{ "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 0, "metadata": { "colab": { "provenance": [] }, "kernelspec": { "name": "python3", "display_name": "Python 3" }, "language_info": { "name": "python" } }, "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "source": [ "# The Art of Webscraping III: Scraping Reddit\n", "\n", "In the past two notebooks in this webscraiping series, we saw how we could use Python to automate getting data from websites. First `beautifulsoup` gave us a method of navigating the HTML of a static webpage and then `selenium` allowed us to parse dynamically generated pages.\n", "\n", "In this notebook, we'll look at a specialized source of data that we can pull from, Reddit. Reddit.com is a collection of forums where uses can discuss topics of shared interest. A lot of people use Reddit, so many NLP researchers use it as a place to gather data for novel datasets. In this example, we'll collect a swathe of text from [r/latin](reddit.com/r/latin) and save it as a CSV.\n", "\n", "Over hte past few years, Reddit has made it very difficult to get large chunks of their data. That said, another group, pullpush.io, have saved and hosted terabytes of histroical Reddit data for public use. We'll be using their API in this notebook.\n", "\n", "**Nota Bene**: pullpush's API service is designed for academic use only! It is an incredible resource, especially because it is free. Please do not abuse it!" ], "metadata": { "id": "o0UGl8wMCxS6" } }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "id": "cqa0Igx3CrH5" }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# imports\n", "import requests\n", "from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta\n", "from tqdm import tqdm\n", "import random\n", "random.seed(42)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "source": [ "Because pullpush is an API service. We will ask for data using an URL. This URL will include information like what subreddit we want to search through, the dates we want to search in, and how the results should be ordered. Se below for an example." ], "metadata": { "id": "URee4NQWF9Cj" } }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "ex_url = \"https://api.pullpush.io/reddit/search/submission/?subreddit=latin\"" ], "metadata": { "id": "z059Q9V5FKuF" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "source": [], "metadata": { "id": "z8KyGKFhHcQq" } }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "source": [ "Let's break that down into its component parts:\n", "\n", "\n", "* *https://api.pullpush.io/reddit/search/*: This part of the URL should never change. This is the base URL that we'll be adding to depending on our purposes.\n", "* *submission/*: This addition tells pullpsuh that we want to search posts (submissions) and not comments. As we will see later, there is different string that we can use instead that will allow us to search for comments.\n", "* *?*: This question mark is the start of our specific query. It tells pullpush that we are going to be giving it instructions about what data we are expecting to get.\n", "* *subreddit=latin*: This section tells pullpush we want data from the r/latin subreddit. This is very simple but there are many we can nuance this significantly.\n", "\n", "This is the simplest type of query we can run so let's see what it gives us.\n", "\n" ], "metadata": { "id": "cnNNRPLRGlws" } }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "# using the requests library to make a GET request\n", "response = requests.get(ex_url)\n", "print(response.status_code) # status code 200 means it worked" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "uw8hwlsiGlON", "outputId": "c838b231-2e04-4738-8001-97bd234b0710" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "200\n" ] } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "data = response.json()['data']\n", "len(data), type(data[0]) # 100 dictionary responses" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "E5LZj7jcjPIk", "outputId": "94394e63-b6b8-41ce-ed22-263bfb78fa45" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "execute_result", "data": { "text/plain": [ "(100, dict)" ] }, "metadata": {}, "execution_count": 10 } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "data[0]" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "jq38YL31jU5H", "outputId": "95919387-2048-4c1c-f9c1-c19f02f8caa2" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "execute_result", "data": { "text/plain": [ "{'approved_at_utc': None,\n", " 'subreddit': 'latin',\n", " 'selftext': 'Share here your funny stories about people trying to test your abilities in Latin, such as trying to make you translate gibberish ',\n", " 'author_fullname': 't2_ckg1oxkg',\n", " 'saved': False,\n", " 'mod_reason_title': None,\n", " 'gilded': 0,\n", " 'clicked': False,\n", " 'title': 'Has anyone ever pulled the “dolor ipsum” text for you to translate?',\n", " 'link_flair_richtext': [],\n", " 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/latin',\n", " 'hidden': False,\n", " 'pwls': 6,\n", " 'link_flair_css_class': '',\n", " 'downs': 0,\n", " 'thumbnail_height': None,\n", " 'top_awarded_type': None,\n", " 'hide_score': True,\n", " 'name': 't3_1czonxu',\n", " 'quarantine': False,\n", " 'link_flair_text_color': 'light',\n", " 'upvote_ratio': 1.0,\n", " 'author_flair_background_color': None,\n", " 'subreddit_type': 'public',\n", " 'ups': 1,\n", " 'total_awards_received': 0,\n", " 'media_embed': {},\n", " 'thumbnail_width': None,\n", " 'author_flair_template_id': None,\n", " 'is_original_content': False,\n", " 'user_reports': [],\n", " 'secure_media': None,\n", " 'is_reddit_media_domain': False,\n", " 'is_meta': False,\n", " 'category': None,\n", " 'secure_media_embed': {},\n", " 'link_flair_text': 'Humor',\n", " 'can_mod_post': False,\n", " 'score': 1,\n", " 'approved_by': None,\n", " 'is_created_from_ads_ui': False,\n", " 'author_premium': False,\n", " 'thumbnail': 'self',\n", " 'edited': False,\n", " 'author_flair_css_class': None,\n", " 'author_flair_richtext': [],\n", " 'gildings': {},\n", " 'content_categories': None,\n", " 'is_self': True,\n", " 'mod_note': None,\n", " 'created': 1716567641.0,\n", " 'link_flair_type': 'text',\n", " 'wls': 6,\n", " 'removed_by_category': None,\n", " 'banned_by': None,\n", " 'author_flair_type': 'text',\n", " 'domain': 'self.latin',\n", " 'allow_live_comments': False,\n", " 'selftext_html': '<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>Share here your funny stories about people trying to test your abilities in Latin, such as trying to make you translate gibberish </p>\\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->',\n", " 'likes': None,\n", " 'suggested_sort': None,\n", " 'banned_at_utc': None,\n", " 'view_count': None,\n", " 'archived': False,\n", " 'no_follow': True,\n", " 'is_crosspostable': False,\n", " 'pinned': False,\n", " 'over_18': False,\n", " 'all_awardings': [],\n", " 'awarders': [],\n", " 'media_only': False,\n", " 'link_flair_template_id': '4d1e6ea6-f46d-11e9-833d-0e06f385cf88',\n", " 'can_gild': False,\n", " 'spoiler': False,\n", " 'locked': False,\n", " 'author_flair_text': None,\n", " 'treatment_tags': [],\n", " 'visited': False,\n", " 'removed_by': None,\n", " 'num_reports': None,\n", " 'distinguished': None,\n", " 'subreddit_id': 't5_2qloa',\n", " 'author_is_blocked': False,\n", " 'mod_reason_by': None,\n", " 'removal_reason': None,\n", " 'link_flair_background_color': '#982133',\n", " 'id': '1czonxu',\n", " 'is_robot_indexable': True,\n", " 'report_reasons': None,\n", " 'author': 'Stoirelius',\n", " 'discussion_type': None,\n", " 'num_comments': 0,\n", " 'send_replies': True,\n", " 'whitelist_status': 'all_ads',\n", " 'contest_mode': False,\n", " 'mod_reports': [],\n", " 'author_patreon_flair': False,\n", " 'author_flair_text_color': None,\n", " 'permalink': '/r/latin/comments/1czonxu/has_anyone_ever_pulled_the_dolor_ipsum_text_for/',\n", " 'parent_whitelist_status': 'all_ads',\n", " 'stickied': False,\n", " 'url': 'https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/1czonxu/has_anyone_ever_pulled_the_dolor_ipsum_text_for/',\n", " 'subreddit_subscribers': 96669,\n", " 'created_utc': 1716567641.0,\n", " 'num_crossposts': 0,\n", " 'media': None,\n", " 'is_video': False}" ] }, "metadata": {}, "execution_count": 11 } ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "source": [ "## Collecting Submissions (Posts)" ], "metadata": { "id": "2ubHOIi_xMw-" } }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "source": [ "As we can see, each one of these dictionaries from the `data` list, holds the information from an individial post. But why are there only 100? Pullpush only allows users to get 100 posts per request, meaning that we'll have to get creative with how we request data from Pullpush.\n", "\n", "To do so we'll have to take advantage of the other request modifiers besides just \"subreddit.\" A list of all of these can be found [here](https://pullpush.io/#docs).\n", "\n", "One method that we can try is using timestamps to segment the data into chunks less than or equal to 100. Pullpush allows us to ask for posts given a specific time block. We can then loop through these time blocks until we get the data that we want.\n", "\n", "Below I'll walkthrough getting data for a single day. According to the pullpush documentation, there is a \"before\" and an \"after\" modeifier, but these only accept an \"Epoch value\". What does that mean?" ], "metadata": { "id": "qoWnw_u4j_tn" } }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "# normal python date\n", "_date = datetime(2022, 1, 1)\n", "_date, type(_date)" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "NmMtDH55jb-4", "outputId": "5e1f8ff6-ba2a-457c-b899-d905d0aa1c88" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "execute_result", "data": { "text/plain": [ "(datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 1, 0, 0), datetime.datetime)" ] }, "metadata": {}, "execution_count": 14 } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "# epoch value\n", "dt_with_timezone = _date.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)\n", "int(dt_with_timezone.timestamp())" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "7tHNKlDEmfkV", "outputId": "c6b805dd-d8c0-4c66-a8bf-f617c99a5b69" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "execute_result", "data": { "text/plain": [ "1640995200" ] }, "metadata": {}, "execution_count": 19 } ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "source": [ "An \"epoch value\" or Unix Timestamp is a special menthod of encoding dates for computers. It is a standard which represents dates as the number a seconds that have elasped since January 1, 1970. This might seem abritary and that's because it is! That said we can create a few functions to make translating between normal Python datetime objects and epoch values easier." ], "metadata": { "id": "2dr7o8kHnBSq" } }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "def convert_utc_to_date(ts):\n", " '''\n", " Converts a UTC timestamp to a local datetime object.\n", " '''\n", " utc_datetime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)\n", " local_datetime = utc_datetime.astimezone()\n", " return local_datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" ], "metadata": { "id": "77dAh0Oemtpe" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "def convert_date_to_utc(dt):\n", " '''\n", " Converts a local datetime object to a UTC timestamp.\n", " '''\n", " dt_with_timezone = dt.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)\n", " return int(dt_with_timezone.timestamp())" ], "metadata": { "id": "Hm4r0wO2n8Eu" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "print(convert_utc_to_date(convert_date_to_utc(_date))) # should print 2022-01-01 00:00:00" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "E5ketugHoBGi", "outputId": "06f6b55c-2146-4d98-cb1d-218e14b0c19f" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "2022-01-01 00:00:00\n" ] } ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "source": [ "Now let's try adding this to our request URL and retrieve a day worth of posts. A day is 86400 seconds so all we need to do is convert our datetime object to UTC and then add 86400." ], "metadata": { "id": "qAdLFMLjoPug" } }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "start_date = datetime(2024, 5, 23)\n", "utc_ts = convert_date_to_utc(start_date)\n", "\n", "url_query = f\"https://api.pullpush.io/reddit/search/submission/?after={utc_ts}&before={utc_ts+86400}&subreddit=latin\" # can use & to join modifiers\n", "url_query" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 35 }, "id": "DnmIz__goGci", "outputId": "c1bdd7f3-1ac5-4669-c433-8aa249b692c5" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "execute_result", "data": { "text/plain": [ "'https://api.pullpush.io/reddit/search/submission/?after=1716422400&before=1716508800&subreddit=latin'" ], "application/vnd.google.colaboratory.intrinsic+json": { "type": "string" } }, "metadata": {}, "execution_count": 24 } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "res = requests.get(url_query)\n", "if res.status_code == 200:\n", " data = res.json()['data']\n", " print(f\"Number of posts: {len(data)}\")\n", " print(f\"Most recent post: {convert_utc_to_date(data[0]['created_utc'])}, {data[0]['title']}\")\n", " print(f\"Least recent post: {convert_utc_to_date(data[-1]['created_utc'])}, {data[-1]['title']}\")" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "cifkfn_mpOHc", "outputId": "6f4e1295-91aa-4e22-fb62-2b17d0543aa0" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "Number of posts: 19\n", "Most recent post: 2024-05-23 22:53:50, Latin Crochet Tapestry\n", "Least recent post: 2024-05-23 00:29:14, What (in your opinion) is the most boring part about Latin?\n" ] } ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "source": [ "Wonderful! Now we have a way to get all of the posts for a single day. Now we can create a loop where we go through every day between a start date and an end date, collecting all of the data in between. To faciliate this we are going to create a generator which does so.\n", "\n", "Generators look like functions, but they're slightly different. Instead of using the `return` keyword, an generator using the `yield` keyword, which acts like an index in a list. Refer to the example below." ], "metadata": { "id": "V_EgQ5NbqCkU" } }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "# generating squares\n", "def gen_squares(n):\n", " for i in range(n): # loop through each number in range 0 to n\n", " yield i, i*i # return the number and the number's square\n", "\n", "for i in gen_squares(5): # computation only occurs here\n", " print(i)\n", "print() # prints empty line\n", "\n", "type(gen_squares(5)) # type = generator" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "H32x8SpepYXb", "outputId": "e81e387b-d723-45ef-8724-d710f552c1e4" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stdout", "text": [ "(0, 0)\n", "(1, 1)\n", "(2, 4)\n", "(3, 9)\n", "(4, 16)\n", "\n" ] }, { "output_type": "execute_result", "data": { "text/plain": [ "generator" ] }, "metadata": {}, "execution_count": 40 } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "# out date generator\n", "def date_range_generator(start_date, end_date):\n", " current = start_date # sets current to the start date\n", " total_days = (end_date - start_date).days +1 # defines the amount of days we want to loop through\n", "\n", " for _ in range(total_days): # for each day\n", " yield current # give back the current date\n", " current += timedelta(days=1) # add a day to the current date, move to the next day" ], "metadata": { "id": "6RcaUFZqt8V3" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "# one last thing... adding a progress bar\n", "def date_range_generator(start_date, end_date):\n", " current = start_date # sets current to the start date\n", " total_days = (end_date - start_date).days +1 # defines the amount of days we want to loop through\n", "\n", " for _ in tqdm(range(total_days), desc=\"Processing Days\", unit=\"day\"): # for each day, now with a progress bar\n", " yield current # give back the current date\n", " current += timedelta(days=1) # add a day to the current date, move to the next day" ], "metadata": { "id": "6jJc21scu_u9" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "# giving it a try!\n", "start_date = datetime(2024, 5, 1)\n", "end_date = datetime(2024, 5, 7) # just a week of data\n", "\n", "data = []\n", "for day in date_range_generator(start_date, end_date):\n", " utc_ts = convert_date_to_utc(day)\n", " url_query = f\"https://api.pullpush.io/reddit/search/submission/?after={utc_ts}&before={utc_ts+86400}&subreddit=latin\"\n", " res = requests.get(url_query)\n", " if res.status_code == 200:\n", " for post in res.json()['data']: # loop through each post and...\n", " if post not in data: # checking if it is already in our data list\n", " data.append(post) # if not, then we can add it" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "YSW3zaCPvYfI", "outputId": "49ac7aca-cac1-49de-cc3b-035214d4cd95" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stderr", "text": [ "Processing Days: 100%|██████████| 7/7 [00:07<00:00, 1.08s/day]\n" ] } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "len(data) # more than 100!!" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "-iS81BKWv14P", "outputId": "fbc1da3a-6f71-4c62-8eac-acff2f1f70c4" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "execute_result", "data": { "text/plain": [ "126" ] }, "metadata": {}, "execution_count": 77 } ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "source": [ "Now that we have a good way of getting our data, we can dump it into a DataFrame and save it as a CSV. Most of the information here is either repetitive or not useful, so we can select only a subset of the most valuable data." ], "metadata": { "id": "lLlt35-hwjvk" } }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "import pandas as pd\n", "\n", "cols_of_interest = [\n", " 'author', # username\n", " 'created_utc', # when it was posted\n", " 'id', # id of thread, useful for comments\n", " 'num_comments', # number of comments\n", " 'score', # upvotes - downvotes\n", " 'selftext', # text of the post\n", " 'title', # title of the post\n", " 'url' # url to the thread\n", "]\n", "\n", "df = pd.DataFrame(data)\n", "df = df[cols_of_interest]\n", "df['created_utc'] = df['created_utc'].astype(int)\n", "df['date'] = df['created_utc'].apply(convert_utc_to_date) # convert utc to normal date format\n", "df.to_csv('r_latin20240501to20240507.csv')" ], "metadata": { "id": "x3qI6ZyEv3Lj" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "df.head()" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 380 }, "id": "9qfGxT4Uwz3B", "outputId": "a58e5e24-42e4-4d61-9f70-b044aedda54a" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "execute_result", "data": { "text/plain": [ " author created_utc id num_comments score \\\n", "0 LeYGrec 1714599117 1chxw8d 1 1 \n", "1 chmendez 1714594619 1chw2n9 0 1 \n", "2 pacemqueamorem 1714594094 1chvuy0 0 1 \n", "3 nondescriptredditer1 1714585634 1chscrw 0 1 \n", "4 Robastion404 1714583448 1chrgtn 0 1 \n", "\n", " selftext \\\n", "0 Salvēte Latīnistae omnēs,\\n\\nI wonder what ... \n", "1 \n", "2 Hello,\\nmy best friend's birthday is coming up... \n", "3 Hello,\\n\\nCan someone please type out for me, ... \n", "4 I’m getting my first tattoo in August and I ne... \n", "\n", " title \\\n", "0 Classical Latin, Late Latin Medieval Latin Pho... \n", "1 The start phrase of the \"The First Catilinarian\" \n", "2 Quote about friendship? \n", "3 Transcription Request re a letter from 1323 \n", "4 Need this translated for a tattoo \n", "\n", " url date \n", "0 https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/1chxw8... 2024-05-01 21:31:57 \n", "1 /r/ancientrome/comments/1chw0hn/todays_roman_q... 2024-05-01 20:16:59 \n", "2 https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/1chvuy... 2024-05-01 20:08:14 \n", "3 https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/1chscr... 2024-05-01 17:47:14 \n", "4 https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/1chrgt... 2024-05-01 17:10:48 " ], "text/html": [ "\n", "
\n", "
\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
0LeYGrec17145991171chxw8d11Salvēte Latīnistae omnēs,\\n\\nI wonder what ...Classical Latin, Late Latin Medieval Latin Pho...https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/1chxw8...2024-05-01 21:31:57
1chmendez17145946191chw2n901The start phrase of the \"The First Catilinarian\"/r/ancientrome/comments/1chw0hn/todays_roman_q...2024-05-01 20:16:59
2pacemqueamorem17145940941chvuy001Hello,\\nmy best friend's birthday is coming up...Quote about friendship?https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/1chvuy...2024-05-01 20:08:14
3nondescriptredditer117145856341chscrw01Hello,\\n\\nCan someone please type out for me, ...Transcription Request re a letter from 1323https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/1chscr...2024-05-01 17:47:14
4Robastion40417145834481chrgtn01I’m getting my first tattoo in August and I ne...Need this translated for a tattoohttps://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/1chrgt...2024-05-01 17:10:48
\n", "
\n", "
\n", "\n", "
\n", " \n", "\n", " \n", "\n", " \n", "
\n", "\n", "\n", "
\n", " \n", "\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", "
\n", "\n", "
\n", "
\n" ], "application/vnd.google.colaboratory.intrinsic+json": { "type": "dataframe", "variable_name": "df", "summary": "{\n \"name\": \"df\",\n \"rows\": 126,\n \"fields\": [\n {\n \"column\": \"author\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"dtype\": \"string\",\n \"num_unique_values\": 99,\n \"samples\": [\n \"Expensive_Break4238\",\n \"Wungus_Bungus\",\n \"cruelflesh\"\n ],\n \"semantic_type\": \"\",\n \"description\": \"\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"column\": \"created_utc\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"dtype\": \"number\",\n \"std\": 167948,\n \"min\": 1714523064,\n \"max\": 1715112574,\n \"num_unique_values\": 115,\n \"samples\": [\n 1714910463,\n 1714583448,\n 1714749848\n ],\n \"semantic_type\": \"\",\n \"description\": \"\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"column\": \"id\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"dtype\": \"string\",\n \"num_unique_values\": 115,\n \"samples\": [\n \"1ckpofe\",\n \"1chrgtn\",\n \"1cjbdle\"\n ],\n \"semantic_type\": \"\",\n \"description\": \"\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"column\": \"num_comments\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"dtype\": \"number\",\n \"std\": 1,\n \"min\": 0,\n \"max\": 10,\n \"num_unique_values\": 8,\n \"samples\": [\n 0,\n 10,\n 1\n ],\n \"semantic_type\": \"\",\n \"description\": \"\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"column\": \"score\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"dtype\": \"number\",\n \"std\": 2,\n \"min\": 0,\n \"max\": 22,\n \"num_unique_values\": 8,\n \"samples\": [\n 0,\n 22,\n 1\n ],\n \"semantic_type\": \"\",\n \"description\": \"\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"column\": \"selftext\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"dtype\": \"string\",\n \"num_unique_values\": 101,\n \"samples\": [\n \"Why isn't there a present active participle for sum? Though there happens to be *-s\\u0113ns* in its derived terms: *absum*, *abs\\u0113ns*; *praesum*, *praes\\u0113ns*. But yet again, exeptions for *adsum*, *d\\u0113sum*, *supersum*, etc.\\n\\nFrom what I know, the original present active participle from in PI derived a separate *s\\u014dns* with the sense of 'guilty', but wouldn't there be a suppletive form to substitute for its old use? Compare how *v\\u012bs* from another root supplied the 2sg pres. act. ind. of *vol\\u014d*, where *vel* was derived from the original non-suppletive form. Is there a possible explanation to this?\\n\\nHow are constructions supposedly with the present active participle be expressed otherwise? The use of *qu\\u012b* may work in some scenarios, but not for some other uses of the English counterpart *being*.\",\n \"Hii! I'm looking for a person to write with (in latin). It could be physical penpalling, e-mails or anything else.\\n\\nAbout me: I'm 17 and from Germany. My interests also include learning, movies, reading and writing.\\n\\nI don't care where you're from or how old you are, I just want to practice conversations in Latin :) If youre interested, just pm me or reply to this. Byee!!\",\n \"If I want to write \\\"I think, therefore I am miserable\\\" in Latin, \\nShould it be \\\"Cogito ergo miser sum\\\"? Or \\\"Cogito ergo sum miser\\\"?\"\n ],\n \"semantic_type\": \"\",\n \"description\": \"\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"column\": \"title\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"dtype\": \"string\",\n \"num_unique_values\": 112,\n \"samples\": [\n \"Action context\",\n \"Help Correcting my Latin Please\",\n \"Need this translated for a tattoo\"\n ],\n \"semantic_type\": \"\",\n \"description\": \"\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"column\": \"url\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"dtype\": \"string\",\n \"num_unique_values\": 115,\n \"samples\": [\n \"https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/1ckpofe/translation_requests_into_latin_go_here/\",\n \"https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/1chrgtn/need_this_translated_for_a_tattoo/\",\n \"https://i.redd.it/lhjp5t5xj8yc1.jpeg\"\n ],\n \"semantic_type\": \"\",\n \"description\": \"\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"column\": \"date\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"dtype\": \"object\",\n \"num_unique_values\": 115,\n \"samples\": [\n \"2024-05-05 12:01:03\",\n \"2024-05-01 17:10:48\",\n \"2024-05-03 15:24:08\"\n ],\n \"semantic_type\": \"\",\n \"description\": \"\"\n }\n }\n ]\n}" } }, "metadata": {}, "execution_count": 79 } ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "source": [ "## Collecting Comments\n", "\n", "Now that we've successfully collected all of the posts in a given time frame, we can turn to collecting comments for each post as well." ], "metadata": { "id": "_3bdNpB2yOFx" } }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "# choosing an example from the work above\n", "\n", "more_than_one_comment = df[df.num_comments > 1] # filtering out posts with more than one comment\n", "ex_post = more_than_one_comment.iloc[0] # first one\n", "ex_post" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "tLwwTMuxxsCF", "outputId": "66a1c9ea-3424-492c-f361-4e9d2dfa0f2c" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "execute_result", "data": { "text/plain": [ "author [deleted]\n", "created_utc 1714561280\n", "id 1chjbzs\n", "num_comments 5\n", "score 0\n", "selftext [removed]\n", "title Simplified Latin for children\n", "url \n", "date 2024-05-01 11:01:20\n", "Name: 9, dtype: object" ] }, "metadata": {}, "execution_count": 84 } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "# we'll need the value at the id column\n", "ex_id = ex_post['id']\n", "ex_id" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 35 }, "id": "gw8NPjNGza-T", "outputId": "e380fee6-3632-44cf-8380-7d9bbb19ab9f" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "execute_result", "data": { "text/plain": [ "'1chjbzs'" ], "application/vnd.google.colaboratory.intrinsic+json": { "type": "string" } }, "metadata": {}, "execution_count": 85 } ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "source": [ "Instead of using \"submission\" in our query url, we will use \"comment\"." ], "metadata": { "id": "fKzIBSyEz1TO" } }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "comments_url = f\"https://api.pullpush.io/reddit/comment/search?link_id={ex_id}\"\n", "data = requests.get(comments_url).json()['data']\n", "len(data) # there will be a mismatch between this number and the num_comments column as this includes responses to existing comments" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "tQm9kNa4zz_Y", "outputId": "4584c260-1155-4976-df36-2a6b3b8fe7de" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "execute_result", "data": { "text/plain": [ "9" ] }, "metadata": {}, "execution_count": 86 } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "# define a function\n", "def get_comments(id):\n", " comments_url = f'https://api.pullpush.io/reddit/comment/search?link_id={id}'\n", " return requests.get(comments_url).json()['data']" ], "metadata": { "id": "BvYM-Lbi1UhZ" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "source": [ "As opposed to the posts, a list of comments like this does not work well with CSV data. CSVs prefer data to be all the \"shape\" meaning all of the rows have all of the same values. Comments can be tricky because the number of them will always be different, which means it's impractical to have column for each comment, as we would end of having a lot of empty columns if a certain post gets a large amount of comments.\n", "\n", "We can coerce is into a CSV but JSON format would suit this data much better, so we'll compose a JSON file which has the unique IDs from our DataFrame of posts so that they can be link together." ], "metadata": { "id": "u1_gWcJQ1v-H" } }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "# filtering by the data we're interested in\n", "fields_of_interest = [\n", " 'score',\n", " 'replies',\n", " 'id',\n", " 'author',\n", " 'parent_id',\n", " 'body',\n", " 'created',\n", "]\n", "\n", "to_json = {}\n", "for id in df.id: # loop through our ids\n", " comments = get_comments(id) # get our comments\n", " comments_by_id = [] # empty list to to hold the comments\n", " for comment in comments:\n", " comments_by_id.append({k:v for k,v in comment.items() if k in fields_of_interest}) # filter by our fileds of interest\n", " to_json[id] = comments_by_id # assign the list of comments to the original id\n", "\n", "# this loop will take some time because we have to submit a GET request for every ID, for ~100 ids it took 5 minutes" ], "metadata": { "id": "8lSmsv9E1vMx" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "import json # python json library\n", "\n", "with open('r_latin20240501to20240507_comments.json', 'w') as f:\n", " json.dump(to_json, f) # saves dictionary as json" ], "metadata": { "id": "8zyPEOda4olK" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "source": [ "## Thw whole process\n", "\n", "Below are all of the steps we followed as a class in Python. This format allows us to customize our inputs without having to worry about the core functionality working." ], "metadata": { "id": "lV6TlSnz6Ocn" } }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "class RedditScraper:\n", " def __init__(self, start_date, end_date, subreddit):\n", " self.start_date = start_date\n", " self.end_date = end_date\n", " self.subreddit = subreddit\n", " self.output_file = f\"r_{self.subreddit}_{start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}_{end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}\"\n", "\n", " self.cols_of_interest = [\n", " 'author',\n", " 'created_utc',\n", " 'id',\n", " 'num_comments',\n", " 'score',\n", " 'selftext',\n", " 'title',\n", " 'url'\n", " ]\n", " self.fields_of_interest = [\n", " 'score',\n", " 'replies',\n", " 'id',\n", " 'author',\n", " 'parent_id',\n", " 'body',\n", " 'created',\n", " ]\n", "\n", " def convert_utc_to_date(self, ts):\n", " '''\n", " Converts a UTC timestamp to a local datetime object.\n", " '''\n", " utc_datetime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)\n", " local_datetime = utc_datetime.astimezone()\n", " return local_datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')\n", "\n", " def convert_date_to_utc(self, dt):\n", " '''\n", " Converts a local datetime object to a UTC timestamp.\n", " '''\n", " dt_with_timezone = dt.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)\n", " return int(dt_with_timezone.timestamp())\n", "\n", " def date_range_generator(self, start_date, end_date):\n", " '''\n", " Yields next day between start_date and end_date.\n", " '''\n", " current = start_date\n", " total_days = (end_date - start_date).days +1\n", "\n", " for _ in tqdm(range(total_days), desc=\"Processing Days\", unit=\"day\"):\n", " yield current\n", " current += timedelta(days=1)\n", "\n", " def scrape_posts(self):\n", " '''\n", " Scrapes posts from Reddit and dumps output in a DataFrame.\n", " '''\n", " start_date = self.start_date\n", " end_date = self.end_date\n", " data = []\n", " for day in self.date_range_generator(start_date, end_date):\n", " utc_ts = convert_date_to_utc(day)\n", " url_query = f\"https://api.pullpush.io/reddit/search/submission/?after={utc_ts}&before={utc_ts+86400}&subreddit={self.subreddit}\"\n", " res = requests.get(url_query)\n", " if res.status_code == 200:\n", " for post in res.json()['data']: # loop through each post and...\n", " if post not in data: # checking if it is already in our data list\n", " data.append(post) # if not, then we can add it\n", "\n", " df = pd.DataFrame(data)\n", " df = df[self.cols_of_interest]\n", " df['created_utc'] = df['created_utc'].astype(int)\n", " df['date'] = df['created_utc'].apply(self.convert_utc_to_date)\n", " self.df = df\n", " return self.df\n", "\n", " def save_post_data(self):\n", " '''\n", " Saves DataFrame to CSV.\n", " '''\n", " self.df.to_csv(f\"{self.output_file}_posts.csv\")\n", " return self.df\n", "\n", " def get_comments(self, id):\n", " comments_url = f'https://api.pullpush.io/reddit/comment/search?link_id={id}'\n", " return requests.get(comments_url).json()['data']\n", "\n", " def scrape_comments(self):\n", " '''\n", " Scrapes comments from Reddit given the ids from self.df.\n", " '''\n", " to_json = {}\n", " for id in tqdm(self.df.id):\n", " comments = self.get_comments(id)\n", " comments_by_id = []\n", " for comment in comments:\n", " comments_by_id.append({k:v for k,v in comment.items() if k in self.fields_of_interest})\n", " to_json[id] = comments_by_id\n", " self.to_json = to_json\n", " return to_json\n", "\n", " def save_comment_data(self):\n", " '''\n", " Saves comments to JSON.\n", " '''\n", " with open(f\"{self.output_file}_comments.json\", 'w') as f:\n", " json.dump(self.to_json, f)\n", " return self.to_json\n", "\n", " def run(self):\n", " self.scrape_posts()\n", " self.save_post_data()\n", " self.scrape_comments()\n", " self.save_comment_data()\n", " return self.df, self.to_json" ], "metadata": { "id": "W_lO314y65EO" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "latin_scraper = RedditScraper(datetime(2020, 1, 1), datetime(2020, 2, 1), 'latin')\n", "latin_scraper.run()" ], "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "cfdE9y8y9M2K", "outputId": "1d0828af-2639-4a35-9af1-6caf2d010b4b" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "name": "stderr", "text": [ "Processing Days: 100%|██████████| 32/32 [01:30<00:00, 2.82s/day]\n", "100%|██████████| 439/439 [18:25<00:00, 2.52s/it]\n" ] }, { "output_type": "execute_result", "data": { "text/plain": [ "( author created_utc id num_comments score \\\n", " 0 jamesbondpickle 1577922236 eiptb8 2 5 \n", " 1 icansitstill 1577915164 eioba8 11 47 \n", " 2 glotzer3d 1577902364 eilgnm 4 3 \n", " 3 Kingshorsey 1577889388 eiixo0 1 10 \n", " 4 Kazalinka_ 1577858590 eievq7 2 1 \n", " .. ... ... ... ... ... \n", " 434 zacrizy 1580528177 ex06zr 28 180 \n", " 435 [deleted] 1580528096 ex06dy 0 1 \n", " 436 Fedora_saxophonist 1580521164 ewyrjf 1 3 \n", " 437 mesh06 1580520027 ewyj2v 10 4 \n", " 438 PloopyGod84 1580518405 ewy6g2 0 11 \n", " \n", " selftext \\\n", " 0 >Hosana \\n> \\n>? \\n> \\n>Hos... \n", " 1 \n", " 2 I’m currently working on a novel set in ancien... \n", " 3 \n", " 4 How did you guys learn latin and could you ple... \n", " .. ... \n", " 434 \n", " 435 [deleted] \n", " 436 In my adventures as a second-year latin studen... \n", " 437 \n", " 438 \n", " \n", " title \\\n", " 0 Transcribe this song \"Army of Justice\" by Imme... \n", " 1 Does anyone know who wrote this? \n", " 2 Can someone fact check this conversation i wro... \n", " 3 British Museum - The Months / Ianus. Ianuarius \n", " 4 Quick questions \n", " .. ... \n", " 434 For all you fellow Duolingo learners, I made a... \n", " 435 For all you fellow Duolingo learners \n", " 436 Translating scat-singing \n", " 437 What does medus Romam vocatur ab amica sua mean? \n", " 438 Truly a saying for the ages \n", " \n", " url date \n", " 0 https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/eiptb8... 2020-01-01 23:43:56 \n", " 1 https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/greece... 2020-01-01 21:46:04 \n", " 2 https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/eilgnm... 2020-01-01 18:12:44 \n", " 3 https://research.britishmuseum.org/research/co... 2020-01-01 14:36:28 \n", " 4 https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/eievq7... 2020-01-01 06:03:10 \n", " .. ... ... \n", " 434 https://i.redd.it/j1zznp28g8e41.jpg 2020-02-01 03:36:17 \n", " 435 https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Ak3bonyVU/?igshi... 2020-02-01 03:34:56 \n", " 436 https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/ewyrjf... 2020-02-01 01:39:24 \n", " 437 https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/ewyj2v... 2020-02-01 01:20:27 \n", " 438 https://i.redd.it/1xwid5s5n7e41.jpg 2020-02-01 00:53:25 \n", " \n", " [439 rows x 9 columns],\n", " {'eiptb8': [{'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'It should be hosanna, not hosana.',\n", " 'id': 'fdc46i1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eiptb8',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'jamesbondpickle',\n", " 'body': \"I don't need meaning or translato, just a transcriptionm this is epic however\",\n", " 'id': 'fcvag80',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcurzsg',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fcurzsg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eiptb8',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fcurlnt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eiptb8',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'eioba8': [{'author': 'icansitstill',\n", " 'body': 'Legend!',\n", " 'id': 'fcvh4eg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcu38ca',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': \"You mean translate the whole thing? Sure, I will, but only off the cuff:\\n\\nWhoever you are, who desire to surpass the classical poets,\\nYou are to be educated in the appropriate skills.\\nA teacher is at hand: If you follow my instructions\\nYou will soon be able to sing melodies, not lacking in praise.\\nFirstly, you must take care to read the old poets,\\nIf you wish to write verses worthy of Virgil,\\nMake sure that you read many poems of Virgil!\\nIf you wish to write things apt for lyrical poems,\\nMay a poem of Horace sound sweetly in your ear.\\nIf, according to your desire, the tear-provoking elegies of Ovid would come to you,\\nThe read a lot of Ovid: Ovid will be your teacher.\\nBut you will not only be 'a book': writing poems must not be something foreign to you.\\nWhen something is to be said by that another poet has already said,\\nRemember the sense (of the previous poet), but beware of repeating the (same) words.\\n\\nIt's fun to translate- but someone else might do the rest for you?\",\n", " 'id': 'fcu38ca',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcta5sb',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'BooneVEVO',\n", " 'body': 'John Locke wants a word.',\n", " 'id': 'fctmtx4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fctc7mu',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'sicscio',\n", " 'body': '**Non nisi sudanti dat sua dona deus**: \"God does not grant his gifts except to one who sweats.\" Or better, God grants his gifts only to those who sweat (i.e. by putting in effort).',\n", " 'id': 'fctc7mu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcta5sb',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'icansitstill',\n", " 'body': 'Would you please try and translate it?',\n", " 'id': 'fcta5sb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcswjh9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'donteatalmonds',\n", " 'body': 'After a long and deep hunt through the internet, I have concluded that it is almost certainly **J.H.L. Lambart,** who wrote a couple of books on Latin verse composition.\\n\\nThis took me a long time to dig up, but a book on Latin verse comp seems really interesting, so it was kind of worth it.',\n", " 'id': 'fct5407',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eioba8',\n", " 'score': 25},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': \"It's very amusing, and nicely written. I particular like the last line- am tempted to quote it!\",\n", " 'id': 'fcswjh9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eioba8',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'idontplayoboe',\n", " 'body': 'It is a bit, yes, but the advice is still good :)',\n", " 'id': 'fcsvsls',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcskpr6',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'Whoever wrote it, the author’s initials are J.H.L.L. I tried searching the source and can’t find his name, but it’s modern Latin, published in October 1941',\n", " 'id': 'fcspj5u',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eioba8',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'icansitstill',\n", " 'body': \"I couldn't understand half of it :/ I'm still learning. Is the text a tongue in cheek?\",\n", " 'id': 'fcskpr6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcskk64',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'Sochamelet',\n", " 'body': \"I'm afraid I don't, but I want to say thank you for sharing! I enjoyed reading that.\",\n", " 'id': 'fcskk64',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eioba8',\n", " 'score': 12}],\n", " 'eilgnm': [{'author': 'translostation',\n", " 'body': 'Be careful: *Germane* = \"German dude\" and \"brother\".',\n", " 'id': 'fcu2h8a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcrqmzh',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'anvsdt',\n", " 'body': 'I tried.\\n\\nGd: *Quid vis, Germane?* \"What do you want, German?\"\\n\\nGd: *Praefecte, nuntius adest Germanicus ante portam* \"Prefect, a Germanic messenger is in front of the gate.\" \\nPf: *Solusne est?* \"Is he alone?\" \\nGd: *Solus est.* \"He is.\" \\nPf: *Intret. Adduc eum ad me!* \"Let him enter. Bring him to me!\" \\n\\nPf: *Vos quattuor, nos sequimini.* \"You four, follow us.\"\\n\\nPc: *Tace! Inimicus necne, nuntius missus est, quem ut decet accipiemus.* \"Silence! Enemy or not, he\\'s been sent as a messenger, whom we will accept as it befits.\"',\n", " 'id': 'fcs24zu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eilgnm',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'glotzer3d',\n", " 'body': \"As to the 2. Part: in the rest of the story it is explained that the tribe is that of the suebians. But the fact that the romans call all of the tribes 'germanicus' is playing off of the fact that julius caesar did exactly the same thus birthing the 'germanic people' who never existed.\\n\\nBut otherwise: thanks! Very helpful\",\n", " 'id': 'fcrqmzh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcrnf2x',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'TheWizznijch',\n", " 'body': 'So, for the first part, I recommend a few changes\\n1. “Quid vis, Germane?”\\n2. “Praefecte, nuntius Germanorum [or nuntius Germanus] (though you may wish to specify more specifically which tribe if you use the first one) ante portam adest”\\n3. “Vos quattuor nobiscum venite”',\n", " 'id': 'fcrnf2x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eilgnm',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'eiixo0': [{'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': '\" Iane biceps, anni tacite labentis origo,\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 \\n \\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0solus de superis qui tua terga vides, \\n dexter ades ducibus, quorum secura labore \\n \\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0otia terra ferax, otia pontus habet: \\n dexter ades patribusque tuis populoque Quirini, \\n \\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0et resera nutu candida templa tuo.\" -- Ovid, from Fasti.\\xa0',\n", " 'id': 'fcuukam',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eiixo0',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'eievq7': [{'author': 'JLLS11',\n", " 'body': 'I have been learning Latin for several years and I think I\\'m pretty decent at it. Pretty much everyone who can speak/write Latin well recommends the textbook \"Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata\" which is the resource most in line with research on how we acquire languages. You can look in the search to see more tips, but definitely use the Scorpio Martianus recordings on Youtube, definitely reread each multiple times, practice writing/speaking too. You can also look online for general language learning tips like spaced repetition, etc.',\n", " 'id': 'fcqfy0k',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eievq7',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Liamlah',\n", " 'body': \"I'm only a about 3 months into learning Latin, so there are going to be far better perspectives than mine, but I'm currently reading Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata as my major source of learning, as well as listening to chapters I've completed on Scorpio Martianus' YouTube channel. LLPSI is probably the best resource out there for this.\\n\\nI did the Latin course on Duolingo, which I've found has some marginal benefit, possibly early on in helping me remember verb conjugations much faster, and keeping me in a Latin mindset while I'm out and about, but if I were doing it at home when I could be reading instead, it would be a far less efficient use of my time.\\n\\nI do have a copy of Wheelock's Latin, which some people find useful, but personally I feel like using that early on would have made learning Latin unenjoyable.\",\n", " 'id': 'fcpiclw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eievq7',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'eiec24': [{'author': 'randomcookiename',\n", " 'body': 'Lingua Latina per se Illustrata! It\\'s very good! Get \"Familia Romana\" and \"Latine Disco\". The first one is for reading and the second one has exercises and lots of other stuff, like small theatrical pieces!',\n", " 'id': 'fcs43hz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eiec24',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'PubliusSiliusLinus',\n", " 'body': 'Salve amice, breh. Vocative',\n", " 'id': 'fcrllu7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcpdg8c',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'rhoadsalive',\n", " 'body': \"Don't forget the vocative !\",\n", " 'id': 'fcr0ehh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcpdg8c',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'pitchblack__',\n", " 'body': 'I have found accompaniments to LLPSI and looked into them, looks promising. Thanks!',\n", " 'id': 'fcqbkv1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcpxmz9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bik1230',\n", " 'body': \"I can't speak to which textbook is best for learning Latin, but anything that puts a focus on translation, especially by learning grammar rules, will be subpar.\\n\\nI started reading Lingua Latina per se Illustrata recently, and so far it's quite good. Most fluent readers (and speakers) of Latin seem to like and recommend it. Though if you don't find the pure Latin instruction to be quite to your liking, it can be supplemented. Focus has a companion book with additional instruction and grammar in English, which I've been using a little. That one however has more mixed reviews and there are definitely other resources that can supplement LLPSI, and people will probably give you recommendations on that front elsewhere in this thread.\\n\\nEdit: I can't be certain, but I'm guessing Wheelock's isn't a great supplement, compared to materials written specifically to go along with LLPSI. It would probably work fine, though.\",\n", " 'id': 'fcpxmz9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcptvrk',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'pitchblack__',\n", " 'body': 'Hmmm would look into that',\n", " 'id': 'fcptvrk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcpnjuh',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'pitchblack__',\n", " 'body': ' btw do you have a link?',\n", " 'id': 'fcptuee',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcphm7e',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bik1230',\n", " 'body': \"I don't think Wheelock's will do you much good. You'd most likely just end up translating everything into English rather than learn to actually understand Latin.\",\n", " 'id': 'fcpnjuh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eiec24',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'pitchblack__',\n", " 'body': 'I wish to have that same motivation as you. Learning Latin with the cases really blew my mind, but I shall persevere',\n", " 'id': 'fcpleyp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcphm7e',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'pitchblack__',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you sir!',\n", " 'id': 'fcplahx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcpfq17',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'pitchblack__',\n", " 'body': \"Thank you sir. Will try to get one, but I can't seem to find sellers in my country :(\",\n", " 'id': 'fcpl6s5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcpfaww',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'pitchblack__',\n", " 'body': \"Thank you so much. I will try it since it's the most accessible for me. Good luck to you too!\",\n", " 'id': 'fcpl1fn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcpdg8c',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fcphm7e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eiec24',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'ProcuratorAcademicus',\n", " 'body': 'Happy New Year and Happy Latin-Learning! I would recommend using two books: Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata and Wheelock’s Latin. The first one will immerse you in Latin from the very first chapter, and lessons are learned through context and reading. The second will give you an in-depth course on the grammar and basic vocabulary of Latin; however, without the practice of LLPSI, Wheelock’s will only take you so far. I highly recommend using both in tandem.',\n", " 'id': 'fcpfq17',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eiec24',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'Ichbinian',\n", " 'body': \"I'd recommend getting a copy of Wheelock's Latin.\",\n", " 'id': 'fcpfaww',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eiec24',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Kazalinka_',\n", " 'body': \"Salve amicus, I'm the same situation as you are and man I've been using Duolingo but apparently it doesn't take you that deep into the language. Good luck and hope you get to learn Latin.\",\n", " 'id': 'fcpdg8c',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eiec24',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'eie7iy': [{'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'This is good to know. Thanks.',\n", " 'id': 'fdbe53z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcu2eas',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'translostation',\n", " 'body': 'Fair counterpoint.',\n", " 'id': 'fd6iznc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd1t888',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'complecto',\n", " 'body': 'et tu',\n", " 'id': 'fd4ug1l',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eie7iy',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"Right, but this is a wish, not an exclamation of surprise etc. If you're making anything implicit there, it's *vōbīs sit.* That said, I've never seen it made implicit in either Classical or post-Classical Latin, which is why I think at least one of the two words needs to be explicit.\\n\\n@ u/TheCarlagas\",\n", " 'id': 'fd1t888',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcu2eas',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'translostation',\n", " 'body': '(To render explicit what is here implicit: exclamations are, as a rule, in the accusative.)',\n", " 'id': 'fcu2eas',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fctfz1s',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'TheCarlagas',\n", " 'body': 'Oh, thanks for the clarification. I had just learned “laetus” in LLPSI, so I figured it would be a good time to apply it :)',\n", " 'id': 'fctfz1s',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fct3g97',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'GinoMan2440',\n", " 'body': 'Laetum. Although I usually use \"felicem\"',\n", " 'id': 'fct3g97',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eie7iy',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fcsapn1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eie7iy',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bobokonijn',\n", " 'body': 'Ut vobis felicitam salutemque portet annus novus!',\n", " 'id': 'fcsap32',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eie7iy',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'KappaMcTlp',\n", " 'body': 'and a happy circumcision day to you too',\n", " 'id': 'fcsanzd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcqup4u',\n", " 'score': 13},\n", " {'author': 'PlatinumWorldd',\n", " 'body': 'Gratias Vos, et tu!',\n", " 'id': 'fcrjvej',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eie7iy',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'oldworldneo',\n", " 'body': 'Atque in se sua per vestigia volvitur annus',\n", " 'id': 'fcrer73',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eie7iy',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'Felicem decadem novam :)',\n", " 'id': 'fcr73uy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eie7iy',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Lord_of_Atlantis',\n", " 'body': '* Felix Caput Anni!\\n\\n* Felix dies Sollemnitatis Sanctae Dei Genetricis Mariae! (Felix dies Sollemnitatis Circumcisionis Domini in Octava Nativitatis!)',\n", " 'id': 'fcqup4u',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eie7iy',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'kiimusutaa',\n", " 'body': 'Bene de hoc anno pro omnibus spero.',\n", " 'id': 'fcqig9u',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eie7iy',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'FcoJ28',\n", " 'body': 'Annum novum faustum felicem',\n", " 'id': 'fcqfd9g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eie7iy',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'CristianAutolitano',\n", " 'body': 'Gratias tibi ago, tu quoque!',\n", " 'id': 'fcq5m4w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eie7iy',\n", " 'score': 25}],\n", " 'eicter': [{'author': 'CrazyUnicornKid',\n", " 'body': 'I know the book OP is referring to is fiction, but if Ops is referring to the goddess and not the word “ops, opis,” was the worship of Ops actually forbidden/looked down upon, or is Lovecraft just making spooky stories out of nothing? I’ve only been introduced to the Greek gods and as far as I understand, there was nothing wrong with worshipping Rhea?\\n\\nInscriptions are hard and I haven’t learned much about Roman mythology yet, so nothing about this excerpt immediately makes me think about any one goddess; is there anything in particular in the sentence other than her name that makes you think specifically about Ops? Or do you just have to know your material? I haven’t learned about her so I hadn’t even heard the name; I had no clue. Maybe if I was more knowledgeable about Roman mythology and not just language I would’ve interpreted it differently? The translation you have makes more sense than what I got.',\n", " 'id': 'fcpfumq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcpc8j9',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'flavius-belisarius',\n", " 'body': 'Romans love to contract things when they inscribe, frankly it becomes difficult to read even after having studied Latin for a long time and will make most students confused and perhaps self-conscious for their ability. You must study inscriptions independently and you cannot rely on your general Latin as we have seen so far in the thread.\\n\\nFor Ops it is meant the goddess by the same name, not the regular word ops opis. She is similar to magna mater and is often identified with her. It is good to understand the fluidity to Roman religion before Christianity, gods and goddesses always have varying names and identities. \\n\\nThe reading is probably all in dative which is typical for inscriptions on buildings, especially thresholds, with the verb absent, “[this building is] for Divine Ops, [who is also] the Great Mother”',\n", " 'id': 'fcpc8j9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eicter',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'CrazyUnicornKid',\n", " 'body': 'Haven’t read the book and some of these words aren’t whole (e.g. “DIV” and “MAT”), however it seems to have something to do with Magna Mater and her divinity and power. Here’s a breakdown of the words:\\n\\n“Div” is likely from “divina, divinae” meaning “divine.” Often used in describing a figure’s divinity.\\n“Ops” is probably from “ops, opis” meaning “strength” or “power.”\\n“Magna” is from “magna, magnae” meaning “greatness” or “largeness.”\\n“Mat” is from “mater, matris,” given the context, meaning “mother.”\\n\\nThe sentence seems to be saying something about how divine and strong the great mother is. Without the endings, it’s hard to tell exactly what the sentence says, because the root word gives the vocabulary, but the endings tell us the grammar of the word and how exactly it should be used in the sentence. The ancient writing could have said any of these things, for example:\\n\\n“Divinae ops magna mater” (the powerful great mother of divinity)\\n\\n“Divina opsque magna mater” (the powerful and divine great mother)\\n\\n“Divina et ops est magna mater” (divine and powerful is the great mother)\\n\\n“Divinae ops est magna mater” (powerful is the great mother of divinity)\\n\\nThe possibilities exceed what’s on this list, however, I think out of these, number 3 makes the most sense because it’s just a general statement of praise/veneration. Marking this in a cellar to indicate dark or forbidden activities having taken place there in the name of that deity is a neat thing to do. I’d take it as kind of a sign of only those in this seemingly forbidden brotherhood were allowed in that place; it’s quite a spooky setting.\\n\\nAdditionally, I feel like knowing those words and being able to form an idea of what they’re saying but not having a full translation also adds to the terror as vagueness and ambiguity can be horrifying, and that’s kind of what Lovecraft is all about, from what I hear. I suppose it’s the idea of “something terrible happened here, but exactly what, we’ll never know.” Knowing what the worshippers are talking about but not ever knowing what exactly they’re saying or what acts they’ve committed in that place is pretty thrilling! Hope this helps!!\\n\\nSources:\\n\\nhttps://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/divinus#Latin\\nhttps://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/ops#Latin\\nhttps://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/magnus#Latin\\nhttps://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/mater#Latin\\n\\nP.S. am on mobile so formatting—blah blah blah. Have been studying Latin for five years.',\n", " 'id': 'fcpbdhd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eicter',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': '*Magna Mater* is entirely correct. It means \"Great Mother\".\\n\\n*Diu... ops... magna mat...*:\\n\\n*Diu* (the v is u) is an an adverb meaning \\'continually\\'.\\n\\n*Ops* is a noun meaning strength, power, assistance, or property. In this case it\\'s in the nominative singular (subject) case.\\n\\n*Magna* is the feminine nominative singular adjective for \"great\".\\n\\n*Mat* is not a word I don\\'t think. I think it\\'s implying it\\'s cut off and is *mater*.\\n\\nIt doesn\\'t make much sense to me. Unless I\\'m overlooking something this is definitely not a complete sentence. The best intended meaning I could think of is \"The great mother is continually strong\" or something like that, but it\\'s not the right way to say it.',\n", " 'id': 'fcp9e1n',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eicter',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'eibrr2': [{'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"I suggest writing a short description of your blog posts so that the potential readers could decide whether they're interested in reading more, as well as to make it look less like spam/advertising.\",\n", " 'id': 'fd1tqjy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eibrr2',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'eibrac': [{'author': 'xanitrep',\n", " 'body': 'You seem broadly on-target to me. \\n\\nWe\\'d need to know what the book says to be certain of the best English translation for emendatione. [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Justus_Scaliger#Academic_output) suggests that it \"investigates ancient systems of determining epochs, calendars and computations of time.\"\\n\\nA (totally unsubstantiated) thought is that the title might have a double-meaning of improving (our) times via an improved understanding of timekeeping across various ancient cultures.',\n", " 'id': 'fcours5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eibrac',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'ej614e': [{'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'Would it make more sense if I told you that I believe the translation is “Were married as a public act of penance due to a behind closed doors transgression” and that “transgressio septi” appears to be a euphemism for extramarital coitus? I did a more detailed explanation of what I thought about this in response to the original poster.\\n\\nYou are right that it is unusual to see a mistake like this though.',\n", " 'id': 'fd7v4vo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd7uo0n',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"Outside of students' work (say here or on the discord or somewhere similar), I think the only place I've seen anyone with any Latin training commit this blunder is maybe in *Hobbitus Ille* (perhaps not even there) or in some of those easy Latin readers that have been produced by American school teachers in the last few years.\\n\\nNot knowing the context of this sentence at all, it may be possible that it is essentially a cobbling together of mostly well-remembered Latin phrases by someone without any competence in the language proper. Alternatively, it may have been written correctly, but with some abbreviation, and now transcribed incorrectly.\",\n", " 'id': 'fd7uo0n',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd7nmfa',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'My guess is that this is a euphemism for premarital coitus. That would be a transgression that happens in an enclosed space.',\n", " 'id': 'fd7oeol',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd1u5e5',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'It can happen when the author is bad at Latin.',\n", " 'id': 'fd7nmfa',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcvtbnl',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'I took some liberties, but this is my guess:\\n\\n“Were married as a public act of penance due to a behind closed doors transgression”\\n\\nThis Latin is so bad that I attempted a semantic translation, which consisted of me thinking of every possibility that I could until I found one that seemed to fit decently.\\n\\nAnyway, I replied to the original poster with a more detailed comment where I explained my decisions, plus added my own interpretation of what it is saying.',\n", " 'id': 'fd7k581',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcxst28',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'The author of this was horrible at Latin. He not only made an obvious mistake, but he also did code-mixing with German to fill in a hole in his Latin knowledge. I am taking some liberties with this, but here is my guess:\\n\\n“Were married as a public act of penance due to a behind closed doors transgression”\\n\\nIn the context of the German, “transgressio septi” seems to be a euphemism for extramarital coitus. The mistake in declining “transgressio “ following “ob” seems consistent with someone with poor Latin knowledge inserting a phrase that they consider special. This is a mistake that I would expect from an English speaker rather than a German speaker, but my knowledge of German is almost non-existent, so I am at the limit of my ability to make sense of why the mistake was made beyond doubling back to saying that the author was bad at Latin.\\n\\nI decided to treat “transgressio” as if it had been properly declined as “transgressionem”. I decided to interpret “septi” as “behind closed doors” because it refers to something enclosed and seems to be some sort of idiom that does not make sense in a literal translation. My decision here was to reinterpret it in a way that fit the context.\\n\\nI translated “pro” as “as”. This does not seem like a common translation, but it was the possibility that made the most sense. In particular, a priest will often say at the end of confession “for your penance ...”. I interpreted “pro” to have that kind of meaning, such that “as” and “for” are interchangeable and I could take the one that sounds more natural.\\n\\nI translated “ob” as “due to”. I inserted articles that were absent due to Latin not having them and rearranged the phrases to fit English’s word order. I am relying on on others for the translation of the German to “were married”. It was the last piece needed to make this make sense.\\n\\nIn the original text, the transgression is emphasized by being placed first. Translating it into English required moving the verb to the front, but doing just that neither seemed to flow well in English nor seemed to convey the original meaning, so I swapped the phrases for the sake of making the translation sound more natural.\\n\\nThat said, it sounds like they had extramarital coitus, were caught and were forced to marry. The woman might have been pregnant.',\n", " 'id': 'fd7dopq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej614e',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fd7dckx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcvta6c',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fd7cuhp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej614e',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Sochamelet',\n", " 'body': 'Maybe *s(a)epti* here refers to being imprisoned or something similar? In that case, they were imprisoned because of the transgression, this imprisonment was the public penance, and the wedding is entirely incidental to the rest of the phrase.',\n", " 'id': 'fd1u5e5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcvwvcs',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'sicscio',\n", " 'body': 'I suspect it means something like \"*despite* their transgression of a boundary they were married once they completed a public penance/show of repentance.\" I venture this largely because of **ob**, a more formal preposition for \"because of, due to,\" which can\\'t modify the idea in copuliert worden but the idea in **pro acta poenitentia publica**: they were married because of their public show of repentance *because of* their crossing some boundary. Latin doesn\\'t have an obvious way to say \"despite, in spite of, notwithstanding,\" etc. And the writer of the Latin may not have had a perfect grasp of it.',\n", " 'id': 'fcxst28',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej614e',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ebat1111',\n", " 'body': 'What do the footnotes 30 and 31 say?\\n\\nCopuliert worden = were wedded',\n", " 'id': 'fcwcabb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej614e',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'It sounds like they were joined due to the transgression of a boundary *pro acta penitenia publica*, i.e., for an enactment of public penance. But these phrases may have specific legal meanings that I am unaware of.',\n", " 'id': 'fcvwvcs',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcvusb5',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'odiru',\n", " 'body': 'Thought you meant the spelling of the word, not the case',\n", " 'id': 'fcvv3pr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcvtbnl',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'phidelt649',\n", " 'body': 'So with the below comment about the German part being “were brought together” could this possibly mean they were married outside of a church?',\n", " 'id': 'fcvusb5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcvtlo3',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"I'm sure that should be *transgressionem* regardless.\\n\\nIt means 'due to the crossing of a boundary'.\",\n", " 'id': 'fcvtlo3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcvre02',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'These words are common to all Latin including classical, and no matter the era we do not want to see *transgressio* in the nominative after a preposition.',\n", " 'id': 'fcvtbnl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcvt178',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'phidelt649',\n", " 'body': 'Oh that’s good because when I ran it through the translator on google it came up as “copulated” lol.',\n", " 'id': 'fcvta6c',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcvsfmx',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'odiru',\n", " 'body': 'I wouldn’t think you can expect all variations of words from 1700s Latin to be in the dictionaries. That would include almost every variation from the early Latin forms up to our modern English and French forms.',\n", " 'id': 'fcvt178',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcvp704',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'rhoadsalive',\n", " 'body': 'Copuliert worden is German and somewhat translates to \"were put together\"',\n", " 'id': 'fcvsfmx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej614e',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'phidelt649',\n", " 'body': 'https://i.imgur.com/E3pYpi8.jpg',\n", " 'id': 'fcvre02',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcvp704',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"Do you have a picture of the document? It can't possibly read *ob transgressio*.\",\n", " 'id': 'fcvp704',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej614e',\n", " 'score': 4}],\n", " 'ej5dzs': [{'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'First thing it says in that thread is:\\n\\n> Ask and answer questions about mottos, tattoos, book titles, lines for your poem, slogans for your bowling club’s t-shirt, etc. in the comments of this thread. Separate posts for these types of requests will be removed.',\n", " 'id': 'fcvo2b0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcvmhw6',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'Slave-2561972917',\n", " 'body': \"It's for scentences\",\n", " 'id': 'fcvmhw6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcvlqht',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'Tukidides',\n", " 'body': \"Ordo Romanus Primus would be an approximate translation of the idea. The concept is actually a real thing, it's an old description of the Papal rites at St Mary's Cathedral.\",\n", " 'id': 'fcvm6q6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej5dzs',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'skeeerra',\n", " 'body': 'Start (and stick) with what grammar you know and then use your dictionary from there. Google Translate is a cheater and a liar. Good luck!',\n", " 'id': 'fcvlsx9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej5dzs',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"There's a thread for English-Latin translation requests pinned at the top of this subreddit.\",\n", " 'id': 'fcvlqht',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcvlfan',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Slave-2561972917',\n", " 'body': 'Translate, i forgot to put it in',\n", " 'id': 'fcvlfan',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcvkkci',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'Help how?',\n", " 'id': 'fcvkkci',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej5dzs',\n", " 'score': 0}],\n", " 'ej44id': [],\n", " 'ej39fg': [{'author': 'starkiller22265',\n", " 'body': 'Major resolution: by the end of 2020, I want to be able to have at least a 5ish minute conversation with someone in Latin. \\n\\nMinor resolution: I want to get faster at reading latin, ideally being able to understand a passage as I read through it but given my current skill level I don’t think that’s an achievable goal for the end of this year.',\n", " 'id': 'fdcxwoc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej39fg',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Electrical_Humour',\n", " 'body': \"I think more people would be interested in 'ecclesiastical latin' if they read hagiography/exempla etc. as imaginative ficition.\",\n", " 'id': 'fd3y9bb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcwmxp0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': 'Magna rapior exspectatione.',\n", " 'id': 'fd2cz3t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd21126',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Liamlah',\n", " 'body': \"Same. I start med school in 16 days, and still have 14 chapters left to cover. Fingers crossed that there's enough room on the train for me to read, and that the first week or so isn't too intense.\",\n", " 'id': 'fd281jz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcvdqoc',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'sukottoburaun',\n", " 'body': 'I plan to write some more hexameter verse riddles and read some neo-latin literature.',\n", " 'id': 'fd21126',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej39fg',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'bik1230',\n", " 'body': \"I want to get thru Familia Romana at a pace of one chapter per week. Maybe unrealistic, so I might have to go slower eventually to not risk burning out. Still, I'll try.\",\n", " 'id': 'fcwv2ux',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej39fg',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fcwn0zd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcv9toi',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': \"Two forthcoming translations from Latin accepted for publication as books- one contract already signed (just a few days ago), the other one still at the 'expect the contract very soon' stage. Both should come out before the end of 2020. Another publication due to come out through Brepols, too, sometime in 2020.\\n\\nBut, as for new work this year- I'm planning on finding the most strange hagiographical work I can, and getting it translated and accepted for publication. I mean, a really, really strange hagiography.... one that a reader of science fiction or gothic fiction would like. I've got a few possibilities in mind, but any suggestions would be welcome.\",\n", " 'id': 'fcwmxp0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej39fg',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'AriesGirl101',\n", " 'body': \"Haha lol I'm actually in AP Latin but idk what I'm doing.\",\n", " 'id': 'fcwlhj0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcwja9b',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Hyoscine',\n", " 'body': 'Same here. Just a few tests into the Duolingo course... Anyway, good luck with it!',\n", " 'id': 'fcwja9b',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcv9toi',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'ABrokeUniStudent',\n", " 'body': 'Finish Familia Romana and be at least a quarter into Pars II',\n", " 'id': 'fcwhyxa',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej39fg',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'ebr101',\n", " 'body': 'Graduating with my UG degree in Latin Studies',\n", " 'id': 'fcwgddg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej39fg',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'SAIYAN48',\n", " 'body': 'Continue my own personal enhancements on this amazing language.',\n", " 'id': 'fcwfitr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej39fg',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Iame01',\n", " 'body': 'Finally learn my principal parts',\n", " 'id': 'fcvkk13',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej39fg',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'StormblessedSolaire',\n", " 'body': 'I hope to finish off Familiar Romana, and maybe make a nice debt in the following literature!',\n", " 'id': 'fcvk1m5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej39fg',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'VinumCupio',\n", " 'body': \"I need to relearn and practice it. Took four semesters of it during my undergrad, but it has been years since then and my mind is an extra leaky sieve when it comes to languages. I'm hoping to practice with curse tablets.\",\n", " 'id': 'fcvizqq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej39fg',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'sje46',\n", " 'body': 'Just got a copy of Harrius Potter for Christmas. I intend on reading (and understanding...) that.',\n", " 'id': 'fcvhwsz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej39fg',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'CptJimTKirk',\n", " 'body': 'I want to pass my final Latin exams with the best possible grade (15 points). I know it will be hard, but I think it is possible.',\n", " 'id': 'fcvexii',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej39fg',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': 'VerySecretCactus',\n", " 'body': 'lol same, I just want to finish Familia Romana before college',\n", " 'id': 'fcvdqoc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcv9toi',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'AriesGirl101',\n", " 'body': 'I want to actually learn Latin',\n", " 'id': 'fcv9toi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej39fg',\n", " 'score': 43},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': \">Isn't this usually considered didactic more than pastoral\\n\\nYes. I didn't phrase that very well. I'm concentrating on works that feature outdoor landscape, scenery, and activity, especially idealized forms -- locus amoenus.\",\n", " 'id': 'fcv9e1v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcv8m47',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'translostation',\n", " 'body': \">Georgics\\n\\nIsn't this usually considered didactic more than pastoral (because of genre-specific traits like meter, not the subject)?\\n\\nYou might also consider: [https://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674034068](https://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674034068)\",\n", " 'id': 'fcv8m47',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej39fg',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'livluvcollege',\n", " 'body': 'Nice! I want to read more of de rerum natura and also enchiridion :)',\n", " 'id': 'fcv8dn9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej39fg',\n", " 'score': 13}],\n", " 'ej28xy': [{'author': 'Alienor_what',\n", " 'body': 'Nova res publica romana',\n", " 'id': 'fcvma9e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej28xy',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'ej14dc': [{'author': 'ebat1111',\n", " 'body': 'Context is often the only way of telling',\n", " 'id': 'fcx1ea4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej14dc',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'paddyflormont',\n", " 'body': 'Yup. That is how it would work.',\n", " 'id': 'fcv84rf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcv03wl',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'If the verb is a \"showing,\" \"telling,\" or \"giving\" term (verbs like dare, nuntiare, demonstrare, etc.), assume that there should be a dative as an indirect object. This is generally clear context.\\n\\nIf there is an adjective which shows a relationship between the modified noun (like \"near\" or \"dear\") and the possible dative, then it is likely a dative with an adjective. This is also context.\\n\\nOtherwise, it may be a genitive if the possessive makes logical sense.\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nAlso:\\n\\nSubject-Indirect Object-Direct Object-Verb is the general order.',\n", " 'id': 'fcv0hbg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej14dc',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'samblam',\n", " 'body': \"Ok, so follow up question... to get the first one I'd write something like... \\nGalba causam pugnae nautae nuntiat ... ? \\nGalba announces the cause of the fight of the sailors ?\",\n", " 'id': 'fcv03wl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcuqp0p',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'paddyflormont',\n", " 'body': 'Genitives tend to, but don’t always, follow the word they modify, at least at this stage of the game. If both sailor and fight were genitive, the sentence would read “galba of the sailor announces the cause of the fight.” So your second attempt not only is correct, but sounds like a real sentence.',\n", " 'id': 'fcuqp0p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej14dc',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'eizwpr': [{'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'Please keep requests like this in the pinned post per rule 5.',\n", " 'id': 'fcv6951',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eizwpr',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jalsavrah',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you very much :)',\n", " 'id': 'fcutk6s',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcurkl3',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Mikael-9000',\n", " 'body': 'I don’t know if I understand what you mean. What is being given to who?',\n", " 'id': 'fcurqqs',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eizwpr',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Horatiu_Bodnarescu',\n", " 'body': 'Dā eī fēlīcitātem, dīvitiās et quod benignitās sua prōmeret.',\n", " 'id': 'fcurkl3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eizwpr',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'eiz7qm': [{'author': 'Dheginsea',\n", " 'body': \"Hmm I don't know of any other french bilingual editions. If you have access to the Loeb library they should have an english edition. There are some other English translations out there but they aren't facing the text. \\n\\nEither way the Nisard edition does have the quote though. It's paragraph XII.\",\n", " 'id': 'fcypzo7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcy65qy',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Blablabart75',\n", " 'body': \"The Nisard edition, but it stops at paragraph XX. If you have a link to a standard bilingual one, I'm interested! http://remacle.org/bloodwolf/philosophes/Ciceron/fato.htm\",\n", " 'id': 'fcy65qy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eiz7qm',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Dheginsea',\n", " 'body': 'What version of de fato are you using?',\n", " 'id': 'fcxkw0o',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcvoi1f',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Blablabart75',\n", " 'body': \"Wonderful I didn't know this database! It does help :) although the quote is strange,I can't find it in my version of de fato\",\n", " 'id': 'fcvoi1f',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eiz7qm',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'jayzwasinnirvana',\n", " 'body': 'Not exactly what you\\'re asking for, but you can search the [PHI Latin database](https://latin.packhum.org/search) in Greek, in either Greek or Latin characters (so \"logos\" and \"λόγος\" are interpreted the same way). Could this be it?\\n\\n>Nec nos impediet illa ignava ratio, quae dicitur; appellatur enim quidam a philosophis ἀργὸς λόγος, cui si pareamus, nihil omnino agamus in vita.\\n\\nFrom *De Fato* 28',\n", " 'id': 'fcuocp3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eiz7qm',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'eiz5ce': [{'replies': '',\n", " 'id': 'krm5tji',\n", " 'author': 'WatercressComplete99',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eiz5ce',\n", " 'score': 1,\n", " 'body': 'Did you end up find something?',\n", " 'created': 1708614265.0},\n", " {'author': 'ebat1111',\n", " 'body': \"From Whitaker's Words:\\neia INTERJ [XXXBX] \\n how now!, Ha, Good, see! (of joy); see!, Quick! (of urgency/astonishment);\",\n", " 'id': 'fcxgflk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eiz5ce',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'davndreliqua',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks for helping me out 😉🤗',\n", " 'id': 'fcxbvnf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcxam8y',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'I had a look at a 1535 edition of it on Google books:\\n \\nhttps://books.google.com.au/books?id=7yqRnSbZiCMC&pg=PT2&dq=Margarita+Philosophica&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwijruWSwefmAhV-7XMBHUWODPAQ6AEIZzAI\\n\\nThat one reads \"eia\" in the text you identify. It\\'s just an exclamation, like \"Oh\", or \"Hey\", or \"Well\". Since it\\'s part of a dialogue, it makes perfect sense.\\n\\nThis edition is very clear. The earlier ones (1505, etc.), use a not so clear type face, which is hard to read, and often scans incorrectly.',\n", " 'id': 'fcxam8y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcx6wy8',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[removed]',\n", " 'id': 'fcx6x6t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcx6wy8',\n", " 'score': -1},\n", " {'author': 'davndreliqua',\n", " 'body': 'It appears after Aristotle’s argument description. From Margarita Philosophica’s “Eya fac ergo quamque primum haec intelligam”. I don’t believe it’s an abbreviation or acronym, I just don’t know the word.',\n", " 'id': 'fcx6wy8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcwzxfs',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': \"At that time, I doubt it would serve as an orthography for 'eia' (an exclamation, which is not likely to be used in such a text anyway).\\n\\nIt could be an abbreviation for something, or an acronym. Have you checked carefully if there's an explanation at the beginning of the book?\",\n", " 'id': 'fcwzxfs',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eiz5ce',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fcv0p2e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eiz5ce',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'eixllg': [{'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'Please keep requests like this in the pinned post per rule 5.',\n", " 'id': 'fcv6bpv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eixllg',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'I think it should be _pronepōs_, derived from _nepōs_ “nephew” or “grandson”. The dictionary however only has _pronepōs_ = “great-grandson”, not listing “great nephew” as a meaning neither rejecting it explicitly.\\n\\nIf you don’t want to use _pronepōs_, you have to use a periphrases like _frātris nepōs_, _sorōris nepōs_, _nepōtis fīlius_ or _neptis fīlius_, depending on the exact relationship you are describing.',\n", " 'id': 'fcunphx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eixllg',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Fiore_dei_Liberi',\n", " 'body': \"Nepos ex nepote I guess. N.B. there's no difference between great-nephew and great-niece\",\n", " 'id': 'fcu0zx2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eixllg',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'eix40l': [{'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fcuxdme',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eix40l',\n", " 'score': -2},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': 'Good question, but in the future, please put questions like this in the designated English-to-Latin thread.',\n", " 'id': 'fcujbes',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eix40l',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Peteat6',\n", " 'body': 'Quidem? It underlines the previous word. Sine me quidem prius monere.',\n", " 'id': 'fcu482i',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eix40l',\n", " 'score': 12},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'Saltem\\n\\nIt\\'s hard to translate it into Latin, without knowing the full sentence. Assuming it\\'s talking about a subject, who is singular, it could be:\\n\"Non saltem monens prior\"',\n", " 'id': 'fcty6db',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eix40l',\n", " 'score': 19}],\n", " 'eivin0': [{'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fd7rzew',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eivin0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"I don't guess you were around/being active then? We posted a a few times to get feedback on it, etc. It seems to have worked pretty well confining then to that thread.\",\n", " 'id': 'fd4bcae',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd464zc',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'sje46',\n", " 'body': 'I did?',\n", " 'id': 'fd464zc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd413td',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'The mods excogitated it in October? :)',\n", " 'id': 'fd413td',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd3ywai',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'sje46',\n", " 'body': 'Wait lol where did that rule come from?',\n", " 'id': 'fd3ywai',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcv6e0a',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'Please keep requests like this in the pinned post per rule 5.',\n", " 'id': 'fcv6e0a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eivin0',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'liebestod0130',\n", " 'body': \"That's not a bad way of looking at it, yes.\",\n", " 'id': 'fcuw46t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcuj945',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'You wouldn’t name “People of the Quran” the people who reject the Quran, would you?\\n\\n_al-Kitāb_ in this specific context has to refer to the Jewish and Christian sacred scriptures, which we reunite under the name of “Bible”, from Greek _Biblia_ “the Books”.\\n\\nThroughout history, _’Ahl al-Kitāb_ has been extended to Gnostics, Zoroastrians and Hindus, so _al-Kitāb_ might denote any divinely inspired or holy text, except for the Quran.',\n", " 'id': 'fcukhfc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcuj70y',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'It could work, but I personally prefer _scriptūrārum_ because of two reasons.\\n\\n1. The plural _scriptūrae, -ārum_ is used to denote the Bible as a whole, since it includes many books; the singular _scriptūra, -ae_ sometimes means “a passage front the Bible”.\\n\\n2. _’Ahl al-Kitāb_ includes Jews and Christians and, depending on who you ask, Gnostics, Zoroastrians and Hindus. If you want to remark that they are many peoples using a plural _nātiōnēs_ or _gentēs_, you should specify that they don’t believe all in the same exact Scriptures, and hence a plural _scriptūrae, -ārum_,',\n", " 'id': 'fcuj945',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcuh8ru',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'francismanthony',\n", " 'body': 'But this kitab is from the Islamic perspective. Hence it’s the Quran.',\n", " 'id': 'fcuj70y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fctv09t',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'liebestod0130',\n", " 'body': 'I was thinking of *nationes scripturae*',\n", " 'id': 'fcuh8ru',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcubniz',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'As _’ahl_ is singular in Arabic, I prefer using a singular noun. But, since “the people of the books” encompasses various religions and even more ethnicities, a plural _nātiōnēs scriptūrārum_ seems legit.',\n", " 'id': 'fcubniz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcu653a',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'liebestod0130',\n", " 'body': 'The plural of *gens* and *natio* could work too?',\n", " 'id': 'fcu653a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcttyc6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Winnie_Ille_Pu',\n", " 'body': \"So populus libri is right. It's a 2nd declension noun.\",\n", " 'id': 'fcu3epv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcttkoe',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fcu33zj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fctv09t',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'If _’Ahl al-Kitāb_ consists of Christians and Jews, their _al-Kitāb_ must be the Bible. It’s obvious.',\n", " 'id': 'fctv09t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fctuuui',\n", " 'score': 12},\n", " {'author': 'francismanthony',\n", " 'body': 'Al Kitab here refers to the Quran actually. And the people reference here is to the non-Muslims mentioned in the Quran: specially the Jews, Christians, and Sabines.',\n", " 'id': 'fctuuui',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcttyc6',\n", " 'score': -8},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'I’d use _populus Scriptūrae_ or _populus Scriptūrārum_.\\n\\nNotice that _al-Kitāb_ in this context is not a generic book, but the Bible, which is often called _Scriptūra_ “the writing” (or _Scriptūrae_ “the writings”).\\n\\nInstead of populus you might use the synonyms _gens_ and _nātiō_. A more liberal translation could be _Fidēlēs Scriptūrīs_ “believers in the writings”.',\n", " 'id': 'fcttyc6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eivin0',\n", " 'score': 22},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'The first translation is correct.... Libri is the plural nominative but also the singular genitive.',\n", " 'id': 'fcttw0t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcttkoe',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': 'francismanthony',\n", " 'body': 'Of the book',\n", " 'id': 'fcttkoe',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fctt4e5',\n", " 'score': -6},\n", " {'author': 'Winnie_Ille_Pu',\n", " 'body': 'From or of the book?',\n", " 'id': 'fctt4e5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fctppnz',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'leftisthominid',\n", " 'body': 'https://books.google.com/books?id=kC42DwAAQBAJ&pg=PA9&lpg=PA9&dq=%22populus+libri%22&source=bl&ots=CeQ3Er9Yce&sig=ACfU3U0LAc3eHDcUiRLfMmMwyey02iTDyQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjUnqaYvuTmAhXS6Z4KHdlNAeQQ6AEwAnoECAIQAQ#v=onepage&q=%22populus%20libri%22&f=false',\n", " 'id': 'fctptqz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fctppnz',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'leftisthominid',\n", " 'body': 'Libri is genitive singular as well.',\n", " 'id': 'fctprml',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fctppnz',\n", " 'score': 20},\n", " {'author': 'francismanthony',\n", " 'body': 'Populus ex libro? Libri is plural.',\n", " 'id': 'fctppnz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fctpfpr',\n", " 'score': -25},\n", " {'author': 'leftisthominid',\n", " 'body': 'Populus libri?',\n", " 'id': 'fctpfpr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eivin0',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'eirw9l': [{'author': 'ebat1111',\n", " 'body': \"Kind of. Having the family name Caesar is like having the surname White. It doesn't necessarily mean anything about you personally - perhaps your ancestor.\\n\\nThe numeral first names might come from the month they were born in (March being the first).\",\n", " 'id': 'fcxglzi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcw4c1q',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Asianfishingjason1',\n", " 'body': 'Sorry dont do the romans name they child in latin that mean something like caeser mean some to cut.',\n", " 'id': 'fcw4c1q',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcufj14',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'Yes, indeed- it could be from the Greek. Hadn\\'t thought of that. I was going by the person who corrected it to \"Perennis\". I did google the name, to see which it was- and the one with \"Perennis\" came up. Not sure who he was, though....',\n", " 'id': 'fcvagfu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcv9x5f',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ObjectiveLanguage',\n", " 'body': 'I think Caesar wrote about someone named Balventius before, but I can\\'t remember the context. I have a feeling that it\\'s not an adverb, though, because I\\'m not sure what it would mean. Perhaps a combination of βάλλω and ventus?\\n\\nAlso, maybe I\\'m missing something, but the post says \"Perentis\", which is from pereo, not Perrenis.',\n", " 'id': 'fcv9x5f',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fct5ral',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'flavius-belisarius',\n", " 'body': 'However that is not a meaning that Jason is from Jason or the word lason you have mentioned for healing does not maintain this for English. I do not mean to be rude to you as your question is fine and it is good to be curious, however the commenter is right to highlight how strange it is to ask what a name means. For the most part they have no meaning, and the Latin one you have asked about means nothing and is fictional',\n", " 'id': 'fcufj14',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fct8vww',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Asianfishingjason1',\n", " 'body': 'to from greek name and hero call Jason but in greek is Iásōn, the meaning is to heal someone.',\n", " 'id': 'fct8vww',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fct8anl',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'TheGreatCornlord',\n", " 'body': 'Idk, what does Jason mean?',\n", " 'id': 'fct8anl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eirw9l',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': \"Sextus- The Sixth\\n\\nBalventius- More balving, or balvingly, or perhaps 'balvently' (but what does 'to balve' mean?)\\n\\nPerennis- Either 'perennial' (lasting forever), or more literally, 'lasting through the year'.\",\n", " 'id': 'fct5ral',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eirw9l',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'TWFM',\n", " 'body': 'That\\'s a name, not vocabulary words, and a fictional one at that. The names don\\'t have a direct translation into English or any other language. \\n\\n(Also, it\\'s Perennis. That one may be related to the Latin word for \"perennial\".)',\n", " 'id': 'fct4c19',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eirw9l',\n", " 'score': 12}],\n", " 'eiqfoj': [{'author': 'laudead',\n", " 'body': 'Wow, your construction of the poem is so beautiful! I admire your skills, and hope one day I can be confident enough in just the basic translation to start playing with meter. Thanks so much! I’ll be rereading this for quite some time',\n", " 'id': 'fcv44rr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcu29r9',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': \"Very nice. I suggest the last line should be 'navis', since its not really an object.\\n\\nWhy not use a metrical scheme, and make it rhyme? Below is a rendering in rhyming couplet of trochaic tetrameter acatalectic, with mid-line caesuras. (Before anyone criticisms of my scansion, it's accentual verse). \\n\\n\\nPulcher homo-lupus fuit, silva mala habitans.\\n\\nDuximus ad spectacula, ubi flevit, en, plorans\\n\\n\\nQuando vidit rotam altam. Lacrimae, o, fluentes\\n\\nIn genis ejus hirsutis, igneae et verdentes.\\n\\n\\nTamquam navis in tenebris aquis, ecce, is visus,\\n\\nIn nocte atra, O atrox mortifer homo-lupus.\",\n", " 'id': 'fcu29r9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eiqfoj',\n", " 'score': 4}],\n", " 'eiqan5': [{'author': 'oreganoli',\n", " 'body': \"It's not good. Very mealy and coarse, plus a bitch to get off whatever you're using to mix it. Maybe you could improve it by not discarding the egg white?\",\n", " 'id': 'fdbtu1s',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eiqan5',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Kola_damn',\n", " 'body': 'Lol, could you correct me?',\n", " 'id': 'fcswfi6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcswe1v',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'simplicimyrto',\n", " 'body': 'Short answer- there are very few things that are correct',\n", " 'id': 'fcswe1v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eiqan5',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'ejo3mq': [{'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'The language would have been called “lingua latina” in 300 BC. Rome was a part of Latium, from which the language got its name. It gained complete control over it by the year 338 BC, so calling its language anything else in 300 BC would be strange.\\n\\nThe word “Latin” in English came into existence before the 12 century according to the dictionary:\\n\\nhttps://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Latin\\n\\nIt p says that it is from “Middle English, from Old English, from Latin Latinus, from Latium, ancient country of Italy”. This would suggest that it originated in Old English, which Wikipedia claims Albert Baugh defined as being from 450 AD to 1150 AD. It would be difficult to get a more precise date than that. I really don’t know much about what predated the Norman invasion and I am not sure how one would find out.',\n", " 'id': 'fdbteox',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejo3mq',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'That is very well said. The only thing that I can add is that Chinese refers to both itself and English with only two syllables. Japanese uses 3 syllables for itself and 2 syllables for English. The last syllable in each means “language”. There really is not any need for a way to shorten the name of a language when it is already at the length of 2 to 3 syllables. That is already in line with the shortened forms that English and Spanish use. It is hard to imagine it being practical to make the names any shorter.',\n", " 'id': 'fdbr8i8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdblevq',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'Yes indeed, I mention that it\\'s actually a noun in a previous post. What I meant here was that to me, it\\'s more of a peculiarty of Latin that it lacks a productive strategy to convert modifiers (adjectives) specifying nouns meaning \"language\" into standalone proper nouns. Slavic languages have such a strategy - the same old straightforward conversion, keeping the gender of their word for \"language\", and Romanian borrows that, while in other Romance languages the gender seems to be fixed as masculine (not sure if their speakers feel the ellipsis of any particular noun, but it\\'s definitely not the one descended from *lingua*). In the more official contexts, all of them seem to use a noun phrase with *lingua*. Celtic languages seem to do the same as Slavic ones - as far as I can see, adjective-derived language names all agree in gender with [the word for \"language\"](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Reconstruction:Proto-Celtic/tangʷāss).',\n", " 'id': 'fdblevq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdbhh7r',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'What you describe as “one handy adjective” is actually a noun when used that way in English:\\n\\nhttps://www.dictionary.com/browse/english\\n\\nhttps://www.dictionary.com/browse/latin\\n\\nVarious words are both nouns and adjectives in English. Language names are one of the most obvious examples. The word “good” is another.\\n\\nThat being said, Chinese and Japanese both mimic Latin in the manner in which they name languages. I know that Spanish matches English in how it names languages. I am not sure about other languages.',\n", " 'id': 'fdbhh7r',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdberr8',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'Actually it seems to me that not having a way to refer to languages with one handy adjective without syntactic restrictions is the less common situation, certainly among European languages. The thing is, as far as I understand what that person is saying, they understand that the 1-word/full phrase equivalence is peculiar to English. The logic of what they\\'re doing seems to be:\\n\\nputting a forgeign-language phrase into an English sentence allows one to apply English grammar rules to it, because the words you\\'re manipulating are actually English words magically encoded to be Latin, and as long as you can decode them back into English, you\\'re good to go. E.g. in the Latin phrase *lingua latīna,* *lingua* is code=Latin for \"language\", and *latīna* code=Latin for \"Latin\". But you must not overtly decode code=Latin into English (e.g. write \"Latin\" for the starting *Latīna*), because otherwise what\\'s the point of learning to decode it in the first place? And that was the reason behind their original correction of \"Latin\" into *Latina.* The word must look like Latin, but be English underlyingly.\\n\\nThey assume everybody else also thinks this way. I don\\'t think it\\'s metalinguistic ignorance, I think it\\'s neural pathway corruption leading to inability to disambiguate languages caused by grammar-translation. I\\'ve seen similar enough cases before.',\n", " 'id': 'fdberr8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdabgie',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'There is no single word in the Latin language corresponding to the English noun Latin. The Latin language lacks such a noun. The English language would lack one too if it were not for English speakers being lazy.',\n", " 'id': 'fdaw2xo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdavum2',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'MarkJanusIsAScab',\n", " 'body': 'We are translating a single word here',\n", " 'id': 'fdavum2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdatg18',\n", " 'score': -1},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'Latina is not an English word for Latin, as you seemed to claim it was.',\n", " 'id': 'fdatg18',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdagmbn',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'MarkJanusIsAScab',\n", " 'body': '\"I speak *Latin*\" \\n\\n\"*Latin* is difficult\"\\n\\n\"There are 5 main cases in *Latin*\"\\n\\n\"*Latin* was spoken by the upper classes for two thousand years\"\\n\\nAll of these are completely valid sentences. They are both intelligible and grammatically proper in both vernacular and prestige English.',\n", " 'id': 'fdagmbn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdacli1',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'I don’t know where you learned that. That is not correct even in English.',\n", " 'id': 'fdacli1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdacgdm',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'MarkJanusIsAScab',\n", " 'body': 'I never said otherwise. However, when we\\'re discussion this *in the context of English*, \"Latina\" means \"Latin\". We\\'re not constructing a sentence in Latin, we\\'re constructing a sentence in English. We\\'re not discussing a sentence, we\\'re not discussing a phrase, we\\'re not discussing grammar, we\\'re discussing *a single word*. We\\'re not trying to teach Latin here, we\\'re trying to settle a bar bet.',\n", " 'id': 'fdacgdm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdaa37d',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'I used to be like him. Hopefully, he will figure it out at some point that a single word name is a quirk of English that other languages do not necessarily share. Chinese for example is called “middle language” in Chinese. If you just write “middle”, it makes no sense in a very obvious way. It is the same in Latin, except it is not obvious to us English speakers when looking at the name of Latin in Latin because we are used to that quirk of English. It is more obvious when looking at the Chinese word for Chinese because we do not call it “middle language”, so just writing “middle” immediately feels wrong.',\n", " 'id': 'fdabgie',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd8ln85',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'English allows the term Latin to be used as a noun, but Latin does not. Lingua Latina is the short version of the name of Latin in Latin. Drop Lingua and it makes no sense because Latina is a pure adjective. As far as a reader knows, you could be talking about Latin Art when you just say “Latina” by itself. There is no association with the word language unless you say the word language.',\n", " 'id': 'fdaa37d',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd5hww3',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'Thank Napoleon III for that. He wanted to try to get people in Spanish America to be more friendly with France, so he proposed that it be called Latin America and everyone went with it. My guess is that the Portuguese liked the term as it got them out of Spain’s shadow. Now whenever I ask Alexa for Latin music, I get the wrong thing. :/',\n", " 'id': 'fda90el',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd5sl4a',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'Are you bloody trolling me right now mate? The question was about the Latin name of the Latin language. \"Lingua Latīna\" is the Latin name for the Latin language. **\"Latīna\" is not the Latin name of the Latin language. \"Lingua Latīna\" is not overly specific in Latin. Nor can \"Latina\" refer to the Latin language in English.** \"The Latin language\" is overly specific in English because you can also say \"Latin\", but this fact has **no relation whatsoever to what you can and can\\'t say in Latin**. What on Earth do you not understand?',\n", " 'id': 'fd8ln85',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd5hww3',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"Oh, but I object, good sir - you will notice that I've made sure there was a macron decorating the fourth letter of the vocable under consideration, which fact makes it impossible to doubt its pertinence to the Latin tongue despite its otherwise deceptively ambiguous shape!\",\n", " 'id': 'fd8ky7r',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd5sl4a',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[removed]',\n", " 'id': 'fd8jpf6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd5hww3',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'WikiTextBot',\n", " 'body': '**Livius Andronicus**\\n\\nNot to be confused with Livy, the Augustan-era historian whose Latin name is Livius.\\n\\nLucius Livius Andronicus (; c. 284 – c. 205 BC) was a Greco-Roman dramatist and epic poet of the Old Latin period.\\n\\n***\\n\\n^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/latin/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^]\\n^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28',\n", " 'id': 'fd5ycqz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd5ybxk',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'sje46',\n", " 'body': \"Yes.\\n\\nIt'd be Old Latin. In fact that era is a few decades before we start seeing literature from Latin at all, with [Livius Andronicus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Livius_Andronicus). \\n\\nSo the Latin of that day is a bit different from Classical Latin (the era of Caesar, Cicero, etc), and things were spelled a bit differently, etc. But still definitely latin.\",\n", " 'id': 'fd5ybxk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd5x43k',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Orion700',\n", " 'body': 'This is the question.\\n\\nYear is 300 BC, I was born and rise in Rome. On that moment language i use is Latin?',\n", " 'id': 'fd5x43k',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd2n5t8',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Electrical_Humour',\n", " 'body': '> even for the simple fact that English has no word latīna meaning \"Latin woman\"\\n\\nWell, it does - it\\'s just that \\'latin\\' in that context now refers to \\'latin\\' america.',\n", " 'id': 'fd5sl4a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd4eraj',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'MarkJanusIsAScab',\n", " 'body': 'You and I are saying the same thing at this point. I know they wouldn\\'t just call it \"Latin\", they\\'d call it \"lingua Latina\". \\n\\nIf you ask in English, what would the Romans call \"Latin\" you\\'d say \"Latina\". You wouldn\\'t say \"lingua Latina\", because that\\'s overly specific. \\n\\nThat\\'s all I\\'m saying.',\n", " 'id': 'fd5hww3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd59hxl',\n", " 'score': -2},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'I literally think you\\'ve managed to confuse English and Latin into one language somehow. *Lingua Latīna* is the Latin equivalent for the English \"the Latin language\" or just \"Latin\". I don\\'t know whether Latin was called \"Latīna\" at any stage of English, but if just for the sake of argument it was called that in Old English - the OP most definitely wasn\\'t asking what Latin was called in Old English. In fact, the time reference is 300 BC, when **Proto-Germanic** hadn\\'t even taken its definite shape yet.\\n\\nThe only way the OP makes sense if we assume they were asking what **ancient Romans** called Latin, **in Latin**. \"Latina\" is not what they called it in Latin, \"Lingua Latīna\" is what they did call it in Latin. \\nThe only way what you\\'re saying makes sense to me is if you\\'re taking the Latin phrase \"Lingua Latīna\", imagining that it\\'s English, then applying the grammatical transformation you would have used to convert \"the Latin language\" into \"Latin\" in English, **to the Latin phrase**. Then you proceed to imply there are some \"we\" who do that on a regular basis. It\\'s completely surreal to me.\\n\\nYou do realise that English grammar and vocabulary belongs to English, and not to Latin, which does just fine with its own?',\n", " 'id': 'fd59hxl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd4jece',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'MarkJanusIsAScab',\n", " 'body': 'We refer to languages exclusively as the adjectives that we use to describe the people who speak the language. Germans speak German, French speak French, Russians speak Russian. We would never say that Germans speak the German Language. I guess maybe you would, if you wanted to emphasize the language portion, but nobody talks that way.\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nThe original question was \"Was Latin called Latin\", in that context, the answer was that it was called \"Latína\", as any that\\'s the definitive name that would have separated Latin from Greek, \"Lingua Latína\" from \"Lingua Graeca\".\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nWould they have called the Latin Language \"Latin\"? No, you\\'re right, it would have been \"Lingua Latina\". However, that\\'s just being a little pedantic, ne?',\n", " 'id': 'fd4jece',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd4eraj',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'sekraster',\n", " 'body': \"That's true, but I'm willing to be generous to a beginner :)\",\n", " 'id': 'fd4i6gp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd0xci0',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'Wait, what are you talking about? What English? There\\'s no such language as \"Latina\" in English; the word for the language in English is \"Latin\"; my post is not referencing English, even for the simple fact that English has no word *latīna* meaning \"Latin woman\" - Latin does.',\n", " 'id': 'fd4eraj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd4ca4a',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'MarkJanusIsAScab',\n", " 'body': 'I\\'m not saying \"we learners do it\" I\\'m saying \"as we do it in English\". The OP asked if it would be called \"Latin\", and in the context of a language it would be called \"Latina\", but you\\'d have to add extra words around it. I wouldn\\'t expect someone who doesn\\'t know the basics of the language that it\\'s \"Linguam Latínam\" in the accusative or \"Linguá Latíná\" in the ablative, and similarly I didn\\'t feel like going into the grammar with the guy who asked the original question.',\n", " 'id': 'fd4ca4a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd4auk8',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'There\\'s no \"we learners do it\" in learning a foreign language - you learn how the speakers of that language do it. We\\'re talking about the grammar and vocabulary of a very definite language, which is Latin. In the grammar of the Latin language, there\\'s no way to refer to another language with a single noun, unless that nouns means \"language X\". In the vocabulary of the Latin language, there\\'s no such noun as \"latīnus\" or \"graeca\" meaning \"the latin/greek language\" - the closest such noun is probably \"latīnitās\" and \"graecitās\", the latter very rare. The noun \"latīnus\" means \"a Latin man\" and \"graeca\" means \"a Greek woman\". One cannot use these nouns to refer to languages any more than one can say \"Englishman\" to mean \"the language of the Englishmen\".',\n", " 'id': 'fd4auk8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd2ayru',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'FalseDmitriy',\n", " 'body': \"And a very small number still do, if they're speaking Ladin or Ladino.\",\n", " 'id': 'fd2nuzk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd286jt',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'sje46',\n", " 'body': \"That is *not* what they asked.\\n\\nThey're asking if Latin speakers called their own language Latin in 300 BC. Not if we, in the modern day, would say they were speaking Latin back then. In other words, the name of the language itself may have changed.\\n\\nOld English was called Ænglisc. Which is obviously just a different form of the same word but still.\",\n", " 'id': 'fd2n5t8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fczb2ns',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'MarkJanusIsAScab',\n", " 'body': 'Your own link references \"Lingua Latina\" and explains that the use of adjectives to refer to languages simply wasn\\'t done as we do it. This is really more of a difference in grammar than a misused word.',\n", " 'id': 'fd2ayru',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd1xtbu',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'ModeratoriProfugus',\n", " 'body': 'People in the middle ages, speaking Romance languages, still called their language \"Latin\".',\n", " 'id': 'fd286jt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejo3mq',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'Latīna means \"Latin woman\" or \"Latin things\", [never \"the Latin language\"](https://latin.stackexchange.com/questions/11449/substantive-adjectives-latīna-graeca-as-language-names).',\n", " 'id': 'fd1xtbu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fczdrdo',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': '[No, it cannot](https://latin.stackexchange.com/questions/11449/substantive-adjectives-latīna-graeca-as-language-names).',\n", " 'id': 'fd1xopq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fczm67y',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'lejthaensiiwe',\n", " 'body': \"That's sick\",\n", " 'id': 'fd1nd0f',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fczs1rt',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Daredhevil',\n", " 'body': 'Yes, but one speaks *latine*, that is, \"latinely\".',\n", " 'id': 'fd12p8x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcziv49',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'tomatoesonpizza',\n", " 'body': \"That wasn't bad spelling, it was incorrect af. Bad spelling usually isn't as systematic as only spelling the endings wrong.\",\n", " 'id': 'fd0xci0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd00ue0',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': 'sekraster',\n", " 'body': 'Bad spelling. I think they mean \"suntne discipuli linguae latinae?\"',\n", " 'id': 'fd00ue0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fczqq7i',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'nrith',\n", " 'body': 'Sic.',\n", " 'id': 'fczs1rt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fczkqto',\n", " 'score': 14},\n", " {'author': 'Chrysologus',\n", " 'body': 'Quid?',\n", " 'id': 'fczqq7i',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fczqgnf',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Pmmesmallboobz',\n", " 'body': 'Sunte duscipuli latinum linguam?',\n", " 'id': 'fczqgnf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcziv49',\n", " 'score': -1},\n", " {'author': 'MagisterFlorus',\n", " 'body': 'Yes. But when talking about speaking etc, the *lingua* can be omitted.',\n", " 'id': 'fczm67y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcziv49',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'MarkJanusIsAScab',\n", " 'body': 'Bene!',\n", " 'id': 'fczkqto',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcziv49',\n", " 'score': 24},\n", " {'author': 'WikiTextBot',\n", " 'body': '**Proto-Italic language**\\n\\nThe Proto-Italic language is the ancestor of the Italic languages, most notably Latin and its descendants, the Romance languages. It is not directly attested in writing, but has been reconstructed to some degree through the comparative method. Proto-Italic descended from the earlier Proto-Indo-European language.\\n\\n***\\n\\n^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/latin/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^]\\n^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28',\n", " 'id': 'fcziwfk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fczivva',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'infinitum17',\n", " 'body': \"Every language comes from an earlier language. Roughly speaking, we call the language that Latin came from [Proto-Italic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proto-Italic_language). We're talking pre-1000 BCE. I have no idea what the speakers of that language called it (probably lots of different things, as varieties of it were spoken by people of many, many different groups of people). And since this was before writing was invented, we have no way of knowing what the names they used for their language were.\\n\\nYou may find the Wikipedia article on the [History of Latin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Latin#Origins) useful.\",\n", " 'id': 'fczivva',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejo3mq',\n", " 'score': 26},\n", " {'author': 'Dr_JP69',\n", " 'body': 'as in Lingua Latina, right ?',\n", " 'id': 'fcziv49',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fczdrdo',\n", " 'score': 34},\n", " {'author': 'MarkJanusIsAScab',\n", " 'body': 'Latina, not Latin, but otherwise, yeah',\n", " 'id': 'fczdrdo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejo3mq',\n", " 'score': 31},\n", " {'author': 'Gaikokuweeb',\n", " 'body': 'In 300 BC you would speak Latin yes. The language comes from ‘Latium’ the area of Italy Rome is located in.\\n\\nEdit: also the word for Latin I think you’re looking for is Latînē.',\n", " 'id': 'fczb2ns',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejo3mq',\n", " 'score': 58}],\n", " 'ejnxpr': [{'author': 'manaphythelord',\n", " 'body': 'Peter Jones\\' \"Learn Latin\"',\n", " 'id': 'fdfpg7o',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejnxpr',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Pmmesmallboobz',\n", " 'body': \"Duolingo can help introduce you to a language. you dont have to pay, the adds aren't too bad.\",\n", " 'id': 'fd0m05s',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejnxpr',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Enjolras55',\n", " 'body': 'Is Amazon the best place to get that book? Do you recommend any other places to get it?',\n", " 'id': 'fd05jlo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcz953z',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': \"As an additional resource (hell even a primary one, it's really good), I'd check out latintutorial on YouTube. He has tons of videos on many Latin concepts and he's definitely the best explainer I've ever watched. Not to mention, the videos are pretty short and concise as they cover a relatively narrow topic normally.\\n\\nEspecially since it's free, I'd start at that channel to get your feet wet. Check out [this playlist (in the order the videos are put)](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6E23249B97C11F29)\",\n", " 'id': 'fczcjjm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejnxpr',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'persistent_polymath',\n", " 'body': 'Some don’t prefer Wheelock’s but I definitely do. You get the Latin but the Roman history and mythology too.',\n", " 'id': 'fczbjwp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejnxpr',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'xier_zhanmusi',\n", " 'body': \"I've started learning this way & it is fun. The recordings are very clear.\",\n", " 'id': 'fczaqld',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcz953z',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'JLLS11',\n", " 'body': 'Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata is the by far the best source if you are looking for reading and speaking proficiency. There are excellent videos on YouTube on ScorpioMartianus’s channel which contain audio recordings of each that I would also recommend. The book is entirely in Latin and gives you the most exposure in the language.',\n", " 'id': 'fcz953z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejnxpr',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'Hannibal_Barca_216',\n", " 'body': \"Wheelock's\",\n", " 'id': 'fcz8a1t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejnxpr',\n", " 'score': 0}],\n", " 'ejm19a': [{'author': 'RFLBosch',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you, guys! This passage is really troubling, your insights were really helpful!',\n", " 'id': 'fd2yphj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcz52rz',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'RFLBosch',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you so much, you helped me a lot! :D',\n", " 'id': 'fd2yl3y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd15kvw',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': '\"But what?! I hear those, who are obviously ashamed of Christ and the words of Christ, to have so \\'white-washed\\' his severity -this is when you were with us- that they say it is of no concern to enquire how a person is living in relation to (their receiving sacramentally) the Body and Blood of Christ. Hence it is that you have done something with the abbot of St. Albans (about this issue), so that a serious effort be made at understanding how something so contrary to the principles of Christianity could so prevail, if the people be permitted to succumb to such an error.\"\\n\\n\\nArguably, very pertinent for our own times!!',\n", " 'id': 'fd15kvw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejm19a',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'oneWindmill',\n", " 'body': 'But then I would not know where to fit \"non nihil\", it might be something like: \"... so that the people, knowing about it, must work laboriously if led, in their own (labour?), to a mistake, such as something standing against the interests of christianity.\" \\nYet for that to work \"velut\" should be referred to \"errori\" and it would seem a bit of a stretch to me.',\n", " 'id': 'fcz52rz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcz48t7',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': \"I think *egisti, ut ...* is something like 'you argued that ...'\",\n", " 'id': 'fcz48t7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcz1wke',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'oneWindmill',\n", " 'body': 'I\\'m not quite sure about the \"ut\"\\'s in the second sentence, but the first I believe should go something like: \"What/Why? I hear that those who should blush before Christ and his sermons hid his severity so much, when he was still amongst us, that they said his dealings were not of this sort, that is, to enquire as to how a christian ought to live with regards to the blood and body of Christ. Therefore, even you yourself with the abbot of Saint Alban have managed to achieve something...\"\\n\\nThe \"Quid autem?\" at the beginning could mean a number of things depending on what came before in the text; \"pallio\" should come from \"pallium\" (a sort of cape) and should therefore mean \"to cover with a cape\", \"to dissimulate\", \"to hide\"; as I said I have not much of a clue as to what \"ut\" or \"velut\" do in the last sentence so my attempt stops short of them.',\n", " 'id': 'fcz1wke',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejm19a',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'ejazbw': [{'author': 'Bragatyr',\n", " 'body': 'Love the Latin Library. I hope it continues on.',\n", " 'id': 'fdfqoyy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejazbw',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'infinitum17',\n", " 'body': \"man, I've used the Latin library forever. I just sent a note of thanks. Thank you to whoever the new person is that is keeping the flame burning!\",\n", " 'id': 'fcyxqzg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejazbw',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': '_porphyrios',\n", " 'body': \"I have also had emails ignored by the Latin Library, so I don't bother anymore. This was at least a couple of years ago.\",\n", " 'id': 'fcxfquw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcwzvsj',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Electrical_Humour',\n", " 'body': 'Try also [Corpus Corporum](http://www.mlat.uzh.ch/MLS/index.php?lang=0)',\n", " 'id': 'fcxbrju',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcx16z3',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': \"I like the Latin Library, and read from it everyday. It's simple, and doesn't require much data use. \\n\\nIt doesn't seem to have had anything added to it for a long time: but still, to look up something quickly in the standard works, it's great.\",\n", " 'id': 'fcx4sd1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejazbw',\n", " 'score': 16},\n", " {'author': 'Arkellian_Pilot',\n", " 'body': 'Maybe it had to do with the timing and recent events. My professor and classmates have been emailing corrections for years and they usually get a response and an updated text.',\n", " 'id': 'fcx3k2a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcwzvsj',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'The [Packard Humanities Institute website](https://latin.packhum.org/index) is wonderful for this reason (among others), as it has modern editions and is explicit about its sources.\\n\\nThe texts at The Latin Library are in some ways easier to deal with, as the navigation is simpler and they can be copied and pasted without so much hassle, and the range of texts available is also chronologically far wider.',\n", " 'id': 'fcx16z3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcwzvsj',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'ponteineptique',\n", " 'body': \"Latin Library is good, but my one issue with it is not telling which edition it is. At least, with Perseus, and other sites, we know.\\nBut that's definitely a major resource for classical studies\",\n", " 'id': 'fcx05uv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcwzvsj',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'Peteat6',\n", " 'body': 'The Latin Library is a wonderful resource, for which I am very grateful. But perhaps be cautious of their texts. I emailed them recently with corrections to one of their texts. It was in elegiacs, but didn’t even scan. A better text is available, so I pointed this out. The email was ignored.\\n\\nLikewise, the Perseus site is wonderful resource, but has some really odd readings in its texts.\\n\\nThere are far more accurate texts on paid websites. However, I find I still use the Latin Library and Perseus. They are extraordinary creations, and very valuable. But they don’t always have the best texts.',\n", " 'id': 'fcwzvsj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejazbw',\n", " 'score': 10}],\n", " 'ej9x47': [{'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"I suggest writing a short description of your blog post so that the potential readers could decide whether they're interested in reading more, as well as to make it look less like spam/advertising.\",\n", " 'id': 'fd1rbti',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej9x47',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'ej8eg3': [{'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"Google Translate does a passable job, perhaps a good job, with some languages, but not at all with Latin, at least for the present, and it is really not possible to determine what you are hoping to communicate, except that it is something about Google and languages and speaking to people, and then a bit at the end thanking us and mentioning 'mother Russia'.\",\n", " 'id': 'fcw99sb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej8eg3',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Lowkey___Loki',\n", " 'body': \"\\nExcuse me sir but I minored in Latin at South-Cen tral Kentucky University so I know what I'm doing. I forgive you for your ignorance but please try to keep in mind that I do not half ass something, I full ass it, so I wouldn't come into this prestigious subreddit and spew weak Latin. Pardon me for my language sir.\",\n", " 'id': 'fcw92b9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcw853u',\n", " 'score': -2},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'This is unintelligible. If you want to write a little bit of Latin for others to correct, consider using the Sermones Liberi post. If you want to ask how to say something in Latin, use the translation request post.',\n", " 'id': 'fcw853u',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej8eg3',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'ej7c7r': [{'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"Short answer: no\\n\\nLong answer: there's a thread for English-Latin translation requests pinned at the top of this subreddit\",\n", " 'id': 'fcvy25y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej7c7r',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'ej6tqw': [{'author': 'LifeMix3',\n", " 'body': 'Te suado librum legere. Si Patrologiam Latinam legisti, profecto tu Eptiome Historiae Sacrae delectes! \\n\\nSed, valde magnificus est! In monasterio linguam Latinam didicisti! Potesne loqui de illo tempore? Quomodo in monasterio intras?',\n", " 'id': 'fe0gmfw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe05tlh',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'Nescio hunc librum- quaeram in rete.\\n\\nDidici Latinam linguam in monasterio, legendo Patrologiam Latinam.',\n", " 'id': 'fe05tlh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdx0fvc',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'LifeMix3',\n", " 'body': 'Non in lingua Latina, sed in lingua Anglia Don Quixote legi. Liber quem tu legisti bonus aparet. Velim id legere. Etiam, nunc, Epitome Historiae Sacrae a Caroli Francisci Lhomond lego. Scisne hunc librum? Id est pars de multis libris a Hans Orberg efficit. Primum efficit a Caroli Francisci Llohond, profecto, sed hunc librum cum aliis libris utitur. Eo modo linguam Latinam didici. Quomodo tu linguam Latinam didicisti?',\n", " 'id': 'fdx0fvc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdpscq6',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'Legisti Don Quixote in latina? Certe, debeat translatio...\\n\\nLegi nuper (finitus nunc) Liber de Miraculis Sanctae Virginis Mariae, Pothonis monachi. Valde admirandis rebus est plenus- facilis jocundusque. Si amas Don Qioxote, ames (opinor) hunc.\\n\\nBona editio est in rete mundiale- nempe, \"Google Books\", de anno 1731 (in eodem tomo cum Vita Ven. Agnetis)- invenienda est quaerenti \"Miracula\" et \"Bothonis\".',\n", " 'id': 'fdpscq6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdltumq',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'LifeMix3',\n", " 'body': 'Salve! Recte dicis, ego causam loquendi addiderim. Liber quem modo legi fuit Don Quixote a Miguel Cervantes. Liber valde mihi placet, sed nescio quid librum legere nunc. Quid putas? Sitne liber quem tu suadeas? Et quid librum leges modo? Gratias tibi ago pro responso tuo.',\n", " 'id': 'fdltumq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdjtvub',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'Dixisti hoc vere. Etiam, quomodo dicere si causa dicendi absit?\\n\\nFortasse, questio respondenda adjuvet in causam dandam.....Quid (linga in latina, scilicet!) librum leges modo?',\n", " 'id': 'fdjtvub',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd3ki6v',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': 'Gentem Italicam hoc modo pristinam ad gloriam revocabo.',\n", " 'id': 'fdhszrg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdh7qbr',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Sochamelet',\n", " 'body': 'Sicut omnes scimus, licet Latine loqui modo fere Italico. Quin ergo Italice loquaris modo Latino? Nihil tibi erit molestum!',\n", " 'id': 'fdh7qbr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd3n6na',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'Vehementer nunc mēcum disputō, utrum dē verbīs ingrātīs plūs audīre cupiam an dē mappīs per āera volitantibus.',\n", " 'id': 'fdbrc84',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcz3vwh',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': 'Studia nuper Italica recolo. Moleste fero -ccio per unam syllabam enuntiandum esse.',\n", " 'id': 'fd3n6na',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej6tqw',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'LifeMix3',\n", " 'body': 'Salvete omnes! Ego non sum optissimus scribeno Latine, sed, fruor cum conor. Ego hic sum quia volo scibere in lingua Latina, certe, sed cupio aliquem reperire causa loquendi: aliquis qui interdum inter nos scibere vult cum tempus habet. Solus sentio quia neminem scio qui linguam Latinam scit. Heu! Utinam multi homines lingua Latina sibi placet. Sed, laetor quia hunc locum repperi. Nonnumquam hunc locum specto, sed non saepe.',\n", " 'id': 'fd3ki6v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej6tqw',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"Bene monēs, quīn et cūr sīc scrīpserim, in apertō·st - apud mē istud 'respondēre' semper clausulae iambicae faciem capere gestit, in tertiamque dēclīnātiōnem transfugere cum E correptā. Putō fontem tōtīus reī illud esse, quod *respondet* et *respondit* apud mē consimiliter, aliās et omnīnō itidem sonant. Id quod, obiter, vel apud rōmānōs factum atque eandem confūsiōnem effēcit.\",\n", " 'id': 'fd1gal1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcvxuwp',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'In tabulā sedeō prope frātrem meum, sed eius verba nōn mihi grāta sunt.\\n\\nADDENDUM: Eum loquentem nōn bonum, sed mappās iacientem per āerem peiōrem pūtō.',\n", " 'id': 'fcz3vwh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej6tqw',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'giuliopft',\n", " 'body': \"I'll answer in English to avoid any confusion.\\n\\n*Mementō* is an imperative form, meaning either *You, remember!* or *May he remember!* \\nWhat you needed to say is *meminī*, meaning *I remember*. That is, however, a particular verb, as it only has perfect forms (and derived), the future imperative and, rarely, the present participle. An easier, and regular, yet deponent, synonym is the verb *recordōr*/*recordāri*, which has the same meaning.\",\n", " 'id': 'fcy89co',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcxelil',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Sochamelet',\n", " 'body': 'Optime! Si verba ignota invenire vis, [hac in pagina](https://www.latinitium.com/latin-dictionaries) dictionarium *Smith & Hall* consulere potes. Verba e lingua Anglica Latine reddit. Etiam sunt aliae paginae quae adiuvare possint. Non ergo necesse est librum **emere** (id est *buy*). Verba etiam gratis invenire potes!',\n", " 'id': 'fcy2694',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcxelil',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'giuliopft',\n", " 'body': 'Salvē! Britannicum verbum *to buy* Latīnē *emere* dīcitur, [ecce illud verbum](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/emo#Latin). Valē!',\n", " 'id': 'fcy21ps',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcxelil',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'OzarkShepherd',\n", " 'body': 'Salvete! Ego verba multa ex Wheelocki Latini non memento. Sed \"salve\" et \"salvete\" memento! Librum verborum Latinorum \"buy\"ere debeo.',\n", " 'id': 'fcxelil',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej6tqw',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'Tacuitō! Nē dīxitō nūgās!',\n", " 'id': 'fcxdpxd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcxcn5x',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Sochamelet',\n", " 'body': 'Fortasse haec forma rarissimus est imperativus perfecti! Nemo quidem umquam antehac vidit hanc bestiam callidissimam, nonne autem cottidie novae res inveniuntur?',\n", " 'id': 'fcxcn5x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcvxuwp',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': \"Credo me 'respondeto' sapius legisse.\",\n", " 'id': 'fcwsrb7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fcvxuwp',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'Ūtrum rēctē scrībitur *responditō*, ut hīc legimus, an *respondētō*, secundum exemplar *habētō*?',\n", " 'id': 'fcvxuwp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ej6tqw',\n", " 'score': 8}],\n", " 'ek42u5': [{'author': 'Willsxyz',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks for posting this!',\n", " 'id': 'fdcyllw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek42u5',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'ejz3n3': [{'author': '_porphyrios',\n", " 'body': 'Probably here it should be taken as the adjective: \"kind, friendly, etc.\"',\n", " 'id': 'fdfi8wl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd3j1um',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'You’re right. When I wrote “error”, I just meant a spelling we would regard as an error, even if it was not seen as such at his time.\\n\\nAs for _epistola_, apparently this spelling is found in Cicero and Svetonius, so it’s definitely not an error. I thought Dante used _epistola_ because that is the word in Italian (derived from _epistula_ with regular sound change /u/ > /o/), but it’s more likely that he chose it to imitate the aforementioned authors (I don’t think he was imitating the Greek spelling, as he couldn’t speak or read Greek).',\n", " 'id': 'fd85z2g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd66kfs',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Sochamelet',\n", " 'body': \"I wouldn't necessarily call all of those spellings errors. Pronunciation changes, and spelling can change to reflect that. There's nothing incorrect about that. In fact, the word *epistula* was originally the Greek word *epistolē* (*ἐπιστολή*), so one might even say that *epistola* is more correct than *epistula*.\\n\\nOn the other hand, I'll grant you that *Pyeria* is a different case. That spelling does not reflect a change in the pronunciation of the word, but a misunderstanding of how the word was pronounced at an earlier point in time.\\n\\nStill, if a spelling like *Pyeria* was common in Dante's time, I think it's a but too strong to call it an error. People at that time weren't necessarily being sloppy. They just didn't have the etymological knowledge that we now have.\",\n", " 'id': 'fd66kfs',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd5f6iz',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'The only error I can find is misspelling <e> where <ae> should be expected. But in Medieval Latin <ae> and <e> (and <oe> as well) were pronounced in the same way, and spelling was often inconsistent.\\n\\nIn Dante’s Latin writings, you can find _Melibēus_ for _Meliboeus_ as well as other errors e.g. _epistola_ for _epistula_ or _Pyeria_ for _Pīeria_.',\n", " 'id': 'fd5f6iz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejz3n3',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'It\\'s a very common expression in such documents. \"For the salvation of my soul and that of Countess Sybil, my beloved (wife).\" The \\'e\\' is a very common alternative spelling to \\'ae\\', so they are genitives.\\n\\nThe fact that she is his lawful wife is implied in the title \\'Countess\\'. In the same way, a king would not say generally \"the queen, my wife\"....., but rather just \"my queen\", or \"the queen\".',\n", " 'id': 'fd548lx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejz3n3',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': 'Could it not also be that he wished to express friendly feelings for his wife, or perhaps simply for the sake of linguistic variety? Does it have to be \"uxor\" every single time?',\n", " 'id': 'fd4y9gp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd3os0t',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'St-Nicholas-of-Myra',\n", " 'body': 'It may be that since Sybil had died and he had since married another woman, “amica” was some sort of compromise to avoid scandal.',\n", " 'id': 'fd3os0t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd3j1um',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': '_porphyrios',\n", " 'body': '*grammar',\n", " 'id': 'fd3l9vx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejz3n3',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'OzarkShepherd',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you, that helps. What do you think of his using friend instead of wife for Sybil?',\n", " 'id': 'fd3j1um',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd3f8tp',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': 'In medieval Latin, ae and oe often contract to e. So, pro salute anime mee = pro salute animae meae.',\n", " 'id': 'fd3f8tp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejz3n3',\n", " 'score': 8}],\n", " 'ejxy98': [{'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'Where is John Cleese when we need him?',\n", " 'id': 'fd6qgdh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejxy98',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'fitzaudoen',\n", " 'body': \"The motto is cleary meant to be 'Very thick water's blood'\",\n", " 'id': 'fd6h6hd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd626r7',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Uriah_Blacke',\n", " 'body': 'What the hell is *aquae* doing here?',\n", " 'id': 'fd626r7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejxy98',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'RoninMacbeth',\n", " 'body': \"The ablative was my least favorite case. Then I took Greek, which doesn't have an ablative. Now it's my favorite.\",\n", " 'id': 'fd4yxum',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd3bu8q',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'knuth4nsen',\n", " 'body': 'I might add, that *aqua* would be ablative here, not nominative, which, depending on your knowledge of Latin, would maybe at first not make sense.',\n", " 'id': 'fd3bu8q',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd2w3up',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'knuth4nsen',\n", " 'body': 'It is supposed to mean that probably, but *aquae* should be *aqua*.',\n", " 'id': 'fd2wlr9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd2vy04',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'GlitchKing2020',\n", " 'body': 'Oh ok that make much more sense. Thanks.',\n", " 'id': 'fd2w3up',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd2vy04',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'rwoc',\n", " 'body': '\"Blood is thicker than water.\" Though it should read \"aquā,\" I think (ablative of comparison).',\n", " 'id': 'fd2vy04',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejxy98',\n", " 'score': 22}],\n", " 'ejxfcy': [{'author': 'scholarsull',\n", " 'body': 'Without frills, \"Deus serva regem\" is my interpretation. The traditional phrase is \"Domine salvum fac regem.\" With the trivial difference of Deus- God and Domine- Lord. Whichever suites your purpose better.',\n", " 'id': 'fdb4mp5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejxfcy',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Sochamelet',\n", " 'body': \"I think they were going for the subjunctive of *salvare*. I'm not sure whether that is the most obvious verb to use but it does mean *to save*. I guess you could also use an imperative, although I'm unsure about the theological implications of giving orders to God.\",\n", " 'id': 'fd67aki',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd2pzxi',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Alienor_what',\n", " 'body': 'You\\'re welcome! That\\'s also far from \"normal\" cursive.',\n", " 'id': 'fd3l324',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd341ls',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Mexican111',\n", " 'body': 'That’s public school for you. Can’t read cursive well, clearly. Thanks!',\n", " 'id': 'fd341ls',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd2v0w2',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'jedi_son',\n", " 'body': 'Much clearer now. Thanks.\\n\\nIt\\'s just weird for me, maybe due to my native language, to see a vocative imperative without a comma. So, even in \"God save me\" I\\'m leaned to see a subjunctive. I got your point though.',\n", " 'id': 'fd2wx8w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd2w3ec',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Jake_Lukas',\n", " 'body': '\"Can\\'t\" is too strong a word. I\\'m sorry if my response came off that way.\\n\\nBut in form, \\'God save the King\\' is a prayer. If you look at prayers of this type, they\\'re a mixture of hortatory subjunctives and imperatives. (See, e.g. the Pater noster.) But the English here is an imperative. Just change one term and it\\'ll be a bit more obvious: \"God save me!\" \\n\\nPlus there are actual historical parallels for the phrase in the form of the hymn [*Domine salvum fac regem*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domine_salvum_fac_regem). For these reasons I would opt for the imperative.',\n", " 'id': 'fd2w3ec',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd2taed',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Alienor_what',\n", " 'body': 'It reads \"God save the king\". No latin.',\n", " 'id': 'fd2v0w2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd2s75o',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'BladeRunnin',\n", " 'body': 'The text you posted is written in English.',\n", " 'id': 'fd2tjuq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd2s75o',\n", " 'score': 14},\n", " {'author': 'jedi_son',\n", " 'body': 'I don\\'t understand why it can\\'t be a subjunctive.\\n\"Let God save the King\", for that\\'s what I wish/hope.',\n", " 'id': 'fd2taed',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd2qblb',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Mexican111',\n", " 'body': 'To be clear, I’m looking for the translation of the text in the picture, god save the king was just a guess. I assume that’s wrong.',\n", " 'id': 'fd2s75o',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd2madr',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Jake_Lukas',\n", " 'body': \"The phrase, 'God save the King is an imperative directed toward God. It's like when one says, 'Lord have mercy.' The wrinkle here is that there's no classical singular vocative for God, so one it probably best to follow the vulgate and use 'deus.' Further, there are many ways of saying 'save.' Based on the historical background of this phrase, I would go with the following adapted from a psalm:\\n\\n> Deus salvum fac regem.\",\n", " 'id': 'fd2qblb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd2madr',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'phonotactics2',\n", " 'body': 'Shouldn\\'t it be in imperative \"salveto\"?',\n", " 'id': 'fd2pzxi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd2madr',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'jedi_son',\n", " 'body': 'Deus regem salvet.',\n", " 'id': 'fd2madr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejxfcy',\n", " 'score': 4}],\n", " 'ejwxd7': [{'author': 'JojoArmani313',\n", " 'body': 'Only three layered paper for my toilet magazines',\n", " 'id': 'fde5f1f',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd9xhds',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'sheepdot',\n", " 'body': 'For those wringing their hands about using the neuter *quod*, keep in mind that *Eram quod es, eris quod sum* (I was what you are, you will be what I am) is a commonplace for gravestones.',\n", " 'id': 'fda6zkv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejwxd7',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'ThePope88',\n", " 'body': 'Seeing that the book is 197 years old, it is treated with a bit more care than you imagine.',\n", " 'id': 'fd9xhds',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd30i9e',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': 'To everyone saying it should be quī not quod, the inscriptions are \"in every object around him.\" So I think we can read the objects as the \\'speakers\\' of the phrase.',\n", " 'id': 'fd6fxwb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejwxd7',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Kit_McGregor',\n", " 'body': 'I am not because I was.',\n", " 'id': 'fd62yfb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejwxd7',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'flavius-belisarius',\n", " 'body': 'It is not bad Latin and I am not sure what is happening in this thread. I hope that you understand that Latin was a spoken language at some point and it had colloquial uses and expressions. You and others here simply misunderstand what quod means as a word and its function in sentences, and you rely too much on your grammar books to think for yourselves. Non sum quod fui is four words that are legible and easy. I am not sure how there is so much wrong discussion here.',\n", " 'id': 'fd54fvt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd4sr9g',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'jiniux',\n", " 'body': 'i just checked: indicative for an objective cause, conjunctive for a subjective cause.',\n", " 'id': 'fd52q4b',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd4bakl',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'rocketman0739',\n", " 'body': \"This was published in 1823, when it was still hard to get away with publishing bad Latin. I don't think there's a problem. After all, so what if *quod* is neuter? We too say in English “I am not what I was,” when we could have used “who.”\\n\\nAlso, the phrase is not unique to this book. It also shows up in earlier texts, like *Tom Jones.*\",\n", " 'id': 'fd5226g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd4sr9g',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'metrodorusAshoka',\n", " 'body': 'Yes. As it is, it\\'s bad Latin, and, if the \"quod\" is not \"because\", it would have to be construed as \"I am not the object that I was\" or something like that. As I said elsewhere, I think this is an example of someone having an idea in English and then mistranslating it into Latin because they do not know Latin well. \\n\\n\\nI run into this sort of thing all the time: people who, when translating from English into Latin, know just enough Latin to get in trouble but not enough to get it right.',\n", " 'id': 'fd4sr9g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd4j3gz',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'In a language like German, this would be entirely proper comma usage for a sentence like \"I am not who I was.\"',\n", " 'id': 'fd4jcbk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd3wyt8',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'If it\\'s supposed to be, \"I am not what I was,\" I would never imagine anyone using \"quod.\" It should be \"qui\" or \"quae\" depending on the author\\'s gender. With \"quod,\" there\\'s no real way that it can be translated as you say. \"I am not the thing I was\" is the only reasonable translation if \"quod\" is supposed to be a relative pronoun.',\n", " 'id': 'fd4j3gz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd3wegq',\n", " 'score': -6},\n", " {'author': 'metrodorusAshoka',\n", " 'body': 'Comma use in Latin is not consistent. Commas usage was not standardized till the modern period, and different European languages follow different rules. People who write Latin nowadays usually follow the rules of their own native language, but they don\\'t have to. In the German system, every subordinate clause is separated off by commas. Some people who write Latin use that system. So that may be the reason the comma is here, not a distinction between different sorts of clauses.\\n\\nI think the Latin here is not necessarily that good. My natural inclination is to read it \"I am not what I was\" just because that makes more sense, particularly in the literary context \\\\[just read the surrounding English and you\\'ll see what I mean\\\\], than \"I am not because I was.\" But I think a native Latin speaker would probably render \"I am not what I was\" as \"non sum qui fui\" or, maybe, \"non sum is qui fui\" or \"non sum qualis fui\" or \"non sum idem qui fui.\" I think there\\'s some English calque in this Latin. It seems un-Latin to use the neuter \"quod\" to refer to an animate (presumably male) being. In other words, we have here an English-language sentiment \\\\[\"I am not what I was\"\\\\] clumsily (incorrectly?) translated into Latin and preserving inappropriate English idiom.',\n", " 'id': 'fd4f7hk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd46how',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'bee_vo',\n", " 'body': 'That comma got us both.',\n", " 'id': 'fd4bh5r',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd46how',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'metrodorusAshoka',\n", " 'body': 'No. Causal clauses are usually in the indicative.',\n", " 'id': 'fd4bakl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd402a5',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'skeeerra',\n", " 'body': 'I agree that quod here is conjunction “because,” largely because of the comma. I don’t understand quod here (neuter) as a pronoun for our subject complement of ego, unless you’re trying to say “I am not (the thing) what I have been.”\\n\\nEDIT: As I reread the English, it seems the author has a shaky hold on commas, anyway, so... yes.',\n", " 'id': 'fd46how',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejwxd7',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'DonbassDonetsk',\n", " 'body': 'And then snapping a nice little picture to get the hard parts for the community',\n", " 'id': 'fd45rtg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd30i9e',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'bee_vo',\n", " 'body': 'Good point, updated comment.',\n", " 'id': 'fd45j2h',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd402a5',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bee_vo',\n", " 'body': 'Good call, updated comment.',\n", " 'id': 'fd45ccx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd3xbjg',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'bee_vo',\n", " 'body': \"Good points made by all who replied to my original comment. I now like 'I am not what I was' more than my alternate translation, but I'll leave my alternate comment up for any who may see it in the future.\",\n", " 'id': 'fd44kmf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd3l1w6',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'jiniux',\n", " 'body': \"Doesn't the causal proposition with *quod* require the conjunctive?\",\n", " 'id': 'fd402a5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd3l1w6',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Durendal_et_Joyeuse',\n", " 'body': \"How does it change a lot for you? It doesn't seem very essential to understanding the meaning of the Latin.\",\n", " 'id': 'fd3xbjg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd3wyt8',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'bee_vo',\n", " 'body': \"Words alone, I agree, but I'm curious what you do with the comma? That changes a lot for me.\",\n", " 'id': 'fd3wyt8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd3wegq',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Durendal_et_Joyeuse',\n", " 'body': 'That doesn\\'t really make sense. It\\'s almost certainly \"I am not what I was.\"',\n", " 'id': 'fd3wegq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd3l1w6',\n", " 'score': 14},\n", " {'author': 'DigammaTauri',\n", " 'body': 'Or, with the force - illa vi :)',\n", " 'id': 'fd3v6fe',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd2qac6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bee_vo',\n", " 'body': \"Edit: I've backed off of this comment, see my reply below.\\n\\nOriginal:\\n\\nI'm going to offer a different translation:\\n\\nI am not, because I was.\\n\\nThis seems to indicate a person who has changed (for the better?) and is now different than they were in the past.\\n\\nAs for the Latin, 'quod' can certainly mean 'what', but it can also mean 'because', and given the comma in the original, it indicates a break in the words which is nicely rendered with the 'because' translation, but if the comma is preserved like this; 'I am not, what I was' it feels very awkward and halting.\",\n", " 'id': 'fd3l1w6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejwxd7',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'JojoArmani313',\n", " 'body': 'Nothing like a good book while taking a dump',\n", " 'id': 'fd30i9e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejwxd7',\n", " 'score': 51},\n", " {'author': 'CausticCesar',\n", " 'body': 'I am not what I was',\n", " 'id': 'fd3099c',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejwxd7',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'precisev5club',\n", " 'body': '6',\n", " 'id': 'fd2qac6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd2q130',\n", " 'score': 36},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fd2q130',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejwxd7',\n", " 'score': -33},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': 'I am not what I was.',\n", " 'id': 'fd2fxve',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejwxd7',\n", " 'score': 84}],\n", " 'ejrx4g': [{'author': '__BlueSpheroid',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you for your help. I am sorry that you were offended by the statement that my teacher doesn\\'t teach--it clearly resonates with you deeply and your rant is most likely reflective of some inner tensions. However, that statement is unfortunately shockingly accurate and is supported by nearly every student in the classroom. Our classroom activities consist of the class struggling through a translation without any support or guidance from the teacher (on the contrary students are sarcastically ridiculed), and then being tested on concepts outside the few materials we are given. Any attempts to seek help from the teacher generally result in being guilt tripped or attacked passive aggressively. While I recognize the validity of your argument that saying \"my teacher doesn\\'t teach\" helps no one, your assumptions about me based off of that statement are completely unfounded. On the contrary, it is clear that by coming onto reddit asking for help, I am taking initiative and responsibility for my own learning. I am not merely saying I don\\'t understand, but am providing specific conceptual weaknesses that I would like to address. Finally, I go to a highly competitive public school where teachers usually get tenure after 2 years, and are VERY well paid relative to the national average, so I doubt that they take a teaching job just because they love teaching (it might be the only job available for someone with a obscure degree in the humanities)--if that was the case, maybe my teacher wouldn\\'t be so unpleasant to deal with (they do have personal issues but they shouldn\\'t prevent the teacher from doing their job). Regardless, I appreciate the time you took to provide me with some life advice. I am grateful for it.\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nBlue',\n", " 'id': 'fdijr8t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fddzfd8',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'translostation',\n", " 'body': '>my teacher doesn´t teach\\n\\nThis isn\\'t a helpful framing to address your challenges because...\\n\\n1. It\\'s almost certain that your teacher *does* teach. If they have tenure at at school in the US, they have bare minimum standards they must meet. If they\\'re at a school without a tenure system or haven\\'t earned tenure yet, they are subject to even more scrutiny.\\n2. It places the burden for your learning on the teacher, not where it should be - *on you*. There\\'s no debate about this issue in the research. If students want to learn, *they* have to do the intellectual heavy-lifting. Teaching is a process that supports them in those efforts, not the primary vehicle for accomplishing them.\\n3. It obscures the conversation that you *should* be having with your teacher right now. If this is how you actually feel, you **need** to communicate it to them in a productive way, e.g. \"I appreciate the efforts you\\'re putting in to help us understand this material, but I still find myself confused and not quite following what you\\'re doing when you \\\\_\\\\_\\\\_\\\\_\\\\_\\\\_\\\\_\\\\_\\\\_\\\\_. In the past, I found that when you did \\\\_\\\\_\\\\_\\\\_\\\\_\\\\_\\\\_\\\\_\\\\_\\\\_, it was clear and more helpful to me. Could we incorporate more learning activities like that into this class? If not, could you suggest some resources or habits for me to use on my own to help?\"\\n\\nTeachers don\\'t keep teaching if they *don\\'t* want their students to succeed. It\\'s *way* too much work, time, energy, and - frankly - bullshit to deal with for way too little compensation. They are invested in your success, but attaining that means you need to communicate with them about what is/isn\\'t working for you and why. The first step to doing that successfully is adopting a mindset and language that doesn\\'t (1) minimize what others are doing to try and help, even if it\\'s not working *for you* (it may be working very well for others!); (2) accurately recognizes the collaborative nature of learning and your role in it; and (3) works to build bridges and solve problems.\\n\\nThat last part is especially important. Teachers hear \"I don\\'t understand\" dozens of times every.single.day. That statement in itself is ***not*** helpful, since it doesn\\'t offer any clue about *what* you\\'re not understanding, *how* you\\'re thinking about the information, or *any* frame of reference about things that *have* worked to help find a more successful approach. Sorry for the avuncular tone, but after a decade of hearing students say this in one form or another, I\\'m past just nodding and have moved on to intervening, since \"my teacher doesn\\'t teach\" as a critique helps literally ***no one*** \\\\- not you, not your classmates, not your teacher, and not even random strangers on the internet like me.',\n", " 'id': 'fddzfd8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejrx4g',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': 'For grammar reference, you need A&G: \\n [http://dcc.dickinson.edu/grammar/latin/alphabet](http://dcc.dickinson.edu/grammar/latin/alphabet)',\n", " 'id': 'fd2gi1o',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejrx4g',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'Some of the items I give my AP guys.\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\n**Notes on text:**\\n\\n1. Modify selection of prose/poetry with grammar and outline. Highlight subjunctives and other important clauses.\\n2. Use the in-class process **\\\\[box verb\\\\]**, **{bracket subordinate clause},** **underlined infinitive/participle/verbals** and **(parenthetical preposition/oblique case – dative/ablative/genitive constructions)**. This separates the subject and object from the rest of the syntax.\\n3. List difficult vocabulary on separate sheet for each section of lines. Review as needed.\\n\\n**Notes on vocabulary:**\\n\\n1. [https://nodictionaries.com/latin\\xa0](https://nodictionaries.com/latin) \\\\- Caesar’s De Bello Gallico and Vergil’s Aeneid (first links)\\n2. Use the Whitaker’s Word Google Chrome Extension found here: [https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/whitakers-words-helper/mpjaoplmcdeknomnaphnfipccfbppidl?hl=en\\xa0](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/whitakers-words-helper/mpjaoplmcdeknomnaphnfipccfbppidl?hl=en) along with [http://thelatinlibrary.com/\\xa0](http://thelatinlibrary.com/)for basic Latin texts (best on laptop/desktop)\\n\\nGeneral Grammar\\n\\n[https://www.youtube.com/user/latintutorial/videos](https://www.youtube.com/user/latintutorial/videos)\\n\\nVergil Notes and Commentary\\n\\n[http://dcc.dickinson.edu/vergil-aeneid/preface](http://dcc.dickinson.edu/vergil-aeneid/preface)\\n\\nCaesar Notes and Commentary\\n\\n[http://dcc.dickinson.edu/caesar/book-1/chapter-1-1](http://dcc.dickinson.edu/caesar/book-1/chapter-1-1)\\n\\n[https://geoffreysteadman.com/college-caesar/](https://geoffreysteadman.com/college-caesar/)\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\n**Other:**\\n\\nVideo lists – Use these as a review supplement and as the AP exam approaches:\\n\\nCaesar 1\\n\\n[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC1LvRVTAOsavJUKo8b092lJqF5G6mY8d](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC1LvRVTAOsavJUKo8b092lJqF5G6mY8d)\\n\\nCaesar 4\\n\\n[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC1LvRVTAOsZukUHrvcdAIGPsp\\\\_ZsnFPS](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC1LvRVTAOsZukUHrvcdAIGPsp_ZsnFPS)\\n\\nCaesar 5\\n\\n[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC1LvRVTAOsYCk9CVcGs5A4sNcJp3c5Ku](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC1LvRVTAOsYCk9CVcGs5A4sNcJp3c5Ku)\\n\\nCaesar 6\\n\\n[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC1LvRVTAOsZnI2Dybmi3qNo2wDvj6ukJ](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC1LvRVTAOsZnI2Dybmi3qNo2wDvj6ukJ)\\n\\nAeneid 1\\n\\n[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC1LvRVTAOsbaAD\\\\_1YQ2AsIcpnm2DfHHt](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC1LvRVTAOsbaAD_1YQ2AsIcpnm2DfHHt)\\n\\nAeneid 2\\n\\n[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC1LvRVTAOsagXhahYiKVsXn5-s0CKFhV](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC1LvRVTAOsagXhahYiKVsXn5-s0CKFhV)\\n\\nAeneid 4\\n\\n[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC1LvRVTAOsaH1l7fRxHlAg54FLcSv-Px](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC1LvRVTAOsaH1l7fRxHlAg54FLcSv-Px)\\n\\nAeneid 6\\n\\n[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC1LvRVTAOsbe7nF7lILGBcRU1ToFSHrv](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC1LvRVTAOsbe7nF7lILGBcRU1ToFSHrv)\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nTrusted translations for reading comprehension:\\n\\nCaesar - [https://web.archive.org/web/20080919053343/http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/toc/modeng/public/CaeComm.html](https://web.archive.org/web/20080919053343/http:/etext.lib.virginia.edu/toc/modeng/public/CaeComm.html)\\n\\nVergil - [https://www.poetryintranslation.com/PITBR/Latin/Virgilhome.php](https://www.poetryintranslation.com/PITBR/Latin/Virgilhome.php)\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nScansion Practice\\n\\n[https://hexameter.co/home](https://hexameter.co/home)',\n", " 'id': 'fd0ejfk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejrx4g',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'ejp00p': [{'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'How does [this article](https://medium.com/in-medias-res/schweinerei-at-the-tll-e74430f5146d) do?',\n", " 'id': 'fczjb84',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejp00p',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'thepadre27',\n", " 'body': 'You are correct. It means piglet. Or little pig...but I think \"porci\" is more correct for pig.',\n", " 'id': 'fczj2ls',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ejp00p',\n", " 'score': 10}],\n", " 'ekjaj0': [{'author': 'rphawks',\n", " 'body': \"Well, yes. I consider that part of context. I was referring to the types of cum clauses. Whether you translate as after or when, it's still temporal/circumstancial (indicative/subjunctive respectively).\\n\\nEdit: To clarify, there are other types of cum clauses that translate differently.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdcd3ii',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdcar4l',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'rhoadsalive',\n", " 'body': \"Cum works in that way when used as alternatives to postquam and dum with indiciative, it's a very important little detail since the subjunctive imperfect expresses that something essentially happens at the same time and therefore during while the perfect expresses something later equal to postquam.\\n\\nHence the common expressions like cum pervenisset (when/after he got there)\\n\\nOr e.g. Cum maneret (while he was waiting)\\n\\nIn sentences with subjunctives the tenses completely dictate the meaning to the point were the slightest difference in tense can change the meaning or cause a sentence to be grammatically wrong.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdcar4l',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdca3m0',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'rphawks',\n", " 'body': \"Not exactly. The tense doesn't dictate the meaning. The mood (indicative/subjunctive) can help. The context typically will guide you in the right direction.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdca3m0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdc92m8',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'nonsatana666',\n", " 'body': '\"Oppugnarent\" is subjunctive, subjunctive With cum forms the *narrative cum*, which can be translated in many different ways, depending on the context (you can use the -ing form of the verb in english, but I think your translation is wrong: the sentence should be active) (sorry for bad english, not a mothertongue)',\n", " 'id': 'fdc9s1v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekjaj0',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'rhoadsalive',\n", " 'body': 'Cum with subjunctive imperfect = during\\n\\nCum with subjunctive perfect = when/after',\n", " 'id': 'fdc92m8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekjaj0',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'starkiller22265',\n", " 'body': 'With the subjunctive, it can mean a few things, though a lot of the time it is “when”. Some other common meanings are “although” or “since”. With the indicative it strictly means “when”, and as a preposition with the ablative it means “with”. The literal translation of your sample sentence is “when the romans fought the walls of the city, the enemies fled”.',\n", " 'id': 'fdbsg8c',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekjaj0',\n", " 'score': 4}],\n", " 'ekhsu4': [{'author': 'eestimarcus',\n", " 'body': \"Yes, the masculine form of the adjective is always the first form listed, and sometimes the only form listed. So in dictionaries you'll see either:\\n\\n**altus, -a, -um** high, deep. \\n\\n**acer, cris, cre** sharp, sour.\\n\\nOr:\\n\\n**altus** high, deep. \\n\\n**acer, cris, cre** sharp, sour.\\n\\nOr:\\n\\n**altus, alta, altum** high, deep. \\n\\n**acer, acris, acre** sharp, sour.\\n\\nThe different paradigms will become more apparent as you study the language. That being said, by convention the masculine nominative form of the adjective is the first one listed, then the feminine nom (if different from the masculine), then the neuter nom (if different from the previous two). \\n\\nAlso by convention, Latin dictionaries list firstly the nominative and then the genitive forms of the noun, and marks for the appropriate gender with either m, f or n. For example:\\n\\n**abacus, ci** m. abacus.\\n\\n**abies, etis** f. silver fir, tree of the species *abies alba*.\\n\\nOr:\\n\\n**abacus, abaci** m. abacus.\\n\\n**abies, abietis** f. silver fir, tree of the species *albies alba.*\",\n", " 'id': 'fdbbszc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekhsu4',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': 'Try [this](http://dcc.dickinson.edu/latin-vocabulary-list). For nouns at least, dictionaries should give you the nominative + genitive singular',\n", " 'id': 'fdb8xnw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekhsu4',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'ekf1c4': [],\n", " 'ekekok': [{'author': 'xier_zhanmusi',\n", " 'body': \"Hah, thanks for your comment, I have started using Scorpio's Lingua Latina recordings but didn't know he had others to pay for. Given what I've heard so far I would think they would definitely be worth the money if you can afford it.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdc0ut8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdbrkbf',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'starkiller22265',\n", " 'body': 'Unfortunately, Ørdberg didn’t get to record Roma Aeterna before he passed. IIRC, Scorpio Martianus has recordings but they’re from his patreon, so you have to pay for them (he’s worth supporting though, his content is amazing). Might be misremembering though. Worst case, you can get a copy of the book and make your own recordings, which is what I’m doing with Familia Romana.',\n", " 'id': 'fdbrkbf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekekok',\n", " 'score': 8}],\n", " 'ekda8r': [{'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'I\\'ve always had *ecce tibi* on my radar because it all but mirrors a Russian exclamation of surprise. And I too thought that the Gospel example of the imperfect was somewhat unconvincing on its own, but it\\'s difficult to doubt the usage as a whole when you\\'re familiar with it through English and given the interruption/reversal connotation inherent in the Latin infectum. Perhaps this obviousness is the reason it remained unnoticed for so long, or perhaps it can\\'t really be distinguished from the \"interruped imperfect\".',\n", " 'id': 'fdklzcd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fddvda4',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': \"This is a really good paper. Several points I'd like to look into more sometime. Ecce tibi is interesting; something I've noticed but not really thought about. The imparfait de découverte in the Gospels is potentially a very fruitful line of further study, although maybe somewhat compromised by their Greek substratum and the weak example given. (Perhaps the centurion chose a past tense because Jesus had just died.)\",\n", " 'id': 'fddvda4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekda8r',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'PuddlesDown',\n", " 'body': 'Eugepae!\\n\\nEdit: Eugae! Is a short version used as an interjection to express surprise',\n", " 'id': 'fdcwbus',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekda8r',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'ekbm2v': [{'author': 'sskies91',\n", " 'body': 'I successfully used Keller and Russell\\'s \"Learn to Read Latin\". After starting in August, I am already taking 4th semester Latin at my college, and reading Vergil and Cicero quite easily. I already had experience learning Ancient Greek though, so that helped with my pace, but I still highly recommend it to anyone.\\n\\nWheelock\\'s is a fine text too, but I have heard many stories of it not working so well for self-study. What I like about LTRL is the large number of practice sentences and grammar drills in each chapter that really make sure you \"get\" a concept before moving on. Also the second half of the book has hundreds of longer readings of prose and poetry passages from classical authors.',\n", " 'id': 'fdd72hr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekbm2v',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'rhoadsalive',\n", " 'body': 'Cambridge Latin course',\n", " 'id': 'fdc968n',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekbm2v',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'aveCaecilius',\n", " 'body': \"Cambridge Latin course focuses on reading ability and has lots of stories in it. You can access the textbooks for free on the internet. However although it's by far the most widely used book in the UK, my teacher has criticised it for not really changing word order in its stories. He prefers Latin to GCSE, which focuses much more on grammar than the CLC. It's probably useless if you're not British though.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdbtnv0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekbm2v',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'vsaucemichelhere',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks',\n", " 'id': 'fd9vc7i',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd9shg7',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Logical-Holiday',\n", " 'body': \"Wheelock's Latin can be a bit dry & has a steep learning curve if it's your introduction to Latin or to other languages generally, but I still recommend having a copy. It's used in many college and high school first- and second- year Latin courses, and doubles as a reasonably in-depth grammar reference further down the line.\\n\\nFor something that's less in-depth but more initially approachable, Latin For Americans is a great introduction.\\n\\nA good balance between ease of approach and depth of material might be to go through Latin For Americans' first year book, and then start through Wheelock so the first several lessons will come as review & that steep learning curve will be softened a bit.\",\n", " 'id': 'fd9shg7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekbm2v',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'vsaucemichelhere',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks! Ill check it out',\n", " 'id': 'fd973op',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd969s0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'eestimarcus',\n", " 'body': '\"Primer on Ecclesiastical Latin\" by Collins. It uses mostly ecclesiastical texts (the Bible, hymns, etc.), so the vocabulary is focused on that. But it is overall a good introduction to Latin and Latin grammar, apt for self-study.',\n", " 'id': 'fd969s0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekbm2v',\n", " 'score': 6}],\n", " 'ek9rt9': [{'author': 'somehuman_json',\n", " 'body': 'Good bot',\n", " 'id': 'fddn48o',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd7t7z8',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Avicenna900',\n", " 'body': 'Salve adsum, ego pater',\n", " 'id': 'fdd5589',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek9rt9',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'It is implied, but it can optionally be stated.',\n", " 'id': 'fd99ggf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd990zp',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'robalexander53',\n", " 'body': 'I remember that from school. The ‘ego’ wasn’t ever used though - ‘adsum’ means “I’m here.”',\n", " 'id': 'fd990zp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd7u1ua',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'It may be translated as: “I am present”, “I am here”, “I am near”, “I come”.\\n\\nThe subject _egō_ is redundant, perhaps meant to emphasize.',\n", " 'id': 'fd8852g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek9rt9',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'It means “I am present”. I heard from my college Latin professor that school children used to say “adsum” when teachers did attendance. Whenever a student was absent, the class would say “abest”',\n", " 'id': 'fd7u1ua',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek9rt9',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'dadjokes_bot',\n", " 'body': \"Hi here, I'm dad!\",\n", " 'id': 'fd7t7z8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd7t7t2',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'abigmisunderstanding',\n", " 'body': \"i'm here\",\n", " 'id': 'fd7t7t2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek9rt9',\n", " 'score': 8}],\n", " 'ek8pww': [{'author': 'nascarsc',\n", " 'body': 'Gratias tibi. \\n\\nVisne cum probatione mihi auxiliare?',\n", " 'id': 'fdpf7qb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fddn52w',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'Horatius: _Caelum, nōn animum mūtant quī trans mare currunt_ «Those running o’er the sea change sky, not soul»\\n\\nSeneca: _Animum dēbēs mūtāre, nōn caelum_ «Thou shalt change soul, not sky»',\n", " 'id': 'fddn52w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek8pww',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'ek77w9': [{'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'u/RumakRasna is truly the Vōx Rōmāna!',\n", " 'id': 'fd6pwqr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek77w9',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'ek717k': [{'author': 'PietroSal',\n", " 'body': \"So glad I've got the joke without translating anything\",\n", " 'id': 'j0w37wa',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek717k',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'CRobotO42',\n", " 'body': 'I sent this to my teacher and she printed it out and put it on a wall.',\n", " 'id': 'fehrjbr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek717k',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Goose-Wizard',\n", " 'body': 'thanks :)',\n", " 'id': 'fdnhceb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdlwdd4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'swaggeroon0',\n", " 'body': \"you can stick *-nam* on the end of just about any interrogative to make it emphatic. don a posh british accent and add *-ever* to the end of any english interrogative; it's the same thing.\\n\\n*quidnam facis?* 'whatever are you doing?'\",\n", " 'id': 'fdlwdd4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd9ooc2',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'zacrizy',\n", " 'body': 'I did too at first!! I had to really think about it :P',\n", " 'id': 'fdiqtlc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdidkzk',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'Quonam itself is an adverb that means “to whatever place.” So basically just a more emphatic “where.” \\n\\nAnd the difference between those is that “where are you going?” is a complete statement. But “where you are going” would be a clause that’s part of a larger sentence like “where you are going is dangerous.” It doesn’t stand alone as its own sentence. So that would help you decipher which way to translate it along with context clues',\n", " 'id': 'fdigvbt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdig230',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'cleantoilet77',\n", " 'body': 'Hummm.... So would there be a case where you would say quonam? Also, \"where\" could mean 2 different things, depending on wether we use a \"?\" or not at the end, and the position of \"are\" and \"you\". \\n\\nWhere are you going? \\n\\nWhere you are going\\n\\nWould you the use quonam in one of these cases? ... Man, every day I understand more and more why vulgar Latin existed',\n", " 'id': 'fdig230',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdie0vd',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'No, “quo vadis” is grammatically correct. “Quo” in that case is used as an adverb meaning “where.” “Quo vadis” is already an interrogative. \\n\\nThe use of “-ne” is for instances when an interrogative adverb is not used. For example, if you want to ask someone if they are walking to the forest, you would need to add “-ne” to the verb. “ambulas ad silvam” means “you are walking to the forest.” But “ambulasne ad silvam” means “are you walking to the forest?” \\n\\n“-ne” is added to a verb. “-nam” is sometimes added to an adjective or pronoun. “-nam” is to add emphasis but isn’t necessary in an interrogative',\n", " 'id': 'fdie0vd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdidgji',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'cleantoilet77',\n", " 'body': 'Oooooooooooooh, I get it! I thought for a moment she could not speak proper laying and was looking for the right form of the word... Stupid! 😀😀',\n", " 'id': 'fdidkzk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdbsd4j',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'cleantoilet77',\n", " 'body': 'So wait.... That movie from the 60s or 70s called \"qvo vadis\" got it wrong and should have been \"qvone/qvonam vadis\"?',\n", " 'id': 'fdidgji',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd9mpzw',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '_Gandalf_the_Black_',\n", " 'body': 'I need 200 more coins in order to give you gold',\n", " 'id': 'fdekaiu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek717k',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Beake',\n", " 'body': '\"Capillus mihi lavandus est...\"',\n", " 'id': 'fdc7sgb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek717k',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Icthea',\n", " 'body': 'Ēheu!',\n", " 'id': 'fdc7aie',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek717k',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'zacrizy',\n", " 'body': 'She’s running thru the declensions of invitare as her way to “decline” the invitation. :P',\n", " 'id': 'fdbsd4j',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd977zi',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'okaiz',\n", " 'body': 'Not much',\n", " 'id': 'fdbgr74',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek717k',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Handsomeyellow47',\n", " 'body': 'Means you’ve been reading a lot of Latin lol',\n", " 'id': 'fdbg994',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd6umr5',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': \"Took me a minute but I got it. I don't always get what you did, but when I do it was right there.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdal25l',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek717k',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'TheOffensiveLemon',\n", " 'body': 'Rideo.',\n", " 'id': 'fd9oxqt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek717k',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Goose-Wizard',\n", " 'body': 'thanks',\n", " 'id': 'fd9ooc2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd7sgjf',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'romyarie',\n", " 'body': 'LMAO',\n", " 'id': 'fd9nlw0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek717k',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '-ne is a suffix added to a verb to make it interrogative. -nam is added to an adverb or pronoun to emphasize the interrogative. For example, “ubi est” means “where is it?,” and “ubinam est” means “where in the world is it?” So in this meme, “quidnam facis” would mean something like “what on earth are you doing?” or “what the hell are you doing?”',\n", " 'id': 'fd9mpzw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd9k765',\n", " 'score': 14},\n", " {'author': '89Menkheperre98',\n", " 'body': 'In what context is -nam used? I remember -ne from my Latin classes but not -nam (I only did the introductory level).',\n", " 'id': 'fd9k765',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd6v2lo',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Hahaha 😂 now this one I liked!',\n", " 'id': 'fd9dilm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek717k',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'NLchinese',\n", " 'body': 'Is it just me who’s confused...',\n", " 'id': 'fd977zi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek717k',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'LATINAM_LINGUAM_SCIO',\n", " 'body': '/r/trippinthroughtime',\n", " 'id': 'fd8xwq5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek717k',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ndagyu',\n", " 'body': 'atrox',\n", " 'id': 'fd8u98g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek717k',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'Sticking -ne to interrogative pronouns sounds both colloquially emphatic and archaic. In fact there\\'s [just one instance](https://latin.packhum.org/concordance?q=%23quidne%23) of \"quidne\" in the whole PHI corpus. Normally it\\'s used as seeking confirmation: \"What?\" \"What?\" \"Yes, what\".',\n", " 'id': 'fd8p13x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd7asv8',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': '\"?\" is a punctuation sign, a feature of writing; \"-nam\" is a word or a suffix, a feature of language. They belong to two different planets and can\\'t be instead of one another.',\n", " 'id': 'fd8n1rg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd6vsga',\n", " 'score': 17},\n", " {'author': 'sopadepanda321',\n", " 'body': 'Feels good to have studying pay off and finally be able to understand a meme!',\n", " 'id': 'fd7t7vb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek717k',\n", " 'score': 13},\n", " {'author': 'nuephelkystikon',\n", " 'body': 'No… *quisnam*/*quidnam* is its own interrogative pronoun. *-ne* sounds wrong outside of yes/no questions.',\n", " 'id': 'fd7sgjf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd7asv8',\n", " 'score': 16},\n", " {'author': 'nuephelkystikon',\n", " 'body': \"That is an excellent translation that I've never thought of before.\",\n", " 'id': 'fd7s5li',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd79hef',\n", " 'score': 23},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fd7qj2j',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd6vsga',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Arkellian_Pilot',\n", " 'body': 'Oh SHIT',\n", " 'id': 'fd7dej5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek717k',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Goose-Wizard',\n", " 'body': 'y’all use -nam? i use -ne.. is nam just a variant of that',\n", " 'id': 'fd7asv8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek717k',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': '-nam intensifies your interrogative, e.g. \"Quidnam rerum??\" is kinda like \"wtf??\"',\n", " 'id': 'fd79hef',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd765v5',\n", " 'score': 37},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'What is the purpose of saying quidnam rather than quid here?\\n\\nIs it just a way of clarifying that it is a question and not a phrase that is part of a preceding sentence? If it is, would I be correct in thinking that it is unnecessary in this context?',\n", " 'id': 'fd765v5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek717k',\n", " 'score': 16},\n", " {'author': 'infinitum17',\n", " 'body': 'Spotted the Brit',\n", " 'id': 'fd7589l',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek717k',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Mikael-9000',\n", " 'body': 'Illud memum bonum est.',\n", " 'id': 'fd70heb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek717k',\n", " 'score': 29},\n", " {'author': 'miguelitodust',\n", " 'body': 'I know Romans didn’t use punctuation but because I got used to modern Latin books, I always see “?” instead of “-nam”, and I thought that was a thing that everyone who has been learning Latin uses',\n", " 'id': 'fd6vsga',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd6v2lo',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'okaiz',\n", " 'body': 'It’s probably because of spainish words hitting on me and switching back for English in my head',\n", " 'id': 'fd6v4s7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek717k',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'Classical Latin did not have a “?” So it’s personal preference. Some modern texts add punctuation to the original script, and some don’t. Just like some modern texts will use “j” and some texts use “v,” while others only use “i” and “u.”',\n", " 'id': 'fd6v2lo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fd6snyt',\n", " 'score': 33},\n", " {'author': 'okaiz',\n", " 'body': 'I literally understand it in less than 10 seconds',\n", " 'id': 'fd6umr5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek717k',\n", " 'score': 13},\n", " {'author': 'miguelitodust',\n", " 'body': 'Serious question, when you use “nam” for a question, is necessary to also use the “?”',\n", " 'id': 'fd6snyt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek717k',\n", " 'score': 28},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'Euge',\n", " 'id': 'fd6nsri',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek717k',\n", " 'score': 43}],\n", " 'ek53m5': [{'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'If you want that translated, perhaps you should let us know :)',\n", " 'id': 'fd9ftmy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ek53m5',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'el2f3v': [],\n", " 'el27s4': [{'author': 'Electrical_Humour',\n", " 'body': '>But do people actually dislike the use of j? \\n \\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/7d8dez/in_latin_printed_today_why_isnt_j_used_in_place/dpwc9fa/ \\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/7d8dez/in_latin_printed_today_why_isnt_j_used_in_place/dpw2owa/ \\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/784wnh/jussive_or_iussive/dor96xo/ \\n\\n> Also it’s strange how you’d prefer textbooks to save stress marks too, the three-mora-rule is straightforward enough, I think. \\n \\nWell there are a number of exceptions e.g. illúc, illíc and illínc and ambiguities (itáque vs. ítaque). \\nBut what I was thinking about is you see, when I was in school we learned from the useless \"So you really want to learn latin\" books: hear their author recite a conjugation: \\nhttps://youtu.be/E5Ozln5-o0U?t=289 \\namó \\namás \\namát \\namámus \\namátis \\namánt \\nIt was much less posh but essentially the same in my classroom. When you learn to recite words like this you would need a diligent teacher who cares about pronunciation (few or none who use SYRWTLL) to make sure you unlearned the wrong stress accent. A reminder on the page would be nice. Many of these penultimate stresses are also much more natural I think to English speakers.',\n", " 'id': 'fdi8n5f',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdghp3m',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'translostation',\n", " 'body': 'Does the period at the end of the previous sentence not sufficiently indicate that you’ve started another?',\n", " 'id': 'fdgn0i6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdf611o',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'Very interesting opinions. But do people actually dislike the use of j? There might be a chance, I confess, that I’m guilty of the same love of obfuscation that I accuse those who don’t distinguish v and u of. Also it’s strange how you’d prefer textbooks to save stress marks too, the three-mora-rule is straightforward enough, I think.',\n", " 'id': 'fdghp3m',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdfi4pa',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Silvis_Cursor',\n", " 'body': \"I strongly dislike when people use 'u' for 'v'. I like 'u'/'v' and 'v'/'v' about the same amount. I prefer 'i'/'i', but 'j'/'i' is fine with me. Just *never* 'u'/'u'. It's so hard to read, so ugly and I've never seen it anywhere other than modern people trying to be intellectual (perhaps a complete misperception, though). Medieval and Roman Latin seems to use 'v's though, so I don't understand the fascination with 'u' instead of 'v'.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdfr0fh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el27s4',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Electrical_Humour',\n", " 'body': 'Best orthography is Ramist: i/u and v/j representing vowel vs consonant, æ/ae and œ/oe representing dipthong vs. hiatus (æris = of bronze, aeris = of air). \\nI thought I didn\\'t like j until I started reading texts with it. I think brings the amount of descenders on the page into a perfect ratio. Most j-dislikers haven\\'t thought much about *why* they dislike it (hint: it\\'s because your textbooks didn\\'t use it). The [latin wikipedia orthography guide](https://la.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vicipaedia:De_orthographia) is honest about this: \\n>**Noli uti litteris J neque j!** \\n>Ratio: Litterae illae recentes non e numero litterarum Romanarum sunt quibus quidem antiquitas utebatur. Quas licet multi linguae Latinae studiosi nostris diebus scribant, Vicipaedia tamen antiquum sequitur morem \\n\\n-- \\n>**Utere litteris U, u et V, v!** \\n>Ratio: Litteras autem U et u, quamquam et eae a veteribus non scribebantur, apud Vicipaediam a V et v distingui solent. Quod nunc usu receptum esse evincunt editiones veterum auctorum librique ad usum nostrarum scholarum scripti sicut *Wheelock\\'s Latin* aut *The Cambridge Latin Course*. \\n \\nDiacritics: Apices > Macrons > Renaissance Diacritics* > Stress accent > Nothing. Didactic texts should have both macrons and stress accents (traupman\\'s book does this), not-no students miss-stress words because they chant forms with the stress on the termination. \\n \\nSpelling: I think there is room for fun in latin spelling. I prefer the pronunciation-transparent ji spelling of compounds of jacio e.g. adjicio vs adicio. Prefer classical ti/ci distinction, have a fondness for incorrect usages of œ and æ (fœmina, prælium), heavily dislike mpn for mn (e.g. dampnum, sompnus for damnum, somnus). No opinion on misplaced y or h (though in the solitary case of \"lacrima\", I prefer \"lachryma\"). Nichil and michi to be avoided. \\n \\nCapitals: As english: proper nouns and sentence beginnings. \\n \\n*(for those unfamiliar: circumflex = long vowel (usually reserved for ambiguity), grave accent distinguished adverb e.g. quòd (because) vs quod (which thing), acute accent = enclitic or unusual stress (e.g. caritative (charitably) vs caritatíve (caritati + -ve))',\n", " 'id': 'fdfi4pa',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el27s4',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'zluizl',\n", " 'body': \"I can deal with only using U and I, what I really don't like is when V is used and J is not. I think it became a standard in modern printed Latin and even Vicipaedia somehow because the Vatican stopped using the letter J (since they don't use J in Italian either), but not only I think that texts look so much more aesthetically pleasing with both V and J, it is also way more helpful for teaching books to make pronunciation absolutely clear.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdfbw01',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el27s4',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'Same. I guess it’s simply because of the way I learned (LLPSI).',\n", " 'id': 'fdf71ip',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdf6p6p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'jayzwasinnirvana',\n", " 'body': 'How do you feel about j? I like v and u but no j, maybe that makes me a hypocrite.',\n", " 'id': 'fdf6p6p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el27s4',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'I simply mean capitalising the first word of a sentence.',\n", " 'id': 'fdf611o',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdf5fjx',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'eestimarcus',\n", " 'body': 'I don\\'t know what \"normal capitalisation rules\" are, and it does vary from language to language. In Classical Latin, *v/u* is either a vocalic (/u/) or semi-vocalic (/w/), so its pronunciation should be relatively easy to deduce. The sad truth is that pronunciation is probably only of secondary importance, as the language is mostly written and not spoken.',\n", " 'id': 'fdf5fjx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el27s4',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'ekykyv': [{'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"If it's the kind of videos found on [Russian grammar](https://www.youtube.com/user/russiangrammar/videos), it's a good idea. If it's the kind of videos found [here](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzvug8fVliPkMV2c9RmUix19nR4SvLOvW), [here](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbkEjA_heZ8mpmDtMz3wRU9_WLcL0qezt), on the Great Courses Plus, or even at latintutorial... I mean, if they pay you for it, but you won't teach much to too many.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdh15v1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekykyv',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ironicsadboy',\n", " 'body': 'Do it!',\n", " 'id': 'fdgsm54',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekykyv',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Marley-Lou',\n", " 'body': 'Yes please. It is worth.',\n", " 'id': 'fdghxcn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekykyv',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'kaibichi',\n", " 'body': 'I would subscribe',\n", " 'id': 'fdggaz2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekykyv',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'billyjoerob',\n", " 'body': 'It would be useful to have something equivalent to Daily Dose of Greek but for Plato or Homer. A sequence of videos walking readers through the Euthyphro for instance.',\n", " 'id': 'fdgblno',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekykyv',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'hi23468',\n", " 'body': 'Well there is latintutorial but I still think there aren’t enough channels that provide Latin help to that extent, and Greek? I know nothing about it so I assume it has nothing like latintutorial lol',\n", " 'id': 'fdg6t1n',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekykyv',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'leithsceal',\n", " 'body': 'There’s definitely a gap for Greek. Something in the style of latintutorial but for Greek would be a fantastic resource.',\n", " 'id': 'fdg4gqg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekykyv',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Bragatyr',\n", " 'body': \"It's absolutely a good idea. Even if there are plenty of comparable series, everyone learns differently, and having more material out there just means more options for everyone.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdfpmtj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekykyv',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'FuzzyPixels1',\n", " 'body': 'Yes please.',\n", " 'id': 'fdfbim6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekykyv',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'dterkelsen',\n", " 'body': 'Search latintutorial on yt. His videos are great, with thousands of subscribers.',\n", " 'id': 'fdf8bey',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekykyv',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Lord-Bob-317',\n", " 'body': 'While I personally would not use this, if you cover it in a learnable manner I could see this as a super helpful resource for learners',\n", " 'id': 'fdf4ozt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekykyv',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Joetf',\n", " 'body': 'Yes I would love that for Latin',\n", " 'id': 'fdewhxn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekykyv',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'vsaucemichelhere',\n", " 'body': 'Please start a yt channel for this',\n", " 'id': 'fderjvy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekykyv',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'YES! I’ve been dying to learn Greek (I am currently taking Latin) and would really appreciate having some resources!!',\n", " 'id': 'fdejav2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekykyv',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'Snifhvide',\n", " 'body': \"Lots of people today learn through videos. If you make one I would definitely check it out, since my grammar book take a lot of previous knowledge for granted in the explanations. A YouTube video with more thorough explanations could potentially be a great help when you -as I do - study on your own. That said, it probably won't be a 5 mill subscribers channel overnight.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdei74l',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekykyv',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'randomnessXXIII',\n", " 'body': 'I would absolutely love to have videos like that it’s something I’ve looked for a lot but have never really been able to find any that do what your saying. Most of them just cover random independent concepts and don’t tie them together.',\n", " 'id': 'fdehljh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekykyv',\n", " 'score': 19}],\n", " 'ekycpk': [{'author': 'CuthbertAndEphraim',\n", " 'body': 'Lol. Cogitbo.',\n", " 'id': 'fdheb0a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdf5hvj',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'numquamsolus',\n", " 'body': '*per molestias eruditio*',\n", " 'id': 'fdgavjt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekycpk',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'As it\\'s been said you basically just need to \"do Latin\" and it will come naturally. However, there are certainly patterns you can use to help. Just some examples for nouns that makes things pretty recognizable:\\n\\n* The genitive plural is typically a \\'X-rum\\' - arum, orum, um, uum, erum.\\n* The (m/f) accusative is always 2 letters ending with \\'m\\' - am, um, em, um, em.\\n* Dative/accusative/ablative plurals take a \"1-2-1\" pattern: e.g., is-as-is; is-os-is; ibus-es-ibus.',\n", " 'id': 'fdfkkxh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekycpk',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': 'Sanguine sudore lacrimis.',\n", " 'id': 'fdf5hvj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekycpk',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'JLLS11',\n", " 'body': 'Mostly I think the grammar translation approach is not a very productive use of your time and if you are going to incorporate it, it should be the supplement. Because above all you need substantial reading practice to internalize grammar, and you’ll internalize it just as well without doing translation exercises, if not better because you’ll have more time to devote to just reading.',\n", " 'id': 'fdeu93h',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdenmgw',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'CuthbertAndEphraim',\n", " 'body': \"That's superb. Thanks\\n\\nI have already got a bunch of experience with Latin (I read The Cambridge Latin Course Books I and II a couple of years ago), and so at the moment I am cracking through Wheelock, and wondered If there was supplemental material.\\n\\nI'll check it out on top of Wheelock, If that's an advisable course of action.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdenmgw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdelh9m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'JLLS11',\n", " 'body': 'If your goal is to read the Vulgate, the absolute best resource is Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata and you should prioritize reading that far more than the advice I gave regarding speaking/writing.\\n\\nThe Vulgate (especially the NT) is among the \"easiest\" of \"real\" Latin texts, especially if you have familiarity with the Bible in another language so your goal is quite reasonable and can be achieved in a quick pace if you are dedicated. I don\\'t know what your current experience is, but someone with no prior experience working intensively with LLPSI can get to reading the vulgate within perhaps three months. Your required time will be even less if you already have some exposure to the language. \\n\\nLLPSI works in line with how Second Language Acquisition works; it is entirely in Latin and gradually works its way up from the simplest of sentences (Roma in Italia est) to adapted passages from Latin literature (including passages from the Vulgate). If someone is learning English, for example, we wouldn\\'t simply teach them the grammar and give them Shakespeare; we would slowly ramp up the difficulty and give them a large *quantity* of input that they can understand. It does take a large *quantity* of level-appropriate reading to internalize a language and LLPSI is to my knowledge the only text designed specifically for this purpose. So LLPSI will build you to the level of reading the Vulgata and fits your purpose quite nicely.\\n\\nYou could of course simply open up the Vulgate, get an English translation, a grammar book, and a dictionary, and grind through each sentence slowly word-by-word; but this is slow and laborious, and besides, doesn\\'t get you to a place where you are understanding the Vulgate natively in Latin. If your goal is to *read* the Vulgate, and not merely *decode* it, you do need a lot of practice reading easier texts with gradually increasing difficulty. If you progress at a rate of one chapter per day you will be through LLPSI in a little over a month and ready to begin reading the gospels.\\n\\nedit: To be clear, what I have recommended here will specifically help you to read the Vulgate. If you do not have time for an intensive pace it will take longer, but still, LLPSI will be the quickest path there. If you are interested in reading Christian philosophical and theological texts these can be quite difficult and will require much more time which the second Lingua Latina book will help with (but for the Vulgate it is not strictly necessary, though it might help). These texts might also require some knowledge of important Roman philosophers/writers, especially Cicero, Seneca, Vergil, and Ovid who tend to get cited a lot, and are more difficult than the Vulgate.',\n", " 'id': 'fdelh9m',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdej9k5',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'CuthbertAndEphraim',\n", " 'body': 'I appreciate this. I will look into Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata.\\n\\nHowever (and I suspect this is more down to the ambiguity of my post than your reading of it), what I was more asking for are texts that can help me really grunt it out.\\n\\nMy aim is to be reading the Biblia Sacra Vulgata in relatively short order, and I wondered If there were some texts you can recommend in order that I may build to that level.\\n\\nThanks for your comment.',\n", " 'id': 'fdej9k5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdeifsi',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'JLLS11',\n", " 'body': 'There’s no way to escape it: you need to read and write/speak a lot to have them all internalized. The Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata series is best for reading; as for writing or speaking you can either practice with other people or practice on your own, gradually increasing the complexity as you feel comfortable. You can use either a grammar book or online tools like wiktionary when you get stuck. Many people would suggest you to simply memorize the tables, though this won’t really internalize it without substantial reading and writing practice and is quite rote and boring.',\n", " 'id': 'fdeifsi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekycpk',\n", " 'score': 6}],\n", " 'ekxerr': [{'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'Well, my view of \"best Latin\" is Victorian-era. But *de gustibus non est disputandum*.',\n", " 'id': 'fder50x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdeo6ba',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'nrith',\n", " 'body': 'That can’t be. S/he called it “best Latin.” :D',\n", " 'id': 'fdeo6ba',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdeh6nl',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'nrith',\n", " 'body': 'And I’d make “ashes” plural, so *e cineribus surgemus*',\n", " 'id': 'fdeo27e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fde8fbw',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'jacobissimus',\n", " 'body': 'I was thinking of Mediaeval onward. It always depends on the author--anyone who\\'s writing in a \"Roman style\" is going to say *e cinere*, but I mostly read Church texts these days where it\\'s not uncommon to see *ex* before a consonant no matter the time period.',\n", " 'id': 'fdels0j',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdeh6nl',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'Post-Roman Latin? Do you mean Imperial Latin or Mediaeval Latin?',\n", " 'id': 'fdeh6nl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fde8fbw',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'jacobissimus',\n", " 'body': 'Yeah that’s right, but some people will probably point out that “e” is used more often for “ex” when the next word starts with a consonant. It’s just like the English a/an distinction, but that becomes less of a rule and more of a guideline in post-Roman Latin (aka best Latin)',\n", " 'id': 'fde8fbw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekxerr',\n", " 'score': 8}],\n", " 'ekwafk': [{'author': 'baby_flatline',\n", " 'body': 'Anyone know how to say \"I bet my life\" in latin',\n", " 'id': 'ffoiell',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekwafk',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'Are those people able to converse or are they just reading what is on paper without the other skills that would normally be associated with being a speaker of a language?',\n", " 'id': 'fe5efmf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe53rem',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fe53rem',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekwafk',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'robalexander53',\n", " 'body': 'Good - I prefer the pronunciation used by Catholic’s. BTW, I was also taught Medieval Latin for a year at university - it was easier (grammatically), but again there was no attempt to converse in it.',\n", " 'id': 'fdhejkw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekwafk',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'https://youtu.be/GVBN0_UOL6I',\n", " 'id': 'fdh0p67',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdgj4re',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'robalexander53',\n", " 'body': 'I was taught Latin for 5 years at school and don’t think we ever spoke the language. The nearest we got was reading aloud from textbooks.',\n", " 'id': 'fdgj4re',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekwafk',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'jacobissimus',\n", " 'body': 'Ut infra /u/irlitorno scripsit, sermonum dicere volebam',\n", " 'id': 'fde82h6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fde4ta9',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'Gratiās.',\n", " 'id': 'fde756l',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fde6zpq',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ilritorno',\n", " 'body': 'Credo verbum \"sermonum\" fuisse',\n", " 'id': 'fde6zpq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fde4ta9',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': '_porphyrios',\n", " 'body': 'Engelsing 2017, \"Census Latinus 2009:\\nGoals, Data Collected, Importance, Perspectives\": https://muse.jhu.edu/article/658989',\n", " 'id': 'fde6cyu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekwafk',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'Quid verbum “semonum” est? Id in dictiōnāriō meō non est.',\n", " 'id': 'fde4ta9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fde3oa9',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'jacobissimus',\n", " 'body': 'Haec autem vix sciri potest. Nam, quanta cum facundia, quam raris cum sollacismis vel barbismis loquitur qui Latine sciat? Certi non sunt fines semonum scientiae.',\n", " 'id': 'fde3oa9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fde28io',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'Quaestiō mea erat:\\n\\nQuot in patriīs variīs latinē loquī possunt?\\n\\nEgo illam scire volo.',\n", " 'id': 'fde28io',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fddzmo1',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Ahlyae',\n", " 'body': 'Not many can speak latin. Some can translate it.',\n", " 'id': 'fddzmo1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekwafk',\n", " 'score': 6}],\n", " 'ekw4q4': [{'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Ahhh hahahae ita',\n", " 'id': 'fdfl1un',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdf9mix',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': 'De pueris depictis dico.',\n", " 'id': 'fdf9mix',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdexu9e',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Hahae quid? Eleven erit progymnasma?!',\n", " 'id': 'fdexu9e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdeuj1y',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': 'Unus certe ex quattuor est Millie Bobby Brown, sed si scio, dispeream.',\n", " 'id': 'fdeuj1y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekw4q4',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'ekw2ab': [{'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/ehul3g/english_to_latin_translation_requests_go_here/',\n", " 'id': 'fddzlj2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekw2ab',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'eku98h': [{'author': 'Willsxyz',\n", " 'body': 'Perhaps your problem has been solved. I just want to point out that had you googled your title \"**Can anyone provide a PDF copy of Lingua Latina per se Illustrata?\"** instead of posting it here, you would have gotten your result on the first hit.',\n", " 'id': 'fde57qb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fddsx21',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'somehuman_json',\n", " 'body': 'Libgen Mirrors is going right in my bookmarks, as this has just saved me about what would have been $50 on Amazon\\n\\nThank you very much!\\n\\nEdit: Damn, this source is really blessed, I can get whatever source I need!',\n", " 'id': 'fddsx21',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fddp629',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': \"Google 'Libgen Mirrors' and search for lingua latina.\",\n", " 'id': 'fddp629',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eku98h',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'eku5yn': [{'author': 'somehuman_json',\n", " 'body': \"It's also fun because you get to summon Cthulhu when you mess up\\n\\nEdit: typo\",\n", " 'id': 'fdgqm19',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fddmzw7',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'jayzwasinnirvana',\n", " 'body': 'Agreed. For pure utility in medicine in the US, Spanish is a far better choice than Latin. But if you do enjoy Latin for its own sake, it\\'s a nice \"bonus\" to have.',\n", " 'id': 'fdethc6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fddxvox',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'translostation',\n", " 'body': 'I’d avoid this argument. It’s much more efficient to just learn the terms as you need them for those fields.\\n\\nThat said, there are correlations between majoring in Classics, performance on MCATs/LSATs, and success in medical or law school.',\n", " 'id': 'fddxvox',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fddmzw7',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Liamlah',\n", " 'body': \"I did a degree in Biomedical Science, and am about to start medicine. \\n\\nDuring my undergraduate degree, I found understanding the Latin(and Greek) combining forms for the different diseases, anatomical structures, and microorganisms helped in remembering what they were and what they did. As an example, the large hole at the base of your skull is called the foramen magnum, which simply means 'big hole'. If you don't know Latin, it's some long obscure words to remember, if you do know Latin, it's simple and descriptive.\",\n", " 'id': 'fddxcds',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eku5yn',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'SemperMeTaedet',\n", " 'body': 'Anything language related. That probably goes without saying though.',\n", " 'id': 'fddtf0v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eku5yn',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'JLLS11',\n", " 'body': 'History, classics, comparative/world literature, medieval studies, theology, renaissance studies, philosophy all may make use of it directly depending on specializations.',\n", " 'id': 'fddqd48',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eku5yn',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'somehuman_json',\n", " 'body': 'When I first enrolled into Latin, I asked the best foreign language to enroll into for a premed caeer. My counselor recommended Latin for premed and law because they have some complex terms that are dervied from Latin.\\n\\nI know that there are some large words that are derived from the sciences amd such, but not sure about law, there most likely is though.',\n", " 'id': 'fddmzw7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eku5yn',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'ekslcs': [{'author': 'nrith',\n", " 'body': 'Shucho mouf',\n", " 'id': 'fdenxkg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fddtivy',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'sednolimodo',\n", " 'body': 'STFU',\n", " 'id': 'fddtivy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekslcs',\n", " 'score': 27},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'It’s used idiomatically to be a somewhat more polite version of “tacēte!” or “silēte!”',\n", " 'id': 'fddsoey',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekslcs',\n", " 'score': 21},\n", " {'author': 'Sochamelet',\n", " 'body': \"It's something like *Hold your tongue*, or simply *Be silent*. A clunky but literal translation would be *Be favourable with your tongues*. It's religious language, used to encourage people not to disturb rituals and such.\",\n", " 'id': 'fddggj6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekslcs',\n", " 'score': 39}],\n", " 'eknzzf': [],\n", " 'ekn3yf': [{'author': 'sskies91',\n", " 'body': 'Both. For each chapter there is a page of vocab entries, followed by 2-3 pages of notes on those. I was surprised when I started learning that I sometimes had to spend more time understanding vocab notes rather than the grammar itself.',\n", " 'id': 'fdfxsx0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdfx442',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Damofish',\n", " 'body': 'Do you know if \"Learn To Read Latin\" by Keller and Russel, teaches grammar and vocab, or just vocab?',\n", " 'id': 'fdfx442',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdd65w4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'alexinwonderland81',\n", " 'body': \"Grammar first , then watching videos and reading books \\nI guess In Italy the end goal for Latin students is to be able to parse with ease , we didn't really spend much time translating from Italian to Latin or we were never really told to speak the language .\\nIn most books I bought here in the U.K. the language is explained and taught as if it was a live language that you could speak\",\n", " 'id': 'fde7b7e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fde7370',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Willsxyz',\n", " 'body': 'So you learned English by learning the grammar and parsing passages?',\n", " 'id': 'fde7370',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fde6qdi',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'alexinwonderland81',\n", " 'body': 'Both \\nItalian is my mother tongue \\nEnglish is my second language as I have been living in the UK for over 15 years',\n", " 'id': 'fde6qdi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fde5eyj',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fde6js5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fde5eyj',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Willsxyz',\n", " 'body': 'Yeah but I wonder if that is that how you learned Italian or English?',\n", " 'id': 'fde5eyj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fddttrl',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'alexinwonderland81',\n", " 'body': 'Most Latin text books I bought here in the UK do follow the nature method . When I studied ancient Greek and Latin at grammar school in Milan all my text books followed a more standard approach : you learn the grammar and you practice it by parsing passages',\n", " 'id': 'fddttrl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fddtovp',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bik1230',\n", " 'body': 'Eh? The nature method is not very common. And what do you mean by standard, grammar-translation?',\n", " 'id': 'fddtovp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fddd71m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'alexinwonderland81',\n", " 'body': \"I bought several ' nature method ' textbooks and several standard ones and honestly I do prefer the latter\",\n", " 'id': 'fdddcze',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdddaap',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'tommasogalimbertii',\n", " 'body': 'siamo gli unici a studiare il latino moderno... onestamente però penso sia meglio',\n", " 'id': 'fdddaap',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fddd71m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'alexinwonderland81',\n", " 'body': 'Sorry but as in italian Latin student all my text books follow a standard teaching method rather than the nature method most Anglo textbooks adopt',\n", " 'id': 'fddd71m',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekn3yf',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Damofish',\n", " 'body': \"I use duolingo, and it is okay but it doesn't really do anything in terms of 'teaching' grammar, it kind of just expects you to know it and somehow figure out your mistakes on your own.\",\n", " 'id': 'fddaufs',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdd4e49',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Damofish',\n", " 'body': \"Okay cool thanks. Yeah, Latin will be my third language (after English and Japanese). That sounds helpful, I'll look it up for sure!\",\n", " 'id': 'fdd7zra',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdd65w4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'sskies91',\n", " 'body': 'If you have studied other languages and aren\\'t averse to learning grammar, I would highly recommend starting with \"Learn to Read Latin\" by Keller and Russell. I used it for intensive self study between August and November last year (starting from scratch), and am now taking 4th semester Latin at my college. I\\'ve been able to read Ovid, Vergil and Cicero fairly easily, and I can translate at sight any Latin passages/quotes that come up in early modern philosophy texts (with dictionary help of course).\\n\\nInitially you\\'ll need to do all the workbook exercises which are made-up sentences, and preferably read them twice over. After you learn participles in Chapter 10, the book transitions to fewer made-up passages and much longer unadapted prose and poetry readings. It is quite expensive, and you do need the workbook which has a copious amount of exercises, but it is totally worth it if you want a structured experience where you know what you are learning.\\n\\nLingua Latina is good as a supplementary text, but it can be quite slow if you don\\'t find the story interesting. Now that I\\'ve studied grammar and reading by other means, I am joining a LLPSI reading group at my school starting with the later chapters (25+) and Roma Aeterna.',\n", " 'id': 'fdd65w4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekn3yf',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': '2bitmoment',\n", " 'body': 'Is duolingo any good?',\n", " 'id': 'fdd4e49',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekn3yf',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'TheHoratian',\n", " 'body': 'On the textbook side, Wheelock’s is one of the university standards. It breaks down the grammar and vocab into digestible pieces, and the exercises are generally easy to figure out if you’re paying attention. I think there is also a companion reader that has longer passages.',\n", " 'id': 'fdczg3c',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekn3yf',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'Damofish',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks so much :)',\n", " 'id': 'fdcz941',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdcz6g9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Damofish',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks heaps! Will check it out!',\n", " 'id': 'fdcz8q6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdclld5',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Phillipasoup',\n", " 'body': 'the “latin for americans” series is pretty good.',\n", " 'id': 'fdcz6g9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekn3yf',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'JLLS11',\n", " 'body': 'Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata is the most effective textbook for self study. It is an essential resource for anyone who wants to actually read Latin as Latin instead of just decoding or translating it. There are recordings on the ScorpioMartianus YouTube channel which go along with it.',\n", " 'id': 'fdclld5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekn3yf',\n", " 'score': 23}],\n", " 'ekmzed': [{'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"There's a thread for English-Latin translation requests pinned at the top of this subreddit.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdcjhvz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ekmzed',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'elk67m': [],\n", " 'eljcy0': [],\n", " 'eliu6l': [],\n", " 'elhzkv': [{'author': 'swaggeroon0',\n", " 'body': \"Yup. *Ain't* ain't a word etc. The times have changed.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdlywqs',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdly1wp',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'numquamsolus',\n", " 'body': 'To think that I was beaten as a child for these kinds of mistakes.',\n", " 'id': 'fdly1wp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdlvdje',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'swaggeroon0',\n", " 'body': 'i think the war has been lost on *all right / alright,* to the point that they feel like separate entities.',\n", " 'id': 'fdlvdje',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdifaug',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bloodhailing',\n", " 'body': \"Fatuous isn't exactly a common word, though (I do like the word, however). I'm thinking about someone who isn't particularly well-read.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdjoif8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdjdp61',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Tarquin_McBeard',\n", " 'body': 'Well, *fatuous* is a word in English, and I think people are more likely to immediately make the connection to that word than they are to fixate on the coincidental substring *fat*.',\n", " 'id': 'fdjdp61',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdi2c6j',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'numquamsolus',\n", " 'body': 'Interesting. I had no idea there was a thing called *Death Stranding* until I Googled the term.',\n", " 'id': 'fdii44u',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdifdnf',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bloodhailing',\n", " 'body': \"I use it colloquially; it's not in my book. I dislike how all right looks though.\\n\\nThanks for the suggestion—homo demens has been claimed by Death Stranding though.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdifdnf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdifaug',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'adamexcoffon',\n", " 'body': 'Alright!!! Thank you very much, that was clear and complete. Grammar is often disappointing in the details for logical minds like ours...',\n", " 'id': 'fdifbhi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdidvz6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'numquamsolus',\n", " 'body': 'You can add *homo demens* to your list of invectives.\\n\\nPlease note that *alright* is not formal writing--at least it wasn\\'t when I was learning to write. \\n\\n\"*It is not all right to write* ***alright***.\"\\n\\nI\\'m writing this not to be an ass, but rather to inform.',\n", " 'id': 'fdifaug',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elhzkv',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Sochamelet',\n", " 'body': \"> Since morior is a deponent verb (active sense but passive form), what is his equivalent of a present active participle?\\n\\nGood thinking, but the answer is quite disappointing. The normal active participle form was used. So *moriens* would be a correct nominative participle.\\n\\nStill, if I'm not mistaken, Latin originally used a separate ending *-bundus* to create present participles of deponent verbs. A few of those survived in classical Latin, such as *vagabundus* from *vagari*, and *moribundus* from *mori*. But they were no longer treated as the participles of those verbs, just as adjectives derived from those verbs.\\n\\nSimilarly confusing, by the way, the gerundive of a deponent verb actually has passive meaning.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdidvz6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdhyetu',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'bloodhailing',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks!',\n", " 'id': 'fdi6dvr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdi649m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'adamexcoffon',\n", " 'body': 'I happen to have ended a thesis on invectives in Latin haha. I know four alternatives for sure :\\n\\n- stultus\\n- stolidus\\n- ineptus\\n- insulsus\\n\\nThere must be others, but these are the most used on the classic period and in the graffiti. Stultus is the most common, the most authentical ; ineptus not much less, and maybe the most appropriate for your situation. Both are very common in Plautine comedy, so I would advise you to choose between them.',\n", " 'id': 'fdi649m',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdi2c6j',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'bloodhailing',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks!\\n\\nYou wouldn\\'t happen to know a word other than \"Fatuus\" for fool or idiot, would you? I like how the phrase looks, but I feel like people are going to read it and be like \"haha, fat\". Which I know is silly, but still lol',\n", " 'id': 'fdi2c6j',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdhzi59',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'adamexcoffon',\n", " 'body': \"You're welcome. Nice memory though.\\n\\nOkay, it sounds interesting! I wish you strength in wrapping it up and luck in publishing.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdhzi59',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdhyy9g',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'bloodhailing',\n", " 'body': 'Appreciate it!',\n", " 'id': 'fdhz0bi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdhyz9y',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': '“The Order of All Things” would be _Ordō Omnium Rērum_, _Omnes_ is a plain old mistake.\\n\\n“The Dying God” is _Moriens Deus_. _Dē Deō Morienti_ could be acceptable, but a mix is not.\\n\\nThe rest seems correct. For “The Damnation of the Masses” I’d also have _Damnātiō Plēbium_.',\n", " 'id': 'fdhyz9y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elhzkv',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'bloodhailing',\n", " 'body': \"Thanks. It's been a while since I took Latin.\\n\\nI'm writing a book; these are the titles of certain chapters. Part one is a theological mystery about rediscovering a dying religion. Part two is the holy book of that religion.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdhyy9g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdhyetu',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'adamexcoffon',\n", " 'body': 'I only have a few suggestions :\\n\\n- instead of POPVLI, I\\'d prefer the word \"multitudo\" so at genitive, MVLTITVDINIS, it fits better with the \"mass\" sense you wished; if you want the plural it\\'ll be MVLTITUDINVM, \\n\\n- Omnes is not at the right case, you should put \"OMNIVM\" instead,\\n\\n- i have a doubt concerning morienti. Since morior is a deponent verb (active sense but passive form), what is his equivalent of a present active participle? In all cases, morienti is a dative and you want a nominative. \\n\\nI hope it\\'ll help! \\n\\nI\\'m curious what\\'s all that for?\\n\\n\\nEDIT : I spoke too fast on morior so I changed my correction in a question.',\n", " 'id': 'fdhyetu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elhzkv',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'elhjgl': [{'author': 'MedievalFightClub',\n", " 'body': 'For us it was “semper ubi ibi sub ubi.” That way we always remembered the difference between “ibi” and “ubi.”',\n", " 'id': 'fdkulyh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elhjgl',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Kiirabu197',\n", " 'body': 'Quare infernum is this verified?',\n", " 'id': 'fdjqyyb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elhjgl',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Kiirabu197',\n", " 'body': \"Ugh, thank you, now I understand. I'm German so I didn't think about how it would sound in English.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdjqtpl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdik72b',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Cocomorph',\n", " 'body': 'I just found love in a hopeless place.',\n", " 'id': 'fdiw0oa',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdiol9l',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'nrith',\n", " 'body': 'This is just about only thing my friends learned in our high school Latin class.',\n", " 'id': 'fdioquc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdhyrho',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'quoque vertit Google Translate [“Rihanna” ex Latina in Anglicam “Bieber”](https://translate.google.com/#view=home&op=translate&sl=la&tl=en&text=Rihanna).',\n", " 'id': 'fdiol9l',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elhjgl',\n", " 'score': 15},\n", " {'author': '_iuventius_',\n", " 'body': '\"Always where under where\" 😆',\n", " 'id': 'fdik72b',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elhjgl',\n", " 'score': 30},\n", " {'author': 'Lux_Aetheris',\n", " 'body': 'Gets me every time.',\n", " 'id': 'fdi96hk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elhjgl',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'dinosaur_smegma',\n", " 'body': 'my dad used to hit me with this one all the time',\n", " 'id': 'fdi3une',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdhyrho',\n", " 'score': 19},\n", " {'author': 'Avicenna900',\n", " 'body': 'Always wear underwear 😁',\n", " 'id': 'fdhyrho',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elhjgl',\n", " 'score': 58}],\n", " 'elgsir': [{'author': 'Quixiiify',\n", " 'body': \"I believe at my college we did De Rerum Natura my third year. If I recall correctly, that Latin is not super difficult, kinda similar to Vergil, but because it's all philosophy and sometimes pretty foreign feeling concepts, it can feel pretty challenging.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdihynh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elgsir',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'rhoadsalive',\n", " 'body': \"Some of his concepts are just very difficult to understand, to a point where we still don't know how, for example, a vulcano should really work according to his theory, there's just no way to figure out what he actually means with some of his terms and descriptions and it is often just cryptic.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdidx3z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elgsir',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Peteat6',\n", " 'body': 'Or use a Loeb. Or better, try getting a book of selections from Lucretius. He does go on a bit, and selections will give you a guide to the good bits. I find his arguments fascinating, but they’re rather repetitive.\\n\\nYou’ll also have difficulty with some of the technical vocabulary that he invents. So get a book of selections with comments. Occasionally his sentences are a bit tangled (rather more so than Vergil).\\n\\nThe first 100 lines or so of book 1, the hymn to Venus, are one of my favourite ever bits of Latin. Have fun!',\n", " 'id': 'fdhzw8v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elgsir',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'Like most poets, the content will get dramatically easier after completing at least one of the six books. Good commentaries are also helpful for this. Unlike Plato or Aristotle, the medium of poetry is indeed a spoonful of honey for Epicurean medicine (or something like that).\\n\\nI used the following throughout graduate studies:\\n\\n\\\\-Selections from each book: See Bonnie Catto\\'s \"Lucretius : Selections from De Rerum Natura\"; John Godwin\\'s \"Selections from the De Rerum Natura\"\\n\\n\\\\-Book I: P.M. Brown\\'s \"De Rerum Natura I\"\\n\\n\\\\-Book V: C.D.N. Costa\\'s \"De Rerum Natura: V\"\\n\\nContext is key in interpreting some of the attempts at scientific phenomenon. Book V is really one of the better segments for both style and substance, in my opinion.\\n\\nEdit: For the rest, I simply went through the Latin Library with the Whitaker\\'s Words Chrome Plug-In. After Books I and V, it was rather easy to get through.',\n", " 'id': 'fdhr1cd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elgsir',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdhpo17',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elgsir',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'elgses': [{'author': 'PubliusSiliusLinus',\n", " 'body': 'Example of declensions in English: “I love her. She loves me.” The first person pronoun “I” is “I” when it is the subject, but it becomes “me” when it is the direct object of the sentence. Same goes for “she, her.” Now imagine every noun in English requiring endings depending on what it’s doing in the sentence. That’s what Latin declensions are for.',\n", " 'id': 'fdli3e4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elgses',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'One way I like to put it is: words in a sentence need a role. English accomplishes this by word order, Latin accomplishes this by the (ending of the) words themselves.',\n", " 'id': 'fdj3ohv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdhq4bg',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'numquamsolus',\n", " 'body': \"May I suggest that you consider buying this [book, English Grammar for Students of Latin?](http://www.English.com/ Grammar for Students of Latin: The Study Guide for Those Learning Latin, 3rd edition (O&H Study Guide) (English Grammar Series) https://www.amazon.com/dp/0934034346/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_ZFrfEbJGW035E)\\n\\nIt does a good job explaining the fundamental issues of Latin grammar from an English-speaker's perspective.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdie56a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elgses',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'skeeerra',\n", " 'body': 'Declensions are spelling groups of Latin nouns. Cases represent what that spelling looks like, depending on how the word is used in a sentence. \\n\\n\\nFor example:\\n\\nThe woman loves the girl.\\nThe girl loves the woman.\\n\\n^^The spelling of woman doesn’t change, even though the word “woman” is the subject in one sentence and not the subject in the other. In Latin, however:\\n\\nFemina puellam amat.\\nPuella feminam amat. \\n\\nNow, we have to spell woman (femina) differently, depending on its role in the sentence. Hope this helps!',\n", " 'id': 'fdi9s2v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elgses',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'squidclock',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you that was very helpful',\n", " 'id': 'fdhtdj9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elgses',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Skaroller',\n", " 'body': 'In English, a noun can have two forms, more accurately known as cases: the first is the plain one you see in the dictionary, the second is a genitive case that adds -\\'s to the end of the noun to show that it owns something. For example, *dad* is the nominative (plain) case, while *dad\\'s* is in the possessive case. There\\'s also the plural forms: *dads* is nominative, *dads\\'* is possessive.\\n\\nIn Latin, there are these two cases, but there\\'s three others: the dative, accusative, and ablative. The dative is used for the indirect object, such as \"the boy\" in the following sentence: \\nI gave the ball *to the boy.*\\n\\nThe nominative is the subject of the sentence just like in English, while the accusative case is the direct object of the sentence: \\nThe man(subject) sees the dog(object). \\nNote that, in English, you put the direct object after the verb. In Latin, because you give it a special case ending, you already know it\\'s the direct object. This means you can put it pretty much anywhere you want without changing the meaning of the sentence!\\n\\nThe ablative is used for all sorts of things, mainly prepositions like \"in\" or \"on.\" The genitive, dative, and accusative also have further uses beyond what I\\'ve said, but not nearly as many as the ablative does.',\n", " 'id': 'fdhq4bg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elgses',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'Zarlinosuke',\n", " 'body': 'Consider these two sentences: \"*I* ate a deer. Then a bear ate *me*.\" Why did I use \"I\" and \"me\" here? Why not simply use the same word (as in \"then a bear ate I\"), since both refer to myself?',\n", " 'id': 'fdhpila',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elgses',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'eleact': [],\n", " 'ele723': [{'author': 'bharathk98',\n", " 'body': 'Doesn’t sound natural. The words are too long. Are you sure these are the best Latin translations.',\n", " 'id': 'fdk6ync',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ele723',\n", " 'score': 0}],\n", " 'eldf5o': [{'author': 'xanitrep',\n", " 'body': \"Those people won't know Latin any more than the existence of Google Translate today means that you know Hungarian.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdifs55',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eldf5o',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'ImNotADemonISwear',\n", " 'body': \"What is the difference between reading a Cicero speech translated by a human and reading the same speech translated by a competent computer? \\n\\nYou likely learned Latin so that you could read classical or medieval texts in the authors' own words, without the loss of information like meter, word order, etc. that is inherent to translated texts. You will still get the same benefit over non-Latinists even if a computer is the one doing the translating.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdh3t7u',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eldf5o',\n", " 'score': 18}],\n", " 'elcxra': [{'author': 'johnlawrenceaspden',\n", " 'body': \"OK, thanks! I'll go looking.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdhud3v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdht8fn',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'VenusGirdle',\n", " 'body': \"I believe it is. I would look on the dictionary or the grammar, but I can't now. I suggest you to do that.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdht8fn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdht0y5',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'johnlawrenceaspden',\n", " 'body': \"So, the verb is odisse, and so oderat is pluperfect (in form), and I was thinking that would be probably be a perfect in sense. So, 'hated' rather than 'used to hate'. But do you think it's imperfect in sense?\",\n", " 'id': 'fdht0y5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdhp76b',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'VenusGirdle',\n", " 'body': 'If I recall correctly, there is no present form to \"odisse\". It always uses the past form. \"Oderat\" would, then, be the imperfect.',\n", " 'id': 'fdhp76b',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elcxra',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'johnlawrenceaspden',\n", " 'body': 'Great, thank you! I wondered if I had the wrong end of some stick.',\n", " 'id': 'fdgzkay',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdgyozh',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': \"Both make sense. And it seems like you understand both. So I don't think there's anything to worry about.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdgyozh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elcxra',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'elc87l': [{'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdk0zxv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elc87l',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'Ita vērō - ut dīxī [in aliō responsō](https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/elc87l/salvete_amici/fdhr36r?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x), \"in lūcem ēdere\" pōnitur nōn nisi ex similitūdine alicuijus reī animantium nātīs; dē librīs propriē \"ēditur\" sōlum.',\n", " 'id': 'fdhwt63',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdhc7ky',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Rem teneō! 👍🏻',\n", " 'id': 'fdhrqrp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdhr36r',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'Ex hīs quae nūper lēgī, patet mihi vōcem \"ēdere\", cum \"lūce\" dum jungitur, figūrātē dē partū animantium dīcī, et porrō sensū lātiōre ac trālātiōre (xD) dē omnibus rēbus, quae eādem ratiōne inter·sē conjūnctae sint ac māter cum nātīs. Hic ūsus sānē poēticum mihi sonat. Dē librīs quī propriō sensū loquī velit, eum oportet sōlum \"ēdere\" pōnere, quī ūsus apud antīquōs sat crēber et ūsitātus fuisse vidētur. Quis autem nescit ēditōrēs librōrum latīnōrum omnis fere (praetetrquam recentissumae) aetātis omne genus sermōnis summō studiō fugitāsse, quīn adhūc cincinnātior esset quam ipsī? :-) Multō longius quaesītās trālātiōnēs facile inveniat quisquis litterās renātās posteriōrēsque manū vertere soleat. Quam·ob·rem nihil mīror quod ista locūtiō nōbīs sensū immūtātō nōta sit potius quam propriō.',\n", " 'id': 'fdhr36r',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdh9jl8',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'apis_fessa',\n", " 'body': 'Atque in vocabulario, quod Georges (1913) appellatur, legi potest:\\n\\n*zur Welt bringen, gebären, zeugen, hervorbringen,* **a) v. lebenden Wesen od. personif. Dingen,** partum, *v. Menschen,* Liv. *u.* Tac.: nullam subolem edere, *keine Kinder gebären,* Tac.: *v. Tieren,* Cic. *u.a.:* geminum partum \\\\*(Zwillinge),\\\\*Liv.: alqm partu, Verg. *u.a. (dah.* cum alqo uno partu editus, \\\\*zugleich geboren,\\\\*Eutr.): animalia ex utero, Lact.: *u. bl.* alqm, *gebären (v.d. Frau),* Ov. *u.* Tac., *od. zeugen (v. Manne),* Verg. Aen. 8, 137: edi in lucem, *das Licht der Welt erblicken,* Cic. Tusc. 3, 2: *u. so* editus in lucem, Ov. met. 15, 221. – *poet.,* ed. luci, *ans Licht, in die Welt senden,* Cic. poët. de div. 2, 64: *u.* ed. partu sub luminis oras, Verg. Aen. 7, 659. – *Oft* Partic., Maecenas atavis edite regibus, Hor.: edita infans ex nepte Iulia, Suet. – b) *v. lebl. Subjj.,* (terra) edit innumeras species, Ov.: frondem edit ulmus, [\\\\[2336\\\\]](http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913/K/Georges-1913-01-2336) *treibt hervor,* Col.: cuncta sponte edita aut manu sata, Tac. – ea (Academia) praestantissimos in eloquentia viros edidit, *hat aus sich hervorgehen sehen,* Quint. – 2)',\n", " 'id': 'fdhc7ky',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdhbfhl',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'apis_fessa',\n", " 'body': \"Gratias. Quibus verbis Cicero nullo nisi uno loco usus est, verba ne eius quidem sunt, immo illa Euripidis sunt. Nec immerito Lucius emiratus est. \\n\\n\\nqua est sententia in Cresphonte usus Euripides:\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\n\\n'Nam nós decebat coétus celebrantís domum\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\n\\nLugére, ubi esset áliquis in lucem **édit**us,\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\n\\nHumánae vitae vária reputantís mala;\\xa0\\xa0\\n\\nAt, quí labores mórte finissét gravis,\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\n\\nHunc ómni amicos laúde et laetitia éxsequi.'\",\n", " 'id': 'fdhbfhl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdhaccb',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'Genau - den Link mit meiner Suchmaske hab ich gerade gegeben. Auf dieser Seite soll man Ctrl+F benutzen.',\n", " 'id': 'fdhaccb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdh9y7k',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Macte! Optimē ēmendāstī.',\n", " 'id': 'fdha7ad',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdgzdgm',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'apis_fessa',\n", " 'body': 'Optime. Gratias!',\n", " 'id': 'fdha3b7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdh9xwz',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'apis_fessa',\n", " 'body': 'Ich habe meine Suchanfrage verändert. Ich finde die Stelle nur an frei Stellen (dazu fragmentarisch) \\nGaius Lucilius, Saturae, fragmenta 26.623\\nCicero,Tusculanae Disputationes 1.115.4\\nEbd. Carmina, fragmenta 41.2',\n", " 'id': 'fdh9y7k',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdh8dnw',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'Enimvērō rēctē - tum potius dīxerim \"quō philosophiae studēret\", nam \"venīre ad reī studendum\" minus latīnē sonat, neque apud PHI inveniō.',\n", " 'id': 'fdh9xwz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdh6hiw',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Reāre igitur nōs, amīce, quī solēmus “in lūcem ēdere acroāma” verbī grātiā prōnūntiāre nōn vōce propriā, vērum sēnsū trālātō (vel etiam prāviusculē) dīcere?',\n", " 'id': 'fdh9jl8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdh8dnw',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'apis_fessa',\n", " 'body': 'Wirklich? Was hast du in die Suchmaske eingegeben?',\n", " 'id': 'fdh8sw6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdh8dnw',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'Wieso passt es nicht? Jetzt guck ich [in das PHI](https://latin.packhum.org/concordance?q=%23edit) und sehe 5+1 Stellen, alle handeln von der Geburt von Kindern und keine von Büchern. Übrigens, ich wusste auch nicht, dass man das über die Kinder sagen kann.',\n", " 'id': 'fdh8dnw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdh5a8g',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'apis_fessa',\n", " 'body': '*De vita Quinti Horatii Flacci*\\n\\n*Quintus Horatius Flaccus, cuius pater libertus fuit, anno sexagesimo quinto ante Christum natum Venusiae, quae urbs in Apulia sita est, humili loco ortus est. Qui ab anno quinquagesimo quarto Romam migravit, quia pater eius eum in studio litterarum versari voluit, ut filios senatorum decebat. Postquam vicesimum annum egressus est, Athenas ad philosophiae studendum venit. Neque enim solum poeta praeclarus fuit sed etiam usum in re militari magnum habuit. Cum vir tanto ingenio esset, adiuvante Vergilio Maecenati familiaritate coniunctus fuit. Denique anno octavo a. Chr. natum mortem obiit.*',\n", " 'id': 'fdh76jl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elc87l',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'apis_fessa',\n", " 'body': '>n \\n> \\n>. > p. Chr. natum\\n\\nme verba \"ante Christum natum\" scribere volui, nam Horatius a. Chr. n. mortuus est. Menudm feci.',\n", " 'id': 'fdh6tu6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdgzdgm',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'apis_fessa',\n", " 'body': '>ad philosophiam studendum \\n> \\n> (sī \"ad rem studendum\" ūspiam legitur, valdē quam prīscum sonat) > ad philosophiam studendam \\n> \\n> \\n> \\n>aut \"ad philosophiae studendum\"?',\n", " 'id': 'fdh6hiw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdgzdgm',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'apis_fessa',\n", " 'body': 'Gratias pro correctione!!! Nunc menda corrigo.',\n", " 'id': 'fdh5f5n',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdgzdgm',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'apis_fessa',\n", " 'body': 'Ich habe es bei latin.packhum.org geprüft. Du hast Recht. Das passt nicht. Dann \"ortus est\"?',\n", " 'id': 'fdh5a8g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdgze4e',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'I haven’t seen “in lūcem ēditus est” of persons. Normally it’s used to mean “published”, like a work of poetry. Have you seen it used like this before?',\n", " 'id': 'fdgze4e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elc87l',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'Admodum probē scrīpsistī, videō tē multum operae dedisse ut locūtiōnēs latīnās genuīnās adhibērēs quae apud antīquōs legerentur - id compertum habeō, ut quī quaedam nōn nōssem antequam mē certiōrem fēcī :D Attamen nōn apsunt et aliquot corrigenda:\\n\\n>~~libertus~~ (potius jungitur cum dominī nōmine) > lībertīnus \\n> \\n>~~quingesimo~~ \\\\> quinquāgēsimō \\n> \\n>~~euius~~ \\\\> eius \\n> \\n>~~decuit~~ (aliquem hominem aliquō locō) > decēbat (omnīs fīliōs senātōrum) \\n> \\n>~~viginit annos egressus~~ \\\\> vīcēsimum annum ēgressus \\n> \\n>~~ad philosophiam studendum~~ (sī \"ad rem studendum\" ūspiam legitur, valdē quam prīscum sonat) > ad philosophiam studendam \\n> \\n>~~Adhuc/at~~ (alterum nimium cotīdiānum, alterum contrā dīcere vidētur) > Ø, neque enim \\n> \\n>~~Maecenitate~~ \\\\> Maecēnātī \\n> \\n>familiaritate coniunctus ~~est~~ (significat tempus praesens) > fuit \\n> \\n>~~n~~. > p. Chr. natum',\n", " 'id': 'fdgzdgm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elc87l',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'phone_gamer',\n", " 'body': 'Bonus',\n", " 'id': 'fdgtck4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elc87l',\n", " 'score': -1}],\n", " 'el8lfw': [],\n", " 'el4y2i': [{'author': 'Mezmerizing_Meatball',\n", " 'body': 'my bad I finished it',\n", " 'id': 'fdlqprm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el4y2i',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Avicenna900',\n", " 'body': 'How about no?',\n", " 'id': 'fdg6kdk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el4y2i',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"This document doesn't give readers access. Have you made an attempt to do this work yourself? If not, this post will be removed.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdfu84e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el4y2i',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'el3vl9': [{'author': 'jesusnt',\n", " 'body': 'I don’t think there’s any shortage of Latin dictionaries out there but the biggest trouble for her is probably going to be the grammar. Another replier mentioned that CLC is available online, so I think I’ll probably recommend that if it isn’t too expensive.',\n", " 'id': 'fdrkit0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdrdawi',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Agnarmm',\n", " 'body': \"You are definitely not alone. Unfortunately, there are very few options.\\n\\nI've tried the Latin Duolingo course and to be completely honest; the quality is a lot lower compared to the other courses in the app, especially for those new to declensions. However, I like to use an app called Scriba, which is just the Lewis and Short dictionary in a mobile form.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdrdawi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el3vl9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'avenged-singlefold',\n", " 'body': 'Cambridge Latin Books can be found online or physical. I wanna say 99% of people use it and can probably recommend it.',\n", " 'id': 'fdfm7up',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el3vl9',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'el355i': [{'author': 'Fislitib',\n", " 'body': 'r/lostredditors',\n", " 'id': 'fdfblz7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el355i',\n", " 'score': 6}],\n", " 'el2va6': [{'author': 'yzlautum',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you I appreciate it.',\n", " 'id': 'feekk7p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feb51v9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'yzlautum',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you very much.',\n", " 'id': 'feekjg7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe5hsrn',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'LukeORizeilly',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you very much',\n", " 'id': 'fedrujq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fedeckr',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'JuliaRivers',\n", " 'body': 'I don\\'t know enough about Marcus Aurelius\\' works to know which quote you are talking about in Latin, but my rough translation of your sentence would be:\\n\\n\"Semper cogita quomodo brevia humana sunt.\" \"Always consider how short human (things) are.\"\\n\\nIn Latin the adjective would be turned into a neuter plural to say the word \"things\", since there isn\\'t an exact translation for it.',\n", " 'id': 'fedeckr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe8dtm2',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'JuliaRivers',\n", " 'body': 'In my opinion \"fraternitas\" would be the best option, since \"frater\" means brother.',\n", " 'id': 'fedb5ol',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_febikyn',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'sulagranti',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks man!',\n", " 'id': 'febwxyq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe4f2kr',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Vancenil',\n", " 'body': \"Hi, I'm looking for someone to read my script and help me come up with a Latin phrase that is meaningful as a thematic device within the context of the story. It is for a video game I'm producing, and I'm willing to compensate you $25 for your time and input I'm currently using a placeholder phrase that comes close to what I want to express, but I'm not sure if it is meaningful enough.\\n\\nThe script is 4200 words long. It can be found here: [Wirethorn](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C81-l0LWsgNsPEkvYbdclgqr1f5JXH3c/view?usp=drivesdk)\\n\\nIf you have Discord, my username is gravano#5896, or you can just reply here. Once someone shows interest, I'll make an edit here to let everyone know the job is taken.\",\n", " 'id': 'febjzrg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'febikyn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'patrick_mcculloch',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you both!',\n", " 'id': 'febh206',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feamllz',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'GusDahJuice8',\n", " 'body': \"Making a tale about the Roman Empire were the Empire never fell and they ended up discovering and colonizing the american continent.\\n\\nI'm stuck in the name of the legions that are going to be raised in America, since the names of Legio Italica, Legio Macedonica, Legio Britannica comes from their respective countries that is Italy, Macedon and Britannia. How can I call a legion raised in a region called Guaraní?\",\n", " 'id': 'febh171',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Fashla',\n", " 'body': 'This is off-topic, but I wish the OP all the best, all your pains to go away.',\n", " 'id': 'feb51v9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe5hsrn',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"I know why you say that, and it makes sense to me, but this is an old proverb that we should probably leave as it is, and if we look at the texts in the PHI corpus we find that the indicative in such a phrase is usual: https://latin.packhum.org/concordance?q=%23felix+qui%23\\n\\nEdit: I guess I didn't look carefully enough at those search results, as I didn't notice that this very phrase is right there, coming from Ovid.\",\n", " 'id': 'feamllz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feai3gf',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': 'Or perhaps *audeat* for a clause of characteristic',\n", " 'id': 'feai3gf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feaf65g',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"It's *audet*, not *andet*, and there should be no comma.\",\n", " 'id': 'feaf65g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe9kq8z',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'patrick_mcculloch',\n", " 'body': 'Hey guys this is my first time commenting/posting on reddit so gimme a break lol. I’m trying to make sure this translates right for a tattoo so any help is greatly appreciated.\\n“Felix qui quod amat, defendere fortiter andet”\\n“Happy is he who dares bravely to defend bravely that which he loves”',\n", " 'id': 'fe9kq8z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'LionheartXCVI',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you for this, I quite like the concise nature of it as a motto. I will consider both, cheers!',\n", " 'id': 'fe91b8r',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe7wcem',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'LionheartXCVI',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you so much for the correction. What I had was as you guess, not at all intended. Thank you for clarifying and for your help!',\n", " 'id': 'fe8y4iq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe6pt9w',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'russoantonio150799',\n", " 'body': 'Impavidi indomitique animi.',\n", " 'id': 'fe8hynm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe6kpml',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'WillKingsize',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks my friend',\n", " 'id': 'fe8f9be',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe82v9e',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'LukeORizeilly',\n", " 'body': 'Hey guys, looking for a translation to Latin for a slightly modified quote from marcus aurelius\\' meditations..\\n\\n\"Always consider how ephemeral human things are \"\\n\\nThank you',\n", " 'id': 'fe8dtm2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'mattfen93',\n", " 'body': \"Actually, that would be 'Omnibus aequaliter' (omnibus - to everyone). And yes, it's another possible translation.\",\n", " 'id': 'fe8cf6b',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe8bgv0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Fashla',\n", " 'body': 'This might be a stupid question, but wouldn’t it be enough to say ”Omnes equaliter” - like ”To everyone, equally” ?',\n", " 'id': 'fe8bgv0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe84fwy',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'mattfen93',\n", " 'body': \"Litteral translation would be 'Omnes aequaliter tractandi' (everyone is to be treated equally). If you aim for a more poetic translation, then maybe 'Omnes animae aequales' (all the souls are equal), or 'Nemo nec maior neque minor' (nobody is greater nor smaller). Hope you find the right translation :)\",\n", " 'id': 'fe84fwy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe517ck',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'mattfen93',\n", " 'body': \"Rough translation would be 'Noli timere inimicorum tuorum. Audax rectusque esto, ut te Deo placeas. Semper dic veritatem, etiam si propterea periturus sis. Defende inoptes ac nemini malo esto.'\",\n", " 'id': 'fe82v9e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe5yhlb',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'mattfen93',\n", " 'body': \"'Salve/salvete' would be used in the morning and throughout the day when meeting someone. As for a good night, a simple 'vale/valete' would do, since it is used in all instances where one would use 'bye' in English. There is, however, a phrase 'dormi bene' or 'bene dormi' (sleep well), which is more specific and better corresponds to the 'good night' phrase.\",\n", " 'id': 'fe7z8cu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe6jqcr',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'mattfen93',\n", " 'body': \"Since it is supposed to be a motto, I would personaly prefer it to be as short as possible, maybe even rephrased a bit, e.g. '*Animis interritis ferisque*' (ones with fearless and wild hearts) or '*Animis audacibus ferisque*' (ones with courageous and wild hearts). Just a suggestion tho, u/JuliaRivers' translation is correct as well.\",\n", " 'id': 'fe7wcem',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe6pt9w',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'OfficerNice',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you very much for the elaborate answer. That was very kind of you.\\nIt is quite amazing that you guys have this knowledge, keeping the latin language alive in general, and for scrubs like me. :)',\n", " 'id': 'fe6rg7t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe4eifk',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'JuliaRivers',\n", " 'body': 'Your translation roughly translates to: \"I will bear to fear with my heart.\" Timere means to fear, animo means either for my heart or with my heart and feram is a future tense and means to bear\\n\\nMy guess is that that is not what you meant and so I would suggest something along the lines of:\\n\\n\"Interritus et fero animo.\" (singular) or \"Interriti et feris animis.\" (plural). This translates to: \"Without fear and with a wild (untamed) heart.\"',\n", " 'id': 'fe6pt9w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe6kpml',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'LionheartXCVI',\n", " 'body': 'Hello!\\n\\nIn terms of family mottos, coats of arms, crests etc. I’m attempting to get along the lines of, “Fearless and wild of heart” as in a way to describe a group of people’s so, their spirit not physical heart. \\n\\nWith my limited knowledge, and maybe trying to keep it sounding good, I’ve landed on, “Timere Animo Feram” \\n\\nIs this adequate, or can I do better? Thanks to any help.',\n", " 'id': 'fe6kpml',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'TheDewgonger',\n", " 'body': 'Hello!\\n\\nI know Salve and Salvete are used as general greetings, but I\\'m curious about the phrases \"good morning\" and \"good night\".\\n\\nCan i just assume that I\\'ll be using the words bonus and nocte when saying good night, or are there any fixed phrases that is used in Latin?\\n\\nThanks in advance!',\n", " 'id': 'fe6jqcr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'WillKingsize',\n", " 'body': 'I tried to find this quote from the knights templar in latin on the internet but i didn\\'t find \\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nDoes anyone know how is that quote in latin?\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\n\"Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.\"',\n", " 'id': 'fe5yhlb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'JuliaRivers',\n", " 'body': 'Vita semper frustratio est.\\n\\nLife is always a disappointment.',\n", " 'id': 'fe5jknf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe2c7m9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'JuliaRivers',\n", " 'body': \"I'm sorry to hear that, but I can at least help you with your translation:\\n\\nPossum sustinere hunc dolorem tantum tantisper.\\n\\nI can tolerate this pain only so long.\",\n", " 'id': 'fe5hsrn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe03mgu',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Fashla',\n", " 'body': 'Hi,\\n\\nFor a family crest motto I’d need to know how one would put in Latin (in the form of a command or a moral ’note to self’) the virtuous concept of treating everyone in an equal way, ”being the same for everyone” using the words\\n\\n [Be] the same for everyone\\nor\\n[Treat] everyone the same [way]\\n\\nAs a noob Latin hobbyist I know there are probably hundreds of ways to do such translation. \\n\\nHowever certain minimalism, grammatical correctness and even some poetic value might make some versions a lot better choices than others.\\n\\nAny ideas?',\n", " 'id': 'fe517ck',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"That's good. I would be slightly more inclined to have it the other way around, as *violentiae studium*.\",\n", " 'id': 'fe4f2kr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdxftlo',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"Those are both good.\\n\\nThe ending will need to change depending on what is being described as 'established': a church (*ecclesia*) would be *statuta* or *constituta*, but a school (*ludus*) would be *statutus* or *constitutus*, and so on. A business or company is a *societas*, and would be described as *statuta* or *constituta*.\",\n", " 'id': 'fe4eifk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdwk5yj',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"600 is used that way in Latin. So, for example, *sescentae ad eam rem causae possunt colligi*, literally '600 reasons for that can be produced', is something like 'you could come up with a million reasons for that'.\\n\\nThe principle for forming those chariot words, *biga*, *quadriga*, *seiuga*, is not clear enough to me to be able to offer you a definitive version for a 600-horse chariot, but perhaps *sescentiga* or *sesceiuga*.\",\n", " 'id': 'fe4cc9y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe3ndxw',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'JuliaRivers',\n", " 'body': \"If female empowerment is very important to you, I would leave ea in. But if not, it's more common and usual to leave ea out.\",\n", " 'id': 'fe3s7vj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdthvxb',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'rogert2',\n", " 'body': '\"**million-horse team**\" (or similar)\\n\\nI\\'ve got \"quadriga\" as four-horse team, and \"mille\" as thousand. Having no Latin education, I come up with \"milleriga\", but imagine I\\'ve done some violence with my crude surgery. \\n\\nI\\'m looking for whatever might have regarded as... the largest-conceivable size, the way a modern English-speaker might use \"million\" to stand for an indefinite, colossal number that is still theoretically countable. Like the Million Man March, or the Thousand Points of Light, etc. A word for a yoked people.',\n", " 'id': 'fe3ndxw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks man',\n", " 'id': 'fe2frnh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe0r5oh',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ares395',\n", " 'body': \"How to say 'life is always disappointing'? Can't find the right words\",\n", " 'id': 'fe2c7m9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'russoantonio150799',\n", " 'body': '\"Remane\" is the imperative of \"remaneo\" which means \"stay\" or \"remain\".',\n", " 'id': 'fe0r5oh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe0946t',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'Hey bud! Is it “remane” or “rename”? Google autocorrects the word “remane” to “rename”',\n", " 'id': 'fe0946t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdvklj7',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'yzlautum',\n", " 'body': 'If anyone can help, it would be translating:\\n\\n\"I can only handle/tolerate this pain for so long\"\\n\\nThe handle/tolerate idc which is chosen. I have chronic pain and bad stuff is happening and I want this tattooed on me in case I die soon.',\n", " 'id': 'fe03mgu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"*Pace belloque* is a more literal 'in peace and in war', while *domi militiaeque* is something like 'at home and off on campaign/in the field'.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdxspao',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdxll14',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'FunEye1',\n", " 'body': 'So which one should I use? It is for a military challenge coin.',\n", " 'id': 'fdxll14',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdti1od',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'sulagranti',\n", " 'body': 'Hi, how would you best translate \"the study of violence\"? I\\'ve gotten to \"studium violentiae\" which probably works, but I\\'m wondering if it might be too literal. Are there words that are more commonly used in Latin for those nouns in English? Thanks!',\n", " 'id': 'fdxftlo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks bud! Imma have it as my tattoo in the future.',\n", " 'id': 'fdwt608',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdvklj7',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'liquidarts',\n", " 'body': 'Awesome, thanks very much!',\n", " 'id': 'fdwt5y5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdwpkxz',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'russoantonio150799',\n", " 'body': 'Vulpes venatrix.',\n", " 'id': 'fdwpkxz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdvrj0u',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'OfficerNice',\n", " 'body': \"I've tried looking up Established, as when you establish a business and alike, but I can't quite figure out which one is correct. I keep hitting Statutum and Constitutus. Are either of these correct?\",\n", " 'id': 'fdwk5yj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'drewnewvillage',\n", " 'body': 'Thank You',\n", " 'id': 'fdvxfop',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdvjkv9',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'liquidarts',\n", " 'body': \"Can someone please translate 'fox hunter'? By that I mean the fox is the hunter, not the other way around ;)\",\n", " 'id': 'fdvrj0u',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'russoantonio150799',\n", " 'body': 'Sapientiae Aetas/Aetas Sapientiae',\n", " 'id': 'fdvmsv6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdswkez',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'russoantonio150799',\n", " 'body': 'Domi bellique/domi militiaeque.',\n", " 'id': 'fdvl6ip',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdti1od',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'russoantonio150799',\n", " 'body': 'Semper discipulum remane.',\n", " 'id': 'fdvklj7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdu5svw',\n", " 'score': -1},\n", " {'author': 'russoantonio150799',\n", " 'body': 'Nova generatio.',\n", " 'id': 'fdvjkv9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fduwe6s',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': '*domī mīlitiaeque*',\n", " 'id': 'fdvh5wq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdti1od',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'drewnewvillage',\n", " 'body': 'Can someone translate into Latin the words \"New Generation\" for me thanks. This is for a shirt design',\n", " 'id': 'fduwe6s',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdun68e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'Latin translation to “Always stay a student” please. \\n\\nGoogle says “semper manere discipulus” but I’m not sure if it’s correct. \\n\\nThank you!',\n", " 'id': 'fdu5svw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"It's usually said *pace belloque*, and sometimes *bello et pace*.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdu3t5z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdti1od',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'There are probably quite a few words you could use. One option: *Aevum Scientiae* \\\\- literally \"age of knowledge.\"\\n\\nTo capture that meaning maybe \"age of [erudition](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/erudition)\" - *Aevum* *Ērudītiōnis*',\n", " 'id': 'fdttr1j',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdswkez',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'FunEye1',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you!',\n", " 'id': 'fdtpqe4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdtm1zf',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ppyrgosfein',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you!',\n", " 'id': 'fdtp2t6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdtmns9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'PubliusSiliusLinus',\n", " 'body': 'venator cervorum',\n", " 'id': 'fdtmns9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdtd0n8',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'PubliusSiliusLinus',\n", " 'body': 'The google translation is actually correct. But in real Latin the second “in” can be omitted: “in pace et bello”',\n", " 'id': 'fdtm1zf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdti1od',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'FunEye1',\n", " 'body': 'Latin translation for \"in Peace and war\" please.\\nGoogle said it was \"in pace et in bello\" but I don\\'t think that\\'s exactly right.\\nThanks!',\n", " 'id': 'fdti1od',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'lifeofachi',\n", " 'body': 'For you, which one’s better for a tattoo? Should i leave out the ‘ea’?',\n", " 'id': 'fdthvxb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdqs8km',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'lifeofachi',\n", " 'body': 'I see, thanks!',\n", " 'id': 'fdtg9tf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdrjycn',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'ppyrgosfein',\n", " 'body': 'Latin translation for \"deer hunter\"?\\n\\nGoogle says it is \"venator cervum\" is this an accurate translation?',\n", " 'id': 'fdtd0n8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bigboythrowaway123',\n", " 'body': 'How do you say \"era of knowledge\"\\n\\nAs in, \"Humanity has entered the era of knowledge\"\\n\\nIt\\'s supposed to be a new calendar system in which the \"era of knowledge/science\" is the successor to the Common Era. Help with another way of phrasing this is also welcome; I want to signify a deeper knowledge, like Humanity is entering an era where they have a more intimate understanding of the universe',\n", " 'id': 'fdswkez',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': \"I'd try: *rēctitūdō essentiālis*\",\n", " 'id': 'fdse7p5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdsak8i',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'Perhaps *onus, oneris*. Dictionary says it can mean \"burden.\"',\n", " 'id': 'fdsck1y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdow1w4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'timtomorkevin',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you!',\n", " 'id': 'fdsamh5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdr1lnd',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'timtomorkevin',\n", " 'body': '1. Y\\'all are amazing and it\\'s going to be super hard not to go overboard on this subreddit 😊\\n\\n2. How would you say \"essential correctness\" as in: the essential correctness of my actions is indisputable',\n", " 'id': 'fdsak8i',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdru6cq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdrqox4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '_arjuna',\n", " 'body': 'I would translate \"right\" as *jus*, so *potentia jus facit.*',\n", " 'id': 'fdrt90f',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdrqox4',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'st3f-ping',\n", " 'body': 'Can anyone help me with translating \"might makes right\" into Latin? My best effort is \"potentia rectum fecit\" but I doubt that is the best option and am not even sure it\\'s correct.\\nWhat I am looking for is quite a harsh interpretation of the idiom: might (physical power, military strength) makes (creates, brings about) right (moral correctness than the social or legal right to do something).',\n", " 'id': 'fdrqox4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'russoantonio150799',\n", " 'body': '\"Suum\" is singular, but \"daemones\" is plural. They are all correct, you have only to replace \"suum\" with \"suos\".',\n", " 'id': 'fdrjycn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdqky7b',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'russoantonio150799',\n", " 'body': 'Latinus sermo is another way to say \"lingua Latina\" and if you learnt Latin by translating the old Latin authors you will find out that expressions like \"Latinus sermo\" or \"Graecus sermo\" are more widespread than \"lingua Latina\" or \"lingua Graeca\". However saying \"lingua Latina\" is correct too. \"Sermo\" is a masculine name of the third declension (maybe that \"-o\" made you think it was an ablative or you thought it was a neuter substantive) and the subjet of this sentence so the adjective \"Latinus\" must be also masculine and nomative. \"Iucundus est\" is a nominal predicate so \"iucundus\" must be nominative and masculine too. \"Est\" is the action of the subject which is singular, not me and you, but another so we have to choose the third person of present indicative of \"sum\" which means \"I am\" (the verbs in Latin vocabulary are not written in their infinitive form as it happens in the modern languages), and it\\'s at the end of the phrase because if you read old Latin authors you realize that verbs are always at the end of the sentence, except in rare cases, but that is not wrong. Latin isn\\'t like English: having conjugations the subject can be removed and having the declensions the position of the words is more free because the cases define their role in the phrase. In English subject can\\'t be removed because all the verbs have the same ending and we would not understand who made the action and also you must respect their position in the sentence if you want to be understood.',\n", " 'id': 'fdrezwt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdqkzyq',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'I would say \"*Lūx moribunda*\" for \"dying light,\" but \"*Lūx moriēns*\" would also carry the same meaning, as mentioned.',\n", " 'id': 'fdrdbyt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdjq2he',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'Both of those mean \"eternal and at any time\" which I doubt is what you mean. The reality is that \"forever and ever\" is objectively just an odd construction, and the only reason it makes sense to us is because we hear it a lot and know what it\\'s supposed to mean. To get the same meaning across into Latin, you could just say \"*semper*,\" which just means, \"always,\" or you could use the phrase \"*in aeternum*,\" or, literally, \"into eternal.\" I have also seen \"*in saecula saeculorum*\" and \"*per omnia saecula saeculorum*,\" which mean, respectively, \"into the ages of ages\" and \"through all the ages of ages.\" Personally, the latter would be my choice for an elegant translation that captures the infiniteness of \"forever and ever\" in English.',\n", " 'id': 'fdr3fyp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdpo4jl',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': '\"Omnes excidunt.\" You could also invert the word order to \"Excidunt omnes\" without changing the meaning.',\n", " 'id': 'fdr1lnd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdq9130',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'JuliaRivers',\n", " 'body': 'Ea in \"Ea daemones vincit\" emphasizes the word she.\\n\\nMost of the time it just gets left out unless you really think it\\'s important to emphasize it.\\n\\nFor example:\\n\\nNescio, sed ea scit.\\n\\nI dont know, but SHE does know.',\n", " 'id': 'fdqs8km',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdqqy61',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdqr4c8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'lifeofachi',\n", " 'body': 'Hey, thanks a lot. May i know the difference between ‘daemones vincit’ and ‘ea daemones vincit’?',\n", " 'id': 'fdqqy61',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdqky7b',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'OpenLifeSeries',\n", " 'body': 'No',\n", " 'id': 'fdqkzyq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdm49zk',\n", " 'score': -1},\n", " {'author': 'OpenLifeSeries',\n", " 'body': 'Daemones Eius Vicit | Daemones Suum Vicit\\n\\nDaemones Eius Vincit | Daemones Suum Vincit\\n\\nDaemones Vincit',\n", " 'id': 'fdqky7b',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdpaclh',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'timtomorkevin',\n", " 'body': 'Hello all,\\n\\nWould you be so kind as to tell me how to say \\n\\n\"everyone falls\"\\n\\n \\nI mean fall in the religious sense, the way Angels fall, i.e. a fall from grace.\\n\\nThanks in advance',\n", " 'id': 'fdq9130',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ambientambler67',\n", " 'body': 'Great suggestion, thank you!',\n", " 'id': 'fdq8wn5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdksyj0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'MrNumeros',\n", " 'body': 'Hey guys, can you help me translate “Forever and ever”? I get two different results and I want to know which is the correct one. AETERNUS ET UMQUAM or aeternum ET UMQUAM',\n", " 'id': 'fdpo4jl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'lifeofachi',\n", " 'body': 'Hi please help me translate these 3 phrases into latin. It’s for a tattoo. Thanks\\n\\n1. She conquered her demons\\n2. She conquers her demons\\n3. She conquers demons',\n", " 'id': 'fdpaclh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'confrontthedragon',\n", " 'body': \"Hi, is there a translation for the word 'Responsibility'?\",\n", " 'id': 'fdow1w4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_el2va6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'the_seraphim',\n", " 'body': \"I'm happy with that\",\n", " 'id': 'fdoux3b',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdouell',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'widyadius',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you!',\n", " 'id': 'fdouv2r',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdffv3e',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'widyadius',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you!',\n", " 'id': 'fdouus3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdfli3j',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': \"I think that's the implication\",\n", " 'id': 'fdouell',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdotrf1',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'the_seraphim',\n", " 'body': 'Perhaps the subject is the family who bears this motto upon their crest?',\n", " 'id': 'fdotrf1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdotltf',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': '*tenebras* and *hostes* are objects; the subject of *expellit* is unstated: he/she/it drives out the darkness and the enemies',\n", " 'id': 'fdotltf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdoj9lt',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'em0hll': [{'author': 'jayzwasinnirvana',\n", " 'body': 'DO NOT get a tattoo of Latin produced by google translate. You are asking for a lifetime of regret, because GT is a Latin gibberish generator, as the sidebar says. But translations from English like this are supposed to go in [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/el2va6/english_to_latin_translation_requests_go_here/) stickied post.',\n", " 'id': 'fdlnihd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdlnanc',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdlnanc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em0hll',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdlmsgd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em0hll',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'em02ha': [{'author': 'TheWizznijch',\n", " 'body': 'Check out Project Arkhaia! They have tiered difficulty readings of the AP selections of DBG and Aeneid. They have some other stuff too, but the tiered readings have been a blessing in my classes',\n", " 'id': 'fdlu5g3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em02ha',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'shrimp-hvn-now',\n", " 'body': 'I would second this recommendation—I go back to my copies of Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata time and time again.',\n", " 'id': 'fdlru35',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdlp5tb',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"You have the right idea, but you will get better at really reading by *really reading*, not by struggling through things that you are not yet ready for, and even the simplest Latin authors are simple only for those with a decent reading level (which means those with a mastery of the forms, a large vocabulary, and plenty of experience with even simpler Latin). What you need to find are things that you can read comfortably *without* a dictionary, or with very little recourse to one, and then you need to read as much as you possibly can.\\n\\nNo author's works really fit this bill, so your best bet is to read through the passages from any beginner's Latin textbooks you can get access to, as well as Latin 'readers', i.e., books written with the design of giving students extra reading practice. Some easy readers can be found here: http://hiberna-cr.wikidot.com/reading-material\",\n", " 'id': 'fdlr2zj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em02ha',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'JLLS11',\n", " 'body': 'If you haven\\'t used the Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata books, it is an essential resource for what you are describing--the goal being to get learners to be able to read texts, not just translating them via grammar knowledge.\\n\\nThe problem with reading \"real\" Latin is the lack of intermediate level texts that can serve as a bridge for beginners. The LLPSI series will help with that; there are also readers made in the late 19th/early 20th century which are designed with the same goal in mind (Ad Alpes is one, but there are plenty, in varying quality).\\n\\nAs for advanced authors, some are harder than others and a lot will depend on your own background. If you know a lot of Hellinstic philosophy, Cicero and Seneca\\'s philosophical works will come more easily; maybe you don\\'t have a good background in Roman history and politics and so Cicero\\'s speeches might come harder. Conversely perhaps you are well versed in Medieval or Renaissance periods and those texts may be easier for you; they tend to be a bit simpler Latin-wise, though sometimes can have some oddities here and there. Above all, the more you read of an author the easier their work gets. In my mind, Cicero\\'s philosophy and Livy\\'s history marks as good a starting point as any because they both have very clear styles; Caesar is often recommended as a first author because his extremely compact style is easier to translate, but from a perspective of *reading*, in my opinion he is more difficult than relatively clear authors; besides, Cicero\\'s style became the thing-to-imitate and so exposure to that will make it easier to read the authors he influences.\\n\\nedit: I somehow forgot, but Nepos is perhaps the easiest Classical author; very accessible and quite good too!',\n", " 'id': 'fdlp5tb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em02ha',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'turdica00',\n", " 'body': 'I started with the Cambridge Latin textbooks in high school. \\n\\nIt was great for me, a little 16-year-old who didn’t know much of anything about Latin to begin with. Then again, it’s not just language in there, you learn things about the history and culture in conjunction.\\n\\nMaybe it’s too simple. Looking at the other posts, I think I might get laughed out of this subreddit.',\n", " 'id': 'fdloarf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em02ha',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'PubliusSiliusLinus',\n", " 'body': 'Students often start off with Caesar’s Bello Gallico. The DBG is a military report, so it is generally straightforward.',\n", " 'id': 'fdliiut',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em02ha',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'As always, the Vulgate—its Latin is babby-tier in comparison with Classical texts. Then I recommend Saint Isidore’s _Etymologies_ for some extremely varied and basically inexhaustible reading. No matter what catches your interest, you’ll find it in that book. Then, for something more obscure, I enjoy _Dē verbōrum significātiōne_, Paul the Deacon’s epitome of Sextus Pompeius Festus’ epitome of Verrius Flaccus’ great lexicographic work, where you’ll find some quite unique ‘stories about words’, discussion about archaic Latin, obscure _hapax legomena_ and quotations from old forgotten authors. Definitely of more marginal interest but I think that if you’re learning Latin you’re the kind of person who’d savour that.\\n\\nNow, on to the Classical period, Catullus is easy, enjoyable and, since he’s so widely taught, has a lot of resources (on Perseus Tufts you can find a completely literal English translation—I wish there was something like this for more texts). Then, Ovid is approachable as well but definitely more difficult already, and, I think this is an unpopular opinion, Juvenal is actually an okay author for intermediate readers: he is very fun to read too—the difficulty lies not in grammar, but in his cryptic way of expressing himself and his nigh-incoherence, difficulties which a Loeb parallel text edition should alleviate.\\n\\n(By the way, use loebclassics.com for a rich catalogue of Latin—and Greek—texts with parallel translations (reasonably literal), a limited critical apparatus and helpful annotations and introductions. You just have to disable your cookies for the site and you’ll be able to access the whole thing for free.)',\n", " 'id': 'fdli33a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em02ha',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'elz8rx': [{'author': 'apis_fessa',\n", " 'body': 'gratias!',\n", " 'id': 'fdn3ez8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdn2y22',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'apis_fessa',\n", " 'body': 'gratias!',\n", " 'id': 'fdn3e0i',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdmvyec',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'Aut _nōbili genere_ aut _nōbili locō_ scrībendum est, ē quibus _nōbili genere_ mihi melius vīdētur.',\n", " 'id': 'fdn2y22',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elz8rx',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'IgnotusQuaerens',\n", " 'body': '\"Iudaea, Galilaea, Samaria\"\\n\\nvel\\n\\n\"Iudaea et Galilaea et Samaria\"\\n\\n*non*\\n\\n\"Iudaea, Galilaea et Samaria\"',\n", " 'id': 'fdmvyec',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elz8rx',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'apis_fessa',\n", " 'body': 'recte dixistis, mendum feci :)\\n\\ngratias',\n", " 'id': 'fdmsy71',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdmcfc9',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdmgvig',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdmcfc9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': 'Cum *evenit* sit tempore praeterito, opus est ut verba modo coniunctivo sequentia sint tempore aut imperfecto aut plusquamperfecto',\n", " 'id': 'fdmcfc9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdm9uqj',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'Recte /u/cuibon0 scripsit. Nam **consecutio temporum** servanda est.',\n", " 'id': 'fdmbnqz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdm9uqj',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'apis_fessa',\n", " 'body': 'Cur \"esset\"?',\n", " 'id': 'fdm9uqj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdlwaeq',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'apis_fessa',\n", " 'body': 'Gratias :)',\n", " 'id': 'fdm9tfd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdlnuti',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': 'ablatus [sit -> esset]',\n", " 'id': 'fdlwaeq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elz8rx',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': '**a** matre\\n\\nAegyptum\\n\\ncrudelitate',\n", " 'id': 'fdlnuti',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elz8rx',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdl8y3a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elz8rx',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'elyoa5': [{'author': 'sisterofaugustine',\n", " 'body': \"Unlikely, they're too modernist and ecumenical to care anymore. Though it is possible, and understandable.\",\n", " 'id': 'fe6gfe7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdn18pf',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'BarteltNinja',\n", " 'body': 'The quality on these are amazing. Good to see.',\n", " 'id': 'fdn7x0b',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elyoa5',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Shahadza',\n", " 'body': 'Maybe they don’t want to credit a potential pagan? 🤔',\n", " 'id': 'fdn18pf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdm7xiy',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': \"I see the Vatican Library still puts a huge vertical library stamp onto every one of these digitalized images. There might be another library somewhere that does something like that, but I can't think of one offhand.\\n\\nI'm looking at the library's page for Vat. Lat. 10696. The page mentions that it's from Livy, that it's sec (sic!) IV-V, and also includes a rather large bibliography. But as far as I can see, it doesn't mention that this fragment of Livy is XXXIV, 36-39. Now, probably most people who went to Vatican website looking for Vat. Lat. 10696 would already know that it's XXXIV, 36-39. Still, it wouldn't have taken up all that much room on the page to mention it. The information might have been helpful if some beginner had just stumbled across this while browsing the library's website.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdm7xiy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elyoa5',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'translostation',\n", " 'body': 'Not super new - they’ve been updating this site for years since the project began. It’s quite useful for some aspects of manuscript work though.',\n", " 'id': 'fdlcrn9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elyoa5',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'elxyij': [{'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'bibō is pronounced with a short /i/, when it isn\\'t, either you aren\\'t hearing the Classical pronunciation or the speaker made an error. If you want to learn how to pronunce Latin, open the resources document in the sidebar and find Atrium->Pronunciation. The closest things to answering \"when short or long\" is found in the Poetry subsection.\\n\\nIf you\\'re asking whether there isn\\'t a more accessible yet accurate summary, I\\'m not really aware of one - any summary that says \"like in English...\" about Latin vowels is 100% wrong.',\n", " 'id': 'fdocxpq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elxyij',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'jacobissimus',\n", " 'body': 'Most modern speakers are better at following the rules of stress than the length rules. Because bibo is two syllables the stress is on the first one, but the stress is always on the first syllable when there’s only two anyway. The Romans would have that as a stressed, but short syllable and while modern speakers tend to just lengthen whatever syllable they’re stressing.',\n", " 'id': 'fdnxrbo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elxyij',\n", " 'score': 4}],\n", " 'elxq39': [{'author': 'numquamsolus',\n", " 'body': 'I think that you need make a new post as an OP. Otherwise, a link to a ln image saved on the Cloud.',\n", " 'id': 'fe73cv2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe72x0y',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'alexinwonderland81',\n", " 'body': 'No problem,how do you post an image as a reply',\n", " 'id': 'fe72x0y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe5jz3x',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'numquamsolus',\n", " 'body': \"Would you mind to share a copy of one of the author's grammar explanations with us? I understand that each chapter begins with a short explanation with illustrative examples.\",\n", " 'id': 'fe5jz3x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elxq39',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'alexinwonderland81',\n", " 'body': \"It's called Via Plana , I bought it on Amazon\",\n", " 'id': 'fdmugcm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdmtkwp',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'flappy153',\n", " 'body': 'Which book is this, BTW?',\n", " 'id': 'fdmtkwp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elxq39',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'alexinwonderland81',\n", " 'body': \"Do you ever find you can parse several passages with ease and then one comes along and you are like 'wtf '\\nThis was my moment today\",\n", " 'id': 'fdkwqla',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elxq39',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'elxdso': [{'author': 'nelsonnium',\n", " 'body': 'Wisdom 1:1-2. https://www.newadvent.org/bible/wis001.htm',\n", " 'id': 'fqgu1u9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdkycbb',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"It's from the Bible, Wisdom 1:1: 'seek him in simplicity of heart, for he is found by them that tempt him not.'\",\n", " 'id': 'fdkycbb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elxdso',\n", " 'score': 4}],\n", " 'eluq1v': [],\n", " 'elujph': [{'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': '*Vox Latina* by W.S.Allen is an excellent book about the (reconstructed) pronunciation of classical Latin, and it also has a short appendix about pronunciation of Latin in England (English accent).',\n", " 'id': 'fe7c4qb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elujph',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'rocketman0739',\n", " 'body': 'There\\'s no one Latin accent. There was probably a \"posh Latin accent\" in the Roman era, roughly equivalent to RP, but since Latin became solely a learned language, it has been pronounced in the accent of the various countries that use it. \"Church Latin\" is basically Italian-accented Latin. Another one you\\'ll see around is German-accented Latin, especially if you\\'re singing German sacred music. English-accented Latin used to be a thing too, but it was reformed out of existence some decades ago, except in loanwords and legal terms.',\n", " 'id': 'fdl37ym',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elujph',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"Even if you are aiming at the reconstructed classical variety, your models should be Italian speakers: they have the pure vowels that we are so far from having in English; they linger on their double-consonants (as in 'spaghet-ti'); they have relatively muted plosives (the 'c', 'p', and 't' sounds); they tap and roll their 'r's. If you do those things, while also paying attention to proper vowel and syllable length, you're basically there.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdkm7br',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elujph',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': \"There are lots of resources that describe reconstructed pronunciation(s). Reading those can inform you about your goal, but they don't do much to help you reach it. The best thing you can do is to find people who speak the way you want to speak, listen to them a lot, and imitate them.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdkb68k',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elujph',\n", " 'score': 7}],\n", " 'elug2a': [{'author': 'Rories1',\n", " 'body': \"Many beginning textbooks have edited versions of classic stories, so they're easier to translate but still evoke the original message. Those are usually pretty short though, between a paragraph and a page.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdlo9gz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elug2a',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'jayzwasinnirvana',\n", " 'body': 'You can also find a lot of older Latin reading material for free on archive.org, like [Julia](https://archive.org/details/julialatinreadin00reed). Try searching that site for things like \"Latin reader\".',\n", " 'id': 'fdkux2p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elug2a',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Jandar1',\n", " 'body': 'You could try one of the 51 recently published Latin novellas, listed [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bF8hZuxTDtgNMSSdonEX112JJaVYqoPH7w27Oju9ETs/edit).',\n", " 'id': 'fdka4gd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elug2a',\n", " 'score': 6}],\n", " 'eluflg': [{'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Yup, when I speak I use these strings of infinitives plus accusative all the time.',\n", " 'id': 'fl2y3id',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eluflg',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Beake',\n", " 'body': 'Explanatio tua mihi placet. Ergo, *putare* dicere debemus.',\n", " 'id': 'fdo32j1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdlo5fb',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"You can think of an indirect statement as the object of a verb, but it does not follow that you can use an indirect statement as the object of *any* transitive verb. You wouldn't have one after, say, *aedificare* or *movere* or *pulsare* -- *cogitare* likewise.\\n\\nHowever you think of it, this verb just is *not* found with acc. + inf. among the classical authors. I think that's the example we should follow.\\n\\nIt's hard for us as English speakers, because we learn that this verb means 'to think' and so we suppose that it is therefore basically synonymous with *putare* and operates with the same syntax. It was years before I learnt that it was otherwise, and for some it takes even longer: you will find it used with acc. + inf. in the *Harrius Potter* books, whose translator, Peter Needham, taught Latin at Eton for thirty years under this misapprehension.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdlo5fb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdla4d5',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Beake',\n", " 'body': \">so you typically just have it with an object\\n\\nBut that indirect statement functions as a noun clause, making it *cogitavit*'s D.O., so it does have an object.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdla4d5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdklaj2',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Peteat6',\n", " 'body': 'Cogitare can take ut + subj. Cogitabat (impf rather than perfect, because it’s a state, not a single action) ut illa putet eum id facturum esse.',\n", " 'id': 'fdkn2c0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eluflg',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'BenW8894',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks a million!\\n\\nThere’s always one mistake, no matter what\\n\\n\\nEdit: I saw Cicero days ago use my construction so off to the cross with you my dear Medus.',\n", " 'id': 'fdklm1y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdklaj2',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"I don't see a problem with having an indirect statement within another one.\\n\\nThere is a problem with your title however: you can't have an indirect statement *at all* after *cogitare*, since it does not mean 'to think' in the sense of 'to suppose' or 'judge' but more like 'to think about, ponder, meditate upon (something)', so you typically just have it with an object, and if you do find an infinitive with it, that's because it's being used with a sense of 'to intend (to do something)'.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdklaj2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eluflg',\n", " 'score': 6}],\n", " 'eluf1k': [{'author': 'HIV-negativator',\n", " 'body': 'Oh ok...',\n", " 'id': 'fdmk9xy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdmj9yt',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdmjjzu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eluf1k',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdmj9yt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdmi6ho',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'HIV-negativator',\n", " 'body': 'Well then, why did you have trouble translating this one?',\n", " 'id': 'fdmi6ho',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdkz9e3',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdm2rki',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdlqzrg',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'mythology_guy',\n", " 'body': \"probably because they posted when there are already answers up so at this point it's just bitching at a high school student for nothing\",\n", " 'id': 'fdltaxi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdl7rnh',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdlqzrg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdlqs8x',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdlqs8x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eluf1k',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdlq9g7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdlmorf',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'russoantonio150799',\n", " 'body': 'Cities\\' names don\\'t require the preposition \"in\" when you mean to be there.',\n", " 'id': 'fdlmorf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eluf1k',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'BarteltNinja',\n", " 'body': 'Not sure why you got downvoted. Lol.',\n", " 'id': 'fdl7rnh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdkn9u4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'BarteltNinja',\n", " 'body': 'Not sure why you got downvoted. Lol.',\n", " 'id': 'fdl7qc3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdkn9u4',\n", " 'score': -2},\n", " {'author': 'Handsomeyellow47',\n", " 'body': 'Wow this sounds so cool ! I guess you’re school’s pretty serious about being actually fluent in Latin ! This is such a unique and fun way to get around doing that ! I love it ! 😊😅',\n", " 'id': 'fdl3lk4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdkz9e3',\n", " 'score': 12},\n", " {'author': 'rocketman0739',\n", " 'body': 'Also the consul is a woman, though that may have been sufficiently implied by her possibly being a queen.',\n", " 'id': 'fdl2qho',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdkau6a',\n", " 'score': 12},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdkz9e3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdkwpv9',\n", " 'score': 19},\n", " {'author': 'Handsomeyellow47',\n", " 'body': 'Kinda ironic that the huns would speak Latin lol. So was this pre-written and you just didn’t know what it said ? Your grammar was stellar !',\n", " 'id': 'fdkwpv9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdkuev2',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdkvfke',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdkn9u4',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdkuev2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdkncbj',\n", " 'score': 21},\n", " {'author': 'BarteltNinja',\n", " 'body': 'yes.',\n", " 'id': 'fdkpw20',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdkn9u4',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'CristianAutolitano',\n", " 'body': 'You are absolutely right!',\n", " 'id': 'fdkofso',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdklto3',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Handsomeyellow47',\n", " 'body': 'My king and lord,\\nThose horrible romans send a legion against us ! We need help. Also that Roman consul is in Syracuse (their queen ?). Let us attack this city !\\nYour faithful servant, Broblegon\\n\\nWhere did you get this from ? What’s the context for this ?',\n", " 'id': 'fdkncbj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eluf1k',\n", " 'score': 15},\n", " {'author': 'paladine01',\n", " 'body': 'What have you translated already?\\n\\nOr is \"help me translate this\" code for \"translate this for me\"?',\n", " 'id': 'fdkn9u4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eluf1k',\n", " 'score': -4},\n", " {'author': 'Peteat6',\n", " 'body': 'Quoque meaning also can’t go first in a sentence. If it’s first, it must be quō-que, \"and to where\".',\n", " 'id': 'fdklto3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eluf1k',\n", " 'score': 32},\n", " {'author': 'SemperMeTaedet',\n", " 'body': \"Ah yep, you're right. Thanks for catching that.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdkitdq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdkifw6',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': 'translostation',\n", " 'body': 'in Syracusis = in the area around Syracuse. Syracusis = in Syracuse.',\n", " 'id': 'fdkifw6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdkau6a',\n", " 'score': 52},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdkdb1e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdkau6a',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'SemperMeTaedet',\n", " 'body': 'My king and master, those dirty Romans send one legion against us. We need help. Also, that Roman consul is ~~in~~ near Syracus (their queen?). Let us attack this city!\\n\\n\\\\-Your loyal servant, Broblegon',\n", " 'id': 'fdkau6a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eluf1k',\n", " 'score': 82}],\n", " 'eltw9t': [{'author': '_porphyrios',\n", " 'body': 'Here you go: Dickey and Chahoud 2010 (eds.), *[Colloquial and Literary Latin](https://www.amazon.com/Colloquial-Literary-Latin-Eleanor-Dickey/dp/0521513952)*',\n", " 'id': 'fdkb097',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eltw9t',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'jacobissimus',\n", " 'body': 'We don’t really know that much about colloquial language in the Classical period—mostly just things that we infer from play dialog (which is still poetic), letters (which are written by and for the literate class), and graffiti (which may or may not be all that representative—I mean, who do you know that actually talks like what they write on the bathroom stall). We have some stories here and there that comment on specific people’s accents and later on we start to get school/grammatical texts when describe common errors. It’s not really until we start getting books teaching Latin to non-native speakers that we get clear descriptions of what every day Latin should be like.',\n", " 'id': 'fdk5qc2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eltw9t',\n", " 'score': 8}],\n", " 'elm43l': [{'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'Your post must be more substantive than this to not be removed.',\n", " 'id': 'fdiz7so',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_elm43l',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'emi41c': [{'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'Removed per rule 5',\n", " 'id': 'fdppa43',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emi41c',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'Latīnē loquēns',\n", " 'id': 'fdoynh6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emi41c',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'emi309': [{'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"I was also going to recommend running through Oerberg's abridged Amphitryo. Also, since, u/eleactics , I assume you are going to be expected to parse forms, translate, etc, just Google Latin declension and conjugation drills. If you've made it through intro Latin, I'm sure you're no stranger to memorization. That said, if you want to really learn to read Latin, you need to start yourself on a reading program with a massive amount of input (well beyond what you will read in undergrad) of texts at a lower-level than Roman literature. See the sidebar for resources and links to tons of stuff.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdpp6bj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emi309',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': \"(shill) Get yourself a copy of [this](https://www.amazon.com/Amphitryo-Comoedia-Lingua-Latina-Latin/dp/158510194X). It's (most of) Amphitryo, but with the familiar marginal notes of dominus noster Orberg. Quid multa? (/shill)\",\n", " 'id': 'fdoxs2j',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emi309',\n", " 'score': 4}],\n", " 'emeute': [{'author': 'shibbyschwab',\n", " 'body': 'Because they have an interest in promoting Latin',\n", " 'id': 'feejwav',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdylshd',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'chaosgirl93',\n", " 'body': \"Honestly why does the Vatican bother with that? Who would bother following it? Most Catholics don't care about Latin, most classicists \\n\\n>don't really care what the pope has to say.\\n\\n(I mean, is there a point? I don't imagine anyone else on Twitter is regularly tweeting in Latin anyway)\",\n", " 'id': 'fdylshd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdpdc4k',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'xier_zhanmusi',\n", " 'body': 'I was able to translate this as just native English speaker & reading to chapter 2 of Lingua Latina, which shows how useful that book is. Well done OP.',\n", " 'id': 'fdpukme',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emeute',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'willowhelmiam',\n", " 'body': \"I briefly followed @pontifex_la on twitter just for a chance to randomly translate some Latin as I'm scrolling thorough my timeline, but then I realized I'm not catholic and don't really care what the pope has to say.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdpdc4k',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emeute',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'BarteltNinja',\n", " 'body': 'Always exciting when you can just read and understand the Latin. Good for you.',\n", " 'id': 'fdoy56w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emeute',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'tito_banciv',\n", " 'body': 'It truly is beautiful when you can translate from Latin, as you said, “in the wild”. I know that sensation and I hope you keep on making progress. Good luck!',\n", " 'id': 'fdorktx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emeute',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'Sochamelet',\n", " 'body': \"Congrats! That's pretty good for three months of study. And don't excuse yourself for being excited. You've used a new skill to get something out of the book that you wouldn't otherwise have gotten. You didn't seek it out to practice your Latin; you just came across it and were able to figure it out. That's a great way to really notice that you've learned a new skill, even if it's not fully fledged yet. Stay excited, cause you're gonna need it! ;-)\",\n", " 'id': 'fdopt9y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emeute',\n", " 'score': 30},\n", " {'author': 'eestimarcus',\n", " 'body': 'From Matthew 9:24.',\n", " 'id': 'fdochaa',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emeute',\n", " 'score': 30}],\n", " 'emace2': [{'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'By u/RumakRasna',\n", " 'id': 'fdn8fr0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emace2',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'em9x7l': [],\n", " 'em9huq': [{'replies': '',\n", " 'id': 'kvsc8oz',\n", " 'author': 'TJP_UCSC',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em9huq',\n", " 'score': 1,\n", " 'body': \"Ancient Rome only socially constructed two genders. I've devised some forms I kinda like, but they don't cover all cases.\",\n", " 'created': 1710966303.0},\n", " {'author': 'nonsatana666',\n", " 'body': \"I don't hate gender neutral people, I just say I don't happen to speak latin with them since latin is a dead language :/\",\n", " 'id': 'fdol8n6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdoht1c',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[removed]',\n", " 'id': 'fdoht1c',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdn3ixi',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'rhoadsalive',\n", " 'body': 'This was common in antiquity for slaves since they were more of a commodity than a human.',\n", " 'id': 'fdocp50',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em9huq',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'I would say no.\\n\\nThe neuter gender mostly refers to inanimate things. The only exception I can think of is _scortum_ “harlot” – which looks really dehumanizing.\\n\\nThe Latin gender system derives from Indoeuropean, which originally distinguished animate for people and inanimate for abstract concepts. The animate gender split into masculine and feminine, the inanimate gender became what is known as neuter. \\n\\nA non-binary person is not an object, so using neuter would be inappropriate. I’d use either masculine or feminine depending on their preferences.',\n", " 'id': 'fdnsbwf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em9huq',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'labcoatbrat',\n", " 'body': \"I think you'd best ask the person you're dealing with whether they prefer gendered or non gendered language.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdnp431',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em9huq',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'mothmvn',\n", " 'body': 'This is coming from a different language perspective so it might not be super applicable, but it is a language with three genders (Russian - M, F, N) that I\\'m a native speaker of, and I am one of the elsewhere-mentioned \"unlikely gender-neutral people\", so it\\'s some kind of insight for sure.\\n\\nIMO using N-gender for a person would indeed be dehumanizing/infantilizing. From what I\\'ve seen of how fellow Russian-speaking nonbinary people deal with things, they usually choose M or F for themselves, with different rationales. Some people use opposite-to-their-biological-sex pronouns to hammer home that they\\'re not the gender they were assigned at birth, others use the gender corresponding to some other noun they feel fits them (eg. \"person\" is masculine, so they use masculine for themselves), etc.\\n\\nIf you\\'re looking to refer to someone in third person in a text, it\\'s probably best to get around pronouns altogether by consistently using \"that person\" or something to that effect. And asking the person in question would be the best call, for sure.',\n", " 'id': 'fdn56cq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em9huq',\n", " 'score': 12},\n", " {'author': 'TheWizznijch',\n", " 'body': 'Some classicists say “yes” because neuter does not have the implications that “it” does in English (ne+uter= not either). Those classicists, however, in my experience, have all been cis, so take it with a grain of salt. Your best bet, imo, is to just ask someone, just like English. \\n\\nIf they don’t know Latin, you may just have to quickly be like “technically it doesn’t have the dehumanization of English, but I get why that still might not be acceptable to you.”\\n\\nI just wouldn’t, like, assign someone pronouns or something.',\n", " 'id': 'fdn3q8h',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em9huq',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdn3oeu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em9huq',\n", " 'score': -1},\n", " {'author': 'nonsatana666',\n", " 'body': \"I don't know, lucky for me I think it's very unlikely to meet a gender neutral person and speak with them in latin today :)\",\n", " 'id': 'fdn3ixi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em9huq',\n", " 'score': -4}],\n", " 'em927l': [{'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': 'Qui sermonem germanicum parum intellegimus, vix quimus dicere quid recte quidve prave ex eo verteris, nam licet sententias sine mendo latine scripseris, nesciamus tamen utrum omnino aliud ac germanice scripta sibi velint',\n", " 'id': 'fdnpvp3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdnhhj7',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'apis_fessa',\n", " 'body': 'Estne scriptum in Lingua Latina rectum?',\n", " 'id': 'fdnhhj7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdn7jkn',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'BarteltNinja',\n", " 'body': 'Me paenitet, linguam Germanicam non intellego.',\n", " 'id': 'fdn7jkn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em927l',\n", " 'score': 4}],\n", " 'em86ay': [{'author': 'jrumbelow22',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks my dude',\n", " 'id': 'fdmz2wl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdmz1t4',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'kempff',\n", " 'body': 'Then Deus sine mantello, God without a mantle.',\n", " 'id': 'fdmz1t4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdmxt6d',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'jrumbelow22',\n", " 'body': 'So the context is that the \"mantle\" is a not a clothing mantle, rather a status mantle or a purpose mantle.',\n", " 'id': 'fdmxt6d',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdmxrca',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'kempff',\n", " 'body': 'Should probably be *sine mantello*, and depending on the context should be translated *without a cloak* or (stretching it) *without a veil*. Context would help me come up with something less clunky.',\n", " 'id': 'fdmxrca',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em86ay',\n", " 'score': 4}],\n", " 'em7jix': [{'author': 'WhyPOD',\n", " 'body': 'Cheers! Yeah, I tried Googling a bit but was rather unsure if the translation would be sufficient.',\n", " 'id': 'fdmz53n',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdmvlp9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Phantasmak',\n", " 'body': '\"Quod in vita facimus, in aeternum resonat\"- This is what you get if you type the question into Google and search on other websites. I feel it\\'s a little too literal so I\\'d use something like \"Gesta in vita, in aeternitatem resonant\" Accomplishments in life echo in eternity although your mileage may vary.',\n", " 'id': 'fdmvlp9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em7jix',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'em7ezc': [{'author': 'steepleman',\n", " 'body': '*Contraxit matrimonium* means “contracted matrimony”, not “contracted to marry”. Banns are also still used in the UK.',\n", " 'id': 'fdpwvhr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdncxo7',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'doveinthesand',\n", " 'body': 'No worries! It was an interesting time. Thanks for sharing. :)',\n", " 'id': 'fdo806q',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdo799q',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'ziguslav',\n", " 'body': 'YOU SIR are a madman! Thank you so much for this!',\n", " 'id': 'fdo799q',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdo6cm1',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'doveinthesand',\n", " 'body': 'Here we go then: a rough translation, with italics to denote doubtful transcriptions. Interesting folks to keep an eye out for include Joseph Slazas, who witnessed two different weddings within a month, the madman, although his first name is spelled two different ways, and a Dr Antonius *Nacbko*, who appears to have insisted that his proper title be inserted into the margin after it was missed out...\\n\\nIn the year 1774 on the 23rd day of January, with Mr *Georgius Diiseykus* presiding, Bartholomew Dijokas from the house of *Michnayci* married Dorothy Zlabicie of the house *Gimbucius*, both from the parish of *Zagora* in the Church manner, with promises obtained under the custom of the three banns, in the presence of the witnesses *Joseph Tomzis* and *Thomas Dijokas*.\\n\\nIn the year 1774 on the 30th day of January, with Mr *Georgius Diiseykus Priest of Zagora* presiding, George Niprika from the house of *Manci* married Constance *Sivisplicis* of the house *Raybenis*, both from the parish of *Zagora* in the Church manner, with promises obtained under the custom of the three banns, in the presence of the witnesses *Michael Morkunas* and *Jozeph Szlazas*.\\n\\nOn the same day as above, Joseph Nadzynakas from the house of *Doniti* married Marianna *Pykelenyaidus* of the house *Zankoycis*, both from the parish of *Zagora,* with promises obtained under the custom of the three banns, in the presence of the witnesses *Thomas Bernotaytis* and *Joseph Libis*.\\n\\nIn the year 1774 on the 2nd day of February, with Mr *Georgius Diiseykus Priest of Zagora* presiding, Martin *Zachariewski* from the house of *Stungis* married Barbara *Laudycis* of the house *Raybenis*, both from the parish of *Zagora*, with promises obtained under the custom of the three banns, in the presence of the witnesses Joseph *Girikas* and Joseph *Gotulis*.\\n\\nIn the year 1774 on the 6th day of February, with Mr *Georgius Diiseykus* *Priest of Zagora* presiding, *Cosimrius Gatulis* from the house of *Stepanis* from the parish of *Juniaca* married Brigida *Bertulicis* of the house *Zeymius*, from the parish of *Zagora* in the Church manner, with promises obtained under the custom of the three banns, in the presence of the witnesses *Thomas Batakas* and Johannes Brieykas.\\n\\nIn the year and on the day as above, Jacob *Drygotas* from the house of *Zucis* married Anna *Greycizis* of the house *Rukuyzis*, both from the parish of *Zagora*, with the three banns promised in the following holy days, in the presence of the witnesses Stepha *Auksztumas* and Jacob *Greycizis*.\\n\\nIn the same manner as above, with all observers cared for, *Gasper Matyoszaytis* married Catharina *Powtauskieny*, both from the empty house of Stungis \\\\[commoners as opposed to nobles?\\\\] with promises obtained under the custom of the three banns, in the presence of the witnesses Joseph *Darguzis* and Johannes *Darguzis*.\\n\\nIn the same manner as above, with all observers cared for, *Johannes Kajata* married Rosalia *Pauksztycus*, both from the city of Zagora with promises obtained under the custom of the three banns, in the presence of the witnesses Joseph *Jokubaytis* and *Ivar Kalis*.\\n\\nIn the same manner as above, *Jacob Norivayszas* from the house of Lukuyzis married Elisabeth *Tiluricis* from the house of *Gawdykis*, both from the parish of *Zagora* B R with promises obtained under the custom of the three banns, in the presence of the witnesses Dominic *Stanaytus* and Andreas *Feytus*.\\n\\nIn the year 1774 on the 13th day of February, with Mr *Georgius Diiseykus Priest of Zagora* presiding, Johannes *Marcinkus* married Helena *Bagdonicis*, both of the house *Wersse* and the parish of *Zagora*, with promises obtained under the custom of the three banns, with the witnesses Peter *Baler* and others as witnesses.\\n\\nOn the day and in the year as above, *Drus* \\\\[Doctor?\\\\] *Joseph B??ussewicz* married the honest maiden Victoria *Naydowiczowna*, both from *Zagora*, with promises obtained in the custom of the three banns, in the presence of the witnesses Dr Antonius *Nacbko* \\\\[Cyrillic script?\\\\] and Dr Georgius *Deymentowicz*.\\n\\nIn the year and on the day as above, Jacob *Irinyinas* from the house of *Waysznoris* from the parish of *Gouzla* married Magdalena *Clehricis* of the house *Icioczunya* from the parish of *Zagora*, with promises obtained in the custom of the three banns, in the presence of the witnesses Stanislaw *Izmikas* and Joseph *Szlazas*.',\n", " 'id': 'fdo6cm1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em7ezc',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'doveinthesand',\n", " 'body': 'Italics denote doubtful transcriptions.',\n", " 'id': 'fdo3m8r',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdo3l49',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'doveinthesand',\n", " 'body': \"Ok, cool. I've done the first 9, so I'll finish for the sake of it, but the 8th entry reads\\n\\nIn the same manner as above, with all observations cared for, Johannes Kajota marries Rosalia *Pauksztycus*, both from the city of Zagora, with promises obtained under the custom of the three banns, in the presence of the witnesses Joseph *Jokubaytis* and *Ivar Kalis*.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdo3l49',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdnzm2i',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'ziguslav',\n", " 'body': \"Kajota / Kajotas. To be honest I can't see it :)\\n\\nEDIT: found on 8th entry!\",\n", " 'id': 'fdnzm2i',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdnxdt1',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'doveinthesand',\n", " 'body': 'That\\'s good stuff! After the banns comes \"in praesentia testium\" + names, which is \\'in the presence of the witnesses X and Y.',\n", " 'id': 'fdny2tz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdncxo7',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'doveinthesand',\n", " 'body': \"It's a marriage register, by the looks of it; dates seem to go week to week, so it's probably of the one church, and it follows a formula basically as follows:\\n\\nOn [date] with [priest?] officiating, [name] married [name], with [name] and [name] as witnesses.\\n\\nI'm not sure what the fuss about handwriting is; seems pretty legible to me, but maybe that's a European thing? Do you not normally read handwriting in the US? (Honestly asking, not making a jibe.)\\n\\nAre there any particular names you're after? Otherwise I'll have it translated in half an hour or so.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdnxdt1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em7ezc',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'ReedsAndSerpents',\n", " 'body': 'This is actually super interesting! Great work on it.',\n", " 'id': 'fdnx76m',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdncxo7',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'WikiTextBot',\n", " 'body': '**Kurrent**\\n\\nKurrent is an old form of German-language handwriting based on late medieval cursive writing, also known as Kurrentschrift, deutsche Schrift (\"German script\") and German cursive. Over the history of its use into the first part of the 20th century, many individual letters acquired variant forms.\\n\\nGerman writers used both cursive styles, Kurrent and English cursive, in parallel: location, contents, and context of the text determined which script style to use.\\n\\nSütterlin is a modern script based on Kurrent that is characterized by simplified letters and vertical strokes.\\n\\n***\\n\\n^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/latin/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^]\\n^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28',\n", " 'id': 'fdndi4t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdndhkk',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'OzarkShepherd',\n", " 'body': 'There were variations on handwriting throughout Europe. To read the handwriting for making a transcription, it might help to figure out where this town was and if it was in Germany or Poland at the time, then look up the style used there at that time. For example here is an example of German handwriting https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurrent',\n", " 'id': 'fdndhkk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em7ezc',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'zbufferz',\n", " 'body': 'This looks like a list or register of marriages. The phrase \"contraxit matrimonium\" seems to be repeated in every entry, and that is typically translated as \"contracted to marry\", which is an old legal formalism for \"got married\". Those entries appear to go on to say where and when (like the village and the church) but the handwriting is really hard to read at this small size. Part of the reason I am learning latin is to practice my cursive handwriting, so I can read cursive (and this is actually pretty good penmanship) but it\\'s really small.\\n\\nEDIT: There\\'s something in each of these about \"more tribus bannis\" which means the \"custom of three bans\" (???). which I\\'m actually finding is a thing in Polish marriage records: [see here](https://forum.polishorigins.com/viewtopic.php?p=19874). Is this a traditional or folk thing, like you have to ask three times and she says no the first two or something?\\n\\nSECOND EDIT: Bannis refers to the practice of:\\n\\n \"[Marriage Intentions (zapowiedź )](https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/Poland_Church_Records)\\nMarriage intentions (banns) were announced a few weeks before a couple planned to marry. The couple were required to announce their intentions two or three times so other community members could raise any objections to the marriage. Marriage registers sometimes give the two or three dates on which the marriage intentions were announced in addition to the marriage date. \"\\n\\nThat\\'s why it says tribus bannis! After having announced their intentions the customary three times, they were wed.',\n", " 'id': 'fdncxo7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em7ezc',\n", " 'score': 18},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'I think if you could do the work of transcribing the text, it would probably be quite straightforward to translate.',\n", " 'id': 'fdn985i',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em7ezc',\n", " 'score': 19},\n", " {'author': 'ziguslav',\n", " 'body': \"I'll ask my father where he got it from, and see if I can find a better one. When I zoom in I can make out the letters ok, but reading that handwriting is another thing entirely :) Thank you for your interest!\",\n", " 'id': 'fdn3xtq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdn2ooh',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'ItsOtisTime',\n", " 'body': 'Any way you can find a higher-resolution version of this document?',\n", " 'id': 'fdn2ooh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em7ezc',\n", " 'score': 6}],\n", " 'em6eba': [{'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'Your original translation is grammatically correct, but it means something to the effect of, \"Finding in life is a virtue.\" As noted, the gerundive form should be used, since \"to be found\" is describing \"virtue\" like an adjective.',\n", " 'id': 'fdpo36b',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdmnzfb',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Caesorius',\n", " 'body': 'This translation is good if you intend the “to be found” to mean obligation. In other words “Virtue should be found in life”.\\n\\nIt seems like that’s what you want, but I’m just double checking.',\n", " 'id': 'fdnzcg7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdmnt7m',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'kristianvl',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks!',\n", " 'id': 'fdmnzfb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdmnt7m',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': '1. \"Is to be found\" would be the gerundive, *inveniend-* (functions like an adjective).\\n\\n2. The preposition *in* (at least with this use) takes the ablative, so *vītā*.\\n\\n*Virtūs in vītā invenienda est.*',\n", " 'id': 'fdmnt7m',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em6eba',\n", " 'score': 15}],\n", " 'em4s3v': [{'author': 'ItsOtisTime',\n", " 'body': 'I\\'m not talented enough at Latin itself to comment on technical translation, but you might have better luck brainstorming some more metaphorical ways to describe what you\\'re actually doing -- Rolling dice in order to determine who goes first. Speaking as a guy that works primariy in marketing, \"Roll for Initiative\" isn\\'t quite the kind of Motto I think you\\'re looking for -- it\\'s more of a call to action or a command. Might want to try something along these lines: \\n\\n\"Fate dictates primacy\" (this one might be the easiest to translate) \\n\\n\"First by Fortune\" \\n\\nWith mottos, to me, it\\'s best to stay away from any specific language about action -- The U.S. Motto isn\\'t \"One Nation of Many Peoples\", it\\'s \"Out of many, One\". \\n\\nDeconstruct what you want to say to the barest, minimalist bones possible and then work from there! :)',\n", " 'id': 'fdn39ba',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em4s3v',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'OpenLifeSeries',\n", " 'body': \"Aleam ad Agenda\\n\\nThe die to those things which must be done (as in, the purpose is for the doing of those things.)\\n\\nIt doesn't translate back to English well, and I figured it's more eloquent to imply that it's being rolled.\\n\\nIf someone could double check me that'd be good.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdn2yfj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em4s3v',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Gasman_ferra',\n", " 'body': '\"Volvo\" is not the correct verb in this situation. \"Alea iacta est\", which you mentioned, is a very good starting point. In greek it\\'s Ἀνερρίφθω κύβος (Anerríftho kúbos), \"the dice has been thrown\", where the verbs iacio and ρίπτω (rípto) refer precisely to the movement of the dice being thrown and hitting the surface. So, let\\'s start with \"iactate\". It\\'s harder to transalte \"for initiative\", because latin has a lot of options to express finality, and \"initiative\" is obviously an alien concept for the culture.\\n\"Initiative\" is both \"the start of the combat\" and \"the order of the combat\". I think the first option sounds better in latin, so let\\'s go with that.\\nI think \"Alea iactate incipiendo proelio\" or \"Alea iactate ad proelium incipiendum\" (throw the dice to start the fight) are the best results. I hope that helped a bit :)',\n", " 'id': 'fdmxhbp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em4s3v',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Fedora_saxophonist',\n", " 'body': 'A while ago I started translating a bunch of dnd stuff into Latin - I think we used \"aleas sequentiae iacite\" or \"throw the dice of initiative\"\\n\\nMaybe this helps - here\\'s a sheet with dnd related vocab I came up with (not really complete, but there\\'s a lot there nonetheless)\\n\\n[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sYpyE7Fr48_ffEUjl--U0rilX2XVyKh5vqA7a7pVasA/edit?usp=drivesdk](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sYpyE7Fr48_ffEUjl--U0rilX2XVyKh5vqA7a7pVasA/edit?usp=drivesdk)',\n", " 'id': 'fdmkl86',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em4s3v',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'luxsitetluxfuit',\n", " 'body': 'Maybe \"Aleam iacite ad ordinandum\"? It\\'s not very quippy and probably too literal. \"Roll the die for the purpose of ordering/sequencing\". Could prolly leave out iacite and just have it implied. \\n\\nMaybe something less literal, like \"ex alea ordo\"? \"The sequence from the die\"?',\n", " 'id': 'fdmdyo2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em4s3v',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'em2nqq': [{'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdm1ume',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em2nqq',\n", " 'score': 0}],\n", " 'em28ar': [{'author': 'aiwiamuas',\n", " 'body': 'salve',\n", " 'id': 'fdluh25',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdltse0',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'snortlepig11',\n", " 'body': 'salve',\n", " 'id': 'fdltse0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_em28ar',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'emxe3r': [{'author': 'dasKatzenhafte135',\n", " 'body': 'https://discord.gg/AzMmaK8',\n", " 'id': 'fdvshht',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emxe3r',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'talondearg',\n", " 'body': \"yes, the one mentioned in the sidebar is active, with many participants, and enough to sustain some good conversation if you're up for it.\",\n", " 'id': 'fduqa9z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emxe3r',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'Yep, see sidebar and the main Latin server link. There have been an increasing number of conversations in the voice chat recently. Probably 10-15 hours of Latin conversation this week.\\n\\nJust go into one of the Latin only channels and express your interest in talking. We used to try to keep a schedule but not so much anymore. There are scheduled Latin chats Monday, Thursday, and Saturday on Zoom (yes, I keep trying to get them to change the platform). https://latinandgreekchats.weebly.com/',\n", " 'id': 'fdtpmu3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emxe3r',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'Check the sidebar.',\n", " 'id': 'fds9tvp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emxe3r',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'emwnqt': [{'author': 'sakuragloss',\n", " 'body': 'I\\'ve been considering doing translations into Latin you know, my friend and classmate is very good at Latin and she\\'s mentioned that she used to do translations into Latin for people for fun or something along those lines. I\\'ve always thought the best way I learn languages is by reading and absorbing, seeing words multiple times across texts, using them and learning it that way - the thing about Latin is they\\'ve always just said \"here\\'s a list of words - learn em\"\\n\\nI think reading might be helpful too. My school hasn\\'t pushed that at all, the problem with the Latin exams is that they\\'re pretty ridiculous like a lot of the courses we have to do. They don\\'t teach you the useful stuff and they just push the memorization on you rather than absorbing and enjoying which gets lost along the way.\\n\\nI think I\\'m gonna try some of these methods over the next few weeks and see how it goes, thank you for your help!',\n", " 'id': 'fds8skm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fds87dt',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'JLLS11',\n", " 'body': \"Yes, this is exactly what I thought. I would absolutely recommend the LLPSI books then; you will be able to go quite quickly at least through the beginning, and by the end of the first book you should have internalized most of the grammar. For the later chapters, you will also benefit from rereading them. I would also suggest that you try to avoid thinking in terms of translation, and try reading and understanding the text as Latin, without translating it into English! The LLPSI books will greatly help with this. There is audio for the book on the channel ScorpioMartianus. You may also want to watch his pronunciation videos, because most people have poor pronunciation, especially with regards to nasalization, vowel length, and elision, which, if properly understood and internalized, will aid greatly your understanding of the Language, particularly with poetry. \\n\\nAnd you might be surprised to know that people *do* write in Latin every day! There is a discord for this sub (see the sidebar) where people use Latin, there are also weekly Latin chats via Zoom, and a host of Latin podcasts of varying difficulty. The podcasts are particularly helpful, in my view, because they help you internalize the grammar but are at the level of simple, day-to-day conversation rather than high literary Latin--because, remember, Latin literature would've been difficult for native Latin speakers in the same way English literature is difficult for native English speakers! Writing in Latin is also an excellent way to internalize structures; you can write a short response to whatever you read in Latin that day, and if you get stuck, you can look up how a word is declined/conjugated on Wiktionary, or you can use the sentences from what you read as a scaffold.\\n\\nThe problem about not knowing how to word things is really unfortunate because that's not really your fault--translation is a difficult skill and many people know a language quite well but struggle to translate. Many Latin instructors just put a premium on translation, but really it's an art, not a science. Obviously, you need to understand the Latin, and be able to render it in English. The first part should become easier with the advice I listed above. If you feel your skills still aren't up to par after you've spent a lot of time with level-appropriate input, you might consider reading more English poetry--because at its heart, translation is a creative task, and having a more technical understanding of English creative writing will give you greater command to make your own translations.\",\n", " 'id': 'fds87dt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdrybpj',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'sakuragloss',\n", " 'body': 'That sounds quite accurate actually. I feel like I haven\\'t had as much to translate with Latin because unlike Russian people don\\'t write in it all over the internet everyday, we just went from fairly doable to \"what the heck does this mean\" very quickly. I\\'ll definitely check out that book.\\n\\nYou can\\'t post pictures with text on Reddit for whatever reason so I\\'ll link a picture of a text we recently translated [here](https://twitter.com/minjzls/status/1215743934623899648?s=19)\\n\\nI\\'m in my first year of A-Levels in the UK \\n\\nI find it kind of difficult to recognise constructions like perfect passive participles and ablative absolutes, I know how they work but when I\\'m in the midst of a translation I don\\'t notice them. Subjunctives are a pain too\\n\\nAt the minute with our teacher we\\'re doing translations at a similar difficulty to the one I linked. We also do Ovid translations with our other teacher but I think everyone finds those difficult, they\\'re not horrendous but whenever I translate them I feel like it makes no sense when in actuality I wasn\\'t too far off I just didn\\'t know how to word it right',\n", " 'id': 'fdrybpj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdrvns0',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'JLLS11',\n", " 'body': 'Your situation is quite common; I don\\'t know what particular teaching methods your instructor is using, but typically by your point students begin reading \"real\" Latin literature even though they\\'ve had very little preparation for it, because their instruction so far has mostly focused on grammar and translation. My guess (though I don\\'t know your circumstance) is your class has the same problem. The research suggests that when we are learning a second language, we need vast quantity of level appropriate input material (which can include reading, listening, etc); but the standard methods give students a small quantity of *too difficult* material. This is probably a big reason why you find Russian easier, because you\\'ve gotten more input material. The single best thing you can do is find intermediate material and read that as extensively as you can; it will help you internalize the language. The best resource if you have not used it is the book series Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata; the first part of the book may be too easy, but the second half will be your speed and besides, reading the whole thing will help you process Latin as Latin. This post also has some very good intermediate resources: https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/emkbfb/what_to_read_after_llpsi_familia_romana/fdpurl5/. \\n\\nWhen you are struggling, it is always a good idea to go directly to your instructor and talk about your concerns. That way they know, and they can also suggest a way forward.\\n\\nIf you tell a little more about your circumstance--what you are working on in class, what\\xa0in particular poses problems, what your instructor is doing--we can give you more specific advice as well.',\n", " 'id': 'fdrvns0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emwnqt',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'sakuragloss',\n", " 'body': \"Thank you :) I'm doing Ovid and Tacitus, but to be honest I think I'm getting the hang of it now whereas last year I was really bad at literature \\n\\nIt just feels like there's so much grammar I can't remember all of it, I really need to try and get it down\",\n", " 'id': 'fdrva0p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdrux52',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': \"Read as much as you possibly can, especially material that's easy enough that you can read lots of it quickly.\\n\\nIf you're reading Caesar/Vergil then have a look at tiered readings as well.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdrux52',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emwnqt',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'emvily': [{'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'Right. And I will in turn elaborate by adding that it\\'s doubtful whether -āstī is \"for\" -āvistī: the former is the standard CL form; the latter one only found with elevated vocabulary, entirely unattested for such everyday terms as [amāre](https://latin.packhum.org/concordance?q=amavis) or [cantāre](https://latin.packhum.org/concordance?q=cantavis). It\\'s difficult to ascribe to conincide the fact that Sanskrit has a precisely parallel distribution to Latin in that it has an /u/ ending only in the 1st and 3d p.sg. laryngeal-final perfects: *tastháu, jajñáu, dadáu*. *-ái* on the other hand is clearly analogical to the phonetic contraction of *audī́vī > audī́*, precisely paralleled in *audī́t* \\\\~> *cantā́t* .',\n", " 'id': 'fe2ciy8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdzt09d',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'bobokonijn',\n", " 'body': 'This was very enlightening, thank you!',\n", " 'id': 'fe1js5n',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdrw7go',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'Right, and, in fact, vivir and beber were in Old Spanish spelled bivir and bever until a spelling reform in 1815 which re-latinized many older spellings.',\n", " 'id': 'fdztsho',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdzsxye',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'Re-reading my comment, I realize I may need to elaborate. By \"developments of Proto-Romance verb endings,\" I was referring specifically to developments of the perfect stem in -v-, such as -āvī > -ai and -āvit > -aut. The loss of intervocalic /w/ as a semivowel seemed to indicate that these forms developed prior to the shift from /w/ to /β/, and such syncopated forms like -āstī for āvistī are indeed, as you mentioned, attested in Classical Latin. I actually had not realized the intervocalic -v- continued to be lost after the transition from /w/ > /β/, as in your example of -ībat ~ -īvat > -ía. Thank you for your input :)',\n", " 'id': 'fdzt09d',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdyni5q',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Raffaele1617',\n", " 'body': '>(most notably Spanish, which still pronounces \"v\" as /β/ today)\\n\\nSmall correction: modern Spanish does not have a phoneme /β/. Rather, it has a phoneme /b/ which is pronounced [β] intervocalically, including at the beginning of a word, as well as after continuants like /l/ or /r/. So, \"venir\" is pronounced [be\\'nir] in isolation, but if you say a phrase like \"quiero venir\" it becomes [\\'kjeɾo \\'βenir].\\n\\nIn old Spanish there was probably still a phonemic distinction between <v> [β] and <b> [b] at the beginning of words, but intervocalicaly they merged around the 1st century CE. So, \"vivir\" would have been [βi\\'βir] in Old Spanish while \"beber\" would have been [be\\'βer], but today they are [bi\\'βir] and [be\\'βer] respectively.',\n", " 'id': 'fdzsxye',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdrr1fe',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \">However, we also know that it happened after the developments of Proto-Romance verb endings, meaning that Vulgar Latin was already diverging heavily from Classical Latin by the time the sound change had become widespread.\\n\\nCan't help but barge in here and say that:\\n\\n1. as far as I can tell, the Proto-Romance verb endings are directly derivable from the CL ones (both accompanied and followed by a certain amount of transfers and remodelling), and moreover show variation in the treatment of precisely this intervocalic V, indicating that there was no single form of the perfect in Vulgar Latin, which is not surprising because Vulgar Latin itself is an umbrella term for all the non-standard variation inside Latin: Old Sardinian apparently still had *-avit*, French and Romanian continue *cantāt,* other languages *cantāut*. All three are attested already in the Classical period (only the latter one hasn't made it into the literary language, but is already found at Pompeii). See Weiss 2009 (Outline..) p 528.\\n2. the fact that V is lost in almost all verbal endings in almost all of Romance is not evidence to its ordering after the development of said endings because even if there had been a single set of proto-Romance endings (which again there wasn't), V was already optionally lost intervocalically in pre-Classical Latin (resulting in doublets like *dīvitēs\\\\~dītēs* as well as the already mentioned *l(a)ātrīna*), and continued to vacillate throught the history of the language. The B\\\\~V intervocalic merger simply fed more instances of the same process, until the V-less variant was generalised in all the verbal endings, as in the imperfect ē/ībat > ē/īvat > é/íat.\\n3. To my knowledge, there's absolutely no indication to any difference in the pronunciation of /V/ between *sermō vulgāris* and any other *sermō*. There's only indications to regional variation (c.f. Adams 2007 The Regional Diversification... and Adams 2013 Social Variation...).\",\n", " 'id': 'fdyni5q',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdrr1fe',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'Exactly, and for the very same /w/ > /v/ development, modern Greek ναυς is actually pronounced \"nafs,\" despite being written with a vowel letter, just like \"travma.\" The adjective ναυτικός is likewise \"naftikós,\" despite being inherited into English as \"nautical.\"',\n", " 'id': 'fdvvrx8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdvp8uo',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Liamlah',\n", " 'body': '>We also see Ancient Greek \\n> \\n>ναῦς \\n> \\n> (nâus) cognate to Latin \\n> \\n>nāvis \\n> \\n>, among others.\\n\\nI suppose then, that \"Naval\", and \"Nautical\" in English is another example of where one got turned into a V and one didn\\'t despite having the same root word.',\n", " 'id': 'fdvp8uo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdrw7go',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Zarlinosuke',\n", " 'body': 'Ah yes, that would make sense! After all, it has to be a diphthong in huic and cui.',\n", " 'id': 'fdu50b0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdu41qs',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"I think the 'i' is thought of as doing double duty here, forming a diphthong with the first 'u' while also acting as a consonant.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdu41qs',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdtmow2',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Zarlinosuke',\n", " 'body': \"I agree that the Us in huius are vocalic, but I've always seen the I as a consonant: hoo-yoos.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdtmow2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdseeeo',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Pomyluy',\n", " 'body': 'Present',\n", " 'id': 'fdsx0bv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdsm91y',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'williamraven',\n", " 'body': \"Changing the pronunciation depending on the type of text we're reading gang rise up\",\n", " 'id': 'fdsm91y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdrk8l3',\n", " 'score': 23},\n", " {'author': 'ShrekBeeBensonDCLXVI',\n", " 'body': 'V was the same thing as U but some U/Vs were pronounced w (try saying something like \"ooah\" quickly & you\\'ll see why) but later in Latin\\'s development w became pronounced v.\\n\\nSo basically it\\'s default /w/ but depending on dialect & time it\\'s /v/.',\n", " 'id': 'fdsfsf4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emvily',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"The 'u's in *huius* are purely vocalic, are they not, with the 'ui' being a diphthong?\",\n", " 'id': 'fdseeeo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdsc62p',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'mythology_guy',\n", " 'body': '> A lātrīna, or bath (whence English \"latrine\"), is really a lavātrīna, from the verb lavāre (to wash), i.e. a \"place for washing.\" We see the same kind of contraction with mōmentum from movimentum and many, many others. We also see contractions where \"v\" becomes \"u\", as in faustus, which is contracted from favestus. We also occasionally see remnants of this in modern Romance words. For example, cīvitātem yields French cité and Italian città, both of which feature the same elision of the original v, which is absent in the modern words. However, in Spanish, it is the second \"i\" of cīvitātem that is lost. The modern Spanish word is ciudad. \\n\\nthis is very interesting, thanks for the write-up!',\n", " 'id': 'fdsdbgh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdrw7go',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'GinoMan2440',\n", " 'body': 'Obligatory I\\'m not a language expert, but I studied latin for a long time. The truth is that Latin does not have a V or J. V is the actual grapheme, but it\\'s pronounced as a U. They pronounced both as vowel or consonant depending on the word and its position in that word. We do a similar thing in English with Y.\\n\\nTo kind of get an idea how they conflated the two sounds in one letter in both cases, consider the Latin word \"Huius\" Hoo-Wee-Yoose there\\'s a \"U\" sound in the first syllable, but it gives way to a \"w\" sound into the next vowel. The I in the second syllable has the \"ee\" sound but gives way to a \"yoo\" sound in the third syllable. The Romans would have spelled this \"HVIVS\" but they would have the respective sounds above. \\n\\nIus would have been Yoose however. As language evolves, the speakers often contract or imprecisely pronounce words. How many times have you said \"ay\" and not \"uh\" for the word \"a\" in the above paragraphs even though that\\'s \"proper\"? In the first sentence your reading voice probably read the first sentence as \"...uh vee or jay\" but the fourth sentence \"wee doo ay similerr thing...\" (I\\'m intentionally spelling to pronunciation in these examples). You also probably didn\\'t say \"sim-ih-laar\", you said \"SIM-ih-ler\". You do this and they likely did the same with ius (ee-yoose) as yoose as they spoke conversantly with other Latins. By contracting the sound like this, they developped these letters with a consonantal and verbal form.',\n", " 'id': 'fdsc62p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emvily',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'AlarmmClock',\n", " 'body': 'Classical is always “w”',\n", " 'id': 'fdsakl6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emvily',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Peteat6',\n", " 'body': 'Well explained.',\n", " 'id': 'fds6m5z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdrk8l3',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': '[Follow-up]\\n\\nThere are multiple reasons that we know \"v\" was pronounced as /w/. Contractions are one of the biggest - we see the intervocalic (between vowels) \"v\" being elided and skipped over entirely. A *lātrīna*, or bath (whence English \"latrine\"), is really a *lavātrīna*, from the verb *lavāre* (to wash), i.e. a \"place for washing.\" We see the same kind of contraction with *mōmentum* from *movimentum* and many, many others. We also see contractions where \"v\" becomes \"u\", as in *faustus*, which is contracted from *favestus*. We also occasionally see remnants of this in modern Romance words. For example, *cīvitātem* yields French *cité* and Italian *città*, both of which feature the same elision of the original v, which is absent in the modern words. However, in Spanish, it is the second \"i\" of *cīvitātem* that is lost. The modern Spanish word is *ciudad*. \\n\\nPronouncing \"v\" as /v/ really breaks all observable patterns, since determining when to pronounce it as /v/ versus /u/ or /w/ is entirely arbitrary. The verbs *statuere* and *volvere* have past participles *statūtus* and *volūtus* respectively, but, in the ecclesiastical pronunciation, *stat**u**ere* has /u/, and *vol**v**ere* has /v/. It breaks an obvious pattern for no reason other than alignment with modern pronunciation. Another example is the verb *caveō,* with past participle *cautus,* which, if \"v\" is presumed to be pronounced /v/, has /v/ in the infinitive, but /u/ in the participle. The reverse is true of *gaudeō,* with past participle *gāvīsus*. \\n\\nIt also makes far more sense for \"v\" to be pronounced /w/ when considering cognates. \"Vir\" (man) is derived as being a cognate to English \"were-\" as in \"werewolf\" (man-wolf). English and other Germanic languages additionally borrowed many words from Latin many centuries ago. \"Wall\" and \"wine\" come from \"vallum\" and \"vīnum,\" respectively. We can also see evidence in cognates from languages from Latin\\'s time. The Ancient Greek word for wine was *οἶνος* (oînos), which sounds far closer to *vīnum* when pronounced with /w/. We also see Ancient Greek *ναῦς* (nâus) cognate to Latin *nāvis*, among others.',\n", " 'id': 'fdrw7go',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdrr1fe',\n", " 'score': 25},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdrrcpy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emvily',\n", " 'score': -5},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'In Classical Latin, V was pronounced /w/. This is undisputed by linguists. However, we do know that in the *sermo vulgaris*, the common speech, V began to transition into the sound /β/. If you\\'re unfamiliar with the IPA, this sound is like a \"v\" in English, except, instead of using your top teeth and bottom lip, you use both lips as if to make a \"b\" sound, but push air between them as you would for a \"v\" sound. Since then, the vast majority or Romance languages have since progressed to from /β/ to our modern /v/, with some exceptions (most notably Spanish, which still pronounces \"v\" as /β/ today) \\n\\nThis sound change really isn\\'t that unexpected - for one, we observe the same change in other languages, such as Ancient Greek. For example, in modern Greek, the word τραύμα (trauma) is still written with the vowel letter \"υ\" but will be pronounced by any modern speaker as \"travma.\" /w/ and /β/ are closely related sounds - the only real difference between them is that, from /w/ to /β/, the lips go from being almost, but not fully, closed to having full closure. \\n\\nWe think that this shift began around a century before the first century CE. We know this because of attested typos in which letters and such mistakenly write \"b\" where \"v\" would be correct. However, we also know that it happened after the developments of Proto-Romance verb endings, meaning that Vulgar Latin was already diverging heavily from Classical Latin by the time the sound change had become widespread.',\n", " 'id': 'fdrr1fe',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdregvk',\n", " 'score': 36},\n", " {'author': 'sakuragloss',\n", " 'body': 'Yep, as far as I know',\n", " 'id': 'fdrqzxo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emvily',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'TremulousHand',\n", " 'body': \"There is a clear consensus on how it was pronounced at different points of time in the language's history. However, there isn't necessarily a consensus on what norms should govern how people should speak it today. The w pronunciation is the older one, and plenty of people who only read Classical Latin will only use that one. But people whose experience with Latin is informed by its historical use within the Catholic church will often prefer that pronunciation. Some people may switch between different pronunciation styles depending on the text that they are reading, but that in itself can be annoying and it's much easier for people to just pick a style they're comfortable with and stick with it.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdrk8l3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emvily',\n", " 'score': 59},\n", " {'author': 'Zarlinosuke',\n", " 'body': 'I think the reason we can be reasonably sure that V was *originally* (like in the long long ago, when the Roman alphabet was new) pronounced W is that V and U were the same letter at first--distinguishing them is only a few hundred years old. The question then becomes: if V and U were such widely different sounds from the very beginning, why would they have been written with the same letter? The only reasonable answer is that that letter used to represent both the consonantal and vocalic versions of the same sound, and diverged only later (but still much earlier than the forms of the letter were distinguished).',\n", " 'id': 'fdrfimg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emvily',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': 'SlimeStack',\n", " 'body': \"Depends on who is speaking and where or when they're saying it. As far as I know there have been several pronunciations that sound like W, V and everything in between across the Latin speaking world.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdregvk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emvily',\n", " 'score': 12}],\n", " 'emv21o': [{'author': 'oldworldneo',\n", " 'body': 'Yes, that’s true. But dominus is usually translated “lord” or “master.” I was looking for something less magisterial.',\n", " 'id': 'fdrec28',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdre201',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'Wasn’t the _vīlicus_ a slave of the _dominus_? The _dominus_ owning the property, the _vīlicus_ overseeing it.',\n", " 'id': 'fdre201',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdra7oy',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Splitmv26',\n", " 'body': 'Yeah sorry meant like Mafia Boss. Could have made the guestion more easy i guess.',\n", " 'id': 'fdrceee',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdrbufp',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'So, you’re looking for the word “boss”.\\n\\nI think you have to approximate with words like “owner” (_dominus_, _herus_), “leader” (_dūx_), “head” (_caput_) or “tyrant” (_rēx_, _tyrannus_) depending on the intended nuances.\\n\\nIf you mean a mafia boss, I’d say _dominus_. In Sicilian language, it would be _don_ or _donnu_, which derives from Latin _dominus_.',\n", " 'id': 'fdrbufp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emv21o',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Splitmv26',\n", " 'body': 'Ohh ok thank you very much!',\n", " 'id': 'fdrbgws',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdraw92',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'oldworldneo',\n", " 'body': 'Word order depends on what you want to emphasize. The first word would be the focus.',\n", " 'id': 'fdraw92',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdrajul',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdrauei',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emv21o',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Splitmv26',\n", " 'body': 'So [Name] Vilicus or Vilicus [Name]?',\n", " 'id': 'fdrajul',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdra7oy',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'oldworldneo',\n", " 'body': 'Vilicus',\n", " 'id': 'fdra7oy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emv21o',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'emt6ur': [{'author': 'Fedora_saxophonist',\n", " 'body': \"Of course! That's a silly mistake on my part\",\n", " 'id': 'fdxgxwe',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdxe1if',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'Only cities, towns, small islands, and the words \"domus, humus, and rus\" take the locative. \\n\\nLocative has no prepositions.',\n", " 'id': 'fdxe1if',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdt1kkl',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Brontaphilia',\n", " 'body': 'See below. Not locative.',\n", " 'id': 'fdtuhbf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdt1kkl',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Fedora_saxophonist',\n", " 'body': 'I might be wrong, but isnt nāvī in the locative? (which also makes sense with the preposition in)',\n", " 'id': 'fdt1kkl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emt6ur',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'Compare the declension of navis to other 3rd declension feminine i-stem words like vis, sitis, and securis (-im accusatives). They often take the same ablative as a 3rd declension neuter i-stem. \\n\\nIn fact, the -i ablative is often found in: avis, clavis, febris, finis, ignis, imber, lux, navis, ovis, pelvis, puppis, sementis, strigilis, and turris. (A&G p.31 Section 76)\\n\\nm/f i-stem: \\n\\n\\\\-(?) -es\\n\\n\\\\-is -ium\\n\\n\\\\-i -ibus\\n\\n\\\\-em (im) -es/is\\n\\n\\\\-e (i) -ibus\\n\\nWhile \"in nave\" is also correct, \"in navi\" appears across many authors.',\n", " 'id': 'fdr968r',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emt6ur',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': '_nāvi_ can be an ablative or a dative. The preposition _in_ implies it is an ablative. It’s definitely not a mistake.',\n", " 'id': 'fdqv3cy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emt6ur',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'TGar_YM_12',\n", " 'body': '“Navi” is in the ablative (3rd declension, i-stem)',\n", " 'id': 'fdqsfgj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emt6ur',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'emrkwx': [{'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': \"I recognise this is more historical than language related, but it's impossible to extricate my mind from the chronology while examining texts from the ancient world. I hope you find this interesting!\",\n", " 'id': 'fdqgtfc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emrkwx',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'emqz9a': [{'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': 'libenter',\n", " 'id': 'fdqq79z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdqotg3',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'apis_fessa',\n", " 'body': 'Gratias amice!',\n", " 'id': 'fdqotg3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdqogxu',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': 'pauca porrigo emendanda: \\n \\nCDIII = *quadringenti tres* \\nCDXIII = *quadringenti tredecim* \\nin Insula Samo ~ vel *Sami* \\ndoctrinam orsus est ... equidem non compertum habeo an *oriri* complementum accusativum accipiat \\nAsiam -> *ad Asiam* \\nin insula Lesbo ~ vel *Lesbi* \\nLampscaci -> *Lampsaci* \\nrevertit -> *reversus est* \\nquadraginti quadraginta -> *quadringenti quadraginta* \\nAtheniensium -> *Athenienses*',\n", " 'id': 'fdqogxu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emqz9a',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'emophl': [{'author': '_iuventius_',\n", " 'body': 'Unus Annus',\n", " 'id': 'fdsdouf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdqq0lu',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdsdnl4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdq95pp',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '9tx___9GAG',\n", " 'body': 'Unus Annus ideam markiplieri est',\n", " 'id': 'fdrhnqw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdqxqra',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'MedievalFightClub',\n", " 'body': 'Cur?',\n", " 'id': 'fdqxqra',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emophl',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'gregforgothisPW',\n", " 'body': 'Haec via est',\n", " 'id': 'fdqsygg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emophl',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'HeldAlba',\n", " 'body': 'Unus Annus',\n", " 'id': 'fdqq0lu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emophl',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'VirtualEffort8',\n", " 'body': ' [https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/emcvrj/how\\\\_high\\\\_was\\\\_he/](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/emcvrj/how_high_was_he/)',\n", " 'id': 'fdqibit',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdq9i2w',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Gankubas',\n", " 'body': \"in the post, idk. but it's referencing markiplier's latest project\",\n", " 'id': 'fdqbwr3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdq9i2w',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'Sochamelet',\n", " 'body': 'Does this have any context?',\n", " 'id': 'fdq9i2w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emophl',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'Kit_McGregor',\n", " 'body': 'Unus anus.',\n", " 'id': 'fdq95pp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emophl',\n", " 'score': 21},\n", " {'author': 'transblack9000',\n", " 'body': 'I smurfed a little',\n", " 'id': 'fdq7b7p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emophl',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'emkoyd': [{'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdqcvn1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdq8r64',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'QVCatullus',\n", " 'body': 'To clarify -- the confusion comes from the fact that to figure out gender and number, you\\'re more interested in the antecedent, but (and this is the key) the case of the pronoun does *not* come from the antecedent. Look at what the pronoun itself is doing *in the relative clause*. Cf. English -- The students whom the teacher loves are the best. Even though \"students\" is the subject, the pronoun is still in the objective case because the pronoun is the direct object of the clause \"whom the teacher loves.\" In the clause, the teacher loves the students -- students is the object of the clause. Thus, the pronoun (which stands in for the students in the clause) is the direct object of \"loves.\" In a Latin sentence, you would therefore use the accusative case.',\n", " 'id': 'fdq8r64',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emkoyd',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': 'This video might help you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNUiJ6-J9og',\n", " 'id': 'fdpv8ed',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emkoyd',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Zarlinosuke',\n", " 'body': \"You're welcome\",\n", " 'id': 'fdpdxgy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdpdveq',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Nate_bs',\n", " 'body': 'thank you',\n", " 'id': 'fdpdveq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdpci1m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdpdpy6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdpci1m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdpcvlq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdpci1m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Zarlinosuke',\n", " 'body': \"Case and number but not case? I'm guessing one of those cases should be gender. Case is about the word's function in the sentence (subject? direct object? indirect object?), while gender is just about which semi-arbitrary class of nouns the given noun happens to fall into.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdpci1m',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emkoyd',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'emkbfb': [{'author': 'numquamsolus',\n", " 'body': '[Timeline for LLPSI ](https://i.imgur.com/wYG1vGD.jpg)',\n", " 'id': 'fe0fy3d',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emkbfb',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'That medium.com guy says that _Noctēs Atticae_ is easy? What?',\n", " 'id': 'fdqrr0j',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdpurl5',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'faljk',\n", " 'body': 'Wow, thank you so much for this comprehensive list! I will definitely take a look at a lot of these and certainly should be able to keep myself busy.',\n", " 'id': 'fdqqb1a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdpurl5',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': \"Mostly you need volume, it doesn't particularly matter what you read as long as you're able to read it. Here are some options in no particular order.\\n\\n* Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles: https://geoffreysteadman.com/ritchies-fabulae-faciles/\\n* Re-read Familia Romana (or just your favourite chapters, I like Cap. X. for example)\\n* Read the storylines from mainstream textbooks (Reading Latin, Cambridge Latin Course, Oxford Latin Course, the stories that go with Wheelocks, etc.) I personally really like the story in Oxford and the Cambridge ones are free online at the moment.\\n* Read the easier stories in Fabulae Syrae and Fabulae Latinae (in the LLPSI series)\\n* Read some novellas such as Pugio Bruti (Here is a list: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bF8hZuxTDtgNMSSdonEX112JJaVYqoPH7w27Oju9ETs) If you've read Familia Romana then I'd focus on the ones that have 100+ unique words; you'll read them easily and learn a bunch of new words. *Cloelia* has a free PDF.\\n* Take a look at some of the material in Sermones Romani if it interests you.\\n* These are some Vergil/Caesar tiered readers: https://lapis.practomime.com/index.php/operation-caesar-reading-list There are other similar things you can buy as books (I like this one: https://comprehensibleclassics.wordpress.com/publications/). This Horace one is free: https://twitter.com/magisterb480/status/1211663363551506432\\n* Check out podcasts and Latin videos on Youtube. I recommend especially looking at Latinitium's videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxS3m8PITAWuADD9Nic1YOg (some are easier than others, poke around what interests you and don't worry about getting 100% comprehension)\\n* This is my favourite ScorpioMartianus video and I think it's pretty comprehensible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bv-nqVBewI\\n* Harry Potter and other translations are good if you know the original really well. If you don't then it'll probably be horrifying. The Latin isn't perfect, but it won't hurt you as long as it's not the only thing you ever read.\\n* The Vulgate is relatively easy if you already know the material pretty well.\\n* I don't know that *Ad Alpes* is necessarily easier than Roma Aeterna, but I like it. Maybe have a read if you get stuck in/tired of Roma Aeterna.\\n* This page has a lot of stuff on it, have a poke around: http://hiberna-cr.wikidot.com/reading-material\\n* Check out these dialogues which ScorpioMartianus has recorded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaQt4Ormzbs&list=PLU1WuLg45Sixy5Me3wULYlzWiDFuHDIYv (I believe there are more things along similar lines on his Patreon which you might be interested in)\\n* Here are a bunch of 2 line poems with (relatively) constricted vocabulary (They can still be challenging): http://distichalatina.blogspot.com/\\n* Another list (note especially the myth/history readers pulled together from textbooks): http://johnpiazza.net/latin/online-reading/\\n* Legonium has (among other things) an ongoing series which is illustrated with Lego. You can get it as a lovely book version if you want: http://www.legonium.com/\\n* These are only 'easy' compared to really quite difficult classical literature, but maybe you'll want to take a look after Roma Aeterna, or if you're super interested in one of them: https://medium.com/in-medias-res/beach-reading-ten-easy-latin-works-e3bbe7bf6648\",\n", " 'id': 'fdpurl5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emkbfb',\n", " 'score': 13},\n", " {'author': 'samblam',\n", " 'body': \"There are lots of easy Latin books in the public domain that you could take a stab at since they are free. Here are a couple...\\n\\n [https://books.google.com/books?id=p44XAAAAIAAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false](https://books.google.com/books?id=p44XAAAAIAAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false) \\n\\n [https://books.google.com/books?id=wbMAAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false](https://books.google.com/books?id=wbMAAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false) \\n\\nI'm still working the Familia Romana myself so I'd be interested in what you find helpful.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdphyxg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emkbfb',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'TheWizznijch',\n", " 'body': 'Caesar and Petronius are common choices. But there’s also Pugio Bruti, a crime novel as well as a bunch of different novellas. Also check out tiered readers. They’re essentially classical texts with training wheels.',\n", " 'id': 'fdphy56',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emkbfb',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'emka13': [{'author': 'raendrop',\n", " 'body': 'Whence the Spanish \"gracias\"! Gratias tibi ago!',\n", " 'id': 'fdrzcnp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdrypph',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': '\"Gratias tibi agere\" is the infinitive form of the idiom. \"Gratias tibi ago\" or just \"gratias\" for short.',\n", " 'id': 'fdrypph',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdr5kq9',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'raendrop',\n", " 'body': 'How do you say \"thank you\" in Latin?',\n", " 'id': 'fdr5kq9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdpab95',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'Using the Ablative of Time Within Which: \"quinque horis\" = Within five hours\\n\\nUsing the Ablative Absolute: \"quinque horis intermissis\" = After five hours (have/had) elapsed\\n\\nKeep in mind that quinque (Cardinal) five =/= quintus-a-um (Ordinal) fifth',\n", " 'id': 'fdpab95',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emka13',\n", " 'score': 6}],\n", " 'emjxj8': [{'author': 'Peteat6',\n", " 'body': 'Cui, not quae. Dative of possession.',\n", " 'id': 'fdq0xnf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emjxj8',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'oydsseus',\n", " 'body': 'ah!! i see – thank you!',\n", " 'id': 'fdptvy1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdpa8sa',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'TGar_YM_12',\n", " 'body': 'Without more context, I suggest that the comma in the relative clause be removed: \\n\\n“for whom a womanly wickedness to dare do all things is a manly strength.”',\n", " 'id': 'fdpcf27',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emjxj8',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'CruxAveSpesUnica',\n", " 'body': 'John Filch in the Loeb translates, \"You, you architectress of wicked crimes, who have a woman\\'s evil willingness to dare anything, along with a man\\'s strength.\"',\n", " 'id': 'fdpa8sa',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdp98yh',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'paddyflormont',\n", " 'body': 'Cui feminae nequitia ad audenda omnia, robur virile est. \\n\\nLiterally, “to whom there is the wantonness of a woman for daring all things (and) manly strength/power”\\n\\nYou could render it less awkward with, “(you) who have the wantonness ... “',\n", " 'id': 'fdp98yh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_emjxj8',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'encj0u': [{'author': 'Handsomeyellow47',\n", " 'body': 'It’s all fun and games until the text given is “Lorem Ipsum” :P',\n", " 'id': 'fe3h6zb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_encj0u',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Zilenserz',\n", " 'body': 'William Caxton introduced the printing press to Britain',\n", " 'id': 'fe1pqfw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe0ezz0',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Sochamelet',\n", " 'body': \"Well, what would that refer to? I mean, plenty of words are anagrams of other words, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything.\",\n", " 'id': 'fe17isn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe0ezz0',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'nrith',\n", " 'body': 'I’m an idiot! Thanks.',\n", " 'id': 'fe16mb6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe0fbo0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'TheKingOfOnions',\n", " 'body': 'I think you mixed up the brackets',\n", " 'id': 'fe0fbo0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdxwf60',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'bobudoru',\n", " 'body': 'Is no one gonna point out that dude’s last name is Tax Con with swapped letters?',\n", " 'id': 'fe0ezz0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_encj0u',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Technotoad64',\n", " 'body': '...qui dolorem ipsum, quia dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscingvelit, sed quia non-numquam do eius modi tempora incididunt, ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem...',\n", " 'id': 'fe0bkex',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_encj0u',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'nrith',\n", " 'body': '*challenge accepted*',\n", " 'id': 'fe061lx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdzzrqc',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'aklaino89',\n", " 'body': \"Watch, instead of actual Latin, it just shows Lorem Ipsum. Then it's an incentive to subscribe!\",\n", " 'id': 'fdzzrqc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_encj0u',\n", " 'score': 13},\n", " {'author': 'nrith',\n", " 'body': 'I got blocked when trying to read an article inspired by [this post earlier today](https://old.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/enaqf8/i_found_this_in_a_medieval_hospital_in_england/). If only they really *did* translate all their content into Latin!',\n", " 'id': 'fdxwf60',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_encj0u',\n", " 'score': 39}],\n", " 'encdwo': [],\n", " 'enaqf8': [{'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'That might need to be translated anyway. The 5th and 6th lines are hard to read. The last phrase seems weird too. This reads more like a poem than a dedication.',\n", " 'id': 'feitnj9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdyknei',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'aveCaecilius',\n", " 'body': \"I've found a translation and put it in the comments if you want it.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdykwzw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdxvdoi',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'aveCaecilius',\n", " 'body': \"I've found a translation and put it in the comments if you want it.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdykw0n',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdy0zgc',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'aveCaecilius',\n", " 'body': \"I've found a translation and put it in the comments if you want it.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdykucl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdy5n2p',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'aveCaecilius',\n", " 'body': \"Update- I went on the virtual tour of the hospital and found a canvas from 1622 with an English translation:\\n\\n\\nThis structure new contains 12 habitations,\\n\\nWhich shall remain for future generations.\\n\\nFor old and poore, for weake and men unhealthy,\\n\\nThis blessed house was founded, not for wealthy,\\n\\nHee that endow'd for aye and this house builded\\n\\nBy this good act hath to's sinne pardon yeelded,\\n\\nThe honour of the countrey and this towne,\\n\\nAlas now dead, his name was William Browne.\\n\\nBe it an house of prayer, and to divine\\n\\nDuties devoted, else not called mine.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdyknei',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_enaqf8',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'aveCaecilius',\n", " 'body': 'This is from Browne Hospital in Stamford. It was founded by a rich wool merchant, William Browne, in 1485. Between 12 and 14 local poor people have lived there ever since. Historically it owned a lot of farmland and other property, and in 1870 some of this was taken over by the government, sold and used to found a new school for girls.',\n", " 'id': 'fdyde2q',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_enaqf8',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'aveCaecilius',\n", " 'body': 'Very nice, thanks a lot!',\n", " 'id': 'fdyatlv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdy5n2p',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'aveCaecilius',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you!',\n", " 'id': 'fdyarx9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdy0zgc',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'aveCaecilius',\n", " 'body': \"No, this is all I have. It's from Browne Hospital in Stamford. I'll make another comment about context so look at that\",\n", " 'id': 'fdyapyr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdxvdoi',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': 'Damn, a few of those seem obvious in retrospect. Good shout!',\n", " 'id': 'fdy8yr6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdy5n2p',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'Some corrections or speculations:\\n\\nLine 1: structura *retinens* habitacula \\nLine 3: Debilibus *simul* et \\nLine 5: fundavit dotavit *perpetuavit* \\nLine 6: Crimina *cum* davit sua *credimus omnia* lavit \\nLine 8: *[Willielmus dictus?]* tunc *Browne* heu iam *[nece victus?]*... \\nLine 9: ait *hec* mea *non reputetur* \\nLine 10: *Sic* baptizetur\\n\\nWhich together makes:\\n\\nHec nova structura retinens habitacula plura \\nSit permansura per tempora longa futura \\nDebilibus simul et senibus fuit edificata \\nPauperibus non divitibus domus ista beata \\nHanc qui fundavit dotavit perpetuavit \\nCrimina cum [davit?] sua credimus omnia lavit \\nConstructor cuius patrie decus Urbis et huius \\n[Willielmus dictus?] tunc Browne heu iam [nece victus?] \\nSit domus ista precum ait hec mea non reputetur \\nSic baptizetur sit domus ista precum',\n", " 'id': 'fdy5n2p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdy0zgc',\n", " 'score': 12},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': 'hec nova / structu/ra | reti/nens habi/tacula / plura \\nsit per/mansu/ra | per / tempora / longa fu/tura \\ndebili/bus | sit / et seni/bus | fui/t edifi/cata \\npauperi/bus | non / diviti/bus | domu/s ista be/ata \\nhanc qui / funda/vit | do/tavit / impetu/avit* \\ncrimina / mi da/vit* | sua / ? ? / lavit \\nconstruc/tor cu/ius patri/e | decu/s urbis e/t huius \\n? ? tunc ? heu iam ? \\nsit domu/s ista pre/cum ait ? mea ? re/putet \\nsit bap/tize/tur | sit domu/s ista pre/cum',\n", " 'id': 'fdy0zgc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_enaqf8',\n", " 'score': 14},\n", " {'author': 'nrith',\n", " 'body': \"That is really damn difficult to read. Do you have any pics from other angles? Did the hospital have a visitor's guide with a translation? Or even the name of the hospital?\",\n", " 'id': 'fdxvdoi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_enaqf8',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'enaoph': [],\n", " 'en7c92': [{'author': 'mtthwtrbl',\n", " 'body': 'thank you so much!!!!',\n", " 'id': 'fdvw3zz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdvvwo5',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': \"(roughly) 'upon their arrival, he begged a moment to give his final commands to his wife by means of a letter, after which he ... '\",\n", " 'id': 'fdvvwo5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_en7c92',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'en72z0': [{'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'u/RumakRasna and I talk about the historical validity of the Ecclesiastical Pronunciation',\n", " 'id': 'fdvh0hs',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_en72z0',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'en5q6q': [],\n", " 'en2chl': [{'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffj53d3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe0wquh',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Veqq',\n", " 'body': 'Here\\'s an exercise: Read a sentence. Then recite it from memory. Do it for the next one in the paragraph, etc. Maybe you have to check it a few times or cut it into 2-3 chunks and repeat them each 5 times before you can piece the whole thing together. Just doing this a few minutes each day will make the rest of your reading much more \"active\" and \"mindful\". It gets rid of the autopilot /u/Unbrutal_Russian mentioned.\\n\\n8 readings isn\\'t a lot. We need something like 20+ repetitions of a word to chisel it into our memory. How to actually do that in spite of boredom is the real challenge. Perhaps don\\'t pronounce everything out loud and read through it silently, faster? Consider whether you would have phrased everything the same way. Maybe try to say what the text does with your own words.',\n", " 'id': 'ffj4qqd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdvg5kq',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Liamlah',\n", " 'body': '>use the CD (which is piratable and mountable)\\n\\nHas anyone had any luck getting it to work on Windows 10? I had to make a Windows XP VM and run it inside there.',\n", " 'id': 'fe0wquh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdvtnlw',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"You don't have to read this book now, and you don't have to read it all at once. You can find tons of stuff to read in the resources document. Also, for now you could treat it as just stuff to read and not a textbook, then comeback later and read again and do the pensa at that time.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdzlenv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdvg5kq',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': '7shamrocks',\n", " 'body': 'Here\\'s an example of some of my trouble. Caput XXXVI, pensum B:\\n\\n\"Domitianus illam aedem -- \\\\[=igne\\\\] absumptam -- \\\\[= refecit\\\\]. Tectum auro --, columnae e -- factae sunt.\"\\n\\nFor the first blank, I think flammā; they want incendio. Second blank I have restituit, renovavit, or exstruxit, giving the edge to restituit. Third blank, I have no idea if they want a verb like splenduit or exornavit, a participle like exornato another noun like gemmīsque or something. Fourth blank I\\'m pretty sure is marmore.\\n\\nMy trouble is I have too many options to choose from. I can\\'t settle the best (correct) one without looking back at their original sentence.',\n", " 'id': 'fdwn0ge',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_en2chl',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"I had the same problem unless I did them immediately after reading the whole chapter in one sitting (which can get tough already in FR, not to mention RA). Luckily there are the CDs with automated pensa, which first give you a hint to the reading and line the sentence is found at, and if you still can't find it, the whole answer. Even when I was getting stuck at every second sentence, the very act of looking for the answers in the text still made me learn something, and the next time I was doing the same Pensum, there was a good chance that I remembered the precise answer.\\n\\nThe fact that you can think of several possibilities can be a good or a bad thing - the former if they're all possible in the given context, which means you have bigger than expected vocabulary; the latter if some aren't, which means you need to clarify the difference between them.\\n\\nI don't think it's reasonable to expect the learner to learn all the new vocabulary in the chapter just from a few readings; especially when much of it only occurs once or twice. But as your example shows, even many repeated readings won't fix this because after a while you're no longer learning, just wading through the same old bog on autopilot. You need to be in the new territory, learning, pattern-recognition, contextually-inferring frame of mind in order to learn new vocabulary.\\n\\nUltimately, use the CD (which is piratable and mountable) or write each word from the new vocab list down yourself together with a Latin rephrasing (the ones in the margins with some personal elaborations) and the context it occurs in in the book.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdvtnlw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_en2chl',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': '7shamrocks',\n", " 'body': \"That's the problem. I'm in the bored into Oblivion category. I've read the first chapter about 8 times I think. I'm so sick of it, yet can't figure out exactly which word of the three possibilities I can think of is needed.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdvg5kq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdtp7nk',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'Perhaps you can do Exercitia Latina first, as there are exercises for new grammar you met in the chapter, and in this book the blank filling questions are divided into parts and you have shorter word lists on the side. I found this helped me with the pensa in the textbook when I was learning Latin with LLPSI.',\n", " 'id': 'fdurd2l',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_en2chl',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"These are supposed to be a summative assessment of whether or not you've acquired the material in the chapter. If you cannot write the words in the blanks, you haven't acquired the words (you may have acquired passive recognition of them to some extent). So, listen to the chapter again, answer the questions about the chapter, write your own short summaries, talk to someone about the chapter in Latin, etc. It boils down to whether you been exposed to those words (in a meaningful context, ie not just a list)a sufficient number of times to acquire them/their meaning. Therefore, you must find ways to expose yourself to those words enough times without boring yourself into oblivion.\",\n", " 'id': 'fdtp7nk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_en2chl',\n", " 'score': 7}],\n", " 'en1e3h': [{'author': 'Fedora_saxophonist',\n", " 'body': 'gratiās!',\n", " 'id': 'fdxh1sz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdxdd4g',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': '\"Importantia\" nōn est vocābulum latīnum genuīnum, sed italicum (importanza) - nōlī ūtī illō lexicō, quod tibi id vocābulum persuāsit.\\n\\nProbē ac latīnē dīcēs \"quod maxumī **mōmentī** est\".',\n", " 'id': 'fdxdd4g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdx7h7j',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'vsaucemichelhere',\n", " 'body': 'Vau man likās ka esmu vienīgais latvietis šeit',\n", " 'id': 'fdxdbds',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdx5s5h',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Fedora_saxophonist',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks for the correction! That was definitely a line a felt less confident in. I also wondered if another alternative might work; \"maximae importantiae\" - of greatest importance?',\n", " 'id': 'fdx7h7j',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdvoddl',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Fedora_saxophonist',\n", " 'body': 'Kas par sagadīšanos! Es arī protu runāt latviski!',\n", " 'id': 'fdx5s5h',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fduq5em',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'randomusernumberzero',\n", " 'body': 'I love how this rhymes in english and in latin',\n", " 'id': 'fdw6ft0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_en1e3h',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'Cachinnāvī, sed:\\n\\ngravissimē confoditur = gets stabbed extremely seriously (lethally)\\n\\nmost importantly = quod maxumum est',\n", " 'id': 'fdvoddl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_en1e3h',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdviz7k',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_en1e3h',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fdv5hhi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_en1e3h',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'vsaucemichelhere',\n", " 'body': 'Its great being latvian and knowing instinctivly how: ū ē ī ā (etc) sound',\n", " 'id': 'fduq5em',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_en1e3h',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Magic2701',\n", " 'body': 'It works both in Latin and English!',\n", " 'id': 'fdunaqb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdszvjd',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'doveinthesand',\n", " 'body': 'This is truly excellent.',\n", " 'id': 'fduizpv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_en1e3h',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'lol translation 10/10',\n", " 'id': 'fdudc4v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdszvjd',\n", " 'score': 17},\n", " {'author': 'Caesorius',\n", " 'body': 'So great, it even rhymes in English!',\n", " 'id': 'fdts33u',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_en1e3h',\n", " 'score': 15},\n", " {'author': 'Fedora_saxophonist',\n", " 'body': 'Classic Suetonius',\n", " 'id': 'fdtirq4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdti90g',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'CommonwealthCommando',\n", " 'body': 'καὶ σύ τέκνον',\n", " 'id': 'fdti90g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_en1e3h',\n", " 'score': 22},\n", " {'author': 'ColdVictories',\n", " 'body': 'Or madam*',\n", " 'id': 'fdt0g88',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdszvjd',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'ColdVictories',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you, beautiful and kind sir.',\n", " 'id': 'fdt0fi9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdszvjd',\n", " 'score': 18},\n", " {'author': 'Fedora_saxophonist',\n", " 'body': \"He Protecc\\n\\nHe Attacc\\n\\nBut most importantly, he is stabbed in the back\\n\\n*Edit: the first 2 are deponents (passive in form, active in meaning)\\n\\n**Hopefully I didn't mess up any of the translation\",\n", " 'id': 'fdszvjd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdsziqq',\n", " 'score': 86},\n", " {'author': 'ColdVictories',\n", " 'body': 'Translation, for us plebeians too lazy to research it?',\n", " 'id': 'fdsziqq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_en1e3h',\n", " 'score': 37}],\n", " 'enuvah': [],\n", " 'enutmd': [],\n", " 'ensv46': [{'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"Hi, u/Carter723 In case you've started using LLPSI like I and many other people recommend around here, I've made a Discord server to support people using it to learn Latin: [https://discord.gg/qEyawRk](https://discord.gg/qEyawRk)\",\n", " 'id': 'ffz0kzp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ensv46',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'tree_troll',\n", " 'body': \"Lingua Latina is the best way to learn by yourself, it's easy to find a PDF online. Pm me if you have trouble.\",\n", " 'id': 'feh14gg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ensv46',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'starkiller22265',\n", " 'body': 'Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata is the method most solo learners swear by. There are plenty of good resources for how to use it. If you are into speaking and writing in latin rather than just reading authentic latin texts, I’ve also been liking Conversational Latin for Oral Proficiency by John Traupmann.',\n", " 'id': 'feb4qae',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ensv46',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'AveMaria89',\n", " 'body': 'The Lingua Latina series is the most recommended method and is really good.',\n", " 'id': 'fe4psnv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ensv46',\n", " 'score': 14}],\n", " 'ens83a': [{'author': 'ThisWasNoTea',\n", " 'body': \"This is a joke, right? Because it doesn't say anything, it's just a placeholder text. An extremely common one.\",\n", " 'id': 'fe4dupd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ens83a',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'enpfe0': [{'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"Because you are using LLPSI to learn Latin, I thought you might be interested in this group that I've set up on Discord to help out people using LLPSI: [https://discord.gg/Ubd58Wk](https://discord.gg/Ubd58Wk)\",\n", " 'id': 'ffz208m',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe5xixy',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'numquamsolus',\n", " 'body': \"I disagree with what you've written. \\n\\nThere are degrees of knowledge and the application of that knowledge, whether that knowledge is explicitly or implicitly understood, even with one's own mother tongue.\",\n", " 'id': 'fehcqws',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe6glgg',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'To everyone (my first language is Italian). I see my advice is not very popular here, yet my experience tells me otherwise.',\n", " 'id': 'feh73ik',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feh5300',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': 'Does this advice apply to everyone, or only to those whose first language is English?',\n", " 'id': 'feh5300',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe3zwdl',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'sje46',\n", " 'body': \"I disagree with this. If you are a native english speaker, you already know English grammar. You may not know grammar in the abstracted way, such as what a gerund is and how it's different from a participle, but you still know English. If anything, Latin will teach you these abstractions in English.\",\n", " 'id': 'fe6glgg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe3zwdl',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'sje46',\n", " 'body': 'The fuck?',\n", " 'id': 'fe6gijf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe42024',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fe6g2k9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_enpfe0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Wyattrox21',\n", " 'body': 'I can verify, I have been reading this for several months and it has taught me a lot\\nHowever I would also supplement confusing grammatical concepts with explanations from the YouTube channel Latin Tutorial',\n", " 'id': 'fe5xixy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe36ghz',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'jacobduffster',\n", " 'body': 'Shut up blud Ile spin your jaw',\n", " 'id': 'fe42024',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe3zwdl',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'Step 0: make sure you know English grammar well.',\n", " 'id': 'fe3zwdl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_enpfe0',\n", " 'score': -1},\n", " {'author': 'JLLS11',\n", " 'body': 'Start with the book Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata, which unlike most other resources, will teach you to understand Latin as Latin, not merely translate it. You can find lots of information about it through the search bar here.',\n", " 'id': 'fe36ghz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_enpfe0',\n", " 'score': 7}],\n", " 'enp7y7': [{'author': 'blacayo',\n", " 'body': 'Yeah must not be the same school. I believe one of the user above was able to translate it, but thanks for the offer.',\n", " 'id': 'febovg5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feb7d5d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'sednolimodo',\n", " 'body': \"The school's site says the school was founded in 1940, so the dates don't line up. Who knows, maybe permission was denied for the time being. I can translate the letter for you, if it's useful.\",\n", " 'id': 'feb7d5d',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe8kav2',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'blacayo',\n", " 'body': 'Yes this makes sense. The person who sent it to me is currently visiting Kerala.',\n", " 'id': 'fe8kha9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe45efs',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'blacayo',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you. Not sure how you did this as it was very hard to distinguish some of the letters. In any case, thank you very much.',\n", " 'id': 'fe8kdw3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe4fqrj',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'blacayo',\n", " 'body': 'Yes the person who sent me the letter is visiting Kerala so this makes sense.',\n", " 'id': 'fe8kav2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe4a9lg',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'blacayo',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you very much. This makes a lot of sense. I greatly appreciate your help.',\n", " 'id': 'fe8k94e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe6iw80',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'steepleman',\n", " 'body': \"Not particularly, given that apart from Madras, they refer to the same name. Calcutta is the same as Kolkata. Bombay is but Mumbai with some different consonants. Bangalore is just Bengaluru. With Madras, both Chennai and Madras are 'native' names. Madras was used in the period. Why change it now?\\n\\nDanzig/Gdansk is similar, I suppose, but neither is an 'English' name per se.\",\n", " 'id': 'fe6stpx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe6s0v5',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'steepleman',\n", " 'body': 'Madras also happens to be the common English name for the place.',\n", " 'id': 'fe6sn1r',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe6psj5',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'nswtbiti',\n", " 'body': \"To be fair, unlike Cologne/Köln many of those Indian cities were named by colonialists. I can't really blame them for wanting to change them.\\n\\nWouldn't Gdansk/Danzig or Harare/Salisbury be a better parable?\",\n", " 'id': 'fe6s0v5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe67ntn',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'VerySecretCactus',\n", " 'body': \"Madras is also pre-British. It's just a different name of the place.\",\n", " 'id': 'fe6psj5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe67ntn',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'Most Illustrious and Reverend Lord,\\n\\nI, the below signed, Vicar of the Church of St. Anne in Patton, moved by a desire of encouraging and increasing devotion towards the Blessed Virgin Mary, humbly request from you, Most Illustrious and Reverend Lord:\\n \\n1. That, kindly agreeing to (various) requests, you give to me the faculty to establish, at the Church of St. Anne at the Altar of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a Society of the Blessed Virgin Mary for boys, under the title of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, under the patronage of St. Anthony of Padua.\\n\\n2. That you approve (the pertinent statues for this Society), and establish me, the Vicar of the said Church, as Director of this pious Society, with the faculty of substituting another (person in this role), if need be, for the reception of boys (as members).\\n\\n3. That you show the documentation of the establishment of this Society, so that it may be associated/affiliated with the Archconfraternity (of the Immaculate Conception) in Rome, to the effect of sharing in spiritual benefits, and gaining the indulgences by which (the Archconfraternity) is abundantly enriched.\\n\\nI remain, Most Illustrious Sir, with the highest reverence (as is befitting), your Lordship\\'s most loyal and obedient son in Christ, (name).\\n\\nNovember 16, 1904, Pattom, Thiruvananthapuram. \\n\\n\\n(I\\'ve translated \"submissus\" as \\'loyal\\'- obviously not exact, but \"loyal and obedient son\" is the most acceptable I can do in the English idiom.)',\n", " 'id': 'fe6iw80',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe4fqrj',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'steepleman',\n", " 'body': \"Honestly the changes are ridiculous; Cologne isn't pronounced or spelt like Köln so why should Madras be Chennai?\",\n", " 'id': 'fe67ntn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe65c79',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'VerySecretCactus',\n", " 'body': 'It took me a second to even remember the new name of Calcutta. Pune is pronounced the same so it makes no difference.\\n\\nI only ever hear Mumbai, though.',\n", " 'id': 'fe65c79',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe64qgx',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"I've heard that about a lot of the somewhat anglicised Indian place names, like Calcutta and Bombay and Poona -- that they are still used by many, even if the other names have officially taken over.\",\n", " 'id': 'fe64qgx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe62cjt',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'VerySecretCactus',\n", " 'body': 'My parents and everyone I know still call it Trivandrum, lol; the change happened late in their lives and that word is too long. Peetah is a neighborhood in the city. It makes sense that a neighborhood of that name exists in Colombo in Sri Lanka as well; the word historically just means \"the town/neighborhood/dwellings that are *outside* the fortress of a city.\"',\n", " 'id': 'fe62cjt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe45efs',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'A few corrections:\\n\\nPettah (not Pattom) \\npromovendi ac dilatandi (not pradilatandi) \\npermaneo (not permanes)',\n", " 'id': 'fe4ojnd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe4fqrj',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'ioannina',\n", " 'body': 'If a transcript helps:\\n\\nIllus(trissi)me et Rever(en)d(issi)me Domine,\\n\\nEgo infrascriptus Vicarius Ecclesiae S(anc)tae Annae Pattom motus desiderio promovendi pradilatandi devotionem erga Beatissimam Virginem Mariam humiliter peto a Te Ill(ustrissi)me ac Rev(eren)d(issi)me Domine\\n\\nI. Ut benigne precibus annuens piam Sodalitatem B(eatae) V(irginis) Mariae, pro pueris sub Titulo Imm(aculatae) Concept(ionis) B(eatae) Virginis Mariae et sub Patrocinio Sancti Anthonii de Padua erigendam facultatem mihi facias in Ecclesia Sanctae Annae et ad Altare Sac(er)r(i)mi Cordis Jesu.\\n\\nII. Statuta approbes et me Vicarium dictae Ecclesiae in directorem hujus piae Sodalitatis cum facultate mihi substituendi alium, si opus fuerit, pro receptione puerorum constituas.\\n\\nIII. Itemque litteras testimoniales erectionis hujus Sodalitatis exhibeas, ut aggregari possit Archi(episcopus) Confraternitati, Romae existenti ad effectum participandi bonis spiritualibus, ac lucrandi indulgentias quibus abundanter est praefata primaria Sodalitas ditata.\\n\\nSumma, qua par est, Reverentia permanes Ill(ustrissi)me.\\nDominationis Vestrae valde Submissus et Obediens Filius in Christo, (nomen).\\n\\nDie 16 (mensis) Novembris 1904 Pattom, Trivandrum.',\n", " 'id': 'fe4fqrj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_enp7y7',\n", " 'score': 13},\n", " {'author': 'sednolimodo',\n", " 'body': \"There's a St. Mary's Higher Secondary School in Pattom, Trivandrum. They might be interested in this letter. I liked how the writer corrected michi to mihi- living Latin.\",\n", " 'id': 'fe4a9lg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_enp7y7',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'Trivandrum is what they used to call Thiruvananthapuram, the capital of Kerala, in south India.',\n", " 'id': 'fe45efs',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe3ib0h',\n", " 'score': 12},\n", " {'author': 'nrith',\n", " 'body': \"Same. The writer seems to be asking his superior for permission to open a children's school called Immaculate Conception in Pettah, modern Sri Lanka, although I'm having trouble finding anything like that in Google or maps.\",\n", " 'id': 'fe3ib0h',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe33y9p',\n", " 'score': 15},\n", " {'author': 'rocketman0739',\n", " 'body': \"That's lovely handwriting, but I can't read all of the words. From the first couple of lines, it looks like a letter from a vicar to his religious superior.\",\n", " 'id': 'fe33y9p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_enp7y7',\n", " 'score': 30}],\n", " 'enjrlv': [{'author': 'Ert6',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you!!',\n", " 'id': 'fe6xc96',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe3yh4p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'As Zarlinosuke and mattfen93 explained, \"trans\" and \"per\" have different meanings when they are used with locations. \"trans\" emphasizes to/on *the other side* of something, while \"per\" emphasizes the process of going through something. \"trans terras\" is not very common because we rarely say \"to/on the side of some piece of land\", but \"per mare\" is a common phrase.\\n\\nHere are two examples for \"per mare\" and \"trans terras\". \\n\\n\"bis saucio et in Graeciam suam **trans mare ac terras** fugato...\" (Annaeus)\\n\\n\" **per** **mare** navibus expositi in aversos nostros impetum fecerunt...\" (Caesar)',\n", " 'id': 'fe3yh4p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe0f2ys',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Ert6',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you very much!!',\n", " 'id': 'fe1q47c',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe1psjy',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'mattfen93',\n", " 'body': 'per - *through* (denotes movement or time; per terras, per noctem).\\n\\ntrans - *across* or *beyond* (usually denotes location, rather than movement; trans maria - beyond the seas).\\n\\nThe use of *trans* to indicate movement is also attested, however, the movement *across* something is usually expressed using a prefix *trans-* plus verb (e.g. transeo, transferro, transpono...).',\n", " 'id': 'fe1psjy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_enjrlv',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Ert6',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you!!',\n", " 'id': 'fe0fcfr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe0f2ys',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fe0f2ys',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_enjrlv',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Zarlinosuke',\n", " 'body': \"You're welcome!\",\n", " 'id': 'fe0daal',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe0d3x5',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Ert6',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you!!',\n", " 'id': 'fe0d3x5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe0d2s1',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Zarlinosuke',\n", " 'body': 'Trans. Per is usually translated \"through,\" not \"across.\"',\n", " 'id': 'fe0d2s1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_enjrlv',\n", " 'score': 11}],\n", " 'eng4l9': [{'author': 'Mikael-9000',\n", " 'body': 'I agree, I’m in the wrong. I didn’t pay enough attention: nouns with locative don’t use prepositions for movement from or towards. It makes sense now, thank you.',\n", " 'id': 'fe35oq9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe30pdj',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'raendrop',\n", " 'body': 'I think you misunderstood. It is the locative case per se that does not take a preposition.',\n", " 'id': 'fe30pdj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe0zih3',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Mikael-9000',\n", " 'body': '>For other peoples’ place, you would use the preposition in + ablative\\n\\nThat makes sense. Thank you for the explanation.',\n", " 'id': 'fe2eyl3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe28qbw',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'mattfen93',\n", " 'body': \"You can just say 'domi', it already implies it is your home your're talking about.\\nYou would only use 'domi meae' if you want to accentuate your ownership. So, 'domi' - at my house/at home, 'domi meae' - in MY house.\\nSo, if the subject of the sentence owns a house, you would use locative (Domi sum. - I'm at my house. Amicus domi est. - My friend is at his house.) For other poples' place, you would use the preposition in + ablative: 'in domo eius sum' (I'm at his place), 'Petrus in domo amicae meae est' (Peter is at my friend's house) etc.\",\n", " 'id': 'fe28qbw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eng4l9',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Mikael-9000',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you very much. That makes sense.',\n", " 'id': 'fe105gz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdzvjoc',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Mikael-9000',\n", " 'body': 'I know that, but [this video](https://youtu.be/VwLS-fh3pVg) mentions that you don’t use prepositions with nouns that can be in the locative.\\n\\nFor example: “Rōmam domō venīs” would be “you come to Rome from the house.” \\nAre prepositions other than “ab” and “ad” still used with nouns that have a locative?\\n\\nEdit: my comment is wrong. You don’t need prepositions for movement towards or from. I didn’t pay enough attention to the video I linked.',\n", " 'id': 'fe0zih3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdzw603',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'raendrop',\n", " 'body': '\"Domo\" is not the locative. It\\'s the ablative.\\n\\nhttps://latin.cactus2000.de/noun/shownoun_en.php?n=domus',\n", " 'id': 'fdzw603',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdzhy0f',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'The case endings on the locative for 1st/2nd declension adjectives match, so \"-i/-ae/-i\" and \"-is/-is/-is\" plural for meus-a-um. It would be \\'-i\\' and \\'-ibus\\' for a 3rd declension adjective.\\n\\nThe difference between locative and ablative of place where is just convention. Both mean roughly the same thing. It is better practice to use locative for answering the question of \"is he home or away\" with \"at home, domi\" but when the scene is near the house itself, with \"in the house/within the walls/under the roof\" with in/sub + ablative of such words as \"domus, murus, tectum\" as needed. You can see this play out in both Plautus and Terence. \\n\\nHowever, to be more confusing: using \"in\" + ablative with a locative word (cities/towns/small islands) gives the idea of being \"in the area/territory/vicinity\" of the noun.',\n", " 'id': 'fdzvjoc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdzt4ss',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Mikael-9000',\n", " 'body': 'I’m aware that the cases still would be locative, but I think I worded it badly. I was really wondering if the “meae” was the same as the genitive “meae” or if there is a locative case for adjectives (or in this case the possessive pronoun).\\n\\nThis would be an important distinction if I wanted to say “In my Athens”, as Athēnīs is the same as plural ablative/dative, right? Would that be “Athēnīs meīs”? \\nI know you’re not supposed to use adjectives with proper names, but I guess it’s still worth knowing.\\n\\nI don’t think I properly understand the difference between “in domō”/“domī”. Is “in domō” strictly for being *inside* the house, while “domī” is being just *nearby*? Can you use domī for being inside, too?',\n", " 'id': 'fdzt4ss',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdzqerm',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': '\"Domi meae\" is locative (same endings; different uses). \\n\\nRomae, Athenis, ruri, domi, humi, etc. (cities, towns, small islands, domus, humus, and rus take locatives for place where)\\n\\n\"In domo mea/in domu mea\" are inside/within my house; \"domi meae\" is in/at my home. \\n\\nAlso be aware that \"domus\" is a heteroclite, i.e. it has declension properties of both the 2nd and 4th declensions.',\n", " 'id': 'fdzqerm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdzkepm',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Zarlinosuke',\n", " 'body': 'Ahh cool cool. Thanks for the explanation!',\n", " 'id': 'fdzpyjh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdzpvuf',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'From the LSJ, it looks like \"casa\" generally refers to a \"poorly built house\" or a \"thatched cottage\" or \"shed.\" \\n\\nIt usually pops up as homes for slaves on farms or similar to the early huts (\"magalia\") from Romulus\\' era; whereas \"villa\" would be the plantation/vacation home of the master. \\n\\nSimilarly \"domus\" as larger homes is contrasted against \"insulae\" as apartment housing in the city.',\n", " 'id': 'fdzpvuf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdzj6y0',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Mikael-9000',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you. That’s really interesting.',\n", " 'id': 'fdzp6c9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdzow9z',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': '[That too.](http://artflsrv02.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/perseus/search3t?dbname=LatinSept18&word=domi+meae&OUTPUT=conc&CONJUNCT=PHRASE&DISTANCE=3&author=&title=&POLESPAN=5&THMPRTLIMIT=1&KWSS=1&KWSSPRLIM=500&trsortorder=author%2C+title&editor=&pubdate=&language=&shrtcite=&genre=&sortorder=author%2C+title&dgdivhead=&dgdivtype=&dgsubdivwho=&dgsubdivn=&dgsubdivtag=&dgsubdivtype=)',\n", " 'id': 'fdzow9z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdzkepm',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Mikael-9000',\n", " 'body': 'So you’d use the genitive? u/bedwere answered that it should be “In domō meā”. Can both be used?',\n", " 'id': 'fdzkepm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdzhukl',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Zarlinosuke',\n", " 'body': \"No worries to you either, and you're welcome!\",\n", " 'id': 'fdzk2yl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdzjgez',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Mikael-9000',\n", " 'body': 'No worries, I should’ve specified that I wanted to use domus. Thank you anyways :)',\n", " 'id': 'fdzjgez',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdziyez',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Zarlinosuke',\n", " 'body': \"I'm not sure I really know the difference between a cottage and a house other than some vague sense of size, but in any case, it's clear OP was looking for domus/domi!\",\n", " 'id': 'fdzj6y0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdzh9oz',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Zarlinosuke',\n", " 'body': 'Ahh OK! Yes, domus is one of the few words that has its own locative form, as you clearly already know. In that case, I think the other people who have answered have better ideas than I would. Hope you find the right one!',\n", " 'id': 'fdziyez',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdzh90e',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Mikael-9000',\n", " 'body': 'That’s very interesting. I thought that nouns with locative weren’t supposed to use prepositions. Do you know why it is this way?\\n\\nEdit: nouns with locative don’t use preposition for movement from or towards. My mistake.',\n", " 'id': 'fdzhy0f',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdzh71d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'hupelk',\n", " 'body': '*meae domi*',\n", " 'id': 'fdzhukl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eng4l9',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'Well, casa is cottage, not house.',\n", " 'id': 'fdzh9oz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdzg1vr',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Mikael-9000',\n", " 'body': 'I guess I should’ve clarified that I meant “domus”. Is it possible to use adjectives with the locative (domī)? If it’s possible, would you use genitive? “Domī meae”?',\n", " 'id': 'fdzh90e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fdzg1vr',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'In domo mea. See [examples](http://artflsrv02.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/perseus/search3t?dbname=LatinSept18&word=in+domo+mea&OUTPUT=conc&CONJUNCT=PHRASE&DISTANCE=3&author=&title=&POLESPAN=5&THMPRTLIMIT=1&KWSS=1&KWSSPRLIM=500&trsortorder=author%2C+title&editor=&pubdate=&language=&shrtcite=&genre=&sortorder=author%2C+title&dgdivhead=&dgdivtype=&dgsubdivwho=&dgsubdivn=&dgsubdivtag=&dgsubdivtype=).',\n", " 'id': 'fdzh71d',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eng4l9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Zarlinosuke',\n", " 'body': '\"In casa mea,\" with long As at the ends of those words--the locative got swallowed by the ablative in almost every instance, a few frozen exceptions aside.',\n", " 'id': 'fdzg1vr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eng4l9',\n", " 'score': -1}],\n", " 'eocsey': [{'author': 'shibbyschwab',\n", " 'body': 'Yes that’s traditionally how it’s understood',\n", " 'id': 'feeh3xb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fecewke',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'Would be an objective genitive?',\n", " 'id': 'fecewke',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fecdyxy',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Vergiliana',\n", " 'body': 'Verbs of remembering and forgetting use the genitive (mindful of or forgetful of something).',\n", " 'id': 'fecdyxy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feccplt',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'It’s the genitive singular of the noun mors, meaning death. So, “of death,” either in a possessive sense (the jaws of death) or an objective sense (fear of death). There’s a third use for genitive, too (the partitive) but I don’t think that has any application to mors. Please, if I’m wrong, somebody correct me! \\n\\nOn occasion, you’ll see mortis used as the plural accusative form of mors- so, as an object, e.g., “I’ve seen many deaths.” I’m not sure when that’s used, though, because in that form you’d typically see mortes.',\n", " 'id': 'feccplt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fec186h',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'jarret50cal',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you! This was exactly what i needed. One more thing, what context would mortis be for?',\n", " 'id': 'fec186h',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_febnk96',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'eestimarcus',\n", " 'body': '*Memento mori* is the classic saying, and so I\\'ll copy-paste something I wrote on this phrase earlier:\\n\\nQuite literally, *Memento mori* means \"remember to die\". But it sounds rather silly in English, as if you forget it you\\'ll live forever. There are a few interpretations here: *mori* is infinitive, but it can be also be treated as a gerund when it\\'s a direct object, so then it would be: \"Remember dying\" or \"keep in mind (the act of) dying\". It is also possible that it was an accusative + infinitive construction originally, *te mori*, but then *te* was dropped. *Memento te mori* \\\\- \"Remember you die\" or \"Remember that you die\".\\n\\nSo *memento mori* focuses on mortality, especially your own mortality - remember that you are going to die one day. *Memento mortem* is quite literally \"remember death\", as in \"remember that death exists\" or \"keep death in mind\".',\n", " 'id': 'febnk96',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocsey',\n", " 'score': 8}],\n", " 'eocp81': [{'author': 'Ioannes_Nuncius',\n", " 'body': 'ahh, I see.',\n", " 'id': 'fedr9pn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fecy4v8',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'rhoadsalive',\n", " 'body': 'The Dative can be possessive as well, you have to ask the question \"to whom is he a colleague?\".',\n", " 'id': 'fecy4v8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fecj21y',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'exstitit is basically equivalent to \"was.\" St. Bonaventure was a colleague to St. Thomas etc.',\n", " 'id': 'fecrjyn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fecj21y',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': \"I didn't. I did a Google Image search for the text and found it.\",\n", " 'id': 'fecrfpb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feci2az',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Ioannes_Nuncius',\n", " 'body': 'I\\'m still pretty confused about this one: \"*qui ei semper in studijs et pietate collega exstitit\"* if exstitit means \"he stood out\" why would there be an indirect object? \"he stood out to him\"?',\n", " 'id': 'fecj21y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_febp46v',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Ioannes_Nuncius',\n", " 'body': 'Well that explains that one. haha. How did you know about that image?',\n", " 'id': 'feci2az',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_febvltb',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': \"[https://www.dspt.edu/images/uploads/D.Thomas\\\\_Page\\\\_19.jpg](https://www.dspt.edu/images/uploads/D.Thomas_Page_19.jpg)\\n\\nYou made a couple of typos in writing down the text. Some are of little importance, but one should be corrected:\\n\\n~~ei~~ **et** scribendo occupatum\\n\\n*ei* wouldn't make sense here.\",\n", " 'id': 'febvltb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocp81',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'rhoadsalive',\n", " 'body': 'They are datives, just translate them as datives and it makes perfect sense.\\n\\nIf English is your native language some uses of the Dative can sound odd or might not make sense at first but for e.g. German speakers datives like in the text above would feel very natural.\\n\\nE.g.\\n\\nQui ei dictaret = which dictated him\\n\\nThe correct W-question would be : whom?',\n", " 'id': 'febp46v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocp81',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'eocci5': [{'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': 'Rumoresque senum severiorum\\n\\nOmnes unius aestimemus assis!',\n", " 'id': 'feerxto',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocci5',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Oh_The_Romanity',\n", " 'body': 'My personal favorite (so far, I’m only an undergrad) is Cicero’s De Officiis. I think it cost about $25',\n", " 'id': 'fedi2o0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocci5',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'hupelk',\n", " 'body': \"I love 20€ for a small hardcover, like a Loeb. It's a very pleasant and balanced price, not too high that you feel you're getting ripped off, but also not too low, so that it still feels like a meaningful and serious purchase, and you can hope for a well-made book.\",\n", " 'id': 'fed5rg9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocci5',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Jake_Lukas',\n", " 'body': \"I always found the prices on classics reasonable at Powell's books in Chicago.\\n\\n(Yes, I know it's a typo, but the recommendation is sincere.)\",\n", " 'id': 'febz92t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocci5',\n", " 'score': 6}],\n", " 'eoanxp': [{'author': 'russoantonio150799',\n", " 'body': \"First of all find the verb which very often is at the end of the sentence then the subject which is in nominative so like it's written on vocabulary and then the other words.\\n\\nIulia historiam cognoscere amat = Julia loves to learn History\\nIn schola magistra Iuliae fabulas de Roma antiqua discipulis suis saepe narrat = Julia's teacher often tells to their pupils stories of Ancient Rome at school\\nDe viis Romanis Iulia historiam cognoscere amat = Julia loves to know the history of Roman manners\\nPrecipue de vita cotidiana incolarum Italiae et Graeciae libenter legit = He reads gladly the daily life of inhabitants of Italy and Greece expecially\\nHodie puellae de viis Romanis disputant = Today girls debate of Roman manners\\nIulia multas vias scit et amicis enumerat: viam Appiam, viam Aureliam, viam Cassiam, viam Flaminiam, viam Tiburtinam, viam Tusculanam aliasque = Julia knows many roads and she lists to friends: Appian Way, Aurelian Way, Cassian Way, Flaminian Way, Tiburtinan Way, Tusculsn Way and others\\nCunctis discipulis nota est via Appia - longa et lata, quasi regina viarum per multas terras ducit atque Romam et Capuam iungit = Appian Way is known by every students - long and wide, like queen of the ways it leads to many lands and it links Rome and Capua\",\n", " 'id': 'febbnth',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eoanxp',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': \"I think you are doing well. Keep trying to translate more, even just parts of some sentences. It seems this paragraph is intended as a translation exercise, though it isn't well-written.\",\n", " 'id': 'feb3dzk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eoanxp',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'AnetaKlepKotleta',\n", " 'body': \"Sorry, wasn't paying attention. As I said, very important haha. I edited the post so you can see where I have problems.\",\n", " 'id': 'feaup6u',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fearzx7',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[removed]',\n", " 'id': 'feasxsp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eoanxp',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': \"The rules require that you show prior effort when requesting help. So try explaining to us what you think you know and what you think you're having trouble with.\",\n", " 'id': 'fearzx7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eoanxp',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'eoa6pv': [{'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': '[VIII - Tū timidus es!](https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/efpbs9/vi%CE%B9i_t%C5%AB_timidus_es/)\\n\\n[X - Hærēte.](https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/ev992r/x_h%C3%A6r%C4%93te/)',\n", " 'id': 'feahvlo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eoa6pv',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'eo965f': [],\n", " 'eo964y': [],\n", " 'eo7n4z': [{'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'Yea!!',\n", " 'id': 'fekzhis',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fekyvqx',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'I can’t tell ya. I found it at a tiny and incredible used bookstore in Asheville, North Carolina (which remains, as this book evidences, the best curated bookstore I have ever met). I’d advise eBay, I guess. Check Amazon, too. Go to your local bookstore and beg them to let you know on the off-chance they get a copy. Search ardently. This book is worth it. The translator is Alexander Lenard. \\n\\nQuis vult in terra stare / \\nCum posit volitare? / \\nVita nubeculae / \\nEst fons superbiae.',\n", " 'id': 'fekzci7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fekynip',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '_iuventius_',\n", " 'body': 'Hey!! AP Latin Gang!!',\n", " 'id': 'fekyvqx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feau4gl',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '_iuventius_',\n", " 'body': 'Where can I buy this book?',\n", " 'id': 'fekynip',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eo7n4z',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'sheepdot',\n", " 'body': 'I don\\'t think this is really nonsensical. He doesn\\'t call him \"Winnie,\" he calls him \"Winnie the Pooh.\" That said, it is a bit tricky when translated into another language, since the conversation doesn\\'t necessarily follow our expectations.',\n", " 'id': 'feehbdk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feav7l5',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Not entirely so! 😃 Please watch the whole video.',\n", " 'id': 'fedh712',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fedgja9',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'Macrons \"work\" in the Reconstructed pronunciation just fine---which is why I use them there. The Traditional English Pronunciation of Latin, however, is such that you *cannot* observe both it and the rules of quantity at the same time; they are *mutually exclusive*. I could use a \"long a\" (in reality, the diphthong /ei/) to \"simulate\" the macron, and the \"short a\" (the non-diphthongised version) for all other cases; but that would just sound ridiculous.\\n\\nThis goes to such a point that when doing poetry (I\\'ve grown quite fond of Horace), I\\'ve had to *unlearn* a few things. The usual stuff---not pronouncing the *j* as in *justice*, or the Latin word *nunc* to rhyme with the English word *trunk*\\\\---that\\'s just the tip of the iceberg, really.',\n", " 'id': 'fedgja9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fedfye4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Hi! 😃 So, my mission in life, as it were, haha, is to convince people of the importance of both macrons and vowel quantity in all pronunciations of Latin. Please watch this video of mine (the whole thing, when you have the time) and we can discuss further: https://youtu.be/D3bmLi1bKI0',\n", " 'id': 'fedfye4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fedf6f0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'I disagree! 😃 Please see my video. Hopefully this persuades somewhat: https://youtu.be/D3bmLi1bKI0',\n", " 'id': 'fedfuaf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fedf6he',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'translostation',\n", " 'body': 'Meh - it\\'s easy enough to do without them. Here, e.g., quoque in the second position is almost always \"also\".',\n", " 'id': 'fedf6he',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fechhfo',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"See, and I don't get macrons at all. I use a pronunciation which ignores quantity, for the most part (except when reading poetry of the Classical Age, in which case I switch to Classical pronunciation), so for me it's just one bit of extraneous information to keep track of.\",\n", " 'id': 'fedf6f0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fechhfo',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'Ego quoque = Me too!',\n", " 'id': 'fedf0y3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eo7n4z',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'Oh, that sounds very helpful. I’ll look into it.',\n", " 'id': 'fedakic',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fed290v',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks!',\n", " 'id': 'fedajay',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fed15or',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'AHSmodsRF4GS',\n", " 'body': 'I\\'m using \"goldendict\" software on Android with a few (pirated I guess) inflected/standard latin dictionaries in it, as well as wiktionary.\\n\\nYou just long press on a word to learn its definition in a pop-up and it\\'s very good. Been reading vulgate new testament, enjoying it.',\n", " 'id': 'fed290v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feau4gl',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'yeahlolyeah',\n", " 'body': 'Like 99% of the time quoque will mean \"also\" or \"too\" (as in \"me too\", which is how I would translate that sentence)\\n\\nIt only rarely is the abl sing of quisque\\n\\nSo something to keep in mind when reading texts. Good luck!',\n", " 'id': 'fed15or',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe9ktal',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'This is why I call for macrons in all texts! 😆',\n", " 'id': 'fechhfo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe9mtpy',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'This is why I call for macrons in all texts! 😆',\n", " 'id': 'fechhdw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe9mtpy',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'Good luck! So far I’ve found it delightful. I’m using it to practice developing a sense of the natural Latin word order, and I’m finding that Pooh is wonderfully suited to the language.',\n", " 'id': 'feccv0k',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feccktl',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'lochnessmonster2001',\n", " 'body': 'I just got this same book at a used book store the other day! I’m also getting through reading it, hopefully to help me improve. :)',\n", " 'id': 'feccktl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eo7n4z',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ljseminarist',\n", " 'body': 'Not in the least.',\n", " 'id': 'fecc5ly',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feanj41',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'thank you!',\n", " 'id': 'fecc4kr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feaek2s',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'Wow, thanks! I’m sure that’ll be a lot of help.',\n", " 'id': 'fec7gbk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fec5tjm',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'EOHFA',\n", " 'body': 'My teacher allowed us to translate this in class 😊💯!',\n", " 'id': 'fec5yo1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eo7n4z',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'TWFM',\n", " 'body': \"Here you go: https://archive.org/details/AAMilneWinnieThePooh\\n\\nAnd here's the PDF: https://ia801905.us.archive.org/33/items/AAMilneWinnieThePooh/A_A_Milne_-_Winnie-the-Pooh.pdf\\n\\nKeep in mind as you try to translate that some of the sentences don't quite seem to make logical sense, even in their original English. Remember it's a book written for children, and parts of it are just plain silly.\",\n", " 'id': 'fec5tjm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_febvtol',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'I couldn’t find a pdf;I think it’s not in the public domain. Have you found a link? I’d love if you could send it to me, if so! \\nI did order a copy from my library, though, so don’t worry- I’m on it.',\n", " 'id': 'febvtol',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_febppnm',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'NomenScribe',\n", " 'body': \"Tela Charolttae is harder to get ahold of. It came out in 1991 and has not been reprinted. Sometimes it'll be on eBay for $20, sometimes for $80. Magus Mirabilis in OZ is in a similar situation, except that I believe the electronic version you can find online was distributed by the translator himself.\",\n", " 'id': 'febvrzb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_febce3h',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'TWFM',\n", " 'body': \"The English text of Winnie the Pooh is readily available on line. You might use that to help you figure out the context/meaning of the particular lines you're reading.\",\n", " 'id': 'febppnm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feawotw',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'You’ll probably love it. The illustrations are wonderful, too, aren’t they?',\n", " 'id': 'febhlv4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_febeeoj',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'I’ll look into them! I’d never heard of him prior to finding this book.',\n", " 'id': 'febhj36',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feb250q',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'Sounds good! I’ll see if I can find it!',\n", " 'id': 'febhb3t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feaz4ry',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'Ooh, yikes! Sounds like that’ll be good practice for Caesar, though.',\n", " 'id': 'febh74k',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feb9oe0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Linguistin229',\n", " 'body': 'I got this for Christmas! Excited to read it :D',\n", " 'id': 'febeeoj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eo7n4z',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'gecampbell',\n", " 'body': 'But not close to \"Avem Occidere Mimicam\"',\n", " 'id': 'febcqi3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_febce3h',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'gecampbell',\n", " 'body': 'Right next to \"Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis\" and \"Tela Carlottae\"',\n", " 'id': 'febce3h',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feaatsg',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Cocomorph',\n", " 'body': '> Comentarii De Puero Inepto\\n \\nOh that’s cute.',\n", " 'id': 'febaplw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feaz4ry',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Rories1',\n", " 'body': 'Quantity in that there were up to five or six within one sentence, that belonged to two different nouns. On the surface not terrible, but when I last tried translating it when I was still taking Latin classes, keeping track of which goes with which gets old real fast.',\n", " 'id': 'feb9oe0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feaj311',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Veqq',\n", " 'body': '> Alexander Lenard\\n\\nHis life was extremely interesting and he wrote many interesting books which I strongly recommend. The Roman stories might be best of all.',\n", " 'id': 'feb250q',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feaiy92',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'NomenScribe',\n", " 'body': \"I generally recommend starting with Fabulae Mirabiles. It's very readable, though not that sheltered in terms of grammar or vocabulary. \\n\\nMy favorite fun read in Latin is Comentarii De Puero Inepto, though it is by no means sheltered reading.\",\n", " 'id': 'feaz4ry',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eo7n4z',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': \"That's really interesting i'll have to look into it. Thanks!\",\n", " 'id': 'feaycwt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feaxhaw',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'NomenScribe',\n", " 'body': \"It's been in publication for decades, so it's one of the easiest latin translations to get your hands on. Look on Amazon. A macronized version of the Alice in Wonderland translation was recently published, but that's a much trickier read. The translator seems to have wanted to keep away any riffraff that hasn't mastered all the uses of the subjunctive.\",\n", " 'id': 'feaxhaw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feaatsg',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'Yes! That’s part of why I’m reading the Latin. A philology professor for a course that I’m auditing recommended it because the word order is archaic, and thus very Latinate already.',\n", " 'id': 'feawotw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feav7l5',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'King_Spamula',\n", " 'body': \"My library has this book, but I'm gonna wait a while to read it, until my vocabulary is bigger\",\n", " 'id': 'feavdju',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eo7n4z',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'thorazos',\n", " 'body': 'FWIW, the original English text is also a little nonsensical. The conversation goes:\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\n\"But I thought he was a boy?\"\\n\\n\"So did I.\"\\n\\n\"Then you can\\'t call him Winnie?\"\\n\\n\"I don\\'t.\"',\n", " 'id': 'feav7l5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eo7n4z',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'I get that. I’m actually doing AP Latin right now, and reading Caesar and Virgil, so this isn’t beyond me (I hope!). It’s just that I teach myself, so sometimes I miss things. I definitely know the word, it’s just that sometimes I’ll get stuck thinking of a word or a construction a certain way, and I can’t think of my other options. In cases like that, I find it helps to get a fresh eye. The rest of this page was perfectly decipherable to me, I just got mixed up in an old way of thinking when I was going through that little exchange.',\n", " 'id': 'feau4gl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feard9n',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'jayzwasinnirvana',\n", " 'body': 'If you didn\\'t know the word *quoque*, you might want to consider holding off on this book until a little later in your Latin journey. I don\\'t think it\\'s supposed to be simple by any means, despite Winnie the Pooh being a \"children\\'s book\". The best way to get better at reading is to read a higher volume of material that you can get through at a decent pace. Struggling through with a dictionary may lead only to frustration, with little benefit.\\n\\n\\nI mean this in the most respectful way - I have plenty of authors that I am eager to read, but I\\'ve had to accept that I am just not ready to tackle them in a way that is satisfying to me.',\n", " 'id': 'feard9n',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eo7n4z',\n", " 'score': 26},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'Okay, I see. It’s so hard to keep track of all the q words! Thanks for your help.',\n", " 'id': 'feaoxo1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fealvqu',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'Okay, that makes sense! Thanks very much!',\n", " 'id': 'feaoql7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feanj41',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'Okay. Thanks so much!',\n", " 'id': 'feao708',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fealvqu',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': 'Minime as an answer to a question means \"no.\" Vero means \"but\" or \"actually\". \\n\\nSo, minime vero means \"actually, no\" or \"no, that\\'s not right.\"',\n", " 'id': 'feanj41',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feair9q',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'Peteat6',\n", " 'body': 'Ego quoque means \"me too\". Quoque (short o) follows a word and means \"also\". Do t confuse it with quōque (long o). Quōque is either quō + -que meaning and, or from quisque.',\n", " 'id': 'fealvqu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eo7n4z',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'In terms of the quantity of them? Or that they’re adjectives I’m not likely to know? I’m definitely anticipating a ton of unfamiliar vocab because most of what I’ve studied up till now is pretty much Caesar vocabulary.',\n", " 'id': 'feaj311',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fead0j8',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'I found mine at a lovely used bookstore in Asheville, NC. The translator is Alexander Lenard.',\n", " 'id': 'feaiy92',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feaatsg',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'Okay. That makes much more sense and sparked very clear childhood memories. So then when Christopher Robbin says “minime vero” (another thing that didn’t quite make sense to me), he means “least truly” (or, as we should say, not truly), rather than “truly, least”. Am I understanding that right?',\n", " 'id': 'feair9q',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe9yvgx',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'sweet, thank u!',\n", " 'id': 'feag57d',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feafkk8',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'forenya',\n", " 'body': 'they should have them on bookdepository!',\n", " 'id': 'feafkk8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feaatsg',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[It’s called Winnie Ille Pu. Here’s an Amazon link](https://www.amazon.com/Winnie-Ille-Pu-Latin-Milne/dp/014015339X/ref=asc_df_014015339X/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312139954763&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15800335158847509422&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1015563&hvtargid=pla-556796939997&psc=1)',\n", " 'id': 'feaek2s',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feaatsg',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Rories1',\n", " 'body': 'I own this same book, and be ready for adjective hell!',\n", " 'id': 'fead0j8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eo7n4z',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'Where can I find a latin translation of winnie the pooh??',\n", " 'id': 'feaatsg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eo7n4z',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': \"Winnie was a girl's name, short for Winnifred. So the author is surprised that Christopher Robin has decided to call the bear Winnie. But Christopher doesn't get the problem.\",\n", " 'id': 'fe9yvgx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe9nasn',\n", " 'score': 20},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'Ohh. Okay. So then can you help me out with the sentence above that? It seems like it means “I thought it/he was the boy,” but that doesn’t quite make sense in the context?',\n", " 'id': 'fe9nasn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe9mtpy',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'translostation',\n", " 'body': 'No. Quoque being the particle \"also\".',\n", " 'id': 'fe9mtpy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe9ktal',\n", " 'score': 31},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'Quoque being the ablative singular for quisque, right? Can you parse that out a bit for me?',\n", " 'id': 'fe9ktal',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe9kdd4',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': 'Ego quoque (credidi eum puerum esse).',\n", " 'id': 'fe9kdd4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eo7n4z',\n", " 'score': 16}],\n", " 'eo7b26': [],\n", " 'eo69og': [{'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"I did that for a few months recently, just to check it out.\\n\\nYou do find the odd error in the Latin, though not too many, and I found that sometimes the app would offer me four incorrect multiple choice options, which seemed both unfair and confusing (this happens in the French and Italian courses too). You also run into patches where it seems like every sentence is missing the exact same word or even form of a word, like several in a row needing you to supply *mensam* after *supra* or *mensa* after *sub* or an *e* or *ex* in a sentence with *oriundus*, and this can be a little tedious when it's something you know well already.\\n\\nA lot of the sentences are contemporary and conversational, and there is some Christian Latin mixed in there, so it is one of a small minority of Latin courses that treats the language as something other than strictly ancient.\\n\\nWe are probably being a little generous in calling this a 'course', since it will not teach you much by itself, but I think it is a nice thing to do in addition to other Latin study.\\n\\nCertain things just 'click' with some people, so it's worth trying just to see if it happens to work for you and get you doing that little bit of extra study every day. I would say the same for Duolingo, or for a flashcard application or site like Anki or Quizlet. What initially got *me* studying every day was making my own flashcards in Mnemosyne (similar to Anki or SuperMemo), but no one I have recommended that to has ended up sticking with it. Just find what works for you.\",\n", " 'id': 'feajcu9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eo69og',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'eo52ly': [{'author': 'Yo_Its_Me_Abby',\n", " 'body': 'Hey, a McGill student! What is your degree in?',\n", " 'id': 'fef6t51',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eo52ly',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'russoantonio150799',\n", " 'body': 'We headmasters principal partners of McGill University based in Montreal in Canada would greet everyone who would receive this letter. We headmasters of University principal partners certify that \\\\*your name\\\\* since he has completed the prescribed curriculum of studies with diligence and has duly carried out all the training charged to him, we have made a Doctor of Arts and have granted him all the honours, rights, and privileges pertaining to that degree. To confirm it this letter was signed with the seal of the University and with the names of them who took care of the admnistration things.\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nDated June 4, 2019.',\n", " 'id': 'fe95jdx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eo52ly',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'QVCatullus',\n", " 'body': \"https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/11qy3s/the_latin_on_mcgill_universitys_diplomas_appears/\\n\\nThat page has a translation by /u/lunebria (I suspect no longer an active account) of almost the same text. I'll touch up a couple things that seem to have changed.\\n\\nWe, the governors, head, and associates of McGill U. in Montreal, Canada, (give) greeting to all whom these letters will have reached. We, the governors, the head, and associates bear witness that (you) since he has completed the necessary curriculum of studies with diligence, and properly carried out all the work that is required for it, has been made a B.A., and has obtained all honors, rights, and and benefits which belong to that degree. For the confirmation of which, we has taken care that these letters have been marked with the seal of the university, and that the names of those who administer the college are signed beneath. Dated 4. June, 2019 A.D.\\n\\nNow, there's a chance that you might have to get a translation notarized -- I used to do diploma translations for med school admissions and the admissions office required that they be notarized. That may not be an issue for whatever purpose you need the translation for.\",\n", " 'id': 'fe936as',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eo52ly',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'eo2uix': [{'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'I wholly agree with this. Splitting infinitives is ugly and I\\'ve been known to edit Wikipedia anonymously (note the placement of \"anonymously\") in order to fix it.',\n", " 'id': 'feewwyx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe7t4gq',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'swaggeroon0',\n", " 'body': \"this is an interesting sentence because it's a) very contrived, and b) unidiomatic by just about anyone's standards. *up* is an adverb here, not a preposition; a correct recast, without a dangling preposition, would be: *the sort of rule with which one should not put up.*\\n\\nit's a funny sentence, of course, but it's also a classic strawman.\",\n", " 'id': 'feeq0ed',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe9jktf',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'swaggeroon0',\n", " 'body': \"that quote of chaucer's is just simple misdivision. it used to happen all the time and actually gave us the modern forms of many words.\\n\\nan otch = a notch\\n\\na napron = an apron\\n\\neven words that didn't appear with *an* before them sometimes underwent misdivision:\\n\\nanatomy = an atomy, a natomy\\n\\nthankfully, these did not stick.\",\n", " 'id': 'feeplku',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feab04h',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Sure, following whatever precepts you like is fine and reasonable. But calling Shakespeare un-English for splitting infinitives, as he did, would be silly.',\n", " 'id': 'fechmsm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feauye3',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'rocketman0739',\n", " 'body': '> Just because \"an other\" survived into the 21st century doesn\\'t mean \"a nother\" isn\\'t the older of the two forms.\\n\\nNot on its own, but “an other” is nevertheless the older form.\\n\\n>Here\\'s some Chaucer: “And sawe a nothere ladye proude and nuwe.”\\n\\nNice Chaucer quote, but rebracketing wasn\\'t invented yesterday. All you\\'ve shown is that the rebracketing of “another” as “a nother” is pretty old, which is true.\\n\\nIf you\\'re still not convinced, look at the Old English forms, which are in fact several centuries older than Chaucer. There\\'s an N in “an” and no N in “other”—both “a” and “nother” are newer coinages.\\n\\nhttps://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/an#Old_English \\nhttps://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/o%C3%BEer#Old_English',\n", " 'id': 'febh7tu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feab04h',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'Forsitan...Nonne sint de gustu ortae omnes opiniones!',\n", " 'id': 'feawf36',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feavkjd',\n", " 'score': -1},\n", " {'author': 'Zarlinosuke',\n", " 'body': '...disputare delicia est!',\n", " 'id': 'feavkjd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feav97n',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'De gustibus.....',\n", " 'id': 'feav97n',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe9ertg',\n", " 'score': -1},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': \"But what constitutes 'good' English? \\n\\nLike all 'rules' of language as simply conventions, but have the capacity to function a cultural symbols. The same with finishing sentences with prepositions- very common in Anglo-Saxon, but frowned upon in the 19th and early 20th Centuries. As far as English is concerned, I prefer the literature and use of language of the 19th Century, so prefer to follow its 'rules'.\",\n", " 'id': 'feauye3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe9gy1c',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'IslayThePeaty',\n", " 'body': 'It\\'s really not. \"A nother\" is used as far back as the 13th century. Just because \"an other\" survived into the 21st century doesn\\'t mean \"a nother\" isn\\'t the older of the two forms.\\n\\nHere\\'s some Chaucer: “And sawe a nothere ladye proude and nuwe.”',\n", " 'id': 'feab04h',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fea2eih',\n", " 'score': -4},\n", " {'author': 'Cocomorph',\n", " 'body': 'I expect not. But I am willing to wager OP can tell you the difference between an ascot and day cravat, and will.',\n", " 'id': 'fea8zz5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe80ny5',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cocomorph',\n", " 'body': 'It’s fantastic. As someone with genuinely stuffy opinions (though not on this particular subject) and often stuffier prose, I don’t think I could mimic this. Its sheer fluency betrays it as art.',\n", " 'id': 'fea718g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe8efeu',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'rocketman0739',\n", " 'body': '> People just don\\'t know the word exists, so they assume it\\'s breaking up \"another.\"\\n\\nBut breaking up “another” is *why* it exists. It\\'s a rebracketing of “another” as “a nother” instead of “an other.”',\n", " 'id': 'fea2eih',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe9kxwf',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'IslayThePeaty',\n", " 'body': '\"Nother\" is actually just a lesser-used version of \"another.\" It\\'s not truly tmesis. People just don\\'t know the word exists, so they assume it\\'s breaking up \"another.\"\\n\\nIn other words, the phrase is \"a whole nother,\" not \"a-whole-nother.\"',\n", " 'id': 'fe9kxwf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe810jf',\n", " 'score': -4},\n", " {'author': 'johnlawrenceaspden',\n", " 'body': 'The sort of rule up with which one should not put.',\n", " 'id': 'fe9jktf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe7r2rf',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'It’s also worth mention that the idea of prescribing against split infinitives in English is completely arbitrary deference to Latin. It’s not a real aspect of good English.',\n", " 'id': 'fe9gy1c',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eo2uix',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'Zarlinosuke',\n", " 'body': 'I love tme-fucking-sis!\\n\\nIt is funny, though, how it can only properly be inserted before a stressed syllable.',\n", " 'id': 'fe9fh0m',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe810jf',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Zarlinosuke',\n", " 'body': '>Whenever I read English where the author is clearly making an effort to avoid split infinitives, I feel a natural affinity with them.\\n\\nWhenever I read English where the author is clearly making an effort to avoid split infinitives, I (quite unconscoiusly) recoil and roll my eyes--it sounds so awkward and forced a lot of the time. Times change, fake rules are eventually unmasked, and language remains beautiful throughout!',\n", " 'id': 'fe9ertg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe825gm',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': 'ecce arbiter grammaticae suis temulentus peditis',\n", " 'id': 'fe8snwy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe7t4gq',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': '\"Good breeding\"!? Man, I hope y\\'all are out there trying to teach horses English and you aren\\'t trying to say this about *people*.',\n", " 'id': 'fe8pyz2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe7t4gq',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'abigmisunderstanding',\n", " 'body': 'And it’s called an infix',\n", " 'id': 'fe8mpss',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eo2uix',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Raffaele1617',\n", " 'body': \"I hope you're right.\",\n", " 'id': 'fe8efeu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe88g4e',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Liamlah',\n", " 'body': 'Grade A trolling',\n", " 'id': 'fe88g4e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe825gm',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'Peteat6',\n", " 'body': 'It’s more common in Greek because many of these prefixes in Greek were originally adverbs, entirely separate words. Early poetry such as Homer preserves situations where these words still function independently. Later Greeks thought they had been split off from the main word, so they talked of \"cutting\", or tmesis. It gave them permission to split other things that originally were never split. I think the same word appears as -tomy in modern medical terms, such as appendectomy, or lumpectomy.',\n", " 'id': 'fe862nk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe8423c',\n", " 'score': 13},\n", " {'author': 'Raffaele1617',\n", " 'body': \"M'lady.\",\n", " 'id': 'fe84crv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe80ny5',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'Cheepacheep',\n", " 'body': \"I knew there was a word for it! Thanks for the reminder\\n\\nWhile my Greek isn't as strong as my Latin, tmesis seems far more common in Greek than Latin. I would guess it being far more common in poetry than standard Latin prose would be from attempts to emulate Greek style (which you find a lot in Latin poetry anyway)\",\n", " 'id': 'fe8423c',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe810jf',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'Raffaele1617',\n", " 'body': 'Tell me, who is the one that is \\'ignorant of grammar\\' - the person who uses English as it was meant to be used according to how it evolved, or the person who follows a rule invented by idiots for no reason other than it being \\'tradition\\' (despite this \\'tradition\\' being far younger than the phenomenon in question), who deludes themselves into believing that the usage is \\'inherently ugly\\', whatever that\\'s supposed to mean.\\n\\nNot only that, but your writing struggles so hard to be pretentious at the cost of being anything remotely resembling decent English that I legitimately did not think it was possible you were being serious. I mean, \"intentionally and deliberately\"? Following \"No, indeed\" with \"Quite the contrary\"? You are a parody of yourself.',\n", " 'id': 'fe841lo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe825gm',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': \"The same happen (sometimes) in Latin- I've seen word inserted into the middle of words- the poetry of Hildebert of Tours comes to mind.\",\n", " 'id': 'fe8335p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe810jf',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': \"Not really. Whenever I read English where the author is clearly making an effort to avoid split infinitives, I feel a natural affinity with them. But whenever I read an author who splits infinitives, I assume that either they are ignorant of grammar, or are deliberately trying to be 'anti-traditionalist'. In either case, I cannot give any serious credence to their ideas, nor can I read their writing without serious annoyance.\",\n", " 'id': 'fe825gm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe7zv5a',\n", " 'score': -18},\n", " {'author': 'io_bubones',\n", " 'body': 'Fun fact! Splitting one word (like circumdare) is called [tmesis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tmesis) (from Greek τέμνω \"I cut\"). In English we sometimes do with with the word *another*, as in \"that\\'s a whole nother story.\" Also inserting *fuck* in the middle of random words like \"abso-fucking-lutely.\"',\n", " 'id': 'fe810jf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe7n1m8',\n", " 'score': 17},\n", " {'author': 'dandelion_bandit',\n", " 'body': 'Do you own a monocle?',\n", " 'id': 'fe80ny5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe7t4gq',\n", " 'score': 13},\n", " {'author': 'Raffaele1617',\n", " 'body': \"I assume you're being sarcastic?\",\n", " 'id': 'fe7zv5a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe7t4gq',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'No, indeed. Quite the contrary. Consciously, intentionally and deliberately to avoid the employment of split infinitives in English is a marker of good breeding, and credible education. Split infinitives are inherently ugly in English. If one hears English prose which includes split infinitives, one is inclined automatically and without further hesitation to dismiss the author wholly from serious consideration. Mea quidem sententia.....',\n", " 'id': 'fe7t4gq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe7r2rf',\n", " 'score': -21},\n", " {'author': 'sauihdik',\n", " 'body': 'It is an absolutely pointless rule with no basis. [Split infinitives have been used as early as in the 13th century](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Split_infinitive).',\n", " 'id': 'fe7rw3d',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe7r2rf',\n", " 'score': 25},\n", " {'author': 'LifeWhereas7',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks for the reply. So I guess this makes the rule we have in English even more silly and pointless.',\n", " 'id': 'fe7r2rf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe7n1m8',\n", " 'score': 14},\n", " {'author': 'Cheepacheep',\n", " 'body': 'You can split one word infinitives with prepositions but I would say that\\'s quite poetic in style though. You don\\'t really find it in what would be considered \"standard\" classical prose, we were specifically told not to do that when learning prose composition',\n", " 'id': 'fe7nt86',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe7n1m8',\n", " 'score': 18},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'The two-word infinitives you can split, reverse, or abridge (leaving out the *esse*).\\n\\nEven the one-word infinitives, at least certain of them such as *circumdare*, can be split!',\n", " 'id': 'fe7n1m8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eo2uix',\n", " 'score': 34}],\n", " 'eo25r8': [{'author': 'alexinwonderland81',\n", " 'body': 'Pleasure',\n", " 'id': 'fehkrql',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fehbh6y',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'numquamsolus',\n", " 'body': \"Thank you! I didn't see this until just now. I appreciate you posting it.\",\n", " 'id': 'fehbh6y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe73utp',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'alexinwonderland81',\n", " 'body': 'As requested , I am posting an example of the grammar explanations found in the book Via Plana',\n", " 'id': 'fe73utp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eo25r8',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'enws5x': [{'author': 'nomensinenomine',\n", " 'body': '> Nam apud neminem nisi illum Graecum scriptorem legere posses ...\\n\\nAt potes, si Flori opusculum legis: \\n\\n*\"Cato inexpiabili odio delendam esse Carthaginem, et cum de alio consuleretur, pronuntiabat\"*',\n", " 'id': 'fe8dw5w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_enws5x',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': \"No- it's mostly comprehensible. But to know what you meant to say would help, if you know what I mean. It also helps (IMO), to use punctuation (especially inverted commas and full stops), just like you would in English.\",\n", " 'id': 'fe7jbla',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe71gcq',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'apis_fessa',\n", " 'body': 'This was an exercise. I had to write a text, that begins with the words \"mihi semper in mentem venit illud Catonis...\" \\nBecause you ask for a translation, my text seems to be incomprehensible. 😅',\n", " 'id': 'fe71gcq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fe708fl',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'It would be helpful if you put down also what you mean to say in English mean to say....Just a suggestion.',\n", " 'id': 'fe708fl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_enws5x',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'eotz44': [{'author': 'ndcm',\n", " 'body': 'ok',\n", " 'id': 'fef9fzs',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fef8v78',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"This has nothing to do with the Latin language, so I'm removing it. There has to be an r/shitmyteachersays or something.\",\n", " 'id': 'fef8v78',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eotz44',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Lego11ogeL',\n", " 'body': '*Raises eyebrow* ...fascinating',\n", " 'id': 'fef60kq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eotz44',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'eos65a': [{'author': 'ndcm',\n", " 'body': \"No. Sorry should've specified. I mean Gaius Salvius Liberâlis.\",\n", " 'id': 'fehxujd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fegcnld',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'You mean, the Salvius who wrote \"De Gubernatione Dei\" (or whatever it\\'s called- I can\\'t remember)? (In the same volume of the PL as St. Patrick)\\n\\nWhy don\\'t you like him?',\n", " 'id': 'fegcnld',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eos65a',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'eoq3hm': [{'author': 'numquamsolus',\n", " 'body': 'The material seems to be no longer available using that link.\\n\\nCould I trouble you to repost?',\n", " 'id': 'igklpw0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eoq3hm',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"It's not even done yet, to be honest; just now I added four folk tales (Hansel and Gretel, Jack and the Beanstalk, Snow White, and Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves). I puzzled over just where to put them---certainly not with *Tobacco*, or with *Science and Technology*, but should I put them with *Education*? *Ancient Culture*?\",\n", " 'id': 'fejq4jn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fei0psy',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"I actually thought of interleaving this with crosswords, jokes, and puzzles, and turning it into a classroom reader. I found some articles on football and cricket too---alas, not done in the *Nova et Vetera* style---one on rocketry, and so on, and I could include those too.\\n\\nThen, off to the publisher's it goes. Maybe sell it on Amazon for a token profit, but the main idea is to edify people and spread the joy of Latinity worldwide.\",\n", " 'id': 'fejbsad',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fegow8r',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': '>Claretians.\\n\\nMea culpa.',\n", " 'id': 'feiggzb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fehqn8w',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"This is fantastic! I'm quite tempted to get the whole thing printed out and bound. Thanks for doing the work and sharing it with us.\",\n", " 'id': 'fei0psy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eoq3hm',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Fourier_JBJ',\n", " 'body': '>Yeah---I took the trouble of extracting most of the new-style \\n> \\n>Nova et Vetera \\n> \\n> articles, though; the Cistercians(?) who produced this magazine actually ended up selling it as a separate product and marketing Joseph Mir as an author and teacher. They also sold \\n> \\n>Palaestra adulescentia \\n> \\n> as a separate publication, for a quarter (later fifty cents) a pop.\\n\\nClaretians.',\n", " 'id': 'fehqn8w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fefd7v7',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'samblam',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you for sharing this! Great reading fodder.',\n", " 'id': 'fegow8r',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eoq3hm',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'Yeah---I took the trouble of extracting most of the new-style *Nova et Vetera* articles, though; the Cistercians(?) who produced this magazine actually ended up selling it as a separate product and marketing Joseph Mir as an author and teacher. They also sold *Palaestra adulescentia* as a separate publication, for a quarter (later fifty cents) a pop.',\n", " 'id': 'fefd7v7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feehykb',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'Hey, I think you requested to edit the Google doc to add this. The Palaestra Latina are already on there.',\n", " 'id': 'feehykb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eoq3hm',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'eopwx5': [{'author': 'SmokyDragonDish',\n", " 'body': \"It's pretty interesting, indeed. :)\\n\\nOn a related note, can't talk about Lorem Ipsum without mentioning [Etaoin shrdlu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etaoin_shrdlu).\",\n", " 'id': 'feefd5e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feeduis',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'BobbyBBillson',\n", " 'body': 'Oh thank you! What a cool history behind it',\n", " 'id': 'feeduis',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feeam34',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'SmokyDragonDish',\n", " 'body': \"Isn't this just [Lorem Ipsum](https://www.lipsum.com/) flavored placeholder text?\",\n", " 'id': 'feeam34',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eopwx5',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'BobbyBBillson',\n", " 'body': 'I was working on creating a passdown for work when I discovered this. If I click the box, the text disappears. All of the translator sites I have have left me with a very confusing message so I was hoping you could all help me out. Thank you!\\n\\nHere is a transcription if it helps\\n\\nDonec aliquet nibh ut sodales maximus. Morbi egestas felis orci, sed facilisis mauris euismod quis. Vestibulum blandit diam eu semper tincidunt, dui nulla sagittis arcu, quis viverra orci metus vel magna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Proin eget magna in ligula iaculis gravida. Fusce neque mi, facilisis non nunc eu, ornare hendrerit lorem. Nunc bibendum risus ac sem dapibus, et faicobis nulla suscipit. Curabitur eleifend pulvinar venenatis. Nam volutpat ipsum a augue fermentum, non varius nibh mattis. Nam ultrices convallis lacus, et malesuada lectus pellentesque vel. Nulla nec lacinia tellus. In quis erat non lectus eleifend pretium',\n", " 'id': 'feeahif',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eopwx5',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'eopkl2': [{'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': \"I just found the tweet. It's at Yale, so you could check their catalogue to see if they digitized it.\",\n", " 'id': 'fegn6sw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fegcase',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'Wonderful! You could easily write a paper on the annotations, which at least half a dozen journals would snap up. \\n\\nIs the whole thing available online?\\n\\nDo you know if anyone has already transcribed and commented on the annotations?',\n", " 'id': 'fegcase',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eopkl2',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'eonhlq': [{'author': 'Electrical_Humour',\n", " 'body': \"[Patrologia Latina Scan](https://archive.org/details/patrologiaecurs227unkngoog/page/n14), and [OCR'd text](http://www.mlat.uzh.ch/MLS/xanfang.php?tabelle=Ordericus_Vitalis_cps2&corpus=2&allow_download=0&lang=0)\",\n", " 'id': 'fee1a5g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eonhlq',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'qed1',\n", " 'body': \"If you're looking for the manuscripts themselves, it is 4 volumes long.\\n\\nThe three remaining autograph copies, all in the BnF, are:\\n\\n[Lat. 5506/1](https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b52511536t/f1.image.r=latin%205506) (Which you cite here.) Containing books 1-2.\\n\\n[Lat. 5506/2](https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b525113078.r=latin%205506?rk=21459;2) Containing books 3-6.\\n\\n[Lat. 10913](https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b90807658/f2.image.r=Orderic%20Vital) Containing books 9-13.\\n\\nThe third autograph manuscript is lost, but it corresponds with the only 'complete' non-autograph copy, from Caen, which is preserved at the Vatican: [Reg. Lat. 703/2](https://digi.vatlib.it/view/MSS_Reg.lat.703.pt.2), containing books 8-9.\\n\\nThat said, you can also read the Le Provost edition: [1](https://archive.org/details/ordericivitalish01ordeuoft/page/n12), [2](https://archive.org/details/ordericivitalish02ordeuoft/page/n12), [3](https://archive.org/details/ordericivitalish03ordeuoft/page/n12), [4](https://archive.org/details/ordericivitalis00unkngoog/page/n9), [5](https://archive.org/details/ordericivitalish05ordeuoft/page/n7). You can also find the Forester translation on Archive.org.\",\n", " 'id': 'fedw78j',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eonhlq',\n", " 'score': 4}],\n", " 'eolmql': [{'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fejl3jr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fejjvc7',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Liamlah',\n", " 'body': 'I saw this while scrolling yesterday, and saw the name Quintus. I clicked it off quickly, convinced that someone had just spoiled Quintus from LLPSI\\'s death, so I read two chapters last night and today so I could finish \"Puer Aegrotus\", convinced that Quintus was about to die, only to find out that this isn\\'t even from LLPSI.',\n", " 'id': 'fejjvc7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eolmql',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Zephyr_usXLII',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you.',\n", " 'id': 'fehnrpt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fegdo1c',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'PlusGanache',\n", " 'body': 'This is from the last lesson in the first Cambridge Latin textbook. Most of the characters you read about up to that point die in the eruption of Vesuvius. The later books get even crazier.',\n", " 'id': 'fegdo1c',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fefqgkx',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Zephyr_usXLII',\n", " 'body': \"I'm new to Latin and this sub so I don't get it...\",\n", " 'id': 'fefqgkx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eolmql',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'salsapuella',\n", " 'body': 'My middle school latin used these books and these last passages were used in one of the finals, so we were silently working and one by one by one people started gasping and freaking out. It was amazing',\n", " 'id': 'fee1850',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eolmql',\n", " 'score': 17},\n", " {'author': 'Parsileus_of_Kanada',\n", " 'body': '>dominum frūstrā custōdiēbat.\\n\\nGets me every time',\n", " 'id': 'fednfy6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eolmql',\n", " 'score': 29}],\n", " 'eokfyb': [{'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"Same reason we have the *King* (or Queen) *of Great Britain/Northern Ireland*, and the *Emperor of the French*. The Queen represents the place, the physical plot of land, far more than the House of Bonaparte, who represented the *people*. For Napoleon, the fact that the people he governed lived in a roughly hexagonal country in Europe didn't really matter all that much; the land was just a freaky co-incidence.\",\n", " 'id': 'fedezkj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eokfyb',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fededac',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eokfyb',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Priapea',\n", " 'body': 'Romanus is an adjective and Gothi is a noun. That\\'s why you use the genitive. You could say \"Regnum Gothicum\", as in \"bella gothica\".',\n", " 'id': 'fedai1m',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eokfyb',\n", " 'score': 14},\n", " {'author': 'robalexander53',\n", " 'body': 'Because Romanum is an adjective (Roman) and Gothorum is a noun in genitive case (of the Goths). \\n\\nI don’t have a Latin dictionary to check if there is an equivalent Latin adjective to the English Gothic.',\n", " 'id': 'fedahnq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eokfyb',\n", " 'score': 14},\n", " {'author': 'DredgenLore',\n", " 'body': 'Because Rome and Constantinople are singular places, but \"Kingdom of the Goths\" refers to the people, who are plural.\\n\\nImperium Romanorum would be \"Empire of the Romans\" which isn\\'t wrong, but doesn\\'t have the same ring to it',\n", " 'id': 'fedadks',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eokfyb',\n", " 'score': 38}],\n", " 'eoem1t': [{'author': 'eestimarcus',\n", " 'body': 'Latin is an inflectional language, meaning that the endings of the nouns change depending on the role it has in the sentence. *Domus* is the nominative case (subject), *domum* is the accusative case (object) etc. *Domi* is the locative case, describing a location, \"at home\".',\n", " 'id': 'fed3pbx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eoem1t',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Zarlinosuke',\n", " 'body': '\"Domi\" means \"at home,\" one of the few instances of the locative case still hanging around.',\n", " 'id': 'fec8jel',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eoem1t',\n", " 'score': 15}],\n", " 'eodq4j': [{'author': 'iohansch2',\n", " 'body': 'For Witcher, I like to go with Venefix, coming from veneficus, because it has the negative connotation of a poisoner and the mystical aspect of a magic user',\n", " 'id': 'feciz4p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eodq4j',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'NomenScribe',\n", " 'body': \"I've mused on the matter before and my solution has been to translate 'Witcher' as Magax.\",\n", " 'id': 'fece6mf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eodq4j',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': 'How about [Vē](http://alatius.com/ls/index.php?id=50273)[sāgus](http://alatius.com/ls/index.php?id=42282)',\n", " 'id': 'fecbdgv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fec2fsh',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': \"Not sure about Witcher, I think you would need to coin a word to get the right feeling. If I were trying to explain the job I might say 'bestiārius mercēnārius', but that doesn't convey any of the spookiness, alienation, mutationiness, etc. I don't think magus works, especially since there are actual mages in the same world.\\n\\nFor coin: nūmus seems to be equivalent with nummus. You could also go for nūmulus or stips to get more the sense of a little coin that might be more suitable for tossing.\",\n", " 'id': 'fec2fsh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eodq4j',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'eodd50': [],\n", " 'eocw9d': [{'replies': '',\n", " 'id': 'l0bmgu5',\n", " 'author': 'AragornKC',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1,\n", " 'body': 'ut alii vivant possint related to PJ Motto…',\n", " 'created': 1713545652.0},\n", " {'author': 'Dredknott',\n", " 'body': 'I deleted my previous request and am reposting to be in compliance with the rules.\\nThank you to those who responded previously.\\nI am attempting to create a patch/logo for an EMS agency.\\n\\n\"From/through these hands comes healing.\"\\n\\n\"So that others may live.\"\\n\\n\"No one is coming. It\\'s up to us.\"\\n\\n\"The standard by which all others are measured.\"\\n\\nI pulled latin translations from local t-shirts, but it appears that they may have been bot translated which is against the rules, and also doesn\\'t do the language justice.\\n(Not unlike trying to teach people the difference between using the Caduceus vs the Rod of Asclepius as the symbol for medicine).',\n", " 'id': 'ff6iotx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ff42i0g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Kdknicker',\n", " 'body': 'There are a couple terms I\\'m looking to have tattooed and hoping the community can tell me if my translation is appropriate. The two terms are:\\n\\n\"Act as you ought\" = Agere Debeas\\nAnd\\n\"Receive with gratitude\" = gratanter accipio\\n\\n\\nAny help would be really appreciated!',\n", " 'id': 'ff3t608',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'K_98Rose',\n", " 'body': \"That's similar to what I found on google translate but it made me nervous. Thank you!!\",\n", " 'id': 'ff3k4mc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feztyax',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'giobaratta',\n", " 'body': 'This is wonderful. Thank you so much!',\n", " 'id': 'ff2xzto',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff2q5bj',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': '*Vincula* and *catēnīs* seem like synonyms, although if this was a real Latin phrase then I assume *vincula* is a metaphor for a prison and *catēnis* refers to actual chains. FYI, that\\'d be prison**s** with chains.\\n\\nAs for your sentence, I think at least one way to say it: *Fortūnātus sum quod sine vinculīs* *nec catēnīs* *vīvō.*\\n\\n\"I am fortunate because I live without prisons or chains.\"\\n\\nThe word order can be played with as well.',\n", " 'id': 'ff2q5bj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff1v4j3',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'adrianavarro',\n", " 'body': '\"Non persequore, trahe\" I think yours is correct, but here you have another option',\n", " 'id': 'ff2ovu9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff1cuka',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Fuck-Face',\n", " 'body': \"Ok sweet. I was just trying to make sure I wouldn't get any funny looks because of the wording\",\n", " 'id': 'ff2h0if',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff2fbkx',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Raffaele1617',\n", " 'body': \"Keep in mind that different languages express things differently. The fact that it doesn't literally translate into English doesn't mean its meaning is incorrect.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff2fbkx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feueug6',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Sizzle-Chest',\n", " 'body': \"Thank you very much! Yeah, I don't think there's a word for posy.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff2ebi9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff0lpzv',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'hhthoj',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you for your help.',\n", " 'id': 'ff2czl6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fefeo62',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'DootSkellyDoot',\n", " 'body': 'Humble King\\n\\nI just wnt to know how this is said in Latin please',\n", " 'id': 'ff2c90l',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'TheGreenMeerkat',\n", " 'body': \"Thank you! I thought that might be it but I couldn't remember if mihi was the correct usage. And neuter is what I needed\",\n", " 'id': 'ff25g8q',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff1wdyf',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'TheRealPlanetG',\n", " 'body': 'So, as some of you may know, my chemical romance is being extremely cryptic about their reunion. In a video they recently released (An Offering...), they repeat a chant in what i \\\\*believe\\\\* is latin, i could be wrong though. I was wondering if you guys would be able to help us figure out what it meant! \\n\\n\\nVideo: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZ6CZFhqgOQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZ6CZFhqgOQ) \\n\\n\\nTimestamp: 2:13 \\n\\n\\nThank you for any help you may be able to provide!',\n", " 'id': 'ff25foe',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'JabroniBalogni223',\n", " 'body': ' \\n\\nCould anyone help me get the right translation for this?\\n\\n\"Sicut Superius, Sic Inferius. Deus est in me. Sic Ego sum Deum. Ego omnia potentes. Ego totum cognitionem. Ego ubique Ego sum aeterni.\"\\n\\nI,ve seen the first part in a lot of alchemical texts, but am not sure as far as the conjugations go\\n\\nWhat I think it says is, \"As above, so below. God is in me. Therefore, I am God. I am omnipotent. I am all knowing. I am eternal.\"\\n\\nIs this right? or am I missing something?\\n\\nThank you so much for your help!',\n", " 'id': 'ff24sa6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': \"I believe it'd be: \\n*Mihi aliquid colora*\\n\\nI'm not sure if *aliquid* should be neuter or the masculine/feminine *aliquem* should be used here. (This is the accusative/direct object, meaning 'anything').\",\n", " 'id': 'ff1wdyf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff1s1s4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'giobaratta',\n", " 'body': 'I\\'m in the process of applying to an heraldic association, but I need help translating my family motto into Latin. \\n\\nI\\'ve chosen: \"Fortunate am I to live without Prison or Chains!\" The motto is a pun, as my family immigrated from a town in Italy whose name is derived from the Latin phrase \"Vincula Catenis,\" which allegedly means prison-with-chains. If someone could help me translate this phrase, while still using the words \"vincula\" and \"catenis\" in the motto, I\\'d really appreciate it!',\n", " 'id': 'ff1v4j3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ff1t328',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'TheGreenMeerkat',\n", " 'body': '\"Color me anything.\"\\n\\nI know the verb would be colora, but I don\\'t know the formatting of the rest.',\n", " 'id': 'ff1s1s4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'monnetmj',\n", " 'body': 'Hi! Looking to get help with translation for a tattoo. Would the translation of \"don\\'t chase, attract\" be \"Non captiare, attrahere\"?\\n\\nThanks!',\n", " 'id': 'ff1cuka',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'My attempt. Not sure about the word for posy really.\\n\\nCirculus circulus rosārum \\nSinus plēnus flōrum \\nAtishoo, atishoo \\nOccidimus \\nFavīllae in aquā \\nFavīllae in marī \\nFavīllae in lītore \\nŪnus, duo, trēs\\n\\nedit: typo',\n", " 'id': 'ff0lpzv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fezfgk8',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'adrianavarro',\n", " 'body': 'I\\'m not completely sure but I think it\\'s: \"Fortis es. Firmus es. Solem senti.\"',\n", " 'id': 'feztyax',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_few2onc',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'adrianavarro',\n", " 'body': 'Sounds right to me',\n", " 'id': 'fezq2a3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fetnhw5',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'pmcinern',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you!',\n", " 'id': 'fezpiam',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fezmfum',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'jayzwasinnirvana',\n", " 'body': 'Plerique inter mortis metum et vitae tormenta miseri fluctuantur et **vivere nolunt, mori nesciunt**.',\n", " 'id': 'fezmfum',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feyr726',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Sizzle-Chest',\n", " 'body': 'Can someone help with this? \\n\\n\\n\"Ring a ring of roses \\nA pocket full of posies \\nAtishoo, atishoo (essentially \\'achoo, achoo\\') \\nWe all fall down \\nAshes on the water \\nAshes in the sea \\nAshes on the riverside \\nOne, two, three\"',\n", " 'id': 'fezfgk8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'rexleonis',\n", " 'body': 'How would you translate the word MASTERMIND? In the sense of a very smart man. However I don\\'t want just a translation for \"smart man\" but \"mastermind\" if possible.',\n", " 'id': 'feyuzrf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'pmcinern',\n", " 'body': 'From Seneca\\'s Moral Letters to Lucilius, letter 4, the whole sentence is, \"Most men ebb and flow in wretchedness between the fear of death and the hardships of life; they are unwilling to live, and yet they do not know how to die.\" I\\'m just looking for the last half to be translated, \"they are unwilling....\" I tried popping it in translate (party foul, I know) but it came back with bits from the first half. Could you help with just the last bit? Thanks!',\n", " 'id': 'feyr726',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'SeriousTutor',\n", " 'body': 'Word order in Latin isn\\'t very important at all. In English, word order is everything. \"The dog bites the man,\" and \"The man bites the dog,\" are two entirely different sentences because the order of the words is different. But in Latin it can be either \"Canis virum mordet,\" or \"Canis mordet virum,\" or \"Mordet canis virum,\" ect. and the sentences mean the same thing. \\n\\nIn any textbook Latin word order will usually keep to subject then object then verb. But in reality it can be in any order and still make sense. To put it simply, this is because Latin is an inflection language and therefore we can understand what a word is doing in a sentence by its ending and see if it is the subject or object of a sentence and the verb ending will also confirm and tells us what the subject is. So there isn\\'t a preferable version and you can choose which ever. Often in Latin poetry, word order is messed with to emphasis one word over the other by having it go before.',\n", " 'id': 'fewg4rw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fewclbi',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'whenIlostmybet',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks so much for your response. One additional question: The other user who responded suggest a reordering of the words as \"lingua est lāmentātiō cordis\". Is one of these forms preferable to the other or more correctly written?',\n", " 'id': 'fewclbi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fev01wy',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'K_98Rose',\n", " 'body': 'Cliche request incoming\\n\\nI want to get a tattoo with, \"Be strong. Be steady. Feel the sun\"\\n\\nAny help appreciated',\n", " 'id': 'few2onc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Sir_TechMonkey',\n", " 'body': '\" can some tell me the translation for this phrase \"Be not afraid\"',\n", " 'id': 'fevtlcv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'Yeah that is what *mementō morī* is intended to mean, it\\'s just not the direct translation. I\\'ve usually heard the \\'meaning translated\\' as \"Remember that you must die\" i.e. \"remember your mortality\". In an English translation you could say that.',\n", " 'id': 'fevt5lu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feueug6',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'SeriousTutor',\n", " 'body': 'I would say either \"Lingua lāmentātiō cordis est.\" or \"Lingua lāmentātiō pectoris est.\" With cordis meaning the heart and pectoris meaning the general chest area. But sometimes in Latin poetry pectus is used as meaning the seat of emotion in a person.\\n\\nThe online translations you offered seem to be very mistaken. \"Lingua cordis flebitis,\" seems to mean \"Language of the heart, you all will weep.\" With, for some reason, flebitis in a second person, plural, future conjugation.\\n\\n\"Lingua est cor lāmentātiōne.\" meaning something like \"Language is the heart (by or using or with) lamentation.\" Lāmentātiō, here, is in the ablative form for some reason and cordis, here, is in its nominative or accusative form.\\n\\n\"Lingua cordis est et plangent.\" is something like \"Language is of the heart and they will bewail.\" Plangent in the third person, plural, future conjugation.\\n\\n\"Lingua est plangite cordis.\" is hard to tell what it\\'s suppose to mean. It could be \"Language is of the heart, bewail you!\" With plangite being in the 2nd person, singular, imperative conjugation as if someone is giving an order to bewail.\\n\\nIn essence, I think the translations are trying to warn you of something and you should be careful',\n", " 'id': 'fev01wy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fescxnp',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'feuzzgi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feunskn',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'There aren\\'t any good translators for Latin really. You want: *lingua est lāmentātiō cordis*. \"Language is the lamentation of the heart/the heart\\'s lamentation.\"',\n", " 'id': 'feunskn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fescxnp',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Fuck-Face',\n", " 'body': '> *mementō morī ut vītam amēs* - Remember death so that you may love life.\\n\\nI love the sound of that, but does it make sense grammatically if \"*mementō morī*\" literally means \"remember to die\" ... Is there be a better, more understandable way to phrase it? \\n\\nI\\'ve always \\'understood\\' \"*mementō morī*\" as a reminder of your mortality.',\n", " 'id': 'feueug6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feqhc66',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'phillyphiend',\n", " 'body': 'If I wanted to say “In the words of so and so...” would it be In verbis(abl plural of verbum) + genitive form of name?',\n", " 'id': 'fetnhw5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'whenIlostmybet',\n", " 'body': 'English speaker here looking for the best translation of a particular phrase: Language is the heart\\'s lament.\\n\\nI\\'ve put this phrase through a few different online translation websites and gotten differing results.\\n\\n\"Lingua cordis flebitis\" was one result, another was \"lingua est cor lamentatione.\" I modified the phrase to language is the lament of the heart and got the result \"lingua cordis est et plangent.\" \"Lingua est plangite cordis\" was another result for the modified phrase.\\n\\nI would be so grateful if the community here could provide me with the most accurate translation possible. Thanks!',\n", " 'id': 'fescxnp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'anvsdt',\n", " 'body': '*homo rebus gestis informatur* - \"a man is moulded by his deeds.\"',\n", " 'id': 'ferewqv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fepbgk6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'anvsdt',\n", " 'body': 'Many ways.\\n\\n*propterea vincent.* \"Due to those (aforementioned) reasons, they\\'ll win.\"\\n\\n*vincent, propterea/ideo quod _ possunt.* \"They will win, due to the fact that they can _.\"\\n\\n*vincent, quippe qui ea possint.* \"They will win, given they are able to do these things.\"\\n\\n*potentes harum rerum, vincent.* \"Having mastery over these things, they will win.\"\\n\\n*vincent, nam _ possunt.* \"They will win cuz they can _.\"\\n\\n*nempe vincent, cum ii _ possint.* \"Of course they\\'ll win, after all they can _.\"\\n\\n...',\n", " 'id': 'ferclx4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fepcpar',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': '*Amōris* is the genitive of the noun for love; you need the verb which in the imperative singular (like *mementō*) is *amā*. Life needs to be in the accusative, so *vītam*. \\n\\n*Mementō morī, vītam amā* would mean the second thing. If you want \"remember death in order to love life\" you\\'d say *mementō morī ut vītam amēs* - \"Remember death so that you may love life.\"\\n\\n(Note *mementō morī* is two verbs, not a verb and the noun death; it literally says \"Remember to die.\")',\n", " 'id': 'feqhc66',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feq29yg',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'prodalucinor',\n", " 'body': 'Hello, could someone please let me know what the latin translation is for 1: cycles: 2: bloom: 3: love 4: death',\n", " 'id': 'feq3qqh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Fuck-Face',\n", " 'body': '*Memento Mori, Amoris Vitae*\\n\\nI\\'m trying to say, \"Remember Death to Love Life\" or \"Remember Death, Love Life\"\\n\\nIs this correct?\\n\\nThank you Latin lovers :)',\n", " 'id': 'feq29yg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': '*Mortem* is the accusative, and in this context \\'death\\' is the subject - so *mors*.\\n\\n*ūnigenitus* means \"only begotten\", mostly has a religious meaning I think. I\\'d be more inclined to use *ūnicus*. Either way it needs to be the same gender as *mors*, so *ūnica.*\\n\\n*Pūrificat* is right.\\n\\n*ūnica mors pūrificat*',\n", " 'id': 'feq0xck',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fepsnrf',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'alexiaquinto0811',\n", " 'body': 'What is Latin translation for the sentence \"Justice serves the strong.\"? Thank you.',\n", " 'id': 'fepttn5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'EnzoMR2',\n", " 'body': 'Only Death Purifies- Would unigenitus mortem purificat make sense?',\n", " 'id': 'fepsnrf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': '*Quod possunt hās rēs facere vincent*\\n\\nLiterally: \"Because they are able to do these things they will succeed/win.\"',\n", " 'id': 'fepm3xj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fepcpar',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'estalbr',\n", " 'body': 'How do you say “due to being able to do these things they will succeed” correctly',\n", " 'id': 'fepcpar',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fepbgk6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'the_party_parrot',\n", " 'body': 'Oh yeah, that might be an important difference, thanks',\n", " 'id': 'fen739z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fen5uu5',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'jayzwasinnirvana',\n", " 'body': '\"Signum\" isn\\'t a verb, so what you have means \"I am therefore a sign.\" The verb \"I sign\" would be \"signo\": *Signo ergo sum*.',\n", " 'id': 'fen5uu5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fen249e',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'the_party_parrot',\n", " 'body': 'How would I say \"I sign therefore I am\". In my philosophy class we have to sign in for attendance, so a classmate made a joke saying the above phrase based off the famous \"Cogito ergo, sum\". I think that \"Signum ergo sum\"would be closest for \"I sign [in] therefore I am\" but corrections are welcome.',\n", " 'id': 'fen249e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Thresh308',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks a bunch!',\n", " 'id': 'fem7uw4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fem73mi',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': '*In umbrās* - \"into the shadows\"\\n\\nI\\'m not sure the best word for death sentence. Perhaps: *nostra damnātiō.* (lit. \"Our condemnation/damnation\")',\n", " 'id': 'fem73mi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fem6fgv',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Thresh308',\n", " 'body': 'How would I say, \"Into the Shadows\" and \"Our Death Sentence\"? I know not to use google translate so I though I should check Reddit.',\n", " 'id': 'fem6fgv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'agree-with-you',\n", " 'body': 'I agree, this does seem possible.',\n", " 'id': 'felwvji',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_felwve5',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'felwve5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_felqt14',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'jayzwasinnirvana',\n", " 'body': 'Google translate detected...no, these do not work. As you guessed, you can\\'t do word for word translations of idioms like \"up to\". \"Usque ad\" means up to or until in the temporal sense, like until death.\\n\\nThe second one is probably the easiest: I would say *ut alii vivant*. As for the next one, *nemo venit* is okay. For the second part, maybe just *nobis est*, as a dative of agent with an implied passive periphrastic verb like *faciendum*. *Nemo venit, nobis est*.',\n", " 'id': 'felqt14',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feivvfw',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'docsaber',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks!',\n", " 'id': 'felmyhm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_felmj0s',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'felmxeu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': \"I'm not sure about an equivalent phrase that was actually used, however I reckon you could translate 'send it' with *mittite* (or *mitte* speaking to one person).\\n\\n(Full definition [here](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/mitto#Latin), I think it fits the same meaning.)\",\n", " 'id': 'felmj0s',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fekme42',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'Ah whoops, thanks!',\n", " 'id': 'felgbz4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fel4yim',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '_Verdigris_',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you!',\n", " 'id': 'fel68ew',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fel4u6m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '_arjuna',\n", " 'body': 'check the gender of *terminandus*.',\n", " 'id': 'fel4yim',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fej8p05',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '_arjuna',\n", " 'body': 'fratres ad finem',\n", " 'id': 'fel4u6m',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fek4727',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'Quick note, one definition of *servit* is \"am/is a slave to.\" Thinking about this again, there might be a different connotation. I\\'d maybe wait for another reply in case there is a better verb for this.\\n\\nAlso \\'the strong\\' should be plural, sorry- edited.',\n", " 'id': 'fekprnb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fek4c4i',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'docsaber',\n", " 'body': 'The phrase “Full Send” or “Send It” is used quite often in the military. It known to mean do it, get it done, heavy attack, give it your all. Is there a Latin phrase for something similar? Thanks in advance!',\n", " 'id': 'fekme42',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'alexiaquinto0811',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks',\n", " 'id': 'fek4c4i',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fejele8',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '_Verdigris_',\n", " 'body': 'How do you say \"Brothers to the end\" ? Thanks in advance. \\n\\nSomeone asked me since they\\'re getting a tattoo in memoriam for someone that passed away. I don\\'t trust myself to translate this since it has been a while since I\\'ve studied Latin...',\n", " 'id': 'fek4727',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fejjbi6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'Iūstitia fortibus servit.',\n", " 'id': 'fejele8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fejdqw8',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'alexiaquinto0811',\n", " 'body': 'Can you guys help me by translate \"Justice serves the strong.\" to Latin? Thank you.',\n", " 'id': 'fejdqw8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'captcamo',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you very much',\n", " 'id': 'fej9gl6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feh7f7a',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': '\"There is an end to every storm\" \\n*Terminus est omnī tempestātī*\\n\\n\"Every storm must end\" - I think this would either be translated literally: \"Every storm will end\" or \"every storm must be ended.\"\\n\\nFor the former: *Omnis tempestās terminābit*\\nLatter: *Omnis tempestās est terminanda*',\n", " 'id': 'fej8p05',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fej1d9u',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Aard_Rinn',\n", " 'body': 'Could I get some help with a memento mori?\\n\\n**There is an end to every storm, and every storm must end.**\\n\\nAs in \"there is a thing that will end all storms (like at once, with this being the mori being momento\\'d) and every storm has an end\"',\n", " 'id': 'fej1d9u',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'feivvfw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '_arjuna',\n", " 'body': '*aut audacter aut nequaqaum eas*',\n", " 'id': 'feisqf8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feijpev',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'amazingD',\n", " 'body': '\"Go boldly or go not at all\"',\n", " 'id': 'feijpev',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '_arjuna',\n", " 'body': 'Perfect.',\n", " 'id': 'feh7ir8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fegqlne',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '_arjuna',\n", " 'body': 'so it goes: sic procedit \\n\\n\\nthis too shall pass: et hoc transibit',\n", " 'id': 'feh7f7a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fegcdpp',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'SevrPops',\n", " 'body': 'Ignosce mihi propter detrimentum quod mihi ipse feci\\n\\n\\nForgive me for the harm that I have done to myself\\n\\nNeed it translated properly for a tattoo I plan on getting',\n", " 'id': 'fegqlne',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': '*Atlas integer*',\n", " 'id': 'fegq14k',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fegp7kj',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'signpost_up_ahead',\n", " 'body': 'What would be the best translation of “Atlas Unbroken?” I’m doing a dance piece loosely based off the myth of atlas, and I have to have a “creative title” for it, so I thought it would be cool if I translated it into Latin. But I’m not 100% sure what it would be.\\nI haven’t taken Latin in a couple of years, and I was never very good at grammar anyway (I got a new teacher sophomore year for Lain III, but he wasn’t very good, so I didn’t continue).',\n", " 'id': 'fegp7kj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'captcamo',\n", " 'body': 'Hi \"so it goes\" was one of my favorite phrases along with \"this to shall pass\" from slaughter House 5 by Kurt Vonnegut I\\'d appreciate a translation please.',\n", " 'id': 'fegcdpp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': '*Pēnis Longissimus*',\n", " 'id': 'feg2zfy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feejssu',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'Cal12G',\n", " 'body': 'That literally translates to \"bugger you and stuff\"',\n", " 'id': 'fefxsaf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feeoosc',\n", " 'score': -3},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'So per some helpful input I think the ablative supine is not supposed to be used in this way - only for a very limited few nouns.\\n\\nThus I think the best way to translate this would just be to use a regular noun. I don\\'t know how I never stumbled upon this word in the first place, but I think *intellēctus, intellēctūs* would capture your meaning. \"Comprehension; understanding; discerning.\"\\n\\nThus you could say *Enchīridion Intellēctuī*, \"guide to/for the purpose of understanding\", or *Enchīridion dē Intellēctū*, \"Guide concerning/of understanding\".',\n", " 'id': 'fefeo62',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fed8f86',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'Hm, alright- thanks!',\n", " 'id': 'fefe3hr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fefbyyv',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': 'afaik the only nouns used with the ablative supine are *fas, nefas & opus*',\n", " 'id': 'fefbyyv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fef31m0',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': \"I'm guessing the downvotes came from before I edited it, blame tiredness+English-thinking brain. I'd still wait just to be sure, as someone else commented now I'd like to confirm that this ablative supine can indeed be used like this.\",\n", " 'id': 'fef36wd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feek8gd',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': \"I thought it could be used with a noun in the way I did, I don't know about 'normal'. Couldn't think of any other way to construct a phrase like this.\",\n", " 'id': 'fef31m0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feeolk1',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'swaggeroon0',\n", " 'body': 'something something *pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo*',\n", " 'id': 'feeoosc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feejssu',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'swaggeroon0',\n", " 'body': 'is it normal to see the ablative supine used attributively like that?',\n", " 'id': 'feeolk1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fed8f86',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'hhthoj',\n", " 'body': \"Thank you very much for your help. I'm not sure why did my question receive some upvotes and your answer received a downvote. Lol.\\nI can't judge the translation as I don't know Latin anyway. So I will just wait for some time and if there's no further discussion I'll go by your translation. That sounds cool.\",\n", " 'id': 'feek8gd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fed8f86',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bio-grow',\n", " 'body': 'What are some vulgar, or sexual, quotes in Latin?',\n", " 'id': 'feejssu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'I am sure this is not the only way to go about this, but here is one way I think would work: *Enchīridion Agnitū.*\\n\\nLiterally translated this essentially means \"manual for the purpose of recognizing/realizing/discerning\".\\n\\nEDITED: Sorry, this should have the supine not the participle.\\n\\nedit 2: see my reply to this post',\n", " 'id': 'fed8f86',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feczw71',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'hhthoj',\n", " 'body': 'How would \"Appreciation Guide\" be translated?\\n\\nMore information to help the translation more accurate:\\n\\nI\\'m starting a blog that is meant to \"instruct\" people to \"appreciate\" something in particular. Basically I\\'ll provide comprehensive knowledge to explain a phenomenon that a simplified answer would get you to know the name of it, but a more detailed knowledge would get you to fully perceive the subject. For example I\\'ll examine the plant species in a forest near my town that has dark water river comes across, so people can fully understand why would the plant affects the color of the river, and appreciate the beauty of it.\\n\\nSo I would want to name my blog \"Appreciation Guide\" in Latin. \"Appreciation\" in the manner of \"acknowledging/recognizing the full/precise worth of something (so you can enjoy it)\", and \"guide\" is kind of \"instruction/how-to\". The phrase will be understood as \"A (written) guide to help you understand something full enough that you enjoy it afterward\", an explanatory media that focus on bringing appreciation by the mean of reasoning, something like the vibe of documentaries.\\n\\nThank you for your help.',\n", " 'id': 'feczw71',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eocw9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'AugustusEuler',\n", " 'body': 'Tamen',\n", " 'id': 'fecka7p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fec9pak',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'epamax': [{'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': \">historia augustana >>> suetonius\\n\\nThey're apples and oranges. You may find the historia far more entertaining (I certainly do), but Suetonius was actually an historian. The historia, unless Syme and some others are entirely mistaken, are a satire of historical writing.\",\n", " 'id': 'feinjtr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fei9diq',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': 'Symmachus, Macrobius, Ausonius, Claudian. Boethius and Corippus wrote after the western Empire had fallen but have a lot in common with late imperial culture. Boethius is known above all for De consolatione Philosophiae, but others of his works have survived.\\n\\n###',\n", " 'id': 'feilu6b',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epamax',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '_porphyrios',\n", " 'body': \"I didn't much enjoy Ammianus Marcellinus, but he's a major late antique historian and his portrait of Julian is well worth reading.\",\n", " 'id': 'feicxdi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epamax',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'fitzaudoen',\n", " 'body': 'de reditu suo is a beautiful and sad farewell to the glory of rome. \\n \\nand historia augustana >>> suetonius (change my mind)',\n", " 'id': 'fei9diq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epamax',\n", " 'score': 4}],\n", " 'ep9xqp': [{'author': 'Zarlinosuke',\n", " 'body': 'True!',\n", " 'id': 'fema9rx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_felflyq',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Raffaele1617',\n", " 'body': \"It really isn't. It's a Germanic language that has borrowed a lot of vocabulary. Tons of languages have borrowed similar amounts of vocabulary - off the top of my head, Persian, Swahili, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Basque, Urdu, etc. all have similar amounts of borrowing.\",\n", " 'id': 'felflyq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fej95qj',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Raffaele1617',\n", " 'body': 'I mean, I learned Italian in a year. Both languages are extremely similar to each other, so neither is particularly hard for speakers of the other lol.',\n", " 'id': 'felfbaw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fejm01p',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'teruuteruubozuu',\n", " 'body': 'Also, the focus of this post is Anglese and not English',\n", " 'id': 'fejrpyz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fejr0kq',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'teruuteruubozuu',\n", " 'body': \"You've not seen dialects and inflections then :D\\nA language is an evolving creature and changes are essential to the natural progress. You are focusing too much on unimportant details.\",\n", " 'id': 'fejrhgu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fejr0kq',\n", " 'score': -1},\n", " {'author': 'marktwainbrain',\n", " 'body': 'English has rules about order of adjectives, use of the words “do/does/did” (very confusing for non-native Speakers), rules about forming comparatives that are more complex than in Romance languages, etc etc. Tenses can be quite complex in English - superficially, there is less inflection. But, does the simple present actually mean you’re doing something at the time of speaking? If I say, “I eat meat,” no one imagines I am actually eating at the time. All that means is, “I am not a vegetarian. “ If I say “I’m eating meat now,” that should be a clear statement that I am eating meat at the moment, right? But, that could also mean, “I used to be a vegetarian, but nowadays I am back to eating meat.”\\n\\nEnglish has very formal “rules” about object pronouns (whom), not ending a sentence with a preposition, not splitting infinitives, etc, and these are best ignored almost all the time, except in those very situations in which you should not ignore them.\\n\\nIn English (and other languages) there’s a huge difference between, “He has few flaws,” and “he has a few flaws.” \\n\\nIn English, stress changes in an interesting way when a new compound concept starts to be considered a familiar single concept. People used to say “hotDOG” but now we say “HOTdog,” to give one example. \\n\\nAny linguist who knows anything about English knows that it has an interesting grammar just like any other language. \\n\\nAlso, your own post has a mistake. You should have said, “English grammar is,” not “English grammar it’s.” Also you should compare English grammar to Italian grammar, not English grammar to Italian. Your second sentence is not strictly incorrect, but does not sound like a native speaker wrote it, even if you replaced “English” with something like “chess.”',\n", " 'id': 'fejr0kq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fejm01p',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'teruuteruubozuu',\n", " 'body': 'Not at all :D',\n", " 'id': 'fejqpz1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fejo71l',\n", " 'score': -2},\n", " {'author': '_porphyrios',\n", " 'body': 'Your English is good but there are multiple mistakes in your writing just in this thread. Maybe English is harder than you thought.',\n", " 'id': 'fejo71l',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fejm01p',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'teruuteruubozuu',\n", " 'body': \"As an Italian native speaker, English grammar it's nothing compared to my language. I learned English in less than one year during my youth due to the simplicity I found in its rules, really.\",\n", " 'id': 'fejm01p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fejki9z',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'marktwainbrain',\n", " 'body': 'English grammar is quite complex. And it’s a fusion in vocabulary, but it maintains a Germanic language structure, is my point.',\n", " 'id': 'fejki9z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fej8xwm',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Zarlinosuke',\n", " 'body': 'An extremely bizarre one, indeed.',\n", " 'id': 'fej95qj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fej8xwm',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'teruuteruubozuu',\n", " 'body': \"In fact, English IS a bizarre hybrid; a fusion of different languages and simplificated to the bone in it's grammar (at least, for me!) :D\",\n", " 'id': 'fej8xwm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feizatw',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'teruuteruubozuu',\n", " 'body': 'Ahahahahah, si, es une fusione de differente objectives! Eo ere ironique su le substitutione de le lingue... Mais... Tu non sape mais in le vite... :)',\n", " 'id': 'fej82fq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fej7k8p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'Tamquam dicens in francais, nonne? Sed, quid est \\'punctum\\' de hac exercitione? Magis simpliciter conversamus omnes in Latina, aut Francsais, vel Hispanola? Or Esperanto? \\n\\nForte, tu desideras removere \"English\" ex Anglicana?',\n", " 'id': 'fej7k8p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ep9xqp',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'teruuteruubozuu',\n", " 'body': 'Subjective. This is a \"what if\" language as well, so there\\'s no problem in experimenting. If Anglese will substitute English one day, it will enter by all rights in the Romance family.',\n", " 'id': 'fej6a7i',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feiuah0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Zarlinosuke',\n", " 'body': '> bizarre hybrid \\n\\nAnd the problem with those is...?',\n", " 'id': 'feizatw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feiuah0',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'marktwainbrain',\n", " 'body': 'Yeah, I hate this. I guess it is a cool way to show that having a largely Greco-Latin vocabulary by word count doesn’t change the fact that the skeleton of English is still Germanic (the most common nouns and verbs, pronouns, agreement, prepositions, etc). \\n\\nAnglish has a feeling of, “English could have been this way.” Anglese has a feeling of, “lets smash Latin/French/etc into English even if the result is a bizarre hybrid.”',\n", " 'id': 'feiuah0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ep9xqp',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': '_porphyrios',\n", " 'body': 'r/thanksihateit',\n", " 'id': 'fei6ujk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ep9xqp',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'Zarlinosuke',\n", " 'body': 'Id est non una mala idea! Habem nos una decisio de qui \"flavor\" ad facere nostra verba? E.g. Latinesca, Françaisesque, in maniera di Italiani, et caetera.',\n", " 'id': 'fei339a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ep9xqp',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'teruuteruubozuu',\n", " 'body': '**LATINE** \\\\- Omnes homines liberi aequique dignitate atque iuribus nascuntur. Ratione conscientiaque praediti sunt et more fraterno iis erga alios se gerendum est.\\n\\n**VULGARE BRITANNIQUE** \\\\- Omne humanes sun nate libere ed aequale in dignita ed iuriti. Ili sun dotati cum ratione ed conscientia ed deben agere uni vers alteri in spiritu de fraternita.\\n\\n**ANGLESE** \\\\- Tote humane esseres son nated libere ed equale in dignitie ed dirites. Illes son doted de ratione ed conscience ed debe agere une verse altres in spirite de fraternitie.',\n", " 'id': 'fei2yhy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ep9xqp',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'ep8cls': [{'author': 'anvsdt',\n", " 'body': '*tantum, quantum* as (pro)nouns mean \"the amount which\".\\n\\n*aliquantum distat: bis tanto quantum in imagine/pictura (indicatur).* \"it\\'s somewhat distant: by twice the amount that (is shown) in the picture.\"\\n\\n*domus Antonii bis tanto distat quanto mea (domus distat).* \"Anthony\\'s house is distant by twice the amount by which my house is distant.\" = \"Anthony\\'s house is distant by twice the amount my house is distant.\"\\n\\n*domus Antonii bis tanto distat quantum meam domum tibi dixi distare.* \"Anthony\\'s house is distant by twice the amount that I told you my house is distant.\"\\n\\nEdit: Also for short you can probably shorten it to *bis quanto/quantum in pictura*, but then I\\'m unsure which case *quantum* should be in, probably *quanto* as an adverb.\\n\\n*distat bis quanto in pictura.* - \"it\\'s distant by twice the amount in the picture.\"',\n", " 'id': 'fejvj5n',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ep8cls',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'Another way: *Ab duplo spatio abest quam depictum*',\n", " 'id': 'fei1vsr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ep8cls',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': '*altero tanto longius*',\n", " 'id': 'fei0bdh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ep8cls',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': \"Not 100% confident but here's an idea: *id abest bis tantum quam depictum.* \\n\\nSome form of *duplus* might also come into consideration.\",\n", " 'id': 'fehyzn8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ep8cls',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'ep6ziw': [],\n", " 'ep4zay': [{'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': \"Yes, they are using their Italian TTS. You can try different TTS for different languages on the same Latin text. Google doesn't have a real TTS for Latin, and among their TTS for other languages, I personally found Polish>German=Dutch>Spanish>Portuguese>>>Italian when I put in some Latin text. I don't know why they used their Italian TTS for Latin rather than the Polish one. \\n\\nFor TTS dedicated Latin, have a look at these links:\\n\\n [https://loquarblog.wordpress.com/2017/09/29/classical-latin-tts-an-inelegant-solution-to-the-dearth-of-quality-latin-audio/](https://loquarblog.wordpress.com/2017/09/29/classical-latin-tts-an-inelegant-solution-to-the-dearth-of-quality-latin-audio/)\\n\\n [http://nesrad.blogspot.com/2017/09/classical-latin-text-to-speech-tts.html](http://nesrad.blogspot.com/2017/09/classical-latin-text-to-speech-tts.html)\",\n", " 'id': 'fej64t3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ep4zay',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'ep4xkw': [{'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'This question really illustrates the absolute and utter futility of these types of exercises. You are supposed to say \"ablative of means\" when you translate this into something like, \"opertus sudore,\" turns out, gasp, English and Latin idiom aren\\'t the same. In Latin, being covered with sweat would, I believe, be something like \"totum corpus sudor habet\" or \"toto corpore sudor manat.\" Maybe \"sudore madidus.\" Either way, these types of exercises are the antithesis of what you want to do to get idiomatic command of another language, especially if your teacher isn\\'t explaining what I just did.',\n", " 'id': 'fehj2pi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ep4xkw',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'scholarsull',\n", " 'body': 'It was in our Latin textbook for identifying ablative uses in English. I agree that it is quite arbitrary. I went against the \"means\" agreement and wanted to see what others thought. Thanks anyways.',\n", " 'id': 'fehbqcl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fehaqr9',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'I think you should go to English subreddit for this question...\\n\\nEnglish is NOT an inflected language. This means there is no \"ablative\" in English, but there is only one case for all nouns, disregarding the grammatical functions of them. *with sweat* is a prepositional phrase (prep.+n.), which is an adverbial phrase describing the participle *covered,* hence *covered with sweat is* formed as an adjective phrase.',\n", " 'id': 'fehaqr9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ep4xkw',\n", " 'score': 4}],\n", " 'ep4tjj': [{'author': '18hockey',\n", " 'body': 'I have nightmares about being giving a paragraph of Greek and getting yelled at to translate it by a drill instructor professor (which is funny because my Greek professor is the nicest woman). \\n\\nSometimes I have dreams about being called to the board in Latin, those are much more pleasant :)',\n", " 'id': 'fekc9dk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ep4tjj',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'SAIYAN48',\n", " 'body': \"I've talked in Latin in dreams before...\",\n", " 'id': 'feimots',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ep4tjj',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'I have it happen sometimes, especially when I study before bed. Know that when it happens, you really are studying just by dreaming. That’s how the brain processes new linguistic information and figures out how it works!',\n", " 'id': 'fehzaw6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ep4tjj',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'greycrayonsoup',\n", " 'body': \"That's cool! It's never happened to me, but a few years ago I read a book about a kid whose dreams were in Latin. I'd recommend it to you if I could remember the title!\",\n", " 'id': 'feh93w0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ep4tjj',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'ep3d4s': [{'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'vulnus is literally a wound. \\n\\n[https://logeion.uchicago.edu/vulnus](https://logeion.uchicago.edu/vulnus)\\n\\nIf that is the idea you want to convey, yes.',\n", " 'id': 'fehwdl6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fehswav',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'SevrPops',\n", " 'body': 'So “Ignosce mihi propter ‘vulnus’” would be a bit more proper correct?',\n", " 'id': 'fehswav',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fehdja9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'SMITH & HALL\\n\\nharm (subs.): damnum: v. [damage](https://www.latinitium.com/latin-dictionaries?t=sh6174), [injury](https://www.latinitium.com/latin-dictionaries?t=sh13626).\\n\\nThen maybe vulnus, laesio (see under injury).',\n", " 'id': 'fehdja9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fehcv7i',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'SevrPops',\n", " 'body': 'I’m intending it as physical self harm',\n", " 'id': 'fehcv7i',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fehcjw0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'I have nothing against [injuria](https://logeion.uchicago.edu/iniuria) and don\\'t think that my Latin is better than yours. The fact is that it\\'s hard to pick each \"right\" Latin word in an out-of-context phrase. I\\'m content if there are no gross errors. I guess that if the OP intended a financial or military loss [detrimentum](https://logeion.uchicago.edu/detrimentum) would be perfect, but there are examples also outside these fields.',\n", " 'id': 'fehcjw0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feh9sks',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'numquamsolus',\n", " 'body': \"/u/bedwere 's Latin is, I admit, much better than mine, but when I read *detrimentum*, I think more of a military, strategic or political *loss* than a *harm*.\\n\\nI would be in inclined to use *iniuriam* instead.\\n\\nI'm in the province in the Philippines at the moment, so it's hard for me to access a proper dictionary.\",\n", " 'id': 'feh9sks',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ep3d4s',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'Nothing wrong with it.',\n", " 'id': 'feh3wu6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ep3d4s',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'ep3643': [],\n", " 'ep1y63': [{'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"Hi u/arch_interregnum u/JLLS11 u/Ianus_Domini u/NomenScribe\\n\\nArch, since all these people, as is good and right, recommended using LLPSI to you, if you have started to use it, I've set up a Discord server for learners: [https://discord.gg/qEyawRk](https://discord.gg/qEyawRk)\\n\\nThought the rest of you might be interested too, especially you, JLL, since I see you recommending LLPSI all the time. There's other channels for people other than just beginners.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffz06v2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ep1y63',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'NomenScribe',\n", " 'body': \"I also swear by *Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata*, but you'll also want to study grammar. I don't have a firm recommendation on this except that Wheelock's is pretty good and will keep you going until you're ready for *Bradley's Arnold* (\\\\*choral music\\\\*), which is really a book about composition, but it elucidates a lot about the Latin language.\",\n", " 'id': 'feidyn0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ep1y63',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Ianus_Domini',\n", " 'body': \"I would argue it's the only option. All the other ones are inferior.\",\n", " 'id': 'fegmz3m',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feghp29',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'JLLS11',\n", " 'body': 'By far the best option is Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata which teaches you to read and understand Latin, not merely decode it. There are audio recordings on the YouTube channel ScorpioMartianus. You can find out more in the search bar.',\n", " 'id': 'feghp29',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ep1y63',\n", " 'score': 8}],\n", " 'eoynpu': [{'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'Sānē dēlectāvit, grātiās quod hīc commūnicāstī. Prīmō argūmentum nescioquid nōdōsius vīsum erat, praecipuē prīmī versūs, ubi illud \"Robertus Pontificis Summique Urbani nomine frater et Valemundi\" nimis ambiguomst - quantum intelligō, duōs frātrēs habuit, alterum Urbānum pontuficem maxumum, alterum Valemundum rēgem alemannōrum. Praetereā ubinam noctem dēgerit, id prīmō parum in apertō erat. Semper autem juvat fābulās populārīs latīnē redditās volvere, versibus vel maxumē. Ecce versūs quī ante cēterōs in animō haesērunt, illud alterum praesertim:\\n\\n>Prosilit et currens recta nec lumina flectens \\n> \\n>Labitur ex oculis haustus caligine noctis \\n> \\n>Haud secus ac liquido vanescit in aère spectrum.\\n\\nCarmen in Palaestrā Latīnā 173 prīmum dīvolgātum vidētur, et in latīnum nōn ab Longfellow, quī anglicē eam scrīpserat, sed ā P. Benedictō Schmidt versumst.',\n", " 'id': 'fewjetf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eoynpu',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'cclaudian',\n", " 'body': 'This is really quite amazing',\n", " 'id': 'feg458a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eoynpu',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'eoybuo': [],\n", " 'eox4ls': [{'author': 'furiana',\n", " 'body': 'Declination is to nouns as conjugation is to verbs. I think I finally understand now.',\n", " 'id': 'fgjg6ej',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fefvujz',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'dasKatzenhafte135',\n", " 'body': 'In Italy we use nom, gen, dat, acc, voc, abl in this strict order (and sometimes specify loc just after gen)',\n", " 'id': 'fejyvol',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feg5l45',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '_andyyy_',\n", " 'body': \"Well one of them speak accualy fluently Latin like it is his second motherlanguage. I think they just didn't found it necessary to teach it to us because in schooltexts it's very rare.\",\n", " 'id': 'fejwk29',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fej87ru',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'That\\'s because they don\\'t speak Latin. Try to shout out \"Marcus, Marce, Iulius, Iuli\" with classical pronunciation as loudly and angrily as possible, then you will find out why there are vocatives.',\n", " 'id': 'fej87ru',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fehbm5x',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': '_andyyy_',\n", " 'body': \"I said not only me, but my teachers also. I don't think that they are outsiders\",\n", " 'id': 'fej2bc3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fei1tfq',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'Who among us can say otherwise really',\n", " 'id': 'feiq6hd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feib3h8',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'MagisterFlorus',\n", " 'body': 'I mean maybe in elementary levels. But then, you get to reading real literature, and guess what characters do. They talk to each other! The vocative may not be as crucial to learn as the others. But any Latin student should be able to decipher it.',\n", " 'id': 'feifd10',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fehbm5x',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Zarlinosuke',\n", " 'body': \"That's the order in which I learnt them too, but even still the order in which they go in a chart has always been nom-gen-dat-acc-abl.\",\n", " 'id': 'feibhhl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fei3fq4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Nienke_H',\n", " 'body': \"I'm really living for biggetis dicketis\",\n", " 'id': 'feib3h8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fefrj6w',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'ljseminarist',\n", " 'body': 'If you were designing Latin language anew, you would, no doubt, eliminate vocative from the beginning. As it stands, though, you have to deal with it as long as you want to learn Latin.',\n", " 'id': 'fei4vdj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fehbm5x',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'ljseminarist',\n", " 'body': 'Same in Russia.',\n", " 'id': 'fei4kbt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fegksrc',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'FlavivsAetivs',\n", " 'body': 'This was not the order we learned at my Uni here in America. We did:\\n\\nNom\\n\\nAcc\\n\\nAbl\\n\\nGen\\n\\nDat\\n\\nVoc',\n", " 'id': 'fei3fq4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feg5l45',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'RBKeam',\n", " 'body': \"Languages have lots of features in them that could seem unnecessary or stupid from an outsider's perspective. Like your comment.\",\n", " 'id': 'fei1tfq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fehbm5x',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'tovarischkrasnyjeshi',\n", " 'body': 'ah, from the old latin dvicqos dicqos, dvicci dicci, dvicqo dicqo, dvicqom dicqom, dvicqo dicqo, dvicci dicci, dvicqossom dicqossom, dviccis diccis, dvicqos dicqos, dviccis diccis, dvicce dicce',\n", " 'id': 'fehj3d3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eox4ls',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Kit_McGregor',\n", " 'body': 'Well, seeing as the rest of Europe seems to use the same as the UK, no.',\n", " 'id': 'fehgghl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fehgai3',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'IsaacCG',\n", " 'body': 'Do you mean “everywhere except in the UK” cases?',\n", " 'id': 'fehgai3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feg5l45',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '_andyyy_',\n", " 'body': 'Every Latin teachers \\n I had agreed that the Vocativ is usless',\n", " 'id': 'fehbm5x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eox4ls',\n", " 'score': -4},\n", " {'author': 'Social_Papaya',\n", " 'body': \"It's also the order we learn in Germany and Switzerland (the German-speaking part at least)\",\n", " 'id': 'fegksrc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feg5l45',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'IosueYu',\n", " 'body': \"In HK, we are taught without an order... It's always just the word there with a column written with the name of the cases, without a particular order.\\n\\nGuess we're pissed too much with cramped living space we compensate with using more printing space.\",\n", " 'id': 'fegdavj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feg9jrj',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'Kit_McGregor',\n", " 'body': \"Nah, I'm just joking.\",\n", " 'id': 'fegd7dv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fegctay',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'mihiloStevan',\n", " 'body': 'Yeah sorry guys that must be annoying',\n", " 'id': 'fegctay',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fegc33j',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Kit_McGregor',\n", " 'body': 'In the UK we learn cases in a different order, and it just confuses me to the point of annoyance when all the resources online are in the American order.',\n", " 'id': 'fegc33j',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feg7m30',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'commodus_4',\n", " 'body': 'American order smh',\n", " 'id': 'fegbw85',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eox4ls',\n", " 'score': -2},\n", " {'author': 'breadication',\n", " 'body': 'I’m guessing it’s to do with the order of cases in the table. In the UK, I was taught the order as nominative, vocative, accusative, genitive, dative, ablative.',\n", " 'id': 'feg9jrj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feg7m30',\n", " 'score': 15},\n", " {'author': 'OzarkShepherd',\n", " 'body': 'I don\\'t understand your humor. Would you explain what you mean by \"American cases\" please?',\n", " 'id': 'feg7m30',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feg5l45',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'Kit_McGregor',\n", " 'body': 'Get outta here with your American cases.',\n", " 'id': 'feg5l45',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eox4ls',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'ShadowMech_',\n", " 'body': 'Oh, no. Snake, snake, snaake~',\n", " 'id': 'feg1dy6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fefwwhz',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'nrith',\n", " 'body': '*Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives, and I conjugate*\\n\\n*It’s the end of pedagogy as we know it, and I feel fine*',\n", " 'id': 'fefy5ss',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eox4ls',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': 'El_solid_snake',\n", " 'body': 'Ooooooooh so *that’s* why I failed Latin. It all makes sense now.',\n", " 'id': 'fefwwhz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fefvujz',\n", " 'score': 34},\n", " {'author': 'TheEndHunter007',\n", " 'body': 'Ah, I didn’t notice the title lol',\n", " 'id': 'fefwd8x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fefvujz',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Pratar',\n", " 'body': 'It\\'s a terminology joke. OP said \"conjugated\" (i.e., what happens to verbs) instead of \"declined\" (i.e., what happens to nouns), so /u/NasusSyrae is making fun of them by turning it into a verb and actually conjugating it, instead of declining it.',\n", " 'id': 'fefvujz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fefuu7e',\n", " 'score': 73},\n", " {'author': 'Handsomeyellow47',\n", " 'body': 'This is declined, conjugated is what happens to verbs :P All good ! 😊😅',\n", " 'id': 'fefvkgu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eox4ls',\n", " 'score': 16},\n", " {'author': 'TheEndHunter007',\n", " 'body': 'Why is it a verb? And would the imprf. Subj. be biggēret dickēret?',\n", " 'id': 'fefuu7e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fefrj6w',\n", " 'score': 23},\n", " {'author': 'infinitum17',\n", " 'body': '*declined',\n", " 'id': 'fefun6a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eox4ls',\n", " 'score': 71},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'lmao',\n", " 'id': 'fefrj95',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eox4ls',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'That would be more like:\\n\\nBiggeo Dickeo\\n\\nBigges Dickes\\n\\nBigget Dicket\\n\\nBiggemus Dickemus\\n\\nBiggetis Dicketis\\n\\nBiggent Dickent',\n", " 'id': 'fefrj6w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eox4ls',\n", " 'score': 74}],\n", " 'eouwz1': [],\n", " 'eoujke': [{'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'No, both examples are nominative **gerundives**, in which *delendi* describes *fasciculi,* hence they agree in form, and your English translation of the second one *(files to delete)* is actually *(files to be deleted),* and it refers to the files themselves. The corresponding **gerund** is *fasciculos delendum* (deleting (deletion) of the files), which refers to the action *delere* rather than the files, and *fasciculos* is the object of the action. These are different constructions. When the **gerund** would have an object in the accusative, the corresponding **gerundive** is usually used instead. This means *fasciculi delendi* is preferred over *fasciculos delendum,* though they can be used for the same purpose. For example, both *consilium fasciculorum delendorum* (genitive of gerundive) and *consilium fasciculos delendi* (genitive of gerund) mean the same thing (the plan to delete files), but the first one is preferred.',\n", " 'id': 'feh8s8w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fefxjtl',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"No, I understand the difference between, for example, *fasciculi delendi sunt* (the files are to be deleted) and *fasciculi delendi* (files to delete), and that the second is in the genitive; it's just that I learned Latin mostly by exposure and didn't learn the *names* for the grammar.\",\n", " 'id': 'fefxjtl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fefmy9d',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'These two examples of \"-endi nouns\" are genitive gerunds. However, it is not the case that all such expressions are gerunds. They can be genitive gerunds, or nominative plural masculine gerundives, or genitive singular masculine/neuter gerundives.\\n\\nGerunds have the forms of singular neuter nouns in the second declension, and they are used in accusative, genitive, ablative and dative (not in nominative case). Gerunds refer to the verbs themselves as actions in active sense (not describing any nouns), like \"eating\", \"living\" in English.\\n\\nGerundives are passive future participles, in the forms of adjectives in the first and second declensions. For example, in *Amici vocandi sunt (Friends must (should) be called), \"*vocandi\" is a nominative plural masculine gerundive, which describes \"amici\" (pl. nom.) In \"*Nomen amici vocandi Marcus est.\"(The name of the friend who must(should) be called is Marcus), \"*vocandi\" is a genitive singular masculine gerundive, which describes \"amici\" (sg. gen.)\\n\\nThe different cases of gerunds and gerundives have different meanings.',\n", " 'id': 'fefmy9d',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eoujke',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"Thanks! I know how to use it properly, but don't know the name of it. Weird, eh?\",\n", " 'id': 'fefc6uc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fef6j7j',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'xanitrep',\n", " 'body': '[A gerund.](http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/latin/stage-2-latin/lessons/lesson-23-gerunds-and-gerundives/)',\n", " 'id': 'fef6j7j',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eoujke',\n", " 'score': 9}],\n", " 'eoub4q': [{'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'You’re a legend for this! Thank you!',\n", " 'id': 'i3zfxzp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fef4br5',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'istara',\n", " 'body': 'Apologies if this has already been posted, I’m on mobile so ran a basic search but couldn’t find it.\\n\\nHope others find it useful!',\n", " 'id': 'fef4br5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eoub4q',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'eprycs': [{'author': 'Liamlah',\n", " 'body': 'Evan Millner introduced me to a memory room method for learning the declensions. I was able to learn the first declension singular and plural in about half an hour. Eventually though, with enough reading, you should be able to internalise it implicitly, and not have to worry about consulting tables in your mind. \\n\\n\\nThis here seems to be a summary of the lessons, but the ones I listened to are behind a patreon paywall.\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\n [https://www.patreon.com/posts/mnemonic-for-32000863](https://www.patreon.com/posts/mnemonic-for-32000863)',\n", " 'id': 'fepjzk1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eprycs',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Chocolateo2222',\n", " 'body': \"You just have to keep going them over consistently throughout the day. Putting it into practice by translating helps it get in your memory. You just have to keep it up. I would not learn them all at once and steadily add a new declension when you feel you are ready. Writing them helps but so does associating mememories or imagery with them. It just takes time and practice. Also don't forget irregulars like dea. These should be learned after you have the declension down pat so you don't mix them up.\",\n", " 'id': 'feo5y10',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eprycs',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'There are quite a few patterns in the endings, which makes it a lot easier if you recognize them.\\n\\nFor example: the plural dative, accusative, and ablative have a 1-2-1 pattern in every declension: īs-ās-īs, īs-ōs-īs, ibus-ēs-ibus, ibus-ūs-ibus, ēbus-ēs-ēbus.\\n\\nThe accusative singular is always two letters ending in M. -am, -um, -em, -um, -em.\\n\\nThe genitive plural is always an -um: -ōrum, -ārum, -um (or ium), -uum, ērum.\\n\\nThe ablative singular is always one letter, usually long: -ā, -ō, e, ū, ē.',\n", " 'id': 'felnzwc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eprycs',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': \"Firstly, read **a lot** and use a table for reference if you get stuck. This is by far the easiest way and the most efficient in the long term.\\n\\nIf you really want to brute force the issue, then make flashcards with example sentences that each use different endings but are otherwise similar. This should focus your attention on the endings when you study the sentences.\\n\\nLearning the endings in isolation isn't going to help very much, because you need to associate them directly with what they mean in a sentence.\",\n", " 'id': 'fele0ce',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eprycs',\n", " 'score': 9}],\n", " 'eppzf9': [{'author': 'BloomsdayDevice',\n", " 'body': 'Which is very problematic here because now it is indistinguishable from the participle for *queri*. This must be a typo.',\n", " 'id': 'fem30uz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fellxn5',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'Ohh wow. Okay, thanks so much! I’ll be sure to watch out for that in the future.',\n", " 'id': 'felxw8v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_felik4t',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'phalp',\n", " 'body': \"Sometimes you'll see *e* for *ae* because the pronunciation merged in many places in the middle ages.\",\n", " 'id': 'fellxn5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fel4aal',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'translostation',\n", " 'body': 'Not the wrong meaning, the wrong word entirely:\\n\\nQuerenti = Qu\\\\[a\\\\]erenti < quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitum (\"to look for\") \\nThe \"e\" for \"ae\" is common in post-classical Latin.\\n\\n***NOT***\\n\\nQuerenti < queror, queri, questum (\"to complain\")',\n", " 'id': 'felik4t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fel4mis',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'You are welcome!',\n", " 'id': 'fel6n13',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fel4jr2',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'Sorry, I see how it works now! I had the wrong meaning of the word the whole time!',\n", " 'id': 'fel4mis',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fel1jpf',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'Okay, I used your link and now I know what’s goin’ on. I guess wiktionary was just incomplete on this one and it completely messed me up! Thanks for the correction. :)',\n", " 'id': 'fel4jr2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fel41vl',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'quaerenti',\n", " 'id': 'fel4cos',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fel4aal',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'I meant the present active participle. Am I an idiot and totally misinterpreting the word?',\n", " 'id': 'fel4aal',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fel41vl',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'Typo for [quaero](https://logeion.uchicago.edu/quaero)?',\n", " 'id': 'fel41vl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fel3ryb',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'Okay, that’s really helpful. That’s a lot more clear. Does querens have the meaning of something like “hunting for” in this instance?',\n", " 'id': 'fel3ryb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fel1opq',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'Okay, I see how that works. Part of what’s really tripping me up is the meaning of querenti. Is it somehow possible that Wiktionary is wrong and querens doesn’t mean complaining? Of, if it does, how does it fit in as the indirect object?',\n", " 'id': 'fel3ip3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fel1jpf',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'translostation',\n", " 'body': 'Primum omnium est --> \\\\[homini\\\\] quaerenti mel cum folliculo --> non facere apes certiores de adventu suo.',\n", " 'id': 'fel1opq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eppzf9',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': '&#x200B;\\n\\n|non facere apes certiores||\\n|:-|:-|\\n||de adventu suo |\\n|primum est||\\n||omnium|\\n|querenti||\\n||mel cum folliculo|\\n\\nSo the subject is the sentence \"non facere apes certiores\", \"primum est\\' predicate and verb, \"querenti,\" indirect object.',\n", " 'id': 'fel1jpf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eppzf9',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'epoyia': [{'author': 'Vbhoy82',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you, that\\'s helpful, particularly about U and V. Based on what you\\'ve said I\"m probably exaggerating nasalisation in /ũst/ a bit, so I\\'ll turn it down a little and keep it short',\n", " 'id': 'ff2qckf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fevx3f0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"1. Divide a sentence into sense units of two-three words not counting monosyllables and other clitics. The borders between these units, where you make a break in pronunciation, will be your elision boundary.\\n2. Inside the units, final short vowels elide completely; everything else might or might not leave a non-syllabic trace depending on how different the two vowels are (in a sequence of identical vowels, the first one was likely elided entirely regardless of length, but nasalisation might have optionally remained, if *identidem* is from *idem et idem*). Long and nasalised I and V typically survive as /j/ and /w/, especially before short vowels. Short I and V in the following syllable might be barely detectable, especially in the prefix IN-, especially when the previous clashing vowel is Ā (the most sonorous vowel).\\n3. Between the units, how long the pause is decides the details.\\n4. /ũst/ was probably pronounced with little to no nasalisation, because the only way it's ever spelt is VST (c.f. mostly *mṓ****n****strum* but exclusively *mōstéllum).* Length in that position is also highly unlikely, seeing as it gives a final unstressed syllable of 4 measures of length (moras).\",\n", " 'id': 'fevx3f0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epoyia',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': 'Elision is pretty well established (though still fuzzy around edge cases). \\n\\n\\n [https://www.academia.edu/4205594/Elision\\\\_and\\\\_Hiatus\\\\_in\\\\_Latin\\\\_Prose](https://www.academia.edu/4205594/Elision_and_Hiatus_in_Latin_Prose)',\n", " 'id': 'fen1bdk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fempc9s',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fempc9s',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fem2vkt',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Vbhoy82',\n", " 'body': 'It really does help to see it written down like that, much appreciated!',\n", " 'id': 'fem7ryt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fem3yig',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Raffaele1617',\n", " 'body': \"So 'est' is a bit of an odd word in that it loses its vowel rather than causing the previous vowel to disappear, so that should end up as ['ɔːrũs̠t̪] in exact transcription (i.e. '-ōrumst').\",\n", " 'id': 'fem3yig',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fem338q',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Vbhoy82',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks, both of you. So how would you transcribe phonetically “-orum est”?',\n", " 'id': 'fem338q',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_felxci4',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Vbhoy82',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you, that’s very helpful!',\n", " 'id': 'fem2wuw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_felx71x',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Vbhoy82',\n", " 'body': 'It’s just the Lingua Latina text, I was wondering more about prose than verse. I’m not advanced enough for verse, I’m just thinking if I start getting used to elisions early on, it will make verse easier if I get there',\n", " 'id': 'fem2vkt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_felka51',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Raffaele1617',\n", " 'body': 'It was probably phonetically short or half long, but phonemically bimoraic, as the nasalization is phonemically a consonant that reappears before stops and nasals.',\n", " 'id': 'felxci4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_felbu6j',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Raffaele1617',\n", " 'body': 'Completely removing the vowel was certainly possible (especially if there were two identical vowels) but its never metrically necessary and thus almost certainly wasn\\'t the default. As /u/zluizl points out, the best bet is a non syllabic nasal vowel, so [ũ̯] or [w̃] depending on how you wanna transcribe it. There are exceptions, like when authors literally write -st instead of \"est\", but it is erroneous to assume that this was the rule. We should observe how elision occurs in modern languages like Italian.',\n", " 'id': 'felx71x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fekzz1i',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'felka51',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epoyia',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'zluizl',\n", " 'body': 'I\\'d say the \"rule\" is that when a word ends in a vowel and another starts with a vowel too, they blend together and the first vowel stops being a syllable by it\\'s own. So, /kʷiːntũ/ + /inˈtɛrːɔɡat/ → /kʷiːntũ̯inˈtɛrːɔɡat/, in this case it is almost the same as \"Quintw\\'interrogat\". On the length of the final nasal vowels, I am not sure if I can help, but I\\'ve seen people argue that it was probably a short vowel, or that is at least what it became in Romance.',\n", " 'id': 'felbu6j',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epoyia',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': \"My two sestertii: quint’interrogat. There is some information here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metres\\\\_of\\\\_Roman\\\\_comedy#Elision](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metres_of_Roman_comedy#Elision)\\n\\nIt seems that Quintum interrogat --> Quint'interrogat would be analogous to \\n\\nhominem hūc --> homin' hūc in the example from Plautus.\",\n", " 'id': 'fekzz1i',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epoyia',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'epn8de': [{'author': 'nonakis',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you very much for this is great help',\n", " 'id': 'felcspx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fekw75o',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'ilritorno',\n", " 'body': 'The beginning seems to be the easiest part.\\n\\nIHSV (In hoc signo vinces): you will win under this sign. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In\\\\_hoc\\\\_signo\\\\_vinces](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_hoc_signo_vinces)\\n\\nDeiparae V.M. (Virgini Mariae i suppose) sponso Ioseph dicatum: dedicated to the Virgin Mary mother of God and her husband Joseph.\\n\\nAfter it gets quite tricky with many ligatures, abbreviations and damage to the table.',\n", " 'id': 'fekw75o',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epn8de',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'epmks2': [{'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': \"Okay, I've read Praecursus through once -- sort of. It's mind boggling. Not only does the vocabulary encompass archaic, Classical, Medieval, Renaissance, Neo-Latin and quite a few of Berard's own neologisms, the subject matter also encompasses Eastern religious doctrine (especially on the subject of re-incarnation and Nirvana), quantum physics, and information technology. I get exhausted trying to read about physics or IT in my native English, so I can't claim to have kept up with everything Berard was saying. Far from it. I also can't claim to have any idea whether Berard has any expertise in Eastern religion, or physics, or IT. I can say that I found the parts I understood to be dazzlingly good. (I can also definitely say: Cicero, this ain't!)\\n\\nI'm going to have to rest for a year or two, and then re-read both novels. And maybe in the meantime I'll take some courses in Hinduism, Buddhism, IT and quantum physics.\\n\\nYou really should read Capti before reading Praecursus.\",\n", " 'id': 'fhxru0v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epmks2',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': 'I\\'m about 100 pages in now, and more confirmed than ever in my recommendation that one read Capti first. And I\\'m also more and more of a fan of Berard. My mind is reeling. This is absolutely first-class literature. Would Pynchon approve? Yes, if Pynchon can read Latin.\\n\\nPraecursus -- so far, 100 pages in out of 445 -- could be described as a sort of an anti-Matrix: humans are being closely observed by immensely powerful machines, but the machines are benevolent. And also, they do not seem to have been made by humans.\\n\\nOn the topic of \"difficult\" reading: there is writing which is complex for no particular reason; there is that which is complex because the author is inept and does not know how to write plainly; there is pretentious writing -- and then there is that which is beautifully complex, and which rewards great effort on the reader\\'s part. I put the word \"difficult\" in quotes because I am convinced that the difficulty of a given text is relative. The more enjoyment a reader derives from a text, the less difficult the text will seem, even if it requires great exertion in order to be understood. And there\\'s no way to be certain that, just because A enjoys something, B will also enjoy it. And if they disagree, it doesn\\'t mean that A is right and B is wrong or vice-versa. Art is irreducably subjective -- or I am greatly mistaken. To compare the \"difficulty\" of a text to physical exertion: for one and the same person, walking for 100 yards may seem very difficult, or running for several hours may be pleasant, depending on a variety of physical, psychological, environmental and other factors.',\n", " 'id': 'fez1pnz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epmks2',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': 'I don\\'t know why so few people have heard of Berard. Terence Tunberg may be somewhat better-known on r/latin, and, at least according to a blurb inside the front cover of Praecursus, Tunberg said:\\n\\n \\n\"Opus singulare singulari ratione a Stephano Berard conditum est. Quis enim aequalis noster Latine scribens lectores allicere valet ad cogitandum quibus modis philosophia Buddhistica cum arte physica quantali congruat? Quis alius tot verba Latina, et ea lectissima, ad eiusmodi argumentum apta invenire potuit? Affirmare ausim Stephanum unicum tale inceptum hoc nostro aevo patrare potuisse. \"',\n", " 'id': 'feyu17v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epmks2',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': \"I'm now 20 pages in, and some things are beginning to click. I've decided to re-read Capti, more slowly and carefully. I can definitely see reasons now why Capti was published first.\",\n", " 'id': 'felxcf5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fekso8j',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'NomenScribe',\n", " 'body': \"I'll pick up a copy of the new one, because I'm a big fan of writing or translating modern things into Latin. But even having arrived at a point where Asterix is a breezy read in Latin, Capti could be all Lorem Ipsum after the first few pages for and I won't get around to finding out for a while.\",\n", " 'id': 'fekso8j',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fekruk9',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': \"I really don't know. I'm just a couple of pages into Praecurses now, and frankly, I'm bewildered. A couple of pages of verse containing -- what? Hindu perspectives on the constant flux of the universe? Or maybe it's not Hindu. I don't know squat about Hinduism. I'm lost, but I'm enjoying myself. I'm sorry, I really don't know at this point how important it would be to finish Capti first.\",\n", " 'id': 'fekruk9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fekqfgx',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'NomenScribe',\n", " 'body': \"So... do I need to have finished Capti? Because I'm behind on that. *Cough*\",\n", " 'id': 'fekqfgx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epmks2',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'eplgx0': [],\n", " 'epl1ou': [{'author': 'tke71709',\n", " 'body': 'No apologies, this is really great information!',\n", " 'id': 'feknhk9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fekjx70',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Simpliciorus',\n", " 'body': 'Russo Antonio above is right that this page contains two religious readings. The second, which starts at the fancy capital “E”, is from the Book of Lamentations, chapter 3, verse 1: “Ego vir videns paupertatem meam in virga indignationis eius” (“I am a man who sees my poverty by the rod of his indignation”). It is the third reading from a church service called matins (or morning prayer) held on Good Friday, part of the original tenebrae service. \\n\\nYou can read more about this and the structure of the service here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tenebrae\\n\\nThe first sentence is a fragment of the second responsory (or chant) which the congregation (probably monks) would sing after the second reading and before the start of the third. The part we see here is the last five words from the verse of that responsory: “Petrae scissae sunt, et monumenta aperta sunt, et multa corpora sanctorum qui dormierant, surrexerunt.” (“The rocks were split, and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who slept, arose.”). This refers to the moment of Christ’s death on the cross. The chant from which it comes is known as the velum templi or “veil of the temple” which was torn in two at the same time, according to the gospel accounts.\\n\\nThe text in the image starts halfway through the fourth word of the Latin: “-rum qui dormierant, surrexerunt”. \\n\\nSo, I would hazard a guess the page comes from a late medieval service book, which would originally have been used in worship during Holy Week.\\n\\nP.S. I see that in the time if took me to type this out on my iPad, a few people got in before me with the answer you need. Apologies for the duplication!',\n", " 'id': 'fekjx70',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epl1ou',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'VoxAntiqua',\n", " 'body': 'This is a portion of the sung office of matins for Good Friday. The top portion comes from the second responsory for Good Friday. Here\\'s the rest of the sentence: \\n\\n> Petrae scissae sunt, et monumenta aperta sunt,\\net multa corpora sanctorum qui dormierant, surrexerunt.\\n\\nTranslated:\\n> The rocks were split, and the graves were opened;\\nand many bodies of the saints who slept, arose.\\n\\nIt\\'s slightly adapted from Matthew 27:51-52 & Luke 23:42. [Full text](http://www1.cpdl.org/wiki/index.php/Velum_templi), if you\\'re interested.\\n\\nThe bottom portion beginning with \"Aleph\" begins one of the readings for Good Friday matins, from the Lamentations of Jeremiah. Any time you see Hebrew letters (aleph, beth, ghimel, etc) in the middle of a passage in Latin, it\\'s almost certainly from Lamentations, which has this unique acrostic format. This reading starts at Lamentations 3:\\n\\n> ALEPH. Ego vir videns paupertatem meam\\n in virga indignationis ejus.\\n\\nTranslated:\\n> ALEPH. I am a man who sees my affliction\\nat the rod of his wrath.\\n\\nSource: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tenebrae',\n", " 'id': 'fekhb9c',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epl1ou',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'tke71709',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks, much appreciated',\n", " 'id': 'fekcua2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fek83pl',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'russoantonio150799',\n", " 'body': 'Those are two religious chants in Latin and both of them aren\\'t complete. \"Ego vir videns paupertatem meam in virga indigna(tionis eius)\" is only the beginning and it means \"I\\'m a man who sees my affliction at the rod of his wrath\". The first part is very incomplete so I can\\'t translate it. Even the first word isn\\'t complete, I can only read its ending with \"-rum\".',\n", " 'id': 'fek83pl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epl1ou',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Athreia',\n", " 'body': 'Tbh I don’t manage to read it properly\\nSorry',\n", " 'id': 'fek7rqh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fek1oov',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'tke71709',\n", " 'body': \"It's a wall hanging or the such, I just have the photo to work from.\\n\\nThanks though\",\n", " 'id': 'fek7qma',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fek67rv',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'publiavergilia',\n", " 'body': \"I think it says 'tum qui dormierant surrexerunt (red text: lectio p et m?) Ego vir videns paupertatem meam in virga indigna(tionis)...' here is a translation of the whole song/poem: http://www1.cpdl.org/wiki/index.php/Ego_vir_videns_(Manuel_Cardoso)\\n\\nEDIT: I only googled the second part but it looks like some kind of book of lessons and the giant A in the middle is the start of a new one. the first word is not 'tum' but is the end of the word 'sanctorum'. What's the context of this image?\",\n", " 'id': 'fek67rv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epl1ou',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'tke71709',\n", " 'body': \"I appreciate you taking the time to read the post and to reply even if you couldn't help out.\",\n", " 'id': 'fek3sya',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fek3js4',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '__fullstop__',\n", " 'body': 'Dang I would try to help but I suck at reading the weird text Latin is often written in',\n", " 'id': 'fek3js4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epl1ou',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'tke71709',\n", " 'body': \"Bah, I tried to attach a pic and it didn't work. Let's try this [https://imgur.com/a/ohylbga](https://imgur.com/a/ohylbga)\",\n", " 'id': 'fek1oov',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fek02cj',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Athreia',\n", " 'body': 'What to translate? \\nI am up to this',\n", " 'id': 'fek02cj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epl1ou',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'epkihx': [{'replies': '',\n", " 'id': 'k99b8pv',\n", " 'author': 'thomasp3864',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_felwa7l',\n", " 'score': 1,\n", " 'body': \">But I do think that risks reducing words like “aeterna” to medieval variants like “eterna”.\\n\\nWhy? Wouldn't you spell them with an a followed by an e? I personally think opening punctuation is useful but not used pre Rennaissance (I personally use the punctuation english uses for the purpose when typing and use a font that uses the medieval forms of them, and interpuncts for spaces)\",\n", " 'created': 1699992654.0},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'When read naturally, it definitely has less of a pretentious/constructed vibe; sounds more like Frenchified Italian than anything (though very different of course from Neapolitan dialect, which also sounds very Frenchy).\\n\\nOn the other hand, as a native English (and French) speaker, the traditional English pronunciation is how we pronounce words like *justice*, *penis, anus, dermatitis et cætera...* so extending that to the rest of the Latin language just sounds Right, if you know what I mean.',\n", " 'id': 'ff8950r',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fepucwa',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Raffaele1617',\n", " 'body': \"I find it really interesting that you perceive the reconstructed pronunciation as being pretentious and the traditional English pronunciation as not being pretentious haha.\\n\\nHow do you feel about the classical pronunciation when read more [naturally/conversationally](https://youtu.be/khiootdwfok)? To me this just sounds like a pretty standard Mediterranean language. On the other hand, whenever I hear the traditional English pronunciation, it sounds so bizarre and artificial (unlike any language that has ever existed) I perceive it as 'pretentious'.\",\n", " 'id': 'fepucwa',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fepdz72',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"If something is written in metre, or dates back to the Classical era, I'll switch to the Classical pronunciation with all the trimmings (including pronouncing consonantal V as /w/), no matter how pretentious it may sound.\\n\\nI bother with stress because the traditional pronunciation, which I use otherwise, prescribes it. I'm not doing my own thing; I'm doing a language, which is intended to be understood by another.\",\n", " 'id': 'fepdz72',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fep5nc3',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Raffaele1617',\n", " 'body': \">but if for argument's sake it's the second, I'd pronounce it la-ti-NIGH-tas\\n\\nWhy? I mean I guess if you have no interest in anything written in meter its fine. But if you're not concerned with proper vowel length, why bother with stress (especially when stress is 100% predictable if you know the vowel lengths)?\",\n", " 'id': 'fep5nc3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feo78lv',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"See, I don't really care one way or another about marking vowel length, mostly because I don't actually make a difference between long and short vowels in my *pronunciation*... but I would much prefer vowel *stress* be marked. For example, do we say laTInitas or latiNItas? (I know it's the first, and in that case both I's get the same pronunciation for me, but if for argument's sake it's the second, I'd pronounce it la-ti-NIGH-tas, like *the end is nigh*)\",\n", " 'id': 'feo78lv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_felwpqs',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'Agreed. Using ogonkiem for *am/an* and *em/en*, while historically done, was usually done in documents and during time periods where Latinity was lacking. I would not go back to that, and I write *am* and *em*, *en* and *en*.',\n", " 'id': 'fenq2iz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fele3y9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"The big (and inconsistently punctuated/capitalised) corpus of Latin should be a reason *for* suggesting punctuation rules and capitalisation, not *against.* The Latin language has perhaps a million users worldwide. When we add to that corpus (and some of us do so *daily*), we really shouldn't be using a million different methods of capitalising and punctuating.\",\n", " 'id': 'fenpnae',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fem22zt',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"I distinguish I and J always, and U and V. In my mouth, *i* used as a vowel makes the sounds you'd expect, but *i* used as a consonant (aka *i longa* or *j*) makes the /dʒ/ sound in *justice*, the so-called voiced post-alveolar affricate. I find it helpful to use *i* and *j* in their proper places, so that I pronounce them right; don't want to read *maiorem* and slip up and say *mayorem* instead of *majorem*.\\n\\nOpening question and exclamation marks, though, I think are best left in Spanish where they belong. Let's not bring that into Latin.\\n\\nThe abbreviations I'm of two minds about. Putting them into printed matter just looks... I dunno... *lazy*, like the proofreader/editor didn't want to put the effort into pressing two or three extra keys on his computer. On the other hand, for someone who writes by hand or is writing a letter to someone on his computer, I don't see anything wrong with writing *&reas* for *Andreas*, *atq;* for *atque*, or *s:tus* and *mg:r* for *sanctus* and *magister*, or, yes, *Dñe* for *Domine*. I also think students should be taught (to read) them as a matter of course.\",\n", " 'id': 'fenokck',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_felwa7l',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': \"There's such a big of corpus of Latin, that it's impossible, and meaningless, to suggest 'punctuation rules', or rules of capitalization, etc. My suggestion is, just use punctuation as you would in English- assuming you are writing for English readers, of course.\\n\\nPersonally, I don't bother with the ligatures. Why add an unnecessary complexity?\",\n", " 'id': 'fem22zt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epkihx',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Raffaele1617',\n", " 'body': 'I think the ligatures are best avoided, since they lend themselves to being pronounced as monophthongs rather than diphthongs, and the diphthongal pronunciacion is necessary for meter unless you realize them as long monophthongs which is okay.\\n\\nThe only thing we should really insist on is the used of either apices or macrons to mark vowel length.',\n", " 'id': 'felwpqs',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epkihx',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'IAMA_Saguaro_AMA',\n", " 'body': 'Personally, I feel like ligatures are pointless in the era of e-readers and cheap paper. But I do think that risks reducing words like “aeterna” to medieval variants like “eterna”. \\n\\nI prefer the angular quotes, but that seems to be a European thing. AFAIK, only Spain uses the angular quotes regularly in Spanish.\\n\\nI think a U-V distinction is useful, but I’m less enthusiastic about J. Modern Italian doesn’t use it, so it’s not like we can’t survive without it. But, “jam” vs “iam”... meh. I prefer the second, but not enough to fight about it.\\n\\nWhat I don’t want is opening punctuation (¿¡) or abbreviations like Dñe (domine) that you see in old Catholic books.\\n\\nNot do I want agnus to become añus lmao',\n", " 'id': 'felwa7l',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epkihx',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'biquark',\n", " 'body': 'I always use æsc and eðel (i.e. æ and œ) whenever possible. They go so well with the \"shape\" of Latin text, if you know what I mean. Especially when you get a capital æsc at the beginning of a sentence. \"Æ\" just looks so strong.\\n\\nOgonkiem (i.e. ę), on the other hand, is completely degenerate, and I try to avoid it.',\n", " 'id': 'fele3y9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epkihx',\n", " 'score': -3},\n", " {'author': 'ubizias',\n", " 'body': 'I’ve never heard the terms “aspas latinas” or “aspas germânicas”, that’s interesting',\n", " 'id': 'fekwbxh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fekw7r7',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'zluizl',\n", " 'body': 'I am from Brazil too, that\\'s why my keyboard (sadly) doesn\\'t have the «...», only the \"...\".',\n", " 'id': 'fekw7r7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fekgchp',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'NomenScribe',\n", " 'body': \"I have the Maori keyboard as my secondary, and I can switch at a keystroke to making any vowel after I press tilde feature a macron. It's still a pain if I want use accent marks as well, but otherwise it's easy.\",\n", " 'id': 'fekuhu4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fekcyqb',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'In fact, in Vulgar Latin (and modern Italian), stressed vowels in open syllables are pronounced as longer.',\n", " 'id': 'feklb4y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fekh6xy',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"Understood. I don't actually pronounce long and short as such, unless I'm doing some sort of poetry reading; stress accent is much more important to me, although usually I know, for example, to say im-pri-MA-tur, la-TI-ni-TAS, et caetera. I'm a Traditional English Pronunciation user, so I diphthongise as appropriate.\",\n", " 'id': 'fekh6xy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fekcyqb',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'ubizias',\n", " 'body': 'Are you from Portugal? We use \"aspas\" in Brazil.',\n", " 'id': 'fekgchp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fek742e',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'The Catholic Church uses acute for stress accent, it’s by no means the equivalent of a macron. On the other hand, inputting macrons on a computer keyboard is somewhat unpractical, so replacing them with an apex is not a bad idea',\n", " 'id': 'fekcyqb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fek7840',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'The acute is how the Catholic Church does macrons, so yes, that works!',\n", " 'id': 'fek7840',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fek742e',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'zluizl',\n", " 'body': 'I think the «...» look more proper, also they are known as *aspas latinas* here, these \"...\" are *aspas germânicas*. But my keyboard doens\\'t have these angulated things so, if we are searching for a standard, I\\'d guess the \"...\" are easier to input for everyone. Same for *æ* and other ligatures, they look great, but not everyone will be able to input them without some trickery. J and V, however, are on everyone\\'s keyboard, and they make reading easier. The macron, though, is a pain to input in some devices, maybe an acute could take its function, and it would look even more similar to a Roman apex :v',\n", " 'id': 'fek742e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epkihx',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'jacobissimus',\n", " 'body': \"Sorry, I didn't mean to accuse you of anything. I was just writing out my general thoughts about how modern writers should think about any post-Classical orthographic change. I was responding more to the general intellectual trends of our time than to your actual post.\",\n", " 'id': 'fek6lo5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fek1bm7',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"When did I say that keeping entirely to Classical orthography is a requirement? I wrote this post because every language we speak today has trodden a stylistic path of some sort, and in the face of the revival movement, Latin is no exception. Through the wisdom of crowds and a few cognoscenti, I wonder if some sort of style-book can be made.\\n\\nIf I'm writing for publication, I'll use æ and œ, and I'll use an OpenType font that has lots of other ligatures, and I'll use those ligatures---Caslon and Garamond have an *s-t* combination where the top of the *s* joins the *t*, and a *c-t* as well.\",\n", " 'id': 'fek1bm7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fek0v55',\n", " 'score': -5},\n", " {'author': 'jacobissimus',\n", " 'body': 'Trying to keep entirely to Classical orthography is just pointless IMO. It’s important to remember that writing *encodes* language but it is not itself the language. The last 2k years have seen significant advances in making Latin easier to read, but these advances haven’t changed the language. The Aeneid is still the Aeneid whether or not I use spaces between the words. I use anything and everything that makes Latin easier to encode because I want to think about the Latin—not the encoding system. So, yeah I’ll use Js and Us and modern punctuation. I’ll write *quum* and use upper/lower case letters. Stylistic things like what your talking about depends on how easy it is for me to type. I’ll write out “a e” mostly because I’m not really setup to type the full Unicode character set. That’s also why I don’t type macrons.',\n", " 'id': 'fek0v55',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epkihx',\n", " 'score': 7}],\n", " 'epiffh': [{'author': 'CharlieBarley25',\n", " 'body': 'How long after the construction of your calendar does the story take place? \\n\\nMonth names could shift differently. Like some losing the -er ending, or some such thing (unidec doudec)\\n\\nAlso, when does the year start? The Jewish calendar starts at the fall, and matches the agricultural seasons- so depending on where you are in your world, this could make a difference',\n", " 'id': 'feks7js',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epiffh',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'hupelk',\n", " 'body': 'September etc. are really derived from septem + mensribis, i.e. \"seventh month\". It helps that the end of septem overlaps with the beginning of mensris, and similarly for the others except \"October\", where there\\'s no \"mem\" part. So to be consistent we have to say that the \"m\"s are coming from the number part. Therefore just \"Triber\", not \"Triamber\".',\n", " 'id': 'fekgh81',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fek9bkp',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'russoantonio150799',\n", " 'body': 'I saw that the last six months are obtaneid by putting \"-ber\" at the end of the cardinal numeral adjective while the first six months are formed by putting \"-ilis\" at the end of the ordinal numeral adjective so I suggest you to translate \"Triamber\" with \"Tertiilis\" like \"Quintilis\" or \"Sextilis\" because \"tertius\" is the ordinal of \"tres\" which means \"three\". \"Quintilis\" seems to be \"quintus\" + \"ilis\" and \"Sextilis\" looks like \"sextus\" + \"ilis\".',\n", " 'id': 'feka4i4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fek9bkp',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Panicki1996',\n", " 'body': 'Quintilis and Sextilis are possibilities I have considered while studying about this, because they were the names of July and August on the Julian calendar. However, I\\'m wanting to know how uniform I can make the calendar while sticking to what we already have. I. e. is \"Triamber\" a valid name? Most months that end with \"ber\" are numbers that also end with the letter \"m\" (septem, novem, decem...) so I don\\'t know if the same rule can be applied to \"Tri+ber\"',\n", " 'id': 'fek9bkp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fek1gsw',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Panicki1996',\n", " 'body': \"You actually helped with your ideas about the month names although I'll disagree with you about Unidece and Duodece because Undecimber and Duodecimber are already established. But, nonetheless, thanks for your comment!\",\n", " 'id': 'fek8xcq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fejv86v',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Panicki1996',\n", " 'body': \"I already thought about that and, in fact, I have many different possible calendars, but I posted my doubt here because I've been real curious to what these names may have been if the calendar was made logically.\",\n", " 'id': 'fek8qka',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fejjgd7',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'russoantonio150799',\n", " 'body': 'That\\'s because Romulus created a ten years calendar, then the following kings added two months and \"Quintilis\" and \"Sextilis\" were renamed \"July\" and \"August\" after Julius Caesar and Octavian divinization. So you can write \"Quintilis\" or \"Sextilis\" for the 5th and the 6th month because the Romans already used to call them in that way. I\\'d translate \"Primilis\" for the 1st month, \"Secundilis\" for the 2nd month, \"Tertiilis\" for the 3rd month, \"Quartilis\" for the 4th month, \"Undecimber\" for the 11th month and \"Duodecimber\" for the 12th month.',\n", " 'id': 'fek1gsw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epiffh',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'constancefrith',\n", " 'body': \"I am also an absolute Latin novice, but would think that the most likely successful renaming along this path would require them to roll off the tongue in a way that I'm not sure having a hard and fast rule applying Latin numerals to each month would allow, particularly considering the pronunciation would likely be anglicised questionably...\\n\\nPerhaps an approximation based on a blend of some of the conventions of each? The best I could come up with was \\n\\nUnumber [ju.'nam.bør]\\nDuober [du.'o.bør]\\nTriamber [tra:i.'am.bør]\\nQuadamber [kwo.'dam.ber]\\nQuintober [kwin.'to:u.bør]\\nSextober [seks.'to:u.bør] (perhaps Hextober if society couldn't get past the homophony) \\nSeptember (as is)\\nOctober (as is)\\nNovember (as is)\\nDecember (as is)\\nUnidece ['ju.ni.des]\\nDuodece ['du.o:u.des]\\n\\nI dropped the -ber from the last two because I think they would be make the last three months too easily confusable.\\n\\nTotally arbitrary? Very questionable pseudo-IPA? One Man's Opinion? All of the above, but fun to think about all the same. Thanks OP! 👍 Sorry for probably not actually helping at all.\",\n", " 'id': 'fejv86v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epiffh',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'eestimarcus',\n", " 'body': 'An alternative is to simply refer to the months by their order, i.e. \"this happened on the 7th day of the 2nd month\", which historically has been the case many places. You could even shorten it and read 12.X as \"the 12th of the 10th\" (12. Oct) and so on.',\n", " 'id': 'fejjgd7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epiffh',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'epi1vs': [{'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"I can't fathom a reason it shouldn't, *lūce diū* is fine. With *diūtissimē* in imperative sentences, however, you want to add *quam*. It's difficult to suggest alternatives without knowing what and why you're trying to say, but in some cases *lūce in longum (tempus)* or *in saecula/in aevum* (\\\\~forever) could be used.\",\n", " 'id': 'few3ds4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epi1vs',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'ephlq1': [{'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'Nominative first and verb last usually helps with comprehension so that listeners can identify where sentences start and end. Otherwise, they might misidentify which clauses are in which sentences. It might help to vary the person / quantity between sentences so that subject-verb mismatches across sentences makes it clear that the speaker did not opt for OVS for the sake of emphasis.\\n\\nI took a look at one of Cicero’s early works and he appeared to insert nominative pronouns at the start of sentences just to make the sentence boundaries more clear.',\n", " 'id': 'ffdaho2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ephlq1',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Avicenna900',\n", " 'body': 'Cicero is lower than I expected, but I suppose all of them would use SOV in subordinate clauses almost all of the time.',\n", " 'id': 'feme0jl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fektiap',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Soulfire117',\n", " 'body': 'Just before your dying breath. According to Cicero.',\n", " 'id': 'fekuff3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ephlq1',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Jandar1',\n", " 'body': 'From [this blog](https://magisterp.com/2019/07/08/how-weve-been-wrong-about-latin-word-order/) taken from Linde (1923) concerning main clauses: \\n\\nCaesar uses SOV order 84% of the time.\\n\\nSallust, 76%\\n\\nAugustine, 42%\\n\\nCicero, 33–54% (depending on work)\\n\\nVarro, 33%',\n", " 'id': 'fektiap',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ephlq1',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'anvsdt',\n", " 'body': \"liber qui vocatur ordo verborum non idem significat quod sine ratione verba apponi possunt, at contra *sensum*, e vinculis grammaticis solutus, *ipsum* ferre potest ordo.\\n\\nforte, casu, temere ordo SVO fere idem significatum fert atque SOV, itaque etiam si SVO pro SOV ordine adhibeas, fere nullum mutabit significatum. \\nid quod autem ais in secunda parte tui nuntii, te significatum ab ordine collatum linguae Latinae adhuc ignorare ostendit: non modo quod si OSV pro ordine naturali loqui incipias, vecordem te omnes existiment, sed etiam quia verbum postremo in sententia positum, finem quidem eius sententiae indicat, quod tu Ciceronis censes 'non optime' scriptum esse 'ad tam longas orationes iudiciarias enarrandas', cum id vero est maximi auxilii ad has recitandas.\\n\\nscribe igitur utcumque vis, ea autem ratio ut 'cur verba tali modo ordinentur' discere evites non est, neque umquam significabit verba sine sensu ordinari posse; hae sunt rationes tironum ne pigri res discant.\",\n", " 'id': 'fejmasx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ephlq1',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"I'm a neo-Latinist/Living Latinist rather than a Classicist, but I actually made a mistake here; *si naturaliter et idiomatice scribe*, I tend to put verbs at ends of clauses. If I overanalyse, and think in terms of second-declension, third-declension, subject, predicate... I make more mistakes than when I let my dog brain do the thinking.\",\n", " 'id': 'fejk70k',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fejioir',\n", " 'score': -1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"Understood. And actually looking back at my composition, I do also seem to prefer the S-O-V approach rather than S-V-O. It's harder to speak *about* my grammar than it is to stop thinking and *write.*\",\n", " 'id': 'fejjp0q',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fejjlia',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Avicenna900',\n", " 'body': \"It's a commonly known feature of classical Latin. Cesar, Cato, Livy, Seneca... in the majority of sentences, verb goes last. Sometimes almost 90%, depending on author and genre.\\n\\nYou can vary this for nuance or just for variations sake, but the SOV is by far the prefered structure. And even when varying, there is a hierarchy of preferred alternatives.\\n\\nThat's if you want classical Latin, which most people seem to prefer.\",\n", " 'id': 'fejjlia',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fejf9jv',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'Willsxyz',\n", " 'body': 'I could just as well say that the verb should go at the end because that’s how it’s done in Korean so, well, why not?\\n\\nThis is perhaps sufficient to explain the existence of an idiosyncratic approach to Latin composition, but not to justify why this idiosyncrasy should be accepted by others.\\n\\nMy opinion is that using any of the classical authors as a model is justified. Cicero is not the only option.',\n", " 'id': 'fejioir',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ephlq1',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"Is this accepted fact, or your opinion, or Cicero's opinion that you share?\",\n", " 'id': 'fejf9jv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fejf7k4',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Avicenna900',\n", " 'body': 'It should go to the end of the sentence by default. The free syntax can be exaggerated.',\n", " 'id': 'fejf7k4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ephlq1',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': 'Losehand',\n", " 'body': \"My answer is simple: The verb goes to the place it wants to be placed to serve the purpose of the message and the genre in the best way possible. In poetry it's of course a question of metrics which influences the verbs desire to be at the right place.\",\n", " 'id': 'fejf4dz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ephlq1',\n", " 'score': 13}],\n", " 'ephd5r': [{'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': '[Use the designated thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/eocw9d/english_to_latin_translation_requests_go_here/)',\n", " 'id': 'fejeedw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ephd5r',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'epg7bc': [{'author': 'plantprogrammer',\n", " 'body': 'Hmm, it is weird that Chamberlin referenced the other book then. Now I have some words, however, I can try searching the book for it (unfortunately OCR is not good on the PDF I have), which without doubt is quicker than me reading latin.\\n\\nAnyways, thanks a bunch so far, this brought me a step closer, I guess :D',\n", " 'id': 'fejbhzx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fejb4o8',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Dardanidae',\n", " 'body': 'Looks like anonymously on [Pasquino](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasquino)?\\n\\nvendit Alexander claves, altaria, Christum: \\nvendere iure potest, emerat ille prius. \\n\\nAlso seeing variants of *cruces* for *claves* and *ista* for *ille* (and the bottom two clauses reversed).',\n", " 'id': 'fejb4o8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epg7bc',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'eq7l29': [],\n", " 'eq6p0m': [{'author': 'TeamPupNSudz',\n", " 'body': \">I don't know why they took it out of alpha in such a raw state.\\n\\nIn what regards? The first week or so of beta was a bit rough because many alternative answers weren't being accepted, but as of now the course is in a perfectly fine state. The voicelines are a little rough, but that's to be expected from actual people instead of PC voices.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff42vg9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feozoz1',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'jayzwasinnirvana',\n", " 'body': \"Glad to hear it! It's really motivating to be able to comprehend so much even as a beginner. LL also helps demysticize Latin which is often talked about as if it's some mathematical alien language.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff34gbm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff1nrvo',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Raffaele1617',\n", " 'body': \"Please check out Lingua Latina per se Illustrata (the first book is called Familia Romana). It's not a textbook, but rather a novel written 100% in Latin that starts out so simply you don't need to know any latin to understand it and progressively gets more complicated until its integrating actual texts from ancient authors.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff2f2ip',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fepqwxt',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"At least 62 people in this small forum upvoted a comment saying 'the point of Latin ... is learning the grammar'. That's like saying 'the point of football ... is learning the offside rule'. It's beyond baffling.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff2e0m7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fep71i3',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'OneManRubberband',\n", " 'body': \"I just downloaded Lingua Latina because of your comment and I need to thank you. I took Latin in highschool with an absolutely wretched textbook (don't remember the title). I'm using Wheelock's now which is wonderfully thorough with regards to rules, but having a book that I can just read and understand is so encouraging!\",\n", " 'id': 'ff1nrvo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feogijx',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'bik1230',\n", " 'body': \"Once you're done with Duolingo, or maybe before then, I'd suggest taking a look at Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata. It's a great series.\",\n", " 'id': 'ferjx4y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fepqwxt',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Raffaele1617',\n", " 'body': \">the Romans knew that as well and that's why they also wrote grammar books about their own language.\\n\\nNo... the romans did not write books about grammar because native latin speakers couldn't understand texts like Caesar lol. They wrote books about grammar because they prescribed a very particular standard based on the speech of upper class Romans. Your statement is as ridiculous as claiming that native English speakers can't understand literature in English without being explicitly taught prescriptive English grammar. It's just not even remotely accurate. Latin is a language, not a magical grammar puzzle.\",\n", " 'id': 'fepy1pn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feovbtk',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'bestbudsoreosandmilk',\n", " 'body': \"I've been wanting to learn Latin for years (it was also not taught at my college) as well as Middle and Old English. I did a lot of research and all the recommendations were for Wheelock and a few other commonly suggested books. However, knowing my learning style, reading through a textbook was not going to work for me. \\n\\n\\nThat's why I'm really loving Duolingo. I was awful in college French so I thought I wouldn't have the tenacity to learn another language but Dulingo is showing me that is not true. How the program is structured along with the audio has been really helpful and I'm retaining far more in a few weeks than I did in a few years of college French. I do plan on taking this further when I've finished with Duolingo. If it helps, because of Duolingo's organization and structure, it's made learning other languages easier as well.\",\n", " 'id': 'fepqwxt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eq6p0m',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'drakirby',\n", " 'body': \"fair enough! yeah i think based on the general response of everyone i think i'll continue duolingo casually, and also look into lingua latina. thank you for your comment!!\",\n", " 'id': 'fepk8rx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fepfmsi',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Liamlah',\n", " 'body': \"I started learning Latin about 3 months ago. I started when I found out that Duolingo had recently made their Latin course public.\\n\\nI went hard at it for a while, topping the weekly rankings, and watched a few Youtube videos on declensions and verb conjugations, but once I got Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata, I realised that efficiency wise, spending an hour reading a chapter of LLPSI was far better than an hour on Duolingo.\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nI still keep my streak on it, 1. So I can know how many days since I started learning Latin, and 2. because if I have a spare 5 minutes in the day, duolingo is more productive than Facebook. I also suspect that once the verb conjugations were made explicit to me, the constant exposure to them in Duolingo helped cement them in my mind faster than reading may have. But I've gone from trying to get 200 points per day down to maybe 2.\\n\\nThe Duolingo course is also extremely short compared to other Duolingo languages, if you used Duolingo as your primary method of learning Latin, you'd finish it very quickly, and will have learned but a tiny fraction of what would be necessary to converse with someone in Latin, or read some classic works.\",\n", " 'id': 'fepfmsi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eq6p0m',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'Raffaele1617',\n", " 'body': \"This is terrible advice. This line of thinking is why most classicists can't speak or sight read latin. Learning about the grammar of a language ≠ learning a language.\",\n", " 'id': 'fep71i3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feocbzw',\n", " 'score': 14},\n", " {'author': 'betejolie',\n", " 'body': 'While I have no opinion on Duolingo, I can say that Wheelock is a very comprehensive and easy to read beginners Latin. Some here may disagree but if you are really interested I think it’s possible to work through the text on your own. Dickinson offers excellent online materials for original Latin texts. Their materials for Nepos Life of Hannibal were quite accessible and well organized.',\n", " 'id': 'fep6o2z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feojryt',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'drakirby',\n", " 'body': 'yeah there were a couple that were like \"livia lives in new york\" and i was like... we couldn\\'t have used italian cities at least?',\n", " 'id': 'fep4c5t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fep1g1k',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Atra_Lux',\n", " 'body': 'I\\'ve used Duolingo a bit as a refresher for Latin (I took it at uni some years ago), but I find it\\'s too focused on trying to be modern. As in, it gives you words for \"New York\" and \"Boston,\" but not a single word for \"kill.\" At least in the early lessons. If I can\\'t say \"Caesar executed the conspirators,\" what\\'s the point?\\n\\nAnd as others have said, Duo doesn\\'t really teach grammar. So if you don\\'t know the grammatical rules, it\\'s hard to learn. And if you do know the grammatical rules, it\\'s incredibly boring.',\n", " 'id': 'fep1g1k',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eq6p0m',\n", " 'score': 15},\n", " {'author': 'Leonardptxr',\n", " 'body': \"They love to up the number of languages they teach. Specially if it's an exotic language. I guess they couldn't help it lol.\\nAnyway, they have a lot of really good courses, specially the old ones, like French and German. Also, the Arabic and Esperanto ones are incredible, they developed a whole new way to teach Arabic and I really liked it. The Mandarin one on the other hand, sucks q\",\n", " 'id': 'fep0jcn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feozwqo',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'drakirby',\n", " 'body': \"hm, im not sure why they would make it public if it's not done either. lots of other people have recommended lingua latina, i'll definitely seek that out!\",\n", " 'id': 'feozwqo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feozoz1',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'drakirby',\n", " 'body': \"thank you!!! i'll definitely try it out :)\",\n", " 'id': 'feozujq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feou1sh',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Leonardptxr',\n", " 'body': \"Not at all because it's not done yet. I don't know why they took it out of alpha in such a raw state. Try Lingua Latina per se Illustrata, the best method by far.\",\n", " 'id': 'feozoz1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eq6p0m',\n", " 'score': 15},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'This is not what modern second language acquisition pedagogy tells us about language acquisition, regardless of what register of a language you\\n are trying to acquire.',\n", " 'id': 'feozn0x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feovbtk',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': 'rhoadsalive',\n", " 'body': \"There's no way to get around a good text book and the grammar, I known many people like the natural acquisition method but it's a fact that the Latin we have left now is not spoken Latin but highly stylized literature and you would quickly find out that reading actual Latin texts that are considered easy like Caesar are not comprehendable without knowing a lot about grammar in detail, the Romans knew that as well and that's why they also wrote grammar books about their own language.\\n\\nA solid recommendation is the Cambridge Latin course, well structured and useable for self study, after working through 3-4 of the books, easy original literature can be approached.\",\n", " 'id': 'feovbtk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eq6p0m',\n", " 'score': -5},\n", " {'author': 'BraveSirZaphod',\n", " 'body': \"Just wanted to also add my voice of support for the Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata series. It's genuinely one of the greatest language learning resources I've ever seen, for any language. You can purchase the book on Amazon (and I'd recommend you do!), but it's also quite easy to find a PDF if you'd like to just briefly see what it's like.\\n\\nI find the best way to study is to focus on reading through the book, and when you come across some grammatical concept that you're not able to easily infer, consult a grammar source. While learning grammar is very important, explicitly trying to memorize grammatical features without context is probably the worst way to go about it. Best of luck!\",\n", " 'id': 'feou1sh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feojryt',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': 'drakirby',\n", " 'body': \"thank you! i definitely am going to try reading some genuine latin text, and i'll check out the series you suggested! even though i'm sure duolingo won't be enough to get there, it's fun in the meantime :)\",\n", " 'id': 'feojryt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feogijx',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'jayzwasinnirvana',\n", " 'body': 'Just to offer you another perspective, it\\'s very possible to make good progress in Latin without explicit grammar instruction being your main focus. You can instead focus on reading lots of material that gradually gets more grammatically complex, so that you slowly internalize grammar concepts in a more \"natural\" way. To my knowledge this method of language acquisition is actually the best supported by research, and the Lingua Latina series that\\'s very popular on this sub is a great example of it. It allows you to actually *read* Latin, not just translate it in your head - there is a big difference!\\n\\n\\nDuolingo definitely won\\'t teach you incorrect grammar or anything, even if it\\'s true that the conversational focus at the beginning won\\'t prepare you well for the vocabulary in most \"real\" Latin. Give it a try and if you enjoy it, that\\'s great. Eventually you\\'ll need to move on to something else, since I\\'m pretty sure that duolingo only teaches the indicative mood and present tense of verbs.',\n", " 'id': 'feogijx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feofd7m',\n", " 'score': 21},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'Glad I could be helpful!',\n", " 'id': 'feoflne',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feofd7m',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'drakirby',\n", " 'body': \"thank you so much for taking the time to write this advice, i really appreciate it! i'll definitely look into memoria press and focus more on the grammar\",\n", " 'id': 'feofd7m',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feocbzw',\n", " 'score': 12},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'I don’t like it because to me, the point of Latin, the way to really have fun with it, the way to really understand it, is learning the grammar. If you learn with the Duolingo method, with pseudo-immersion in conversational sentences, not only will you not get the vocabulary you need for something like Caesar, you won’t know the grammar rules. That’s where Latin’s rich, and that’s where it’s valuable. Don’t skip out on it. \\n\\nI have used the Memoria Press curriculum but studied by myself, not in a classroom. I think that’s a great resource if you can’t take a class, and I’d definitely recommend looking into it. Best of luck to you!',\n", " 'id': 'feocbzw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eq6p0m',\n", " 'score': 62}],\n", " 'eq6n62': [{'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': \"I'm glad to hear it!\",\n", " 'id': 'fg1n9g8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg1cggd',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '_NintendoGuy_',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks for the tip! Scored a nice 7.5/10 because of your help!',\n", " 'id': 'fg1cggd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feoz8jv',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '_NintendoGuy_',\n", " 'body': 'Ooh, haven’t thought of that, I’ll head over right away!',\n", " 'id': 'feq90j4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feoz8jv',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': \"Hit up the library and find all the commentaries you can on pliny's letters, then take notes on what they have to say about your passage.\",\n", " 'id': 'feoz8jv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eq6n62',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': '_NintendoGuy_',\n", " 'body': \"Oh no I'm not saying you have to learn it for me, it's just that our prof's been taking care of his newborn and hasn't been able to attend classes for over a month now, so I'm asking if any people here know Pliny's style of writing. I completely understand that most won't be able to help.\",\n", " 'id': 'feosigq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feofid1',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'alt0243',\n", " 'body': 'I bet your professor has a lot of experience with this letter and has slowly been giving you tips! \\n\\n\\nWe can’t learn it for you.',\n", " 'id': 'feofid1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eq6n62',\n", " 'score': 8}],\n", " 'eq6lg9': [{'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffj48ob',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fep1gd5',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffj3x9x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fep3xmc',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'I write in New Latin mostly; don\\'t try to keep to any particular era, really, as long as I write in the exact, the idiomatic Latin (which I fail at, horribly). I\\'ll use words if they\\'re in the dictionary (of course stuff like Du Conge doesn\\'t count). As for *style*, and that is of course a matter of personal taste, I like the way *Palæstra Latina* was written, and Joseph Mir\\'s style in particular. In other words, Neo-Latin with Mediæval influences, from the mouth of a Spaniard (which is close enough to French that I can smell it in there). Although Peter Needham was a good, no, a *great* teacher, his style is too ponderous for me, like rock slabs falling into place.\\n\\nThat\\'s the thing─many of my British mates speak (at least some) Latin :P (and correct me on using *credo, \"because only the French say \\'je crois\\'\")* Then there\\'s Boris Johnson who (no joke) reads Martial in the original to fall asleep. Or at least he did 10 years ago when he was constituency MP for... Henley-on-Thames, I think.',\n", " 'id': 'ffahmuz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff9jg3t',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'As long as the rest of your Latin belongs with *pensavi*, it\\'s fine to use - think of *ab initium pensavi quod vestra excellentia erat baro, precor quod michi veniam condonetis*. But if you use that while writing in otherwise non-medieval Latin, or if you exclaim to your British mates \"whereby notwithstanding, pants are a formidable creature\" to mean \"regardless of this, trousers are a fantastic creation\", no amount of pointing to a dictionary will convince anyone that that was pretty much O.K. ;-\\\\]',\n", " 'id': 'ff9jg3t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff8xrnm',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"I wholeheartedly agree with you here - but seems to me that sometimes you try to stretch the definition of good style by including in it usage that is incompatible with the classical usage, and in so doing attempt to give yourself more space to play with. I think this approach instead makes it more difficult to find a style that works. Of course it's too facile to reduce all Latin to classical, but in order to learn other styles, I think it's a pre-requisite to define a starting point. Words and constructions don't change meanings one by one, and what works in one type of Latin won't make any sense, or will make a different sense in another type. Mastering different styles means being able to use each one at will; mixing them together randomly is the opposite of mastery.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff9dl73',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff8xm9f',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'I\\'ll quote myself on this:\\n\\n>To me, personally, as a Living Latinist, whether a word is *Classical* Latin or not has no bearing; if it\\'s in the dictionary, it goes, regardless of when the word was used. What matters is how *much* the word was used and *by whom*: if I can\\'t think of the word \"submarine\" and come up with \"underwatersinkything\", then 500 years later someone comes across my writings and starts using my coinage under the misapprehension that this is what submarines were called in 2020\\'s North America, I\\'d take serious issue with his use of the English language. Also, I\\'d discount attempts at using Latin by those who didn\\'t know Latin.\\n\\nI think the term *uso, usare* falls under that umbrella. As for being corrected because I used the word *pensavi...* that\\'s where I think I was pretty much O.K.',\n", " 'id': 'ff8xrnm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fethevt',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"Hey, I'm still trying to nail my style down... trying to *use* the language properly----asking questions is a part of that :P\",\n", " 'id': 'ff8xm9f',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fetl3y4',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'I weigh that which to user words \"penso\" and \"uso\", and entirely that how you write, it is as grammatically rightly on Latinly as that how I write now is grammatically rightly on Englishly. That objectively, rest is argument about what is such \"good\" and \"bad\".',\n", " 'id': 'fetl3y4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eq6lg9',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'It is found twice in a quote from the same obscure text, not as an entry. It\\'s as true to claim that it\\'s \"found in that dictionary\" as it\\'s true to claim that the word \"lol\" is found in Cicero because you\\'ve found the word written by someone who was reading your edition of Cicero. There\\'s also a lot Middle French, Old Italian, Middle English found in Du Cange, both as entries and in quotations, sometimes used inside quoted Latin texts. Search for \"ragazinus\", \"cercare\" in Du Cange, or \"racka\", \"estraia\" on [DMLBS](https://logeion.uchicago.edu/estraia). Du Cange and DMLBS don\\'t list what they consider to be Latin words, but words that are found in the corpora they\\'re concerned with.\\n\\n\"Usare\" is a form of \"usuare\", which itself is a back-formation from \"usuarius\" coined by someone who didn\\'t know or like the Latin words for \"frui, gaudere, ad usumfructum tenere\" and \"in usu esse, solere\". \"Did he dieded\" is several times the English turn of phrase as that is a Latin word.',\n", " 'id': 'fethevt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fep1zha',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Electrical_Humour',\n", " 'body': '> «~~Dans~~ en l\\'espace de deux minutes» is a very French way of saying that\\n \\nThese phrases repeated specifically by Cragius are simply not comprehensible, even with reference to another language. \"longitudinem temporis bis minutæ confusa fuit\" just doesn\\'t have any comprehensible meaning in latin - \"a length of time twice the minutes; she was confused\"\\n \\n>«usque ad vos», which is a Latin calque of «selon vous» \\n \\nIn no way is it: a calque of selon vous would be the comprehensible *secundum vos*. \"Usque ad vos\" means \"all the way to you guys\".',\n", " 'id': 'fep4v4i',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feowwjn',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"I always struggle with the entries in du Cange, so I may be misreading, but it looks as though it means 'to enjoy' and is typically found in works of unknown authorship.\",\n", " 'id': 'fep4rvl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fep1zha',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'No \"trying\" about it, you were (helpful, that is, not nasty).',\n", " 'id': 'fep3zfh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feoo8ek',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'To me, personally, as a Living Latinist, whether a word is *Classical* Latin or not has no bearing; if it\\'s in the dictionary, it goes, regardless of when the word was used. What matters is how *much* the word was used and *by whom*: if I can\\'t think of the word \"submarine\" and come up with \"underwatersinkything\", then 500 years later someone comes across my writings and starts using my coinage under the misapprehension that this is what submarines were called in 2020\\'s North America, I\\'d take serious issue with his use of the English language. Also, I\\'d discount attempts at using Latin by those who didn\\'t know Latin.\\n\\nWhat I was wondering was first, to what extent this view was shared by those who write and speak in Latin, and second, whether my use of the words «penso» and «uso» in specific was *good* Latin, that is, *idiomatic* Latin.',\n", " 'id': 'fep3xmc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feouti5',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': '«Usare» is found in Charles du Fresne du Cange’s [Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis](http://ducange.enc.sorbonne.fr/), which see.',\n", " 'id': 'fep1zha',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feoirfq',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'My opinion on this has a similar conclusion to yours, though from slightly different premises. First, yes, dogmatically \"freezing\" the vocab of Latin at the fall of the Roman Empire just reïnforces the perception that it\\'s a dead language---well, really, at that point it\\'s no longer a perception, it\\'s a fact, because a dead language is one to which new words and new concepts are no longer being added, and new content is not being produced in quantity. Second, those of us that *do* write and talk Latinly about modern life will use Steel Age words like «birotarius» and «autocinetum», and Atomic Age words like «computator», in addition to the Iron Age words with which we\\'re all familiar. To turn around and say, well, we\\'re not going to use Dark Age/Middle Age words is essentially a denial of the evolution of languages, even as you\\'re proving the evolution of languages.\\n\\nThird, and I didn\\'t see you mention anything resembling this (whether or not because you disagree), adding to the Latin vocabulary also allows for so-called *elegant variation*. I was taught that it\\'s bad form to use the same noun twice or more in a row to refer to the same thing; either you replace it with a pronoun, or you use a synonym. If there\\'s only one word for the object to which «ræda» refers, well, so much for that idea. A lot of authors (especially in English) will write an article, let\\'s say on the phænomenon of combustion, and you scan it and see \"fire... fire... fire... fire... fire\". In fact, the Wikipedia article on fire uses that specific word 187 times, even in situations where \"flame\" would be fine, or \"combustion\", or \"breakaway oxidation\".',\n", " 'id': 'fep1gd5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feoirfq',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'Gratia vobis ago. You\\'re right, of course, except for when you said I used my feeling for English; I did, but not exhaustively, in fact I principally used my feeling for French. «Dans l\\'espace de deux minutes» is a very French way of saying that; ditto for «usque ad vos», which is a Latin calque of «selon vous». I also thought in Czech and German occasionally, as unlike English, those languages actually *have inflexions.*\\n\\nIf they are what I think they are (i.e. \"She told me *that*...\"), my first instinct was to use indirect statements in «quod» format, but I actually changed my mind after writing my post... guess I shouldn\\'t second-guess myself so much.',\n", " 'id': 'feowwjn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feo9pr8',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': '*Usō, -āre* is only used in Medieval Latin as a calque of the evolved Romance forms from a vulgar Latin frequentative **ūsō* < *ūsus* + *-ō*. In Classical Latin, the deponent *ūtor, ūtī* would be used. \\n\\nIn response to OP\\'s question, *pēnsō, -āre* is indeed a Classical Latin word, a frequentative form of *pendō, pendere*, from it\\'s past participle *pēnsus*. I would consider it a synonym of *putō*, but not of *crēdō*. As far as I can tell, *crēdō* and *pensō* are only synonymous in Medieval Latin, again supplanting its evolved uses in modern Romance languages. For example, Spanish *creer* and *pensar* are frequently used synonymously to express \"to think (that...),\" but it is not so in Classical Latin. I do think, though, that *putō* is far more commonly used, at least in Classical Latin, to mean \"to consider\" than is *pēnsō*. I would really define both as, \"to think about\" rather than, \"to think.\"',\n", " 'id': 'feouti5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feoirfq',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'feourl7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eq6lg9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"I wasn't trying to be nasty at all, just helpful.\",\n", " 'id': 'feoo8ek',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feok5si',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'Si hic saevit, saevitiam approbo.',\n", " 'id': 'feoo2t4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feok5si',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'hupelk',\n", " 'body': 'LOL hoc commentum nimis sævum est \\n\\noriginalis postis non est TAM sceleratus',\n", " 'id': 'feok5si',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feo9pr8',\n", " 'score': -1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"As for the question at hand, I don't have too much of a problem with it, in fact I think later forms can lend a sort of liveliness to Latin, giving it more of the feeling of a modern, living language. As a general principle, I think it best to use what classical words exist and know their strict significations, and only to supplement them where there is a need, since it is the classical standard to which Latin tends ever to revert, but then I gather that your purpose with the language is a little different to most people's.\\n\\nAre you sure that *usare* has any real currency, or even exists? There is *usitare* or *usitari*, but I can't find *usare* in a dictionary.\",\n", " 'id': 'feoirfq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eq6lg9',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'I think you have other more pressing problems that keep you from showing good latinity, such as: not using any sort of indirect statement (whether the more classical acc. + inf. or the later quod/quia/quoniam variety) where it is called for; making \\'me\\' a direct object of \\'dicere\\'; using the accusative after \\'in\\' where the ablative is wanted; the phrases \\'longitudinem temporis bis minutæ\\', \\'in media aevi\\' and \\'in loco sermonem\\'; \\'bonem\\' in the wrong declension; the title of your post; several others. We really shouldn\\'t attempt to say things like \\'in the first place\\' literally in Latin.\\n\\nYou give the appearance of having acquired an ability to write quickly not by developing a good feeling for Latin grammar, syntax, idiom, and word choice, but by being content to write using your feeling for English.\\n\\nEdit:\\n\\nI\\'m no great composer of Latin, but below is my attempt to rewrite your post with better latinity without destroying your style. The gwilly motts are a bit awkward to produce on the phone, so I didn\\'t bother with that.\\n\\nQuanti æstimatis latinitatem verborum vel formarum mediævalium?\\n\\nQuædam me pridem correxit quia verbum \\'pensare\\' pro \\'credere\\' vel \\'putare\\' usaveram. Duas minutas me non intellexit, deinde mihi dixit \\'\"Penso\" \"super jugum libras aliquod ponere\" significat; \"puto\" utere.\\' Tunc eam recte dixisse credebam, sed hodie consului dictionarium quod negavit me umquam errasse. \\'Penso, pensas, pensat\\' hanc significationem in medio ævo acquisivit. Etiam \\'uso, usas, usat\\' (in loco sermonis \\'utor, uteris, utitur\\') est verbum hujus generis.\\n\\nSi ego uso verba \\'puto\\' et \\'uso\\', bonam vel malam, vestra sententia, latinitatem monstro?',\n", " 'id': 'feo9pr8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eq6lg9',\n", " 'score': 10}],\n", " 'eq5605': [{'author': 'adrianavarro',\n", " 'body': 'Hey! I think the most accurate translation would be: \"Lingua querelam cordis est\"',\n", " 'id': 'fensz13',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eq5605',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'eq2212': [{'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fg1lr2a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fewcx8h',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'Sorry, I don\\'t quite follow. It\\'s metrical verse, even if what exactly it is a metrical verse in is unclear (few things are easier than composing metrical gibberish with a few foreign words thrown in). It was composed as all other Plautine verse. Verse was obviously composed orally, then written down, that is to say, transcribed. How natural (whatever that means) a particular piece of verse is depends on many factors, but for our purposes all of it was produced by a native speaker for a native audience of theater-goers, so as natural as any verse can be.\\n\\nI don\\'t understand what elese you might mean by \"transcribe\" other than to describe the way all verse without exception was written (I don\\'t think the *cento* was invented yet). I don\\'t understand what you mean by \"dogmatic practice of elision\". What is dogmatic about it? This doesn\\'t make sense to me any more than talking about a dogmatic practice of stress in English. It\\'s a speech phenomenon enshrined in the artistic represenation of the rhythmical patterns of speech, which is poetry.\\n\\nYou clearly must be making some sort of assumptions about some sort of assumed artificiality of Plautus\\' speech, and arguing against that. Do you suppose you could explain what those assumptions are and why you\\'re making them?',\n", " 'id': 'fewkjpj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fewcx8h',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'TGCook',\n", " 'body': 'Here\\'s the passage I mentioned:\\n\\n**ACTVS V** \\n\\n**V.i** \\n **HANNO** Yth alonim ualonuth sicorathi symacom syth\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0930 \\n chy mlachthi in ythmum ysthyalm ych-ibarcu mysehi \\n li pho caneth yth bynuthi uad edin byn ui \\n bymarob syllohom alonim ubymysyrthohom \\n byth limmoth ynnocho thuulech-antidamas chon \\n ys sidobrim chi fel yth chyl is chon chen liful\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0935 \\n yth binim ys dybur ch-innocho-tnu agorastocles \\n yth emanethi hy chirs aelichot sithi nasot \\n bynu yid ch-illuch ily gubulim lasibithim \\n bodi aly thera ynnynu yslym min cho-th iusim \\n Ythalonimualoniuthsicorathiisthymhimihymacomsyth\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0940 \\n combaepumamitalmetlotiambeat \\n iulecantheconaalonimbalumbar dechor \\n bats . . . . hunesobinesubicsillimbalim \\n esseantidamossonalemuedubertefet \\n donobun.huneccilthumucommucroluful\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0945 \\n altanimauosduberithemhuarcharistolem \\n sittesedanecnasotersahelicot \\n alemusdubertimurmucopsuistiti \\n aoccaaneclictorbodesiussilimlimmimcolus \\n deos deasque veneror, qui hanc urbem colunt,\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0950 \\n ut quod de mea re huc veni rite venerim, \\n measque hic ut gnatas et mei fratris filium \\n reperire me siritis, di vostram fidem.\\n\\nIt\\'s pretty obvious that this isn\\'t Latin nor Greek (he does eventually transition back to Latin), and it is assumed that it isn\\'t pure idiomatic Punic tongue but rather Plautus writing to imitate how the Greco-Roman ear would hear and render something close to the true punic, hence, in effect, a transcription. Seems plausible and not much of a leap. Given this, the assertion that Plautus might \"transcribe\" natural speech and that it would violate a dogmatic practice of ellision isn\\'t really much of a surprise.\\n\\nThe violation of ellision by pauses is a natural practice of normal speech, Plautus and Terence merely approximate the natural, as all great artists do.',\n", " 'id': 'fewcx8h',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fevm4d5',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"Isn't this like saying that the patterns of rhyme in Shakespeare are influenced by a greater adherence to the actual sounds the words ended in?\",\n", " 'id': 'fevnlen',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feo1x6o',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"What exactly do you mean when you call them transcriptions? Why does Hanno's Punic speech suggest that?\",\n", " 'id': 'fevm4d5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feoas7g',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'TGCook',\n", " 'body': \"Elision naturally disappears when actors enunciate and inject pauses for emphasis. The writing of Plautus and Terence may in part be transcriptions, as is suggested by Hanno's Punic speech in the Poenulus of Plautus.\",\n", " 'id': 'feoas7g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eq2212',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bandzugfeder',\n", " 'body': \"I haven't read the article, but have read (aloud) not a few of the old comedies. I think it is also likely that the (non-)rules of synaloepha, elision, hiatus, prosodic hiatus etc. are influenced by a greater adherence to the actual prosody of sermo cottidianus. But it's not something I myself am an expert in!\",\n", " 'id': 'feo1x6o',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eq2212',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'epvkot': [{'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'That would be rather bad Latin, at least according to the classical standard. It is much more natural to say *luce absente*.',\n", " 'id': 'femecyy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fem582w',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'TDMBFrost',\n", " 'body': \"Thanks for the help, when I made this post I hadn't seen the pinned post.\",\n", " 'id': 'fem5qb5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fem5n61',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'Yep. The *ā* should be long at the end of *absenti-*, as the short *absentia* is the nominative case. Although given its after a preposition, and especially in an English context, it could be determined to mean the ablative.\\n\\nAlso, if you wanted *in* to imply movement like \"into the absence of light\", you\\'d use the accusative *absentiam*.\\n\\nP.S. in the future probably want to use the designated thread for translations.',\n", " 'id': 'fem5n61',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fem582w',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'TDMBFrost',\n", " 'body': 'And would the translation of \"In The Absence of Light\" be *In Absentia Lūcis?* or would the \"In\" change the format of the sentence?',\n", " 'id': 'fem582w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fem37pw',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"Don't ever use Google translate for Latin, and put this in the pinned post please.\",\n", " 'id': 'fem3yab',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epvkot',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[removed]',\n", " 'id': 'fem3wep',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epvkot',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': '*Lūx in absentiā* \\\\- this means \"light in absence.\" (or even \"light from absence, upon absence, on absence, at absence\")\\n\\n*Lūx absentiā* \\\\- \"light by absence\" or \"light with absence\" or \"light from absence\" among other possible meanings of the ablative alone. With a short *a*, this\\'d just say \"light absence.\"\\n\\n\\'The Absence of Light\\' would be *Absentia Lūcis*\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nP.S. Google Translate does not work for Latin.',\n", " 'id': 'fem37pw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epvkot',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'epvcmk': [{'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'Doesn\\'t *ante* and the accusative imply movement, i.e. \"moves in front of Rory,\" as opposed to *prō* and the ablative, \"is in front of Rory\"?',\n", " 'id': 'fep76zy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_femqaf0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'TheGreatCornlord',\n", " 'body': 'If you want to Romanize \"Rory\" to \"Rorius\", it would be \"vir ante Rorium\", or if you want it to say, \"the man who is in front of Rory\" it would be \"vir quī ante Rorium est\"',\n", " 'id': 'femqaf0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epvcmk',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'Put this in the pinned post please',\n", " 'id': 'fem3zc4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epvcmk',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': \"In this context as an appositive, you'd say *vir prō* (insert Latinization of Rory in the ablative; *Rorius* maybe, you'd say *Roriō*).\",\n", " 'id': 'fem3mjd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epvcmk',\n", " 'score': 0}],\n", " 'epvb4h': [{'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': 'You can get them on Amazon. There are a great number of publishers who make reprints, but the quality is not always good. I recommend the Cambridge Library Collection.',\n", " 'id': 'feyqtls',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fewfw6g',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Liamlah',\n", " 'body': \"If you have any links to places where I can get re-prints, I would really appreciate it, I've been looking for a while with no luck.\",\n", " 'id': 'fewfw6g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feuwltq',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': \"There really is quite a lot of great 17th-century Latin, in all genres. Besides Bacon and Descartes there are Leibniz, Spinoza, Newton, Kepler, Barclay, Hobbes, Grotius and Milton, to name just a few.\\n\\nI'm also not a fan of [archive.org](https://archive.org). I find Google Books to be much better, and I've wondered whether there is any particular reason why member of this sub tend to favor [achive.org](https://achive.org). \\n\\nAnd there are reprints of pre-copyright works which tend to be much less expensive that the originals, and can be of fairly good quality, depending on the publisher.\",\n", " 'id': 'feuwltq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fepivak',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'numquamsolus',\n", " 'body': \"Thanks for the further information! \\n\\nI am not new to Latin, having studied it intensively when I was in primary and secondary school under some super-motivated Jesuits, but my three-month-old son is not--wink, wink--so I'm trying to do some planning now to have a proper library for his kindergarten and primary-school education.\\n\\nIf there are equivalent Ancient Greek texts with which you are familiar, kindly share them.\",\n", " 'id': 'feqhnce',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fepucld',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'sillysalamander13',\n", " 'body': \"They are the equivalent of an easy reader for kids yes. But they are very helpful to learn how to read latin based on the simple sentences and easy minimal vocab. If you're new to reading latin, hes where to start and you work up from there\",\n", " 'id': 'fepucld',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fepu5zm',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'numquamsolus',\n", " 'body': \"Thanks for introducing me to Piantaggini's books. They seem well suited for children and perhaps adulescents.\",\n", " 'id': 'fepu5zm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fem83bl',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Liamlah',\n", " 'body': \"If you want something to make you think, much of the renaissance philosophy was written in Latin, Bacon's Novum Organum, or Descartes Meditationes de Prima Philosophia for example. The caveat being that these are not light texts even in English, so You'd want to be pretty advanced in Latin before you even try to tackle them. Also, that you are unlikely to find a print book that is not crazy expensive, so you'd most likely be reading a scan of an old book from [Archive.org](https://Archive.org), which isn't always the most pleasant way to read.\",\n", " 'id': 'fepivak',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epvb4h',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"First, Latin isn't a dead language; new content is being created in it every day, and people speak it (and not just to study it). Try Ancient Greek, Avestan, Sumerian, Gothic, or Anglo-Saxon if you want a dead language.\\n\\nSecond, «Tela Charlottæ», translated by Bernice L. Fox, «Harrius Potter» by Peter Needham, [Rebilius Crusoe](https://ia600502.us.archive.org/31/items/rebiliuscrusorob00defo/rebiliuscrusorob00defo.pdf) by Francis William Newman (or you can read the same translated by [G. F. Goffeaux](https://ia800700.us.archive.org/19/items/storyofrobinsonc00goff/storyofrobinsonc00goff.pdf)), [Magus Mirabilis in Oz](https://latin4everyone.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/the-classical-wizard-magus-mirabilis-in-oz.pdf) by Hinke and van Buren, [Fundus Animalium](https://web.archive.org/web/20110322112711/http://phaselus.org.uk/FF.html) and [Aurae inter Salices](https://web.archive.org/web/20110322111641/http://phaselus.org.uk/AF.html) by Tom Cotton, [Julius Cæsar](http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/46768) by Henry Denison, [Insula Thesauraria](http://www.pantoia.de/Avellanus/InsulaThesauraria/index.html) by Arcadius Avellanus.\",\n", " 'id': 'fep5riu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epvb4h',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': \"(Latin is marvelous, but not dead.)\\n\\nIf you're simply asking me which works written in Latin I find to be the best: there are very many of them, including de rerum natura by Lucretius, the surviving works of Sallust and Horace, the Metamorphoses of Ovid, The Golden Ass by Apuleius, the Vulgate Bible, consolatione philosophiae by Boethius, the history of the Crusades by William of Tyre, Petrarch's letters and ethica by Spinoza, and I could go on and on. Each one of those will give a thoughtful person much to ponder.\",\n", " 'id': 'feogir6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epvb4h',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'shag377',\n", " 'body': 'Winner Ille Pooh Semper Ludit is a good one. Bolchazy Publishers have a few as well like Cattus Pettatus',\n", " 'id': 'fen7epo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epvb4h',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'JLLS11',\n", " 'body': 'If you want something to make you think, philosophy is a great option, especially Cicero or Seneca.',\n", " 'id': 'femuujc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epvb4h',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Guacosa',\n", " 'body': 'I’ve bought a copy of Harrius Potter',\n", " 'id': 'femn2fd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fem83bl',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Guacosa',\n", " 'body': 'Advanced Latin',\n", " 'id': 'femn1mh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fem5smf',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'plantprogrammer',\n", " 'body': \"I enjoyed reading the Legenda Aurea of Jacob De Voragine 1 (\\\\~15th century latin) it contains saints stories and catches the general Zeitgeist. \\nIf you're a fact and science nerd, like me, there are a few diaries around, e.g. Diaria Rerum Romanarum 2 (Preface is Italian - I assume, and the rest as far as I could tell is latin), has many dates and very neutral description of events.\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\n1: [http://www.thelatinlibrary.com/vorag.html](http://www.thelatinlibrary.com/vorag.html)2: [https://archive.org/details/diariodellacitt01infeuoft](https://archive.org/details/diariodellacitt01infeuoft)\",\n", " 'id': 'femihm4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epvb4h',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'sillysalamander13',\n", " 'body': 'Lance piantaginni is a great latin author but they are very simple kind of kids books. We read all his books in my class. The whole piso series is pretty good. \\nMy favorite book is cloelia by ellie Arnold, you can find that online. \\nYou can find the hobbit and Harry Potter- Harrius potter :) - if you want harder books too.\\n\\nJust do some research too, we have the grinch in latin in class as well. Go on Amazon. Also if you dont know already - william whittakers words. Amazing latin to English dictionary',\n", " 'id': 'fem83bl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epvb4h',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': 'What level of difficulty are you looking for?',\n", " 'id': 'fem5smf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epvb4h',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'epsoef': [{'author': 'Swashbucklering',\n", " 'body': \"Thank you so much! I will probably keep it in the original order since that's the order on the crest but I love the suggestion of styling it like ancient Latin in capitals with the interpucts.\",\n", " 'id': 'fem8012',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_felhzc1',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Raffaele1617',\n", " 'body': 'With apices though if you want to mimic an inscription:\\n\\nPRÓ·VÉRITÁTE·STÓ',\n", " 'id': 'felxka7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_felhzc1',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'SemperMeTaedet',\n", " 'body': 'Capitalization doesn\\'t change the meaning. Since it stands by itself, punctuation isn\\'t required either. \\n\\nAlso, latin is pretty flexible than other languages in terms of word organization, so you can put the verb \"sto\" in the end as well. \"pro veritate sto\" is 100% correct, and would\\'ve probably been preferred by the Romans. Just something you can take into consideration.\\n\\nIf you\\'re going for the most authentic ancient Latin format, you can change the phrase to all capitalized and add interpucts between words. \\n\\n\"PRO·VERITATE·STO\" is the most accurate representation of ancient Latin I believe.\\n\\nLike I said before, it\\'s flexible and comes down to personal preference. All of them are valid.',\n", " 'id': 'felhzc1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_epsoef',\n", " 'score': 9}],\n", " 'eps50i': [{'author': 'ColinJParry',\n", " 'body': 'Fortasse \"lol\" est \\'prdo\\' (perrideo) aut aliquid latine.',\n", " 'id': 'ffnthrf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffg3w2l',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Mikael-9000',\n", " 'body': 'Nēquam dissertātiōnem scrībō; vix vir sum! Chartam brevem scrībam, quae facilis erit.\\n\\nAmīca pulchrior quam ego est, lol (quid est Latīnē?). Amīca mea est similis (Anglicē) ‘friend’, atque (Norvegicē) [‘venninne’](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/venninne#Norwegian_Bokmål). Sī sciēbam verbum melius, illud scrīpserim. \\nForma eius nōn creat meam cāritātem amīcae. Illa in Americā habitat, itaque eam numquam meīs oculīs vīdī. Nihilōminus sciō optima esse.\\n\\nNunc intellegō! Tū sollers es, quī Latīnē scrībet optimē. Verbum quod ‘piano’ est Anglicē, Latīnē [‘clāvīchordium’](https://www.latinitium.com/latin-dictionaries?t=sh18682) est, sī velīs id cognōscere. \\nEgo vacātiōnēs omnēs domī celebrō. Quemadmodum scrībis, est simplicius.',\n", " 'id': 'ffg3w2l',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffdi1s1',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'Scribes dissertationem de Iustiniano? Scio parum aut nihil de eo.\\n\\nBonum est adjuvare tuam novam amicam. Pulchra estne?\\n\\n\"Lyrum (debet \"lyrem\"- mea culpa) cum clavibus\"- intendo dicere (anglice) \"piano\". Vacatio est simpliciter in domo.',\n", " 'id': 'ffdi1s1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffchjsm',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Mikael-9000',\n", " 'body': 'Nōlī excūsāre mōram; nōn culpa tua est.\\n\\nMē bene habeō. In scholā fuī, ubi historiam dīscēbam. Hodiē historiam Mediī Aevī studēbam, atque iam Iūstīniānum I Magnum scrībam. \\nNovam amīcam adiūvī, et cotīdiē illa mēcum loquitur.\\n\\nQuid est “lyrum”? Ego nōn comprehendō, sed haec est mea culpa (idiōta sum). \\nUbi est vacātiō tua?',\n", " 'id': 'ffchjsm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffbjzh8',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'Ignosce mora!\\n\\nNunc, sum in vacatione! Ergo, gaudebam tangere meum lyrum (id est, lyrum cum clavis- spero comprehendes), et feci exercitionem cum ponderes. Oravi, et, nocte veniente, transduceam aliquid de Sancto Bonaventura.\\n\\nEt tu? Quid agis?',\n", " 'id': 'ffbjzh8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fetza44',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Mikael-9000',\n", " 'body': 'Velīsne aliquis mēcum Latīne scrībere? Quid agis hodiē?',\n", " 'id': 'fetza44',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eps50i',\n", " 'score': 4}],\n", " 'eps3k3': [{'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': 'Amicable accolade abashedly accepted, Academicus! Am appreciative! Anthony awaits.',\n", " 'id': 'fesibdw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feoyrik',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'Am appreciative about astounding alliterative aptitude apparent above! Accept, amigo, all applause and approbation.',\n", " 'id': 'feoyrik',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feocx96',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'Glad you liked it. Thanks for the example by Hucbulb- very curious!\\n\\nThe numbers in chronogram all add up to 1700, which is the year of publication.',\n", " 'id': 'feod2sw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fenae2l',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': \"Absolutely astonishing! As admirable as Abish' Alphabetical Africa!\",\n", " 'id': 'feocx96',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eps3k3',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Priscianista',\n", " 'body': \"This is great! Thanks for the share! There is also a chronogram on the title page, but I haven't been able to decipher it. The capitalised letters should give a date once unscrambled: V I V L I I V I L I V V V M I I L I D V I I V.\\n\\nThere is another long alliterative poem by Hucbald of St Amand in the 9th century. A praise poem for Charles the Bald called *De Laude Calvorum*. You can check it out here: \\n\\n[https://books.google.com/books?id=pdtGAQAAMAAJ&pg=PR5&source=gbs\\\\_toc\\\\_r&cad=3#v=onepage&q&f=false](https://books.google.com/books?id=pdtGAQAAMAAJ&pg=PR5&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=3#v=onepage&q&f=false) (text starts at section 2 p. 19)\",\n", " 'id': 'fenae2l',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eps3k3',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': \"I realise, of course, that it is the feast of St. Anthony the Great today, not St. Anthony of Padua.\\n\\nBut still, this is amazing!\\n\\n(I've come across a few other examples of this technique, but none as extended or good as this one!)\",\n", " 'id': 'feldl2r',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eps3k3',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'eqn70s': [{'author': 'Consti2tion',\n", " 'body': 'House of Learning is probably what they were trying to get at.',\n", " 'id': 'fj9y2wb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqn70s',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'mythology_guy',\n", " 'body': 'Twitter is great. If you put the phrase into Google translate it spits out \"another home\" so someone was like \"aw that\\'s sweet\" even though that\\'s not at all what it says. Or maybe Google is doing a really deep read of the two word phrase...',\n", " 'id': 'feuvv9o',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feutoz4',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'phalp',\n", " 'body': 'You get a home! And you get a home! Everybody gets a home!',\n", " 'id': 'feutoz4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqn70s',\n", " 'score': 7}],\n", " 'eqmb2o': [],\n", " 'eqi4cd': [{'author': 'Handsomeyellow47',\n", " 'body': 'Oh awesome ! Would love to get a hold of that ! 😊😅',\n", " 'id': 'fez804z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fex4aqc',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'prhodiann',\n", " 'body': \"If it's anything like the Greek version, it's a sensible introduction and grounding in the basics with a dash of humour and an expectation that you have a grown-up attitude to the thing. For an audience which reads broadsheet newspapers and possibly listens to the Archers. Arguably more for someone who wants to \\\\*say\\\\* they're learning Latin rather than to actually learn Latin (cos there are other, much more complete courses available), but nevertheless not a bad starting point.\",\n", " 'id': 'fexw4rf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqi4cd',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'elliotwade42',\n", " 'body': 'Teaching Greek in English',\n", " 'id': 'fex4aqc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fewolx9',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Handsomeyellow47',\n", " 'body': 'As in, it’s teaching Latin in Greek or it’s teaching Greek in English ?',\n", " 'id': 'fewolx9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fesgwue',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bitparity',\n", " 'body': 'Peter Jones is a solid latinist. I have his intermediate guide to books 1 and 2 of the Aeneid, and it was quite helpful.',\n", " 'id': 'fevfq76',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqi4cd',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Yo_Its_Me_Abby',\n", " 'body': \"It's pretty good for grammar and tenses, not so much practice though (too little exercises). It's a good little guidebook for looking stuff up quickly.\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nAs a result, our lord and savior Cambridge's Ave Caecilius^(tm) is far superior.\",\n", " 'id': 'feufw36',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqi4cd',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'unit5421',\n", " 'body': 'I have the dutch version. Never learned much from it but I am dyslexic. I would try doulingo but my phone is too old to update the app.\\n\\nI hope you have more succes than me.\\n\\nMaybe ill pick it up again. I also once got a a ook for 0.50- about latin.',\n", " 'id': 'fetbx14',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqi4cd',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'theologybitch',\n", " 'body': 'Yeah that is what drew me to it!! Plus I’m more of a visual learner, so I enjoy all of the colour drawings that accompany it',\n", " 'id': 'feskokk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feskbc7',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'feskjt3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqi4cd',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'elliotwade42',\n", " 'body': 'I have some very fond memories of that course. A lot of the stories are genuinely entertaining, with many of the characters being real figures from the time',\n", " 'id': 'feskbc7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fesiemc',\n", " 'score': 12},\n", " {'author': 'theologybitch',\n", " 'body': 'That’s good. I was planning on using this alongside the Cambridge Latin course.',\n", " 'id': 'fesiemc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fesgwue',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': 'elliotwade42',\n", " 'body': 'I have the Greek version. It was very good for gaining a basic grasp and understanding of the language.',\n", " 'id': 'fesgwue',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqi4cd',\n", " 'score': 26}],\n", " 'eqhmr6': [{'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'You’ll sound better than I, I’m sure! 😃 Keep up the great work.',\n", " 'id': 'fetow1l',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fetn8hj',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'JoaoPauloFrota',\n", " 'body': \"Thank you so much! It is supposed to be the classical Latin pronunciation. Now I'm going to pay more attention to the long vowels. I'm a beginner and I want to sound as good as you.\",\n", " 'id': 'fetn8hj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fetbb2p',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Hey João! It’s lovely! You sound good. Sometimes your unstressed ‘a’ becomes too much like the English ‘a’ in “America,” which is the sound called a “schwa.” And a couple long vowels were shortened. But it depends what kind of pronunciation you want to perform. I think you sound very good!',\n", " 'id': 'fetbb2p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fetalwp',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'JoaoPauloFrota',\n", " 'body': 'Salve, Luke. May you watch this and give your opinion about it? I mean if it is good or not https://youtu.be/scIQkUIaPyo',\n", " 'id': 'fetalwp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqhmr6',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'eqfml3': [{'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': \"Most of the sense in things you read will come from the vocabulary, and if you don't know most of the vocab reading can be very painful. I suspect this is what you're missing, especially if you are now encountering some original Latin material.\\n\\nIn the long term, the best way to learn vocab is to read thousands of pages of level appropriate material (tell me if you want suggestions). Start as soon as you can.\\n\\nIn the short term you can get by with intensive use of flashcards/spaced repetition. Focus on the 1000 or so most common words as well as the specific words in the texts you have to read.\",\n", " 'id': 'feuesop',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqfml3',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'bayo_sandwich',\n", " 'body': \"Got any examples? It's a little hard to help with something this broad and abstract.\",\n", " 'id': 'fesar58',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqfml3',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'russoantonio150799',\n", " 'body': 'First find the verb and then the substantive in nominative.',\n", " 'id': 'fer8cms',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqfml3',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'eqfjfo': [{'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'Poetically, yes.',\n", " 'id': 'fexumki',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fexts22',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ilikejazzalot',\n", " 'body': 'So corda and pectora can be used as synonyms?',\n", " 'id': 'fexts22',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqfjfo',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'I certainly wouldn\\'t use \\'invade\\'!\\n\\nIt\\'s simple:\\n\"Visit the minds of those who are thine\" (i.e. those people who believe in you)\\n\\nYou will notice in your website that it\\'s a translation using the same meter as the Latin- i.e. iambic tetrameter. Each line has eight syllables, going:\\n \\nw-s-w-s-w-s.\\n\\nIn Latin this form (quatrains of iambic tetrameter), is called an ambrosian strophe. In English hymnody, it\\'s called \\'long meter\\'.',\n", " 'id': 'feuw5uj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqfjfo',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'The direct translation of \"mentes tuorum visita\" is \"enter thy souls\". The English translation in your link is modified for the meter and rhyme. As \"thy souls\" refers to \"the souls of thy people\", \"thine own\" sounds almost incorrect. \"invade\" is also used in an obscure sense, which just means \"enter\". Interestingly, this sense is derived from Latinism in English, hence \"invade\" is interpreted as the same as \"in-vadere\" in Latin, which can have a non-offensive sense.',\n", " 'id': 'ferc56k',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqfjfo',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'eestimarcus',\n", " 'body': 'Yes, it would literally be something like: \"visit the minds of your own\", or more understandably: \"enter the minds of those who are yours\". *Tuorum* is plural genitive of \"thy\". *Mentes tuorum* is thus \"the minds of thine owns\", the implication being \"the minds of thine own men and women.\"\\n\\n*Pectora,* singular *pectus*, literally means \"chest\" or \"breast\" but is here figuratively used to mean \"heart\" or even \"soul\", as the chest is the seat of heart and, according to ancient belief, the seat of the soul.\\n\\nSo a literal translation could be:\\n\\n>Come Creator Spirit / visit the minds of your own \\\\[people\\\\] / fill with heavenly grace / the chests (or: hearts) which you have created.\\n\\nThe translation provided on that site is a poetic translation. It\\'s a good translation, but not completely literal, as it tries to fit the meter and be singable to the same melody as the original Latin hymn.\\n\\nEDIT: added clarification',\n", " 'id': 'fer5155',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqfjfo',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'e17i',\n", " 'body': 'Mentes tuorum visita means visit the souls of those belonging to you, which may of course be understood as visit our souls. Pectus, breast and mens, mind in a spiritual text may also be understood as heart and soul',\n", " 'id': 'fer3ri7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqfjfo',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'eqbmdo': [{'author': 'ArthurTMurray',\n", " 'body': \"To a **[classicist](https://classics.washington.edu/events/2020-02-08/annual-teachers-conference)**, the very mention of Brundisium being in Italy brings to mind the most famous of all Italian opera songs, where Alfredo sings to Violetta in *La Traviata*: \\n\\n Libiamo, libiamo ne'lieti calici\\n che la bellezza infiora;\\n e la fuggevol, fuggevol ora\\n s'inebrii a voluttà.\",\n", " 'id': 'fey9ilq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fephzb4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Leonardo-Saponara',\n", " 'body': 'Nope, is not. A locative for the first declination can be used only for name of cities or for names of little islands (that cannot contain more than one city). It has also a slightly different meaning. In the sentence Italiae doesn\\'t mean \"in Italy\" (and it can\\'t, for Italia isn\\'t a city) but meant \"of Italy\" as \"is a city of Italy\".',\n", " 'id': 'fer4iqh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fer3k6o',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fer3k6o',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feqm2t9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Leonardo-Saponara',\n", " 'body': 'You can also simply use the genitive, Italiae.',\n", " 'id': 'feqm2t9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fepjhuk',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'mrsirmandudeguyok',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you!',\n", " 'id': 'fepjhuk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fephzb4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'You can use the adjective *Italicus*, which works just the same way as *Graecus* and *magnus* and *parvus*:\\n\\n*Brundisium est oppidum Italicum* \\n*Brundisium et Tusculum oppida Italica sunt* \\n*Num Nilus fluvius Italicus est?* \\n*Estne Britannia insula Italica?* \\nEtc.',\n", " 'id': 'fephzb4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqbmdo',\n", " 'score': 12}],\n", " 'eqbd1b': [{'author': 'numquamsolus',\n", " 'body': \"You are correct. I misread OP's original sentence.\",\n", " 'id': 'fev9m9z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fev3bgk',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Sochamelet',\n", " 'body': \"I thought it was the speaker who was supposed to have done the deed. In any case, the ablative absolute definitely lacks detail, but I'd say it's a good contender within certain contexts.\\n\\nIn general, I feel like it would be a mistake to seek a complete correspondence in usage between two phrases in two languages. Two phrases may overlap in usage in some cases, but they won't necessarily overlap in other cases. You'll have to see what works best for each case within a given language.\\n\\nBasically, I think OP will need several different ways of translating the English phrase, and the ablative absolute is one way that I think would be useful in a number of cases.\",\n", " 'id': 'fev3bgk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fetj8m3',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'numquamsolus',\n", " 'body': 'But then you lose the idea that the interlocutor is the person who did the felicitous deed, no?\\n\\n*Valde gaudeo quod hoc fecisti* works for me, but my drafting is a bit rusty.',\n", " 'id': 'fetj8m3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fer3pdn',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'FakeConcern',\n", " 'body': 'this was my instinct too :)\\n\\nlit. \"Having done this, I rejoice greatly\" / \"I\\'m very pleased that I did this\"\\n\\neven so, it depends on the context of OP\\'s given sentence (\"I am very happy to have done this\"). if the intended meaning is more like, \"I\\'m happy for having *had the opportunity* to do \\\\[w/e\\\\]\" then I\\'m not sure it\\'s quite right\\n\\nedit: your -> OP\\'s',\n", " 'id': 'fet5e9k',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fer3pdn',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Sochamelet',\n", " 'body': \"I don't have a reference at hand for this, but my first thought when reading through your examples was to use an ablative absolute: *hoc facto valde gaudeo*.\",\n", " 'id': 'fer3pdn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqbd1b',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"You can use *quod* with *gaudeo*, like Cicero: *sane gaudeo quod te interpellavi*, 'I'm really glad that I interrupted you'.\",\n", " 'id': 'fepgs1c',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqbd1b',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'Use gaudeo, gaudere, gavisus sum; exsulto (1); or ovo (1) with an infinitive.',\n", " 'id': 'fepg4vl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqbd1b',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'eqazit': [{'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': \"Heinrich Hagenmeyer (1834-1915) published several of the primary texts of the Crusades. I like his editions of the Anonymi gesta and the Kreuzzugsbriefe aus den Jahren 1088-1100. His commentary (in German) is very extensive, and, for me, helpful. Hans Eberhard Mayer said Hagenmeyer's commentary was excessive. Mayer is entitled to his opinion. Here's his edition of the anonymi gesta on Google Books: [https://books.google.com/books?id=EjkNAAAAIAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=hagenmeyer+anonymi+gesta&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks\\\\_redir=0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi8i9XI2o3nAhVNXK0KHX5tBKAQ6AEwAnoECAkQAg#v=onepage&q&f=tru](https://books.google.com/books?id=EjkNAAAAIAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=hagenmeyer+anonymi+gesta&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi8i9XI2o3nAhVNXK0KHX5tBKAQ6AEwAnoECAkQAg#v=onepage&q&f=true)a\",\n", " 'id': 'fesxkut',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqazit',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Bayart',\n", " 'body': 'The *Gesta Francorum* is proper good fun if you want a genuine example of Medieval pig Latin.',\n", " 'id': 'fepwqiy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqazit',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[removed]',\n", " 'id': 'fepc6z3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqazit',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'eqaszl': [{'author': 'lolzloMagus',\n", " 'body': '\"I just teach Latin and read/hear it recited daily.\" It sounds like you\\'re really dedicated, you must really like it. I think Latin has a really nice sound to it and maybe that\\'s why people use it in rituals, i assume. \\n\\nI like to study interesting topics and right now, I\\'m interested in the Occult/religions. I haven\\'t made up my mind about anything on the topic yet. I\\'m just gathering information and trying to understand their perspective and mentality. \\n\\nThat\\'s interesting that Ararita means YHWH, because it\\'s in so many religious texts. I am not educated enough on the history of religion to grasp its evolution, but it\\'s interesting non the less.\\n\\nThanks again for your help and work. If you have any question about self development, self help or Psychology, I\\'m here.',\n", " 'id': 'feshc85',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fes2il3',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'No problem. I just teach Latin and read/hear it recited daily. \\n\\nIt looks like the recitation was very rushed at the end and the middle section, so sorry for the inaccuracies on my part as I am unfamiliar with this ritual. \\n\\nFull translation after the \"ut erat...\": \"As it was, is, and will be forever, six in one through the name seven, in one Ararita\" \\n\\n(Ararita is Hebrew or Aramaic from the Alexandrian School? Represents YHWH without saying it)',\n", " 'id': 'fes2il3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fepewxk',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'lolzloMagus',\n", " 'body': '>Thanks to your help and work translating it. I located the source via a search engine, using what you typed out. [https://sacred-texts.com/oto/lib36.htm](https://sacred-texts.com/oto/lib36.htm)',\n", " 'id': 'fepewxk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fepckff',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'lolzloMagus',\n", " 'body': \"Thank you so much. I'm not sure where it's from. I don't have a youtube account to ask him, having issues signing up and verifying. You did an amazing job, that must have taken a lot of work and effort, thank you again for your time and help. If i could return the favor, let me know. I have some education in Psychology if that's useful to you. DMs open.\",\n", " 'id': 'fepemfn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fepckff',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'Yes, this is Latin. But it is pseudo-incantation Latin. Maybe it is RPG-based or something? Game of Thrones? Google translate nonsense? \\n\\nSomething like :\\n\\n\"Omnia in duos, duos in unum, unus in nihil, haec nec quattu(o)r nec omnia nec duo nec unus nec nihil sunt\" = \"All into two, two into one, one into none, these not four nor all nor two nor one nor none\"\\n\\n\"Gloria patri et matri et filo et filiae, spirtu(i) sancto interno et spiritu(i) sancto externo...\" = Botched Doxologia Minor \"Glory to the father and the mother and the son and the daughter, to the holy spirit within and the holy spirit outside...\"\\n\\n\"Ut (*erraris*) *terret* in saeculo saeculorum\" = Here\\'s where the pronunciation does not gel with any grammar. \"That/when/as you (*have*) wandered (*and*) frighten forever...\"\\n\\n\"Sex et in uno pro nomen *(should be nomine*), septem in uno, *orarita(?, orare taaaaaaa?)*\" = \"Six in one for (*your*) name, seven in one, *gibbbberrrrrissssshhhh*\"\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nHope that helps.',\n", " 'id': 'fepckff',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqaszl',\n", " 'score': 7}],\n", " 'eqanrt': [{'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fepalot',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqanrt',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'eqa63s': [{'author': 'Zarlinosuke',\n", " 'body': 'I see, cool! Thank you\\\\~',\n", " 'id': 'fepki1n',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fepiv1r',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Jeono',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you so much madam/sir...',\n", " 'id': 'fepiv3h',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fepgzgv',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"You're right about when it is feminine, but in this particular exxpression it is always masculine. You can see for yourself all the instances of *tertium*, *quartum*, etc., here: https://latin.packhum.org/concordance?q=ante+diem\",\n", " 'id': 'fepiv1r',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feph4r8',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'You would never need that for a date in the old Roman style, since it is never as many as 21 days from the Ides to the next Kalends, but: *vicesimum primum*.',\n", " 'id': 'fepha8b',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fepdq87',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Zarlinosuke',\n", " 'body': \"Is it definitely *quartum* and not *quartam*? I've heard that *dies* can be (or usually is?) feminine when it's referring to a date, as opposed to the opposite of night.\",\n", " 'id': 'feph4r8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fep6hl4',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': '*bis millesimo vicesimo*',\n", " 'id': 'fepgzgv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fepdyla',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Jeono',\n", " 'body': 'Let me write today, At 18th January 2020 is\\n\\nante diem quartum decimum Kalendas Februarias anno Domini MMXX\\n\\nOh God, how can I read MMXX now?\\n*cry*',\n", " 'id': 'fepdyla',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fep6hl4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jeono',\n", " 'body': 'How can I write masculine singular accusative of\\nunus et vicesimus (21th)?',\n", " 'id': 'fepdq87',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fep8h9x',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jeono',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you so much!\\n( ̄^ ̄゜)',\n", " 'id': 'fep9b1f',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fep8h9x',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'Yes, the masculine singular accusative in agreement with *diem*.',\n", " 'id': 'fep8h9x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fep768t',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Jeono',\n", " 'body': 'I appreciate your help. ^^\\nWhich conjugation?\\nMasculine single objective?',\n", " 'id': 'fep768t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fep6hl4',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': '*Quartum*, to agree with *diem*.',\n", " 'id': 'fep6hl4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqa63s',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'er3p8x': [{'author': 'Brontaphilia',\n", " 'body': 'Ok. Got it. Oxford Latin Syntax 1119-20. Haufmann-Szantyr 19-20. And Pieroni (2010) Nos as expression of the ego in ciceros letters in Anreiter and Kienpointer -Latin Linguistics Today-',\n", " 'id': 'ff3gms6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er3p8x',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': \"I've seen this on a grammar book in university library, but I can't remember which book...\\n\\nIt said 1st personal plural used in place of 1st personal singular can express a sense of humility, or strong boasting (derived from the sense of humility as heavy irony), and there were many quotes from Cicero. I'm gonna try to find out this book if I can.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff3370y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er3p8x',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Namostradamus',\n", " 'body': 'Many thanks!',\n", " 'id': 'ff2bfk1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff1r7bm',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Brontaphilia',\n", " 'body': 'There is a bit in the Oxford Latin Syntax. I’ll try to get the reference for you. Pinkster also has a bibliography, if I’m not mistaken.',\n", " 'id': 'ff26yv9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er3p8x',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'CaesarBritannicus',\n", " 'body': \"Here is a quite old book about the topic : https://archive.org/details/transactions01britgoog/page/n14\\n\\nThe construction is all over in Ovid's poems from exile as well (which were styled as poetic letters). Both Cicero and Ovid switch between singular and plural very fluidly, and I have never noticed any particular emphasis/meaning/etc. possessed by the plural compared to the singular.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff1r7bm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er3p8x',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'er2vn5': [{'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'Use the participle to condense a relative(who)/ temporal(while/when/after)/ causal (because)/ conditional (if)/ concessive (although) clause to better expand the action of the modified noun (coordinating participles and verbs is a good way to expand the style of your Latin writing). You do not have to use a participle in this way, but it is generally expressing one of these meanings in a solidly condensed way. \\n\\nUse the gerund/gerundive to explain how something is done in simple terms.',\n", " 'id': 'ff0riix',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er2vn5',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'er1r3d': [{'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"No Latin/doesn't pertain to Latin\",\n", " 'id': 'ff16yu5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er1r3d',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'er185m': [{'author': 'memetaco97',\n", " 'body': '#oWo',\n", " 'id': 'fq3hztr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff0qzjb',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'owo = with an egg \\n\\nteehee',\n", " 'id': 'fg5w97s',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er185m',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'BasicWhiteGirl4',\n", " 'body': \"When I read to myself I do ecclesiastical but with all C's and G's like Classical\",\n", " 'id': 'ffdakyn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff09qra',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'BasicWhiteGirl4',\n", " 'body': 'VvV',\n", " 'id': 'ffdafpo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er185m',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'sheepdot',\n", " 'body': 'I laughed. Then I read it aloud and laughed even harder.',\n", " 'id': 'ff8eive',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff1s8yo',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'BloomsdayDevice',\n", " 'body': 'Wayney Weedy Weeky',\n", " 'id': 'ff4fpbz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff2s2gk',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Yo_Its_Me_Abby',\n", " 'body': 'but we got Clemens too at least',\n", " 'id': 'ff3z192',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff2g1z4',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'faoction',\n", " 'body': 'I understood it. Still underwhelming.',\n", " 'id': 'ff3s69c',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff27nw3',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ff3rzxp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er185m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Raffaele1617',\n", " 'body': 'Oh hehe yeah it seems I was being too charitable. Carry on lol.',\n", " 'id': 'ff37a33',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff371o4',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Electrical_Humour',\n", " 'body': 'G seems to me to be suggesting that the \\'VV\\' in VESVVIVS is simply a long \\'u\\' sound, and the \\'I\\' a consonant, leaving vesuvius with only 3 syllables. \"Way-SOO-yuhs\" -> [weɪ\\'suː.jʊs]',\n", " 'id': 'ff371o4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff2tn4p',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Raffaele1617',\n", " 'body': \"You and /u/GinoMan2440 don't actually disagree with each other lol. You both agree that <V> was either a consonant [w] or a vowel [u]. Gino's initial transcription is a rough use of English orthography to vaguely approach the latin pronunciation, which in IPA close transcription would be [wɛ's̠uwius̠]\",\n", " 'id': 'ff2tn4p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff27y4p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Liamlah',\n", " 'body': 'If \"vivere\" is pronounced \"wiwere\", then I don\\'t want \"to live\"',\n", " 'id': 'ff2s2gk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er185m',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'The funny thing is that it means “egg”',\n", " 'id': 'ff2rx7v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff19bsw',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'tway15q1',\n", " 'body': 'The name is of [obscure and very ancient origin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Vesuvius#Etymology), but appears to predate Latin.',\n", " 'id': 'ff2odp0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er185m',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Mesahusa',\n", " 'body': 'Oh my god how did I never make this connection. That’s hilarious!',\n", " 'id': 'ff2lut5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er185m',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Mushroomman642',\n", " 'body': \"It's not supposed to reflect Classical Latin. It's supposed to sound like the way furries speak (uwu speak) in modern English, where they use /w/ in place of other sounds like /r/,/l/, and /v/. The poster made this joke because using /w/ in place of /v/ is commonly associated with furries and the way they speak in modern English.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff2k2b4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff11jya',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'deeptrey',\n", " 'body': 'Quintus was the last person I wanted to survive...',\n", " 'id': 'ff2g1z4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff1hdbo',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Mushroomman642',\n", " 'body': 'What does that matter? We all know the letter there was no distinction between the letters \"u\" and \"v\" in Classical Latin, but that doesn\\'t mean there was no distinction in speech. Despite the fact that /w/ is a semi-vowel, it still would have been used as a consonant and it would have been distinct from /u/ in speech.',\n", " 'id': 'ff27y4p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff227mj',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Mushroomman642',\n", " 'body': \"It's more so that the use of /w/ in place of other consonants is associated with furries (or uwu speak) in modern English, so the poster is making fun of that.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff27nw3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff0sjyc',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'Lord-Bob-317',\n", " 'body': 'BUT DOMUS TAKES THE LOCATIVE',\n", " 'id': 'ff26to2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff0yb7k',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'GinoMan2440',\n", " 'body': 'Do you think a roman speaking fluent latin would have pronounced it that way? Understand the word would have looked like this to them: VESVVIVS',\n", " 'id': 'ff227mj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff1t8um',\n", " 'score': -3},\n", " {'author': 'zluizl',\n", " 'body': 'It is wesuwius according to wiktionary',\n", " 'id': 'ff1t8um',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff0u4yh',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'Thinking about how in ecclesiastical Latin Vesuvius was pronounced \"vesuvius\".\\n\\nMount Vesuvius is evupting uvu\\n\\nDon\\'t get buvied by the ash and vevy hovt vava\\n\\nEvvyobody evvacuate\\n\\nSave youv famivies. Pvay to vatevah gods yohv stivv vovship. Fvee vile you stivv can! Uvu~',\n", " 'id': 'ff1t7vf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er185m',\n", " 'score': 14},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"That doesn't matter. You vill admit that vhat separates a beautiful from an ugly langvage is the presence or lack of the English 'v' -- perhaps the most beautiful sound in the vorld. It follows then that if Cicero and his contemporaries did not pronounce this sound, or, vorse, uttered the 'w' sound that all our ears despise, their langvage vas a silly vone and they vere silly to speak it.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff1s8yo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff1bpvj',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'shutuptanner005',\n", " 'body': 'Wait sorry. Ovo tempus',\n", " 'id': 'ff1pnrv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff15ry1',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'its_a_trapcard',\n", " 'body': 'Ago tibi gratias, odi.',\n", " 'id': 'ff1hk6g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er185m',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Yo_Its_Me_Abby',\n", " 'body': '\\\\*sobs in pain\\\\*',\n", " 'id': 'ff1hek1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff14fit',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'Yo_Its_Me_Abby',\n", " 'body': \"Please don't desecrate my favorite chapter of the Cambridge Latin course like this\",\n", " 'id': 'ff1hdbo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er185m',\n", " 'score': 21},\n", " {'author': 'Raffaele1617',\n", " 'body': \"But l and r aren't pronounced as w in the restored pronunciacion lol.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff1bpvj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff16sk5',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'MmeScherzo',\n", " 'body': 'Sort of the Mother Superior Tongue.',\n", " 'id': 'ff1ay7g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff09qra',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'ViridisPlanetae',\n", " 'body': 'Ha! Good one.',\n", " 'id': 'ff1a4f0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff09qra',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'somehuman_json',\n", " 'body': 'owum|owa\\n\\nowi|oworum\\n\\nowo|owis\\n\\nowum|owa\\n\\nowo|owis\\n\\n(Dont know how to make tables help)',\n", " 'id': 'ff19bsw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff14fit',\n", " 'score': 17},\n", " {'author': 'JeffTheLess',\n", " 'body': 'Just more evidence that the restored classical pronunciation is a monster that must be stopped.',\n", " 'id': 'ff16sk5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er185m',\n", " 'score': -2},\n", " {'author': 'shutuptanner005',\n", " 'body': 'Egg time',\n", " 'id': 'ff15ry1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er185m',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'mys_721tx',\n", " 'body': '&#x200B;\\n\\n|OwO|OwAmus|\\n|:-|:-|\\n|OwAs|OwAtis|\\n|OwAt|OwAnt|',\n", " 'id': 'ff14fit',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff0qzjb',\n", " 'score': 42},\n", " {'author': '1138-1138',\n", " 'body': \"ugh, Ls and Rs weren't pronounced as Ws.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff11jya',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er185m',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Dial-A-Lan',\n", " 'body': 'Yes, Bwian, have the pwisonuh Bwian weweased.\\n\\n^(Do you find it funny when I mention my fweind, Biggus. Dickus?)\\n\\n^(^(ROMANES EUNT DOMUS))',\n", " 'id': 'ff0yb7k',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er185m',\n", " 'score': 32},\n", " {'author': 'GinoMan2440',\n", " 'body': 'Way-SOO-yuhs. Not wesewius.',\n", " 'id': 'ff0u4yh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er185m',\n", " 'score': -3},\n", " {'author': 'faoction',\n", " 'body': 'this is so stupid lmao i dont have any problems with the lack of v (and j) sounds',\n", " 'id': 'ff0sjyc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er185m',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'NamenloseJPG',\n", " 'body': \"Latin is not real, it can't hurt you\\n\\nLatin:\\n\\n# OwO\",\n", " 'id': 'ff0qzjb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff05lhv',\n", " 'score': 38},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'As a Mandarin speaker I find this easy :)',\n", " 'id': 'ff0jm5t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er185m',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'xXdat_boi70Xx',\n", " 'body': \"You're welcome, PKTriforceOmega\",\n", " 'id': 'ff0hrtl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff0hm8m',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'PKTriforceOmega',\n", " 'body': 'thank you, xXdat_boi70Xx',\n", " 'id': 'ff0hm8m',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff09qra',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'KaiserThrawn',\n", " 'body': 'Time to drop Latin for the semester',\n", " 'id': 'ff0c0hg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er185m',\n", " 'score': 16},\n", " {'author': 'G3N5YM',\n", " 'body': 'Oof',\n", " 'id': 'ff0c0h6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff09qra',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'nuephelkystikon',\n", " 'body': \"Yes, you don't need to resort to furryspeak to make that one sound hilarious.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff0bwte',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff09qra',\n", " 'score': 28},\n", " {'author': 'xXdat_boi70Xx',\n", " 'body': 'This is why the ecclesiastical pronounciation is superior',\n", " 'id': 'ff09qra',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er185m',\n", " 'score': 29},\n", " {'author': 'somehuman_json',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks im dropping latin',\n", " 'id': 'ff05lhv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er185m',\n", " 'score': 74},\n", " {'author': 'MmeScherzo',\n", " 'body': 'Latin, through the lips of Elmerus Fuddicus.',\n", " 'id': 'ff04n2s',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er185m',\n", " 'score': 47}],\n", " 'er0w3t': [{'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'Well, \"debita\" is rendered as sin from The Lord\\'s Prayer, but there are many more terms for this: peccatum, scelus, crimen, vitium, nefas; maybe even culpa as fault.\\n\\nEater is stranger... maybe dinner guest (cenator) with words like glutton (manduco) or food-waster (cibicida) being closest.\\n\\nGood luck with it.',\n", " 'id': 'ff0dlao',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er0w3t',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'eqyv3m': [{'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': \"Of course this translation doesn't demonstrate the highest standard of Latinity, but it's actually a very important source for Latin translation for Tolkienian terms now, since it's the only published translation of Tolkien's books in Latin. There is also a translation of LOTR book1, but it was printed privately and I don't have any accessible copy.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff16ewd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff11sip',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'xanitrep',\n", " 'body': \">I'm rather cautious about introducing this very Germanic word.\\n\\nTolkien's work is inspired by Germanic literature, so I wouldn't be any more concerned about this than I'd be about the Vulgate containing lots of Hebraic words.\\n\\n> but it isn't the case in *Hobbitus Ille*\\n\\nI've seen many complaints about this translation (see, for example, the discussion [here](https://www.textkit.com/greek-latin-forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=39769)), so I wouldn't necessarily take anything that it does as gospel.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff11sip',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fezq4xl',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': \"That's why I want to check if Dryads are always conceived as young girls.\\n\\nIt seems the translator of *The Hobbit* used *dryas* (f3) for both male and female elves. \\n\\n> Iam pone eum inter gobelinos mortuos iacuerunt multi \\nhomines atque multi nani atque multae dryades pulchrae, \\nquas adhuc per saeculas longas iucundae in silua oportuit \\nuiuere. (ch. 17)\\n\\nHis *multae dryades pulchrae* refer to Thranduil's elvish soldiers (definitely male). I think it's an incredible mistake.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff0xvbz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff035ve',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'cclaudian',\n", " 'body': '[Many authors use dryas](https://latin.packhum.org/search?q=drya), mainly poets',\n", " 'id': 'ff0b2d3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqyv3m',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'Well, _rēx dryadum bellicōsus_ would’ve probably been awkward if not even cringe, given that Roman poets envisioned Dryads as young girls (_puellae_) and as such unfit for both government and war.',\n", " 'id': 'ff035ve',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fezynew',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'I agree the extension of \"dryas\" as m3. is not a good idea given it\\'s f3. only, but it\\'s also weird to have different nominatives for different genders of a 3rd declension noun.\\n\\nOf course they are different solutions if we don\\'t use \"dryas\". Actually I think \"Eldus\" is my first choice, if I don\\'t use \"dryas\", because Tolkien intends the English word \"elf\" to be derived from the Elvish word \"Eldar\" in his internal history. But my question is really about if we use \"dryas\", would the Romans find it extremely awkward in their cultural context, like this expression \"rex dryadum bellicosus\"?',\n", " 'id': 'fezynew',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fezu3pz',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': '> Is there any source quoted in the Greek dictionary?\\n\\nIt only quotes Plutarch, but the text only briefly mentions the Romans’ belief in “a dryad nymph married to a Faunus” and gives no useful information.\\n\\n> There are masculine names ending with -as in Latin from Greek\\n\\nOf course there are, but they’re treated as 1st declension nouns, unlike _Dryas_ which is 3rd declension. I think _Dryadēs_ would be the Greek masculine form (_Dryadās_ if you’re borrowing to Doric Greek, as happened with _Leōnidās_).\\n\\n> I’m rather cautious about introducing this very Germanic word\\n\\nWell, Jacob Grimm already used _alfus_ in his Latin writing, so I don’t think it’s ab issue.\\n\\nAnyways, [the Vicipaedia Dispūtātiō](https://la.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disputatio:Alfus#Nomen) has a list of interesting solutions other translators have come up with.',\n", " 'id': 'fezu3pz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fezq4xl',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks for your reply. I can only remember they are mentioned somewhere very briefly in *Georgics,* so I\\'m looking for classical accounts with more details. \\n\\nIs there any source quoted in the Greek dictionary? If so, it seems \"dryas\" is a very bad translation for \"elf\". Also do you know if there are any different varieties or any difference in Roman mythology?\\n\\nThere are masculine names ending with -as in Latin from Greek, like Aeneas and Leonidas, so I was not sure if the word \"Dryas\" is feminine definite, but it isn\\'t the case in *Hobbitus Ille,* as misuse or extension perhaps.\\n\\nNow I think \"alfus\" is preferable, but I\\'m rather cautious about introducing this very Germanic word.',\n", " 'id': 'fezq4xl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fezhb24',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'orthad',\n", " 'body': 'Dryʹades in William Smith, editor (1848) A Dictionary of Greek Biography and Mythology, London: John Murray\\nDryădes in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press\\n2. Dryas in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press\\nDryades in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers\\nDry̆ădes in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Hachette: “559/2”\\n1 Dry̆ăs in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Hachette: “559/2”\\n“dryas” on page 575/1 of the Oxford Latin Dictionary (1st ed., 1968–82) \\n\\nThose dictionary probably cute some authors \\n\\nThey are all hyperlinked in https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Dryas#Latin',\n", " 'id': 'fezhd7m',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqyv3m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': '1) Dryads are referenced in Pausania’s, Ovid’s and Vergil’s writings, but no classical source that I know of provides an extensive dissertation about them.\\n\\n2) At least some of them (Eurydice, Dryope, Pitys) look really corporeal.\\n\\n3) According to the LSJ Greek dictionary, a Dryad’s «life was bound up with that of her tree».\\n\\n4) Of course they are. The ending _-ad-_ is virtually always feminine.\\n\\nI think that _Dryas_ is a bad Latin translation for “Elf”, but I haven’t come up with anything better. I guess _alfus_ is the way to go.\\n\\nADDENDVM. I was thinking that, since _Dryas_ is only feminine, you might need to find a masculine form. The nominative could be _Dryadēs_, shaped like Greek patronyms. But would it belong to 1st declension (like _Pēlīdēs, -ae_) or a 3rd declension (like _Alcibiadēs, -is_)?',\n", " 'id': 'fezhb24',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqyv3m',\n", " 'score': 8}],\n", " 'eqyobe': [{'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': 'Nobody: \\n\\nSt. Augustine: Did somebody say \"syncopated perfect\"? \\n\\n\\nvocasti et clamasti et rupisti surditatem meam;\\n\\ncoruscasti, splenduisti et fugasti caecitatem meam;\\n\\nfragrasti, et duxi spiritum et anhelo tibi;\\n\\ngustavi et esurio et sitio;\\n\\ntetigisti me, et exarsi in pacem tuam.',\n", " 'id': 'feze1hc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqyobe',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"Yes, you've got it right. The '*-ve-*' and '*-vi-*' bits of the perfect system are often 'syncopated'.\",\n", " 'id': 'fez1jbg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqyobe',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': \"I think the word you're looking for is [syncopation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin_conjugation#Syncopated_verb_forms)\",\n", " 'id': 'fez1cfi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqyobe',\n", " 'score': 10}],\n", " 'eqy35h': [{'author': 'Namostradamus',\n", " 'body': 'I think I may have some helpful input! Despite Latin not having an explicit system that differentiates between the progressive and simple present (like we do in English), there are some classes of verbs that can express different aspectual meanings. Allow me to explain. There are some verbs and verb-forms called \"frequentative\", meaning that the particular spelling of some verbs conveys an idea of the action the verb describes as frequently occurring.\\n\\nFor example, \"*Nam qui* \\\\[...\\\\] ***venditat*** *patriam\"* (Rhetorica ad Herennium, 15.23). The verb here \"*vendito*\" means \"to offer again and again for sale\" (definition from Lewis and Short). As opposed to a verb like \"*prodo*, *prodere*\" which in this context would just mean \"to sell\" without that sense of perpetuity/frequency. This same idea isn\\'t exclusive to the present however, for example \"*iactatus*\" conveys a frequentative meaning in the opening lines of the *Aeneid*.\\n\\nThere are also *inchoative* verbs, which expresses on an aspectual level the idea of \"entering or beginning a specific state\". In Latin, inchoative verbs have the root \"-sco\" in them, like *cresco* and *ardesco*. *Ardesco* (to kindle, to set aflame) is a good example because it is noticeably distinct from *ardeo* (to burn). \\n\\nI hope this is at all helpful. And my apologies if this has already been said in the previous comments!',\n", " 'id': 'ff19i9l',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqy35h',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'roarbees',\n", " 'body': 'in english, \"he is running\" is the present progressive (or present continuous) form of \"he runs\", but there is no distinction between the two in latin. the present progressive, in english, implies that something is actively happening at the moment, and emphasizes the continuous state of that action; in latin, all present verbs have that continous-ness, so there\\'s no need to create a separate tense for it.',\n", " 'id': 'ff069aj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqy35h',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'hupelk',\n", " 'body': 'Verb tenses developed as a corruption of Proto-Indo-European verb aspects. This is the only way you can ever understand \"why\". I could recommend some good reading about this, but unfortunately it\\'s all in German.\\n\\nAnyway, the point is, you shouldn\\'t ask why Latin doesn\\'t have certain present tense/aspect combinations. You should be grateful for what it does have. As far as languages go, Latin is actually highly productive here. Old English, for example, has only two tenses. You can hint at the others by using some adverbs, but ultimately the \"span\" of the language (in the linear algebra sense) just doesn\\'t include a lot of the meanings which Latin can reach with its 6 tenses. But why should it? Surely it seems almost certain that the space of all possible sentences in a natural human language is smaller than the space of all possible expressible meanings. And obviously different languages will span different extents of that space, depending on the intelligence and creativity of the speakers in whose society each language was created.\\n\\nYou should think of different languages as \"coordinate systems\" for different (non-isomorphic) *strict* subspaces of a fundamental \"meaning space\".',\n", " 'id': 'ff04um7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqy35h',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'MySonGotGudGrades',\n", " 'body': 'For example, why are \"He runs\" and \"He is running\" the same word? They have slightly differently meanings.',\n", " 'id': 'fezmnm3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feyxlgp',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'TomSFox',\n", " 'body': \"> This isn't a full picture of the tense system, but that is the basic idea: two tenses have a past perspective, two a present perspective, two a future perspective.\\n\\nTo put it more accurately, there are three tenses and two aspects.\\n\\n> It shouldn't be too surprising if more tenses are available to describe past actions than present ones, since the present is just a passing moment while the past is a long period of time.\\n\\nIt’s actually because the present tense is inherently imperfect. Something cannot simultaneously be happening and finished.\",\n", " 'id': 'fez2e3e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fez0j3v',\n", " 'score': 13},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"Current at a past time: IMPERFECT \\nAlready done by a past time: PLUPERFECT\\n\\nCurrent at the present time: PRESENT \\nAlready done by the present time: PERFECT\\n\\nCurrent at a future time: FUTURE \\nAlready done by a future time: FUTURE PERFECT\\n\\nThis isn't a full picture of the tense system, but that is the basic idea: two tenses have a past perspective, two a present perspective, two a future perspective.\\n\\n(Really, the perfect tense ends up mostly doing its second job, and acts as the basic past tense.)\\n\\nIt shouldn't be too surprising if more tenses are available to describe past actions than present ones, since the present is just a passing moment while the past is a long period of time.\",\n", " 'id': 'fez0j3v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqy35h',\n", " 'score': 20},\n", " {'author': 'TomSFox',\n", " 'body': '> I pointed out specifically not to get caught on my bad explanation of the past tenses.\\n\\nI’m sorry, are you here to learn or not?\\n\\n> I asked why there arent different present tenses\\n\\nWhy *would* there be different present tenses?',\n", " 'id': 'feyxlgp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feywr3g',\n", " 'score': -9},\n", " {'author': 'Thuanger',\n", " 'body': 'I pointed out specifically not to get caught on my bad explanation of the past tenses. I asked why there arent different present tenses',\n", " 'id': 'feywr3g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feyw2s3',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'TomSFox',\n", " 'body': '> We have the *pluperfect* tense to indicate a past action from within the past (____ **had** happened)…\\n\\nAre you saying there is no tense to indicate a past action from within the present? Because there is. It’s the perfect tense.\\n\\n> …and the imperfect tense to indicate that something was in the state of happening, for some time, but not now.\\n\\nThe imperfect tense does not necessarily mean that something isn’t happening anymore.\\n\\n> Why have all those tenses for the past, but one tense that can mean he IS running, he DOES run, and he RUNS?\\n\\nLatin doesn’t have a continuous form in any tense, and, “He does run,” is not a separate tense but the emphatic form of, “He runs.”',\n", " 'id': 'feyw2s3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqy35h',\n", " 'score': 0}],\n", " 'eqwtug': [{'author': 'Avicenna900',\n", " 'body': 'Also, nubo is only for women, now I think of it.',\n", " 'id': 'ff2btla',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff0p73x',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Avicenna900',\n", " 'body': \"I've got a Google search saying it pops up first time in tertullian, 3rd century AD\",\n", " 'id': 'ff0p73x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff0oix1',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Avicenna900',\n", " 'body': \"I think renubo might work, but I don't know of any occurrences in actual texts.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff0oix1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqwtug',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'sukkotfretensis',\n", " 'body': \"I'm after a word like renaissance. Is it possible to create one? Remarry\",\n", " 'id': 'feyg7xq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feyf74k',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'tsoska',\n", " 'body': 'I think you should use a periphrasis. You could say \"aliquam uxorem iterum ducere\".',\n", " 'id': 'feyf74k',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqwtug',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'equ7yt': [{'author': 'numquamsolus',\n", " 'body': 'Adding further to your comments, the *-ela* suffix creates abstract nouns from (generally) deponent verbs.',\n", " 'id': 'ff44rao',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fezglyf',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Sochamelet',\n", " 'body': \"To give you some context on what's going on, flavius belisarius clearly knows quite a bit about Latin, he is just not acknowledging the variation in Latin usage over the centuries, and specifically that the usage of the church can differ quite a bit from the Latin of Romans who lived in the time of Julius Caesar.\\n\\nFor instance, words like *creatura* and *producere*, which are quite similar to the English words *creature* and *produce*, would not have meant *creature* nor *produce* to a speaker of Latin living in Rome in the first century BCE. So if you're translating a text written by Caesar or one of his contemporaries, rendering *creatura* as *creature*, and *producere* as *produce* would be wrong. These are easy mistakes to make when you're a beginner in Latin, since the Latin and English words are so similar, and flavius belisarius is quite right to look out for them.\\n\\nHowever, Latin developed over the centuries. By the time the church came along and indeed became an important and powerful institution, some words had acquired new meanings. So in Christian texts, a word like *creature* often does mean *creature*, and *producere* does mean *produce*. In fact, the meaning of the English words *creature* and *produce* comes from the Latin words that they have been derived from.\\n\\nAs it happens, the Latin literature of the first century BCE has been hailed as the pinnacle of everything written in the language for centuries. Indeed, this period is known as the age of Classical Latin. As a result, many people have looked down upon Latin that adheres to usage and style standards of later centuries. This has been remedied somewhat nowadays, but Classical Latin is still often the basis for how Latin is taught. I think that goes some way to explaining why people here are quick to point out when someone is adhering too strictly to Classical Latin rules.\\n\\nSimilarly, a word like *dignatus* comes from a verb that had some variation in how its different grammatical forms were used. I won't bother you with the details, but the prayer uses one form, whereas flavius belisarius only acknowledges the other form as correct.\\n\\nFinally, I have to admit that I do not have a source at hand to verify that *cerevisa* is a correct alternative spelling of *cerevisia*, which means *beer*. However, the word *cerevisia* has variously been written as *cerevesia* and *cervesia*, so I personally wouldn't worry about another variant spelling.\\n\\n**edit:** That turned out to be a little more context than I intended, so feel free to ignore. But since you'd followed the discussion that far, I thought I might as well go into a little deeper.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff3ztev',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff2h74x',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Defend_The_West',\n", " 'body': 'This is a big crash course in Latin for me. I really love the passion and scholarly debate going on here. Thank you all so much for showing me the drive that the Latin scholars of Reddit have. I truly do appreciate it.',\n", " 'id': 'ff2h74x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fey465x',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Defend_The_West',\n", " 'body': 'I know your comment is being downvoted, but I appreciate the time you took to look into this for me. I have very little Latin knowledge and any look at my request is appreciated by me.',\n", " 'id': 'ff2h2jg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fex7sxg',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Defend_The_West',\n", " 'body': 'I appreciate both of you checking this for me. This community has been so helpful and I am grateful to both of you!',\n", " 'id': 'ff2gy9o',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fezls0w',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Defend_The_West',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you so much for checking this for me, I appreciate the time you took to do so :)',\n", " 'id': 'ff2gwpg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fexyml5',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'eestimarcus',\n", " 'body': 'Another, slightly more modern, translation of this blessing found online is this:\\n\\n> Lord, bless + this creature, beer, which by your kindness and power has been produced from kernels of grain, and let it be a healthful drink for mankind. Grant that whoever drinks it with thanksgiving to your holy name may find it a help in body and in soul; through Christ our Lord. \\n\\nThe introductory dialogue (\"Our help is in the name of the Lord\" etc.) is the same. I don\\'t know if both translations have official standing, but they have both appeared in serious Catholic publications.',\n", " 'id': 'fezls0w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fezglyf',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Sochamelet',\n", " 'body': \"Just to add, the English translation is quite a faithful rendering of the Latin. The only thing I can think of that might be of some interest, is the word rendered as *peace (in soul).* In the Latin, that is *(animae) tutelam*. As it happens, the word *tutela* implies a kind of safeguard that I wouldn't necessarily think of when reading the English *peace*. But that is not really of any consequence. When you're translating, you're gonna deviate somewhat. And the difference here is actually very slight when you compare it to other translations.\",\n", " 'id': 'fezglyf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_equ7yt',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'St-Nicholas-of-Myra',\n", " 'body': 'They just stick it in the middle of the word, usually in red text (hence the term *rubric*). “Say the black; do the red,” as the saying goes.',\n", " 'id': 'feyzbhn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_feywn6s',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Sochamelet',\n", " 'body': 'Ah, that makes sense. I do wonder whether they regard *bene* and *dic* as two separate words, or just stick the sign in the middle of a single word. Both are interesting.',\n", " 'id': 'feywn6s',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fexd8j9',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'lannes393',\n", " 'body': 'It is not a Latin translation of the English, but an English translation of the Latin. So if you are claiming one thing wrong, it’s the English that’s wrong.',\n", " 'id': 'feybln7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fexv5iv',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'FalseDmitriy',\n", " 'body': \"Dignatus agrees with Dominus. It's masculine because it refers to the Lord.\\n\\nAnd the Latin is the original text, the English is the translation. The post makes it clear that it comes from a book called *Rituale Romanum.* A quick search will bring up various online editions of the book in both Latin and English. If you don't like the Latin, I guess you can complain to the Vatican.\",\n", " 'id': 'fey9oet',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fexv5iv',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': '*dignor,dignari,dignatus sum* is a deponent verb and non-deponent *digno, dignare, dignatus* is a very rare poetic form: [https://latinlexicon.org/word\\\\_study\\\\_tool.php](https://latinlexicon.org/word_study_tool.php)\\n\\nIn this sentence it must be read as deponent.\\n\\n*cerevisae* in *creaturam istam cerevisae* is appositional genitive, which describes *creaturam.* It means \"O lord, bless this creature, beer, which...\"',\n", " 'id': 'fey465x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fexv5iv',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': 'Immo [dignor](http://alatius.com/ls/index.php?met=up&ord=dignor) *is* in fact deponent',\n", " 'id': 'fey2kkt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fexv5iv',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'eestimarcus',\n", " 'body': 'I assume that, as the blessing is taken from the Rituale Romanum (the official book of blessing in use in the Catholic Church until 1970), the Latin is correct. This is how priests have blessed beer for centuries.',\n", " 'id': 'fexyml5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_equ7yt',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fexv5iv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fexufg5',\n", " 'score': -7},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'Sochamelet\\'s reading is correct.\\n\\nIn medieval Latin or \"church Latin\" (not in classical Latin) *creatura* is a noun, as in the famous sequence Dies irae:\\n\\n> Mors stupebit et natura, \\nCum resurget creatura, \\nJudicanti responsura. \\n\\nFor *dignatus es,* check \"perfect tense of deponent verb\" in a grammar book. *dignatus es* agrees with *domine.*\\n\\n\"plus sign\" means \"make a sign of the cross\", but it seems somehow weird for me to draw the cross while reading this line.\\n\\nBut do read it correctly, otherwise it reminds me how the Grace is read in Latin at formal halls in Cambridge.',\n", " 'id': 'fexufg5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fexa3ho',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'St-Nicholas-of-Myra',\n", " 'body': 'The “plus sign” indicates that this is where the priest would make the sign of the cross over the object to be blessed.',\n", " 'id': 'fexd8j9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fex9bw4',\n", " 'score': 13},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fexa3ho',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fex9bw4',\n", " 'score': -8},\n", " {'author': 'Sochamelet',\n", " 'body': \"I think you're not reading this correctly. In my opinion, the Latin is perfectly fine. *Creaturam* here is not a verb, but a noun, quite literally corresponding to the English *creature*. Also, *dignor* is a deponent verb, so *dignatus es* simply means *has deigned*. Finally, *producere* can mean *to lead out*, but it's far more idiomatic to render it as *to bring forth*, or indeed *to produce*.\\n\\nI do agree that the plus sign in the middle of *benedic* is weird.\",\n", " 'id': 'fex9bw4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fex7sxg',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fex7sxg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_equ7yt',\n", " 'score': -8}],\n", " 'eqt4yf': [{'author': 'bikemerchant22',\n", " 'body': 'Im trying on my own right now',\n", " 'id': 'fewr1vm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fewqg88',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': 'Requests for help with homework must show evidence of prior effort.',\n", " 'id': 'fewqg88',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqt4yf',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'eqs6sk': [{'author': 'OJFord',\n", " 'body': \"Matthew, 15:11\\n\\nhttp://www.traditionalcatholic.net/Scripture/New_Testament/The_Holy_Gospel_of_Jesus_Christ,_According_to_St._Matthew/Chapter-15.html\\n\\n(I searched, I don't just know that.)\",\n", " 'id': 'ff26tgj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fex8kc9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'nrith',\n", " 'body': 'That makes it sound a lot dirtier than it probably is.',\n", " 'id': 'feypa0w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fex8kc9',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'nrith',\n", " 'body': '[Yum.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/sY7fw9Gj9po/maxresdefault.jpg)',\n", " 'id': 'feyoxbv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fex46d1',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': \"It seems they don't trust the quality of their Aioli at all...\",\n", " 'id': 'fey8ulr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqs6sk',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'Liamlah',\n", " 'body': \"It's from the Vulgate Bible, which made me a bit less excited than if it were de novo.\",\n", " 'id': 'fex8kc9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqs6sk',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'bradfs14',\n", " 'body': 'https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/coinquino#Latin',\n", " 'id': 'fex4sim',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fex46d1',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'LittleAir',\n", " 'body': 'Coinquinat?',\n", " 'id': 'fex46d1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqs6sk',\n", " 'score': 8}],\n", " 'eqraoq': [{'author': 'Magnantus',\n", " 'body': 'Not sure if you\\'re aware, but AP Latin: Vergil is an old test that doesn\\'t exist anymore. There used to be a separate test just on Vergil, but the current AP Latin test is Vergil\\'s \"Aeneid\" and Caesar\\'s \"De Bello Gallico.\"\\n\\nIf you\\'re seeing mention of a test called AP Latin: Vergil, you\\'re probably looking at out of date materials',\n", " 'id': 'fewjhc1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqraoq',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'This is not the way. Hard, hard pass. I taught this class. There is no way you can or want to do this.',\n", " 'id': 'fewi3kk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqraoq',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'That would be a strong no from me. \\n\\nAP is generally a 4th year in an intensive sequence of vocabulary and grammar, about 1500 words and a the full variety of noun and verb forms assumed. Poetry is even more advanced as the word order and meaning is quite daunting for students in their 3rd and 4th years. You would be at quite the loss jumping in without a very solid background.',\n", " 'id': 'fewb6ao',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqraoq',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'jmps848',\n", " 'body': 'AP Latin pretty much assumes that you have had a full grammar sequence. You would not be able to get through it without background in the language, and I don’t think your advisors probably would allow you to take it unless you’ve completed Latin grammar.',\n", " 'id': 'few9fek',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqraoq',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'eqq58l': [{'author': 'JoaoPauloFrota',\n", " 'body': \"Thanks for your comment! I'll pay more attention to the long vowels.\",\n", " 'id': 'fex5pjr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fex4pvz',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'zluizl',\n", " 'body': \"I think it's very good! I would just suggest that you try to pay a little more attention to the long vowels and double consonants (e.g. dīmitte should almost sound like dii-mit-te).\\nHere is the text with macrons:\\nPater noster, quī es in caelīs, sānctificētur nōmen tuum; adveniat rēgnum tuum; fīat voluntās tua, sīcut in caelō et in terrā. Pānem nostrum cotīdiānum dā nōbīs hodiē; et dīmitte nōbīs dēbita nostra, sīcut et nōs dīmittimus dēbitōribus nostrīs; et nē nōs indūcās in tentātiōnem, sed līberā nōs ā malō.\\nThis is me reading it, it is not perfect but I hope it can help you with the long vowels:\\nhttps://voca.ro/8pAOib8Z9ol\",\n", " 'id': 'fex4pvz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eqq58l',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'erlfsg': [{'author': '_porphyrios',\n", " 'body': 'Please stop spamming all the language subs.',\n", " 'id': 'ff62h45',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erlfsg',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'erk8ay': [{'author': 'NomenScribe',\n", " 'body': \"I've got the Catto's *Selections from De Rerum Natura* and she glosses this:\\n\\n>**cupīret:** = **cuperet**; a change in conjugation indicating the fluidity of language in Lucretius' time. \\n\\nThis suggests it wasn't just that Lucretius takes license, but that the Latin of his era had more license to take.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff4jh2l',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erk8ay',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'PINEAPPLEShi',\n", " 'body': 'Perfect, thanks for the help!!',\n", " 'id': 'ff4873z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff477mh',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': \"This is a simple variation of the expected cuperet. Lucretius' writing will often bend forms for meter.\\n\\nConsider the 3rd conjugation -ere is u u or short-short (missing the -- x or long-anceps of the anceps foot). -ire on the other hand is -- u or long-short, completing the anceps.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff477mh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erk8ay',\n", " 'score': 6}],\n", " 'erk4oa': [{'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': \"This synopsis specifies the masculine plural, so make sure that all of the forms are masculine plural to match. \\n\\nParticiples in synopses have the same considerations as verbs and thus you need to account otherwise you miss the exercise's point (namely, can you use every form appropriately, given parameters).\",\n", " 'id': 'ff46b5r',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erk4oa',\n", " 'score': 6}],\n", " 'erivc3': [{'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': 'I also like verbum diei. \\n\\nAnd who knows, maybe, someday, I will finally get it about Cicero, and love him, just like everybody else. Just like Winston Smith, tears streaming down his face, loving Big Brother at last.',\n", " 'id': 'ff6e9nl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erivc3',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Willsxyz',\n", " 'body': 'I like Verbum Diei -- keep it coming',\n", " 'id': 'ff5zuir',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erivc3',\n", " 'score': 4}],\n", " 'erilgz': [{'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ff7a5nr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff6xx7u',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'I guess they are better at guessing than I am? Thank you for your concern about the mental taxation this has caused me though.',\n", " 'id': 'ff6zucp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff6xx7u',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'hahasahaa',\n", " 'body': 'but thanks i guess',\n", " 'id': 'ff6xyuv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff5o253',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'hahasahaa',\n", " 'body': 'i mean you did all that talk for no reason, now look at the comment that translated the sentence exactly to my wantings without writing a paragraph on what i want.',\n", " 'id': 'ff6xx7u',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff5o253',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"Dearest fren, I would not write that sentence then start talking about people's Latin skills, jerking not withstanding. Since someone already inferred what you were trying to say and translated it, I'll write a translation of what they believed you were attempting to say since you seemed to find their interpretation amenable: Vere ineunte convenimus et linguae latinae studuimus ut eam disceremus.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff5o253',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff5lnr4',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ff5mqws',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff4fvyo',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'hahasahaa',\n", " 'body': 'but can you translate it though or is this subreddit for people who jerk each other for their latin skills?',\n", " 'id': 'ff5lnr4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff47cn5',\n", " 'score': -3},\n", " {'author': 'xanitrep',\n", " 'body': 'Idiomatic English translation:\\nWhen we met at the beginning of spring, we studied, so that we could learn the Latin language.\\n\\nStilted literal translation preserving Latin word order:\\nWhen, spring beginning, we had come together, we studied, so that the Latin language we might learn.\\n\\nAlthough, I think that maybe *discerimus* should be *discerēmus* (imperfect subjunctive).',\n", " 'id': 'ff4fvyo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erilgz',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'Tbf I thought you were maybe looking for a database or a version of a specific text. Your sentence in Latin, though not the most grammatical, is actually somewhat clearer than the English.',\n", " 'id': 'ff47cn5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff46try',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'hahasahaa',\n", " 'body': 'without sounding rude what else could i mean ?:)',\n", " 'id': 'ff46try',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff4170c',\n", " 'score': -6},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"I'm sorry, what is your request here exactly? Do you want someone to translate that?\",\n", " 'id': 'ff4170c',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erilgz',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[removed]',\n", " 'id': 'ff3w49u',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erilgz',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'erii5d': [{'author': 'sonny99',\n", " 'body': 'Puto non [eum] intellexisse*',\n", " 'id': 'ff57959',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff4bc1f',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'teruuteruubozuu',\n", " 'body': 'Puto non intellexit',\n", " 'id': 'ff4bc1f',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff4a23h',\n", " 'score': -3},\n", " {'author': 'Priapea',\n", " 'body': \"That's a myth from the Middle Ages.\\n\\nCadaver is derived from cado - to fall, it's a fancy word for dying.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff4a23h',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erii5d',\n", " 'score': 6}],\n", " 'eri30x': [],\n", " 'erhvwe': [],\n", " 'erhshx': [{'author': 'Le_Juan_the_third',\n", " 'body': \"You are absolutely amazing! 😁😁😁😁🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊 Thank you so so much!! I'm sorry I didn't react earlier, I just didn't have time... But thank you so much! It means a lot to me\",\n", " 'id': 'fffnni6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff9ec3a',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'hupelk',\n", " 'body': 'The last sentence is quite easy. It\\'s basically just saying they put their seal on \"the present page\" so that no one could argue about it later. I\\'m kind of guessing on the date, but clearly it was sometime near Easter.\\n\\n>In the memory of which, and lest, in posterity, accusations are able to rise from the same Theoderic, or of his heirs and relatives, so by solemn agreement and consent of the aforementioned good men, I, William van Hierne, judge of the illustrious Count Otto of Gelderland and of the council of Nijmegen, with the free consent and willingness of each party, mark this page with the seal of our council into the great hardness of faith. \\n\\n>Done in the year of the Lord 1266, on the third weekday after the eight day of Lent (?), in the month of April.',\n", " 'id': 'ff9ec3a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff9bjix',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'hupelk',\n", " 'body': 'I did most of the the first sentence, reusing his first bit.\\n\\n>We the councilmen of Nijmegen---William von Hirne, a judge, Sybodo, a baldekin, Rolf von Hese, Lanzo, Remboldus, Henry son of Peter, John, Ide, Arnold Friso, Arnold Prat, and Menardus---make known to all observers, and publicly declare, that all rancor and controversy, or even the assailing of inheritance, which Theodoric von Appeltern, in the manner of all good things having been placed in Worde (Wörth? probably a town name), which he said were due to himself by hereditary law, of things rolling down to itself (?), intended to undertake or make an inquiry to the abbot and to the covenant of *Insula Sanctae Mariae*, in the form of a trial, publicly, in front of us, out of the counsel of honest men, who would serve as judges, to wit: Lord William von Hirne, Lord Bertold van Oije, nobles John von Grunsbeck and Theodericus Pannekuc, soldiers chief Seflicum brother of Godfrey, commander of Nijmegen, and others, ...\\n\\nAt this point it gets weird, looks like Theodericus says something to the assembled judges about the advantage of the abbot?\\n\\nPhew. This is...dense Latin. \\n\\nThe second sentence (\"Propterea praefatus...\") is maybe slightly more straightforward:\\n\\n>Therefore the aforementioned Theoderic (von Appeltern, not Pannekuc) assured, before us, these guarantors with the stipulation and surety owed: Lord William von Hirne, nobleman, and the aforementioned Theodericus Pannekuc, soldier, and, under oath, he obligated himself, that he himself will place his brother John von Appeltern, and his sister, and not all those familiar to him in this region or desiring nearby, to judge the likewise reconciled inheritance, and he will make to delay from the assail of the previously mentioned good men and of those of the abbot and anywhere the vexation of the assembly.\\n\\nMaybe you can make more sense of this considering where you got the document from. But it sounds to me like people are arguing over an inheritance and this guy Theoderic von Appeltern was called before the council and told to sort things out. Incidentally, which of the people mentioned is your ancestor? If I have time later I\\'ll do the last sentence.',\n", " 'id': 'ff9bjix',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erhshx',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Le_Juan_the_third',\n", " 'body': \"You are amazing! Can't wait for the rest :D\",\n", " 'id': 'ff8g1u4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff7i292',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'biquark',\n", " 'body': 'Just getting things started...\\n\\nWe the councilmen of Nijmegen---William von Hirne, a judge, Sybodo, a baldekin, Rolf von Hese, Lanzo, Remboldus, Henry son of Peter, John, Ide, Arnold Friso, Arnold Prat, and Menardus---make known to all observers, and publicly declare, that all rancor and controversy, or even the assailing of inheritance, which...',\n", " 'id': 'ff7i292',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erhshx',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'erhpp9': [{'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': \"In the long term, relax and read a lot of level appropriate material. If you're always worried about remembering things, you won't remember anything.\\n\\nIn the short term, also relax, but use flashcards and spaced repetition to memorise the most important things.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff4kzd0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erhpp9',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'x_Artifex_x',\n", " 'body': \"Since I don't know where you are in your Latin studies, I don't know if any of this will help you, but:\\n\\nFor grammar, it helps me personally to try and find the repeating patterns. Like how the datative and ablative plurals of the first and second declension, (*-is*), reflect the ones in the third (*-ibus*). I don't know if it would help for anything other than verbs and nouns though.\\n\\nFor vocab, I try to find a word in my own language that's based on it. ( habeo to have, and ambulo to amble)\\n\\nAnd, if all else fails, grab an empty notebook and take whatever word or concept that giving you trouble, and write it over and over again. For pages. It's how my Latin workbook did it, and it worked really well.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff3ud1m',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erhpp9',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'erh40t': [{'author': 'Willsxyz',\n", " 'body': 'Henle is a Catholic book, but it is teaching classical Latin.\\n\\nThe macrons used in Henle are almost identical with those used in any other classical Latin book like Wheelock or Familia Romana (the only exception I can remember off the top of my head is that Henle writes ējus while FR writes eius).\\n\\nBy the way, I suggest you pick up a copy of Familia Romana as supplementary reading, provided you can spare the time to actually read it. It really helps build vocabulary and develop the ability to read Latin, rather than just translate it. (Note on reading Latin, pp. 48, 49, Henle First Year Latin).',\n", " 'id': 'ff60gts',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erh40t',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': \"If it helps with the -iī sound, there should be a glide inbetween them, (the consonantal i sound). So if you wrote it out phonetically it would be like for example fīli-j-īs. I imagine it doesn't get written partially because without using 'j' you would have three i's in a row.\\n\\nSame thing for verb forms like iit, iimus, etc. (Obviously when they're written with a v you use that instead of the j.)\",\n", " 'id': 'ff4kkzl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erh40t',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': \"In ecclesiastical Latin, vowel length is not phonemic, meaning short and long vowels are not distinguished like they are in classical Latin. I do not know of any examples at all of macrons being used in writing according to the ecclesiastical pronunciation. The most I've seen is the acute accent used to mark syllable stress, but that isn't the same. If *Memoria* does indeed use macrons, which strikes me as quite unusual, I'm not surprised they don't conform to their use in classical Latin. \\n\\nAs for your second question, *Marīis* is not a form of Marīa. If you are referring to the ablative plural, this would be *Marīīs*, with two long ī's. However, you might encounter *-iī* or *-iīs* fairly frequently among first- and second-declension nouns. This, for me, though, is not as hard, because the stress can't be on that syllable.\\n\\nAnd yes, the Romans referred to the nominative case as the *cāsus nōminātīvus*, the genitive as the *cāsus genitīvus* and so on and so forth. Singular and plural are *singulāris* and *plūrālis*, respectively.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff48jbi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erh40t',\n", " 'score': 4}],\n", " 'erfx1f': [{'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': '\"The shady beech tree and the tall poplar tree will provide a dark shadow to the tired farmers.\"',\n", " 'id': 'ff3rl87',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erfx1f',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Athorin_',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks!',\n", " 'id': 'ff3jfeg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff3i8gw',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Athorin_',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks, I didn\\'t check \"populus\", thinking it was \"people\", thanks!',\n", " 'id': 'ff3jf2a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff3in8s',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Brontaphilia',\n", " 'body': 'Many trees look masculine but are feminine. Those poor tired farmers...;)',\n", " 'id': 'ff3in8s',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erfx1f',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': 'The verb is plural because there are two subjects connected by et.\\n\\nHere, populus is a poplar tree.',\n", " 'id': 'ff3i8gw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erfx1f',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'erfwiu': [{'author': 'MephistophelesYK',\n", " 'body': 'Yes',\n", " 'id': 'izycdr8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_izy9tja',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'kirbStompThePigeon',\n", " 'body': 'You saw momento mortem in return of the obra dinn by Lucas pope',\n", " 'id': 'izy9tja',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erfwiu',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Ok-Efficiency3541',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you for posting this...',\n", " 'id': 'il0x83l',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erfwiu',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'MephistophelesYK',\n", " 'body': \"No, it's really alright, you got your point across\",\n", " 'id': 'ff522or',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff50p9z',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Brontaphilia',\n", " 'body': 'So sorry. Total brain flatulence this morning. I’d blame it on too little sleep, but that’s just embarrassing. Knowing that use of the genitive and accusative with verbs of remembering and forgetting is always good, but the later response is absolutely right. Mortem is acc; mori is a deponent infinitive. (Unless you’re trying to remember a kind of tree ;) ) Unless I am mistaken, memento mori is the common phrase. The accusative with verbs of remembering is generally an older construction (Plautus, et al.); from Augustus onward, the genitive is more regular. Some people argue that the accusative is “more vivid”. Anyway. Just wanted to apologize.',\n", " 'id': 'ff50p9z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff3ibu4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'MephistophelesYK',\n", " 'body': 'Oh alright, thank you',\n", " 'id': 'ff413qr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff3rkbc',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'MephistophelesYK',\n", " 'body': 'It did! Thanks',\n", " 'id': 'ff412gu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff3rszb',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'Maybe this video on it will help? (Latin Tutorial)\\n\\n[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3itg\\\\_JYWl8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3itg_JYWl8)',\n", " 'id': 'ff3rszb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff3ibu4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'TheWizznijch',\n", " 'body': 'Memento mori= “remember that you die”\\nMemento mortem= “remember death”',\n", " 'id': 'ff3rkbc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erfwiu',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'MephistophelesYK',\n", " 'body': \"Uuhhh, explain like I'm five\",\n", " 'id': 'ff3ibu4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff3i563',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ff3i563',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff3g85v',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'MephistophelesYK',\n", " 'body': 'I only did 2 years of Latin in school 5 years ago, so could you clarify please?',\n", " 'id': 'ff3g85v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff3fzq5',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ff3fzq5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erfwiu',\n", " 'score': 0}],\n", " 'erbtmw': [{'author': 'imqqv',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks a lot! Would you say that the last sentence could also be translated into something like “thus every man has to die”? Could be the meaning of the sentence...',\n", " 'id': 'ff3b6qh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff2rft8',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': 'Sup(e)rbit is \"be proud.\" \"What does man have to be proud about?\"',\n", " 'id': 'ff346ne',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff2rft8',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'eestimarcus',\n", " 'body': 'My take:\\n\\n\"From where is man superb, whose conception is sin, birth is pain, life is a struggle, death is inevitable? After man is the worm, and after the worm is stench and horror. Thus every man turn into \\\\[what is\\\\] not man.\"\\n\\nIt appears to be made up of phrases commonly found on graves and other places.',\n", " 'id': 'ff2rft8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erbtmw',\n", " 'score': 8}],\n", " 'erblga': [{'author': 'Natuur1911',\n", " 'body': 'I do it like \"&c.\"',\n", " 'id': 'i6xpquu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erblga',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ungefiezergreeter22',\n", " 'body': 'Yep und so weiter (and as so further)',\n", " 'id': 'ffo7zht',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff5z01a',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'BasicWhiteGirl4',\n", " 'body': '\"y so forth\"',\n", " 'id': 'ffda67w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff32f5j',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'Even better, use it to replace \"and\". So s& = sand, &rew = Andrew.',\n", " 'id': 'ff82s3v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff4fyoz',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Insert_Gnome_Here',\n", " 'body': \"Meh, it's only 2 countries away from spain.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff74omn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff5z01a',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': 'My hovercraft is full of eels.',\n", " 'id': 'ff6dpv7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff5jd5b',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Rapperdonut',\n", " 'body': 'Isnt that german lol',\n", " 'id': 'ff5z01a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff46cil',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'LottePanda',\n", " 'body': \"I have a collection of magn&s in my cabin&s because I don't really know how to budg& properly. I have no food and now I'm ups&.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff5jd5b',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff4fyoz',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bloodhailing',\n", " 'body': \"I'm so happy that I could read this\",\n", " 'id': 'ff4ksr9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff3243e',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'hupelk',\n", " 'body': 'I once read a medieval manuscript in which the scribe replaced every single \"et\" by &. I don\\'t mean just the words \"et\", I mean every \"et\" anywhere in the middle of other random words, so e.g. \"amaret\" was \"amar&\" and \"videtur\" was \"vid&ur\". Even since, I\\'ve had an almost irresistible urge to do the same thing in my own writing.',\n", " 'id': 'ff4fyoz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff3ok4t',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'Insert_Gnome_Here',\n", " 'body': 'Usw.',\n", " 'id': 'ff46cil',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff32f5j',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'fedorflip',\n", " 'body': \"Doesn't really matter, that's the way I've seen it\",\n", " 'id': 'ff3z7rq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff3yh75',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'fedorflip',\n", " 'body': 'I definitely would if we had esays on latin',\n", " 'id': 'ff3z2sf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff3w88y',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Kcajkcaj99',\n", " 'body': 'Wait, is it esse delendam or delendam esse? My whole life I’ve known it wrong. Shit.',\n", " 'id': 'ff3yh75',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff3243e',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'emperoroficecreamws',\n", " 'body': 'How you should end every essay.',\n", " 'id': 'ff3w88y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff3243e',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'Laverrick',\n", " 'body': 'ktl',\n", " 'id': 'ff3tcb7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erblga',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'kotzkroete',\n", " 'body': 'I prefer &c.',\n", " 'id': 'ff3ok4t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erblga',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'SereneDogeofHolland',\n", " 'body': 'I just want a picture of a gotdang hotdog.',\n", " 'id': 'ff3bqcr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff33fp2',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'jereezy',\n", " 'body': 'Needs some r/MemeRestoration/',\n", " 'id': 'ff391uo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff2ucx7',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'thelividgamer',\n", " 'body': 'Do I look like I know what a JPEG is.',\n", " 'id': 'ff33fp2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff2ucx7',\n", " 'score': 13},\n", " {'author': 'NamenloseJPG',\n", " 'body': 'But my essays are in Spanish.',\n", " 'id': 'ff32f5j',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff2sdps',\n", " 'score': 23},\n", " {'author': 'fedorflip',\n", " 'body': 'Et ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam',\n", " 'id': 'ff3243e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erblga',\n", " 'score': 33},\n", " {'author': 'MinskAtLit',\n", " 'body': 'Jesus, the compression artifacts',\n", " 'id': 'ff2ucx7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erblga',\n", " 'score': 24},\n", " {'author': 'eestimarcus',\n", " 'body': 'Pro Tip: \\n\\nWrite \"and so forth\" instead of *et cetera* to increase the word count for your essays.',\n", " 'id': 'ff2sdps',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erblga',\n", " 'score': 79}],\n", " 'erb8qn': [{'author': 'Dolman192',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks, hmmm may i even use it',\n", " 'id': 'ff46u8x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff3sy78',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Dolman192',\n", " 'body': 'Ave magna Roma',\n", " 'id': 'ff46qvt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff2onfz',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'beeenke',\n", " 'body': 'heyhey, it is all good, but if you really want to help send this print-screen to the webpage contact address, this is a bug, they should give you some discount to point this out. Interesting fact, that this text usually used as a preview for fonts, or flyerz, showing text as a design element.',\n", " 'id': 'ff3sy78',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erb8qn',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'deamagna',\n", " 'body': \"This isn't really Latin, it's just filler text that's used in every country.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff359f1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erb8qn',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'bradysbread',\n", " 'body': 'Well no, this isn’t actual latin',\n", " 'id': 'ff2vt87',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erb8qn',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'ItsOtisTime',\n", " 'body': 'Imagine needing placeholder text from a real language. \\n\\n*this comment posted by the Etaoin shrdlu gang*',\n", " 'id': 'ff2ta2t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erb8qn',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'Avicenna900',\n", " 'body': 'Romanificatus eras. Ne resiste. Ave Imperium Romanum.',\n", " 'id': 'ff2p1uw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erb8qn',\n", " 'score': 21},\n", " {'author': 'Connor_TP',\n", " 'body': 'Wrong. That is not a Hungarian website anymore, for it is now a Pannonian one. You now will be civilised by assimilating in Roman society. Please do not resist. Ave magna Roma.',\n", " 'id': 'ff2onfz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erb8qn',\n", " 'score': 35},\n", " {'author': 'eestimarcus',\n", " 'body': 'In graphic design, *Lorem ipsum* is common to use as an example text. It\\'s just some \"gibberish\" meant to illustrate how text will look like with that font and that design. It\\'s not literally gibberish, but its meaning is completely irrelevant to its purpose.',\n", " 'id': 'ff2n308',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erb8qn',\n", " 'score': 30}],\n", " 'er7m47': [{'author': 'JabroniBalogni223',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you Mattfen93 and Wernernw!',\n", " 'id': 'ff3brc6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff2hom9',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'mattfen93',\n", " 'body': \"Stick with u/wernernw's version, the first one is grammatically very incorrect.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff2hom9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff267zk',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'JabroniBalogni223',\n", " 'body': \"Beautiful! Thank you so much for your help! So Leggo the Egos? And you're sure your edited version is the better(more accurate) of the two?\",\n", " 'id': 'ff267zk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff258mp',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'Should probably read: Ut supra, sic infra. Deus est in me, sic Deus sum. Sum omnipotens. Sum omnisciens. Sum omnipraesens/ubiquituus. Sum aeternus.\\n\\nPut as many unnecessary \"ego\"-s next to every sum as you\\'d like.',\n", " 'id': 'ff258mp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff24vwl',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'Despite the wildly incorrect Google-translatese, it is trying to say:\\n\\nAs above, so below. God is in me, thus I am God. I am all powerful. I know all. I am everywhere, I am eternal.',\n", " 'id': 'ff24vwl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er7m47',\n", " 'score': 7}],\n", " 'er6804': [{'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'Any adjective can be used as a substantive based on its gender and the context of the sentence. \\n\\nThis might also help: (Latin Tutorial)\\n\\n[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TRxFlMjccU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TRxFlMjccU)',\n", " 'id': 'ff4y1ri',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff4wayu',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Bopop_1',\n", " 'body': 'Ohh okay, thanks so much. I was confused mostly about the demonstratives (Hic, Illi), I didn\\'t know that you could add the \"man\" after the this or the that. Once again thanks alot.',\n", " 'id': 'ff4wayu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff1zori',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'This man (hic, nominative) \\n\\ntold that man (illi, dative) \\n\\nmany things (multa, substantive as neuter accusative)\\n\\nabout Gaius Laelius, a famous Roman (de and ablatives)\\n\\nand about his words (de and ablative)\\n\\nwhich words Laelius had spoken/made = idiom (relative quae repeats verbis as verba for explicit neuter plural, to avoid confusing the antecedent of quae with multa rather than the intended verbis)\\n\\nabout the virtue/character of Scipio (Scipio is genitive, de takes ablative virtute)\\n\\nwith his friends.',\n", " 'id': 'ff1zori',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er6804',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Willsxyz',\n", " 'body': 'It would be helpful if you would explain what parts of the sentence are giving you trouble.',\n", " 'id': 'ff1wblz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er6804',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'er5of7': [{'author': 'Willsxyz',\n", " 'body': 'The Latin accusative, genetive and dative are almost identical to the German genetive and dative as far as I can tell (however I’m no Latin expert yet). The ablative doesn’t exist in German of course and in translating to German there are two situations.\\n\\nWhen the ablative is the object of a preposition, you find the corresponding German preposition and then use the case appropriate to that preposition (often dative). For other ablative constructions (without prepositions), you’re probably going to have to write a prepositional phrase or relative clause in German.\\n\\nCan you give an example of a Latin sentence that gives you trouble?',\n", " 'id': 'ff1t9co',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_er5of7',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'es23db': [{'author': 'Matar_Kubileya',\n", " 'body': 'To start:\\n\\nTu ovum! (eum transfigit ferro)',\n", " 'id': 'ffaxq8u',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_es23db',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'Does TRUE LATIN mean in meter?',\n", " 'id': 'ff7gcw7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_es23db',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'es17e0': [],\n", " 'es0yir': [{'author': 'fallo_fefelli_falsum',\n", " 'body': ' Absolutely *ἐπῐκός*',\n", " 'id': 'ffvyg15',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff819ls',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'paladine01',\n", " 'body': 'I\\'ll grant you the former, though I used subjunctive explicitly as \"may testify\", though perhaps it\\'d be better with sinere',\n", " 'id': 'ff8zx7z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff8bwe5',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'In senatu American**o**, nemo testific**atur**.',\n", " 'id': 'ff8bwe5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff7t3hd',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'edselford',\n", " 'body': 'Testificor *hās nucēs*.',\n", " 'id': 'ff819ls',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_es0yir',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'paladine01',\n", " 'body': 'In senatu Americani, nemo testificetur',\n", " 'id': 'ff7t3hd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_es0yir',\n", " 'score': 12}],\n", " 'es04j7': [],\n", " 'ervvxz': [{'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'Hey u/ItsOtisTime\\n\\nSince you are using LLPSI to learn, here is a Discord server I made for people using this textbook series (since we recommend it all over the place on here, I thought it might be a good idea to provide some support).\\n\\n[https://discord.gg/Ubd58Wk](https://discord.gg/Ubd58Wk)',\n", " 'id': 'ffyz4n3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff6sy1z',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'SemperMeTaedet',\n", " 'body': \"I actually like that feature. It's purposefully there to incentivize students to go back and refresh their memory on old topics\",\n", " 'id': 'ffaj81g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff7faxf',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'nrith',\n", " 'body': \"No, I get it. After 4 years of high school Spanish, my teacher gently told me that I really had no aptitude or future with languages, so when I got to college and still needed to meet my language requirement, I needed a language that I didn't have to speak or understand verbally. Latin was the obvious choice. We used Wheelock and...I flunked. Totally didn't understand a word the entire semester. Since I also flunked all my *other* courses that semester, too, I needed to bring my grades up immediately, and I made a Hail Mary pass by deciding to take intensive Latin (i.e. two full semesters' worth) in a single, 8-week summer session, and I got an A+. Something just clicked. The combination of endless tables to memorize and those really quaint Sententiae Antiquae just suddenly clicked, and I'd found my calling. I followed Latin with Greek, then French, then German, etc.\\n\\nI've just finished refreshing the German I took 20+ years ago by completing the Duolingo German course, and it's been much harder for me to grasp the language the Duolingo way, as opposed to memorizing conjugations and declensions, although I suspect that I'm in the minority there. I *need* to know the grammatical principles behind everything.\\n\\nI've always wanted to go back to my high school Spanish teacher to tell her that I really _did_, in fact, have a future in languages. :)\",\n", " 'id': 'ff8ah36',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff89jpl',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'BooneVEVO',\n", " 'body': \"Just saying as an AP Latin student in high school, I found grasping the basics of Latin from LLPSI and THEN moving the Wheelock's for a hellish grammar grind far easier than learning Wheelock's from the get-go.\\n\\nI was originally taught from Wheelock's, but it ended up so slow and so packed that it was just rigorous and confusing. It was a lot easier when I began trying to just go with a simple flow, then work out the rules using Wheelock's as a reference.\\n\\nMight just be my dumb ass unable to handle proper Latin, though.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff89jpl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff76xgn',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Cheepacheep',\n", " 'body': \"Honestly think it's v poor in comparison to other courses I've done on there. As others have said it's Very incomplete at the moment, only present tense for verbs, not all noun declensions/case covered etc. Also just generally seemed very rushed to me, not all the words have voice recordings but some do, the pronunciations are odd, the recordings are often very hard to hear/echoey/poorly edited, or the voice would switch between different people in the middle of the same sentence\\n\\nI would only recommend if an absolute beginner is looking to supplement learning. If it gets more people learning and interested in Latin then great, but particularly with this course duolingo Needs to be supplemented with other materials if you want to make any progress with the language\",\n", " 'id': 'ff7ywiy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ervvxz',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'TeamPupNSudz',\n", " 'body': \"> It is a very incomplete course. Right now it is in beta and most Latin grammar is simply untouched...The assumption is that more content will be added\\n\\nThat's not how Duolingo beta works. The course is essentially set in stone, beta is just for working through bugs/typos/alternative answers. To add more content, they'd make an entirely separate Latin tree then have users A/B test it against the old one.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff7tx04',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff6ew7k',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'shorttooth',\n", " 'body': \"I did the Duolingo Latin course. The only thing that I can say about it is that it might help with the structure of sentences and a few words. It is certainly a Minimal Viable Product. I would like if it had more Latin in it that is used everyday like Legal Terms and Biology, or even some mythology which has a section but it's very basic. They don't even have some of the most famous Latin Phrases *Et tu, Brute?* anyone.\\n\\nAlso, it's strangely obsessed with Parrots, drunk Parrots, killing Parrots, etc.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff7nyhv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ervvxz',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'okwaitno',\n", " 'body': 'If it gets you excited about learning, use it! \\n\\nIt’s not as bad as most people here say, because most people here are reasonably advanced at latin and somewhat snobbish about it. \\n\\nThat said, it is just one course and if you want to keep going you’ll need to eventually do other things. \\n\\nEnjoy!',\n", " 'id': 'ff7jg1u',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ervvxz',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'nrith',\n", " 'body': 'Understood, but still. Another thing that pissed me off is that I finished all lessons up to level 3, and a few weeks later, I checked again and most had been dropped to level 1 or 2.',\n", " 'id': 'ff7faxf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff7dm5y',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Sebas94',\n", " 'body': 'It’s not great, but it’s the first step in the right direction. Perhaps more Classicists will contribute to the course and rebuild all of it! \\nI learned something useful while doing the course, nothing is at the same level as the good old Latin learning books. \\nIf you want something interactive while learning you’ve tons of useful videos online in YouTube and udemy.',\n", " 'id': 'ff7ead0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ervvxz',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Mdxxx',\n", " 'body': \"It's in Beta. Or was last time I checked.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff7dm5y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff77461',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'nrith',\n", " 'body': 'What *is* terrible about it is the quality of the spoken audio. It\\'s so bad that I just turn the sound down all the way. It\\'s not the accents that I object to; it\\'s the background noise, the noticeable lag, and the buggy \"third voice\" that\\'s used when you tap on a word.',\n", " 'id': 'ff77461',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff65y88',\n", " 'score': 12},\n", " {'author': 'nrith',\n", " 'body': \"I have yet to find anything better than Wheelock. (Disclaimer: I, too, am old school. It's what I learned from, and it's what I used to teach college-level Latin.)\",\n", " 'id': 'ff76xgn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff6jwkn',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'sheplaysbass_',\n", " 'body': 'Honestly it\\'s not great. I just don\\'t know how well five minute lessons can teach declensions or conjugations, and how to use different cases or verb tenses. Duolingo seems to be good for languages like Spanish or French, but the Latin (in beta) needs a LOT of improvement, so much so that my latin teacher calls it \"bad latin\" lol.',\n", " 'id': 'ff74z4d',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ervvxz',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'tommasogalimbertii',\n", " 'body': \"Latin is a language you have to memorize thoroughly. The 5 minutes lessons duolingo has are not helpful in this subject, especially since no one speaks Latin these days so you'll never end up practicing in real life without a proper course\",\n", " 'id': 'ff702ga',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ervvxz',\n", " 'score': -3},\n", " {'author': 'grumpkinsandsnarkss',\n", " 'body': 'Not very good. Get LLPSI',\n", " 'id': 'ff6tvyv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ervvxz',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'ItsOtisTime',\n", " 'body': \"I'm definitely deep in beginner-land, but, like all disciplines, I recommend everyone builds a library of materials rather than rely on one or two sources, regardless how acclaimed they might be.\\n\\nMyself, I've of course got LLPSI as my primary text (along with the exercita and teachers' materials), LLPSI's *College Companion*, Henle's *Latin Grammar* (as my grammar reference), *English Grammar for Students of Latin* (because I can't remember grammar definitions from school as I approach thirty), Cassell's *Latin-->English/English-->Latin Dictionary,* and LLPSI's supplementa, which, while I know a lot of folks recommend just skipping or replacing with the college companion, I actually really enjoy because, like its' parent material, it's *entirely* in latin, and it's good to understand how to discuss grammar and sentence structure in the tongue being described. I also found some flashcards for an app online, but I might've lost those, now that I'm remembering them.\\n\\nI don't know if this is efficient, easy, or difficult; but I enjoy it and feel like I'm learning something even if the pace is slow.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff6sy1z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff6jwkn',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'Manach_Irish',\n", " 'body': 'It would be okay as a taster for language but does not have the depth of say the German or Norweigen courses. I reckon though it will improve after a year as contributers gain feedback from users.',\n", " 'id': 'ff6ozan',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ervvxz',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'someguywithatophat',\n", " 'body': 'I actually just bought the Wheelocks book and am doing Duolingo alongside. I found that the book is good to explain the rules while duo is good to use in a practical sense and for reinforcement.',\n", " 'id': 'ff6nhkl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff6jwkn',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ff6jwkn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ervvxz',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'evilclawz',\n", " 'body': \"It's terrible lol\",\n", " 'id': 'ff6gz4q',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ervvxz',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'TremulousHand',\n", " 'body': \"It is a very incomplete course. Right now it is in beta and most Latin grammar is simply untouched. Verb tenses are the most complicated piece of Latin grammar, and at the moment it just doesn't really teach them at all. It just teaches the present tense. The assumption is that more content will be added, but it's clearly at most one third of the way there. It may be useful as a supplement for someone who is in their first semester of Latin or who wants a review of the basics, but it won't carry you very far.\\n\\nSome people are also driven up the wall by the emphasis it puts on weasels and parrots drunkenly cavorting and engaging in perfidious acts (not even joking). There are two issues. One is that parrot and weasel are not especially commonly used words in Latin. The second is that because they aren't commonly used, they are likely to trip people up when they are trying to test out of skills, so people who are pretty good at Latin end up having to do a lot of basic review just because they missed some simple words when they wouldn't if Duolingo used more common words like sheep or dog or bird as prominently as it uses parrot. I don't personally mind, as I believe that parrots and weasels were chosen because they are off the wall and drunken parrots are funnier than other kinds of drunken animals and it makes the sentences a bit more memorable to new learners, but I do understand the frustration.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff6ew7k',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ervvxz',\n", " 'score': 48},\n", " {'author': 'arbormedi',\n", " 'body': 'Oh thanks',\n", " 'id': 'ff65zq9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff65y88',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'SemperMeTaedet',\n", " 'body': 'If you search \"duolingo\" in this sub you\\'ll find a dozen questions asking this question. You\\'ll get a good answer there \\n\\nOverall it\\'s not terrible as an aide, but by it\\'s own it has its downfalls.',\n", " 'id': 'ff65y88',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ervvxz',\n", " 'score': 54}],\n", " 'erul2u': [],\n", " 'eroec9': [{'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"Nope - hopefully I'm gonna be there soon after you read this :P\",\n", " 'id': 'ffbdp00',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffabs9z',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Oh no! Too late! 🤣 Are you in that group? It’s the Latin & Ancient Greek Chats group.',\n", " 'id': 'ffabs9z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffab7hb',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"Right, just don't pass on those *~~mē~~* *mihi persuādēre* (mihi) and *ist**~~ū~~**c* (ŭ) xD\",\n", " 'id': 'ffab7hb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff9xjx2',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Very clear summation! I appreciate the excellent analysis. I’ll pass this on to the Facebook group.',\n", " 'id': 'ff9xjx2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff9u4vh',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'Hey Luke, thanks for the mention and an interesting question - I\\'ve actually had it on and off my mind to find a proper answer to it.\\n\\nA lot of the time, the phrase is used in English to simply mean *nunc intelligō, nunc rem teneō, ratiōnem capiō etc.*\\n\\nIf you want to say \"it\\'s reasonable to\", u/Kingshorsey has covered that - I like *pār est* as the most neutral expression. \"it\\'s more reasonable to, it\\'s preferrable to\" is *potius, praestat* etc.\\n\\nIf you want \"I think you reason correctly\", the usual course of action would be to pick any of the usual expressions of agreement. For some variety there\\'s *rem loqueris/fābulāris*, or more colloquially *est istuc quidem aliquid*, or less colloquially *probābiliter dīcis,* or stronger *bene ratiōcināris, prūdenter/sapienter loqueris*.\\n\\nThe opposite of the above, again, apart from the usual expressions of disagreement, is *nōn convenit/quadrat, id quod dīcis nōn constat, hau consentāneum est, vix ita* *~~mē~~* *mihi persuādēre possum* or stronger yet, *apsurda dīcis*.\\n\\nAs far as I can see, *sensum habēre* means \"to possess reason, be able to think and understand\", and *sensum facere* \"to result in discernible meaning, to be understandable\".\\n\\nIn short, I think the trick is to look through the ambiguous English phrase (as all such overused phrases tend to be) and try to grasp its precise meaning in the given context, at which point finding the right Latin expression becomes quite trivial.',\n", " 'id': 'ff9u4vh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff6u8j9',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Yup! I pinned that post there for the Androiders. Thanks',\n", " 'id': 'ff9ab99',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff96orv',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Kangaroostorm',\n", " 'body': 'Gratias ago\\nI have an android, but in the comments i found out about gboard (to anyone else wondering)',\n", " 'id': 'ff96orv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff6darm',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'u/Unbrutal_Russian I look forward to your input!',\n", " 'id': 'ff6u8j9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eroec9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Here ya go! https://youtu.be/ThidgW91Mec',\n", " 'id': 'ff6darm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff64270',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Kangaroostorm',\n", " 'body': 'Side question, how do you type lengths?',\n", " 'id': 'ff64270',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff5ppq7',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'RikikiBousquet',\n", " 'body': '“Fait du sens” also works in French, mostly in Québec from my experience.',\n", " 'id': 'ff5r89e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff59xln',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Also, pār and cōnsentāneum are used synonymously here, so perhaps it’s not Late Latin https://latin.packhum.org/search?q=Consentaneum',\n", " 'id': 'ff5ppq7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff57zfp',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Daredhevil',\n", " 'body': 'Ita.',\n", " 'id': 'ff5pid3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eroec9',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Nice! What are the sources for these? Can you find them in PHI?',\n", " 'id': 'ff5o3ed',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff57zfp',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'u/ilritorno confirms that “fa senso” does not mean “hace sentido” — but in any case, neither the Italian nor the Spanish are something we want to “translate” since they are idiomatic expressions. Surely the Latin language has *something*, or perhaps a few phrases, that are Roman equivalents. And some other commenters have given us a few to work with. \\n\\nIf you check PHI you won’t find sēnsum habet/facit meaning “it makes sense”:\\n\\n\\nhttps://latin.packhum.org/search?q=sensum+habet\\n\\n\\nhttps://latin.packhum.org/search?q=sensum+facit\\n\\nSeneca’s words here have a different meaning.',\n", " 'id': 'ff5o27q',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff59xln',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Esatto.',\n", " 'id': 'ff5nrp0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff5iipz',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'caiusdrewart',\n", " 'body': 'non sequitur',\n", " 'id': 'ff5jsp2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff56hmx',\n", " 'score': 12},\n", " {'author': 'ilritorno',\n", " 'body': 'At least here in central Italy, \"ha senso\" e \"fa senso\" do not the mean the same thing. Here in Tuscany \"fa senso\" or rather \"mi fa senso\", are used to express a reaction to something that is not pleasing. Someone could say \"mi fa senso\" to react to the sight of some blood, or to the sight of a bad wound, or to a recipe that appears disgusting (i could say \"mi fa senso\" when presented with *lumache in umido*).',\n", " 'id': 'ff5iipz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff59xln',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'While \"ha senso\" is appropriate to mean, \"it makes sense,\" I have only seen \"fa senso\" in Italian used to mean the same thing, and the phrase in Spanish is, \"hace sentido,\" an exact parallel of the latter. I don\\'t see \"sēnsum facit\" as a problematic translation.',\n", " 'id': 'ff59xln',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eroec9',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ff59nsu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eroec9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': 'Some options:\\n\\nConsentaneum est\\n\\nRationis est\\n\\nSic ratio dictat\\n\\nAequum videtur\\n\\nPar est quod ... (in later Latin)',\n", " 'id': 'ff57zfp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eroec9',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'And thence also “congruit” perhaps?\\n\\nThen what for “it doesn’t make sense”? Parum congruit/convenit?',\n", " 'id': 'ff56hmx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff53u3c',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Excellent option!',\n", " 'id': 'ff54gro',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff53u3c',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'What do you think of just saying *convenit*?',\n", " 'id': 'ff53u3c',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eroec9',\n", " 'score': 21}],\n", " 'erntbp': [{'author': 'bloodhailing',\n", " 'body': \"This is also cool—I've also drawn this parallel in the book before, so I'll use this for a future chapter.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff5jb8y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff5iv45',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'I’d follow the declension of _chaos_, genitive _chaūs_, dative _chaī_, thus creating an analogy between this fictional name of _Vaaos_ and the mythological element.',\n", " 'id': 'ff5iv45',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erntbp',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'bloodhailing',\n", " 'body': 'I think I will go with your second idea but also include a glossary like u/sillysalamander13 suggested, thanks to both of you!',\n", " 'id': 'ff5gghr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff5cnbt',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': \"Here a couple ideas you could try:\\n\\nOne option would be to pretend it's borrowed from Greek and then use Greek endings, so you could have Vaaou for the genitive. Also Greek is far more open to long strings of vowels like you have in Vaaos.\\n\\nYou could also arbitrarily make it third declension with Vaaosis as the genitive.\\n\\nThird idea is to sidestep your issue by forming an adjective, and have something akin to 'profunda Vaaosia'\",\n", " 'id': 'ff5cnbt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erntbp',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'bloodhailing',\n", " 'body': 'This is a good idea, thanks.',\n", " 'id': 'ff5aymy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff58y3t',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'sillysalamander13',\n", " 'body': \"I think as long as vaaos is mentioned earlier in the book, especially using different forms, they'll know by seeing it before. Also I reccomend having a glossary in the back of your book like most Latin books I've seen have - if you dont already - because then they can say oh what's this? Check the glossary they got it. Include different forms of the word as well in the glossary\",\n", " 'id': 'ff58y3t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erntbp',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'bloodhailing',\n", " 'body': \"Well yeah, they'd have to translate it, but I wanted the word Vaaos to be readable in Latin since it isn't an actual word, you know what I mean? If you look up Vaai in Latin you won't find anything, but if you know it's in Vaaos you'll know that it is not a real word that's been translated into Latin. An English reader isn't going to know how to translate Vaai out of Latin (or anything else for that matter, but they can use a translator -- knowing that, referencing Vaaos will then make sense as to why it wouldn't translate).\",\n", " 'id': 'ff58ksv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff55ndi',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Iadara1457',\n", " 'body': \"If it's an english book a reader would probably have to look up the latin anyways. Just use ad profunda Vaai or title it in English\",\n", " 'id': 'ff55ndi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erntbp',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'ernjtj': [{'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'Removed because of rule about not shit posting.',\n", " 'id': 'ff58gn4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ernjtj',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'ermahy': [{'author': 'Junhugie2',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you!',\n", " 'id': 'ff4nzt6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff4l2kh',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'xanitrep',\n", " 'body': \">Ornamenta quae Albinus vendit sunt gemmae et margaritae. Quod ornamentum?\\n\\nYou left out a bit in between these two sentences: Quid emit Mēdus? Ōrnāmentum emit.\\n\\n>Hic servus Medus, illic Davus est.\\n\\nille Dāvus est.\\n\\n>Lydia hunc servum amat, non illunc.\\n\\nnōn illum.\\n\\n>Lydia huic servo osculum dat, non illis.\\n\\nnōn illī.\\n\\n>Lydia ab hoc servo amatur, non ab illoc.\\n\\nnōn ab illō.\\n\\n>Hoc oppidum est Tusculum, illic est Brundisium. \\n\\nillud est Brundisium.\\n\\n>Cornelius in hoc oppido habitat, non in illuc.\\n\\nnōn in illō.\\n\\n>Viae horum oppidi parvae sunt.\\n\\nViae huius oppidī parvae sunt.\\n\\n>The illic section I couldn’t find at all so I resorted to educated guesses using Wiktionary.\\n\\nille illa illud is declined, alongside other pronouns, in both the body and the margins of Cap. VIII's Grammatica Latīna section.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff4l2kh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ermahy',\n", " 'score': 6}],\n", " 'erm91p': [{'replies': '',\n", " 'id': 'k5c6tg1',\n", " 'author': 'Acceptable_List2269',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1,\n", " 'body': 'Can you translate Bene ego sum expectat responsionem...',\n", " 'created': 1697589706.0},\n", " {'author': 'Ornery_Sun',\n", " 'body': 'Hi! So.... I’m interested in a phrase (I’m thinking about getting it on a custom piece of merchandise) but I wanted to make sure I’m understanding this correctly. “Ego sum dignus” is translated to “I am worthy”. But I’ve also seen it translated as “I am not worthy”. Is the latter correct? I’m thinking the only way that could be right is because of some sort of literary device? It’s been over 10 years since I’ve taken Latin and about 14 or 15 years since I’ve taken a Latin literature class. I would greatly appreciate any feedback!\\n\\nThanks!!',\n", " 'id': 'fp3vjcb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Striking-Smile',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you!',\n", " 'id': 'fgtxa8b',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffiw3s4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'In that case, I\\'d say *Ignibus Pontium Arsorum Calesco* or perhaps *Ignibus Pontium Arsorum Calefio* (the latter is more like \"I am being warmed by the fires of burned bridges\" while the former is \"I am warming up from the fires of burned bridges\".',\n", " 'id': 'fg6nizu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg6g511',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Sassycatfarts',\n", " 'body': 'It would be (I am) warming by the fires of bridges burnt.',\n", " 'id': 'fg6g511',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg5w3u1',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'My translation would be, *Ignibus Pontium Arsorum Calescens*, although I\\'m a little unclear on the context, specifically, how you mean \"warming\". When you say \"warming by the fires\", do you mean that something is being warmed as a result of the fires of bridges burned? Or do you mean \"warming\" as a noun - warming that is caused by the fires of burned bridges?',\n", " 'id': 'fg5w3u1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffq6x7c',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"*Dominus* is 'the lord' while *deus* is 'god'.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg178t3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg16th5',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Memeyatollah_of_Kek',\n", " 'body': 'Is there a meaningful difference between Dominus and Deus?',\n", " 'id': 'fg16th5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffhid7z',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'SawhetSnoring',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you discipulus.',\n", " 'id': 'ffs48n8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffry1jy',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'Similis will work then.',\n", " 'id': 'ffs03p6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrxu27',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Vittoria-la-Svizzera',\n", " 'body': \"Hi all!\\n\\nI am not sure if this is the place for this or not, but I am having trouble translating an epithet of Aphrodite from Greek into Latin. As part of a creative writing project I'm involved in, I've been trying to find a suitable epithet for a lesbian version of the goddess Venus. For Aphrodite, the epithet that I managed to find is *Gynaikerastria*, which should (I hope) translate to *Lover of Women*. How would one go about Latinizing the term *Gynaikerastria* to turn it into an epithet of Venus? Would *Gynaecerastria* be the term's Latinized form, or would a different word entirely be used instead?\\n\\nThank you in advance!\",\n", " 'id': 'ffrztwd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': \"Hmm. I'd say: *Fac aut nōn fac, cōnātus nōn est.*\",\n", " 'id': 'ffry1jy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffqtdrj',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'teetandreas',\n", " 'body': 'I want to use it as a playlist name.\\n\\nThe thing similar to the upper class would be me. Listening to the playlist would \"make me remind of the upper class\" or \"make me similar to the upper class\".\\n\\nJust a joke, but an interesting one, if you ask me.',\n", " 'id': 'ffrxu27',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrxay3',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': \"It depends what you're saying is similar, but just plain - *similis patriciīs.* This uses the word for the Roman upper class (the patricians).\",\n", " 'id': 'ffrxay3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffqaesp',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'Librārium Satanae',\n", " 'id': 'ffrx1ls',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrey88',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'Remove the *ego* and yes. The \"I\" is translated as part of a first person verb, you don\\'t need the separate word. Also it\\'d be *digna* if female.',\n", " 'id': 'ffrwvax',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrq9s9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'MaliciousMelissa27',\n", " 'body': 'What I the phrase \"I am worthy\" translated into Latin? Is ego sum dignus correct?',\n", " 'id': 'ffrq9s9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Nebtoc',\n", " 'body': 'Could someone translate this to latin please? “The Library of Satan“\\n\\nThanks!',\n", " 'id': 'ffrey88',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Qertenqele',\n", " 'body': 'I’m getting a tattoo of the phrase “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.” Could you help me translate that?',\n", " 'id': 'ffrctw4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'nattdr',\n", " 'body': 'Cheers',\n", " 'id': 'ffr50lp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffq36u7',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'SawhetSnoring',\n", " 'body': 'Looking for Latin translation of quote attributed to Yoda. \"Do or do not, there is no try.\"',\n", " 'id': 'ffqtdrj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'teetandreas',\n", " 'body': 'That would rather be the latter (\"survive the fear\"), I\\'m thinking...',\n", " 'id': 'ffqalyp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffpylrz',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'teetandreas',\n", " 'body': '\"Like/similar to the superiors/upper class\" (\"Similar to the upper class\") to Latin\\n\\nThanks in advance',\n", " 'id': 'ffqaesp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Sassycatfarts',\n", " 'body': 'My want a Latin phrase for the sleeve I\\'m working on. The phrase is \"warming by the fires of bridges burnt/ burned\"',\n", " 'id': 'ffq6x7c',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'Where did you get that *braviunt* from? As far as I can tell, there is no such word.\\n\\nYou could say: *vincunt qui alea ludunt*.',\n", " 'id': 'ffq4wec',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffn222w',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'helionking167',\n", " 'body': '\"Explodentes runae mane praeparavi\".',\n", " 'id': 'ffq36u7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff9wlo0',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'helionking167',\n", " 'body': 'Depends on the gender of \"they\".\\n\\nMasculine: Ei qui braviunt, vincunt.\\n\\nFeminine: Eae quae braviunt, vincunt.\\n\\nNeuter: Ea quae braviunt, vincunt.',\n", " 'id': 'ffq2exb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffn222w',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'helionking167',\n", " 'body': 'Magnanimus esse magnorum est, semper in meo corde vives.',\n", " 'id': 'ffq267f',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffina9z',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Fuck-Face',\n", " 'body': 'More like \"live using the fear\" I guess. \\n\\nMy thought process is: the fear will exist regardless of what you do... so instead of letting it paralyze you, you must live despite it.',\n", " 'id': 'ffpylrz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffohqlu',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'rocketman0739',\n", " 'body': 'Mortem memento sed non timeto, quia numquam abest.',\n", " 'id': 'ffpye7s',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffjktxp',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'jayzwasinnirvana',\n", " 'body': 'It\\'s sort of ambiguous in English: do you mean more \"live using the fear\" or \"survive the fear\"?',\n", " 'id': 'ffohqlu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffkhtvf',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffn222w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Fuck-Face',\n", " 'body': 'Trying to say \"Live through the fear\" \\n\\nIs *Metu Vivere* correct?',\n", " 'id': 'ffkhtvf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jdv30',\n", " 'body': 'Can someone translate \"The impediment to action advances the action. What stands in the way becomes the way.\"',\n", " 'id': 'ffk01d5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'TheOfficialKraken',\n", " 'body': 'Hello everyone! I know this is very basic white bitch but could I get this translated? \\n\\n“Remember death, but never fear it. For it is never absent.”\\n\\nIm wanting it for a tattoo idea but don’t trust any of the auto-translators online as they always butcher grammar!',\n", " 'id': 'ffjktxp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'This works, yep. However, *dīlēcta* means \"have been loved\", in the perfect (past) tense. I believe the present passive indicative would be more appropriate, *dīligor* \"I am loved.\"\\n\\nYou could then say: *Satis, digna sum, dīligor* - literally \"I am enough, worthy, I am loved\", however I think you could translate it into English as \"I am enough, worthy, loved\" as you said.',\n", " 'id': 'ffiw3s4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffidxu9',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'nm0112',\n", " 'body': 'Hello!, my friend is about to do a tattoo in Latin and I would like to make sure that it’s written correctly. The phrase in Spanish is: “ser magnánimo es de grandes, vivirás siempre en mi corazón” in English it goes in the lines of: it’s from great people being magnanimous, you will always live in my heart”\\n\\nI would really appreciate some help :), thank you all in advance',\n", " 'id': 'ffina9z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Striking-Smile',\n", " 'body': 'Did latin in school many years ago and my grammar is very rusty.\\n\\nLooking for a tattoo translation for \"enough, worthy, loved\" (meaning I am \"enough, worthy, loved\")\\n\\nI came up with:\\nSatis, Digna, Dilecta (could be prefaced with Sum)\\n\\nAm a woman btw.\\nDoes that work? \\n\\nThanks in advance!',\n", " 'id': 'ffidxu9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffi86vo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffi51h0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Canned_Mann',\n", " 'body': \"This is for a thing I'm drawing:\\n\\n>Doceat in propinquo fuerat te,\\n\\n>Mūtari sanguine bēluae tuī.\\n\\n>Quod bonum fati par dia.\\n\\n\\nAnd if I'm not mistaken, this should be the correct translation:\\n\\n>Still, as a mentor, I always were at your side,\\n\\n>Even when you had turned into a beast.\\n\\n>For an honest death is like a blessing.\\n\\nThis is the correct translation, right? If not, can you guys help me fix it? I really don't want to mess this thing up.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffi51h0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'lliquidHoney',\n", " 'body': 'I need the sentence, ‘bad at sinking’ translated. \\n\\nThank you.',\n", " 'id': 'ffi3qvk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Memeyatollah_of_Kek',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you',\n", " 'id': 'ffi1ie2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffhid7z',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffhiyao',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': '*Dominus protegit* and *dominus providet*.\\n\\nAll those words have stress on the first syllable.',\n", " 'id': 'ffhid7z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffgvv26',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'Wiktionary: \"alone, sole, only, by oneself with no others around\"',\n", " 'id': 'ffh6hkx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffg585b',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Memeyatollah_of_Kek',\n", " 'body': \"I'm looking to get some scrollwork done with two phrases:\\n\\nThe Lord Protects\\n&\\nThe Lord Provides\\n\\nI think the first one is 'Deus Dominius' but I'm not sure, and I really want to be sure for this.\\n\\nThank you\",\n", " 'id': 'ffgvv26',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'DiscoScotty67',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks!',\n", " 'id': 'ffgrvm8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffgl09l',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'halfTheFn',\n", " 'body': \"I've been tasked with producing a Latin translation of the two following mottos. Here's what I've come up with - are these correct, and could they be better? \\n\\nSteady and consistent pressure over time \\\\[yields results\\\\]\\n\\nPressura stabilis et constans per tempus \\\\[affert frugem\\\\]\\n\\nand\\n\\nGo forth and kick ass\\n\\nProcede ad vicendum\\n\\n(Kick ass being idiomatic, I don't know how to google for any similar idioms in latin.)\",\n", " 'id': 'ffgq2vu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'via facilis periculosa',\n", " 'id': 'ffgl09l',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffec1uu',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'in virtute victoria',\n", " 'id': 'ffgkoxy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffeu4xi',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'Yes.',\n", " 'id': 'ffgklnd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fffecga',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': '*fēlīciter, faustē, prosperē*',\n", " 'id': 'ffg9kpf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffdzex9',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'username-barely-fit',\n", " 'body': 'Hey everyone! I tried doing this myself but each translator did it differently, so I came to Reddit. I want the phrase \"I have the power to do what I want to do\" translated to Latin and would appreciate the help very much 💜💜💜',\n", " 'id': 'ffg6t61',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Denlock',\n", " 'body': '>Solus natus, solus moriore\\n\\nThank you, but I have a question I want to make sure of. A lot of translations of the word solus comes up as \"only\" rather than \"alone\". Is solus the best word to capture the english meaning of \"alone\"?\\n\\nAnd \"Born alone, die alone\" is just a short form of something like \"You are born alone, and you die alone.\" Born alone, die alone isn\\'t meant so much to be a sentence. Just short form. I don\\'t know how that affects how it would be rendered in latin, but given what those implied words are, that might affect the form the latin words are in.',\n", " 'id': 'ffg585b',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffg03hj',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'adrianavarro',\n", " 'body': 'Maybe it\\'s \"Solus natus, solus moriore\". \"Solus natus\" is the participle and \"solus moriore\" is the imperative (I\\'ve done it this way because I\\'m not a native speaker but I hope that was what you were trying to say)',\n", " 'id': 'ffg03hj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffdi4kn',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'wealdwulf',\n", " 'body': 'So, I’m making a fantasy world and I want to do a few things in my notes, namely: make European folklore creatures have Latin taxonomy style names, and give them names in Old English, then translate these into my conlangs.\\n\\nBasically, I wondered if you could help me work out some simple stuff cause I’m not knowledgeable in Latin. Would Calcatrix Viperīnum and Calcatrix Natrīcum both be correctly translated as ‘Viper Cockatrice’ and ‘Watersnake Cockatrice’, in the sense that these are Cockatrices which have the quality of these types of snakes?',\n", " 'id': 'fffh6jw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'halfTheFn',\n", " 'body': 'This year written out in full, in latin. Did I get this right :\\n\\nAnno domini bis millesimo vicesimo?',\n", " 'id': 'fffecga',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'jessedhammu',\n", " 'body': 'Hi, \\n\\nI need a correct translation of the phrase \"*Success lies in Courage*\" into Latin. but the condition is it should include the word \\'**Victoria**\\' or the word *Success* should translate to \\'**Victoria**\\'. rest of the stuff you can figure out as per correct Latin grammar rules. \\n\\nI need it for a tattoo. so please help me.',\n", " 'id': 'ffeu4xi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'DiscoScotty67',\n", " 'body': 'Hi, I am working on a cyber security coin for my students and would like to include a Latin phrase. Essentially, the meaning I’m looking for is something that conveys the idea that the easy choice/option/path can be dangerous. Any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated.',\n", " 'id': 'ffec1uu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'BlindAngel',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks a lot. I have red a bit about *ut* but it seems to indicate more a logical step of action than a goal. I believe *ad* is more in line with the idea.\\n\\nLooking back at the french and English sentence I noticed a difference in the sens that the french one is using the infinitive while the English is imperative. The french one being more impersonal, having no subject, and thus being directed at everyone. English is not my first language so I am unsure if this subtlety can also be found in some way in English. Can the imperative of Latin also imply this impersonality and sense of obligation?',\n", " 'id': 'ffe2nk5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff9pajc',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bmwe30is',\n", " 'body': 'Context for this phrase, \"This solution came from serendipity.\" or \"It was a solution that came to us with serendipity.\"',\n", " 'id': 'ffdzs7o',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffdzex9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bmwe30is',\n", " 'body': 'Hi there! \\n\\nI\\'m looking to translate, \"From serendipity\" or \"With serendipity\". \\n\\nI think the translation is \"Ex gratum\" or \"Et gratum\", which one is grammatically correct? \\n\\nThank you!',\n", " 'id': 'ffdzex9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'FanciOlive',\n", " 'body': 'How do I say “above all, never quit”?\\n\\nSUPER OMNIA NUMQUAM DESISTE\\n\\nSUPER OMNE NUMQUAM LINQUE',\n", " 'id': 'ffdmite',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Denlock',\n", " 'body': 'Hey, there! I want to translate \"Born alone, die alone\" for a tattoo. I did some looking but I\\'m really unsure of what I found. Thanks in advance.',\n", " 'id': 'ffdi4kn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': '*Misericordiam Deī petō. Post hunc calicem, capitulum novum est ēditum.*',\n", " 'id': 'ffdel0h',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffbr9v6',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': '\"To continue climbing\" - *Scandendum persevērāre*',\n", " 'id': 'ffddncz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffcd759',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'chenlindah',\n", " 'body': 'Can someone translate: \"Keep Climbing\" or \"More mountains to climb\" in Latin? Looking to put this behind a mountain image to encourage people to continue striving. I also appreciate if there\\'s another translation that relates to this message.',\n", " 'id': 'ffcd759',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'otoredulantersod',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you!',\n", " 'id': 'ffbywz9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffbe0ec',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '_coolguy77_',\n", " 'body': 'Can someone translate: \"I petition the mercy of God. With this cup, a new chapter is brought forth\"',\n", " 'id': 'ffbr9v6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'shitfacedintheuber',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you',\n", " 'id': 'ffbi0b0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffatf4z',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffbhirw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'Both are good. The former is a little more common.',\n", " 'id': 'ffbe0ec',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffb1raq',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'otoredulantersod',\n", " 'body': 'Which is more grammatically correct in the Latin language? \"vivere memento\" or \"memento vivere\"',\n", " 'id': 'ffb1raq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'anvsdt',\n", " 'body': 'Adjectives *compos/potens alicuius rei* \"having control, power over something\" are used like that.\\n\\n*compos mentis, compos animi, compos sui, compos mei* is having control over oneself (resp. over the mind (sane of mind), over one\\'s actions, over oneself, over myself)',\n", " 'id': 'ffatf4z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffa3kiz',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ut-dom-throwaway',\n", " 'body': 'Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much.',\n", " 'id': 'ffahcbe',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff9qxfg',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'shitfacedintheuber',\n", " 'body': 'How would one translate \"control\" as in I have control over myself?',\n", " 'id': 'ffa3kiz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'nattdr',\n", " 'body': 'how would on translate, i prepared explosive runes this morning',\n", " 'id': 'ff9wlo0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'mattfen93',\n", " 'body': 'Ea dissipat.',\n", " 'id': 'ff9rp18',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff8o5wb',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'mattfen93',\n", " 'body': '*Primo mihi sapientiam da* (singular, demand expressed to one person),\\n\\n*Primo mihi sapientiam date* (plural, demand expressed to more than one person).',\n", " 'id': 'ff9qxfg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff8fkeq',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'mattfen93',\n", " 'body': 'Syngraphus, -i, m. [dictionary entry](http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0059:entry=syngraphus)',\n", " 'id': 'ff9q74y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff8euj3',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'mattfen93',\n", " 'body': \"I guess you wanted to say '*Partiendum est ad regnandum melius*' (It is to be shared, in order to rule better), but two gerunds in a row just don't go that well... at least to my ear.\\nI would suggest simplifying it to *Parti, ut melius regnes* (=share, in order to rule better).\\n\\nIf you insist on using 'ad + gerund', then I would maybe rephrase it to '*Parti ad regnandum melius*'.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff9pajc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff6bfrb',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'mattfen93',\n", " 'body': \"Well, *homo ingeniosus* is not really as pompous as it sounds in English - in Latin it just means 'a man of ability, a talented man'. E.g. *vir magno ingenio* is a common expression for a talented individual, nothing pompous about it.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff9ng7k',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff6edjy',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'wannabepoetess',\n", " 'body': \"how would you translate 'she dissipates?'\",\n", " 'id': 'ff8o5wb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ut-dom-throwaway',\n", " 'body': 'Can someone help me translate the phrase “First make me wise.” It’s meant to be said as a demand if that makes any difference?',\n", " 'id': 'ff8fkeq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ff8euj3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'Oh, my oversight - looks good then',\n", " 'id': 'ff8e99f',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff8e0c5',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'I meant _sōlum_ to be an adverb; if you want an adjective, _sōla_ is the way to go',\n", " 'id': 'ff8e0c5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff8dyod',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'Should be *sōla* *necessāria*, since *necessāria* is plural.',\n", " 'id': 'ff8dyod',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff5kbsz',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'That makes sense, thanks.\\n\\nWhat if there were more specific verbs for that? Something on the lines of Catullus’s _pēdīcābō egō vōs et irrumābō_',\n", " 'id': 'ff6pjbh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff6n2ia',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'jayzwasinnirvana',\n", " 'body': 'It does, but I’m pretty sure that *lingo* was used for vaginal or anal oral sex in Latin. Keep in mind that “eat” is an idiom that wouldn’t necessarily make sense if directly translated.',\n", " 'id': 'ff6n2ia',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff5k9c8',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ff6ftjc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'rexleonis',\n", " 'body': \"Like somebody with an outstanding intellect. A brilliant thinker. Chess mastermind or criminal mastermind, either way people will not want to oppose you.\\n\\nIngenius sounds too pompous/bragging for my case use. But cunning is the correct way of thinking. Something related to brilliant and cunning planning. Somebody who is 'behind' a genious plan nobody expected. Behind the scenes type of guy basically. One word preferebly or maximum two.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff6edjy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff6chls',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'kiviuqs_',\n", " 'body': 'Do you mean mastermind in the sense of being ingenious and cunning? Maybe “ingenium” will work for you',\n", " 'id': 'ff6chls',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff5zubi',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'BlindAngel',\n", " 'body': 'I am trying to translate the french sentence: \"Partager pour mieux régner\", which would translate to: \"(Share/divide) to better rule\" (the ambiguity is voluntary). I came up with the following: *Ad regnandum melius partiendus sunt*. I am unsure about *sunt* here.\\n\\nIt is my understanding that using passive periphrastic here to implicate the obligation and using the \"ad + acc\" to indicate the goal is a good option but I am uncertain.\\n\\nThank you',\n", " 'id': 'ff6bfrb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'rexleonis',\n", " 'body': 'How would you translate the word MASTERMIND? In the sense of a very smart man. However I don\\'t want just a translation for a \"smart man\" but \"mastermind\" if possible.\\n\\nEDIT: Like somebody with an outstanding intellect. A brilliant thinker. Chess mastermind or criminal mastermind, either way people will not want to oppose you.\\n\\nSomething related to brilliant and cunning planning. Somebody who is \\'behind\\' a genious plan nobody anticipated. Behind the scenes type of guy basically. One word preferebly or maximum two.',\n", " 'id': 'ff5zubi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm91p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'I think “time of day” should be _hōra_.\\n\\nWith appropriate cases, it could be _mementō dē mē sicut dē hōrā_ or _mementō mē sicut hōram_',\n", " 'id': 'ff5yvdy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff588ci',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'Cycnophilos',\n", " 'body': 'I would interpret \"memento mei tempore\" as \"remember in my time\", which isn\\'t very close to what you\\'re asking for. Maybe \"memento me sicut tempus diei\" = \"remember me just like a time of day\". The only way to have it mean exactly the same as your quote is to get the tattoo in English.',\n", " 'id': 'ff5xidy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff588ci',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'I’d say _sōlum necessāria_',\n", " 'id': 'ff5kbsz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff4ppub',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'Wait man, doesn’t _lingō_ translate “lick”?',\n", " 'id': 'ff5k9c8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff4nujm',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': \"doing god's work\",\n", " 'id': 'ff5i176',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff4nujm',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'erm78u': [{'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'Aeneas',\n", " 'id': 'ffbch1q',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff993vn',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffbcgnp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff993vn',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'Yes it is. More literally it would be “Go, piss into a mouth! I return [it].”',\n", " 'id': 'ffbcg27',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff6ikfv',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'freethinker78',\n", " 'body': \"I don't know, who?\",\n", " 'id': 'ff993vn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff8eoh5',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'Sine Didone migro! (guess who would say that)',\n", " 'id': 'ff8eoh5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm78u',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'freethinker78',\n", " 'body': 'Is that latin?',\n", " 'id': 'ff6ikfv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff5ryph',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': 'Sit on a potato pan, Otis. (Just chiming in and illustrating your point, not actually ordering you to sit, nor calling you Otis.)',\n", " 'id': 'ff6enwm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff4oiae',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"*I, minge in os! Reddo.* \\n'Go piss in my mouth! I return it.'\",\n", " 'id': 'ff5ryph',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm78u',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'simplicimyrto',\n", " 'body': 'If there happens to be a valid anagram I highly doubt that it is a “hidden meaning”. Would be pure coincidence',\n", " 'id': 'ff4oiae',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_erm78u',\n", " 'score': 6}],\n", " 'eskkmd': [{'author': 'Matar_Kubileya',\n", " 'body': \"And if it comes from Etruscan, it could mean almost anything. The last person we know of with any command of the language was the emperor Claudius, and modern linguistics hasn't been able to do much more than figure out a few simple meanings based on random surviving texts or theorize that it may be related to Basque or the pre-Greek language of the Ionian islands.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffgnp9q',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffak7ui',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'Ancient Rome looked very different from today, especially in the first centuries after being founded. The rooftops of ancient apartment blocks were often at the level of modern streets. But everything around Rome - that\\'s as flat now as it was back then (in contrast to the rest of the peninsula), and would fit very well with a name like \"plains\". The land to the south of Latium also has a very telling name.',\n", " 'id': 'fff9nla',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffd8rw8',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'They supposedly had 7 hills. The city did not seem very hilly when I was there, but I live on a hill, so I might be somewhat biased. It could be that the region of Latium which had Rome at the eastern part was mostly flat, such that Rome having hills was a notable feature. Note that I am not familiar with the geography west of Rome to know, so I am just offering a possibility that needs to be checked.',\n", " 'id': 'ffd944r',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffazaa7',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'I did not regard Rome as being very hilly when I visited. I live on a hill, so I might be biased. Rome is also a fairly big area. There are likely many more hills in a fraction of the area in the place that I live.\\n\\nThat being said, Latium referred to a large area where Rome was near the eastern tip. Perhaps that region is rather flat.',\n", " 'id': 'ffd8rw8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffauwi9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"Well, there's the country retreat in the Virgin Islands... Tortola's so hilly and rocky you need to signal before turning (lot of hairpin bends and such). Durham, my *alma mater*, had hills and more-or-less single lane roads that weren't one-way.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffblvgr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffblfzd',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'eestimarcus',\n", " 'body': \"Give OP some slack. If you're from the mighty fjords and mountains of Norway, or the Swiss Alps, or the steep mountain regions of Peru, the seven hills of Rome might not soud like a big deal.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffblfzd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eskkmd',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'LMAO I thought this was a troll post with the inclusion of “perhaps Rome isn’t very hilly?”',\n", " 'id': 'ffbbbh7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eskkmd',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'I got the Romulus/Remus thing, the wolfess, but not the hill thing. Oops. Must read more.',\n", " 'id': 'ffazaa7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffauwi9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'anvsdt',\n", " 'body': \"It wouldn't be funny if the city wasn't known to be founded on *seven hills specifically*. The seven hills of Rome. Rome, the city founded on 7 hills by twins raised by a female wolf. \\n\\nI'd expect anyone with a passing interest in Latin to have at least read the synopsis of the foundation of Rome.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffauwi9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffaszb8',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"How should I know? I've never been. Milan, yeah, and that card tournament in Pignerol, and Bologna, but not Rome.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffaszb8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffaos0o',\n", " 'score': -1},\n", " {'author': 'anvsdt',\n", " 'body': \"> (perhaps Rome isn't very hilly?)\\n\\nI mean... lol.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffaos0o',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eskkmd',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': '*Latīna* comes from *Latium*, the region of Italy where Rome was founded, but the name is of uncertain origin. It\\'s been connected to *lātus*, wide, as you said, or *latus, -eris*, side, it being on the side of the Italian peninsula. Others have suggested it may derive from Etruscan.\\n\\nAnd *coīre* is, just as you said, for *com-* + *īre*, \"to go together,\" and it conjugates just as *eō, īre* does: *coeo, coīre, coiī/coīvī, coitum*.',\n", " 'id': 'ffak7ui',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eskkmd',\n", " 'score': 7}],\n", " 'eskj1s': [{'author': 'Zephyr_usXLII',\n", " 'body': 'Uhh, imgur link maybe? Once again, thank you.',\n", " 'id': 'ffevme6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffeo1sa',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Athreia',\n", " 'body': 'How can I give you the meme?',\n", " 'id': 'ffeo1sa',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffd5i2i',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Zephyr_usXLII',\n", " 'body': 'Ohh, I know that. Thank you for that idea, I like it!',\n", " 'id': 'ffdamiz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffd9x60',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'BasicWhiteGirl4',\n", " 'body': 'You know the one of the guy saying \"I said the real \\\\_\\\\_\\\\_\"?\\n\\n \\n\\n\\n\"Ambulo\" Give me the real principle part\\n\\n \\n\\n\\n\"Ambulare\" I said the real principle part\\n\\n \\n\\n\\n\" Ambulavi\" Perfect.',\n", " 'id': 'ffd9x60',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eskj1s',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Zephyr_usXLII',\n", " 'body': 'I really do appreciate the help with it!',\n", " 'id': 'ffd5i2i',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffcja9n',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Athreia',\n", " 'body': 'Okay\\nJust give me time lol',\n", " 'id': 'ffcja9n',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffaqym8',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'dasKatzenhafte135',\n", " 'body': 'Check Jucunda Satyra on instagram',\n", " 'id': 'ffbtgj4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eskj1s',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': 'Find a couple of words that sound similar but mean different things. Let them inspire you from there.',\n", " 'id': 'ffbradq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eskj1s',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Zephyr_usXLII',\n", " 'body': 'Either works.',\n", " 'id': 'ffbq6yh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffbl2l5',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Liamlah',\n", " 'body': 'Do you have to make the meme yourself? Or find an existing one?',\n", " 'id': 'ffbl2l5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eskj1s',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Zephyr_usXLII',\n", " 'body': \"We are currently on the 3rd (I'm in Latin I).\",\n", " 'id': 'ffaqym8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffanj8o',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Athreia',\n", " 'body': 'Okay\\nLemme think about it\\nHave you studied declinations?',\n", " 'id': 'ffanj8o',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffamfp5',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'Zephyr_usXLII',\n", " 'body': \"Well, we don't do much history to be honest (like once a month) and it's just the basics: kings, emperors, famous historical events/heroes, popular myths, etc.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffamfp5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffal11s',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Athreia',\n", " 'body': 'Well what periods have you studied yet?',\n", " 'id': 'ffal11s',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eskj1s',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'esizx0': [{'author': 'NomenScribe',\n", " 'body': 'It\\'s true that I can\\'t think of a second example of this happening in Latin. But, based on L&S entries, it looks like the devoicing would have happened already in the Greek. \\n\\nUnder *papae*, L&S has \"păpae, interj., = παπαί\", but under *babae* it says \"băbae or păpae, interj., = βαβαί or παπαί\". Well, that answers the one question -- L&S seems to think it\\'s basically the same word. I don\\'t know enough Greek to know how much devoicing happens there.',\n", " 'id': 'ffbyrzz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffbl80u',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'MinskAtLit',\n", " 'body': \"You should look if in the specific language it's a tendency, rather than drawing on analogy from all known languages. In latin there doesn't seem to be a shift away from voicing, so it's probably not a regular change by devoicing\",\n", " 'id': 'ffbl80u',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffbgiyw',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'NomenScribe',\n", " 'body': 'So, is this basically word as *papae*? The main difference between b and p is voicing, and languages do tend to drop voicing over time.',\n", " 'id': 'ffbgiyw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esizx0',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'eshhhe': [{'author': '_porphyrios',\n", " 'body': 'Text in Latin and English: http://www.preces-latinae.org/thesaurus/BVM/ObsecroTe.html',\n", " 'id': 'ffcr3nk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eshhhe',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'adrianvelante',\n", " 'body': 'Pretty',\n", " 'id': 'ffbh9xw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eshhhe',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'esgzvy': [{'author': 'goodoneforyou',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks.',\n", " 'id': 'ffhsm0g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffhno0j',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"No problem at all. The word is 'obvolvatur', which, depending on your dictionary, will be under either 'obvolvo' or 'obvolvere'.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffhno0j',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffhlblc',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'goodoneforyou',\n", " 'body': 'I hate to ask for too much, but can you also tell me which words are \"wrapped around\"? Thanks, I study history for fun, but don\\'t know Latin, and all these abbreviations in the document make it difficult to use a dictionary.',\n", " 'id': 'ffhlblc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff9x0k6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'goodoneforyou',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you!',\n", " 'id': 'ff9xrzj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff9x0k6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"'If the instrument's needle is too long, let something (aliquid) be wrapped round it so that it doesn't go too far. In the meantime it will be better to have covers on it so they can be put on and taken off according to need.'\",\n", " 'id': 'ff9x0k6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esgzvy',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'esgu6u': [],\n", " 'esegsd': [],\n", " 'esdj0x': [{'author': 'uwuowo6510',\n", " 'body': \"I'm INCREDIBLY late but google classroom is a platform many teachers use to post different assignments, plus any links or pdfs.\",\n", " 'id': 'irzeaxv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffb987b',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'In addition to my other comment: you seek something not rigid. But in fact nearly all songs in English follow very fundamental, rather rigid structure which tends to come naturally to most song writers because they are native speakers. But the nature of Latin at an elemental level is quite different, and I would say more complex (or perhaps, it has numerous differences which must be taken into account). The way to make these foreign language differences intuitive is to study Latin poetry very intensely.',\n", " 'id': 'fgp8k35',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgl84bg',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'I applaud all your efforts! As you can see, it’s great fun and very rewarding work. The video has a great singer and I like the format. \\n\\nThat video though allows me to hear crucial things: long/short note contrast is not applied to the Latin long/short syllable contrasts. Elisions are inconsistent. Stresses occur on non stressed syllables. \\n\\nSo after you have internalized partially by rote memory at a bare, bare minimum the Viva Voce poem selection series linked above, you should then study the truly advanced (and necessarily advanced for this kind of work) translations by u/RumakRasna. We can’t really have a common frame of reference until you have. Keep up the good work!',\n", " 'id': 'fgo1ye7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgl84bg',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Glossaphilos',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks for those resources! You\\'ve piqued my interest in classical poetry, though I must confess I don\\'t quite understand how that level of familiarity with ancient literary form(s) is that important to the task at hand. I could become an expert at composing Ovidian-style verses, but I doubt that will be much help in translating/adapting a Disney song that doesn\\'t follow any Ovidian or other historical meter.\\n\\nMaybe you could explain in greater detail how such knowledge helped you and/or Rumak compose the lyrics for \"Et Nīl Est.\"\\n\\nMaintaining the rhyme scheme and syllable count per line while also taking minimal liberties with meaning is already a delicate balancing act. For me at least, I think adhering to a canonical structure would make it virtually impossible to arrive at a satisfactory result. Then again, assuming this is exactly what you\\'ve achieved with \"Et Nīl Est\" and the like, that may just be because I\\'ve never tried, in which case, thank you for quite possibly giving me the impetus to attempt it! Also, congratulations, because that\\'s quite a feat!\\n\\nOn the flip side, I\\'m not really convinced that it\\'s a bad idea to apply more modern literary forms to Latin. This seems to me like just another part of what it means to treat it like a \"living\" language.\\n\\nIf you\\'re curious, [this Latin rendition of \"My Heart Will Go On,\"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqO2zGW1_5E) which I actually managed to get recorded, is perhaps the best example of my current overall approach (if you can forgive the singer\\'s thick English accent, particularly with the word \"sēcūrē\"). It\\'s quite old, so there might be a few parts that I\\'d do a bit differently if I had the opportunity to re-record it, but it works at least well enough to show how I usually tackle Disney songs.\\n\\nOne of my more recent translations that hasn\\'t been sung yet is [\"Audiar\" (\"Speechless,\" from the 2019 remake of Aladdin)](https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/byoqcx/princess_jasmines_new_song_speechless_in_latin/). I think this one is the closest I\\'ve come yet to a classical rhythm. At the very least, the stress imposed by the melody manages to align more often with actual word stress.',\n", " 'id': 'fgl84bg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgkxaqd',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Right! So, you’ll have to study Roman verse forms pretty closely. I recommend staring with Ovid’s love poems, because they’re in the commonest meter: alternating dactylic hexameter and pentameter. Then study the varieties used by Catullus. After that internalizing a few of Horace and understanding Plautine meter will be sufficient preparation. Memorizing a few poems from each author will be important. If you commit large parts of the following in this playlist to memory, you’ll be in good shape; this is how I began: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE1C14EC1E01387D1',\n", " 'id': 'fgkxaqd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgkwjib',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Glossaphilos',\n", " 'body': \"Hardly at all, really. I know ancient Roman poetry typically relies on the alternation between long and short vowels (or rather syllables), but that's about the extent of my knowledge regarding scansion. Classical literary form was just never a focus of mine in learning the language. As long as the grammar is right and the pronunciation is the best it can be, I'm not that meticulous about adhering to attested poetic structure(s).\",\n", " 'id': 'fgkwjib',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgkgoev',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Hi again! How much have you studied Roman meter?',\n", " 'id': 'fgkgoev',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgeumyz',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Glossaphilos',\n", " 'body': 'Mē excūsō dē tarditāte meī responsī, et spērō ut tamen tuā intersit mēcum collabōrāre. Carmina mea iam edita sunt hīc in Redditō, sed carmen quod nunc maximē volō referre phōnographicē est [\"Amīcum Tālem Numquam Habuistī\" (\"Friend Like Me\")](https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/d7xcqe/am%C4%ABcum_t%C4%81lem_numquam_habuist%C4%AB_carmen_geni%C4%AB/) dē cinēmatographō *Aladdīnus*.',\n", " 'id': 'fgeumyz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffa6sr6',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'I always do! In the description of every music video.',\n", " 'id': 'ffh42us',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffh41ir',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'JoaoPauloFrota',\n", " 'body': \"Excellent! I'll be waiting for it. Could you leave us the lyrics link to download?\",\n", " 'id': 'ffh41ir',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffgup9j',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Certainly! After Stefano and I complete the entire score of The Nightmare Before Christmas, which is our current project.',\n", " 'id': 'ffgup9j',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffgrs7x',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'JoaoPauloFrota',\n", " 'body': \"I'm waiting for a corpse bride performance next time. How about that?\",\n", " 'id': 'ffgrs7x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esdj0x',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'That’s super nice of you to say! I think both could be improved substantially, but if it is listenable then I am happy! 😃',\n", " 'id': 'ffdzr51',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffdughw',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'ndcm',\n", " 'body': 'you should be proud of yourself. Those vocals and the pronunciation!',\n", " 'id': 'ffdughw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esdj0x',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Excellent! Thank you',\n", " 'id': 'ffbs6yg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffbg9ew',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'Ørberg\\'s books have \"omnia proprietātis jūra reservantur\" (ā Walt Disney Pictures). There\\'s also *dominium* \"legal ownership\", although I\\'m unsure about the construction required: *sub* or *in dominiō*, or rather *Moana (2016), cuijus jūra et dominium Walt Disney Pictures (re)tenent.* Ørberg\\'s phrasing seems more straightforward.\\n\\nBy the way, I don\\'t think *ā Lūciō Rāniēriō* quite works to translate \"by Luke Ranieri\" (search for \"servus\" in L&S\\'s article for *ab* to see my reasons). I\\'d say *auctōre, interprete etc*, or *composuit.*',\n", " 'id': 'ffbg9ew',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffb6ojw',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': '😃\\nAd aequor nāvigēmus! 🌊 ⛵️',\n", " 'id': 'ffbadfz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffba2kl',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'iohannes99',\n", " 'body': 'Hoc me vocat.',\n", " 'id': 'ffba2kl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esdj0x',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Oh cool! What’s Google classroom?',\n", " 'id': 'ffb987b',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffb978n',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Darth-Kcinimod',\n", " 'body': 'posted on google classroom.',\n", " 'id': 'ffb978n',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esdj0x',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Hey u/Unbrutal_Russian is there a better way to express in the end credits “est bonōrum...”? I can’t think of a Roman legalese term.',\n", " 'id': 'ffb6ojw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esdj0x',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Absolutely! It’s on the list. Thanks! 😃🌴🌊',\n", " 'id': 'ffb5l7h',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffaw35c',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'CarolusVitalis',\n", " 'body': 'Wow, this is really good! I\\'m amazed, but now I feel like I\\'m missing one of my favorite Disney song to be in Latin, hahaha, Could you please do \"I\\'ll make a man out of you\"?, that\\'d be great.',\n", " 'id': 'ffaw35c',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esdj0x',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Oh awesome! 🥰 Tell then I say salvē!',\n", " 'id': 'ffacfj3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffaa1tg',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'PrincessArjumand',\n", " 'body': \"Thanks so much for posting this! My 10th grade students came into the room when I was watching it and were super excited...can't wait for my other classes to see it!\",\n", " 'id': 'ffaa1tg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esdj0x',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Grātiās referimus et ego et u/RumakRasna ! Plānē; mitte sīs.',\n", " 'id': 'ffa6sr6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffa64p8',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'I’m glad you like it! Haha. I never knew I needed it either! We can thank u/RumakRasna for his masterful translation of the rap using Roman poetic metres.',\n", " 'id': 'ffa6mpz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffa5vwi',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'Glossaphilos',\n", " 'body': 'Optimum opus! Utinam possem canere ut tū! Multās translātiōnēs carminum Disnēiānōrum scrīpsī etiam ego, sed difficillimum est instituere relātiōnēs phōnographicās, nam paucī cantōrēs sunt quī possunt et volunt latīnē canere. Sī tuā interest mē iuvāre, mitte mihi nuntium!',\n", " 'id': 'ffa64p8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esdj0x',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'degeneratefur',\n", " 'body': 'This is glorious. I never knew I needed a latin rap in my life',\n", " 'id': 'ffa5vwi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esdj0x',\n", " 'score': 11}],\n", " 'esdenw': [{'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'I remember my teacher spent half a class period going over this single line in my AP Latin class. Even 13 years later, I remember it because it was the first line read that we stumbled over. Actually, lines 8-11 were difficult for us because of the shift from the introduction to addressing the Muse directly. Plus, it was the second day of the class, and my teacher taught us using Ecce Romani in the years leading up to AP Latin, so we didn’t have a ton of exposure to Vergil or poetry in general. But she was an amazing teacher, and she really helped us understand the Aeneid. There were 8 people in my AP Latin class, and no one scored below a 4 on the exam. RIP.\\n\\nAnyway, I believe as a class we settled on something like “is there so much anger in heavenly minds?”',\n", " 'id': 'ffba4w7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esdenw',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'mattfen93',\n", " 'body': \"Yes, you're right! They definitely *sunt*, but whether they're *tantae* is the question :)\",\n", " 'id': 'ff9vrug',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff9v2pk',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': '\\\\-ne normally focuses the word it\\'s attached to - in this case, it\\'s the extent and gravity of divine wrath that the speaker is amazed at and questions: \"I never knew the gods could be *that* angry!\"',\n", " 'id': 'ff9vcvg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esdenw',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"Nope, the question is ***tantae****ne sunt* \\\\- that they *sunt* is accepted as true, it's the degree that's hard to believe.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff9v2pk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff9hcly',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'Ahh. That makes more sense. Thanks for the clarification!',\n", " 'id': 'ff9hqvy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff9hhnf',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'anvsdt',\n", " 'body': '*Tantumne est?* = \"Is it *so* big, *so* much?\"\\n\\n*Tantane edisti mala?* \"*That many* apples did you eat?\" \\n*Edistine tanta mala?* \"Did you eat this many apples?\"\\n\\n*So immense, to such a degree* is the wrath of the heavenly spirits?',\n", " 'id': 'ff9hhnf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff9gso3',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'mattfen93',\n", " 'body': \"Rephrased: '*Sunt*ne tantae animis caelestibus irae?' = 'Do the celestial beings (not) posses such a fury?'\\n\\nEdit: sounds like a rhetorical question, but I don't know the context, so I might be wrong.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff9hcly',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff9ec9a',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'That’s what seemed weird to me. “Is there such great wrath...?” seems strange, since Virgil’s already established that there is. How might you phrase it?',\n", " 'id': 'ff9gso3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff9ec9a',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'JLLS11',\n", " 'body': 'Verbs, especially *esse*, can be implied. This often happens in poetry. You are mostly correct, though *-ne* requires a yes/no answerm so \"why\" isn\\'t quite right!',\n", " 'id': 'ff9ec9a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esdenw',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'esb9ex': [{'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"Hi u/meme_man_warden I see someone has already suggested LLPSI to you. That really is the book I'd go with. Here's a link to a Discord I set up for people using it to learn: '\\n\\n[https://discord.gg/Ubd58Wk](https://discord.gg/Ubd58Wk)\",\n", " 'id': 'ffyysiv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esb9ex',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'anniseed1',\n", " 'body': 'My mom took Latin in college and used Wheelocks, which I worked out of on my summers off from school. I think it’s a great textbook! Very clear grammar lessons and explanations, lots of examples, and lots of practice questions! They wrote some of their own sentences for translation but also include actual quotes from Roman authors to translate, which prepares you for reading more difficult material if you continue on to a higher level.',\n", " 'id': 'ff92ud2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esb9ex',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'meme_man_warden',\n", " 'body': 'Ok thanks',\n", " 'id': 'ff8umt5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff8ujyz',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': 'Search this subreddit for Lingua Latina per se illustrata (LLPSI).\\n\\nThere are also many many immensely helpful and detailed resources in the link in the sidebar.\\n\\nThere are no silver bullet apps for Latin.',\n", " 'id': 'ff8ujyz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esb9ex',\n", " 'score': 6}],\n", " 'esb363': [{'author': 'xanitrep',\n", " 'body': 'You know what you want to say, so you say that thing.\\n\\nWhen you\\'re speaking English, do you stop and think about whether to say that you ate a piece of cake, or that you\\'re eating a piece of cake, or that you would have liked to have eaten a piece of cake?\\n\\nWith practice, the connection between what you want to say and the form that you produce becomes more automatic. The kind of practice that I mean is reading, writing, and speaking, not just memorizing tables of declensions and conjugations. Eventually, certain things sound right and others sound wrong, in the same way that \"Him went to the store\" sounds wrong to an English speaker.',\n", " 'id': 'ffb43zl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffajppg',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Willsxyz',\n", " 'body': \"German has plenty of forms as well:\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\n* der neue Stift\\n* den neuen Stift\\n* dem neuen Stift\\n* des neuen Stiftes\\n* die neue Stifte\\n* den neuen Stiften\\n* der neuen Stifte\\n* ein neuer Stift\\n* einen neuen Stift\\n* einem neuen Stift\\n* eines neuen Stiftes\\n* neue Stifte\\n* neuen Stiften\\n* neuer Stifte\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\n* Ich sehe einen Stift\\n* Ich sah einen Stift\\n* Ich habe einen Stift gesehen\\n* Ich hatte einen Stift gesehen\\n* Ich werde einen Stift sehen\\n* Ich werde einen Stift gesehen haben\\n* Ich sähe einen Stift\\n* Ich hätte einen Stift gesehen\\n* Ich würde einen Stift sehen\\n* Ich würde einen Stift gesehen haben\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nI really don't understand your complaint. Sure you have to memorize the forms, but once you've done that, using them is hardly any different than in German.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffao3ac',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffai77b',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'phalp',\n", " 'body': 'You never choose whether to use first, second, third, or fourth conjugation. But you might have to stop and think whether you meant to say *iaceo* or *iacio*, which look similar although they are totally different words belonging to different conjugations.',\n", " 'id': 'ffak6ae',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffajppg',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'meme_man_warden',\n", " 'body': 'So when you’re speaking latin you don’t have to stop and think about what conjugation to use?',\n", " 'id': 'ffajppg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffajivh',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'phalp',\n", " 'body': 'Conjugations and declensions are just a system for sorting words, so you don\\'t really \"use\" them as such. You just write the word you want. Like how when you study Arabic, you aren\\'t thinking about roots and measures, only about various words you know.',\n", " 'id': 'ffajivh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esb363',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'meme_man_warden',\n", " 'body': 'Because there are many many forms in latin. The declensions and conjugations really throw me off',\n", " 'id': 'ffai77b',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffac9i5',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Willsxyz',\n", " 'body': 'German verbs are conjugated and German nouns and adjectives are inflected by case. How is Latin any different?',\n", " 'id': 'ffac9i5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff8ufmf',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': \"Well you certainly won't with that attitude, but why not give it your best shot if it's what you want to achieve?\",\n", " 'id': 'ff8v0j6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff8ufmf',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'meme_man_warden',\n", " 'body': 'I don’t think I will get used to it. German and French are way easier on the subject. And in my arabic studies there Aren’t really conjugations',\n", " 'id': 'ff8ufmf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff8uci0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': \"The more you read/listen, the less you think about it. First you'll gain a natural use of the words and phrases you're most familiar with, and your confidence will branch out from there.\\n\\nYou can't really fast track this beyond consuming more content. Studying tables and the like will not build your instinct for choosing the correct form. Seeing correct forms in use thousands and thousands of times will.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff8uci0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esb363',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'es9vq5': [{'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'Initium est valde jocularum hujus historiae! Amo legere magis...\\n\\nDicito, precor, unde extractum?',\n", " 'id': 'ffbjqfu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_es9vq5',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ff9gv9v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_es9vq5',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ff8x81r',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_es9vq5',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'es9v4c': [{'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'Lege quasi in commatibus invertis, i.e., Nomen ei est \"Carolus Primus\".\\n\\nTamen, sum egomet mente sevocatus de sensu.....',\n", " 'id': 'ff8xqc3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff8tpyj',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'Slightly absent-minded professor sees student while out in town. Professor: \"What street is this?\" Student: \"Charles I Street.\" Professor: \"Take a seat.\" (as if the student had been called on in class)',\n", " 'id': 'ff8tsc5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff8pc2p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'Quia nōn Carolī Prīmī vīcus appellātur? Genitīvus cāsus mihi melior vīdētur.',\n", " 'id': 'ff8tpyj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_es9v4c',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'I need a footnote for this one.',\n", " 'id': 'ff8pc2p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_es9v4c',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'es85bw': [{'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'Have you tried the English TTS for Latin? The British lady voice is how I have been learning.\\n\\nBefore I get downvoted to heck: there\\'s an actual, established system for \"converting\" Latin loanwords and stock phrases to English (everything from penis to Cicero to ignorantia juris non excusat). It\\'s not an ad hoc thing. It\\'s called the Traditional English Pronunciation, and it\\'s used in the British courts of law and Parliament, among other places. You can look it up if you like.\\n\\nWhen you put Latin through English TTS, Google uses this system as well. It\\'s the only \"faithful\" Latin pronunciation you\\'ll get on Google (as in, people actually talk this way), unfortunately it\\'s not faithful to the Senate and the People of Rome.\\n\\nAs a user of Traditional English Pronunciation in general, I have found this resource invaluable in serving as a sort of robotic dialect coach.',\n", " 'id': 'ffdf4zx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_es85bw',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'No, they are using their Italian Text-to-Speech(TTS), and Google doesn\\'t have a real TTS for Latin (classical or ecclesiastical). The intonation is definitely not ecclesiastical Latin.\\n\\nYou can try different TTS for different languages on the same Latin text, and you find the Italian one is identical with the \"Latin\" one. And among their TTS for other languages, I personally found Polish>German=Dutch>Spanish>Portuguese>>>Italian, when I put in some Latin text.\\n\\nFor TTS dedicated to Latin, have a look at these links:\\n\\n[https://loquarblog.wordpress.com/2017/09/29/classical-latin-tts-an-inelegant-solution-to-the-dearth-of-quality-latin-audio/](https://loquarblog.wordpress.com/2017/09/29/classical-latin-tts-an-inelegant-solution-to-the-dearth-of-quality-latin-audio/)\\n\\n[http://nesrad.blogspot.com/2017/09/classical-latin-text-to-speech-tts.html](http://nesrad.blogspot.com/2017/09/classical-latin-text-to-speech-tts.html)',\n", " 'id': 'ff8g8oz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_es85bw',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ff8fpqh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_es85bw',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'es69gt': [{'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'In veritate, vinum...Vel vice versa',\n", " 'id': 'ff8iklk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_es69gt',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'es61tr': [{'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'Hi u/rainy-day-week Since we all suggested LLPSI to you, I thought I would link you the server I made for people who are using it to learn Latin: \\n\\n[https://discord.gg/Ubd58Wk](https://discord.gg/Ubd58Wk)',\n", " 'id': 'ffyywlp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffcf5gv',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'rainy-day-week',\n", " 'body': 'I agree with most points, I don\\'t think of it as a shortcut because I still need to do all of the same work of learning the vocab and grammar, just approaching it from a different angle.\\n\\nFor example, kids think \"See spot run\" is fun but adults no longer do.\\n\\nLLPSI is an ingenious idea, I think it would work even better if it introduced some vocabulary with translations because this would allow it to use more interesting stories, by being so absolutist about no translations, it locked itself into very basic, boring stories cause they had to keep them predictable. However, I do find it useful and as I mentioned to u/NasusSyrae, I\\'ll keep using it alongside with bilingual books.\\n\\nMy native language is Russian so I\\'m familiar with inflections at endings of words.\\n\\nI find that in most classics I\\'ve read there\\'s enough variation of difficulty, as a recent example, I was reading 2nd part of Les Miserables in french and there\\'s around 150 pages that deal with trap being set for Jean Valjean, and even though my French is very basic, it was a breeze to read. A few chapters after that were excrutiatingly difficult. Another one I\\'m reading now in french is Dostoevsky\\'s Possessed, and find most of it super easy to follow (after having read it in Russian recently).\\n\\nOTOH I found it very hard to read Nietzche in German, and I\\'m almost certain any other philosophy works would be even more difficult.',\n", " 'id': 'ffcf5gv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffb1ny7',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'xanitrep',\n", " 'body': '>It seems a bit boring\\n\\nI don\\'t want to dissuade you from learning Latin as quickly as you can, and in as entertaining a manner as you can, but, as with mastering most skills, there really aren\\'t shortcuts.\\n\\nYou need to expose yourself to the language on a regular basis, and ratchet up the complexity over time as you get comfortable with the simpler material. There\\'s a reason, beyond their overall level of cognitive development, why we start kids out with \"See Spot run\" before they proceed to James Joyce.\\n\\nLLPSI is constructed in a graded fashion to do exactly this, while an arbitrary Latin classic isn\\'t. It is true that some classics are easier reads than others, but, within a given work there\\'s not necessarily much variation, so one needs to have reached a certain level to approach it and benefit from reading it in the first place.\\n\\n>after picking up some initial vocabulary, I like to learn by reading bilingual books\\n\\nLatin is an inflected language, meaning that the endings of words vary based on the grammatical role of each word in a sentence. You can see a vestige of this in the English pronouns \"he\" (subject) and \"him\" (object). For this reason, you might also benefit from some basic grammar instruction before moving on to reading these bilingual books. If you go the LLPSI route, it provides some explicit grammar instruction, in Latin, at the end of each chapter.',\n", " 'id': 'ffb1ny7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff91q3d',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'rainy-day-week',\n", " 'body': 'That sounds very appealing, where can I buy a bilingual edition of this book?\\n\\nI think I somewhat disagree and somewhat agree: poetry is very hard to appreciate at a high level in any language. I\\'m not very familiar with poetry in any language so I can\\'t say more than that. As far as classics of literature, I have to disagree, while there are exceptions, it\\'s not very hard to learn from reading them. In many cases they will have passages that are not overly complex in vocab or structure. One famous example is Hamlet\\'s \"To be or not to be - that is the question\".\\n\\nThat\\'s also true from my own experience reading classics in languages that I know at a beginner level. (Of course the goal being not to understand and appreciate these works fully or perfectly but to learn the language from them).',\n", " 'id': 'ff9z4mu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff98f0w',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"Eh, think of Erasmus as gateway drug to Classical Latin. Erasmus read a ton of classical literature (understatement) and his Latin is classicized. It's not the Latin of a medieval historian. He wrote his colloquia with this literature in mind and employed turns off phrase from Classical literature in order to familiarize his students with it. Think about how hard it is to pick up literature of the highest register in any language (especially poetry) and learn from that unless you are already intimately familiar with a very similar language (hint, Italian is no where near close enough to Latin for native Italians to do this). It's one of the problems with Classical language pedagogy--that people think they can and should do that.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff98f0w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff91q3d',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'rainy-day-week',\n", " 'body': \"Thanks!\\n\\nI've heard about LLPSI, its approach makes a lot of sense to me, and I started looking at it today. It seems a bit boring, but I'll use it in parallel with books.\\n\\nMy concern about Erasmus' Colloquia is that I want to focus on classical latin because that's where great literature and history are..\",\n", " 'id': 'ff91q3d',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff829sf',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"If you are determined to learn in this manner, there are bilingual editions of various colloquia that are much more suitable to a beginner (though in my mind still not the most suitable resource we have). I know there are English-Latin editions of some of Erasmus's colloquia because I've read them. You can find them on Google books or internet archive. I would also look for bilingual editions of Corderius, Vives, and Schottenius. I know Scorpio Martianus reads some of them in Latin and English on his Youtube channel. I can't remember what is public and just for patrons though. Speaking of stuff publicly available on his youtube channel, this brings me to what you should really be doing to learn Latin: reading LLPSI. Search this subreddit, the resources document in the sidebar, and his youtube channel for info on this textbook series.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff829sf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_es61tr',\n", " 'score': 8}],\n", " 'es5iwk': [{'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks- that does convey that it is hyperbole well, I think. The \"could\" makes it clear that he does not really want to do it literally.',\n", " 'id': 'ffdi8st',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffda3h4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'BasicWhiteGirl4',\n", " 'body': '\"He was so hungry he could eat his own hands\"',\n", " 'id': 'ffda3h4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff892gg',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'beansworth',\n", " 'body': \"> I still wonder why he doesn't want to eat the food offered from the dirt dish?\\n\\nThe point is that a hungry person will still not eat good food off a dirty dish. Likewise, Mary would not hear good prayers from a sinful person.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff99ydg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff8xf1i',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': \"Yes- you could well be right. A bizarre feeling, in a supernatural situation.\\n\\nBut then- if this is the case- I still wonder why he doesn't want to eat the food offered from the dirt dish?\\n\\nProbably the best solution is to translate it literally, and let the reader make of it what they will...\",\n", " 'id': 'ff8xf1i',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff8uxv3',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': \"The phrase seems to be emphasising the extreme and unusual nature of the hunger. I don't know the context but I assume this isn't a situation where he couldn't find food for days, but rather a supernatural hunger has suddenly sprung upon him.\\n\\nIn that case I think it's fine to understand it as an equally sudden wish to eat his own hands. An extreme circumstance calls for an extreme response.\",\n", " 'id': 'ff8uxv3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_es5iwk',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': \"That seems quite probable- as it doesn't say he actually did it. I wonder what would be the best way to translate it...\",\n", " 'id': 'ff892gg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff7yi0e',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'Hmm...I see what you mean, as a kind of indirect reference...',\n", " 'id': 'ff88jht',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff839hg',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'HelperBot_',\n", " 'body': 'Desktop link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_5:30#Content\\n***\\n ^^/r/HelperBot_ ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove. ^^Counter: ^^294040. [^^Found ^^a ^^bug?](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=swim1929&subject=Bug&message=https://reddit.com/r/latin/comments/es5iwk/could_eating_hands_mean_biting_fingernails/ff839hg/)',\n", " 'id': 'ff839mj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff839hg',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'feudalle',\n", " 'body': 'My wife has an undergrad in religion and she brought up a good point. It could be a throw back to matt 5:30 that talks about cutting your hand off if it offends, rather than going to hell. \\n\\nhttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_5:30#Content',\n", " 'id': 'ff839hg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_es5iwk',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': 'Looks like hyperbole. He was so hungry he could eat ~~a horse~~ his own hands',\n", " 'id': 'ff7yi0e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_es5iwk',\n", " 'score': 9}],\n", " 'es4xi6': [{'author': 'xier_zhanmusi',\n", " 'body': \"Good questions. Personally I wasn't considering inscriptions as when I consider the body of classical Chinese I don't include the Oracle bones or inscriptions on bronzes even though I consider them interesting; they are not things you can sit & read like one may read a book today.\\n\\nI don't know anything about the non-literary papyri so will take a look.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffdz89b',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffcxgza',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': 'Am finding this thread very interesting. At this point I have no answers to add to those already provided, but I do have some questions: are we considering only literary texts, or are we counting ALL known examples of ancient Latin? In the latter case, there are quite a lot of inscriptions and coins, and some non-literary papyri in Latin found in places such as Oxyrhynchus and the Fayum, and I do not know how much more there may be.\\n\\nAlso, in this link provided by kempff, in this remark: \"This website contains essentially all Latin literary texts written before A.D. 200,\" what are we to make of the word \"essentially\" ? [https://latin.packhum.org/about](https://latin.packhum.org/about)',\n", " 'id': 'ffcxgza',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_es4xi6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'xier_zhanmusi',\n", " 'body': 'Yes, Classical Chinese is similar, it is used even until the early 20th century in some cases but vernacular started to emerge half way through the last millennium. I put down the 200ad mark because I think of it as an approximate time where Rome started to decline & the Han dynasty collapsed.',\n", " 'id': 'ff8ivcl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ff7tlx3',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Electrical_Humour',\n", " 'body': \"The Bloomsbury companion to Lexicography puts it at [7.5mil words in Classical latin](https://books.google.be/books?id=09JBAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA152&lpg=PA152) (i.e up to 200AD). Most Roman latin however is from late antiquity, St. Augustine (354-430AD) is easily the most copiously surviving Roman Latin author - Leaving around 5.3mil words, by himself nearly rivaling the size of the Classical corpus - his contemporary St Jerome (347-420AD) around 3.2mil (these figures taken from the [corpus corporum website, in the Patrologia Latina section](http://www.mlat.uzh.ch/MLS/xanfang.php?corpus=2&lang=0)). By comparison the classical author with the largest word count is Cicero at around 1.1mil words - the only other classical author who comes close is Livy at around 0.5mil. Without doing an exact count I would say there are not more than 100 authors down to 200AD. \\nI'm failing to find the reference, but I think I've seen the late antique corpus placed at about 4x the size of the classical corpus, putting the total size of Roman literature at about ~30-40mil words. The vast majority of extant Latin however was written in the middle ages and early modern era. \\n \\nWith regards to variety - I am not hugely familiar with Roman literature (esp. classical), but I have leafed through *A History of Roman Literature from Livius Andronicus to Boethius* by Michael von Albrecht and it seemed very informative with regard to these matters. From the top of my head we have all manner of poetry (epic, amatory, comedy, didactic, satire etc.), lots of oratory, epistles, philosophy & theology (esp in late antiquity), history and biography, technical works (medicine, architecture, agriculture) & various other academic subjects (grammar, rhetoric, law). Small amount of imaginative prose fiction. We have much more variety from the middle ages and later (see: Medieval Latin: An introduction and bibliographical guide)).\",\n", " 'id': 'ff835oc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_es4xi6',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'kempff',\n", " 'body': 'Latin literature goes right up to the 1700s, but...\\n\\nTry here: [https://latin.packhum.org/about](https://latin.packhum.org/about)\\n\\nOr here: [https://classics.fas.harvard.edu/ancient-text-resources](https://classics.fas.harvard.edu/ancient-text-resources)',\n", " 'id': 'ff7tlx3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_es4xi6',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'et1o5m': [],\n", " 'et0rgf': [{'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'I had always assumed it was formed from *post-* and *humus*, but it seems so obvious now that it is a superlative just like *maxumus* or *optumus* or *infumus*.',\n", " 'id': 'ffdsaq9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffdesdt',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': \"[Lewis & Short](https://logeion.uchicago.edu/posterus) dictionary says \\n\\n>B po-stŭmus (acc. to an erroneous derivation, from post - humus, sometimes also post-humus), a, um, *the last*, said esp. of the youngest children, or of those born after the father's death, or after he had made his will, *late-born*, *posthumous*: Silvius ... tua postuma proles, Quem tibi longaevo serum Lavinia conjux Educet silvis, *late-born son,* **Verg. A. 6, 763**; cf. with this passage: postuma proles non eum significat, qui patre mortuo, sed qui postremo loco natus est, sicuti Silvius, qui Aeneā jam sene, tardo seroque partu est editus, Caesellius Vindex ap. **Gell. 2, 16, 5**.—On the other hand: is, qui post patris mortem natus est, dicitur postumus, **Varr. L. L. 9, § 60** Müll.; and: postumus cognominatur post patris mortem natus, **Fest. p. 238** Müll.; Plaut. ap. Fest. l. l.—As *subst.*: postŭmus, i, m., *a posthumous child*: non minus postumis quam jam natis testamento tutores dari posse, **Gai. Inst. 1, 147**: si quis postumis dederit tutores, hique vivo eo nascantur, an datio valeat? **Dig. 26, 2, 16** ***fin.***: postuma spes, *the last,* **App. M. 4, p. 144, 26**: suscipit doctrinam seram plane et postumam, **id. Mag. p. 297, 23**: cena quam postumā diligentiā praeparaverat, *with extreme care,* **id. M. 6, p. 186, 25**.—\\\\*\",\n", " 'id': 'ffdqo5w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffdnnee',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'TWFM',\n", " 'body': 'As far as I know, it doesn\\'t mean deceased. It can mean \"after death\" in the same sense that the English word posthumous does, as in a medal or award given to someone who is already dead, but I think the meaning is always \"*after* death\", not just \"death\".',\n", " 'id': 'ffdp1w1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffdnnee',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'Is that in addition to \"deceased\", or was I totally mistaken and «postumus» means last and only last?',\n", " 'id': 'ffdnnee',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffdesdt',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'Exactly, and it is a somewhat common enough praenomen (first name) that you will run across it, but not excessively so. It even abbreviates as \"Post.\" \\n\\nThere is also the feminine Postuma.',\n", " 'id': 'ffdij7o',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffdesdt',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'TWFM',\n", " 'body': 'Postumus means \"the last\". It was often used to refer to a child born after the death of his father.',\n", " 'id': 'ffdesdt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_et0rgf',\n", " 'score': 10}],\n", " 'eszqnk': [{'replies': '',\n", " 'id': 'jgl1j7r',\n", " 'author': 'Anthos1964',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eszqnk',\n", " 'score': 1,\n", " 'body': 'At tuba terribili sonitu taratantara dixit.\\nEnnius.',\n", " 'created': 1681715473.0},\n", " {'author': 'ColinJParry',\n", " 'body': 'I believe it is actually \"wah\" and \"ahwahah\" reflecting crying.',\n", " 'id': 'ffnxfts',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffewwcr',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ColinJParry',\n", " 'body': \"There are dozens of such words. Cucurrio for example is a roster's crow.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffnwdx4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eszqnk',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'anvsdt',\n", " 'body': 'I have my own personal conspirancy theory that heu and eheu are onomatopoeia for a short and a long sigh, respectively.',\n", " 'id': 'ffewwcr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eszqnk',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffeof13',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffdiel4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'NomenScribe',\n", " 'body': \"Vae! There's no r/UnexpectedDadJoke\",\n", " 'id': 'ffejffz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffdj12e',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'helleborusniger',\n", " 'body': 'My favorite is tintinnabulum. If you go to any Catholic basilica you’ll see one.',\n", " 'id': 'ffe0qvg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eszqnk',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'NUMA-POMPILIUS',\n", " 'body': \"Or, more accurately, *ululation*, an example of which can be seen [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Md7OvU5JIcI).\\n\\nThis verb is semi-prominently featured in Virgil's *Aeneid*, where nymphs ululate over the sounds of Dido and Aeneas' ...bonding... in the cave.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffds11b',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffd9qo1',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Junhugie2',\n", " 'body': 'Awesome, thanks!',\n", " 'id': 'ffdkwkr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffdkutp',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'They are all attested: *hahahae*, *st*, *fu*, and whatever else of this type which Ørberg put in his book are all found in the comedies.\\n\\nEdit: how could I forget *tuxtax*?',\n", " 'id': 'ffdkutp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffdkd83',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'Junhugie2',\n", " 'body': 'Sure! Still, I’d imagine the author of Lingua Latina was more trying to write something understandable to those who don’t speak Latin than he was imitating an actually attested onomatopoeia. Doesn’t mean it wasn’t one, just this citation isn’t much evidence in itself.',\n", " 'id': 'ffdkd83',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffdiujk',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'DefyGravity42',\n", " 'body': 'I’m happy how much of the sentence I understood. I didn’t get aefificium, confusae or any of the examples',\n", " 'id': 'ffdjgrr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffdiel4',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[removed]',\n", " 'id': 'ffdj12e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffdj08g',\n", " 'score': -6},\n", " {'author': 'NomenScribe',\n", " 'body': \"I am delighted to have my assumption that rāna imitates the sound of a frog confirmed. I am also disappointed to learn that I'm not the only one clever enough to have noticed.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffdj08g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffdcns2',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'They might have said it. People back then certainly laughed.',\n", " 'id': 'ffdiujk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffdiqqo',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Junhugie2',\n", " 'body': 'Keep in mind Lingua Latina was written centuries after Latin died and was intended for those who don’t actually speak the language. \\n\\nI’m not sure the Romans wrote “Ha Ha Hae”',\n", " 'id': 'ffdiqqo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffdileg',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'That is where I read it. Thanks.',\n", " 'id': 'ffdileg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffdijkm',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Junhugie2',\n", " 'body': 'It’s in Lingua Latina per se Illustrata.',\n", " 'id': 'ffdijkm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffd8hh1',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'qed1',\n", " 'body': \"It's a section on the rhetorical device of onomatopoeia from the encyclopedia of Isidore of Seville. From the standard translation:\\n\\n>Onomatopoeia (onomatopoeia) is a word fashioned to imitate the sound of jumbled noise as the *stridor* (“creaking”) of hinges, the *hinnitus* (“whinnying”) of horses, the *mugitus* (“lowing”) of cows, the *balatus* (“bleating”) of sheep.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffdiel4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffdi3ro',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'DefyGravity42',\n", " 'body': 'I don’t know Latin well enough to be sure of what you are saying.',\n", " 'id': 'ffdi3ro',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffdh6ge',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'qed1',\n", " 'body': \"Onomatopoeia est nomen adfictum ad imitandum sonum\\nvocis confusae, ut 'stridor valvarum', 'hinnitus equorum', 'mugitus boum’, 'balatus ovium'. (Isidore, *Etymologiae* 1.37.14)\",\n", " 'id': 'ffdh6ge',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eszqnk',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': 'bos mugit, glocit gallina',\n", " 'id': 'ffddh02',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eszqnk',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Jake_Lukas',\n", " 'body': 'The verb scribo is onomapoetic, as is its Greek equivalent.',\n", " 'id': 'ffdcstu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eszqnk',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'jayzwasinnirvana',\n", " 'body': '[Wiktionary lists some](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Category:Latin_onomatopoeias). My favorite is *rāna*, frog.',\n", " 'id': 'ffdcns2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eszqnk',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'SemperMeTaedet',\n", " 'body': 'murmurat: he murmurs, mutters',\n", " 'id': 'ffdcmwz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eszqnk',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'SlimeOtaku',\n", " 'body': 'Ululavit is an onomatopoeia for howling.',\n", " 'id': 'ffd9qo1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eszqnk',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'I have read “Ha Ha Hae” for laughter in Latin. I am not sure of the origins though.',\n", " 'id': 'ffd8hh1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eszqnk',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'esyznq': [],\n", " 'esy9u4': [],\n", " 'esxn59': [{'author': 'Oh_The_Romanity',\n", " 'body': 'o miser! Ego cum Phoposhopo obluctatus sum. \\n\\nEdit: turned my bad English into bad Latin\\n\\nEdit to the Edit: Turned my bad Latin into slightly better Latin',\n", " 'id': 'ffcs8tf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esxn59',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'esxmn5': [{'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'There could be typos and minor grammatical errors elsewhere, but I just pointed out those in the lines I mentioned. That methaphor compares \"discomfort\"- Sweno\\'s sudden attack to storm and thunders in spring (somehow rare). \"The sun \\'gins his reflection\" means \"the sun beggins to turn back\" (to the north)- the annual virtual motion of the sun, hence \"whence the sun \\'gins his reflection\" refers to the spring season too.',\n", " 'id': 'ffnlb7e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fflubq4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'thesuffixofbob',\n", " 'body': \"Thank you for the feedback! It can get really tricky to translate some parts especially the bit with the sun's reflection. (it doesn't help that I don't really understand the metaphor itself). I am going over and refining. Your corrections have been very helpful in particular with pointing out smaller things like typos I probably wouldn't have noticed.\",\n", " 'id': 'fflubq4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fffq4tt',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'That\\'s really an impressive and well thoughted translation! I think it isn\\'t easy to interpret Shakespeare\\'s original text, and sometimes we have to decide whether we should translate some phrase litterally despite the obscurity and rarity of the Latin phrase resulted, or massively rephrase the text to make the translation more regular and readable in Latin. I had a brief look into the original text and found some points that could perhaps be helpful.\\n\\n> The merciless Macdonwald--Worthy to be a rebel, for to thatThe multiplying villanies of nature Do swarm upon him--from the Western Isles Of kerns and gallowglasses is supplied \\n\\nI think this should be read as \"the villanies do swarm upon him\" rather than \"the gallowglasses do swarm upon him\", and both kerns and gallowglasses are infantries. I don\\'t think cavalries are very useful in mountainous Scotland. *adiubatur*\\\\->*adiuvatur* (typo)\\n\\n *At in rixa suam damnatam Tyche inridebat->* *At ad rixam suam damnatam Tyche (*maybe *Fortuna?) adridebat. inridere* means \"laugh at, redicule\"*, adridere* means \"smile at, please\".\\n\\n> Which smoked with bloody execution\\n\\nI think \"execution\" here means \"bloodshed, slaughter\", but *carnificina* means \"execution (sentenced), torture\", so perhaps we can change *carnificina cruda* to a classic expression *caede et cruore.*\\n\\n> \\nO valiant cousin! worthy gentleman! \\n\\nI read this as an exclamation (accusative) rather than direct address (vocative), as I think the pretended audience is the sergeant rather than Macbeth.\\n\\n \"E mari in quo sol reflexionem suam incipit in eo tempore vernali\" and \"nova problemata facta de gaudio victoriae lata erant\" need to be refined a bit.\\n\\n \"dum ille coniunx Bellonae ... aequavit,\" *Dum+Indicative* means \"while, as long as\", for \"till that..\" it should be *dum+Subjunctive.*\\n\\n> Nor would we deign him burial of his men Till he disbursed at Saint Colme\\'s inch Ten thousand dollars to our general use. \\n\\nBoth clauses in \" Nolebamus permittere milites Suos inferi donec recedebat is Ad insulam Columbae et dare myrias Aureos nobis.\" need some revision.\\n\\n> No more that thane of Cawdor shall deceive our bosom interest: go pronounce his present death,And with his former title greet Macbeth. \\n\\nThis should be read as \"No more that thane of Cawdor shall harm the interest of Scotland, kill him, and give his former title ( thane of Cawdor) to Macbeth.\" I found it\\'s somehow hard to read out what Duncan wants to do from the Latin translation.',\n", " 'id': 'fffq4tt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esxmn5',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'esvrer': [{'author': 'deamagna',\n", " 'body': \"I'm sorry, I got a bit confused between both languages, then. Thanks for explaining further! It's been a while since I've really studied Latin, so I'm a bit out of touch with the ablative, lol.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffknpm4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffj6qlv',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'shibbyschwab',\n", " 'body': 'In Greek dative is used for the instrument, but in Latin it is almost always the ablative. In Latin the dative is usually the recipient of the action of the verb in some way- as in\\n\\n“I give the bag to David”\\n\\nThe bag is the object and is accusative in Latin, while David is the recipient and thus would be in the dative.\\n\\n“I did that for Jim.”\\n\\nThough not receiving anything physically, Jim is still the person the action is being done for and so would be dative in Latin.\\n\\nFor “I hit Bob with my bag” the “with my bag” would always be in the ablative in Latin.',\n", " 'id': 'ffj6qlv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffcjtgn',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'deamagna',\n", " 'body': \"I really like Quizlet. If you're using a widely used book, your words might even already be on there.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffhslg3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffd6gj3',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'QuakingIzzak',\n", " 'body': 'And also what are some study tips for memorizing vocab?',\n", " 'id': 'ffd6gj3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffcjtgn',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'QuakingIzzak',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you very much I really appreciate it.',\n", " 'id': 'ffcvi83',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffcjtgn',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'QuakingIzzak',\n", " 'body': 'THANK YOU VERY MUCH',\n", " 'id': 'ffckp8k',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esvrer',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'deamagna',\n", " 'body': 'Nominative: subject of the sentence.\\n\\nVocative: used when someone\\'s being spoken to. In the sentence \"Hey Bob!\", Bob would be in the vocative.\\n\\nAccusative: the object of the sentence. In \"Bob has the bag,\" the bag would be in the accusative.\\n\\nGenitive: indicates possession. It\\'s a bit weird to translate, but I\\'m going to try to explain. \"It\\'s my bag,\" in which the bag is in the nominative, and \\'me\\' is in the genitive. In Latin, this would literally say \"the bag is to me,\" or, \"the bag belongs to me\". It\\'s the other way around compared to English, so this can be a bit confusing. Try to use \"belongs to\" to figure out how the sentence works.\\n\\nDative: indicates the person being talked to, or the object used to do something. \"I hit Bob with my bag\", I = nominative, Bob = accusative, bag = dative. \"I talk to Bob,\" I = nominative, Bob = dative.\\n\\nAblative: I\\'m not too familiar with this as I\\'ve mainly studied Greek in college, so it\\'s a little harder to explain, but it can do several things.\\n\\n\\\\- It always comes after certain prepositions.\\n\\n\\\\- It can indicate what you\\'re using to do something, just like a dative might.\\n\\n\\\\- It can indicate time or space, like \"In September\", where September would be in the ablative as it\\'s telling you when something happened.\\n\\n\\\\- It can indicate where something is coming from, in which case it\\'s translated by \\'from\\'. \"Bob is from Rome,\" Rome = ablative.',\n", " 'id': 'ffcjtgn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffcim33',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'QuakingIzzak',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you very much.',\n", " 'id': 'ffciwfv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffcisps',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'deamagna',\n", " 'body': \"Okay, I'll be making a quick list for you, coming right up!\",\n", " 'id': 'ffcisps',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffcim33',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'QuakingIzzak',\n", " 'body': 'Im having trouble what the declensions mean and their functions.',\n", " 'id': 'ffcim33',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffciijb',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'deamagna',\n", " 'body': \"And what don't you understand? Are you having trouble with what every declension means for the function of the word in the sentence, or are you just having trouble translating it in a way that would represent the Latin declension of the word?\",\n", " 'id': 'ffciijb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffcidqc',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'QuakingIzzak',\n", " 'body': 'Yes',\n", " 'id': 'ffcidqc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffcicfh',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'deamagna',\n", " 'body': \"I've never learnt all these terms in English, but I'm assuming you're talking about the nominative, accusative, etc.?\",\n", " 'id': 'ffcicfh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffchzev',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'QuakingIzzak',\n", " 'body': \"Adding the declension parts at the end of words, my teacher doesn't really explain it well.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffchzev',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffchwxc',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'deamagna',\n", " 'body': \"That's a very vague question. Can you be more precise about what you're having trouble with?\",\n", " 'id': 'ffchwxc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esvrer',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'esulkf': [{'author': 'istalupula',\n", " 'body': 'Yup! I think we’re saying the same thing. I just learned to call it an objective infinitive as it goes with the direct *object*.',\n", " 'id': 'fff94fv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffeapyn',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Avicenna900',\n", " 'body': 'This. It is more precisely part of an infinitive with accusative, though regnum (being neutrum) makes it hard to see.',\n", " 'id': 'ffeapyn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffc9ga2',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffd6hia',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esulkf',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'That’s perfectly clear! It makes so much sense, thanks.',\n", " 'id': 'ffcgs9e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffc9ga2',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'anvsdt',\n", " 'body': '*\"hoc regnum gentibus est\" tenditque fovetque dea.*',\n", " 'id': 'ffc9ug1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esulkf',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'istalupula',\n", " 'body': 'The esse is the infinitive completing tendit and fovet. Here it’s an objective infinitive as it is completing the verbal action of the direct object (hoc) rather than the subject (dea). \\n\\n i.e. “ this (the city Karthage), the goddess tends and cultivates TO BE...” \\n\\n\\nAn additional hint is that it is serving as a sort of equal sign between hoc and regnum.\\n\\n“ the goddess tends HOC to be a REGNUM”. \\n\\n\\nHope this was clear enough without giving it all away! If you have more questions about this passage feel free to comment back.',\n", " 'id': 'ffc9ga2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esulkf',\n", " 'score': 8}],\n", " 'est8r9': [],\n", " 'essq4q': [{'author': 'eestimarcus',\n", " 'body': \"Yes. Once you have learnt enough words, you'll start seeing the system behind it all and start to develop a feel for what is correct. After a while, you might even be able to predict its declination or conjugation just by looking at it.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffdclvm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_essq4q',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'BasicWhiteGirl4',\n", " 'body': \"I only do if it's something you wouldn't expect from the infinitive. For example Amare is quite regular, but Facere is not.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffd9i2i',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_essq4q',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Matar_Kubileya',\n", " 'body': 'Yes. While PPs are more regular than in say Greek, you can still get some unexpected variation. That being said, it gets much easier to remember all of them as you become more familiar with them.',\n", " 'id': 'ffbx19s',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_essq4q',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'esrvxw': [{'author': 'sakuragloss',\n", " 'body': \"You're welcome! :)\",\n", " 'id': 'ffuhf5f',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffcykzu',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'sakuragloss',\n", " 'body': \"Haha that's a good one!\",\n", " 'id': 'ffuhd47',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffdcrlb',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': \"Sure. I don't think mnemonics are bad. I was just answering the question literally: I don't often do it.\",\n", " 'id': 'fff24eu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffextz3',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Sochamelet',\n", " 'body': \"Does one need to preclude the other? That is to say, you can't always tell what a word should mean in the context you encounter it. Of course, you can type it into a corpus search, but I'm not sure learners have the time to do that with every new word they encounter. Aside from that, there are plenty of authors who have some favoured words that they use with a specific meaning. I'd say that in these cases, it's quite useful to take the shortcut of a mnemonic to remember the meaning at first, until you've come across it enough times to have it firmly assigned to memory.\\n\\nTo be clear, I think I agree with your disapproval of vocab lists in general. But I think that this kind of mnemonics can make learning new words a little bit easier as well as more fun. So as long as they don't get in the way of eventually learning the word 'properly', I think there's a place for mnemonics.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffextz3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffbvtq1',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[removed]',\n", " 'id': 'ffdnhmj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffdcrlb',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Kingslayer26',\n", " 'body': 'I tried to tell them that but they didn’t know what a fable was lol',\n", " 'id': 'ffdgqbe',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffd9glw',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'simoney21',\n", " 'body': 'My Latin teacher told us how to remember that tandem remembers at last: picture two people on a tandem bike, who on a romantic date in a movie. Then, the song “at last” starts playing over a romantic montage. You’ll never forget it.',\n", " 'id': 'ffdcrlb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esrvxw',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': '_062862',\n", " 'body': 'Well, why not just fable?',\n", " 'id': 'ffd9glw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffc1h9y',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'katabainein',\n", " 'body': \"Yeah, I do this all the time! This is such a good one though, I'll be sure to share it with my class! :)\",\n", " 'id': 'ffd6h81',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esrvxw',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'keireiu',\n", " 'body': 'I’ve been struggling with remembering how to translate this word! Thanks for the story I’ll never forget it now :)',\n", " 'id': 'ffcykzu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esrvxw',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'sakuragloss',\n", " 'body': ':o',\n", " 'id': 'ffcegst',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffcecwq',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': 'Seize the fish. Because where I grew up, the primary game fish was carp.',\n", " 'id': 'ffcecwq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esrvxw',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': \"Haha I was actually thinking the same thing when I was reading OP's post. I had a lot of kanji mnemonics like that.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffcbzqu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffc0s16',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'sakuragloss',\n", " 'body': \"Thanks! I'll check it out\",\n", " 'id': 'ffc92u6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffc90me',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Awesome! This video of mine may be of some help https://youtu.be/-9CmJ_qSoLk',\n", " 'id': 'ffc90me',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffc8xqq',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'sakuragloss',\n", " 'body': \"I'm going to study Japanese at university! I guess I'll be able to transfer my vocab skills over to kanji\",\n", " 'id': 'ffc8xqq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffc0s16',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'sakuragloss',\n", " 'body': 'I like that one',\n", " 'id': 'ffc8uum',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffc1h9y',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'sakuragloss',\n", " 'body': 'Oh i see thank you',\n", " 'id': 'ffc8pzi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffc8jq1',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'PKTriforceOmega',\n", " 'body': \"SLA stands for Second Language Acquisition\\n\\nMy suggestion is to associate a mental image with the word that isn't another word. Like imagining a tree when you study the word arbor.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffc8jq1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffbvy56',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Flayer14',\n", " 'body': \"I do this lol, our teacher told us a trick to remember what nuper means: \\nI RECENTLY got a new pair (sounds like nuper) of shoes. Several units later and I still haven't forgotten this.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffc3e0i',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esrvxw',\n", " 'score': 16},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'I always remember Latin words by associating them with English- in the present case, it would be \"adept\".',\n", " 'id': 'ffc1kxc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esrvxw',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Kingslayer26',\n", " 'body': 'My students remember “fabula” by saying “fabulous story”.',\n", " 'id': 'ffc1h9y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esrvxw',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Fun! Yeah, this associative memory thing was very helpful in my study of Japanese kanji. After you get familiar with the target term more intimately, those associations fall away and aren’t distracting at all. It’s a good trick! More people should do it.',\n", " 'id': 'ffc0s16',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esrvxw',\n", " 'score': 12},\n", " {'author': 'sakuragloss',\n", " 'body': \"I don't know what SLA is but unfortunately our teacher makes us learn them in the list, I much prefer learning from context but it's not always possible since we have limited resources :/\",\n", " 'id': 'ffbvy56',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffbvtq1',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': \"Not often, because I don't memorize words from a list. I learn them in context. If you need to use a mnemonic to remember a word, you haven't learned it to the level you need for SLA. IOW, this strategy might be effective for the short-term goal of test-taking, but less so for the long-term goal of actually understanding the language.\\n\\nIf I want to brute-force memorize a word, I type it into a corpus search and read it a bunch of times until it starts to feel natural.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffbvtq1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esrvxw',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'shag377',\n", " 'body': 'Absolutely. This is a perfect way to study.',\n", " 'id': 'ffbsbtb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esrvxw',\n", " 'score': 24}],\n", " 'esrerv': [],\n", " 'esosbs': [{'author': 'Matar_Kubileya',\n", " 'body': 'Nihil est!',\n", " 'id': 'ffbbgr0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffbbg8q',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Seadaze',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you!!!!',\n", " 'id': 'ffbbg8q',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffbben8',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Matar_Kubileya',\n", " 'body': 'Yep. Both fem. acc. sing.',\n", " 'id': 'ffbben8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esosbs',\n", " 'score': 8}],\n", " 'eslr1a': [{'author': 'rToni_',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you',\n", " 'id': 'ffasmxc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffasbd3',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'jacobissimus',\n", " 'body': 'Future',\n", " 'id': 'ffasbd3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eslr1a',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'esl62g': [{'author': 'Laverrick',\n", " 'body': \"Not entirely sure what any of that meant, but Catullus and Horace do have a meter and it is integral to the poem. In Horace he goes out of his way to introduce a meter appropriate or historical to the poem (see poems 1-9 of Bk1. Odes 1-9. which match the meters of the Canon of Nine) It looks to you to be 'free-verse' because you can't' read the meter.\\n\\nWhen Catullus writes epic eg. 64 it is written in the metre of epic, Dactylic hexameter. Rhyme is not a feature of Greek or Roman poetry, outside of very rare half-rhymes, it is a trope taken from arabic. The stress in Horace and Catullus is essential, one of the reasons your Latin sounded wrong was that you were giving the incorrect lengths to vowels and diphthongs.\\n\\nYou also seem confused between metre and syllables, syllabic content is still important, a perfect line of dactylic hexametre has 17 syllables, but it is not necessary to have 17.\\n\\n(I assume you're talking about Catullus 16, too. Classical poetry couldn't be further from dry, it is usually about sex, love, politics, mythology and war!)\\n\\nIn 'The Sudent's Catullus' by Garrison, he has an appendix that explains meter in the best terms I've come across.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg060nr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffz8x2w',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"That's the one thing with Catullus, Horace, etc. To me, it just looks like free-verse poetry; there's no rhyme, and no beat, because it's not conventional stress-timed verse. *Dies Iræ*, or *The Triumph of Bullshit*, are both stress-timed, and both rhyme.\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\n CRITics on WHOM my atTENtions have WAIted \\n IF you conSIDer my MErits are SMALL\\n\\nAnd you see it's clearly dactylic (in the form of a ballade, if you read the whole poem), with an *ababacac* rhyme scheme. *Dies Iræ* also has metre, and is written in Latin. Now you read the one where Catullus was flipping the bird to the two wankers who called him a sissy... there's no rhyme scheme, no metre either, not in the conventional sense.\\n\\nOf course, French poetry has no metre at all to speak of (it's like Japanese *haiku,* where you just count the syllables per line)... but it's still poetry and not prose. Catullus, Horace, etc don't fall in that mould, either, they seem a bit more *structured* than that, sort of midway between English and French verse.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffz8x2w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwgpdr',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'Well, this deserves a little bit more explanation. I grew up speaking English, French, and Spanish as mother tongues (i.e. from birth), then had friends from the Czech Republic at about 5-6 y.o. who introduced me to that language. When I found mater\\'s Latin books, I jumped into them (I was a voracious reader even back then at such a tender age), and somehow deduced, and I\\'m talking ætat 7 or 8, that Latin has the vocabulary of French and the declensions of Czech. That was when I began practicing with mater, though just a little bit. We\\'re for the most part a legal/political family (mater\\'s an architect though) so in my teens I started going to court and to the Inns for fun. Then law school. \\n\\nI practiced verbally quite a bit during those years, read Harrius Potter in Latin when it came out (Mr Needham taught half my family, the ones blessed with a membrum virile)... but never as a serious study thing.\\n\\nThe Horace came much later; I\\'d never done any verse practice during that time, and mostly satisfied myself with Neo-Latin compositions and such... but I decided to see what all the fuss about Ancient Roman poetry was about.\\n\\nThere was that one poem by a fellow named Catullus, I can\\'t remember the name of it or even the incipit, but it sounded strikingly similar to T. S. Eliot\\'s \"The Triumph of Bullshit\"---essentially, a five-foot-tall two-finger salute directed at the man\\'s critics. Well, I found it moderately funny, somewhat inspiring in view of my own life, and figured that some of the Classical stuff shouldn\\'t be all that dry, if that\\'s how he wrote.',\n", " 'id': 'ffz87eo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwgpdr',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Laverrick',\n", " 'body': \"how does one learn the grammatical rules of latin through court and or your family? \\n\\nwhen you learn latin in school and university you similarly usually read it, more than you speak it, but the ancient romans read aloud so when you're reading latin it's generally a good idea to read the sentence out loud first (similarly this works in greek) as it will also help jog your memory of vocab\\n\\nif you are self-taught, or as you say you managed to somehow pick up the Latin language through courts, and are capable of reading Horace you show an incredible aptitude for the language and should consider taking it up for a masters or something (although I do not understand how one reads Horace or Catullus without knowing the length of vowels and therefore the metre, without just reading it as prose)\\n\\nalso, if you didn't want to use classical reconstructed, you could quite easily learn the ecclesiastical pronunciation which would be a 'correct' way to speak it, and is often favoured by people who desire to make latin sound more formal\",\n", " 'id': 'ffwgpdr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffvamuu',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"I don't read *much* verse, though recently I've been getting into a bit of Horace and occasionally Catullus.\\n\\nI learned Latin around my rather posh family and in courts of law, where it's read a lot, spoken a fair bit but always according to English pronunciation rules. On top of that, I mostly *read* it, rather than *spoke* it, so even this Anglicised version didn't stick in my head, though I can get the sense of it (read or spoken) just fine. I figured, though, with the classicists outweighing the lawyers and politicians (even in England, where Greats is taken by the poli-sci types, you'll find more people aspiring to the academical work rather than the political) by quite a bit, the English pronunciation won't cut it if Latin becomes more popular as I'm sure it will.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffvamuu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrxk83',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Laverrick',\n", " 'body': \"just buy a copy of morwood and read how atleast the letters sound, and you'll do lots better \\n\\n\\nif you're reading verse, learn scansion, and you'll do even better\\n\\nlearn your macrons and then you'll have conquered how to pronounce classical latin, currently you're just reading latin words in english\",\n", " 'id': 'ffrxk83',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esl62g',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffj2z7d',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffbks0q',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'radonezh',\n", " 'body': 'Top kek',\n", " 'id': 'ffdqc0v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esl62g',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'Only, I can\\'t really make Latin sound more or less like RP, given that a kind-of Received Pronunciation is my own natural accent. I\\'d be \"faking it\" if I tried anything else. It\\'s a foreign language of course and I should really be trying my best to get used to the New Pronunciation, though.',\n", " 'id': 'ffcj5ye',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffc5yks',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': \"Surely you realize that the Received Pronunciation of English is widely regarded as the world's most pretentious accent? Especially when the vowels are elongated (as happens in Latin)?\\n\\nI believe you're sincere, but the more you make Latin sound like RP, the more it comes across as trolling.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffc5yks',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffb2pk5',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'meme_man_warden',\n", " 'body': 'I’m guessing it’s much like Italian for pronouncing',\n", " 'id': 'ffbvg4u',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffbr7c9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'I can\\'t judge whether it\\'s good or bad in the standard you\\'re going for, it\\'s the standard itself I have an issue with because it\\'s about as comprehensible to what I imagine to be 99 out of 100 speakers of Latin, as Dutch is to a native speaker of English >\\\\_>\\n\\nMy suggestion, if you want to converse with people other than those who understand this standard, would be to free yourself of the \"restored pronunciation sounds pretentious\" conviction and learn that pronunciation as you would when approaching a totally new language.',\n", " 'id': 'ffbt08d',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffbks0q',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'I have, and it just sounds \"wrong\" to my ears. I\\'m used to hearing /j/ as a hard /dzh/, like in \"justice\", and so on.',\n", " 'id': 'ffbri8n',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffbrf5j',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"Hard to do that when you're reading something from the screen and the footnotes take up more space on the page than the content does. I'll try again with better material.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffbrf63',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffbr7c9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'randomcookiename',\n", " 'body': 'Very interesting! Have you ever tried speking latin using your spanish voice?',\n", " 'id': 'ffbrf5j',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffbrc2v',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'Actually, not American, but very, very English. I speak Spanish and French also as mother tongues more or less, and can converse in Latin, but given that I pretty much learned Latin in court, government, etc., where the Traditional English Pronunciation is used, I picked it up from there.',\n", " 'id': 'ffbrc2v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffbnn6h',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': \"I don't really know what the traditional pronunciation is supposed to sound like, but in other respects, I would suggest focusing on fluidity and finding some rhythm in the text; it sort of sounds like you're speaking the text one word at a time instead of allowing it to flow into sentences. \\n\\nIn terms of achieving that, I recommend that you aim to speak with purpose and visualise in front of you the audience that text was intended for.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffbr7c9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esl62g',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'randomcookiename',\n", " 'body': \"Saw the other two guys saying how horrible this was and decided to give a good listen, and let me say that it is not that bad and I'll try to give some constructive criticism.\\nFirst of all, you're probably american, and it's really hard for an american to make some sounds, latin is easier to pronounce when your mother tongue comes from latin (specially italian). Because you've still not mastered the pronunciation (mostly the 'r' sounds), try speaking clearer and slower (a few words were also mispronounced).\\nIf you're really determined to have an awesome spoken latin, I'm sure that you're gonna get there someday! Don't be discouraged!\\nIf you want to have a 10/10 spoken latin, I'd suggest trying to learn italian, of course you don't need to be fluent in it, but try listening and learning some sounds that aren't present in american english, it really makes a difference.\\nHope to have helped! Keep going and you're gonna get there!\",\n", " 'id': 'ffbnn6h',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esl62g',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'That bad, eh? What would you suggest to make it better?',\n", " 'id': 'ffbks0q',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffbdghe',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"Pls dont clck on the lnk pls i'm begnging yuo no pls no\",\n", " 'id': 'ffbdghe',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esl62g',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'Oh dear. Maybe a recording of my Reconstrructed pronunciation? Only, I feel like it sounds perfectly pretentious :(',\n", " 'id': 'ffb2pk5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffb12bn',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Willsxyz',\n", " 'body': 'Ok, so I was like: \"not gonna click on that... not gonna click on that... not gonna click on that... nahhhhh....\\\\*click\\\\*\"\\n\\nIt was like watching a car crash. Fascinatingly horrific.\\n\\nI\\'m sure you sound beautiful when reading English.',\n", " 'id': 'ffb12bn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_esl62g',\n", " 'score': 10}],\n", " 'esktuc': [],\n", " 'ethckz': [{'author': 'Paul_Reynolds181',\n", " 'body': 'i just found the complete loeb digital library, 3.3Gig somewhere in the mists online... :D i probably wont be back to let you know how it went quality wise, just remember if you cant afford these books, there are other ways..',\n", " 'id': 'isbtjhr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffgmsef',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'TeamPupNSudz',\n", " 'body': \">The sentence structure... is similar \\n\\nNah, dawg. They're really not even close.\\n\\nFor the side by side thing, just check out Loeb Classical Library editions.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffh7jl8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffgkx14',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': \"Amazon and my local University's used book section.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffh1v2g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffgol2t',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'Even though I enabled the OP with my post, I wholeheartedly agree. Schliemann was noting if not a fraudster.',\n", " 'id': 'ffh1tll',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffge36n',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': 'Schliemann, while a fascinating individual, was a notorious fraude: so likely not the best source of pedagogical advice',\n", " 'id': 'ffgs3eh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ethckz',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': \"You're welcome to try, but the sentence structures are in fact almost nothing alike, though you're right that you will find that you recognise a lot of words as you study Latin.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffgpliv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffgkx14',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'By the way, Porphyry, Plotinus, and Iamblichus wrote in Greek, not Latin. In any case, I concur with /u/Cragius',\n", " 'id': 'ffgoqyc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ethckz',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': '_porphyrios',\n", " 'body': 'Amazon US has new Loebs for $28 or less.',\n", " 'id': 'ffgol2t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffgoff5',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '_porphyrios',\n", " 'body': \"Plotinus, Porphyry, and Iamblichus wrote in Greek . . . but the parallel text idea isn't a good one anyway.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffgoj48',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ethckz',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Matar_Kubileya',\n", " 'body': \"Where are you finding Loebs for $25? I've never seen cheaper than $40 used\",\n", " 'id': 'ffgoff5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffgdscp',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Matar_Kubileya',\n", " 'body': \"The gold standard for this type of thing is a Loeb edition, but they cost an arm and a leg. If you have access to a university library or a large disposable income, they are however well worth checking out (you could also have better luck at a used bookstore, but IME they tend to either not have them or to still be pretty expensive).\\n\\nIf that isn't an option for you, Perseus, a web database through Uchicago, might also work; IIRC it's possible to get English in a sidebar of the Latin page or vice versa, or just have the two open in back to back tabs or on different monitors. However, it is clunkier to use and often has rather old public domain translations only.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffgmsef',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ethckz',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Infinity--',\n", " 'body': \"I can understand quite a bit, as spanish is my first language. The sentence structure and word root (i dont know if its called like that) is similar. That's why maybe I think I can do it.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffgkx14',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffgf9yk',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': \"Don't do this until you have some grasp on the language and vocabulary. You will have no idea whatsoever which Latin words correspond to which English ones.\\n\\nIf you really are dead set on this approach then look in this thread for some ideas: https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/es61tr/starting_latin/\",\n", " 'id': 'ffgf9yk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ethckz',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"Here's another resource: don't do this.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffge36n',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ethckz',\n", " 'score': 15},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': \"Here are some online resources:\\n\\nPerseus - find the Latin or English text and load the other language on the facing side. This is free, but often not up to date (though many prose translations are accurate and timeless). This should be good for at least Cicero. You can search any author under the Greek and Roman collection here:\\n\\n[http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/collection?collection=Perseus:collection:Greco-Roman](http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/collection?collection=Perseus:collection:Greco-Roman)\\n\\nor here's just Cicero for example:\\n\\n[http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/collection?collection=Perseus%3Acorpus%3Aperseus%2Cauthor%2CCicero](http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/collection?collection=Perseus%3Acorpus%3Aperseus%2Cauthor%2CCicero)\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nLoeb is the standard for reading side-by-side. The hard copies are all about $25 USD or you can subscribe online for a monthly fee.\\n\\n[https://www.loebclassics.com/](https://www.loebclassics.com/)\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nGood luck.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffgdscp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ethckz',\n", " 'score': 4}],\n", " 'etft1m': [{'replies': '',\n", " 'id': 'kuztutd',\n", " 'author': 'eroi1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_jzntw81',\n", " 'score': 1,\n", " 'body': 'Very good and logical explanation.',\n", " 'created': 1710512558.0},\n", " {'replies': '',\n", " 'id': 'jzntw81',\n", " 'author': 'End-United',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etft1m',\n", " 'score': 1,\n", " 'body': 'Because all the sentences, aphorisms, words that survive to this day are the one that throughout history have left a mark on who read them. Ofc linguists know thousands of latin words and have read many simpler and less impressive texts. But what is known in the mainstream colture is a collection of phrases from well known and talented orators. So they were written to be impactful, meaningful, oftentimes compact but powerful. \\nIt’s like reading a sentence from obama, or gandhi, or einsten and wonder why english, hindu, or germans are such powerful languages. They are jot per se, you just use as your frame of reference a collection of sentences that were written to be impressive. Sure we can have a debate on phonology and why certain languages sound better, clearer, more intense or more sensual. While it’s true that latin is a rather straightforward language in terms of pronunciation (and that might make is sound powerful and clear to listeners) I don’t think it’s that relevant.',\n", " 'created': 1694174355.0},\n", " {'author': 'RafaCasta',\n", " 'body': \"It's English which sounds so weak. :)\",\n", " 'id': 'ffh7eoh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etft1m',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'I wonder if you have ever heard it spoken in a natural way, rather than slowly and solemnly, with an assumed grave air or theatrical grandeur.',\n", " 'id': 'ffgeeqv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etft1m',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'anvsdt',\n", " 'body': '\"Because the Romans were powerful and they spoke the language. It\\'s the language of powerful people.\"\\n\\nI understand the need of modern man to elevate oneself above any and all subjectivity, context and perception in order to try to escape the status of being a subject and have a supposedly \"objective view\" of things, but subjective still doesn\\'t mean \"bullshit with no need to explain\", it means \"something dependent on the subject\\'s experience rather than the object\\'s qualities.\"\\n\\nIf the object is the language, and what\\'s subjective about it is \"sounding powerful\", then who are the subjects? The speakers (the Romans, but not only), and the listeners (OP and those before OP). It sounds powerful to the listeners because the speakers were powerful.\\n\\nWere the Romans powerful? Sure they were, that\\'s why the language sounds powerful. It\\'s an objective fact that the Romans were powerful.\\n\\nIt sounded like normal everyday speech to them, and their everyday speech sounded powerful to them, too. Romans loved their language and their achievements.\\n\\nSaying something is subjective is entirely useless.',\n", " 'id': 'ffgdjkp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffg4n7p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Joe_MOTS',\n", " 'body': 'It might sound powerful because of church Latin. They don’t exactly use it to joke around.',\n", " 'id': 'ffgdc0c',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etft1m',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'BraveSirZaphod',\n", " 'body': 'Take a look at some Pompeii graffiti and you may find yourself losing that impression pretty quickly.',\n", " 'id': 'ffg9qca',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etft1m',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': 'TheGreatCornlord',\n", " 'body': 'Whether it does or not is entirely subjective.\\n\\nTo the people who spoke it natively thousands of years ago, it just sounded like normal everyday speech.',\n", " 'id': 'ffg4n7p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etft1m',\n", " 'score': 13}],\n", " 'etfdg7': [{'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"*Nostri* is for the objective genitive: *miseremini nostri!*, 'pity us!'; *amor nostri*, 'love for us'; *nostri esto memor!*, 'don't forget us!'.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffgkesd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffg144e',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'nuephelkystikon',\n", " 'body': '>As for \"trēs ex nostrī filiīs\" - \\n\\n>Nostri is the plural genitive of the pronoun \"nos\" which has both \"nostri\" and \"nostrum\" as genitive plural forms (possessive -i; partitive -um). \\n\\nYou really wouldn\\'t use it this way though. Those forms only make sense when the genitive is mandated by a verb or similar, attributively you\\'d go for the possessive *adjective*. I\\'m pretty sure OP just misread *nostris*.',\n", " 'id': 'ffgghps',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffg144e',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'sebastianordonez',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks for this! Very clarifying',\n", " 'id': 'ffg16bd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffg144e',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'Partitive Genitive:\\n\\n(Number) + (Genitive of the group)\\n\\ntres filiorum nostrorum\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nAblative with Cardinal Numbers:\\n\\n(Number) + (Ex/De) + (Ablative of the group)\\n\\ntres ex filiis nostris\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nThese are grammatically interchangeable.\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nAs for \"trēs ex nostrī filiīs\" -\\n\\nNostri is the plural genitive of the pronoun \"nos\" which has both \"nostri\" and \"nostrum\" as genitive plural forms (~~possessive~~ \\\\-i; partitive -um).\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nEdit: u/Cragius is right about this. Nostri has been objective.\\n\\nAs for u/nuephelkystikon\\'s comment: Did not have the relevant information from OP when I made the above post.',\n", " 'id': 'ffg144e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etfdg7',\n", " 'score': 12},\n", " {'author': 'sebastianordonez',\n", " 'body': 'Yes you\\'re right. My mistake, I should be using the ablative. Thanks! Also I mis-transcribed the source, it actually said \"trēs ex nostrīs filiīs\" which makes a lot more sense.',\n", " 'id': 'ffg0p39',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffg00du',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'sebastianordonez',\n", " 'body': \"AH, of course you're right. My mistake was applying the genitive to a preposition that takes the ablative\",\n", " 'id': 'ffg0lvj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fffzxci',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'phonotactics2',\n", " 'body': 'It is partitive genitive. It is common cross linguistically in European languages.\\n\\nAlso I think it would suffice to just use the genitive.',\n", " 'id': 'ffg0hp5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fffzxci',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'CristianAutolitano',\n", " 'body': 'ex nostr*is* filiis seems pretty correct',\n", " 'id': 'ffg00du',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etfdg7',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'Ichbinian',\n", " 'body': 'I believe the partitive genitive is the right use here. Others can likely chime in. I\\'m not sure that you can use \"ex\" followed by a genitive, though.',\n", " 'id': 'fffzxci',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etfdg7',\n", " 'score': 17}],\n", " 'etfbap': [{'author': 'TheGreatCornlord',\n", " 'body': 'Macrons (the horizontal markings) mark long vowels, an intrinsic part of Latin\\'s phonology. Personally, I consider macrons as just part of the spelling of words like accents in Spanish, as they are critical for proper (Classical) pronunciation, grammar, and understanding (for instance the difference between the Latin word for \"grandma\" and \"anus\" is a single macron), but plenty of Latinists don\\'t bother with them at all. Presumably, you\\'re not pursuing exact Classical accuracy, so you can dispense with them if you wish.',\n", " 'id': 'ffgxcrw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffguujt',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'getitrightthe1sttime',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you for the quick reply!! \\n\\nIn case this changes the words or if it helps you pull from the Latin translation of the Bible, full context would be:\\nGod’s “creation” of man (Genesis)\\nThe “fall” of man in Eden (Genesis)\\n“Redemption” through Christ’s sacrifice (Gospels in New Testament)\\n“Renewal” of the earth (Revelations)\\n\\nShould the horizontal markings be included in the tattoo? I know in some languages like Arabic and Hebrew they can be optional. \\n\\nAgain, thank you!!',\n", " 'id': 'ffguujt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffg2onm',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'TheGreatCornlord',\n", " 'body': 'Creātiō\\nRuīna\\nRedēmptiō\\nRenovātiō\\n\\nIt was somewhat unclear what connotations you wanted the translations to have since you didn\\'t really provide context and there\\'s not always a straightforward translation between languages that preserves the intended meaning. But I basically got what you meant, and I took \"Fall\" to have something to do with the biblical fall, hence \"ruīna\" - ruin.',\n", " 'id': 'ffg2onm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etfbap',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'eteanl': [{'author': 'okaiz',\n", " 'body': 'Oof',\n", " 'id': 'ffgblst',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eteanl',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'etdkdj': [],\n", " 'etc764': [{'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'Coitus more ferarum. Not literally doggy-style sex, but \"sex after the manner of animals\". Animal style; cats do it that way too, and horses.\\n\\nCoitus, by the way, is a word like *co-operation*; the co- means together, the *itus* is a gerund form of the word *eo*, *ire*, to go. Going-together. I originally thought it was from Greek *koïti*, which means bed, but nope.',\n", " 'id': 'ffzhjil',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etc764',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'PapalStates26',\n", " 'body': 'Seems the plebeian roasted you into a fine patrician bean.',\n", " 'id': 'ffgkx94',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etc764',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Joe_MOTS',\n", " 'body': 'Glad you enjoyed! You’re definitely right, the website and my Latin class put little to no emphasis on macrons, except for scansion.',\n", " 'id': 'ffgen7m',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffgdyl0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'Enjoyed the story. Minor note: the *i* is short, so it is pronounced *có-i-tus*, not *co-í-tus*. Similarly *áditus*, *éxitus*, *ínitus*, &c.',\n", " 'id': 'ffgdyl0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etc764',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Joe_MOTS',\n", " 'body': 'Not until recently haha.',\n", " 'id': 'ffga87k',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffg62nj',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Joe_MOTS',\n", " 'body': 'Haha yeah you’re right, dumb mistake I made in the title. I did write it on the board correctly, I assure you of that...',\n", " 'id': 'ffga0kk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fffix4h',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'chaseemall',\n", " 'body': 'Have you never heard the term “sexual congress”',\n", " 'id': 'ffg62nj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etc764',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'sheepdot',\n", " 'body': 'I stared at this for a long while trying to figure out how it could even be translated. If you wrote it on the board as you list it in your title, it doesn\\'t make much sense; if one assumes an extra r in *ferram*, it is \"I, intercourse, will bear in the fashion,\" or \"intercourse (does something to) an animal in the fashion.\"\\n\\nYou\\'re looking for the genitive plural, ferarum.',\n", " 'id': 'fffix4h',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etc764',\n", " 'score': 21}],\n", " 'etbkf3': [],\n", " 'etb5k1': [],\n", " 'et864q': [],\n", " 'et7ivw': [{'author': 'anonlymouse',\n", " 'body': \"Could be it. It's easy to understand for Romance language speakers. I suppose its comprehensibility for English speakers is a bit over-sold.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffic653',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffi9trf',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'bik1230',\n", " 'body': 'No. Only Germanic languages, and learning Latin.',\n", " 'id': 'ffi9trf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffi71qo',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'anonlymouse',\n", " 'body': 'Huh. Do you speak any Romance languages?',\n", " 'id': 'ffi71qo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffi1tn2',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'bik1230',\n", " 'body': \"Well, I haven't learned it, and I barely understood a word. An hour of study would net me a few words, but I would need many hours of study to read normal texts.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffi1tn2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffgh353',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Dhghomon',\n", " 'body': \"That's part of the revival efforts at the moment as there was quite a bit produced during its first few decades that is now being scanned and typed. This was done last year for example and reached over 4000 pages:\\n\\nhttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/ne-alinome/cosmoglotta/master/src/cosmoglotta.adoc\\n\\n(markdown raw text of all 4000+ pages in a single link)\\n\\nStill nothing compared to Latin but just putting the old content together will give over 10,000 pages by the time it's done. It's one of those languages that is big for a constructed language, tiny compared to a natural one.\\n\\nLast year I added to it with two translations of my own and am now looking to make some more Occ to Latin content on top, which allows me to improve my Latin at the same time.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffgso69',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fffpsul',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'anonlymouse',\n", " 'body': \"The thing with Interlingue is you don't need to learn it to understand it. So that whole input to be able to understand thing is completely bypassed. As long as you don't care about being able to speak it completely correctly. Like I was able to use Interlingua (different language, same concept, note the a vs the e) to communicate effectively after only an hour. But I wasn't speaking it correctly per se, I was speaking re-lexified French. It worked, and that's what mattered. But depending on your goals with a language, that may be all you want so you save time vs learning a natural language properly, or it may be completely inadequate for you. And if you want something more, I think you're right. It actually gets much harder.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffgh353',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fffpsul',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bik1230',\n", " 'body': \"One of the absolutely most important things to learning a language is input. Interlingue doesn't have much content in it. Latin has tons and tons. So it seems to me like Latin would be easier to actually learn. Maybe IL is faster for memorising the rules of the language, which is nice and all but ultimately doesn't take you to understanding.\",\n", " 'id': 'fffpsul',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_et7ivw',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'Any Latin dialect could be used for your two step suggestion. Getting people from the dialect to Latin is the hard part. They end up trapped by the dialect.',\n", " 'id': 'fffja7k',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_et7ivw',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"It hasn't been this easy to learn Latin on your own for at least 5 centuries as it is today, and if your idea of easy doesn't involve going to a seminary or a university, more like 15 centuries. At no point in the human history has such a vast amount of Latin literature been available to anyone, provided they have an internet connection. If you're non-Romance monolingual and need a primer language for Latin (let's face it, everyone does), learn a Romance language - absolutely no comparison with regard to learning opportunities, utility and enjoyment.\",\n", " 'id': 'fff8ekz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_et7ivw',\n", " 'score': 16},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'It seems totally pointless. I mean- the whole point of learning Latin is to be able read Latin writings. Since there is no significant literary corpus in Occidental, what is the point of learning it?',\n", " 'id': 'fff1mjx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_et7ivw',\n", " 'score': 20},\n", " {'author': 'anonlymouse',\n", " 'body': \"I don't buy it. That reads very much like a conIAL advocate trying to convince people who aren't actually into conIALs to learn one. Because without speakers a conIAL is useless.\\n \\nAnd in the case of Occidental/Interlingua, you really don't need to do that. I've used Interlingua with a Spanish speaker who had never learned it. It worked. These are the languages you don't need to go around proselytizing. If you like it, you can use it, even if nobody else does. \\n\\n>in that you see even a lot of new users deciding to write a blog or translate literature pretty early on, and making very few mistakes on the way\\n\\nYou mean for a conIAL? How would you know you're not making mistakes? Everyone's a beginner. You in all likelihood are, but it just doesn't matter because as we see with the majority foreign and second language speakers of English, it's not necessarily to speak a language correctly to communicate effectively. Most people interested in learning Latin aren't doing so as an auxlang, so being correct does matter a lot more.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffeta7j',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffes9ie',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'Dhghomon',\n", " 'body': \"> You started with Latin and quit because it was too much hassle, or you just don't enjoy it any more. Transition to Occidental/Interlingua/LSF which is easier, and still benefit from some of your prior Latin studies.\\n\\nYes, exactly. That's the sort of two-way relationship I'm thinking of and have seen in a few cases as well. Though the passive understanding does lead to a lot more active use as well, in that you see even a lot of new users deciding to write a blog or translate literature pretty early on, and making very few mistakes on the way (always motivating to be certain early on that you're probably doing it right). And then after a good amount of that you've been unconsciousy/indirectly priming your Latin for when you feel up to the challenge again.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffes9ie',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffeqedx',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'anonlymouse',\n", " 'body': \"The idea behind Occidental (and Interlingua IALA) is that you can read it without having learned it. And that is handy...\\n \\nBut you can do that with Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata. If you want to learn Latin, you save time by starting just with Latin. \\n \\nThey're actually more useful the other way around. You started with Latin and quit because it was too much hassle, or you just don't enjoy it any more. Transition to Occidental/Interlingua/LSF which is easier, and still benefit from some of your prior Latin studies.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffeqedx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_et7ivw',\n", " 'score': 15}],\n", " 'et6kjc': [{'author': 'sisterofaugustine',\n", " 'body': 'I was talking with some traditionalist Catholics on r/CatholicMemes when the server was first announced about this. It would actually be pretty cool.',\n", " 'id': 'ffsi4ra',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fffu52o',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'caiusnumerius',\n", " 'body': 'Petition to get the official Vatican Minecraft server to speak in only Latin',\n", " 'id': 'fffu52o',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffei015',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': '28th_boi',\n", " 'body': 'Probably Church Latin, but the Vatican has an official Minecraft server.',\n", " 'id': 'ffei015',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_et6kjc',\n", " 'score': 8}],\n", " 'et5swj': [{'author': 'Alienor_what',\n", " 'body': 'Your phrase is correct as far as I can tell.',\n", " 'id': 'ffej85y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_et5swj',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'et5had': [{'author': 'Matar_Kubileya',\n", " 'body': 'Depending on the context and author, this can also be an impersonal form, with the literal translation being something like \"an arrival is [made]\" or \"there is an arrival\" with \\'ventum\\' functioning nominally, but with the natural translation being \"he/she/it/they arrive(d)\" depending on context. Livy used such a construction at several points, for example.',\n", " 'id': 'ffgndq5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_et5had',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'waywardtraveler425',\n", " 'body': 'Ok that makes sense. That’s kinda where I was getting to but the strangeness of the literal translation was throwing me off. Thanks for your help!!',\n", " 'id': 'ffecdbd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffec5ys',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"The passive normally takes the object and makes it the subject:\\n\\n'I hit the table' becomes 'the table was hit'; \\n''they'll see me' becomes 'I'll be seen'; \\n'she knows everything' becomes 'everything is known'\\n\\nBut it's quite common in Latin, though not in English, to get passives of verbs that don't take an object:\\n\\n'he runs home' becomes 'it is runned home' (*domum curritur*); \\n'they came to the city' becomes 'it was comed to the city' (*ad urbem est ventum*); \\n'I'll need to head off' becomes 'it'll need to be headed off' (*proficiscendum est*)\\n\\nObviously, these sound like nonsense in a 'literal' English translation.\\n\\nSince the effect of these 'impersonal passives' is to take the focus away from the subject (since there actually isn't one), and put it on the action, you could attempt a translation like:\\n\\n'there is a running home'; \\n'arrival was made at the city'; \\n'a departure will need to occur'\\n\\nThese tend to sound silly, stilted, and vague. Your best bet is usually just to provide the subject and make the bloody thing active:\\n\\n'he runs home'; \\n'they came to the city'; \\n'I'll need to head off'\\n\\nIn your example, we might say something like 'if entrance to the town was obtained' or, probably more naturally, 'if they/he/you/etc. came into the town'.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffec5ys',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_et5had',\n", " 'score': 4}],\n", " 'et4v1x': [{'author': 'Sochamelet',\n", " 'body': \"Could it be you've got a typo in there and a bit of missing text? That might make things unnecessarily confusing as well. I did a quick search on the Latin Library, and found the following. I put the bits that are different in bold.\\n\\n> Frontibus aduersis molles concurrere dammas \\n \\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0**uidimus** et fati sorte iacere pari. \\n Spectauere canes praedam, stupuitque superbus \\n \\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0uenator cultro nil **superesse suo.** \\n **Vnde leues animi tanto** caluere furore?\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa05 \\n \\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0Sic pugnant tauri, sic cecidere uiri.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffevuur',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_et4v1x',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'MissinginMIA',\n", " 'body': 'Lol when we were translating Cesar I would always say that “it’s never dative” and always guess ablative, but ofc the one time I actually guessed that a word was ablative, turns out it was dative! My teacher got a good laugh out of my pain tho, so I guess that counts for something.',\n", " 'id': 'ffeanwg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffe9sba',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[removed]',\n", " 'id': 'ffe9t0e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffe9sba',\n", " 'score': -1},\n", " {'author': 'cherrydoger',\n", " 'body': \"That helped a bit, thank you! I'm still a long ways from being good at translating, but I'll keep your words in mind. I'm actually starting to think of a good way to start off the translation! :) It is also soothing to hear I'm not the only one struggling to differentiate between abl and dative! haha\",\n", " 'id': 'ffe9sba',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffe8ph6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'MissinginMIA',\n", " 'body': 'For me, it’s always easiest to find the verb and noun and build the sentence up from there. If you’ve been taking classes for many years now, you notice how the noun and verb are often separated by a bunch of other adjectives and adverbs. It’s hard, because in English the noun and verb are always so close together, but try looking at it in a bigger picture sort of way. I used to do what you do, but this year I’ve had to adjust how I read, and I started with immediately finding the verb. Hope this helps!\\nPs- you’re in good company, abl and dat cases suck. I still haven’t fully memorized my declensions.',\n", " 'id': 'ffe8ph6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_et4v1x',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'etxh2o': [{'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'I recommend [this lovely classroom reader](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ztcJahCSTgpjNM-kfITgfOYbqOzCogtv), put together by yours truly. It has articles on literally everything in modern life, from the airport to the bank, from morning routine to lighting up a fag. Your students will love you.',\n", " 'id': 'ffzha2b',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etxh2o',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'PrincessArjumand',\n", " 'body': \"With Google Slides, you can make it so that there are individual copies of the slide deck for each student or group that they can edit independently - that's usually what I do. Then, I have them share their work with me and project it onto the screen. If you DM me, I can send you an example if you'd like.\\n\\nAlso, check out the #LatinTeach hashtag on Twitter. There are a lot of great teachers on there!\",\n", " 'id': 'ffreus3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffpdmjs',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'merelyfreshmen',\n", " 'body': 'How does something like this work? I’ve never used Google slides in class, only PowerPoint. When you say students put gifs on the slides are they all editing the slide that you’re presenting?',\n", " 'id': 'ffpdmjs',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffkh0il',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ColinJParry',\n", " 'body': \"I teach using Wheelock's, but weekly I give them large passages from Lingua Latina, as they rely on a different set of skills. Recently we switched from translations to answering comprehension questions about the passages. It lets students who struggle with parsing to engage with texts differently.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffnuvsd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etxh2o',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'PrincessArjumand',\n", " 'body': 'One activity I have my students do is respond to an interactive slide deck (Google Slides or Powerpoint will work, depending on what your school uses). They can do this individually or in groups. For instance, I might have a slide that says, \"Put a gif on that slide that best illustrates lines 7-9,\" or have them respond in Latin to a question about the text (things like, \"cur Quintus tristis est?\" or \"ubi est Caecilius?\"). That way, they work through the text themselves, and it\\'s fun to show the gifs and responses to the class. After the activity, we go through trouble spots in more detail.',\n", " 'id': 'ffkh0il',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etxh2o',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'SeriousTutor',\n", " 'body': 'On YouTube, people can contribute subtitles to videos by opening the settings, and if allowed, choosing the \"Add Subtitles or CC\" option under Subtitles/CC. I think it could be a fun project if people worked by themselves or in groups and chose one or two videos to translate. Then it would be publicly available for other people to read and it\\'ll increase the amount of Latin content online. Because it\\'s a real shame how little new content there is!',\n", " 'id': 'ffkfxtp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etxh2o',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'hpty603',\n", " 'body': \"I'll have 2 texts and give one to one group and the other to the other group. After they translate their own text, they have to sight read to the other text and the other group helps them.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffk0pkc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etxh2o',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'There are some Facebook groups for Latin teachers that may give you some good ideas. I think one is called Latin Teachers Idea Exchange or somesuch.',\n", " 'id': 'ffjnwzx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etxh2o',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'sillysalamander13',\n", " 'body': 'Really, any competition or game you can make out of it really helps. Get your students up and moving and make it fun. Be passionate.',\n", " 'id': 'ffjmn8o',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffjmijs',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'sillysalamander13',\n", " 'body': 'You could also write the sentences in latin and have them translate. :)',\n", " 'id': 'ffjmijs',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffjmdm4',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'sillysalamander13',\n", " 'body': \"We did this race thing earlier this semester. Basically we have a rectangle with about 5 spaces on the whiteboard and every group has a magnet as a player. Magister writes a sentence in English on the board and then we as a group write down the translation and then go up and magister checks it, underlines a word we messed up on i.e wrong case, and then if we get it right we move up on the rectangle - track - whatever you wanna call it, until someone makes it to the end. It's really fun because of competition and it helps us learn the cases and translating. You could use sentences from a passage your reading or just make up some.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffjmdm4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etxh2o',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'sillysalamander13',\n", " 'body': 'Scorpio martianus has amazing latin songs you can use!!! We do a song of the week in our class',\n", " 'id': 'ffjlw1o',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffjhi0z',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'MdRam1',\n", " 'body': 'One thing my freshman college course did every now and then was translating songs into Latin. You could try translating things like song lyrics and movie scenes into Latin. You have plenty of text to work with and the familiarity should help get your students invested. That or you would look out of touch and cringy, but as a high school Latin teacher you should already have been prepared for that.',\n", " 'id': 'ffjhi0z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etxh2o',\n", " 'score': 11}],\n", " 'etx823': [{'author': '_porphyrios',\n", " 'body': 'Procul dubio potius scripturus eras quam scribendus!',\n", " 'id': 'ffjo8ys',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffj7qm7',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'Pudōrem nescis?\\n\\nEt nōmen meum error est; scrībendus eram _Zagreides_ (Zagrīdēn vel Bacchī fīlium), sed <ē> prō <ā> scrīpsit.',\n", " 'id': 'ffj7qm7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etx823',\n", " 'score': 0}],\n", " 'etx3g9': [{'author': 'MakeTheBrainHappy',\n", " 'body': 'ALIRA Practice Test 2 (Sequel to the ALIRA Practice Practice Test 1: [https://www.makethebrainhappy.com/2019/04/alira-unofficial-practice-test-1.html](https://www.makethebrainhappy.com/2019/04/alira-unofficial-practice-test-1.html)). Learn more about the ALIRA exam itself: [https://www.languagetesting.com/actfl-latin-interpretive-reading-assessment](https://www.languagetesting.com/actfl-latin-interpretive-reading-assessment) | This \\\\*unofficial\\\\* practice test is meant to gauge your skill level with the questions generally covering basic to intermediate content. Furthermore, the questions generally become more difficult as you move through the test start to finish.',\n", " 'id': 'ffj2b4f',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etx3g9',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'etu4e4': [{'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': '>In an ideal world, having the meta-knowledge of grammar would indeed be irrelevant. However, the application of knowing, for example, the names for all the ablatives is something one encounters without fail in the contexts of both AP and IB programs as well as the general course of study throughout college. With a view toward composition of prose, knowing the ins and outs of declension and morphology as well as the correct grammatical situation for each case is also quite useful for students (but this is a corner case, at least in the US, with most prose composition courses limited to graduate school). If a teacher fails to teach these things rigorously then the students will fall to achieve at a higher level. Unless the academic expectations change wholesale, one has to teach the things which this example from Professor Bracey disregards. Teachers have to work within the system for students to succeed in relatively objective, standardized testing. This is, I agree, a bad thing for literacy and fluency. \\n> \\n>I am generally advising self-learners from my own experiences and encounters with the US system and goals in mind (AP Latin, Latin SAT subject test, IB, general college Latin courses). I learned via Wheelock\\'s, taught at university with it, then switched to the Intensive Course, which we used for the intensive summer courses. Then, with the program I inherited, Our Latin Heritage was the standard. Within our network (about 60 schools, 40 of which have robust Latin programs), the data for the AP exam is that the LLPSI kids do average (55% pass rates), the Cambrige, Wheelock\\'s or Latin for the New Millennium do quite poorly (32%), and the OLH do the best (87%), so it appears to be the right text for the system, i.e. for AP Latin curriculum. However, there is the National Latin Exam ([NLE.org](https://nle.org/)) which tests a form of Latin that seems best covered by LLPSI, as it asks for no grammar by name but rather for case/conjugation by context.\\n\\nNotwithstanding the petty nonsense we may disagree on, this is the real *gravamen* of the discussion and I am happy that we see eye to eye on this.\\n\\nNote, however, that I never said anything against objective, standardised testing (in principle). I think it\\'s the only way to go (and I do mean standardised tests, scored by an exam board, not ad-hoc in-school exams, as tends to be the case in Canada). I\\'m not even against \"working within the system\" or \"teaching to the test\", in principle. The *caveat*, though, is that the subject matter under examination needs to be factually **useful.** It also needs to be oriented in favour of **results** rather than process.\\n\\nI\\'ll use maths here as an example, specifically multiplication. The traditional way is to stack two numbers, multiply every digit in the bottom number by every digit in the top number, and do addition at the end. If you’re multiplying two four-digit numbers, you end up performing sixteen smaller multiplications to produce a final product. In 1960, though, the Karatsuba Method was invented; it is just an alternative process for multiplication, so the product (by definition) is the same as with the traditional method, but it saves *a lot* of ink where large numbers are concerned.\\n\\nNow, if I sit a maths exam, get every answer right, but I get docked marks for using the Karatsuba Method, **that is a poorly designed exam**. The skill under examination (i.e. multiplication) is a useful one to have, but since it doesn\\'t matter whether students do it the old way or the new way, they should be scored only on the correctness of the answer.\\n\\nA translation-based exam, to me at least, seems to be the best way to test Latin knowledge. Possibly with a conversational component, to see how well students can think on the fly, but that\\'s my revivalistic instincts peeking through.',\n", " 'id': 'ffpaypo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffikskj',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'For anything more than a *single word*, Google Translate is absolutely inaccurate and can **not be trusted**. This is simply due to the way their \"artificial intelligence\" isn\\'t all that intelligent.\\n\\nYou\\'ve made a good choice with Duolingo, but it is nothing more than dipping your toe in the water. **In learning a foreign language, your highest priority is reading and understanding source text, as well as being able to produce it.** Once you have gone through Duolingo, you can start on «Lingua Latina per se Illustrata», by Orberg. About halfway through Orberg\\'s course, or even earlier, you should feel comfortable reading some non-didactic Latin (i.e. stuff that was written primarily for a non-student audience). At that point, you can download [this](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ztcJahCSTgpjNM-kfITgfOYbqOzCogtv/view?usp=sharing), which is essentially a homemade [basal reader](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basal_reader) produced by yours truly. It\\'s still under development, but it\\'s at a point where I feel comfortable showing it off.',\n", " 'id': 'ffkpysh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etu4e4',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': '>I think that students want not something which matches their English fluency, but something that is not far below their grade level, like say \"Fun with Dick and Jane\" or something that aims at their level but is not interesting, like \"Ad Alpes.\" I think that there is a lack of the non-didactic stuff, at least at an early level.\\n\\nOf **course** there\\'s a lack of non-didactic material at an early level. That\\'s almost by definition. It is impossible to teach someone who\\'s never before been exposed to Latin from an article/poem/journal entry that wasn\\'t expressly written to teach them. Milk before meat; all foreign-language courses have been structured at the beginning, and they always will be. The difference lies in what happens **after** that.\\n\\n>In regard to the Vatican stuff - I am rather close to Jesuits who often recommend the living Latin programs which seems too esoteric for most. I also had a friend go through a spoken Latin-only department at Kentucky, which was bizarre.\\n\\nLatin Immersion is a niche programme and, like all foreign-language Immersion courses, always will be. As for Living Latin being esoteric, it depends on what is being meant. I am a Living Latinist in the sense that I encourage students to read modern Latin compositions, and to learn the vocab for *light bulb, computer, car*, et cætera. \\n\\nSome people take it way too far, covering Elvis in Latin or doing the Lion King/Moana, but it\\'s no more esoteric, in my view, than Cheryl Lowe\\'s opinions on language. Seriously, [you should read them](https://www.memoriapress.com/articles/natural-method-not-natural/). In spite of *all the scientific research* demonstrating that the *only* evidence-based method for foreign-language acquisition is the Natural Method, she says this:\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\n>Turning to the other two methods, #1 the grammar-first method and #2 the grammar-translation method, why is the former superior to the latter? To begin with, the grammar-first method **is the traditional method** that was used in the golden age of classical education, from the Renaissance to the dawn of the 20th century. It is only in the last century that the grammar-translation method began to supplant the grammar-first method, a period which coincided with a drastic decline in Latin learning.\\n\\nLet\\'s count the fallacies there. Number one - appeal to tradition. If something is \"traditional\", it must be the best, right? Wrong. Number two - correlation does not imply causation, and she says it does.\\n\\n>In contrast, the grammar-first method focuses on and delights in the grammar as an interesting subject in itself that does not need to be rushed over in a hurry to get to translation, just as a good mathematics program delights in and focuses on arithmetic rather than something to be endured and rushed over in a hurry to get to algebra. \\n\\nAnyone who delights in grammar as an interesting subject in itself, well, *dico eum raram esse avem in terris*.\\n\\n>**It is a failure of modern education** that lower order skills, such as grammar and arithmetic, are denigrated and sacrificed for the higher order skills of translation and higher math. This is a poor trade-off that ultimately causes most students to reach a plateau in our two difficult and cumulative subjects, languages and mathematics. \\n> \\n>There is a reason why non-Western cultures (particularly India, China, Japan) consistently out-perform our students in mathematics. They do not have our bias against memorization, drill, and basics. They reach a higher level because they have the patience to build a strong foundation.\\n\\nThey\\'re also flogging reprints of the old *Latin First/Second/Third/Fourth Year* books by Robert Henle, which for the record are not bad resources at all... but the way they\\'re being marketed makes me a bit sick to my stomach.\\n\\n>Have you ever wondered what Latin books looked like before school texts were dumbed down? Originally published in 1945, the *Henle Latin Series* **teaches Latin the traditional way**. \\xa0For students who are beginning Latin studies in 9th grade or above, the first half of Henle I along with our *Teacher Manual* is the perfect beginning Latin program. \\n> \\n>*Henle* is a Catholic text, but its superiority as a teaching resource and the outstanding benefits of its Christian perspective far outweigh the very occasional picture or reference that a Protestant might wish to ignore.\\n\\nI know Latinists tend to be on the conservative side; I am, as well, though I try to divorce the Latin language from Ancient Roman culture, so as to broaden the appeal of both. By this I mean that a) Latin is a method of *communication* that can be used anywhere by anyone, at any time in history after its invention, and being \"typecast\" as \"the language of the Ancient Romans\" hampers its adoption in this regard; and b) lots of classicists are no good with languages and are using the degree as an ersatz Poli Sci course (in fact, in English universities, the default is to consider Poli Sci as just a different \"track\" of Greats).\\n\\nNotwithstanding any and all of the above, the unrelenting, fallacious appeals to tradition demonstrate two things about Memoria Press: *primo*, a frankly **stunning** degree of irony, given that the company apotheosises the trivium, which consists of grammar, rhetoric, and **logic**, and *secundo*, that they\\'ve cornered the market in reactionary troglodytes.\\n\\n>Thanks for your perspective. It is interesting to see a different point of view. I just hope we both agree on the opposition to Google Translate and Duolingo Latin.\\n\\nBut of course. It all has to do with the way Google\\'s artificial \"intelligence\" is best \"nourished\". Essentially, Google feeds its computers with literature that has translations into many languages, and the A.I. gets **exponentially** smarter, a) the more languages that piece of literature is translated into and b) the more text is in its \"corpus\" for that particular language. A 50,000 word document written in English, French, German, and Spanish is worth an order of magnitude more to the computer than a 20,000 document written in English and French.\\n\\nOne of the most useful works for Google Translate is, of course, the Bible; it has a Latin translation. Even more useful, though, is European Union legislation... which is famously wordy (the Treaty of Lisbon, its more-or-less constitution, has 65,000 words) and published in 23 languages. Unfortunately, none of those 23 languages is Latin, and until it\\'s added to the list, Google Translate will remain comparatively shitty.',\n", " 'id': 'ffkojyo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffk2sww',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'alexanderdua_',\n", " 'body': 'Caecilius est in horto. Caecilius est in horto semper.',\n", " 'id': 'ffk3a6u',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffil35o',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'I believe that we are on the same page, just that the final outcome for US testing is quite different. As in, yes, there are precise test questions like \"What type of ablative is *agmine facto* in this bit of the Aeneid\" or \"what type of *ut* clause is Caesar using in this section.\"\\n\\nI think that students want not something which matches their English fluency, but something that is not far below their grade level, like say \"Fun with Dick and Jane\" or something that aims at their level but is not interesting, like \"Ad Alpes.\" I think that there is a lack of the non-didactic stuff, at least at an early level.\\n\\nIn regard to the Vatican stuff - I am rather close to Jesuits who often recommend the living Latin programs which seems too esoteric for most. I also had a friend go through a spoken Latin-only department at Kentucky, which was bizarre.\\n\\nI am generally advising self-learners from my own experiences and encounters with the US system and goals in mind (AP Latin, Latin SAT subject test, IB, general college Latin courses). I learned via Wheelock\\'s, taught at university with it, then switched to the Intensive Course, which we used for the intensive summer courses. Then, with the program I inherited, Our Latin Heritage was the standard. Within our network (about 60 schools, 40 of which have robust Latin programs), the data for the AP exam is that the LLPSI kids do average (55% pass rates), the Cambrige, Wheelock\\'s or Latin for the New Millennium do quite poorly (32%), and the OLH do the best (87%), so it appears to be the right text for the system, i.e. for AP Latin curriculum. However, there is the National Latin Exam ([NLE.org](https://NLE.org)) which tests a form of Latin that seems best covered by LLPSI, as it asks for no grammar by name but rather for case/conjugation by context.\\n\\nThanks for your perspective. It is interesting to see a different point of view. I just hope we both agree on the opposition to Google Translate and Duolingo Latin.\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nEdit:\\n\\nAlso, perhaps these links may help with your reader? \\n\\n[http://johnpiazza.net/latin\\\\_hist\\\\_reader.pdf](http://johnpiazza.net/latin_hist_reader.pdf)\\n\\n[http://johnpiazza.net/latin\\\\_myth\\\\_reader.pdf](http://johnpiazza.net/latin_myth_reader.pdf)\\n\\nPlus these are always good for free and useful reading\\n\\n[https://www.openbookpublishers.com/section/31/1](https://www.openbookpublishers.com/section/31/1)\\n\\n[https://geoffreysteadman.com/](https://geoffreysteadman.com/)\\n\\n[http://dcc.dickinson.edu/](http://dcc.dickinson.edu/)',\n", " 'id': 'ffk2sww',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffk0ynl',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'My knowledge of any American curricula is absolutely *nil*, so excuse me if I seem to be arguing from a point of ignorance here. I also was not, in any way, denigrating or de-prioritising \"translation and reading comprehension\"; in fact, I view that as **the cornerstone** of any foreign language course, Latin not excluded.\\n\\nThe typical high-school or university Latin exam in Britain is to be handed several extracts, half in English and half in Latin, and made to produce serviceable translations thereof. From this standpoint, then, a focus on reading comprehension is paramount; you can\\'t translate the thing if you don\\'t understand it.\\n\\nI don\\'t know where you got the idea that I\\'m advocating matching the student\\'s fluency in Latin to his English ability. This would only be possible in an immersion/bilingual environment from the call to post, and not many people are so blessed. The professor mentioned the matching thing *obiter*, but the *ratio decidendi*, as it were, is that there is undue emphasis on what you called the meta-knowledge of grammar, to the detriment of comprehension. On the other hand, it sounds like the professor\\'s trying to harmonise with a very American sort of political choir, one that focuses on skin colour as the key factor in group identity; this is a perspective I don\\'t share, nor does it play well in Canada or the UK in general.\\n\\nYou and I, on the other hand, might have the same ideal scene in mind. In fact, I think we entirely agree so far as the pupil\\'s skills on exam day are concerned; where we seem to disagree is how that pupil is best produced. My intuition tells me that the best way to acquire Latin is through consumption and production of material; that is, reading, translating, writing, more or less in that order. In English, the **children\\'s** primer *par excellence* is \"Fun with Dick and Jane\", and the closest equivalent to that in the Latin language is «Lingua Latina per se Illustrata». That, then, is what I suggest as one\\'s first classroom reader.\\n\\nAs for the meta-language of grammar bit, I\\'m not familiar enough with exam formats in the U.S.A. to be able to speak authoritatively. Given an exam geared *totally* towards comprehension and translation, the student doesn\\'t need to know the **words** \"ablative absolute\", he simply needs to know how to use the actual **concept** in communication. In such an environment, declension and morphology can be learned intuitively, then applied flawlessly, without *necessarily* knowing the terminology. If, on the other hand, there are multiple-choice questions that depend upon the pupil\\'s knowledge of grammatical strictures, well, so much for that idea.\\n\\nMoving right along. When the pupil feels confident enough to read non-didactic texts (books, articles, plays), he **must be encouraged in this** as a matter of priority. Of course, all pupils must eventually move up to non-didactic matter; in a sense, the Latin language is its own reward. This is where things **really** get interesting, because there\\'s the possibility of a cross-training effect, as you mentioned. At this point in the language-acquisition \"gradient\", learning material either comes as long-form literature (with Latin it\\'s Horace, Ovid, Cicero, etc.) or anthologies of that same literature. With a varied enough anthology, you very well might run into a situation where a pupil with an interest in regime change and coups asks for the works of Julius Cæsar as a means to indulging that interest... and while he\\'s indulging himself, he\\'s learning Latin.\\n\\nI can\\'t put too fine a point on that. My own interest in science fiction was aroused by \"Lose Now, Pay Later\" by Carol Farley, a short story that was included in an anthology-format basal reader. As far as English goes, there must be a myriad textbooks in this genre. In the Latin language? Nil. [I had to formulate my own.](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ztcJahCSTgpjNM-kfITgfOYbqOzCogtv)\\n\\nWhile many of the contributors to my homemade basal reader are affiliated with the Catholic Church (Claretian monks in particular), I\\'d hardly call it \"Vatican stuff\", given that the content is 100% secular, from the airport to the bank, Snow White to Jack and the Beanstalk. It must be a stellar example of cosmic irony that the monks could write engaging, informative, and at times funny prose and poems (*pueri rident et discunt* after all!), while everything published by [Memoria Press](https://www.memoriapress.com/curriculum/latin/) (a Christian textbook publisher) is an industrial-strength soporific. Cheryl Lowe should never have been allowed anywhere near a classroom.\\n\\nIn case you\\'re not familiar with Cheryl Lowe or the *Forms* Latin textbooks, she basically took the Grammar/Translation approach, and got rid of the translation. That\\'s right, Grammar First. She wasn\\'t satisfied with risking kids getting bored of Latin... she wanted to guarantee they **hate** it for the rest of their lives!\\n\\nRegardless, assuming four years of Latin instruction, I\\'d use LLPSI as the introductory text, Familia Romana plus my basal reader as the Year 2 texts, then the classics for Years 3 and 4.',\n", " 'id': 'ffk0ynl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffjnqx0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jake_Hates_PETA',\n", " 'body': \"It just plainly doesn't work, if you need help just know how to decline/conjugate and use wiktionary purely as a dictionary. This is only good for simple Latin and if you want to be able to translate anything more advanced you just have to take classes. Probably gonna get downvotes for this but it works well to an extent.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffjp0d9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etu4e4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': \"I would find this valid if it were *totally* true. Is the OP trying to read for a hobby? Academics? \\n\\nThe focus of academic Latin in the US *is* for translation and reading comprehension. Anything else is almost disregarded or limited to JCL/ACL contests and hobbyists (mostly - there are living Latin groups, Vatican classes, University of Kentucky, cruises in Latin, etc.). While this focus on reading only is **terrible**, it only takes about 1.75 years of daily high school grammar instruction to get students reading through Caesar with ease; the grammar and morphology-based approach is not incompatible with reading. Another year or so and Cicero and Ovid are accessible. While this may not be entirely true in every setting, this has been a successful approach through my high school's honors program.\\n\\nIf you are starting with elementary children and working through graded readers, then yes, I suppose matching their current English skills and Latin skills would work, but by sophomore/junior year of high school, they are readily able to tackle tougher literature. Introducing juniors to Cicero while they are simultaneously in AP Language is a great way to reinforce rhetoric and style. Critiquing the Aeneid as propaganda or learning about the Gallic suppression of information in DBG 6 while simultaneously reading 1984 in AP Literature is a perfect crossover.\\n\\nIn an ideal world, having the meta-knowledge of grammar would indeed be irrelevant. However, the application of knowing, for example, the names for all the ablatives is something one encounters without fail in the contexts of both AP and IB programs as well as the general course of study throughout college. With a view toward composition of prose, knowing the ins and outs of declension and morphology as well as the correct grammatical situation for each case is also quite useful for students (but this is a corner case, at least in the US, with most prose composition courses limited to graduate school). If a teacher fails to teach these things rigorously then the students will fall to achieve at a higher level. Unless the academic expectations change wholesale, one has to teach the things which this example from Professor Bracey disregards. Teachers have to work within the system for students to succeed in relatively objective, standardized testing. This is, I agree, a bad thing for literacy and fluency. \\n\\nWhile I do understand that Wheelock's is far and away the thinnest of the options I provided (and granted, 38 Latin Stories is a weak supplement), I still recommend reading it cover-to-cover as the Loci Antiqui and Loci Immutati (as well as the Wheelock's Latin Reader) are great springboards to reading fluency. Have you worked with either Latin: An Intensive Course or Our Latin Heritage? Both have extensive graded selections which really do exposes students to reading in a powerful way. Especially OLH 2, as it works through the variations of the Fabulae Faciles and a large survey of Caesar and other writers. While this may just be my experience from graduates coming out of our High School program, reading has been no problem for students doing 3 semesters of grammar/morphology/vocabulary with reading and then 5 semesters of reading/AP, so grain of salt and whatnot. \\n\\nIt is quite tough to teach a skill that ends up remaining mostly passive (reading) and rarely active (composition, conversation outside of Latin teacher meetups or University of Kentucky's grad program). However, the students who are really into the language will go above and beyond through extra curricular activities like JCL. Again this is biased toward a view at the US education system, with no active knowledge of any British curriculum (or Vatican stuff).\",\n", " 'id': 'ffjnqx0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffjiujg',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'sillysalamander13',\n", " 'body': '3 words... william whittakers words',\n", " 'id': 'ffjncet',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etu4e4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'I strenuously advise against the grammar-translation method of learning, and therefore texts that use this approach. It is a fossil. Wheelock\\'s is a good reference---but that\\'s what it is, a REFERENCE. Keep it on the shelf, and refer to it when you get stuck, but this is not a book to read cover-to-cover. Instead, focus on the communicative and comprehensive aspect. The idea is to understand THE LANGUAGE, not the rules of that language as an intellectual exercise in themselves. Begin with something like Orberg\\'s Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata, then start adding Latin source material (either some of the more basic classical authors, or Neo-Latin articles from Palaestra Latina) and make sure you understand it fully. Translation is a good exercise; it\\'s the essence of foreign language acquisition, that you can read material or hear speech and know what it means. \\n\\nProfessor John Bracey explains much better than I ever could:\\n\\nFor centuries now, the default approach to teaching Latin has been the grammar-translation approach. This approach generally consists of learning grammar rules, learning grammar terminology, memorizing paradigms, and translating Latin into English primarily to demonstrate grammatical accuracy. When you boil it down, the emphasis is on memorization and application of abstract grammatical formulae. This approach takes a language that was once spoken comfortably by people of all backgrounds, social classes, ages, etc. throughout the world and renders it into a complex linguistic jigsaw puzzle that requires an elite mathematical mind to decipher.\\n\\nThe challenge that the grammar-translation approach poses to inclusivity is that it takes language, something universally accessible to all, and creates a series of unnecessary and onerous roadblocks that render it accessible to only the few. For example, using a comprehension-based approach, with no direct grammar instruction, all of my 7th grade students were able to read novice-level chapter books in Latin by the end of the year. With a grammar-based approach, those same results would be considered totally invalid unless accompanied by the ability to decline mixed-declension adjective-noun pairings, or to identify the difference between ablative of means and an ablative of manner.\"',\n", " 'id': 'ffjiujg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffikskj',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'RexDraconum',\n", " 'body': \"Hell no. The other day, I was looking for a translation of 'I have something done' and tried it in desperation. It gave me: 'habeo quidam factum' - literally 'I posses a having-been-done something'.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffji8j1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etu4e4',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'ReedsAndSerpents',\n", " 'body': 'Co-sign\\n\\nNever using Google translate is our Carthago delenda est.',\n", " 'id': 'ffjgd9d',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffil35o',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'ElongatedMuskratBoi',\n", " 'body': 'No',\n", " 'id': 'ffj2a7t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etu4e4',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffj27y1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etu4e4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'infinitum17',\n", " 'body': \"It's literally Rule VI in the sidebar of this subreddit.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffiv2qs',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etu4e4',\n", " 'score': 17},\n", " {'author': 'eestimarcus',\n", " 'body': '1st rule of Latin club: never trust Google translate\\n\\n2nd rule of Latin club: NEVER trust Google translate\\n\\n3rd rule of Latin club: Caecilius stays in the garden.\\n\\nAnd so on.',\n", " 'id': 'ffil35o',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etu4e4',\n", " 'score': 42},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'Google is absolutely incompatible with Latin. It does not read context.\\n\\nHere \"ago\" with \"quid\" has an idiomatic meaning of \"how\" so Google does not get the nuance. In fact, both \"ago\" and \"quid\" have very flexible meanings which are not picked up by an auto-translator. \\n\\nBut a warning: Duolingo will not really teach you the necessary Latin grammar or vocabulary to access any intermediate texts like Caesar or Ovid. If you are really trying to learn the language, I suggest you supplement your studies with a grammar text like Moreland and Fleischer\\'s Latin: An Intensive Course, Wheelock\\'s Latin or Our Latin Heritage I+II. Otherwise, \"killing drunk parrots\" will be the extend of your studies.',\n", " 'id': 'ffikskj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etu4e4',\n", " 'score': 22}],\n", " 'etu3eu': [{'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffio6lk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffing9t',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'xXdat_boi70Xx',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks',\n", " 'id': 'ffio0qx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffing9t',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'eestimarcus',\n", " 'body': \"I'll have a go:\\n\\nOn the other Sundays and Feasts, Antiphon \\\\[as\\\\] in the Proper \\\\[of the season or feast\\\\].\\n\\nPsalm. 117 *Confitemini Domino quoniam bonus.* Then Psalm 118 *Beati immaculati*, as below.\\n\\nFrom Septuagesima until Palm Sunday inclusive, in place of Psalm 117 *Confitemini*, are said Psalms 92 *Dominus regnavit* and 99 *Jubilate Deo*, as above, which have not been kept in place for Lauds. Then Psalm 118, *Beati.*\\n\\nWhen on Sunday there is \\\\[the Office\\\\] of another Vigil or of a Feast, and in the week when the Psalms of Sunday are to be undertaken, in place of Psalm 117 is said Psalm 53 *Deus in nomine tuo*, as below, then Psalm 118, *Beati immaculati*.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffing9t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etu3eu',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'spaceformica',\n", " 'body': 'Oops. Sorry.',\n", " 'id': 'ffiklfa',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffikip2',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'xXdat_boi70Xx',\n", " 'body': \"It's not a bible verse. It's from the divine office. You are right about the psalms though\",\n", " 'id': 'ffikip2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffikdo2',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'spaceformica',\n", " 'body': 'These are from the Latin Vulgate or a similar text, so an English language Bible should provide any translations.',\n", " 'id': 'ffikdo2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etu3eu',\n", " 'score': 0}],\n", " 'etr91m': [{'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'It would be *reperiam*, not *reperiar*.',\n", " 'id': 'ffrkafz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffmjj9w',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'rhoadsalive',\n", " 'body': 'For any serious study of the language a scientific dictionary is a requirement, the best ones available are the TLL and the Georges 1913, both are in German but you can work with a translator. They provide the necessary reference passages to determine the actual meaning of a word.\\n\\n[http://publikationen.badw.de/de/thesaurus\\\\[CC%20BY-NC-ND\\\\].catalogus.htm](http://publikationen.badw.de/de/thesaurus[CC%20BY-NC-ND].catalogus.htm)\\n\\n[http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913](http://www.zeno.org/Georges-1913)\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nIf you take a look at the Georges it sites a passage that is close to the meaning of what you want I assume, backed by a passage of Seneca.\\n\\n\"excepit illum magna et aeterna pax, *er ging zum ewigen Fr. ein,* Sen. ad Marc. 19, 6\"\\n\\nas you can see in this passage \"to find peace\" as we say, is expressed with \"excepit pax\", so that is one way of expressing it in the words of Seneca.\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nThis also illustrates a problem that is common, people assume that you can combine the Latin words in a way that it makes sense a phrase to modern ears if directly translated but this is almost never the case in actual Latin since there are in fact very specific phrases for almost everything.',\n", " 'id': 'ffmm9ud',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffmjj9w',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Rysace',\n", " 'body': 'Ah interesting. Thanks for this so much! Any advice on where to find these more poetic words ? And where can i find connotation stuff like this',\n", " 'id': 'ffmjj9w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffm6qdg',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'rhoadsalive',\n", " 'body': 'Good you asked, invenire has a very strong connotation of randomness in classical Latin, it is used for \"to find\" in schoolbooks yes but it really means to come across something by accident, especially in the context of finding out something in an investigation.\\n\\ne.g.\\n\\nCic.: neque certum inveniri poterat\\n\\nCaes.: in agro populabundum hostem\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nSo that sentence would accurately translated say something like : \"I will randomly come across peace sometime in the future.\"\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nThe word you are looking for would be \"reperire\" or 1st. person fut. sg. \"reperiar\" which implies that the finding is not random, but again there are probably more poetic sounding words available.',\n", " 'id': 'ffm6qdg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etr91m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'If by \"engraving\" you mean how the ancient Romans would have wrote it in an inscription, it would look like \"PACEM•INVENIAM\".',\n", " 'id': 'ffi632w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etr91m',\n", " 'score': 13},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': \"You're good.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffi3oxq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etr91m',\n", " 'score': 9}],\n", " 'etq8mg': [{'author': 'WikiTextBot',\n", " 'body': '**Traditional English pronunciation of Latin**\\n\\nThe traditional English pronunciation of Latin, and Classical Greek words borrowed through Latin, is the way the Latin language was traditionally pronounced by speakers of English until the early 20th century.\\n\\nIn the Middle Ages speakers of English, from Middle English onward, pronounced Latin not as the ancient Romans did, but in the way that had developed among speakers of French. This traditional pronunciation then became closely linked to the pronunciation of English, and as the pronunciation of English changed with time, the English pronunciation of Latin changed as well.\\n\\nUntil the beginning of the 19th century all English speakers used this pronunciation, including Roman Catholics for liturgical purposes.\\n\\n***\\n\\n^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/latin/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^]\\n^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28',\n", " 'id': 'fi2wr3v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fi2wqs6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'Well, \\'\\'amice erudite mi\\'\\' (my learnèd friend), my own Latin pronunciation is the Traditional English variety (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traditional_English_pronunciation_of_Latin and https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/cambridge-classical-journal/article/english-pronunciation-of-latin-its-rise-and-fall/A0860C6625BE5A0E45FD58A18797E6FB/core-reader).\\n\\nAs for forms of address, since we\\'re both lawyers: Learned applies to a litigator; Gallant applies to a veteran of the Forces; Honourable applies to a member of Parliament/Congress, or the son of a Peer of the Realm/Senator; Reverend applies to an Anglican/Episcopal minister; Right Honourable applies to a member of the Cabinet (you\\'d say the Administration) or a Peer of the Realm/Senator; Most Honourable applies to a marquess; and Gracious applies to a duke. And no, this is not just academic, there are barristers with hereditary titles, and then there are barristers with Ph.D.\\'s in theology.\\n\\nSo, in court or in politics, you\\'d address me as \"my honourable and learned friend\", until mum karked it or Boris called me to the Front Bench (either/or), at which point you\\'d say \"my *right* honourable and learned friend\". I don\\'t know if you\\'ve been in the Service or not, but if you\\'re a vet, you\\'d be \"my learned and gallant friend\". (Classical) Latin doesn\\'t have these fine divisions of status, which is why it disconcerts me sometimes. Even the great Pompey I\\'d be forced to call \"Gnæus Pompeius\", instead of something more dignified.\\n\\nNow, Donatien Alphonse François de Sade (author of the simply amazing \"120 Days of Sodom\") had never been a lawyer, but he is also known as the *Marquis* de Sade. So if I could resurrect this great Frenchman, I\\'d call him \"my *most* honourable friend\". No learned; he\\'s not a lawyer.',\n", " 'id': 'fi2wqs6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fi2tcnd',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'IHCOYC',\n", " 'body': \"In the Latin of the common lawyers, *baro et femina* (transparently calquing NorFr *baron et feme*) was the usual rubric under which they discussed what the American tradition would call 'domestic relations'. *Baro* in this context meant little more than 'man' or 'husband' under the Plantagenets. My understanding is that the word became used as a title because at law it came to mean a freeholder who had no mesne lord, but held his land and tenancy directly from the King. This, of course, was a heritable status. \\n\\nI was a litigator, but practiced mostly in the appellate courts, which tends to involve very little courtroom performance in the USA. I prefer to use the ecclesiastical/classical music pronunciation, because if you hear anyone speaking or singing in Latin, this is what you are likeliest to hear.\",\n", " 'id': 'fi2tcnd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fi2cqnt',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'Hmm. Don\\'t know whether to call you \"eruditissime amice mi\" (as I would a fellow barrister) or \"amice mi\" (as I would a solicitor). In any case, hello, my professional counterpart from across the Pond.\\n\\nI am a trained barrister (recently graduated, now not in practice) who now runs a software business. My legal interests lie in contracts, taxes, and international mediation, but also in comparative law, the Inquisitorial System, Napoleonic Code, duty to rescue, and so on.\\n\\nI learned Latin similarly to yourself, including the pronunciation (from court), which is why I get flamed for my accent so much.\\n\\nOh, and I\\'m heir to a title, which is why I instantly recognised \"baro\".',\n", " 'id': 'fi2cqnt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fi2bq52',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'IHCOYC',\n", " 'body': \"Actually, just an American lawyer, now retired. When I was in law school, quite a few years ago, I was researching the origins of trial by jury and the several systems it replaced, mostly variations on ordeals or (for noblemen) trial by combat. My conclusion was that it was a part of the Plantagenets' attempts to wrest power from the Church, which administered the ordeals and as such got to control all the variables. At any rate, reading quite a lot of practical Latin was required and I learned to appreciate the rough virtues of the style.\",\n", " 'id': 'fi2bq52',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fi1su2o',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"Guessing you're a barrister in England or advocate in Scotland? Since we're talking about *seisin*, which is English land law, and felonies, which are Anglo-American criminal law, and barons, who are the lowest rank of the English peerage...?\",\n", " 'id': 'fi1su2o',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffibzmt',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'Ah, yes, the same period where we get such mangled \"French\" (it doesn\\'t even pass as Norman dialect) as...\\n\\n>fuit assault per prisoner la condemne pur felony que puis son condemnation ject un Brickbat a le dit Justice que narrowly mist, & pur ceo immediately fuit indictment drawn per Noy envers le prisoner, & son dexter manus ampute & fix al Gibbet sur que luy mesme immediatment hange in presence de Court.\\n\\nNot to mention Samuel Pepys\\' much later diary, which he kept in Tachygraphy, an early ancestor of Teeline (this was assumed to be code, despite him helpfully having included a tutorial, until a journalism student had a look at it and pointed out the obvious). That was for the parts of the diary that were intended for, shall we say, public consumption. The private parts (and I use that term advisedly... *female* private parts, to be specific) were kept in half-Spanish half-Latin. Observe:\\n\\n>\" the mistresse of the shop took us into the kitchen and there talked and used us very prettily, and \\\\[mis\\\\]took her for my wife, which I owned *\\\\[admitted to\\\\]* and her big belly, and there very merry, till my thing done, and then took coach and home, in the way *tomando su mano* and putting it where I used to do; which *ella* did suffer, but not *avec tant de freedom* as heretofore, I perceiving plainly she had *alguns* apprehensions *de me* but I did offer *natha* more than what I had often done. But now comes our trouble, I did begin to fear that *su marido* might go to my house to enquire *pour elle*, and there, *trouvant my muger* at home, would not only think himself, but give my *femme* occasion to think strange things \\\\[and rightfully so, your joystick seems to be stuck in \"play\" mode!\\\\]. This did trouble me mightily, so though *elle* would not seem to have me trouble myself about it, yet did agree to the stopping the coach at the streete\\'s end, and *je allois con elle* home, and there presently hear by him that he had newly sent su mayde to my house to see for her mistresse. This do much perplex me, and I did go presently home Betty whispering me behind *the tergo do her mari*, that if I would say that we did come home by water, *elle* could make up *la cose well satis*, and there in a sweat did walk in the entry *ante* my door, thinking what I should say *a my femme.* \\n> \\n>... \\n Thence after dinner I to White-hall with Sir W Berkely in his coach. And so I walked to Herberts and there spent a little time *avec la mosa, sin hazer algo con ella que kiss and tocar ses mamelles, que me haza hazer la cosa a mi mismo con gran plaisir.*\\n\\nHe even uses a bit of Greek!\\n\\n>After he was gone, come, by a practice of mine yesterday, old Delkes the waterman with his daughter Robins, and several times to and again, he leaving her with me – about getting of his son Robins off, who was pressed \\\\[drafted into the Navy\\\\] yesterday again. And *jo haze ella mettre su mano upon my πράγμα hasta hazerme hazer la cosa in su mano*. *Pero ella no voulut permettre que je ponebam meam manum a ella*, but I don\\'t doubt that *άλλο χρόνο...*\\n\\nThat last bit\\'s somewhat complicated, but... \"And I let her put her hand on my thing, and she made me do the thing \\\\[cum\\\\] in her hand. But she wouldn\\'t let me put a hand on her, but I don\\'t doubt that another time...\"',\n", " 'id': 'fgmilyf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffl2hf1',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Coesim',\n", " 'body': 'As far as German classicists are concerned, only the words and phrases Caesar and Cicero use are \"classical\" and therefore the only ones to be used when translating from German to Latin.',\n", " 'id': 'ffrh4nj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etq8mg',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'I think conflating living and dead languages as you do is very unhelpful. This subreddit is not concerned with the natural evolution of Latin, that being the Romance languages, but with one of its artificially preserved stages. A better analogy to the question in this thread is how many of those Romance languages should one mix together when trying to speak one, and in what proportions.',\n", " 'id': 'ffqvgg3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffn7gy9',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'SPMicron',\n", " 'body': 'Well, according to Newton, an object in motion will remain in motion, so yes.\\n\\n> \"Let the great world spin for ever down the ringing grooves of change.\"',\n", " 'id': 'ffplicq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffn8jb6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'translostation',\n", " 'body': \"You might also benefit from a look at the first volume of Grafton's *Joseph Scaliger -* it does a good job of suggesting the extent to which humanist philology was similar to *Altertumswissenschaftliche philologie*.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffnyd0m',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffnxrd4',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'translostation',\n", " 'body': \"I'm giving you the historical roots that answer your question. Kreb's philological Ciceronianism is a down-stream product of these (and other) earlier debates. You're correct that other influences come into play too which are not accounted for by the resources I've given you, but the most generally sufficient answer as to why Kreb's historical context treated Cicero the way that they did lies in these specific humanist debates. It's also the reason, e.g., that the classic *Bradley's Arnold* *only* shows as correct Latin attested in Cicero and omits non-ciceronian constructions (e.g. Livy's future paraphrastic: futurum esse).\",\n", " 'id': 'ffnxrd4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fflixq0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': 'Even if what they love most is change and innovation?',\n", " 'id': 'ffn8jb6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fflejqe',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': 'Not only in the case of Latin but also in English, Spanish, French, Greek and many other languages, perhaps most other languages, there are those who wish to limit the vocabulary, and those who have no problem at all seeing the vocabulary expand, and this is based upon a fundamental philosophical disagreement about the nature of language. If one wants to fix a language and insist that a certain version, and no other, is the correct version of that language, this will involve limiting the vocabulary of that language. If one sees languages as things which are constantly changing, and sees the change as a good thing, a natural and healthy thing, and thinks that the notion of \"correctness\" is arbitrary and must change with usage, then that will involve welcoming a constant growth of vocabulary, from slang, from other languages, from science and technology, from the use of the language by non-native speakers, etc. I\\'m convinced that the second alternative is much more fun, as well as more relevant to the actual use of the language by all who speak, hear, read and write it. (Sigh, here come the downvotes.)',\n", " 'id': 'ffn7gy9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etq8mg',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"While I very much appreciate the useful references (that edition makes following the whole thing so much easier, and I'm sure it'll be a fun read), it seems to me that the situation during the Renaissance couldn't have been the same when you fast-forward two eras. Krebs lived right around the time of the birth of classical philology as we know it, whose aims might have resonated with Renaissance thinkers, but whose methods they would have found quite alien. Or am I completely wrong and we have ciceronianism to thank for the brief but immensely fruitful flowering of Latinity in 19th-early 20th century Germany?\",\n", " 'id': 'fflixq0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffj1xrw',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'SPMicron',\n", " 'body': \"Conquest's First Law: everyone is conservative about what they love the most\",\n", " 'id': 'fflejqe',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etq8mg',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"That's what some call Law Latin and others Dog Latin, among other things. It's roughly equal parts Latin and Old/Middle English, with a rich serving of Anglo-Norman. You find it more comprehensible for the same reason Classical Latin readers will find it mostly incomprehensible.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffl2hf1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffk4y2j',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'IHCOYC',\n", " 'body': 'This was quite some time ago, but these were court records and other legal documents from England (and some Scotland) from around 1200-1300. The French ones were worse.',\n", " 'id': 'ffk4y2j',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffj1rzq',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'zluizl',\n", " 'body': \"I've more than once heard the criticism that what killed the common usage of Latin was this kind of obsession. It is awesome to be able to map Cicero's vocabulary and grammar and try to get closer to it if we can (remembering that we are not Cicero and that Latin is a real language and not a made up thing by Cicero), as much as it doesn't make it harder to use Latin as a common language between us. Of course there are neologisms, it is a language from 2 thousand years ago. Are we really giving up on all historical progress and choosing to use huge weird circumlocutions as if some time traveling Roman needed to understand us? It seems like some people just want to make Latin even harder and niche.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffk2ekq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etq8mg',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Raffaele1617',\n", " 'body': \"One could argue that while it is dead, it didn't ever die xP.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffje82z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffi7ir4',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'helleborusniger',\n", " 'body': 'A lot of traditional Catholics pray in Latin. They may not be able to speak it fluently but certain liturgical phrases form memories and evoke thoughts and emotions because of habitual exposure. I think this is the closest sense in which Latin is alive today.',\n", " 'id': 'ffjbtsj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffi7ir4',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'rainy-day-week',\n", " 'body': 'I think this stance (i.e. Kreb\\'s position) makes sense to me. There can be a few obvious arguments made in its defense.\\n\\nOne thing to consider is the word choice in poetry. I hope you can appreciate that in poetry no two words are replaceable, to use your example if an editor printed Shelley\\'s book and changed \\'not comprehensible\\' to \\'incomprehensible\\' and similar, where it doesn\\'t affect rhyme, you would cry foul.\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nIt\\'s also a matter of a sliding scale, if you allow silver age synonyms, why not a few particularly handy middle age synonyms? Especially if they were used by medieval writers who tried to hew as close as possible to the classical style and word choices?\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nIf a line has to be drawn somewhere, it\\'s a matter of personal intuition to choose the precise spot.\\n\\nI think you also perhaps exaggerate the significance of avoiding a single Ciceronian word, he might have considered the possibility of copying errors; some of Cicero\\'s writings were letters written hurriedly, etc. If he used 15k words, 1 word is just 7 thousandth of 1 percent of his vocabulary, so it can hardly be seen as \"not trusting even Cicero\".\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\n\\\\[Edit: I forgot to add that while it makes sense to me, that doesn\\'t mean I agree with it. It just seems like one valid, on the surface, opinion as many others.\\\\]',\n", " 'id': 'ffj7naw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etq8mg',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'translostation',\n", " 'body': 'The best historical \"primary\" source text for you to understand how this developed is:\\n\\n[DellaNeva, J. Ciceronian Controversies](https://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674025202)\\n\\nOnce you\\'ve read that, consider the texts on [this bibliography](https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780195399301/obo-9780195399301-0314.xml).',\n", " 'id': 'ffj1xrw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etq8mg',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffj1rzq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffibzmt',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'translostation',\n", " 'body': \">The nature of Latin is that it attracts people who really like the past.\\n\\nIs it?\\n\\n>If the Latinist lionizes a specific speaker they could very well end up decrying any term that speaker didn't use.\\n\\nDo they?\\n\\n>it is well within the parameters of human-normal for the types of human that study ancient languages.\\n\\nIs it?\\n\\n(I'm deeply skeptical of this universalizing explanation.)\",\n", " 'id': 'ffj1jnq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffhwin5',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Daredhevil',\n", " 'body': 'If you have a point, make it.',\n", " 'id': 'ffixfex',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffixc5w',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffixc5w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffix92v',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'Daredhevil',\n", " 'body': \"It is as valid as any other, unless you're proposing that a language can exist isolated from human beings and their cultures.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffix92v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffiqxn8',\n", " 'score': -1},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"Sorry but I don't enough about the attitudes of the time on the whole, even less of a single person. In general, it's a bad practice to ask someone what another person thinks, when many husbands and wives couldn't tell you what the other one thinks. I suggest finding Krebs' first edition of the book and reading the Vorwort written by the man himself; there are many later editions whose authors might have thought differently to different degrees (my PDF is the 7th, whose intro looks to be by Schmalz, who revised it).\",\n", " 'id': 'ffitslq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffic54v',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'poopy_politic',\n", " 'body': \"That's an interesting definition of what a language is, you should ask about that in r/linguistics.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffiqxn8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffi7ir4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'imperatorhadrianus',\n", " 'body': 'Yeah OP needs to google linguistic purism. Very common cross-culturally.',\n", " 'id': 'ffihc64',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffhz0cv',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'andeaandea',\n", " 'body': \"Thanks for your professional answer! In fact, what I'm afraid is-Did Krebs himself really believe and obey his rigid rules? Did he really think that using *non comprehensibilis* instead of *incomprehensibilis* would make him write proses better? I'm confused by his ideas because these two words are almost the same to me, and though *incomprehensibilis* is a post-Augustan word, I believe Cicero would have coined it if necessary. After all, Cicero had made a lot of coinages.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffic54v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffi05m9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'IHCOYC',\n", " 'body': 'The folks using Latin in their daily lives whose works I know best routinely used words like *baro, felo, seisina* and *kydellis*. Most of these had highly technical meanings, or referred to poet-Classical technologies. I find their version of working Latin much easier to follow than Renaissance pastiche.',\n", " 'id': 'ffibzmt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffiays3',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': \"If you're training a cadre of international bureaucrats to handle things like administration and diplomacy, you want them to have the clearest, most consistent style possible. The simplest way to ensure that is to choose a narrow standard for everyone to emulate. \\n\\nWhen people think about Renaissance Latinity, they usually think of the artistic, expressive side. But this utilitarian, pragmatic approach is the other side of the coin.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffiays3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etq8mg',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Daredhevil',\n", " 'body': \"No, it's not like saying English died because nobody speaks Old English anymore, you have it the other way around: Old English died because nobody speaks or can undertstand it anymore.\\n\\nLatin isn't alive just because it split and changed into romance languages. It is dead because there is no native speaker anymore, the culture has died out, nobody hates, loves, or curses in Latin. There are no memories formed with it anymore.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffi7ir4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffhzlh9',\n", " 'score': -4},\n", " {'author': 'Peteat6',\n", " 'body': \"It’s not just vocabulary. It's also style, sentence and paragraph structure, clausulae (rhythm to close a sentence), and so on. Way back in the whenevers, call it last century to be kind to the elderly (I mean me), people were taught to write Latin of a certain type. It wasn’t about learning to read Latin of different types and different periods, it was about writing without conflating words or constructions from different genre or different periods.\\n\\nWhatever Caesar did was fine. Anything Cicero did regularly was probably OK, but words or constructions from his letters shouldn’t be used (so his letters weren’t read until quite late in our courses). Anything found only in poetry was disallowed. When silver age Latin was read, we were expected to note how it differed from the model we should aim for in our own writing.\\n\\nSo ultimately it’s about the purpose of language teaching. If the educators' aim is to train to students to write a certain Latin style, then dictionaries and grammars reflect that. When the purpose changes, as it has in the last half-century, then those dictionaries and those rules seem silly.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffi32g2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etq8mg',\n", " 'score': 21},\n", " {'author': 'Jandar1',\n", " 'body': 'A related article: [Barbarisms at the Gate](https://www.academia.edu/28138630/Barbarisms_at_the_Gate_An_Analysis_of_Some_Perils_in_Active_Latin_Pedogogy) by Patrick M. Owens, the driving force behind the [Neo-Latin Lexicon](http://neolatinlexicon.org/) Lexicon Morganianum.',\n", " 'id': 'ffi144s',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etq8mg',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'Works like Krebs\\' are normative, designed to give guidance to those who seek it. When people want to clarify a word\\'s usage, they don\\'t want Doederlein\\'s drunken haze philosophical treatise, they want brevity and clear recommendations. Krebs provides exactly that.\\n\\nWhen and to what degree to follow Kreb\\'s recommendations is up to the reader. Why they do and don\\'t want to follow them is also up to them. Krebs\\' is just one opinion, albeit a well-researched and authoritative one. There are enough explanations provided for the reader to be able to make some conclusions of their own, or at least have a starting point for further enquiry. The distinctions between what Cicero did and didn\\'t use should be employed to build a mental picture of how a word\\'s meaning developed, what usage was normal and what wasn\\'t.\\n\\nThe starting point of needing such a work is semantic bleaching. A word that in classical Latin might have been archaically, figuratively, colloquially, poetically, translationesely synonymous with another word gets used so often that it overtakes the default unmarked expression. This leaves a gap where the original marked expression was, which either makes the language poorer or requires an introduction of a substitute, which often creates another gap to be filled - this is the basis of constant semantic drift even when nothing new needs to be described.\\n\\nThis process obviously needs to be avoided in an ossified language whose sole purpose is to provide a maximally unchanging medium of communication. Nobody wants to learn a different Latin for every 200 years of texts written in it - you can knock yourself out doing that in enough languages already. Appealing to the inappropriateness of this approach in English is missing the whole point of Latin. How many people do you know who are incomprehensible because they\\'ve accidentally learned Tudor-era English? The history of Latin covers 5 times as long - if one needs an illustration of the semantic changes that amount of time results in when uninhibited, they need but open one of those Romance etymological dictionaries.\\n\\nEven to proponents of Living Latin, having a single well-defined standard is important, and as a dead language with little content being produced, it lacks the natural, social means for self-standardisation available to living languages. People who learn Latin tend to also be the erudite type prone to pass judgements on correctness, and it\\'s useful to have a reference to substantiate them and settle disputes.\\n\\nMost Latin-X dictionaries suck - one look at L&S says it all. Even the En-La Smith & Hall rarely bothers to do anything beyond giving a huge list of words that can possibly be translated the same. Add to that a century and a half of semantic shifts inside English itself, and most people end up thinking that half the Latin words can be synonymous, and themselves use whichever word from the list they happen to remember first. At worst they use the word that most resembles the one whose meaning they\\'re sure of in a modern language while having no idea about the meaning of the Latin one. Multiply this problem by the number of languages, false friends and bad dictionaries, and the result can be not far from the diversity (and utter wrongness from the point of view of Classical Latin) of New Latin pronunciations. A work like Krebs\\' provides a dirty but workable fix for this situation.\\n\\nThe writers who used the words Krebs recommends against using, were often doing so for special effect - Cicero with his neologising included. They had a programme and a rationale that they were following. In order to be able to recognise this rationale and perceive the diffences between what at first look in L&S might appear to be synonyms, one needs to have a starting point - a firm grasp of what was most likely felt to be unmarked and idiomatic in the classical period. Krebs\\' work should be used as a tool to get this grasp.\\n\\nA reader who takes it to be the end of the journey and the definitive arbiter of style that everyone should unwaveringly follow can blame Krebs for strengthening their misconception about the nature of Latinity, but the misconception itself needs to have been there well before they\\'ve opened his book. Classical philology has been long plagued with what modern linguists recognise to be unscientific and socially-biased ideas (c.f. the whole \"Vulgar Latin\" conundrum), but that doesn\\'t mean that the resources the holders of these beliefs produced cannot be used to good results.',\n", " 'id': 'ffi05m9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etq8mg',\n", " 'score': 26},\n", " {'author': 'sonofbaal_tbc',\n", " 'body': \"it didn't really die it just evolved. Even modern latin isn't classical Roman latin. True Roman latin fell because Rome fell , like a bunch. Even then languages just evolve. It would be like saying English died because we don't speak Old English anymore.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffhzlh9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffhydjt',\n", " 'score': 25},\n", " {'author': 'Insert_Gnome_Here',\n", " 'body': \"> rejecting all English words after the Elizabethan era for maximizing the purity of English.\\n\\nIIRC, lots of European languages were 'cleaned up' a lot during the Romantic era. (but English largely wasn't) \\n \\nalso [Uncleftish Beholdings](https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/cross_fac/complexity/people/students/dtc/students2011/maitland/fun/).\",\n", " 'id': 'ffhz0cv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etq8mg',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'Daredhevil',\n", " 'body': 'Exactly. One just has to look around in this sub to see many examples of this... unfortunately one of the reason why Latin died and will keep dead.',\n", " 'id': 'ffhydjt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffhwin5',\n", " 'score': -7},\n", " {'author': 'jacobissimus',\n", " 'body': 'No one can hate Latin like a Classicist',\n", " 'id': 'ffhy2g4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etq8mg',\n", " 'score': 35},\n", " {'author': 'NickBII',\n", " 'body': \"The nature of Latin is that it attracts people who really like the past. If the Latinist lionizes a specific speaker they could very well end up decrying any term that speaker didn't use.\\n\\nSo this guy really like Cicero, wants to speak as much like Cicero as possible, and has taken it so far that non-Cicero words are not welcome in his dictionary. This is not rational, and IMO not good Latin, but it is well within the parameters of human-normal for the types of human that study ancient languages.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffhwin5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etq8mg',\n", " 'score': 59}],\n", " 'etlgyo': [{'author': 'translostation',\n", " 'body': '>what kind of questions do interviewers ask?\\n\\nYou should anticipate them trying to get an understanding of your interests, your motivations, and how you see yourself fitting into, benefiting from, and contributing to their program. There are all sorts of ways to ask these kinds of things, but the themes are pretty consistent and amount to exactly what you\\'d expect them to be interested in evaluating. The MA will likely take a more research- and scholarly-career-oriented approach, the MAT will probably be much more interested in prior teaching experience and K-12 goals. Other than that, prepare for the obvious.\\n\\n>What do you like about Classics?\\n\\nPerhaps, though this seems boring to me. I\\'d imagine something more specific: \"What part of the Classics most interests you?\" You\\'re obviously coming because something about it is interesting to you, the question is whether or not that thing is also interesting to the faculty in the dependent (since they\\'ll be the ones working with you). \\n\\n>What do you say without being cliche?\\n\\nYou do some deep soul-searching about predictable questions, find an answer that is honest and genuinely yours, compose it ahead of time in some appropriately concise and effective form, and then practice it - not because your response should seem wrote, but because it will give you facility with saying what you really think in a compelling way ex tempore. And then you just be honest and genuine, because what interests them is you as a person and they can\\'t see that if you\\'re putting up a front.',\n", " 'id': 'ffj2ili',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etlgyo',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'enchiridic',\n", " 'body': 'I’m a current student in the UMass MAT program. Because it’s an MAT and not an MA, quite a few of the questions I was asked in my interview were related to teaching—why did I want to teach instead of do research, did I have any experience teaching or being in charge of groups of children, etc. It wasn’t a terribly long interview, only about 15 minutes.',\n", " 'id': 'ffhhjk8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etlgyo',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'idontplayoboe',\n", " 'body': \"I ended up going to (and leaving) a PhD but I interviewed for an MA at Toronto as well and got in (they have funding!). Lots of talk about my thesis, research interests, classes I'd like to take, books that influenced by thinking, and so on. Be prepared to sit in on a seminar and participate if you can.\\n\\nBiggest piece of advice: ask who you're meeting with and make some brief notes in a notebook of things to talk to them about. So and so likes papyrology and I want to know about x, etc.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffh8ssr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etlgyo',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'etk4p0': [{'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': \"Yeah, I don't think composition competition should be a mere assessment of language level, like the composition sections in Ielts of TestDaf, and translation setting isn't practical on Reddit at all- there is no way to avoid plagiarism.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffjaw3z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffj5ten',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"Yeah, I was in no way considering a translation from English type competition. Translation is an pretty different thing from composition. Also, it's not exactly fair to the non L1 English speakers.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffj5ten',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffixn5o',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'Maybe we can get some inspiration from Cambridge compostition exams- make a few different topics for prose or verse with various difficulties, but not necessarily translation from English.',\n", " 'id': 'ffixn5o',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffitucr',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"I was thinking we could have different tiers to encourage those who don't compose quite on a Claudian or Russian level.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffitucr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffhijdq',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'cclaudian',\n", " 'body': \"Canada's Classical Journal Mouseion recently had a Classical verse composition competition where the winning entry got to be published. I didn't enter, but I believe the task was to translate a John Donne poem into Greek or Latin, possibly in a lyric metre. we'll see if anyone took them up on it in the next issue!\\n\\nAs for other competitions, there are a number of prizes still offered by certain universities for original compositions and translations, but unfortunately they are all only open to resident students (usually undergrads).\\n\\nim all for a subreddit based one though!\",\n", " 'id': 'ffhny0c',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etk4p0',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'Sounds like fun! Or we could hand the prize straight to u/cclaudian to save time.',\n", " 'id': 'ffhijdq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffh17lm',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'We should have one on this subreddit.',\n", " 'id': 'ffh17lm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etk4p0',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'satprepnow124',\n", " 'body': \"Have been looking for one, but couldn't find any recent competitions.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffgvyic',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etk4p0',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'satprepnow124',\n", " 'body': 'Would like to know too!!',\n", " 'id': 'ffgvxed',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_etk4p0',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'eufesc': [{'author': 'Sochamelet',\n", " 'body': \"My attempt at a somewhat colloquial translation:\\n\\n*I wonder what it is and I'm afraid of where it'll end up.*\",\n", " 'id': 'ffp2mh4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffp0f3c',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Artificerofdeath',\n", " 'body': 'Translation?',\n", " 'id': 'ffp0f3c',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eufesc',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'eucqfh': [{'author': 'GachaGod',\n", " 'body': 'Tbh bro us Asians are pretty damn smart. It’s really fucking easy for us, but poor old billy and shaniqua have no fucking clue how to read, much less take ap Latin.',\n", " 'id': 'fkjl1fr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eucqfh',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"To an extent, I agree with you. Instruction should consist of exactly what you have mentioned; that'll give schoolboys something to look forward to and they will *want* to read and speak Latin.\\n\\nAs for the *exam*, though, I feel like it should consist of, say, five pages of Latin, five pages of English (anything from Wikipedia articles to legalese)... and now translate each language to the other. That will get students *producing* text, which is in the end what we want.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffzh581',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffplkc4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Matar_Kubileya',\n", " 'body': \"Fair point, but placement is something to consider particularly not knowing OP's priorities.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffrqs1j',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrqia0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'sheepdot',\n", " 'body': \"Placement isn't the only consideration; the AP exam may be used to exempt a student out of a language requirement and/or allow the student to come in with a certain number of credits, reducing the number of courses the student is required to take to graduate.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffrqia0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffoooja',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'sje46',\n", " 'body': \"I just think Caesar and Virgil are a bit too hard. You can figure them out after a few years of high school but it's not really fluent reading. You have to sit there, really think about the words. I know that Caesar is considered pretty easy, but still...I think he's a bit hard for high school.\\n\\nPersonally I think the way to go is Latin translations of modern works. I'm reading Harrius Potter right now, and while there are some sentences I stumble on, because I know the basic beats of the story, I can figure out words and grammar just by context. Caesar is too alien and the stories of the battles too unfamiliar for us to do that with. \\n\\nAnd the vulgate too. Dead simple Latin, and you can use context more easily.\\n\\nAnd of course Latina Per Se Illustrata, \\n\\nReading the actual Latin masters is cool, don't get me wrong, but I think it should be done more sparingly. Short poems and passages.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffplkc4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eucqfh',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Zarlinosuke',\n", " 'body': 'Back in my day, the non-Vergil AP Latin course was mostly Catullus and Ovid. We did Cæsar in second-year Latin, two years before AP. Has it really changed this much?',\n", " 'id': 'ffpcoju',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eucqfh',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'MagisterFlorus',\n", " 'body': \"I'm with you. IB Latin tends to be a little better in terms of both breadth and depth but there isn't much more available.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffp2wt4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eucqfh',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'MagisterFlorus',\n", " 'body': 'It used to be two separate courses.',\n", " 'id': 'ffp2qv5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffo235h',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Matar_Kubileya',\n", " 'body': \"A lot of colleges' classics departments don't care so much about the AP exam and will just put you at whatever level you can demonstrate competency in. I got a 3 on the AP exam my junior year and was slotted in at a 300 level my first year of college, for example.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffoooja',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffoj5rq',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'BasicWhiteGirl4',\n", " 'body': \"For real, I'm torn between taking it and Latin Lit, since I know AP will look better to colleges and I can handle it but Lit seems so much more interesting\",\n", " 'id': 'ffoj5rq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffoizxh',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'translostation',\n", " 'body': 'AP Latin is a waste.',\n", " 'id': 'ffoizxh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eucqfh',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"10+ years ago, there were several different AP tests with various authors. College board didn't want to keep paying for people to write and grade different tests. $$. I really, really wish they would switch to a language competency test--like modern languages or a well-written version of the so-so ALIRA that now exists--but that's not gonna happen any time soon, if ever. The Latin test will be dropped all together sooner than that happens imo. So few students take it, even if there were a broad push from educators to revamp it, I can't see how the CB would think the investment was worth it.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffo3tru',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eucqfh',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Joe_MOTS',\n", " 'body': 'I personally like reading Caesar BDG and Virgil. I think it’s a shame it’s both, and not just one.',\n", " 'id': 'ffo235h',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eucqfh',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'BasicWhiteGirl4',\n", " 'body': \"Oops, didn't notice the typo.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffo1vxy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffo00mc',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'Most definitely not a waist. ;-)',\n", " 'id': 'ffo00mc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eucqfh',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'JLLS11',\n", " 'body': 'Most high school students are ill-prepared to be reading \"real\" Latin literature anyway, even after 3 years, and many students get put off from reading \"real\" authors as a result. There\\'s also the problem that Caesar was a master propagandist and some of what he describes in the DBG is arguably genocide, yet most high schools kinda gloss over that when it\\'s really quite important. And, as you suggest, smaller chunks could give students a variety of material and experience in the text without being as overwhelming as a deep dive into a single author.',\n", " 'id': 'ffnzhb5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eucqfh',\n", " 'score': 6}],\n", " 'euceoo': [{'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"Congrats. Great name, that (although I'd probably have gone with Virgil instead)\\n\\nFunny-ish story: One of my female friends' names is Phryne. Yes, as in the whore. While mum was in hospital in labour, the pater was sloshed and high at the same time (champagne + morphine = bad combination), they had to get him from the pub, and he couldn't remember **Psyche** which is what he'd originally intended to name her. Bit embarrassing, that.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffzgqn5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euceoo',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"Yeah, that's a fairly common name in Britain (at least in England) but it keeps getting mispronounced as OH-ree-on. It's uh-RYE-on! Lucius too---some people say Loo-see-us when it's two syllables, Loo-shus.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffzgoc2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffprkan',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Soulfire117',\n", " 'body': 'Congratulations!',\n", " 'id': 'ffq97qx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euceoo',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Turkulainen',\n", " 'body': 'Beautiful name!',\n", " 'id': 'ffpzm45',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euceoo',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '_russianpotato_',\n", " 'body': 'I’d have gone with fides Achates, guys a beast',\n", " 'id': 'ffptqx4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euceoo',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Auvernian',\n", " 'body': 'make his native language latin',\n", " 'id': 'ffptj70',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euceoo',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'KEC_ur_SELF',\n", " 'body': \"My first child(one due in a few weeks)\\nIs name Orion, people either mispronounce his name or don't know where it is from, even after we say think Orion's belt, they go what is Orion's belt. Or they do both.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffprkan',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euceoo',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'i_post_gibberish',\n", " 'body': 'Well that certainly gives him a lot to live up to!',\n", " 'id': 'ffpjovv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euceoo',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'operationmason',\n", " 'body': 'You got to only call his friends Fidus Achates',\n", " 'id': 'ffpd9xy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euceoo',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'NomenScribe',\n", " 'body': \"Let the kid know he'll be expected to carry his dad on his back.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffpb9qr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euceoo',\n", " 'score': 42}],\n", " 'eucdqu': [],\n", " 'eubxwa': [{'author': 'sisterofaugustine',\n", " 'body': 'I know that, I was having a bit of fun with you. Hell, those guys count as more than a bit crazy to basically everyone except their own traditionalist groups. Someone speaking in Latin and expecting a clergyman to understand just because Catholic tradition is crazy regardless of their motive.',\n", " 'id': 'ffsj2hs',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffsiofo',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '_porphyrios',\n", " 'body': 'I suspect that sedevacantists and SSPX folks count as more than a bit crazy to many bishops.',\n", " 'id': 'ffsiofo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffsgutw',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'sisterofaugustine',\n", " 'body': \">He probably thought you were a bit crazy\\n\\nProbably took OP for SSPX or a sedevacantist. Unlikely he thought OP was crazy, or anything but your average over the top radical traditionalist. I have known Catholics who would try this, and I have darkened the door of churches where something like this was a completely normal occurence in the parish hall. Not because of an overlap between TLM obsessed trads and classicists, but because this is usual behavior for said radical traditionalists. \\n\\nThat being said, if this guy doesn't often deal with trads, he likely did assume OP a little crazy.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffsgutw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffossux',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Coesim',\n", " 'body': 'I‘m pretty sure Benedictae means blessed women.',\n", " 'id': 'ffrfkuh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eubxwa',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '_porphyrios',\n", " 'body': '>he was not interested in switching from English\\n\\nUnless this retired bishop was exceedingly (and improbably) old, he likely cannot speak Latin at all. Celebrating Mass in Latin -- not that many priests can even do that -- in no way suggests that the celebrant can hold even the simplest of conversations in Latin. He probably thought you were a bit crazy and quite possibly did not catch your mistakes.',\n", " 'id': 'ffossux',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eubxwa',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks. I prefer Classical Latin because that is what Bishop Augustine used. He reportedly wrote complaining about people who did not make proper use of long and short vowels:\\n\\nhttps://youtu.be/Y01C1BKu8Tk?t=3m17s\\n\\nI am inclined to use tu and voster the way that Bishop Augustine likely used them too, which should predate the reuse of the plural to be polite.',\n", " 'id': 'ffo2yix',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffo2d9a',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'eestimarcus',\n", " 'body': 'I\\'ve found people addressing bishops in letters as *Amplitudo Vestra* (\"Your Greatness\") and *Reverende Domine* (\"Reverend Lord\"). But the context makes it difficult to assess if this address is used because he is a bishop uniquely, or just because he ranks higher than the writer. Still, if in doubt, it is never wrong to use *Domine* (\"lord\"), which is effectively the Latin equivalent of English *Sir* or *Mister,* compare with Spanish *Señor* and and German *Herr*. \\n\\nKeep in mind that Church Latin doesn\\'t differentiate between short and long vowel - they are all the same length - so don\\'t sweat it, unless you want.\\n\\nAs for blessing, the word is *benedictio*. \"The blessing of the Lord be with you\" would then be *Benedictio Domini \\\\[sit\\\\] super vos* or *Benedictio Domini \\\\[sit\\\\] vobiscum*. Keep in mind that Church Latin has the T-V distinction, meaning that you use *vos* (\"you\" plural) when addressing those above you, unless they insist on the familiar *tu* (\"you\" singular).',\n", " 'id': 'ffo2d9a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffnr0i5',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks.',\n", " 'id': 'ffnwra3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffnwq3u',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'Then it would be excellentia vestra, not ~~domine excellentia~~',\n", " 'id': 'ffnwq3u',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffnwlei',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'They claimed it was in use during the Middle Ages. It is probably Medieval Latin. I will try to find a better form of address. Maybe I will just translate “Your Excellency” literally.',\n", " 'id': 'ffnwlei',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffnwcjl',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': \"By somebody who didn't know what he was talking about.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffnwcjl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffnvmba',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'That is what I was told to say in /r/Catholic. I asked a month or two ago. :/',\n", " 'id': 'ffnvmba',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffnviod',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks.',\n", " 'id': 'ffnvjeu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffnvdp6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'BTW, domine excellentia does not make sense.',\n", " 'id': 'ffnviod',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffnrwpc',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': '[Benedictiones](https://www.latinitium.com/latin-dictionaries?t=sh2641)\\n\\nAs for the correct way, it depends on what you mean. Correct Latin in general or correct etiquette for a specific place and time in history? I think (but I am **not** sure) reverendissimus dominus is what they use today in the Vatican. At least those few who bother.',\n", " 'id': 'ffnvdp6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffnrwpc',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'You are right. It should have been “excellentia” I made a mistake when putting it into the vocative:\\n\\nhttps://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/excellentia\\n\\nThat said, how would I say “blessings”?',\n", " 'id': 'ffnrwpc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffnrnik',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': ' ~~Excellente~~ is not Latin. There is not an ~~excellentus, a, um~~ adjective, but there is excellens, the present participle of excello.',\n", " 'id': 'ffnrnik',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffnr0i5',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'I asked a while ago and I recall being told Domine Excellente was the correct way of addressing a bishop. I was told that saying “your excellency” as we do in English was never used in Latin. What is the correct way to address a bishop in Latin?',\n", " 'id': 'ffnr0i5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffnqwjk',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'Sorry: not only Benedictae is wrong, but excellente as well.',\n", " 'id': 'ffnqwjk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eubxwa',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'eub1is': [{'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'Use the pinned post.',\n", " 'id': 'ffo42my',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eub1is',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'r00dscr33n',\n", " 'body': 'So,if I we\\'re using the phrase as a motto it would work to state \"In gladium non incumbam\"?',\n", " 'id': 'ffnpryc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eub1is',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': '*[ferro / gladio / in gladium] non incumbam*',\n", " 'id': 'ffnme7h',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eub1is',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'euad55': [{'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'That\\'s because the English translation is really poor, but you can still identify many terms with those in this original Latin quote. The translation even seems like a fake quote because Aquinas attribute eternity to God alone at the beginning of the Summa, hence he wouldn\\'t say \"things eternal\" at all, and God, instead of human mind is ought to be exalted, but it still reminds me of the psalms, so I found the quote in his commentaries.',\n", " 'id': 'ffobnze',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffo1ld1',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'keenanpepper',\n", " 'body': 'Wow, I believe you but that hardly even seems like the same quote.',\n", " 'id': 'ffo1ld1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffnq2yu',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Gnath0',\n", " 'body': 'Great find!',\n", " 'id': 'ffnwrc2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffnq2yu',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'Euge',\n", " 'id': 'ffnr3b4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffnq2yu',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'This is from Aquinas\\' *Old Testament Commentaries*, not from the Summa, though this translation is not accurate. The oringinal Latin is:\\n\\n> Inde est quod excogitatum est, quod in omni cultu aliquae consonantiae musicae exerceantur, ut animus hominis excitetur ad Deum. \\n\\nIt is a comment to: \\n\\n>Confitemini Domino in cithara; in psalterio decem chordarum psallite illi. (Vulgata PS 32.2) \\n> \\n>\" Praise the LORD with harp: sing unto him with the psaltery and an instrument of ten strings. \" (KJV 33.2)',\n", " 'id': 'ffnq2yu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euad55',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Gnath0',\n", " 'body': \"~~I was also unable to find a source for this quotation in the~~ *~~Summa Theologica~~*~~. I suspect it's not actually a quotation of Thomas Aquinas.~~\\n\\n~~It's cited in~~ [~~this collection of quotations about music~~](https://books.google.com/books?id=rqThBwAAQBAJ&pg=PA4&dq=Music+is+the+exaltation+of+the+mind+derived+from+things+eternal,+bursting+forth+in+sound&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjNqPGh_qHnAhVXZ80KHUkxA-gQ6AEwAXoECAUQAg#v=onepage&q=Music%20is%20the%20exaltation%20of%20the%20mind%20derived%20from%20things%20eternal%2C%20bursting%20forth%20in%20sound&f=false)~~, but only to Thomas Aquinas and not to any specific text. It's also repeated in~~ [~~this book~~](https://books.google.com/books?id=vMJQDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA52&dq=Music+is+the+exaltation+of+the+mind+derived+from+things+eternal,+bursting+forth+in+sound&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjNqPGh_qHnAhVXZ80KHUkxA-gQ6AEwAHoECAQQAg#v=onepage&q=Music%20is%20the%20exaltation%20of%20the%20mind%20derived%20from%20things%20eternal%2C%20bursting%20forth%20in%20sound&f=false)~~, but it only attributes it to the~~ *~~Summa Theologica~~* ~~in general, which is a red flag. It also points back to Shapiro's collection of quotations, which is another red flag.~~\\n\\n~~So unless anyone can find a more specific source, my bet is that it's a false attribution.~~\",\n", " 'id': 'ffnju0r',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euad55',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': \"There is something about music in the Summa, but I can't find that:\\n\\n>**CASE 1.\\xa0PLACE 1.\\xa0Summa Theologiae I, q. 1 a. 2 co.**\\xa0\\\\[...\\\\]-2\\xa0Quaedam enim sunt, quae procedunt ex principiis notis lumine naturali intellectus, sicut arithmetica, geometria, et huiusmodi. Quaedam vero sunt, quae procedunt ex principiis notis lumine superioris scientiae, sicut perspectiva procedit ex principiis notificatis per geometriam, et **musica** ex principiis per arithmeticam notis. Et hoc modo sacra doctrina est scientia, quia procedit ex principiis notis lumine superioris scientiae, quae scilicet est scientia Dei et beatorum.\\xa0\\\\[...\\\\]-1 \\n> \\n>**CASE 2.\\xa0PLACE 1.\\xa0Summa Theologiae I, q. 1 a. 2 co.**\\xa0\\\\[...\\\\]-4\\xa0Et hoc modo sacra doctrina est scientia, quia procedit ex principiis notis lumine superioris scientiae, quae scilicet est scientia Dei et beatorum. Unde sicut **musica** credit principia tradita sibi ab arithmetico, ita doctrina sacra credit principia revelata sibi a Deo. \\n> \\n>**CASE 3.\\xa0PLACE 2.\\xa0Summa Theologiae II-II, q. 91 a. 2 arg. 4.**\\xa0Praeterea, in veteri lege laudabatur Deus in musicis instrumentis et humanis cantibus, secundum illud Psalm. *confitemini* *domino* *in* *cithara;* *in* *Psalterio* *decem* *chordarum* *psallite* *illi;* *cantate* *ei* *canticum* *novum.* Sed instrumenta **musica,** sicut citharas et Psalteria, non assumit Ecclesia in divinas laudes, ne videatur iudaizare. Ergo, pari ratione, nec cantus in divinas laudes sunt assumendi. \\n> \\n>**CASE 4.\\xa0PLACE 3.\\xa0Summa Theologiae II-II, q. 91 a. 2 ad 4.**\\xa0Ad quartum dicendum quod, sicut philosophus dicit, in VIII Polit. *neque* *fistulas* *ad* *disciplinam* *est* *adducendum,* *neque* *aliquod* *aliud* *artificiale* *organum,* *puta* *citharam* *et* *si* *quid* *tale* *alterum* *est,* *sed* *quaecumque* *faciunt* *auditores* *bonos.* Huiusmodi enim **musica** instrumenta magis animum movent ad delectationem quam per ea formetur interius bona dispositio. In veteri autem testamento usus erat talium instrumentorum, tum quia populus erat magis durus et carnalis, unde erat per huiusmodi instrumenta provocandus, sicut et per promissiones terrenas.\\xa0\\\\[...\\\\]-1\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nIn case you want to play with it:\\n\\n[https://www.corpusthomisticum.org/it/index.age](https://www.corpusthomisticum.org/it/index.age)\",\n", " 'id': 'ffne23o',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euad55',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'eu9wzw': [{'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"I didn't get that sense at all :D But Virgil is small potatoes compared to Homer, in all aspects :P Slytherin cunning beats Gryffindor foolishness, after all. \\n\\nCatullus and Horace, on the other hand, are great. Catullus did this one poem that reminded me of a non-rhyming version of TS Eliot's *The Triumph of Bullshit*, sort of a big V-sign directed at those two wankers who called him a sissy. Martial isn't half-bad either, even though he was a poof...\",\n", " 'id': 'ffzhq5m',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzhl2a',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Dardanidae',\n", " 'body': \"Where'd you get the sense that I don't think the Odyssey is bloody awesome? :P\\n\\nI love all three (which is why I specified that the Aeneid only surpasses Homer in *some* aspects).\",\n", " 'id': 'ffzhl2a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzgfxj',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"What've you been smoking? The Odyssey is bloody awesome, and I love the character of Ulysses and how he uses his head to get out of tricky situations...\\n\\n POLYPHEMUS: So what's your name?\\n ULYSSES: My name is Nobody. Everyone calls me that.\\n POLYPHEMUS: Thanks. Just for that I'll kill you last.\\n ...\\n \\n POLYPHEMUS: Oww! That hurts like hell!\\n OTHER CYCLOPES: Who hurt you?\\n POLYPHEMUS: Nobody!\\n CYCLOPES: Nobody hurt you? Then why don't you shut up! We're trying to sleep!\\n\\nIn contrast, Virgil somehow thinks it's *wrong* to use your brains like that. Keeps shitting on Ulysses every chance he gets. Apparently you're supposed to go charging into danger, never mind cleverness.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffzgfxj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffp8o8v',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'sisterofaugustine',\n", " 'body': \"They're called joke reviews. Some people like to leave them for shits and giggles.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffwmeb5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu9wzw',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'sirgawain2',\n", " 'body': 'You didn’t know that the Aeneid was a movie first?',\n", " 'id': 'fft2tdt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu9wzw',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Nihilominus',\n", " 'body': \"I really enjoy that aspect - I think Vergil doesn't give any consistent indications of where his political opinions lie, there's always an element of subversion\",\n", " 'id': 'ffpgr3u',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffny1nm',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'nrith',\n", " 'body': 'One person found it helpful.',\n", " 'id': 'ffpbyko',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffn16ok',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'nrith',\n", " 'body': '+1 for the review title.',\n", " 'id': 'ffpbxu9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu9wzw',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'nrith',\n", " 'body': \"That's completely ridicu-, wait, no--you're kinda right.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffpbwim',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffnm9na',\n", " 'score': 12},\n", " {'author': 'Dardanidae',\n", " 'body': 'Though that’s true of most mythology (the fanfiction part).\\n\\nAnd in my opinion, it surpasses both in some aspects.',\n", " 'id': 'ffp8o8v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffnm9na',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffp019r',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu9wzw',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Doctor_coleton',\n", " 'body': 'This is a joke review pretty funny when you know the story.',\n", " 'id': 'ffov2md',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu9wzw',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'Lobscra',\n", " 'body': '\"Which made me want to pierce myself atop a funeral pyre...\" Accurate.',\n", " 'id': 'ffolgvt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu9wzw',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': 'Sassianus',\n", " 'body': \"Vergil's personal political ideals made the story feel too forced, in my opinion\",\n", " 'id': 'ffny1nm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu9wzw',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': 'icansitstill',\n", " 'body': 'You can’t tell a joke?',\n", " 'id': 'ffnr7st',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu9wzw',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'KappaMcTlp',\n", " 'body': 'the aeneid is iliad/odyssey fanfiction',\n", " 'id': 'ffnm9na',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffnemso',\n", " 'score': 51},\n", " {'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': 'It has a good beat and you can dance to it, I give it an 85.',\n", " 'id': 'ffnjhkr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu9wzw',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'orthad',\n", " 'body': 'Funny but the iliad isn’t by virgil',\n", " 'id': 'ffnemso',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu9wzw',\n", " 'score': 14},\n", " {'author': '18hockey',\n", " 'body': \"It's a joke dude\",\n", " 'id': 'ffnaai6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu9wzw',\n", " 'score': 25},\n", " {'author': 'Kadabrium',\n", " 'body': 'He probably read the spoilers from roma aeterna',\n", " 'id': 'ffn740s',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu9wzw',\n", " 'score': 15},\n", " {'author': 'Dominicus321',\n", " 'body': 'I personally find it funny.',\n", " 'id': 'ffn6m7y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu9wzw',\n", " 'score': 83},\n", " {'author': 'Tjdamage',\n", " 'body': 'Some people like to leave unhelpful joke reviews.',\n", " 'id': 'ffn16ok',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu9wzw',\n", " 'score': 66}],\n", " 'eu8hzg': [{'author': 'TurbulentDragon',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks',\n", " 'id': 'ffr7zyr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffmyqpr',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'rhoadsalive',\n", " 'body': 'since you are using a gerundium, it is stylistically better to put it last.',\n", " 'id': 'ffmyqpr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu8hzg',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'They’re both correct and the meaning is the same, so the choice is up to you',\n", " 'id': 'ffmhunu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu8hzg',\n", " 'score': 4}],\n", " 'eu83e7': [{'author': 'LatinCyclist',\n", " 'body': \"Thank you - I've made some change. I think the logic is that the manners of a good dog are to be learnt:\\n\\nNunc domi sumus, boni canīni verēcundi mores discendi sunt, alioquin pater tibi īrāscētur\",\n", " 'id': 'ffrnk76',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffnvh2i',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'eliotsmith',\n", " 'body': \"Greetings,\\n\\nI don't think 'home again' can be achieved with only 'apud', as it seems you have tried to do. 'domi' would be the appropriate locative form for 'at home'. I am also reading the English sentence with an implied 'that' in the phrase 'now (that) we are home again', in the sense of 'because'. With that reading, I would put 'Quod' at the beginning. \\n\\nI don't think you can justify 'venit mihi in mentum' as I don't see it in the English. Also, 'discendi sint' is the 3rd plural. I think you want the second singular of the gerundive of obligation, not in the subjunctive: 'discendus es' (or 'discenda' if 'You' is feminine).\\n\\nI'm not 100% on any of this so hopefully someone more knowledgeable will disagree as needed.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffnvh2i',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu83e7',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'eu7pbf': [],\n", " 'eu7o2j': [],\n", " 'eu67lw': [{'author': 'GreenBlobofGoo',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you so much! Greatly appreciate it!',\n", " 'id': 'ffov0cd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffnui2n',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ColinJParry',\n", " 'body': \"Same, I don't have interest in either language as far as studying goes, but will happily answer any Latin questions you have. I have both LLPSI 1 and 2, so you can reference pages and passages and I can take a look.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffnui2n',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu67lw',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'ProcuratorAcademicus',\n", " 'body': 'I’d be glad to help, too. Feel free to message me.',\n", " 'id': 'ffme3qo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu67lw',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Mac-Wazowski',\n", " 'body': 'Message me! I’d like to help you out.',\n", " 'id': 'ffm2jq7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu67lw',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'eu5ec6': [{'author': 'jonkee',\n", " 'body': \">discipulus\\n\\nthanks, it's very logical.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffn5rhi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffldccp',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Raffaele1617',\n", " 'body': 'American English has the same shift between vowels. For instance, \"ready\" is pronounced [\\'ɹʷɛɾi]. We do this to both /d/ and /t/.',\n", " 'id': 'ffn48m9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffmbdka',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Raffaele1617',\n", " 'body': 'In Nuorese Sardinian rhotacism is a productive form of allophony. For instance, \"house\" is [\\'domu] and \"houses\" is \"[domus̠]\". The feminine sinɡular article is [s̠a] and the plural article is [s̠as̠]. However, \"sas domus\" is pronounced [s̠ar \\'ðomus̠].',\n", " 'id': 'ffn3u1k',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffm6me2',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'beansworth',\n", " 'body': \"Same thing with 'stercus.'\",\n", " 'id': 'ffms4f5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu5ec6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Sochamelet',\n", " 'body': \"You already have your answer, but I just want to compliment you for noticing this. As it happens, rhotacism in Latin is quite well-known among Latinists, so you won't amaze many redditors on this sub with what you've found. I even see you got a few downvotes.\\n\\nBut the kind of reasoning you've displayed here can lead you to many interesting parts of the Latin language, and even other languages. So don't be discouraged, and keep an eye out for these apparent anomalies. After you've learned about enough of them, you'll start to be able to explain some of them yourself, and you'll start noticing connections all over the place.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffmckem',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fflc2xu',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': 'BraveSirZaphod',\n", " 'body': \"Thinking about it, you could make a case for a similar thing happening in American English, with the flapping of some intervocalic /t/ and /d/, such as in *butter*. I imagine English's exceptionally weird /r/ probably makes native English speakers find rhotacism a lot stranger than it actually is.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffmc1ic',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffmbdka',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'Indeed /d/ turned into /r/. And /dʒ/ became /ʃ/ for that matter.',\n", " 'id': 'ffmbjb9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffmbdka',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Sochamelet',\n", " 'body': \"Just to be clear, the *d* turned into an *r*? I guess it's not necessarily unlikely, but I didn't know rhotacism could happen to stops too. That's very interesting! Thanks!\",\n", " 'id': 'ffmbdka',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffm7js2',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': \"Rhotacism is quite common across the world. My village’s dialect of Neapolitan language has developed (a somewhat different form of) rhotacism, while that of the neighboring village didn’t. Therefore from Latin _digitum_, we have inherited /'reʃǝtǝ/ and our neighbors /'deʃǝtǝ/.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffm7js2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffm6me2',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'BraveSirZaphod',\n", " 'body': 'As a fun fact, this also happened very early in the development of English (possibly in Proto-Germanic?) This yields the pairs \"most\" v. \"more\", \"is\" v. \"are\", and \"was\" v. \"were\".\\n\\nIf anyone\\'s wondering how such a seemingly weird change might happen, it\\'s important to note that intervocalic /s/ will often be voiced to /z/, which may easily be pronounced something like [dz]. If your language\\'s /r/ is the alveolar tap, like in Latin, those are articulated in nearly the same place, so it\\'s not as big a phonetic leap as it seems.',\n", " 'id': 'ffm6me2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffldccp',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'That goes all the way back to Proto-Indoeuropean, a few Greek and Sanskrit nouns show the same alternation.',\n", " 'id': 'ffm0epw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fflzj4j',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'arnedh',\n", " 'body': 'How about the r/n alternation in iecur, femur?\\n\\nhttps://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/femur#Latin',\n", " 'id': 'fflzj4j',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu5ec6',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fflzavy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu5ec6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'IonCharge',\n", " 'body': 'Because we know the root is *dek- by comparing other words, like decet, and that -os is a standard suffix used to make nouns. Hence *dekos. The nominative decor is remodelled after the genitive, similar to honos/honor.\\n\\nThis sort of rhotacism is very common in Latin as well as in many other Italic dialects, to more or less the same degree.',\n", " 'id': 'fflxocr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fflc2xu',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'orthad',\n", " 'body': 'Completely right',\n", " 'id': 'fflqltj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffldccp',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'There’s a sound change called _rhotacism_, because of which /s/ between to vowels turns into /r/. Another sound change is unstressed vowel reduction.\\n\\nApplying these sound changes, the original declension:\\n\\n\\t*dĕcŏs\\n\\t*dĕcŏs-ĕs\\n\\nHas regularly become:\\n\\n\\tdĕcŭs\\n\\tdĕcŏr-ĭs\\n\\nIn some cases, reshaping happened, so that the nominative could match the stem.\\n\\n\\thŏnōs < *hŏnŏs-s\\n\\t*hŏnŏs-ĕs\\n\\nHas turned into\\n\\n\\thŏnōr\\n\\thŏnōr-ĭs\\n\\nThe vowel in the genitive changed to match the nominative, the consonant in the nominative to match the genitive (but _hŏnōs_ is actually attested in the oldest writings).',\n", " 'id': 'ffldccp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu5ec6',\n", " 'score': 33},\n", " {'author': 'jonkee',\n", " 'body': \"So, there is a paradox.\\n\\nIf the stem of this word is really **decor**, then how can the PIE form which is re-constructed by linguists be **\\\\*dekos** instead of **\\\\*dekor**?\\n\\nOn the other hand, let's say the reconstruction is correct, then there will be a problem if we say the Latin stem is **decor** instead of **decus**.\",\n", " 'id': 'fflc2xu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu5ec6',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'eu5d1o': [{'author': 'ProcuratorAcademicus',\n", " 'body': 'I’d be happy to be a pen pal! Please feel free to message me. I think it would be a great way to hone Latin writing skills.',\n", " 'id': 'ffmexqb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu5d1o',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'ceb131',\n", " 'body': 'Et ego quoque',\n", " 'id': 'fflrcxr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffll3bw',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': 'Sī vis latīnē scrībere mihī, libenter respondēbō',\n", " 'id': 'ffll3bw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu5d1o',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'eu0yyt': [{'author': 'smooth_chazz',\n", " 'body': 'Found a link to all the names! Looks like Catalan?!\\n\\n[Rosa dels vents](https://ca.m.wikiquote.org/wiki/Rosa_dels_vents)',\n", " 'id': 'ffk3ykz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffjywa2',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'smooth_chazz',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks so much! Wow, seems obvious now that you pointed it out LOL \\n\\nI think “Dec. 0” may refer to declination (i.e. the compass does not take into account the variation between magnetic north and true north). My best guess. \\n\\n“Magnetic declination is the direction and amount of variation between the Magnetic Pole and True North. The amount and direction of declination depends upon how those two poles align relative to a given point on Earth.”',\n", " 'id': 'ffk2zl4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffjywa2',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'SaladDressingDude',\n", " 'body': 'The words are the cardinal directions (in quite a number of different dialects; but, not Latin--though West is very close and South is just accidental? ;) )\\n\\nScroll down to the \"Traditional Names\" portion of this website for details:\\n\\nhttps://www.wikiwand.com/en/Points_of_the_compass\\n\\nNow I\\'m curious what \"Dec. 0; Latitutude 42\" references (42 is in Japan which is where this seems have been made).',\n", " 'id': 'ffjywa2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu0yyt',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'eu0e6i': [{'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': 'Charlemagne never existed? To the best of my recollection I never even heard that one before, and I hung out with New Atheists for a while years ago, so I heard lots of very silly things. But it reminds me that I have very often heard that all Europeans are descended from Charlemagne, and that also is an error. (How exactly do you determine who is and isn\\'t a \"European\"? Exactly: you can\\'t.) However, I believe that every single European MONARCH is descended from Charlemagne, and that that has been the case for quite a few centuries. Meghan Markle represents a drastically-needed broadening of that gene pool.',\n", " 'id': 'ffn3gxc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu0e6i',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'WheresMySaucePlease',\n", " 'body': 'charlemagne never existed \\n\\n*this post was made by phantom time gang*',\n", " 'id': 'ffmvv7t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu0e6i',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'eu07mc': [{'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': '*avis* + *-ium* would be *aviarium* - an aviary. I can\\'t actually find any evidence of *avarium* being a real word. The closest I can find is *avarius*, neuter comparative of aforementioned *avarus, -a, -um*. If it were to read *Avo avari avarius*, it would mean, \"greedier than a greedy person\\'s grandfather.\"',\n", " 'id': 'ffncx2g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffjp8r9',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Joe_MOTS',\n", " 'body': 'It’s definitely possible some letters were cut off. Roman people who liked to do funny things with words often did (looking at you, every poet and especially Virgil). You likely would have to find a scholar who is familiar who just so happened to know this particular phrase. I’ll ask my teacher, who has a doctorate, if she has any clue.\\n\\nDisclaimer: I put no effort into translating it, I just saw the comment before and was like “yeah sounds accurate”',\n", " 'id': 'ffjx5uc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffjp8r9',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'avo - from \"avus\" or grandfather (-o at the end indicates by/with/from or to/for)\\n\\navari - from \"avarus-a-um\" or greddy \\n\\navarium - this -ium would render it \"place of...\" with the adjective \"avar-\" or greed, \"avis\" or bird, \"avus\" or \"ava\" - grandparent\\n\\nUnless some letters fell off, it may not make any sense. Or it might say \"the ancestral place belonging to a greedy person\\'s grandparent.\" Grain of salt there.',\n", " 'id': 'ffjp8r9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu07mc',\n", " 'score': 8}],\n", " 'eu05v0': [{'author': 'Janis_Carrot',\n", " 'body': 'I think it would be read \\\\[astsendus\\\\]',\n", " 'id': 'ffnhj50',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffmyuv4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'DrDarkr',\n", " 'body': 'Nope, 100% was not a dream lol. You can read about the whole experience [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sleepparalysis/comments/er0lo7/whispers_during_sleep_paralysisdemon/) if you\\'d like. I\\'ve had other ones that were clearly not dreams but I was too inexperienced and too caught up in the moment to slow things down and gather tangible data from the event. \\n\\nIn the end though there\\'s also nothing tangible from the chant. It could have been words or it could have been a traditional chant consisting of only syllables like the \"do re mi fa so la\" method in music. No way of knowing without an exact recording. Next time I\\'ll get it right!',\n", " 'id': 'ffn14qf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffknlon',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'DrDarkr',\n", " 'body': 'hahaha yea I tried that and got the same thing. It is what it is. I got some other suggestions but by far it seems that Japanese is the closest sounding. At one point, I tried ikanatashi ashi which pops out to be \"good morning\" which is funny cause it happened at 6:10AM but good morning is normally said Ohayōgozaimasu so it\\'s whatever lol. I\\'ll have to do a better job next time recording it.',\n", " 'id': 'ffmzvo1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fflvtxm',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'DrDarkr',\n", " 'body': 'Ha! yea, it kinda does! I think the general consensus is that it sounds Japanese.',\n", " 'id': 'ffmz16x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffkspko',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'DrDarkr',\n", " 'body': 'Is it really? I was thinking it was the \"sh\" sound like in \"ascendus\"',\n", " 'id': 'ffmyuv4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffkgglk',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'thesuffixofbob',\n", " 'body': \"If you type it into google translate (as you wrote it in the original post) and change it to the suggested Japanese characters, you get 'I'm going to shout'. If you set the initial language to English translate back and forth you get something about squids. Do with that what you will.\",\n", " 'id': 'fflvtxm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffjpq68',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'Emm, sounds like parseltongue in Harry Potter. Definitely not Latin.',\n", " 'id': 'ffkspko',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu05v0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"Weren't you having a dream? I've seen humanoid figures around my bed during sleep paralysis, but when I woke up I didn't bother checking if they'd eaten my leftover curry or asking my girlfriend if she'd left the front door unlocked.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffknlon',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffkd6ra',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Janis_Carrot',\n", " 'body': 'It\\'s not Latin. Sound \"sh\" is completely absent from Latin.',\n", " 'id': 'ffkgglk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu05v0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'DrDarkr',\n", " 'body': 'Not sure what you mean. I didnt think it. I very much clearly heard it being spoken. So why would I think its gibberish? If i hear someone speak a foreign language on the streets, should I also consider that nothing more than gibberish?',\n", " 'id': 'ffkd6ra',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffk7r8p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"Why would you think it is anything other than gibberish? I don't understand. You can't think something in a language you don't know any more than you can grab something with a tail you don't have.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffk7r8p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu05v0',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Joe_MOTS',\n", " 'body': 'Hey well many Roman poets loved onomatopoeia, especially using lots of “s” consonants when talking about snakes (or giant hungry water serpents wanting to eat poor Laocoon), so I can be considered very slightly “Roman-esque” if you please',\n", " 'id': 'ffjzvl9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffjziz8',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'DrDarkr',\n", " 'body': 'Hmm maybe it was hell\\'s language after all ! Or parsaltongue haha since its all serpant like with it\\'s \"s\"ess',\n", " 'id': 'ffjziz8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffjydi3',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Joe_MOTS',\n", " 'body': 'Certainly pretty cool and interesting, but definitely not latin, no where close. Harkening back to reading Catullus, Caesar’s BDG, Ovid, and Virgil (poetry and prose) it is not similar, as well as just a knowledge of Latin sentence structure. It lacks many hard consents common in very Latin such as “t” or “d,” and the words just aren’t long enough in my personal opinion. It’s probably random brain gunk, it actually reminds me a lot of the demon-spawning sounds in Doom 3. Whispers of some (probably) made up satanic sounding language. Good luck anyway, friend!',\n", " 'id': 'ffjydi3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu05v0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'DrDarkr',\n", " 'body': 'Hmm, you know I considered that because of the syllable sounds but when I heard it it didn\\'t have a Japanese accent of any sort.\\n\\nDid some quick googling just now and theres one japanese word that has most of those syllable: \"ikanatashi\" which means Goodbye. The only thing is that \"ika nao\" sounded like one word and \"ta shi ash\" like a second word when I heard it because of the emphasis on the nao and ash. But the word ikanatashi is said very conjointly .\\n\\nI\\'ll keep doing some research, thanks for the input!',\n", " 'id': 'ffjpq68',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffjorm3',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'That is not Latin. It may be something similar to Japanese, though none that I am readily familiar with.',\n", " 'id': 'ffjorm3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu05v0',\n", " 'score': 8}],\n", " 'eu00j2': [{'author': 'ColinJParry',\n", " 'body': \"Athenaze is a Greek textbook which uses the reading method (which is similar to LLPSI's method), it's by the authors of the Oxford Latin course of you're familiar.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffnv498',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu00j2',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'ragnar_deerslayer',\n", " 'body': '[An Explanation of the Greek in LGPSI](https://thepatrologist.com/2019/09/02/introducing-lgpsi-a-guide-for-the-uncertain/):\\n\\n>LGPSI at present teaches ‘Koine Greek with Attic sprinkles’. It does this for several reasons. Firstly, the vast bulk of ancient Greek literature is written in Koine. Students who study Koine are well situated to access this material. Secondly, for those whose interest is primarily biblical and related studies, Koine is the idiom of primary interest. Thirdly, a significant portion of Koine writers deliberately and conscientiously employ a high-register of Koine that contains Attic features, for which reason you will find plenty of Attic influence in this text. Fourthly, the historical setting of the main storyline is late antiquity. I believe that students whose main interest is “classical literature” and “classical Greek” will still be well served by this text.\\n\\n>That said, I do have in mind that LGPSI as a broader project of multiple stories may, indeed should, grow to include spin-off texts that may focus on specific authors/dialects/periods. That would include a ‘high Attic’, a Homeric book, a Byzantine one, and other possibilities.',\n", " 'id': 'ffnlzqi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffjqimx',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'Since it was produced under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license, it could also be a great help for a teacher who wants to write a pure Attic textbook out of it.',\n", " 'id': 'ffk5th6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffjqimx',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'ReasonableState',\n", " 'body': \"One note: this looks like it is for Koine Greek. If you are interested in the Greek of the Bible and similarly temporal texts, this is more than fine, but if you have any interest in the Attic Greek of Classical Athens, it's better to learn that first as Koine is effectively a much simplified form of it, so it's easier to read Koine texts because there is little new other than vocabulary. Whereas Attic Greek has many more grammatical features you would have to learn even with a good focus of Koine (such as the entire optative mood).\\n\\nBut this still looks like a good start for sure; I would just make sure to use other resources for Attic if that's what you are interested in.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffjqimx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffjnzfl',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': \"Three options: JACT Reading Greek, Rouse's Greek Boy, Rico's Polis\\n\\nBonus option: Italian Athenaze\\n\\nNothing really precisely like Lingua Latina though.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffjo6w8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu00j2',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': '[Ἡ Ἑλληνικὴ γλῶσσα καθ᾿ αὑτὴν φωτιζομένη](https://seumasjeltzz.github.io/LinguaeGraecaePerSeIllustrata/)\\n\\n(aka) Lingua Graeca Per Se Illustrata\\n\\nBy Seumas Macdonald (with much help)',\n", " 'id': 'ffjnzfl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu00j2',\n", " 'score': 13},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'Lingua Graeca',\n", " 'id': 'ffjnkn9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eu00j2',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'euw1en': [{'author': 'kempff',\n", " 'body': '\"Fiat\".',\n", " 'id': 'ffruztb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euw1en',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'euvha8': [{'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': \"Cicero didn't become Cicero by imitating one author, be it Cato the Elder or Ennius or whomever. He studied a range of others and, to paraphrase Poliziano, expressed Cicero. He was the only one who could authentically express Cicero. The very best an imitator could hope for is to be the very best 2nd-rate Cicero. \\n\\nIt's better to aim to be a 1st-rate version of whomever you are. There's nothing wrong with EMULATING Cicero, by studying a variety of authors and trying to use them to express what you alone can express. Just as Cicero did.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffu6d8p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euvha8',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'euva3h': [{'author': 'JoaoPauloFrota',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you, man. I just added a new content to my studies.',\n", " 'id': 'fftb7vk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euva3h',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'I added macrons to this translation of mine. Is it flawless, Ciceronian Latin? By no means. Anyway, feel free to use it, if you like it, since it is distributed under the Creative Commons BY 4.0 license.',\n", " 'id': 'ffrp266',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euva3h',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'euupfp': [{'author': 'SClute',\n", " 'body': 'Sicco modus',\n", " 'id': 'ffsfct2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euupfp',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'euuj26': [{'replies': '',\n", " 'id': 'kk6whof',\n", " 'author': 'the_kimbos',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euuj26',\n", " 'score': 1,\n", " 'body': '[Spigen explains on about page](https://www.spigen.com/pages/about-us)',\n", " 'created': 1706576471.0},\n", " {'replies': '',\n", " 'id': 'khfkt80',\n", " 'author': 'Affectionate_Bite813',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euuj26',\n", " 'score': 1,\n", " 'body': \"What's with the hand mirror?\",\n", " 'created': 1705012998.0},\n", " {'replies': '',\n", " 'id': 'keu6tqk',\n", " 'author': 'OkCupcake8875',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euuj26',\n", " 'score': 1,\n", " 'body': 'Its written on top of the cardboard box the spigen case comes in: \"Something you want!\"',\n", " 'created': 1703486826.0},\n", " {'replies': '',\n", " 'id': 'jey8nv5',\n", " 'author': 'wtfiswater',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euuj26',\n", " 'score': 1,\n", " 'body': 'Crazy. I have this phone case and it says \"Something You Want!\" beneath the kickstand. I get why now.',\n", " 'created': 1680633381.0},\n", " {'author': 'f4r000000',\n", " 'body': \"I'm looking at it right now and wish I had noticed this sooner, the symbolism. The logo I do recall noticing before. Looks like Spigen is sending us clues on how to acquire that which we desire in our lifetime. The Key appears to be within us. The looking glass mirror on the left, serves as a reflection of the Person. The compass/north star signifies Direction. And the DNA stem on the right is actually code for 143: I Love You. Love yourself, and You'll find whatever it is that you Desire.\",\n", " 'id': 'j3f9cuk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euuj26',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'ukjclothing',\n", " 'body': 'Even later and that’s crazy that I never noticed that',\n", " 'id': 'izaik6x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fkc4ij6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'MooChiken8',\n", " 'body': 'Spigen\\'s catchphrase is \"something you want\" so that\\'s probably it.',\n", " 'id': 'iy5aqej',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euuj26',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 's_captures',\n", " 'body': 'Taken in the context of the seal, and it’s contained symbols, the mirror and and the genetic code, the meaning could be that what you want is yourself, self-love first.',\n", " 'id': 'ivpqa6g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euuj26',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ajpreus',\n", " 'body': 'My guess is: : \"Whatever you want for yourself.\"',\n", " 'id': 'ifmyorg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euuj26',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'uniqueishard',\n", " 'body': 'I know this is really late but I have a Spigen phone case and underneath the little arm for propping up your phone it says \"Something you want\" so I\\'m assuming that they just also put the same phrase in latin.',\n", " 'id': 'fkc4ij6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euuj26',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': '*quid tibi vīs?* does not mean \"what do you want for yourself?\"\\n\\nlike\\n\\n*aliquid tibi vīs* does not \"you want something for yourself\".\\n\\nI\\'m not saying the latter is interrogative. I\\'m giving the idiomatic sentence (which happens to be interrogative) to illustrate why the other sentence (which might or might be interrogative) can\\'t mean what you were asking about. For what it does mean, see the message you were replying to originally, or my other reply under this post.',\n", " 'id': 'ffxla34',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwdwj4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bobokonijn',\n", " 'body': 'Given the context (a cellphone case) an interrogative makes little sense.\\n\\nI presume that the maker of the case meant to say \"this cool case is something you want to have\".',\n", " 'id': 'ffwdwj4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffw9cbn',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': '\"You mean (to say) something\" or \"you want something (from me)\" are the only ways I would interpret this.',\n", " 'id': 'ffw9e2a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euuj26',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'Not any more than *quid tibi vīs?* as \"what do you want for yourself?\"',\n", " 'id': 'ffw9cbn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrndmi',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'I actually also have such a phone case. The phrase can mean either, \"You want something for yourself\" or \"Something of force for you,\" but, according to some research I did trying to answer your same question, it was evidently intended to mean, \"Something you want,\" but mistranslated.',\n", " 'id': 'ffs4f4a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euuj26',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Coesim',\n", " 'body': 'The original text would mean something like “you want something to be yours”. (“aliquid” would be part of an accusativus cum infinitivo with the infinitive being esse, only that esse has been omitted, which is allowed. tibi would be a dativus possessivus.)',\n", " 'id': 'ffro7h6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrnb4i',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'bobokonijn',\n", " 'body': 'Couldn\\'t \"aliquid tibi vis\" simply be translated as \"You want something for yourself\" ?',\n", " 'id': 'ffrndmi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrlwv2',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'What would the original text say? It does not make sense to me without taking liberties.',\n", " 'id': 'ffrnb4i',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrn6ul',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Coesim',\n", " 'body': 'I‘d say a more classical way of saying „something you desire for yourself“ (as in „something you want to posses yourself“) would be “aliquid, quod ipse possidere desideras.',\n", " 'id': 'ffrn6ul',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrm1ka',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'Good point, but I could not make sense of this without taking some liberties. Would you consider it to be bad Latin?',\n", " 'id': 'ffrm1ka',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrlwv2',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"'Something you desire' is really 'something *which* you desire', so that would have to be *aliquid quod tibi vis*.\\n\\n*Quid tibi vis?* is a common way of asking 'what do you want?', 'what do you mean?', 'what're you after?', so presumably this is 'you want something' or 'you're after something'.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffrlwv2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euuj26',\n", " 'score': 7}],\n", " 'eutgf1': [{'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffrfqih',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eutgf1',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffrd2xu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eutgf1',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'eutb7k': [{'author': 'Peteat6',\n", " 'body': '\"What can happen to someone, can happen to anyone.\"\\n\\nBoth words are general, so we have to box clever to bring the meaning.',\n", " 'id': 'ffrqjua',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eutb7k',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'sandwichman212',\n", " 'body': 'That makes much more sense',\n", " 'id': 'ffrkm36',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrk3v8',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"*Cuivis* is from *quivis*, which is literally 'anyone you want'.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffrk3v8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrjfle',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'sandwichman212',\n", " 'body': \"Feels like it should be 'cui potest accidere.... ' though, for that reason\",\n", " 'id': 'ffrk1do',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrjfle',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'sandwichman212',\n", " 'body': \"So the difference is that cuius is a genitive of qui, quae, quod, and cuiquam is dative quisquam; so...\\n\\n'If it could happen to **him,** it could happen to anyone'\",\n", " 'id': 'ffrjfle',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eutb7k',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'eutatk': [{'replies': '',\n", " 'id': 'kk5wrmx',\n", " 'author': 'dmadhuri',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eutatk',\n", " 'score': 1,\n", " 'body': 'could you help me when you find those options?',\n", " 'created': 1706563424.0},\n", " {'author': 'supakaioken',\n", " 'body': 'Do you have any idea which textbook I should buy. I am a COMPLETE beginner',\n", " 'id': 'fvclv73',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrd8ir',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"u/Luci420 u/aestetix u/tree_troll\\n\\nI've set up a Discord server for learning with LLPSI: Familia Romana. Everything is not completely filled out yet (all the channels for resources, for example), but there should be enough there to get things going.\\nhttps://discord.gg/Ubd58Wk\",\n", " 'id': 'ffyvsks',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eutatk',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffyj7pa',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffyf1id',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Vbhoy82',\n", " 'body': 'Having tried both Duo lingo and Lingua Latina , they’re fairly different, in particular in how much explaining they do. Ørberg always explains the grammar you’re learning as you read. And you’re the one who said that you need an approach heavily based on grammar if you want to be serious about Latin so I don’t think it’s preachy to point to a counter argument!',\n", " 'id': 'ffyf1id',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffy4joo',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffy4joo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwf31x',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Vbhoy82',\n", " 'body': 'Someone has to point out that this idea that you need to focus heavily on grammar to learn a language - any language, including Latin, is controversial to say the least. There is a counterpoint here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/8rp222/is\\\\_the\\\\_wheelock\\\\_latin\\\\_textbook\\\\_good\\\\_for\\\\_beginners/e0tlc8v?utm\\\\_source=share&utm\\\\_medium=web2x](https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/8rp222/is_the_wheelock_latin_textbook_good_for_beginners/e0tlc8v?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x)',\n", " 'id': 'ffwf31x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffsao9p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Luci420',\n", " 'body': 'Tak! Den prøver jeg lige at bestille hjem så.',\n", " 'id': 'ffuof67',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffu4ujs',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Luci420',\n", " 'body': 'Thx a lot!',\n", " 'id': 'ffuo8gj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffu6b0n',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'sskies91',\n", " 'body': 'I second the above recommendations for structured learning. If you did not like Duolingo you probably won\\'t like part 1 of Lingua Latina.\\n\\nAlso see my comment about \"Learn to Read Latin\" - that book was meant to be more expansive and updated version of \"Latin: An Intensive Course\". If you can get The Great Courses series + that textbook it would give you an excellent background for serious reading.',\n", " 'id': 'ffu6gw5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffsao9p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'sskies91',\n", " 'body': 'I am a philosophy student, and had similar reasons and motivations for learning Latin.\\n\\nI highly recommend the book \"Learn to Read Latin\" by Keller and Russell. It has tons of footnotes and details explaining the \"why\" of every grammatical question you might have. Additionally you need to buy the accompanying workbook which has over a hundred practice sentences/paragraphs per chapter. If you do it in order - read the textbook, write down and memorize the vocab, complete the workbook pages, for each chapter, then you will be able to read basic prose texts within months. \\n\\nI started and completed the book between last August and December, and now I\\'m able to read most philosophy texts with a dictionary. I\\'m also taking a 4th semester college class in Latin Poetry, which is already easy for me. Of course I already had excellent training in Ancient Greek so that helped, but with your German background you should be able to get to a high level within a year. Just pick a textbook/course/method, and keep practicing regularly without long breaks.',\n", " 'id': 'ffu6b0n',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eutatk',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'meduusaa',\n", " 'body': 'Jeg kan anbefale Jo Hermans Latinsk Grammatik på Dansk\\nDet er en af de bedste grammatik bøger med gode skemaer og forklaring af grammatikken men også afvigelserne\\n\\nEdit. Den er ikke online men den lærte mig ekstremt meget',\n", " 'id': 'ffu4ujs',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eutatk',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'basicallynoneck',\n", " 'body': 'Ecce Romani volumes 1-2',\n", " 'id': 'fftmila',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eutatk',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Luci420',\n", " 'body': 'Ja da!',\n", " 'id': 'fftjika',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fftephc',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Luci420',\n", " 'body': 'Ja da!',\n", " 'id': 'fftjgsr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fftephc',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'meduusaa',\n", " 'body': 'Do you understand Danish because there’s a lot I can recommend',\n", " 'id': 'fftephc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eutatk',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'VisuelleData',\n", " 'body': \"Also here's an old comment that I saved. \\n \\n \\nThere are a couple of other Orbergized texts, such as Caesars Gallic wars and Plautus' Amphityro. After that you could start on Roma Aeterna. \\n \\nThe 'Epitome Historiae Sacrae' is impeccably done and I would say that most of the stories are mostly familiar to most people (which is mostly helpful). Mostly. \\n\\n \\nBetween Familia Romana and Roma Aeterna, read: \\nRitchie's Fabulae Faciles \\nNutting's De America. \\nCaesaris: Commentarii De Bello Gallic \\nSermones Romani \\nPlautus: Amphitryo Comoedia \\nEpitome Historiae Sacra \\n \\nAs you're reading Roma Aeterna, read: \\nOvid: Ars Amatoria (finish first 5 chapters of Roma Aeterna) \\nVergilii Maronis: Aeneis (alongside RA) \\nPetronius: Cena Trimalchionis (halfway through RA cap 36-47) \\nTibulii Elegiae (Roma Aeterna, cap 36-45) [available on lulu.com] \\n \\nAfter you've read Roma Aeterna, read Sallustus & Cicero, Catilina. \\n \\nUncertain placement: \\nVergilis: Bucolica Carmena \\nLucretius: De Rerum Natura \\nVita Moresque by Luigi Miraglia (2009)\",\n", " 'id': 'fft1yma',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffsufz8',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Luci420',\n", " 'body': 'I will',\n", " 'id': 'ffsufz8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffsu9kb',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'VisuelleData',\n", " 'body': \"Also check out the discord listed in the sidebar, there's a ton of resources posted there.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffsu9kb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffstfsq',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Luci420',\n", " 'body': \"Ok I'll have a look! Thx!\",\n", " 'id': 'ffstjas',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffsao9p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Luci420',\n", " 'body': 'Thx a lot!',\n", " 'id': 'ffstfsq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffsrba6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'VisuelleData',\n", " 'body': 'So I made a huge list that is going to be an attempt at \"learn by only reading\". If you search around, then there\\'s a ton of stuff from this list online. \\n \\n- Lingua Latina 1-24\\n- Lingua Latina: Colloquia Personarum \\n- Lingua Latina finish \\n- Fabulae Syrae by Ørberg \\n- Petronius: Cena Trimalchionis by Ørberg\\n- Sermones Romani by Ørberg \\n- Plautus: Amphitryo Comoedia by Ørberg \\n- Caesaris: Commentarii De Bello Gallico by Ørberg \\n- Epitome Historie Sacrae by Ørberg \\n- Gilbo series \\n- Cornelia by Maxey \\n- Carolus et Maria by Fay \\n- Julia by Reed \\n- Narrationes Faciles de Historia Romanorum \\n- Narrationes Faciles de Mythologia Romana Graecaque \\n- Colloquia Latina \\n- Puer Romanus \\n- New Latin Primer by Maxey \\n- Ora Martima by Sonnenschien \\n- Pro Patria by Sonnenschien \\n- Latin Stories for Reading or Telling by Rouse \\n- Varius Libellus ad usum scholarum \\n- Ritchie\\'s Fabulae Faciles by Paoli \\n- A First Latin Reader by Nutting \\n- A Latin Reader For The Lower Forms In School by Hardy \\n- Ciceronis filius by Paoli \\n- Corderii Colloquiorum Centuria Selecta by Clark \\n- Easy Latin Plays by Newman \\n- Scalae Primae by Spencer \\n- Sermones Romani by Ørberg \\n- Perseus Made Easy \\n- Lingua Latina II \\n- Ovid: Ars Amatoria by Ørberg \\n- Vergilii Maronis: Aeneis by Ørberg \\n \\n\\nAuthentic material\\n- The Vulgate \\n- Sallustus & Cicero, Catilina by Ørberg or other \\n- Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium \\n- Mysterium Arcae Boulé by Stevenson \\n- Julius Caesar by Denison \\n- Pericla Navarchi Magonis by Cahun \\n- Rebilius Cruso by Newman \\n- Bellum Catilinae by Sallust \\n- Jugurthine War by Sallust \\n- Cato Maior de Senectute by Cicero \\n- Laelius de Amicitia by Cicero \\n- Augustine\\'s Confessiones \\n\\nIntroductory Medieval Latin\\n- A Primer of Medieval Latin by Beeson \\n- Medieval Latin by Harrington \\n- Reading Medieval Latin by Sidwell \\n- Millennium: A Latin Reader by Harrison \\n- Gesta Romanorum (Medieval)',\n", " 'id': 'ffsrba6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eutatk',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Tim-jasper-jim',\n", " 'body': 'Download anki. Good Latin decks on there',\n", " 'id': 'ffsp1sm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eutatk',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffsao9p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffroyee',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'nascarsc',\n", " 'body': 'PDFs should be available online, but the print version has *color* illustrations.',\n", " 'id': 'ffs9uk3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrorfr',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'tree_troll',\n", " 'body': 'Gratias!',\n", " 'id': 'ffs3kkb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffs3a5x',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"Great! I'll try to put it together enough to send out invites this week. I'll reply here, but I'll also make a separate post about it.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffs3a5x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrwfxi',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'tree_troll',\n", " 'body': \"I'm also interested\",\n", " 'id': 'ffrwfxi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrrbox',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Coesim',\n", " 'body': 'Fair enough.',\n", " 'id': 'ffrty15',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrtuic',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Luci420',\n", " 'body': \"I agree with you that if you want to speak the language fluently with other people, a online course is not the way to go. But my intentions is to understand latin texts, not speak it fluently. Correct me if I'm wrong, but i don't think many people speak latin. If i have understood correctly, most use it for studying topics like science or for other reading. My goal is to read, understand and form texts. \\n\\nAlso, it is my own chooseing to learn the language and i have studied others online before, i know my own capabilities. I might have a few speaking errors in those languages, but my intentions was never to speak 100% without failure. My gaol was to understand and experience the new and unique ways of thinking that a foring language bring, to read the thought only expressed in that particular language and by that scale up my view of other parts of the world.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffrtuic',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrqovf',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'Luci420',\n", " 'body': 'Cool!',\n", " 'id': 'ffrrlr2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrrbox',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"I'm making a large online group for learning with LLPSI (place when resources, where you can ask questions, etc). I will link you to it when I'm finished organizing it. Hopefully this week!\\n\\n*Familia Romana is the first book in the LLPSI series\",\n", " 'id': 'ffrrbox',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrorfr',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'Coesim',\n", " 'body': 'Wenn du tatsächlich durch online Kurse die deutsche Sprache gut genug gelernt hast, um diesen von mir verfassten Kommentar vollständig zu verstehen, - und das ohne jegliches Vorwissen - dann könnte es sein, dass du auch in der Lage sein wirst Latein durch einen online Kurs zu lernen. \\nDennoch bin ich der Meinung, auch wenn ich nicht viel Erfahrung mit online Kursen habe, dass im Zweifelsfall ein richtiger Sprachkurs besser geeignet ist, um eine Sprache gründlich zu lernen, als ein online Kurs.\\n(Natürlich stellt sich die Frage, was dein Anspruch ist. Wenn es dein Anspruch ist, Latein so zu lernen, dass du Originaltexte von antiken Autoren selbstständig übersetzen kannst, würde ich definitiv einen richtigen Sprachkurs einem online Kurs vorziehen.)',\n", " 'id': 'ffrqovf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrpqgt',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Luci420',\n", " 'body': \"I was taught German througt online courses, aka. It's not necessary...\",\n", " 'id': 'ffrpqgt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrd2un',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Luci420',\n", " 'body': 'Thx, also the reason for not going to a actual class is time and placement. It is a > 40 min drive for me to get to the nearest class.',\n", " 'id': 'ffrpba7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffri0i8',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Luci420',\n", " 'body': 'Thx, i will give it a look!',\n", " 'id': 'ffrp1qq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrkkzf',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'Nonne est “excited”?',\n", " 'id': 'ffrp1ci',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrendq',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Luci420',\n", " 'body': 'Some did, but they havent been using it for ~10 years, so not much luck on that front... Anyway, thx for the advice!',\n", " 'id': 'ffroyee',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrendq',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Luci420',\n", " 'body': 'Thx!',\n", " 'id': 'ffrorfr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrkbcb',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'Try Memoria Press! It’s not online, but I think it’ll be of help to you. It’s a company that does classical education curricula, and they have a great Latin textbook series which, with dedication, you can definitely study by yourself. I’ve been self-studying from their series for years, and I think it’s just what you’re looking for: they don’t just tell you what to say, they tell you exactly what the grammar is and how it works. I’m not sure if they ship to Denmark, but they probably do, and if not, check eBay or the like. I’d suggest starting with First Form Latin. Make sure you get the teacher’s manual, but if you do you won’t need the student book, just the workbook and answer key. Good luck!',\n", " 'id': 'ffrkkzf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eutatk',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'Purchase a book called “Familia Romana” and any associated materials. The book is entirely in Latin, but it is written in an intuitive way that you can learn from context by looking at the diagrams and margin notes as you read. It starts out extremely simply. If you stick with it until the end, you should know a fair amount of Latin. I believe it includes 1800 words.',\n", " 'id': 'ffrkbcb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eutatk',\n", " 'score': 17},\n", " {'author': 'sillysalamander13',\n", " 'body': \"It's really hard to learn any language online. You really need a tutor or enroll in a class, but you could check out lingua Latina or other latin textbooks if you really want to learn on your own. Just do some more research :)\",\n", " 'id': 'ffri0i8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eutatk',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Dobbyisafreeelf050',\n", " 'body': 'Maybe a family member studied Latin in school. He/she would probably be excited to pass their knowledge.',\n", " 'id': 'ffrendq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eutatk',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'rhoadsalive',\n", " 'body': 'Get a good text book and grammar.',\n", " 'id': 'ffrd8ir',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eutatk',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Coesim',\n", " 'body': 'You have to take an actual course.',\n", " 'id': 'ffrd2un',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eutatk',\n", " 'score': -2}],\n", " 'eusv7h': [{'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'No trouble. Google books is a really fantastic resource, if you are interested in books published from 1500-1800. \\n\\nInteresting about the very early English translations on his books on natural magic!',\n", " 'id': 'ffv9qwe',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffsumo0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Yasinn007',\n", " 'body': 'I dont know what it is, maybe I was too stupid pr you just made it look too easy hahahah. In either case, I am soooo thankful!!!!',\n", " 'id': 'ffsumo0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffs3uko',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'Easy. Just find them on Google book- you then download them as PDF\\'s, and can get the page numbers, place of publication, year, etc.\\n\\nHere\\'s a link to \\'De Refratione\\':\\nhttps://books.google.com.au/books?id=7Qo8AAAAcAAJ&dq=%22De+Refratione%22&source=gbs_navlinks_s\\n\\nHere\\'s \"Magae Naturalis Libri XX\":\\nhttps://books.google.com.au/books?id=Acc5AAAAcAAJ&dq=inauthor:%22Giambattista+della+Porta%22&source=gbs_navlinks_s',\n", " 'id': 'ffs3uko',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eusv7h',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'euq62r': [{'author': 'oneWindmill',\n", " 'body': 'Also, on the sides of the tilted square with the four elements, there is the word \"symbolizantia\" - which Internet tells me means something like \"akin\", \"sharing something\", quite in line with its greek etymology.',\n", " 'id': 'ffrqgtx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffquau0',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'fallo_fefelli_falsum',\n", " 'body': \"I think *caliditas* -> *summa* -> *ignis* means e.g. the greatest heat is (manifested in?) fire. So *caliditas* -> *remissa* -> *aer* would mean a remiss or slackened or at-its-lower-point heat is air, which is the most high (manifestation of) humidity, &c. I'm no expert on early modern metaphysical-alchemical diagrams, so I could be wrong.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffr9esx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffquau0',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'AntonioPle',\n", " 'body': \" \\n\\nignis = fire\\n\\ncaliditas = heat\\n\\naer = air\\n\\nhumiditas = humidity\\n\\naqua = water\\n\\nfrigiditas = cold\\n\\nterra = earth\\n\\nsiccitas = drought\\n\\n‘contraria’ means 'contrary, opposite', and it's referred to the elements. 'combinatio impossibilis' means 'impossible combination' (e.g. heat and cold). don't know what 'summa' and 'remissa' mean in this diagram\",\n", " 'id': 'ffquau0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euq62r',\n", " 'score': 17}],\n", " 'euox4d': [{'author': 'CruxAveSpesUnica',\n", " 'body': \"I teach Greek, not Latin, but I imagine it's similar. I teach a one-year sequence. We follow a textbook for the first semester and a half (up through Spring break). Then, we just read real text (slowly). My first year teaching, I pretty slavishly followed my predecessor's syllabus. (*Mos maiorum* is important!). I've gradually made more changes.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffqr5qr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euox4d',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Heddaintheclouds',\n", " 'body': \"I would suggest that you take a look at different Latin books and how they proceed. They usually go from simple structures to difficult ones. You would for example first have simple sentences, subject 3rd person indicative verb, then introduce objects with their corresponding cases, then build from there. It's handy to follow along with a book of sorts because that way you have texts that are written for the sole purpose of studying the language. Reading originals right away is probably too difficult.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffqptyu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euox4d',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'euoo7t': [{'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'First of all, in all likelyhood there wasn\\'t any actual H in those words (see my reply about *sehen*). I understand that two short /i/\\'s put together sounding like a long /ī/ make sense to you - what I\\'m asking about is: what does this fact tell you about the quality of the short /i/? Suppose short and long i\\'s sounded differently - what would they contract to in this case?\\n\\nAll right, I admit it, it was a trick question. The result would be the same, because:\\n\\n1. in the Classical period, antevocalic /i/ had the same quality as the long /ī/ because it was phonemically long, shortened by the general \"vocalis ante vocalem corripitur\" rule (*fīlī + us = fīlius*). For the same reason, the Romans heard the \\\\[ɪ\\\\~e\\\\] of Greek εια, and the same vowel in rustic Latin pronunciation of *via* as /ē/ (Varro\\'s *veha*) and transcribed it as such (*Aenēās, Alexandrēa*) until it was raised to \\\\[i\\\\] again in both languages (*Alexandrīa*).\\n2. even if it had contracted into the closest vowel still different from /ī/ - /ei/ - it would still be /ī/ in Classical Latin after the merger of /ei/ and /ī/ about 150 BC.\\n3. there\\'s no reason to believe nīl and mī contracted during the Classical period. Their original forms are *\\\\*nehīlum* and \\\\**mehei*. The former could have undergone simple elision of /e/; in the latter, neither vowel is original /i/; in any case, both could have contracted to /ei/ before merging with /i/. Both are thus potentially irrelevant to what a contraction of two i\\'s would result in in Classical Latin.\\n\\nAs for the English /ɪ/, you seem to have entirely misunderstood me. ɪ might be an IPA symbol, but it transcribes completely different vowels in different varieties of English - even when the transcription is supposed to be phonetic/narrow, included in square brackets! Allen\\'s vowel in \"bit\" was likely not the same as yours, as is still the case for almost all British English pronunciations - they lack the American vowel of \"bit\".\\n\\nThe reason that American vowel is transcribed with \\\\[ɪ\\\\] is tradition. In Californian English, as in many other American varieties, that vowel is a vowel between IPA \\\\[e\\\\], \\\\[ə\\\\] and \\\\[ɛ\\\\] - as can be seen in [this Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vowel_diagram) or by googling \"english vowel diagram\" or \"space\". Vox Latina is talking about a vowel between IPA \\\\[i\\\\] and \\\\[e\\\\]. As most other descriptions in that book, it lacks scientific rigor and is merely an approximation - what sort of vowel Allen himself had in \"bit\" can only be guessed at from contemporary descriptions of RP. What Allen definitely didn\\'t mean, however, is the vowel you\\'re most likely to have in that word. When you or others try to argue against Allen\\'s \\\\[ɪ\\\\] for CL /i/, they\\'re a priori wrong because the vowel Allen is discribing is not the vowel they themselves pronounce. Australian English speakers, on the other hand, don\\'t tend to argue that becasue their /ɪ/ is close or identical to IPA \\\\[i\\\\] - but their /i/ is a diphthong!\\n\\nThis is the reason I\\'m saying that English has no one single pronunciation of the vowel in \"bit\", or any other single vowel, regardless of how these vowels are traditionally transcribed, and that anyone who describes Latin pronunciation by referencing the vowels of English is a priori wrong: there\\'s neither one English, nor one English vowel system.',\n", " 'id': 'fg3f2m2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg39hgq',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'TheGreatCornlord',\n", " 'body': 'Because if you pronounce mihi and nihil fast enough, you don\\'t even hardly hear the \"h\", just one long vowel. And since the quality of \"ī\" is clear, it makes sense that the two short \"i\"s put together sound like one long \"ī\".\\n\\nAnd sorry bro but you\\'re just wrong. Every source derived from Vox Latina\\'s analysis cites this IPA symbol as being the quality of short \"i\" :[ɪ], you know, the \"i\" in \"bit.\"',\n", " 'id': 'fg39hgq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg383s8',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"Short vowels preceding other vowels are in fact phonemically long (/dee.bee/ + /at/ = /dee.be.eat/), so the quality you tend to pronounce them with is in all likelyhood the same one the Romans used.\\n\\nAs for H, there's really no metric other than the spelling to say that it exists at all - certainly not as a consonant. It was probably a suprasegmental feature, i.e. not a phoneme.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg39560',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffs6ft7',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'Why do you think mī and nīl give any indication to the quality of the short /i/?\\n\\nAlso, there\\'s no such thing as \"English *bit*\" - the vowel Allen is describing in Vox Latina is entirely different from the one a modern Californian English speaker has in that word, and pronounced in yet other accents, it will sound to you like *beet*.',\n", " 'id': 'fg383s8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffracdx',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'I think the \"bending\" in *sehen* is due to the contrast between stressed first syllable and unstressed second syllable, causing a change of tone. Russian\\'s example in wikitionary sounds quite weird for me - I\\'ve never heard *sehen, stehen* etc. pronounced like this, even by Austrians, and it isn\\'t properly stressed because of her intonation. Probably her intonation fits better into an interrogative sentence like \"Kannst du mich sehen?\" I suppose /ˈseː.ən/ is expected as Austrian standard instead of /ˈzeː.ən/ due to devoicing in /#CV/. Perhaps that\\'s some kind of Austrian dialect?',\n", " 'id': 'ffwlykd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrooj1',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'The \"bending\" in German is because the spelling <ehe> represents the root long vowel /e:/ followed by the schwa /ə/ that belongs to the infinitive suffix. In colloquial speech the schwa is often dropped, but in careful pronunciation both are realised according to the morphemic make-up.\\n\\nThe case is different in Latin, at least in the Republican one, where sequences of identical vowels mandatorily contract. Poetic license allows scanning them as two syllables, but since native Latin phonotactics don\\'t allow vowel hiatus, you\\'ll have to fill it with some sort of a glide, or perhaps even an /h/, or pronounce the second vowel differently from the first, which becomes the glide. I\\'m 100% positive *sultis* had the same first vowel as in as *stultus -* in fact it\\'s not a result of contraction, but of analogy: vīs : sīs > vultis : *sultis. C*ontraction would result in a long vowel, or indeed the same dipthong /eu/ as in the anteconsonantal *seu* < sei-ve.\\n\\nAs for the ending -iī, I might need to post a paper on that ;-) In short, it likewise stood for one long vowel from the time /ei/ merged with /ī/ and underwent the same mandatory contraction, which still wasn\\'t the case for Plautus, based both on epigraphy (the first I for EI is around 150 BC) and the fact that he has no monosyllabic forms like *grātīs*.',\n", " 'id': 'ffu257p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrooj1',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'xanitrep',\n", " 'body': \"I find that when a short vowel is immediately followed by another vowel (e.g., the i in *audiunt*), I tend to pronounce the first vowel with long quality (but not duration), because it's awkward to pronounce a short quality vowel followed by another vowel.\\n\\nI've noticed that the letter h is grouped with vowels in certain contexts (e.g., *ab* must be used before vowels and h, while *ā* can be used elsewhere), and it seems to me that the awkwardness that I mentioned above extends to short quality vowels followed by an h, as in *mihi*. This is probably because h is always followed by a vowel and <something something exemplified by rough breathing marks in Ancient Greek>.\\n\\nRegarding the final i in *mihi*: I find it easy to pronounce the first i in *tibi* with short quality, but I find myself wanting to lengthen the quality of the final i (and other final vowels with different long and short qualities).\\n\\nA possible explanation is that (1) people want to pronounce a given word consistently, and (2) the subsequent word could potentially start with a vowel or an h. So, assuming that one hasn't progressed to using elision yet, we again run into the short vowel followed by another vowel or h situation unless we lengthen the final vowel quality.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffs6ft7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euoo7t',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': \"I like sehen as an example. (More recordings [here](https://www.dict.cc/?s=sehen)). The h isn't pronounced but it does slightly affect (bend?) the vowel sound. I wonder if something similar held true for Plautus' contractions, like sultis (si vultis) and sis (si vis), and perhaps for the ending -ii.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffrooj1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffqqq8w',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'NomenScribe',\n", " 'body': \"I find it awkward and unnatural to say the word with both vowels short. And I've been assuming that's the problem every one else is having. However, I force myself to pronounce the first i short and take the option to pronounce the final i longish, though that's one of the markings that would probably turn out to be about an option to count the syllable as long in verse and not an indication of actual vowel quality. Dictionaries can be unclear about this. But if I recall correctly, Allen says that for the Romans it was awkward to follow a short penult with a long ultima - pretty much the opposite of my issue.\\n\\nWhat frustrates me the most is not people faiing following strict pronunciation in conversation, but not following it in recorded instructional material for courses that do use the macrons. People turn to this stuff for help with precisely the things the producers are being lazy about. \\n\\nI've mentioned before in this subreddit that it's kind of a hobby of mine to collect instructional materials just so I can be annoyed at how inconsistent they are. So far, I find the Orberg recordings the most reliable.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffridsh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euoo7t',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'TheGreatCornlord',\n", " 'body': 'We don\\'t know exactly how Classical Latin was pronounced, so the assumption that short \"i\" was pronounced with the quality of \"i\" in English \"bit\" is, at best, an approximation. Personally, I believe that Latin short \"i\" had the same quality as long \"i\", or a quality somewhere between long \"i\" and English \"i\", which seems to be supported by the variant forms of \"mihi\" and \"nihil\" as \"mī\" and \"nīl\" respectively.',\n", " 'id': 'ffracdx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euoo7t',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'exaki',\n", " 'body': 'Fascinating reasoning.',\n", " 'id': 'ffr9i0w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffr6wpz',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'theboondocksaint',\n", " 'body': 'While I wouldn’t say I’m a scholar, I want to say that I always pronounce is so that it rhymes with the way Michael Jackson said HEE-hee, and absolutely no one will ever convince me that that is not how it was pronounced in the golden age',\n", " 'id': 'ffr6wpz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euoo7t',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffr1xq8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euoo7t',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'zluizl',\n", " 'body': 'There are at least two answers for that:\\n\\n1. People are not paying enough atention to vowel length and are just pronouncing all vowels long, which is the most likely answer;\\n2. People are consciously pronouncing /i/ as \\\\[i\\\\] (as in Spanish \"mito\") and not as \\\\[ɪ\\\\] (as in English \"bit\"), but keeping it short. There is some debate over the exact quality of Latin vowels, some people argue that short and long vowels have the exact same sound and are only distinguished by duration, so maybe you are not being able to distinguish \\\\[i\\\\] and \\\\[iː\\\\]. This is a possible outcome if you are an English speaker since English doesn\\'t really distinguish vowel length and doesn\\'t have the \\\\[i\\\\] sound.',\n", " 'id': 'ffr1wqo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euoo7t',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'sillysalamander13',\n", " 'body': \"I've always said meehee because that's what I was taught. The problem is that modern teachers weren't taught how to speak the language so most words we're just guessing how to pronounce.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffqxumn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euoo7t',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"Probably a conflation of the normal pronunciation (mī) and spelling pronunciation (mĭhĭ). I imagine you weren't any more likely to hear the latter than you're likely to hear German *sehen* pronounced with an /h/ (although wiktionary has a bewildering [example](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/sehen) - might be a thing in Austrian German). In other news: few actual Classics scholars can pronounce Latin correctly because they're never taught to. Many probably don't consider acquiring the ability as an option.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffqqq8w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euoo7t',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': \"Because many people do not carefully adhere to vowel lengths. \\n\\nOn another note, michi is interesting pronunciation, or the short form 'mi' which is used often in poetry or causal conversation.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffqn6re',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euoo7t',\n", " 'score': 11}],\n", " 'euoet9': [],\n", " 'eumu5o': [{'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"It's actually ambiguous, could be a single word for a *female* shoemaker as well! Shoemakeress.\\n\\nAlmost every occupational word has a female variant. There's even a word for *lady doctor* (or *doctor's wife*)---*medica. Lucia et Æmilia medicæ sunt*. There are a few that aren't: *agricola* means farmer of any gender, even though it misleadingly ends in -a.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffzchm6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrbw59',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'csepcsenyi',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you for the assessment.',\n", " 'id': 'fft9b0t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft7vi7',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Alienor_what',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you! Most of the posts do not give individual descriptions of the fathers\\' and mothers\\' *conditiones* respectively, but only states \"plebei\" or for instance \"caupo\" (tradesman), obviously referring to the father. You tell me that the *nobilis* likely refers to the father. This leaves two possibilities for *Nobilis & Cothurnarius*: either the father is both a nobleman and a shoemaker or else *cothurnarius* refers to the mother\\'s father\\'s profession.',\n", " 'id': 'fft7vi7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft0686',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'csepcsenyi',\n", " 'body': \"Here you go the whole thing: [https://imgur.com/a/bmlZv9d](https://imgur.com/a/bmlZv9d) (I censored the surname of the father I hope you don't mind)\\n\\nI would also like to note a couple of things; first that the father is supposed to be a noble or at least it would be quite surprising if he wasn't, second noble cobblers are not inconcievable I ran into one before (altough that was early 20th century).\",\n", " 'id': 'fft0686',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffsx7ac',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'mrwhappy',\n", " 'body': 'You’re absolutely right. Cheers!',\n", " 'id': 'ffsylcr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffs0l51',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffsxb0h',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffsmaea',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Alienor_what',\n", " 'body': \"No, not sure at all, come to think about it! *Cothurnaria* was more of a conjecture, as we expected female gender from OPs description. So, if we go with *cothurnarius*, that must mean that it's the mother who is *nobilis*, right? It would help if we had some other parts of this register to compare with, OP!\",\n", " 'id': 'ffsx7ac',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrjmm1',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'csepcsenyi',\n", " 'body': \" I mean if she's not a cobblers daughter, then you're right she must be a cobblers wife. I'm just a bit surprised, the idea of a noble cobbler is quite amusing isn't it?\",\n", " 'id': 'ffsuv5e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffsment',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"If his wife is a cobbler's wife, isn't he a cobbler anyway?\",\n", " 'id': 'ffsment',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffsmaea',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'csepcsenyi',\n", " 'body': 'I\\'m not a 100% sure.\\nWould \"Nobiles et Cothurnarius\" mean noble shoemaker? And is it possible that a late 18th century nobleman worked as a cobbler?',\n", " 'id': 'ffsmaea',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrjmm1',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Tarquin_McBeard',\n", " 'body': \"Nah, it's definitely *-us*. There's a downstroke after the *i* that has no descender, and therefore can't be *j*. And if you look very carefully, there's another stroke, masked by the box border, that doesn't line up with the visible descender. So together those make a *u*, and the visible descender therefore must be someone's attempt at squeezing in a long-*s* after having run out of space.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffs0l51',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrvdly',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'mrwhappy',\n", " 'body': 'To me it looks like an -ij ending.',\n", " 'id': 'ffrvdly',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrjmm1',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"Are you sure it reads *cothurnaria* and not *cothurnarius*? I don't see a final *a* there, but a *u* and what might be a long *s*.\\n\\nEdit: u/csepcsenyi\",\n", " 'id': 'ffrjmm1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffq8tfw',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'g1ngertim',\n", " 'body': \"Cobbletrix sounds cool af, but it'd probably be more in the female cobbler territory.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffrigqe',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrh8gq',\n", " 'score': 14},\n", " {'author': 'beansworth',\n", " 'body': 'Cobbleress?',\n", " 'id': 'ffrh8gq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrbw59',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'WeirdAlFan',\n", " 'body': 'I can\\'t believe Latin has a single word for \"the wife of a shoe-maker\" but English does not. Humanity has clearly regressed.',\n", " 'id': 'ffrbw59',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffq8tfw',\n", " 'score': 16},\n", " {'author': 'csepcsenyi',\n", " 'body': \"Don't worry about it, me too :D\",\n", " 'id': 'ffr1hci',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffr0zv3',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffr0zv3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffr08v8',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'icansitstill',\n", " 'body': 'Indeed!',\n", " 'id': 'ffr0m4x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffqn8ec',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'csepcsenyi',\n", " 'body': 'My latin paleography skill is bad, but it\\'s not that bad. No I meant the one below it \"cothurnaria\"',\n", " 'id': 'ffr08v8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffqvj11',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffqvj11',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eumu5o',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'tony2510',\n", " 'body': 'Ah, something to do with today being his birthday, I assume? 😊',\n", " 'id': 'ffqn8ec',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffqj7of',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'icansitstill',\n", " 'body': \"Lol I recognized the format. I was reading Mozart's baptismal record just a few days ago.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffqj7of',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffq861s',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'csepcsenyi',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you very much. Shoe-makers daughter sounds reasonable to me, I will go with that.',\n", " 'id': 'ffq94ml',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffq8tfw',\n", " 'score': 19},\n", " {'author': 'Alienor_what',\n", " 'body': 'Cothurnaria. Cothurnarius is a shoe-maker, and cothurnaria usually a shoe-makers wife, but in this case maybe a shoe-makers daughter?',\n", " 'id': 'ffq8tfw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eumu5o',\n", " 'score': 53},\n", " {'author': 'csepcsenyi',\n", " 'body': 'It\\'s from a late 18th century baptism recod from the former Austrian Empire (todays Slovakia), it supposed to decribe the \"condition\" of the parents, the father a noble and the mother a...?',\n", " 'id': 'ffq861s',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eumu5o',\n", " 'score': 22}],\n", " 'eujg57': [{'author': 'bradfs14',\n", " 'body': 'Okay. My apologies for the misunderstanding. In the wake of Kobe’s death, I’ve seen many posts (on, say, r/trashy) featuring screenshots of posts by people who are essentially happy that he’s dead.\\n\\nInevitably, someone in the comments of these posts calls the OP a karma-whore for putting that trashy behavior on display, which I find pretty annoying. The knee-jerk reaction to requesting more respectful behavior should not be to cry karma-whore.\\n\\nHaving recently seen so much of that, I interpreted your comment that way.',\n", " 'id': 'ffrupwl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrotzn',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'SemperMeTaedet',\n", " 'body': \"Dude. I'm on your side. My comment was directed to the people talking trash about the dead.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffrotzn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffrnkj4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffrnkj4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffq27py',\n", " 'score': -1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffrmpt1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffq27py',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'Quick, someone tell Tacitus and Suetonius!',\n", " 'id': 'ffqnr1x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eujg57',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'liebestod0130',\n", " 'body': 'Unless you come back as a...*mortuus ambulans*!',\n", " 'id': 'ffqb238',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eujg57',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Arkellian_Pilot',\n", " 'body': 'Yes, yes, nihil nisi bonum and all that...',\n", " 'id': 'ffq8k13',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eujg57',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'SemperMeTaedet',\n", " 'body': \"Good phrase. Especially when it's this soon after someone's passing. I guess people see it as an opportunity to be placed on a pedestal. Better now than months later when you won't get any attention right? Gotta have the attention\",\n", " 'id': 'ffq27py',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eujg57',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'euhy88': [{'author': 'Brontaphilia',\n", " 'body': 'You might also want to start with a book like Maunde-Thompson. There’s also Bischoff, though there are fewer images, I’d say.',\n", " 'id': 'ffsmr29',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euhy88',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Brontaphilia',\n", " 'body': 'This. If you Google it, an online site had it all scanned.',\n", " 'id': 'ffsmpx7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffpui4f',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'sheepdot',\n", " 'body': \"The indispensable guide to abbreviations is the *Lexicon Abbreviaturarum: Dizionario Di Abbreviature Latine Ed Italiane* by Cappelli. The introduction is in Italian, but there are free translations available in English. The whole book is also available in PDF, though I would advise buying a paper copy if you are going to work with manuscripts seriously. The introduction provides some general guidance about conventions that allow you to solve abbreviations that aren't explicitly given. The body of the book provides a fairly comprehensive collection of standard abbreviations and variants. If you're just starting out in manuscript studies, it will probably cover 99% of what you need. \\n\\nThere is also Ductus, which is a DVD ROM containing sample texts and transcriptions to help train your paleographic eye. It is a bit pricey, but I think it is worth it.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffpui4f',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euhy88',\n", " 'score': 9}],\n", " 'euhlag': [{'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"Please look in the resources for a dictionary. If you can't do that, use the pinned post.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffpiel0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euhlag',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'steepleman',\n", " 'body': 'Cognito',\n", " 'id': 'ffpg6ag',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euhlag',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'euglxq': [{'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"[A previous attempt](https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/9zzw06/tragedy_of_darth_plagueis/), way more successful in being intelligible I'm afraid to say (even comes with a iambic verse rendition). But don't let that deter you from attempting more translations like this!\",\n", " 'id': 'fg0wpky',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euglxq',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'HereBeSteph',\n", " 'body': 'non iam',\n", " 'id': 'ffxaby6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffqgomk',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'rhoadsalive',\n", " 'body': 'Senatus sum',\n", " 'id': 'ffqgomk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euglxq',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': \"'Narata'st'- Leges tu Plautum?\\n\\nDeclinandum estne- Dars, Darthis. Valde bonum!\\n\\nVis tecum, fili.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffq7rae',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euglxq',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'Grammar could use some polishing, but this was amusing to see in Latin.',\n", " 'id': 'ffptylh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euglxq',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'DarthBabyYoda3',\n", " 'body': 'He was a dark lord of the sith...',\n", " 'id': 'ffppv7g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euglxq',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'HereBeSteph',\n", " 'body': 'Non est per iedo',\n", " 'id': 'ffpgr5e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffpa9y4',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'DredgenLore',\n", " 'body': 'Nunquid vem discere?',\n", " 'id': 'ffpa9y4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euglxq',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'WinDocs',\n", " 'body': 'Im just starting out... but i have a feeling i know what this is...',\n", " 'id': 'ffp9vnd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euglxq',\n", " 'score': 4}],\n", " 'eugh68': [{'author': 'Pennyaire',\n", " 'body': 'I see. Thank you :)',\n", " 'id': 'ffp7oi1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffp7bwj',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'While they can be interchanged, I would use this method:\\n\\nExtremus is farthest away from the point-of-view of the writer/speaker or in relation to another, close location.\\n\\nUltimus is the last in a progression that starts with Primus.',\n", " 'id': 'ffp7bwj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eugh68',\n", " 'score': 8}],\n", " 'eve6tr': [{'author': 'StormblessedSolaire',\n", " 'body': 'True, that would be a close approximation, we would know very well what we meant by that based on context. Anyways, this has been a great chat, thanks for taking the time! But I have yet to sleep, and I need to do so soon, bona nox, I believe it was!',\n", " 'id': 'ffzemkp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzejut',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'Right. \"Over there\" would be a close enough translation for government work.',\n", " 'id': 'ffzejut',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzeglm',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'StormblessedSolaire',\n", " 'body': \"Right, but if I were talking about this dog next to me (hoc), then that dog at your feet (iste), then we're to mention that dog accross the street (ille), we may very well use 3 different terms in Latin to refer to these dogs, however between dog 2 and 3 there isn't really a differentiator in English. At least this is how it was explained to me at one point, I may very well simply be misinformed on the subject!\",\n", " 'id': 'ffzeglm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffze9zi',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"Of course English differentiates. *This* pen is on the table I'm sitting at. *That* knife is in the kitchen, thirty feet away.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffze9zi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffze3oq',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'Try *bona nox*. If you want to add a bit of German to that, you could go with *bist du rechte Ochs*.',\n", " 'id': 'ffze7xw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffze3oq',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'StormblessedSolaire',\n", " 'body': \"That's actually a very good point you've made about the viability of Latin as a modern language to use, there's about a million and a half different things that simply weren't in existence during the time of the Romans, all of the items you've brought up and many more! I do love Latin because of the concise nature of it, even if I don't get the meaning of the words yet, I know that this verb is being done by this noun, because there's no ambiguity, at least not any I've had to deal with yet! One specific thing I've discovered and find very interesting is the presence of hoc this, iste that (nearby in space, time, or in the sentence), and ille that (further away). I'm fairly confident that's the correct order, although it may be that I'm mixing iste/ille up. It's interesting that English doesn't differentiate here, and it's not likely that I ever would have thought of the concepts if not for Latin. \\n\\nAs far as the cases go, I get it mostly. Nom: subject, gen: ownership/relationship, dat: to or for, acc: direct object, and abl: by/with/from/in/on. I don't have all the different endings memorized, except for the first declension, primarily feminine. I'd like to at least get the basic endings down before I dedicate my time fully to LLPSI, and now I have the classroom reader to incorporate at some point, so I have a long way to go as of yet, but progress is happening! I don't know how to wish you a good day in Latin, but I do wish you a good day regardless!\",\n", " 'id': 'ffze3oq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzdiwx',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"So, the genitive and the ablative. This is difficult to *explain*, although I can understand it intuitively. The genitive is very, very close to the English possessive. *autocineti Michaëlis* = Mike's car, the car **of** Mike; *autocinetorum Michaëlis =* Mike's cars, the cars **of** Mike. The ablative would most closely correspond to **from** in English. *Computatro* \\\\[dat.\\\\] *Lucii* \\\\[abl.\\\\] *virus* \\\\[nom.\\\\] *delevi* \\\\[past perfect\\\\]. I deleted the virus **from** the computer **of/belonging to** Lucius. \\n\\nBeyond that, as for the classroom reader, if you like tobacco as much as I do, if you are passionate about smoking, you are going to love it. There are perhaps 30 pages dedicated to pipes, cigarettes, cigars, and papers. I was thrilled, mostly because the Romans didn't know a damn thing about the pleasure of the amber leaf, and there's this huge gaping hole in their language when I want to talk about that stuff.\\n\\nThe typewriter also gets coverage. The bank. The airport. Even your waking up routine, getting up out of bed, going to the toilet, etc. These are all things that Cicero and Cato knew nothing about; for them, taking a Donald Trump in the back garden/atrium and using burdock leaf for loo roll was enough. They knew no books, no ink, no pens, no biros... I love the Latin language but it can be so *limiting* if you don't have the words for modern conveniences. I am an enormous revivalist, I think people should be speaking in Latin, anywhere and everywhere, but when you can't talk about the party you're voting for at the election, or tell the plumber your loo's stopped up, you don't really have a usable language.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffzdiwx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzcjks',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'StormblessedSolaire',\n", " 'body': 'Well, taking a quick peek at that link, I admit it\\'s beyond my current Latin vocabulary, but rest assured that it\\'s going to be downloaded, printed, and perused at a later date! I really appreciate it, that seems to be a lot of effort on your part, gratias amicus! I do see the \"visual dictionary\" parts, those are going to be extremely helpful! \\n\\nIt does seem extremely intuitive in LLPSI, and there\\'s really not a ton that I struggle to understand as long as I\\'m thorough with my reading and studies, but I just felt that a foundation of understanding at least what the Genitive means vs the Ablative, which is something I\\'m not sure I\\'ll ever be able to keep straight, may help me dissect the parts that do cause me difficulty, like the example in my original post. You saying that it\\'s not necessary though does give me some new hope that I\\'ll be able to sort this all out with my main focus being LLPSI, I just wish there were more ways that I could actively write things out in Latin and have some way to ensure I\\'m correct, I feel that is what\\'s lacking. Understanding the reading portions is relatively straightforward, but if I were able to write out sentences and be corrected, then those verb forms, tenses and such would stick a little better in my head, and I wouldn\\'t be focusing on the foundations of declining nouns and all that, at least not as heavily.\\n\\nAnyways, extra rambling aside, I\\'m super thankful that you\\'ve given me that text resource, once again thank you! I\\'ll be looking into it in more detail shortly, I can\\'t wait to see what there is to discover inside!',\n", " 'id': 'ffzcjks',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzbok1',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'Thing is, you don\\'t actually *need* the declensions and verb tenses and whatnot; that\\'s a relic from the way Latin was taught in the 1800\\'s. Best to learn it the LLPSI way, where you don\\'t actually need to know the *words* \"third-person\", you just need to know, \"this is the way you form your words when you\\'re talking about someone else\".\\n\\nThere is also a Latin classroom reader I put together, that I suggest you print out and bind or something. I\\'m still working on some crosswords and jokes to put in it, and so on, but it\\'s in a pretty good stage of completion. [Click here!](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ztcJahCSTgpjNM-kfITgfOYbqOzCogtv) It\\'s almost a sort of visual dictionary in places, and you\\'ll learn the parts to a bicycle, garage tools, around the office, etc.',\n", " 'id': 'ffzbok1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzbgzt',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'StormblessedSolaire',\n", " 'body': \"Right, thank you! Learning through LLPSI is my main study, but I'm also trying to get a solid grasp of the basics such as declensions and whatnot. I've been using LatinTutorial on YouTube a lot, listening to the great ScorpioMartianus read through LLPSI, listening to Magister Craft as well, and really just scouring the internet for sources. I joined Latinitium, but I find that to be a difficult one to use since it's a lot of audio only, at least for a large portion of newbie type stuff. So thank you for the clarification! Having r/Latin here is a wonderful resource, I appreciate all the help I get from you and the others!\",\n", " 'id': 'ffzbgzt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzax4n',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'Think of French *vers*.',\n", " 'id': 'ffzb2no',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffyaelp',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"Just a nitpick on top of a nitpick: it's perfectly OK in English to say, *Emily steps toward the door*. But then you've verbified that noun, and that again is specific to English and *not* Latin.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffzb1so',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffvh2ca',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"That's exactly right! Grammar nerds (i.e. *not* me) call the (s)he-version *the third-person present active singular*, because it's happening in the here and now, and only one person's doing it, and the I-version *the first-person present active singular*.\\n\\nIf you're learning from LLPSI, though, it was specifically written to stop you having to worry about active and passive, singular and plural. So this is just a bit of a tidbit for your further studies.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffzax4n',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffv7h9g',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"It's an idiom. Doesn't translate exactly. When you *take* a step, are you picking up a step and moving it somewhere else? Or are you committing larceny on a step?\\n\\nThe exact French equivalent is *faire un pas*. It's third person present. (i.e. not *facio*, I make, or *facis*, you make), so yes, it applies to Emily.\\n\\n*Émilie se met debout et fait un pas vers la porte. Emily stands and takes a step toward the door*.\\n\\nI don't see any turning here, though. And if **I** was the one doing it, rather than Emily, I'd put all the verbs in first-person present: *\\\\[Ego\\\\] surgo atq; gradum adversus ostium facio*.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffzasfu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eve6tr',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'MagisterFlorus',\n", " 'body': 'adversus is the adverb/preposition here and works with *ostium*. It couldn\\'t be the participle as it doesn\\'t agree grammatically with Aemilia. You had that right but it seems like you had translated it as \"turns\" and then got it correct.',\n", " 'id': 'ffyaelp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eve6tr',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'StormblessedSolaire',\n", " 'body': \"Ok, I gotcha. Thanks for picking the nit for me, I'm realizing that breaking a sentence up is important in understanding the link between the verbs and nouns, I need to work on it. Glad for the help! Gratias!\",\n", " 'id': 'ffvhjim',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffvh2ca',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'BraveSirZaphod',\n", " 'body': 'To pick a small nit, it\\'s not that \"it\\'s there to help you understand that she is the one that is undertaking the task of stepping. It\\'s compulsory. Quite simply, there basically two sentences happening here. To rephrase it a bit:\\n\\n*Aemilia surgit. Facit gradum adversum ostium. *\\n\\nIf you removed the verb, *facit*, we\\'d be left only with *gradum adversum ostium * - a step towards the door, and we wouldn\\'t have a full sentence. Without a verb, we have no idea what\\'s happening with this step: if Aemilia is taking it, or if Cleopatra is somehow seducing it. Just like we can\\'t only say \"Malum\" to mean \"I eat an apple\", we can\\'t just say \"Gradum\" to mean \"I take a step\". *Facere* is just as necessary as *take* is in English in \"to take a step\". \\n\\n(I might add that sometimes we can have implied verbs in Latin, but that\\'s a whole messy thing that you shouldn\\'t worry about right now)',\n", " 'id': 'ffvh2ca',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffv7bq3',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': \"That's correct\",\n", " 'id': 'ffv9ab0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffv7h9g',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'StormblessedSolaire',\n", " 'body': 'Oh, and a quick little clarification, if I may? In this example, it\\'s \"facit\" because it\\'s translated as the He/she/it version, right? She, Aemilia, takes a step. So if this were a first person I take a step, it should be \"facio\"?',\n", " 'id': 'ffv7h9g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffv645n',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'StormblessedSolaire',\n", " 'body': \"Oh ok, that's a lot of solid info you've given me, thank you! When you take literally some things in English, well, it's gibberish! So it's there to help you understand that she is the one that is undertaking the task of stepping in this case. Awesome! I appreciate the input, maybe I'm attempting to force specific translations here when it may not be necessary, or at least something that doesn't perfectly slide into an English lexicon. Thanks!\",\n", " 'id': 'ffv7bq3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffv645n',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'StormblessedSolaire',\n", " 'body': 'Perfect! Ok, I was on the right track, thank you!',\n", " 'id': 'ffv6tbc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffv6259',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'BraveSirZaphod',\n", " 'body': 'Your intuition is exactly right. The verb we\\'re seeing here is *facio, facere, fēci, factum*, which is a very broad verb meaning roughly *to make* or *to do*. It ends up being becoming French *faire*, Italian *fare*, and Spanish *hacer*, if you happen to be familiar with any of those. In this case, its subject is Aemilia, and the object is *gradum*. In general, its usage will often be pretty idiomatic, so don\\'t bother trying to translate it too literally. After all, in English, when we say \"take a step\", does \"take\" really mean anything here? How could you possibly take a step and bring it somewhere else? \\n\\nAs a fun fact, *facio* ultimately derives from the Proto-Indo-European root **dʰeh₁-*, which is also the origin of English *do*.',\n", " 'id': 'ffv645n',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eve6tr',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'ScholarisLatinus',\n", " 'body': 'facere gradus- to make steps',\n", " 'id': 'ffv6259',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eve6tr',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'evcq9h': [{'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"Life without being silly? Wow pass me with that bs! :O I'm glad you've got it figured out :-)\",\n", " 'id': 'fh4dj7m',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fh15ssv',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'poonus123',\n", " 'body': \"Rude? Lol, dude, don't be silly. I appreciate your suggestion to go back to pirate bay, where there are two versions of familia romana, one on its own, the other as part of a pack. The from the pack was the one I used before (I think version 1.1 with file to update to 1.3?), and it wanted a serial: I couldn't postpone the serial request and didn't have success with random characters. I now have Familia Romana 1.5, and it works without the serial. Thanks again. The auto-correcting pensa is working nicely for me :)\",\n", " 'id': 'fh15ssv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgshbcb',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"The thing is, Familia Romana also works without the serial. Which is why I asked when it's asking for one, which you haven't replied to (rude). If you can install it without but not launch it - you only need to apply the update. If it's not included, here's where you can download it https://lingualatina.dk/wp/support/patches/\",\n", " 'id': 'fgshbcb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgsbr1k',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'poonus123',\n", " 'body': 'On the torrent sites there is one pack that contains part 1 and 2, as well as the exercises for both, and another, the one you have... which I now have too. Thanks very much. If you want the programs for the exercises and Roma Aeterna the programs from the other pack all work without the serial, except Familia Romana. Thanks again!',\n", " 'id': 'fgsbr1k',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgp3dpr',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"I don't think there's more than one CD around, but I see no mentions of serials in torrent descriptions. When does it ask for it? Can't you postpone it or the like? How about random letters?\",\n", " 'id': 'fgp3dpr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgn9f44',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'poonus123',\n", " 'body': '>The version available eg at The Pirate Bay requires no serial.\\n\\nhmm the one I got did but I will look again to see if there is another. Thanks!',\n", " 'id': 'fgn9f44',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwa68p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'poonus123',\n", " 'body': \"Thanks. I have heard his as well as Orberg's audio. Was looking more for the auto-correcting pensa, but I'm making do.\",\n", " 'id': 'fgn9b7r',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg1mejq',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'numquamsolus',\n", " 'body': 'You can listen to /u/ScorpioMartinus on YouTube. He does an excellent job of going through each chapter of LLPSI.\\n\\nhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU1WuLg45SiyrXahjvFahDuA060P487pV',\n", " 'id': 'fg1mejq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evcq9h',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'poonus123',\n", " 'body': 'Actually just asked you again probably',\n", " 'id': 'ffzpy4i',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzpkg2',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'poonus123',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks. Will ask there',\n", " 'id': 'ffzpkg2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffyy5kh',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"u/poonus123 I just made a server for LLPSI related stuff. Thought you might be interested cause it looks like you're working with the book. \\n\\n[https://discord.gg/Ubd58Wk](https://discord.gg/Ubd58Wk)\",\n", " 'id': 'ffyy5kh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evcq9h',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'The version available eg at The Pirate Bay requires no serial.',\n", " 'id': 'ffwa68p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evcq9h',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'evbzkk': [],\n", " 'evboer': [{'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': \"I'm not sure I follow, historically I mean, not grammatically. Catiline put Aurelia's stepson to death because Aurelia dreaded -- what, exactly? That the stepson would undoubtedly object to the marriage because Catiline was notoriously evil?\",\n", " 'id': 'ffx8vzw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evboer',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'ev992r': [{'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': '[IX - Euax! Ratis!](https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/eoa6pv/ix_euax_ratis/)\\n\\n[XI - Fēles et mūsculus](https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/f1u1kw/xi_f%C4%93les_et_m%C5%ABsculus/)',\n", " 'id': 'ffu6w8y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev992r',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'ev91vw': [{'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'Oh... gotcha!',\n", " 'id': 'ffzmw4x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzmrix',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'I was trying to be humorous. Hard to do the tongue-in-cheek thing in text.',\n", " 'id': 'ffzmrix',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzmpdh',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'Huh? I was just trying to be nice to the tattoo and say, hey, relax, it’s ok if your tattoo isn’t perfect.',\n", " 'id': 'ffzmpdh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzc4jd',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'Are you sure nobody switched your head and arse around while you slept?',\n", " 'id': 'ffzc4jd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwz331',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'Lol mate, you should read the thread',\n", " 'id': 'ffxkkck',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwjqij',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'nuephelkystikon',\n", " 'body': '>no one knows Latin anyway\\n\\nFound the American or Chinese.',\n", " 'id': 'ffx2y89',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwz331',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'I just meant that no one knows Latin anyway, and no one will care except a handful of us Reddit nerds :)',\n", " 'id': 'ffwz331',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwywca',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'nuephelkystikon',\n", " 'body': \"I assumed you were implying he didn't have a sex life and nobody would therefore ever see his tattoo. Or what was your implication?\",\n", " 'id': 'ffwywca',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwnu0a',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Coesim',\n", " 'body': 'It’s supposed to say: Romans, go home!',\n", " 'id': 'ffwsejv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwsavd',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Vortilex',\n", " 'body': 'The people called Romanes they go the house?',\n", " 'id': 'ffwsavd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffugz1z',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'I can’t tell if you’re making a joke, but if not, that’s not what I meant :).\\n\\nEdit: I conclude you were joking, sorry (it’s Reddit) and lol.',\n", " 'id': 'ffwnu0a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffw0v0y',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'Of course I know this is ridiculous... just want to let OP know this is fake',\n", " 'id': 'ffwjqij',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffw5qyr',\n", " 'score': -2},\n", " {'author': 'Rufashaw',\n", " 'body': \"I was like fuck am I this bad a Latin reconsidering my entire identity and all then I realize it's a shitpost and I'm not having a seizure lmao\",\n", " 'id': 'ffwfyln',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev91vw',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'GreyOneDay',\n", " 'body': \"Aaaaaaah shit, you're right! Forgot about that\",\n", " 'id': 'ffwez2t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwejy9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'blue_structure',\n", " 'body': \"Senex is also an adjective of the second class, it can't be a substantive in this sentence, but it can be an adjective if my memory is not betraying me\",\n", " 'id': 'ffwejy9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwe7qe',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'GreyOneDay',\n", " 'body': \"But senex is masculine, so they can't be combined\",\n", " 'id': 'ffwe7qe',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwcvod',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'blue_structure',\n", " 'body': 'Desperande (m.), Desperanda (f.), Desperandum (n.).\\nIt is neuter if we consider it vocative.',\n", " 'id': 'ffwcvod',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwbi2x',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'GreyOneDay',\n", " 'body': 'For a vocative it would have to be desperande though, right?',\n", " 'id': 'ffwbi2x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffw9r6v',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'blue_structure',\n", " 'body': 'From the knowledge I have the only meaningful way to translate this would be as: \"Oh old desperate one: They will eat us for the gods\"\\n\"Senex Desperandum\" as neuter vocatives, \"Nos\" accusative, \"Comedent\" future 3rd plural, \"Diis\" as a dative of advantage.\\nIt would sound cool if it hadn\\'t been just an error... Anyway even if word order does not have to be fixed and the grammar does not require anything specific I don\\'t quite like as it is ordered with this meaning and the form used, I never found a vocative all over the place and I never found a vocative gerund. So the real meaning should be something like \"The old one who should despair [said, heard, knows], they will eat us for the gods\" or \"Oh old one! For the gods they will eat us and we should despair\" (nos desperandum, us who should despair)',\n", " 'id': 'ffw9r6v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev91vw',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"It pays to read the thread you're replying to.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffw5qyr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffuaxx6',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'nuephelkystikon',\n", " 'body': 'You know people sometimes bare their shoulders for non-sexual reasons, right?',\n", " 'id': 'ffw0v0y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffugnv7',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'ReedsAndSerpents',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you, was out of the loop and trying to figure out what in the actual fuck kind of sentence this was.',\n", " 'id': 'ffvkssi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev91vw',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'fitzaudoen',\n", " 'body': 'Nosotros comerán. Viejo! Los dioses tienen que desesperar! - Cervantes',\n", " 'id': 'ffvixe1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev91vw',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'OneFaraday',\n", " 'body': \"I don't have to. And for the record, it's kind of awesome! I like it even better now that I know how nonsensical it is.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffvdo9z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffv5rzg',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Raffaele1617',\n", " 'body': 'When you break it up like that, I kinda like it lol',\n", " 'id': 'ffv8y2p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffulg44',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'numquamsolus',\n", " 'body': 'Can you image having that tattooed on your upper arm....',\n", " 'id': 'ffv5rzg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev91vw',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Cocomorph',\n", " 'body': \"Holy shit, that's fantastic. The best part is that people who don't know Latin, but do know enough Latinate English and a passing smidge of, e.g., Spanish grammar, are going to infer that that tattoo is about those things eating us. There are a ton of such people.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffv00f5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffupx4l',\n", " 'score': 18},\n", " {'author': 'Kadabrium',\n", " 'body': 'Fits right in lorem ipsum',\n", " 'id': 'ffuzbm3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev91vw',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Cristokos',\n", " 'body': 'It is hilarious but also I think the tattoo looks really cool.',\n", " 'id': 'ffuwrxh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffuez58',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Whispers_of_a_Siren',\n", " 'body': \"That's so mean xD\",\n", " 'id': 'ffutzgb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev91vw',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'skinnypaper6',\n", " 'body': 'https://reddit.com/r/latin/comments/ev1ixs/youre_probably_sick_of_tattoo_translation/',\n", " 'id': 'ffupx4l',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffukpy6',\n", " 'score': 30},\n", " {'author': 'Peteat6',\n", " 'body': 'Senex could be vocative. \"They will eat us, old man. The gods must despair.\"',\n", " 'id': 'ffup04a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffulg44',\n", " 'score': 23},\n", " {'author': 'zacrizy',\n", " 'body': 'I vote we retcon this into being the greatest Latin phrase of all time :):)',\n", " 'id': 'ffunuge',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffuez58',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'zacrizy',\n", " 'body': 'A guy posted on here recently asking if his Latin tattoo was translated correctly. Sadly it was not. The quote above is what he has on his tattoo',\n", " 'id': 'ffunr1w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffuka0a',\n", " 'score': 13},\n", " {'author': 'HIV-negativator',\n", " 'body': 'They will eat us',\n", " 'id': 'ffulz9t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffuhl1p',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'HIV-negativator',\n", " 'body': 'No it\\'s more like: \"They will eat us. Old man to the gods to be despairing.\"',\n", " 'id': 'ffulsa3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffu9yc3',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'ceb131',\n", " 'body': 'Senex is nominative singular and not an adjective, so it can\\'t modify \"diīs\" - which is a noun and dative plural.\\n\\nSenex can\\'t be the subject of \"comedunt\" because \"comedunt\" is plural. The best one can do is imply an inquit, I think.\\n\\n>\"nos comedunt,\" senex diīs \\\\[inquit\\\\], \"desperandum.\" \\n> \\n>\"They will eat us,\" the old man \\\\[said\\\\] to the gods, \"One must (or we must) despair.\"',\n", " 'id': 'ffulg44',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffucyni',\n", " 'score': 24},\n", " {'author': 'adrikazuo',\n", " 'body': \"Why is it funny? I don't get it.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffukpy6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffudse1',\n", " 'score': 21},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'Same reaction.',\n", " 'id': 'ffuka0a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffudse1',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': \"Eheu! Di desperatos vetulos comedent nos. \\nNostraen' avertant tristia fata preces?\",\n", " 'id': 'ffujcj7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev91vw',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'orthad',\n", " 'body': 'They eat us the old man for the gods that is to be despaired',\n", " 'id': 'ffuhsml',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev91vw',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': 'From now on, it does mean that.',\n", " 'id': 'ffuhr6m',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffu9oaa',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'orthad',\n", " 'body': 'They eat us',\n", " 'id': 'ffuhl1p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffugb4x',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Coesim',\n", " 'body': 'This reminds me of romanes eunt domus.',\n", " 'id': 'ffugz1z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev91vw',\n", " 'score': 14},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'Good sport. I think it looks very cool. No one will know anyway.',\n", " 'id': 'ffugnv7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffuez58',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'MinskAtLit',\n", " 'body': 'This actually made me giggle',\n", " 'id': 'ffugmxq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev91vw',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'Lol shit.....\\n\\nEdit: I can’t get past Nos Comedent without looking away.',\n", " 'id': 'ffugb4x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev91vw',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'I’m glad you take it in stride! 😃 virtūtem tuam ammīror.',\n", " 'id': 'ffufyc1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffuez58',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': 'GreyOneDay',\n", " 'body': \"For the record, I didn't mean to offend you ofc. I sincerely love both your tattoo and your attitude <3\",\n", " 'id': 'ffufa62',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffuez58',\n", " 'score': 29},\n", " {'author': 'OneFaraday',\n", " 'body': \"For the record, I'm not bothered. I think it's hilarious. I've always loved websites like HanziSmatter and Engrish.com that made fun of mistranslated tattoos. Never thought I'd be the butt of the joke, but I'm taking it in good humor. I'm proud of my nonsense tattoo.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffuez58',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffu9oaa',\n", " 'score': 46},\n", " {'author': 'OneFaraday',\n", " 'body': '🤣 This made my day!',\n", " 'id': 'ffuef47',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev91vw',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'gabriel_tiny_toes',\n", " 'body': 'We shall feast upon the Old Gods of Despair!',\n", " 'id': 'ffueb9f',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev91vw',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': \"I'm literally laughing too hard to delete this shitpost.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffudse1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev91vw',\n", " 'score': 101},\n", " {'author': 'Ioannes_Nuncius',\n", " 'body': 'You.... do you know how long I spent trying to understand this? \\n\\n\"The old gods will eat us: one shall be despairing\" from Tully\\'s unknown distopian novel?',\n", " 'id': 'ffucyni',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev91vw',\n", " 'score': 47},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'Fake quote! [https://latin.packhum.org/search?q=comedent](https://latin.packhum.org/search?q=comedent)',\n", " 'id': 'ffuaxx6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev91vw',\n", " 'score': -2},\n", " {'author': 'SemperMeTaedet',\n", " 'body': 'Bravo',\n", " 'id': 'ffuac17',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev91vw',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Joe_MOTS',\n", " 'body': 'Halarious! My translation on a quick glance “we, they, the old man of the gods \\\\[would\\\\] have eaten desperate”',\n", " 'id': 'ffu9yc3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev91vw',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'GreyOneDay',\n", " 'body': 'According to u/OneFaraday it means \"We will eat the old gods of despair\" and I think he nailed it',\n", " 'id': 'ffu9oaa',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffu918k',\n", " 'score': 32},\n", " {'author': 'yallology',\n", " 'body': 'https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/ev1ixs/youre_probably_sick_of_tattoo_translation',\n", " 'id': 'ffu94dw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffu918k',\n", " 'score': 32},\n", " {'author': 'vsaucemichelhere',\n", " 'body': 'Pls explain new to latin',\n", " 'id': 'ffu918k',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev91vw',\n", " 'score': 25},\n", " {'author': 'Cristokos',\n", " 'body': 'You savage',\n", " 'id': 'ffu8olv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev91vw',\n", " 'score': 56}],\n", " 'ev8qka': [{'author': 'LatinsADeadLanguage',\n", " 'body': \"please m'lady, i always respect women and was just trying to defend the latin world against /u/KappaMcTlp 's sexism\",\n", " 'id': 'fg6sf8j',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg2oc2k',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'Grassyknow',\n", " 'body': 'If these are the result yes',\n", " 'id': 'fg6n6em',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwnriu',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'sisterofaugustine',\n", " 'body': \"Oh, I see. You're a troll.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg2oc2k',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffypj9n',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'WhimsyMoth',\n", " 'body': \"Thanks guys\\nI got really frustrated trying to make sense of this but it's good to hear that it's probably just some made up spell.\\nSince it was found inside a wall in the house, I would guess that it is supposed to be a protection spell.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg17zzi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev8qka',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Ioannes_Nuncius',\n", " 'body': 'I was worried it might be some made up spell with words from the mass thrown in, and looks like others think so too. Looks like a previous owner r one of there kids tried to put a spell on the house.',\n", " 'id': 'fg0sgp8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffulv64',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'LatinsADeadLanguage',\n", " 'body': 'I am forced to disagree wholeheartedly. I recall a beautiful negress in undergrad who was quite proficient in the languages of classics.',\n", " 'id': 'ffypj9n',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffym84s',\n", " 'score': -2},\n", " {'author': 'KappaMcTlp',\n", " 'body': \"throughout undergraduate degrees everywhere, classics programs are infested with people who barely know the languages. it's embarrassing. of course there are plenty of males too, but most of them are females. thankfully in graduate programs their numbers are vastly reduced\",\n", " 'id': 'ffym84s',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwxgaa',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'Snifhvide',\n", " 'body': \"True. I'm not a wiccan (or anything similar) myself, but I have friends who practice wiccan and the old Norse gods, and they're happy with their faith. What I especially like about old spells like that, is the way they sort of took the best knowledge available to them from widely different areas (folklore, folk medicin, teaching of the church, tradition etc) and mixed them all together to something they could use. I can see why people today still find those practices interesting and / or seek to improve them.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffxv9jo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffxjpl2',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'sisterofaugustine',\n", " 'body': \"Ah. And those would likely be early precursors to chaos magick, in that (the practitioners believed that) they worked because people believed they would work, and they were done that way because the Catholic Church still used Latin then, and magick of that era was often bound up in the Church, or simply in religious superstition. I was brash to assume it was a teenage girl, and if this type of spellwork does something for the practitioner, even just putting a stressful issue out of mind so they can get on with finding a mundane solution, it's perfectly legitimate magickal practice.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffxjpl2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffx8520',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Snifhvide',\n", " 'body': \"That sounds plausible, though there is an older tradition for stuff like that. I've seen quite a few similar pieces from 18th and 19th century black books. A bit of pig Latin and a lot of gibberish = a spell to find thieves or heal your broken ankle etc.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffx8520',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwkxdu',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Alienor_what',\n", " 'body': 'Females should be banned from not learning latin.',\n", " 'id': 'ffwxgaa',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwnriu',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'KappaMcTlp',\n", " 'body': 'Should females be banned from learning latin? 🤔',\n", " 'id': 'ffwnriu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwkxdu',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'sisterofaugustine',\n", " 'body': 'It appears to be chaos magick, in that case. If that. Probably a teen girl who watches too much \"Sabrina\" or \"Witches of East End\". I know because I used to watch too much cringey teen witch crap as a tween, and this looks a lot like the leftovers of some of the stupid shit I did back then.',\n", " 'id': 'ffwkxdu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffw98y5',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Alienor_what',\n", " 'body': 'This is gibberish with some random latin words in it. Possibly some kind of made-up spell or incantation.',\n", " 'id': 'ffw98y5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev8qka',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'WhimsyMoth',\n", " 'body': \"I recognized some Latin words and had no clue about the rest\\nBut yes you might be right. It seems to be either transcribed or it's some other language and they just used some Latin words. Thank you!\",\n", " 'id': 'ffulv64',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffuephk',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Ioannes_Nuncius',\n", " 'body': \"This is not any prayer I've ever heard; doesn't look like latin either.\\n\\n \\nLooks like maybe someone was trying to phonetically transcribe something they heard in latin perhaps? Or maybe it is another language. Perhaps it's totally made up.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffuephk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev8qka',\n", " 'score': 4}],\n", " 'ev7rd8': [{'author': 'Obelodalix',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks, I did not know that website. Its a great resource! :-)',\n", " 'id': 'fgbncwc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffuemqo',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'They were referred as Danaides (their father is Danaus).\\n\\n [https://latin.packhum.org/search?q=danaid](https://latin.packhum.org/search?q=danaid) \\n\\nand also Belides (their grandfather is Belus)\\n\\n [https://latin.packhum.org/search?q=Belid](https://latin.packhum.org/search?q=Belid)',\n", " 'id': 'ffuemqo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev7rd8',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'ev7f90': [{'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'If you learn through learning about grammar and translating Latin, it may never come to you, and if it does, it might take decades. If you learn Latin by reading a lot of level-appropriate, comprehensible texts (consider writing, listening, and speaking as well), it will come and much more quickly. http://indwellinglanguage.com/reading-latin-extensively/',\n", " 'id': 'ffuc1io',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev7f90',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'loulan',\n", " 'body': 'Did you learn a romance language in school? Because French is my native language, and you could translate this sentence as, \"les morales des hommes bons seront bonnes\". Which is pretty damn close to \"mores hominis boni erunt boni\", even though there are no declensions or cases in French. Which shows that you don\\'t even really need to fully figure out the cases to understand sentences like these. You just need to get that there is a genitive for possession, which is just expressed with \"des\" in French, but the final s in hominis is like the \\'s possessive in English, so it\\'s pretty straightforward.',\n", " 'id': 'ffu6n0a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev7f90',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'It came naturally to every speaker of Latin throughout all its history. If so many people could learn to speak that way, then I would contend that, yes, they very well may if you stick with it.',\n", " 'id': 'ffu6eh1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev7f90',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': \"That's not what the sentence says. \\n\\nMores = behaviors/habits/customs\\n\\nhominis boni = of a good man\\n\\nerunt = will be\\n\\nboni = good (mores) \\n\\n\\nThe concept being tested here is that the ending -i can be either genitive singular (hominis boni) or nominative plural (erunt boni).\",\n", " 'id': 'ffu5wrp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev7f90',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Lovehandles101',\n", " 'body': \"That's reassuring, thanks\",\n", " 'id': 'ffu579o',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fftv28r',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Lovehandles101',\n", " 'body': \"That's reassuring, thanks\",\n", " 'id': 'fftvtnr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fftv28r',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Lovehandles101',\n", " 'body': \"That's reassuring, thanks\",\n", " 'id': 'fftvt92',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fftv28r',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fftv2vj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev7f90',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ilritorno',\n", " 'body': 'If you stick with it long enough it will. So the real question is: am I going to be patient and stick with it long enough?',\n", " 'id': 'fftv28r',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev7f90',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'ev5mvi': [{'author': 'CinnaCatullus',\n", " 'body': '>us dīcendī perītus \\n> \\n> «a good man skilled in speaking»\\n\\nProblem solved, thank you all!',\n", " 'id': 'ffth94i',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffth38l',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': '_volandō_ is neither a past nor a participle. It’s a gerund, which is a verbal noun (opposed to participle and gerundive which are verbal adjectives). For an English speaker, this distinction is tricky, since _-ing_ conveys both participle and gerund.\\n\\nHence, _nōlī nimis audax esse in volandō_ means «don’t be too bold in flying», but this «flying» in English is a gerund.\\n\\nHere are some other examples of gerund (declined like a second-declension noun, but lacking nominative, which is expressed by infinitive):\\n\\n• _ars amandī_ «the art of loving»\\n\\n• _vir bonus dīcendī perītus_ «a good man skilled in speaking»\\n\\n• _amīcī ad colloquendum veniunt_ «the friends come for talking/to talk»\\n\\nYou can notice that the gerund is usually found with intransitive verbs, or transitive verbs without a direct object. If you want to include a direct object, you’ll have to use a gerundive, as in:\\n\\n• _cīvēs pugnant ad servandam patriam_ «citizens fight to save their fatherland»',\n", " 'id': 'ffth38l',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev5mvi',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': \"If it helps, 'volando' is not a participle.\",\n", " 'id': 'fftgj56',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev5mvi',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'You might want to have a look at Grammatica Latina of this chapter',\n", " 'id': 'fftffg0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev5mvi',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'ev38dc': [{'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'They were nicknames! Like for example Nick \"The Nose\" Thomopolis. If people were being polite, they\\'d call him Mr Thomopolis, or Nick---only his friends would call him \"The Nose\". Cicero was actually named Mark, and so was Bibulus. Cicero would be referred to as Marcus Tullius, or Mark Tully, in conversation.\\n\\nWhen families got way too big to keep track of everyone properly, the nicknames would start getting inherited; you get that in Wales as well, when 40% or so of people are named Jones, you\\'ll see \"the Peter Joneses\", or \"the Sian Joneses\", or even \"the Driver/Miner/Teacher Joneses\".\\n\\nBrutus tends to pair up with Lucius, meaning \"radiant, full of light, bright\"---Brutus would be brawn, and Lucius would be brains.',\n", " 'id': 'ffzfanu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev38dc',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'M_DiviFilius',\n", " 'body': 'Iupitter- the father of gods\\n\\nThe name comes from the word Deus meaning “god” and the word pater meaning “father”. Pronounce them together for something to that effect',\n", " 'id': 'ffwbw59',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev38dc',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffvgwme',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev38dc',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'sje46',\n", " 'body': 'Never met a Justice, Rose or Rocky before?',\n", " 'id': 'ffu1215',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev38dc',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'shallowblue',\n", " 'body': \"Inherited nicknames, that's really interesting!\",\n", " 'id': 'ffteox4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft6edx',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'ThisWasNoTea',\n", " 'body': 'All of these are cognomina, that is, essentially inherited nicknames. To the exact person who received a cognomen these meant a lot - this was a way to honour or mock a person, but then the name passed on to his descendants and lost its meaning. Similar things happen in other cultures too, e.g. someone was called John Smith to tell him apart from the other Johns in the village, because he was a blacksmith, but then his descendants were also called Smiths regardless of their job.',\n", " 'id': 'fft6edx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev38dc',\n", " 'score': 17}],\n", " 'ev2m17': [{'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': \"For the etymology and origins of Latin words, you can find a lot of helpful information just by looking up the words on Wiktionary. I'd also recommend Michiel De Vaan's *Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages*. Both of those have lots of information on the roots of words and their PIE origins.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg5ue5y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev2m17',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'ev28fp': [{'author': 'M_DiviFilius',\n", " 'body': 'I genuinely appreciate you brother',\n", " 'id': 'ffwb7xm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffvht2w',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Coesim',\n", " 'body': 'Yeah, you’re right.',\n", " 'id': 'ffw3nqh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffvd25p',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'russoantonio150799',\n", " 'body': 'Oculi nostri facilius imaginem qui saepe generatur generant.\\n\\neyes = subject and plural so \"oculus\" must be in the plural nominative form.\\nOur = it\\'s related to the subject so \"noster\" must be in the plural nominative form too.\\nmore easily = comparative of an adverb so \"facile\" (which means \"easily\") becomes \"facilius\".\\nproduce = \"generant\" because the subject is a third person plural and it\\'s a simple present which in Latin is often translated with present.\\nan image = in Latin articles don\\'t exist so we have to translate only \"image\" which is \"imago\" and because it\\'s a singular and it\\'s the object we must choose the singular accusative form which is \"imaginem\".\\nthat = relative pronoun, singular and it substitutes \"image\" which is the subject of this new sentence so we must choose the singular masculine nominative form of \"qui\" which is \"qui\".\\noften = \"saepe\" (not declinable, it\\'s always \"saepe\").\\nis produced = passive form of \"produce\", simple present and third person singular (its subject is \"that\" which replace \"image\") so we must choose the third singular person of the present in the passive form of \"genero\" which is \"generatur\".',\n", " 'id': 'ffvht2w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev28fp',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'I think it should be \"frequenter pictum,\" no? As an adverb, \"frequently produced\"? *Imaginem frequentem pictum* would be \"a frequent image having been produced.\"',\n", " 'id': 'ffvd25p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffsyscu',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': 'You\\'ve more or less translated this word by word. However, you have not adjusted any of them to fit their role in the sentence, which is rather vital in Latin.\\n\\nAt the moment it\\'s something like: \"the eyes! More easy to paint our thing; the frequent image...that which is led forth\"\\n\\nAs you learn more you\\'ll get used to the words changing form. I\\'d suggest coming back to this in a couple months and having another go then.',\n", " 'id': 'ffteyyi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev28fp',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Coesim',\n", " 'body': 'I’d say it’s “oculi nostri facilius pingunt imaginem frequentem pictum”.',\n", " 'id': 'ffsyscu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev28fp',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'ev1ixs': [{'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffvk7ua',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev1ixs',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'sje46',\n", " 'body': 'They are better than google translate.',\n", " 'id': 'ffvh21e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fftist4',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'OneFaraday',\n", " 'body': \"I'm a surrealist artist. I paint images inspired by ancient mythology and modern silverware. I kept having people want to see my art but always forgot to set up a portfolio, so I decided to get a permanent one installed.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffvd14h',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffusm5x',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Rahajo',\n", " 'body': \"nice ink work--image, lettering. you'll enjoy many hours of fun with this, and admiring comments, the rare pedant clicking his tongue at the latin. tell them it was an inscription found in a family bible. if they choose to 'correct' the latin, they're a**holes. don't bother with them.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffv099d',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev1ixs',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'BeckoningVoice',\n", " 'body': 'THEY WILL EAT US / AN OLD MAN TO GODS [IS] A THING TO BE DESPAIRED\\n\\nThis is the closest I could come to a coherent translation.',\n", " 'id': 'ffuytu8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev1ixs',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'eestimarcus',\n", " 'body': \"Latin aside: What am I looking at? I'm actually curious about what the meaning or intent behind this piece.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffusm5x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev1ixs',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Rhinocerotic',\n", " 'body': 'not to bring you down, but it is pretty basic level latin that any verb ending in “-nt” will mean “they _____” rather than “we ________”.',\n", " 'id': 'ffurpwx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fftl6r1',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'qed1',\n", " 'body': 'Evidently, *nos comedent [et] senex diis desperandum [comedet]* is meant. ;)',\n", " 'id': 'ffun1wq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffst9ub',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'nicepantsguy',\n", " 'body': \"Haha I'm afraid to get mine translated here!\",\n", " 'id': 'ffufv2q',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev1ixs',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Starfish_Symphony',\n", " 'body': \"Tbf that top part for most speakers of a *romance* *language* are likely to read it along the lines of 'they eat us'.\",\n", " 'id': 'fftz7j6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fftko9x',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'HIV-negativator',\n", " 'body': 'Now it says something like: \"They eat us. Old man to the gods, that to despair about.\" Or something similar, cuz it\\'s completely impossible to translate an infinitivus verbalis without proper context.',\n", " 'id': 'fftujbf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft3xr6',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[removed]',\n", " 'id': 'fftudl8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft3xr6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[removed]',\n", " 'id': 'fftuc4e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft3xr6',\n", " 'score': -1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[removed]',\n", " 'id': 'fftu7q6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft3xr6',\n", " 'score': -1},\n", " {'author': 'HIV-negativator',\n", " 'body': 'It says something like: \"They eat us. Old man to the gods, that to despair about.\" Or something similar, cuz it\\'s completely impossible to translate an infinitivus verbalis without proper context.',\n", " 'id': 'fftu5du',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev1ixs',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[removed]',\n", " 'id': 'fftu3w9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft3xr6',\n", " 'score': -1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[removed]',\n", " 'id': 'fftttza',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft3xr6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[removed]',\n", " 'id': 'ffttrl0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft3xr6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[removed]',\n", " 'id': 'ffttr40',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft3xr6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[removed]',\n", " 'id': 'ffttq8o',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft3xr6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[removed]',\n", " 'id': 'ffttpsm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft3xr6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[removed]',\n", " 'id': 'ffttpal',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft3xr6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'OneFaraday',\n", " 'body': 'I\\'m now tempted to have the bottom text lazered off and replaced with \"We\\'re totally fucked, guys.\"',\n", " 'id': 'fftlix4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffst9ub',\n", " 'score': 18},\n", " {'author': 'OneFaraday',\n", " 'body': 'Oooh. I like sandwiches.\\n\\nI have run into a couple of people who knew Latin, but it\\'s been so long since it was normally part of our local public school curriculum that they were in their 50s/60s and really rusty. They both just shrugged and said \"Yeah, I guess that\\'s right? IDK?\"',\n", " 'id': 'fftl6r1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fftko9x',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': 'OneFaraday',\n", " 'body': \"Thank you! It's a painting I did. The tattoo artist did a great job transferring it to my arm.\",\n", " 'id': 'fftkwsy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fftk9qc',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'nuephelkystikon',\n", " 'body': \"It depends on where you go. In many places people (at least those who've gone to highschool) remember enough Latin to see that this doesn't mean anything.\\n\\nIf you run into somebody who doesn't, tell them it means 'If you ask for this tattoo's meaning, you're legally obliged to make me a sandwich'.\",\n", " 'id': 'fftko9x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft4p52',\n", " 'score': 26},\n", " {'author': 'nuephelkystikon',\n", " 'body': 'The Google Translate rubbish aside, this is a badass visual.',\n", " 'id': 'fftk9qc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev1ixs',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'nuephelkystikon',\n", " 'body': \"If it forms one sentence with the bottom text, that's probably pretty much the opposite of what they were trying to say.\",\n", " 'id': 'fftk6dy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffst9ub',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'OneFaraday',\n", " 'body': 'I did, but they were really rusty.',\n", " 'id': 'fftist4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffthoct',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Djloudenclear',\n", " 'body': '🤣 what the actual fuck',\n", " 'id': 'ffti7r1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev1ixs',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'Oh man :( should’ve checked with someone who knows Latin first. Cool idea, though.',\n", " 'id': 'ffthoct',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev1ixs',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'jayzwasinnirvana',\n", " 'body': 'I’m guessing you used google translate since it produces this exact sentence. If any one asks, just tell them it’s from The Handmaid’s Tale.',\n", " 'id': 'fftcsmg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev1ixs',\n", " 'score': 25},\n", " {'author': 'Vbhoy82',\n", " 'body': 'that would almost make the whole thing make sense. \"They will devour us - Old man to the gods: Despair!\" Not quite what u/OneFaraday had in mind though',\n", " 'id': 'fft8hnc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft6g7m',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'ceb131',\n", " 'body': 'The closest I can come to a logical translation is:\\n\\n“Old man to the gods: ‘One must despair.’”\\n\\nAn ablative without a preposition is less common with animate beings (gods, humans) unless they’re transport (horses) or it’s an ablative absolute - so my guess would be dative.',\n", " 'id': 'fft6g7m',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft67qn',\n", " 'score': 19},\n", " {'author': 'mrwhappy',\n", " 'body': 'Or Japanese bbq finger',\n", " 'id': 'fft6bzp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft53dn',\n", " 'score': 21},\n", " {'author': 'Vbhoy82',\n", " 'body': '\"Old man, despair with (by) the gods\"?',\n", " 'id': 'fft67qn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft429j',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'OneFaraday',\n", " 'body': 'Ah well. At least it doesn\\'t mean \"shrimp dumpling.\"',\n", " 'id': 'fft53dn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft4q5m',\n", " 'score': 27},\n", " {'author': 'Alienor_what',\n", " 'body': \"Yeah, sorry, mate, you messed up! There's no way the text in the tattoo can mean what you intended.\",\n", " 'id': 'fft4q5m',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft3xr6',\n", " 'score': 19},\n", " {'author': 'OneFaraday',\n", " 'body': 'Ah well. My solace is that I\\'m unlikely to run into a native speaker. I could say it\\'s \"Love Laugh Learn\" and most people wouldn\\'t be able to call me out on it.',\n", " 'id': 'fft4p52',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft4fcf',\n", " 'score': 66},\n", " {'author': 'Coesim',\n", " 'body': 'That would be “Comedemus antiquos deos desperationis.”',\n", " 'id': 'fft4fcf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft3xr6',\n", " 'score': 64},\n", " {'author': 'Coesim',\n", " 'body': '“The old man must lose faith in the gods” would be “Seni de diis desperandum est.”',\n", " 'id': 'fft429j',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft3p6k',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': 'OneFaraday',\n", " 'body': 'That\\'s the closest I\\'ve seen, but I might have gotten the grammar backwards. It\\'s supposed to say \"We will eat the old gods of despair.\"',\n", " 'id': 'fft3xr6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffsxtxf',\n", " 'score': 48},\n", " {'author': 'Winnie_Ille_Pu',\n", " 'body': \"'They will eat us'\\n\\n'The old man must lose faith in the gods'\",\n", " 'id': 'fft3p6k',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev1ixs',\n", " 'score': 15},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fft3mw3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffsxcq2',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Alienor_what',\n", " 'body': 'Dying to hear what this was intended to mean. Was it something along the lines of \"The old gods of despair will eat us\"?',\n", " 'id': 'ffsxtxf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev1ixs',\n", " 'score': 75},\n", " {'author': 'Coesim',\n", " 'body': 'The top is fine. If you changed the m in desperandum to an s, the bottom would mean something like “the gods have to give up on the old man”',\n", " 'id': 'ffsxcq2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev1ixs',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'OMG',\n", " 'id': 'ffsw5wo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev1ixs',\n", " 'score': 14},\n", " {'author': 'gloriasinefine',\n", " 'body': 'What is the bottom trying to say...?',\n", " 'id': 'ffsvuj3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffstqj6',\n", " 'score': 33},\n", " {'author': 'OneFaraday',\n", " 'body': 'Are you including the bottom text?',\n", " 'id': 'ffstqj6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffst9ub',\n", " 'score': 20},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': 'If you meant to say \"They will eat us,\" you nailed it.',\n", " 'id': 'ffst9ub',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev1ixs',\n", " 'score': 54}],\n", " 'ev0ylm': [{'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': \"Finite verbs have person and number. Infinitives don't. \\n\\nSo if you know what monstrate means, you should be able to answer the question.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffsqiin',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ev0ylm',\n", " 'score': 12}],\n", " 'ev0b1l': [],\n", " 'ev042u': [],\n", " 'euz1kn': [{'author': 'Lord-Bob-317',\n", " 'body': 'On canvas some quizzes are one by one, some can be answered at will then submitted altogether',\n", " 'id': 'ffur6jz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft9o4q',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'sje46',\n", " 'body': \"You're being SVO normative lol\",\n", " 'id': 'ffu0vsf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft5wst',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'AlveolarThrill',\n", " 'body': \"Questions can often be answered out of order. OP might've simply skipped this question and dealt with it as the last one.\",\n", " 'id': 'fftdx77',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft9o4q',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'walirules',\n", " 'body': \"That's question 2\",\n", " 'id': 'fft9o4q',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euz1kn',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'nuephelkystikon',\n", " 'body': \">English teaches you to read left to right\\n\\nAs somebody who still isn't and feel convinced English isn't just an elaborate prank: this doesn't apply to any language in existence. There's no such thing as a natural word order, there's just more or less flexibility. The phrase structure, if you were to draw it as a tree, still has little to do with the completely arbitrary word order. Also English is mostly right-binding, with the notable exception of verb phrases.\",\n", " 'id': 'fft776f',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fft5wst',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'doveinthesand',\n", " 'body': 'English teaches you to read left to right, and you need to unlearn that habit for Latin, which conveys its meaning in chunks, using cases and tenses to show how their words interact with each other.',\n", " 'id': 'fft5wst',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffsdarl',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'nrith',\n", " 'body': \"*Desperans, o, quin sanus es,*\\n\\n*Palos reparabas diutissime nunc*\\n\\nI'm ashamed of myself.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffskye3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffsd4gw',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'Kaijuvio',\n", " 'body': 'Ah I see, thank you. The order of some Latin sentences confuses me, but I understand all of the individual meanings',\n", " 'id': 'ffsdarl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffsd4gw',\n", " 'score': 18},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'Tiberius praises you hopeless ones \\\\[you who have no hope/although you have no hope\\\\].\\n\\nRemember that a participle is often a replacement for a subordinate clause.\\n\\nIf the prompt auto-checks, try a simple \"despairing\" for desperantes. Despero literally means to give up hope, despair, or to lose faith in.',\n", " 'id': 'ffsd4gw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euz1kn',\n", " 'score': 58}],\n", " 'euych0': [{'author': 'Coesim',\n", " 'body': 'Nemo enim fere saltat sobrius, nisi fere insanit. \\n(Probably my favorite quote by Cicero.)\\nQuidquid id est, timeo Danaos et dona ferentes. \\n(Just a very iconic sentence.)',\n", " 'id': 'ffsy2l8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euych0',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'SolidCommunication5',\n", " 'body': 'Iam paene inquinavi pallium!',\n", " 'id': 'ffsthfg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euych0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': \"Rats! You are right! Don't make me eat it, though!\",\n", " 'id': 'ffsrmfh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffsqssw',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'khanyoufeelluv2night',\n", " 'body': 'for imperative?',\n", " 'id': 'ffsqssw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffspf28',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'moriere',\n", " 'id': 'ffspf28',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffsowg0',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'khanyoufeelluv2night',\n", " 'body': 'merdam manduca et morere',\n", " 'id': 'ffsowg0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euych0',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'SolidCommunication5',\n", " 'body': 'Cogito quod Britiania Insula',\n", " 'id': 'ffskkyy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euych0',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'SolidCommunication5',\n", " 'body': 'Italia in Europa est.',\n", " 'id': 'ffsjocs',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffsiuc4',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': '[Rōmānī īte domum](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIAdHEwiAy8)',\n", " 'id': 'ffsjfer',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euych0',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'sheplaysbass_',\n", " 'body': 'Very inspirational. Rome IS in Italy.',\n", " 'id': 'ffsiuc4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffsis4h',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'SolidCommunication5',\n", " 'body': 'Roma in Italia est.',\n", " 'id': 'ffsis4h',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_euych0',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'eux48m': [{'replies': '',\n", " 'id': 'kit38dl',\n", " 'author': 'NightManActual',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 1,\n", " 'body': 'How would you say “ Night Man” ?',\n", " 'created': 1705792034.0},\n", " {'author': 'DBNS9',\n", " 'body': 'Hi! wondering if someone might be able to confirm that the sentence below is correct? \\n\\n “bonis civitate velit et amet dicata”\\n\\nI am intending for it to be a tagline on its own that implies that XYZ entity is “dedicated to excellence and fun”. \\n\\nIf that Latin is not correct, can you offer a better translation? Also if someone can let me know what “bonis civitate velit et amet dicata” is actually saying I’d very much appreciate it. \\n\\nThanks so much!',\n", " 'id': 'fic1yig',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': '*Aetas somnii* would be \"Age of a dream\" - for plural dreams, it would be *Aetas somniorum*.',\n", " 'id': 'fgqjuy5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgqffj2',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'swansf',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks! How would \"Age of dreams\" be spelled then, though? Aetas Somnii?',\n", " 'id': 'fgqffj2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg5n0np',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fgqfd51',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg5n0np',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fgkc7lk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'swaggeroon0',\n", " 'body': \"yes, it can. but then i'd expect a reversal of syntax to *non est pitta mala.*\",\n", " 'id': 'fgk2s1d',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg83fal',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'swaggeroon0',\n", " 'body': \"there is no roman food that exactly fits modern pizza, but the closest is *placenta* 'flat cake'. i'd avoid this word in anglophone contexts, however, because of its english medical meaning.\",\n", " 'id': 'fgk2ny9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg7jxru',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'kurdishhhhh',\n", " 'body': 'Hi\\n\\nCan you help me with the translation of\\n‘The moon among all stars’\\n\\nI’m new to this, so I don’t know which one of the following will be the correct one:\\n‘La luna inter omnes stellae’\\n‘Lunam inter omnia stellae’\\n‘Lunam inter omnia astra’\\n‘La luna in sedira’\\n\\nI think I’m wrong about ‘sedira’ i mean ‘starry night’ , and please help me to find the most poetic one',\n", " 'id': 'fgiwegy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'DeusLuciferi',\n", " 'body': 'Hi can someone translate „Remember that you are alive „ or „ Remember that you live“ for me? Thanks in advance.',\n", " 'id': 'fgiuwp8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Mikael-9000',\n", " 'body': 'You’re welcome, I’m always happy to help :)',\n", " 'id': 'fgil3z3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgijmd8',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Montreal51483',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks Mikael-9000 !',\n", " 'id': 'fgijmd8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg1rft8',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"You're good with *omnia* and *unum*.\",\n", " 'id': 'fgiedw4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgie5ke',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'KhadirTwitch',\n", " 'body': 'It’s a reference to all things and the cycle of life. Does that help?',\n", " 'id': 'fgie5ke',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fggsuyp',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Frequentism',\n", " 'body': 'Amazing!, thanks a lot :)',\n", " 'id': 'fggwtw4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgebrr5',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'All what? One what?',\n", " 'id': 'fggsuyp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgfgh03',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'Deus rīdet.',\n", " 'id': 'fggk1pp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgg29ch',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'No problem, and see Rule 6 of this sub here as a general rule of thumb haha',\n", " 'id': 'fgg7tp3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgg5i28',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Nefarione',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you!',\n", " 'id': 'fgg5i28',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgg4ftr',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': '*Servi enim sumus voluptati Dei* would be my translation.',\n", " 'id': 'fgg4phv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgfonjh',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'That means \"around my teeth\". *Dentes* alone means teeth.',\n", " 'id': 'fgg4ftr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgfn3tq',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'MadeThisJustForLWIAY',\n", " 'body': 'Looking to have a ring engraved\\n\"For the rest [or remainder] of this life and the next.\"\\n\\nIdk which words work better for translation that still maintain the sentiment without sounding too off.\\nTIA',\n", " 'id': 'fgg2a2m',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Dunban_Walric',\n", " 'body': 'Does anyone know the correct translation of “God Laughs”?',\n", " 'id': 'fgg29ch',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fgfpla1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'PolaRican',\n", " 'body': '\"tuo\" not yup, damn autocorrect',\n", " 'id': 'fgfop7q',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgfonjh',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'PolaRican',\n", " 'body': 'Following Vulgate 113:9 \"non nobis, domine, non nobis, sed nomini yup da gloriam\" I would like to have the following English translated: \"for we are but servants to the will of God\". \\n\\nThank you in advance, I\\'m studying the language but need help for something so permanent 😬',\n", " 'id': 'fgfonjh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Nefarione',\n", " 'body': 'Hi, I’m getting a tattoo of the word teeth, is it right to spell it circa dentes meos? Does that mean teeth?',\n", " 'id': 'fgfn3tq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'owenmoorhead',\n", " 'body': 'I\\'m trying to adapt this quote by Terence: \"Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto.\" I want to say, \"I am alive, and nothing living is alien to me.\" How would I write this so that it retains the form of the original line?',\n", " 'id': 'fgfiuns',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'DeusLuciferi',\n", " 'body': 'Hi can someone translate „Remember that you are alive „ or „ Remember that you live“ for me? Thanks in advance.',\n", " 'id': 'fgfityl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'NotQuiteScheherazade',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you!',\n", " 'id': 'fgfhf7x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgeha6k',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'KhadirTwitch',\n", " 'body': 'Looking for the translation for a knife engraving one word on each side. All. One. Would it be Omnia and Unum?',\n", " 'id': 'fgfgh03',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'willardan1',\n", " 'body': \"Hi, a few words on the context. I am drafting a short paper addressed to the law students in which I am to briefly describe some tax aspect within the m&a transactions. As far as I know Latin course is obligatory during the legal studies.\\n\\nI'd like to start this one with a brief catchy phrase that there is no transaction without tax. I have done some basic research and came to a conclusion that a correct translation might be *nulla emptio sine tributo*. Any thoughts?\",\n", " 'id': 'fgf53pj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'LimestoneDust',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you for the thorough explanation!',\n", " 'id': 'fgew6mk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgagxo8',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'xanitrep',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks for the correction. I looked into it, and A&G covers the genitive use in [§349a](http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text.jsp?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0001%3Asmythp%3D349#chapter349a) and the ablative use in [§409a](http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text.jsp?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0001%3Asmythp%3D409#chapter409a).',\n", " 'id': 'fger7ce',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgeq6sf',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': '*Piscibus* is fine: both genitive and ablative can be used to say what something is full of.',\n", " 'id': 'fgeq6sf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgec1si',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'kurdishhhhh',\n", " 'body': 'So which one would be more poetic ‘luna inter omnia astra’ or ‘luna in sidere’?',\n", " 'id': 'fgepn13',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg7et59',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'The last four words - *Deum timete, regem honorificate*',\n", " 'id': 'fgehv37',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fge2lf3',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'ryao',\n", " 'body': 'How do you translate “Latin Scrabble”? I want it in either the nominative or the accusative.',\n", " 'id': 'fgehemd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'I would say *Senibus Deditus* (*Senibus Dediti* in the plural).',\n", " 'id': 'fgeha6k',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgdu98h',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'xanitrep',\n", " 'body': 'You\\'d want the genitive for \"of fish\", so it would be: *mare plēnum piscium est*.\\n\\nYou could omit the *est*, leaving it implied, as in many Latin mottoes.',\n", " 'id': 'fgec1si',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgdj9ep',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'Obviously, get other answers before making a tattoo.\\n\\nPerfectē imperfectus - perfectly imperfect\\n\\nPerfectiō imperfectiōnis (Classical Latin)/perfectiō de imperfectiōne (later) - perfection of the imperfection\\n\\nPerfectiō (in) imperfectiōne - perfection in imperfection',\n", " 'id': 'fgebrr5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fge959o',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Frequentism',\n", " 'body': 'Hello, could I get some help me with the translation of the following (it is for a tattoo for a guy):\\n\\n\"Perfectly imperfect\" or \"perfection of the imperfection\"/\"perfection in imperfection\"\\n\\nGlad I found this sub as I was using the Google translator and it seems to be totally broken.\\n\\nThank you so much!',\n", " 'id': 'fge959o',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'bkh16',\n", " 'body': '1 Peter 2:17.\\n\\nFrom the vulgate: omnes honorate fraternitatem diligite Deum timete regem honorificate\\n\\nEnglish: Give honor to all, love the community, fear God, honor the king.\\n\\nI\\'m looking for just the conjugated version of \"fear God, honor the king\"',\n", " 'id': 'fge2lf3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'NotQuiteScheherazade',\n", " 'body': 'Hello! Could you please tell me how to translate \"Devoted to the Elder Ones\" into Latin (or as close as we can get)? Thanks in advance!',\n", " 'id': 'fgdu98h',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'khanyoufeelluv2night',\n", " 'body': 'Is mare plenum piscibus the correct was to say \"the sea is full of fishes\" or \"there are plenty of fish in the sea?\"',\n", " 'id': 'fgdj9ep',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Isunkatlantis',\n", " 'body': \"Thanks!! I'm actually thinking about changing my last name and I don't want to sound silly\",\n", " 'id': 'fgd370r',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgc9445',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'PhoeniX_GER',\n", " 'body': 'I love you for helping me <3 You are one of many that make reddit to such a wholesome place.\\n\\nTank you for the information :D',\n", " 'id': 'fgca383',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgc9dyz',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Ohly',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks a lot! Sounds pretty cool :D',\n", " 'id': 'fgc9g98',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg7mb5a',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'InternationalBear',\n", " 'body': 'I took latin in college. I literally translated it to \"I am able to forgive, but I am unable to forget.\"',\n", " 'id': 'fgc9dyz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgarznp',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'anvsdt',\n", " 'body': 'The sentence *comes from* Latin, actually.\\n\\n*mens sana in corpore sano.*\\n\\nEdit: I misunderstood the point.\\n\\n*corpus sanum in mente sana*, or *corpus sanum est anima sana* as the other reply says.',\n", " 'id': 'fgc94i5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgalxrz',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'InternationalBear',\n", " 'body': 'To gain/acquire. Pronounced Luke-roar',\n", " 'id': 'fgc9445',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg853j4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'InternationalBear',\n", " 'body': 'The man has gone to the (farm/plantation).',\n", " 'id': 'fgc8s1i',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg9qwnw',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'fallo_fefelli_falsum',\n", " 'body': '*corpus sanum anima sana est*\\n\\nOr to give it some flare:\\n\\n*corpus sanum sana anima est*',\n", " 'id': 'fgb9a5n',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgalxrz',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'greatgreygrave',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks!',\n", " 'id': 'fgawrpf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg7i5gj',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'PhoeniX_GER',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you very much :D where did you took the translation from or did you learn Latin somewhere?',\n", " 'id': 'fgarznp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg7fg54',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'BoeruhJongens',\n", " 'body': 'Hi, I would like to translate this sentence in latin :\\n\\n\"*A healthy body is a healthy mind*\"\\n\\nI know it\\'s usually \"a healthy mind in a healthy body\"\\n\\nwich translate in \"*anima sana in corpore sano*\"\\n\\nThanks in advance',\n", " 'id': 'fgalxrz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Sochamelet',\n", " 'body': \"Exactly! To be clear, you can still use the singular if you are talking in the abstract. It just means something slightly different.\\n\\nFor comparison, if you take the phrase *What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger*, you can read the *what* as plural or singular. If you try to make that explicit in English, you get these two phrases.\\n\\n*A thing that doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger*, \\nor \\n*Things that don't kill you, only make you stronger.* \\n\\nFor me, the first one sounds like an abstract, almost philosophical statement. It's more like a rule or logical deduction than an observation. The second one sounds more practical. It's an observation based on experience, not a rule based on pure reasoning.\\n\\nThis means that, as a rule of thumb, you want to use the plural *quae* for this kind of statements in Latin. After all, people aren't usually talking about philosophical deductions. But if you want to stress the abstract nature of your statement, you could still use the singular.\\n\\n**edit:** Edited the example sentences to make them a bit clearer.\",\n", " 'id': 'fgagxo8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fga6jj4',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'LimestoneDust',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you very much!\\n\\nA question. After looking in dictionaries, is my understanding correct that in this usage \"quod\" and \"quae\" have the same meaning of \"which/what/that\" but \"quae\", being a plural, is used specifically to signify many objects/events?',\n", " 'id': 'fga6jj4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg568co',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'PotatoNun',\n", " 'body': 'I know this is Latin to English but I didn’t know where else to put this on the subreddit and didn’t want to make a whole new post just for this, but could someone help me decipher the motto: Vir perrexit ad demetendum. It’s a society’s motto at my uni and I’ve been tasked with translating it.',\n", " 'id': 'fg9qwnw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Dracula192',\n", " 'body': 'It may not work great for a laptop, but \"ex libris Marci\" is how medieval books were labelled, literally meaning \"from the books of Marcus\" but effectively means \"from Marcus\\' library\"',\n", " 'id': 'fg8byt6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg7q2y1',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'D9969',\n", " 'body': \"I was thinking of something like in the Pantheon or any classical art in particular that were signed by artists (think Michelangelo's Pieta), e.g. MARCVS AVRELIVS CANADENSIS FECIT. As u/fallo_fefelli_falsum suggested:\\n\\nMARCVS AVRELIVS CANADENSIS HOC HABET, or\\n\\nMARCVS AVRELIVS CANADENSIS HOC POSSIDET\",\n", " 'id': 'fg87nyc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg80ola',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'D9969',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks! I usually just use Google Translate to have a rough idea on what the translation is (e.g. verbs), and then figure out the correct grammar from there.',\n", " 'id': 'fg86t46',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg7uxr8',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Isunkatlantis',\n", " 'body': 'What does the Latin word \"Lucror\" mean in English? How do I pronounce it?',\n", " 'id': 'fg853j4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'For your other sentence: *Deum intuēbor et in Īnfernum retrōrsum ambulābō*',\n", " 'id': 'fg84irs',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg6tdeq',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'Can *est* not be translated as \"there is something\" vs. \"something is\"? I can see how there could be ambiguity though.',\n", " 'id': 'fg83fal',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg7iw36',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Dominicus321',\n", " 'body': 'Simply \"Marci\" would work as well',\n", " 'id': 'fg80ola',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg7q2y1',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'fallo_fefelli_falsum',\n", " 'body': \"Google Translate is horrible when it comes to Latin. I would translate it as *Marcus hoc habet* or *Marcus hoc possidet*. Since Latin's word order is free, you can rearrange the way I've phrased it any way you like.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg7uxr8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg7q2y1',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'D9969',\n", " 'body': 'I\\'m planning to make a sticker for my laptop which says for example \"Marcus owns this.\" Google Translate gave me \"Cuius est hec Marcus\". Was that correct? Thanks!',\n", " 'id': 'fg7q2y1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bizzarnage12',\n", " 'body': 'Hello, this is a slightly strange request and I hope it fits within the thread rules. \\n\\nThere is a possible ARG (alternate reality game) happening around the Netflix show Locke and Key and at the end of the trailer there is audio that is reversed and some think it may be in Latin. No one in the r/ARG group has been able to fully translate it yet so I hoped someone here could help. \\nThe link to the reversed trailer is: https://youtu.be/5FKD1cmooNw',\n", " 'id': 'fg7pj8b',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'thespeartan',\n", " 'body': 'Is there a better word than deletio?',\n", " 'id': 'fg7oszk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg7mz58',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'Ah, I looked it up, and I read that the original name for it in Japanese is 幻想殺し - \"*gensou goroshi*\" - right? I read a little about what the ability does, and I think a good Latin translation for \"*gensou goroshi*\" might be \"*Deletio Phantasiae*\".',\n", " 'id': 'fg7mz58',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg7k7gh',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'No, that would be *veremini servum vestrum amicum*.',\n", " 'id': 'fg7mb5a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg7kho4',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'fallo_fefelli_falsum',\n", " 'body': 'The present second person plural imperative of *vereor* is *veremini*',\n", " 'id': 'fg7m6pi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg7kho4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Ohly',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks a lot! Thus \"vererete servum tuum amicum\" would address more than one person?',\n", " 'id': 'fg7kho4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg7iefr',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'thespeartan',\n", " 'body': 'It’s a special skill in an anime show that I like call Toaru Majutsu no Index',\n", " 'id': 'fg7k7gh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg7j4ow',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Smiletotheredfuture',\n", " 'body': 'what abour early latin? or dosent change that much. ty anyway.',\n", " 'id': 'fg7jxru',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg4m4n2',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'swaggeroon0',\n", " 'body': \"the whole comment chain attached to this question is rather ill founded because 'sounds good' is not a latin idiom. it's english through and through. if you translate it literally, only people who also speak english will understand it.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg7j752',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffz9imr',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': \"I'm a little confused about what that's supposed to mean in English.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg7j4ow',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffyyvni',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'swaggeroon0',\n", " 'body': \"the other translation reads more like 'the pizza is not bad'.\\n\\n*nulla pitta est mala* 'no pizza is bad'.\\n\\n*placenta* is a more natural latin word for 'pizza', but there are obvious reasons to avoid it.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg7iw36',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg49k90',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'swaggeroon0',\n", " 'body': \"*interdum* is another option for 'sometimes', but i do like the connotation of *nonnumquam*, which literally means 'not never'.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg7iqrc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg56rvm',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'swaggeroon0',\n", " 'body': \"i'd suggest *cur sic agis?* 'why are you carrying on like this?'\",\n", " 'id': 'fg7ilgu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg6tdeq',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'swaggeroon0',\n", " 'body': \"*verere servum tuum amicum*\\n\\nhere *verere* is a command, addressed to a single person, meaning both 'fear' and 'respect'.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg7iefr',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg77vjh',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'swaggeroon0',\n", " 'body': \"non est amplior victoria quam illa decretis perfecta 'there is no higher victory than that accomplished with principles'\\n\\nget a second opinion. it's grammatically good but could possibly be more idiomatic.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg7i5gj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg7d6ji',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'InternationalBear',\n", " 'body': 'Quare es? (Literally \"why are you?\")',\n", " 'id': 'fg7g4b8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg6tdeq',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'InternationalBear',\n", " 'body': 'Remitto sum, sed dediscere non possum.',\n", " 'id': 'fg7fg54',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg6axmk',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'fallo_fefelli_falsum',\n", " 'body': 'No, but you\\'re close.\\n\\n*luna inter omnes stellas* \\n\\nSubstituting *omnia astra* for *omnes stellas* would give it more poetic feel. Or you could say *luna in sidere* for an even more poetic feel. *Sidus* (abl. sg. *sidere*) means \"star\" or \"constellation\", but in poetry it can mean \"night sky\".',\n", " 'id': 'fg7et59',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg6sjvu',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'greatgreygrave',\n", " 'body': 'Hey everyone, I\\'m working on a tattoo design and was wondering if someone could help me translate the following sentence from english to Latin: \"No truer victory than the triump of principles\"\\n\\nGoogle translate comes up with \" Nihil certius victoriae triumphum principiorum\" which doesn\\'t seem quite right when I translate it back to english.\\n\\nThanks!',\n", " 'id': 'fg7d6ji',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Ohly',\n", " 'body': 'Hey there, I was wondering whether someone could help me translate a slogan from a story I am writing on: \"Fear your friendly servant\" (it\\'s the slogan of the police force\\\\^\\\\^). \\n\\n\\nGoogle Translate comes up with \"Servus timeat amica tuo!\" which sounds wrong. My best efforts amount to \"Timere Amicissimum Servus\" (or something along the lines).\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nThanks!',\n", " 'id': 'fg77vjh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Iadara1457',\n", " 'body': \"Latin doesn't have articles and inter takes the accusative so I'd say Luna inter omnes stellas. As for whether those have the correct connotations, someone else can weigh in if they're wrong\",\n", " 'id': 'fg6v6z3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg6sjvu',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Lanuria',\n", " 'body': 'Hello friends! \\n\\nMy husband have a phrase we say often to one another: \\n\\n\"why are you like this?\" \\n\\nWe mean this phrase in the modern vernacular, a sense of exasperation, bewilderment, mild disgust, (quote the husband) example would be the response to telling a very bad joke, our cat doing something strange and being bewildered by the actions, me leaving socks in strange places etc etc. \\n\\nWe are buying a house and would like to make a family crest with that phrase. \\n\\n\\nAnd if anyone is feeling bold as well, a translation of a dril tweet: \\n\\n\" I will face God and walk backwards into hell. \"\\n\\n\\nThank you to whoever responds!',\n", " 'id': 'fg6tdeq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'kurdishhhhh',\n", " 'body': 'Is (la luna inter omnes stellae) the correct translation for the moon among all stars?',\n", " 'id': 'fg6sjvu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ScrewedMcDude',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you very much! Based on what you\\'ve told me, I think they might have been trying to say something like \"I will maintain/hold the art as well as the sciences of medicine\" or maybe \"I will hold that medicine is an art as well as a science\" or something like that. Thanks again for your help, I was lost, plus it\\'s good to know my t-shirt isn\\'t proclaiming that I\\'m a vegetable or something.',\n", " 'id': 'fg6fm9e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg5xfly',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'PhoeniX_GER',\n", " 'body': \"I want to engrave in a ring the motto:\\n\\n 'forgive, but never forget'\\n\\nCan please someone translate it into Latin?\",\n", " 'id': 'fg6axmk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_eux48m',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'Oh yeah, my oversight. Thanks!',\n", " 'id': 'fg5ydo8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg5xdb0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'fallo_fefelli_falsum',\n", " 'body': 'Or *ars alit sicut scientia*, which sounds better IMO.',\n", " 'id': 'fg5xkh6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg5xfly',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'fallo_fefelli_falsum',\n", " 'body': 'Not gibberish necessarily, only a little confused. The sentiment seems to me to be \"We hold art equal to science in its ability to make well\". More literally translated, it says, \"I will hold/insist (*tenebo*) that art (*artem*--the use of the accusative here is grammatical) just like (*item*--usually used in conjunction with *ut*; I would prefer just *ut* or *sicut* here myself) the sciences (*scientias*) is (*esse*) medicines (*medicinas*--this part is particularly confused; they should have just used the singular, if my understanding of the general sentiment is correct).\"\\n\\n Overall, not the best Latin I\\'ve ever seen; it\\'s for the most part grammatically sound, but evinces a lack of knowledge of vocabulary that would allow for a smoother conveyance of the sentiment. There\\'s also the fundamental flaw if using *tenebo*: a motto like this is by nature asserting something; to say \"I will maintian that...\" is just plain redundant. I would have suggested: *ars sicut scientia alit* or *etiam alit ars*.',\n", " 'id': 'fg5xfly',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg4zuq2',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'I think using *pitta, -ae* for pizza in Latin works nicely. Only problem is that *est* never takes the accusative - it should be *pitta mala non est*.',\n", " 'id': 'fg5xdb0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg4m4n2',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': \"That translation is good. I might change *prō animō sanō* to *prō animā sānā* just out of analogy with the original quote, but other than that, that's exactly the translation I would've come up with.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg5t8rv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg1rft8',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'TTeoo',\n", " 'body': 'Wow that was one good and thorough explanation. Thank you so so much! Much appreciated, my friend!',\n", " 'id': 'fg5s7vz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg5s26f',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': '\"Integralism\" is not a Latin word. However, I can explain what it means broken down into its roots, if that\\'s what you mean.\\n\\n\"Integralism\" comes, of course, from the adjective \"integral\". The word \"integral\" comes from Latin *integrālis*, formed from the suffix *-ālis* (pertaining to) and the word \"*integer*\", meaning \"whole\" or \"intact\" (in English, an integer in math is a whole number - a number not broken down into fractions). Within the Latin language, this word doesn\\'t break down any further, but we can trace it further back up its lineage to find a deeper root meaning. The word \"*integer*\" derives from the word *entagros*, from earlier *ntagros*, in Proto-Italic, the reconstructed mother language of Latin and other old italic languages. The prefix \"n-\" (later \"en-\") means \"not\" - it developed into our prefix \"in-\" with the same meaning (compare, for example, \"inaccessible\" - literally, \"not accessible\"). The root \"-tagros\" is of the same origin as the Latin verb *tangere* \"to touch\" (compare \"tangible\" in English - literally, \"touchable\"). So, *ntagros* meant \"untouched\". Latin *integer* came to mean \"whole, intact\" as an extended meaning from this. Its semantic development looks something like this: untouched > unharmed > unbroken > intact. On another note, there is another Latin word of the same origin which underwent the same semantic shift - the word \"intact\" itself. \"Intact\" comes from Latin *intāctus*, from *in-* \"not\" + *tāctus* \"touched\" - *tāctus* is a participle form of the very same Latin *tangere* (compare in English \"tactile\" - literally, \"pertaining to touch\"), meaning that *intactus* and *integer* are essentially parallel formations within the same language. \\n\\nSo then, where did \"integral\" get its meaning? Well, since \"*integer*\" in Latin came to mean \"whole\", combining it with the suffix *-ālis* gave it the meaning \"complete\" or \"constituting a whole\". Add the suffix \"-ism\" (\"-ism\" basically just makes abstract nouns from qualities) and you get something to the effect of, \"the concept of constituting a whole\".',\n", " 'id': 'fg5s26f',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffxaq85',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'evu8bm': [{'author': 'Mens_provida_Reguli',\n", " 'body': '...dared in their hearts to print macrons?',\n", " 'id': 'ffzbg6f',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffyhnac',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': \"You scan the line and try to determine which vowels are short/long within the word in question. This only sometimes works.\\n\\nFor example, take 'quoque' at the start of a line. The first syllable of a hexameter must be long, so the word must actually be quōque. \\n\\nOf course, this wouldn't be necessary if more editors dared in their hearts to print macrons.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffyhnac',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evu8bm',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'TheGreatCornlord',\n", " 'body': 'It would help if you were to provide an example and the meter being used',\n", " 'id': 'ffy2cwm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evu8bm',\n", " 'score': 10}],\n", " 'evslu5': [{'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'For each adjective + noun couple separately, to be precise.',\n", " 'id': 'ffxxtrc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffxr4uk',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'JohnVMB',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks! So I should just form the cases of each word separately?',\n", " 'id': 'ffxr4uk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffxqaa7',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'Like\\n\\npulchra rosa (nom. sing.), pulchrae rosae (gen. sing.) etc. etc.\\n\\nand then\\n\\npulchrae rosae (nom. plur.), pulchrarum rosarum (gen. plur.) etc. etc.',\n", " 'id': 'ffxqaa7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evslu5',\n", " 'score': 8}],\n", " 'evscdo': [{'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"That was my impression as well! Listening back to my initial longer recordings, I tended to do the same. It takes a while to stop your brain from trying to distribute syllable durations evenly between stresses and instead give each syllable the time it needs and deserves. You might want to read some easy poems - [these ones for instance](http://distichalatina.blogspot.com/). I myself just went with Catullus and Horace xD It really did help me a lot - I even remember when it suddenly clicked for me how and why the word *pàvīméntum* can be pronounced while preserving both the stresses and the quantities - and I realised that I hadn't understood the whole rhythm and sound of Horace's *Ēheu, fugācēs...* until that point. Practice until you manage to flick your mental swtiches.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg0xv4e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg0wahq',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Vbhoy82',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you, that’s exactly the kind of feedback I was looking for and gives me something to really focus on. I sort of knew that nasalisation was an issue, but listening back I can also see what you mean with the vowel lengths, so I’ll focus on that as well. I can hear what the issue is, I just need to train my voice to be able to actually do it right consistently!',\n", " 'id': 'fg0wahq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg0u7t2',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': \"It will feel awkward at first, but you need to change the rhythm from stress-timed to syllable-timed by giving enough time to each syllable. This involves reading considerably slower than you do, and probably also diving sentences in smaller segments. As it is, you use your native stress-timed rhythm, and so seem to glance over the vowel length distinction most of the time in unstressed syllables, while making stressed short vowels long, especially in bisyllabic words (consistently /āmat/). Long vowels seem to be most often preserved on word ends in ablatives. The other issue is that nasalisation is too weak, sometimes I don't hear it at all. Also, Latin doesn't allow phonetic words of less than two moras, so all letter names end in long vowels or in consonans (ā, bē, cē etc). Most of the other basics seem really solid to me. Use [these pronunciations](https://forvo.com/user/Sobakus/) as a guide.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg0u7t2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evscdo',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffzgn0r',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzf0sl',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Vbhoy82',\n", " 'body': 'No need to apologize for good advice!',\n", " 'id': 'ffzfqcn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzf0sl',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Peteat6',\n", " 'body': 'Sorry. I just assumed you were a native English speaker.',\n", " 'id': 'ffzf0sl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzevgv',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Vbhoy82',\n", " 'body': \"I'm actually doing a lot of reading out loud - I think the schwa is more of an issue for native English speakers than for me - Latin vowel quality is pretty straightforward except for nasalisation\",\n", " 'id': 'ffzevgv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffxsypc',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'I strongly suspected you were not. It helps with the aspiration too.',\n", " 'id': 'ffyfh54',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffyf8ea',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Vbhoy82',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you! English is indeed not my first language, so I think that helps with the r’s and vowels a bit!',\n", " 'id': 'ffyf8ea',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffydca3',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"Sounds pretty good! If you are an Anglophone, you don't have any of the characteristics that we often have to our pronunciation that vex me. I'm not as good at hearing the issues that non-Anglophones have, but I cannot tell where you are from, which I've come to recognize is a good sign.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffydca3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evscdo',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Peteat6',\n", " 'body': 'I haven’t listened to your link, so this isn’t a criticism. It’s just general suggestions.\\n\\nBe patient, and don’t expect to do it correctly right from the start. Begin by getting consonants right. Then try to distinguish long and short a at the ends of words. (It’s easy for short a to become schwa.). Then work on other vowels. The most awkward might be the final short e.\\n\\nReading poetry out loud really helps.',\n", " 'id': 'ffxsypc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evscdo',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'evrvte': [{'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'Easy to digest but disgusting in texture? A spot of synæsthesia there, mate? Are we discussing language or food?',\n", " 'id': 'ffzehbi',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffxr9zo',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'aaronfm',\n", " 'body': \"Descartes' Meditationes de prima philosophia is much closer to scholastic Latin than classical. That said, if you can read classical Latin well it will not be difficult to read Descartes.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffyfpjd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evrvte',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'MagisterFlorus',\n", " 'body': 'To piggyback on that, Cicero was held to be the ideal.',\n", " 'id': 'ffy9xf0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffxm8k2',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'fallo_fefelli_falsum',\n", " 'body': \"I personally find the style of Early Modern philosophical texts in Latin easier to read than that of the Classical authors. Spinoza's prose, for example, in the *Ethica* is very easy to digest (to say nothing of the philosophical content itself), albeit disgusting in texture.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffxr9zo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evrvte',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'WinterIstVorbei',\n", " 'body': 'Right, thank you for a very informative response.',\n", " 'id': 'ffxqdwt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffxomta',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': '>So, could i read Spinoza if i was capable of reading Cicero?\\n\\nYes. The Shakespeare analogy is useful: Shakespeare is still very widely read today, and often imitated, very often quoted. Shakespeare is an extremely powerful force in fixing the English language in one version. Chaucer (14th century) is seldom read today in untranslated form, and is much more difficult for the non-specialist to read. The Latin Classics -- Cicero, Caesar, Vergil, Horace, Ovid, etc, etc -- have never ceased to be read from their own time to the present day. Both Spinoza and Descartes were widely read in both the Latin and the Greek Classics.',\n", " 'id': 'ffxomta',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffxlv2y',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'feudalle',\n", " 'body': 'Probably but Shakespeare was 15th century try something earlier. This is 11th century english \\nhttp://www.bl.uk/learning/timeline/item126532.html\\nYou\\'ll be able to get a few words the rest garbled. Latin has the option \"advantage\" of very little use after the roman empire in the west. So a church bull in latin is alot closer to ovid, then venerable beade to our modern tounge.',\n", " 'id': 'ffxmu21',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffxlv2y',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'WinterIstVorbei',\n", " 'body': 'Alright, thanks. Yes, the philosophical vocab is another language just in itself lol',\n", " 'id': 'ffxmcy2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffxm7us',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'WinterIstVorbei',\n", " 'body': \"Ok, thanks a lot. That's very informative 😁\",\n", " 'id': 'ffxm8k2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffxm39y',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': 'Apart from technical terms you might have to learn separately, most early modern Latin is quite comprehensible to a classical Latinist.',\n", " 'id': 'ffxm7us',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evrvte',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'donteatalmonds',\n", " 'body': \"The difference between Cicero and Descartes is not as big as the difference between Homer and the NT. While Latin did change during the scholastic era, there was a movement during the Renaissance to return to the grammar and style of Classical Latin. This Renaissance Latin (often called Neo-Latin) is not a perfect recreation of Classical prose, but it is certainly easier to read than Medieval Latin for someone trained on Cicero.\\n\\nI should offer the disclaimer that while I have read several prominent Renaissance thinkers (like Bruni and Erasmus) I have not read Descartes or Spinoza, so I can't speak to their style specifically.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffxm39y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evrvte',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'WinterIstVorbei',\n", " 'body': \"Sounds reasonable. But i can read Shakespeare, although he wrote in a very different manner in comparison to today's English. So, could i read Spinoza if i was capable of reading Cicero?\",\n", " 'id': 'ffxlv2y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffxlj0w',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'feudalle',\n", " 'body': 'Classical latin tends to be pretty different from \"church latin\". But that is normal in any used language. Today\\'s english would be non sense to someone in the 13th century.',\n", " 'id': 'ffxlj0w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evrvte',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'evrvpu': [{'author': 'SecondRedMoon',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you!',\n", " 'id': 'ffz9z76',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffynfpu',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': '[https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Moral\\\\_letters\\\\_to\\\\_Lucilius/Letter\\\\_115](https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Moral_letters_to_Lucilius/Letter_115)',\n", " 'id': 'ffynfpu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evrvpu',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'evo51p': [{'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'Oh, cool! That makes sense.',\n", " 'id': 'ffx0zng',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwvuam',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': 'The [full phrase](https://latin.packhum.org/search?q=vela+%7E+%23ventis) is *vela ventis dare* \\\\- to present the sails to the wind',\n", " 'id': 'ffwvuam',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evo51p',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'Ah, I figured I was missing something pretty simple. Thanks!',\n", " 'id': 'ffwu5sk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwu3d6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'Idiom \"vela dare\" is to \"set sail\" or simply \"sail.\"\\n\\nHere you have something like \"They **were sailing** happily onto the deep (sea) and rushing over the froth (of the waves) of the sea with their bronze (ship beaks), barely out of sight of Sicilian land.\"',\n", " 'id': 'ffwu43q',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evo51p',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'mimnermos',\n", " 'body': 'sails. (velum, -i, N) \"dare vela\" was a common way to say \"set sail\"',\n", " 'id': 'ffwu3d6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evo51p',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'evlstm': [{'author': 'OJFord',\n", " 'body': \"> best, honest, what is that\\n\\nRead along the ribbon, not the bits that are pulled above before the middle bit that happens to be shown lower down the 'page'.\\n\\nIf you'd done so and said 'best what is that honest', you wouldn't have been far off the translations provided here at all. You can see how it becomes 'that which is' anyway.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffycc97',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evlstm',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'alfiegrows',\n", " 'body': 'On a chair in an antiques market! It’s from my family’s ancestral home in Crewe (my name, anyway!) apparently. It’s the Lambert crest & motto.',\n", " 'id': 'ffy4erg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwmv5w',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'BeckoningVoice',\n", " 'body': 'Op mentioned this second \"second person imp\" and translated it as imperfect. It would be imperative if a verb. But it\\'s not, of course',\n", " 'id': 'ffxz6lm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffws2jz',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffxv5sz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evlstm',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': 'Ack. How embarrassing.',\n", " 'id': 'ffxo3rj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffxncfo',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': \"It's *quaeque*, not *quaequae*: 'all the best things (or women) are honourable'.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffxncfo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwme06',\n", " 'score': 20},\n", " {'author': 'One_Eyed_Wallaby',\n", " 'body': 'Deleted above due to incorrectness.',\n", " 'id': 'ffx0r41',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwknyz',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': 'Read it this way: Optima (sunt) quaequae (sint) honora.',\n", " 'id': 'ffwwcmw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwmv5w',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': 'eukomos',\n", " 'body': 'The verb is a form of esse that’s been dropped. If you’re not seeing a verb that’s usually what’s happened.',\n", " 'id': 'ffwv2xc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwknyz',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'bradfs14',\n", " 'body': 'Hmm. Where are you getting imperative from?',\n", " 'id': 'ffws2jz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwm5ol',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'bradfs14',\n", " 'body': 'Would it help if I told you that quaeque is one word? Not two. Means “whatever”.\\n\\n“best = whatever’s noble”\\n\\nSomething to that effect. Others have already provided translations, this is just sorta the bare bones meaning.',\n", " 'id': 'ffwrrxv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evlstm',\n", " 'score': 26},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'I think you’re pretty much right with meaning. Going very literally, I would translate it “the best, which [is] also honest,” and in a way that’s more reasonable to English speakers, “that which is best is also honest.” It’s pretty common to see forms of esse (the to-be verb) dropped, especially in something like this that’s meant to be short, and not having any verb at all gives us an indication that that’s what’s going on. If the Latin were perfectly complete, it might go something like “optima quaeque sit honesta,” where we use the subjunctive sit instead of the indicative est because quae introduces a subordinate clause. (It’s worth noting that it’s just possible that optima, quae, and honesta are actually neuter plural instead of feminine singular, in which case the verb would need to be plural, sint.) What I’m not sure of, though, is whether it might be better to translate with “must be” or “should be” rather than “is.” Does this grammar seem right to everyone? Have I made any mistakes? \\n\\nOP, where’d you find this?',\n", " 'id': 'ffwmv5w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evlstm',\n", " 'score': -5},\n", " {'author': 'BeckoningVoice',\n", " 'body': 'I like this one',\n", " 'id': 'ffwmhww',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwme06',\n", " 'score': 15},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffwmfv3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evlstm',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': \"The best things (are) whichever things (are) noble/respectable/honorable.\\n\\nRemember that *honestus* is a false cognate; it doesn't mean honest.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffwme06',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evlstm',\n", " 'score': 103},\n", " {'author': 'BeckoningVoice',\n", " 'body': 'Because it\\'d be an imperative... It\\'d be \"honor any best things\"',\n", " 'id': 'ffwm5ol',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwl6fu',\n", " 'score': -1},\n", " {'author': 'One_Eyed_Wallaby',\n", " 'body': 'Ok, sure, hence my \"not confident\" bit at the end there (you might have missed it, don\\'t worry, we all make mistakes). What are your thoughts on the translation?',\n", " 'id': 'ffwl6fu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwl1kc',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'BeckoningVoice',\n", " 'body': 'That makes no sense',\n", " 'id': 'ffwl1kc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwknyz',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'ffwknyz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evlstm',\n", " 'score': 0}],\n", " 'evi44j': [{'author': 'obskaria',\n", " 'body': \">After si, nisi, num and ne, ali tales a holiday\\n\\nI've heard a variation of this: After si, nisi, num and ne all the alis fall away.\",\n", " 'id': 'fqqmqmp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffvw8b0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': 'I got that one from Latin Tutorial on YouTube; I recommend the channel for when you want explanations of grammar topics or passages of the Aeneid.\\n\\nMaybe less useful but still rhyming is this: \"Gerundive plus the verb to be indicates necessity.\"',\n", " 'id': 'fg1n6l1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg1ltj1',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'numquamsolus',\n", " 'body': '\\n*After si, nisi, num and ne, ali tales a holiday*\\n\\nDo you have any other of these gems?',\n", " 'id': 'fg1ltj1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffvw8b0',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'Oh that is truly a good one! Must remember it.',\n", " 'id': 'ffzc9os',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffvw8b0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': ' u/Voltaire1778Esq\\n\\nI just made a server for LLPSI help, study groups, etc. You can ask anything like this in there!\\n\\n[https://discord.gg/Ubd58Wk](https://discord.gg/Ubd58Wk)',\n", " 'id': 'ffyxuuj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evi44j',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': '\"I told nothing to anyone about this matter lest someone consider me boastful.\"\\n\\nOne can argue for a simple \"I told no one about this matter...\" to deal with the series of *nihil* and *cuiquam*. \\n\\nRemember that ***ea re*** is singular.\\n\\nAfter ***si***, ***nisi***, ***num***, or ***ne*** any form of ***aliquis*** becomes ***quis*** but is still translated as \"someone, anyone.\" \\n\\nYou are on the right track.',\n", " 'id': 'ffwhffe',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evi44j',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Coesim',\n", " 'body': 'Why would you expect a first person plural or passive? (Ali)quis is singular so the verb has to be singular as well and since aliquis (nominative) is the person that does something to me (accusative) it has to be active.',\n", " 'id': 'ffw47ym',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evi44j',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': \"It might help to know that 'aliquis' becomes just 'quis' after si, nisi, num, and be.\\n\\n(After si, nisi, num and ne, ali tales a holiday)\",\n", " 'id': 'ffvw8b0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evi44j',\n", " 'score': 5}],\n", " 'evhgws': [{'author': 'ToriQuro',\n", " 'body': 'Wiktionary is usually what I use to check declensions.',\n", " 'id': 'ffymqro',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffyedzf',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'BraveSirZaphod',\n", " 'body': \"Seconding Wiktionary. It's an absolutely phenomenal resource for most major languages. In addition to getting full declension and conjugation, you can also see a Latin word's diffusion into the Romance languages and beyond and cognates throughout Indo-European. \\n\\ntl;dr I'm a Wiktionary stan and you should be too\",\n", " 'id': 'ffyedzf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwxts9',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Jean-ValCon',\n", " 'body': 'I use Wiktionary, which I like because you don’t have to look things up just in the Nominative singular or in the Infinitive.',\n", " 'id': 'ffwxts9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evhgws',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'sillysalamander13',\n", " 'body': 'William whittakers words',\n", " 'id': 'ffvyz4y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evhgws',\n", " 'score': -2},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': '[Smith & Hall](https://www.latinitium.com/latin-dictionaries). If you need neologisms, check [Neo-Latin Lexicon](http://neolatinlexicon.org/)',\n", " 'id': 'ffvs6ei',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evhgws',\n", " 'score': 10}],\n", " 'evfox7': [{'author': 'kjl3080',\n", " 'body': 'Holy fucking shit what?',\n", " 'id': 'fhijpo8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evfox7',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'OneFaraday',\n", " 'body': 'The botched Latin got well-roasted here: https://www.reddit.com/r/latin/comments/ev1ixs/youre_probably_sick_of_tattoo_translation/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share',\n", " 'id': 'ffwnfgc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwm9kn',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'Latin noob:\\n\\nWhat is it supposed to say vs what was actually on the tattoo?',\n", " 'id': 'ffwm9kn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evfox7',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'SemperMeTaedet',\n", " 'body': \"God please don't let this subreddit meme die. It's so fucking funny\",\n", " 'id': 'ffw8z0w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evfox7',\n", " 'score': 20},\n", " {'author': 'OneFaraday',\n", " 'body': \"Since you guys got a good laugh from this: it's available as a print https://society6.com/product/one-faraday-we-will-eat-the-old-gods-of-despair_print?sku=s6-8569559p4a1v46\\n\\nYou can also get it as a travel mug. Lol\\n\\nApologies if this is considered advertising or against the rules.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffvehfd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evfox7',\n", " 'score': 20}],\n", " 'evefl5': [{'author': 'Jaytoo6',\n", " 'body': 'I actually have not studied Sanskrit yet, I just recommended it because it\\'s often considered to be the third \"Classical\" language. I know that it is taught at some colleges, so textbooks should be available somewhere, but you will find far fewer resources than you could for Latin or Greek.',\n", " 'id': 'ffzrxz4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffvdw1e',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"French and Hebrew. At Eton, the old saw goes, *damn near everybody learns Latin, the bright sparks learn Greek, but Hebrew is where only eagles dare fly* or something similar. And you really can't call yourself a civilised human being if you can't parley-voo at least a little bit.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffzbcz6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evefl5',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'grumpkinsandsnarkss',\n", " 'body': \"I like your description of German being Latinized. One of the greatest benefits of an understanding of Latin is how thorough an understanding of the cases it gives you, which is by far the most challenging part of German (and many other languages). I second the idea that OP should learn German if they are interested in modern languages. If they're looking for something a little easier, their Latin experience should make spanish/italian/french a breeze.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffwhrin',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffwb95x',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'SemperMeTaedet',\n", " 'body': 'Are you looking into modern languages? I studied Latin thoroughly for a few years and now I\\'m learning German. Just like Latin, it\\'s an inflected language and has a case system (4 cases). I continually find lots of parallels and between German, Latin, and English. I almost consider it a \"Latinized\" English, if such conclusion can be made',\n", " 'id': 'ffwb95x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evefl5',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Coesim',\n", " 'body': 'I prefer High Valyrian.',\n", " 'id': 'ffw4dwc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffvdqn9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Matar_Kubileya',\n", " 'body': 'Personally, classical Hebrew and Aramaic are next up for me after I finish Greek',\n", " 'id': 'ffvx9nw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evefl5',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'idontplayoboe',\n", " 'body': \"Greek has a steeper learning curve at first, but I think it's easier to master than Latin as long as you focus on one period/genre.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffvtf9t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffvlrga',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Clipboard-O-Matic',\n", " 'body': \"Thank you! I'll try looking into Greek again. If I can't get into it, I plan on trying a completely different language.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffvlrga',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffvgia1',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'russoantonio150799',\n", " 'body': \"Congratulations! It wasn't easy: different grammar from modern languages and many words with a lot of meanings. I have been studying Latin since 2013 and I can translate easy texts like those from Julius Caesar, the Church and the Medieval ones, but writings from harder authors like Cicero still look challenging to me. I hope to improve my Latin when I'll have some free-time. I would suggest you to begin studying Ancient Greek as the next language because it influenced Latin a lot and also the European culture. It can also be useful to understand a huge number of Science's words and you can read a lot of Philosophers' writings in their native language.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffvgia1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evefl5',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'tree_troll',\n", " 'body': 'What resources would you recommend for self studying Sanskrit?',\n", " 'id': 'ffvdw1e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffv8nq5',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'Klingon',\n", " 'id': 'ffvdqn9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evefl5',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Jaytoo6',\n", " 'body': 'Sanskrit',\n", " 'id': 'ffv8nq5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evefl5',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'CarthagoDelendaEst-',\n", " 'body': 'Old Norse. Viking sagas are great.',\n", " 'id': 'ffv7klu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evefl5',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'ewey1d': [{'author': 'russoantonio150799',\n", " 'body': 'Yes.',\n", " 'id': 'fg1q0gg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg1phje',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'ndcm',\n", " 'body': 'ok thanks. I translated it as \"but because I am your patron, I favor you..\" does that still work?',\n", " 'id': 'fg1phje',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg1o011',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'russoantonio150799',\n", " 'body': \"But because I'm your protector I support you.\\n\\nAnd yes, sesterces were a Roman currency.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg1o011',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewey1d',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'ewaww6': [],\n", " 'ew91nl': [{'author': 'vyleplume',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you! I sent you a message about the translation!',\n", " 'id': 'fg1203j',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg0u4g2',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'russoantonio150799',\n", " 'body': \"That's a description of a crocodile's skeleton.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg0u4g2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew91nl',\n", " 'score': 0}],\n", " 'ew8nvb': [{'author': 'ilritorno',\n", " 'body': 'Nos comedent...',\n", " 'id': 'fg0estf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew8nvb',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'ew8eoq': [{'author': 'applestrudlee',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you ! :)',\n", " 'id': 'fg0xn73',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg0ckaf',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'Those who trust in Him will know the truth, and the faithful will find comfort in love for Him.',\n", " 'id': 'fg0ckaf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew8eoq',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'ew88y6': [{'author': 'kjl3080',\n", " 'body': 'God west youw sowl',\n", " 'id': 'fhij9tc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew88y6',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'NiliusRex',\n", " 'body': \"Fact #1 is a natural consequence from the fact that the letter 'V' and the letter 'U' started as the same letter, so in classical times, 'SALVE' == 'SALUE', and was pronounced as sal-u-eh ([sa.lu.ɛ:]). The mouth kind of automatically morphs the 'U' sound into the glide we English speakers know as a 'W', resulting in more of a sal-weh ([sal.wɛ:]). Over time, this evolved into the 'V' sound we're familiar with.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg2dayj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg1tl4l',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': 'bloodymexican',\n", " 'body': 'Fact #1 kind of ruined Latin for me a little bit :/',\n", " 'id': 'fg1tl4l',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew88y6',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'smiles134',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks now I understand this lol',\n", " 'id': 'fg1b7p2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg0n4rh',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Falloutboyz0007',\n", " 'body': 'Ah, I see. I for one was taught by my teacher that there are no real rules when it comes to pronouncing Latin words. Thank you for the information.',\n", " 'id': 'fg0tbvp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg0jtzb',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fg0n4rh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg0jp0l',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': 'Zach_Hauck',\n", " 'body': 'Nothing',\n", " 'id': 'fg0jwro',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew88y6',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'cumcrepito',\n", " 'body': 'There are lots of pronunciation rules but they all vary by dialect. European countries traditionally apply their own pronunciation rules when teaching Latin. Ecclesiastical Latin uses Italian pronunciation rules. In America, Latin is typically taught using a reconstructed classical pronunciation, which is the pronunciation that the OP refers to.',\n", " 'id': 'fg0jtzb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg0e9cg',\n", " 'score': 21},\n", " {'author': 'raggedpanda',\n", " 'body': 'Anyone have any context on the \"hewwo mr obama\" meme that could help an old fart like me understand this?',\n", " 'id': 'fg0jp0l',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew88y6',\n", " 'score': 17},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': 'The internet is a terrifying place.',\n", " 'id': 'fg0eqot',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew88y6',\n", " 'score': 29},\n", " {'author': 'Falloutboyz0007',\n", " 'body': 'I thought there were no rules about the pronounciation of words?',\n", " 'id': 'fg0e9cg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew88y6',\n", " 'score': -14}],\n", " 'ew7gk9': [{'author': 'nervaonside',\n", " 'body': 'Flair and panache',\n", " 'id': 'fg09qxd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew7gk9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'translostation',\n", " 'body': 'No.\\n\\n\\\\-que et = et ... et...',\n", " 'id': 'fg07nm4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg04xj8',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': \"I'd say *et* joins *molem* with *montes*, while *-que* joins *abdidit* with *imposuit* \\nedit: I stand corrected\",\n", " 'id': 'fg04xj8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew7gk9',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'ew5ruy': [{'author': 'WikiTextBot',\n", " 'body': '**Stone rubbing**\\n\\nStone rubbing is the practice of creating an image of surface features of a stone on paper. The image records features such as natural textures, inscribed patterns or lettering. By rubbing hard rendering materials over the paper, pigment is deposited over protrusions and on edges; depressions remain unpigmented since the pliable paper moves away from the rendering material. Common rendering materials include rice paper, charcoal, wax, graphite or inksticks.\\n\\n***\\n\\n^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/latin/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^]\\n^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28',\n", " 'id': 'fg1q7pk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg1q6ws',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'xanitrep',\n", " 'body': 'If you still have access to the rectory, you could try doing a [rubbing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stone_rubbing) to determine what the text says, after which someone here could probably translate it for you.',\n", " 'id': 'fg1q6ws',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew5ruy',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'caramelbeurresaley',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you!',\n", " 'id': 'fg09bsf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg001yg',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': 'I see *construxit* and *aere suo*, not sure of the other',\n", " 'id': 'fg001yg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew5ruy',\n", " 'score': 4}],\n", " 'ew5f9a': [{'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'With u/RumakRasna',\n", " 'id': 'ffzswbw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew5f9a',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'ew3xzc': [{'author': 'Grassyknow',\n", " 'body': 'Wow stoners havent changed much',\n", " 'id': 'fg6m77r',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg00dyw',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Tarquin_McBeard',\n", " 'body': 'There was [a great answer](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/dy20t9/marcus_aurelius_one_of_the_five_good_emperors_and/f7y96hi/) by /u/toldinstone in /r/AskHistorians a while back.',\n", " 'id': 'fg3sm1q',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzrugm',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'translostation',\n", " 'body': 'A book just came out about this: https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781498560351/Cannabis-in-the-Ancient-Greek-and-Roman-World\\n\\n(I have not read this book.)',\n", " 'id': 'fg21ynb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg00dyw',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'noddintestudine',\n", " 'body': 'And they were able to make extracts of substances right? So they could make a much more concentrated version?',\n", " 'id': 'fg0hypb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg0gx6c',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'noddintestudine',\n", " 'body': \"true! But I mean even if it was 10x weaker than today it would still be very feasible. Btw I've looked around and I dont see where it's said that the concentration of morphine was weaker? (I mean Of course it was because now we breed them to produce huge dose of morphine but where have you seen it quantified or written? Genuinely curious\",\n", " 'id': 'fg0hi9h',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg0gx6c',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Matar_Kubileya',\n", " 'body': 'Fair, but after a certain point depending on the drug and concentration it is almost not humanly possible to consume enough in a tight enough time to reach the LD50',\n", " 'id': 'fg0gx6c',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg0f9e0',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'noddintestudine',\n", " 'body': \"yeah you're right.. It was more to make it painless... I must have mixed the anecdotal evidence from the opium suicide at the order of Napoleon\\n\\n'' To speed up the retreat, Bonaparte ordered plague-stricken men to be poisoned with opium''\\n\\nBut like the proverb says '' the dose makes the poison'' if ancient romans took enough opium it could certaintly kill them since it was the same substance yet in smaller comcentration\",\n", " 'id': 'fg0f9e0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg0ektk',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Matar_Kubileya',\n", " 'body': 'To be fair, hemlock is ridiculously poisonous by comparison. It\\'s like saying \"commit suicide by taking two ibuprofen and a cyanide capsule\".',\n", " 'id': 'fg0ektk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg0doju',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'noddintestudine',\n", " 'body': \"that's true, yet it could still be fatal. I've read accounts of people commiting suicide by poppy and hemlock overdose in antiquity so i guess it was still strong enough. Cleopatra comes to my mind\",\n", " 'id': 'fg0doju',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzs88x',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'noddintestudine',\n", " 'body': 'As a opiate addict I can testify of how consuming opium makes one more stoic. It numbs the physical and mental pain so it leaves you more contempt with the world and accepting of your faith since you feel good in almost all situations',\n", " 'id': 'fg0cmap',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg031j0',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'icansitstill',\n", " 'body': 'What impact might this have had on his philosophy?',\n", " 'id': 'fg031j0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzqps0',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'zbufferz',\n", " 'body': 'Herodotus, the Greek Historian, describes cannabis in the 5th century BC in his [Histories, Book IV (75)](http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.01.0126:book=4:chapter=75&highlight=hemp):\\n\\n\"The Scythians then take the seed of this hemp and, crawling in under the mats, throw it on the red-hot stones, where it smoulders and sends forth such fumes that no Greek vapor-bath could surpass it. [2] The Scythians howl in their joy at the vapor-bath. This serves them instead of bathing, for they never wash their bodies with water. [3]\"\\n\\nFYI, the Scythia is basically the steppes where Ukraine is today.',\n", " 'id': 'fg00dyw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew3xzc',\n", " 'score': 16},\n", " {'author': 'Liscetta',\n", " 'body': 'Mandragola officinalis root was used as an anaesthetic. Different solanaceae were known too, if i remember well they used belladonna to relieve tooth ache',\n", " 'id': 'ffzzrp2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew3xzc',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'noddintestudine',\n", " 'body': \"https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/19331792/\\n\\nAnd in the biography of mithradates VI it's said that he also consumed opium in his daily mix of plants and minerals\",\n", " 'id': 'ffzu0mp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzrugm',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'Matar_Kubileya',\n", " 'body': \"Also according to most scholars the concentration of opiate in the poppies of the period was much lower than today's strains.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffzs88x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzme34',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'grumpkinsandsnarkss',\n", " 'body': 'Do you have any more information on this? Source?',\n", " 'id': 'ffzrugm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzqps0',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'noddintestudine',\n", " 'body': \"Yeah Marcus consumed theriac made of like 50 plants. Opium is one. Pretty sure many emperor were taking some but the stigmatisation wasn't as it is today it was more of à medecine\",\n", " 'id': 'ffzqps0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzme34',\n", " 'score': 19},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'I believe one emperor was also (gently) castigated for being a junkie, but have entirely forgotten which one. Marcus Aurelius perhaps?',\n", " 'id': 'ffzme34',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzm8ob',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': 'Meanttobepracticing',\n", " 'body': 'Opium was definitely known to the Romans, as they used it as a cure for epilepsy and for childbirth pain. \\n\\n\\nI’m pretty sure they knew about the effects of different mushrooms too. Same goes for some gas vapors- the Sybil at Delphi was supposed to get high from a gaseous pool.',\n", " 'id': 'ffzm8ob',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew3xzc',\n", " 'score': 48}],\n", " 'ew3nhh': [],\n", " 'ew3jjh': [{'author': 'biquark',\n", " 'body': 'I mean...neither of these really exist in English either. Look closely at your sentences. In both cases you effectively use a relative clause or some sort of adjectival phrase, not a participle. Same in Latin. Both meanings are easily expressed with a relative clause.',\n", " 'id': 'fg1lfol',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew3jjh',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Matar_Kubileya',\n", " 'body': 'No, no, please no, I have to memorize them all for a teso tomorrow',\n", " 'id': 'ffzsobg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzlye9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'aklaino89',\n", " 'body': \"Looking it up, apparently a lot of words ending in -vus may have once been perfect active participles (navus, alvus, ambiguus, vacuus, etc.), but the actual participle had fallen out of use by classical times. It's apparently kind of disputed, though.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffzpnqj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew3jjh',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'anvsdt',\n", " 'body': 'The gerundive often acts as a future passive participle. You example doesn\\'t need it though, since *beg for his job* would translate to *beg so that he doesn\\'t get fired*: \\n*Homo (dimittendus) precabatur ne officio dimitteretur.* \"The man (to-be-fired) was begging that he be not fired from his job.\"\\n\\nI think sometimes the perfect passive participle can be used in a sense that we\\'d recognize as \"present\": \\n*Puer latus salutem exclamavit.* \"The carried boy shouted hello.\" \\n*Puer qui ferebatur salutem exclamavit.* \"The boy who was being carried shouted hello.\"\\n\\nWhat you should, as I do, cry about is the lack of a perfect active participle, for non-deponent verbs.',\n", " 'id': 'ffzm0da',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew3jjh',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'eglwufdeo',\n", " 'body': \"You might like Greek which has all the participles you could wish for \\n\\nBut yeah in Latin, those just don't exist. Sometimes you can use an absolute ablative instead, other times you have to use a relative clause. Also note that participles of deponent verbs retain their passive meaning for the most part, so you get some of the missing participles there (e.g. aggressus = one who has attacked).\",\n", " 'id': 'ffzlye9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew3jjh',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[removed]',\n", " 'id': 'ffziq23',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew3jjh',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'ew2v06': [{'replies': '',\n", " 'id': 'kti6le3',\n", " 'author': 'uhhhh_no',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew2v06',\n", " 'score': 1,\n", " 'body': 'Obviously late to the party but your friend is obviously ridiculously wrong. _Prasine_ and _prasinous_ are __English__ words and describe the exact same color as _prasinus_ and _πράσινος_: __leek green__. The word directly derives from the Greek for leeks and just as clearly refers to the green end, not the white one.\\n\\nWhat almost certainly happened is your friend got the Prasini (the _Leek Green_ faction at the chariot races) mixed up with the _Veneti_ (the _Venetian Blue_ faction).',\n", " 'created': 1709670417.0},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'I didn\\'t mean that at all, really; it would be like cutting out the Latin vocabulary from English, which is something I don\\'t condone at all. But thinking that «prasinus» is somehow a \"better\" word than «cæruleus», maybe even because it came from Greek and *ergo* is more sophisticated, is also not the way to go. Especially not to describe the sky, which after all is «cælum».\\n\\nThat was the immediate context; I was talking about the sky, which was pretty and blue for a change (we had a run of snow recently, and cloudy days). My friend told me «prasinus» was a better word.',\n", " 'id': 'fg5b44w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg19t52',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'anonlymouse',\n", " 'body': \"[Purple clouds](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ba/cd/d9/bacdd9ab066311c6f5d34692aff4a127.jpg) and [purple lips](https://i.insider.com/5977bb972e50637a138b488a?width=1100&format=jpeg&auto=webp).\\n \\nI need a more convincing argument than them using colours that we normally wouldn't use by default to describe a certain object. It very well could be that purple was used for lips because the lips in that case actually were more purple than pink, and the clouds were described as purple because they were partially saturated with water and it was around dawn or dusk.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg39d07',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg2ygyj',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Peteat6',\n", " 'body': '\"Purpureus\" was also used for clouds, and lips. Yes,they described what they saw, and they saw the same hue as us, but they described the effect of light, rather than the precise colour.',\n", " 'id': 'fg2ygyj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg1bdcl',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Dominicus321',\n", " 'body': 'Yes. I have always found this whole descriptive preference for saturation rather than hue extremely fascinating.',\n", " 'id': 'fg2qsvj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzzeid',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'anonlymouse',\n", " 'body': \"[Purple snow](https://www.ticino.ch/.imaging/mte/ticinowebsite/467x467/dam/ticino/ticino4/ticino/Teaser/esplora/sport/invernali/monte-covreto-gambarogno.jpg/jcr:content/monte-covreto-gambarogno.jpg). \\n \\nAre you sure the word is wrong, and that they weren't just describing exactly what the snow looked like at the time?\",\n", " 'id': 'fg1bdcl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzzeid',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'MagisterFlorus',\n", " 'body': 'I think when you start throwing out Greek words for \"original Latin\" words, you\\'re cutting out the context of Greek influence on Roman culture.',\n", " 'id': 'fg19t52',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzqzb2',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'According to Stephen Berard: *\\'The ancients, especially the Greeks, but also the Romans, gave much more weight to saturation or intensity (\"saturitās\") than to hue (\"chrōma\").\\'*\\n\\nHe gives this list of bluish colours:\\n\\n**Callaïnus**: teal, blue-green \\n**Aerūginōseus**: verdigris-green, bluish deep green (*On iron; however, this can refer to rust colour*) \\n**Aquamarīnus**: aquamarine (*Later Latin*) \\n**Aquāticus**: aqua \\n**Venetus**: deepest blue-green; deep greenish blue; dark teal \\n**Lapis lazulī (color)**: lapis, lighter teal (*Later Latin; also* **lazulinus**) \\n**Turcicus**: turquoise, light greenish blue (*Late Latin; also* **turcōsus** *and* **turcoïsinus**) \\n**Glaucus**: (pale) sea green, dull bluish green (*This originally Greek word seems to refer more to paleness or, sometimes, brightness rather than to one specific hue. It can also signify a pale or dull yellow.*) \\n**Caesius**: light blue, sky-blue; blue-grey \\n**Cobaltinus**: cobalt, pale blue \\n**Caelestis**: (lighter) sky-blue (*also* **caelicolor**) \\n**Caeruleus**: (deeper) blue, true blue \\n**Āeroīdēs**: of the colour of the air, sky-blue \\n**Cūmatilis/cȳmatilis**: sea-blue (*the colour of ocean waves*) \\n**Cȳaneus**: dark blue, deep-sea blue, Prussian blue \\n**Venetus**: deepest green-blue; deep blue-green \\n**Cȳanāter**: blue-black (*Late Latin, used in science*)',\n", " 'id': 'fg0qd1y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew2v06',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': \"Thanks. I can't stop thinking about this.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg0gpbj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzzeid',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Peteat6',\n", " 'body': 'Colour words in Greek are weird, and in Latin even weirder. Firstly, they use words where to us the colour seems wrong, such as \"purple snow\". Secondly, they have an extremely limited range of words, especially for the blue/green colours. \\n\\nWe think that what’s going on is that they were more interested in describing the effect of light on the object. That’s how they have two words for black, one for shiny, one for sooty. And \"purple\" really means \"with a sort of sparkly effect\".\\n\\nSo we can’t expect a correspondence between English colour words and theirs.',\n", " 'id': 'ffzzeid',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew2v06',\n", " 'score': 15},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"The sky on a sunny day isn't glaucus though, is it. Or clean water.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffzr2io',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzoopp',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"πράσινος is a Greek word originally, as I thought. I still wouldn't use it for a blue/green traffic light; there's an original Latin word for it.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffzqzb2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzoopp',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'noelpascalflantier',\n", " 'body': 'Never heard of \"prasinus\" before. If there\\'s bad weather and the sky is more greyish than blue, then sure it can be glaucus. but I would always use caeruleum. I mean it\\'s literally \"skyblue\".',\n", " 'id': 'ffzoopp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew2v06',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'ew14ja': [],\n", " 'ew0xrc': [{'author': 'numquamsolus',\n", " 'body': \"I occasionally relax by listening to Jacob Rees-Mogg argue a point. \\n\\nI don't really care what he's arguing about or with whom, but the combination of erudition, tendentiousness, nonchalance, and urbanity is quite entertaining.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg25awt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzibun',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Cabeelibob',\n", " 'body': 'Explain this please.',\n", " 'id': 'fg0uy24',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzibun',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"Indeed; to be precise, I speak trad-RP, like Jacob Rees-Mogg. Bleeds into my Latin as well, so some people can't abide *fabulare mecum*.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffzibun',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffzi9hl',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Sochamelet',\n", " 'body': \">*parks taykoom*\\n\\nI assume you're using a non-rhotic pronunciation? I guess the IPA makes it clear that there is no actual R in there, but I thought I'd mention in case OP isn't familiar with the IPA.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffzi9hl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffza8pf',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': \"Well, there are two ways to pronounce it: /paks te:kum/ and /pæks ti:kəm/. First one like *parks taykoom* and second one like *packs tea-c'm*, the apostrophe being like the sound on the end of *better*.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffza8pf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew0xrc',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'ew0klb': [{'author': 'Progressedfar',\n", " 'body': '<3',\n", " 'id': 'fg0ec60',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg0e7ji',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': \"That's a Ichthys, a Christian symbol for 'Jesus Christ, Son of God, Our Saviour'.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg0e7ji',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew0klb',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Progressedfar',\n", " 'body': 'What is the fish looking market in front of “Fama : [fish icon] Pierio Referant. Miricula cantu”',\n", " 'id': 'ffz3su7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew0klb',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'ew0e69': [{'author': 'baronLantern',\n", " 'body': 'Looks like Black speech of Mordor',\n", " 'id': 'ffz4jpm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew0e69',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'akio3',\n", " 'body': \"The base text it's pulling from is Thomas Alexander Cortesius' *De Virtutibus Bellicis Matthiae Corvini* (1532), a poem in praise of Matthias Corvinus (1443-1490), King of Hungary and Croatia from 1458 to 1490. The full volume can be found here: [https://books.google.com/books?id=udhoAAAAcAAJ](https://books.google.com/books?id=udhoAAAAcAAJ)\\n\\nEach line of your text has a repeating section of text, and that makes it hard to read; not only that, but the text it chooses is a little odd. Most of the lines *almost* match Cortestius' poem, but not quite: for instance, one line on your text reads *si digna facis quae nulla vestutas regna*, while Cortesius' line is *Carminibus si digna facis, quae nulla vestutas*, and *regna* is nowhere to be found on that line or the following. It seems to make a habit of changing a single word from Cortesius' lines: for instance, in the line *Matthia Corvine chelyn: si delphica parent*, your text has *petisuae* instead of *Matthia*. In the next line, your text follows Cortesius' (*Templa tibi, sentitque; frequens tua nomina Cyrrha*), except dropping the first word. \\n\\nI think your text might change enough to make it just a jumble of phrases, without any overarching sense, but I might try translating the relevant portion of Cortesius' poem that it's drawing from.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffz49hx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew0e69',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Progressedfar',\n", " 'body': 'Yup!!',\n", " 'id': 'ffz3ur0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffz3g20',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'etalasi',\n", " 'body': '[Link to source of text](http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A2011.01.0405).\\n\\n Astrorum cursus et Ditis inania regna\\n Fictaque Pierio referant miracula cantu,\\n Nos propriis spectanda oculis, nos inclyta dextrae\\n Facta tuae canimus, quibus aurea sidera vivus\\n Tangis et aetherias fama petis arduus arces.\\n Sed sine te nunquam tenues ad carmina tanto\\n Subsistant vires oneri. Tu numine toto\\n Dexter ades, da Maeoniam tua facta canenti,\\n Matthia Corvine, chelyn. Si Delphica parent\\n Templa tibi sentitque frequens tua nomina Cirrha,\\n Si Musae, si Phoebus amant, hoc tempore solus\\n Carminibus si digna facis, quae nulla vetustas',\n", " 'id': 'ffz3g20',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew0e69',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"Is this a pillow case? You've cut off tons of words, and the wrinkling is obviously an issue. Can you make this more clear and with the complete text?\",\n", " 'id': 'ffz3f9d',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ew0e69',\n", " 'score': 4}],\n", " 'evxi9x': [{'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': '\"I\\'m intrigued that Aristotle would be the next most popular in manuscripts\"\\n\\nI don\\'t know whether he is, I\\'m just guessing. \\n\\nAnd then of course there\\'s Cicero, who, like Augustine and Aristotle, wrote a great number of separate works.\\n\\nIf I recall correctly, there are about 800 manuscript of Vergil extant, and most of them contain the Aeneid, the Georgics and the Eclogues. Quite an impressive number of manuscripts all with the same content. And of course, close to a dozen manuscripts of Vergil are 5th century or earlier, unequaled by any other Classical Latin author. \\n\\nIf we count all of the tiny papyrus fragments discovered at Oxyrhynchus, Homer is now well up into the thousands of extant manuscripts.',\n", " 'id': 'fg0g98g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg08j6v',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'akio3',\n", " 'body': \"For about a millennium, Augustine was pretty much THE theologian of the Latin Church, so that certainly helped his standing. Then Martin Luther was originally an Augustinian friar, and he tried to simply follow Augustine's true doctrine, so the original Lutheranism is strongly Augustinian. Augustine also frequently discussed philosophy (the last two or three books of the *Confessiones* are about the philosophy of time), so many philosophers have drawn from or responded to him. Then there's the sheer amount of works he wrote (which helps grow that 15,000 manuscript number). Like him or not, his influence was enormous.\\n\\nI'm intrigued that Aristotle would be the next most popular in manuscripts, mainly due to the fact that, until the later Middle Ages, the West only had a few of his works, mainly those on logic (though, to be fair, those were very well-used). It's certainly possible, but just a bit surprising to me. Of course, I can't think of another author that could be comparable either: even with the popularity of Virgil, he only wrote three works (if you discount the ones attributed to him, like the *Culex*), compared to Aristotle's dozens.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg08j6v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg06sqj',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'StevenBollinger',\n", " 'body': \"I still have not understood the fascination of Augustine, but clearly, he has been greatly beloved by very many readers, and who am I to say they are wrong?\\n\\nI recently learned that there is an organization which is compiling a catalog of all of the manuscripts of Augustine. Over 15,000 and counting. That's a testament to a very dedicated readership in the pre-printing era. The only author I can think of who might possibly be represented in a comparable number of manuscripts is Aristotle, mostly because of the very great surviving number of manuscripts of Aristotle in Latin translation. The Bible is represented in more manuscripts than Augustine, but it's the work of many authors.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg06sqj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffz67gw',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'akio3',\n", " 'body': \"From the same time as Jerome, we can't forget Augustine's *Confessiones*, often considered the first Western autobiography. \\n\\nThomas Aquinas' *Summa Theologiae* (or *Summa Theologica*) was the capstone of Scholastic theology, and philosophy as well (since he saw that philosophy, along with all other sciences, are *ancillae* of theology).\\n\\nIn the realm of science, there's also Copernicus' *De revolutionibus orbium coelestium*, which launched the Copernican Revolution.\\n\\nA fun bonus: if you want to see early concrete poetry, look up Rabanus Maurus' *De laudibus sanctae crucis*. It's a set of Latin poems arranged in squares, with additional designs added on top, and the letters within the designs form sub-poems within the larger poem. For instance, it opens with [this poem](https://www.facsimilefinder.com/articles/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/1-Hraban-Ludwig.jpg), dedicated to the Emperor. An image of the Emperor is imposed on the poem, and different parts of the picture form new poems. For instance, the Emperor's crown reads *Tu, Hludovicum, Christe, corona*, and his shield holds a pair of elegiac couplets:\\n\\n*Nam scutum fidei depellit tela nefanda,*\\n\\n*Protegit Augustum clara tropaea parans*\\n\\n*Devotum pectus divino munere fretum*\\n\\n*Illaesum semper castra inimica fugat*.\\n\\nThankfully, Rabanus wrote a commentary which spells out each of these sub-poems, in case you have trouble tracking the letters.\",\n", " 'id': 'ffz67gw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evxi9x',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'LukeAmadeusRanieri',\n", " 'body': 'Lovely! I’ve read parts or all of those texts.',\n", " 'id': 'ffz0xr0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evxi9x',\n", " 'score': 4}],\n", " 'evw2z1': [{'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'Originally it means \"howevermuch\" - more or less synonymous with *quantumvīs*, and as such properly goes with adjectives and adverbs, often with the concessive subjunctive if introducing a clause (in which case synonymous with *licet)*, but in Silver Latin it encroaches upon *quamquam* with the result that it more or less switches places with it and often introduces indicative verbs, and *quamquam* the subjunctive.\\n\\n[Here\\'s an grammar for more infos](https://books.google.com/books?id=RmgPAAAAYAAJ&lpg=PA407&ots=I0esNOupwY&dq=latin%20quamvis%20quamquam&pg=PA407#v=onepage&q=latin%20quamvis%20quamquam&f=false), together with the google search request you can use in the future.',\n", " 'id': 'ffztml0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evw2z1',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Gigan614',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you so much for clarifying, that’s very helpful!',\n", " 'id': 'ffygt5g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffygile',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'Yes, but only if the apodosis is trying to express a subjunctive idea, like potential, optative/wish or hortatory/jussive. If it is a fact, then no, use the indicative.\\n\\nThough to add to quamvis: you can also use quamquam or etsi with indicatives or cum with a subjunctive. Tamen is the best counterbalance word for it, though it is unnecessary (except with cum).',\n", " 'id': 'ffygile',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffyg249',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Gigan614',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you, so does that mean I could use either subjunctive or indicative in the apodosis',\n", " 'id': 'ffyg249',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_ffyfun2',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'wernernw',\n", " 'body': 'Quamvis, as a conjunction, introduces a supposition \"although\" and takes a subjunctive. The main clause will employ tamen as \"nevertheless\" and whatever the main clause reads will be independent of this (if you use, say a potential subjunctive, then subjunctive; statement indicative). Cicero is a good place to see quamvis + subjunctive.\\n\\nIt does not always use the subjunctive as a conjunction, however. Livy uses the indicative with it. \\n\\nQuamvis can also modify another adverb/adjective/verb/verbal noun as \"however much you wish\" or \"to whatever degree.\" You can see this is Catullus and others. (Sallust iirc?)',\n", " 'id': 'ffyfun2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_evw2z1',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'ewvvi9': [{'author': 'TheGreatCornlord',\n", " 'body': 'Nice initials lol',\n", " 'id': 'fg5ib9a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewvvi9',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'ewufn4': [{'author': 'russoantonio150799',\n", " 'body': 'Solum in Christo spes mea est\\nLux mea est, robur meum, carmen meum\\nHoc lapis, hoc stabile terrenum\\nFirmus per saevissimas procellas atque ariditates\\nQui altitudo amoris, qui profundum pacis\\nCum timores consistunt, cum negotia cessant\\nSolator meus, Omnis meus in Omni\\nHic in Christi amore sum.\\nSolum in Christo qui incarnatus est\\nDei plenitudo in inermi puero\\nHoc amorisque iustitiae donum\\nContemptus a quibus servare venit\\nDum in illa cruce Iesus mortuus est\\nDei ira satisfacta est\\nTota peccata supra Eum positi sunt\\nHic in Christi morte vivo.\\nIllic humi corpus suus iacet\\nLux mundi a tenebris necata\\nCum irrumpat circa auroram gloriosus\\nE sepulcro revixit\\nUt in victoria iacet\\nDeprecatio peccati iunctionem in me perdidit\\nQuia ego Eius sum et Is meus est\\nCum mercatus sim per pretiosum Christi sanguinem.\\nNulla culpa in vita, nullus terror in morte\\nHic in me Christi potentia est\\nA primo fleto vitae usque ad ultimum flatum\\nIesus fatum meum ducet\\nNullas Inferni vis, nullas hominis ratio\\nUnquam possunt carpere me ex eius manu\\nDum revenit aut in domum me vocat\\nHic in Christi potentia erim.\\nEgo stabo\\nEgo stabo, omnia alia terrena deprimunt harenam.\\nOmnia alia terrena, omnia alia terrena\\nDeprimunt harenam, deprimunt harenam\\nErgo ego stabo.',\n", " 'id': 'fg8ist5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewufn4',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': \"What's a lot of fun is to translate hymns so the use the same meter (i.e. can be sung to the original melody). Easier going from Latin to English, though.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg55y5h',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewufn4',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'I had to look up the [original](https://www.gettymusic.com/in-christ-alone). This is not meant to be exhaustive.\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\n*Christo solo ancorae est*\\n\\nDouble dative, uh?\\n\\n*Est mei lucis vis carmen*\\n\\nLux is feminine. But why genitive?\\n\\n*Hic vera solida terra*\\n\\n*Firma ex ferocissima*\\n\\nsomething seems to be missing after *ferocissima*\\n\\n*Summa amor! Et summa pax!*\\n\\namor is masculine\\n\\n*Timor necatur et perit*\\n\\n*Paracleti, mei omnium\\\\**\\n\\nwhy *Paracleti* genitive?\\n\\n*Hic in amore Christi sto*',\n", " 'id': 'fg4zoxj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewufn4',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'ewttr8': [{'author': 'doveinthesand',\n", " 'body': \"This tracks with a root verb 'brego', vel SIM, but would you not expect Br-exit to come from Br-exeo?\",\n", " 'id': 'fgmrnls',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg6hlmt',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'honeywhite',\n", " 'body': 'Depends if you think of the UK as a singular country, or as a nation of people!',\n", " 'id': 'fglp2sw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewttr8',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Perpendicularfifths',\n", " 'body': 'perhaps it was brecent. only now it is brexerunt',\n", " 'id': 'fgkyp7c',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewttr8',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': 'Different meanings :) Brexitus is more accurate (neutral) indeed.',\n", " 'id': 'fgbk8ne',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg77sep',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '_062862',\n", " 'body': '*Brexitus',\n", " 'id': 'fg77sep',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg5ha2t',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '_062862',\n", " 'body': 'Quis translationem desiderat? Vide etiam verbum »reliquit«.',\n", " 'id': 'fg77fol',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg72y98',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '_062862',\n", " 'body': 'With the conjugation given in the post, yes.',\n", " 'id': 'fg76sr6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg62lmj',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fg72y98',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg5cs0k',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'Mushroomman642',\n", " 'body': 'I know, but I thought some people may not be aware that the word was originally a stage direction.',\n", " 'id': 'fg724ze',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg62mib',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'IsaacCG',\n", " 'body': 'Brexi\\nBrexisti \\nBrexit \\nBreximus\\nBrexitis\\nBrexerunt*, Brexere',\n", " 'id': 'fg6hlmt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg61asf',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'nuephelkystikon',\n", " 'body': \"You're… on /r/latin.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg62mib',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg5dsde',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'nuephelkystikon',\n", " 'body': \"I'd have expected brexire.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg62lmj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg4vzbh',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'flamingo23232',\n", " 'body': 'Followed by a bear?',\n", " 'id': 'fg621v5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewttr8',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'doveinthesand',\n", " 'body': 'Brexierunt, surely?',\n", " 'id': 'fg61asf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg4rpac',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'BloomsdayDevice',\n", " 'body': '> The best supines have \"rectum\" in them somewhere. \\n\\nHic latinat.',\n", " 'id': 'fg5pv64',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg5f1q3',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'BloomsdayDevice',\n", " 'body': 'To add: this only applies to the verb \"exit\". The noun \"exit\" comes from the 4th declension noun *exitus* (parallel to \"transit\" < *transitus* and \"adit\" < *aditus*). But we still ended up with \"coitus\" instead of \"coit\". Neat!',\n", " 'id': 'fg5mytl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg5dsde',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Lord-Bob-317',\n", " 'body': 'What’s the latin for “Britain”? Come on, come on!\\n\\nEr, Britannus!\\n\\nVocative plural of “Britannus” is?\\n\\nEr, er, Britanni!',\n", " 'id': 'fg5kh6v',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg4u27i',\n", " 'score': 18},\n", " {'author': 'ErnestusSeverus',\n", " 'body': \"Let's make a real noun: Brexsilium\",\n", " 'id': 'fg5ha2t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewttr8',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fg5fedl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewttr8',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'Hollowgolem',\n", " 'body': 'Nah, the present is almost certainly \"brego.\"\\n\\nI see the principal parts as \"brego, bregere, brexi, brectum.\"\\n\\nThe best supines have \"rectum\" in them somewhere.',\n", " 'id': 'fg5f1q3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg4u99j',\n", " 'score': 16},\n", " {'author': 'Mushroomman642',\n", " 'body': 'Fun fact, the English word \"exit\" is actually a direct borrowing from the Latin *exit*, the third person singular present indicative of *exire* meaning \"to go out\" or \"to leave\". The word *exit* was originally used in stage directions for plays to indicate that a given character was to leave or \"exit\" the scene. So in Hamlet, you might see a stage direction that reads [exit Hamlet] or [exit Ophelia] during a scene.\\n\\nThe plural form of the word, *exeunt*, was also used to indicate that more than one character would leave a scene at the same time, so you might read [exeunt Hamlet & Ophelia] as well, although the word *exeunt* never caught on quite as well as its singular counterpart in English.',\n", " 'id': 'fg5dsde',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewttr8',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fg5cs0k',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewttr8',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'InternationalBear',\n", " 'body': 'Britannia',\n", " 'id': 'fg5aiqn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg54ogj',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'OperaRotas',\n", " 'body': '*grabs* \\n\\n\"What\\'s Latin for Britain?\"',\n", " 'id': 'fg54ogj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg4u27i',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'swaggeroon0',\n", " 'body': 'the cool kids say *brexere* :cato:',\n", " 'id': 'fg4zv8l',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg4rpac',\n", " 'score': 33},\n", " {'author': 'aveCaecilius',\n", " 'body': 'shut',\n", " 'id': 'fg4wkpm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg4u99j',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'aveCaecilius',\n", " 'body': \"Not yet they don't\",\n", " 'id': 'fg4wd0h',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg4voim',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'Circvmingo',\n", " 'body': 'brexit should be classified as a 3rdio imo',\n", " 'id': 'fg4wcpc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewttr8',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'InternationalBear',\n", " 'body': 'More like \"Britains from/of Europe\" to me',\n", " 'id': 'fg4w607',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg4u27i',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'InternationalBear',\n", " 'body': 'Cant forget the infinitive - Brexere',\n", " 'id': 'fg4vzbh',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewttr8',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'ebat1111',\n", " 'body': 'I mean, no Latin verb does that',\n", " 'id': 'fg4voim',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg4tyw3',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'ndagyu',\n", " 'body': 'And now, brexierunt',\n", " 'id': 'fg4ux7x',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg4u99j',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'ndagyu',\n", " 'body': '*brexeo, brexis, brexit, breximus, brexitis brexeunt',\n", " 'id': 'fg4u99j',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg4tyw3',\n", " 'score': 16},\n", " {'author': 'ndagyu',\n", " 'body': '\"Br(itanes) ex (Europa) it\"?\\n\\nIt says \"Britains, get out of Europe!\"\\n\\nNo, it doesn\\'t!',\n", " 'id': 'fg4u27i',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewttr8',\n", " 'score': 38},\n", " {'author': 'aveCaecilius',\n", " 'body': 'brexi brexis brexit breximus brexisti brexerunt',\n", " 'id': 'fg4tyw3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewttr8',\n", " 'score': 23},\n", " {'author': 'paddyflormont',\n", " 'body': 'Perfect tense: Brexerunt',\n", " 'id': 'fg4rpac',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewttr8',\n", " 'score': 65}],\n", " 'ewttff': [],\n", " 'ewt2pq': [{'author': 'Smiletotheredfuture',\n", " 'body': 'oh sry, i did read the rules and its says \"separete post\", i guessed this was it? \\n\\n\\nEdit: ups i seem to \"remove\" a word when reed it lol. Will post were it belgons now',\n", " 'id': 'fg49ac8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg49648',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'Rule #5 - please take this to the pinned post',\n", " 'id': 'fg49648',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewt2pq',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'ewsvio': [{'author': 'potatohead657',\n", " 'body': 'Hahah it’s not for a tattoo but for a book',\n", " 'id': 'fg4buqq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg4a2ay',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ilritorno',\n", " 'body': 'See everything, rule everything: Omnia vide, omnia impera\\n\\nThrough time against time: Per tempus contra tempus\\n\\nEdit: just in case this is for a tatoo, double check and triple check (lol).',\n", " 'id': 'fg4a2ay',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewsvio',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'Use the pinned post please',\n", " 'id': 'fg49sm1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewsvio',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'ewpgt8': [{'author': '-artgeek-',\n", " 'body': 'Qui, Quae, Quod, \\nKill, Me, Plz',\n", " 'id': 'fg45fvv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewpgt8',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'gabriel_tiny_toes',\n", " 'body': 'Causing premature hairless for over 2,000 years',\n", " 'id': 'fg3tq8y',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewpgt8',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Esseji',\n", " 'body': \"L'ho pensato anch'io...🤣\",\n", " 'id': 'fg3olmq',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg3o1w9',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'ilritorno',\n", " 'body': \"At least you nailed Donald Duck's nephews names in italian: [https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qui,\\\\_Quo\\\\_e\\\\_Qua](https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qui,_Quo_e_Qua)\",\n", " 'id': 'fg3o1w9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewpgt8',\n", " 'score': 18},\n", " {'author': 'MRHalayMaster',\n", " 'body': 'I mean Latin is a powerful language, the dog might be possessed by now',\n", " 'id': 'fg3ncl7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewpgt8',\n", " 'score': 35},\n", " {'author': 'Bach09',\n", " 'body': 'Canis est piger',\n", " 'id': 'fg3ijz3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewpgt8',\n", " 'score': 7}],\n", " 'ewmfc0': [],\n", " 'ewhy13': [{'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fg3u0t0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg3tkuy',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'rocketman0739',\n", " 'body': 'I know what an accusative is, I only mentioned the gender because in neuter nouns the accusative is the same as the nominative.',\n", " 'id': 'fg3tkuy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg38rza',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fg38rza',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg2tsd0',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Ribbit40',\n", " 'body': 'Fatum facilius quam mentem mutare.\\n\\n(Some neat alliteration thrown in- also note the catchy dactylic feet).',\n", " 'id': 'fg2wyun',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewhy13',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'Alienor_what',\n", " 'body': 'How about this: \"Fatum facilius quam mens mutabitur.\"',\n", " 'id': 'fg2u5fc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewhy13',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'rocketman0739',\n", " 'body': \"_Mens_ isn't neuter, so the accusative is _mentem._\",\n", " 'id': 'fg2tsd0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg2kbbm',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'Facilius est errare, amice! ;-)',\n", " 'id': 'fg2n24r',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg2kbbm',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fg2kbbm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewhy13',\n", " 'score': 0}],\n", " 'ewhros': [{'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': \"Oh haha don't worry about it\",\n", " 'id': 'fg48d0j',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg46kv2',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'IRATVS',\n", " 'body': 'You\\'re absolutely right... I confused the symbol of \"ñ\" with the \"ng\" symbol... my bad',\n", " 'id': 'fg46kv2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg45kh8',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': '\"ng\" in the classical pronunciation is /ŋn/ (ŋ is the sound of the \"ng\" in \"sing\"). It only makes the sound /ɲ/ (the \"ñ\" sound) in Church Latin. I\\'ve never heard any dispute to this among linguists. And as for \"ng,\" the classical pronunciation is /ŋg/, just as it would be said in English. For that one, there\\'s really nothing to indicate that /ɲ/ would be the Latin pronunciation at all. The word \"*angustus*\", for example, has no /ɲ/ sound in any of its descendants in the Romance languages (Spanish \"*angosto*\", for instance, is pronounced as /ãŋˈɡost̪o/, not /a\\'ɲost̪o/) or in its ancestors (\"*angustus*\" is a cognate of English \"angst\", of Germanic origin, both from Proto-Indo European root *h₂enǵʰust- ).',\n", " 'id': 'fg45kh8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg3gs60',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'anvsdt',\n", " 'body': '*Cenemus, mea Lasnia, atque edamus!* - Gaius Garfelius Catullus, qui, cum dies Lunae oderat, tamen amavit Lasnageam.',\n", " 'id': 'fg3oi35',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewhros',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Matar_Kubileya',\n", " 'body': 'I\\'ll have to take a look, but my German is pathetic. In the words of a Classics Prof of mine, \"when I read a paper in German I\\'m glad if the footnotes are in Greek\"',\n", " 'id': 'fg3ny3n',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg3nu0w',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'IRATVS',\n", " 'body': 'It\\'s a german book by Hans Rubenbauer, Dr. Johann Baptist Hofmann and Dr. Rolf Heine, 3 renowned philologists. Its called \"Die Lateinische Grammatik\" and is praised as a must have for every latin student.',\n", " 'id': 'fg3nu0w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg3nae3',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Matar_Kubileya',\n", " 'body': \"Huh, interesting, I'd never heard. Do you know the title/author?\",\n", " 'id': 'fg3nae3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg3gs60',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'MRHalayMaster',\n", " 'body': 'r/imsorryjon',\n", " 'id': 'fg3lcob',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewhros',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'pcoppi',\n", " 'body': \"Yea that's what I'm saying. In ecclesiastical it's just mañ.ño\",\n", " 'id': 'fg3kq2e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg3hjz0',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Kowber',\n", " 'body': 'Ecclesiastical pronunciation, but not reconstructed. (Though in reconstructed the g before an n should be pronounced as the English ng sound.)',\n", " 'id': 'fg3hjz0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg3d1nx',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'IRATVS',\n", " 'body': 'Many linguists today do assume that this \"ñ\" sound did actually exist in classical latin. I recently bought a book, a very modern and scientifical one for university, and in it they say \"gn\" and \"ng\" were both pronounced like \"ñ\" in classical times.',\n", " 'id': 'fg3gs60',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg29psn',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'pcoppi',\n", " 'body': 'According to some pronunciations it should be pronounced as mañ.no',\n", " 'id': 'fg3d1nx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg3a79u',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Zegreides',\n", " 'body': '«Lasagna» is called _lăgănum_ in Latin.',\n", " 'id': 'fg3alkw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewhros',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Matar_Kubileya',\n", " 'body': 'I\\'ve always heard it pronounced \"mag\" (as in \"magazine\")+\"no\"',\n", " 'id': 'fg3a79u',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg35plb',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'pcoppi',\n", " 'body': 'What about magno?',\n", " 'id': 'fg35plb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg29psn',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Jodaril',\n", " 'body': 'Catullo Music (Carl Orff)\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\n[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7OhFQKBp8A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7OhFQKBp8A)',\n", " 'id': 'fg34qny',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewhros',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': \"There is also [laganum](https://logeion.uchicago.edu/laganum). I'm recording the Vulgate and have just found lagana azyma.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg2mft9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg2azf2',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': '3rdGenDonk',\n", " 'body': 'Oof I just realized I spelled Lasagna wrong lmao. Your correction is not far off from a dish that was similar to Lasagna in ancient Rome. According to a Wikipedia article, \" In [Ancient Rome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Rome), there was a dish similar to a traditional lasagne called *lasana* or *lasanum* ([Latin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin) for \\'container\\' or \\'pot\\') described in the book [*De re coquinaria*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_re_coquinaria) by [Marcus Gavius Apicius](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcus_Gavius_Apicius) \"\\n\\n [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lasagne](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lasagne)',\n", " 'id': 'fg2azf2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg29psn',\n", " 'score': 16},\n", " {'author': 'Matar_Kubileya',\n", " 'body': 'The \"gn\"/ñ phoneme doesn\\'t exist in Latin, so the pedant in me wants to correct it to \"lasania\" if there\\'s no similar dish named in a cookbook somewhere',\n", " 'id': 'fg29psn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewhros',\n", " 'score': 23}],\n", " 'ewh9re': [{'author': 'ABritishTar',\n", " 'body': \"You're welcome.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg61zf6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg5cnt8',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'EgoSumFilipe',\n", " 'body': \"Oh, it looks good. I'll check it out. Thanks\",\n", " 'id': 'fg5cnt8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg3y3e5',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ABritishTar',\n", " 'body': \"I'm currently learning via Evan Millner's London Latin Course on YouTube, it's free, small 3 - 6 minute lessons, and if you're a complete newb to grammar (like I am) it introduces it all as part of the lesson. You'll find further links to his work on that channel if you are interested.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg3y3e5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewh9re',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"Since this question gets asked here and answered with LLPSI (and I happen to really like the textbook and used to teach out of it) at least weekly, I set up a Discord server to support people learning using LLPSI: https://discord.gg/Ubd58Wk\\n\\nIf you check it the information channels, it will tell you how to get started and what resources are used. \\n\\nI just set it up this week and haven't made an announcement here or on FB, so there aren't a bunch of people yet.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg2m1c8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg2gf97',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'EgoSumFilipe',\n", " 'body': \"Hahaha, I've learned it in a little lesson I saw on YouTube. \\n\\nI'm going to take a look, thank you so much!\",\n", " 'id': 'fg2gf97',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg26hwb',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'mat-on-the-bench',\n", " 'body': \"Another possible resource for those who can get access (I haven't used it but a friend seems to be doing well with it) is Simplicissimus, from the UK's Latin Mass Society. It teaches grammar and vocabulary from the Mass and the Breviary.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg2g7lw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewh9re',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Ioannes_Nuncius',\n", " 'body': 'Haha, where is *vivere arduum est* in the mass? \\n\\n\\nLook to the side bar there is a section called \"all the resources\". This is how I\\'m learning it through Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PB5HPz2wBDgqWXPnn5ONgZicOPv8P7LbODvkCxjpI3w/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PB5HPz2wBDgqWXPnn5ONgZicOPv8P7LbODvkCxjpI3w/edit)',\n", " 'id': 'fg26hwb',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewh9re',\n", " 'score': 6}],\n", " 'ewg9yb': [{'author': 'Pareidolie',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks !',\n", " 'id': 'fg55nx2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg53i1h',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'sheepdot',\n", " 'body': \"Lostpedia has the transcript:\\n\\nNam non accipimus hoc quasi vulgarem potionem, sed ut ille sit quasi unus mecum. [Translation: Because we don't accept this as a simple potion, but so that he shall be as one with me.]\",\n", " 'id': 'fg53i1h',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewg9yb',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Ioannes_Nuncius',\n", " 'body': 'It took a while but I think the second thing is \"dem auxilium tibi\", but the first one I don\\'t get at all.',\n", " 'id': 'fg4j8e4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg3q43a',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Ioannes_Nuncius',\n", " 'body': 'Even that other clip you posted I cant really understand. Sounds like maybe \"aliquid eae profert\" -- which I think would mean, \"they offer a bit\" and not \"are you hurt\" -- and \"Dem auxilium tibi\" \"may I give you help\"',\n", " 'id': 'fg4izt5',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewg9yb',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Ioannes_Nuncius',\n", " 'body': 'All I can hear is a \"hoc\" a \"cotidianum\" and a \"sit\". Too quiet.',\n", " 'id': 'fg4git6',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewg9yb',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Fiore_dei_Liberi',\n", " 'body': \"That is really gibberish pronunciation and I can't understand a single word, maybe some anglophones that are used to this trash will tell you what she's saying. Although, from the effort that was put into pronunciation I can tell that they probably didn't put much on the translation...\",\n", " 'id': 'fg3q43a',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg3otsp',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Pareidolie',\n", " 'body': 'She speaks Latin at the beginning of the episode...\\nhttps://youtu.be/14_l1gxN5uY?t=78',\n", " 'id': 'fg3otsp',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg36xe7',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Fiore_dei_Liberi',\n", " 'body': \"What makes you think that she's speaking Latin?\",\n", " 'id': 'fg36xe7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg1vkyz',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Pareidolie',\n", " 'body': '@1min18 when she pours the liquid into a glass',\n", " 'id': 'fg1vkyz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewg9yb',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'ewfnfd': [{'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'Amico aegrotante, non potuimus hoc mense ad Latine loquendum convenire. Propterea conveniemus Kalendis Februariis. Si in partibus nostris adfueritis, libenter vos suscipiemus!',\n", " 'id': 'fg1perj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewfnfd',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'ewf5uj': [{'author': 'Laserman6700',\n", " 'body': 'Recte dicis. Non autem potui plura exempla in oratione invenire, poematis praeteritis, quam hoc unum apud Ciceronem: \"rem non modo visu foedam, sed etiam auditu\". Saepius videntur \"facilis\", \"difficilis\", aliisque eiusmodi verbis coniungi locutiones sicut \"ad videndum\" vel \"ad efficiendum\".',\n", " 'id': 'fgqatwf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgq1dmz',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'cuibon0',\n", " 'body': 'Immo genera omnia sequi solet',\n", " 'id': 'fgq1dmz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgom4c8',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fgom4c8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgf4lpw',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'Salvē et tū, sodālis.\\n\\nIsta vōx haud facilis est intellēctū, sed tamen per īnstrūmentum exquīsītōrium Gūgliānum aliquot eiusdem locūtiōnis exempla invēnī, quārē rēctē, ut mea fert opīniō, scrībis.',\n", " 'id': 'fgf4lpw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgek8l7',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Jak_525',\n", " 'body': 'Salvēte meī amīcī!\\n\\nMea scrīptūra Latīna estne rēcta? Pictūrae est.\\n\\n*Nos Comedent* \\n*Senex Diis Desperandum*\\n\\nGratiās agō!',\n", " 'id': 'fgek8l7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewf5uj',\n", " 'score': 6}],\n", " 'exazje': [{'author': '5pun_',\n", " 'body': 'Haha exactly thank u!',\n", " 'id': 'fgauzl9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgamltd',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'plantprogrammer',\n", " 'body': \"In the end less hurdles probably means less frustration, means more capacity for learning, but that's of course anecdotal. Great job anyways. Congratulations on the app :)\",\n", " 'id': 'fgamltd',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg9oh2c',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'plantprogrammer',\n", " 'body': \"In the end less hurdles probably means less frustration, means more capacity for learning, but that's of course anecdotal. Great job anyways. Congratulations on the app :)\",\n", " 'id': 'fgaml9z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg9oh2c',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': '5pun_',\n", " 'body': 'We have been using this app in class recently, and in my experience it just helps to make the whole process of translating much more effective. Of course, you do not learn as much, but you are much faster',\n", " 'id': 'fg9oh2c',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg90qbj',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'plantprogrammer',\n", " 'body': 'Nice, this is probably super helpful (don\\'t have an Android though to test it)\\n\\nThe only thing I would like know about, since you tagged it \"Help with Studying\", have you had any kind of study, whether this helps students get better and remember more or has them remember less and rely more on the apps? If not, are you planning to accompany the app with that kind of study? (Would probably be a huge visibility boost as well)',\n", " 'id': 'fg90qbj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_exazje',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'Ok, that makes more sense. Like the site people used to use to translate--no dictionaries or whatever--in an app.',\n", " 'id': 'fg7m9co',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg7l6ue',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"By whom? Are you saying I could write a page of Latin, and it could translate it? I could give it a page from a previously untranslated manuscript, and it could translate it? Or is it just recognizing texts, mostly from the Classical corpus, that have existing translations in English and spitting back those translations we already have to the user? I'm not saying the latter is completely useless or anything, but it would seem like, based on the lack of any known computer programs that translate Latin effectively, the latter is what your app is doing?\",\n", " 'id': 'fg7lqx2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg7kkxs',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Cragius',\n", " 'body': 'But not the text. From the app description, it tells you the form and basic meaning of each individual word.',\n", " 'id': 'fg7l6ue',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg7kkxs',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '5pun_',\n", " 'body': 'Yes, every word will be translated',\n", " 'id': 'fg7kkxs',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg7jdcy',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': \"That's Domina to you. Are you saying you can take a photo of Latin text with this app, and it will translate it?\",\n", " 'id': 'fg7jdcy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_exazje',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'exau2s': [{'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fghw6hf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgcwjjo',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Charamides',\n", " 'body': \"Macrons? I don't think you need them to read Latin, but I've added them here for you:\\n\\n>Mārcus enim noster dīcitur in cēnā increpuisse, quod circumventus ā Tirōne suō sibi esse videātur, cum fēlēs ab īnfēlīcī amātōre abstulisset aliquot savii quod illī dēbēbātur. scītō, Plīnī, quantō subdolior sit noster Tiro, quantō brevius tibi blandiātur, quantō plūs suīs fūrtīs tē īnflammet! cūr posthāc patefacere prōdereque timēmus nostrōs amōrēs?\",\n", " 'id': 'fgcwjjo',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgcpw0s',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Tykope',\n", " 'body': 'A little weird to read without accents',\n", " 'id': 'fgcpw0s',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_exau2s',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'exa99x': [{'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'I believe \"ti\" is pronounced \"tsi\", and only when followed by a vowel, save for the exceptions you mentioned.',\n", " 'id': 'fg8iyv7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg8erc3',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'russoantonio150799',\n", " 'body': 'In Church Latin also \"ph\" is pronounced \"f\", \"gn\" is pronounced like the Spanish \"ñ\", \"gl\" is pronounced like the Spanish \"ll\", \"sc\" followed by \"e\" or \"i\" is pronounced \"sh\" and \"ti\" is pronounced \"zi\", exception for words borrowed from Ancient Greek like \"tiara\", when \"ti\" follows the letters \"s\", \"t\" or \"x\" and when the \"i\" has the accent. \"C\" isn\\'t pronounced as \"k\" when it precedes \"ae\". The \"h\" is never pronounced. Sometimes \"ae\" and \"oe\" are not pronounced \"e\" and to distinguish it we put a dieresis on the \"e\", for example \"aër\" or \"poëta\" and they are pronounced \"ae\" or \"oe\". In Church Latin the vowel lenght is only useful to know where we should put the accent. If the second-last syllabe has a vowel with a long lenght then we put there the accent, if it has a short lenght we put the accent on the vowel of the previous one syllabe. Therefore \"apple\" is pronounced \"màlum\" and \"bad\" is pronounced \"malùm\". The same is for \"populus\" or \"palus\".',\n", " 'id': 'fg8erc3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg72wu9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Ioannes_Nuncius',\n", " 'body': 'Tibi dō : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkAU8tTS3GM&feature=emb\\\\_logo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkAU8tTS3GM&feature=emb_logo)',\n", " 'id': 'fg78313',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_exa99x',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'AwkoTacoBell',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you for the explanation. I was taught the pronunciation the Romans actually used and just wanted to understand why everything I learned was wrong in this case.',\n", " 'id': 'fg7328e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg72wu9',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'Your choir director is correct... in the ecclesiastical pronunciation. Classical choral pieces were by and large written as religious works, so they used the Latin of the Catholic Church, the *Ecclesia*. This manner of pronunciation coincides more closely with modern Italian. This means that \"c\" and \"g\" are pronounced as soft /t͡ʃ/ and /d͡ʒ/ (the English sounds \"ch\" and \"j\") respectively before \"e\" and \"i\", and the consonant \"v\" is always pronounced /v/ as in English. The digraphs \"ae\" and \"oe\" are both pronounced as an \"eh\" sound, as you mentioned, and short vs. long vowels are not distinguished. \\n\\nThis is how the Church speaks Latin, and it was for this kind of Latin that your piece was written, so you should indeed pronounce it as such for your choir. This was not, however, how the ancient Romans actually spoke. In the classical pronunciation, \"ae\" and \"oe\" are pronounced /ae̯/ and /oe̯/ (close to \"eye\" and \"oy\" in English), \"c\" and \"g\" are always pronounced as hard /k/ and /g/, even before \"e\" and \"i\", and the consonant \"v\" is pronounced like a \"w\" always. Vowel length is phonemic, meaning that, often times, a long vowel has a different sound quality from its short equivalent (for example, short \"u\" is pronounced /ʊ/, while long \"ū\" is pronounced /uː/) meaning *malum* (bad) and *mālum* (apple) were distinct in pronunciation, one with a short \"a\" and the other with a long \"a\".',\n", " 'id': 'fg72wu9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_exa99x',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'AwkoTacoBell',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you for the explanation. Our high school Latin class must have been taught with a Germanic pronunciation. Going by the Church Latin pronunciation, my choir director is correct.\\n\\nEdit: We were taught the pronunciation the Romans actually used.',\n", " 'id': 'fg72kl3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg727jl',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'eestimarcus',\n", " 'body': 'Different countries have developed different pronunciations of Latin over time. \\n\\nUsing the Church Latin pronunciation (which is basically the Italian pronunciation), *ae* is pronounced the same as *e*, /e/ (like English \"bed\"). *C* before *i, e, ae* and *oe* is pronounced /tʃ/ (*ch* in \"church\") and as /k/ in the other cases. *G* before *i, e, ae* and *oe* is /dʒ/ (*j* in \"just\") and as a hard /g/ in the other cases (*g* in \"go\").\\n\\nIn the traditional pronunciation found in Germanic-speaking countries, it is the same as the Italian one, but *g* is always a hard /g/, and *c* before *i, e, ae* and *oe* is /ts/ (*ts* in \"it\\'s\" and \"hats\"), although some would pronounce it straight up as /s/. \\n\\nI\\'ve heard both Church Latin pronunciation and German pronunciation used by choirs.',\n", " 'id': 'fg727jl',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_exa99x',\n", " 'score': 7}],\n", " 'exa4wk': [{'author': 'rebeckbeck',\n", " 'body': 'Ah, my mistake. Thanks for pointing that out.',\n", " 'id': 'fg75rsy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg73us7',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'I believe clarius is correct - it\\'s describing neuter \"quid\". Clarior is only for masculine/feminine.',\n", " 'id': 'fg73us7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg727k0',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'rebeckbeck',\n", " 'body': 'Clarius in this case would have to be comparative (clarior). Everything else seems to be fine 👍',\n", " 'id': 'fg727k0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_exa4wk',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'ex91tc': [{'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'Rule 5: This belongs in the pinned post',\n", " 'id': 'fg7jsqn',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex91tc',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'jacobissimus',\n", " 'body': 'There’s no article (*la*), but and you should use *stellas* after inter.\\n\\n*luna inter stellas omnes*\\n\\n*luna in stellis omnibus*',\n", " 'id': 'fg6wv4i',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex91tc',\n", " 'score': 6}],\n", " 'ex5tcm': [{'author': 'Ioannes_Nuncius',\n", " 'body': \"I don't think the literal latin translation usually describes the species accurately. For example *Tinea Pedis* means literally foot worm, or moth infestation of the foot, but it is the medical term for athlete's foot, which has no worms or moths involved.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg7sttw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex5tcm',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'evvan_no_cap',\n", " 'body': 'Probably not. Some generic ones like *canis latrans* (coyote) are proper Latin (*canis latrans* means \"barking dog\" in fine Latin), but most of the scientific names I see just use Greek words that are latinized or use latinized names of species the Romans had no word for, and others are straight jibberish - arbitrary names with a Latin ending slapped on them (the scientific names of new species are decided by their discoverers, most of whom, like most people, do not know Latin). All in all, most scientific names don\\'t really carry any meaning, at least in Latin.',\n", " 'id': 'fg709a4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex5tcm',\n", " 'score': 6}],\n", " 'ex5jke': [{'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': 'Exactly.',\n", " 'id': 'fg6b1zu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg6a50q',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'mtthwtrbl',\n", " 'body': \"oh! so would it be 'the body without the head was thrown into the river Tiber' ?\",\n", " 'id': 'fg6a50q',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg69zst',\n", " 'score': 5},\n", " {'author': 'Kingshorsey',\n", " 'body': 'Try putting it together this way: \\n\\ncorpus sine capite\\n\\ndeiectum est\\n\\nin Tiberim\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nI think the key for you will be recognizing that *deiectum est* is the verb. What tense and voice is it?',\n", " 'id': 'fg69zst',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex5jke',\n", " 'score': 3}],\n", " 'ex5jir': [{'author': 'NasusSyrae',\n", " 'body': 'The concise answer is LLPSI: Familia Romana. If you look in the big resources doc, check the \"Atrium\" section first for things related to this book. Also, because we recommend this book a lot and get a lot of questions about how to learn Latin, I\\'ve set to a Discord very recently for learners using LLSPI: https://discord.gg/Ubd58Wk',\n", " 'id': 'fg746be',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg6fzxa',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'Hjalmodr_heimski',\n", " 'body': 'I was looking for something like that. Must’ve missed it, thanks.',\n", " 'id': 'fg6fzxa',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg6f2k4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'FireyArc',\n", " 'body': 'Check out the big resources document in the sidebar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16SEr59ewubUeFvaANc5C1sqDBzuj2PxphUavxt5Vmag/edit?usp=drivesdk',\n", " 'id': 'fg6f2k4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex5jir',\n", " 'score': 1}],\n", " 'ex3k3g': [{'author': 'Perpendicularfifths',\n", " 'body': 'i tend to swap the vici out with discessi, effugi, or cucurri',\n", " 'id': 'fgkyesw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex3k3g',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ZedBelmont',\n", " 'body': 'Leave it to the French to make it about ‘we’',\n", " 'id': 'fgi3p9p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex3k3g',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'campman5',\n", " 'body': 'I\\nIsti\\nIt\\nImus\\nIstis\\nErunt\\n\\nImperfectum for the win',\n", " 'id': 'fg8yo4t',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex3k3g',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'DieselWeasel91',\n", " 'body': 'Karen in ancient Rome.',\n", " 'id': 'fg8ksub',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex3k3g',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bayo_sandwich',\n", " 'body': \"I'm genuinely surprised they got the correct perfect stem of *amo*.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg8k5q3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex3k3g',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'Cocomorph',\n", " 'body': 'I don’t think the English is intended to be a translation of the Latin. The reason this thing exists in the first place is because people know *veni vidi vici* and what it means. I think it’s *intended* to shift perspective from *I* to *we*, something that gels very nicely with the general theme.\\n\\nOther people seem to read it this way too. For example [here](https://blog.foster.uw.edu/veni-vini-amici-came-saw-loved/) is a blog post that uses the I/we perspective shift in the title, but where it appears as “I” elsewhere in the blog when an individual rather than group perspective is appropriate, indicating the author is aware of what is going on here. Or, in anticipation of the objection that it is unclear how much Latin the author of the above post knows, consider [this tweet](https://twitter.com/LatinProgramme/status/706862982735638528?s=20) by The Latin Programme, an [educational charity](https://beta.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-details/?regid=1126564&subid=0) which, I assume, surely is not entirely ignorant of Latin conjugation . . .',\n", " 'id': 'fg8bwmj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg652xt',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'neros_greb',\n", " 'body': 'Exactly like that',\n", " 'id': 'fg80ss3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg6g7m8',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'xxSPQRomanusxx',\n", " 'body': \"What's bothering me more is why did they use a fleur-de-lis.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg80h2u',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex3k3g',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'EncouragementRobot',\n", " 'body': \"Happy Cake Day xxSPQRomanusxx! Here’s hoping you have a day that's as special and wonderful as you are.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg8078j',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg80732',\n", " 'score': 0},\n", " {'author': 'xxSPQRomanusxx',\n", " 'body': 'This cant be a typo...lol',\n", " 'id': 'fg80732',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex3k3g',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': 'Ah, yes. How we always cherish the royal *we*.',\n", " 'id': 'fg7z8m7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex3k3g',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'bradfs14',\n", " 'body': 'Huh. Interesting.',\n", " 'id': 'fg7qzyj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg7m0cg',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'mattiapisani_',\n", " 'body': \"We are taught to list verbs in the way I did (1st person present, 2nd person present, perfect, supine and infinitive). I don't know whether they teach Latin this way in other countries though.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg7m0cg',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg7k2t7',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'bradfs14',\n", " 'body': 'Do Italian schools teach Latin different from American and English (and presumably others) schools? I’m wondering why you listed the verb like that, as “venio, venis, veni, ventum, venire”. Most of the time when I see people talk about Latin verbs, they’ll give either one word - the infinitive (or sometimes the first person singular); or four - the four principle parts, which in this case would be “venio, venire, veni, ventum” (using the supine here because intransitive).\\n\\nDo other countries use different numbers of principle parts?',\n", " 'id': 'fg7k2t7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg68j5w',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'ReedsAndSerpents',\n", " 'body': \"This is one of those instances where you ostensibly know what the phrase says already, being one of the most famous lines in all history, so you ought to without a second of Latin education know that the first part is exactly the same and ought to mean the same thing. \\n\\nC'est la vie.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg7byrk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex3k3g',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'Unbrutal_Russian',\n", " 'body': 'The worst thing about it is that it can only be interpreted as \"I came, I saw, I made love to it\"',\n", " 'id': 'fg728f3',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex3k3g',\n", " 'score': 18},\n", " {'author': 'Pjw34',\n", " 'body': \"I think that's originally from Pitbull\",\n", " 'id': 'fg6uf6p',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg6desm',\n", " 'score': 9},\n", " {'author': 'devenblake',\n", " 'body': 'veni, vidi, amavi, veni',\n", " 'id': 'fg6skly',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg6desm',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'nonsatana666',\n", " 'body': 'Yup, but if the verb is plural it should be Venimus, Vidimus, amavimus or something like that.',\n", " 'id': 'fg6g7m8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg6c7rx',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'RexDraconum',\n", " 'body': 'I prefer CK2\\'s rendition: \"vidi, vici, veni.\"',\n", " 'id': 'fg6desm',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex3k3g',\n", " 'score': 34},\n", " {'author': 'Baldwin41185',\n", " 'body': \"Not only is the grammar wrong but it's such a cringey card.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg6cwih',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex3k3g',\n", " 'score': 29},\n", " {'author': 'ceb131',\n", " 'body': 'Looks like you put an asterisk after each correction and it auto formatted to italics *between the asterisks*? :)',\n", " 'id': 'fg6cmd4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg652xt',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': '[deleted]',\n", " 'body': '[deleted]',\n", " 'id': 'fg6c7rx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex3k3g',\n", " 'score': -19},\n", " {'author': 'Narocia',\n", " 'body': 'Ooh, that irks me.',\n", " 'id': 'fg69klx',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex3k3g',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Agurk',\n", " 'body': 'Gotcha, thanks.',\n", " 'id': 'fg68vc7',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg68ulj',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'mattiapisani_',\n", " 'body': '*1st person plural past tense',\n", " 'id': 'fg68ulj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg68j5w',\n", " 'score': 27},\n", " {'author': 'Agurk',\n", " 'body': 'Yes ok, thanks that makes sense, but wouldn\\'t \"we\" be 1st person plural? We/you all/they?',\n", " 'id': 'fg68nig',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg68j5w',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'CharlieBarley25',\n", " 'body': 'These are first person plural. The singular get the -o in many tenses',\n", " 'id': 'fg68m4g',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg68b2e',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'mattiapisani_',\n", " 'body': '\"venio\" is the present tense of the verb \"venio, venis, veni, ventum, venire\" and, since it\\'s translated as \"we came\" we have to conjugate \"venio\" in the 2nd person plural past tense (perfect), which is composed of \"veni\" + imus, since is \"we\". So we get \"venimus\"--> we came, not venio--> I come \\nhope it is clear\\np.s. i\\'m italian and i have studied latin for 2 years',\n", " 'id': 'fg68j5w',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg68b2e',\n", " 'score': 45},\n", " {'author': 'Agurk',\n", " 'body': \"I cant tell if this is a joke or correct, still learning, sorry. Also, is there a rule for what word stems get the -o ending in first person singular and which dont? Like, shouldn't it be venio and so forth? Or does it change with the tense?\",\n", " 'id': 'fg68b2e',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg652xt',\n", " 'score': 38},\n", " {'author': 'theologybitch',\n", " 'body': 'Pls no.',\n", " 'id': 'fg65a6o',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex3k3g',\n", " 'score': 17},\n", " {'author': 'mattiapisani_',\n", " 'body': 'venimus*, vidimus*, amavimus*',\n", " 'id': 'fg652xt',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex3k3g',\n", " 'score': 205},\n", " {'author': 'nervaonside',\n", " 'body': 'Shudder',\n", " 'id': 'fg649zk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex3k3g',\n", " 'score': 18},\n", " {'author': 'alisssdk',\n", " 'body': 'Yeah, it\\'s wrong. It should be \"I\", 1st singular person.',\n", " 'id': 'fg63ko1',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex3k3g',\n", " 'score': 14}],\n", " 'ex06zr': [{'author': 'zacrizy',\n", " 'body': 'Woot woot!! I was born in Argentina but grew up in the states :) so hello old neighbor!',\n", " 'id': 'fgmbypz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgma20m',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'zacrizy',\n", " 'body': 'I think teepublic does international shipping! They probably list it in their FAQ section :)\\n\\nEdit: Aw man I just checked and they don’t offer Brazil shipping yet :(:(:(\\n\\n\\nhttps://teepublic.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012240114-Is-shipping-available-to-my-country-?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf',\n", " 'id': 'fgmbwiu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgma08h',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'zacrizy',\n", " 'body': 'Go for it!',\n", " 'id': 'fgmbubu',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgm5pha',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'JoaoPauloFrota',\n", " 'body': \"BTW, I'm from Brazil.\",\n", " 'id': 'fgma20m',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgg4800',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'JoaoPauloFrota',\n", " 'body': 'Do you deliver to others countries?',\n", " 'id': 'fgma08h',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgg4800',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'JoaoPauloFrota',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks for sharing it! Is there any problem if I use it as a profile pic?',\n", " 'id': 'fgm5pha',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgg4800',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'zacrizy',\n", " 'body': \"Sure thing! You can download it for personal use here:\\n\\n[https://app.box.com/s/eshls6hm9fyaymtlxwwcg0375dxgu4m4](https://app.box.com/s/eshls6hm9fyaymtlxwwcg0375dxgu4m4) \\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nAnd if you're itching for some swag, I added it to my TeePublic store! [https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/7785359-drunk-latin-parrots?store\\\\_id=60443](https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/7785359-drunk-latin-parrots?store_id=60443)\",\n", " 'id': 'fgg4800',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgf4rop',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'zacrizy',\n", " 'body': 'The phrase is! The crest is a yours truly original',\n", " 'id': 'fgfxl85',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fgfjw75',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bres75',\n", " 'body': 'Is this real on duolingo',\n", " 'id': 'fgfjw75',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex06zr',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'JoaoPauloFrota',\n", " 'body': 'Can you leave us a link to download it?',\n", " 'id': 'fgf4rop',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex06zr',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'SPQRDoggoPope',\n", " 'body': 'Saving for later',\n", " 'id': 'fg7khkw',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex06zr',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'JoaoPauloFrota',\n", " 'body': 'Haha awesome! We should form a clan with that flag',\n", " 'id': 'fg7gnzj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex06zr',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'ReedsAndSerpents',\n", " 'body': 'Well I guess we will all remember the word for parrot forever now. Thanks Duo.',\n", " 'id': 'fg7db5o',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex06zr',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'zacrizy',\n", " 'body': '😂😂 unintentionally helpful',\n", " 'id': 'fg7dakz',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg79qmc',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'jayzwasinnirvana',\n", " 'body': 'When I checked out the course I was annoyed that they used this rare word so often only to leave out common ones. But then I had to learn the bacterium *Chlamydophila psittaci*, which is transmitted by bird droppings and causes a kind of pneumonia. Thank you based *psittacus ebrius*.',\n", " 'id': 'fg79qmc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex06zr',\n", " 'score': 6},\n", " {'author': 'zacrizy',\n", " 'body': 'Psittaci ebrii sunt animalia pessima!!',\n", " 'id': 'fg753y2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg72tnv',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Beake',\n", " 'body': 'Meus psittacus ebrius me pulsat! :(',\n", " 'id': 'fg72tnv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex06zr',\n", " 'score': 7},\n", " {'author': 'zacrizy',\n", " 'body': 'Also threw it up on TeePublic if anyone needs some new drunk parrots swag :P [TeePublic](https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/7785359-drunk-latin-parrots?store_id=60443)\\n\\nEdit: And thank you kind stranger for the silver! Made my day :)',\n", " 'id': 'fg6s8vv',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex06zr',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'zacrizy',\n", " 'body': 'I appreciate this comment so much!',\n", " 'id': 'fg6s1m2',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg6739z',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'zacrizy',\n", " 'body': '🤗',\n", " 'id': 'fg6s0ty',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg5th9h',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bamboo_shooter',\n", " 'body': 'I appreciate this so much',\n", " 'id': 'fg6739z',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex06zr',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Veqq',\n", " 'body': \"Use Lingua Latina per se Ilustrata. Give up duolinguo.\\n\\nF Kinchin Smith's Teach Yourself Latin is also very good. But after you should get Lingua Latina.\",\n", " 'id': 'fg62bqj',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg5yke9',\n", " 'score': 15},\n", " {'author': 'rasputinrising',\n", " 'body': 'Anyone know of a good companion for a brand learner who had thus far only been using the app? I got all of tier one to stage 5 over a weekend and it seemed super fairly easy. Tier two on the other hand feels about a thousand times harder.',\n", " 'id': 'fg5yke9',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex06zr',\n", " 'score': 10},\n", " {'author': 'Human-Lady-Person',\n", " 'body': 'Love it! Thank you',\n", " 'id': 'fg5th9h',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex06zr',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'zacrizy',\n", " 'body': '😂',\n", " 'id': 'fg5onz0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg5lsy8',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Prometheus838',\n", " 'body': 'Mega upvote without funds to support it',\n", " 'id': 'fg5lsy8',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex06zr',\n", " 'score': 11},\n", " {'author': 'zacrizy',\n", " 'body': 'Thanks!',\n", " 'id': 'fg5kqf0',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg5k869',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'Liamlah',\n", " 'body': 'This is great',\n", " 'id': 'fg5k869',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ex06zr',\n", " 'score': 17}],\n", " 'ex06dy': [],\n", " 'ewyrjf': [{'author': 'rocketman0739',\n", " 'body': 'As su-bap sa vada vada jipiti bum de bum',\n", " 'id': 'fg5zh60',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewyrjf',\n", " 'score': 4}],\n", " 'ewyj2v': [{'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'Since the verb is passive, it is supposed to have an agent, expressed by ā/ab and ablative. So it\\'s natural to read this as \"by his girlfriend\". It\\'s true that ā/ab is also used to mean motion from a place, but, to avoid ambiguity, in the present case I would use [inde](http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0059%3Aentry%3Dinde):\\n\\nMēdus Rōmam inde vocātur, ubi amīca sua erat\\n\\n&#x200B;\\n\\nOr something like that.',\n", " 'id': 'fg72pza',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg5zktc',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'rhoadsalive',\n", " 'body': 'Medus is called from his female friend to Rome',\n", " 'id': 'fg66hld',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewyj2v',\n", " 'score': 2},\n", " {'author': 'rocketman0739',\n", " 'body': \"How can we tell whether it's “by his…” or “away from his friend/lover”?\",\n", " 'id': 'fg5zktc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg586mk',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'HippyKiller925',\n", " 'body': 'Yes, amicus is male, Amica is female',\n", " 'id': 'fg5b6ng',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg5ahaf',\n", " 'score': 3},\n", " {'author': 'HippyKiller925',\n", " 'body': \"I knew it was passive third person singular, but couldn't remember if that vowel shifts in the past tense, so I just kinda winged it\",\n", " 'id': 'fg5b5ux',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg590iy',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'mesh06',\n", " 'body': \"Isn't the word amicus the word for friend?\",\n", " 'id': 'fg5ahaf',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg590iy',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': 'No problem! I guess you interpreted vocatur as historic present.',\n", " 'id': 'fg590iy',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg58bc4',\n", " 'score': 1},\n", " {'author': 'HippyKiller925',\n", " 'body': 'Thank you! At least I was right that someone would do better than I!',\n", " 'id': 'fg58bc4',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg586mk',\n", " 'score': 4},\n", " {'author': 'bedwere',\n", " 'body': '[Medus](http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0059%3Aentry%3DMedus2) is the name of man. [metus](http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0059%3Aentry%3Dmetus) is fear.',\n", " 'id': 'fg586mk',\n", " 'parent_id': 't1_fg57opc',\n", " 'score': 8},\n", " {'author': 'HippyKiller925',\n", " 'body': 'Someone will surely do better than I, but I think something along the lines of \"fear was called to Rome by its friend\"',\n", " 'id': 'fg57opc',\n", " 'parent_id': 't3_ewyj2v',\n", " 'score': 2}],\n", " 'ewy6g2': []})" ] }, "metadata": {}, "execution_count": 111 } ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "source": [], "metadata": { "id": "reQBE2tv9cdX" }, "execution_count": null, "outputs": [] } ] }