# Introduction to Metagenomics Materials designed for class Sp24-IDGH-1001-1-Bioinformatics Feb 2024. Content developed by TTS Research Technology - Shirley Li, PhD, Bioinformatician, xue.li37@tufts.edu ## Prerequisites - [Access to Galaxy](https://galaxy.cluster.tufts.edu/) ## Contents - [Hands-on exercise](./Hands-on_session.md) - Exercise 1: NCBI Database Navigation - Exercise 2: NCBI Database Exploration - Exercise 3: Taxonomy assignment and interpretation with Kraken2 - Exercise 4: Taxonomy visualization - Slides for this lecture is [here](./Metagenomics_ShirleyLi_IDGH1001_2024-02.pdf) ## E-List To find out about Bioinformatics Education, Software and Tools you can subscribe to our e-list: [best@elist.tufts.edu](https://elist.tufts.edu/sympa/subscribe/best?previous_action=info)