Run AlphaFold2 on Tufts HPC with Command Line Interface (CLI)#

This tutorial will guide the reader through the process of running AlphaFold2 on the Tufts High Performance Computing (HPC) system using the command line interface.


Prepare your input data#

Input data for AlphaFold2 typically includes the amino acid sequences of the proteins you wish to model.

Your input data should be located here: /cluster/home/your_utln/cas12a_af2_sp24/5XUS_mut2cwf_modified.fasta
Remember to replace your_utln with your own tufts credentia

Executing AlphaFold2#

Run AlphaFold2 using a command that specifies your input files, output directory, and other parameters. An example script is provided here

Remember to edit the script before you submit it to the queue
You will need to replace the path to your own path.

To submit your job to gpu node, type the following command

sbatch /cluster/home/your_utln/cas12a_af2_sp24/script/

Check the results#

ranked_0.pdb is your best predicted structure. This file contains the highest-ranked prediction based on the analysis, indicating it is considered the most accurate or reliable structure prediction from the set of models used.

cd /cluster/home/your_utln/cas12a_af2_sp24/out/

[!NOTE] If you encounter any issues or this doesn’t work as expected, please feel free to reach out to Shirley Li,