# Tmux **tmux** is a terminal multiplexer. It lets you switch easily between several programs in one terminal, detach them (they keep running in the background), and reattach them to a different terminal. **[Cheat Sheet](https://tmuxcheatsheet.com/)** > **Useful tmux Commands** > > - New Tmux Window **`tmux new -s mysession`** > - Detach it **`CTRL+b d`** > - List Sessions **`tmux ls`** > - Reattach Session **`tmux a -t mysession`** **How to use tmux on Tufts HPC Cluster?** ### Load tmux module `[your_utln@login-prod-01 ~]$ module load tmux` Make a note of the login nodename `login-prod-01` where your tmux session lives. ### Start your tmux session `[your_utln@login-prod-01 ~]$ tmux new -s mysession` ### Start your Interactive session inside the tmux session, and run your programs (Next Session) ### Detach your tmux session OR lose connection... `CTRL+b d` ### Get your work session back Log back in to the cluster or start a new terminal If you are allocated on a **different** login node than where your tmux session lives. Simply do: `[your_utln@login-prod-03 ~]$ ssh login-prod-01` `[your_utln@login-prod-01 ~]$ module load tmux` ### Check tmux sessions `[your_utln@login-prod-01 ~]$ tmux ls` ### Pick your session and reattach it `[your_utln@login-prod-01 ~]$ tmux a -t mysession`