# HPC Account Request The HPC cluster is available for use by all Tufts Faculty, Staff and Students at no cost to them. All users get a home folder with 10GB of storage space and access to run compute jobs on the public partitions. Faculty with a Tufts University appointment can request additional storage for use by their lab. ### Prerequisites: - Tufts University Affiliates - faculty, staff, student, collaborator work with a Tufts University faculty - A valid Tufts account - Visible in [Tufts Directory](https://directory.tufts.edu/) ### HPC Account Request **Check if you already have an account:** - Connect your computer to Tufts network or [Tufts VPN](https://access.tufts.edu/vpn) - Go to [Tufts HPC Cluster OnDemand](https://ondemand.pax.tufts.edu/) - Cluster account is the same as your username (all lower-case) and password in SIS or for your Tufts email. - If you can login, you already have a cluster account. - If not, submit a [Cluster Account Request](https://tufts.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5bUmpFT0IXeyEfj)