.. _backbone-label: ####### Homer ####### ************** Introduction ************** HOMER is a suite of tools for Motif Discovery and next-gen sequencing analysis. ********** Versions ********** - 4.11 ********** Commands ********** - addDataHeader.pl - addData.pl - addGeneAnnotation.pl - addInternalData.pl - addOligos.pl - adjustPeakFile.pl - adjustRedunGroupFile.pl - analyzeChIP-Seq.pl - analyzeHiC - analyzeRepeats.pl - analyzeRNA.pl - annotateInteractions.pl - annotatePeaks.pl - annotateRelativePosition.pl - annotateTranscripts.pl - assignGeneWeights.pl - assignGenomeAnnotation - assignTSStoGene.pl - batchAnnotatePeaksHistogram.pl - batchFindMotifsGenome.pl - batchFindMotifs.pl - batchMakeHiCMatrix.pl - batchMakeMultiWigHub.pl - batchMakeTagDirectory.pl - batchParallel.pl - bed2DtoUCSCbed.pl - bed2pos.pl - bed2tag.pl - blat2gtf.pl - bridgeResult2Cytoscape.pl - changeNewLine.pl - checkPeakFile.pl - checkTagBias.pl - chopify.pl - chopUpBackground.pl - chopUpPeakFile.pl - cleanUpPeakFile.pl - cleanUpSequences.pl - cluster2bedgraph.pl - cluster2bed.pl - combineGO.pl - combineHubs.pl - compareMotifs.pl - condenseBedGraph.pl - configureHomer.pl - cons2fasta.pl - conservationAverage.pl - conservationPerLocus.pl - convertCoordinates.pl - convertIDs.pl - convertOrganismID.pl - createIGVhtml.pl - duplicateCol.pl - eland2tags.pl - fasta2tab.pl - fastq2fasta.pl - filterListBy.pl - filterTADsAndCPs.pl - filterTADsAndLoops.pl - filterTagDirectory.pl - findcsRNATSS.pl - findGO.pl - findGOtxt.pl - findHiCCompartments.pl - findHiCDomains.pl - findHiCInteractionsByChr.pl - findKnownMotifs.pl - findMotifsGenome.pl - findMotifs.pl - findPeaks - findRedundantBLAT.pl - findTADsAndLoopsFromRelMatrix - findTADsAndLoops.pl - findTopMotifs.pl - flipPC1toMatch.pl - freq2group.pl - genericConvertIDs.pl - genomeOntology - GenomeOntology.pl - getChrLengths.pl - getConservedRegions.pl - getDifferentialBedGraph.pl - getDifferentialPeaks - getDifferentialPeaksReplicates.pl - getDiffExpression.pl - getDistalPeaks.pl - getFocalPeaks.pl - getGenesInCategory.pl - getGenomeTilingPeaks - getGWASoverlap.pl - getHiCcorrDiff.pl - getHomerQCstats.pl - getLikelyAdapters.pl - getMappableRegions - getMappingStats.pl - getPartOfPromoter.pl - getPeakTags - getPos.pl - getRandomReads.pl - getSiteConservation.pl - getTopPeaks.pl - gff2pos.pl - go2cytoscape.pl - groupSequences.pl - homer - homer2 - HomerConfig.pm - HomerSVGLogo.pm - homerTools - joinFiles.pl - loadGenome.pl - loadPromoters.pl - makeBigBedMotifTrack.pl - makeBigWig.pl - makeBinaryFile.pl - makeHiCWashUfile.pl - makeMetaGeneProfile.pl - makeMultiWigHub.pl - makeTagDirectory - makeUCSCfile - map-fastq.pl - merge2Dbed.pl - mergeData.pl - mergePeaks - motif2Jaspar.pl - motif2Logo.pl - old - parseGTF.pl - pos2bed.pl - preparseGenome.pl - prepForR.pl - profile2seq.pl - qseq2fastq.pl - randomizeGroupFile.pl - randomizeMotifs.pl - randRemoveBackground.pl - removeAccVersion.pl - removeBadSeq.pl - removeOutOfBoundsReads.pl - removePoorSeq.pl - removeRedundantPeaks.pl - renamePeaks.pl - resizePosFile.pl - revoppMotif.pl - rotateHiCmatrix.pl - runHiCpca.pl - sam2spliceJunc.pl - scanMotifGenomeWide.pl - scrambleFasta.pl - SIMA.pl - Statistics.pm ************* Example job ************* Adjust slurm options based on job requirements (`slurm cheat sheet `_): .. code:: #!/bin/bash #SBATCH -p partitionName # batch, gpu, preempt, mpi or your group's own partition #SBATCH -t 1:00:00 # Runtime limit (D-HH:MM:SS) #SBATCH -N 1 # Number of nodes #SBATCH -n 1 # Number of tasks per node #SBATCH -c 4 # Number of CPU cores per task #SBATCH --mem=8G # Memory required per node #SBATCH --job-name=homer # Job name #SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL,BEGIN,END # Send an email when job fails, begins, and finishes #SBATCH --mail-user=your.email@tufts.edu # Email address for notifications #SBATCH --error=%x-%J-%u.err # Standard error file: --.err #SBATCH --output=%x-%J-%u.out # Standard output file: --.out module purge ### Optional, but highly recommended. module load homer/XXXX ### Latest version is recommended.