Bioinformatics tutorials# Bioinformatics tutorials provided by Tufts Research Technology. Bioinformatics tools guide An overview of the bioinformatics tools currently available Tufts cluster, organized by specific research areas. Parallel read alignment with slurm An overview of running read alignment in parallel using the SLURM job scheduler Running nfcore pipelines at Tufts HPC How to run nf-core pipelines on Tufts HPC Using singularity in bioinformatics Introduction to biocontainers and singularity Using Python Packages with Jupyter Notebook Exploring Python Bioiformatics Packages with Jupyter Notebook scRNA-seq in Python Set Up Conda Environment and Create Jupyter Kernel for scRNA-seq Analysis scRNA-seq in R scRNA-seq analysis with RStudio Parallel Computing in R for Bioinformatics Parallel Computing in R for Bioinformatics Package installation using container-mod Creating modulefile for containers Differential Expression Analysis with DESeq2 using OOD Rstudio Differential Expression Analysis with DESeq2 using OOD Rstudio