extreme rapidity, for instance those of the murena, some a little more slowly. Flat fish not possessing a tail, and sting-ray and tortoises, cover the female in mating, polyps couple by attaching a single feeler to the female's nostrils, the two varieties of cuttle-fish with their tongues, linking their arms together and swimming in opposite directions; they also spawn through the mouth. But polyps couple with their head turned towards the ground, all the other soft fishes with their backs — for instance sea-dogs, and also langoustes and prawns; crabs with their mouth. Frogs cover the female, the male grasping her shoulder-blades with his forefeet and her buttocks with his hind feet. They spawn very small lumps of dark flesh that are called tadpoles, possessing only eyes and a tail; but soon feet are formed by the tail dividing into two hind legs. And strange to say, after six months of life they melt invisibly back into mud, and again in the waters of springtime are reborn what they were before, equally owing to some hidden principle of nature, as it occurs every year. Also mussels and scallops are produced by spontaneous generation in sandy waters; fish with harder shells, like the two varieties of purple-fish, are generated by a sticky juice like saliva, as gnats are by moisture turning sour; the anchovy by sea-foam growing warm when rain gets into it; but fish protected by a flinty covering, like oysters, are generated by rotting mud, or by the foam round ships that stay moored for some time, and especially round stakes fixed in the ground, and timber. It has recently been discovered in oyster-beds that a fertilizing moisture flows out of these fish like milk. Eels rub against rocks and the scrapings come to life; this is their only way of breeding. Different kinds of fish do not mate together, except the skate and the ray, the cross between which is like a ray in front, and bears in Greece a name derived from the names of both parents. ",
 ['.3Some creatures are born at a fixed season of the year, water species as well as those on land: scallops of and slugs and leeches in the spring; these also pass away at a fixed season. Among fish the wolf-fish and the sardine breed twice a year, and so do all the rock-fish; some breed three times, for instance the herring; carp six times; sea-scorpions and twice, in spring and autumn: of the flat fish only the skate twice, in the autumn and at the setting of the Pleiades; most fish in the three months of April, May and June; the stockfish in the autumn, the aargus, the torpedo and the squalus at the season of the equinox; soft fish in the spring; the cuttlefish in all the months — its eggs stick together with an inky gum like a bunch of grapes, and the male directs his breath upon them, otherwise they are barren. Polyps mate in winter and lay eggs in spring that cluster in a twisting coil; and they are so prolific that when they are killed the cavity of their head will not hold the multitude of eggs that they carried in it when pregnant. They lay them after seven weeks, many of them perishing because of their number. Langoustes rind the rest of the species with rather thin shells deposit their eggs underneath them and so hatch them; the female polyp now sits on the eggs and now forms a closed cavern with her tentacles intertwined in a lattice. The sepia lays on land among reeds or wherever there is seaweed growing, and hatches after a fortnight. The cuttlefish produces its eggs in deep water clustered together like those of the sepia. The purple-fish, the murex and their kind spawn in spring. Sea-urchins have eggs at the full moons in winter, and snails are born in the winter time. ',
  {'entities': [[468, 476, 'people']]}],
 ['.1The electric ray is found having broods numbering eighty; also it produces exceedingly small eggs inside it, shifting them to another part of the womb and emitting them there; and similarly all the species that we have designated cartilaginous: thus it comes about that these are the only fish kinds that are both viviparous and oviparous. With the catfish alone of all species the male guards the eggs, often for as long as 50 days at a time, to prevent their being eaten by other fish. The females of all the other species spawn in thee days if a male has touched them. ',
 ['.1The horn-fish or garfish is the only fish so prolific that its matrix is ruptured when it spawns; after spawning the wound grows together, which is said to happen in the case of blindworms also. The sea-mouse digs a trench in the ground to lay its eggs in and covers it again with earth, and a month later digs the earth up again and opens the trench and leads its brood into the water. ',
 ['.1The red mullet and the sea-perch are said to have wombs. The species called by the Greeks hoop-fish is said to practise self-impregnation. The offspring of all aquatic animals are blind at birth. ',
 [".1There has recently been sent to us a remarkable case of longevity in fishes. In Campania not far from Naples, there is a country house named Posilipo; Annaeus Seneca writes that in Caesar's fishponds on this property a fish thrown in by Polio Vedius had died after reaching the age of 60, while two others of the same breed that were of the same age were even then living. The mention of fishponds reminds me to say a little more on this topic before leaving the subject of aquatic animals. ",
  {'entities': [[82, 90, 'place'],
    [104, 110, 'place'],
    [161, 167, 'people'],
    [183, 189, 'people'],
    [245, 251, 'people']]}],
 ['.1Oyster ponds were first invented by Sergius Orata on the Gulf of Baiae, in the time of the orator Lucius Crassus, before the Marsian war his motive was not greed but avarice, and he made a great profit out of his practical ingenuity, as he was the first inventor of shower-baths — he used to fit out country houses in this way and then sell them. He was the first to adjudge the best flavour to Lucrine oysters — because the same kinds of fish are of better quality In different places, for example wolf-fish in the Tiber between the two bridges, turbot at Ravenna, lamprey in Sicily, sturgeon at Rhodes, and other kinds likewise — not to carry out this census of the larder to its conclusion. The coasts of Britain were not yet in service when Orata used to advertise the fame of the products of the Lucrine Lake; but subsequently it was deemed worth while to send to the end of Italy, to Brindisi, for oysters, and to prevent a quarrel between the two delicacies the plan has lately been devised of feeding away in the Lake Lucrinus the hunger caused by the long porterage from Brindisi. ',
  {'entities': [[38, 45, 'people'],
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    [803, 815, 'place'],
    [882, 887, 'place'],
    [892, 900, 'place'],
    [1023, 1036, 'place'],
    [892, 900, 'place']]}],
 [".1In the same period the elder Licinius Murena invented fishponds for all the other sorts of fish, and his example was subsequently followed by the celebrated record of Philip and Hortensius. Lucullus had built a channel that cost more than a country house, by actually cutting through a mountain near Naples and letting in the sea; this was why Pompey the Great used to call him 'Xerxes in Roman dress.' After his decease the fish from this pond sold for 4,000,000 sesterces. ",
  {'entities': [[31, 39, 'people'],
    [40, 46, 'people'],
    [169, 175, 'people'],
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    [192, 200, 'people'],
    [302, 308, 'place'],
    [346, 352, 'people'],
    [381, 387, 'people']]}],
 [".1The first person to devise a separate pond for lampreys was Gaius Hirrius, who added to the triumphal banquets of Caesar lampreys to the number of 6000 — as a loan, because he would not exchange them for money or for any other commodity. His less than moderate country estate was sold by its fishponds for 4,000,000 sesterces. Subsequently affection for individual fishes came into fashion. At Baculo in the Baiae district the pleader Hortensius had a fishpond containing a lamprey which he fell so deeply in love with that he is believed to have wept when it expired. At the same country house Drusus's wife Antonia adorned her favourite lamprey with earrings, and its reputation made some people extremely eager to visit Baculo. ",
  {'entities': [[116, 122, 'people'],
    [410, 415, 'place'],
    [437, 447, 'people'],
    [597, 603, 'people'],
    [611, 618, 'people']]}],
 ['.1Ponds for keeping snails were first made by Fulvius Lippinus in the Trachina district a little before the civil war fought with Pompey the Great; indeed he kept the different kinds of snails separate, with different compartments for the white snails that grow in the Reate territory and for the Illyrian variety distinguished for size, the African for fecundity and the Solitane for breed. Moreover he devised a method of fattening them with new wine boiled down and spelt and other kinds of fodder, so that gastronomy was enriched even by fattened oysters; and according to Marcus Varro this ostentatious science was carried to such lengths that a single snail-shell was large enough to hold 80 quarts. ',
  {'entities': [[46, 53, 'people'],
    [54, 62, 'people'],
    [130, 136, 'people'],
    [269, 274, 'place'],
    [297, 305, 'demonym'],
    [584, 589, 'people']]}],
 [".1Moreover some wonderful kinds of fish are reported by Theophrastus. He says that (1) where the rivers debouch around the water-meadows of Babylon a certain fish stays in caverns that contain springs and goes out from them to feed, walking with its fins by means of a repeated movement of the tail, and guards against being caught by taking refuge in its caves and remaining in them facing towards the opening, and that these fishes' heads resemble a sea-frog's and the rest of its parts a goby's, though the gills are the same as in other fish. (2) In the neighbourhood of Heraclea and Cromna and in many parts of the Black Sea there is one kind that frequents the water at the edge of rivers and makes itself caverns in the ground and lives in these, and also in the shore of tidal rivers when left dry by the tide; and consequently they are only dug up when the movement of their bodies shows that they are alive. (3) In the same neighbourhood of Heraclea at the outflow of the river Lycus fishes are born from eggs left in the mud that seek their fodder by flapping with their little gills, and this makes them not need moisture, which is the reason why eels also live comparatively long when taken out of the water, while eggs mature in a dry place, for instance tortoise's eggs. (4) In the same region of the Black Sea the fish most frequently caught in the ice is the goby, which is only made to reveal the movement of life by the heat of the saucepan. These accounts indeed, however marvellous, do nevertheless embody a certain principle. The same authority reports that in Paphlagonia earth-fish extremely acceptable for food are dug out of deep trenches in places where there is no overflow from streams; and after himself expressing surprise at their being propagated without coupling, he gives the view that at all events they have a supply of moisture in them similar to that in wells — but as if fish were found in any wells! Whatever the fact is as to this, it certainly makes the life of moles, an underground animal, less remarkable, unless perhaps these fishes also possess the nature of earth-worms. ",
  {'entities': [[56, 68, 'people'],
    [140, 147, 'place'],
    [575, 583, 'place'],
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    [575, 583, 'place'],
    [988, 993, 'place'],
    [620, 629, 'place'],
    [1583, 1594, 'place']]}],
 ['.1But credibility is given to all these statements by the flooding of the Nile, with a marvel that surpasses them all: this is that, when the river withdraws its covering, water-mice are found with the work of generative water and earth uncompleted — they are already alive in a part of their body, but the most recently formed part of their structure is still of earth. ',
  {'entities': [[74, 78, 'place']]}],
 ['.1Nor is it proper to omit the stories about the anthias fish that I notice to have won general acceptance. We have mentioned the Swallow Islands, situated off a promontory of Mt. Taurus in the rocky sea of Asia; this fish is frequent there, and is quickly caught, in one variety. A fisherman sails out a certain distance in a small boat, wearing clothes that match the boat in colour, and at the same time for several days running, and throws out bait; but if any alteration whatever be made, the prey suspects a trick and avoids the thing that has frightened it. When this has been done a number of times, at last one anthias is tempted by familiarity to try to get the bait. This one is marked down with careful attention as a foundation for hope and as a decoy for a catch; and it is not difficult to mark it, as for several days only this one ventures to come close. At last it finds others as well, and gradually enlarging its company finally brings shoals too big to count, as by this time all the oldest fish have got used to recognizing the fisherman and snatching the bait out of his hand. Then he throws a hook fixed in the bait a little beyond his fingers, and catches or rather rushes them one by one, snatching them with a short jerk away from the shadow of the boat so that the others may not notice it, while another man in the boat receives the catch in some rags so that no flapping or noise may drive away the others. It pays to know the decoy fish for this purpose, so that he may not be caught, as thenceforward the shoal will swim away. There is a story that a disaffected partner in a fishery lay in wait for the leader fish, which was very well known, and caught it, with malicious intent; Mucianus adds that it was recognized in the market by the partner who was being victimized, and that proceedings for damage were instituted and a verdict given for the prosecution with damages as assessed. Moreover it is said that when these fishes see one of their number hooked they cut the line with the saw — like prickles that they have on their back, while the one held by the line draws it taut so as to enable it to be severed. With the satgus kind however the captive itself rubs the line against the rocks. ',
  {'entities': [[130, 145, 'place'],
    [180, 186, 'place'],
    [207, 211, 'people'],
    [1714, 1722, 'people']]}],
 ['.1Besides these eases I observe that authors renowned for their wisdom express surprise at there being a star in the sea: that is the shape of the fish which has rather little, flesh inside it but a rather hard rind outside. They say that this fish contains such fiery heat that it scorches all the things it touches in the sea, and digests all food immediately. I cannot readily say by what experiments this has been ascertained, and I should consider a fact that there is daily opportunity of experiencing to be much more worth recording. ',
 ['.1The class shellfish includes the piddock, named finger-mussel from its resemblance to a human fingernail. It is the nature of these fish to shine in darkness with a bright light when other light is removed, and in proportion to their amount of moisture to glitter both in the mouth of persons masticating them and in their hands, and even on the floor and on their clothes when drops fall from them, making it clear beyond all doubt that their juice possesses a property that we should marvel at even in a solid object. ',
 [".1There are also remarkable facts as to their quarrels and their friendship. Violent animosity rages between the mullet and the wolf-fish, and between the conger and the lamprey, which gnaw each other's tails. The langouste is so terrified of the polyp that it dies if it merely sees one near to it, and so does the conger if it sees a langouste; while on the other hand congers tear a polyp to pieces. Nigidius states that the wolf-fish gnaws at the tail of the mullet, although they are friendly together in certain months, but that all the mullets with their tails amputated in this way continue to live. But on the other hand instances of friendship, in addition to the creatures whose alliance we have mentioned, are the whale and the sea-mouse: because the whale's eyes are overburdened with the excessively heavy weight of its brows the sea-mouse swims in front of it and points out the shallows dangerous to its bulky size, so acting as a substitute for eyes. There will follow an account of the natures of birds. ",
  {'entities': [[403, 411, 'people']]}],
 [".1.1THE next subject is the Nature of Birds. Of these the largest species, which almost belongs to the class of animals, the ostrich of Africa or Ethiopia, exceeds the height and surpasses the speed of a mounted horseman, its wings being bestowed upon it merely as an assistance in running, but otherwise it is not a flying creature and does not rise from the earth. It has talons resembling a stag's hooves, which it uses as weapons; they are cloven in two, and are useful for grasping stones which when in flight it flings with its feet against its pursuers. Its capacity for digesting the objects that it swallows down indiscriminately is remarkable, but not less so is its stupidity in thinking that it is concealed when it has hidden its neck among bushes, in spite of the great height of the rest of its body. The eggs of the ostrich are extremely remarkable for their size; some people use them as vessels, and the feathers for adorning the crests and helmets of warriors. ",
  {'entities': [[146, 154, 'place']]}],
 ['.2.1They say that Ethiopia and the Indies possess birds extremely variegated in colour and indescribable, and that Arabia has one that is famous before all others (though perhaps it is fabulous), the phoenix, the only one in the whole world and hardly ever seen. The story is that it is as large as an eagle, and has a gleam of gold round its neck and all the rest of it is purple, but the tail blue picked out with rose-coloured feathers and the throat picked out with tufts, and a feathered crest adorning its head. The first and the most detailed Roman account of it was given by Manilius, the eminent senator famed for his extreme and varied learning acquired without a teacher: he stated that nobody has ever existed that has seen one feeding, that in Arabia it is sacred to the Sun-god, that it lives 540 years, that when it is growing old it constructs a nest with sprigs of wild cinnamon and frankincense, fills it with scents and lies on it till it dies; that subsequently from its bones and marrow is born first a sort of maggot, and this grows into a chicken, and that this begins by paying due funeral rites to the former bird and carrying the whole nest down to the City of the Sun near Panchaia and depositing it upon an altar there. Manilius also states that the period of the Great Year coincides with the life of this bird, and that the same indications of the seasons and stars return again, and that this begins about noon on the day on which the sun enters the sign of the Ram, and that the year of this period had been 215, as reported by him, in the consulship of Publius Licinius and Gnaeus Cornelius. Cornelius Valerianus reports that a phoenix flew down into Egypt in the consulship of Quintus Plautius and Sextus Papinius; it was even brought to Rome in the Censorship of the Emperor Claudius, a.u.c. 800 and displayed in the Comitium, a fact attested by the Records, although nobody would doubt that this phoenix was a fabrication. ',
  {'entities': [[18, 26, 'place'],
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    [1719, 1727, 'people'],
    [1772, 1776, 'place'],
    [1810, 1818, 'people'],
    [1852, 1860, 'place']]}],
 [".3.1Of the birds known to us the eagle is the most honourable and also the strongest. Of eagles there are six kinds. The one called by the Greeks the black eagle, and also the hare-eagle is smallest in size and of outstanding strength; it is of a blackish colour. It is the only eagle that rears its own young, whereas all the others, as we shall describe, drive them away; and it is the only one that has no scream or cry. Its haunt is in the mountains. To the second kind belongs the white-rump eagle found in towns and in level country; it has a whitish tail. To the third the morphnos, which Homer also calls the dusky eagle, and some the plangos and also the duck-eagle; it is second in size and strength, and it lives in the neighbourhood of lakes. Phemonoe, who was styled Daughter of Apollo, has stated that it possesses teeth, but that it is mute and voiceless; also that it is the darkest of the eagles in colour, and has an exceptionally prominent tail. Boethus also agrees. It has a clever device for breaking tortoiseshells that it has carried off, by dropping them from a height; this accident caused the death of the poet Aeschylus, who was trying to avoid a disaster of this nature that had been foretold by the fates, as the story goes, by trustfully relying on the open sky. Next, the fourth class comprises the hawk-eagle, also called the mountain stork, which resembles a vulture in having very small wings but exceeds it in the size of its other parts, and yet is unwarlike and degenerate, as it allows a crow to flog it. It is always ravenously greedy, and keeps up a plaintive screaming. It is the only eagle that carries away the dead bodies of its prey; all the others after killing alight on the spot. This species causes the fifth kind to be called the' true eagle,' as being the genuine kind and the only pure-bred one; it is of medium size and dull reddish colour, and it is rarely seen. There remains the osprey, which has very keen eyesight, and which hovers at a great height and when it sees a fish in the sea drops on it with a swoop and cleaving the water with its breast catches it. The species that we made the third hunts round marshes for water-birds, which at once dive, till they become drowsy and exhausted, when it catches them. The duel is worth watching, the bird making for refuge on the shore, especially if there is a dense reed-bed, and the eagle driving it away from the shore with a blow of its wing; and when it is hunting its quarry in a lake, soaring and showing its shadow to the bird swimming under water away from the shore, so that the bird turns back again and comes to the surface at a place where it thinks it is least expected. This is the reason why birds swim in flocks, because several are not attacked at the same time, since they blind the enemy by splashing him with their wings. Often even the eagles themselves cannot carry the weight of their catch and are drowned with it. The sea-eagle only compels its still unfledged chicks by beating them to gaze full at the rays of the sun, and if it notices one blinking and with its eyes watering flings it out of the nest as a bastard and not true to stock, whereas one whose gaze stands firm against the light it rears. Sea-eagles have no breed of their own but are born from crossbreeding with other eagles; but the offspring of a pair of sea-eagles belongs to the osprey genus, from which spring the smaller vultures, and from these the great vultures which do not breed at all. Some people add a species of eagle which they call the bearded eagle, but which the Tuscans call an ossifrage. ",
  {'entities': [[596, 601, 'people'],
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 [".4.1The three first and the fifth kinds of eagle have the stone called eagle-stone (named by some gagites) built into their nests, which is useful for many cures, and loses none of its virtue by fire. The stone in question is big with another inside it, which rattles as if in a jar when you shake it. But only those taken from a nest possess the medicinal power referred to. They build their nests in rocks and trees, and lay as many as three eggs at a time, but they shut out two chicks of the brood, and have been seen on occasion to eject even three. They drive out the other chick when they are tired of feeding it: indeed at this period nature has denied food to the parent birds themselves as a precaution, so that the young of all the wild animals should not be plundered; also during those days the birds' talons turn inward, and their feathers grow white from want of food, so that with good reason they hate their own offspring. But the chicks thrown out by these birds are received by the kindred breed, the bearded eagles, who rear them with their own. However the parent bird pursues them even when grown up, and drives them far away, doubtless because they are competitors in the chase. And apart from this a single pair of eagles in order to get enough food requires a large tract of country to hunt over; consequently they mark out districts, and do not poach on their neighbours' preserves. When they have made a catch they do not carry it off at once, but first lay it on the ground, and only fly away with it after first testing its weight. They meet their end not from old age nor sickness but from hunger, as their upper mandible grows to such a size that it is too hooked for them to be able to open it. They get busy and fly in the afternoon, but in the earlier hours of the day they perch quite idle till the market-places fill with a gathering of people. If eagles' feathers have the feathers of any other birds mixed with them, they swallow them up. It is stated that this is the only bird that is never killed by a thunderbolt; this, is why custom has deemed the eagle to be Jupiter's armour-bearer. ",
  {'entities': [[2103, 2110, 'people']]}],
 [".5.1The eagle was assigned to the Roman legions as their special badge by Gaius Marius in his second consulship. Even previously it had been their first badge, with four others, wolves, minotaurs, horses and boars going in front of the respective ranks; but a few years before the custom had come in of carrying the eagles alone into action, the rest being left behind in camp. Marius discarded them altogether. Thenceforward it was noticed that there was scarcely ever a legion's winter camp without a pair of eagles being in the neighbourhood. ",
  {'entities': [[74, 86, 'people'], [80, 86, 'people']]}],
 [".5.2The first and second kinds not only carry off the smaller four-footed animals but actually do battle with stags. The eagle collects a quantity of dust by rolling in it, and perching on the stag's horns sakes it off into its eyes, striking its head with its wings, until it brings it down on to the rocks. Nor is it content with one foe: it has a fiercer battle with a great serpent, and one that is of much more doubtful issue, even though it is in the air. The serpent with mischievous greed tries to get the eagle's eggs; consequently the eagle carries it off wherever seen. The serpent fetters its wings by twining itself round them in manifold coils so closely that it falls to the ground itself with the snake. ",
 ['.6.1At the city of Sestos the fame of an eagle is celebrated, the story being that it was reared by a maiden and that it repaid its gratitude by bringing to her first birds and soon afterwards big game, and when finally she died it threw itself upon her lighted pyre and was burnt with her. On account of this the inhabitants made what is called a heroon in that place, which is named the Shrine of Jupiter and the Maiden, because the bird is assigned to that deity. ',
  {'entities': [[19, 25, 'place'], [399, 406, 'people']]}],
 ['.7.1Of vultures the black are the strongest. No one has ever reached their nests, and consequently there have actually been persons who have thought that they fly here from the opposite side of the globe. This is a mistake: they make their nests on extremely lofty crags. Their chicks indeed are often seen, usually in pairs. The most learned augur of our age, Umbricius, states that they lay thirteen eggs, but use one of them for cleaning the remaining eggs and the nest and then throw it away; but that three days before they lay the eggs they fly to some place where there will be dead bodies. ',
 [".8.1There is great question among the Roman augurs about the sanqualis and the immusulus. Some think that the immusulus is the chick of the vulture and the sanqualis of the bearded vulture. Masurius says that the sanqualis is a bearded vulture and the immusulus an eagle's chick before its tail turns white. Some persons have asserted that they have not been seen at Rome since the time of the augur Mucius, but for my own part I think it more probable that in the general slackness that prevails they have not been recognized. ",
  {'entities': [[190, 198, 'people'],
    [367, 371, 'place'],
    [400, 406, 'people']]}],
 [".9.1Of hawks we find sixteen kinds, and among these the aegithus, which when lame in one foot is of very fortunate omen for marriage contracts and for property in cattle, and the triorchis, named from the number of its testicles, the bird to which Phemonoe gave primacy among auguries. The Roman name for it is buteo, which is also the surname of a family, assumed because one perched on an admiral's ship with good omen. The Greeks give the name of merlin to the only species that appears at every season, whereas all the others go away in winter. The varieties of hawks are distinguished by their appetite for food: some only snatch a bird off the pound, others only one fluttering round a tree, others one that perches high in the branches, others one flying in the open. Consequently even the doves know the risks that they run from hawks, and when They see one They alight, or else fly upward, safeguarding themselves by going counter to the hawk's nature. The hawks of the whole of Massaesylia lay their eggs on the ground in Cerne, an island of Africa in the Ocean, and they do not breed elsewhere, as they are accustomed to the natives of that island. ",
  {'entities': [[248, 256, 'people'], [988, 999, 'people']]}],
 ['.10.1In the district of Thrace inland from Amphipolis men and hawks have a sort of partnership for fowling: the men put up the birds from woods and reed-beds and the hawks flying overhead drive them down again; the fowlers share the bag with the hawks. It is reported that when the birds have been put up the hawks intercept them in the air, and when it is time for a catch invite the sportsmen to take the opportunity by their screaming and their way of flying. Wolf-fish at the Maeotic Marsh act somewhat in the same way, for unless they get their share from fishermen they tear their nets when spread. ',
  {'entities': [[24, 30, 'place'], [43, 53, 'place'], [480, 487, 'place']]}],
 [".10.2Hawks do not eat the hearts of birds. The night-hawk is called cybindis; it is rare even in forests, and cannot see very well in the daytime. It wages war to the death with the eagle, and they are often taken clinging together in each other's clutches. ",
 ['.11.1The cuckoo seems to be made by changing its shape out of a hawk at a certain season of the year, as the rest of the hawks do not appear then, except on a very few days, and the cuckoo itself also after being seen for a moderate period of the summer is not observed afterwards. But the cuckoo is alone among the hawks in not having crooked talons, and also it is not like the other hawks in the head or in anything else but colour: it rather has the general appearance of the pigeon. Moreover a hawk will eat a cuckoo, if ever both have appeared at the same time: the cuckoo is the only one of all the birds that is killed by its own kind. And it also changes its voice. It comes out in the spring and goes into lung at the rising of the dog-star, between which dates it lays its eggs in the nests of other birds, usually wood-pigeons, for the most part one egg at a time, as does no other bird; it seldom lays two. Its reason for foisting its chicks on other birds is supposed to be that it knows itself to be hated by the whole of the birds, for even the very small birds attack it; consequently it thinks that a progeny will not be secured for its race unless it has escaped notice, for which reason it makes no nest; it is a timid creature in general. Therefore the brooding hen in the nest thus cuckolded rears the changeling. The young cuckoo being by nature greedy snatches the bits of food away from the rest of the chicks, and so gets fat and attracts the mother bird to itself by its sleek appearance. She delights in its beauty and admires herself for having borne such a child, while in comparison with it she convicts her own chicks of not belonging to her, and lets them be eaten up even under her own eyes, until finally the cuckoo, now able to fly, seizes the mother bird herself as well. At this stage no sort of bird will compare with a young cuckoo for savoury flavour. ',
 ['.12.1Kites belong to the same genus as hawks but differ in size. It has been noticed in regard to this species. That though a most rapacious bird and always hungry it never steals any edible from the oblations at funerals nor from the altar at Olympia and not even out of the hands of the people bringing the offsprings except with a gloomy portent for the slaves performing the sacrifice. Also it seems that this bird by its manipulation of its tail taught the art of steersmanship, nature demonstrating in the sky what was required in the deep. Kites themselves also are not seen in the winter months, though not departing before the swallow; it is reported however that they suffer from gout even from midsummer onward. ',
  {'entities': [[244, 251, 'place']]}],
 ['.13.1The primary distinction between birds is established especially by the feet; for either they have hooked talons or claws or they are in the web-footed class like geese and water-fowl generally. If they have hooked talons they live for the most part only on flesh; ',
 ['.14.1though crows eat other food as well, as if a nut is so hard that it resists their beak they fly up aloft and drop it two or more times on to rocks or roof-tiles, till it is cracked and they can break it open. The bird itself has a persistent croak that is unlucky, although some people speak well of it. It is noticed that from the rising of Arcturus to the arrival of the swallows it is rarely seen in groves and temples of Minerva and never at all elsewhere, as is the case at Athens; it is most unlucky at its breeding season, that is, after midsummer. Moreover this bird alone continues feeding its chicks for some time even when they can fly; ',
  {'entities': [[347, 355, 'people'],
    [430, 437, 'people'],
    [484, 490, 'place']]}],
 ['.15.1whereas all the other birds of the same class drive their chicks out of the nests and compel them to fly, as also do ravens. These not only feed on flesh themselves too, but also drive away their chicks when strong to a considerable distance. Consequently in small villages there are not more than two pairs of ravens, and in fact in the neighbourhood of Crannon in Thessaly there is one pair permanently in each place; the parents retire to make room for their offspring. ',
  {'entities': [[360, 367, 'place'], [371, 379, 'place']]}],
 ['.15.2There are certain points of difference between this bird and the one mentioned above. Ravens breed before midsummer, also they have 60 days of ill-health, principally owing to thirst, before the figs ripen in the autumn; whereas the crow is seized with sickness from that day onward. ',
 [".15.3Ravens produce broods of five at most. There is a popular belief that they lay eggs, or else mate, with the beak (and that consequently if women with child eat a raven's egg they bear the infant through the mouth, and that altogether they have a difficult delivery if raven's eggs are brought into the house); but Aristotle says that this is not true of the raven, any more indeed than it is of the ibis in Egypt, but that the billing in question (which is often noticed) is a form of kissing, like that which takes place between pigeons. Ravens seem to be the only birds that have an understanding of the meanings that they convey in auspices; for when the guests of Medus were murdered, all the ravens in the Peloponnese and Attica flew away. It is a specially bad omen when they gulp down their croak as if they were choking. ",
  {'entities': [[319, 328, 'people'],
    [412, 417, 'place'],
    [673, 678, 'people'],
    [716, 727, 'place'],
    [732, 738, 'place']]}],
 ['.16.1Night birds also have hooked talons, for instance the little owl, the eagle-owl and the screech-owl. All of these are dim-sighted in the daytime. The eagle-owl is a funereal bird, and is regarded as an extremely bad omen, especially at public auspices; it inhabits deserts and places that are not merely unfrequented but terrifying and inaccessible; a weird creature of the night, its cry is not a musical note but a scream. Consequently when seen in cities or by daylight in any circumstances it is a direful portent; but I know several cases of its having perched on the houses of private persons without fatal consequences. It never flies in the direction where it wants to go, but travels slantwise out of its course. In the consulship of Sextus Palpellius Hister and Lucius Pedanius an eagle-owl entered the very shrine of the Capitol, on account of which a purification of the city was held on March 7th in that year. ',
  {'entities': [[766, 772, 'place'],
    [784, 792, 'people'],
    [837, 844, 'place']]}],
 [".17.1There is also a bird of ill-omen called the fire-bird, on account of which we find in the annals that the city has often had a ritual purification, for instance in the consulship of Lucius Cassius and Gaius Marius [107 BCE], in which year the appearance of an eagle-owl also occasioned a purification. What this bird was I cannot discover, and it is not recorded. Some persons give this interpretation, that the fire-bird was any bird that was seen carrying a coal from an altar or altar-table; others call it a 'spinturnix,' but I have not found anybody who professes to know what particular species of bird that is. I also notice that the bird named by the ancients 'clivia' is unidentified — some call it 'screech-owl,' Labeo 'warning owl'; and moreover a bird is cited in Nigidius that breaks eagles' eggs. There are besides a number of kinds described in Tuscan lore that have not been seen for generations, though it is surprising that they should have now become extinct when even kinds that are ravaged by man's greed continue plentiful. ",
  {'entities': [[194, 201, 'people'],
    [206, 218, 'people'],
    [728, 733, 'people'],
    [781, 789, 'people'],
    [865, 871, 'demonym']]}],
 [".18.1On the subject of the auguries of foreign races the writings of an author named Hylas are deemed to be the most learned. He states that the night-owl, eagle-owl, woodpecker, trygona and raven come out of the egg tail first, because the eggs axe turned the wrong way up by the weight of the heads and present the hinder part of the chicks' bodies to the mother to cherish. ",
  {'entities': [[85, 90, 'people']]}],
 ['.19.1Night-owls wage a crafty battle against other birds. When surrounded by a crowd that outnumbers them they lie on their backs and defend themselves with their feet, and bunching themselves up close are entirely protected by their beak and claws. Through a kind of natural alliance the hawk comes to their aid and takes part in the war. Nigidius relates that night-owls hibernate for 60 days every winter, and that they have nine cries. ',
  {'entities': [[340, 348, 'people']]}],
 ['.20.1There are also small birds with hooked claws, for instance the variety of woodpeckers called Birds of Mars that are important in taking auguries. In this class are the tree-hollowing woodpeckers that climb nearly straight upright in the manner of cats, but also the others that cling upside down, which know by the sound of the bark when they strike it that there is fodder underneath it. They are the only birds that rear their chicks in holes. There is a common belief that when wedges are driven into their holes by a shepherd the birds by applying a kind of grass make them slip out again. Trebius states that if you drive a nail or wedge with as much force as you like into a tree in which a woodpecker has a nest, when the bird perches on it it at once springs out again with a creak of the tree. Woodpeckers themselves have been of the first importance among auguries in Latium from the time of the king a who gave his name to this bird. One presage of theirs I cannot pass over. When Aelius Tubero, City Praetor, was giving judgements from the bench in the forum, a woodpecker perched on his head so fearlessly that he was able to catch it in his hand. In reply to enquiry the seers declared that disaster was portended to the empire if the bird were released, but to the praetor if it were killed. Tubero however at once tore the bird in pieces; and not long afterwards he fulfilled the portent. ',
  {'entities': [[107, 111, 'people'],
    [599, 606, 'people'],
    [883, 889, 'place'],
    [997, 1003, 'people'],
    [1004, 1010, 'people'],
    [1004, 1010, 'people']]}],
 ['.21.1Many birds in this class feed also on acorns and fruit, but those that eat only flesh do not drink, excepting the kite, and for a kite to drink counts in itself as a direful augury. The birds having talons never live in flocks, and each hunts for itself. But they almost all except the night-birds among them fly high, and the bigger ones higher. All have large wings and a small body. They walk with difficulty. They rarely perch on rocks, as the curve of their talons prohibits this. ',
 ['.22.1Now let us speak about the second class, which is divided into two kinds, songbirds and plumage-birds. The former kind are distinguished by their song and the latter by their size; so the latter shall come first in order also, and among them before all the rest will come the peacock class, both because of its beauty and because of its consciousness of and pride in it. When praised it spreads out its jewelled colours directly facing the sun, because in that way they gleam more brilliantly; and at the same time by curving its tail like a shell it contrives as it were reflexions of shadow for the rest of its colours, which actually shine more brightly in the dark, and it draws together into a cluster all the eyes of its feathers, as it delights in having them looked at. Moreover when it moults its tail feathers every year with the fall of the leaves, it seeks in shame and sorrow for a place of concealment until others are born again with the spring flowers. It lives for 25 years, but it begins to shed its colours at the age of three. The authorities relate that this creature is not only ostentatious but also spiteful, just as the goose is said to be modest — since some writers have added these characteristics also in that species, though I do not accept them. ',
 ['.23.1The first person at Rome to kill a peacock for the table was the orator Hortensius, at the inaugural banquet of his priesthood. Fattening peacocks was first instituted about the time of the last pirate war by Marcus Aufidius Lurco, and he made 60,000 sesterces profit from this trade. ',
  {'entities': [[25, 29, 'place'],
    [77, 87, 'people'],
    [221, 229, 'people'],
    [230, 235, 'people']]}],
 ['.24.1Nearly equally proud and self-conscious are also our Roman night-watchmen, a breed designed by nature for the purpose of awakening mortals for their labours and interrupting sleep. They are skilled astronomers, and they mark every three-hour period in the daytime with song, go to bed with the sun, and at the fourth camp-watch recall us to our business and our labour and do not allow the sunrise to creep upon us unawares, but herald the coming day with song, while they herald that song itself with a flapping of their wings against their sides. They lord it over their own race, and exercise royal sway in whatever household they live. This sovereignty they win by duelling with one another, seeming to understand that weapons grow upon their legs for this purpose, and often the fight only ends when they die together. If they win the palm, they at once sing a song of victory and proclaim themselves the champions, while the one defeated hides in silence and with difficulty endures servitude. Yet even the common herd struts no less proudly, with uplifted neck and combs held high, and alone of birds casts frequent glances at the sky, also rearing its curved tail aloft. Consequently even the lion, the noblest of wild animals, is afraid of the cock. Moreover some cocks are born solely for constant wars and battles — by which they have even conferred fame on their native places, Rhodes or Tanagra; the fighting cocks of Melos and Chalcidice have been awarded second honours — so that the Roman purple confers its high honour on a bird full worthy of it. These are the birds that give the Most-Favourable Omens; these birds daily control our officers of state, and shut or open to them their own homes; these send forward or hold back the Roman rods of office, and order or forbid battle formation, being the auspices of all our victories won all over the world; these hold supreme empire over the empire of the world, being as acceptable to the gods with even their inward parts and vitals as are the costliest victims. Even their later and their evening songs contain portents; for by crowing all the nights long they presaged to the Boeotians that famous victory against the Spartans, conjecture thus interpreting the sign because this bird when conquered does not crow. ',
  {'entities': [[1395, 1401, 'place'],
    [1405, 1412, 'place'],
    [1436, 1441, 'place'],
    [1446, 1456, 'place'],
    [2151, 2160, 'ethnic'],
    [2193, 2201, 'ethnic']]}],
 [".25.1Cocks when gelt stop crowing; the operation is performed in two ways — by searing with a glowing iron either the loins or the bottom parts of the legs, and then smearing the wound with potter's clay. This operation makes them easier to fatten. At Pergamum every year a public show is given of cocks fighting like gladiators. It is found in the Annals that in the consulship Marcus Lepidus and Quintus Catulus, at the country house of Oalerius in the Rimini district, a farmyard cock spoke — the only occasion, so far as I know, on which this has occurred. ",
  {'entities': [[252, 260, 'place'],
    [386, 393, 'people'],
    [406, 413, 'people'],
    [455, 461, 'place']]}],
 ['.26.1The goose also keeps a careful watch, as is evidenced by its defence of the Capitol during the time when our fortunes were being betrayed by the silence of the dogs; for which reason food for the geese is one of the first contracts arranged by the censors. Moreover there is the story of the goose at Aegium that fell in love with the supremely beautiful boy Amphilochus of Olenus, and also the goose that loved Glauce, the girl that played the harp for King Ptolemy, whom at the same time also a ram is said to have fallen in love with. These birds may possibly be thought also to possess the power of understanding wisdom: thus there is a story that a goose attached itself continually as a companion to the philosopher Lacydes, never leaving his side by night or day, either in public or at the baths. ',
  {'entities': [[81, 88, 'place'],
    [306, 312, 'place'],
    [364, 375, 'people'],
    [379, 385, 'person'],
    [417, 423, 'people'],
    [464, 471, 'people'],
    [727, 734, 'people']]}],
 [".27.1Our countrymen are wiser, who know the goose by the excellence of its liver. Stuffing the bird with food makes the liver grow to a great size, and also when it has been removed it is made larger by being soaked in milk sweetened with honey. Not without reason is it a matter of enquiry who was the discoverer of so great a boon — was it Scipio Metellus the consular, or his contemporary Marcus Seius, Knight of Rome? But it is an accepted fact that Messalinus Cotta, son of the orator Messala, invented the recipe for taking from geese the soles of the feet and grilling them and pickling them in dishes with the combs of domestic cocks; for I will award the palm scrupulously to each man's culinary achievement. A remarkable feat in the case of this bird is its coming on foot all the way to Rome from the Morini in Gaul: the geese that get tired are advanced to the front rank, and so all the rest drive them on by instinctively pressing forward in their rear. ",
  {'entities': [[342, 348, 'people'],
    [349, 357, 'people'],
    [399, 404, 'people'],
    [416, 420, 'person'],
    [454, 464, 'people'],
    [465, 470, 'people'],
    [490, 497, 'people'],
    [416, 420, 'place'],
    [812, 818, 'ethnic']]}],
 ['.27.2White geese yield a second profit in their feathers. In some places they are plucked twice a year, and clothe themselves again with a feather coat. The plumage closest to the body is softer, and that from Germany is most esteemed. The geese there are a bright white, but smaller; the German word for this bird is Gans; the price of their feathers is five-command of auxiliary troops frequently get into pence per pound. And owing to this officers in trouble for having sent whole cohorts away from outpost sentry duty to capture these fowls; and luxury has advanced to such a pitch that now not even the male neck can endure to be without goose-feather bedding. ',
  {'entities': [[210, 217, 'people']]}],
 ['.28.1The part of Syria called Commagene has made another discovery, goose-fat mixed with cinnamon in a bronze bowl, covered with a quantity of snow and steeped in the icy mixture, to supply the famous medicine that is called after the tribe Commagenum. ',
  {'entities': [[17, 22, 'place'], [30, 39, 'place']]}],
 ['.29.1To the goose kind belong the sheldrake and the barnacle-goose, the latter the most sumptuous feast that Britain knows; both are rather smaller than the goose. The black grouse also makes a fine show with its gloss and its absolute blackness, with a touch of bright scarlet above the eyes. Another variety of these exceeds the size of vultures and also reproduces their colour, nor is there any bird except the ostrich that attains a greater weight of body, growing to such a size that it is actually caught motionless on the ground. They are a product of the Alps and the northern region. When kept in fishponds they lose their flavour, and obstinately hold their breath till they die. Next to these are the birds that Spain calls tardae and Greece otides, which are condemned as an article of diet, because when the marrow is drained out of their bones a disgusting smell at once follows. ',
  {'entities': [[109, 116, 'place'], [564, 568, 'place']]}],
 ['.30.1The race of Pygmies have a cessation of hostilities on the departure of the cranes that, as we have said, carry on war with them. It is a vast distance, if one calculates it, over which they come from the eastern sea. They agree together when to start, and they fly high so as to see their route in front of them; they choose a leader to follow, and have some of their number stationed in turns at the end of the line to shout orders and keep the flock together with their cries. At night time they have sentries who hold a stone in their claws, which if drowsiness makes them drop it falls and convicts them of slackness, while the rest sleep with their head tucked under their wing, standing on either foot by turns; but the leader keeps a lookout with neck erect and gives warning. (The same birds when tamed are fond of play, and execute certain circles in a graceful swoop, even one bird at a time). It is certain that when they are going to fly across the Black Sea they first of all make for the straits between the two promontories of Ramsbrow and Carambis, and proceed to ballast themselves with sand; and that when they have crossed the middle of the sea they throw away the pebbles out of their claws and, when they have reached the mainland, the sand out of their throats as well. Cornelius Nepos, who died in the principate of the late lamented Augustus, when he wrote that the practice of fattening thrushes was introduced a little before his time, added that storks were more in favour than cranes, although the latter bird is now one of those most in request, whereas nobody will touch the former. ',
  {'entities': [[17, 24, 'people'],
    [967, 976, 'place'],
    [1061, 1069, 'place'],
    [1298, 1313, 'people'],
    [1363, 1371, 'people']]}],
 ['.31.1Where exactly storks come from or where they go to has not hitherto been ascertained. There is no doubt that they come from a distance, in the same manner as do cranes, the former being winter visitors and the latter arriving in summer. When about to depart they assemble at fixed places, and forming a company, so as to prevent any of their class being left behind (unless one captured and in slavery), they withdraw as if at a date fixed in advance by law. No one has seen a band of storks departing, although it is quite clear that they are going to depart, nor do we see them arrive, but only see that they have arrived; both arrival and departure take place in the night-time, and although they fly to and fro across the country, it is thought that they have never arrived anywhere except by night. There is a place in Asia called Snakesdorp with a wide expanse of plains where cranes meet in assembly to hold a palaver, and the one that arrives last they set upon with their claws, and so they depart; it. has been noticed that they have not frequently been seen there after the first fortnight of August. Some persons declare that storks have no tongue. They are held in such high esteem for destroying snakes that in Thessaly to kill them was a capital crime, for which the legal penalty was the same as for homicide. ',
  {'entities': [[829, 833, 'people'], [1230, 1238, 'place']]}],
 [".32.1Geese and swans also migrate on a similar principle, but the flight of these is seen. They travel in a pointed formation like fast galleys, so cleaving the air more easily than if they drove at it with a straight front; while in the rear the flight stretches out in a gradually widening wedge, and presents a broad surface to the drive of a following breeze. They place their necks on the birds in front of them, and when the leaders are tired they receive them to the rear. (Storks return to the same nest. They nourish their parents' old age in their turn.) A story is told about the mournful song of swans at their death — a false story as I judge on the strength of a certain number of experiences. Swans are cannibals, and eat one another's flesh. ",
 [".33.1But this migration of birds of passage over seas and lands does not allow us to postpone the smaller breeds as well that have a similar nature. For however much the size and strength of body of the kinds above mentioned may appear to invite them to travel, the quails always actually arrive before the cranes, though the quail is a small bird and when it has come to us remains on the ground more than it soars aloft; but they too get here by flying in the same way as the cranes; not without danger to seafarers when they have come near to land: for they often perch on the sails, and they always do this at night, and sink the vessels. Their route follows definite resting places. They do not fly in a south wind, doubtless because it is damp and rather heavy, yet they desire to be carded by the breeze, because of the weight of their bodies and their small strength (this is the reason for that mournful cry they give while flying, which is wrung from them by fatigue); consequently they fly mostly in a north wind, a landrail leading the way. The first quail approaching land is seized by a hawk; from the place where this happens they always return and try to get an escort, and the tongue-bird, eared-owl and ortolan are persuaded to make the journey with them. The tongue-bird takes its name from the very long tongue that it puts out of its beak. At the start the charm of travelling lures this bird to sail on eagerly, but in the course of the flight repentance comes to it, no doubt with the fatigue; but it does not like to return unaccompanied, and it goes on following, though never for more than one day — at the next resting place it deserts. But day after day the company find another one, left behind in a similar manner the year before. The ortolan is more persevering, and hurries on actually to complete the journey to the lands which they are seeking; consequently it rouses up the birds in the night and reminds them of their journey. The eared owl is smaller than the eagle-owl and larger than night-owls; it has projecting feathery ears, whence its name — some give it the Latin name 'axio'; moreover it is a bird that copies other kinds and is a hanger-on, and it performs a kind of dance. Like the night-owl it is caught without difficulty if one goes round it while its attention is fixed on somebody else. If a wind blowing against them begins to hold up a flight of these birds, they pick up little stones as ballast or fill their throat with sand to steady their flight. Quails are very fond of eating poison seed, on account of which our tables have condemned them; and moreover it is customary to spit at the sight of them as a charm against epilepsy, to which they arc the only living creatures that are liable besides man. ",
  {'entities': [[2103, 2108, 'people']]}],
 ['.34.1Swallows, the only flesh-eating bird among those that have not hooked talons, also migrate in the winter months; but they only retire to places near at hand, making for the sunny gulleys in the mountains, and they have before now been found there moulted and bare of feathers. It is said that they do not enter under the roofs of Thebes, because that city has been so often captured, nor at Bizye in Thrace on account of the crimes of Tereus. A man of knightly rank at Volaterrae, Caecina, who owned a racing four-in-hand, used to catch swallows and take them with him to Rome and despatch them to take the news of a win to his friends, as they returned to the same nest; they had the winning colour painted on them. Also Fabius Pictor records in his Annals that when a Roman garrison was besieged by the Ligurians a swallow taken from her nestlings was brought to him for him to indicate by knots made in a thread tied to its foot how many days later help would arrive and a sortie must be made. ',
  {'entities': [[335, 341, 'place'],
    [396, 401, 'place'],
    [405, 411, 'place'],
    [440, 446, 'people'],
    [474, 484, 'place'],
    [486, 493, 'people'],
    [577, 581, 'place'],
    [727, 740, 'people'],
    [810, 819, 'ethnic']]}],
 ['.35.1Blackbirds, thrushes and starlings also migrate in a similar way to neighbouring districts; but these do not moult their plumage, and do not go into hiding, being often seen in the places where they forage for winter food. Consequently in Germany thrushes are most often seen in winter. The turtledove goes into hiding in a truer sense, and moults its feathers. Woodpigeons also go into retreat, though in their case also it is not certain exactly where. It is a peculiarity of the starling kind that they fly in flocks and wheel round in a sort of circular ball, all making towards the centre of the flock. The swallow is the only bird that has an extremely swift and swerving flight, owing to which it is also not liable to capture by the other kinds of birds. Also the swallow is the only bird that only feeds when on the wing. ',
  {'entities': [[244, 251, 'people']]}],
 ['.36.1There is a great difference in the seasons of birds; some stay all the year round, e.g. pigeons, some for six months, e.g. swallows, some for three months, e.g. thrushes and turtledoves and those that migrate when they have reared their brood, such as woodpeckers and hoopoes. ',
 [".37.1Some authorities state that every year birds fly from Ethiopia to Troy and have a fight at Memnon's tomb, and consequently they call them 'Memnon's daughters.' Cremutius records having discovered that every four years they do the same things in Ethiopia round the royal palace of Memnon. ",
  {'entities': [[59, 67, 'place'],
    [71, 75, 'place'],
    [96, 102, 'people'],
    [96, 102, 'people'],
    [165, 174, 'people'],
    [59, 67, 'place'],
    [96, 102, 'people']]}],
 ['.38.1The Meleagrides in Boeotia fight in a similar manner; this is a kind of hen belonging to Africa, hump-backed and with speckled plumage. This is the latest of the migratory birds admitted to the menu, because of its unpleasant pungent flavour; but the Tomb of Meleager has made it famous. ',
  {'entities': [[9, 20, 'people'], [24, 31, 'place'], [264, 272, 'people']]}],
 ['.39.1There is a species called birds of Seleucis for whose arrival prayers are offered to Jupiter by the migranta, inhabitants of Mount Cadmus when locusts destroy their crops; it is not known where they come from, nor where they go to when they depart, and they are never seen except when their protection is needed. ',
  {'entities': [[40, 48, 'people'], [90, 97, 'people']]}],
 ['.40.1Also the people of Egypt invoke their ibis to guard against the arrival of snakes, and those of Ellis invoke the god Myiacores when a swarm of flies brings plague, the flies dying as soon as a sacrifice to this god has been performed. ',
  {'entities': [[24, 29, 'place']]}],
 [".41.1But in the matter of the withdrawal of birds, it is stated that even night-owls go into retreat for a few days. It is said that this kind does not exist in the island of Crete and even that if one is imported there it dies off. For this also is a remarkable point of variety established by nature: to various places she denies various species of animals as well as of crops and shrubs. For those animals not to be born there is in the ordinary course of things, but their dying off when imported there is remarkable. What is the factor adverse to the health of a single genus that is involved, or what is the jealousy of nature that is indicated? Or what frontiers are prescribed for birds? Rhodes does not possess the eagle; Italy north of the Po gives the name of Como to a lake near the Alps graced with a wooded tract to which storks do not come; and similarly jays and jackdaws — a bird whose unique fondness for stealing especially silver and gold is remarkable — though swarming in enormous numbers in the adjacent region of the Insubrians, do not come within eight miles of Lake Como. It is said that Mars's woodpecker is not found in the district of Taranto. The kinds of pie called chequered pies and distinguished for their long tail, though hitherto rare, have lately begun to be seen between the Apennines and Rome; this bird has the peculiarity of moulting its feathers yearly at the time when the turnip is sown. Partridges do not fly across the frontier of Boeotia into Attica; nor does any bird fly across the temple dedicated to Achilles on the island of the Black Sea where he is buried. In the district of Fidenae near Rome storks do not hatch chicks or make nests. But a quantity of pigeons every year fly from the sea to the district of Volaterrae. Neither flies nor dogs enter the temple of Hercules in the Forum Boarium at Rome. There are many similar facts besides, which I am continually careful to omit in my account of the several kinds, to avoid being wearisome — for example Theophrastus states that even pigeons and peacocks and ravens are not indigenous in Asia. nor croaking frogs in Cyrenaica. ",
  {'entities': [[175, 180, 'place'],
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    [2122, 2131, 'place']]}],
 ['.42.1There is another remarkable fact about songbirds; they usually change their colour and note with the season, and suddenly become different — which among the larger class of birds only cranes do, for these grow black in old age. The blackbird changes from black to red; and it sings in the summer, and chirps in winter, but at midsummer is silent; also the beak of yearling blackbirds, at all events the cocks, is turned to ivory colour. Thrushes are of a speckled colour round the neck in summer but self-coloured in winter. ',
 [".43.1Nightingales pour out a ceaseless gush of song for fifteen days and nights on end when the buds of the leaves are swelling — a bird not in the lowest rank remarkable. In the first place there is so loud a voice and so persistent a supply of breath in such a tiny little body; then there is the consummate knowledge of music in a single bird: the sound is given out with modulations, and now is drawn out into a long note with one continuous breath, now varied by managing the breath, now made staccato by checking it, or linked together by prolonging it, or carried on by holding it back; or it is suddenly lowered, and at times sinks into a mere murmur, loud, low, a bass, treble, with trills, with long notes, modulated when this seems good — soprano, mezzo, baritone; and briefly all the devices in that tiny throat which human science has devised with all the elaborate mechanism of the flute, so that there can be no doubt that this sweetness was foretold by a convincing omen when it made music on the lips of the infant Stesichorus. And that no one may doubt its being a matter of science, the birds have several songs each, and not all the same but every bird songs of its own. They compete with one another, and there is clearly an animated rivalry between them; the loser often ends her life by dying, her breath giving out before her song. Other younger birds practise their music, and are given verses to imitate; the pupil listens with close attention and repeats the phrase, and the two keep silence by turns: we notice improvement in the one under instruction and a sort of criticism on the part of the instructress. Consequently they fetch the prices that are given for slaves, and indeed larger prices than were paid for armour-bearers in old days. I know of one bird, a white one it is true, which is nearly unprecedented, that was sold for 600,000 sesterces to be given as a present to the emperor Claudius's consort Agrippina. Frequent cases have been seen before now of nightingales that have begun to sing when ordered, and have sung in answer to an organ, as there have been found persons who could reproduce the birds' song with an indistinguishable resemblance by putting water into slanting reeds and breathing into the holes or by applying some slight check with the tongue. But these exceptional and artistic trills after a fortnight gradually cease, though not in such a way that the birds could be said to be tired out or to have had enough of singing; and later on when the heat has increased their note becomes entirely different, with no modulations or variations. Their colour also changes, and finally in winter the bird itself is not seen. Their tongues do not end in a point like those of all other birds. They lay in early spring, six eggs at most. ",
  {'entities': [[1032, 1043, 'people'],
    [1922, 1930, 'people'],
    [1941, 1950, 'people']]}],
 ['.44.1It is otherwise with the fig-pecker, as it changes its shape and colour at the same time; it has this name in the autumn, but afterwards is called the blackcap. Similarly also the bird known as erithacus in winter is called redstart in summer. The hoopoe also changes its appearance, as the poet Aeschylus records; it is moreover a foul-feeding bird, noticeable for its flexible crest, which it draws together and raises up along the whole length of its head. ',
  {'entities': [[301, 310, 'people']]}],
 ['.45.1The wheatear indeed actually has fixed days of retirement: it goes into hiding at the rising of the dog-star and comes out after its setting, doing both on the actual days, which is surprising. Also the golden oriole, which is yellow all over, is not seen in winter but comes out about midsummer. Blackbirds are born white at Cyllene in Arcadia, but nowhere else. The ibis is black only in the neighbourhood of Pelusium, being white in all other places. ',
  {'entities': [[331, 338, 'place'],
    [342, 349, 'place'],
    [416, 424, 'place']]}],
 ['.46.1Songbirds apart from some exceptions do not ordinarily breed before the spring equinox or after the autumn one; and their eggs laid before midsummer are doubtful, but those after midsummer are fertile. ',
 [".47.1Kingfishers are especially remarkable for this: the seas and those who sail them know the days when they breed. The bird itself is a little larger than a sparrow, sea-blue in colour and reddish only on the underside, blended with white feathers in the neck, with a long slender beak? There is another kind of kingfisher different in size and note; this smaller kind sings in beds of rushes. A kingfisher is very rarely seen, and only at the setting of the Pleiades and about midsummer and midwinter, when it occasionally flies round a ship and at once goes away to its retreat. They breed at midwinter, on what are called 'the kingfisher days' during which the sea is calm and navigable, especially in the neighbourhood of Sicily. They make their nests a week before the shortest day, and lay a week after it. Their nests are admired for their shape, that of a ball slightly projecting with a very narrow mouth, resembling very large sponges; they cannot be cut with a knife, but break at a strong blow, like dry sea-foam; and it cannot be discovered of what are constructed: people think they are made out of the spines of fishes' prickles, for the birds live on fish. They also go up rivers. They lay five eggs at a time. ",
  {'entities': [[5, 16, 'people'],
    [461, 469, 'people'],
    [728, 734, 'place']]}],
 ['.48.1Gulls nest on rocks, divers also in trees. They lay at most three eggs at a time, sea-mews laying in summer and divers at the beginning of spring. ',
 [".49.1The conformation of the kingfisher's nest reminds one of the skill of all the other birds as well; and the ingenuity of birds is in no other department, more remarkable. Swallows build with clay and strengthen the nest with straw; if ever there is a lack of clay, they wet their wings with a quantity of water and sprinkle it on the dust. The nest itself, however, they carpet with soft feathers and tufts of wool, to warm the eggs and also to prevent it from being hard for the infant chicks. They dole out food in turns among their offspring with extreme fairness. They remove the chicks' droppings with remarkable cleanliness, and teach the older ones to turn round and relieve themselves outside of the nest. There is another kind of swallow that frequents the country and the fields, which seldom nests on houses, and which makes its nest of a different shape though of the same material — entirely turned upward, with orifices projecting to a narrow opening and a capacious interior, and adapted with remarkable skill both to conceal the chicks and to give them a soft bed to lie on. In Egypt, at the Heracleotic Mouth of the Nile, they block the outflow of the river with an irremovable mole of contiguous nests almost two hundred yards long, a thing that could not be achieved by human labour. Also in Egypt near the town of Coptos there is an island sacred to Isis which they fortify with a structure to prevent its being destroyed by the same river, strengthening its point with chaff and straw when the spring days begin, going on for three days all through the nights with such industry that it is agreed that many birds actually die at the work; and this spell of duty always comes round again for them with the returning year. There is a third kind of swallows a that make holes in banks and so construct their nests in the ground. (Their chicks when burnt to ashes are a medicine for a deadly throat malady and many other diseases of the human body.) These birds do not build proper nests, and if a rise of the river threatens to reach their holes, they migrate many days in advance. ",
  {'entities': [[1098, 1103, 'place'],
    [1137, 1141, 'place'],
    [1098, 1103, 'place'],
    [1338, 1344, 'place'],
    [1374, 1378, 'people']]}],
 ['.50.1There is a species of titmouse that makes its nest of dry moss finished off in such a perfect ball that its entrance cannot be found. The bird called the thistle-finch weaves its nest out of flax in the same shape. One of the woodpeckers hangs by a twig at the very end of the boughs, like a ladle on a peg, so that no four-footed animal can get to it. It is indeed asserted that the witwal purposely takes its sleep while hanging suspended by the feet, because it hopes thus to be safer. Again, it is a common practice of them all carefully to choose a flooring of branches to support their nest, and to vault it over against the rain or roof it with a penthouse of thick foliage. In Arabiad a bird called cinnamolgus makes a nest of cinnamon twigs; the natives bring these birds down with arrows weighted with lead, to use them for trade. In Scythia a bird of the size of a bustard lays two eggs at a time in a hare-skin, which is always hung on the top boughs of trees. When magpies notice a person observing their nest with special attention, they transfer the eggs somewhere else. It is reported that in the case of these birds, as their claws are not adapted for grasping and carrying the eggs, this is effected in a remarkable manner: they place a sprig on the top of two eggs at a time, and solder it with glue from their belly, and placing their neck under the middle of it so as to make it balance equally on both sides, carry it off somewhere else. ',
  {'entities': [[849, 856, 'place']]}],
 [".51.1Nor yet are those species less cunning which, because the weight of their body forbids their soaring aloft, make their nests on the ground. The name of bee-eater is given to a bird that feeds its parents in their lair; its wings are a pale colour inside and dark-blue above, reddish at the tip. It makes its nest in a hole dug in the ground to a depth often feet. Partridges fortify their retreat with thorn and bush in such a way as to be completely entrenched against wild animals; they heap a soft covering of dust on their eggs. and they do not sit on them at the place where they laid them but remove them somewhere else, lest their frequently resorting there should cause somebody to suspect it. Hen partridges in fact deceive even their own mates, because these in the intemperance of their lust break the hens' eggs so that they may not be kept away by sitting on them; and then the cocks owing to their desire for the hens fight duels with each other; it is said that the one who loses has to accept the advances of the victor. Trogus indeed says this also occurs occasionally with quails and farmyard cocks, but that wild partridges are promiscuously covered by tame ones, and also new-corners or cocks that have been beaten in a fight. They are also captured owing to the fighting instinct caused by the same lust, as the leader of the whole flock sallies out to battle against the fowler's decoy, and when he has been caught number two advances, and so on one after another in succession. Again about breeding time the hens are caught when they sally out against the fowlers' hen to hustle and drive her away. And in no other creature is concupiscence so active. If the hens stand facing the cocks they become pregnant by the afflatus that passes out from them, while if they open their beaks and put out their tongue at that time they are sexually excited. Even the draught of air from cocks flying over them, and often merely the sound of a cock crowing, makes them conceive. And even their affection for their brood is so conquered by desire that when a hen is quietly sitting on her eggs in hiding, if she becomes aware of a fowler's decoy hen approaching her cock she chirps him back to her and recalls him and voluntarily offers herself to his desire. Indeed they are subject to such madness that often with a blind swoop they perch on the fowler's head. If he starts to go towards a nest, the mother bird runs forward to his feet, pretending to be tired or lame, and in the middle of a run or a short flight suddenly falls as if with a broken wing or damaged feet, and then runs forward again, continually escaping him just as he is going to catch her and cheating his hope, until she leads him away in a different direction from the nests. On the other hand if the hen thus scared is free and not possessed with motherly anxiety she lies on her back in a furrow and catches hold of a clod of earth with her claws and covers herself with it. The life of partridges is believed to extend to as much as sixteen years. ",
  {'entities': [[1042, 1048, 'people']]}],
 ['.52.1Next to partridges the habits of pigeons are most noticeable for a similar reason. These possess the greatest modesty, and adultery is unknown to either sex; they do not violate the faith of wedlock, and they keep house in company — unless unmated or widowed a pigeon does not leave its nest. Also they say that the cock pigeon is domineering, and occasionally even unkind, as he is suspicious of adultery although not himself prone to it; in this state his throat is full of complaining and his beak deals savage pecks, and upon his satisfaction there follows billing and fawning with repeated twirlings of his feet during his entreaties for indulgence. Both partners have equal affection for their offspring; this also often gives occasion for chastisement, when the hen is too slack in coming home to the chicks. When she is producing a brood she receives comfort and attendance from the cock. For the chicks at first they collect saltish earth in their throat and disgorge it into their beaks, to get them into proper condition for food. It is a peculiarity of this species and of the turtledove not to raise the neck backward when drinking, and to take copious draughts like cattle. ',
 ['.52.3We have authorities for saying that woodpigeons live to be thirty and in some cases forty years old, only with the single inconvenience of their claws — this also a sign of old age — which have to be cut to prevent damage. The cooing of all is alike and the same, composed of a phrase repeated three times and then a sigh at the close; in winter they are silent, but begin singing in spring. Nigidius thinks that a woodpigeon when sitting on her eggs under a roof will leave her nest in answer to her name. They lay after midsummer. Pigeons and turtledoves live eight years. On the other hand the sparrow, their equal in salaciousness, has a very small span of life: the cocks are said not to last longer than a year, the proof being that at the beginning of spring no black colouring is seen on their beak, which begins with summer; but the hens have a rather longer span of life. However pigeons actually possess a certain sense of vanity — you would fancy them to be conscious of their own colours and the pattern of their marking; indeed this can be inferred from their flight — it is observed that they flap their wings in the sky and trace a variety of lines. During this display they expose themselves to the hawk as if fettered, folding their wings with a flapping noise that is only produced from the actual wing joints, though otherwise when flying freely they are much swifter. The highwayman hawk watches concealed in foliage, and seizes the exultant pigeon in the very act of showing off. For that reason the bird called kestrel must be classed with these; for it defends the pigeons, and scares the hawks by its natural powerfulness so much that they fly from sight and sound of it. For this reason woodpigeons have a special love for kestrels, and they say that if kestrels put in new jars with their mouths sealed up are hidden in the four corners of the dovecot the pigeons do not change their abode (a result that some people have also sought to obtain by cutting the joints of their wings with gold, the only way of making a wound that does no harm), although otherwise the pigeon is a bird much given to straying. For they have a trick of exchanging blandishments and enticing other pigeons and coming back with a larger company won by intrigue. ',
  {'entities': [[397, 405, 'people']]}],
 [".53.1Moreover also they have acted as go-betweens in important affairs, when at the siege of Modena Decimus Brutus sent to the consuls' camp despatches tied to their feet; what use to Antony were his rampart and watchful besieging force, and even the barriers of nets that he stretched in the river, when the message went by air. Also pigeon-fancying is carried to insane lengths by some people: they build towers on their roofs for these birds, and tell stories of the high breeding and pedigrees of particular birds, for which there is now an old precedent: before Pompey's civil war Lucius Axius, Knight of Rome, advertised pigeons for sale at 400 denarii per brace — so Marcus Varro relates. Moreover the largest birds, which are believed to be produced in Campania, have conferred fame on their native place. ",
  {'entities': [[93, 99, 'place'],
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    [567, 573, 'people'],
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    [761, 769, 'place']]}],
 ['.54.1The flight of these birds. prompts one to turn to the consideration of the other birds as well. All the rest of the animals have one definite and uniform mode of progression peculiar to their particular kind, but birds alone travel in a variety of ways both on land and in the air. Some walk, as crows; others hop, as sparrows and blackbirds; run, as partridges and black grouse; throw out their feet in front of them, as storks and cranes. Some spread their wings and at rare intervals let them droop and shake them; others do so more frequently, but also only the tips of the wings; others flap the whole of their sides; but there are some that fly with their wings for the greater part folded, and after giving one stroke, or others also a repeated stroke, are borne by the air: by as it were squeezing it tight between their wings, they shoot upward or horizontally or downward. Some you would think to be flung forward, or again in some cases to fall from a height and in other cases to leap upward. Only ducks and birds of the same kind soar up straight away, and move skyward from the start, and this even from water; and consequently they alone when they have fallen into the pits that we use for trapping wild animals get out again. Vultures and the heavier birds in general cannot fly upward except after a run forward or when launching from a higher eminence; they steer with their tail. Some birds turn their gaze round, others bend their necks; and some eat things they have snatched with their feet. Many do not fly without a cry, others on the contrary are always silent when in flight. They move upward, downward, slanting, sideways, straight forward, and some even with the head bent backward; consequently if several kinds are seen at the same time, they might be thought not to be travelling in the same element. ',
 [".55.1The greatest flyers are the species resembling swallows called (because they lack the use of feet) and by others 'cypseli.' They build their nests on crags. These are the birds seen all over the sea, and ships never go away from land on so long or so unbroken a course that they do not have apodes flying round them. All the other kinds alight and perch, but these never rest except on the nest: they either hover or lie on a surface. ",
 [".56.1Birds' dispositions also are equally varied, especially in respect of food. Those called goat-suckers, which resemble a rather large blackbird, are night thieves — for they cannot see in the daytime. They enter the shepherds' stalls and fly to the goats' udders in order to suck their milk, which injures the udder and makes it perish, and the goats they have milked in this way gradually go blind. There is a bird called the shoveller-duck which flies up to the sea-divers and seizes their heads in its bill till it wrings their catch from them. The same bird after filling itself by swallowing shells brings them up again when digested by the warmth of the belly and so picked out from them the edible parts, discarding the shells. ",
 [".57.1Farmyard hens actually have a religious ritual: after laying an egg they begin to shiver and shake, and purify themselves by circling round, and make use of a straw as a ceremonial rod to cleanse themselves and the eggs. The smallest of birds, the goldfinches, perform their leader's orders, not only with their song but by using their feet and beak instead of hands. One bird in the Arelate district, called the bull-bird although really it is small in size, imitates the bellowing of oxen. Also the bird whose Greek name is 'flower,' when driven away from feeding on grass by the arrival of horses, imitates their neighing, in this way taking its revenge. ",
  {'entities': [[389, 396, 'place']]}],
 ['.58.1Above all, birds imitate the human voice, parrots indeed actually talking. India sends us this bird; its name in the vernacular is siptaces; its whole body is green, only varied by a red circlet at the neck. It greets its masters and repeats words given to it, being particularly sportive over the wine. Its head is as hard as its beak; and when it is being taught to speak it is beaten on the head with an iron rod — otherwise it does not feel blows. When it alights from flight it lands on its beak, and it leans on this and so reduces its weight for the weakness of its feet. ',
  {'entities': [[80, 85, 'place']]}],
 [".59.1A certain kind of magpie is less celebrated, because it does not come from a distance, but it talks more articulately. These birds get fond of uttering particular words, and not only learn them but love them, and secretly ponder them with careful reflexion, not concealing their engrossment. It is an established fact that if the difficulty of a word beats them this causes their death, and that their memory fails them unless they hear the same word repeatedly, and when they are at a loss for a word they cheer up wonderfully if in the meantime they hear it spoken. Their shape is unusual, though not beautiful: this bird has enough distinction in its power of imitating the human voice. But they say that none of them can go on learning except ones of the species that feeds on acorns, and among these those with five claws on the feet learn more easily, and not even they themselves except in the two first years of their life. All the birds in each kind that imitate human speech have exceptionally broad tongues, although this occurs in almost all species; Claudius Caesar's consort Agrippina had a thrush that mimicked what people said, which was unprecedented. At the time when I was recording these cases, the young princes a had a starling and also nightingales that were actually trained to talk Greek and Latin, and moreover practised diligently and spoke new phrases every day, in still longer sentences. Birds are taught to talk in private and where no other utterance can interrupt, with the trainer sitting by them to keep on repeating the words he wants retained, and coaxing them with morsels of food. ",
  {'entities': [[1068, 1083, 'people'],
    [1094, 1103, 'people'],
    [1322, 1327, 'people']]}],
 [".60.1Let us also repay due gratitude to the ravens the gratitude that is their due, evidenced also by the indignation and not only by the knowledge of the Roman nation. When Tiberius was emperor, a young raven from a brood hatched on the top of the Temple of Castor and Pollux flew down to a cobbler's shop in the vicinity, being also commended to the master of the establishment by religion. It soon picked up the habit of talking, and every morning used to fly off to the Rostra that faces the forum and salute Tiberius and then Germanicus and Drusus Caesar by name, and next the Roman public passing by, afterwards returning to the shop; and it became remarkable by several years' constant performance of this function. This bird the tenant of the next cobbler's shop killed, whether because of his neighbour's competition or in a sudden outburst of anger, as he tried to make out, because some dirt had fallen on his stock of shoes from its droppings; this caused such a disturbance among the public that the man was first driven, out of the district and later actually made away with, and the bird's funeral was celebrated with a vast crowd of followers, the draped bier being carried on the shoulders of two Ethiopians and in front of it going in procession a flute-player and all kinds of wreaths right to the pyre, which had been erected on the right hand side of the Appian Road at the second milestone on the ground called Rediculus's Plain. So adequate a justification did the Roman nation consider a bird's cleverness to be for a funeral procession and for the punishment of a Roman citizen, in the city in which many leading men had had no obsequies at all, while the death of Scipio Aemilianus after he had destroyed Carthage and Numantia not been avenged by a single person. The date of this was 28 March, AD 36, in the consulship of Marcus Servilius and Gaius Cestius. At the present day also there was in the city of Rome at the time when I was publishing this book a crow belonging to a Knight of Rome, that came from Southern Spain, and was remarkable in the first place for its very black colour and then for uttering sentences of several words and frequently learning still more words in addition. Also there was recently a report of one Crates surnamed Monoceros in the district of Eriza in Asia hunting with the aid of ravens, to such an extent that he used to carry them down into the forests perched on the crest's of his helmet and on his shoulders; the birds used to track out and drive the game, the practice being carried to such a point that even wild ravens followed him in this way when he left the forest. Certain persons have thought it worth recording that a raven was seen during a drought dropping stones into a monumental urn in which some rain water still remained but so that the bird was unable to reach it; in this way as it was afraid to go down into the urn, the bird by piling up stones in the manner described raised the water high enough to supply itself with a drink. ",
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    [2259, 2265, 'people'],
    [2304, 2309, 'people'],
    [2313, 2317, 'people']]}],
 ['.61.1Nor will I pass by the birds of Diomedes. Juba calls them Plungers-birds, also reporting that they have teeth, and that their eyes are of a fiery red colour but the rest of them bright white. He states that they always have two leaders, one of whom leads the column and the other brings up the rear; that they hollow out trenches with their beaks and then roof them over with lattice and cover this with the earth that they have previously dug from the trenches and in these they hatch their eggs; that the trenches of all of them have two doors, that by which they go out to forage facing east and that by which they return west; and that when about to relieve themselves they always fly upwards and against the wind. These birds are commonly seen in only one place in the whole world, in the island which we spoke of as famous for the tomb and shrine of Diomedes, off the coast of Apulia, and they resemble coots. Barbarian visitors they beset with loud screaming, and they pay deference only to Greeks, a remarkable distinction, as if paying this tribute to the race of Diomede; and every day they wash and purify the temple mentioned by filling their throats with water and wetting their wings; which is the source of the legend that the comrades of Diomedes were transformed into the likeness of these birds. ',
  {'entities': [[37, 45, 'people'],
    [47, 51, 'people'],
    [37, 45, 'people'],
    [888, 894, 'place'],
    [37, 44, 'people'],
    [37, 45, 'people']]}],
 ['.62.1In a discussion of mental faculties it must not be omitted that among birds swallows and among land animals mice are unteachable, whereas elephants execute orders and lions are yoked to chariots, and in the sea seals and ever so many kinds of fish can be tamed. ',
 ['.63.1Birds of the kinds that have long necks drink by suction, stopping now and then and so to speak pouring the water into themselves by bending their head back. Only the porphyrio drinks by beakfuls; it also eats in a peculiar way of its own, continually dipping all its food in water and then using its foot as a hand with which to bring it to its beak. The most admired variety of sultana-hen is in Commagene; this has a red beak and very long red legs. ',
  {'entities': [[403, 412, 'place']]}],
 ['.64.1The long-legged plover has the same, a much smaller bird although with equally long legs. It is born in Egypt. It stands on three toes of each foot. Its food consists chiefly of flies. When brought to Italy it lives only for a few days. ',
  {'entities': [[109, 114, 'place'], [206, 211, 'place']]}],
 ['.65.1All the heavier birds feed also on grain, but the scaring species on flesh only, and so among aquatic birds the cormorants, who regularly devour what the rest disgorge. ',
 ['.66.1Pelicans have a resemblance to swans, and would be thought not to differ from them at all were it not that they have a kind of second stomach in their actual throats. Into this the insatiable creature stows everything, so that its rapacity is marvellous. Afterwards when it has done plundering it gradually returns the things from this pouch into its mouth and passes them into the true stomach like a ruminant animal. These birds come to us from the extreme north of Gaul. ',
 ['.67.1We have been told of strange kinds birds in the Hercynian Forest of Germany whose feathers shine like fires at nighttime; but in the other forests nothing noteworthy occurs beyond the notoriety caused by remoteness. The most celebrated water-bird in Parthian Seleucia and in Asia is the phalaris-duck, the most celebrated bird in Colchis the pheasant — it droops and raises its two feathered ears — and in the Numidian part of Africa the Numidic fowl all of these are now found in Italy. ',
  {'entities': [[53, 69, 'place'],
    [73, 80, 'people'],
    [255, 263, 'demonym'],
    [264, 272, 'place'],
    [280, 284, 'people'],
    [335, 342, 'place'],
    [415, 423, 'demonym'],
    [486, 491, 'place']]}],
 [".68.1Apicius, the most gluttonous gorger of all spendthrifts, established the view that the flamingo's tongue has a specially fine flavour. The francolin of Ionia is extremely famous. Normally it is vocal, though when caught it keeps silent. It was once considered one of the rare birds, but now it also occurs in Gaul and Spain. It is even caught in the neighbourhood of the Alps, where also cormorants occur, a bird specially belonging to the Balearic Islands, as the chough, black with a yellow beak, and the particularly tasty willow-grouse belong to the Alps. The latter gets its name of 'hare-foot' from its feet which are tufted like a hare's, though the rest of it is bright white; it is the size of a pigeon. Outside that region it is not easy to keep it, as it does not grow tame in its habits and very quickly loses flesh. There is also another bird with the same name that only differs from quails in size, yellow-coloured, very acceptable for the table. Egnatius Calvinus, Governor of the Alps, has stated that also the ibis, which properly belongs to Egypt, has been seen by him in that region. ",
  {'entities': [[5, 12, 'people'],
    [157, 162, 'place'],
    [376, 380, 'place'],
    [445, 461, 'place'],
    [376, 380, 'place'],
    [967, 975, 'people'],
    [976, 984, 'people'],
    [376, 380, 'place'],
    [1065, 1070, 'place']]}],
 [".69.1There also came into Italy during the battles of the civil war round Bedriacum north of the Po the 'new birds' for so they are still called — which are like thrushes in appearance and a little smaller than pigeons in size, and which have an agreeable flavour. The Balearic Islands send the porphyrio, an even more splendid bird than the one mentioned above. In those islands the buzzard of the hawk family is also in repute for the table, and the vipio as well — that is their name for the smaller crane. ",
  {'entities': [[26, 31, 'place'],
    [74, 83, 'place'],
    [97, 99, 'place'],
    [269, 285, 'place']]}],
 [".70.1The pegasus bird with a horse's head and the griffin with ears and a terrible hooked beak — the former said to be found in Scythia and the latter in Ethiopia judge to be fabulous; and for my own part I think the same about the bearded eagled attested by a number of people, a bird larger than an eagle, having curved horns on the temples, in colour a rusty red, except that its head is purple-red. Nor should the sirens obtain credit, although Dinon the father of the celebrated authority Clitarchus declares that they exist in India and that they charm people with their song and then when they are sunk in a heavy sleep tear them in pieces. Anybody who would believe that sort of thing would also assuredly not deny that snakes by licking the ears of the augur Melampus gave him the power to understand the language of birds, or the story handed down by Democritus, who mentions birds from a mixture of whose blood a snake is born, whoever eats which will understand the conversations of birds, and the things that he records about one crested lark in particular, as even without these stories life is involved in enormous uncertainty with respect to auguries. Homer mentions a kind of bird called the scops; many people speak of its comic dancing movements when it is watching for its prey, but I cannot easily grasp these in my mind, nor are the birds themselves now known. Consequently a discussion of admitted facts will be more profitable. ",
  {'entities': [[128, 135, 'place'],
    [154, 162, 'place'],
    [449, 454, 'people'],
    [494, 504, 'people'],
    [533, 538, 'place'],
    [768, 776, 'people'],
    [861, 871, 'people'],
    [1168, 1173, 'people']]}],
 ['.71.1The people of Delos began the practice of fattening hens, which has given rise to the pestilential fashion of gorging fat poultry basted with its own gravy. I find this first singled out in the old interdicts dealing with feasts as early as the law of the consul Gaius Fannius eleven years before the Third Punic War, prohibiting the serving of any bird course beside a single hen that had not been fattened — a provision that was subsequently renewed and went on through all our sumptuary legislation. And a way round so as to evade them was discovered, that of feeding male chickens also with foodstuffs soaked in milk, a method that makes them esteemed as much more acceptable. As for hens, they are not all chosen for fattening, and not unless they have fat skin on the neck. Subsequently came elaborate methods of dressing fowls, so as to display the haunches, so as to split them along the back, so as to make them fill the dishes by spreading them out from one foot. Even the Parthians bestowed their fashions on our cooks. And nevertheless with all this showing off, no entire dish finds favour, only the haunch or in other cases the breast being esteemed. ',
  {'entities': [[19, 24, 'place'],
    [274, 281, 'people'],
    [988, 997, 'ethnic']]}],
 ['.72.1Aviaries with cages containing all kinds of birds were first set up by Marcus Laenius Strabo of the Order of Knighthood at Brindisi. From him began our practice of imprisoning within bars living creatures to which Nature had assigned the open sky. Nevertheless the most remarkable instance in this record is the dish belonging to the tragic actor Clodius Aesop, rated at the value of 100,000 sesterces, in which he served birds that sang some particular song or talked with human speech, which he acquired at the price of 6000 sesterces apiece, led by no other attraction except the desire to indulge in a sort of cannibalism in eating these birds, and not even showing any respect for that lavish fortune of his, even though won by his voice — in fact a worthy father of a son whom we have spoken of as swallowing pearls, though not so much so as to make me wish to give a true decision in the competition in baseness between the two, unless in so far as it is a smaller thing to have dined on the most bounteous resources of Nature than on the tongues of men. ',
  {'entities': [[83, 90, 'people'],
    [91, 97, 'people'],
    [128, 136, 'place'],
    [352, 359, 'people'],
    [360, 365, 'people']]}],
 ['.73.1The reproductive system of birds appears to be simple, although even this possesses marvels of its own, since even four-footed creatures produce eggs — chamaeleons and lizards and those we have specified among aquatic species, and also snakes. But among feathered creatures those that have hooked talons are unfertile. Of these only the lesser kestrel produces more than four eggs at a time. Nature has bestowed on the bird kind the attribute that the species among them that are shy are more prolific than the brave ones; only ostriches, hens and partridges bear very numerous broods. Birds have two methods of coupling, the hen sitting on the ground as in the case of the domestic fowl or standing up as in the case of the crane. ',
 [".74.1The eggs are in some cases white, as with the dove and partridge, in others pale-coloured, as with waterfowl, in others spotted, as those of the guinea-hen, in others of a red colour, as in the case of the pheasant and the lesser kestrel. The inside of every bird's egg is of two colours; in that of the aquatic birds there is more yellow than white, and that yellow is brighter than with the other species. Fishes' eggs are of one colour, which contains no bright white. Birds' eggs are made easily breakable by heat, snakes' eggs are made flexible by cold, and fishes' eggs are softened by liquid. Aquatic species have round eggs, but almost all others oval-shaped ones. They are laid with their roundest part in front, the shell of whatever portions they emerge with being soft but becoming hard immediately after the process. Long-shaped eggs are thought by Horace to have a more agreeable flavour. Eggs of a rounder formation produce a hen chicken and the rest a cock. The navel in eggs is at the top end, projecting like a speck in the shell. ",
  {'entities': [[867, 873, 'people']]}],
 ['.74.2Some birds mate in any season, for instance the domestic fowl, and lay, except in the two midwinter months. Of these kinds the young hens lay more eggs than the old, but smaller ones, and in the same brood those laid first and last are the smallest. But they are so fertile that some even lay eggs sixty times, some lay daily, some twice daily, some so much that they die of exhaustion. Adria birds are most highly spoken of. Pigeons lay ten times a year, some even eleven times, while in Egypt they even lay in a midwinter month. Swallows and blackbirds and woodpigeons and turtledoves lay twice a year, all other birds as a rule only once. Thrushes build their nests of mud in an almost continuous mass on the tops of trees, and breed in retirement. The eggs grow to full size in the uterus in ten days from pairing, but in the case of the domestic fowl and the pigeon, if the hen is disturbed by having a feather torn out or by some similar damage, it takes longer. In all eggs the middle of the yolk contains a small drop of a sort of blood, which people think is the heart of birds, supposing that the heart is the first part that is produced in every body: in an egg undoubtedly this drop beats and throbs. The animal itself is formed out of the white of the egg, but its food is in the yolk. In all cases at the beginning the head is larger than the whole body, and the eyes, which are pressed together, are larger than the head. As the chick grows in size the white turns to the middle and the yolk spreads round it. If on the twentieth day the egg be moved, the voice of the chick already alive is heard inside the shell. At the same time it begins to grow feathers, its posture being such that it has its head above its right foot but its right wing above its head. The yolk gradually disappears. All birds are born feet first, the opposite way to the remaining animals. Some domestic hens lay all their eggs in pairs, and according to Cornelius Celsus occasionally hatch twin chicks, one larger than the other; though some assert that twin chicks are never hatched out. They lay down a rule that the hen should not be required to sit on more than 25 eggs at a time. Hens begin to lay at midwinter, and breed best before the spring equinox: chickens born after midsummer do not attain the proper size, and the later they are hatched the more they fall short of it. ',
  {'entities': [[392, 397, 'place'],
    [494, 499, 'place'],
    [1951, 1960, 'people'],
    [1961, 1967, 'people']]}],
 [".75.1It pays best for eggs to be sat on within ten days of laying; older or fresher ones are infertile. An odd number should be put under the hen. If three days after they began to be sat on the top of the eggs held in the tips of the fingers against the light shows a transparent colour of a single hue, the eggs are judged to be barren, and others should be substituted for them. They may also be tested in water: an empty egg floats, and consequently people prefer eggs that sink, that is, are full, to put under the hens. But they warn against their being tested by shaking, on the ground that if the vital veins are displaced the eggs are sterile. The ninth's day after a new moon is assigned for starting a hen's sitting, as eggs begun earlier do not hatch out. The chicks are hatched more quickly when the days are warm, and consequently eggs will hatch out in 18 days in summer but 24 in winter. If it thunders while the hen is sitting the eggs die, and if she hears the cry of a hawk they go bad. A remedy against thunder is an iron nail placed under the straw in which the eggs lie, or some earth from the plough. In some cases Nature hatches of her own accord even without the hen sitting, as on the dunghills of Egypt. We find a clever story about a certain toper at Syracuse, that he used to go on drinking for as long a time as it would take for eggs covered with earth to produce a hatch. ",
  {'entities': [[1224, 1229, 'place'], [1279, 1287, 'place']]}],
 [".76.1Moreover eggs can be hatched even by a human being. Julia Augusta in her early womanhood was with child with Tiberius Caesar by Nero, and being specially eager to a bear a baby of the male sex she employed the following method of prognostication used by girls — she cherished an egg in her bosom and when she had to lay it aside passed it to a nurse under the folds of their dresses, so that the warmth might not be interrupted; and it is said that her prognostication came true. It was perhaps from this that the method was lately invented of placing eggs in chaff in a warm place and cherishing them with a moderate fire, with somebody to keep turning them over, with the result that all the live brood breaks the shell at once on a fixed day. It is recorded that a certain poultry-keeper had a scientific method of telling which egg was from which hen. It is related also that when a hen has died the cocks of the farmyard have been seen taking on her duties in turn and generally behaving in the manner of a broody hen, and abstaining from crowing. Above all things is the behaviour of a hen when ducks' eggs have been put under her and have hatched out — first her surprise when she does not quite recognize her brood, then her puzzled sobs as she anxiously calls them to her, and finally her lamentations round the margin of the pond when the chicks under the guidance of instinct take to the water. ",
  {'entities': [[57, 62, 'people'],
    [63, 70, 'people'],
    [114, 129, 'people'],
    [133, 137, 'people']]}],
 ['.77.1Marks of good breeding in hens are an upstanding comb, which is occasionally double, black feathers, red beak, and uneven claws, sometimes one lying actually across the four others. Fowls with yellow beak and feet seem not to be unblemished for purposes of religion, and black ones for the mystery rites. Even the dwarf variety is not sterile in the case of the domestic fowl, which is not the case in any other breeds of birds, though with the dwarf fowl reliability in laying is unusual, and sitting on the eggs is harmful to the hen. ',
 ['.78.1But the worst enemy of every kind is the pip, and especially between the time of harvest and vintage. The cure is in hunger, and they must lie in smoke, at all events if it be produced from bay-leaves or savin, a feather being inserted right through the nostrils and shifted daily; diet garlic mixed with spelt, either steeped in water in which an owl has been dipped or else boiled with white vine seed, and certain other substances. ',
 ['.79.1Pigeons go through a special ceremony of kissing before mating. They usually lay two eggs at a time, nature so regulating as to make some produce larger chicks and others more numerous. The woodpigeon and the turtledove lay at most three eggs at a time, and never more than twice in a spring, and keeping a rule that, if the former lay goes bad, even although they lay three eggs they never rear more than two chicks; the third egg, which is unfertile, they call a wind-egg. The hen woodpigeon sits from noon till the next morning and the cock the rest of the time. Pigeons always lay a male and a female egg, the male first and the female a day later. In this species both birds sit, the cock in the daytime and the hen at night. They hatch in about three weeks, and they lay four days after mating. In summer indeed they sometimes produce three pairs of chickens every two months, for they hatch on the 17th day and breed immediately; consequently eggs are often found among the chickens, and some are beginning to fly just when others are breaking the egg. Then the chicks themselves begin laying when five months old. However in the absence of a cock hen birds actually mate with one another indifferently, and produce unfertile eggs from which nothing is produced, which the Greeks call wind-eggs. ',
 ['.79.2The peahen begins to lay when three months of old. In the first year it lays one egg or a second one, but in the following year four or five at a time, and in the remaining years twelve at a time, but not more, with intervals of two or three days between the eggs, and three times in the year, provided that the eggs are put under farmyard hens to sit on. The male peacock breaks the eggs, out of desire for the female sitting on them; consequently the hen bird lays at night, and in hiding or when perching on a high place — and unless the eggs are caught on a bed of straw they are broken. One cock can serve five hens, and when there have been only one or two hens for each cock their fertility is spoiled by its salaciousness. The chickens are hatched in 27 days or at latest on the 29th. ',
 ['.79.3Geese mate in the water; they lay in spring, or if they mated in midwinter, after midsummer; they lay nearly 40 eggs, twice in a year if the hens turn the first brood out of the nest, otherwise sixteen eggs at the most and seven at the fewest. If somebody removes the eggs, they go on laying till they burst. They do not turn strange eggs out of the nest. It pays best to put nine or eleven eggs for them to sit on. The hens sit only 30 days at a time, or if the days are rather warm, 25. The touch of a nettle is fatal to goslings, and not less so is their greediness, sometimes owing to their excessive gorging and sometimes owing to their own violence, when they have caught hold of a root in their beak and in their repeated attempts to tear it off break their own necks before they succeed. A nettle-root put under their straw after they have lain in it is a cure for nettle-sting. ',
 [".79.4There are three kinds of heron, the white, the speckled and the dark. These birds suffer pain, in mating, indeed the cocks give loud screams and even shed blood from their eyes; and the broody hens lay their eggs with equal difficulty. The eagle sits on her eggs for thirty days at a time, and so do the larger birds for the most part, but the smaller ones, for instance the kite and hawk, sit for twenty days. A kite's brood usually numbers two chicks, never more than three, that of the bird called the merlin as many as four, and the raven's occasionally even five; they sit for the same number of days. The hen crow is fed by the cock while sitting. The magpie's brood numbers nine, the blackcap's over twenty and always an odd number, and no other bird has a larger brood: so much more prolific are the small species. A swallow's first chicks are blind, as are those of almost all species that have a comparatively large brood. ",
 [".80.1Unfertile eggs, which we have designated wind-eggs, are conceived by the hen birds mating together in a pretence of sexual intercourse, or else from dust, and not only by hen pigeons but also by farmyard hens, partridges, peahens, geese and ducks. But these eggs are sterile, and of smaller size and less agreeable flavour, and more watery. Some people think they are actually generated by the wind, for which reason they are also called Zephyr's eggs; but wind-eggs are only produced in spring, when the hens have left off sitting: another name for them is addle-eggs. When steeped in vinegar eggs become so much softer that they can be passed through rings. It pays best to keep them in bean meal, or else chaff in winter and bran in summer; it is believed that keeping them in salt drains them quite empty. ",
  {'entities': [[443, 449, 'people']]}],
 ['.81.1The only viviparous creature that flies is the bat, which actually has membranes like wings; it is also the only flyer that nourishes its young with milk, bringing them to its teats. It bears twins, and flits about with its children in its arms, carrying them with it. The bat is mid to have a single hipbone. Gnats are its favourite fodder. ',
 [".82.1On the other hand among land animals, the snake is oviparous; we have not yet described this species. Snakes mate by embracing, intertwining so closely that they could be taken to be a single animal with two heads. The male viper inserts its head into the female viper's mouth, and the female is so enraptured with pleasure that she gnaws it off. The viper is the only land animal that bears eggs inside it; they are of one colour and soft like fishes' roe. After two days she hatches the young inside her uterus, and then bears them at the rate of one a day, to the number of about twenty; the consequence is that the remaining ones get so tired of the delay that they burst open their mother's sides, so committing matricide. All the other kinds of snakes incubate their eggs in a clutch on the ground, and hatch out the young in the following year. Crocodiles take turns to incubate, male and female. But let us give an account of the mode of reproduction of the remaining land animals as well. ",
  {'entities': [[107, 113, 'people']]}],
 [".83.1Man is the only viviparous biped. Man is the only animal with which mating for the first time is followed by repugnance, which is doubtless an augury of life as sprung from regrettable source. All the other animals have fixed seasons of the year for mating, but man, as has been said, mates at every hour of the day and night. All the others experience satiety in coupling, but with man this is almost entirely absent. Claudius Caesar's consort Messalina, thinking that this would be a truly regal triumph, selected for a competition in it a certain maid who was the most notorious of the professional prostitutes, and beat her in a twenty-four hours' match, with a score of twenty-five. In the human race the males have devised every out-of-the-way form of sexual indulgence, crimes against nature, but the females have invented abortion. How much more guilty are we in this department than the wild animals! Hesiod has stated that men have stronger sexual appetites in winter and women in summer. ",
  {'entities': [[424, 439, 'people'],
    [450, 459, 'people'],
    [915, 921, 'people']]}],
 ['.83.2Species with the genital organs behind them, elephants, camels, tigers, lynxes, the rhinoceros the lion, the hairy-footed and the common rabbit couple back to back. Camels even make for deserts or else places certain to be secret, and one is not allowed to interrupt them without disaster; the coupling lasts a whole day, and this is the case with these alone of all animals. With the solid-hooved species in the quadruped class the males are excited by scenting the female. Also dogs, seals and wolves turn away in the middle of coupling and still remain coupled against their will. Among the above-mentioned species, of hares the females usually cover first, but with all the others the males; but bears, as was said, couple, like human beings, lying down, hedgehogs both standing up and embracing each other, eats with the male standing and the female lying beneath it, foxes lying down on their sides and the female embracing the male. Cows and does resent the violence of the bulls and stags, and consequently walk forward in pairing. Stags pass across to other hinds and return to the former ones alternately. Lizards like the creatures without feet practise intercourse by intertwining. ',
  {'entities': [[170, 176, 'people']]}],
 ['.83.3All animals are less fertile the larger they are in bulk. Elephants, camels and horses produce off-spring one at a time, but the thistle-finch, the smallest of birds, twelve at a time. Those that produce most young bear them most quickly; the larger the animal, the longer it takes to be shaped in the womb; the more long-lived ones are cared for longer by the mother. Also animals are not of an age suitable for procreation while they are still growing. Solid-hoofed animals bear one child at a time, those with cloven hooves also bear two, but those whose feet are divided into separate toes also produce a larger number. But whereas all those above bear their offspring fully formed, these produce them unfinished — in this class being lionesses and bears; and a fox bears its young in an even more unfinished state than the species above-mentioned, and it is rare to see one in the act of giving birth. Afterwards all these species warm their offspring and shape them by licking them. Their litters number four at the most. Dogs, wolves, panthers and jackals bear their young blind. ',
  {'entities': [[1033, 1037, 'people']]}],
 ['.83.4There are several kinds of dogs. The Spartan hounds breed when both sexes are seven months old; the bitches carry for 60 days, and 63 at most. The bitches of the other breeds are willing to couple, even when six months old. They all conceive from a single coupling. Those that are bred from before the proper time have puppies that stay blind longer, and all of them for the same number of days. They are believed to raise the leg in making water when about six months old; this is a sign of fully matured strength. Bitches relieve themselves sitting. The most prolific have litters of twelve, but usually they have five or six, and sometimes only one: this is considered portentous, as are litters that are all males or all females. Male puppies are born first in each litter, whereas in all other animals the sexes come in turns. Bitches couple five months after their last litter. The Spartan hounds have litters of eight. The males of that breed are marked by keenness for work. Spartan dog hounds live ten years, bitches twelve; all the other breeds live fifteen years, some times even twenty. But they do not breed all their lives, ceasing usually at the age of twelve. ',
  {'entities': [[42, 49, 'demonym'],
    [42, 49, 'demonym'],
    [42, 49, 'demonym']]}],
 [".83.5The cat and the mongoose resemble dogs in other respects, but their length of life is ten years. Rabbits breed in every month of the year, and superfetate, as do hares; after giving birth they pair again at once. They conceive although still suckling their previous litter, but the young are blind. Elephants, as we have said, bear one young one at a time, of the size of a three months old calf. Camels carry their young twelve months; they begin breeding at the age of three, in the spring, and mate again a year after giving birth. Mares on the other hand are believed not to be profitably sired till three years old, and not before a year after their last foaling; when they are unwilling, compulsion is used. It is believed that she-asses conceive quite easily even a week after delivery. It is said that mares' manes ought to be clipped to make them submit to allow coupling with asses, as having long manes makes them proud and high-spirited. Mares are the only animals that after coupling run in a northerly or southerly direction according as they have conceived a male or a female foal. Immediately afterwards they change the colour of their coat for a deeper red or a darker hue of whatever their colour is: this marks their ceasing to be able to couple, even if willing to do so. Some are not hindered from work by foaling, and are in foal without its being known. We find it on record that a mare in foal belonging to a Thessalian named Echecratides won a race at Olympia. It is stated by exceptionally careful authorities that horses, dogs and swine like mating in the morning, but that the females make approaches in the afternoon; that mares that have been broken are in heat 60 days sooner than those running with the herd; that swine only foam at the mouth when mating; that when a boar-pig has heard a sow in heat grunting it refuses food to the point of losing flesh entirely unless it ]s admitted to her, while sows get so fierce that they will gore a human being, especially one wearing white clothes. This madness can be reduced by sprinkling the organs with vinegar. It is believed that desire for mating is also stimulated by articles of diet, for instance rocket in the case of a man and onions in the case of cattle. It is a remarkable fact that wild species when domesticated refuse to breed, for instance wild geese, and wild boars and stags do so reluctantly and only if they have been reared from infancy. Female animals refuse intercourse when pregnant, except the mare and the sow; but only the common rabbit and the hairy-footed rabbit allow superfetation. ",
  {'entities': [[402, 408, 'people'],
    [1438, 1448, 'demonym'],
    [1455, 1467, 'people'],
    [1482, 1489, 'place']]}],
 ['.84.1All viviparous species produce their young head foremost, the embryo turning round shortly before delivery, but otherwise lying stretched at length in the womb. Four-footed species are carried with the legs stretched out to full length and folded against their own belly, but the human embryo curled up in a ball, with the nostrils placed between the two knees. It is thought that moon calves, about which we have spoken before, are produced when a woman has conceived not from a male but from herself alone, and that they do not come alive because they are not produced from two parents, and they possess the self-nourishing vitality that belongs to plants and frees. Of all the species bearing fully developed offspring pigs alone have litters that are numerous as well as developed, for it is against the nature of those with solid or cloven hoofs to produce several young. ',
 [".85.1The most prolific of all animals whatever is the mouse — one hesitates to state its fertility, even though on the authority of Aristotle and the troops of Alexander the Great. It is stated that with it impregnation takes place by licking and not by coupling. There is a record of 120 being born from a single mother, and in Persia of mice already pregnant being found in the parent's womb; and it is believed that they are made pregnant by tasting salt. Accordingly it ceases to be surprising how so large an army of field-mice ravages the crops; and in the case of field-mice it is also hitherto unknown exactly how this vast multitude is suddenly destroyed: for they are never found dead, and nobody exists who ever dug up a mouse in a field in winter. Vast numbers thus appear in the Troad, and they have by now banished the inhabitants from that country. They appear during droughts. It is also related that when a mouse is going to die a worm grows in its head. The mice in Egypt have hard hair like hedgehogs, and also they walk on two feet, as also do the Alpine mice. — When animals of a different kind pair, the union is only fertile when the two species have the same period of gestation. There is a popular belief that of the oviparous quadrupeds the lizard bears through the mouth, but this is denied by Aristotle. Lizards do not hatch their eggs, but forget where they laid them, as this animal has no memory; and consequently the young ones break the shell without assistance. ",
  {'entities': [[132, 141, 'people'],
    [160, 169, 'people'],
    [329, 335, 'place'],
    [792, 797, 'place'],
    [984, 989, 'place'],
    [1068, 1074, 'demonym'],
    [132, 141, 'people']]}],
 ['.86.1We have it from many authorities that a snake may be born from the spinal marrow of a human being. For a number of animals spring from some hidden and secret source, even in the quadruped class, for instance salamanders, a creature shaped like a lizard, covered with spots, never appearing except in great rains and disappearing in fine weather. It is so chilly that it puts out fire by its contact, in the same way as ice does. It vomits from its mouth a milky slaver, one touch of which on any part of the human body causes all the hair to drop off, and the portion touched changes its colour and breaks out in a tetter. ',
 ['.87.1Consequently some creatures are born from parents that themselves were not born and were without any similar origin, like the ones mentioned above and all those that are produced by the spring and a fixed season of the year. Some of these are infertile, for instance the salamander, and in these there is no male or female, as also there is no sex in eels and all the species that are neither viviparous nor oviparous; also oysters and the other creatures clinging to the bottom of shallow water or to rocks are neuters. But self-generated creatures if divided into males and females do produce an offspring by coupling, but it is imperfect and unlike the parent and not productive in its turn: for instance flies produce maggots. This is shown more clearly by the nature of the creatures called insects, all of which are difficult to describe and must be discussed in a work devoted specially to them. Consequently the psychology of the before said creatures, and the remainder of the discussion, must be appended. ',
 ['.88.1Among the senses, that of touch in man ranks before all the other species, and taste next; but in the remaining senses he is surpassed by many other creatures. Eagles have clearer sight, vultures a keener sense of smell, moles acuter hearing — although they are buried in the earth, so dense and deaf an element of nature, and although moreover all sound travels upward, they can overhear people talking, and it is actually said that if you speak about them they understand and run away. Among men, when one is first of all denied hearing he also is robbed of the power of talking, and there are no persons deaf from birth who are not also dumb. The sea-oyster probably has no sense of hearing; but it is said that the razor-shell dives at a sound: consequently people fishing make a practice of silence. ',
  {'entities': [[165, 171, 'people']]}],
 [".89.1Fish indeed have no auditory organs or passages, but nevertheless it is obvious that is they hear, inasmuch as it can be observed that in some fishponds wild fish have a habit of flocking together to be fed at the sound of clapping, and in the Emperor's aquarium the various kinds of fish come in answer to their names, or in some cases individual fish. Consequently it is also stated that the mullet, the wolf-fish, the stork-fish and the chromis hear very clearly, and therefore live in shallow water. ",
 [".90.1It is clearly obvious that fish possess a sense of smell, as they are not all attracted by the same food, and they smell a thing before they seize it. Some fish even when hiding in caves are driven out by a fisherman who smears the mouth of the crag with brine used in pickling — they run away as it were from the recognition of their own dead body; and they also flock together from the deep water to certain smells, for instance a burnt cuttlefish or polyp, which are thrown into wicker creels for this purpose. Indeed the stench of a ship's bilge makes them flee far away, but most of all the blood of fishes. The polyp cannot be dragged away from the bait; but when a sprig of marjoram is brought near to it, it at once darts away from the scent. Purple-fish also can be caught by means of things with a foul smell. As to the rest of the animal class who could have any doubt? Snakes are driven away by the stench of burnt stag's horn, but especially by that of styrax-tree gum; the scent of marjoram or lime or sulphur kills ants. Gnats seek for sour things and are not attracted by sweet things. ",
  {'entities': [[886, 892, 'people']]}],
# Max of 901
for i in tqdm(range(2, 901)):
  train = create_TRAIN_DATA(f'https://topostext.org/work/{i}')
  for item in train:
100%|██████████| 899/899 [16:31<00:00,  1.10s/it]
[["BOOK 1  The wrath sing, goddess, of Peleus' son, Achilles, that destructive wrath which brought countless woes upon the Achaeans, and sent forth to Hades many valiant souls of heroes, and made them themselves spoil for dogs and every bird; thus the plan of Zeus came to fulfillment, ",
  {'entities': [[36, 42, 'people'],
    [49, 57, 'people'],
    [120, 128, 'ethnic'],
    [148, 153, 'people'],
    [257, 261, 'people']]}],
 ["from the time when first they parted in strife Atreus' son, king of men, and brilliant Achilles. Who then of the gods was it that brought these two together to contend? The son of Leto and Zeus; for he in anger against the king roused throughout the host an evil pestilence, and the people began to perish, ",
  {'entities': [[47, 53, 'people'],
    [87, 95, 'people'],
    [180, 184, 'people'],
    [189, 193, 'people']]}],
 ['because upon the priest Chryses the son of Atreus had wrought dishonour. For he had come to the swift ships of the Achaeans to free his daughter, bearing ransom past counting; and in his hands he held the wreaths of Apollo who strikes from afar, on a staff of gold; and he implored all the Achaeans, ',
  {'entities': [[24, 31, 'people'],
    [43, 49, 'people'],
    [115, 123, 'ethnic'],
    [216, 222, 'people'],
    [115, 123, 'ethnic']]}]]
# pickling let's us save this work so we don't have to do it again
import pickle

file_name = "topostext_training_data.pkl"

# pickle and save the data
with open(file_name, 'wb') as file:
    pickle.dump(TRAIN_DATA, file)

print(f"Training data saved to {file_name}")
Training data saved to topostext_training_data.pkl


Now that we have our data in the correct form, we can start training.

First, we have to convert the TRAIN_DATA object into a special spaCy type called a DocBin (code taken from Mattingly).

!wget https://tufts.box.com/shared/static/2p4ez2vas90v2zn8mf3lgdv6lltzl75d.pkl -O topostext_training_data.pkl
--2023-11-13 14:45:34--  https://tufts.box.com/shared/static/2p4ez2vas90v2zn8mf3lgdv6lltzl75d.pkl
Resolving tufts.box.com (tufts.box.com)...
Connecting to tufts.box.com (tufts.box.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
Location: /public/static/2p4ez2vas90v2zn8mf3lgdv6lltzl75d.pkl [following]
--2023-11-13 14:45:34--  https://tufts.box.com/public/static/2p4ez2vas90v2zn8mf3lgdv6lltzl75d.pkl
Reusing existing connection to tufts.box.com:443.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
Location: https://tufts.app.box.com/public/static/2p4ez2vas90v2zn8mf3lgdv6lltzl75d.pkl [following]
--2023-11-13 14:45:35--  https://tufts.app.box.com/public/static/2p4ez2vas90v2zn8mf3lgdv6lltzl75d.pkl
Resolving tufts.app.box.com (tufts.app.box.com)...
Connecting to tufts.app.box.com (tufts.app.box.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: https://public.boxcloud.com/d/1/b1!HtHr6mKg0e_-jpl4-0FS599wrBNjefmH5p7fCG29KZ6eICDwkhARePzDxDZUpV3Mvd0QrXGveE_Qv8_Q9EItUdQ38kXVxMFJQxnayJX_B-MErulLgr8pMHmHCCedb5VeN3nBsyITMvYa3fLRkASpr99rDy6yPqN1tsbScrdb5iBwi2-x2AlduwWx8xejsSEpEcvclZ4XLPTvcUsoZeSXwhJTERaykeHEmbL-vTMTUbQjTGdx_QEi4sCwGocGATUT7XqLU4daWQnHG8k7s0xVkL1Dsiu06OaWWZJwpxROEWMp-C134WB3PDrGj09icP9y_xfYzxXF8Yrh3QR_xjgVk6s38REHzFJjP_mM_kaFT4DdjA--V0Td85QfpcAyBKP7Ho343Emsk1KIO4XrG5F7alQwt0VqVyruhCjFoBsS5dfzu4O2Wg8qy0lq6Y5Xkv8PO7TAD3SNJK_MD2dHYf7EgJuZaQBlEtoI_oH3467Y7XrmGtAAf_iWNXD5Sa-2a7Boe2Bq0zfQ-mDpiuG8RP3zjuL1yWWE5m3j_4GhhnXFyMx996OOxdCQgn4F7X5NTGFJ48YKxR_rSWyvsUVIx-iM5KyF6wS7HzkgBhBNE7kZgD9KibaTGZoKX_XWFs9zweHk9PrK2vCbsGa1lbqEfZvb9YXr3qb0-994hbHEJXqfRmmpX_tLCtyVVFL8B54ZuAgPivRAnpgZ947Vf0Guk5wiJtlWic36kAI4-gUcO7fs8q0XuZu628hvIa6c4VLZmnWs_cQNzrh2BFDTZxehlNBPMiaP3-8nLsuM2aH-_x_PqRG0OyvsfQyz5eh5fTVaJGrwwMXltsBwrDP-b-rbeOZMrEvTiiOJwbZjhlejwu33mRldGvg79DM8XxzQmLF81kQJRnsTWIKdJ37anevLJUqtEXedynWCBNRKy-b4QcsBuOh6oHs1ErBaGMhSd8sl7CB9Jv8YmWIQOjhdC6PYXnKRA2c02EIUbmRSJ-0GMgEKmgVjfxSmSQpC0TCwPxtsNOLR1qb3DGbI02D9kTRQB63ONAOfe9pGmevY1pdNXJejUaAr-jNn4ixi53Mk-XkwfHzTWeiUi5J6kv3gDwmLE_ftfm-WG0RZD_kJZKziu9SEuOWawFYlfZCaobh8Yo4aDH1VimLmqRGtLdOh15roLTWasxfRktF4lE7HHsooavxOwgh_0qtOV8iA_1lE5nwedt_B_1RCuyxAzQpzduSJDHjStryVDBp9A5f-C8fBsQebQfalR7QqOyMAy-wxir3Ei4rUHtpJttnc8BPFSC7NqddnRsCzZZaSjzJRcf9Byii9qeWIFkQOggKJtR18p8HppaSQLI3ylgM80-YRAMTw0mTf70BUS8UJe0WISzPqSFQPSvlbpGz_8gcjQ7NHOPxd-2HnQtS4MjgOonk-/download [following]
--2023-11-13 14:45:35--  https://public.boxcloud.com/d/1/b1!HtHr6mKg0e_-jpl4-0FS599wrBNjefmH5p7fCG29KZ6eICDwkhARePzDxDZUpV3Mvd0QrXGveE_Qv8_Q9EItUdQ38kXVxMFJQxnayJX_B-MErulLgr8pMHmHCCedb5VeN3nBsyITMvYa3fLRkASpr99rDy6yPqN1tsbScrdb5iBwi2-x2AlduwWx8xejsSEpEcvclZ4XLPTvcUsoZeSXwhJTERaykeHEmbL-vTMTUbQjTGdx_QEi4sCwGocGATUT7XqLU4daWQnHG8k7s0xVkL1Dsiu06OaWWZJwpxROEWMp-C134WB3PDrGj09icP9y_xfYzxXF8Yrh3QR_xjgVk6s38REHzFJjP_mM_kaFT4DdjA--V0Td85QfpcAyBKP7Ho343Emsk1KIO4XrG5F7alQwt0VqVyruhCjFoBsS5dfzu4O2Wg8qy0lq6Y5Xkv8PO7TAD3SNJK_MD2dHYf7EgJuZaQBlEtoI_oH3467Y7XrmGtAAf_iWNXD5Sa-2a7Boe2Bq0zfQ-mDpiuG8RP3zjuL1yWWE5m3j_4GhhnXFyMx996OOxdCQgn4F7X5NTGFJ48YKxR_rSWyvsUVIx-iM5KyF6wS7HzkgBhBNE7kZgD9KibaTGZoKX_XWFs9zweHk9PrK2vCbsGa1lbqEfZvb9YXr3qb0-994hbHEJXqfRmmpX_tLCtyVVFL8B54ZuAgPivRAnpgZ947Vf0Guk5wiJtlWic36kAI4-gUcO7fs8q0XuZu628hvIa6c4VLZmnWs_cQNzrh2BFDTZxehlNBPMiaP3-8nLsuM2aH-_x_PqRG0OyvsfQyz5eh5fTVaJGrwwMXltsBwrDP-b-rbeOZMrEvTiiOJwbZjhlejwu33mRldGvg79DM8XxzQmLF81kQJRnsTWIKdJ37anevLJUqtEXedynWCBNRKy-b4QcsBuOh6oHs1ErBaGMhSd8sl7CB9Jv8YmWIQOjhdC6PYXnKRA2c02EIUbmRSJ-0GMgEKmgVjfxSmSQpC0TCwPxtsNOLR1qb3DGbI02D9kTRQB63ONAOfe9pGmevY1pdNXJejUaAr-jNn4ixi53Mk-XkwfHzTWeiUi5J6kv3gDwmLE_ftfm-WG0RZD_kJZKziu9SEuOWawFYlfZCaobh8Yo4aDH1VimLmqRGtLdOh15roLTWasxfRktF4lE7HHsooavxOwgh_0qtOV8iA_1lE5nwedt_B_1RCuyxAzQpzduSJDHjStryVDBp9A5f-C8fBsQebQfalR7QqOyMAy-wxir3Ei4rUHtpJttnc8BPFSC7NqddnRsCzZZaSjzJRcf9Byii9qeWIFkQOggKJtR18p8HppaSQLI3ylgM80-YRAMTw0mTf70BUS8UJe0WISzPqSFQPSvlbpGz_8gcjQ7NHOPxd-2HnQtS4MjgOonk-/download
Resolving public.boxcloud.com (public.boxcloud.com)...
Connecting to public.boxcloud.com (public.boxcloud.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 139300786 (133M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘topostext_training_data.pkl’

topostext_training_ 100%[===================>] 132.85M  16.2MB/s    in 8.5s    

2023-11-13 14:45:44 (15.6 MB/s) - ‘topostext_training_data.pkl’ saved [139300786/139300786]
import pickle
with open('/content/topostext_training_data.pkl', 'rb') as file:
    loaded_training_data = pickle.load(file)

print("Loaded training data length:", len(loaded_training_data))
Loaded training data length: 154762
["BOOK 1  The wrath sing, goddess, of Peleus' son, Achilles, that destructive wrath which brought countless woes upon the Achaeans, and sent forth to Hades many valiant souls of heroes, and made them themselves spoil for dogs and every bird; thus the plan of Zeus came to fulfillment, ",
 {'entities': [[36, 42, 'people'],
   [49, 57, 'people'],
   [120, 128, 'ethnic'],
   [148, 153, 'people'],
   [257, 261, 'people']]}]

The above section in the original Greek.

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 10.00.16 AM.png

!mkdir data
import spacy
from spacy.tokens import DocBin
from pathlib import Path
import warnings

def convert(lang: str, TRAIN_DATA, output_path: Path):
    nlp = spacy.blank(lang)
    nlp.max_length = 2000000
    db = DocBin()
    for text, annot in TRAIN_DATA:
        doc = nlp.make_doc(text)
        ents = []
        if 'entities' in annot.keys():
          for start, end, label in annot["entities"]:
              span = doc.char_span(start, end, label=label)
              if span is None:
                  msg = f"Skipping entity [{start}, {end}, {label}] in the following text because the character span '{doc.text[start:end]}' does not align with token boundaries:\n\n{repr(text)}\n"
          doc.ents = ents
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# two splits: first split (train and validation for testing our model after it trains)
train_valid, valid_post_training = train_test_split(loaded_training_data, test_size=0.2, random_state=1)

train, valid = train_test_split(train_valid, test_size=0.2, random_state=1)
len(train), len(valid), len(valid_post_training)
(99047, 24762, 30953)
import warnings

convert("en", train, "/content/data/train.spacy")
convert("en", valid, "/content/data/valid.spacy")
import os
['train.spacy', 'valid.spacy']


We still need one final piece before we can start training. This is the config file that weill tell the training program how to initialize our set up. We can download a blank version here: https://spacy.io/usage/training.

Finally we just need to add the file locations of our training and validation data. In Colab, double-clicking on the base_config.cfg file will open up an editor on the side. In the train field, put data/train.spacy and in the dev field, put data/valid.spacy.

!python -m spacy init fill-config /content/base_config.cfg /content/config.cfg
2023-11-13 15:00:11.253946: E tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_dnn.cc:9342] Unable to register cuDNN factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuDNN when one has already been registered
2023-11-13 15:00:11.254067: E tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_fft.cc:609] Unable to register cuFFT factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuFFT when one has already been registered
2023-11-13 15:00:11.254182: E tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_blas.cc:1518] Unable to register cuBLAS factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuBLAS when one has already been registered
2023-11-13 15:00:12.896805: W tensorflow/compiler/tf2tensorrt/utils/py_utils.cc:38] TF-TRT Warning: Could not find TensorRT
✔ Auto-filled config with all values
✔ Saved config
You can now add your data and train your pipeline:
python -m spacy train config.cfg --paths.train ./train.spacy --paths.dev ./dev.spacy
# really useful feature in spacy
!python -m spacy debug data /content/config.cfg
2023-10-25 14:17:17.278698: E tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_dnn.cc:9342] Unable to register cuDNN factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuDNN when one has already been registered
2023-10-25 14:17:17.278778: E tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_fft.cc:609] Unable to register cuFFT factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuFFT when one has already been registered
2023-10-25 14:17:17.278810: E tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_blas.cc:1518] Unable to register cuBLAS factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuBLAS when one has already been registered
2023-10-25 14:17:18.437604: W tensorflow/compiler/tf2tensorrt/utils/py_utils.cc:38] TF-TRT Warning: Could not find TensorRT

============================ Data file validation ============================
✔ Pipeline can be initialized with data
✔ Corpus is loadable

=============================== Training stats ===============================
Language: en
Training pipeline: tok2vec, ner
65441 training docs
16369 evaluation docs
✔ No overlap between training and evaluation data

============================== Vocab & Vectors ==============================
ℹ 7547600 total word(s) in the data (168419 unique)
ℹ No word vectors present in the package

========================== Named Entity Recognition ==========================
ℹ 5 label(s)
0 missing value(s) (tokens with '-' label)
✔ Good amount of examples for all labels
✔ Examples without occurrences available for all labels
✔ No entities consisting of or starting/ending with whitespace
✔ No entities crossing sentence boundaries

================================== Summary ==================================
✔ 7 checks passed
!python -m spacy train config.cfg --output models
2023-10-25 14:23:10.368690: E tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_dnn.cc:9342] Unable to register cuDNN factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuDNN when one has already been registered
2023-10-25 14:23:10.368765: E tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_fft.cc:609] Unable to register cuFFT factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuFFT when one has already been registered
2023-10-25 14:23:10.368799: E tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_blas.cc:1518] Unable to register cuBLAS factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuBLAS when one has already been registered
2023-10-25 14:23:11.524989: W tensorflow/compiler/tf2tensorrt/utils/py_utils.cc:38] TF-TRT Warning: Could not find TensorRT
✔ Created output directory: models
ℹ Saving to output directory: models
ℹ Using CPU

=========================== Initializing pipeline ===========================
✔ Initialized pipeline

============================= Training pipeline =============================
ℹ Pipeline: ['tok2vec', 'ner']
ℹ Initial learn rate: 0.001
---  ------  ------------  --------  ------  ------  ------  ------
  0       0          0.00     76.55    0.02    0.01    0.13    0.00
  0     200         29.01   1435.83   42.74   40.39   45.38    0.43
  0     400         45.66    498.17   54.80   53.18   56.52    0.55
  0     600         54.16    587.17   63.42   62.10   64.79    0.63
  0     800         65.46    456.42   66.16   62.84   69.84    0.66
  0    1000        116.47    519.51   67.59   64.38   71.13    0.68
  0    1200        142.93    641.75   69.25   73.20   65.70    0.69
  0    1400       1366.79    704.71   72.17   69.87   74.62    0.72
  0    1600        184.76    655.45   73.23   77.84   69.14    0.73
  0    1800        260.04   1043.71   73.86   75.03   72.72    0.74
  0    2000        257.16   1009.33   77.25   80.03   74.65    0.77
  0    2200        309.85   1140.47   78.01   79.96   76.16    0.78
  0    2400        354.63   1338.70   78.44   76.39   80.60    0.78
  0    2600        474.11   1542.61   79.69   78.55   80.86    0.80
  0    2800        461.91   1557.11   80.97   78.38   83.73    0.81
  0    3000        376.66   1780.95   80.55   83.16   78.10    0.81
  0    3200        336.93   1396.03   82.12   79.95   84.40    0.82
  0    3400        365.49   1533.37   82.75   81.90   83.62    0.83
  0    3600        348.44   1524.62   83.07   84.13   82.04    0.83
  0    3800        480.65   1422.93   83.69   83.27   84.11    0.84
  0    4000        364.83   1232.51   83.55   82.05   85.10    0.84
  0    4200        532.50   1463.36   83.56   82.46   84.68    0.84
  0    4400        373.40   1319.24   83.44   85.29   81.67    0.83
  0    4600        466.87   1387.35   83.88   80.91   87.08    0.84
  0    4800        516.66   1390.11   84.58   83.67   85.52    0.85
  0    5000        453.09   1322.75   84.24   79.46   89.63    0.84
  0    5200        571.38   1498.07   85.05   83.55   86.60    0.85
  0    5400        486.91   1306.46   84.73   84.12   85.35    0.85
  0    5600        949.15   1364.84   85.32   83.37   87.36    0.85
  0    5800        484.51   1239.58   85.47   84.74   86.21    0.85
  0    6000        535.67   1263.06   85.79   85.40   86.19    0.86
  0    6200        989.46   1217.73   85.35   85.96   84.74    0.85
  0    6400        529.90   1155.85   85.73   83.91   87.63    0.86
  0    6600        514.48   1201.22   85.74   87.03   84.49    0.86
  0    6800        520.05   1280.05   85.64   82.93   88.53    0.86
  0    7000        603.69   1244.04   85.87   84.75   87.03    0.86
  0    7200        651.54   1098.68   86.49   85.28   87.74    0.86
  0    7400        809.18   1176.11   86.43   83.55   89.51    0.86
  0    7600        602.94   1004.54   86.51   85.66   87.38    0.87
  0    7800       1058.51   1231.51   86.81   86.95   86.67    0.87
  0    8000        761.75   1194.32   86.28   86.87   85.70    0.86
  0    8200        645.50   1050.33   85.23   90.58   80.48    0.85
  0    8400        796.04   1249.59   87.12   85.25   89.07    0.87
  0    8600        815.56   1096.56   86.79   85.55   88.06    0.87
  0    8800        885.08   1130.57   86.79   89.04   84.66    0.87
  0    9000        947.99   1182.68   87.05   86.36   87.75    0.87
  0    9200        722.21   1124.22   87.15   86.47   87.85    0.87
  0    9400        749.12   1228.19   87.14   85.06   89.33    0.87
  0    9600       1204.47   1184.29   87.27   85.70   88.90    0.87
  0    9800        986.44   1147.18   85.99   89.32   82.90    0.86
  1   10000        874.28   1294.82   87.42   85.35   89.60    0.87
  1   10200       1295.46   1101.22   87.66   84.93   90.57    0.88
  1   10400        882.32    956.03   87.41   86.16   88.70    0.87
  1   10600        800.15    874.25   87.30   86.07   88.57    0.87
  1   10800        945.11   1053.24   86.92   82.37   92.00    0.87
  1   11000       1193.75    849.02   87.19   85.93   88.50    0.87
  1   11200       2480.97   1016.63   87.33   83.46   91.58    0.87
  1   11400       1069.42    984.84   87.21   86.29   88.14    0.87
  1   11600       1074.36   1061.67   87.11   83.80   90.70    0.87
  1   11800       1022.71    951.54   87.71   86.52   88.94    0.88
  1   12000       1671.28    940.41   87.07   87.67   86.48    0.87
  1   12200       1089.92    903.68   87.23   86.24   88.24    0.87
  1   12400       1316.04   1039.15   87.80   87.76   87.84    0.88
  1   12600       1668.05    902.59   87.59   85.39   89.91    0.88
  1   12800       1116.73    819.45   86.96   83.75   90.43    0.87
  1   13000       1420.77    921.32   87.41   84.45   90.58    0.87
  1   13200       1231.42    915.05   87.62   85.63   89.70    0.88
  1   13400       2568.26    972.37   87.44   85.61   89.34    0.87
  1   13600       1478.99   1006.43   87.79   85.58   90.11    0.88
  1   13800       1343.75    955.66   87.94   87.30   88.58    0.88
  1   14000       1917.57   1005.76   87.07   82.07   92.72    0.87
  1   14200       2280.23    879.14   88.18   88.61   87.75    0.88
  1   14400       2786.10    966.20   87.64   86.21   89.12    0.88
  1   14600       1586.69   1064.89   87.93   87.99   87.87    0.88
  1   14800       1643.46    888.91   87.66   85.42   90.03    0.88
  1   15000       2566.59   1036.02   88.01   85.08   91.14    0.88
  1   15200       1380.83    849.29   88.26   87.14   89.40    0.88
  1   15400       2185.10   1037.56   87.74   84.60   91.12    0.88
  1   15600       2891.27    925.95   88.20   86.75   89.70    0.88
  1   15800       1617.28    988.35   88.22   89.41   87.06    0.88
  1   16000       2715.63    985.67   88.28   86.09   90.57    0.88
  1   16200       3337.26    993.54   88.21   85.61   90.98    0.88
  1   16400       1647.17    949.91   88.60   88.04   89.17    0.89
  1   16600       2008.52   1043.69   88.31   85.78   90.99    0.88
  1   16800       1654.91    870.63   88.57   88.85   88.28    0.89
  1   17000       2202.49   1073.94   88.03   86.12   90.02    0.88
  1   17200       2189.16    978.60   88.50   86.92   90.13    0.88
  1   17400       1703.90    924.63   88.63   87.72   89.57    0.89
  1   17600       2662.36    919.81   88.17   84.99   91.60    0.88
  1   17800       3618.66    971.22   88.53   88.48   88.58    0.89
  1   18000       1796.52    902.92   88.30   86.63   90.04    0.88
  1   18200       1978.81    989.31   88.16   90.31   86.11    0.88
  2   18400       2853.73   1061.31   88.36   87.79   88.94    0.88
  2   18600       3180.24    784.74   88.26   88.55   87.97    0.88
  2   18800       2098.13    785.89   88.74   87.46   90.06    0.89
  2   19000       2340.96    767.37   88.18   85.18   91.39    0.88
  2   19200       2495.89    835.70   88.43   85.30   91.79    0.88
  2   19400       2496.40    918.45   88.07   84.75   91.67    0.88
  2   19600       2411.26    806.51   88.27   85.09   91.69    0.88
  2   19800       3881.71    822.76   88.47   86.46   90.57    0.88
  2   20000       3540.10    938.50   88.29   87.70   88.88    0.88
✔ Saved pipeline to output directory
# zip up model for easier download
!zip -r topostext_ner_model_full.zip models
  adding: models/ (stored 0%)
  adding: models/model-best/ (stored 0%)
  adding: models/model-best/meta.json (deflated 61%)
  adding: models/model-best/vocab/ (stored 0%)
  adding: models/model-best/vocab/vectors (deflated 45%)
  adding: models/model-best/vocab/vectors.cfg (stored 0%)
  adding: models/model-best/vocab/key2row (stored 0%)
  adding: models/model-best/vocab/strings.json (deflated 81%)
  adding: models/model-best/vocab/lookups.bin (stored 0%)
  adding: models/model-best/config.cfg (deflated 60%)
  adding: models/model-best/tokenizer (deflated 81%)
  adding: models/model-best/ner/ (stored 0%)
  adding: models/model-best/ner/model (deflated 9%)
  adding: models/model-best/ner/cfg (deflated 33%)
  adding: models/model-best/ner/moves (deflated 64%)
  adding: models/model-best/tok2vec/ (stored 0%)
  adding: models/model-best/tok2vec/model (deflated 7%)
  adding: models/model-best/tok2vec/cfg (stored 0%)
  adding: models/model-last/ (stored 0%)
  adding: models/model-last/meta.json (deflated 61%)
  adding: models/model-last/vocab/ (stored 0%)
  adding: models/model-last/vocab/vectors (deflated 45%)
  adding: models/model-last/vocab/vectors.cfg (stored 0%)
  adding: models/model-last/vocab/key2row (stored 0%)
  adding: models/model-last/vocab/strings.json (deflated 81%)
  adding: models/model-last/vocab/lookups.bin (stored 0%)
  adding: models/model-last/config.cfg (deflated 60%)
  adding: models/model-last/tokenizer (deflated 81%)
  adding: models/model-last/ner/ (stored 0%)
  adding: models/model-last/ner/model (deflated 9%)
  adding: models/model-last/ner/cfg (deflated 33%)
  adding: models/model-last/ner/moves (deflated 64%)
  adding: models/model-last/tok2vec/ (stored 0%)
  adding: models/model-last/tok2vec/model (deflated 7%)
  adding: models/model-last/tok2vec/cfg (stored 0%)
from google.colab import files


Now that we have a model, we can see how well we did. For this inference step, I want to use example texts that I know were not in the training data.

!git clone https://github.com/pnadelofficial/topos_text_NER.git
Cloning into 'topos_text_NER'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 48, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (48/48), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done.
remote: Total 48 (delta 9), reused 28 (delta 1), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (48/48), 45.28 MiB | 28.71 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (9/9), done.
!unzip topos_text_NER/topostext_ner_model_full.zip
Archive:  topos_text_NER/topostext_ner_model_full.zip
   creating: models/
   creating: models/model-best/
  inflating: models/model-best/meta.json  
   creating: models/model-best/vocab/
  inflating: models/model-best/vocab/vectors  
 extracting: models/model-best/vocab/vectors.cfg  
 extracting: models/model-best/vocab/key2row  
  inflating: models/model-best/vocab/strings.json  
 extracting: models/model-best/vocab/lookups.bin  
  inflating: models/model-best/config.cfg  
  inflating: models/model-best/tokenizer  
   creating: models/model-best/ner/
  inflating: models/model-best/ner/model  
  inflating: models/model-best/ner/cfg  
  inflating: models/model-best/ner/moves  
   creating: models/model-best/tok2vec/
  inflating: models/model-best/tok2vec/model  
 extracting: models/model-best/tok2vec/cfg  
   creating: models/model-last/
  inflating: models/model-last/meta.json  
   creating: models/model-last/vocab/
  inflating: models/model-last/vocab/vectors  
 extracting: models/model-last/vocab/vectors.cfg  
 extracting: models/model-last/vocab/key2row  
  inflating: models/model-last/vocab/strings.json  
 extracting: models/model-last/vocab/lookups.bin  
  inflating: models/model-last/config.cfg  
  inflating: models/model-last/tokenizer  
   creating: models/model-last/ner/
  inflating: models/model-last/ner/model  
  inflating: models/model-last/ner/cfg  
  inflating: models/model-last/ner/moves  
   creating: models/model-last/tok2vec/
  inflating: models/model-last/tok2vec/model  
 extracting: models/model-last/tok2vec/cfg  
inf_text ='''
An upper vest, once Helen's rich attire,
From Argos by the fam'd adultress brought,
With golden flow'rs and winding foliage wrought,
Her mother Leda's present, when she came
To ruin Troy and set the world on flame;
The scepter Priam's eldest daughter bore,
Her orient necklace, and the crown she wore
Of double texture, glorious to behold,
One order set with gems, and one with gold.

# Vergil Aenid 1.643
# perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.02.0052%3Abook%3D1%3Acard%3D643
import spacy
trained_nlp = spacy.load("models/model-best")
doc = trained_nlp(inf_text)
places = []
for ent in doc.ents:
  if ent.label_ == 'people':
[Menedaius, Eurylochus, Demosthenes, Menedaius, Demosthenes]
!python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
2023-11-13 15:13:22.622202: E tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_dnn.cc:9342] Unable to register cuDNN factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuDNN when one has already been registered
2023-11-13 15:13:22.622300: E tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_fft.cc:609] Unable to register cuFFT factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuFFT when one has already been registered
2023-11-13 15:13:22.622351: E tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_blas.cc:1518] Unable to register cuBLAS factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuBLAS when one has already been registered
2023-11-13 15:13:24.430834: W tensorflow/compiler/tf2tensorrt/utils/py_utils.cc:38] TF-TRT Warning: Could not find TensorRT
Collecting en-core-web-sm==3.6.0
  Downloading https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/en_core_web_sm-3.6.0/en_core_web_sm-3.6.0-py3-none-any.whl (12.8 MB)
     ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 12.8/12.8 MB 48.6 MB/s eta 0:00:00
?25hRequirement already satisfied: spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (3.6.1)
Requirement already satisfied: spacy-legacy<3.1.0,>=3.0.11 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (3.0.12)
Requirement already satisfied: spacy-loggers<2.0.0,>=1.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (1.0.5)
Requirement already satisfied: murmurhash<1.1.0,>=0.28.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (1.0.10)
Requirement already satisfied: cymem<2.1.0,>=2.0.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (2.0.8)
Requirement already satisfied: preshed<3.1.0,>=3.0.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (3.0.9)
Requirement already satisfied: thinc<8.2.0,>=8.1.8 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (8.1.12)
Requirement already satisfied: wasabi<1.2.0,>=0.9.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (1.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: srsly<3.0.0,>=2.4.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (2.4.8)
Requirement already satisfied: catalogue<2.1.0,>=2.0.6 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (2.0.10)
Requirement already satisfied: typer<0.10.0,>=0.3.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (0.9.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pathy>=0.10.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (0.10.3)
Requirement already satisfied: smart-open<7.0.0,>=5.2.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (6.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: tqdm<5.0.0,>=4.38.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (4.66.1)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.15.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (1.23.5)
Requirement already satisfied: requests<3.0.0,>=2.13.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (2.31.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pydantic!=1.8,!=1.8.1,<3.0.0,>=1.7.4 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (1.10.13)
Requirement already satisfied: jinja2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (3.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (67.7.2)
Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=20.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (23.2)
Requirement already satisfied: langcodes<4.0.0,>=3.2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (3.3.0)
Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions>=4.2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pydantic!=1.8,!=1.8.1,<3.0.0,>=1.7.4->spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (4.5.0)
Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer<4,>=2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests<3.0.0,>=2.13.0->spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (3.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests<3.0.0,>=2.13.0->spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (3.4)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<3,>=1.21.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests<3.0.0,>=2.13.0->spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (2.0.7)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests<3.0.0,>=2.13.0->spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (2023.7.22)
Requirement already satisfied: blis<0.8.0,>=0.7.8 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from thinc<8.2.0,>=8.1.8->spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (0.7.11)
Requirement already satisfied: confection<1.0.0,>=0.0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from thinc<8.2.0,>=8.1.8->spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (0.1.3)
Requirement already satisfied: click<9.0.0,>=7.1.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from typer<0.10.0,>=0.3.0->spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (8.1.7)
Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from jinja2->spacy<3.7.0,>=3.6.0->en-core-web-sm==3.6.0) (2.1.3)
✔ Download and installation successful
You can now load the package via spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
test_doc = nlp("My name is Peter")
for word in test_doc:
  print(word.text, word.pos_, word.lemma_)
My PRON my
name NOUN name
is AUX be
Peter PROPN Peter
# code to get all entities
[(e, e.label_) for e in doc.ents]
[(Helen, 'people'),
 (Argos, 'place'),
 (Leda, 'people'),
 (Troy, 'place'),
 (Priam, 'people')]


In this section, we’ll use the valid_post_training list of examples to calculate an F1 score for our model. This score is a good summary of how well our model does on this NER task, as it not only counts what entities the model correctly identified, but also considers if their labels are correct as well.

F1 score is the harmonic mean of precision, the ratio of correctly identified entities (true positives, TP) and all identified entities (the sum of true positives and false positives, FP), and recall, the ratio of correctly identified entities (TP) and all true entities (true positives and false negatives, FN).

\(Precision = \frac{TP}{TP+FP}\)

\(Recall = \frac{TP}{TP+FN}\)

\(F1 = \frac{2*Precision*Recall}{Precision+Recall} = \frac{2*TP}{2*TP+FP+FN}\)

['The next day Menedaius, who on the death of Eurylochus and Macarius had succeeded to the sole command, being at a loss after so signal a defeat how to stay and sustain a siege, cut off as he was by land and by the Athenian fleet by sea, and equally so how to retreat in safety, opened a parley with Demosthenes and the Acarnanian generals for a truce and permission to retreat, and at the same time for the recovery of the dead. 2 The dead they gave back to him, and setting up a trophy took up their own also to the number of about three hundred. The retreat demanded they refused publicly to the army; but permission to depart without delay was secretly granted to the Mantineans and to Menedaius and the other commanders and principal men of the Peloponnesians by Demosthenes and his Acarnanian colleagues; who desired to strip the Ambraciots and the mercenary host of foreigners of their supporters; and, above all, to discredit the Lacedaemonians and Peloponnesians with the Hellenes in those parts, as traitors and selfseekers. 3 While the enemy was taking up his dead and hastily burying them as he could, and those who obtained permission were secretly planning their retreat, ',
 {'entities': [[44, 54, 'people'],
   [214, 222, 'demonym'],
   [299, 310, 'people'],
   [319, 329, 'demonym'],
   [671, 681, 'ethnic'],
   [749, 763, 'ethnic'],
   [299, 310, 'people'],
   [319, 329, 'demonym'],
   [835, 845, 'ethnic'],
   [937, 951, 'ethnic'],
   [749, 763, 'ethnic']]}]
import spacy
trained_nlp = spacy.load("models/model-best")
doc = trained_nlp(valid_post_training[0][0])
predicted_ents = [(d.text, d.label_) for d in doc.ents]
[('Menedaius', 'people'),
 ('Eurylochus', 'people'),
 ('Athenian', 'demonym'),
 ('Demosthenes', 'people'),
 ('Acarnanian', 'person'),
 ('Mantineans', 'ethnic'),
 ('Menedaius', 'people'),
 ('Peloponnesians', 'ethnic'),
 ('Demosthenes', 'people'),
 ('Acarnanian', 'demonym'),
 ('Ambraciots', 'ethnic'),
 ('Lacedaemonians', 'ethnic'),
 ('Peloponnesians', 'ethnic')]
true_ents_raw = valid_post_training[0][1]['entities']
true_ents = []
for te in true_ents_raw:
  text = valid_post_training[0][0][te[0]:te[1]]
  true_ents.append((text, te[-1]))

[('Eurylochus', 'people'),
 ('Athenian', 'demonym'),
 ('Demosthenes', 'people'),
 ('Acarnanian', 'demonym'),
 ('Mantineans', 'ethnic'),
 ('Peloponnesians', 'ethnic'),
 ('Demosthenes', 'people'),
 ('Acarnanian', 'demonym'),
 ('Ambraciots', 'ethnic'),
 ('Lacedaemonians', 'ethnic'),
 ('Peloponnesians', 'ethnic')]
predicted_set = set(predicted_ents)
true_set = set(true_ents)
true_positives = len(predicted_set.intersection(true_set))
false_positives = len(predicted_set - true_set)
false_negatives = len(true_set - predicted_set)
precision = true_positives / (true_positives + false_positives)
recall = true_positives / (true_positives + false_negatives)
f1_score = 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall)
precision, recall, f1_score
(0.8, 1.0, 0.888888888888889)
def eval_one(i):
  doc = trained_nlp(valid_post_training[i][0])
  predicted_ents = [(d.text, d.label_) for d in doc.ents]

  true_ents_raw = valid_post_training[i][1]['entities']
  true_ents = []
  for te in true_ents_raw:
    text = valid_post_training[i][0][te[0]:te[1]]
    true_ents.append((text, te[-1]))

  predicted_set = set(predicted_ents)
  true_set = set(true_ents)

  true_positives = predicted_set.intersection(true_set)
  false_positives = predicted_set - true_set
  false_negatives = true_set - predicted_set

  return len(true_positives), len(false_positives), len(false_negatives)
from tqdm import tqdm # for the progress bar

all_true_positives = 0
all_false_positives = 0
all_false_negatives = 0

for i in tqdm(range(len(valid_post_training))):
  if 'entities' in valid_post_training[i][1]:
    tp, fp, fn = eval_one(i)
    all_true_positives += tp
    all_false_positives += fp
    all_false_negatives += fn

precision = all_true_positives / (all_true_positives + all_false_positives)
recall = all_true_positives / (all_true_positives + all_false_negatives)
f1_score = 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall)
100%|██████████| 30953/30953 [04:06<00:00, 125.67it/s]
round(f1_score, 3) # not too shabby!

Yay! We did it!