High Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster#
Welcome to the Tufts HPC Cluster documentation!
The High-Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster is available to researchers, faculty, students, and staff in need of large-scale computing. Tufts Linux HPC Cluster is comprised of over 100 high-powered servers running the RedHat Linux operating system. Nodes are interconnected via a 100Gbps ethernet network.
Tufts HPC is located in the Massachusetts Green High Performance Compute Center. The MGHPCC is an intercollegiate high-performance computing facility whose computing and storage resources serve a user community of more than 20,000 faculty and student researchers and educators, supported by on-campus research teams.
For more information:#
Please visit Research Technology (RT) Website HPC page and RT Announcements for important policy updates.
To Get Support: - Please email tts-research@tufts.edu for all Tufts HPC cluster questions and requests.